Play, Kimani, Upstaging - UPDATE August 28, 2018
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On this day of watching bears meet, play, and vocalize, Kimani and her cubs again took the prize for creating the most excitement among participants in this last Black Bear Field Study Course of 2018. Kimanis cub by M. Roskoski
Kimanis cub by M. Roskoski
Participant Matt Roskoski took over 1,200 pictures just this evening. Two of his pictures are shown.
We squeezed in a couple of slide/video talks today, but Big Harry upstaged my presentation on bear vocalizations and body language. He was on the other side of the window just 6 feet from the speaker broadcasting the sounds. His first reaction was to his own courting vocalizations that I had recorded maybe a decade ago as he approached his mate June. Happy memories? As I played the sounds and told what they mean, everyone?s eyes were on Big Harry?s reactions. It was maybe the most entertaining presentation I ever made.Kimani by M. Roskoski
Kimani by M. Roskoski
Good news is that Colleen finally appeared and has 3 cubs, one of them brown. Also, a trail cam recorded visits to a den by June?s daughter Ember (5) with a single cub. The cam showed them entering this den that has been used by mothers with cubs in the past, so it may be that Ember and her cub could select it this winter. Bears explore dens all summer and then select the den of choice. Ember is of special interest because she has only one cub. We are particularly documenting the survival of single cubs for perspective on the story of Lily and Hope. Plans are to start the book in October.
Another great group. Another great day.
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center