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Archives => 2024 Archives => Topic started by: shep on February 14, 2024, 12:42:15 PM
H 34 Redwing -
hatched in the Redwing box!
Seen Jan. 26, 2024 at GSB nestbox
March 11, 2024
Are we going to run this cam this year?
It should be up. I'll get hold of my contacts.
At one point it was up for a bit, haven't caught it lately. Thanks Amy.
March 12, 2024
Someone is home.
Male: E/30 Mac
2013 hatch from Dairyland Power Alma
The female is unbanded
bcaw got image and band
Nice. Thanks!
Great!! Glad he's back!
Cam has been on today.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwJmKqFY4_I
Unbanded female was home for a while................
3-38 -- Unbanded has been spending time in and out and about. Another one landed on the perch and left, then she left for a while. It looks like they are getting a good scrape going.
The lady of the house was in for a while this morning.........that's a great scrape they have going.
Mac stopped in for a bit about noon.
They seem to be coming and going more often. They've been taking turns sitting in and working on the scrape.
She came in long enough this morning to scrape a bit before she left......
The female spent some time inspecting, scraped, and sat on the perch this morning.
2:06 PM -- Mac came bouncing in with unbanded right behind him. They did some communicating and she hung around for a bit after he left.
Mac came looking for his lady, but she had been there earlier.
It seemed like one would be there, then the other one would pop in, kept just missing.......
Around 8 AM they seemed to be taking turns going in and checking the scrape out. At least I've been seeing them a lot more often the last couple days!!
She showed up at 2120 tonight and so far seems to be staying. Getting closer one of these days???
1:01 AM still there. Good night.
Checking things out............
She's back.............
EGG ( finally )
April 10, 2024
It hatched overnite - cam quit
The cam is back and 40 minutes ago (7:10) she was on the perch, so sometime overnight.
Shift change 4/11...
2 EGGs
April 12, 2024
Thanks! 0730 egg #2 Mac came in almost immediately :)
Egg #3 at 1324
At 1402 She had been gone a few minutes and Mac had managed to get with the eggs and she told him in no uncertain terms he was not staying. :D
Apr 15
cam says LIVE - but its not live
The date is right, it's the 15th today and time is right. We just got home though and it's almost 2:00 now.
They fixed the link. good
Mac came in first, then the Mrs. and they bowed and beak kissed before Mac left.
2242 Still three.
2249 EGG #4 That showed up with her last good push.....
Not sure why she left #4 almost behind her. At 2350 she turned her head and almost looked surprised and then ignored it again.
I've got to go to bed. Not sure if Red Wing Grain shut the cam down for a while for some reason, but not long after she laid the egg and was all settled I lost it. Hope it's back in the morning.
April 17, 2024
10, 12, 14, 16
Still no cam - wonder what she did with egg #4 . . odd . . . .
7 am Cam working - all 4 eggs where they belong.
Mac out and mom in...........
May 2
still 4 eggs
And you're so right Shep, next week should be a lot of fun watching more nests.
Shift change........
Mom in and Mac out.................
0550 Mom wants a break and got up and waited to be sure Mac was coming...............
...and in he came.
May 6th 2111 - Mac just tore out of there and mom came in. Guess she gets the night shift....
Shift change 0851
is the closest egg pipped?
I might just be a little dent? I'm not sure.
NO LIVE CAM May 8 dawn
All eggs :)
The dads sure hate to give up their egg shift...... ;D
Looks like this cam is down today too.
3 days no cam
I don't know. I tried anything I could think of too, I've let Amy know. Maybe they lost something in a storm like GSB and La Crosse did, it got bad up that way a few times.
The cam's back!!!! :)
It's a beautiful sunny day at Red Wing!
and the eggy is smiling at the cam. ;D
Mom decided Mac was on the eggs long enough :D
Last I saw the eggs today didn't see any pips and they're really hanging tight to them.
5-15-0003 and I'm going to say good night.........
glad you got that cuz this morning - no cam
It's back. Shift change just after it came back...
0841 shift change
May 15 - noon
Well Mac was just told to go and mom took over....
It looks like a beautiful morning up in Red Wing............
