Juvenile dispersal of Bald Eagles (Halieeatus leucocephalus) in the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, U.S.A (sounds familiar
[email protected]), MELISSA
BRAHAM & ADAM DUERR, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV, U.S.A. JEFF COOPER, Virginia Department
of Game and Inland Fisheries, Fredericksburg, VA, U.S.A.
MICHAEL J. LANZONE, Cellular Tracking Technologies, LLC,
Somerset, PA, U.S.A. JAMES T. ANDERSON, Division of
Forestry and Natural Resources, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV, U.S.A. TODD E. KATZNER, U.S. Geological
Survey, Forest & Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center
Boise, ID, U.S.A
Long-lived species of raptors tend to mature slowly and
have a prolonged but poorly understood pre-breeding phase.
To better understand this phase of the life-cycle of Bald
Eagles (Halieeatus leucocephalus), we tracked 17 nestling
Bald Eagles from 13 nests during 2013 ? 2015 in the
Chesapeake Bay region of Virginia, U.S.A. Between 2013
and 2016, we tracked these eagles for an average of 618
? 386 ds (?SD; range: 79 ? 1054) and collected a total of
1,731,333 GPS locations (mean: 101,753/bird ? 84,729;
range: 8,266 ? 241,509). Our analysis suggested that eagle
movements were highly variable among individuals. Eagles
fledged between 16 May?13 Jun (1 Jun ? 6.1 days) and
dispersed from their nest site 57 ? 15.5 ds later (range: 44
? 97 ds) from 14 Jul ? 31 Aug. Maximum dispersal distance
was 1040 km and the minimum distance was 9 km. On
average juveniles dispersed 360 ? 74.7 km. Direction of
long-distance movements varied, but typically they were
to the north (n = 12; 70.5%) and rarely to the south (n
= 3; 17.6%) or east (n = 1; 5.8%). These long-distance
movements were typically short-lived (i.e., eagles returned
to their general natal area) and usually occurred within
a month of leaving the nest site. However, juvenile eagles
occasionally moved far from the natal area in subsequent
years and stayed at a distant site for as long as 3 mos, a
movement that might be described as migration. Following
dispersal from the natal area, juvenile eagles utilized a
variety of habitat types including densely populated urban
areas (e.g., New York City, NY), upland agricultural areas,
landfills, airports, and wildlife refuges. Our data highlight the
highly variable nature of juvenile Bald Eagle movements and
allow us to understand potential threats eagles may face
following dispersal from their natal areas.