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Archives => 2024 Archives => Topic started by: Phyl on January 01, 2024, 12:04:29 AM
Embrace the Magic of Fresh Beginnings ...Salut to 2024 !
Happy New Year
LB.....We watched Godless...It was good. Also another good one is Bass Reeves....another western kind of. It's on Amazon Prime I think.
Another good one to watch, not a western, is "AWAY"....it's about a group of astronauts going to land on Mars. The Commander is a woman, played by Hillary Swank....on Netflix...
I finished Godless last night I liked it but I didnt like the ending. I want more!!! LOL
Happy New Year!!!
jicaji, I thought of you when watching Hallmark because I know you like them too. Lol
LB, Good you enjoyed your show last night. Lol
Phyl, Thanks for the Happy New Year wishes.
I wish everyone a pleasant day and a great New Year 2024!
Happy New Year and CHEERS!!!
No... I don't "do" Hallmark movies either LB 8)
Watching the Tournament of Roses parade...
Happy new Year Cheerios! Stay healthy and happy during the year! This is my only resolution!
Happy New Year's Day Cheers Family!
New Dreams!
New Wishes!
New Chances!
New Moments!
New Adventures!
A healthy body, peaceful soul and heart full of love for
all God's creatures, big and small!
All these are my prayers for each of you!
Good morning Back to work at least a 4 day work week. I gave up my cane yesterday so now walking without it. Still so stiff still need to learn to bend knees yes learn cause I can!!! LOL I think I will wait forever if I wait for PT. They dont see me walking outside thats my restriction for them but I can do it . Only one of the PT people I see hav me walk around and add obtiscles to my walk routine to se ehow I do and I only see him next monday for the month so not waiting
Hi everyone.
Hoping you all had a nice weekend and a Happy New Year Holiday.
As I've said before, I'm so glad it's a new year. As a couple of you know, Rizzo crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge a month ago. I haven't even been able to speak about it as it's such a deep hurt. He was the best little dog and he was our best friend. He was at my side constantly. I miss him terribly. He was found wandering in a wooded area in NY when someone brought him to the shelter. He had one day to go in the high kill shelter before they were going put him down. He was approximately two or three years old the vet guessed He was a joy and a blessing . God bless him.
Hi everyone.
Hoping you all had a nice weekend and a Happy New Year Holiday.
As I've said before, I'm so glad it's a new year. As a couple of you know, Rizzo crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge a month ago. I haven't even been able to speak about it as it's such a deep hurt. He was the best little dog and he was our best friend. He was at my side constantly. I miss him terribly. He was found wandering in a wooded area in NY when someone brought him to the shelter. He had one day to go in the high kill shelter before they were going put him down. He was approximately two or three years old the vet guessed He was a joy and a blessing . God bless him.
(((((. Hugs. ,)))))
jicaji, You loved your cutie Rizzo very much. It's good you can post about him now here among friends. It's been a long month for you.
You took excellent loving care of Rizzo for years. He loved you for that. He will always be in your heart and close to you.
LB, Wow! Awesome you gave up your cane. You be careful!! You're still working from home, correct?
Hi Tig and Karen
Today was another great day with my son and dil visiting. It's so nice with them here! Family came by this evening and we had dinner together. I did not cook! Nope. They said "Mom we're ordering out, having it delivered and you're not paying." ;D
I'm wishing you each a pleasant night and hopefully a good night's sleep.
Those we love never truly leave us.
Good morning yes 2 more weeks working from home. I go to the surgeon next Tuesday maybe I can get him to have me do longer but I doubt it. or mmaybe when it snows I need to work from home knees arent strong enough to walk through snow ;)
I guess it's time though . I decided I dont care for the people I work with. LOL
LB, Oh my gosh! You have me laughing about you saying you don't like the people you work with now. Lol
Good to 2 more weeks working from home and seeing your surgeon next Tuesday. It's worth a try asking to work from home longer but you definitely stay home when it snows.
Maybe your surgeon can make a note in your chart for that so you can work from home snowy days. Not worth the risk after all that you've been through!!
Hello Cheers to 2024 - thanks Amy...
Here is my annual bookmarks for the forums that will keep track of your last post viewed.
Beak Room 2024 Forum - https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2867.new.html#new
Cheers 2024 Forum - https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2868.new.html#new
Decorah Eagles 2024 Forum - https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2866.new.html#new
Decorah North Nest Eagles 2024 Forum - https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php/topic,2864.new.html#new
Enjoy and have a great year...
LB, Oh my gosh! You have me laughing about you saying you don't like the people you work with now. Lol
Good to 2 more weeks working from home and seeing your surgeon next Tuesday. It's worth a try asking to work from home longer but you definitely stay home when it snows.
Maybe your surgeon can make a note in your chart for that so you can work from home snowy days. Not worth the risk after all that you've been through!!
Paulie, The more I think about it, I really dont't one I always get along with but once the little twerp came. It hasnt been the same!! I am the oldest. They bothe can be my kids!!! The one I gt along with. Is more mature. But........ I wont's say LOL
My prediction for the big ole storm everye crying about saturday to sunday rain. I ahave seen over over a foot to a trace to 2" I say rain
Good morning I need sleep!!!!
Good Morning :)
Oldguy, Thank you for posting.
LB, I remember when the younger worker began there and how she changed the vibe at work. It's sad one person can do that. Wasn't she hired in a temp position?
All of yesterday's quotes are good.
Yesterday was my son and dil's last day visiting here. They and we all in the family had a great time together New Year's Day and this week. One evening we reserved a long table at a restaurant and all had dinner and much laughter together. I had a full house with them staying here and family coming here too. Today is like ..... too quiet here!!
About the storm in your area in NJ. I saw two possible scenarios you could be impacted and yes just rain for one possibility.
My area is predicting 3 to 7 inches. Time will tell.
We had planned to go to the cabin this weekend but decided to go next weekend instead.
Hi everybody.
Just want to thank you for the hugs. I felt them.....I'm just having a really hard time adjusting.
LB, you know there is ALWAYS one who is a ...... Never failed in my 50+ years of employment.
I'm glad you're progressing well after your knee replacement. Did you have to have a pre-op exam before hand?
We're supposed to get snow this weekend too. I swear, you'd think it was the end of the world coming. I did my usual weekly food shopping yesterday and, of course, the store was packed. Always the same scenario every year when snow is predicted.
LB....Hopefully you can stay home if it snows or is icey.
Paulie Take the weekend to REST ;)
Happy for you that you had all your family around you for the holidays.
Enjoy the weekend everyone and thanks again for the hugs.
OMG they are acting like its going to be a blizzard!!!! I think I am getting a trace to2" I think most of NJ is getting that as well. THe more north and west of city more. I ignore the news at 1200 so dont know the latest excep some posted something with trace to 2"
Jacaji oh yes I had to see a bunch of doctors before surgy. MY primary, Pulmologist and cardilogist I needed an chest xray. oh you will need Cat scan of knee if its done robotically my insurance didnt cover robotic so I iddnt need the CAT scan. For sure if you are thinking about it ask me anything. LIke Puff said keep on top of the pin with the pain meds for the first couple of weeks. I actally felt better once home from hospital. The pain was still there but I had more control of the meds at home rather than relying on the nurses.
Dear Puff,
You are awesome!! You are a very thoughtful friend. I'm sending you a huge Hug! Please read your PM.
Paulie :-*
jicaji, Good to see you. :) You're welcome for the hugs from us. We understand your difficulty adjusting too. We're here for you any time.
Thank you about me and my family. It's been a while since all of us got to spend a holiday together. It was great.
I laughed reading you tell me to rest this weekend. You know me too well. :) :P
Same here about the snow and all the hype! How much is your area predicting?
Are you finally thinking about getting your knee replaced?! If so, good for you!! Keep us posted.
I see my ortho Dr the end of Jan. At my last knee injection 6 mos ago he pushed really hard for me to opt out of continuing with the injection and wants to schedule surgery. Well ... ummmm .. I've decided to do another round of knee injections. I figure since I'm still getting around pretty darned good (knock on wood) I'm putting it off again. My family is not happy with me but oh well.
I'm sending you another hug. :)
LB, I agree about the news acting like it's a blizzard. LOL Started out at getting 8 inches here and now down to 2 to 5 inches but the downgrade is due to now getting sleet/ice rather than snow. I'd rather have snow. We'll see what tomorrow brings. I hope it turns to all rain somehow. ;D
Interesting thing is there's more snow predicted at my home than at the cabin. Sounds reversed to me for the mountains.
I remember the difficulty you had getting pain meds when in the hospital and how you liked having more control when you returned home. I say you did awesome and were one determined lady for sure! Sounds like good advice from Puff too. I recall her posting advise to you. That was very nice.
Speaking of Puff. I remember reading a post, maybe two between you and Puff but I didn't understand them. Did you maybe have something to do with her surprise? I'm thinking yes? :)
I just had a thought about your weather. If by chance you get any sleet or ice ... slippery conditions .. please do not attempt to walk Copper. My heavens you don't want to mess up all the progress you've made. Just me worrying about you. :)
Speaking of Puff. I remember reading a post, maybe two between you and Puff but I didn't understand them. Did you maybe have something to do with her surprise? I'm thinking yes? :)
Good morning...
Whattcha talking about Paulie????? ;)
I think we are still trace to 2" I stopped listening. I will be careful in snow and ice for sure. Iusually dont walk copper when it rains. I just let him do his busines out on the gras on a leash It's goint o be terible tuesday when I go t othe surgeon but with rain lots of rain and wind I go through towns that tend to flood. SO far it looks like it will start in the sfternoon (the worse of it) my appointment is at 10:00
Good Morning :)
It's began snowing here at 10am. Still coming down. Supposed to get 2" to 5" then maybe sleet/icy glaze. Snow no biggie but don't like the icy glaze. Time will tell. It is what it is.
I'm going to stay inside and make a big pot of beef stew today. I always made beef stew when it snowed when my kids were growing up.
After they came inside from playing in the snow I'd have warm towels to wrap around them then they'd fill up on stew. I'd do those days all over again!
I'm going to put a big container of stew aside to freeze then take to the cabin next weekend.
LB, I thought so!! ;) Thank you.
I saw similar weather forecast for you today. I think jicaji will be getting snow. I remember years back when there was a lot of flooded areas where you live. Be careful this Tuesday for sure. Good that your appointment is in the morning and not afternoon. Yes please you be very careful also in the snow and ice!
#s 1 and 3
I wish everyone in the snow/icy weather path warmth and safety.
Take care.
It's snowing now not sure when it started It was after 11:00 just a coatng now, then it will turn to rain. Stew I want stew. I took something out from freezer. I made it and froze a lot it looks llike stew but not but similia. LOL I am freezinf cant get this place warm, I have heat up to 72. Theres got to be a draft. But to get them to fix it is narly impossible . I am just watching mvies today well, like any other day
Good morning only got 1/4" of snow and a slushy mess on the walk ways copper wants to walk I am debating I may test. Now they are talking about another HUGE storm Tuesday this one will be rain again Lots of rain and wind THey are concerned for flooding since so much rain and everything is saturated no where for it to go I am sooo tired of rain Bring on the multiple feet snow storm!!! W have been deprived for over 700 days!!!!of no snow (that is snow over an inch)
Hi LB, Did your similar stew yesterday taste good? I hope it warmed you up!! You sounded cold. Did your apartment warm up after setting temp to 72?
Oh my gosh girl!! "Bring on multiple feet snow storm." No way!!! If it happens now I know who to blame. LOL If so I say you take off work beforehand then we go to cabin. Get wood stove going then sit on the front porch watching the snow while sipping on something warm. ;D
We got 3 to 4 inches snow here then sleet then rain. It did look pretty when coming down heavy. All done now. I'm ready for Spring. ;D
Did you decide to take Copper for a walk?
Same here Tuesday weather wise. Forecast is for soaking steady rain and winds. Yuck! I'm staying inside. It's good your Dr appt is in the morning.
I usually go to bed right nw but I am on the last episode on a show I am watching on netflix!!! Good thing I am working from home!!!! LOL It started off weird but turns out its really good It's called somewhere between
Good morning back to the work (home) I go
LB, Sounds like you watched a really good show last night. True good you work from home still. Lol
Weather forecast for tomorrow the same but now up to 2 1/2 inches rain with 50 mph winds. Then more rain Friday. Ugh. I agree with you ... tired of rain! and gray days too.
Today's quote #1. Lol This one is definitely for jicaji! She would definitely have a comment on it.
Happy Birthday, Puff!!
Happy Birthday Puff!!!
Nj just called a state of emergency for tomorrow weather 2-4" of rain and 40-60 mprh winds . Yikes!!!!
Whoa LB! I'm very glad you're still working from home. Are you thinking of rescheduling your Dr appointment tomorrow? Or will be able to go before the rain and winds begin?
All of this evenings quotes are good and the third one adorable. So cute! Lol
LB and Paulie This first post this morning talking obout 3am IS written for me...DEFINITELY. Just about EVERY night.
LB Hopefully tomorrow won't be too bad by you. just be careful if you have to go out anywhere. We got about 4" of snow yesterday and today was beautiful, sunny and 40 degrees.
jicaji, Yep!! As soon as I read 3am I thought of you! ;) I hope you sleep past that time tonight.
LB, You be careful tomorrow if you go to Dr appt or anywhere. I'm hoping you reschedule your appt and stay home inside.
Both of you take care.
Good morning I am going to my appointment if I reschedule it wont be until next month he's only there 1x a month. Its in the morning 10am not raining yet. Looks like the earliest its suppose to start raining is 11:00. The worse is suppose to be this afternoon I will be home working (took 1/2 day) My father is on a cruise due to come home today I am taking his flight will be cancelled. Flight is suppose to land at 330 I got to see my favorite guy at PT he gave me a couple of different exercises to do at homed . He stepped me up to a bigger step to help me progress to a flight of steps at first we were going to do tha flight of stairs there (I use elevator) but he changed his mind since he saw I havent done the 4" I havent done the 4" step yet, which is the size of a standard step. he had me do it 10 times holding on to table for support then 5x without holding...hands free!!! wow I sure love a challenge. It was hard but I did it. I am not scheudled to see him again so probably wont until feb unless scheedules change. so probably wont do the flight of steps tll then. Now hopefully the other pt people will continue to have me work on the 4" step. He says my biggest problem is fear. Oncce I do it the first time I am ok. He is right
LB, Good about your appt earlier this morning before nasty weather. Maybe you're returned home by now. Hope so.
Very nice about your father and a cruise!! Where did he travel to? You might be correct about his flight with the weather. Let me know then.
Kudos to you doing the 4 steps hands free!! You sure do like a challenge and you're determined! Applause for LB! ;D
I understand why this guy is your favorite PT person. He's good!
All quotes are good today.
Hi Paulie,
I made it to the surgeo. It started to light rain while I was in there. Made it home ok. The surgeon was quite impressed in the progress. He said the only thing now that will help is keep doing PT. The stiffness and numbness takes some time. I see him again in 2 months. I got my letter its ok to go back to office from dr. I just need to wait for our sagety group to say it's ok. They never respond. we'll see what happens. I wouldnt mind working from home still LOL
Yes I love my PT guy he is the only one that gwts me to progress. The girl that I will be seeing the rest of the monthsaw what he had me doijg, I hope she follows suit. I doubt I will do stairs there for quite some time
My father landed about an hour ago. Now they just have to do the car ride. But the worse of it will start over night.
It's raining little puddles in back the normal I am afraid what will happen over night.
Hi LB, Good to hear you made it home safely and weather wasn't bad at that time.
Great news your surgeon was impressed with your progress. Wow now you just continue with PT. You've come a looong way!
Hummmm good you've made progress but kind of a bummer Dr gave you your letter to return working from office. Blah. Since you say the safety group doesn't respond maybe they'll take their time not responding to your letter for a while ;D
Thanks for the update on your father. Good his flight landed safely. Hopefully they don't have a long drive till they return home safely.
Before I came here I looked at the radar in my area hoping it stops soon. Nope. Continues for hours yet. Might get thunder and lightening when the new front coming through smacks into the cold here.
I did follow the track of the storm over to your area and along the coast. It does look like your area may get heavy rain tonight or through the night.
Good that you're working from home tomorrow. I bet Copper doesn't like the rain.
I forgot to answer your question, Paulie, My father went on a 20 day cruise to the carrabien. Not sure what islnds. LOL I know its a smaller brand new boat. Not sure what cruise line. Thats a awholelong tory, my fatghers friend are going on a cruise in a couple of weeks on a bigger ship. MY fathers girlfriend didnt want to go on that one because its bigger wich means mre people. I think this one hold like 4000 people. The cruise my father went on hold just 1000. I asked what the difference is between beng on a boat with 1000 vs 4000 they are both crowded!! She is worried about covid. WEll... If you're so worried you shouldnt be gong onn any cruise. !!!!!
update just got this on a fb page (weatherNJ)
In my previous article, I mentioned a possible squall line forming, which would bring strong straight line winds. Looking at our latest radar image, that squall line has formed and is racing towards our area. This squall line could produce damaging winds so take precautions!
They say it will reach us around 1100 . I think I will go to sleep after reading this and hope to slep thrugh most of this.
Hi LB, I just came to check if you'd posted. :)
Nice to your father and girlfriend going to the Caribbean! 20 day cruise too. I agree with you about what's the difference from 1,00 vs 4,000 people and catching something but it is a big difference in the amount of people. Good for you father I say going on a cruise. He's 89 or 90 isn't he?
I looked at your radar again too earlier and saw that storm line in red heading towards your area. Last I looked it had shifted direction a little bit. When it came through my area the temps definitely went higher. It's 57 degrees here now! I went out on the deck and it felt good compared to earlier today. Next get ready for artic blast with temps in the teens. Ugh.
I hope you sleep good and through the storm if/when it passes through. Give me an update tomorrow morning. Take care.
Good mornign it was a 10 day cruise not 20. My father is 88. We supposely had straight lines winds I iddnt hear it but I had tv on and 2 fans on in nedroom so I hear nothing in bedroom. got 17 nixle alerts in middle of night (thank god, I had set on silence) about flooded roads. They are all open now. But I think it wil flood gain with the tides. MY knee still causes issue sleeping they said it will take time. Copper woke me up at 430 again . They say its windy I dont see it being windy. More rain coming friday into saturday
LBLNJ0668 just out of curiosity being a fellow native Garden Stater what town do you live in in NJ?
You don't have to answer if you're not comfortable sharing. :)
LBLNJ - "But I think it will flood again with the tides" ?
LB, Oh okay a 10 day cruise. Very nice for your father at 88.
Very good that you slept through the storm's winds last night and not hearing all the phone notifications! Darn it to Copper's schedule at 4:30a.m.
The cabin got walloped with snow last weekend and snowed Mon & Tues too. We kept an eye on the front and rear via the Ring cam. Today high winds there too. Maybe another inch of snow this weekend. We're thinking about going this weekend but not sure yet. Temps there are much lower there than here at home. Brrrrr
#3 :)
Hi BrokenLug, I hope all's good with you and after the storm in your area too.
LBLNJ0668 just out of curiosity being a fellow native Garden Stater what town do you live in in NJ?
You don't have to answer if you're not comfortable sharing. :)
LBLNJ - "But I think it will flood again with the tides" ?
I live in Central Jersy. By New Brunswick Yes it will flood agan as the canals and rivers crest. Thats what happened in the last storm
It's official they approved the drs note for me to come back to work in office. Not sure what I am thinking. LOL So back to office, Tuesday unless it snows like they are now talking about. LOL
Geesh LB, So much for the safety group taking their time to respond! Darn it. Well it is what it is.
My guess is they responded quickly because you accomplish a lot when in office. In the past you've received commendations for suggestions you made and were accepted. Also in the past you're the one who stepped up to cover for other co-workers when they were out. Take it as a compliment despite you not looking forward to returning to in office.
One thing good is you'll get a breather from Copper following you around all day. He's going to have to get used to that.
Good you won't go in if it snows Tuesday. Last night I was going to suggest when snow or ice happen you hopefully can work from home because you don't want to hurt all the progress in recovery you've made.
my work has nothing to do with them responding so fast. LOL THey just want it documented that I a ok so if anything happens no law suit. LOL I am just nervous they may give me a hard time since I have been out for so long Copper is not going to be happy when I go back to the office but i will!!! he is definitly too attatched to me
Good Morning,
LB, I was giving you a compliment! Lol Okay about them and no law suit. It's called "CYA". ;D
Agreed to Copper has become very attached and used to you being there daily.
Finally a sunny day here! :)
I know you were complimenting me thank you, too bad companies dont make decisions based on that. I told my boss today I want more work cause he said sometung about another job function and volunteered I told him I have no work. He said it may be too much. I told him we'll talk next week. Today I was bussy but done with my work by 200 nd thats for me steppingout to do a couple of errands. Its better than being done by 830 am. LOL
You're welcome of course. It's true. And agreed about corporate decisions.
I remember when work for you got really slow about at least 2 years ago, correct? Also it happened when a temp was hired to satisfy the number of workers and also for the company to receive add'l funding .. something like that? I remember you saying back then an add'l worker wasn't needed because work was already slow. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I do remember you mentioning a while ago your boss had mentioned an add'l function for you to do. If work is slow why in the world would he say it might be too much? Does it require add'l walking or something in office?
I remember too when you had your work completed in the morning. That makes for a looooong day.
Good that you got a couple of errands done today because this weekend's weather here and in your area is supposed to be yuck again. Ugh
Good morning you are right It has been slow for 2 years maybe a week or so busie but I havent had to work late . Or busy for most of day. I still agree we dont need this extra person. Yesterday I tod him I need more work and volunteered for an extra job. He said its lot of work I told him I am sooo slow. and who else will have time to do it everyone else has extra work . I left it as we will talk next week when I am in the office. LOL oops didnt relaize I menntioned this already but I guess its on my mind LOL
Good Morning,
LB, I forgot to mention your yesterday afternoon quotes. #1 about music definitely! After reading all three though I think all afternoon quotes are spot on. #3 is adorable and true. :)
Cool that I remembered your past work issues correctly. Hmmm well if everyone else now has extra work and you have the time it makes sense for your boss to give extra work to you too. Good luck next week when you speak to him about it.
This morning's quotes .. #2 and 3
TGIF for you!
Time for another coffee for me. :D
WE spoke a little today, he said he has plans for me so hesitiant in giving me the new responsiblity I told him I need more work especially if I am in office (I will watch movies, on my phone if not, I have netflic, and paramount plus app on my phone LOL) He said we will talk next week. Now possible Tuesday, They arent talking about this so much so it's getting me nervous. They talked so much about the big storms that eneded up being rain so maybe this is the one since they arent given us a 2 week warning ;)
oh I ordered socks today I need ones that go up to ankle MY feet are good, just have tenis socks. I need a new winter coat. I ordered I dont thinks its going to ship until Tuesday (its going to be freezing next week.. I guess I am slow this year with keeping warm. All I Know this is the first year that I have been so cold in so long. I usually can tolerate the cold but not this year. :(
Ooooh! Sounds like maybe your boss has a special project for you or maybe a promotion (if any slots available)? Either would be nice.
Tuesday's talk will be interesting. I'm hoping for good news for you, LB.
Do you return in office Monday or Tuesday? Oh wait Monday is probably a work holiday.
Time will tell about weather Tuesday for you and me too. They say still waiting to see what course/path the storm takes. Time will tell.
Oh my gosh! There was just a really strong wind gust here that made me jump in my seat! Strong gusts predicted. I guess they've arrived.
I hope your new socks and coat arrive sooner than later. Same here with frigid temps next week. Weatherman says an artic blast.
Are you ready for Spring yet? I am! ;D
Awe to #1
Good morning. Paulie I already know what it is. Its the exgtension of what was alrady given to me that has been talked about since september/october. I am not thrilled with it. I am not liking what I am doing now with it so maybe it will be more involved.
Its hot here today 59. It rained over night clearing up. going to get cold starting tomorrow but even more so Monday
Did not sleep well at all last night and not because of my knee I just have so much on my mind financially. It's getting scary. They keep saying thing are improving the only thing I see that improved is price of gas. I had to get a coat so that didnt help. Which is coming Tuesday, Thinking of returning it sigh.
Good Morning to you too LB :)
Oh my heavens to high winds and reeeally strong wind gusts!! Temps dropping. The sun is shining though and that's good.
I am not looking forward to filling the bird feeders out back today. Such nasty weather last night the deer didn't even show up. No rabbits either. Brrrr and hammering rain last night.
About your work. Oh okay about it being an extension to the things you already do. Hopefully it will be more involved like you mention. Well look at it this way ... It's a paycheck.
Wow you've got nice warm temp today!! Lucky you .. until next week.
Why are you thinking of returning your coat? You need it.
All quotes are good today.
Darn!! I typed a whole message and it disappeared, I must have hit a buttn by accident. :( Anyway lets see if I can rememeber everything I just said.
It startes at 59 degrees this morning then went down to 46 veryquickly and stayed like that most of the day ut in my opinion it felt like in it's 20's!!! I used to lke the cold. It's really windy too!!!!
So we got a message from out managemnt group to stop feeding the wild life and feral cats. I wonder if someone saw me feed the squirrels. Oh well, THey are my babies as well as the birds. I dont feen the fera cats but I know 1 who does. The nasty neighbor. LOL I wont sgtop when I first moved in, I asked and they said I could. There was nothing in lease to say otherwise.
THe coat Paule, I cant afford it. I kind of jump the gun. But I may have come to a partial solution. I found another coat on AMazon where you can try before you buy. You have 7 days to try the clothing item and if yu like you pay for it if not you return it and not get charged. I am a little hesitant cause I had bad experience with AMazon clothing but then I had a few good So I can always return it if it doesnt fit. Bt then I have to return the other one which I was charged. I wont get credit until they receive the return and I need the money before than. sigh. I will explain more in detail to YOU, Paulie later if you like
Darn to when a post goes poof. Pain in the butt. ;D I'm glad you remember most or all of it.
Well let's get ready for more dropping temps starting tomorrow. Charlie is like you this year LB with the cold bothering him more.
I wonder why or what happened that management wants feeding wild life to stop. Maybe they're trying not to have the pesky rodents return in the colder temps? Now is when all wildlife that has become dependent to the extras people feed them need it in this weather. They do get used to it. Good there's nothing in lease to prevent doing it. Oh my gosh I remember nasty neighbor!
Interesting about the Amazon purchase and conditions. I hadn't heard of that. I hope you like it and keep it! Can you maybe return the other coat asap and pay extra for it to be received and get your money returned sooner before you need it? Express shipping can be costly though. Yes to explaining further later however you want to. Sometimes two heads are better than one to figure something out. :)
#2 and Lol yes to #3
Good morning Yes about amazon. I got my sneakers that way. I ended up returning 3 pairs LOL
Someone probably complained or complained numerous times or many people complained. THey wont do anything unless someone complains
It's 34 with real feel 24. So that means for me like 2 degrees. WE just got a special weather staement of possible snow squals later today I got to go walk copper . Not sure why he likes the cold so much.
My right knee is jamming up this morning when I walk. Fun
Are you at the cabin, Paulie?
Miss you jacaji!!
Good Morning,
LB, Cool about Amazon and your sneakers!
One can always count of someone complaining about something. Lol Fact of life.
Same here with snow squall and temps dropping more. When I went outside on deck to fill feeders and then backyard it was blowing and super cold.
Inclement weather and cold always brings more birds here. Earlier at deck feeders was a Northern Flicker, Chickadees, Tufted Titmouse,
Goldfinch, Red Bellied Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker and of course a few squirrels.
Oh! My Bluebirds returned Jan 1st! They said Happy New Year. ;D There's 5 and sometimes 7.
The deer were here last night too. Haven't seen Mom Rabbit for a few days.
Maybe the colder temps has your right knee jamming up. It's possible.
No to cabin this past weekend. We had planned to go but Charlie wasn't feeling well. We're planning to go next weekend though.
The current feels like temp at cabin now 8 degrees. A snow squall just went thru there. I get weather and motion alerts. It's nice being able to watch and check up on things in both front and rear of cabin.
All three quotes today are great!
I dint get any squalls bur I saw a snow shower for about a minute. LOL Its freezinf and copper just wants to walk slow and sniff. suppose to snow Tuedau anywhere from 1-3 " of course when I go to work. SOme sa no accumulations some sat inch soem say 1-3" so not sure what I'll do I wil probably try. I managed gto do some squatting to clean behind the toilet LOL fun. my amazon coat is coming tomorrow. so I may have for work tuesday if it fits and I like it. THe other one is coming tuesday My socks came yesterday so feet/ankles are now warm. they are talking a bigger snow for Friday
Good Morning, snow tomorrow of course it will cause I am suppose to go into the office this week and the weather didnt really discusses it like they did for the storms in the past 2 weeks that turned out to be just rain LOL WE are supposed to get 4" I will see if i can work from home silly to risk my life for an hours worth of work that I can do at home. Of coursed I feel guilty. LOL I guess I'll see what happens
Good Brrrrr Morning,
LB, Good your socks arrived and your feet and ankles are warm. Good timing for arrival!
Of course it's forecast to snow tomorrow with your return to work in office. That's called Murphy's Law!!
Good that you're considering working from home for an hours worth of work. Not worth harming all the progress you've made since your surgery. Your boss should understand. You feel guilty because you have good work ethics.
Same here for snow tonight into tomorrow. Snow again Friday too darn it because we're planning to go to cabin Friday for the weekend. We had planned to the past 2 weekends but didn't make it. We've got to go to check out the water pipes and water tanks in utility closet. Temps there go into the minus digits during winter. Need to check out trees in areas around cabin too due to very high winds and gusts yesterday. Temp there last night was 4 so the feels like temp was definitely minus.
Hi Pauie,
Can you leave tfor the cabin on Thursday instead of Friday? I might not make it to PT on friday. First they may close early they did for the rain storm last week and had 2 hour delay .Plus I wont chance it since I will be driving home in snow and probably with get there late. I can do a a lot of the exercises from home so I can do them over weekend to mke up for the lost time, plus its ok for me to skip a day snce I am not seeing the goof PT. Hes the only on that does the advance exercises with me with everyone else its just the basics. :( I am glad he gave me a couple of harder exerciss to do at home so I can make some more progress. I'll check in later.
Oh and I iwalked my longest route with copper today right nknee started acting up toward the ned. I idd th curbs a couple incorrectly . oops. I think he has trouble seeing he walks into branches instead of walking around them and he ends up dragging the mand getting leash all tisted up. Either that or he just doesnt care. LOL
Hi there LB, Good suggestion! I have to take one of my granddaughter's to an appointment Thursday afternoon after school.
I'll keep an eye on weather this week to see what happens. It's now to start snowing here earlier this evening into tomorrow 2 to 4 inches. I haven't heard amount yet for Friday.
Another good thought of yours is you not going to PT Friday with your weather conditions. Also if you're not seeing the good PT guy and he's already given you advanced exercises to do at home that sounds safest and best. Better to be safe than sorry.
Congrats on your longest route with Copper today. But umm on the coldest day yet for you? Lol Either way good for you!
How do you do curbs incorrectly? Did you take cane with you? I think you said a couple weeks ago you don't use it any more. Maybe you do for walks and curbs. But still how does one do a curb incorrectly? That's interesting.
Copper probably doesn't want to walk around the branches. LOL
Hi Paulie, We are now suppose to get 4-6 in tonight into tomorrow. I will work from home if that is true. It still hasnt started snowing yet. I have car parked in reverse so easier to get out. If I work from home I will break to shovel so I am good to go wednesday morning. I am sure I only have a an or so worth or work anyway. I heard fridays storm is suppose to be bigger but who knows. The coat from amazon came today and it is so compfortable It keeps more warm. I have 7 days to try it. I think I am going to keep it and retun the other one without even opening it :)
When I go down the curbs, I go down not straight. I turn to the side a little bit befor egoing down . SO I go down sideways and not forward. Mkaes sense? I am trying to go down forward. If curb is small I can do it if I concentrate. turning to the right or left is more out of habit which I got to break. But if it's a big curb it's more fear going straight foward and a little habit.
Copper is lazy if he doesnt want to walk around the branches. LOL
UPDATE: I just looked outside and it just started to snow. JUst flurries nothing on ground yet.
Good Morning well it was tough I got ready and cleared my car but then decided to work from home. MY bos smade me feel guilty and turns out he is working from home remotely cause the Kids (his girl friends) have snow day. But I dont understand. Their dad gts thwm during the week. ANyway working from home only a couple of inches but still snowing. I am so tired though since I iddnt sleep so well being nervous about today
Hi LB, Thanks for explaining the correct vs incorrect way going up and down a curb. Yep makes sense.
Yay your Amazon coat arrived and it's warm. I hope you wore it when you cleaned off your car. Smart thinking to back into your parking space.
Makes sense returning the other one but don't you have to open it to complete a return form and request a refund? I think so.
Good you decided to work from home. Don't let your boss make you feel guilty He hasn't been through what you have since last November till now. Best for you to be save and not sorry for one hour's work.
It snowed more here than predicted too. Got maybe 5 inches. It just stopped a little bit ago.
I saw and icy mix for NJ this Friday. Things can change though and hopefully for the better!
I repeat .. again .. am ready for Spring!
All quotes today good ones.
It snowed less here. but now it's a sheet of ice. everyone is saying it's really icy out. so now nervous for tomorrow but it will probablytake me forever to get incar it will be all iced up. We just got sevond email from management that they are working so hard on walkways. Its all a sheet of ice and I havent sen anyone. I hear something now but it sound like a plow we need salt! I put ice melt outside of my door it's all wet I will put more on in a little bit. so that way I can get to the grass an dmanever my way to my car LOL I hope my company gives a delay opening
I am hearing snow friday but who knows, I heard it will start in afternoon but now I read in morning. ugggh
I think I can do the return online through web site and just put label. on box,If I do I will 1/2 way open it to slip in the retun form . It's arriving late due to the weather, should have been delivered today. It's held up due to weather. Oh well.
I definitly did not sleep well last night and I wont tonight. I am going to take shower tonight to save some time tomorrow. Plus I dont blow dry my hair so will need to do tonight.
I hope you have a delayed opening tomorrow too for sure with ice.
Got more snow here than I'd said before. The guy who cleared driveway and sidewalks offered to clear snow off both our vehicles too. Yes! We really appreciated that.
Same here with snow on Friday but more now. Same at cabin. Ugh. You and I will have to wait till Thursday to see what's said then. I say let's have no snow. Lol
Good idea about the onsite return label. I forgot about that. Sounds easy peasy.
Hopefully today tired you out more and you sleep better tonight. Hope so!
i I went to work, no delayed opening but took my time. I got ready earlier than normal so walked copper to my car so I can try and open it and get it defrosted. I had it sir for 40 minutes and still ice but made th escraping a little easier. But I still have ice on the hood of my car.
More stow Friday at first they said it was going to start in afternoon. I was ok with that only need to drive in it once. but nope now sayin after midnight thursday . I think 2-4 inches I feel I need to go in. I will see. Of course all the snow happens when I drive into work. so next time it will snow will be in 2 weeks. LOL
Getting up at 540 sucks. I want the extra hour sleep Hoping to go to sleep early tonight and get a good night sleep tired of getting up so oftern guess what it's not becase O f my knee anymore. its my mind LOL
I'm glad you're home safely. That was a good plan of yours this morning getting ready earlier and taking Copper with you to defrost your car. Geesh to 40 minutes.
Yep to Friday's snow again. Hopefully you can drive in it only once if you go in.
Same here to snow too. We're still debating going to the cabin. We might go with one of our son's but means going after his work and evening/night driving and arrival.
I'd rather go during the day but driving through snow for 2 1/2 hours doesn't thrill us. Going after my son's work snowing is supposed to have stopped.
If we go during the day we'll go in Jeep Rubicon. If with our son he has a Dodge Ram truck. Either one of them should get up the long winding driveway from main road to cabin with the snow and some ice under snow. Ugh. We're going to discuss it more tomorrow. Temps there are single digits with minus temp at night. Wood stove will definitely be needed!
Did your boss discuss your additional duties with you today?
I hope you sleep earlier and better tonight too for sure.
Hi Anxiety for tomorrows snow but looks like only 1-3 inches. I will be advengtoruous and try to go in. I say that now . LOL
Yes we discussed. my aditional responsibilities. I am going to help him start up what I may not continue. The other exansion of what was told to me months ago is on hold because the dept is not ready to give it up yet. So hes going to have me help hom with starting up the new division. WW are starting this next week. Again exhausted. I need more sleep. I cant wait to work from home again next week!! I can have extra sleep!! LOL
Hi I did go to wrok today It started to snow once I got there but we only got about an inch. All the weather pages were saying how we wer getting so much snow but our local news said 1-3 in. They were right. I did leave early cause I didnt want to dive in the dark when it will freezegoing to get down to the single digits tonight. I got home to find that they plowed the snow up towrd the curbs where the cars parked making it impossible to get to my car. I do have a handicap parking spot. I took picture and sent to the property manager. The maintence claimed all handicap parking was cleared. I will send photo. Not a big hill but it is blocking the way to get to my car. It will also turn to ice making it hard and impossible to walk over TGIF and I work from home next week!!!!!
I forgot the quotes. LOL funny we got about an inch but the next town over they got almost 4" LOL will ONly be in the low 20's the whole weekend. oh. I may have gforgotten to tell you my father got covid. when he got back from his cruise He tested negative Monday but testged positive Tuesday and still positive. He said it's only like a cold but he still has it. He is concerned that it keeps testing positive. Thankfully its mild Praying it stays that way He may go to cvs or urgent care to do better test then the at home test.
1...Love Wind chimes.
Hi everybody.
We've been having alternate snow, rain, ice and sun. In fact, it's very pretty.
LB...I worried about you going out in the snow. Ya never know if there's a sheet of ice below the snow...glad you did OK last week. Glad you're working from home next week.
Sorry to read your father got Covid. I've read that many are getting a mild case, like a cold this time around.
Good news, My second great-nephew was born two days ago. 9lb.7oz. with a full head of dark hair. So sweet. So now, in addition to my four grandchidren, I have two great-nieces and two great-nephews. Truly blessed.
Paulie Are you going to the cabin? If so, safe travels.
Have a good weekend all and stay warm and safe.
Good morning Good to see you Jacaji!!!! I was worried about myself in the icy/snowy weather myself LOL Copper is waiting patiently for now t go for a walk. He loves his walks regardless of the weather :( I am waiitng a little bit for the sun (yes, we have sun) attempts to melt some of the ice since property managers dont care.
Congratulations on your second great nephew!!!!!
suppose to warm up this week and back to the rain!!
