From SOAR's FB page:
SOAR - Saving Our Avian Resources
1 hr
~ Moving on up! ~
The four hatch-year bald eagles in the 20x60' flight pen have mastered taking food items out of the water, flying, turning, and landing. Next up in their rehabilitation process is to build stamina and social skills.
To accomplish these next tasks, D33, DN9, Allamakee, and Calmar have all moved to the 100' flight pen! As part of the moving process, weights and beak depth measurements were taken again (since they could still be growing!). Both females (D33 and DN9) weigh in at 10 pounds and have a tish more depth to their beaks. There was no change noted for the two males.
The photo shows all four of them up on the far back perch. They are sitting under a skylight panel so they look washed out. Plus close-up photos of three of the four. Somehow Allamakee didn't get his photo taken.
D32 is still rooming with Decorah. He spends much of his time on the padded perch looking out the window and only is seen on the ground for food and a bath. He continues to stretch out that right leg and move the toes. How long will D32 stay in this flight pen? The more he can gently use his right leg and foot, the better. D32 is only 12 weeks post-surgery. That's really not a very long time and is too soon to put flight pressure on that leg. Think of a human who had surgery to stabilize a broken bone, they wouldn't be running 12 weeks post-surgery.
Four HY19 eaglets to the 100' flight pen on 30 August 2019.
Close-up of D33 on 30 August 2019 when moved to 100' flight pen
A close-up of DN9 on 30 August 2019 during moving to the 100' flight pen.
Calmar on 30 August 2019 during moving to 100' flight pen.