Raptor Resource Project Forum
Archives => 2024 Archives => Topic started by: talon on March 20, 2024, 08:28:13 AM
Thank you for creating this board.
1st egg laid - February 25, 2024 @ 6:05
2nd egg laid - February 29, 2024 @ 5:36
My thanks as well - welcome to the Forum, Trempealeau.
https://www.raptorresource.org/trempealeau-eagles/ (https://www.raptorresource.org/trempealeau-eagles/)
Pip in progress. I'd post a pic but it says that it is too large.
Trempealeau Eaglet #1
I had a screenshot around 5:40 this morning and the hatch was complete then. Thank you, LisaG1967 for the screenshot. Would anyone care to share directions for posting pics?
I am so glad I checked this morning!
I had a screenshot around 5:40 this morning and the hatch was complete then. Thank you, LisaG1967 for the screenshot. Would anyone care to share directions for posting pics?
I use a Flickr account to upload my pics, and then use their image link to embed my pics in my post. Or, I sometimes save my pics to my Pinterest account, and then use the link from there.
Below the comment box is a section where you can add your pics (Attachments and other options).
Lisa, sweet pic of newbie
Talon, thank you
Lisa, sweet pic of newbie
Talon, thank you
This is what I was looking at this morning that made me think the other egg had a pip. It could have been the egg shell from the first in the way. I haven't had a good look all day.
This is what I was looking at this morning that made me think the other egg had a pip. It could have been the egg shell from the first in the way. I haven't had a good look all day.
Good pic, and I see you figured it out!
Hmm, that looks like it could be the shell from the first eaglet.
About 3 hours ago on rewind, looks like the lil one might have got a few bites.
One of the first tries mom got four bites to one bite for the lil one. I just watched a feeding around 5:45 and it was good. :)
Mr. T has not been seen for a couple of days. Mom has been awesome. She brought in a fish today. Now we don't have a view and are looking at a black screen. She was off the nest when it went black.
I think the cam was off for about 2 hours. Thankfully it is back. I was hoping she was out giving Mr. T. a tongue-lashing for being AWOL but there she is.
One feature you can use to ID Mrs. T. is. the black fleck on the lower part of her left eye.
This not look good for an additional hatch! Too cold to not incubate! Hope she can feed and take care of this little cute fluff ball alone! So very sorry about this! Beautiful nest and eagles! Something must have happened to Mr. T.
Mrs. T. knows what she is doing but sometimes that isn't enough. She has built up the nest cup and that will help retain heat/warmth. The best case scenario of course is that Mr. T. comes back soon or that the second egg doesn't hatch and she just has to get food for herself and the eaglet. Mrs. T. has shown she is a great mom.
Bluegill for dinner! My, that nest bowl is deep.
Pip in progress on the second egg.
Interesting - Anyone else watching?
About 10:15 T left nest. about 10-12 minutes later somebody new showed up. Smaller and not the same feather necklace. Looked around less than 5 minutes, turned around, picked up fish T has been feeding to little one - Took off - Stole the fish. There were little bits of calling from off picture. T came back into view, looked around, went back into bole, gathers her eaglet and also pulls egg closer in, covers them back both under and is in motherly position.
Interesting - Anyone else watching?
About 10:15 T left nest. about 10-12 minutes later somebody new showed up. Smaller and not the same feather necklace. Looked around less than 5 minutes, turned around, picked up fish T has been feeding to little one - Took off - Stole the fish. There were little bits of calling from off picture. T came back into view, looked around, went back into bole, gathers her eaglet and also pulls egg closer in, covers them back both under and is in motherly position.
I did rewind to see what you mentioned. I think you are correct, it was another eagle who flew in and took the fish.
talon said this below the other day. ...
One feature you can use to ID Mrs. T. is. the black fleck on the lower part of her left eye.
I do not see a black dot in the iris of the left eye.
I think the male might be back! I'm wondering if he's a new eagle Dad.
I think the male might be back! I'm wondering if he's a new eagle Dad.
That would be awesome if he was back!
Odd. Situation! Little baby alone again! Mom back brooding! Do not know if she brought more food or if the second hatch occurred. No information given. Interesting that the nest info says the eagles have occupied this nest for 5 years but Amy thinks this maybe a mew Dad! He sure is not a help!
