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Author Topic: Chat Room Rules  (Read 17380 times)


  • Guest
Chat Room Rules
« on: March 28, 2014, 08:28:41 PM »

RRP Moderated Chat is a structured environment to learn about eagles, particularly the Decorah nest, in a family friendly setting. Moderators (Mods) participate in discussions during the hours chat is open.

Chatting is a privilege not a right. Moderators will actively enforce the following rules.

1. Be respectful and polite. Keep your discussions focused on the Decorah nest.

2. No profanity, personal invective, or other inappropriate comments. Keep your language G rated and appropriate for family usage.

3. No comments touching on politics, religion, or sports. Respect the diversity of the room.

4. Limit personal information, either asked or given. Age, gender, location, and other such details are unnecessary or even may be inadvisable.

5. Be thoughtful in your choice of words when you post. What you intended to say may not come through clearly to others. In reading posts, give the poster the benefit of the doubt in what they were trying to convey. Disagreements might be unavoidable but should remain polite, and they should never become arguments.

6. Do not post strings of several emoticons, smileys, or random characters. Do not post in all caps; it's like YELLING. If you are visually impaired, please let a Moderator know. Moderators can be recognized as their posts appear in all blue.

7. While viewers come from all over the world, use English only to communicate most effectively with other chatters.

Moderators have volunteered their time and knowledge to make chat a family friendly place to watch the Decorah eagles nest with the added bonus of learning about eagles. Mods deserve your respect. Moderators are here to make sure all viewers have a good experience.

Moderators can timeout, kick, or permanently ban chat abusers and will delete inappropriate posts. If your presence is disruptive, mods will remove you from chat. Allow mods to deal with chat abusers. Do not engage them yourself.

Enjoy this chat about the Decorah Eagles.