May 17, 2024
5 am still 4 eggs, but one has a big chip.
hatch today? tik tik tik . . .
This is how today is progressing...
1132 - Mom having a little "me time" before asking Mac to remove himself...
Still waiting.........
May 18, 2024
12.30 pm I saw a shell -
I also saw the wiggly wet chick.
THANK YOU! The last thing I did before we left was run through the cams, just got back. Oh and I thought something happened to it, but she took a chunk of leftovers out of the corner and it was sitting in front of her.
2 Chicks
May 19, 2024
a wet one and a dry fluffball
She hatched #2 about 8 AM.
0643 Feeding
"Hey mom we're here!!!" as she picks at the gravel.....
"Oh good you're coming back to us!"
Mac is done "baby sitting" being mom came in with part of a bird. She ate part of it and then started feeding the little ones....(the other two eggs are intact yet)
1935 meal....
Breakfast #1 at 0536
Breakfast #2 at 0646
Breakfast #3 :)
1146 Mac brought in a bird, mom proceeded to take it and leave, and after watching the direction she took he went to the little ones and eggs.
are we gonna lose 2 more eggs?
This is NOT normal. WHY?
They were just hatched yesterday, they should be fine yet.
1352 mom brought in a meal and Mac took off so fast he knocked the kids who righted themselves real quick.
1800 supper. Meadowlark???
So far today 2 and 2----
We have a pip in the egg next to the front hatchling. It's just to the right of it's eye and down from mom's beak tip...
The pip right behind the back one's head is coming along.
Mac came in to check on them while mom was out getting some lunch for them. He left after she got back and she did the feeding.
Darn :'( It looks like #3 didn't make it. We still have the other egg to go............
2038 feeding. First two are eating just great!
May 22, 2024
NO CAM link today
and no link from May 21 either
so I cant verify
I can't find one either. I think it was on later last night after the storms, although I don't know how they were up there.
3 chicks
May 22, 2024
Boy. I saw three for sure. I haven't been able to determine if they are with a whole egg or shell. The one that hatched yesterday was lying outside anywhere warm and wasn't moving and didn't fluff up, so tempted to say that might be shell that hatched. At least we have the cam back so we can check. I just got home, but will keep checking on them.
They're right in front of the egg or shell.
OK! We have THREE for sure, somehow that one yesterday must have survived! I'm almost positive that is the other egg by them, it's not blowing around and shifting around.
Two feedings...
1804 and all three heads up and the egg...
1816 more food!
Ooops #3 must have tipped over or gotten bumped over (on left side of the pack)
Cam was gone for a while this morning, it's back..........
The little guy is good about getting right up front and making sure mom or dad know he's there and hungry....
3 puffballs doin well. :D
Little chow hounds!
They do enjoy eating ;) I just love the little guy...
That little guy gets right up front and gets the first bites :)
It's a beautiful day out and apparently they had downie or hairy woodpecker for breakfast...
They're so big and fluffy :) They lined up and were well behaved while being fed..........
Very nice pics
Early morning feeding..........
A little wingersizng.......
More food about an hour later, but they weren't interested. The smaller one did take a few bites.
Out for the count.....
I've been trying to figure out what kind of bird was brought in. Mouring dove?? It's got pinkish/reddish leg and pink feet............
And the excitement is about to start (BANDING)....
The snow fence is put across so no one can accidentally jump/fall out the front when they open the roof...
Roof is open and there goes #1...
ALL BACK, roof shut, and snow fence removed....
It didn't take long for mom to return and keep watch over them...
June 14
Doing beautifully
They're getting better at eating a prepped meal..........
June 20, 2024
They are growin, flappin and lookin good.
cam isnt live, here is June 19th video clip
They ARE looking good. :) Cam came back about 8 AM today.
June 23
One looks ready to perch outside
June 24, 2024 DAWN
One of the 3 is outside.
One chick blocked cam totally so I couldnt see how it went out.
There is a side perch he couldla walked out.
8.30 am He appeared sneaking around the 'above' corner.
I've seen chicks go around that corner in past years.
June 30th --- One spent the night, got up and did some wing stretches/excercises, and left after it was out on the perch.........haven't seen anyone since then.