Good morning its sunny today but cold. From tuesday on gchance of rain will be 50 at one point this week. My father still tested positive firday with covid. I odnt think he tested yesterday but will today
Good morning I have to do a quick follow up dr appt to get a script renewed. they wouldnt do it over teledoc. go figure . Trying to get some work done before I have to go in like 30 minutes.
We returned from cabin about an hour ago.
LB, Hoping your father is feeling better.
jicaji, Congrats to your newest great-nephew! He's a good size baby boy. :)
We went to cabin Friday morning. Drove thru snow entire way. Normally a 2 to 2 1/2 hour drive much longer about an hour due to speed reduced to 45 mph and roads. Had an awesome time! More snow on the mountain and snowed intermittently. Used Jeeps 4-wheel drive to get up long driveway to cabin. Temps single to minus digits. The wood stove kept us all cozy warm.
My son, oldest granddaughter and I walked up the side of mountain behind cabin our first night there. Far but not too far. With all the snow and a bit of moon light it was quiet and beautiful. We turned the spot light out when walking back. Was sooooo nice and fun! It was easy to see with all the white snow. We were laughing saying we needed snow shoes. We each were careful and I used walking stick. My knee was not happy with me. I enjoyed it anyway!
Hi Paulie!! I Missed you. Sounds a great trip to the cabin, glad you got there safely. I got good news today . I am being reduced to 2x a week with PT starting this week. Yiippe. He want to get my knees a little stronger and help withthe tighness. He had me go up and down the stairs. today 2x. And I went up the stairs the correct way going down not so much. LOL THe left knee no problem, the right knee was the problem child. so now when I say up with the good. Its the left knee. no longer the right. The right no longer (better) its the bad knee, LOL OH he wants to work with getting to the ground and getting up in case I ever fall that I am able to get up. He showed me one of the exercises he will be having me do. He also measured I can bend 115 and he can push it to 125. He said he could have gone further but iddnt push it. When we got to 125 I said it didnt hurt so that is how he can tell he could have gone further. He said I should be done with PT by the end of February. :)
Good morning
Hi LB, Awww I missed you too. Thanks about cabin and returning safely.
How is your father feeling? Getting better I hope.
Great news for you with PT twice a week and probably done end of February! :)
Who would have thought before last November you'd be saying your left knee is now your good knee! Bummer to your right knee now.
Good about learning how to get up .. but .. no falls allowed! ;)
You're working from home this week, correct?
Quotes: Yesterday #3 So cute too. Today #1
jicaji, It's good seeing you back here. Your stool was too dusty. Are your Blue Birds still around?
This morning mine showed up at empty deck feeders. I had filled them last Friday morning before leaving. This morning I threw a hand full of meal worms on deck where snow had melted. All 6 of them pounced on them!!
Well I've got laundry to do and other stuff to catch up on around house. Outside must fill feeders and birdbath. Temps on the rise here this week with 58 maybe 60 Friday. Yay! Rain this week but with warmer temps I hope it melts most of the snow.
Wishing you both a good day.
Hi Paulie
Bad work day today, I just hate ppeople. I am expecting sn email from boss. he alredy wants a meeting. it's useless. grrr
Hi LB, Un oh. That doesn't sound good. To explain privately if you want to you can email, text or pm me if you want to explain more. If not, it's okay. Either way I hope whatever it is it turns out in your favor. Nothing is useless. Stand up for yourself explaining in a professional manner about whatever it is.
good morning, I forgot my father is now negative and feels fine thanks for asking Paulie
I'll message you later. I want to see if there is an email sent over night. LOL Briefly there is one girl that always complains thats the majr part. I'll message once settled t work.
Good Morning,
LB, Very good news about your father!
Okay to your messaging later. Geez there's always a complainer it seems. Makes me think it's the young girl who was initially hired as a temp and has caused issues ever since. Maybe not. Either way hoping you have a good day.
How has Copper been coping since your returned to working in office?
Rain the next few days and higher temps too. Friday 62. Yay! I'll take rain over snow. A lot should melt.
Beautiful note Paulie. Thanks for the sentiments. Also, what beautiful writing style. They don't even teach cursive or print. :-\ They call swiping
a screen an advancement?
Hi Puff! You're welcome. Thanks also about writing style. True sad about no longer teaching cursive. :(
Oh my I remember having to sit frequently growing up with the alphabet 3-lined papers practicing and practicing cursive. I remember my parents saying, "Stay within the proper lines/spaces. Nope. Erase this or that one and do it again." ;D
My beautiful cup/mug is now a permanent fixture at the cabin. I used it frequently last weekend and thought of you often. The scenic view on it definitely matched the weather too! Before leaving I cleaned and washed items in kitchen and always place cups and mugs on mat in front of the coffee/tea maker. for next visit. Mine is front and center. ;)
Hi No Paulier it wasnt the temp but she was hired perman tly same time temp was. Temp has her ownissues but she is likable to a point. LOL. No oone in the office likes the problem child one. we all had one on ones today with boss. LOL going to PT tonight. I want new exercises stetches but I think it will be the same o the most part :(
Copper is ok. he barks as usuall when I get home. he goes to the bed when he knows I am leaving (he sees laptop back by door and sees me packing up) I do have a furbo. its a dog dispenser camera where you can disperse treats from my phone and talk to him and watch him. I sopped using it years ago because I seen him pacing back and forth so it upset me so I stopped using.
Hi LB, I understand the work issue better after receiving your other message. After today's one on ones with boss he should see the issue more clearly now going forward.
Hoping PT went well tonight. You only have about a month to go till you're done!
Interesting about furbo. I haven't heard of that. Dispensing treats sounds nice. Did Copper hearing your voice confuse him?
Quotes #s 2, 3 and 4. My heavens you have lots of quotes in your stash. :)
Good morning.
I think the one and ones may have gone good. I know of one other person complaining about the same person and from his comments the person seems to be a common factor. PT was good they had me do like 2 new exercises. I have done them before bt not since surgery but I think they will help with the areas I am having issues with. I am going to miss that place for sure!!!!
MY goal is when I get the money is to join a gym and have a private trainign fr the first few months to get me started.
THe furbo is cool, yes my voice did flip him out when he heard me. LOL I would diserse treats when not in room he would come in for little tiny treats I would disperse when there too he was wth!!! LOL I may hook it up again.
Good Morning :)
Temps are up .. snow mostly gone .. rain is helping = Yay! ;D I do miss sunshine! Very foggy.
LB, Good the one-on-ones went well. Hopefully the issue is finished. Glad you enjoyed PT and Yes! You are definitely going to miss going there.
Very good idea about gym and a trainer. There should be a pool there too. If so, nice!
Your furbo story is funny!
All quotes are good today!
Hi Paulir, not sure about the one on ones how it went not everyone had the one and ones I spent day collect info .I also got the full story of what happened. It all still stems from the same one person. I wonder if anything additonal will happen tomorrow. My boss took off today at last minute and not tell anyone. He came on to ask if anyone would take is one meeting. I then said, I iddnt realize you were off today. he never responded. and he did the meeting
It was rainy ths morning clooudy an dmisty resty of day. rain for the next 3 dayas then something about snow on Monday of course when I am back in office. I dont think much trying not to listen to weather dont need to hear about it for 4 days for nothing to hppens. Hee Hee
I am already exhausted fro today getting all the information from one co worker. I would love to go to sleep now. lol
LB, Good your boss did meeting. Seems like he's dealing with the conflict the co-worker caused. Geez. As long as you're getting your work done I say let him deal with the other person and don't interact with them if possible. Hopefully someone has submitted a request for printer to be repaired.
I thought you were in-office this week but after reading your weather comment you said you're there next week.
Get a good night's sleep.
good morning funnt thing Paulie the printer was fixed within a couple of hours. My boss never did anything about it it couls have been fixed when it happened 2 months ago. ALso, he was collect info and so far nothing done. I doubt anything will be done I have to deal with her at times she is my back up when I am out and I am hers. I am just going to keep to myself. THis whoe situation put a damper on what I feel about all my co workers.
LB, Crazy that printer sat broken for two months but fixed soon after incident. Someone was lazy and dropped the ball.
Oh geez she's your back up and vice versa. Murphy's Law. Lol Yep keep to yourself when possible when she's involved. Otherwise professional and nice get's you through the day. Your paycheck is more important. :)
TGIF for you!
#s 3 and 4
good morning the only good thing of the whoe thing she works in office when I work from home. I am still so pissed about the stupid situtation he made into something that it wasnt. total waste of time and so far he has done nothing other than dtake a vacation day witbout telling anyone
Hi LB, Well that's really nice you both have opposite work schedules. Hey that's a win.
Hope you're having a relaxing weekend. And you get to look forward to working from home next week. Thumbs up!
I had a long day and had some family visit today. Was nice.
Good morning
I work in office next week :-[
Glad you had nice family visit Pauie.
I went and saw my father yesterday. He is havig a superbowl party which I will be going to.
I found another series to binge watch. The black list. It's like 9 seasons eachseason has like 13 episodes. It's kind of gory. fbi agent that is using another criminial to help some cases on "The black list" So I will be busy for quite some time. LOL I am still on season 1. But I did watch smaller movies in between.
Good Morning,
LB, Darn. I had your work schedule reversed.
Great news your father is feeling much better. Nice he's having a super bowl party. Enjoy it!
Nice that you found another series to watch. I've heard of it but haven't watched it. You sure will be busy watching for a while. Lol
Weather is rainy, dreary and blah. I do have misc things to do around house so probably do them today. I've become an expert procrastinator at times. ;D
#s 3 and 4
good evening Rainy day here today as well most of the heavy rain was over night and firt thing this morning. Oh I was wrong frist season had 21 episodes. LOL JUst started 2nd season. Some wacking episodes for sure. The writers do have creative minds
Good Morning,
LB, Hope you have a good day in-office today and all week. Copper will be happy to see you after work each day. :)
Another gray, breezy, cold day. Temps up a bit but still cold. Blah
Wishing all a good day and week.
Horrible start of the day. I made my protein shake and made shure lid was closed and tight and put in my lunch bag and it still came lose and it all came out into my lunch bag. I was not a happy person. A t PT I found out my favorite guy is leaving. His last day is Friday!!!! :-\ He is moving to Colorado. Lucky him. So th goal is I will have my last evaluation 2/26 then go to 1 day a week for a week or so. SO I will probably be done the first week in March
Oh geesh LB, Crappy that the lid came loose in your lunch bag. And Oh darn it to your favorite PT guy leaving! He's your favorite and is really good too. I thought your were totally finished with PT the end of February. One additional week isn't bad. You've come a long way with great progress!!
#s 2 and 3
well originally he said I should be wrapping it up at the end of February. I was talking with the girl I was working with (they already discussed mt schedule) My evaluation will be february 26. At that time. I will be reduced to 1x a week 1-2 weeks. so I will be kind of done. just going 1x a week. They just do this to make sure everything is going already with less PT . I have been thinking more and more getting the 2nd knee done some time this year. I am already at my deductable so it will cost $0. MY right knee is starting to hurt more a little especially when I do the exercises. Last night sleeping was a bad night mostly right knee.
Paulie Jacaji any excitin gplans this weekend? not me LOL
Hi there LB, How did work go today?
Your explanation of your eval the end of Feb then reducing PT to be sure all's okay makes very good sense.
You surprised me reading you're thinking of having your right knee replaced too! It brought back the memory of you texting me the night of your surgery and the morning after. You were not happy with hospital staff and with good reason too. I assume it would be the same hospital you said but hey if you've already met your deductible and insurance approves it.
It makes sense that your right knee hurts more now because you've been favoring it/putting more weight on it while recovering from left knee replacement.
The issue might be if your right knee is bone-on-bone yet unless the requirement for replacement doesn't require bone-on-bone. You can always discuss with your surgeon to see what he says and x-ray.
Plans for this weekend might be going to the cabin. The Ring cam shows all snow has melted and entire weekend is to be sunshine. Temps not in single or minus digests like last time too. Yay! We haven't decided yet.
I hope you sleep better tonight.
Good Morning,
Today is National Hot Chocolate Day. Just need some marshmallow on top. Mmmmmm
Oh my gosh. Even better ...... with whipped cream. ;D
Hi Paulie. Work was ok I said good byr to my favorite PT guy today Today is the last time I will see him. I had to thank him fore everything he has done for me. I made hom cry!!!! well about too!! I basically told him he was the one to get me through the surgery so knowledgeable and successful .
My right knee is bone on bone as well also with torn an partialy torn tendons. Thde left knee was just worse. I think I will be udssing a different surgeon, I liked him but I refuse to go to that hospital which was an hour away. I have 3 wonderful hospitals all within 10 minutes from my house. I like the surgeon but I didnt like seeing him was limited to just 1 day a month. I have a name of another surgeon in the orignal practice I was going to that will do surgery on me regardless of my weight. I'll have to just research I wouldnt do it until sept october to give th eother knee more time to heal but pretty much I can do it now if I want to . LOL
I came home today fro tPT and someone is parked in my ahandicap spot. I called the cops. now I will wait if they will do anyhting not sure if they will knock on my door but its a legal handicap spot. my tg doesnt match because I started with a temp tag but its been mine for 6 years It's registered with office I usually wouldnt call cop. But today I am in bad mood and this is the 3rd car to do this. If he is still prked there in morning I will call front office. It's been 25 minutes. I hope they come to my door to talk to me
LB, Sad to you saying bye to your favorite PT guy. :( Awww that he cried. He sounds like a really nice guy and he appreciated you thanking him. One good thing is he was there to help you from the start to almost the end of your PT sessions. You were blessed with that.
Whoa I had no idea your right knee was bone on bone also. Geesh girl! I didn't think you'd return to the hospital an hour away.
Very good that there's another Dr with original practice that will do replacement for you and he's closer too. Thumbs up.
Sounds like your day at work wasn't the best therefore someone in your parking spot tipped the scales. Bottom line they should not have been parked there. Did police come to your door?
No cops did not come, I spoke with my neighbor he was out taking trash he said cops wont come cuas eit's private property. He told me to call maintence. they should come out and take pictures they would be the one to get car towed. I walready took photo. I called the maintence dept and put in work order. LOL No one came but I am going to call the office tomorrow. I am tired of this. This was the 3rd person to do this. 3rd time is the charm and you (the car) are it.
Yes bad day. at work well not really but really. The printers were of course brought up again.
The right knee doesnt hurt as much as the left knee did. People are saying dont wait that long because this can affect other parts of my body like the hips.
Good Morning, A brighter day outside today with bursts of bright sunshine. Yay!
LB, Give an update on parking space situation when you get home from work.
Hoping you have a better day today at work. Anyone who mentions printer situation again is just trying to stir the pot to keep it going. Ridiculous. They need to move on. Don't reply to them .. ignore is best.
Makes sense other parts of body like hips could be affected by not walking properly.
Well best I get to doing my 'stuff' today. It's only February 1st and I'm wanting to go outside to do yard clean up already! ;D
Hello. Today was ok. super slow again today
Maintenc didnt come last night. The car was still there this morning and I left a note on windshiled. I calle dthe front office. They were trying to brush me off but I kept talking. asked How do I get around this without havbing to pay for th etow my self. supposely they sent the head maintence guy over ther. I told her to call me back and of course she never did. The car was not there when i got home but in another spot. definitly a neigbor. my goal is t find out who.
II agree about mov epn with the printer but my boss s dragging out, hes still collecting info. and we will have a team meeting. Hes not going to do anything. I am dropping it. And if we ever have a meeting my lip is sealed. I discussed it enough already.
Cloudy all day today and I am exhausted ready to sleep now
Hi LB, Ugh. Slow days at work are loooong.
Good the car had moved to a different parking space when you got home. Take it as a win.
I'm shaking my head at printer and boss still collecting info then a meeting. For what? Printer broke .. labels printed among others at different printer .. printer now fixed. Good to you keeping your lips sealed. Get over it people! Duh!
Well TGIF for you tomorrow!
He is concerned about the back lash but there wasnt any. There have been a lot worse said in the past I odnt get it. yes TGIF!!!!!!!! and work form home next week. I am dropping off some clothing to the hs tomorrow senior class is collecting gente used clothing . I have a few jackets to give away and some sweatera worn once or not at all LOL
Good morning
Good Morning,
LB, Very nice about the clothing your donating. It will be appreciated for sure.
Enjoy your weekend and next week working from home too. Very nice!
Quotes: Yesterday 2 and 3 Today All quotes are good. 1 is very cool.
We got to cabin yesterday afternoon. Just Charlie and me this weekend. It's nice when family is here but nice just us too. Very relaxing.
I laugh saying relaxing because yesterday afternoon here .. sunny and pleasant temp .. I worked my butt off outside and enjoyed it!
The what seemed like 300 days of a gray no sun January had me ready to be outside!
I took the large flat metal wagon from shed then loaded it from stacked wood for wood stove .. pulled to back door then stacked it inside beside wood stove. Much easier and more efficient than using wheeled bucket thing I've used in the past. Work smarter not harder as they say. Haha I'm outside every chance I get. Love being outside. Charlie isn't to do heavy lifting so the guys do it when here and me too. I want the exercise.
Then I cleaned up two areas where wood had been chain sawed then split. Picked up lots of wood scraps then raked everything along the long length of stacked wood. Looks nice and neat now.
Today's another sunny day with temp 45. I'm going to consolidate holiday decorations into bins then load the flat wagon to take to shed to store in there instead of taking up inside cabin space. We have knee walls in bedrooms upstairs for storage but I've filled them up already. I'll take a bunch to shed. Lol Definitely will spend lots of time on front porch too.
Animal movement has been slow to nothing near cabin. We've gotten pics on trial cams out deeper in the woods of bucks and doe but not closer walking around front and rear of cabin like in warmer weather. Looking forward to Spring and nature returning waking up the trees with leaves, Humming Birds, blueberry bushes and the food plot. Lots of deer use the plot and is where the Elk surprised me.
Well I'm rambling. Time to get myself moving more and go outside! :)
LB and everyone I wish you each a pleasant weekend. Take care.
Returning quick because I remembered something I heard or read recently. I love this ......
"Old people don't retire. They reload!"
Yep!! ;D
Good morning another busy day for you Paulie. Not much doing here except I am seeing the sun 2 days in a row LOL I am doing a lot of walking
good morning
Hi LB,
We're back home. Arrived early evening. I did the driving there and back this time. It's always more fun driving to than driving back of course. The return drive seems tedious. Glad to be home though.
I hope your Monday working from home this week was pleasant. You mentioned in an earlier post with the sunny days you're doing more walking. Good. Enjoy.
Good morning glad you made it back safely. today is the 3rd full sunny day but it's cold. LOL so PT told me yesterday the area where it is so stiff scar tissue iss settling in. I just ordered a massage stic to help break the knot. she massaged it yestgerday that hurt. she said big knot. Pt is definitly not the same with the originals now gone. Very quiet
Thank you LB. Enjoy the sun! Same here. And yes cold but there's sunshine! ;D Supposed to go to 58 this Saturday. Yay.
Darn it to your scar tissue. Good idea ordering a massage stick. Tell that knot go away!
Sad about PT and originals gone .. especially your favorite guy who was really good. Did he say what's in Colorado? I think that's where he went.
#3 and #4 Lol True!
Hi checking in just finished dinner. going to be close to 60 on saturday as well here. And then cold again next week. I am not usre why he chose COlorado exept he has a couple of friends living there. He went a few years back maybe he loved it. Has to be cheaper than Jersey as well!!!Way back when in one of outr many conversations he entioned he can go anywhere His job is everywhere. I guess he went for it. He saif he had to time in perfectly so when he went in October, he had a fe interviews.
Well LB I say lets enjoy the warmer "winter" days when we can. :) I'm counting the days until Spring.
About the PT guy I say good for him! And wish him the best.
#2 for sure
Good morning another day of sunshine :) Busy yesterday but only because of issues
Just coming here this afternoon. Been a busy day and sunshine here too. :) Temps pretty good.
Hoping you had a better work day.
All quotes are good. Awe to the third one.
Good morning Hope all is well
Hi LB Good Morning,
Yep to me. It's just you and me here so hoping all is well with you too. ;D
I heard from jicaji a week or two ago.
Another really nice day outside still sunny and even warmer temps. Sweet! Enjoy your walks.
#s 3 and 4
My stool is in the corner, but always here... ;)
Awwww Hi Tig! Okay about your stool in the corner. It's cozy there. :) I hope all's good with you and Camper.
Good moring good to see you tig Hi Paulie miss you jacaji
Hi LB, TGIF for you. Hope you have a nice weekend ahead.
I had a pretty busy day today with lots of errands. Tomorrow looks like another one with lots of misc things to do.
A really nice sunny warm day today and tomorrow too then some snow next week but not supposed to be much or stay because of temps.
Good! :)
good morning, glad you accomplished things Paulie, I wish I would LOL. Of course chance or snow next week. I have to drive into office. LOL I am going to my fathers tomorrow for superbowl pary and I took Monday off,
I wonder how you go about getting a tiny house. this would be perfect for me.... I would love to have it furnished as well so I dont have to worry about what will fit. LOL I love this house.
Good Morning :)
LB, Enjoy your father's super bowl party! Cool that you took Monday off work. Sounds like a pleasant long weekend for you.
#s 1 and 2
I remember you said a while ago that you'd like to have a tiny house. This one is really pretty and very nice. You'd have a front porch too!
I wonder if there's storage at the top where the windows are. Maybe a pull down ladder in the ceiling.
There's places that sell the tiny house kits. Maybe they construct them too or suggest contractors to do it. You'd need to purchase land for it. True if it was furnished too. Move in ready would be nice!
Good Morning :)
LB, Enjoy your father's super bowl party! Cool that you took Monday off work. Sounds like a pleasant long weekend for you.
#s 1 and 2
I remember you said a while ago that you'd like to have a tiny house. This one is really pretty and very nice. You'd have a front porch too!
I wonder if there's storage at the top where the windows are. Maybe a pull down ladder in the ceiling.
There's places that sell the tiny house kits. Maybe they construct them too or suggest contractors to do it. You'd need to purchase land for it. True if it was furnished too. Move in ready would be nice!
Can I rent a spot on your land by your cabin ;) ;D
Lol I hadn't thought of that! ;D
Hopefully the Elk herd/harem wouldn't go near your tiny house. The male's/bull antlers would probably be almost as wide as your tiny house. They're huge! Oh my I can see it now. You sitting on your front porch as they walk by. ;)
And don't put any trash bags outside. You'd definitely have black bear visits.
We could put a zip line between cabin and tiny house for visits. LOL The locals would call us "the tarzan-ettes". Oh my gosh I have to stop! Lol
Good morning, Maybe I will get 2 tiny houses and attatch together for a little more room. LOL I'll call a double tiny!!! We can get walkie talkies too!!! lol
Good Morning,
LB, Now your up to two tiny's = a double tiny! LOL
This week's weather forecast Tues/Wed at the cabin is 6" to 8". Still want to live there? Lol ;D
Have fun at your father's super bowl party today! And hopefully you sleep in a bit tomorrow! Enjoy your day off work.
#s 2 and 3
Hi Tig :)
Yes a double tiny I have too much stuff!!!! LOL It was fun party I stgayed to the end too!! It was a good game too , not that I watched much. lolI slept to after 700 opper stoe my spot on my bed sometime during the night Yesterday I was only getting a coating mostly rain now I think I am up to 6" I'll play by ear tomorrow with snow and driving to work.
Now we are in a winterstorm warning but they still dont knw what we will getting they ar eperplexed with this storm. LOL It all depneds when it changbes over to snow from rain and how far its pushes south. right now 2-4 or 5-8 I am on border
Hi LB, Good you had a good time at party. Agreed it was a good game. Nice you got to sleep in today too.
Same here with weather. Warnings out and school openings delayed with either being walloped with snow or depending on direction of storm maybe not so much. Either way it's to be wet and heavy. Time will tell.
Yesterday my youngest granddaughter 9 years old came for a sleepover. We had a very busy day today till evening. She keeps me busy for sure and oh my she is comical.
Quiet house now and definitely relaxing.
Good Morning,
Last night I said "Time will tell" about snow. Well it did. We got walloped with lots of heavy wet snow. All schools closed or have virtual learning. Sad some kids don't get to enjoy the good 'ol snow days any more.
The cabin was to get 9 inches but storm moved south east so got it here. Don't know how much yet but it's deep. Sun peeking through now. Melt away snow .. melt away. :)
Hello I meant to post earlier. I tried to go into work but turned around decided the roads were too horrible to attempt. It turned out there was an email saying work from home if youre worried about your safety. I was off yesterday so didnt get it. You would think someone would mention that too me Nope!!! We didt get much maybe 2-3 inches. It was heavy though when I left roads werent plowed yet so they wernt good.
Paulie did you really relax??? LOL
LB, Good decision you made to turn around and go home! True a heads up about the email would have been nice since you weren't logged into work yesterday.
You made me laugh. Yes I really did relax! And I slept in this morning too. Nice! ;D
Good Morning,
Another sunny day .. cold but sunshine melting some more snow. Got 7.5 inches here yesterday. Another 2 to 3 inches in forecast Fri/Sat.
Oh well .. it's February.
One of my daughter's was born in February 1979 blizzard. We lived in Glen Burnie, MD at that time. Went into labor the night before and woke up to the blizzard. Now that's a story of events that happened!
When living in Germany in 1975 we went to Fashing Parade prior to start of Lent. That was fun! German Fastnaughts are delicious!
They are a staple at my house to eat the day before Lent.
Wishing all a pleasant Valentine's Day.
Good evening youalways have intereswting stories Paulie?Are you German?I ooh I found anotam 50% My momsside of the family :D just 2 more days of work. yes counting down the work week.
oooh I found another tiny house. I think it may be a stgep up from a tiny house. It looks a little bigger but not much. It iddnt have floor plans though
LB, Another larger tiny house! Lol It does look larger. Looks like kinda like a cabin. :) I don't know if you play the lottery but if you do and ever hit big I know what you're going to do!!
You have me laughing at your comment 2 days of work to go and counting down the days. You're working from home this week! Lol
What did you find that's 50% of your mother's side? Read your post. ;D
Quotes #s 3 and 4
To answer your question about being German. Basically yes but that comes under a big umbrella. It became interesting and apparent when I lived in Mainz, Germany. My grandparents came from Austria/Hungry and Czechoslovakia (Croatia/Slovenia) The geography is different today.
I feel a story coming on to explain. :) Growing up my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles would speak in "German". I learned to speak some from them but as an adult when living in Germany I learned about the different German dialects. No one in Mainz, Germany stores or restaurants understood when I spoke in what I thought was German I had learned growing up. My parents came to visit. We learned of a big difference between German, Austrian and Slovak dialects. We traveled through Germany to Rome, Italy. We attended Octoberfest in Munich Germany and no one understood my parents when speaking in what we called German. Not until we arrived in Austria did my mother have conversations that were understood. When we traveled a bit further south my father's Slovak was understood. Different areas had distinct dialects. Was very interesting.
I am a careless typer LOL I'm 50% Germanon my moms side. I work in the office this week. thats whyso eager for week to be done LOL Guess what I found more tiny home the one with the outside sitting are is my favorte . Paulie is there a lake on your property??? Well take th eproch from the other one and add it to the one with the furniture on yard. I dont play the lotteryI really should!!!
Here are my quotes!!! Can't forget them
Nice to you being 50% German. Ancestry is interesting. Oh my that's right you worked from home last week!! Gotcha why you're looking forward to tomorrow.
Oh my more tiny houses! Lol No to a lake on the property but there's a creek that's nearby. Start playing the lottery. Lol
#s 3 and 4
I need to start Playing!!!! Snow tonight. They day 3-5 in" I'll believe it when I see it. Supposely in the next coupleof weeks I will be training on my new role. I'll believe it when I see that as well!! LOL I am not sure I want it . LOL Oh myFathers side. is Polish and Russian . No interesting storieswell yeah I have one save for another time . well I will share now. LOL my grandmother father (on my mom's side, German, they werent Jewish) Hid the belongings of some Jewish families diuring the holocust. I think he hid some failies too. He got caught and was sent to a concentrtion camp for helping the Jewish people. He was eventuually let go.
I wouldnt mind a tinyhouse, well maybe more like a small house. there is n storage for tiny himes. so little bigger. LOL I'll take the creek :) I didnt see any tiny homes today on my fb so far.
Ok Paulie, now I am stgretching. Maybe I will get a ticket this weekend ;)
LB, Same here 3 to 7" but just a dusting so far. I definitely hope they're wrong. Most of last week's snow is melted. Time will tell.
Very interesting family story. God bless your grandmother's father. When in Germany we visited Dachau concentration camp. It was very sobering. God bless all of those Jewish people who were there. Very good that he was eventually let go.
Holy! It's lottery time for sure. That house .. tiny or not .. is awesome. Love the windows. You can put it by the creek then I'll move in with you. LOL
Good morning!!!!! YippEE!! got my snow I want more though LOL I think about 7" some saw a foot but I wont disagree I am not good at measuring by sight. LOL It nice and thick. I love lots of windows!!!!!! soI love that house. I have joing a FB group of tiny hiomesso I may have lots more to share as I find the ones I like I also joing log cabin group LOL
LBLNJ0668 I think you might have gotten a bit more than 7" by you.
Most of these snow measurements were taken early this AM too. :o
Enjoy your snow day and stay safe ! 8)
LBLNJ0668 I think you might have gotten a bit more than 7" by you.
Most of these snow measurements were taken early this AM too. :o
Enjoy your snow day and stay safe ! 8)
I am thinking closer to a foot. Soemone in my town sid that but it's a lot!!!!!! thsnk god on the weekend no prewassure to drive!! here are soe pictures night ones 4am day light about an hour ago I am going to walk copper shortly hopefully there wil be more photos worth taking
Looks clean, white and beautiful there early this AM and it looks like Copper was having a ball. ;D
At least you don't have to worry about clearing then driving until Tuesday ?
The temps and sun angle might take care of some/ most of it fairly quickly by Tue.
Enjoy your walk with copper, but please stay safe ...
Veeery busy day today. Regular stuff and laundry then preparing for family birthday meal tomorrow for one of my daughters. Buffet all set up and pots and pans ready. :)
The weather forecast was correct about snow at my house too. Rained a bit first so some ice below the light fluffy snow. Interesting thing is front of house got minimal but the back of the house .. deck and yard got walloped. Front melted fast when with sunshine but the back took lots longer.
LB, You are definitely interested in a tiny house and now joining a cabin FB group! Hey "see" it .. feel it .. manifest it. It can happen.
Your pics of snow are soooo pretty. BL described it perfectly. Copper was deep in the snow for sure!!
Hi BL, I remember you telling LB a while ago you're in NJ so you got the white stuff too. I kept an eye on the cabin via the Ring cam . Definitely lots of snow there. The wood I stacked to take inside next time we go there is under a white blanket. Forgot to cover it.
Good morning the official total was 10 inches. I was cearing offmy car and I saw the guy whoparked in my handicap spothe was clearing off his car that is why I decided to cleat my car. LOL Now I ust need to figure out which apartmenthe lives in. I wanted to ask why he needed to park in a handicap spot but decided not to. Yes I love canins and tiny home but realistically I dont think I can live in a tiny home not enough storage for close especially.also where would I be able to do this closeenough to work LOL and more so $$ Happy birthday to your daughter!!!
Good Morning,
LB, Thank you for my daughter's birthday greeting. I came here earlier today since it's going to be a busy one for me.
That's a good bit of snow. I wonder what that guy's reason would have been if you asked him.
I thought about your work and living in a tiny house too. Hey if you win a big lottery amount maybe you wouldn't have to work. ;D
Lol at #1
Good morning sunny here snow is still here. LOL
Good Morning,
Same here about sun and snow but melting fast. Surprised me but happy about it.
Yesterday's family birthday meal for daughter was great. Love all the laughter. Ended at 11pm.
I hope you got some rest today, Paulie, I may get a little busier at work. The new role that I was supose to be ding since September that kept getting pushed out is happening now. I starting training tomorrow. and apparantly the person who does it now will bill be out for the next 2 months starting 2/28. Not much training. She wont be around once doing it to answer questions JUst love this place.
future lottery winners LOL
Yes LB I definitely got rest today. I got bored at times! ::) Took an unplanned nap too.
Well finally your training will begin. Granted she/training you won't be around very long to train you. I say you're going to get the gist of it. You're smart and I know you take notes. Unfortunate though she won't be around to answer questions . I do understand you saying "Just love this place". Training was to begin a while ago.
#s 1,2 and 4.
Whoa! Love your lottery winners. ;D
#1 is really nice and has your front porch. It gave me some ideas for planting in front of cabin this Spring!
#2 looks similar to Charlie's and my cabin. Exception is ours doesn't have dormer windows or rocks on our chimney.
Quick story .. when choosing cabin to build I chose one with dormer windows. Charlie didn't want that. A few months after cabin was built he commented to me that we should have chosen the one with dormer windows. I stopped in my tracks and replied, "No you did not just say that! Too late now." Geesh.
#3 has all your windows and is one level and your porch too.
#4 Very cute and near a lake you want.
Never say never as the saying goes. Some day you'll retire and may hit the lottery. ;)
Good morning They are extending my 2x a week for PT for th emonth of March. Not happy withthe stiffness and pain in calf aea. want to work on that Im kind of mad because everyday I mention that area.LOL sowm would say its part of the haling process others say they can workon it but didnt oh well. I was hoping for the extra money withno pt. oh well it will only benefit me. I hope
Good Morning,
LB, Darn and sorry about your PT being extended. Has PT mentioned any causes for it to still be sore and stiff? Could the big wrap around bandage that cut into the area behind your knee above calf be a possible cause?
Good morning....
Looks like I finally am able to post? We'll see.
Such a beautiful day today....the air is so clean and there is no wind. I've been feeding a squirrel on the deck. He/She loves apples.
My daughter, Violet and of course Poppy will be visiting this weekend. Violet says her daddy is on a business trip so he can't come.
:)Looking forward to seeing them. I have to go Friday to this incredible Italian bakery and buy some pastries and Violet's favorite rainbow cookies.
A great big beautiful racoon came up on the deck the other night. He was looking in the window.
LB..sorry your leg is still sore. Hopefully it will get better soon. I love the little houses. I'd pick the one by the lake.
Good luck with the new responsibilities at work.
Paulie..Glad you had a great birthday dinner for your daughter. I knew you would :)
Have a good rest of the week.
Hi Good to see you Jacaji!!!!!! Glad your daughter and grand daughter is coming see you. Sounds like th eperfect weekend. I'll take some cookies!!!https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/Smileys/default/wink.gif ;) ;) ;)
It was nice today a little cold but I dont mind the cold most of the time but this winter may be an exception.LOL ooh a racoon. I never see any here. I still have my squirrels though and lots or morning doves. THey sit in a tree waiting for me to put out seed and its safe to come eat!!
I think I may have made the pain in my knee worse than it is. The calf are (Below knee cap to the left) is what is tight and sometimes hurt. THey said its like a know one said scar tissue is forming . But whatever she did yesterday seems to work Its not so bad today only in the morning when I first get up It's tight and makes it difficult to walk. Todcay not so bad. I didnt even take TYyenol. I didnt do my exercises this morning, will ned to do tonight though
More tiny homes :)
jicaji!! Yay! Glad you were finally able to post. ;D
Aww to your squirrel and raccoon. The raccoon was looking inside saying, "Hey I'm here you can feed me too." :)
Very nice weekend ahead for you with your Violet and daughter coming to visit. Who is Poppy?
I bet no-one has to twist your arm to go to that incredible Italian bakery. :)
Thanks about the birthday dinner for my daughter. Yes ma'am I accomplished another one.
You have a pleasant and happy weekend to look forward to. Enjoy!
LB, You and I are happy happy happy jicaji was able to post. :)
Is that the same tree you've been feeding your squirrels for a long time? What ever happened to Raggedy Ann? Is still around?
I forgot about your scar tissue they mentioned before! Good that whatever PT did made it feel better. Hey everything hurts more in the morning. Lol Great news you didn't need Tylenol. More progress! You're kicking butt girl!
Oh my gosh! I love today's #1 tiny cabin. It even has a couch and chairs on porch you you, jicaji and me. ;D
And I'll gather, stack the firewood and put in fireplace. I've become a pro at that. Lol
Clynn Now why would I have you pop into my head when I opened this mail?
I'm an user of a few of OXO products. What really hooked me was their garlic press. They do quite a few ergonomic products for old/weak hands.
I'm on their mailing list for sure. Muffin "tins" might be easier to store than another pan.
Good morning knee is still feeling better today Naybe just a bad day monday But I idd take tylenol b4 going to slep LOL Busy morning today rtraining had it yesterday as well and its was just mud!!!!
LB, Good about your knee today.
Oh geez about the training. Hopefully it get more clear in days ahead.
Good morning Had training yesterday was mud again but I know my manager is going to switchthings around so will be sitting with her as well. work with the one employee is starteing to explode. LOL my boss still did nothing hes waiting getting frustrating in eeing what she gets away with. My other co worker who has to work in the office wants to switch days and not have to work with her.
Geez LB maybe the person training you doesn't know how explain clearly? Nice that you'll be sitting with your manager. She's the one that you like a lot and she's good at her job, correct?
The co-worker that has been causing issues sounds like a doozy. Sounds like your boss is letting time go by to get enough info to be able to get rid of her. No one wants a disruptive office atmosphere for sure.
Hi The situation witht he nasty co worker is getting worse as in our work schedule might change meaning more in in office. I will explain once we have our meeting which god only knows when that will be. Not a happy camper.
LB, TGIF for you for sure.
Can't imagine how co-worker situation is getting worse and why your boss puts up with it. Sounds complex otherwise she should be gone I'd assume. Good luck with meeting whenever it is.
It's Friday. After work let it go and relax.
Yesterday #2 Today #1
good morning yes things worse. I did talk to him for 45 minutes. layed it all out. she was off yesterday and never told me. I put it out there in our group chat for everyone to see. LOL it was nice just asked if she was out because i see her ooo and she never told meI told him how I went to someone else to help me with an order I was having trouble with shes my back up and I refuse to go to her. I wrote out a 3 page document of all what I can remeber in what she has done . He asked if he can shae with HR I said yes. I told him I am even willing to talk to HR with him alone withoutthe problem child first. Not sure if anything is going ot be done but my friend co worker complained to bbut now we are having our work from home schedule switch where we alternate who we will be working with so I will be working with her at times. (now I dont work with her at all) we willnow be working in office more. 1 more week than we do now. out of a 5 week schedule we will be in office 3 weeks home 2 but alternating there will be work in office 2 weeks in a row at one point. That means an extra week to pay for dog walker :(
This is my ideal tiny home doesnt look so tiny. 3 bedrooms 1 for storage 1 as office workout room
Good Morning,
Busy fun day yesterday. Left early morning to attend my 9 yr old granddaughter's hockey game. This year her team plays on full court (not half any more) She's awesome on skates and maneuvers. Afterwards we all went to lunch the she came to my house for afternoon and evening. By the end we were both tired! I slept in today!
