Hi Jewelies! It's raining and 55 on its way to 60 today. We had a nice time at the ballet last night. Even found a good parking spot! The dancers and their new costumes were excellent. But things were changed a little, which we didn't care for. It started out with their version of the Rockettes. Then they performed a shortened version of the Nutcracker. If you had never seen the Nutcracker before, you would have been lost. They left so much out. At the end, the sugar plum fairy and the cavalier were breathtaking! Both are former students at the ballet school and now are professional members of ballet troupes. We sat in the upper balcony and it made me dizzy to look down! When I was a kid this theater was where we saw movies. The balcony was never opened because it was condemned! The theater closed down after the mall theatres opened in the 70's. Some good local people saw the historic value of the building and refurbished it. It's a beautiful building now. It's only opened for special events.
Cal, I had 1st mammogram at 50. Then one every 5 years.Now that I'm on Medicare, yearly. I don't understand that pic of Stripe! It looks like she is coming inside! She sure likes her baloney! Crow said Boober barked most of the time I was gone last night! Not a full bark but
half a bark! It gets very annoying. He refused to go out to potty, too. Soon as I got home he was ready for the outdoors. He peed a gallon! I know tmi! Lol! Maybe it's all in our minds but we think that new router has helped our internet speed! Robin is dropping Tela off here later today. Tomorrow afternoon Robin is meeting a friend in Cleveland. Then tomorrow night they are going to see Dave Chapelle. (that's another thing to check off her bucket list) Next day they are going to tour the Christmas Story House if they can get tickets. First time in years she isn't seeing Phish at Madison Square gardens over New Years.
Ra, congrats to Clemson! Crow tells me they won! He said next game is with LSU. Joe Burrow from LSU lived in southeast Ohio and has a huge following in this area. Crow says he is amazing! I learned a little sport info! Lol!
Lupe, a badger! How cool! Sometimes when something scares Wilson, he flattens himself down and waddles away. We always say he is in badger mode! Lol!
Jo, Robin will be heading to your neck of the woods tomorrow! Hope the weather cooperates!
Hi Neva, Jp, Nora!
Have a great afternoon!