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 on: Today at 10:07:42 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by camperstig
Now, I want cookies!!! Yum. The pool was nice and warm again today, almost 83 degrees.

Clynn... My rollator is an Evolution Trillium tall. It weighs 14 pounds and can support up to 350 pounds. https://evolutionwalker.com/


 on: Today at 09:53:49 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by clynndunn
Lisa, your cookies are very cute! I would eat any one of them! I also took several ceramics classes! On the basket weaving, Ed's Mom and I took 4 classes together. The fourth class was a big egg basket Picture of an egg basket below). About halfway through she pushed it across the table to me and said I could have it! Basket weaving isn't for crazy people, it makes crazy people!

 on: Today at 09:01:08 AM 
Started by LisaG1967 - Last post by MNLindaBird
I don't recall ever seeing so many geese in the pond.  I wonder if they all plan on staying around.  If we have a picnic this summer, maybe we should be eating goose instead of chicken and pork :-\

 on: Today at 08:27:31 AM 
Started by calhound - Last post by johoward
6:49   Good morning EV1.  Nice clear day today.  Sun is streaming through my windows heating the living space for me.
Yes went to Walmart.  Had five items on list. Girl says $91.72.  What??????  I went there at supper time.  What a mistake.  I like Malt-O-Meal Scooters.  It is the only one I like.  It is like Honey Nut Cheerios.  I add frozen blueberries, apple chunks, and 2% milk every day.  So my bowl is mostly fruit with some cereal on top.  It has been keeping me healthy for years.  So I don't see any reason to change. 
I have not made any plans for the bowl. I used to go to different get togethers and gamble etc. all day, but not any more.  Sadly, all my friends from those days have died.  I will just hang around home and hope TV does not fail.  GO CHIEFS!!!!
 Bree has come home to heal. YAY!  I may go see Bonnie for a while in the afternoon on Sunday.
Now I will say CUL EV1 GBU

 on: Today at 07:42:01 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by LisaG1967
Good Morning Beakers

baz - Thanks for the heads up on my upcoming weather.  Jeff will make sure the B&B kitties are warm, well fed.  Mmmm, your dinner sounds delicious. 

tig - Camper look very happy with his Ramen, and the Bao's look delish!

tsk - A pair of geese recently landed on N2B this week.  They were there for a short time, then flew off to the retention pond. LOL, the penguin walk.  I checked Phyl's profile she last logged in at 2:30am.  Hopefully, she is reading the forum and knowing how worried we all are about her.

kb - Hope that European model is right.

karen - I think the cookies were a Pinterest fail.  But, it was a fun night of laughing at how our cookies were coming along.

clynn - You are right, I missed Lani's good night post too!  LOL, no on the basket weaving classes.  I did take ceramic classes when I was a kid.

I wanted to eat the cookies before the decorating even begun, as they smelled so good!
Here is what we started with ....

And, here is my finished box.....

 on: Today at 07:38:02 AM 
Started by paulie - Last post by karengramke
Oaulie, sorry to read you were Down with the flu glad to see you’re recovered at least well enough to cook a big pot of stew a delicious thing for dinner during cold weather take care

 on: Today at 06:51:21 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by clynndunn
Good Morning Beakers!

Missed Lani's good night! And Phyl's Good Morning, hope we hear from her today!

karen, we had our last 'warmer' day (47) for at least a couple of weeks. Colder days on the horizon!

tig, we got Mom one of those ultra light 3 wheeled walkers last year, after we made sure she could get it in and out of the car by herself. I think she has used it a couple of times. is that similar to what you have?  Wow on Camper trying a totally different food! Now to see if he will go there again!

paulie, nice to see you in the Beak!

tsk, your busy time at the church is almost here! I remember how busy it was when I was taking the classes so that Ed and could get married in the Catholic church (he was already Catholic, I was Protestant). A lot was going on at Chruch of the Little Flower as it got closer to Easter Sunday!

baz, I had pond down first, then changed it to bog! Now I will surely remember Swampy/Pond! Your dinner sounds good, especially with the glash! Is a lobster cake like a crab cake?  We got a bit of freezing rain, not much and it was gone by late morning. The sun was up all morning!

Lisa, I took a few cake decorating classes years ago, I loved making and decorating birthday cakes for the kids! Have you ever taken basket weaving? That was my favorite!  One thing, Pinterest Fails are still tasty!

Lani, what a beautiful picture of Mom GLG and her new chick! They are such a pure white!  I would not have guessed that you were a Stephen King fan! I have every one of his books in hard cover. I had joined a book club years ago, now I get the new ones from Sam's. I am a little behind in getting them read though. The Shining is the one that got me hooked!

Built from the ground up, pour by pour, and block by block. The Hoover Dam took 5 years to build by the Bureau of Reclamation. Even though the task ahead was daunting, construction was completed 2 years ahead of schedule. Here we see the first forms on the ground floor of the dam.

 on: Today at 06:51:11 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by karengramke
Tgif Beakers!   Sun is up and another warm day!   Piper has gone back to sleep!   She is a late skeeper!   Hooe we will hear from Phyl today!
Dr.appts were ok.  Nothing one way ir tge other!   Tsk, really too hot forvthis time of year!

 on: Today at 06:48:30 AM 
Started by Lani - Last post by tsk34

PHYL   Where are you?   I sure hope not in the hospital!

KAREN   Hope your doc appts went well.   I envy your weather   :-*

 on: Today at 05:45:07 AM 
Started by calhound - Last post by calhound
hi you guys its 25 here 28 in longyear 39 rain snow in ice

hi paulie oh good to hear you are much better! we got that ice  it was pretty bad i skated to the barn with my walker it melted but now snow heading here for next monday tues i like that better than rain no barn flooding i saw pretty bad for you i got to go see dr buzard this morning at 9 am. my bp reading good so i think like jim i will not have to see him for 3 months get my medicine at walgreens. our insurance will pay for it there have a contract with them. jim got his two weeks ago he said they said without insurance it would be 111.00 with it 11.00.i would say for a month our refill will be for 3 times. my friend heidi at harps grocery store told me last year her bp was 260/120 i was like omg heidi she got on bp medicine and she is a big girl but she lost alot weight since then and she walks alot now. parks her car way over there in parking lot and walks in she works produce walks the store and back area she got out of bakery and went to produce. she decorated cakes and really good too but now in produce. they put an ad in for a cake decorator  but no one applied not many of those around here. anyway she is now off bp medicine cause of all her hard work yay to you heidi.

hi joho did you get to the walmart? did you pick up anything to eat for the superbowl are you watching it with your family? what is your favorite cereal?


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