Anniversary Fun Continues - UPDATE June 11, 2018
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This morning, Donna wanted to follow up on the beavers and listen for babies in the two lodges. Canoeing with Donna is a luxury. Beavers
I sit in the bottom front of the canoe ready to brace the camera on the canoe and snap whatever picture appears. She spots the wildlife and silently puts me in position. It was a windless morning. Iris Versicolor
Iris Versicolor
We quietly pulled up to the first lodge and listened?nothing. On to the second one?same. Then we looked at their dam and discovered someone?s long lost hat.I suspect that someone dropped his or her hat while canoeing during a Black Bear Field Course. I don?t know how the beavers found it, but they made it part of their dam. On the way back to the dock, Donna used her 39 years of paddling practice to aim my camera at a Wild Blue Iris (Iris versicolor) that stood out in bloom against the shore, and we noticed leafy branches that beavers had piled in an area of flattened vegetation. Donna went home looking forward to whatever adventure comes up next.
Smaller Beaver
Smaller Beaver
Lost & found hat
Lost & found hat
Bigger Beaver
Bigger Beaver
Out the window, a young of the year male pileated woodpecker was scrounging raisins or dried cherries. I didn?t notice him at first and went out and was surprised he didn?t fly away. I went in and grabbed the camera and stood on a stool by the bathroom window for a close shot through the window. He must have noticed me, but he stayed for a clear shot of his duller and browner juvenile plumage on his head and neck.Pileated juvenile
Pileated juvenile
At 5:30 PM it was time a for a brief photo break. Beavers were swimming near the dam. I wished Donna was here to see them after our beaver excursion. I snuck down to the water?s edge in time to see them headed for the pile of branches on the shore. One was big and scruffy?the other much smaller and more sleak. Ted
I didn?t know if that was a young one, although I know that adult beavers come in vastly different sizes. They ate while I clicked. Then they surprised me even more. They swam over toward me as if to check me out from the safety of the water. They didn?t even slap their tails. A nice experience.
The picture we forgot of Ted last night is here a day late.
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center