Hi ev1,
Just want you to know AOK here. Nice trip to Lehman's Hardware Store yesterday with lunch at Der Dutch Kitchen near Orrville. Stopped at Smuckers tourist store, and got some Carolina peaches nearby. It is too early and they are hard. Will get more later.
This has always been one of Joan's favorite day trips. She enjoyed it a lot. We had a tasty chicken fried steak dinner with fresh strawberry and whip cream pie. She is really enjoying food again. It is wonderful. Now she is worried about gaining weight again. Just like the rest of us.
She really likes Lehman's in Kidron. It is special. They have whatever you need to live without electricity, and a lot more very unusual items. All very costly. Joan spends like a proverbial drunken sailor and comes out with bags and bags of great stuff we really don't need. She is happy though, so i am too. She gives a lot of nifty things to friends and relatives.
Granddaughter visit and Doctor appointment coming after noon today. So bye for now.
Bless you all. Thanks for being here. You have all enriched our lives.