LB, Your work situation sure sounds complicated and now the work schedule frustrating with change.
The tiny not so tiny house looks perfect for you.
Quotes .. all of yesterdays good . Today #1
Hello checking in, I am in office next week but I have a half day. I have to pick up my father from a procedure. Bronchoscopy. The doctors found some tiny noduls in my fathers lungs. He had pet scan but now they want to do the Bronchoscopy. He said he should be down around 200 I will be leaving work around 1200. I am not sure why he wont be ready until 200 I am hoping he didnt get confused and misunderstood. I have training from 8:30 -10:00
Good Morning,
LB, Prayers for your father.
Beautiful sunny day here with warm temp. Supposed to be warm temps all week then boom down to 20s. Ugh.
All quotes are good and true to #4. The 60s were great in many ways.
Yikes I just saw I posted the same quote twice. LOL I picked up my father he was in good moord. I stayed with up until I had to go to PT . He mde me coffee. LOL
Very good your father was in a good mood when you got him. Aww nice of him to make you coffee. Quality time.
Good evening
Good Afternoon,
Crazy weather for sure. Very warm with rain and thunder. This evening the cold front moves through with storms and high winds like others have already had. Temp down to 20s tomorrow morning. Yep we're all having strange weather.
LB, How's the training going? Is today last day or tomorrow? Did your father receive test results yet.
Hi it was raining on and off today we're in a lull right now. rain and heavy winds will start later it got 62 today we will only be 41 tomorroww no thunder here yet probably none. Taining still going on . tomorrow will hve trasining as well. I will be doing some hands on tomorrow. No results for my dad. they said 5-7 days so I'll check with him on friday. we re still fighting on the schedule change. It wont happen until april maybe later
LB, It's definitely windy. I remember you saying you like wind.
Good to you doing some hands on tomorrow. Okay about your dad's results. Good I think there won't be any schedule change until later.
How's Copper doing?
Earlier this week one evening Charlie's ICD shocked his heart .. again. It's honestly very terrible for him when it happens. Luckily he was sitting down. Last time he was standing near me and I was able to grab him quick and lower him to the floor. Very scary for both of us. Shock corrected heart rhythm again. Afterwards many thank you prayers to God were said.
Earlier this week I picked up lots of tree branches this winter's high winds blew off. After today and tonight looks like more picking up to do!
yes I love the wind I was stuck in office all day didnt get to enjoy :( Training is heavy duty been busy all week Copper is doing good . Sorry about charlie I am sure that is scary especially when you dont expect it. definitly a shock that way as well!!!
((( Paulie )))
Good Morning .... almost afternoon,
I had a busy start. Where'd the morning go?!
LB, TGIF for you! Wow your training sounds intense. Good Cooper is doing good. Thank you about Charlie.
#1 made me chuckle. Also like #4
Tig, Thanks for the hugs! I love hugs. I hope all's good with you and Camper.
A Charlie update. Yesterday his cardiologist prescribed a new additional medication. It's to provide more help correcting arrhythmia.
So far so good.
We were planning to go to cabin today till Monday. I asked his Dr if okay or should we wait because of very rural location. He said best to wait about a week to get new med established. So we're not going today and hoping/planning to go next weekend. :)
A beautiful sunny day here today and decent temp. This weekend rain then next weekend a possible snow storm?! Nooooo. Definitely hoping that forecast changes to nice weather. We shall see.
Wishing all a pleasant day.
yes the traning is intense I was so busy tday I didnt get to do all my work I told my boss I may need to gice up stuff while learning my new role. . I will be working this weekend. I have a list of 200 parts to upday the master data. SWhich will be good. I only need to do once and it will make my work easier as we move forward. I was actually busy with my normal work today and didnt get to od my addtional role Also We have a meeting with the purchasin dept tuesday and I am not ready for tht at all I will be workin gon my part this weekend with that as well. It's ok I have no plans. Just taking away from my TV time. LOL As always nothing was done with the problem employee but its whatever I said my peace Its up to everyone else
My heavens, LB, you used to be bored getting your work done early and now you're super busy and even working this weekend. What a change!!
You're good at what you do. Once you have more time to learn and master your new responsibilities you'll be busier yes but things will go more smoothly for you. No more boring days!
I hope you're being paid OT for this weekend! Your work ethics are impressive. Kudos to you.
Yep let go of the problem child employee. She's the least of your worries now.
Watch TV tonight and relax before resuming work tomorrow. ;)
Good morning No OT for this weekend but recognization when it comes to raises I hope and if ever layoffs. LOL I am watching some tv now and coffee I will start shortly good thing its a rainy day LOL You said you may gt snow next weekend It looks like rain here but of course they have to mention snow but it will probably be rain my end
LB, Okay to no OT but good about reorg. Good you got some TV time with coffee before beginning work. Relax time. :) Very true good today's a rainy day! Makes it easier to stay inside to work. Same here next weekend probably rain due to higher temps. That's okay with me!!
Well I've got laundry going and have a busy day ahead so better get to it.
Happy Saturday :)
Paulie....Prayers for Charlie. I know it must be terribly scary for you both. How long until he recovers from an ICD shock? Better to stay home this weekend and be safe.
LB..Rainy yucky day here as well. I guess if you have to work the weekend, this would be a good one.
Big news...more bluebirds are coming to the feeder. They seem to go for the suet more so than the seeds. I guess it's time to buy meal worms for them.
Cathy and Violet were here last weekend. Violet and I baked cookies from a recipe she found in a children's cookbook from the Library.
Paulie...Poppy is their german shepherd. They adopted her a few years ago. She was in Kentucky and had been shot in the hip when she was found by Animal Control. She had surgery at the at the time she was rescued. She is absolutely the sweetest dog. She loves everyone and is so well behaved. We enjoyed having her here. She is certainly part of the family. She goes eveywhere with them. She jumped up next to me on the sofa when we were watching tv at night and cuddled. Love.
Well, today is change the linens day and clothes washing day. I'll get to it.
Oh and yesterday I had a nice brunch meeting with a few ladies I used to work with at the hospital. It was nice to catch up.
Have a good rest of the weekend guys.
Glad you had fun with violiet your daughter and poppy last weekend Jacaj and good to see you yippee on birds. There is a squirrel nest in a pine tree that hangs over by the trash can area. I saw a dead newborn squirrelon ground. must have fallen out of the nest. Cant get my mind off of it Its still there I am afraid to move it. Been thinking about it sll week
I am also doing laundry towels last night clothing. I am taking a break. I still have a long way to go but the presentation part is done. that too k10 minutes. :) I need to vaccuum and mop may wait until after the rain copper keeps traking in mud. MY house is a mess though . LOL Goin gto do some work shortly then mayb e try to unclutter the mess during next break. Good thing is I had a few questionns and my boss and his boss (she is trsining me) saw and answered my question so they know I am willing to work weekends if needed. :)
Oh did I saw I have an appoitment the end of March with the other knee surgeon
here are more of my dream homes :)
Good morning sunny and in 60's today. Having my coffee then will walk Copper. then back to work I go. well from home. I did about 30 material out of 300 but I did th epresentation I need to clean too today well I am busy lol
Hi jicaji, Thank you for prayers for Charlie. Much appreciated.
ICD shock recovery I imagine is the same for all. For Charlie the shock initially takes his breath away .. then sitting while adjusting to heart resuming natural rhythm. It's scary and exhausting for him. It's important for the person to stay calm afterwards. (Not easy for him trust me so that's when I get to work calming him.) BP resumes to normal etc after shock does what it was supposed to.
That's when I call cardiologist to report his shock. If color to his face resumes to good and breathing is normal with no chest pains then he's to relax and we go to cardio Dr office next day. If there would be additional shock(s) then go to ER immediately.
If standing it knocks him off balance then down. We were told if someone is sitting on a stool it could knock them off. Luckily prior to his shocks he has a light headed strange feeling so we know for him to try to sit down immediately if possible. Most shocks he's been sitting. He's had his ICD since 2006 and it has saved his life many times. Gives me chills thinking about it and very grateful.
Cool about your Blue Birds! Yep sounds like time for you to get mealworms. Do you have Blue Bird houses?
Oh I'm sure you and Violet had fun baking cookies!! Very nice she got the recipe from a library children's book.
Oh Poppy is the German Shepherd. Cute name! Sad when happened to Poppy but she's very lucky she's with a loving family.
I'm sure you loved cuddling with her!
The brunch you had with co-workers sounds really nice and pleasant.
Hi LB, Whoa!! You've got an appointment the end of March with other knee surgeon!! I didn't realize you were ready to have your other knee replaced so soon.
Sad about baby squirrel.
That's really good your boss and manager were both available to answer questions on the weekend. Agreed it's nice they know that you're willing to work weekends. Shows good work ethics. Good for you.
Nice dream cabins!!
You having coffee then walking Copper this pretty Sunday morning sounds pleasant. Nice also you got outside to enjoy before resuming work today. Wow 300 to do. Good you got 30 done yesterday and presentation too.
Geez you sure were busy today with cleaning too. You accomplished a lot so that should feel good.
hey I am posting now I have a feeling tomorrow am will be busy. I have my yearly review at 9am I got up to 70 materials that I reviewed I worked on and off all day today.
Finally stopped for good around 700.
I cleaned the inside of my car desperately needed. I cleaned the inside window as well. I had so much junk thrown all over the place. I threw it all out!!!
I walked copper 3x today definilty a beutiful day. Oh I am not planning on doing my surgery until September. I just want to tal t o him to see if he will do and if sept is a good time. I still want to give the left knee more time to heal. The tightness in calf is slowly improving. The knumbess in knee is still there. I heard that takes forever to go away due to all the nerves need to heal.
Good Morning .... and another beautiful sunny warm day. :)
LB, You got a lot accomplished yesterday!! Good luck with your review. It should be a very good one.
Thanks for explaining your wait for next surgery but I still say wow that you're planning it already. You go girl!
#s 1 and 4
Yesterday I got LOTS of outside lawn and garden clean up done. One of my granddaughter's 14 helped with lots of bending and picking up lots of branches and debris on grass front and backyard from the many days of high winds.
My left knee and hip were not happy last night. Oh well I got good exercise otherwise.
Today is another beautiful day so plan to get more garden clean up done.
Hello yes just finished work a little bit ago. I worked went to pt then did more of th ereport. almost 1/2 way done. Oh I didint have my review I got meetings mixed up. It will be next week. tomorrow I have 90 min meeting with another dept. WE had to work on that today and then I have 90 min triaing so I only have about 4 hours in morning to get my work done wow I went from 1 extreme of no work to so much work. I am enjoying it though but stressed because I am putting so much presure on myself to get ev erything done. it's like when it rains it pours. speaking of tomorrow is going to be rainy. LOL Now I have the hiccups. LOL I am thinking of not going to PT they said I would be working on balancing and the steps and so far we havent so why should I go 2x a week to do the same exercises that doesnt pertain to balancing or steps
LB, You definitely went from one extreme to the other! In a good way. When things settle down for you your work days should go faster for you. They probably already are. It's better than those long boring days for sure. You've sure had some very busy days lately with work and personal things to do!!
Interesting about PT. Maybe call them to say you're thinking of stopping since they aren't having you work on balancing and steps? Or maybe they think you still need PT in other area? It's worth asking. Just a suggestion.
I hope you're sleeping better after your much busier days.
Same here tomorrow with rain. Wednesday too. At least rain is mixing with sunny warmer weather. Yay!
Good morning Copper decided I ddidnt need to sleep last night woke me up at 300 then again at 600 so here I am LOL Out of all the days I need sleep he would wake me up 2x. LOL I am cancelling tomorrows PT since busy at work and not doing what they said they will I will ask next week about the balalncing and exercising exercises. I think I do see a dr PT personMaybe I wil ldo the steps on my own at home I hav e a stepper I can use.
Good Morning.
Brrr chilly and raining. I had an early morning errand to do. Glad to be back inside warm and definitely with my coffee! :)
LB, Darn it to Copper. Your PT decision makes sense.
Are you working from home or in office this week?
Rainy and chilly here too and tomorrow as well. Oh well, makes the grass nice and green and the plants pop up.
LB Sorry Copper is keeping you up at night. I remember those nights as well with RIzzo...
Paulie...Still have a few bluebirds flying around by the feeders. Can't wait for the hummingbirds to start feeding Couple more months I guess.
Having trouble signing on my FB. I'm thinking I'll just close it out. Pain in the arse anyway >:(
Looking at outside Ring cameras today. Thanks for the info :-\
Have a good week guys.
Hi just finshed work I still need to finish updates but decided for a break tonight. I had training today. so a step closer. I created a few pos some of the work instructions is messed up so I need to fix it I vounteered to be on call for 2 sundays because production is working those days so I will be available those days they will give me an extra day off. I'll take it. oooo I saw a blue Jay yesterday morning. Hopefully copper lets me sleep tonight the sleepiness is catching up I am working from home this week. that schedue is going to chnage mid APril
Hi Jacaji!!! Rainy here too today
jicaji ;D Yep we're each sharing the same weather with our locations.
Cool about your Bluebirds. So pretty. And yes yay to Hummingbirds (your fairies) in a couple months. We're getting there!
About your Facebook. I heard on the morning news both Facebook and Instagram (I think) were down for a while. Lol to your "pain in the arse."
You're welcome about the Ring info. Just go basic if you want with not all the bells and whistles. Mine here at home just records video. You set up the area you want to set the cam to record. Also has sound turn on/off and a tab I can tap on my phone if I want to talk to whoever is at the front door. Basic. No doorbell or other things.
You have a good week too ... but don't stay away for a week. :D
LB, You sure are busy with work and now you've signed up to be on call for 2 Sundays. Kudos to you. And you'll get an extra day off. Nice!
Nice you saw a Blue Jay! Take peanuts in shell with you on walks. They love peanuts. You probably already do for the squirrels.
You sure do need a good night's sleep. I hope Copper cooperates. Good you're working from home this week being so tired. Being home helps!
#s 1 and 4
Good morning yes copper woke me up again . I did cut his water maybe I di dto eliminate it but I tried to do that once and he kept barking at me, He is demanding
Good Morning,
Darn it LB to your sleep. Copper sure is demanding and stubborn. I remember when you tried to change his water routine before. I wonder if you'd be more stubborn and not give him his way if he'd stop. That is if you can put up with his barking.
#4 Good 'ol days for sure. For me it was ice skates not roller skates.
Hi busy at work again I should be in bed but so wound up. ALso, just received bad news about my father. Dont remember if I mentioned anything here before but 5 years ago he found out he had cancer in lungs but chose to watch and see what happens. Back then they also saw something in thyroid but chose to watch the lung first. everything remained the same for the last 5 years. He just want for his every 6 months cat scan. They werentg so worried about thyroid and I guess forgot about . Well he had pet scan and noticed more nodules in lungs so he had a bronscopy last week. It came back as metabolic thyroid cancel and the new nodules in lungs are from thyroid He needs to find an endrocongist that specializeds in cancer .now. He seems ok. JUst want to find a dr first and weigh his options, His 3 options surgery to remove thyroid, leave alone or an iodine treatment.
((( LB )))
Thank you Tig!!! good morning all I have a few minutes. yes copper woke me up 2am
LB, So sorry about your father's health news. God bless him. I'm praying for him.
Darn it to Copper. You need sleep. What does he want when he wakes you? To go outside or water? I remember you've tried eliminating water a bit before he settles in for the night.
Good evening another crazy day. This training is omg!! All I can say I was definitly thrown to the wolves and I feel all chewed up!!! LOL Copper wants to do both go pea and water. I dont give him water. tonight no water past 800 I usually allow a little but not tonight. He used to just wake me to go out when he poops but now its pea. I put out pupply pads. 2 or 3. He usues one and fter that he wants to go out he wont use the other dry ones. I dont get him. MY work schedule c wil be changing in MId April where we will be on a 5 week work week where .WE will have to e i noffice 2 weeks in a tow then 1 week home. work 2 weeks homw one or something like that its confusing. No one is happy Its a long and confusing story involving the nasty girl no one likes . Maybe I'll try and explain but it stems fro the situation from over a month ago
Thanks Paulie for the prayers.
Good morning well copper hed out to 5am Going to be busy day. I am aggrevated will explain later
quick squirrel photos during my walk yesterday
LB, Your upcoming work schedule does sound confusing. Doesn't seem right because of co-worker that causes trouble.
Uh oh and you're aggravated today.
Squirrel photos are so cute. He/she looks cozy.
TGIF for you ..... unless you're working this weekend too.
My youngest granddaughter( 9 years) came here yesterday and we had a sleepover. We have a busy day ahead then this evening I watch my oldest granddaughter's (16 years) dog while she attends a formal dance. Going to be busy!
Good morning, moving up in the world Copper let me sleep to 6am. I may work today but will definitly be finishing up cleaning and meal preppig, I am on call tomorrow so will maybe do wor as well. oh and I will do my nails at one point. I am almost doen making the work instructions I may finish them today Thats what I wanted to do if I work Going to run to the grocery store I need mayonaise!!! Oh and then I founnd out the cancer spread to my fathers prostrate. Hes still looking for dr because far the earliest appt is 4/8 and he wants to be seen earlier gong to rain later
LB, First and foremost prayers continue for your father.
Hopefully he finds a Dr with earlier appointment. If the Dr who ran your father's test to make the diagnosis would refer him he could maybe get an appointment sooner?
Good Cooper let you sleep in a bit! You needed that.
You have a busy weekend. Oh my! I hear ya about mayonnaise. Love mayo!!
It's been raining here since early morning. Heavy downpours at times.
#2 Prayers are powerful.
I love day light savings!!!!!!!!! Copper let me sleep to 730 and I woke up on my own!!!!! LOL even though I am still tired. LOL
So my trip to the store to get mayonaise ended up spending $30 LOL It poured last night now cold we may get snow or rain showers today Back to the office next week. So starting the week of April 14 we are starting our new work schedule WE are abe to still work from home on a weekly basis. However we are rotating who we will be working with so it wont be the same people. It's based on a 5 week schedule and there will be times we have to work in the office 2 weeks in a row Pretty much out of 5 weeks we will be working in the office 3 weeks and home 2. Thats extra money we now have to spend me extra $100 a week for dog walker others tolls and all of us gas. No one is happy. SO now I will have to work with the nasty girl in office I think its scheduled I have to work with her 2 weeks out of 5 but I spoke with a co worker and we may swap so I work with someone else she doesnt work with so I would only have to work with the nasty one 1 week I am not happy at all no one is. I understand the logic. Everyone else in company works 2 days home 3 days office on a weekly basis. That is 60% in office 40 % home so they worked it out so we do the same but on a weeekly rotatin instead of a daily rotation
Good Afternoon,
Yay LB you got to sleep the extra hour! I love DST too!! It's just one hour but as Spring and Summer progress we have much longer daylight into evenings. Love it!!
I laughed reading $30 for mayo shopping. Seems there's always something more to get once there. Same with Dollar Tree and Dollar General stores! Lol
Yep the rain that moved through made it colder and man it's windy today!! Cabin is to get 2 to 4 inches snow late tonight into tomorrow. Ugh. Should melt fast with warmer temps though. The high winds there a couple weeks ago blew the tarps off the two large stacked piles of firewood. That's not good. Oh well it will dry eventually. I'm looking forward to warmer temps there when no firewood needed for wood stove. It's very tiring hauling from wood pile to cabin then inside. Charlie can't do it because of his health. It's good exercise though and I do like that.
Geez Louise to your work schedule change. I'd like to know how your boss came up with that schedule.
You say you and others can swap. I wonder if anyone is going to want to swap to work with the nasty co-worker. I'm sure you'll all figure that out.
Frustrating too that you have to spend an extra $100 a week for dog walker!!
Well more laundry and things to do here so I better get at it.
You should go for a walk with Copper in these high winds you like so much! ;D
#3 and #4 cute
Good afternoon. I am eating dinner. I worked on an off today for a few hours. I did clean bathroom and more meal prepping. I did watch tv as well I have PT tomorrow after work so I will be home late Not so late though after 600 I hope next week goes fast the good thing I wont be with the nasty girl
Good Morning,
LB, Sounds like you had a good weekend. Hope PT has you do the stairs etc they didn't before that you previously mentioned.
Weather yesterday and today crazy weird! Yesterday multiple blizzard like snow squalls between beautiful sunny blue sky. The wind and gusts dangerous honestly. I went out to do an errand with sunny sky and within a minute was driving through heavy snow squall. Was very hard to see. Winds still crazy today with power outages in places and road closures. Sun is shining bright now so that's pleasant.
Good evening I had my review today and it was EXCELLENT. I got the highest raise in the department I am happy about that.
PT no they dis not focus on the balanceing and steps so I may cancel wednesday
I am exhauusted.
Good Morning,
LB, Congratulations on your review and raise!!
Boo to PT.
My father has an appointmne ton Thursday with a Surgwon. Keeping theone on the 8th as 2nd opinion. work was better today not so overwhelming I have been exhausted the last 2 days cancelled PT for tomorrow.
good evening
LB...Prayers continue for your dad. Congratulations about your raise and review. So happy for you. I know you deserve it.
Paulie...the past few days have been great here. Yesterday was really windy here. Today the temp. is up to 65 degrees. I'm going to plant some of my marigold seeds in the planters on the deck. It's a little early, but we'll see.
Yes, the dollar store is now mostly 1.25 here, with some up to 3 dolllars. But still a bargain on some stuff. I bought three little ceramic frog lights for the deck. They need sun during the day and then light up at night. So cute.
Getting ready for Easter already. Getting the meal plan ready and of course, thinking about the desserts. Trying to get the house ready for the day.
On my way outside to do some clean up.
Have a nice rest of the day.
Good to see Jacaji!!! Not good news about my dad. The surgeon he saw cant do anything said he could go to Penn University but also said there are bunch of drs at robert wood Johnson (which is 10 minutes from us) and excellent Hospital that can probabaly help. The surgeo nis actually seeing them tonight at a meeting and ill bing up my dad to try and get him an appointment quickly He has an appointmnet at sloan Kettering next week as well. THe DR he saw today said his case is complicated becuase of all the nodules in multiple locations and it is in the lymphnoids We all know that is not good. Now I am getting nervous.
Good Morning,
LB, God bless your father. Prayers for him continue. Keep us posted. TGIF for you.
jicaji, I remember you always plant your marigold seeds. ;)
Great weather here too recently. Yesterday 76 and sunny. Next week back to high in 40s with low of 30. Ugh.
Have you finalized your Easter meal planning .... and of course desserts?
Two days ago my new refrigerator (2 years) stopped cooling. French doors with lower freezer drawer. The fridge part stopped cooling but freezer still working. Took two frustrating and exhausting days of phone calls between store where bought and warranty purchased and also warranty from manufacturer. Each saying the other responsible for repair. Of course all food in fridge spoiled. Yesterday I finally got an appointment schedued for this Monday. This morning woke up to refrigerator working and cold inside. Twilight Zone!!
Paulie... Do do do do... 🎶
LB... Hugs
TGIF. Thank god your refrigerator started working again!!! Weird how things happen. I have to work some tomorrow. I messed up on a customer order and I need to fix it. I will be able t owork on it better from home and when no one is working I will be able to concentrate better. I work from home next week. Thank god for that as well.
Thank tou Puff and Paulie
Good morning
Good Morning,
Tig, Yes!
LB, True weird about refrigerator. Very. I kept the service appt for this Monday because I don't trust it won't happen again and have all the spoiled food again. My warranty approved my claim to reimburse money lost on food but not full amount. I'm grateful we're getting something.
It's good you can correct customer order from home today. Being able to concentrate from home makes sense. Yay you work from home next week.
Yesterday's quote #3 Definitely the good 'ol days.
Today #s 3 and 4 Oh yea to 4! Lol
Good morning I was unable to fix the order I sent email. I tried. I di dsome other work but didnt work the whole day. Today I will do a little more. I have to update the master data and thats so time consuming I dont have time during the week during regular schedule. I also want to go through emails to see If I did all th orders and come up with questions if I have any. I have 1/2 day tomorrow for eye appointment and another 1/2 day for an appointmnet with new orthopedic
Happy St Pattys day!!!
Hi LB, Darn to fixing order. You updating the master data while at home makes sense since your days are so busy now. Good idea scheduling your appointments when you work from home. Is the new orthopedic about your other knee?
Good afternoon,
Yes orthopedic for right knee
Good morning, My one tooth started bothering me I was able to get into th edentist yesterday and now I need root canal THey cant get me in until 4/4. doesnt hurt so much now but afraid it will get worse. I have to pickup an antibiotic today
Hi LB, How did your eye appt go? Geez to your tooth. Good you got antibiotic today. Very important before root canal if needed. As jicaji would say ... There's always something.
Did the customer order from last week get fixed?
I'm still dealing with refrigerator repair!! Repairman came yesterday. Couldn't diagnose problem because fridge starting working. Remember twilight zone? He removed lots of panels to inspect fans. Were okay. About 20 minutes after he left yesterday the fridge stopped working!!!! What the??? I called repair company. I was given a work order to replace a part. Took me yesterday afternoon and a few hours today talking to warranty place to finally get ticket. They tried telling me again they didn't cover repair but store I bought it would. I was NOT going down that road again like I did to get first ticket. Nope! I got the repair ticket number. ;D Now I wait for a call tomorrow to schedule another repair date. I am soooo over this.
Today's quote #1
good morning My eyes are ok he gave me a new script but I odnt need it the difference was bare minimum. The order is ok cutomer didnt complain Been very busy this week Now I have to come up with money for root canal. yikes I have a few weeks to figure something out or I cn wait another coupe of weeks for when I get my bonus LOL
Good morning
Hi LB, Good about the customer order and your eye appointment. Seems like lots of "busy week" going around. Geesh very busy.
#s 3 and 4
Just got back fro the new surgeon for right knee he will do surgery I needs to go back in june to set an appointmnet if I want to do in October. I want to do the week of Oct 7 LOL Its after the jewish holidays and early enough that I will be able to get around for Thanksgving .My father went to sloan kettering today and good nws The dr wants to see all of his pet scans cat scan. do a blood work up before making decision on anything but if they remove the thyroid the cancer wont spready but he is the 2nd doctor to say that he wil out live any of the cancers he has. The nodules in his lungs were there since 2018. There are no new ones. But I thought we were told there were new ones. He is going to anther place TUesday which I can go to I am off and my afternoon appointmnt got cancelled. He goes back to sloan in 2 weeks. so fingers crossed. He doe feel good he doesnt feel sick hes not losin gweight He walks laps in the pool like 5x a week. So far none of the doctors he saw are worried.
Oh Lori I'm so happy for you and your father about his good news!!! :) Prayers are being answered and will continue.
Good news for you also about your new surgeon and right knee! You've done some thorough thinking about when you want your surgery. Lol Good for you! :)
I hope Copper lets you sleep better tonight with some worries off your shoulders!!
TGIF for you tomorrow after your long busy week.
Happy Birthday Tig!! :)
Good Morning TGIF Now my hip is hurting me the left one mostly when I walk LOL
Happy Birthday TIG!!!
good rainy morning
Good Morning.
Number 1
WOW...you guys sure have had a busy schedule.
Paulie...We had a similar situation with our television years ago. Wasn't working properly. The picture and sound would go in and out. Called the repairman and of course, when he turned it on, all was working fine. Hours later, when he left, the same things were happening. Very frustrating.
How are you doing with the Easter plans? I'm pretty much done with all I can do before next Saturday....then I'll be REALLY busy. We bought a card table to set up which will accommodate three more people in the dining room. 10 around the big table and 3 around the card table. I just got an incredible recipe for a dessert....Chocolare eclair cake....easy peasy. made with graham crackers, vanilla pudding and chocolate ganache...I made some for Jim and I "to sample"....it keeps calling me. Perfect for Easter, since I can make it the day before which gives the pudding time to meld with the graham crackers and the chocolate ganache topping to set. Soooo good.
LB....Good news re: your dad. As Paulie said, prayers are being answered and continue.
Can't believe you are going to have your other knee done......good for you. I keep putting mine off. One of these day soon I'll make the call. Oh, and I must have missed it....how come you're going to a new surgeon?
UGH to root canal....
Raining all day today, but it's good for the lawn coming up and the spring flowers.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Good morning, I went to my sisters for dinner last night. It was fun. Jacaji I am going to another surgeon mostly because of the convience. The hospital is better and just 10 minutes from my home, I always received good care when I was there And the visits after the surgery will be more convientant They also have their own PT in same office as the doctors office. Thet also do same day surgery there as well. But I believe I will be in hospital. I loved the place I went to but since the 2 guys that I usually worked with it has gotten down hill. Mostly because the doctors there are all subs from other locations and I feel they just dont really care cause they are just subs. Back to working inn the office this week but i am office Tuesday I am going to go to the other dr to get their opinion with my dad on Tuesday plus ihave a dr appointment. I am also off on friday :)
Changing of the guard at NorthNest . . .Mom got a break and dad took his position. It's going to be a rough day for all three. No look at any pip on the other egg. First DNF indication of action was when she went into mombrella stage, maybe about 4 am nest time, finally getting up and away so the little one could poke around its head (5 am)?. Looked fluffy and dry, hatch must have happened a good bit before that. I'm going to go back and continue monitoring. Good day all.
Good Morning,
Happy Palm Sunday
jicaji, Interesting about your TV. Agreed .. very frustrating!
My Easter meal planning is coming along. One issue is the fridge repairman now doesn't come until this Thursday to replace a part. The fridge started working again a few days ago but I'm afraid to store much in it for fear if and when it stops again. I just hope whatever part he replaces doesn't make it stop cooling again. If so I'm pretty much scr**ed for storing things for the meal before and afterwards. I wish they'd replace it with a new fridge. That's not happening yet.
Very good that you're pretty much done till next Saturday. You sure will be busy then. Good idea getting a card table to add'l seating.
Ironically I did the same thing even after having the kitchen and dining room renovated. There's not enough space sometimes depending who all is attending! Lol I'm sure your tables will be set up beautifully and your meal delicious.
Oh my the dessert you describe sounds delicious!!
LB, Really nice you fun at your sister's for dinner yesterday. Sounds relaxing too. Good.
Your explanation to jicaji about why you changed Dr for location etc makes very good sense. Great decision you made.
Good luck working in office this week. Also very nice you can go with your father to Dr appt and prayers for good news from this Dr's opinion.
Hi Puff, I thought of you last week when my son and his wife attended an educational conference in Chicago. They stayed at The Congress Hotel. My heavens the history and stories that hotel has!!
The conference sounded interesting and they both did a presentation together. They did sight seeing tour while there too. They said Chicago was a great trip.
Ahhh, memories. . . Kelly High School Senior Prom 1962.
Enjoy the weekend holiday with your company. I have been following your refrigerator ordeal. Not good.
Good evening A beautuful day today too bad I was at work. lol
good morning
Good Morning,
LB, How's it going working in office this week?
Puff, Glad my post gave you good memories. :)
About the refrigerator ordeal ...
It restarted cooling last weekend. It's been working great! (knock on wood)
Initially the service tech said ice build up on fan caused it to stop cooling but after he showed me the fan that no longer had supposed ice the fridge stopped cooling again.
Soooo this Thursday he is scheduled to replace the evap cover. I'm hoping he is correct. These new technical refrigerators seem complex so I'm hoping no other problems are created. If so I'm going to request a new refrigerator then probably get a big push-back trying to get one.
I miss the refrigerators from back in the good 'ol days that lasted 30 years!!
Good evening, getting ready to go to sleep. I went to the dr with my father my sister an dhis girlfriend went as well. Good news the cancer he has is thyroid they think the nodules in lungs are fro the thyroid It's very slow growing cance. They think its the same as 5 year. ago THey are going to see wht they can pull up from the surgery he ha back then to see if it is (just for education) He is refering to a THyrod cancer surgeon . They think they may go with and Iodine treeatment its a one time treatment but it also goes along with removing of the thyroid. the iodine treatment ialso requires him to be isolated for a couple of weeks . They ran a blood tet to check on something deeper. Will me up with him agin in a couple of months after he meets with surgeon etc He is the 3rd doctor to say he will probably out live the cancer and die of nature causes.
LB, Very good news for you father. Prayers are being answered. Very nice he had a trio of you to accompany him today. That's what family does. :)
LB....So glad to read the good news for your father. Family is relieved I'm sure. Breathe easier. Hope you got a good night's sleep.
Paulie....Here's hoping for a new refrigerator for you. Push hard if you continue with problems. You know the saying, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." LOL
Did you get all your food shopping done yet? Tomorrow I'll be going. Then Friday buying some plants to put around and Saturday will be baking a couple of goodies .
Enjoy the weekend...Monday we rest ;)
Hi Busy day at work got off went to PT and logged on to work again jut finished. ugg. And for the 4th time someone parked in my parking spot again. I took photos and sent to management I also opened a service call to have maintence havecar towed and of course nothing I wiill call tomorrow as well.
Good morning
Busy day yesterday after work I had to go and pay condolences for long time family friends. Their mother just past away Havent een them in years. It was nce to see them but of course not pleasant circummstnces
Well, here we are for another issue of After The Fledge 2024. For some, I discovered last year, this may be your induction to the available program for room reservations, property selection, availability, and cost for our ATF get together. I have contracted with Decorah hotels for rooms on hold for us. Rooms are held at 4 locations at reduced rates; option deadlines are available until date indicated. All arrangements must be made thru me, AND there is no additional charge. Rooms are held for you using your information and credit card. Nothing is charged until you arrive at the hotel. You can also cancel the reservation if necessary at no charge if you do so before your arrival date. Please call or email me if you have any other questions.
The Fledge this year is July 18 - 20, arriving July 17, departing July 21. Additional days can be added if you prefer.
First, let me mention that there are no rooms assigned for us at Country Inn & Suites. You are free to call and make your own reservations there. 888-405-2885.
Fairfield Inn by Marriott 10 rooms available, either 8 king or 2 queen
at the same price: Thursday $105, Friday $155,
Saturday $190
Deadline: July 1, 2024
Hotel Winneshiek 4 rooms available, 3 king executive or
1 king whirlpool if available
This is downtown location, 3 or 4 miles to nest
Deadline: July 16
Quality Inn & Suites 8 rooms available, 1 king or 2 queen beds
King $175 per night, 2 Queens $165 per night
With tax: king $668.64, queen $668.84
Deadline: June 18
Super8 by Wyndham 12 rooms available, ask for floor and beds
Total for 3 nights, $654 (with tax $732.59)
Request floor and bedding
As usual, I'll need your personal information and credit card information to hold a reservation. Rates apply until the deadline. Charges will not be processed until checkout. Any further questions/issues, contact me.
Puff/LaNora [email protected] 630-852-2108
Hi, Oh my I'm exhausted after the past few days especially today.
jicaji, Yes all food shopping for Easter meal now done. Finished today. Also today Charlie and I made potato salad and cole slaw then me pickled eggs. I cleaned upstairs and downstairs today too plus began setting up buffet. I'm worn out and ready for Zzzzz.
What plants did you buy today?
Tomorrow you're busy baking desserts.
Oh yea to Monday we rest!!!
LB, How was PT? Good you got to see friends after many years but true to circumstances. What happened with person who parked in your spot?
Puff, Thanks for ATF info. Wish I could attend. Not this year. Btw I spoke again with my son from NC about his Chicago trip. He said Chicago is now his favorite city. He's been to a lot of places but Chicago, it's architecture, restaurants etc is now his favorite.
Refrigerator update. Yesterday service guy suggested still replacing a part even though the cooling in upper fridge has been working. He said might be a bearing that might shut off again so gave the go ahead to replace it. So far so good and also knocking on wood.
I've already received check for previously spoiled food from warranty company and they have already mailed check to reimburse repair fee yesterday.
I'm heading to Zzzzz. Do not have the energy to shower now after exhausting day so will do tomorrow. lol
God morning
Pt was ok. 2x a week for another 2 weeks then 1x a week for 2 weeks than done I will done april 24 (sometime around there) The one PT noticed I havent been doing one exercise cause the calf area was tight so I started doing again and that one rea has been feeling bettr. LOL oops
Hopefully your refrigerator keeps on working
Good Holy Saturday Afternoon,
LB, Your PT will soon be complete. Do your calf exercise. ;D
jicaji, You're busy making desserts today. Are you tired yet? LOL
Happy Easter Paulie and Jacaji Hope you have a wonderful day with family
good morning I work from home this week :)
Happy Easter Cheers Family!
Happy Easter!
LB, Thank you and Yay you work from home this week!
jicaji, Happy Easter!
Lani, Thank you for the Easter wishes. I wish you and your family many Easter Blessdings.
Blessed and Happy Easter...LB, Paulie, Jacaji ...hope you have a wonderful day with your families.
Happy Easter to all!
Hi Paulie, LB, Jicaji, Tig, Puff, Phyl, I hope you all are having a lovely Easter with human or furry family. ;D
We just returned from seeing our oldest daughter on this nonstop rainy day here in Arizona. Traveled from north to valley and it rained here, there and back again. LOL!
Throughout the hills and valley where we had fire damage from two years ago, it is green and lush again. God's renewal may it be that way for each of you too!
Have a blessed day. :-*
PAULIE If your son is interested in architecture and fine dining this is the place to be. If he's ever back again, the Chicago architectural boat tour on the Chicago River is the BEST ever.
good morning
Good Morning :)
Karen, Lori, Phyl and Lani, Thank you for Easter wishes.
Lani, My heavens that was a lot of rain while traveling for you. Very nice though that you got to visit with your oldest daughter.
All that rain has arrived in my area all this week.
Your words describing God's renewal in the Arizona hills and valleys are beautiful. Well said and true!
tsk, I'll definitely tell my son about the Chicago River boat tour. Thank you for the info. It's good to 'see' you.
LB, Last night I realized I forgot to wish you Happy Passover. I apologize.
It's good you work from home this week with all the rain we are getting this week in the east till Friday. Temps have dropped and snow showers and blustery Thursday and Friday. Ugh
#s 2 and 4
jicaji, Are you exhausted today?! I am. Like you said previously .... today rest for sure.
Wishing everyone a pleasant day.
