For the first time, there has been an observation of a Cinereous Vulture in Mauritania. From SEO BirdLife:
First observation of a black vulture in Mauritania! We banded him, as a chick, at the colony in the Valle del Lozoya, Rascafr?a, Madrid, on July 13, 2017.This colony, whose numbers have grown from 60 pairs in 2007 to 120 pairs currently, is the place where one of the chicks, Niebla, grew up on webcam in 2017. 64 chicks were born in the colony last year.
The young Cinereous Vulture was seen in the company of a Griffon Vulture and a Brown-necked Raven.
First record for Mauritania:
In December 2017, the Dutch birding group Banc d?Arguin recorded a first-winter Cinereous Vulture at Iouik (Iwik) which is located in the Banc d?Arguin National Park, north-western Mauritania. The bird was wearing a yellow colour ring, so most likely from Spain. The bird was photographed with two other scavengers, a Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) and a Brown-necked Raven (Corvus ruficollis). This is the first known record for this Palearctic vulture for Mauritania. Vulture webcam (during the breeding season)