Holly, Lucky, Ted, and a Nice Day - UPDATE June 10, 2018
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Holly and Lucky were caught on this 31-second video really shakin? it (the tree) as they played. Then they were done.Snapping turtle
Snapping turtle
Ted was more relaxed lying back with a big yawn.
Yesterday was a nice anniversary (39 years) day off. Her card said ?Together is my favorite place to be? so that is what we did. Donna showed her skills as a wildlife spotter, which made me grab the camera. Woodchuck
She spotted a woodchuck eating, a snapping turtle doing the first egg-laying we?ve seen this year, and a beaver cruising near the dam. A nice day we are going to repeat soon when we listen for babies in the two beaver lodges, perhaps with a tape recorder.
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center