Oh!! Refrigerator update ....
Yesterday mid-morning I had the ham in the oven and fridge was literally full with salads, desserts, extra misc for Easter meal plus all the regular things. I couldn't have put anything else into it if I tried. Opened the fridge to get something .. light was off and interior temp on panel had risen a bit. I was stunned honestly and remember saying, "No ......waaaay!" Shut the door telling my husband we open only when needed. I finished whatever it was I was doing at that time. After a bit opened the door and the light was back on fridge was cooling again!! Repairman was here for second time last Thursday and replaced part he said was causing problem. Evidently not.
Soooo today back to calling warranty company then repair place. At this point I'm thinking just get a new refrigerator (if it would even be approved) but I love this fridge. It's only two years since I got it and it took me a while of looking and comparing different french door refrigerators with interior design I wanted and the two deep freezer drawers. I was going to get the same one for cabin but was out of stock at the time.
The saga continues .....
Any suggestions are welcome but honestly I can't thing of anything else to do.
Good morning Paulie your refrigerator has a mind of its own for sure.
LB, Well said! Also give an update on your father's appointment when you have info. Prayers continue.
Good Morning Rough day at work yesterday My dad sees the surgeon tomorrow will keep you posted.
Hi LB, Hope your day at work was better than yesterday. Wishing the best for your father tomorrow.
I had a heck of a busy day today. Will need an ark soon too due to rain. My area has already gotten in 3 days what we normally get in one month. Sure is soggy outside!!
Quotes .. I forget the exact number. The one about a strong woman. Hell yea! We don't give up. ;D
Good morning busy day yesterday at work and will be today as well learnd more organized the notes. I am learning every day. LOL rain all week here floods galore. Going to take copper for quick walk since he iddnt have any all week he'll hopefully get longer one lunch time.
LB, Good about you learning more about new responsibility at work and organizing notes. Is this permanent or is the woman who trained you on PTO and when she returns she resumes it again?
I bet you enjoyed the walk along with Copper too after being cooped up inside for days due to rain.
LB, I think today was your father's appointment. I hope he continues to get good news.
Good morning busy day yesterday I worked until 830 I have 1/2 day today . My fathers appointment went well. He is going to have surgery to remove thyroid They did a biopsy on the lympnoids so once they get the results is when they will schedule the surgery. the results should be in about 2 weeks. depending if cancer in lymphnoids his hospital wil lbe ame day procedure or over night 6 weeks later he will do the iodine treatment. he will have to be lone for the weekend. again they said slow growing
Good morning WOW I sure felt the earthquake yesterday. It freaked me out. I heard roaring in the distance that kept getting louder. It sounded like an explosion. The apartment shook as well. I live around 30 minutes from the epicenter. My work is about 5 minutes away. I was home. There was an after shock around 6 I didnt feel that. Copper was fine. he was pacing around about the time but he usually does when he ants to go out. He went to sleep 30 minutes later. lol
MY father is having surgery to remove his thyroid April 16. They are still waiitng for th biopsy report of the lymphnoids If it shows cancer he will stay overnight in the hosipital ,If not its same day procedure. 6 weeks later he will have a one time treatment of iodine. He has to be isolated for the weekend He will have too much radioation. fingers crossed
Hi LB, Again I'm glad all's okay for you after yesterday's earthquake. That would freak out anyone. Interesting about you hearing a roaring sound that got louder. You live really close to epicenter. Glad Copper was his usual low key self. Lol
Surprising also is that jicaji and her husband felt the earthquake shakes all the way in her state too.
Good to read the Dr's are on top of things for your father. They sound like a very good team. Prayers continue for your father.
You hit a home run with all the quotes today!!
Good morning, I havent felt any after schocks all is quiet. so tomorrow is the eclipse and I dont have any secial glasses oh well . I wil lbe working anyway and it may be cloudy. So I wsill be working in the office for the next 2 weeks :( Not this week but the following week I work with the nasty one. LOL I am takin one day off and a 1/2 day hee hee.
Good Morning,
LB,So your two weeks in the office start today. Smart planning taking a full day and a half day off next week when working with the trouble maker. Good!
I didn't get special glasses to watch eclipse either. I didn't really think about it. I figure there's been same or different eclipses in the past that were seen so all's good not watching today.
Good evening, The day I took off next week is coincendse. It cause my fathers surgery I may take another day who knows I saw the eclipe, some people had glasses so we took turns. Pretty cool Crazy day today at work tomorrow I am putting my ear budgs in nd listen to music to dorwn out all th enpise in background. I cant cncentrate in office.
That's a darned good coincidence LB. Cool that you saw the eclipse. They are interesting and fun to watch. Had partial eclipse here. I sat on my deck. I find the entire experience interesting. There'll be another eclipse of some sort again. As Gator on TikTok (if you've seen him) would say .......... Next! Lol
good evening, not much to say except copper still wakes me in th emiddle of the night lol Sometimes, just sometimes he doesnt LOL I am exhausted. when I work in office, I lose an hpur of sleep :(
Hi LB, Enjoy the nights Copper for whatever reason doesn't wake you!! Interesting though. If we could figure that out you'd get a good night's sleep every night!!
Do you loose an hour sleep when working in office due to having to wake up earlier? I'm thinking yes?
Not much for me to say either other than I worked my butt off today power washing the deck .. then hand washed railings and posts around deck with a special cleaner then rolled out the rug and set up furniture and umbrellas. Temp today was 75. Loved it!! And also tired and sore now. ;D
HBello I got to work from home 1/2 the day today got there and network was out so we did what had to do in office. Then went home to finish work. we didnt have the ability to get on email or our teams which has a lot of files we need Yes I lose an hour of sleep cause I have to get up an hour earlier.
Paulie you need to take it easy
Oh I started calling my apartment complex to get the AC working sice it broke last October. its going to be in 80;s next week and its already stuffy in here. As long as I have my window open its ok for now. But tomorrow is goin got warm up to where it will get uncomfortable in here. Let sguess how long it wil ltake the to fix it. h and a survry is coming out tomorrow they want us to participate. THis may get interesting
LB, Nice you got to work half day from home yesterday but due to the circumstances sounds like you'll have double the work to do in-office today.
That's right! Your A/C still needs repaired. Good you've begun calling to repair. Hopefully they got it scheduled for you already for soon!
#1 Interesting. Hadn't thought of or looked at birth that way. Awww
Thanks about taking it easy. I did pretty much yesterday. I did get the tiered fountain from the garage and up onto the deck. Comes in two pieces. Other than that we went away for part of the day to relax and shop a bit.
Weather here in PA will get interesting this afternoon and tonight. Heavy thunderstorms and possible tornado threats (limited threat they say so that's good). My heavens more rain!
hello Paulie no working from home didnt affect anything for today but I am busy and didnt get everything done I may log on a few minuts once done with dinner. Hopefully it will make my work day easier tomorrow but I doubt it. Someone came to look at the AC the chair is moved but no one called to give me the status. I will call tomorrow didnt get a chance to call today we got a survy on the aprtment complex today. I was not so nice/ It was NOT unaminious either. yikes!!!!
Rain tonight into tomorrow. they say hevy winds as well.
LB, TGIF for you!! Good that working from home the other day didn't set you back the next day. I hope today's better for you.
Good someone came to look at A/C. Hopefully an easy and fast fix.
Sounds like you were upfront honest in apartment survey. Hey! Changes and upgrades can't be done unless tenants aren't honest.
About weather ..... holy rain and high winds. Might need an arc!
Hi Work was easy peasy today. But I did work last night cause I had a lot I wanted to get head start. LOL THey came to look at aC but not sure if it works I tuned it on an it ran the aire was not warm but the unit turn on out where it is like the other apartment . I set it to 65 it was at 67 and didnt go down with in the hour I had on but it's cool out today I will call on Monday. I looked out the sun is tpartially out and a rain shower just happened looks pretty LOL I jsut did some work . I wanted to figure out how to read a report I also have question in what I need to do so I set up a meetin gfor Monday. So now I odnt have to work htis weekend :)
Paulie's Lemon Cake is moist, light, and fluffy made with fresh lemon juice and layered with lemon curd and lemon cream cheese frosting.
Happy Birthday Paulie! Enjoy your special day and have a great year!
Good morning, finally did my takes!!!! LOL
Happy Bird Day Paulie!!
...here's to a wonderful day of celebration with family and friends.
Happy Bird Day Paulie !
Hi! Oh Wow!
Thank you very much Lori, Karen, LB,, Tig, Phyl and Broken Lug!!
Thank you for your birthday wishes and treats. Lori I love lemon desserts. Phyl love chocolate cupcakes.
Broken Lug, I must say your photo wins the prize! Very cool! ;D I guess the Elk will be beginning to move around again soon.
A quick story for you .. well kinda .. it's me telling a story. ;D
Today I received a 'neighborhood alert' from the Ring cam at the cabin. Alert was a video taken by someone's porch ring cam somewhere in the vicinity of a Black Bear sniffing around. Caption was .. "Bears are waking, coming out and are hungry."
Last Spring one night I got a motion alert for the cam mounted in rear of cabin. I tapped 'go live' to see and watch what was there. There were 3 cute little bear cubs near where the cam was mounted. I decided to say Hi! ;D I tapped the 'speak' icon and said "Hi there little cuties!" Out of the blue in literally a millisecond momma black bear appeared staring at cam and me! Lol Startled me for sure! I was speechless. She gathered the cubs and scooted them back away from the cabin into the woods.
When we went to cabin that weekend we discovered we had left/forgotten to take a 30 Gal bag of trash that momma bear was enjoying out of sight of the camera until my speaking to her cubs got her attention. :)
Ummm needless to say we haven't left out or forgotten any trash bags since then.
One of my son's who hikes in NC (and overnight's or hikes for a week) explained the food bag (I think he called it something else maybe) but a bag he puts food in then throws it up and over a tall tree limb.
LB, Good work was easy peasy yesterday. Good also about you setting up a meeting for Monday and now no work this weekend. Yay!
Yep sounds like another call about the A/C is needed.
Thank you again everyone for the great Birthday wishes! I appreciate each of you. :)
Paulie we fondly thought of you and yours a few weeks ago (near there in PA) when Pip and I found a pair of elk sheds in the snow melt.
We left the sheds as they lay for all the forest critters to consume their nutrients in honor of you. :)
Pip said are you sure ? That's one heck of a Elk shed ?
We both smiled as we hiked away. :)
Good morning another work wee in the office but this week with the nasty girl. THis can be interesting she is off thursday and friday thank goodness and I am off tuesday hee hee sunny gtoday not as windy I dont think its windy at all Yes Paulie I love windy days The only time I dont enjoy is when its freezing out
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY Paulie. That lemon cake looks absolutely delicious.
We were away for a few days. Friday was "Grandparents Day" at Violet's school. It was such a lovely morning. Got to spend a few days with my sweet girl. She is such a joy.
Oh, and we saw a Bob Cat last week taking a leisurely stroll across our neighbor's front lawn. It was absolutely beautiful.
We're now waiting a first visit of our Hummingbirds this week.
LB...Glad you don't have to see "Nasty Girl" for a few days. I don't like her either and I don't even know her >:(
Have a good week everyone.
Paulie we fondly thought of you and yours a few weeks ago (near there in PA) when Pip and I found a pair of elk sheds in the snow melt.
We left the sheds as they lay for all the forest critters to consume their nutrients in honor of you. :)
Pip said are you sure ? That's one heck of a Elk shed ?
We both smiled as we hiked away. :)
Awwww BrokenLug! That's awesome! Thank you for thinking of me about the Elk sheds AND leaving them lay for the forest critters. I agree to nutrients.
I agree with Pip asking are you sure? The Elk shed had to be huge!
You and Pip are awesome.
Good morning another work wee in the office but this week with the nasty girl. THis can be interesting she is off thursday and friday thank goodness and I am off tuesday hee hee sunny gtoday not as windy I dont think its windy at all Yes Paulie I love windy days The only time I dont enjoy is when its freezing out
LB, Well this week's work schedule works out great! So you work with her only 2 days .. today Monday and Wednesday. Cool! Works out great for you!!
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY Paulie. That lemon cake looks absolutely delicious.
We were away for a few days. Friday was "Grandparents Day" at Violet's school. It was such a lovely morning. Got to spend a few days with my sweet girl. She is such a joy.
Oh, and we saw a Bob Cat last week taking a leisurely stroll across our neighbor's front lawn. It was absolutely beautiful.
We're now waiting a first visit of our Hummingbirds this week.
LB...Glad you don't have to see "Nasty Girl" for a few days. I don't like her either and I don't even know her >:(
Have a good week everyone.
jicaji, Thank you!
Your attending Grandparent's Day at Violet's school is very nice! Those are always fun and special.
Very cool about seeing a Bob Cat!
That's right! Your Hummers/Little Fairies show up for you a lot earlier than they do at my house. Do you have your feeders out already?
Oh my gosh I'm laughing at your comment to LB! "I don't like her either and I don't even know her." LOL That just strikes my laughter cord .. and that's friendship!
Paulie....Jim put out the feeder yesterday.
Hi I was busy figuring out what is happening wigh my dad and surgery tomorrow. My brother is takin ghim he has to be there atg 530 am. me and my sister will get there around 800 I think
Good Morning,
LB, Prayers are being said for your father. Please give update when you can.
jicaji, Sounds good. Let us know when they arrive. I haven't put mine out yet.
I forgot to mention earlier that last night at 10:29PM the cabin Ring cam sent a motion detected notification.
Good 'ol large black bear was walking around. I wonder if it remembered the trash bag that we mistakenly left out there last spring. :D
LB, Hoping all went very good with your father's surgery.
It's nice that you and your sister and brother are all together with your father.
Hi what a long exhausting day. I was at th hopital at 8am and left just before 400. I di dget to see him. He was groggy at first then he started to get his sense of humor back Once they got him sitting up he looked much better Mix bag of news. The surgery went well they got all the cancer out but they didnt remove all of the thyroid They have a onitor to watch the nerves to see how they react during suregery. It's really confusinf but bottom line they got the right side of the tyroid out but she stopped. Once she started gto remove the left side the monitor flaired up because the nerves. So she decided to stop. once she stopped the nerves were reactin glike the y were goin g to heal. The risk was real high if she continued they vocal cords would have been destroyed and he would end up not being able to speak and needing a trachiometer (sp???) She is confident he wil heal. after the follow up in 2 weeks they will decide and probably with remove the right side of the thyroid. That will be a much shorter surgery and probably same day procedure. That will be done in 6 weeks. Shw is the After they remove the right side he will have his iodine /radiation treatment. (6 weeks later) If they can't remove the thyroid they can do a high dose radiation tratment not ideal. She is confident that they will be able to remove the other 1/2
I was reting the remainder of day and walked copper. Logged on to wrk email and ove r100 emails. filed most butthere is a bunch of work I have to do tomorrow. I was too tired to do anything other that add reminder on the emails I have action items on . I have 1/2 day thursday too for a root canal I am off 2 days next week for passover . Then the followinf week possible jury duty. UGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH busy busy will be working weeknds for sure
LB, Good that you got to see and speak with your father. Good reading he got his sense of humor back. That's always good and uplifting.
Good that his surgery went well removing all his cancer. Prayers continue for sure regarding his thyroid.
You sure didn't need all those works emails when you got home. You're busy again today and some days off to look forward to. Good.
Oh my to possible jury duty! Geesh Well you can't say your life has been boring lately!!
Hi My father is still at hospital he still may go home today. They held him cause blood pressure was low but that went up he couldnt pee on his own today but way able to yesterday so he now has cathetor in . I am pissed off with work. long story and I dont feel like discussing it. Its more like a co worker and my boss and it ends up with me doing the triple the work load which I cant do. no one cant do on Friday. My ac is getting fixed friday I hope
Oh my LB, Prayers for your father.
Understood. No need to discuss work since you don't want to. I am aware from the past that you've received congrats and also monetary thanks at work for your excellent work ethics. That being said .. I hope you are not being loaded down with more work to do because of that. Your stress level is understandably high.
Fingers are crossed for Friday A/C repair. (God help the people if they don't fix it. And I would agree with your frustration.)
Your root canal is tomorrow .. correct? I hope all goes VERY smoothly for you.
Take a deep breath. Holy you're dealing with a lot.
Many moons ago when I was frustrated etc my mom would tell me ... "This too shall pass." Was I always in the mood to hear that? Nope!! I understand you not being in the mood to hear that .... but it will. Take care LB.
Really long busy day for me ...
LB, Hope your root canal went well. I think it was today. I hope all's good with your father too. TGIF for you tomorrow.
LB, prayers for your father and his doctor as well as you. Pauli had good advice! Truly, this too will pass!
I had a whole post I posted last night and I never send and I closed out of it before I had a chance to copy and paste it. LOL I dont know where to begone except rootcanal went fine. y fagther did end up going home that night, after 9pm. I went to see hi myesterday after my root canal. That was fine The dentist was strange but good. LOL
Thanks Karen. I will repsonnd more tomorrow once I figure out what I was saying and responding too. Oh I had to lock copper up in my bedroom today while they fixed bedroom. He does not handle closed doors very well. He was stressed when I got home. Spoling him tonight I did give him anxiety med with hemp in it. so hopefully not so bad. He wasnt barking when I got home until he heard me walk into the house
I will reply more once head clears tomorrow I am exhausted busy day
Hi Karen! Nice to 'see' you. :)
LB, Good news your father went home same night and really nice you visited him after your root canal.
Glad to hear root canal was fine. How was the dentist strange?? Lol
Awwww Nice to you spoiling Copper tonight. Good the med with hemp helped relax him. Next time I'm stressed I'll let you know then you can send some hemp my way. ;D
You've had a long and exhausting week. I hope you sleep good tonight and have a relaxing weekend.
Good morning I will be doing some work today I am making macaroons passover sedar tomorrow night even though it start Monday My father has a drs appointment late afternoon monday so we moved dinner to tomorrow.
Dentist he defintly was promoting the company and question how I learned about him and acted like he was so honored for what my dentist said about him. he loved my roots they are long. defintly self promoting company and kept encoraging me to review in google. He didnt have to do that you can tell he was a good dentist. He wastalking to me like I was a child too and I was probably his age. LOL
I am off and will be cleaning and meal prep I also want to look for a new couch also new phone. I think I am switching to a different company mine i getting way to expensive. I may call them first to see if there is a way to cut costs
I slept good but copper did wake me up to go pee but other than that good sleep
Goibg to cabin soon Paulie?
Yes I forgot what wa in my post the other day that I sent
LB....WOW, you sure are busy these days. Glad your dad is doing OK and sending prayers for his on- going recuperation.
After being retired for years, I STILL have dreams/nightmares about work. Seems like even if ya like your job, there are ALWAYS stressful days, weeks, etc. and always that "one" person LOL. When I wake up from these dreams, I'm soooo thankful I'm done with all of that.
Nice your family will be together for an early Passover Sedar tomorrow.
Paulie, reports there are hummingbirds in and around the vicinity, but nothing yet. The other birds are going to the feeder upset they can't get their beaks into water. Meanwhile, I have a large bowl of water for them on the deck which they go to. My squirrel actually has a schedule she keeps, last visit for her water usually is around 6p.
So, I'm still trying to get myself together after Rizzo's passing. I just can't seem to get back to me....I still cry everyday... almost 5 months later. I miss him terribly. He was my sweet furbaby and constant, loving, loyal friend....As I type this I'm starting to tear up again, so I'll stop now. Didn't mean to be Debbie Downer :(
Anyway, have a good weekend all. Talk again soon.
Good morning, I worked like 5 hours yesterday but I am all caught up. no work today. I am off tomorrow and tuesday but will probably check in from time to time. I will be doing cleaning for sure. going to my fathers today to cook dinner I made macaroons yesterday . When I logged on this morning I gt this message. It made my day. we had a little conversation beyond but this is what counts
I almost forgot my quotes. hee hee. This calmed down some for now.
Good morning I hhad a nice tie at my fathers llast night for passover. I am taking him to the urologist to hopefully take his cathetor out. He is doing well. Looks good
jicaji, I'm sending you hugs. It's sad and also very understandable that you're missing your Rizzo so much still. If you think about it 5 months isn't that long ago. He was always with you.
Nope you were not a Debbie Downer. I'm glad you opened up here. ((jicaji))
Okay to no Hummer sightings there yet. Same for me. Nothing yet. Last night and tonight there's frost and freeze warnings. Bummer.
Its interesting the other birds are trying to sip nectar. Aww cute about your bowl of water for the birds and your squirrel. :)
LB, Happy Passover :) I got the timing correct this time, correct?
Your macaroons sound delicious. It's really nice you had a pleasant time at your fathers for Passover.
Nice message from your boss!! Very nice!
We're thinking of maybe going to cabin this weekend.
It's nice you can take your father to Dr today and also good that things are looking good.
Good morning. I took my father to doctor he only peed a little the dr gave him a choice caghergtor on or off of course my father wanted off. he still could hardly pee though but he was so animet having it off so of course he ending up at the er 300 in the morning and came home with cathetar back in . Everyone is saying its from the anethesia but for so long???? I just wish someone would check to see why
Jacaji I understand totally I cried for a good 6 months everyday over Oliver. I still tear up when I talk about him. and wish he was here everyday . My walls are like a shrine I have photos of him everywhere. It's beautul here today I am off again today I worked a little last night so not so much work when I go back in tomorrow I will be home
whatta a day. I ended up taking my dad to the ER again, well last night it was my brother today me. He couldn't pee even with the catherter in. It turned out that it wasnt in all the way . He should not have had it removed from the start he wasnt really peeing. Not sure why that dr gave him a chice whether to put it back in or nleave out. well my father isnt going to seee him anymore Like he told every one at the ER he dumped him. LOL Hopefully things will now get better
good evening tonight was my last night of PT Yippee. I have a bunch of new exercises to do at home
Hi LB, Been having internet issues and almost didn't get onto Forum just now .. but I'm here now. :)
My heavens your poor father and you've been busy with him. Yes hopefully things will go better for him now. Is he doing better now?
Congrats on your last night of PT!! Great news for you LB!
You've been posting lots of good quotes.
Hi Paulie I have been busy with my dad and work. He went to dr today to a new dr he didntg like the last urologist. He has to wear cathetor until Monday then he removes it himself. He has an appointment Monday afternoon, that will give it time to see if he can pee o his own If not it goes back on and he will need a procedure. This dr also says from the anestesia. I may have jury duty next week
LB, God bless your father. I didn't know anesthesia could cause a problem like this. He didn't need this on top of everything else.
Oh that's right! Possible jury duty. I forgot about that. Well you can't say your life is boring lately!! Geesh!
Don't forget your 'at home' PT exercises. ;)
I hope you sleep good tonight.
Good morning I slept beter wednesday night than last night LOL TGIF
good morning I got the email. I have to report to JUry duty Monday :( But then its good cause I am suppose to work in office with the nasty girl so now I dont have to go :)
Hi LB, Good to jury duty and you not having to work in office with nasty girl. That works out good! She must be a really nasty person if jury duty is better than working with her.
Is the court house far from your house?
I hope your father is doing better.
Time for the other side. . .
There have been other times jury duty has come up here over the years.
1. I've been called several times.
2. Felt dissed the time I got rejected.
3. Learned #1 directive: The accused is always innocent until PROOF says otherwise.
4. Good people are needed for good results.
5. I pray that I or you have access to a fair, intelligent, and worthy panel if you're the accused.
From the postings I surmise I'm in the minority. :o
Happy weekend everyone.
I was called for jury duty once. I was disqualified as it was a medical case and I worked with a Dr. in a hospital... Easy peasy.
Well, today is a very special day. Anniversary is today ....55 years and received a very special gift from my Hummingbirds who finally showed up at the feeder :)
[/b]Puff[/b]....Number 4....Honest judges are always a factor too for fair results.... ;)
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JACAJI!!!!!! I hope there are many more!!!!!
Puff I agree with you but I will not be a good jurer this time aound. I cant seem to focus to much on my mind especially my father. I hope I am not on a case. I was summoned a few times. first time I was like 23 in Somerset County. I was on case medical cause. It turned out I was an alternate and couldnt make decision. 2nd time was cambden county I sat in hoding area for day never got called excused for th e rest of the week, there were no more cases for the week. 3rdrd time cambden cty again I didnt get picked from start never had to go in yippy. Now this fourth time is back in somerset cty. If I dont get picked for a case Monday I got to call up again Monday night to see if I have to go in on Tuesday. I have to do this tuesday and wednesday as well. Stupid way of doing thing. I will probably work when I get home or I will be soooo behid at work. I hate the law and stuf like this it's soo boring. Maybe if I ook unintersted I will be declined LOL
jicaji!! Happy 55th Anniversary!!! That's awesome. Congrats to you and Jim. :)
And oh wow!! Your Hummingbirds showed up on your anniversary. How cool is that!
Hi Puff, I agree with your five comments. I agree with jicaji too. Bottom line honesty is imperative always.
About #2 I felt dissed when I was rejected too. :)
LB, Very interesting that you can serve jury duty in a county other than the one you live in. I'm assuming so because you mention different counties. Here in PA we can serve only in the county we live in.
Thanks Paulie and LB....It was a nice day. My grandson's prom was tonight, so we went to see him and his friends and dates before they left. So cute....they we all so excited.
Tomorrow night we're going out to a really nice restaurant for dinner.....
Thanks Paulie and LB....It was a nice day. My grandson's prom was tonight, so we went to see him and his friends and dates before they left. So cute....they we all so excited.
Tomorrow night we're going out to a really nice restaurant for dinner.....
Happy happy 😊
no Pauie the 2x in Vambden is when I lived in SOuth Jersey I lived in cambden countyh then LOL They picked you ecery 3 years and they meant it . It was to the week !!!!
Goint o tbe 76 today and 86 tomorrow I hope the ocurt house has the AC on !!!!!
Thanks Paulie and LB....It was a nice day. My grandson's prom was tonight, so we went to see him and his friends and dates before they left. So cute....they we all so excited.
Tomorrow night we're going out to a really nice restaurant for dinner.....
jicaji, You're welcome of course. Aww very nice about your grandson's prom and you and Jim going to see him and others. Sounds like fun.
Enjoy your dinner at the nice restaurant tonight. :)
LB, I forgot about you moving from South Jersey. Now I understand the different counties. I still remember pictures of your townhouse and back yard and tree with robin's nest in it. ;D
You and I have the same temps predicted. Tomorrow will be hot! True to court house and AC.
Looking at #3 makes me smile. ;D
Hi Tig! I'm glad you're cozy on your stool. :)
Paulie....me too, in the 70's tomorrow.
Tig Thanks :)
LB, hope the courthouse is not as cold as some I've heard of..... ;) ;)
Good Morning,
jicaji, Enjoy your warm weather! And your Hummingbirds!! ;D
LB, Let us know then how your day was at court house/jury duty .... and if A/C was needed.
Also let us know how your father's Dr appt went today. I hope he's doing better and he gets good news.
Weather here today is to be 87 and tomorrow 86. There was a frost here last week. Crazy!
hello I am back. I was called in to be part of the JUry selection but wasnt picked thank god sounded like it was going to be a boring care. I will get an email later to see if I have to go back tomorrow. Someone said they checked the coarts and there were no cases so praying I dont have to go back .
My father saw the oncologist today he orignally wa suppose to see him next week becausde they wanted his opinion if he should ge the remainder of the thyroid out he said yes cause the cancer can come back bit it's not up to him he needs to talk to the surgeon. He is seeing her thursday. He did say he can wait he doenst have to do it in a month He just doesnt want to do the surgey because of the cathetor. this dr is the 4th dr or maybe 5th that said its because of the anestesia and he has an enlarged protate. So he may need to do a procedure on that. He sees gthzat dr today too but later probably saw him already he took cathertor off this morning and told my sister he tinkled a little doesnt sound promising. I will call him in a little while
I have to make an appt for copper. He's been weezing. I am getting worried. also to ge thim t ovet its so hard to get him in the car. Hes eems in good spirits now but seeems miserable outside short walk only very short he kept stopping.
Its hot. I dont like it!!! 87 I cant wait dor the fall But on the bright side. The AC is fixed!!!! he seemed
UPDATE My father is still in cathetor. He will be weating it for another 3 weeks hes not happy for sure
Hi LB, Good you weren't chosen for a boring case. Fingers crossed you don't have to go in tomorrow.
My heavens to what the anesthesia did to your father .. and now your update says he wears catheter another three weeks. God bless him. He has good reason not to be happy.
Could Copper possibly have allergies that's causing his wheezing on walks?
Awesome your AC got fixed. Same here today too. Have ours on. Temp was 89 with feels like 90. Crazy. This weekend light rain and 60s.
#s 1 2 3
good evening, Ok I think I am getting my new work under control. I hope so I was able to do everything today with a little spare time. I am sure I will come across some more complications
Congrats LB!
2nd day things were calm !!!!! Yippeee But Germany was closed today a holiday over there and I heard a ot of people will be out for rest of the week. . I have to go into the iffice next week. I am exhausted though This week has been so slow
Good evening what a long day
found more tiny homes
I am sadden to say Copper went to the rainbow bridge Yesterday morning. He has had a heart murmur the last few years which has been giving him issues this past month but moreso this past week. I had to make the hard decision to let him go. He was stgruggling to breath. I was by his side the whole time.
So sorry LB
((((LB and Copper))))
We are all with you and feel for you LB. Prayers and hugs. Know that we understand and loved sharing Copper with you.
Good Morning. Thank you Kare, Tiger and Puff. Much appreciate it.
((((Much Love LB)))) Thinking of you and Copper. Always such a sad and difficult time.
Good morning Thanks Jacaji I know you undestand for sure.
Good evening. I work in office this week. my 2nd week in a row then home nnext week. Not sure if good anymore. I am tired. not sleeping weel but its the usuall not because copper but then it can be. I just got home. I gave away the dogs steps I had for Copper to get up on to my bed. She is an elderly dog that has a beagle that is 13. I am glad I picked her out of the few interested. Very nice lady. she has 2 service dogs that she takes to th ehospitals for the cancer patients and children. I thought I was never going to get out of th ehouse. The dogs were so nice and friendly got my kisses!!!!
Good Morning,
We went to the cabin last Friday morning and returned yesterday late afternoon.
LB, More hugs to you about Copper. The adjustment afterwards is definitely difficult. Very nice of you to give his stairs to that nice lady. Sounds like you chose the right person to give them too. Aww good that you got kisses.
Has everything been going smoothly while working in the office? Hope so.
Hi jicaji, Tig, Karen and Puff
We hadn't been to cabin for 3 months so was nice to spend some days and nights there. Some family stayed too. 8 of us this past weekend. The Ring camera caught mama bear and her 2 cubs walking around the front yard at 3am one night.
There's a robin's nest on one of the beams on the side of cabin. I peeked and saw 4 pretty blue eggs. Saw mom and dad robin too.
Yesterday when I walked out the back door I startled a wild turkey that was walking up the back hill into a deeper wooded area. He startled me too. He began to gobble and gobble while walking away quickly. I said Hi and gobbled back. Lol
Well lots to do around the house so better get to it.
Have a good day.
Hi Paulie, yes things have been going smoothly at work in offic. My work load has smoothout. Its now undercontrol. I joined back to my walking exercises on line (I used gto do , and enjoyed) I stopped because my knees got bad. Going to start doing them again I'll start satuday, I am exhausted though. Its my 2nd week in office.
Good Morning LB, I hope you got better sleep last night. Good that work is under control and has smoothed out.
Cool about you rejoining your walking exercises. Do you have a tread mill at your place or is it something you listen to while you walk outside?
About a month ago I resumed my walking around my neighborhood. Feels so good!
Well after today you have only two more days working in office. Then you work from home for two weeks correct?
I slept ok. I always sleep well until about 3-4 then the tossing and turning and dozing take splaces. I spoke too soon. Got all crazy today and I am behind again but learning again. LOL I am enjoying though. I didnt stat my exercising walking yet this weekend plus I will walk outside yesterday I was too tired. I'll dtart again this weekend as well. I listen to music I have ear pods and put on a music app on my phone I want a tread mill but not in pbudger right now I want walking pad. I want omething like this but with the handlesso I can hold onto LOL https://urlgeni.us/amzn/X2jR3 something like this you can probably opy and paste into google if link does not work , It's only a couple of hundred dollars but not in the budget right now maybe in a few months Yes I work from home next week but I do have to go into the office on WWednesday will ask if I can go home afterwards.
Good Morning,
LB, Waking at 3 to 4 then tossing and turning sucks honestly. I hope that doesn't happen nightly for you. Sounds like Murphy's Law got you at work by speaking too soon. lol It's good you enjoy your work. You're very good at it that's obvious.
That's a nice walking pad. I haven't heard that term before.
I don't remember if I mentioned I started walking again about a month ago. My knee has been feeling pretty good and I love being outside. I walk in the morning then another walk in the evening.
We're going to the nursery today for vegetable plants and some flowers. No more frosts are expected here per local weatherman so will get the vegetable garden planted.
Yes you mention you walk but not twice a day. Yes walkig up at 3/4 is nightly for me. It sucks. I wish I could garden, I never had a green thumb even flowers :( I just found out they laid off 6 cr's a few days a go. They will get a packge and have jobs for 60 days. I dont know who but sounds like everyone. I can only name 7 people. I am getting nervous. Got my lease for the next year and of course it went up about $100 month I will look this weekend but I think I may stay here another to get my finances in order and improve my credit score and save for security in my next placee. Maybe i will get lucky and something will come up in the next month or so
LB, What job title is cr? Uh oh That doesn't sound good. What reason was given?
Wow it's lease renewal time already again!
The nursery we went to today has a cozy café so we have soup and sandwiches. Was pleasant. We go there every Spring for plants. Except we didn't last year and I didn't even get my veg garden planted last year with so many visits to cabin setting up and for deliveries and well digging and septic. Geez that was a busy time but pleasant and fun.
This afternoon was cloudy with rain expected and temps now warm enough and steady with no more frost or freeze temps so I got all the veg garden planted so the veggies can settle in with rain the next two days. The timing worked out great this year.
LB I'm so sorry to hear of Copper's passing. One of the hardest things we have to do as humans. :-* :-* I watched that walking pad video and I have no problems with my legs or balance. I still would not use it. Like you I would need some hand hold for safety.
Congrats on graduating from PT Now starts the hard part..keeping up with exercises. :-* :-* Prayers for Dad.
Thanks tsk!!! Its been a hard week. It's so quiet here and I don't like it!!! I really do miss him. I find myself talking to hm and apologizing to him of not have patience whole walking him when he walked sooooooooo slow!! It also touches my heart now looking back and see how he grew and finally trustd me!! He really did love me!!!! He really didnt when i first got him.
I am doing good with the exercises so far!!!! Now I am thinking and getting ready to do my right knee. That wont be until October
Finally a day with some sunshine for a few hours before more rain today ... so many rainy days lately.
LB, Yay you're done with the two weeks in office finally. Enjoy your weekend then working from home next week.
Hi tsk! It's really nice 'seeing' you. :)
I slept in to 8 but it was not so wasy I iddn the typical wake up at 400 and tossd and turned only difference I didnt have to get out of bed to work so feel asleep for couple more hours. I picke dup coppers paw print. I just ordered a box frame to put it in. I also dropped off all the left over treats good puppy pads an dpoopy bags to the shelter. IThe towns hs was doing clothes drivr so dropped off 2 bags there. I then walked 1.5 miles around my comlex. THat is how far I can go before my right knee starts to hurt to the point that I knew I walked enugh so maybe in a week or so I can do 2 miles. tomorrow is going to rain not sure if it will be all day but I know the morning. If it clears in afternoon I will walk again. I watched the squirrels some eat today as well, they are so adorabe.
I forgot the quotes. I am hoping to run into some dogs during my walks so I can pet and get kisses but so far none
LB, Great about walking 1.5 miles!! That's good for both your new knee and your right one too. Quite a distance to walk before right knee hurt.
Awww to Copper's footprint.
Interesting about you looking for dogs to pet and get kisses. Do you think you might get another dog sometime in the future?
The 4th quote .. I did all but one. Lol
I planted a few Impatiens today and herb Patchouli. Love the scent of Patchouli!! After sun for a while it rained again. Still is I think. More rain tomorrow. Ugh.
good morning I think about getting a new dog I want one but I need to think of finances first. I will be saving so much money. I have bills to pay maybe in a year. I was also thinking 2 cts I would save on the dog walker. I wont need one I may volunteer at the shelter
I just got my new lease of course it went up $145 a month. not worth it. I dont know what to do. I dont have the mentalitiy to look for another apartment they will probably be higher in price there is no such thing of affordable housing in NJ.
4th quote
difficult to do
LB ... my two cents...give it some time
Happy Mothers day to all
4th quote
difficult to do
LB ... my two cents...give it some time
Thanks Tig I will, I need too.
Happy Mother's Day
Hi LB, I agree with you and Tig. Makes sense waiting for sure.
Hi Tig
Wishing you ladies a Happy Mother's Day.
I'll catch up later on.
{{{LB}}}- so very sorry to read about Copper's passing. This is never an easy decision to make.
Grief takes time and there are many
avenues to healing. You know what's best for you.
Congratulations on finishing your PT.
I hope your situation at the apartments works out better for you LB. Wether you stay where you are
or move.
HI Paulie- thanks for Mother’s Day greetings in Beakroom. I'm so glad you're LB's close friend.
Here's to a great week for everyone.
Good evening.
Good morning
Hi LB, How's it going working from home this week with it being quieter there and less activity. You've been in my thoughts off and on about it. Did you start your longer walks yet?
It's raining here again!! My lawn mower guy was finally able to mow yesterday and had to set the blade at 3 1/2 to 4 inches the grass has grown so high with very few sunny days to mow. It's to keep raining tomorrow too then again this weekend. So much rain!
Hi Phyl, Thanks for the Cheers Mother's Day wish and you're welcome for the Beak Room Mother's Day wish for all mom's there to fur and feather babies too.
Hi Paulie. Its too quiet now. Guess how many times I have taken extra icecubes afte making my protein shake and filling my waterbottle and try to throw into coppers water bowl that is not there. lol I watch my squirrells a lot more and talk to them. Yes I have started my longer walks I walk betwween 1-1.5 miles I di dtoday during lunch and yesterday after work. MY knees bother me but I am doing what I can. I still see no dogs during my walks. well I saw one from a coupe I talk to he. he allowed me to pet him. His name is sammy. I am eating too much the last week or so.