Could be a new dad, could be an opportunist who saw an easy snack. I suppose time will tell. The eaglet looks nice and strong today, Mrs. T is doing great.
She is doing great!
That's a fish delivery from the male just now!
Nice big fish
Wow, you are fast. I was just going to post this too. Largemouth bass but more importantly she did not seem in distress with this eagle so let's hope it is Mr. T.
Wow, you are fast. I was just going to post this too. Largemouth bass but more importantly she did not seem in distress with this eagle so let's hope it is Mr. T.
Post yours....the more pics the better!
Thanks for the fish ID. :)
Mine are the same. :)
I think this is Mr. T. but the view is blurry with the wind. I need to see the left eye, but this feels like Mr. T. I sure hope it is. At least there is food. Tomorrow's weather is going to be rainy.
Another food drop by Mr. T.
My opinion - It's Mr. ..... Switching of roles and friendliness between them. I don't think she would be comfortable leaving eaglet with newly found male. But I think we can write off #2?
Can't wait to hear the story/excuse he gives her about missing time away. ::)
He doesn't seem worse for wear. I recall on our Eagles4kids nest that when Taylor came back after being gone so long we could see that he had been through a lot. One time he had a puncture wound in his back. Mr. T. looks really good.
Great! Hopefully that is Mr, T and he was just out of town on a business trip! Now home on maternity leave! The nest was rocking in the breeze esrlier! The second egg?
Talon, the nest in .blatrm Eagles 4 Kids had a sad end! Good education orogram,
At the changeover from the night cam this morning there is a really good view of egg 2. I'm not certain but I think I see movement at the pip hole.
I saw movement. Dad was on the nest all night and still is.
This was about 6:30 this morning.
Parent just up! Little fluff ball looking around and looks great! No sign of the second egg and no egg rolling or digging in the bole. Just do nit think this egg is viable.
It looks to be a hatch, not sure of the exact time till RRP confirms, but when Mrs T got up about 15 min ago on rewind, the new hatchling is in front of TE1, and egg shell to the right.
Okay, Lisa, That is what I saw. But did not see two with my eyes! Thanks.
Okay, Lisa, That is what I saw. But did not see two with my eyes! Thanks.
You're welcome! :D
It was a nice effort that the cam operator zoomed in, but now it could be zoomed out. I also think there is a second camera in the tree to to left and I am wondering if RRP might use it. I know after the main cam goes to IR a while later a secondary IR comes in from the left which is the direction I believe a 2nd camera is mounted. The main cam is mounted in the nest tree and the secondary one is to the left as seen in the circled areas here.
Sadly, Mrs. T. has been off the nest for almost 1.5 hours. Thankfully the temps are a little better but still not good with eaglets this age.
Does anyone here have a way to contact someone at RRP to back the cam out? It is unnecessarily zoomed in too much at this time.
Talon, contact Amy. mrs Falcon. This is very sad and I cannot watch this! Go to members and look around. Younshould gind her.
Current Conditions are good.
South Wind at 4 mph
Screen blank tonight and a note at the nottom said live on 4/12 at 8:15. Odd!
Hi Talon, Karen, Lisa,
I just took this pic and I see fish in the pantry. I hope this is a good sign.
Mrs. T appears to be continuing to be a spectacular single parent. Both eaglets seem to be active and fed. Mrs T sometimes has to leave the nest to hunt and obtain food, which leaves the babies vulnerable, but she doesn't have much choice. No-one knows how this will all turn out, but for now things seem ok with the Trempealeau eagle nest.
Thankfully the next three days will be in the 70's. Later next week it will be in the 40's. As they get bigger and harder to brood I worry a bit about the temps at night. The little one does not get much but it has been fed. The older one does bonk it pretty good but that is normal for all the nests I have watched. It is the pecking order. The male has not been in the nest all week. SMH
The older chick climbed out of the nest bowl for a while yesterday and has done so again today. I don't know if that is significant or not.
Mr T sighting at the nest at about 11:30 this morning? Mrs T didn't seem very happy but she eventually left the nest to him.
Mr T sighting at the nest at about 11:30 this morning? Mrs T didn't seem very happy but she eventually left the nest to him.
That's great news!
