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All Other Topics and Sites => Eagles around the World! => Topic started by: LORIDAVIS on January 31, 2024, 08:32:58 AM

Title: Eagle Country SW Florida
Post by: LORIDAVIS on January 31, 2024, 08:32:58 AM
Baby News! Eagle Country SW Florida CONGRATULATIONS On First Hatch of Season
Forum friends, I started a thread and posted pics a couple years back of Nic & Vic with little ones Mossy & Hickory, they were little characters!
Hello big yellow beak nice to meet you!
Where's my breakfish???

1/31/2024~Eagle Country~CONGRATULATIONS On First Hatch of Season 2023-2024🐥 via ladydeeagle55 https://youtu.be/ET6IpIQRFJU?feature=shared

First good view of the Eaglet.. Welcome little one..🐥

Following the unfortunate incident when Hurricane Ian brought down the nest tree that Blaze and Abby once occupied, we’ve been eagerly awaiting to see where they might choose to rebuild. Throughout the last season, we observed their presence, but there was no clear “established nest,” and regrettably, no eaglets.Today, we are delighted to report that they are constructing a new nest in a fresh location on our family’s property, approximately 700 feet southwest of the old nest site. The tree they’ve selected is robust and has weathered numerous storms. We’ve revitalized our equipment and installed our cameras in this tree, believing it will become their new nest site. As we rebuild, we plan to add more features. Currently, you can enjoy our Nest Cam, Bayhead Cam, Remote Tree Cam, and our beloved Cow Cam.The future was uncertain, but it brings us immense delight to witness their long-awaited return.We’re excited to once again share with you the majesty of the American bald eagles. 

Some Back History ..
​Eagles have nested here since 2001. Their original nest and tree blew down in Hurricane Irma after 16 years. Nic  & Vic (the pair at the time ) They built a new nest in an adjacent tree. That nest unfortunately blew down in an unseasonable storm on 12-21-18. The nest you see now, the eagles built up after Dandy & Spur. Nic & Vic nested again and fledged 2 more,Hickory & Mossy in  2019/2020 season.
Nic & Vic did not nest here last season 2020/2021. Our hope is that they have moved on to a new area..There were a few males Eagles Fighting over the territory,nest and the  1 constante female which Eagle Country named Abigail( Abby) for short. As of Nov 1st 2021 ,when cams went live again for this season, it's been Abby and Skippy (one of the frequent males from last season) (now named Blazer,Blaze for short) here as a new pair. We wish them luck in their new relationship and hopefully for a great season with Bobbleheads too.