It just started raining 5 minutes ago. I have to go into the office tomorrow for a meeting but I get to go back home afterwards. I believe it's from 10-1130 or 10:30-12:00 LOL
LB, Aww That's what I was thinking ... very quiet for you now. Well past experience has taught us it takes a while to get used to stopping routine (like your ice cubes) and learning to get used to new routine. Just remember you did what was best for Copper and he knew that.
Good about the squirrels. Keep it up and they'll start to follow you on your walks again. Remember when a couple used to do that with you?! ;D So cute.
Nice to petting Sammy.
Good news about starting your longer walks. Hmmm about your knees. I understand why the right one that's bone on bone is hurting but why the left with replacement? Muscles still getting used to walking? Did your calf muscles ever loosen up? Oh my I'm full of questions. Lol
Maybe you're stress eating the last week? I did that about a month ago. Stress ate for about 2 to 3 weeks straight. I gained 9 lbs. When I realized I told myself nope! And began to snack on cucumbers dipped in dip .. celery with different flavor Laughing Cow Cheese .. and treats of chunky PB .. turkey breast and eliminated lots of pasta. Plus I enjoyed walking again so that helped. I only have 2 lbs to go to have lost all of it. Sure isn't easy the older we get!!! Dang!!
Ugh it's raining for you too. Enjoy your in office meeting tomorrow knowing when it's done you get to go back home. ;D
Forgot quotes .....
All of them. You did good, LB.
Hi Paulie, the left knee isnt huring me . But I notice bruises on the calf and knee area since surgery I brought it up to PT and the dr when I saw them they say its normal still heeling I go to my primary next month I may bring it up to her and when I see the new surgeon to schedule my knee surgery. LOL yes I don't like coming home to an empty house
I didn't think I would miss copper like this. I'm doing OK. Just lonely not that he kept me company but he did in his own way. I actually miss him greeting me at the door as much as I hated his loud continous bark!!!! He got so excited whn I go rhome, even though I was gone just 5 minutes at times. Eventually I will get a new animal just not now. I need to get my finances under control. Copper doqn I just get memes on losing a dog . How do they know!! I dont like their agrithyms (sp)
I went into the office for 1/2 the day for meeting it was very productive and is adding more meetings
Hi LB, Charlie and I went away yesterday .. "got out of Dodge" for the day :)
Good about your left knee not hurting. Wow to the bruises still. I imagine it does take a while for things to heal. Oh my gosh to you scheduling your next knee surgery. You're making it sound easy!!
I'm glad you're doing okay but it's understandable you missing Copper and even times that annoyed you. That was all a routine that's now changed. I hear you about algorithms. It's weird kinda creepy when things like that happen for sure.
Good to the in office meeting being very productive. It must have been with more meetings being added. Sounds interesting.
Rain now gone and today sunny and warm. Yay But tomorrow and this weekend more rain. Ugh
Awwww #4 (((LB)))
Hi Paulie good you got away I want to get sway too. I idnt make the apoinmtnet for surgery yet. I will go in June to do that. It's slow today at wok so I am here. LOL They just layed off most of the csr's last week. They have 60 days to saty and if they do they will receive a pacjjkage My supervisor didint say anything to us we heard from someone ele . I wonder if my department is next to have some layoffs. People keep asking us about the changes in our department but noone is saying anything to us about that as well. well my supervisor mentioned something a few weeks ago we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Hi LB, Here's something interesting in June for you and I. You go to Dr in June to make appointment for another knee replacement. I go to Dr in June for x-ray Dr wants of my knee he wants to replace. I'm enjoying my walks and even mowed the lawn once this year so I'm not ready to schedule knee replacement yet. You and I are opposites there. I am really happy for you though having your left knee done and you're doing so good. That's awesome. I just don't want to give up 2 months plus of being active and going places and doing things. Maybe January when I'd be stuck inside most of the time.
What is a csr? Customer Service Rep? Whatever a csr position is most were laid off?? That doesn't sound good.
All you mention doesn't sound good but the fact you were given additional work I would think (hope) your position is secure.
True to wait to see what happens but in the meantime try not to worry too much. Yeah I know. Easier said than done.
We might go to the cabin tomorrow. I'm letting you know now in case we leave early and I don't post this weekend. The internet we have on the mountain is sketchy off and on.
Good morning Yes I am scheduling myh knee replacemnt for the week of October 8. Earlier enough for b4 the holidays and after summer Thanksgiving I will maybe be on cane still but thats ok. January is good. I am nervous for this one different dr. but I know good hospital and good practice he is in. I know people who have used him there are no complaints. Hes older but that doesnt mean much. Oh and no pets until after my surgery so I dont have to worry about anyone taking care of them. I am thinking cats hee hee. I really want a dog but I wont need dog walker with cats.
Yes CSR customer service rep. They are all older most of them can retire I feel bad maybe they still work ause they cant afford to retire. I have summer hours today I get off at 200 will do a couple of errands. I am off next thursday and friday as well I cant believe memorial day already and I am already excited for fall. LOL Have fun at the cabin and relax
Good cloudy morning at least no rain but been cloudy all week. At least cool. Good dy for a walk I did my1.5 mile walk yesterday hopefully today too but knee is botheringme probably cause of the weather.
The sun is out!!!!!! Pefect morning for walk
Good evening JUst 2 more days of work left this week
Good evening. JUst one more work day then off for 5 days yippee. Ny right knee has been starting up with me for the last 2 days I wonder if it was all the walking I idd the past week. It keeps locking up. I made the appointment for the surgeon. June 17. to set my date and of course questions in how they do the surgery anestesia etc.
Yippeee Today is my friday!!!! Changes are going on with my department, SOme of our reponsibilites are being moved over to Production, thank god. the job is being offered to any of us. I dont want it I like where I am now plus its all the paper work which I am grateful for getting rid of Its a little more money bt need to be in office everyday. so what happens hen you yake off who is responsible in doing the job. a lot of questions. also will be working in another building away from everyone. such seclusion. Not worth it. I am enjoying my new responsibilities and still learning it. I am afraid if none of us take it will someone be lid offf. We are hoping its the nasty girl that would take it. We are having a meeting about it next wednesday. I think my boss wnts the nasty girl to take it. hhe kind of pointed to her desk that he was hoping she will take it
Good morning big thunderstorm and lots of rain going on now I love thunderstorms. Real quick though moved fast.
3 I like the dark. Esecially now in the summer when the symphony of night animals sing their songs. Love to sit on the deck and just listen with my coffee. So peaceful.
LB. Hi.We had a bunch of thunder storms go through this morning. Now it's partly sunny and everything is drying out. Glad today is your Friday.... :)
Hi Paulie. Talk soon. Cabin this weekend?
Just received our order from Omaha Steaks. Got an offer I couldn't refuse :)
My granddaughter graduates from College this weekend. So proud of her.
Prayers continue for our country.....
Howdy I'm finally back :)
Hi LB, The steroids are really working now and itching and spreading of whatever has stopped. That was exhausting.
Yay to you having days off work. The changes you describe at work sound interesting. Hopefully nasty girls takes that position. Audios to her. Good to hear you're enjoying your new responsibilities.
Okay to June 17 surgeon appt and set date. Keep me posted.
#4 made me smile. :)
Hi jicaji, Congrats to your granddaughter!! My heavens I remember when you posted she was a freshman in college. Time flies!
No cabin this weekend. We were there last weekend. We had talked about all of us going this weekend too for longer weekend but I got bug bites and maybe some kind of poison that spread to legs arms and back of neck and on top of head too. Very weird because bug bites don't spread but these very itchy big bumps did. Some some popped up on their own too. Strange. When we returned I saw Dr and was prescribed Steroid and told to take antihistamine. Both have helped a lot. Anyway, no cabin for me until all these things are gone. My legs look like chickenpox. No clue what bit me and my fault because I didn't put on bug spray for when I was out walking in wooded areas. I won't forget again!
Omaha Steaks sound delicious! Must have been a great offer. Dinner tonight?
Jacaji Congratulations to your granddaaughter!! what an accomplishmnet. Now I am in th emood for a good steak I am going to try and take a walk when I am done here. I am afraid for my knee but I will try a short walk. My poor father is still in a cathetor and will now be going for a procedure to shrink his enlarged prostrate so he can pee on his own That is June 4 JUst going ot relax this wekend and of course I will lofg on to clear up emails before work tuesday I just finished watching the series the resident. that was pretty good
good morning
need prayers my brother need prayers he went to the er yesterday. They are 99% sure according to blood work that he has a rare form of Leukemia. I feel sick. I am speechless. I just dont know what to think or say
no bounce
for sure... prayers :(
n hugs
Lb, prayers for your brother and his doctors!
LB, Yes absolutely many prayers for your brother. Please keep us updated.
Your father still being on catheter remains in my prayers. You are in my prayers too LB.
Good morning, thanks for the prayers I am just numbe I just spoke with him now and he is now coughing up blood I hoe they start treatment soon
LB, Prayers are continuing. So sorry about your brother's additional news. He's not at home is he? He's hospitalized?
2 and 3
Hi tig and karen, An update from LB. Her brother is hospitalized. He's been downgraded to serious and more tests are being done.
Good morning Thanks Paulie. I a hoping to go see my brother after work I was suppose to go yesterday but his kids were going and hes only allowed 2 visitors. Hopefully I will get more information tonight its hard through texts he doesnt answer all my questions. I told him to put me as main point of contact not sure if he did. I hope he didnt put his kids as main point. you wont get the correct information from them . He was coughing up blood the other night thats why down gradd. hes on oxygen hes having issues with lungs and heart. I think kidneys improved
A reminder for all the bird lovers at RRP. A repeat follows about arrangements for our 2024 ATF get together. Also, there are repeat deadlines/rooms/dates/rates that are being held. Chop, chop, chop
Well, here we are for another issue of After The Fledge 2024. For some, I discovered last year, this may be your induction to the available program for room reservations, property selection, availability, and cost for our ATF get together. I have contracted with Decorah hotels for rooms on hold for us. Rooms are held at 4 locations at reduced rates; option deadlines are available until date indicated. All arrangements must be made thru me, AND there is no additional charge. Rooms are held for you using your information and credit card. Nothing is charged until you arrive at the hotel. You can also cancel the reservation if necessary at no charge if you do so before your arrival date. Please call or email me if you have any other questions. The Fledge this year is July 18 - 20, arriving July 18, departing July 21. Additional days can be added if you prefer.
First, let me mention that there are no rooms assigned for us at Country Inn & Suites. You are free to call and make your own reservations there. 888-405-2885.
Fairfield Inn by Marriott 10 rooms available, either 8 king or 2 queen
at the same price: Thursday $105, Friday $155,
Saturday $190
Deadline: July 5, 2024
Hotel Winneshiek 4 rooms available, 3 king executive or
1 king whirlpool if available, $623.84
This is downtown location, 3 or 4 miles to nest
Deadline: July 16
Quality Inn & Suites 8 rooms available, 1 king or 2 queen beds
King $175 per night, 2 Queens $165 per night
With tax: king $668.64, queen $668.84
Deadline: June 18
Super8 by Wyndham 12 rooms available, ask for floor and beds
Total for 3 nights, $654 (with tax $732.59)
Request floor and bedding
As usual, I'll need your personal information and credit card information to hold a reservation. Rates apply until the deadline. Charges will not be processed until checkout. Any further questions/issues, contact me.
Puff/LaNora [email protected] 630-852-2108
hi Just checking in, I just came back from seeing my brother. He was tired. He looked exhausted. His hands looks like he has chicken poxfrom all the needle marks. He is on the cathetor only becase he is hooked up to so many iv bags etc. it woud be hard to walk to the bathroom. He off the oxygen masc during day but he does have the oxygen tubes in nose. (not bask but he need the bypass Like cpap machine but stronger for sleep. He has the same dr for his diabetes that my father has for thyroid. Still no results. They are hoping tomorrrow the holiday weekend thew everyhing off a couple of days. I think I need to be there in morning or afternoon when doctors come to get answers.
LB, Awww Bless your heart. You are a good sister wanting to be there to speak with doctors to get answers. Thanks for the updates.
I didn't know your brother was diabetic too. His body went through a lot during his covid hospitalization too. My heavens!
God bless you and your brother.
Yes he is diabetic never took care of it because he iddnt have insurance. Now he has some insurance not sure how well it is. but he definitly will not be able to afford all th emedical expenses. If anything happens to my brother I worry about the kids. I dont think they can live on their own. Neither have good jobs one doesnt and is alcholc. chronic liar. I wont get into it but its both my brother and mothers fault going back to when they were raising them
Good Morning,
LB, You describe a frustrating past for him and his sons and currently too. That being said there's just so much you can do.
You'll feel better if you can speak with his doctor to get accurate info. Prayers continue.
We're heading to the cabin today. Will check in later if and when mountain internet is good. It does get wonky.
I went to the hospital again todaynot very good news today he has the wros type of the type he has acute myeloid Leukembia. They were hoping for the chronic type. Docotrs were suppose to come by today thatgs why he wanted me to come but they didnt I think he will be starting chemo tomorrow. I wrote more questions to ask the dr and told him to hsve one of them to call me . I wantg to hea the info from them I posted a link to what he has well a photo
LB, So very sorry about your brother having the worse type. You are an excellent sister. Very pro-active writing questions and wanting to speak to doctors yourself.
Did this come on your brother suddenly or was he perhaps not feeling good for a while but didn't go to doctor right away?
We are at the cabin. Internet very good tonight. Weekends is when it gets wonky when family is here and everyone has phones, laptops, iPads and TV going.
Good morning thanks for askings Paulie. no its nt there for a while. he wasnt feeling well a few weeks ago and went to er to checkdibetes and it was that at the tie he had blood work up then and it didnt show.
good morning
Good Morning,
LB, I didn't know something could set in quickly like that since your brother had been to ER to check diabetes a few weeks ago and bloodwork didn't show anything at that time.
How is he doing? You mentioned he might start chemo soon.
How is your father?
We're still at cabin.
Today's #3 Easier said thanl done. That's when the adult beverage she's holding comes in handyl
Hi Paulie, They said it could have been there but was dormant at the time. I went there this morning and I got there when all the doctors came. I hav ccess to my chart (which is his) and say he had chest xray in the middle of the night he was bck on the bi pap machine last night. His breathing was real bad He had fluid in his lungs. They did give him a blood transfusion yesterday and that causes thet lungs to get wet which then develops fluids. So the main concern right now is to get the flidsout. Hestart Chemo yesterday. THat is IV chemo 1 day for 5 days a week. They do that through IV which takes about 15 minutes. He also ntakes 1 pill a day for 28 days That will be 1 cycle They dont know how many cycles he will have or if each treatment will be the came. Getting all his blood levels where they all should be will be like a puzzle. His red counts could go high/loww which they dont want and white blood low which they wantso its a game. They have a tenttive date of him leaving 6/4 but that all depends on how his body reacts to treatments. Like if he needs blood transfusoions everyday he will stay in hospital Once he is out patient he will have to go to the hospital 2x a week for blood transfusions. I saw some blood levels went down but not enough but only one tratment so far and of course I dont know what all the codes are for which blood cells they are and could kind tell cause it has low normal and high ranges. So I know if he is in a good spot or not. LOL ooh I did see he was low on magnesium when I was reading his latest test results. The dr brought it up and said they are giving him more magnesum in his IV today cause they want it higher. I should have asked why. I'll get better at asking the questions. I felt so proud of myself cause I saw that in his test results and understtod. Didnt realize they would have to give him more . I will google later So I am definitly going togo to the hospital every saturday mornings thats when all the doctors do their rounds. My brother said I should have become a nurse I thinks so too maybe in my next life ;)Thats all I can remember for now, so much iinfo. My brother seems out of it thought but hes not sleeping well.
My dad is doing good he goes for his prostrate procedure on Tuesday. My sister is going to that appointment. My father has a nother appoitment with surgeon on 6/13. I am going to that one. I took off already. He says he will be on the catheter for a couple of weeks after. But he doesnt know. Hes more worried about my brother now but he is doing good. He seemed a little more relief with information I gave him today about my brother. They both still have a road ahead off them
Good morning
Hi LB, It's scary it could have been there but dormant. Great timing for you and excellent that you got to be there to speak with your brother's doctors. You learned a lot of information from them and his chart!! I think you should be very proud of yourself. You're very smart. I bet going forward you learn more including different codes.
God bless your brother. He is going through a lot and so unexpectedly. A tentative date of June 4 for all his levels to be good seems kind of fast but I'm no doctor that's for sure.
Good that your father is doing good and moving forward with his procedure. Nice your sister can go to appointment and you on June 13.
My heavens LB. So much happening with your father and brother right now. They are both very luck to have you.
How are you doing? Do you have time for your walks? They might help you relax. Don't forget to take care of yourself too.
Yesterday Quote #2
Hi Paulie I walked friday and today. 1 mile each day. Its more humid today so I idnt push myself. I work in the office for the next 2 weeks. Not thrilled about that.
My brother is starting to het out of it from the chemo. He doesnt remeber much . He has bad night last night but more stable todya. Ididnt see him. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment after work so not sure if I will get ther tomorrow night. I will definitly go Tuesday after work
Hi LB, Good to your walks. True don't push yourself in humidity. Aww geez to being in office the next 2 weeks. Hopefully they somehow go fast for you.
God bless your brother. Prayers continue. He'll be glad to see you tomorrow. I hope you have a good dental appt after work.
Hi to make long story shrt. MY brother is now in ICU and may need kyndey Dialysis . They are doing other options first but more like they will put him on dialysis the next 48 hours is crucial. I think he is in this state
Delirium is a serious change in mental abilities. It results in confused thinking and a lack of awareness of someone's surroundings. The disorder usually comes on fast — within hours or a few days.
Delirium can often be traced to one or more factors. Factors may include a severe or long illness or an imbalance in the body, such as low sodium. The disorder also may be caused by certain medicines, infection, surgery, or alcohol or drug use or withdrawal.
Symptoms of delirium are sometimes confused with symptoms of dementia. Health care providers may rely on input from a family member or caregiver to diagnose the disorder.
Oh my heavens Lori!! All of this is happening out of the blue and so quickly to your brother!!
I know from caring for my mother-in-law years ago that medications can cause delirium.
This happened to your brother shortly after he was hospitalized and after his chemo treatments began if I remember correctly.
How is your father handling the news? Prayers for him and his prostrate procedure tomorrow. Good that your sister will be with your father so you can concentrate on your brother when you visit him after work like you said yesterday unless you go sooner.
Prayers for your family and you too. :-*
Hi Pauie, I called the nurses station at 700 on my way to work and he SLEPT!!!!! Some improvemnt with my brother today. I spoke with him a little but on phone and one of his friends came so we got off. Still out of it though. I went to see him after work. ONly stayed 30 min he was sleeping But the kidney dr came to check on him, No dialysis as of yet he said they are still playing it day by day but he is pleased in how he is responding to the medicine He peed 1.5 lts last night the dr was happy with that as well. He ate 3/4 of his pancakes this morning. THe deliurium started a couple days or the day after he started chemo. Today is his last day of the IV Chemo but still on the pills for 28 days. That is the first cycle Depending how he responds is how they will proceed. They did say this can take months
My father is ok he visits him almost everyday. He was happy my brother was more coherient. today. MY father didnt have his treatment. The stupid place never put his appointmne tin the books. so thye didnt have on record. so now he has to wait until 6/19. He's not happy about that but I think he is handling th ecatherter better now cause my brother is taking his mind away from the cathetor.
I will go see my brother saturday morning and catch the drs then They do their rounds in the morning . LOL
Hi back at you LB after a long day at work .. in office yet for you. Very good that you were able to see your brother after work. My heavens he's going through he**. Good news his urologist was pleased. Thank heavens this is his last day for IV chemo. Hopefully he improves when on just the pills. Oh my to this being the first cycle for him. Sounds like aggressive treatment but if that is what it takes ......
Awww to your father visiting every day. Such a good father. No way about him not having his appointment today because of time error! Darn it!! Well look at it this way. Everything happens for a reason so for whatever it is what it is. Good about your brother's situation distracting your father.
Prayers for your family, lb
Good morning
LB...My prayers continue for your dad, brother and of course you. So much on your plate. I know God will give you and your family the strength to get through.
Hi Paulie...Hope all is well with you and family.
Hi Karengramke, nice to "see" you in Cheers.
Yesterday, a big black bear went strolling by about 10 feet from behind my grandson in his driveway....Luckily my SIL was out there talking to him and both quickly ran into the garage. Thankfully the bear continued on his way. Whew.
Such a beautiful morning here. Had my coffee on the deck just listening to the sounds of nature, including some turkeys out back. A nice way to start the day.
Oh mY I iddnt realize I posgt the same posts yesterday as I did the day before. sorry!!! Today will be different Thanks Karen. HI Jacaji!! A bear!!! wow there are quite a few bear being seen here too. probably cause we keep taking their land away building stupid warehouses!!!! I saw my brother todsy so muchbetter!!!! We were able to have a conversation!!!! He was upand eating. no drs today He actually had tv on too!!!! He never wanted the TV on. Oh his trestment may be different no he mentions shots. Hopefully chemo dr comes by when I am there saturday morning. I would like to know what is happening hes still kind of wishy washy but he says no iv they were shots. So maybe they decided treat treatmnets One of his high school friends was there when I got there. I told him I am taking a break tommorrow but I always end up going but I need to get some things done here.
Good Morning :)
Hi Karen! Good to see you. I thought of you recently when I discovered a robin, after many numerous attempts, has successfully built a nest on the light fixture about my front door. Mama Robin isn't happy at times when we go in and out. The nest is pretty high up.
Hi jicaji, Yes Whew!! to the big black bear so near to your grandson and SIL! Good that he kept strolling along.
Your morning coffee while on the deck sounds pleasant and relaxing. Cool to the wild turnkeys.
Hi LB, Yay to better and good news about your brother! I'm happy for him, you and your father. That takes some stress off of each of you. Would one of his nurses have the info you're wondering about in his chart maybe before you get to see his doctor?
Good knews today for my brother. He is off of insulin through IV Theynow do shots. Kidneys are fine. He may go up stars to the regular cancer ward tomorrow. PT will come Monday social worker came today and will come again tomorrow. His chemo treatment i sdiffernt than thye initially sid . It is 7 days of shots which today was the last day and the 28 days of pills. He was fine this morning but he seemed little cranky when I was talking to my nephew. His phone break yesterday and his kids were suppose to get him a new one today but the one thing they are good at his procrasinate. So I think that is why he is cranky. He only can receive calls nothing else . I would be going nuts as well. I didnt see him today I may skip tomorrow and go saturday morning. I will see how I feel.
Nice! Good news update on your brother, LB. My heavens after all he's been through and now his phone broke he can be cranky. I hope his son's take him a new phone tomorrow.
You not visiting him tomorrow and going Saturday sounds good. You must take care of and look out for yourself too, LB. :) Besides Saturday is when you were hoping to speak with doctors.
Letting you know we're heading to cabin tomorrow morning. Do you remember my busy month of June family birthdays?
June 2 My SIL .. June 9 My oldest daughter .. June 15 My oldest granddaughter 17 this year! .. June 16 My husband & Father's Day .. June 18 my oldest son. Whew!! After all the birthdays I'm exhausted and broke!!
Anyway if mountain internet cooperates and some down time there I'll check in here.
I hope you've been sleeping better.
Wow a lot of Birthdays Paulie, YOu can squeeze my birthday in there somewherre!!! LOL He still wasnt transfered to room and the 28 day cycle for pil chemo starts tomorrow. different than wht they say I guess they dont wan tto do both at same time. I am doing laudry tonight and some cleaning. I work in office again next week. I definily dont like this new schedule.
good morning, My brother is in a regular room. No more ICU or serious room He's in the cancer ward of course. Hopefully he slept he cdidnt the night before
PAULIE I presume all your skin eruptions are being handled by the steroid and clearing things up?
LBLN I am so sorry to hear about your brother and all of his medical issues including the new AML diagnosis. Prayers that Dad can hang in there too. Lots of stress in the family now. Easy to say but hard to do often is " Surrender and give it all to God to take care of." You are all in my prayers. Bro is lucky to have you :-*
Thanks Tsk THid time is definilty a challenging time for all. I saw th4e cancer dr yesterday. I got better explanation. His cancer treatment wasnt as aggressive as originlly planned because he got so sick. (they think from leukmia) so he was doing a less aggressice and will do that for this cycle and the 2nd cycle. His numbers are improving a little not as fast as they would have if they went more aggressive . There are a couple of blocks of cells they are concerned about. They may go more aggressive down the orad. but he is on a long road. He will have ups and downs. He is doing ok still trouble sleepng. My brother wants to go home they will re-evaluate in a few days right now in his my chart the estimated day is 6/20 Hes probaby better off in hospital becuase of one of his sons his trouble and my brother doesnt need that
hello nothing new to report
Good Morning!
We went to cabin last Friday morning and returned late yesterday. Was a great weekend and had a family birthday dinner for one of my daughters at the cabin too.
LB, Yes my family does have lots of June birthdays and you my friend have your birthday tomorrow! :)
Very good news your brother is out of ICU. Understandable he wants to go home and also understandable you feel more comfortable with him in the hospital.
Is this your second week working in office or did that end last week?
PAULIE I presume all your skin eruptions are being handled by the steroid and clearing things up?
Hi tsk!! Nice to see you and very nice and thank you for asking.
The initial steroid prescription helped a lot and the initial eruptions (good term for them by the way!) pretty much went away after one week. But when we went to the cabin again the next weekend they got puffy and itchy again. I was very careful too and didn't walk in wooded areas. I had taken all the steroid but resumed taking Allegra for antihistamine. It helped the itching and swelling plus an anti-itch cream.
Two weeks went by and the eruptions were gone. We went to cabin this past weekend so that was my test to see if they reappeared again. They did not until the fourth day and final day (yesterday) there I got a raised itchy bump again in an initial location on neck. Weird and strange, right? When they reappear it's where I first had them. Anyway I'm taking Allegra and using anti-itch cream on it. Whatever I'm allergic to outside the cabin areas must be airborne.
It will be another two weeks before we can go to the cabin again so I'm really hoping with the extra time between visits it won't happen any more and I'm done with it. Fingers crossed!
Thanks again for asking. I hope all is good for you and you're enjoying Spring and gardening and other things. :)
Hi Paulie, Good to see your bacK!!I ant believe you got the bumps agin. Yikes could it be from one of the plants/weeds outside . My brother thinks he is going home Friday my father doesnt think so They finally brought him a walker and he walked 2 steps forward and back. He said he felt dizzt a little and a littl shakey. I think he needs rehab for a few days I have a feeling he is going to refuse to go nd go home.
Yes 2nd week in the office looking foward to next week!!! HOme!!!
Happy Birthday, LB!! ;D
Even though it's a work day for you I hope your day is extra special for you! :-*
Whew! Long busy day with my oldest granddaughter shopping and having fun together. Her birthday is Saturday. She'll be 17!!
Anyway LB That's why I didn't post Happy Birthday to you sooner today.
Thanks for saying good to see my back and I'm with you about the bumps again. So annoying.
My heavens to your brother being so weak trying to walk with walker. God bless him. Agreed he should go to rehab. Much safer for him. I hope he doesn't refuse then go home. Not good.
Your in office week if almost over. Good! Good to home next week.
Happy Bird Day LB 8)
Happy Birthday, LB
Thank you Paulie, Karen and Tig!!!!! SO much appreciated.
It was good day co workers brought cheese cake and munchkins. MY brothers diabeties went doen to 78 (when I was there today) When this all started is w sin the high 300's .I think he is going to go to rehab but he doesnt want to go on Friday if they wont do anything with him until Monday he wants them to work with him immediately. LOL They will promise you the world and not follow through. I did find him a good rehab place everyone recommneds it now the problem is if they have a spot.
I am going with my father tomorrow to his dr appointment with his surgeon. OH!!!! He went to the urologist yesterday to pull out cathetor and he is Peeing!!! Wow the things we get excited about!! He is still going for the procedure next week that will only help hm since e does have an enlarged prostrate So hopefully tomorro wwe can get the suurgery date for his thyroid in the book but she may wnt to wait to schedule that appintnet until after the prostrate procedure.
Good morning I have today off and I leep thinking its friday LOL
Last one precious LB.
Doesn't say to whom it applied? Could go either way. Helping each other.
The return of the Canadian geese parade! But where do they spend the nights? They seem to stroll across the hatchery inroad at sunset. Headed toward the raceways/hatchery office? Each group just strolls together across the road at sunset. Then, here they come back at sunrise, all together on schedule. LOL
Last one precious LB.
Doesn't say to whom it applied? Could go either way. Helping each other.
Good view. I would say the dog asks for nothing..... But LOL I have seen very demanding dogs LOL Could be bothways!! I think we could have a good conversation going over both sides. LOL
PAULIE Very interesting allergy reaction but sounds like you have it under control. I was curious so found this article from WEBMD
Hi My b rother WBC went up again. still in hospital he was going to be released today They are review what to do may be in hospital for another month. Sometimes I think someone is out for my family.
good morning
Thank you Paulie, Karen and Tig!!!!! SO much appreciated.
It was good day co workers brought cheese cake and munchkins. MY brothers diabeties went doen to 78 (when I was there today) When this all started is w sin the high 300's .I think he is going to go to rehab but he doesnt want to go on Friday if they wont do anything with him until Monday he wants them to work with him immediately. LOL They will promise you the world and not follow through. I did find him a good rehab place everyone recommneds it now the problem is if they have a spot.
I am going with my father tomorrow to his dr appointment with his surgeon. OH!!!! He went to the urologist yesterday to pull out cathetor and he is Peeing!!! Wow the things we get excited about!! He is still going for the procedure next week that will only help hm since e does have an enlarged prostrate So hopefully tomorro wwe can get the suurgery date for his thyroid in the book but she may wnt to wait to schedule that appintnet until after the prostrate procedure.
Hi My b rother WBC went up again. still in hospital he was going to be released today They are review what to do may be in hospital for another month. Sometimes I think someone is out for my family.
Hi LB, Very nice what your co-workers brought to work for your birthday. I'm glad you had a good day.
Oh my to your brother! He's been through a lot. I was surprised to read they were going to release him. And now he may be in hospital for another month!!
Very nice that you found a nice rehab place for him. Maybe now with his add'l hospitalization there will be time to get in scheduled for rehab and a room reserved for him if scheduling can be worked out that way.
Very good news about your father! True to the things that make up happy sometimes. How did his appt with his surgeon go that you went to with him?
I hope you're able to have a relaxing weekend and some time to yourself.
PAULIE Very interesting allergy reaction but sounds like you have it under control. I was curious so found this article from WEBMD
Hi tsk! Awwww It's really nice you did some looking on WEBMD. Thank you very much!
I read the entire article. Chiggers was suggested to me because I had been stacking wood and maybe got bites or something there but it turned out not to be Chiggers. Thank goodness!
Yes it's under control and hoping it stays that way. This last visit to cabin (3rd time since initial allergy reaction to something) all was good the first, second and third days. No new puffy itcy areas. It rained heavy off and on the first day and just a little the second day. So I was thinking the allergen is airborne because I did not walk out about anything or have it touch my skin. The morning of the fourth day I got a few puffy red itchy spots. Darn it I thought! The weather had turned sunny and warmer so again I'm thinking something airborne.
Everything has cleared up and is gone now. Yay. No cabin this weekend but planning to go next weekend. Next weekend will be a two week interval from being there. Hopefully whatever the cause was isn't around any more after two weeks. We've had this property for 20 years before building cabin last year so it's got to be something new.
Anyway thank you again for the research and info.
PAULIE That sure is something mysterious. Where do you start? The two week break could be revealing.
Hi Paulie,
My brother is still in hospital will be here through the weekend at least. Hes had 3 blood transfusions in the past 5 days. THey may change his whole chemo treattmnet just waiting for his numbers to come back. oh also had platlets transfusions. Blood transfusions wipes hm out. He is so depressed. I am angry with my sister not being there for him then she asks me a million and one questions. I already snapped once I think I will sna again. tell her to go see him. I understand she is angry with him but he needs us right now.
I went to get my oil changed today and walked out needing more repairs for safety eason. The bars to hold the tires they are rusting and need to be replaced. I dont have th emoey for right now nd I need new tires I dont have $$ for that either. Always something I got my father a echo pop with assistance. Its an alexa and has a monthly subscription for assitance like if he falls he can have alexia call the poice or a phone number or something. Hes 88 and lives on his own He probobly will want to return it. LOL
Good morning
good morning
PAULIE That sure is something mysterious. Where do you start? The two week break could be revealing.
tsk, Agreed where to start and the two week break will be revealing. Time will tell. :)
Yesterday was super busy with Father's Day for all the family dad's and also my husband's birthday. Went well into late night.
My youngest granddaughter 9 yrs slept over so is here today and sleepover tonight too. We have a busy day planned.
Hi Paulie,
My brother is still in hospital will be here through the weekend at least. Hes had 3 blood transfusions in the past 5 days. THey may change his whole chemo treattmnet just waiting for his numbers to come back. oh also had platlets transfusions. Blood transfusions wipes hm out. He is so depressed. I am angry with my sister not being there for him then she asks me a million and one questions. I already snapped once I think I will sna again. tell her to go see him. I understand she is angry with him but he needs us right now.
I went to get my oil changed today and walked out needing more repairs for safety eason. The bars to hold the tires they are rusting and need to be replaced. I dont have th emoey for right now nd I need new tires I dont have $$ for that either. Always something I got my father a echo pop with assistance. Its an alexa and has a monthly subscription for assitance like if he falls he can have alexia call the poice or a phone number or something. Hes 88 and lives on his own He probobly will want to return it. LOL
LB, Was your brother discharged or still in hospital? Prayers continue.
Understandable you snapped with your sister. It's time for her to put the past behind her.
Oh darn about your car. Geez!!
Very nice of you to get the alexa for your father in case of emergency. Doesn't his girlfriend live with him anymore?
He is being charged ths evening or he was already To the 2nd choice rehab place no more paying for parking!!!! He is improving again. He does need to go to the hospital 2x a week to do blood/platlet transfusions. The social worker cake him checks and gift cars to pay for transportation. Our county does provide free transportation howver the hopital is in the next county over. we live right on th eboard of the 2 counties. The social worker is seeing if anything can be done.
My car is dropped off at local mechanic. will get price tomorrow fingers crossed a lot cheaper.
Sill be busy morning/day tomorrow. I am backing up th enasty girl today tomorro wna wednesday
Good morning going to be a busy day today
Good morning
This heatwave is rough. It began Monday. Yesterday the heat index was 101. Today 100. My 9 year old granddaughter had 3 day/night sleepover and just went home a bit earlier. She keeps me busy! Yesterday in the heat we were out shopping. Had fun but hot and exhausting.
Today I took all 3 granddaughters to pool. They're 17, 14, 9. I stayed a while then left the 17 yr old in charge and cash app for them to use concession stand. It was just too hot for me.
Tomorrow my 17 yr old grand and I go to hair appointments together. Friday supposed to go to cabin. Temps there were to be mid 80s but now 90s there too. Ugh.
LB, How is your brother doing at home since discharge? Can he drive himself to medical procedure appointments? Did social worker find transportation help for him?
How's your father doing?
What was the word and price on your car repairs?
Are you in this heat wave too? My area is to be in high 90s and higher heat index all the this weekend and next week too with no rain.
Hi Paulie, My brother is at Rehab. He's been there since Monday night. He was ok there at first but now he doesnt care they dont give him his mouth spray . He gets soars in his mouth because of the chemo. They been looking for it all day His butt is also sore and they arent helping with that with the cream he has. He gets into the wheel chair on his own. and goes to the toilet. He PT and OT today. everyday for 30 min each he did the recombeent bike for 15 minutes. He has transportation he has to pay for himself. MY father may be able to tak ehim next week. He goes to get his transfusion tomorrow That costs like $250 each way. I feel so bad for him I wish I can do more. He usually gets his chemo pill around dinner time theydidnt give to him until 800 He is determined to get out soon!!!! If his friedn doesnt help him with his disanilty forms. I am going to have to help him this weekend. I am upset with my sister she doesnt visit him. MY brother needs the support now .
My father had his procedure today they ere only able to do one side. cause th enerves were mangled but they think that is good enough he is peeing!! no cathetor. He goes to the ent next Monday to check his nerves in throat to see if goahead for surgery to remove rest of thyroid.
My car fixed. cost a penny my father helped. I got 4 new tires and not what dealer said I needed it done. He did something else that should fix problem I also got filter and wheeel alignment. for the same price dealer me not including the tires , filters and alignment so good deal. I was without car for 2 days. :( didnt have to go any where though. I did ggo see my brother at rehab today after I picked up my car. tomorow teeth cleaner. taking early lunch
Yes heat wave here too. Today was the first tie I went out for the last 2 days to pick up my car. LOL I didnt think it was so bad. but it was 430
Good morning
Hi LB, I'm shaking my head about what your brother is going through in rehab. He's going to hell and back.
This isn't the rehab place you had initially found for him that was recommended and very good is it?
Sounds like he's definitely trying at PT, OT and recumbent bike. It's understandable he wants out of there. Prayers continue for him.
God bless and prayers continue for your father too! Good news for him yesterday after his procedure. Prayers for his upcoming next procedure too.
LB, Agreed your brother needs support now but whatever happened between your sister and your brother is between them and is out of your hands. You are doing your best for your brother and father and that's wonderful. May I suggest you step away from the 'rift' between your sister and brother. If there is to be a reconciliation that is up to them. You can always pray about it in the meantime.
Good news that your car is fixed and again God bless your father for his help. You've got a really loving dad for sure. The timing of you being without your car for two days during repairs worked great since you're working from home this week.
Letting you know we're heading to the cabin tomorrow morning. We were hoping for cooler temps in the mountains but there's a heat wave and advisory there too. This weekend the temps are even higher at cabin with heat advisory of 101. The same advisory is here at home for the weekend so there's no escaping it either way.
You take care and internet permitting on the mountain I'll be checking in here.
Hi Pauie,
its not the first choice but second choice. I a going there in about an hour after work. I have summer hours . I will check if he got his spray. He does seem happier there than the hospital he sods like his normal self. He had PT and OT today they had him walking withte walker but they wont allow him to walk with the walker on his own yet. They are probably dragging it on until insurance says no more ;)
They have computers there (he told me) Either today ot this weekend I will help with his disability forms on line. I didnt want to bring my work lap top there and deal with passwords. or struggle on my phone. LOL :P He says he cant concentrate enough to deal with it. He's always like that!!!!! I made eggroll in a bowl, I am bringing him some plus protein shakes.
