Raptor Resource Project Forum
Archives => 2024 Archives => Topic started by: shep on February 16, 2024, 12:41:27 PM
LIVE cam
If the stream is running, the URL will always be
Hi all!
The stream is live but we will be up and down for the next couple of weeks changing out hardware, upgrading software and tweaking the settings. We hope to once again get sound working (fingers crossed).
Breezy has been spotted every day for the past two weeks, mostly in the morning.
We did have a red tailed hawk checking the nest box out prior to Breezy's return.
Here's to a prosperous 2024 peregrine season.
Feb 27, 2024
Cam link is working
Weather is NASTY!
March 10, 2024
11 am Brook & Breezy danced together inside their house.
March 15, 2024
Breezy is spending the night at the box.
3 am she's perched.
March 21, 2024 MIDNIGHT EGG
Breezy is spending the night at the box.
If she has an egg it was laid overnite 20-21
7.45 am She's laying flat down, tail to us.
March 23
link says live but its black.
Breezy shd lay egg 2 later today
March 30, 2024
March 20
March 22
March 25
March 28
LIVE cam still down
Info off bcaw
April 1, 2024
LIVE cam
Way to go!! Thanks Shep and it's not an April Fool's joke! ;)
April 26, 2024
The link says LIVE but the screen is BLACK.
Her eggs shd be hatching soon.
Maybe they're doing something with their computer or something with the weather?? I don't know, tried anything I could think of. I'd suggest trying back after while.
It could be they had trouble from one of the storms like GSB did.........still not on.
GOT IT!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsadRPr2asg&list=PL5D4XLwWsZB26h1pv_wZGomH5pcTXmDAS
The closest I've gotten to a view of the eggs....
Good job Nora! :D
Elk River is having an AWFUL time with cam
Waiting for hatch at this one and she is sitting kind of high today. Estimated hatch start was yesterday based on fourth/penultimate egg.
I was looking at the left front egg..............????
There has been a lot of moving around on and checking of the eggs this afternoon/evening...
And keeping them covered when stretching for something...
May 2, 2024
Nora, Very nice pics!
We've had one pip (possibly two). No egg pieces laying around, today should be the day... fingers crossed.
The URL of the stream should be the same now, no more changing the YouTube IDs. You can use:
https://youtu.be/C7_52ZMKWc0?list=PL5D4XLwWsZB26h1pv_wZGomH5pcTXmDAS (used for embedding in applications like WordPress)
We still must patch even month for security updates but I try to get them back live asap.
About 6 AM and trying to feed #1
About 0915 #2
1052 breakfast arrives
Fed a little to mom
Littles got some food
QOS posted this on the wrong thread ...
Xcel Energy High Bridge Peregrine Falcons, St. Paul MN
We've had one pip (possibly two). No egg pieces laying around, today should be the day... fingers crossed.
The URL of the stream should be the same now, no more changing the YouTube IDs. You can use:
(used for embedding in applications like WordPress)
We still must patch even month for security updates but I try to get them back live asap.
#3 is working on it..........
1540 Feeding. For being that new those are two hungry dudes!
Egg #3 seems to be progressing!
Incoming meal....
I think he leaned too far...
Another meal. I just love watching him feed mom when she stays on the eggs/fluff balls...
HATCH #3 at 1745
1915 -- the first two over on the right look like they're having a wrestling match. One is on its back and the other one is facing it on top of it. New #3 is over on the left side.
This pair is so sweet to each other -
as if they are so in love.
OK .. we arent sposed to do that .. too late. ;D
next 2 weeks will be a HATCHAPALOOZA!
Sooo many eggs due to hatch
1110 -- Mom out and dad brings in a meal. All three ate well.
4 PM feeding....
0805 This morning the three ate until they couldn't anymore....
Then about an hour later ANOTHER meal was brought in. Both fed them, but couldn't see because mom was standing between the cam and kids.
1420 another meal...
May 5
Cinco de Mayo
This is the FIRST year Breezy laid 5 eggs -
and the FIRST year ALL her eggs didnt hatch.
Hmmm. I thought I caught 4 heads, but the one looked really tiny???? Don't know what I was seeing, last note to Amy was 3 and 2 eggs...
Did I miss something?? Someone please tell me how many. That one on the left is really tiny next to the other ones.......... :-\
I still keep seeing a tiny one. It gets squished under the others a lot, but I'll see the little round head. At the one feeding it was near the edge on the right side and got knocked over...........
Might be 3. I can't tell. Maybe tomorrow.
If the 4th egg hatched - we'll find out -
if not today - then tomorrow.
ALL Breezys' eggs have always hatched,
and she has fledged all 4.
A lot of cams have unhatched eggs this year - more than normal.
There is definitely a little fourth head, back left, at this morning's feeding!!
HERE ARE 4! (same feeding)
May 10, 2024
YES! I see head #4
Judging by this image - 3 boys and a gurl. ;D
Oh, oh. I see we're back to 3 and no extra egg......... :(
May 13, 2024
4th hatch died. He was too small to fight for food.
elk River QoS posted May 17 - -
I have changed the view to the front view.
use this URL:
We will be banding the eyasses on Monday morning. At this time we will:
1) Inspect the nest box
2) Remove the puff balls
3) Clean cameras
3) Avoid being bombed by mom & dad overhead
4) Our attention will then turn to the eyasses
---Inspect for bugs/parasites
---Take blood samples
---Sex them
---Attach bands
---Show & tell
5) Return the eyasses to nest box
We plan to have the stream up but we will be working on the WiFi location to improve our feed.
Cool!!! I loved the "avoid being bombed by mom & dad overhead" ;D
May 21, 2024
LeAnn - Black/Blue P68
Grant - Black/Blue Y68
Mark - Black/Blue Y69 - fludged Jun 10
Levi is a MALE name
Good names
bcaw pic
I'm not sure who is who here, but Amy sent the pictures taken at the banding...
Look at the tails and wing tips!!! :)
Nora and Amy, thanks so much for the banding photos; they are wonderful! Amazing how they look so large compared to in the box. Tail and wingtip detail is great!
Lookin into the mouth of one! ;D
June 2, 2024
Checked on the kids.
One has a lotta brown - looks ready to perch on box edge
June 6, 2024
2 pm One is perching box side - FINALLY.
Wont be long now. monkey see monkey do
2 UP
June 8, 2024
1 perched on box
1 perched on outer perch extention
You go kids!
They're Goin!
June 9, 2024
Pic from last nite
One LEFT the box, went down on the roof
and flapped
and flapped
June 10, 2024
Mark tried to hop up on top and missed.
He'll be fine - he's very ready
Bcaw note-
We will be getting access back for the behind camera so we will check there. LeAnn is on the right, Mark is the little dude that fell, he'd been jumping around the box all weekend.
Pics from bcaw
I knew he was ok! He's wild!
bcaw got images of his return.
June 14, 2024
They have fledged, but are home bodies