Bird populations in eastern Canada declining due to forest 'degradation,' research shows degradation drives widespread avian habitat and population declines -
a, Population trend parameter estimates and posterior distributions for 54 species of forest birds derived from Bayesian models. Seventy-two percent of species that are sufficiently common to model experienced population declines from 1985 to 2019. Colour key is provided in Fig. 5. The vertical green line indicates a population trend of zero. Dashed vertical lines coincide with trends of −15% (−0.15), −10% (−0.10) and −5% (−0.05) annual population trends. b, Predicted linear population trends for 1985–2019 (regression lines are mean trends derived from Bayesian Poisson models, Supplementary Methods) including annual variation estimated from BBS data. Shaded purple areas reflect 95% credible intervals and reflect the magnitude of species population declines shown in a. Populations of these eight old forest-associated species have declined 60–90% over the period observed.