Next friday I am off but I have a physical at 10 I think he needs to be at the hospital for blood transfusions at 900 so I will take him then go to my drs. Pick him up later on when he is done. Iwill take him the following week wed-sat. yes 4th of JUly! They are open that day
You're right about my isster but she is selfish ;) :P
Good Morning another hot one
good morning
good evening
Home safely. Long drive. I did the driving to and from cabin. I'm beat. The heat wave was on the mountain too. Whew!! A front came thru last evening with pouring rain and cooled things off. I'm beat. Zzzz soon
Hi LB, How is your brother doing? Any progress with his strength? Were you able to help him with his disability forms and get everything completed? Hope so.
You're still working from home this week, correct? Then the next two weeks in office?
My visit to the cabin last weekend was successful with no more suspicious strange allergic itchy bumps. Not one! Yay! I'm assuming whatever it was is over with and done now.
Another awesome summer day .. 90 but low humidity. I mowed this morning when cooler. I had to tell the guy I hired to mow good bye. Turns out his huge mower was not a mulcher and he was scalping areas of the lawn. He did a lousy job too so I'm back to mowing. My oldest granddaughter said she wants to help. Charlie can't mow due to his health.
I'm doing laundry and going to hang some outside on the clothesline. I enjoy doing that like the good 'ol days. :)
Hi Paulie, welcome back . His friend did the disability forms I printed the out for him. I think he needs to get some drs to sign so it probably wont get done. He is making progress. He is allowed ro walke to the bathroom with walker but thats it. Its a pretty decent distance. The last few days were a disaster with his kids. Long story I spend tSunday afternoon crying. They both are so ungrateful
good evening
Hi Paulie and LB....
Sorry I've been absent for awhile. Stuff going on here and there....all finally quiet.
LB. How are you doing? I'm so sorry to read your brother is having such a difficult time in rehab. Hopefully all will go well next week or so and he'll be home. How's your dad doing this week?
Paulie...Happy you left the cabin this weekend without the itchy bumps. I was wondering if it was cooler at the cabin last weekend. Guess not.
Well, yesterday we had four great big turkeys at the side of the house. Two big Toms and two hens. They were right by our window, so I could watch them till they wandered off. Very exciting....Again, it's the little things.
This weekend is my granddaughter's graduation party. Looking forward to it, other than they are planning to have it outside on Saturday and scattered showers are forecast. We'll see what happens.
Looking forward to the debate tomorrow night.
Have a good night. Sleep well.
Hi Jacai!!! Good to see you YOu have been missed. I understand about crazy life. Cool on turkeys!! we see the once in a blue decade. LOL Have fun at the graduation party. MY brothers rehab has improved. His kids I don't want to talk about I was getting ready to go to work and got text messages my office does not have power so work from home yippy I am ogff tomorrow as well and next week I have short week and work from home Apparantly we had storrms ast night not bad by me
I have my physical tomorrow and I have t get a mri for my right knee for my surgery fun. I forget what its call but it takes more indepth pictures . Oh did I say my surgery date is set it's October 15.
Good Morning,
Hi jicaji, Good to see you here. Good also that things are finally quiet for you. Yay! I hope you come here more often now. Thanks about the itchy bumps.
Enjoy your granddaughter's graduation party! Very special for sure. I hope the weather cooperates.
Very cool about the turnkeys right outside your window!
I'm looking forward to tonight's debate also.
Hi LB, Good about your brother's disability forms. Good also he can walk short distances on his own. I hope his progress continues.
Nice you're able to work from home today.
Wow to October 15. Good for you. You're having your second knee replaced already while jicaji and I are still holding off on one. Lol
Good morning, the only thing withthe disability forms is he needs to go get dr signitures and mail it in. I doubt that will happen any time soon He was cranky yesterday and he cried again he doesnt want to die His boys showed up and of course smelt like weed. I get my mri today and a physical its a special mri vistionaire MRI they use the results to make the knees. Interesting I iddnt get that doen the first time.
Good Morning
Heading to the cabin this morning. We're leaving in a little bit. :)
LB, Maybe tell the nurses about Dr signatures needed and they can help maybe. Good luck with MRI. Sounds interesting.
Hi Paulie, Have a good time at cabin. I found out the MRI I needed is because my knee is going to be custom made to fit my body. Here is more about it https://rediscoveryourgo.com/. The mri was more in depth and I had 3 xrays one of hip knee and ankels all used to make my knee!!!!! so now I have a generic knee in myleft side. and a designer knee on the right side!!!!! LOL Now I have to come up with a name ;)
surprise surprise my brother idd hand in th epaper work, he even got a letter one off his sons will bring it to him tonight. I am taking him to hospital tomorrow dropping him off then will pick him up they will allow him to use the walker instead of wheeel chair. I seen him walk with walker and he does pretty good. he looks a little unssure but hes doing well. He just got more sppontmnets sset in through august. he goes almost every day. It's going to be a long road. I pray he gets through this. he cried again last night saying he doesnt want to die . I feel bad for him
LB, That's awesome about your custom made knee! Who knew?! I looked at the link you provided. Very interesting indeed.
Your brother is dealing with a lot for sure.
Severe storm warnings here at cabin. They passed through earlier. Internet was down but okay for now. More severe storms in forecast for this evening/night.
Quotes: Yesterday #1 Today #4
Good mornig I slept in til 800 but still tired. 3 day work week and at hoe too thank goodness. My brother sees the dr on Monday I cant g but my father will be there. I have to come up with qustions my bother is already gettin ginpatient with this long process. I dont blame him other than he gets an attitude
I'm typing fast because we're having a big storm and I'm sure the electricity will go at any time.
Just wanted to say the graduation party for my granddaughter was great. The food and of course the desserts were incredible, as well as the snacks and champagne.
I'm making a blueberry pie now, hopefully the electric will stay on, fingers crossed. BTW, after all I ate yesterday, I definitely DON't need blueberry pie. Ah well, life is short....
we had storm too just lots of rain and wind thunder was not much at all
Good Morning,
Storms have passed here now on the mountain. Torrential downpours. Had tornado warning too. Surprised me. Beautiful morning with temp in 50s.
jicaji, Awesome about your granddaughter's party. Congrats to her again! The food, drinks and desserts sound delicious. Sounds like a great time!
Oh boy to your blueberry pie! Did the electric stay on?
LB, Enjoy your 3 day work week from home.
#s 3 and 4
Wishing everyone a pleasant day.
Good morning Have a good day
Good morning will probabbly be busy day today
Here's another wild animal at the cabin story. Nope not Elk this time or deer or other smaller critters. Here's the gist ....
The past month to two months the locals have told us about what they call the "Dumpster Bear" that has been seen off and on.
We thought they meant the bear frequents dumpsters for food. No. The word Dumpster refers to the size of the bear. Locals compare it to an extra large trash dumpster. The ones who have seen it pause and say .... "It's big! Biggest one around here so far." It's a black bear.
So ..... last weekend me, my husband, our oldest son and his daughter/our oldest granddaughter 17 (she's the one who shot a buck last season) were at the cabin.
Saturday morning I woke to some talking and rushed foot steps in bedroom above me. My son's bedroom. Granddaughter across the hall from his.
Turns out my son woke at 6am and was looking out his side bedroom window on second floor where he has a great view.
Directly out in front of his window at a slight distance was something dark. Remember he was just waking up so a bit groggy.
Suddenly he realized it was a bear. As it got closer yes it was Dumpster Bear!
The commotion that woke me was my son going to wake up his daughter to show her. Then he came downstairs to tell my husband who was already awake and in kitchen getting mug of coffee. Then he came to me to wake me up. I heard ... "Mom! Mom! There's a huge bear out front!" I jumped up and hurried behind him to front door. We quietly went onto front porch. He said Dumpster Bear had already moved further down the hill out front but was telling me where to look. I was saying I can't see it. Where is it? When suddenly I felt my eyes and remembered I jumped up fast and .... get ready for this ... I forgot to put on my glasses!!! Darn it! ::)
They all got to see Dumpster Bear. Yay happy for them. ;D Me? I bet I remember my glasses next time if there is another time. :D :P
Dumpster bear was too far to the side to trigger the motion sensor on the Ring camera so no video either.
One of the trail cameras we have set up on the food plot has been getting lots of deer both doe and buck with antlers beginning to emerge and some elk too. Sweet!
LB, Did you take Friday off so you have a long weekend?
what a story o nthe bear!!! I would have though scurrying in dumpster as well. They gave us Friday off But I wll taking my brother back and fourth to hospital for chemo and transfusions. I said I was available I was hoping he would have someone do it one of the days to break it up but he hasnt. I am beat. He is going home Sunday. he walks withthe walker. He started his 2nd round of chemo this past week . 3 injections for 5 days then 28 days of pills. He then does another bone marrow biopsy to see where he is at. HHs numbers are going down slowly. They decided to do the same treatment as last. May switch it up once h has bone marrow diopsy. He may have to go in hospital again fro that round for a week. I may work a little this weekend. Next week starts my 2 weeks in the office yuch
Happy 4th of July
Getting ready to take my brother to get his chemo
Happy 4th of July!!!
Wishing everyone a great day celebrating our independence.
LB, You're a good sister.
Happy 4th of July LB, Paulie, jicaji and Cheers Family!
Peace be with you! ;D
Good Morning, now I know why I sgtopped watching the macys fire works on TV, the spend most of the time showing the singers innstead of the fireworks.
Good morning taking my brother to chemo today. He goes home tomorrow
Good Morning,
We're at the cabin. Beautiful sky but hot and humid here like others are experiencing too. Dewpoint here yesterday was tropical 73. Ugh A/C is wonderful!
Hi Lani! Thank you for the July 4th wishes. I hope you had a pleasant holiday.
LB, Hoping all goes well for your brother when he returns home tomorrow. I bet he's looking forward to it!!
good morning I am taking my brother home today at 1130. He is excited. I am worried. I am not sure if he can handle it. He can walk with walker no problem . but he depends on wheel chair too much. I think its fear. back to office 2 weeks in a row yuch
Lb, does your brother live alone? It does not seem like an ideal situation! Can he rent a wheel chair! Talk to a social worker at the facility he was in. Tgey should be able to tell you where he could rent oneI. do not know how they could discharge him without proving he could do all the things that it is necessary to do!
Hi Karen , My brother can walk with walker. he was animant in going home today Supposely he is getting a wheel chair (insurance will py for it) I think it will be delivered tomorrow. PT nurse annd OT will be coming to his house for the next 2 weeks His 2 sons live with him. Not ideal situation long story but they are there.
A little late tonight, got involved with watch a show I am watching
Hi! I'm checking in. We're still at the cabin. Might be returning later today.
LB, How's your brother doing at home? Did he get his wheelchair? Good that PT and OT will be there for two weeks.
I hope his sons behave.
Hi karen! I hope all's good with you and Piper.
Hi Paulie No to all your questions but his sons behaving. He didnt get wheel chair tey want $95 co pay . My father said he can get him one if really needed. Hes walking with walker. Home PT no too epensive suposely he is making appt with his PMC dcotr to give scrip and recommendations for outpatient. I dont know if he really needs it. Hed just needs to walk and gain strength. I am copying all my home PT exercises and stretches. I did them at home and at PT I will give him the copies I make. He wont do it. He already got in souhwer. its a tub shower. His oldest his helping him out. the younger one I have no idea he's more intereted in going out. He is doing good at home. he is happy he is in his bed and neck is much better. I think most of his aches and pains are better. I got hi a cane he said he will try using that tomorrow. He and his whole family lies, I dont know who to believ. I take everything what they say with a grain of salt
good night
Hi LB, Good to your brother enjoying being home ... his bed .. showering (with his oldest son's help) and his neck is feeling better. I would think in time he'll regain his strength. That's up to him. There's just so much you can do.
Regarding the lies. LB, you have done a lot to help your brother. You can do just so much. Agreed you should take what is said by them with a grain of salt.
It's up to your brother to decide to do PT exercises and stretches you provide copies to him .. and whatever else he's to do. He and his sons are going to do what they do. You have tried your best and yes you'll worry but you need to take care of you too.
I like all your quotes yesterday and today.
Hi This week has been crazy busy. TGIF tomorrow . Then 1 more week in office. I have all my Medical clearance appointments for surgery vooked even with their PT group for an evaluation prior to surgery so that way is complete and I will go and do PT my first appointment after sugery . Im impressed so far. My brother gets his next bone marrow biopsy done on july 30 I am going with him. I was at the hopsital whe nthey did they first one and I watched. OUch!!!!
Hello TGIF
Good morning Today is fo r me. Not fun sgtuff ctching u on things
another wave starting
Hi This week has been crazy busy. TGIF tomorrow . Then 1 more week in office. I have all my Medical clearance appointments for surgery vooked even with their PT group for an evaluation prior to surgery so that way is complete and I will go and do PT my first appointment after sugery . Im impressed so far. My brother gets his next bone marrow biopsy done on july 30 I am going with him. I was at the hopsital whe nthey did they first one and I watched. OUch!!!!
Good morning Today is fo r me. Not fun sgtuff ctching u on things
Hi LB! I'm glad last week is over for you at work. One more in office to go. Hope it goes fast.
How is your brother coming along?
Good for you having all your appointments booked for your next knee surgery!
I hope you're having a good weekend. What do you mean in your last post about "Not funn stuff etc"?
Hi Paulie, I was cledan meal pepping that kind of stuff. My brother is ok. frustrating me . i7I dont know if he is trying enough or making execuses in why he doesnt do anything. he just lays in bed all day except when he has to go to the dr. His platlettes are improving he hasnt needed plattets. His blood was border line so they gave him a blood transfusion today shoul de good to friday maybe longer I hope. I try to be there for him but he can be a pain in the rear. He talks different (like his tone) he doesnt sound the same not sur eif from chemo or not. I got him a pilll organizer so he knows when and what medicines to take. Hopefully he remembers to fill it u every week or his son. His oldest did it yesgterday
Good Morning,
LB, Gotcha about your weekend routine.
Sounds like your brother might be depressed. Understandable with all he's been through and going through unexpectedly. Very nice of you to get him the pill organizer.
Was he employed when he was diagnosed? If so what's happening? Is his position being held for him?
The heat wave so many are going through is something else!! I go outside only if needed. Way too hot. I've been keeping up with water in birdbaths and birdseed in feeders.
I am alte I had to ork a little once I got home I was behind on some things. Yes my brother i sprobably depressed. I Know he is scared he has said that multiple times as he cried to me His kids are no help either. I havent been sleeping well for the past 2 weeks and very tired. Hopefully that changes soon .
Happy Birthday jicaji!! Wishing you a special and pleasant day. :)
Hi LB, You've got a lot of worry and stress. Have you tried Melatonin to help with sleep? I haven't used it but know some who have and they say it does help.
I like all your quotes today.
Happy Birthday Jacaji!! I hope you hd a wonderful day
Hi Paulie, Yes I use melatonin everyday I usually get a good 5 hour sleep before waking up but now I am gettin up more often and snacking too much :( It's been busy at work and more responsibilities I am enjoying it more but its still confusing that is the new stuff
heloo been busy busybusy at work
Hi guys
Thanks for the happy birthday wishes. We went out to dinner on Monday and then my Brenna came over last night and we had a nice dinner, birthday cake and she stayed overnight. Needless to say, big breakfast this morning.
Weather here has been so doggone hot, but tonight it's supposed to go down to 65, so maybe the a/c will get a break and we can open the windows :) I've been puttig ice cubes in the birds' and squirrels water.
LB, sounds like you are a busy lady these days. Hope all goes well for you and your brother. Sleep well tonight . Jim takes Melatonin sometimes....It helps.
Hi Paulie...Are you going to the cabin this weekend?
TGIF!!!! I may work osme this weekend I need to get caught up on some reports. Yes Jacaji Busy at work!!! MY brother didnt need and blood or Platletes this whole week!!! Yippe hopefully on the mend!!! I am taking hi to his Bone marrow biopsy on the 30th then his next dr appt with oncologist on 8/5 I want to know what is going on and hopefully come up with questions to ask. I cant wait until I can just lay in bed tomorrow am and not have to get up ... I take melatonin I usaully could get 5 straight hours but not this past week. I usually fall back in a deep sleep 30 minutes b4 I have to get up for work . so I wake up exhausted :(
good morning
good morning
2 from yesterday>
LB....Happy your brother is doing better. Prayers going forward. How's your father doing?
Sooo much has happened in our coutry this past week. My goodness. Feels like we're living in a movie :o
Hi Paulie....Hope all is well.
Have a good week guys.
Sleep well.
Good Morning,
Hi LB, I hope you have a better and slower week at work. Final week for you working in office too. Good!
Hi jicaji, It's nice you had a pleasant birthday dinner and then Brenna coming there and sleeping over. I bet that was fun!
Agreed to what's happening in our country!
Well we did go to the cabin last Friday but returned a day early. We took our 9 yr old granddaughter with us because she wanted to go to the yearly 100 Mile Yard Sale .. the local one in nearby towns. A lot of us in the family like to go every year. Lots of yard sales and food and desserts. It's fun.
We arrived Friday but Saturday at 4AM Grace woke not feeling good. I stocked the cabin good when setting up and had a covid test. She tested positive. God bless her she was miserable with fever and aches and noooo energy. Sunday/yesterday at 4AM her temp returned to normal. Yay! Her fever lasted 24 hours. Throughout the day yesterday she began to feel better. We returned home late afternoon. She and I were disappointed also because she was going to stay here for a few days after we returned but she couldn't. I told her we'll plan to do it another time.
At the cabin were me, Charlie, our granddaughter and our oldest son. Needless to say we're hoping we didn't catch it!! Time will tell.
Hi Jacaji and Paulie!!
Sorry your grand daughter got covid. I hope you and Charlie dont get it. My brother is doing ok. He was told friday to stop taking his chemo pills until further notice. He hasnt needed a blood transfusion or platlets for about a week now. He goes tomorro wto get blood test if needed he will get blood transfuion Next week he goes for a bone marrow biopsy MY father is doing good he is going on vacatio nin september to Italy. Not sure when he will ge this other 1/2 of thyroid removed. the lastg time he got his throught checked it was still not healed. I dont think he's in a rush but he needs to get it removed to do the iodine treatment . I think he's delaying it cause his girlfriend wants to go away on vacation enough said on that
Paulie I am home this week LOL It was nice too.
good mornning
Hi LB, Good news for your brother. Happy for him.
Happy for your dad too going to Italy. Good for him!
Good you're working from home. That's always nice.
Well Charlie and I got the latest version of covid going around from our granddaughter. On the local news here three weeks ago it was stated covid is going around again but a much lesser version. Baloney!! I guess it depends on the person. Granddaughter being 9 she got over it in two days.
This version has hit me harder than the one during the lock down. We had it then too. This one is very much more worse in my opinion. I haven't hurt, felt pain, various different symptoms that rotate and inflamed sinuses, pounding headache and no energy.
Well that's my description.
My scratchy throat and sinuses and other symptoms woke me at 4am and I haven't slept yet except for two quick naps I'm very grateful for. I need sleep.
I'm rambling for sure. Sooo tired. Came here to let you know.
Sorry you got covid. JUst rest!!! I know thats hard for you to do ;)
Pauli, sorry bout covid! Have you had the lstest vac? Curious!
Good morning
Sorry you got covid. JUst rest!!! I know thats hard for you to do ;)
Hi LB, Trust me I am! It's not hard. Can't do anything but rest with this.
All symptoms are pretty much gone now except for very congested sinuses, sneezing and scratchy throat and fatigue. Fatigue is really exhausting at times.
Pauli, sorry bout covid! Have you had the lstest vac? Curious!
Hi Karen, Thank you. I don't know if my answer to you will help your curiosity because it's a mixed bag of vac info.
There are 8 members of my family who have or just had covid in Pennsylvania and North Carolina.
Here in PA one of my daughter's husband got covid first.
He gave it to my daughter. Their daughter/my granddaughter did not get it the entire time they had it and not during the 10 day quarantine afterwards. So we thought she wouldn't get it or be a carrier any longer. She did get it last weekend at the cabin.
All 3 of them are current with the most recent vac shots.
Also in PA my husband, me and our oldest son (who also to it from my granddaughter) We do not have latest vac.
In NC where my other son and DIL live got covid. They do have latest vac. They got vaccinated about two months ago before they traveled to London on vacation.
Interesting and confusing, right?!
Good Morning TGIF
Hi everybody
LB...Italy for your dad . How wonderful and good news for your brother. How are you doing?
Paulie...so sorry Covid caught up with you, Charlie and your family. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
So, yesterday and today, we saw a long trail of Turkey hens and their babies.
Then today we saw a beautiful deer and I saw a turtle in the back. What a gift to see these beautiful animals on our property. Nature all around if you just look :) Oh, and a large hawk flew past the deck. Exciting day.
Been watching the news ....very scary...so these beauties made me feel better.
Wishing you all a healthy, nice weekend .
Good morning I am worried for my brother . Reality set in. My aunt had us over for dinner last night and it was the firt time I saw my brother in 2 weeks. He looks horrible. He has lost more weight an dhis hair is getting brittle so I think he wil be loosing it soon His teeth looks bad too He has aged so much in just 2 weeks. His voic eis softer and lower. Hes been off of chemo for 2 weeks andhe got worse. He needed 2 blood transfusions this week. He walks with the walker tries without but he is very unsteady. Im scared. I feel guilty for being so hard on him for the last 2 weeks. I guess since he was ok th efirst couple of months with chemo I wasnt expecting this so fast. I take him tuesday for bone bioposy Tuesday. This will see how everything is going I am afraid. I am going to the dr with hi nextg week with resuts. He spoke with the nusr practioner on Friday and I thing PT at hoe is set up fro him next week. He needs strength to get through this. How do you get him to eat>> He ate good last night. I was thining maybe split pea soup. I want soemthing high in protien but not sure what is good for him
LB. So sorry your brother isn't doing as well as you thought. From what I previously read, it sounded like he was making good progress. Hopefully this pitfall is his body adjusting to the changes he's going through and will gather the strength to recover.
Paulie, hope you and Charlie are feeling better.
Hi jicaji, All the animals and nature happenings at your house sound really nice!
Thanks about feeling better. We are a bit. Still dealing with some symptoms and very fatigued. Slowly getting there. I do not want this again I'll tell you that. Twice is enough.
Hi LB, It's nice your aunt had you and some family for dinner. Sorry about your brother's decline in health. Good that he ate good at your aunts. He probably enjoyed being away from his place and it was good for him. Hopefully you can ask questions at his appointments you take him to.
good moring another disaster weekend. not my brother mhis son the alcholic. long story all I know I am shutting off phone next weekend and not being available for anyone. I need a weekend alone.
LB, Sounds like you shouldn't have answered your phone yesterday. There's just so much you can do. Is maybe also why your sister keeps her distance from them. You deserve time to yourself and peace and quiet. I hope you work from home tomorrow and not in office.
We're still laying around here hoping to feel better soon. It's taking a while.
Hope you are feeling better Paulie. I went to drop some things off to my brothers I made him overnight oats and got him a canteloup and bananad and a yougurt. I also bought him a baseball hat that says stornger than leukemia. He is starting to lose his hair he admitted that today I thought he would soon his hair was startig to look brittle on friday when I saw him. wel he looked and sounded a lot better today. The blood trnasfusions reallly wipe hm out I am not sure why. Will added to my questions . Unfortunatley I am in the office this week I usaully wouldnt mind but its with the nasty girl this week I now call her negative Nelly Everything that comes out of her mouth is negative or nasty well I am off Tuesday to take my brother to get his biopsy done. I may take him back to my place afterwards to make him a Pizza wrap for lunch . Simmple take a mission wrap put pizza sauce and cheese on as well as pepperoni on and cook it in the air fryer. You got yourself a mini pizza. It's good.
good day
LB, You are the best sister your brother could ask for. I hope he appreciates you. I wish him the best at tomorrow's appointment you're taking him too.
I bet he loves you taking him back to your place afterwards for a pizza wrap!! I bet he really enjoys getting out of and away from his place and spending a quality pleasant time with you!
Bummer you're with negative Nelly this week. Next week too, right?
Thank you about hoping I feel better. I think today I've finally turned the corner and beginning to return to normal. Whew! Charlie is taking a little bit longer but he's coming along too.
Quotes: This evenings #s 3 and 4
Good morning I hoping this biopsy gives good results. He did need blood transfusion yesterday. Next week I am home. Friday I am in the office by myself. which I actually perfer than being with negative nelly. Yesterday she did not say 1 word!!!
Hi I took my brother everything went well, he eidnt want to come to my house for lunch he said ttoo long of walk. it wasnt. But I wasnt gong ot push him. he may have not been hungry... SO I went to my house to get him an ice pack I had for his back in case he dneeded for soreness and bandages I had a bunch I dont use or need. and tylemol. He would not ggegt if I didnt give him. hes been saying he needs tylenol for a week now no one gets it for him. So I gave him my almost empty bottle. I have another one and I can give him more if needed. He got me coffee. I ordered him moe protein shakes he likes them . That will be delivered to him tonight. nwe go to the oncologit Monday to find out if he has improved. he said he has felt better the ast 2 days but he still uses the walker. My explained it to me about how the chemo makes him weaker and he needs to try to stay as active as posibble to fight the chemo and keep his strength. Now just need to get him to do it!!!!
Still have sinus congestion and Charlie nasty cough. We're giving ourselves one more day, today, to feel a bit better. If not I definitely want him to see Dr tomorrow to rule out walking pneumonia. Fatigue seems to be going away more. Me maybe sinus infection or many not. Blah.
Good morning I hoping this biopsy gives good results. He did need blood transfusion yesterday. Next week I am home. Friday I am in the office by myself. which I actually perfer than being with negative nelly. Yesterday she did not say 1 word!!!
Hi LB, When does your brother get his biopsy results? Next Monday? Do you know why he's more tired with a blood transfusion. I thought that would help perk him up but I'm no medical person that's for sure.
Good that nelly didn't say one word at work. You'll enjoy the office tomorrow by yourself.
Hi I took my brother everything went well, he eidnt want to come to my house for lunch he said ttoo long of walk. it wasnt. But I wasnt gong ot push him. he may have not been hungry... SO I went to my house to get him an ice pack I had for his back in case he dneeded for soreness and bandages I had a bunch I dont use or need. and tylemol. He would not ggegt if I didnt give him. hes been saying he needs tylenol for a week now no one gets it for him. So I gave him my almost empty bottle. I have another one and I can give him more if needed. He got me coffee. I ordered him moe protein shakes he likes them . That will be delivered to him tonight. nwe go to the oncologit Monday to find out if he has improved. he said he has felt better the ast 2 days but he still uses the walker. My explained it to me about how the chemo makes him weaker and he needs to try to stay as active as posibble to fight the chemo and keep his strength. Now just need to get him to do it!!!!
Good everything went well for your brother. Darn he didn't want to go to your house. That would have been a nice getaway but sounds like he was too tired. Very nice of you giving him ice pack and Tylenol and you ordered him more protein shakes. I repeat. You are a great sister to him. Good news that he said he's felt better the past couple days. Prayers continue for him.
Not sure why tired after blood transfusion. I know they take his blood and blood from the blood bank and mix it together nd then put it back in intravenously. I dont know when they get his blood he is usualy waiting for the blood when I ge tthere. I drop him off then go park. so by the time I get back they maty have taken blood from him. I a going to have to ask. He had a nurse come today I guess just to check vitals and his medicine etc. next time they will start PT I hope. yes Monday we find out the results and what is the next step. I am nervous. When I first saw his docotr he said he may end up back in the hospital if they change his chemo. (If it's stronger) He will get really sick and they will want to monitor him in the jospital he definitly will get better care than staying with his kids.
good evening TGIF
good morning
good Morning ,prayers for my brother that he get goof results tomorrow
good morning
LB, Prayers that your brother gets good results today.
Resjlts not so good but I am not surprised. The dr wasnt happy he i snot back to his normal activities of walking normaly etc I blurt out when he asked what are your activitives day to day I said see how he is laying down thats his normal . he only gets up to go to the bathroom and to come here for his tretments the dr agreed t with me he needs to push through this and do what he can do th emore you do the faster you gain strength and you need the strength for the chemo. He dr wanted to do a n extreme chemo where my brother would have to be in the hospital for 30 ndays but he cant because he is still weak. He is doing middle ground little stringer10 days of IV and 14 days pills then another biopsy my brother is refusing to go to the hospital if he goes to the extreme treatment I said then stop your tretments all together cause you will die. I got a social worker to come and she gabe him resourses for supprt I will reach out again about phychtrist if he doesnt do anything becase heneeds anti depressat. I also found out he had a scrpt to elp wi th the neasea but he never got it filled. why am I fighting for someones life where it seems he isnt fighting himself.
LB, God bless you. Yes your brother definitely has to help himself more. The health situation he's in has really set him back physically and mentally.
You are trying your best for your brother. I repeat .. He's lucky to have you for his sister. You're fighting for him because you love him. Frustrating for you yes but you wouldn't not do all you can for him.
Could your father visit him and give him a good pep talk? Unless maybe he's on his cruise now.
Prayers continue for your brother and for you too. Aren't you scheduled to have your other knee replaced in September?
MGood orning y fther has picked him up and taken hom to hi shouse a few times. for my sanity when I am not there I dont push it. I can tell when I see him an d week his is. If he is movingmore he would get stronger. I joined a leukemia suppoert group invited my brother doubt he will join but I copy and paste things to him. He gets his port put in today my father is taking him. I was araid he wouldnt g tthere cause he got a lot of rain and the area gets flooded where my gather dirves to get to my brothers to pick him up That storm isnt even debbie thats coming friday saturday
good morning
good morning
Hi LB, TGIF for you. I hope you have this weekend to yourself.
It's nice your father takes your brother to his house sometimes. It's got to be frustrating for you trying to get him to move and be more active then he doesn't. Good for you joining a leukemia support group and also sharing info with your brother. Hey you get an A+ for effort trying to help him. I hope him getting his port went well.
We are finally beginning to feel like ourselves again. Today is the first day I can say that. Took 3 to almost 4 weeks to get over it.
My area was smack in the middle of Debby remnants moving up through PA last night and today. Strong storms and downpours and flooding in areas. The cabin got hammered too. Got lots and lots of rain in both places. It's gone now with blue sky.
Did you get storm and rain?
Today's #3
Good morning we got more rain on Tuesday and the rest of the week than yesterday .Yesterday was cloudy and windy It may have rain a little but I idnt notice as I did the rest of the week. Tueday was really bad. I am getting hair cut today!!!!!!It's sunny also I need to drop off things for my brother I made him mashpotatoes and splitpea soup Also peanutbutter oat energy balls. I got him roman noodles too well I got for me but it was a pack of 12 so hes getting most of it. I had a prtion of the split pea soup iot came out real thick and good. I put aside some for my father as well
On the nice side I am getting a $500 spot reward!!!!! Its to recognize the hard work I have been doing to learn my new role!!!!
good morning
Good morning,
Second day for a very wide area including mine having to boil water for consumption and cooking due to a water main break caused by excessive rain and pressure from Debby. This happened Friday evening. I sure hope it's repaired soon.
News confirmed a tornado touched down nearby too. No one hurt but lots of damage there. The water company is providing cases of water at nearby high school so we're going to go there today.
LB, You had a busy weekend so far cooking and getting your hair cut too. Did you get a lot cut or a trim? I bet it feels and looks good.
Do you like it?
Your brother and father appreciate the food items you gave them for sure.
Congratulations to you on your monetary reward!!! That's awesome.
Hi Paulie. That stinks about the water min line break.
I took2" off but it has gotten really long so atill long. He relayered it an dI do lik eit he didnt ut the bang area too short. thank god I am trying to grow that out but he usually cut to short so now it should grow longwr.
I actually took time to walk today I walked1.25 miles al little longer I didnt turn on my tracker right away MY brother starts his 3r dround of chemo tomorrow for10 days. this time with IV and not injections plus 14 days of pills. I am nervous. He looks a tiny bit stronger. But afraid ehe will get weeker durig this timee His mouch is real sore with blisters He like the peanut butter oat roll protein balls I made. I think. he said he did and he didnt complain it hrt to eat it. He toldme today "I am the toughst best sisitr a brother cna have." LOL. I dont feel tough cause no one listens to me!!!!!!
good evening
Hi LB, Yes no water use since last Friday did stink. We got notified this morning water is on so can use again. Good!
The sinus congestion and fatigue is still here. Some days good and some not. Going on four weeks now. Ready for it to be gone.
Your hair must be long since you got two inches cut and it's still long. Good that you like what he did and didn't cut your bangs. I'm sure it looks pretty.
Oh boy that you took a walk. I'm sure you enjoyed it after the weeks of 90 degree weather and not being able to. Was it strange walking just yourself or better since you could keep walking at a steady pace?
Prayers continue for your brother. It's good he like the protein bars you made for him. Awww to his comment to you about being his sister. It's true!! He knows you care.
Are you working from home or office?
Hi Paulie. I am in the offic for the nextg 2 weeks. My brother is getting alittle stronger he says he is wlking with walker to his dr appointments he was using a wheel chair . so I told him I was proud of him Maybe that will get him doing more. He started chemo yesterday and the sours on his tongue is back at full fource. I told him he needs to fight throuugh it and yet he needs food to build strength I am worried since he is now doing chemo for the next 10 days plus 14 days with pills. I am agaid he will get weak again and not do anyhting again. I will keep encouraging him. Maybe that will work .
I like walking on my own but it's lonel. I do listen to my music. I walked alittle over a mile and it was hard today my knees hurts a bit. stopped taking melocican last week so my knee is started up plus I gained somed weight so I am more determined. I need to loose!!! I have 2 months!!!
Hey there LB, Okay to office for next 2 weeks. Ugh. Ignore trouble maker and continue doing the great work you have been. Kudos to you again for the monetary reward you recently received.
Good to read your brother is walking with walker! I'm sure you telling him you're proud of him lifts his mood and helps. His tongue sounds very painful. Can he have protein drinks and similar things to drink? Your suggestion to continue to encourage him is absolutely a good thing for sure. He's lucky to have you cheering him on.
When does your father go on the cruise?
I understand how you feel about the walking. Good you have music you enjoy. Both your knees were hurting? Why your new knee? Sore muscles maybe you mean? Oh my 2 months till your other replacement. You are a strong lady kiddo!!
Quotes 3 and 4
oh wow I forgot to mention MY fathers girlfriend broke her foot so Italy is off. My brother said they are discussing something else maybe a cruise but that is a lot of walking still on all the excursions. I'll find out when I talk to my father over the weekend. Oh she is wearing a boot no cast.
My brothers mouth is getting wworse. not surprised with starting chemo again. It goes through cycles. I guess I need to belive in the saying it gets worse before it gets better. I iddnt walk today I will try tomorrow but I just finished my stretches.
yes my brother can have protein shakes jellow pudding are theeasiest. he likes soup and mashpotatoes. I just worry hes not eating enough because of his mouth/tongue. plus he does not hvae an appetite
Good evning
Oh my goodness to your father's girlfriend breaking her foot! How'd she do that? Maybe it's not real bad since she has a boot vs a cast.
Your brother's mouth must feel so uncomfortable for him. Since people go through this with chemo you'd think they'd have some alternatives for patients getting the nourishment they need. I imagine he's lost weight.
Good you did stretches even though you didn't walk. They count. ;)
LB, Letting you know we're going to cabin tomorrow. Haven't been there for one month since last time there when our granddaughter came down with covid there then we got it when home. We have to check the place out because Debby hurricane went through there as a tropical storm. Power went out then back on we hope. We have to check out trees and other areas around cabin. We've been sick with and recovering from covid for 4 weeks so time to check things out. I'm driving. Ugh Would rather stay home but my husband's jeep needs a repair so I drive my vehicle.
I have an appointment tomorrow morning with eye doctor/surgeon. My routine eye appt this Spring turned into a diagnosis of dry macular degeneration. I now take daily fish oil and eye vitamins for vision. A chart to look at daily too. Good news is the dry diagnosis. No shots in the eye. I'm seeing surgeon for cataract surgery tomorrow morning for the same eye. This is all new to me so I have no clue what to expect. One thing I'm looking forward to is more clear vision with cataracts removed. I hope! Been dealing with blurring for a few years and now finally Dr says time to remove.
I wonder if any RRP members who read here have had cataract removal and can describe their experience.
Had both the surgeries in 2015, paulie. Practice at the time was each eye separate about a month apart. For years I knew I was being watched. Went through new glasses periodically. $$ Got the news that year from Sec. of State that they'd pass me on my driver's license then, but not again. Went for an exam and was told by doc "Yep, it's time."
Surgery is a non event. There's mandatory meds to prep - must do!!! They are expensive but necessary. One of the few meds I've had to have that were not covered by insurance. The big concern is infection. But in the elapsed 10 years I'm sure there have been changes. Each eye takes about 15 minutes and then WaaaLaaaa It's like a miracle. All those years messing around with new prescriptions/glasses. I knew the difference right away. My biggest discovery was on the ride home. Everything was better, in first eye; had no pain at all. In the car going home I found out why you have to wear the ugly glasses. It's the brightness --- totally bright blue sky!!!! Glasses help you acclimate. Next big surprise was using the PC that afternoon. Background was the most beautiful dynamic BLUE! Didn't know about or expect the vision clarity. No problem at all since then. He did/does each eye a month apart as a cautious method I think. Walk around with one missing lense one for fixed side. At one point I did have some treatment to "shatter" some teeny specks of cataracts found floating. Again felt nothing - never had any down time or trouble. Just remember to do the eyedrops.
My bonus caveat - They do a test to make sure you don't have reflex when you have something aimed at your eye. That was no problem at all. However - My problem is I'm claustrophobic. They covered my face completely except for the eye being done. Left me with only a 2" (?) hole in which to work. eeeeeek - Can't describe the phobia effects. :'( Second eye he gave me a pre-sedative.
TGIF Hi Paulie, My father had the surgery never complain no issues and defintly sees better.
I hope no damge to your cabin. I take my brother tomorrow for Chemo. His appointment is at 11:30 thank god not ealt. I can sleep n a bit even though I never do . I am hoping a walk before I go if i don't procrasinate I will stay with him it only takes a coupe of hours. I can bug him .
Hi Puff!!
Good morning Happy weekend
Good evening I let the day get away from me ;D
good evening
good night
good evening
good afternoon
Hi LB and Puff!
We stayed at the cabin longer returned this week. No damage to cabin itself from storms but the Ring cameras in front and back aren't functioning properly all the time. Maybe from power outage from storms. We tried unplugging router but didn't help so have to figure out how to correct/fix cameras. Haven't a clue what to do.