Adult eagle just left the nest after sitting there a while while I was watching - I missed y s'cap of parent, but I didn't see a dark fleck in its lower left eye's iris, so I wonder if it was Mr. T. This is the s'cap I took of the 2 eaglets reight after the adult left the nest. Both eaglets have beem resting and alternatey lifting their heads and looking around or re-positioning themselves. :-* :-*
Here are a couple of pics from when he was seen Saturday. MRS. T. wasn't happy that he wanted something to eat. He took some fish jerky with him.
Both of them together
This past weekend she brought in a walleye. I fish up there at the damn. She must be finding them in a shallow spawning area as walleye are found on the bottom, usually deep except for the spawning time which is now. Here is one pic from today.
Wonderful pics Baz and Talon! ;D
Good to see both parents.
#2 is small little guy.
It's a much better week, thank you both! ;D
#2 Always on the short end of feedings Lani. I really get upset that ME seems only tuned in to the bigger (pushy) one. I have to stop watching - it's very upsetting to me.
FINALLY!!! Seeing T2 getting its share of the grocery cart. . . Mostly getting every other bite of the offering. I'm so glad, now let's keep the routine going.
I agree. Things have been going nicely. I did see T1 really tag T2 this morning for no apparent reason other than letting T2 not forget who the boss was.
FINALLY!!! Seeing T2 getting its share of the grocery cart. . . Mostly getting every other bite of the offering. I'm so glad, now let's keep the routine going.
Just checking back in - - Where have I been! Also checked the weather. . .last temp i had was 09:47. Busy busy. Let me see what else has been happening. Later.
Seems like every time I check out the progress on this nest, there is a chainsaw running somewhere nearby. Could be why the parents don’t seem to be as attentive to the young.
Mrs. T. is very attentive. I can't explain why Mr. T. is the way he is, but it isn't the chainsaw. Could he be young? Maybe. Could something have happened to him just before or around hatch time that got him out of the dad mode? Perhaps. But I can tell you Mrs. T. is doing great.
It was another really good feeding this morning.
Trempealeau Eagles. TE1 & TE2 eat fish for breakfast with mom – 04-23-2024
Trempealeau Eagles. TE1 & TE2 are stuffed after Mrs T fed them – 04-24-2024
So glad this board was started on this nest.
Many thanks Talon .
>:(when I checked tge nest yesterday I wassurprised at the size of t1 ! So much bigger than T2! Glad to read T 2 is eating well!
Hi KG - I've been following T2 also. At times that was getting real aggravating. It does seem to be getting its share. But it will probably always be the runt. :-\
This morning there was a small fish. Both fed well. Then later opossum was brought in. It had a long thin tail. T2 gets right up there. Both are packing it on. I have no concerns about T2.
It does help when the bigger one gets a good share so the parent can concentrate on the smaller one. Both are looking good.
Oh my gosh the size of the chunks both are wolfing down! Almost as big as they are.
Mrs. T. has to be very impressed by T2. That lil one is very quick to snatch what it can while making sure it keeps the right angle and distance from T1. I know I am impressed, and it is fun to watch how they make it work.
Rabbit for supper. Both have huge crops and should be in a food coma soon. A lot of rain lately. Mrs. T. did bring in a fish earlier too.
Welcome to the Forum Talon. It's always nice to have someone new join us in the experience.
Thank you! I used to be on the forum back in the day when I ran the Eagles4kids project. I lost my account or it was deleted as I was not active.
We have a black screen on the livestream this morning. I hope it comes back soon.
Welcome to the Forum Talon. It's always nice to have someone new join us in the experience.
There's a message on the cam screen this morning... "Live in 14 days May 17 at 10:20 PM". Never saw this message on any cams. Maybe we'll hear something from Amy at some point.
There sure is a lot of racket here this morning! But can't see squat.
Sorry I don't recall other signin. We do have an Eagles4Ever now.
I signed in / Signed up with Decorah in 2011.
Thank you! I used to be on the forum back in the day when I ran the Eagles4kids project. I lost my account or it was deleted as I was not active.
We have a black screen on the livestream this morning. I hope it comes back soon.
Welcome to the Forum Talon. It's always nice to have someone new join us in the experience.
Talon, I remember the Eagles4kids nest. Lucy is my profile pic here in Forum.
There's a message on the cam screen this morning... "Live in 14 days May 17 at 10:20 PM". Never saw this message on any cams. Maybe we'll hear something from Amy at some point.
