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 on: February 06, 2025, 08:10:17 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by shep
Nice pic Lani, but we are a long way from Iris return.   ;D

 on: February 06, 2025, 08:08:58 AM 
Started by mrsfalcon - Last post by shep
Feb. 6, 2025
new link

WHEN will King go live?

 on: February 06, 2025, 07:57:11 AM 
Started by MpMom - Last post by MpMom

 on: February 06, 2025, 07:56:12 AM 
Started by calhound - Last post by johoward
5:44 Nasty morning here. 
Did not hear from Liz about Bree yesterday.  I did send the heavy collar dog shame to Liz.  She did LOL it, but nothing further.  That could be good or bad.  I will be specific this morning.  Is Bree home or not?
For now I will go get second coffee, but without any whitener.  I am out of milk.  Store day today.
Need cereal too.  So I will go to Walmart.  I hope I remember to take the recycle plastic bags back.  I am not reliable at this.  I save all the plastic film items I get, but frequently leave home without them.  It is the only place I can find my favorite cereal in the size I like to buy.

 on: February 06, 2025, 07:02:58 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by LisaG1967
Good Morning Beakers

BL - Gorgeous stone work on the Admin Bldg. 

karen - Peanuts saying, so very true!  You had some warm temps yesterday, send some my way!  :D

Lani - I tried to count those geese, probably over 100 there.  Yes, Mother Goose should be arriving soon. If I remember correctly, I think she arrived to nest around mid-Feb last season. Jeff loves those old movies like, The Fog, Invasion of Body Snatchers, Coma.

tsk - Pretty morning greeting! 

((Phyl)) - Hope all went ok at appointment.

clynn - We have lots of geese visitors on the cornfields around here.  :)

kb, tig, oldguy, Puff, and all - Morning  :)

 on: February 06, 2025, 06:53:49 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by clynndunn
Good Morning Beakers!

Lani, I bet Sadie's nose is constantly sniffing everything on your morning walks!  How I would love to walk with you and Sadie! Yes, Mother Goose should be showing up soon at N1. Wonder if anyone will be at N2B this year?

karen, I would love an 83 day. We had some freezing drizzle last evening, the news really made a big deal about it. School out early. WF sent a message out to all employees to work from home today. I just checked, cars are driving normally on the fairly busy road next to us and I can hear the normal sounds of the freeway close by. I think they needed something to jazz up their forecast since it's been so tame so far.

BL, have you ever been to the Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood in Oregon?  I love those old buildings, this one was built by the WPA.

Lisa, The Fog, that's my kind of movie! Great pic of the geese at the Retention Pond! We have a lot of geese that permanently live here. Not unusual to have to stop and let the gang cross the roads, they do not get in a hurry! 

baz, so Swampy was just checking the bog, he'll be back later!

tsk, what activities are you up to today?

 on: February 06, 2025, 06:45:08 AM 
Started by T40cfr403 - Last post by MpMom
The cam is gone. Sad I won't be able to take pics :(

 on: February 06, 2025, 06:44:13 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by tsk34

KAREN    Grateful it is!   Hope appts went well.  Weather is certainly topsy turvy these days.

KB  Is the doggie door only 1 way?  Otherwise how do you stop any critter from coming in?

PHYL    How did it go yesterday?

 on: February 06, 2025, 06:43:46 AM 
Started by paulie - Last post by LBLNJ0668
good Morning

 on: February 06, 2025, 04:53:22 AM 
Started by calhound - Last post by calhound
hi you guys its 31 here drizzle still 33 in longyear cloudy 49 raining in ice lots of rainy weather in ice

hi joho hope bree is doing better

hi paulie hope you are dong better too


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