House lawmakers weigh lifting gun restrictions "On a broad basis, the 144-page bill seeks to loosen restrictions on hunting and shooting on public lands. It would, for example, reverse an Obama administration ban on lead tackle and ammunition from most federal lands; amend the Migratory Bird Treaty Act to allow shooting of birds over unharvested cropland; ease fishing restrictions in marine sanctuaries; remove Endangered Species Act protections for Great Lakes gray wolves; and ban the purchase of new wetland and bird habitat."
The Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act of 2017 (SHARE Act)
"Eliminates Regulations that Impede Outdoor Sporting Activities: Permanently exempts
ammunition and fishing tackle from EPA regulation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and
prevents the regulation of ammunition and fishing tackle based on lead count. These regulations would
drastically increase the price of ammunition and fishing tackle which would significantly deter outdoor
sporting activities. There are no reasonable alternatives to traditional ammunition or fishing tackle."