Daily Updates
Ted, Snow, Stripe, Recipes - UPDATE November 21, 2019
21 November 2019
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Yesterday, Ted explored his enclosure, ate some snow and grass and then as the following 3:08 minute video shows, settled into his straw and arranged it to his liking as the first big snow Driveway with 10" of snow
Driveway with 10" of snow
(10 inches measured at the WRI) began to fall:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TKlDKOyIA8. I don?t know what I was thinking last evening when I wrote that I was looking forward to the snow. As it turned out, it meant shoveling!
Stripe the Mink emerged from under the front deck for visits at 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM today for a total of 6 dashes up and down the steps to cache bologna.
For the Bear Center cookbook, we still need 108 recipes. The team is especially anxious to get recipes for bread and rolls, vegetarian/vegan items, gluten-free items, appetizers, and your favorite recipes.
Cookook Banner Ted
To submit a recipe, CLICK HERE
For more information, CLICK HERE
or e-mail your recipe to:
[email protected]Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center