There's 5 or 6 black bear roaming around that we saw on Ring cam and trail cams. I've got some pictures I can post. The one bear is the huge dumpster bear the locals told us about. He is downright scary to even look at in a photo. His face is ugh!! I call him gorilla bear. Scary for sure.
I went to eye appt last Friday but ended up having to reschedule. I'll explain below.
LB, Thank you for the info about your father and his cataract surgery. Good to know and has helped me relax about it.
Prayers continue for your brother.
Puff, Thank you also for all your cataract info!! You gave me lots of info and I really appreciate it a lot. Makes me feel better reading what you said because I didn't know what to expect. I wonder why insurance didn't cover the med you needed and such an important med too the eye drops!! All that you told me has me more relaxed. The BLUE color sounds awesome.
Oh my to your entire face being covered except for eye .. and you're claustrophobic!! God bless you. Very good you were given a pre-sedative for your other eye. I'm not claustrophobic but am hoping for a sedative for myself. ;D
Again Puff thank you very much for all that you told me and explained. :-*
The reason I rescheduled the cataract consult was my appt time came and went. And there was one other lady before me to see same eye Dr. After 30 minutes past my appt time I asked the receptionist if Dr was running real late with appts. I was told she wasn't running late. ?? Anyway I explained I was going out of town right after my appt so hoping to be seen soon. That's when she told me my appt was 2 hours long. What? I said no-one told me that! She apologized for "not communicating" that to me. I said I would reschedule and I did. No biggie. I also inquired why such a long appt and I understand that now too. I'm learning as I go for sure. :)
LB and Puff thank you again for your info.
Oh I also began today another round of 3 knee gel injections one week apart. They're good for 6 months. They really help my bone on bone knee. I am thinking a bit more about the replacement. That can be the next big item I'll ask you both to explain to me. :)
Take care and I hope you both sleep well tonight.
good morning. pulie i cant wait to see the photo of the bears!!!
Good Morning,
LB, I just tried posting two of the pics but got message too large and something about format. I'll try to figure out then. We're leaving going to the cabin soon.
I hope you have a good weekend.
Pauli, agree with Puff and Lb about cataract surgery but hesitate to comment as mine was years ago! Lots and lots of drops, no heavy lifting for a period of time and great vision after all is said and done! No pain and no fear or tears!
Macular degeneration is something else! I have the dry and will tell you later!
Lb, sorry about your brother, will he drink ensure? Is the cancer in his mouth or are the sores from the chemo?
Good morning Hi Karen The sores is from the chemo. He has leukemia. There were 5 ensures on his table at the hospital I got him to dirnk a little he just has no appetite but the 2 days I was there all drs annd nurses says he needs t try if he doesnt he will be put on iv with nutrition . He is on iv now nt sure what that is. Now will have to ask. I am going to the hospital again and try to persudae him once again. Its frustrating he doesnt get out of bed. Hes allowed just a nurse needs to assist him to get in th chair. Today is his last treatment for this round. I think he has 4 more chemo pills but the iv is completed today Then he gets another biopsy to see where he stands. I am nervous for him
good morning
Pauli, agree with Puff and Lb about cataract surgery but hesitate to comment as mine was years ago! Lots and lots of drops, no heavy lifting for a period of time and great vision after all is said and done! No pain and no fear or tears!
Macular degeneration is something else! I have the dry and will tell you later!
Lb, sorry about your brother, will he drink ensure? Is the cancer in his mouth or are the sores from the chemo?
Hi Karen, Thank you for the cataract info. Didn't know about the lifting. Glad to hear it sounds easy peasy .. pretty much.
Okay to you telling me about your dry macular degeneration later. I have the dry also.
Hi LB, Prayers continue for your brother.
We're still at the cabin. Weather fluctuates between chilly in the morning then hot in afternoon then chilly nights. Black bears deer racoons still around.
The Hummingbirds are definitely keeping the feeders busy. Large Hummers too! They battle some then sit on same nectar feeder to eat sometimes. Have migrators moving through too. I have two nectar feeders and 3 New Guinea Impatiens hanging planters they like too.
Hi Paulie, My brother is now on a feeding tube He is finding it so difficult to eat with his mouth. Its white in color so I teasd him hes getting milk. I am rather upset they also start a new mouth wash of lidocaine its a swish and swallow. then another swich and spit. He has magic mouth wash as well for as needed. Hopefully this new stuff helps. I feel horrible for him. He finished his iv chemo yesterday and has 4 including today more days of chemo pills. I have no idea if this helped other than his mouth really took a beating with this round of chemo. I am afraid for him when he gets results when he take shis next bone marrow biopsy. Not sure when this will be but I am thinking probably next week. Posting now cause I have to log on early tomorrow 730 (summer hours week) so wont have much time first thing in a cause I am getting up at 700 and no earlier if I can help it!!! lol
good evening
Hi Paulie, My brother is now on a feeding tube He is finding it so difficult to eat with his mouth. Its white in color so I teasd him hes getting milk. I am rather upset they also start a new mouth wash of lidocaine its a swish and swallow. then another swich and spit. He has magic mouth wash as well for as needed. Hopefully this new stuff helps. I feel horrible for him. He finished his iv chemo yesterday and has 4 including today more days of chemo pills. I have no idea if this helped other than his mouth really took a beating with this round of chemo. I am afraid for him when he gets results when he take shis next bone marrow biopsy. Not sure when this will be but I am thinking probably next week. Posting now cause I have to log on early tomorrow 730 (summer hours week) so wont have much time first thing in a cause I am getting up at 700 and no earlier if I can help it!!! lol
Hi LB, Your poor brother and his mouth. It's definitely taken a beating. Good he's on a feeing tube since his mouth is so sore. It sounds terrible. Does he get his biopsy this week or next week? God bless him and prayers continue for him.
This week being hot again in the 90s it's nice you're working from home.
Hi Paulie, I am not sure what is going on with his bioposy he told me yesterday the chemo pills is suppose to be 31 days but I swear the dr said 14 days. I need to call and find out. He also said the oncologist has not come. They gave him morphine for the pain I am not happy about that. He should have the results about the fluid in his lungs tomorrow. Sorry if I isnt say anything I dont remember who I told what. He said PT has been coming but I havent seen but my father has I think. I saw him tonight he was ok. He drank ensure for me. I told him smalll sips he drank the whole thing!!!! He said it was for me I should have made him drink another one before I left. lOL
I walked this morning before it cgot hot right before my lunch meeting LOL Tomorrow we are in a heat advisory then Thursday back in 70's yippee!!! I wll walk all weekend since its going to be beautiful. I walk all 4 days last weekend I will again this weekend I am off Monday and Tuesday, I iddnt relaize Labor day was here. Yippee. Fall is that much closer!!!!! But now all the school traffic :(
Good morning,
LB, Your brother is in the best place right now to be watched and cared for with so much going on. I hope he gets good news test results. Why would you prefer he not be given morphine for pain? Does it make him groggy? Good news he drank Ensure for you!! Very nice he said he did that for you. He appreciates all you've done and are doing for him.
Good you're enjoying walking again. True about the cooler weather makes walks nicer. I plan to resume again when temps go down.
Enjoy your days off work!!
Same here we have heat advisory yesterday today and I think tomorrow mid 90s then a cold front moves thru then 70s. True Autumn weather is approaching. Where did the summer go?? School buses moving around here too already.
I am not happy. My brother may go home this weekend. He will be going home with the feeding tube. His high blood count (hbc) is at .831. He needs to be at a 1 to go home. it has been improving (per my nephew, per nurse) I do not want him home. Not a good enviroment a nurse will come to help with feeding tube daily. NO!!!!! What about his mouth!!???? He should not be allowed to leave until that is cleared up and he will eat on his own!!!!!!!!!!
good evening
I am not happy. My brother may go home this weekend. He will be going home with the feeding tube. His high blood count (hbc) is at .831. He needs to be at a 1 to go home. it has been improving (per my nephew, per nurse) I do not want him home. Not a good enviroment a nurse will come to help with feeding tube daily. NO!!!!! What about his mouth!!???? He should not be allowed to leave until that is cleared up and he will eat on his own!!!!!!!!!!
LB, I just now read this. Maybe the hospital thinks your brother has today Thursday and then Friday for his hbc to be at a 1 maybe? Time for it go up and if it doesn't he'll stay in hospital perhaps. Did you get any additional info today?
no info he is going home supposely today I give up no one cares. I think my brother is giving up also
Sorry LB. Of course you're worried and upset. One good thing is a nurse will arrive daily for feeding tube so if she thinks your brother should be readmitted she'll tell his Dr.
good morning.
Hi LB, Is your brother home now or still in hospital? Hope you say hospital still because I know that's what you think is best for him.
hi Paule, he came home yesterday. A nurse came yesterday to hook up feeding tube someone is coming today to sho them how to replsce the feeding bag each day. I am going there to find out how too. He has to go to the cancer ceneter to check his blood tomorow. I know the last 3 days he has needed blood. talked my one nephew into taking him there so my father doesnt have to since he is offf. Insurance company kicked him out in ther eyes he is healthy enough to be home, He goes for another biopsy in 1-1/2 weeks. then sees dr 2 weeks later. Not sure if I can get to any of those apppointments. I am going to have my brother call me when he sees dr so I can listen in al my preop appointments start next week.
Good Morning,
Happy Labor Day to all!
Family is coming here today for cookout. I set up the two buffet tables yesterday and did some prepping. Will finish the rest in a bit.
Where did summer go?? Seems like Poof!!
Hi LB, Okay to your brother being home. I wondered if insurance had something to do with him leaving hospital. Good about nurse and instructions. Good too your nephew will take your brother so your father doesn't have to. You've done your best attending his Dr appointments. Good if you can listen in since you can't go. Wow your pre-op appointments begin next week. When is your surgery date?
Wow. lB. You have a lot going on! The happy part is yourknee will soon be in working order! Can or will your brother go to a nursing/rehab place? I have to read back and see why he. Has feeding tube. Guessing chemo but will go back and check!
Pauli, Happy La or day! Enjoy the family and the cookout!
Good day He didnt want to go to the the rehab he had a choice I think he should have I found out aftger the fact. Feeding tube is a nightmare not bad but a lot steps but they are repetitive. I worte out th enotes step by step on the stuff I am comfortabe with I am goin gback tonight when they put the feeding tube back in so I can rmemeber those steps and add those steps in. Its a long story but I think my one nephew can do it. he just needs to bud u his confidence. he is nervouse. These kids are now adults but grew up with learning disabilities so this is difficult for them. There is so much dilema going on I pretty much asked my brother oif he wanted to die. He said if he coninues this way no. I said well that is your choice you need to fight this battle. think of it as a war you against the chemo. you need to fight yur battle I can hassist yu in th ebattle but I cant do it for you . You need to do it!!! I went in more detail in why. if he wants off feeding tube he needs to eat. eat through the pain a little each day and then add more. every couple of days. My nephews then asked when he is going to be off tube I said once he eats and gains strength. If they take him off he will die eventually. so I told them to stop enabling him. dear god please help me to help him and get through his thick head he needs to fight!!! all of them . I am tought I nev er relaized how tough I was . I cant sit there and watch someone die when they arent even trying. Sorry I had to vent. Karen he cant eat because of the soars in his mouth. it huts so I told him to do his rinses to numb his mout then eat. of course soft foods for now Thanks you for reading getting through my many typos.
Hi karen, Thank you and yes we had a really nice Labor Day cookout with family. My youngest granddaughter 9 years stayed for a sleepover. Where did the summer go?! How are things with you and Piper? Good I hope.
Oh my LB! God bless you. Yes you are very strong. You are very determined too trying your best to help your brother. It was very good and yes tough advise you gave him. Very good advise you gave your nephews also not to enable him. My heavens you have your hands full trying to help them but you also have your own life and work to concentrate on too. This must be exhausting and very stressful for you. But! You are strong I agree. You can vent here anytime.
How are your prep appointments going?
Are you working in office this week?
I think your NJ temps have dropped to the comfy cool 40s at night and 70s during the day like here in PA. Feels good! It has made taking walks more pleasant so I've resumed my walks. Are you still taking walks? Hope so. That will help you relax some .. just walk, take deep breaths of fresh air and enjoy being outside.
Hi Yes I am still walking but not today I porobably wont walk until saturday. I think I will be goinfg to my brothers to help with feeding tube this week. hopefully by the end of the week thye will be comfortable enough to do on their own . Cory he did perfect today but he 2nd guesses himselfself he gets so nervous He works tomorrow so its wit hte other nephew who hasnt done it yet They were able to remove the tube and clean the tube without me today so thy are good at that part. its utting the vitamins in the feeding bag and then attaching the tube onto my brothers tube connected to him. It is hard. A lot of steps but he knows it!!
I am in the office this week but I had monday off and I took yesterday (tuesday) off. I am home next week but I mhave to go to the office wednesday its safety week so they are doing something wednesday so gotta go. I get to leave afterwards but I will stay in office to trian my coworker in person and leave once shes had enough LOL
My preop aapointment is next tueday (I have 1/2 day) then 1-1/2 weeks lateris my primary and pulmanry. Oh weell I iddnt realize how close it is and now I am getting nervous. I wont be availbale for my brother for a good 3-4 weeks .
I made hi laugh a fww times I got him to drink some I told him he needs to eat more each day in order to get feeding tube out. he looks miserable He gets his biopsy on Tuesday, I cant go with him this time cause I have my own nappointment. I am also so nervous about the result of his biospy what if not improved. He cant handle much morre chemo (stronger doses) His mouth is still bad :( Nothing they can do other than wiat it out I dont think I can go to his next appointmtnet with oncologsit I am going to try or at least have them call me so I can hear and ask questions.
Weather is beautiful I love it!!!! I am still in disbelief of my sister and th elack of remorse or anything she has for my brother. it upselts my father too I want to say so much to her. I think I will wait until after I odnt need her for my surgery, She may turn on me
LB, Okay about your walking. Very good that your nephew did perfect today with your brother's feeding tube. Tomorrow your other nephew will do good too. What you describe does sound like a lot of steps!!
You are training your co-workers for when you're out for your knee surgery, correct?
You've done great helping your brother so far and now his son's are helping and doing good so please remember that because you have to take care of you too. He'll be good for the 3 to 4 weeks you're recovering. He'll have his sons and your father too and visiting nurse maybe. It's nice you made him laugh and got him to drink.
Whatever your sister's reasons are for her lack of concern .. well that's for her to deal with. Your father can speak to her too. Agreed in the meantime to you not saying anything. You know what you're doing.
LB, I hope all's okay. Hoping you've just had a busy day.
Tomorrow morning I go to my rescheduled cataract consultation appointment. Remember the first time I went I didn't know it was a 2 hour long appt and I had to reschedule. It's 9am so should be over by 11 am and then we're heading to the cabin. Charlie is driving because my eyes will have been dilated. Nope I'm not driving this time. It's supposed to be sunny and bright plus a long drive. :)
Hi Yes. I went to my brother again today, This tie I idd the feeding tube thismorning my one nephew and brother removed. I am going there again tomorrow to have the mdo it one more time. I tod them I need me ttime saturday. Hopefully that happens. I told my brother it will be a good 3-4 weeks moniumum before I get there once I have my surgery So the company with the infusion sent him a scale the nurse requested it so they can keep track. He weight beofre all this happened 168. He is now 148.5 n I am nervous. I got him to drink an ensure. He said he will drink 3 a day for me on saturday tomorrow he will be getting blood. so he will be out of the house most of the day I am bringing him split pea soup to him tomorrow he said he'll try it again. I will make hime mashpotatoes he said he will try that again. I think he gets th picture he needs to eat to gain weight to get off of the feeding tube. he is actually listening to me. he never did before . Makes me happy. Oh I idnt log on right away I needed down time. Now I am going to bed. nightie night
good evening, I hope I sleep good tonight finers crossed
good morning
good day
Returned from cabin early this evening. Busy pleasant weekend with family and had fun on 4-wheeler. We went to Sportman's Club too.
We're exhausted. Knee throbbing for some reason. SED
good morning, glad you had fun paulie
Thanks LB, How's your week so far?
How's your brother doing?
I got all the different eye drops Puff and Karen told me about. I'll have to let them know and thank them for the info
This week is ok better than last, my brother is in the hospital again. The TPN bag (feeding tube through his port is not working. I am not sure what they are going to do. tak was feeding tube through stomach now mouth. His platelets are low so he needs more and hes having a blood transfusuion now . I havent gone to the hospital I needed a break I dont like seeing him this way (like he is giving up) I will see him tomorrow.
LB, Sorry about your brother. Worrisome for you for sure.
Long day for husband and me. I took him to ER this morning. Got home this evening. Good thing is he was able to return home. Got Rx and he goes to a wound clinic next.
Exhausted again. SED
Good Morning oh no Pauliie!! what happened??
Some bounce
HUGS all around...
Hi LB, When he got to the top of the stairs here at the house he lost his balance and slid down backwards on one leg. The initial hit caused a large contusion and a few smaller ones and sliding on carpet messed up his skin. Xray was done to rule out air pockets. None and Dr said good because they are not good news. Ultrasound ruled out abscess. Good. He was discharged with antibiotic and will be attending a wound clinic for treatments. It's from below his knee down to ankle. It looks terrible. Hard to look at honestly and huge swelling. But God blessed him it wasn't worse and will heal eventually.
Did you go to hospital to visit your brother today? How's he doing? Sorry he had to return to hospital. I know how worried you are about him
Hi Tig! Nice to see you! Thank you for the Hugs! Why do you say Some Bounce and not Bounce? Everything okay? I'm sending you a HUG.
Well I've done my two days eyedrops prep prior to my first cataract surgery in right eye. The procedure is tomorrow.
During the consult I was told cataracts in left eye too. The left eye procedure will be next month.
I got my 3rd Euflexxa knee get injection today. Done for another 6 months again. I did speak with my Dr about knee replacement and PT prior and procedure afterwards. I can't keep putting it off forever. I know I have to eventually.
Puff and Karen, Thank you again for all the cataract info you gave to me a few weeks ago. It has really helped with my understanding of the eyedrops and procedure.
Good luck Paulie and god bless your husband. My brother actually looks a lot better when he is in the hospital. He is getting another port for his stomache. to do the tpn bag. They are afraid for an affection using the other one. They go through his mouth to set up th etub so the food goes directly to his stomach. Waiting for hi splatlets to improve. he agreed to rehab afterwards. Thank god. He is not getting good care at home sorry to say
Hi Paulie... Just a reaction to the various "troubles" here.
I'm ok... We have been traveling since the 29th!
Keep my stool warm
Good luck Paulie and god bless your husband. My brother actually looks a lot better when he is in the hospital. He is getting another port for his stomache. to do the tpn bag. They are afraid for an affection using the other one. They go through his mouth to set up th etub so the food goes directly to his stomach. Waiting for hi splatlets to improve. he agreed to rehab afterwards. Thank god. He is not getting good care at home sorry to say
Thank you LB, Cataract surgery went well. I actually watched! My eye had to be open anyway. Was very interesting. I actually saw my initial lens removed ... slid out sideways and eventually the new lens inplant slid in through opening. Didn't hurt one bit during procedure. Afterwards some discomfort, not much, and three different eye drops needed to use to prevent infection stung a good bit at first but feels better after using repeatedly.
Thank you for the God bless for my husband.
I must say God bless your brother! He's been through and going through so much. Good news he's hospitalized. Best place for him I agree to receive the care he needs. You said previously he wouldn't get the care he needed at home. Excellent he looks a bit better and has agreed to rehab afterwards. You keep up the good caring for him too. You are an excellent sister. He loves and appreciates you.
Hi Tig, I hope the troubles subside, are resolved and go away soon. I'm glad you're okay.
Whoa! Very nice you've have been traveling since the 29th! 2 weeks! Nice! Did you go to one location or travel around?
Tig your stool is always here and warm for you. :)
A trip to Yellowstone and then all the usual sites in South Dakota, etc. And now, a few days up north for our anniversary (annual trip)
Unfortunately, we lost power for 3 days before we left due to a storm. Will need to replace some food.
Hi Pauli, Good news mon your cataract surgery! One down and one to go! Sorry about your husbands fall and hope he is healing!
Lb, sorry about your brother but goad he is in the hospital and hopefully the rehab will get him headed in the right direction.
Some good finishes to the week . . .
Paulie Good news on the eye surgery. I've only heard once about anyone having any issues - a fellow who didn't follow the med procedure. >:( Gotta do that.
tsk Best medicine for bad back ala weeds - stop weeding for a while. Thought about that laying in bed this morning, planning today. Water and feed for the feather friends. That's it! Hit 90 yesterday and "promised" again for me today.
Actually that's not it . . . Today is our block party. Be there or be square. Each house brings something - guest house does the BBQ and meat, BYOB. This year even numbers bring a dessert, odd number houses bring a side dish or munchie. Made one of our patented Italian cheese cakes (MIL and me). Eight ounces of philly cheese - 2 lbs of ricotta. Patented? Mother-in-law original she started years ago at Geonnatti (? Roosevelt Road in Oak Park). When she got into her own restaurants she "let" me do the cheese cakes. Great cook, not a good baker. Swore me into telling no one the recipe. Noone else in family bakes -- When something happens to me that might well be the end of the big secret.
She had pics of some of the celebs who frequented the restaurants she had. Wonder where those pictures ended up. I started my designated role in Elmhurst with her at the Florentine House, co-owned with Chevy dealer Nick Celossi, remember the commercials?
Anyway - just take a couple weekend days off. Hubby being gone should mean an easier schedule. Enjoy your trip up north Camper/Tig. Nice that the owners remembered, pleasant touch for sure.
HUGS to all.
Hi good to see everyhone. glad surgery went well and your hisband is healing nicely. Puff oooh a block party sounds like fun.
My brother had his sprocedure yesterday he now has another port for feeding tube directly to his stomsch They said they did this because they were afraid of an infection Maybe because the original port was being used for both food and blood transfusions The tpn back was always workign vut they were afraid of an infection. They are looking for rehab and may be released tomorrow or Monday I would hope they would wait to see if he gains more weight. I told my brother I was hoping he would stay in rehab until after my surgery so I dont have to worry about him being home with his kids. They try but they are no help He alwasy sems so much more relaxed away from them the sad news is he depends on them mway too much
I hd a few talks with him and hopefully this time in rhab fives him time o reflect and look at life different and get up and fight
A trip to Yellowstone and then all the usual sites in South Dakota, etc. And now, a few days up north for our anniversary (annual trip)
Unfortunately, we lost power for 3 days before we left due to a storm. Will need to replace some food.
Hello ladies! It's nice seeing all of you here. :)
Hi Tig, Nice vacation!! Very nice. Are you and Camper away now too? Happy Anniversary!! How many years. Enjoy.
Darn to your power outage and food loss. If you have a warranty on refrigerator they will cover up to a certain amount for food loss. Happened to me. I had to take a picture of ruined food in fridge though to show. I don't know if home insurance covers that loss. It's worth looking into. You probably already have checked.
Enjoy your anniversary get away!
Hi Pauli, Good news mon your cataract surgery! One down and one to go! Sorry about your husbands fall and hope he is healing!
Hi Karen, Yes ma'am one down and one to go! Thank you for the prior info you gave me about cataract surgery. Thank you about my husband too. His leg is healing nicely finally.
I hope all's good with you and Piper. :) I thought of you the other day when I knocked down the birds nest above my front door. It was abandoned during the summer but kept falling down in pieces making a mess so I decided it had to go. Birds will probably rebuild in the Spring.
Paulie Good news on the eye surgery. I've only heard once about anyone having any issues - a fellow who didn't follow the med procedure. >:( Gotta do that.
Hi Puff, Thank you. Geez to the fellow who didn't follow the med procedure. What happened to him? Did he get infection?
I'm definitely following the post-op instructions. Thank you for your previous info on the process. I appreciate it. I thought of you during the surgery prep in the OR when the Dr placed the shield over my face with opening over the surgical eye. That was scary for you with your claustrophobia.
My brother had his sprocedure yesterday he now has another port for feeding tube directly to his stomsch They said they did this because they were afraid of an infection Maybe because the original port was being used for both food and blood transfusions The tpn back was always workign vut they were afraid of an infection. They are looking for rehab and may be released tomorrow or Monday I would hope they would wait to see if he gains more weight. I told my brother I was hoping he would stay in rehab until after my surgery so I dont have to worry about him being home with his kids. They try but they are no help He alwasy sems so much more relaxed away from them the sad news is he depends on them mway too much
I hd a few talks with him and hopefully this time in rhab fives him time o reflect and look at life different and get up and fight
Hi LB, I repeat for the umpteeth time. God bless your brother. He continues to go through so much.
Was he released today or will it be Monday. Hopefully when released he goes directly to rehab for his sake.
I hope he can stay in rehab until after your surgery because that will be good for him but also will give you peace of mind not worrying about him during your surgery and recovery. You are important too kiddo. :)
I repeat also what a loving sister you are to him because of the pep talks you've had with him. He needs those. He's lucky to have you in his corner. :)
Paulie fellow did have a serious infection for a long time. He played pool with Ton, but then Ton stopped going to pool.
Hated that mask. It's good I didn't know about that part of the surgery. But, he did give me oral meds for the second eye to relax me.
Hi I went to see my brother yesterday and lucky me the primary dr on call came by. I found out about the new port and feedingtube. They changed it because fear f infection because original the food was going through the blood stream Now it wil lbe going directly to his stomache That makes sense. Also, now he wont have the tpn back for 16 hours a day. He wil lbe fed 3x a day I think 2 cans of protein a meal. There are 2 ways to do it one way is directly insert through a syringe I am not understanding the 2nd way but both so much easier!!!! He should be able to do himself. They will not release him until he knows how to do it. I explained to her what happened tghe first time we only had 1 lesson and we were on our own other than calling th ennurse on call. which we have used and I am llucky I recorded the leson. So hopefujlly he will do it on his own I will talk to him about it when I see him tomorrow. He needs to tke control of his life and not rely on the boys. He will be released to a rehab in the middle of the week they will be transisitioning him into the new way of feeding during this time. Fingers crossed. fingers crossed again he will listen tto all my pep talks.
Puff, I remembered how much you said you hated the mask. That's why I thought of you when Dr put it over my face. She was fast doing it too! I bet that guy was sorry and learned his lesson. I admit following the med schedule for 3 separate eye drops is a bit of a pain but necessary. As is the protective eye cap at night. Were you still continuing one of the eye drops a month later when you had your other eye cataract surgery? I think I'll be doing that from what I've read on instruction sheet.
LB, You have 2 full time jobs. One helping your brother and the other your paycheck job. I hope your brother will be able to gain weight soon with the change of feeding tube sending food directly to his stomach vs his blood stream. I don't know anything about that but hope so. Very good he should be able to do this himself once he is home and even in rehab. Very good he won't be released until he can do this on his own. I hope he's beginning to listen to your pep talks. I sure hope you're sleeping better because you need it.
Quate #4
Yep, Paulie, I had a chart with dates for the drops for each eye for Camper. But before he was finished with the second eye, he had to restart drops for the first eye. And I put the drops in for him.
I hope I don't need mine done for a while.
I was quickly perusing the forum before dinner...
{{{LB}}} Glad y our cataract surgery went well for you. I m sorry to read about your brother-so much to deal with. Glad he made it thru surgery. Hope his rehab is successful. Your brother and your entire
family will be in my prayers. LB you're juggling so much.
Paulie glad y our eye surgery went well; hoping your husband a speedy recover from his fall. Prayers.
I believe you mentioned having not long ago your final Euflexxa SOSY injection for the treatment.
Made it to my first ever appointment for 'Euflexxa SOSY 20 mg/2ml per knee commencing w/ my right
as it's the worst. One round behind me and two to go. LOL
Doc said most folks may not feel improve ment after few days or weeks---sometimes not until the 2nd injection. I will say I've felt some 'loosening up' of the knee joints. Imagine just a initial reaction. LOL
Doc also said some have improvement lasting a year . I'll just be thrilled if after this series I get 6mos lasting relief.
Well, ladies wishing y'all a 'Good Night' and SEDs.
Have a good week and all.
good evening all. Going to be a long 2 weeks. (in office) But next week i do have a 1/2 dya and working from home 1 day cause I hav eearly morning appointmnet I am always so tired.
Yep, Paulie, I had a chart with dates for the drops for each eye for Camper. But before he was finished with the second eye, he had to restart drops for the first eye. And I put the drops in for him.
I hope I don't need mine done for a while.
Hi Tig Sounds like you and I are chart with dates and times people. I do the same thing. Only way I keep things organized. I do the same for Charlie's meds too.
Depending on my next eye surgery next month will determine if I'm doing both eye drops. Probably. I'm sure that kept you and Camper busy. The hours in between doing drops goes fast.
Question: Why did Camper have to restart drops in his first eye? Did you do the drops to be sure they went into eye?
True to hopefully you don't need it done for a while.
Hi Phyl! LB didn't have cataract surgery. She's prepping to have her other knee replaced already! Wow right!!
Thank you about my cataract surgery and Charlie's leg healing. He had a wound appt this morning. They did some intensive work .. Ugh!! then applied ointment and gauze wrapped leg. It's coming along with healing. Good!
Awesome you got your first of three Euflezxxa knee gel injections!! Good for you. I hope it helps you a lot.
A suggestion the first 24 to 48 hours don't over exert yourself/knee. Allow the gel to settle in nicely.
Yes I just finished my final Euflexxa injection. This will be my third round of every 6 month injections. they help me a lot! I resumed mowing my lawn for a while until I found someone else to. And I've resumed my morning and evening walks.
I really hope you get relief and your knee feels better. Please let me know. Keep me updated.
I hope Jim and Maggie are good.
good evening all. Going to be a long 2 weeks. (in office) But next week i do have a 1/2 dya and working from home 1 day cause I hav eearly morning appointmnet I am always so tired.
Hi LB, Oh geez you're in office for 2 weeks. Good you've got a half then full day off for appointments. That helps.
If I recall... A pressure problem??
Hi Tig, Okay That makes sense. How are your issues at home doing? Getting better I hope. How's your knee been?
LB, I hope you sleep better tonight.
Weather forecast for my area is rain tonight and tomorrow. Both my knees are feeling the weather. When I did my evening walk I found a really cool beat semi fast music so I decided to do my entire walk to it. Stubborn me was determined. I did but when I got home and went inside (remember I live in a bi-level ugh) I went to the nearest chair and fell into it. ;D LOL
Hi, LOng day long weeek. Today went slow
Knees are... Knees :(
Just sitting here watching a baseball game and listening to my heart skip beats in my tinnitus...
LB - Oh gee. Sorry about the mistake. On the knee surgery. I hope all goes well. You're in my prayers.
Paulie Good news on Charlie's poor leg-glad to hear it's healing. My 48hrs will be up4:30Pm tomorrow or today as it's past 12.
This afternoon I'll start my PT for my knees and r. leg. Not--- sure how long for. Oh well. We'll see. LOL
Good Morning :)
LB, Yesterday being slow means work has slowed up maybe? How's your brother ... still in hospital or in rehab now?
Tig, True to knees but sure helps when not hurting so much.
Oh! You have tinnitus! Charlie does too
I remember you mentioning your arrhythmia when my oldest son was diagnosed. Do you take a med for it?
My heavens .. I hope you relaxed watching the baseball game.
Phyl, Thanks about Charlie. Good your gel injection has been settling in.
You're starting PT for both your knees? And right leg? Does this have to do with the fall you had when you tripped on rug in bedroom?
That's when you injured your nose though, correct?
Wishing you the best with PT.
Did Jim ever get another car? I just remembered that.
I'm wishing everyone a pleasant and 'safe' day! :)
Good Morning...
LB glad work slowed a bit; hope your brother is doing well
Paulie Yes. PT for both knees and right leg 'cuz it's weak I sometimes stumble because of it. Yes. The fall I had in guest room
was from that weak leg and a wrinkled throw rug...l turned and somehow got tangled in it fell into the door frame and broke my nose that was this past October and my nose still hurts.
Jim did replace his old Pontiac with a 2020 Ford Fusion.
Jim called me from work to say after he's off at 1pm, Doc set up a lung scan because he's been coughing for the past 10days...not very productive.
I fret so. But relieved he's doing 'something' and has seen his doc
Tks for the good wishes. Do we all need them.
Phyl, Ouch! I do remember all of that.
Thanks for explaining your PT. I'm sure you will be very diligent in strengthening your knees and right leg. That's important.
Good about Jim's Ford Fusion. I know you're happy having your car back. :)
Very good Jim's Dr set up lung scan. Very good. Let us know what the results are. I just said a prayer for good news test results for Jim.
LB, Hope you had a good day today. It's still a bit early so maybe you'll check in yet tonight.
good evening Is it Friday yet? Hi Paulie, hes' still in hospital. I got in contact with case worker and social worker cuase my nephew dropped the ball. I gave them th enames of rehabs to get hi into out top 3 choices. glad I did.because mt nephew dropped the ball big time gave them no info or wrong info. I am not sure if he is ready for rehab. when I saw him he was so dooped up on morphine. I cant gt to him until friday I will need to talk to nurse about the morphine, maybe lesson it. so much has happened in th epast few weeks. dont know what I said or not said I know mostly I didnt say. cause I would be typing non stop still. All I know I am happy when I am working. Thats my happy place these days unless when I get to walk. I cant believe my surgery is coming up so fast. they called today to review some things with me. Very efficient practice. I am so nervous more so becaus eof my brother. what if something hppens to him when I cant drive and cant get to him. I see his kids are useless. and they are not even kids they are adults!!!!! good nigt
Good Morning,
LB, You are definitely overwhelmed. Understandable. Kudos to you for providing the correct rehab info for your brother.
Why so much morphine? His mouth is still very sore?
Sounds like life has been hectic for you 24/7 the past weeks. The work place does become peoples happy space at times of intense stress. Good you have work and also enjoy your walks a lot. Good.
What is the date of your surgery?
You're a good sister worrying about your brother while you recover but your father will be able to help. And you can always correspond with your brother, his doctors and nurses by phone.
You have to take care of you too. ((LB))
#s 2 and 4
Hi Paulie. The problem is hat the doctors dont call back!!!!we cant get in touch with anyone. we have to be at the hospital at the right time to catch up with them while they are making their rounds. The social worker called me agian keeping us updated she is waiting on biopsy results and she will contact us if she hears anything since th doctors never call us and we dont know when they will show up. Yes we are very frustrated. MY brother has had his phonein sleep mode so we cant get in tuch with him. Today it was fixed but who know sif he will put it back without knowing. I called and he doesnt answr!!! Morhoine. Pain I have no idea where the last i heard bed sore is painful .mouth is still bad. I spoke with the social worker about himm being on too much morphine he is very confused. she will tak to th doctors. SO many different issues going on I owuldnt knnow where to begin. the dr is an idiot the social worer will rleay our messages to him.
My surgery oct 15, ALready wspoke with one of the nurses to go over things with me. wow!!!!! I am goin gto have home pt for 5 days the first week. Then 3 the 2nd thne I do outpatient. I only had 3 visits each week with the last dr. I need prepping food. or get already made meals. I am makking lasagna. and meatloaf. I think thats it. I have soup I made in freezer I think 1/2 the lasagn will go to my bothers kids not sure why they dont deserve it.. LOL But I cant save and eat a whole lasagna. How long can you freeze it for. I think I am going to buy a ppiza pie and freeze the slizes I can only eat one. so that is 8 meals . I think I need a drink tonight. LOL
Good Morning,
LB, I understand better now your frustrations trying to communicate with doctors for info. Very good the social worker will help to keep you informed. Good!! Same with your brother not answering when you call him. Frustrating for sure for you. Morphine use understood now too.
Thanks for your knee surgery date. You know what to expect now since you had other done already.
You're going to different hospital, correct? I remember you not liking the other one. Nice to your PT schedule. Your prep foods sound tasty. Another thing I remember was you had chicken waiting for you when you returned home from your last knee surgery. :)
Heck with everything going on in your life an adult beverage sounds in order!
Paulie, you must been reading my mind I opened up a wine cooler 30 minutes ago. I had summer hours today and totllay forgot good thing I came into work 30 min early each day like required. So I got to leave at 200 yippee!! I am looking outside and it looks like it's windy... nice!!!!! i went to my brother today and the pain management dr came in to talk to him. My brother was more coherent today. The dr said it's not morphine. supposely last night he had a temperture so he has some sort of infection.. He said it like I knew. I said oh he has an infection? I wouldnt know. No ones calls us to let us know whats going on A dr called me tonight it was a private number so I didint answe, she left a message will call tomorrow. I wont hold my breath. She souded very cold. so he is not be reeleased just yet due to the infection. I think he has an onocology appt Monday . I think to go over his reults. I did fin our from social workers yestrday that his chemo treatmemnt may change. I told my brother to call me when the dr comes in. I want to hear. I have a pulminology appt monday part of my pre surgery appt.
LB, Good!! I'm glad you had a wine cooler. Nice you got to leave at 2pm .. and you got wind you love. Sounds like a good day for you.
I hope you sleep better tonight.
Good you spoke with your brother's pain management Dr and your brother was more coherent today. Very good.
Your brother isn't being given morphine you mean? Now he has an infection!
Sounds like you got your message across about doctors keeping you informed.
Were at the cabin. Most of the family is here too.
Tomorrow we're going to a town an hour away to an Autumn Bavarian Festival and also to the Sportsman's Club nearby here that's having National Hunting & Fishing Day with lots of food, competitions and drawing for prizes. Should be a full fun day.
good day Hi Paulie I walked 1.5 miles today it was nice this morning I went to get my covid shot then to hospital I walkedin to my brother yelling at me. He is spitting up blood and lots of it. sigh.. Ok Hopefully I can type this ocrrectly. He's been have fevers all week (the first I heard of it yesterday His mouth has been bleeding for the last couple of days (alittle) so this morning thye di da biopsy of his mout. They dont think the lumps are from the chemo its too much (this is all from the infection doctor today)
You dont say. its bee like this ofr over a month and they are first looking into it more. Probably because of the fevers. probably an infection cause his white blood counts are rea low (now I think there was no improvemennt, I think if there was, the blood counts would be higher) so all th ebed (there is a lot all blood clots) is from the biopsy. its like geting a cut and it bleeds. They said it's normal now if it continues then issue. So they also took him for a CAT scanas well to check his mout and chest for other lesions He has some sort of infection they think they know what it is and will know more once the results come back. This will take a couple of days. Good thing I was there. I probably would not know. I asked the doctors if they can call once they have results they said they will call the pimary team . I said they dont call no one calls. I went of in how I never knew of his fevers th elast week or why he was even admitted to the hospital . At least the nurses are being good. they ake sure we have masks on and wash our hands when seeing him since his white blood cell is so low. He is already on antiinfection medicon but they are not always 100%. Once they have the results they will get hi on the correct antibiotics. Myabe that will clear up his mout. I was also told once he can eat he may need therapy in how to swallow again and speak . MY niece does all that. The doctor called me. I wil save that for tomorrrow. to much info
Good morning
good evening
Good Morning :)
We returned late yesterday. Had an awesome weekend. Autumn temps have definitely arrived there and here at home.
