T40! I love this about the male Bowerbird!
PBS recently aired another episode of the "Nature" series that, I think, also featured this tricky behavior exhibited by the male Bowerbird. If it wasn't that bird, it was some tricky behavior by another bird, equally entertaining, used to "get his girl" to fall for him.

It was a really good episode, and included other animals that go to great lengths to use tricks for the same reason.

What a hoot.
That complete PBS Nature episode can currently be viewed online, (but NOTE*** it says that the video expires Feb. 28, 2016!!!) at: - "Natural Born Hustlers - Episode 3 |
Sex, Lies & Dirty Tricks." Premiere date: January 27, 2016 | 0:52:58 | Video expires February 28, 2016
Give it time to load... It's an excellent episode!
baz - Yes, it
was the bowerbird, but they left out the part about painting the inside red, which I thought was a very neat "trick." Thanks for the link; I enjoyed the episode.