Nan -- I have seen that "14 days" message before -- a few weeks ago. I kind of think it's a default message that goes up when the cam goes down. I reported it at the time on RRP's FB post. The mod just said it was live again but didn't give any indication as to why I saw that message.
Thanks for letting me know, Ginger. I hope to see them soon!
Boy this Trempealeau is really noisy. Yesterday it was the major construction that we couldn't see, along with the clanking. Now today we're back to the loooooog noisy train. Then there's time when the traffic on the road adjacent to the tree gets loud. And this isn't their first year here, as I remember. They're patient, determined, and comfortable in their lien on the location.
Thank you! I used to be on the forum back in the day when I ran the Eagles4kids project. I lost my account or it was deleted as I was not active.
We have a black screen on the livestream this morning. I hope it comes back soon.
Welcome to the Forum Talon. It's always nice to have someone new join us in the experience.
Talon, I remember the Eagles4kids nest. Lucy is my profile pic here in Forum.
Thanks for jogging my memory about Lucy. I faithfully watched and read about Lucy and Larry (Thank you, Talon!), and still have a folder of pictures from their time with us.
Hi Puff!
Well this is encouraging - Yesterday T2 Again wasn't getting allowed by T1 to get any vittles. I did have to change the channel. How could mom not notice and help the food distribution. This morning, though, T2 is not only eating - but its self feeding on a fish mom left in the nest. T1 just sitting and watching. I certainly hopes T2 starts bonking back.
I've been wondering about the car body at the top left of the Ttrempealeau cam picture. Getting a full coverage of the car/driveway/ part of a structure. Not my driveway or house. ???
Cannot even imagine what the thrill would be like!
Ginger, that pic of Lucy was a trail cam I had set up by my parent's house. I got permission from the DNR to bring in a road kill deer. Lucy taught us a lot.
Mrs. T. is teaching us a thing or two as well. This momma is amazing.
Sure wish the live stream would be back. We have audio but black screen.
I'm getting a live stream now, talon - 3:13 ET.
Although the one is still a good bit smaller, I'm glad it's growing and looking fine. :)
It looks like the little one has caught up beautifully!
Nan, the big one has to be a female and tge other, tge little guy! Glad to see they are doing well! I check in iften but do not post here often!
Nan, the big one has to be a female and tge other, tge little guy! Glad to see they are doing well! I check in iften but do not post here often!
Hi karen. After all this time, I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't even think about that! The "probable" male was extra small for so long. I'm just glad to see it looking healthy!
I'd say this is technically the first branching. Mom walked up there just a bit ago and T1 copied her.
A better one before T1 got down.
Looks like it to me, Talon! Thanks.
All four together!
Mom hopped up to the branch and dad flew in and started to eat.
All four together!
Great catch, Talon, to see all four!
I'm not sure what I'm seeing here tonight. Has one eaglet branched or fledged?
Nan - Don't know what you were looking at last night, but T2 likes sitting behind the trunk of the tree on the right. I've been concerned a couple times. If you expand the screen you will eventually see the end of the wing feathers peeking out. T1 posts itself at the left in full sight.
I'm not sure what I'm seeing here tonight. Has one eaglet branched or fledged?
Looks like the both might have branched?
I'm not sure what I'm seeing here tonight. Has one eaglet branched or fledged?
Looks like the both might have branched?
Sure looks like it, Lisa!
Thanks, Puff!
I'm not sure what I'm seeing here tonight. Has one eaglet branched or fledged?
Looks like the both might have branched?
Sure looks like it, Lisa!
Thanks, Puff!
T1 has fledged.
T2 has been branching, and not confirmed if it fledged or not.
This was a snapshot from this morning of Mom. Notice the black dot on the lower left eye.
Thanks for the update, Talon. Has T1 returned to the nest since fledging? No eagles are on the nest right now, in the viewing area anyway. Love the background view in the pic with Mom.
Beautiful view this morning, including both eagles!
Trempealeau Eagles
Dec. 20, 2024 7:48 CST
View from the nest shows the train speeding by...I can just hear the 'thump' of the wheels on the track.
Hopefully our pair are out hunting or better yet soaring the skies and stretching their wings.
Trempealeau Eagle Cam
Dec 26, 2024 6:57 AM
I think...Looks like maybe Mrs. T
07:39 AM CST
04:34 PM CST
07:06 AM CST
30°F / C
Humidity 96%
Precipitation 0%
Wind 4 MPH