LB, Last Saturday sounded rough for you. Why was your brother yelling at you when you walked in?
No one told you he had fevers all last week. Is his fever gone yet? Hope so.
Did you get biopsy results for his mouth?
Your niece can provide speech and swallow therapy?
Good that a doctor called you. I hope some better news about your brother.
Paulie No answers!!!!!!!! not even his bone marrow bipopsy supposely an emailwent to oncologist but nothing. I think I will have to cal l nurses desk to get info I want a call from any doctor. OH wait I have the number for the social worker, maybe I will call her tomorrow if I get chance But back to nurse lyes we are at mercy with the nurse we spoke to to get a mmessage to have any dr call back for any kind of answer unless we are lucky enough t obe at the hospital when a dr comes in . wont talk about my niece she wont help him log story. He was yelling becuase he was spitting up blood clots from biopsy of his mouth
Oh my heavens your poor brother, LB. Frustrating for you and your father getting info on him for sure!
Good evening I have surgery clearance appoitment tomorrow morning its almost 2 weeks away. Yikes!! It's sneaking up on me!!!
good morning
LB, How'd your surgery clearance go? I'm thinking good. You now know "the ropes" and procedures for what's to come. You'll be at home recovering and doing PT before you know it. :)
How is your brother? Also how is your father doing?
Paulie This is what I posted in Beakroom about my knees. My injections have always been on Monday afternoons. Forgive me for cutting and pasting. :(
I was so excited about this last night---didn't sleep much...
Well...made it to my appointment with Elite Sports Meds in Green Hills, TN. for 'Euflexxa SOSY 20 mg/2ml per knee commencing w/ my right
as it's the worst. One round behind me and two to go. LOL
Doc said Most folks feeling improve ment takes a few days---sometimes not until the 2nd injection. I will say I've felt some 'loosening up' of the knee
joints. Doc also said some have improvement lasting a year . I'll just be thrilled if after this series I get 6mos lasting relief. But, I'll take longer---of course. Probably, the middle of NeXT week I'll go back to walking. It's been a 5 year hiatus for me.
OMG! The world could be much more dangerous---I''ll be pack'n come pepper spray at least.
I'm just so excited about being able to get back in my old routine and getting these extra 15 lbs off me.
I had my first session of PT what is going to be 5X weekly and exercises 2x daily for the next 6 weeks. The list of exercises :o
Going for my 2nd Euflexxa injection this afternoon. Will met my doc for 1st time as she's been coaching the US soccer team. Hoping for a
good visit and report.
Hi! My visit with Dr. Martin or Coach Martin went very well. She's an easy person to talk to and I used the opportunity to ask her about some of
the exercises I had been assigned due to the building discs at L4 -L 6 Of course it stands to reason that if doing 'something' hurts---don't do it.
But never hurts to get the 'okay to skip' . However I got a green light to do a prone plank standing up. And the resistance band for the upper legs . I have permission to skip with a choice of a more advance level as it's doesn't stress the lower back. So I chose the advance exercise. I also mentioned that the gel after 2-3 days gravitated to the lower knee cavity leaving the gel at the bottom instead at the top of the knee Doc use a in a thicker Euflexxa gel . And my time in the actual therapy away from home was cut down.
The rainy weather makes my knees hurt. But, Euflexxa keeps them limber. :)
Today is a PT day---4pm
This was this past Wednesday afternoon (9-25).Did I get a 'workout' in PT yesterday. Got home yesterday late afternoon and was all done-in. Did spend sometime on their exercise bike. It was fun. And, then I realized that I miss mine. Think I will look for another one. There's no place that doesn't hurt or is tender.
Took home a modified exercise sheet. And, will re-incorporate exercises I had long strayed from in daily routine. This coming Monday is my last
Euflexxa injection. Then I'll probably finish out the PT on Mondays and Wednesdays. We had more rain, yesterday and last night. Hopefully the weeds will pull up more easily now.
Any how this coming Monday9 9-30) will be my last injection. My PT will go on for a few more weeks.
Thanks for popping in and saying 'Howdy' to us all.
I've been thinking of Cheers and it's Cherrios. And, with full intention of posting to you.
Hope you , Charlie and family have been well.
{{{LB}}} sending you nothing but the best wishes for a successful surgery, speedy recovery. Will be thinking of you. 🙏 s
LB, TGIF for you.
Phyl, Good news the Euflexxa injections are helping and you feel some improvement already. Nice your third and final injection is this Monday. Hopefully you'll feel relief minimum 6 months and longer. I do feel relief for the 6 months and a bit longer. I really like Euflexxa.
Your PT schedule sounds great. That should help strengthen the areas needed. It's nice and important you got to speak with your doctor about some of the exercises. She sounds interesting with her coaching position for soccer team too.
It's awesome you plan to resume taking walks again after 5 years. Enjoy!
You're welcome for popping in. It's nice when you, Karen, Tig and Puff pop in here from time to time. I remembered Karen lives in Georgia and in the path of the hurricane/tropical storm.
What about your area in Tennessee? High winds and heavy rain there?
A scary story about Helene tropical storm and one of my son's Paul and DIL.
They live in Boone, NC. The outer bands of the the storm were extended to Boone. Their house is on the side of one of the mountains there with very old tall trees and lots of them. Early this morning while he was sitting on couch at a window drinking his morning coffee there was suddenly a loud crashing noise. A tree blew/fell over onto the house hitting 2 roofs at different levels and the rear deck right landing beside the window where he was sitting. Thank you God and Jesus for protecting him. He said the tree hit so hard that it knocked all the pictures and things on shelves off the wall. His wife was still asleep upstairs so he ran up quickly to check on her. She was okay and very startled awake for sure!
They've been without power since then and latest update the rain and wind have mostly subsided but the roads are washed out and power still out in their and more areas now.
That sure is scary, glad they are ok
Thanks Pauli! Enjoying sn adult beverage!.
Hi LB, How did your surgery clearance go? How is your brother? Biopsy results? Are you going to see him in hospital tomorrow ... if he there or rehab yet? Lots of questions.
Hi Karen!! Good to see you! Enjoy your adult beverage. You earned it! I'm glad you and Piper made it through the storm safely.
Hi Paulie,
Yes got through my clearance. I see the surgeon on Monday well his assistant. and the PT group. for an evaluation and that's it. I am going through their pt group this time.
My brother, I am speechless. Hés still in hospital still no results still no call backs my father spoke with someone he got a different story than I did. he has an appointment with oncologist on Monday but can only see him if he is out of the hospital because the hospital wont provide transportation. .go figure. Hès located in the same hospital. Why cant the oncologist go see him????
I was told he can't be release because he needs blood transfusions daily and until his blood is under control he can't leave. my father was told they are waiting for clearance/approval from insurance. we got him in a rehab lace but now not sure if still available once he is released
Supposedly his mouth is getting better. But still don't know what the lesion is. This hospital is suppose to be top rated. Its for sure going down hill. Thank god I am not going there for my knee surgery
I am going to go see him shorly.
LB, Good to getting through your clearance and upcoming appointments.
Okay to your brother still being in hospital. My heavens you and your father have been given conflicting info regarding his release from hospital and going to rehab.
If your brother's oncologist office is located within same hospital your brother is in why does he need transportation? He could go in a wheel chair, correct? Maybe a nurse cannot take him to the office? A family member should since there's a nursing shortage?
Good to his mouth getting better.
How did your visit with your brother go today?
Hi Paulie, I have no idea They have peoplet o bring them to or room and back they can take him I am just speechless. the oncologist would see him in cancer ward. I dont get it.
LB, Well somehow I hope your brother gets to see his oncologist tomorrow.
Update on my son and dil who live in Boone, NC.
Boone is devastated by flooding and mud and the aftermath. I'm still saying Thank You prayers for the tree that fell on his house missed him falling so close to window where he was sitting inside.
They finally got power back that went out last Friday. Still no internet. Boil water advisory of course. So many roads are washed out and destroyed getting supplies delivered to Boone, Ashville and many many other places is going to be difficult.
App State University in Boone where he's a professor is a mess. All classes cancelled this week and when resumed might have to be virtual for a while.
His wife is a professor at a university about an hour drive from Boone. She can't drive there because so many roads and highway are destroyed and her campus is a mess too.
He said some people still can't get out of their homes. They live on the side of mountain in Boone not down in town so their home and vehicles were not affected by flooding and mud. Just a large tree falling on it! There are good roads too along with many not good. Neighbors and everyone are helping each other.
Glad your son is OK through this storm so odd how NC got hit so bad and all the way to west. A friend of friend is in ashville and They are stuck there us no access in or our ans she is oxygen dependant. I think there is a plan set up her son is emergency response so something is being worked out I think .
Good morning
Good Afternoon,
LB, Thank you. I hope the person you spoke about in Ashville got the help she needed with her oxygen. I'm betting she did because everyone is working so hard to help each other.
You take care.
Good morning
Yes Paulie she did . My friend posted her post saying how she got to family. She is now safe
Good Morning,
Hi LB, Good news for that lady. You're working in the office this week correct? I remember you posting about you'd be in office 2 weeks.
Still going for walks?
Hi Paulie i am off today and tomorrow for the Jewish holidays I am home this week next week and my last week will be in office
I haven't walked this week, I may try today will for sure this weekend. It's been a stressful week I should have walked. My apartment is paying the roads I can fin other areas to work and will do they should e done friday as well
well hear it goes. Paulie and Jacaji already knows. we received bad news about my brother on Monday. The chemo is not working. There is nothing more they can do. They will continue to do blood transfusions but eventually it will not work He will then go into hospice He is in rehab the dr said to try to get stronger and he can live longer THey say he has maybe months to live. Please pray he gets strong nd the willpower to try to live longer. My father and girlfriend is trying to get a 2nd opinion from sloan kettering Itg's been an emotional week.
Good Morning,
Hi LB, Ok on your work schedule. I didn't know about Jewish holiday.
Walking will be good for you I think. You've definitely had an emotional week. That's why I asked. Good the road paving is done tomorrow.
Your brother remains in my prayers definitely. God bless your father and girlfriend trying to get second opinion.
Hugs to you and prayers too.
Lb, I am sorry to read about your brother! Ptayersfor him and the family! When is your knee replacement?
Pauli, did mot know your son lived in Boone! Terrible destruction in a beautiful area of our country! I lived in Asheville for 2 and it a half years! Bl, in the beak is in Wautauga county cutting trees.he wrote a bit of his workin the beak.
He is from New Jersey!
Hope you all take care.
Hi Karen Thank you so much. Today is a bad day emotionally about my brother Not sure if I like the rehab lace he is in but I do like his OT people he did PT and OT he did well. JUst seeing him so volunterable is devasting me. I am his cheer leader his biggest cheer leader but its breaking me.
MY knee surgery is a week from Tuesday October 15.
To top off today my engine light came on which I am nervous about I have 145000 miles and it's almost 12 years old.
Lb, I am sorry to read about your brother! Ptayersfor him and the family! When is your knee replacement?
Pauli, did mot know your son lived in Boone! Terrible destruction in a beautiful area of our country! I lived in Asheville for 2 and it a half years! Bl, in the beak is in Wautauga county cutting trees.he wrote a bit of his workin the beak.
He is from New Jersey!
Hope you all take care.
Hi Karen!
Nice that you lived in Asheville for 2 1/2 years! That's awesome. Asheville is a great town. I guess I should say was. SO sad. It will be again. The Biltmore Estate flooding is terrible. Everything there is terrible .. as well as all of eastern NC.
Thanks for telling me about BL being in Watauga. What he's doing is awesome and much needed.
You'll see my post to him in the Beak Room.
How are things with you in Georgia where you got hit by Hurricane Helene? I read you got a generator just before the storm. That was great planning! I haven't read recently in the Beak. Can Piper go outside without a leash yet since the fence was broken?
Hi LB, I just had a nice long post to you then it went poof! Prayers continue for your brother. Prayers for you too!
Darn about your engine light. Hopefully it's something minor. We know what jicaji would say ... It's always something.
Read what your car manual says maybe. And maybe it will go out/go away. Mine did that once.
appointment for Monday for my care praying its fixable
Good morning, What a good day yesterday!!! My brother started to eat!!!! When I picked him up for his blood transfusion the nurse was explaining the importance of rinsing even with water. he needs his mouth moist for it to heal!!! He rinsed while I was on phone with him last night and his voice sounded almost normal!!!!!! Maybe that will push him to work harder!!!!!!
Pictures of him eating!! I was a proud sister!!!!! LOL we are going to make him a haircut appointment and shafe the rest of his beard if he doesnt finish it himself he started to shave his beard that developed while in hospital
forgot my posts
Morning after a good day with my brother what a horrible day yesterday due to the lack of care he is receiving. here are my notes for the day. They are also making him wear a diaper cause they are too lazy to help him get up to go to the bathroom. He is devasted
my quotes
good morning
Hi LB, We went to cabin last Friday morning and didn't return till late yesterday. I didn't use my laptop while there so just read your posts.
Such good news about your brother eating and his improved mood until reading your last post about his bad day. Would he be able to go to a different rehab facility if available?
What was Monday's news about your car?
disaster with my brother he can get kicked out of rehab Thursday by his insurance. depends on what his report says. his disability runs out or ran out. it should be good through end of November that will be 6 months, He says now. Need to look int that my father is going to see a lawyer on Monday I will go with him. I just filled out Medicaid forms for my brother and nephew. It's a mess. Not sure if he is still eating He may have just done that for me.
My car.....it was a faulty fuel cap. Fixed but I need my windshield wiper fixed. it the pump they kept getting the wrong part. finally got it. so I will get that fixed on Monday. I won't need my car. LOL I think I will drop it off Sunday night and pick it up Monday afternoon
Hospital called me to go over everything what I need what will happen go over meds. Now this is bad timing with my brother I feel bad, my father forgot too. My poor father That poor man. Next thing is to find cheaper place for my brothers' kids. They are aggrevating they should be doing these things themselves but they are so incapable. it's unbelievable. they think they are still 13
I have been working from home because of my car will be in office rest of week.
good evening
LBLN Just popped in to see what was going on. Boy your guardian angel is working over time to keep you from collapsing with all that you have going on and with a pending knee replacement in the mix!! Will put you at the top of my prayer list as well as your poor brother who is now close to Hospice placement. ((((LBLN))))
LB, What did your brother's report say? Can he stay in rehab? Tomorrow is Thursday. You and your father are doing everything you can to help. God bless each of you.
Good the news about your car was good considering. Good you're working from home due to car.
Don't fret about the timing of your knee replacement and your brother's health issues. God has a plan for both of you.
Tsk is right. Your guardian angel is working over time.
Hi tsk! :)
Good Morning, :) It's definitely looking like Autumn! Beautiful Fall colors. Much cooler temps too! Frost and freeze warnings.
Tomorrow is my left eye cataract surgery. My right eye was done almost one month ago already. I'm still putting eye drops in right eye a few more days then finally done with right eye.
Puff and Karen, You were right about the eye drops. The schedule for using them is no joke!
I'm waiting for phone call for time tomorrow. I hope it's morning like the last one was. T
LB, What's happening with your brother? Prayers for him continue.
1 month since your last caterac?? wow!! My brother is still there I haven't heard anything. the lawyer is not calling back. I am going t go see him tomorrow after work. I at off at 200 He had blood transfusion today he also had to get hydrated. he was dehydrated. I told him he needs more water he said he has to cut cause too much sodium. that doesn't make sense cause he isn't drinking much, He gets confused. here is message we sent to each other tonight. I am afraid he will give up once I get through my surgery
here are my posts tomorrow last day of work
LBLN Just popped in to see what was going on. Boy your guardian angel is working over time to keep you from collapsing with all that you have going on and with a pending knee replacement in the mix!! Will put you at the top of my prayer list as well as your poor brother who is now close to Hospice placement. ((((LBLN))))
Thanks TSKs It has been a hard 5 months this last month is the hardest. I think my brother has given up. But he has done the bike for 15 minutes on Wednesday in PT That came from the PT person herself!!!! Proud sister again!!!
LB, Good your brother is still in rehab. Good he got additional hydration today. Aww to the posts between the two of you. I think he's going to try harder during your surgery and recovery to surprise you and make you proud.
Well in three days it will be one month since right eye cataract surgery. I was notified to arrive tomorrow at 7am for left eye. That's nice and early. I'm going to get a snack now before midnight.
I got my brother to do arm exercises today he is very tired he didnt do much with pt she did tell him she needs to keep his muscles moving to stop the pain. I dont know I dont see him trying harder Paulie. he refuses to eat the food cause gross even though I told him it will make him stronger. I think he just wants to survive until I have my surgery. I'm scared for him
good morning
Pauli, just saw you had second cataract surgery! Hope all-went well and that you are in the putting a lor of drops in phase! Prayers for a quick recovery.
LB, what does the oncologist on your brothers case say his prognosis is? I thought you wrote tat his chemo was not working. Hopefully I read thar wrong! Prayers.
LB, Hopefully your brother is having good days along with the not so good with PT. I remember you said he did really good with PT recently using tread mill I think it was. Poor guy must be hungry if he's not eating because food doesn't taste good.
karen, Yes ma'am. I remember you saying a month ago I had one done and one to go. Well done now! :)
Yes definitely to being in the putting lots of drops in phase. Heck I'm still putting drops in first eye now the second eye too.
Tomorrow I'll be finished with first eye. Yay Will continue all the eye drops in second eye for one month.
You and Puff weren't joking when you said lot of eye drops schedule.
Thank you for prayers.
Hi Karen , My brothers oncologists prognosis is not good He is giving him months (maybe) He can have more time if her works on getting stronger and try eating more He has tried eating he's on purree food and I actually tasted it today. It's not good but if I want to live I think I would eat it. I got there today and PT wsas there he was doing some stretches. My brother was saying he couldn't do one exercise cause he has neuropathy the pt told him stop with the excuses the more he does the less the pain will be down the road. I could of have hugged him!!!!!!!!! He was telling him what I was telling him all along. oh PT made him do the stretch!!!!! He did do some more exercises (stretches) whe I asked him and he ate 5 spoonsful of the food. More than he ever has and 1 spoon of ice cream . Today is my brothers birthday as well. he's 61.
Paulie he's not hungry because he is on the feeding tube. h then the speech therapist came in to look at his mouth and it looks like it is getting better. She was going to move him on to the next level of food but decided not to yet since he's not eating enough she said soon. I will go tomorrow hopefully around lunch and make him eat again.
oh pt said he need to move more to get stronger to do more. Lahying in bed all day will not make him stronger. I hope he listens!!!
Good morning
Hi LB, Happy Birthday to your brother! I forgot about your brother's feeding tube. His PT sounds good today exercise stretches and eating too and a bit of ice cream. Good news from speech therapist that his mouth healing looks good. I know you were glad to hear what his physical therapist said to him. Pep talks can help for sure.
It's nice you can go see him tomorrow since you're off work. He'll enjoy that. You too.
Speaking of being off work. Your second knee replacement is this Wednesday! Have you been told when to arrive yet or you'll be notified the day before?
Hi Paule, today wasn't a good day with my brother refused to do anything My surgery is Tuesday. I wont see my brother tomorrow he has blood check/transfusion tomorrow I don't have a car being worked on That is ok. after today I need a mental break
good morning. paulie how did youro00 2nd cartaract surgey go
Hi Paule, today wasn't a good day with my brother refused to do anything My surgery is Tuesday. I wont see my brother tomorrow he has blood check/transfusion tomorrow I don't have a car being worked on That is ok. after today I need a mental break
Hi LB, Darn sorry yesterday wasn't good for your brother. It's hard on you too. Hopefully his blood transfusion today will help him feel better.
Will you get your car back today before your surgery tomorrow? Is your father driving you to hospital?
Do you take a shower with special cleanser today? If I remember correctly that was one of the pre-op things you had to do last time.
Are you nervous or more relaxed since you've already had your other knee done? Geez lots of questions for you!
good morning. paulie how did youro00 2nd cartaract surgey go
Awww to #2 today.
It was interesting. My first eye cataract surgery was super easy, relaxed and I didn't feel anything. My second eye was painful during the surgical procedure. Afterwards a few nurses asked me if I felt a difference between the first and second eye because people have told them the second eye is more uncomfortable. I don't know why but that happened with me too. After two or three hours the pain was gone. I had no pain during or after with first eye.
The important thing is wow I can see things so much more clearly and colors more vibrant. My opthomologist said I might need just readers and not need prescriptions glasses again. We shall see. Oh!! No pun intended. ;D
LB, Have you been notified what time to check in at hospital tomorrow? You'll be in my prayers just like last time. Keep in touch too like last time if you want too. :)
Not good news My brother will no longer will receive blood transfusions They are setting him up for hospice. He wants home we all agree he cant go home. his kids are not good my father is going to speak to the social worker later today when he picks up my brother.
Update I have to be at the hopsital at 10am
LB, I'm sorry about your brother's news. I hope the social worker was helpful with info for your father. Prayers for each of you.
Okay to 10am for you tomorrow.
good morning never saw social worker. we didn't get back in time before she eft for the day If I was the social worker I would have stayed so my father will go see her today my sister will go with him thank god . I guess he will go later on n the day after he leaves me he is taking me to my surgery
Wow, lB. A lot going on and more than a plate full for you! Prayers for peace and comfort for you and your family. Hopefully your knee is now being replaced.
Pauli, i had no pain with second or first eye. Wonder why that occurred! Know you are busy with drops and more drops! Happy you are almost done!
Hi karen, I texted LB this morning. She said she was more nervous for her brother than herself. She was to check in at 10 am. I agree with you her knee should be replaced by now.
Interesting about both your eyes. I'm glad for you. I wonder why that occurred too!! Yep busy with eye drops! My last day for eye drops is Nov 11. Ugh. I'll get there. Lol
PAULIE I'm still not ready for the cataract surgery by their standards. Interesting phenomena tho about second eye maybe being more painful ???
LB Sorry about Hospice but it is a wonderful group. Both Mom and Dad died at home on Hospice with a caregiver . They both passed when none of us kids were there... :'( Prayers continue and hope the surgery went well today - I though it was Wed. Prayers nevertheless. Should be more familiar and not as scary. HUGS
Good Morning :)
LB's knee replacement surgery went well. She's going home sometime today. :)
Hi tsk, I was told the same as you for years too about not meeting their standards. I was told at last year's eye appointment that I could have cataracts removed this year. My vision blurred a lot this past year to the point it was downright annoying.
Whenever you do have cataract surgery you're going to enjoy your vision afterwards. My heavens it's great. Colors more vibrant too.
I am home got home around 2-3 ish MY sister decided she will sleep over tonight which I am happy. Surgery went well. some pain like expected this hospital kept up with the pain for sure. I was later\ with this afternoon pain I should have taken before my last PT session but I idngt he had me do a stepper to get up in my house, I have a little stoop but the step was double size and ghat did me in. It took about 40 minute to get pain under control.
MY brother is always something. His feeding tube came out for some reason not sure how but they sent him to hospital to get it back in. It turns out he has a blood infection they were thinking Sepic but they are leaning toward no. so he is staying overnight and from what they can see this rehab place did not give him good care which we saw. the rehab (PT an OT) was great nursing horrible. I saw that. My faher is picking up all his belongings regardless he is not going back there I feel bad cause I picked it out but we were limited. Plus they said they offered transportation but failed to mention with a charge. Prayers being said constantly. So you know I fel guilty and think this is my fault I did talk to him today. he sounded pretty decent.
Hi LB, Good about your sister sleeping over with you tonight. That's good for both of you. Geez PT had you do a stepper already. Darn pain med wasn't taken before that. Good pain is under control now.
Again ... God bless your brother. His Guardian Angel is watching over him for sure. Good that he's out of that rehab place!! Him being back in hospital is the best place for him. Your father is getting a work out. God bless him too.
Don't feel guilty. You love your brother. You did your best. That's obvious!! The rehab place failed him NOT you. Good that he sounded decent today. Trust God.
Focus on your recovery and healing. It's very nice your sister is with you tonight. :)
#s 1 and 2
LB See where your knee was handled very well. I remember the stepper challenge very well. I remember the other standard from home PT - I could drive when I could demonstrate I could into and out of the car. ??? Extra practice and higher (?) standards since my raised ranch, two levels, had two flights of stairs; one 7 steps, one 6 steps. Keep up their caveats! You know the routine, it should be a walk (climb) in the park.
Remember, too, to take yourself seriously. You need and deserve the best for all you've been handling. Family help definitely appreciated and needed. Prayers and hugs for you always.
Lb, what Oauli said! Good luck with ot! You will do goid!
I had made it through the night its getting a tiny bit easier to get up off couch I got on bed that was hard hopefully tonight will be easier. Yes worried about my brother, I dont think his situation is being handled very well. I'll explain later pt will be here soon.
I had made it through the night its getting a tiny bit easier to get up off couch I got on bed that was hard hopefully tonight will be easier. Yes worried about my brother, I dont think his situation is being handled very well. I'll explain later pt will be here soon.
LB, I hope you and your sister had a nice breakfast together or some coffee or tea. Hoping also you're managing the pain. Remember with your first knee replacement your sofa gave you problems because it was low and maybe not much support. The 'wrap' .. for lack of a better term .. they put around your leg dug into your skin too causing an issue. Good you had PT today.
Prayers for relief for your brother.
We're planning to leave tomorrow morning for cabin. Temps there this week freeze warnings and lows of 30 so probably will be using the wood stove at night.
Also last year about this time is when I walked out onto front porch and say the Elk herd standing there with humongous Mr. Elk and eye locking eyes and I froze. We shall see if there are any sightings this weekend. It's mating season so some major bugle-ling going on.
karen, Tomorrow is my last day doing the 3 eye drops schedule routine. Yay! I just continue with the Pink top eye drop until November 11th.. I hope all's good with you and Piper.
Hi tsk and Puff
Puff, With the cold setting in it's time to resume using the winter scene mugs at the cabin you gave me and Charlie.
LB, Keep up with those pain meds and PT. Prayers continue for your brother.
Take care all.
Pauli, enjoy tge cabin and tge wikd life that comes with it! Things good here.
Lb, take care!
PAULIE I remember reading about that elk event last year. Maybe if you're lucky...??? ;) ;)
LB I have so many prayers for worry and anxiety: thought I would share a few
God is God; I'm not.
Do not be anxious about anything, But in every situation, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Phil 4:6)
Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. ( Prov 3:5)
We don't need to be in control so that things will work out well. God is in control so that we don't have to be!
Hugs to you. Prayers continue.
Hi all I slept really well last nigt over 9 hours of sleep. PT again tomorrow I didn't do oxy today I went to tramadol instead then Tylenol 3 hours later still painful funny thing is it felt better while I walked. LOL I will take oxy tonight when I go to sleep. Funny pauly you remembered the compressed stocking I don't have that this time just ace bandage which came off yesterday and the bandage/bandaid that will come off Tuesday. the wound will then be air dry yikes. I hope I don't knock it around too much LOL
My brother ... sigh.... he has days or weeks left. my poor dad. I am hoping to get to go see him this weekend I told him I was trying to come see him. my sister said she will take me and worse comes to worse use a wheel chair if too much walking. I had to tell my one nephew he is in denial still think there is something that can be done. he is lso an alcholhic and our firt step is to get him the proper help to get him through this.
Thanks tsk for all the prayers. ooo
paulie Enjoy the fresh air.
While the two of you are clinking mugs, I'll be toasting to a fun, white season.
good morning didnt sleep as good as I did Thursday night . I am getting around better still pain. PT is coming in an hour I will be going to see my brother today I hope. y sister said she will take me.
good morning
good afternoon
Lb, how are you doing and is your brother comfortable? Hospice is very good about that?
Just returned from cabin this evening. Was MIA because Charlie .. ER.
LB, God bless your brother and prayers continue for him, you, your father and all family.
Did you get to see him today? If your sister took you to see him did she see him too for them to resolve their issues? Hope so.
How is your knee pain level? Remember you are strong.
karen, tsk, Puff .. Hi
karen, Good things are good for you and Piper
tsk. Lovely prayers. I did a copy/paste of them.
Puff, We enjoyed the fresh air after Charlie was discharged and got to spend a little bit of time at cabin before we returned.
I will explain more tomorrow about Charlie. Was cardio event. ICD shocked 2X not once this time Friday a little bit after arriving. On mountain. Called 911. Nothing near by. of course. I drove us home today. Very grateful. Exhausted. Will explain more tomorrow.
Prayers for everyone. SED
Hi Thanks Karen, my brother looks comfortable but when I was there yesterday and grabbed his arm it hurt, it hurt when they took his blood pressure he keeps saying help me. I am so sadden. He wasn't supposed to last the night my father will be taken me to see him again today.
the pain in my knee is bad today. I have only been taken oxy at night but I may take one this afternoon. I haven been using turmodol during day. I jve to llok up rehad places or m dad for my nephew. I have a llsgt of questions to ask .
Lb, you know not to let the pain get ahead of you! You can take more than one
Oxy a day! You will not get addicted!
Prayers for your family!
Pauli! Hoping all is good now, for you?
Good morning Karen yesterday was an oxy day I was so exhausted but when it was time to go to sleep I couldn't. LOL The dr said my brother has 24 hours left he iss till around. I think hes not ready and fighting it when he said help me it was to lt us know he was not ready . This is hard Debating if I should go to hospital againn today Its a lot of walking I know I can use a wheelchair but it;s so much
Good Morning,
LB, God bless your brother. Prayers continue for him. God's timing is always perfect.
The stress you are having also isn't helping your knee pain. What Karen said. Take Oxy. You won't get addicted in short time span.
Karen, Yes. Thank you. His device did what it was supposed to again. Have said many thank you prayers.
I am sad to say that my brother passed away at 9:24 this morning My father and I were on our way to say our last good byes. WE got to his room and we were stopped. He past away 5 minutes earlier. :(
Prayers for you and your family, LB.Prayers for your brothers souk but he is finally able to relax in a pain free state! He fought a hard battle against a iller disease and nothing you could have done would have changed the
out come! I am sorry for your grief but please know you did the best you could and. he is now at peace. Take carevof your knee!
Good morning Karen yesterday was an oxy day I was so exhausted but when it was time to go to sleep I couldn't. LOL The dr said my brother has 24 hours left he iss till around. I think hes not ready and fighting it when he said help me it was to let us know he was not ready . This is hard Debating if I should go to hospital again today Its a lot of walking I know I can use a wheelchair but it's so much
HUGS LB Your first pic says a lot for you and all of us.
Many here trying to help you along. Your brother is in God's care now for sure.
Love and extra hugs.
no bounce
(((( LB ))))
Dear LB, God bless your brother's soul. No more pain or suffering for him. Lori, your brother knew you were his biggest cheerleader and knows how much you love him. He loves you very much for that.
How is your father doing? Your father, you and all of your family are in my prayers.
Ditto what Karen said about your knee! Trust God. :-* Hugs to you.
Puff, I just read about your 911 call and pneumonia diagnosis. I'm posting here too hoping you see it. Take care of yourself.
Karen and tig, I haven't read in the Beak for a while. I hope all's good with you both and all in Beak Room.
Our most sincerely heart felt condolences from our family to yours on the passing of your Brother.
Good morning, thanks everyone for your prayers and condolences
Hi LB, I haven't contacted you hoping to not disturb you and your family during this time.
I hope your father is doing okay and you too and with your knee. Good about you transitioning from walker to cane!
Hoping also that a good facility has been found for your nephews.
Post or text when you feel like it. You and your family are in my prayers.
The memorial service is tonight and condolence calls tomorrow. The boys are ok handling it their way I am for sure there for them. No time to morn. I am having trouble sleeping but I think that is mostly from the discomfort of my knee. I went through this the last time. It took about a month to get comfortable sleeping. This in home PT isdefinily moving faster with PT he had me walk forward, backward, and sideways without cane. in my kitchen I had counters I can grab onto if needed. I didnt need it
LB, You and your family are in my prayers. Your nephews are lucky to have you. I remember you mentioned with your first knee surgery you had problems sleeping. PT must be exhausting. You're dealing with a lot. Prayers continue for you and your family.
Good morning, heading to my dads shortly. services by the rabbi were beautiful last night my nephew read a letter to my father and ready all were impressed. I will share later I have a copy.
Good Morning,
LB, Glad your brother's services were beautiful and about your nephew. Are you able to drive yourself to your father's? Hopefully yes as your knee heals.
HI I just finished my last day of in-patient PT I start out patient next week. I did way too much this past weekend so I will be spending this week for me. before I go into helping my nephew's mode. My one nephew needs to go to in rehab for his alcohol addiction pus to address mental issues as well. my 2nd nephew needs to be evaluation to get a diagnosis we think he in intellectual depravation. Once he's tested we can get him the help he needs and he may qualify for some assistance in various ways. My father's girlfriend's daughter is a counselor so she knows how to go about it.
I am exhausted, ooh I am also getting some things fixed in my apartment, the microwave handle broke off and the lock of the screen patio door broke off
Here is the letter my nephew wrote to my brother and read during the services. He didn't think he could do it and was going to have the rabbi read it but my father was so impressed with the letter and asked him to try. He succeeded :)
Dear Dad, I want to take this moment to tell you how much you mean to me and to say goodbye. You've been the best father I could have ever asked for, and I love you with all my heart. I want you to know that I'll be okay, and that you don't need to worry about me. Thank you for always accepting and loving me for who I am. Also, I know I haven’t been perfect, but I give you my word I will do all it takes to improve my life. I cherish the memories we made together, especially our trips to Disney World with Grandma Dottie and Grandpa Bennett in 1994, 1995, and 1997, and then again together in 2011 and 2020 staying at the epic Disney Polynesian, Disney Contemporary, and Disney Yacht Club Resorts! The times we played football, soccer, and other sports in the pool with Cory and our friends are moments I'll always hold dear. My friends and Cory’s friends also loved you and thought you were funny as well. You always had my back, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I promise to be successful and strong for myself and for Cory. Who could forget you being the assistant soccer coach for our teams and going to all the practices during the week, and games on Saturday mornings? All the players looked up to you. You made practices more enjoyable. That’s just a magical quality you’ve always had. I loved becoming a Giants fan like you, watching the games together. They’ve sucked more so than being good, and who can forget your epic meltdowns, either yelling at the players, refs, or coaches, with Mom in the background saying, "You know they can’t hear you, right?" I definitely followed in your footsteps as I get heated too. There were also good times watching the Giants though, celebrating their two Super Bowl victories in 2008 and 2012. And of course, who could forget about being a Yankees fan, watching their games together, and celebrating their World Series wins, and of course, the Germany national soccer team. Watching Germany World Cup and Euro Cup games, always coming so close to winning it all, finishing 2nd or 3rd from 2006 to 2016, and finally celebrating their World Cup win in 2014 are moments I’ll treasure forever. Also, who could forget our trip to Germany, visiting extended cousins of ours, and that melancholy visit to Buchenwald Concentration Camp? Of course, also all the family dinners at Grandma Dottie’s and Grandpa Bennett’s for holiday dinners and visits, and listening to Bon Jovi and Van Halen in the car on the way to Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Vinny’s for holidays or family visits were such special times. Also, how can I forget that for about two years straight every Saturday morning, I would make you watch The Lion King for two years straight? I must have driven you nuts. Oh, and going to the movies to see Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and hundreds of other movies with you. Binge-watching shows like 24 and Law and Order SVU were also unforgettable. I will always remember you and Mom. If I'm ever blessed with children, I will share all the wonderful memories of you and Mom with them, so it will feel as if they knew you both. I will also make sure they follow the legacy of growing up as Yankees, Giants, and Germany fans. Please say hello to Mom, Grandma, and all the other relatives for me. I promise to do everything I can live my life the best way possible. I look forward to the day when I can meet you and Mom again in heaven. Don’t be scared, Dad. Soon, you’ll be with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Mom, Grandma Dottie, and other family and friends. You’ll be surrounded by their love and peace. Rest easy. I love you forever, Dad, you were my best friend. Your son, Scott
good morning
HI I just finished my last day of in-patient PT I start out patient next week. I did way too much this past weekend so I will be spending this week for me. before I go into helping my nephew's mode. My one nephew needs to go to in rehab for his alcohol addiction pus to address mental issues as well. my 2nd nephew needs to be evaluation to get a diagnosis we think he in intellectual depravation. Once he's tested we can get him the help he needs and he may qualify for some assistance in various ways. My father's girlfriend's daughter is a counselor so she knows how to go about it.
I am exhausted, ooh I am also getting some things fixed in my apartment, the microwave handle broke off and the lock of the screen patio door broke off
Hi LB, I hope you're resting and taking some time for yourself this week like you planned.
Good about your PT progress.
How old are your nephews? Wishing them the best.
Very good about the counselor who can provide info and help. That's a God send to help them.
Great about getting repairs done.
Your nephew's letter is full of family memories and love for his father and family in Heaven. Your father has good reason to be impressed with him. You too. :)
Take care.
good afternoon
good day.
good morning
LB, You're still in my thoughts and prayers.
Also letting you know we're heading to the cabin today soon.
good morning
How are you doing LB? Hope you and your family are settling into a new routine and that your nephews are in new situations. I assume some one is dealing with your brother's affairs/estate. Not an easy time for any of you.
Hi Karen thanks. I took last week for myself I am trying to settle in helping my nephews. My oldest one who is the alcoholic will be going to in patient rehab Wednesday> he wanted to wait until after the election because he wants to vote, I didn't have the heart to tell him we may not know who wins for a week after. I am sure they have tv there, I hope. I just pray he goes. he always said he would do the outpatient but never went. I hope he is serious this time. he seems to be, but he has fooled me multiple times.
His brother has issues too we are going to work on him next to get tested My uncle is a counselor and thinks he has Intellectual deprivation. My father got some numbers for him where he can get ss benefits. One good thing is he has a job. But it doesn't pay enough. we'll see what happens. I told my father i would call if he wants.
I start out patient PT Tuesday. Looking forward to that. I am keeping up with all my exercises in the meantime. I think I finally feel some improvement with the pain. I am tempted to get in car today to see if i can drive around my apartment complex. They said it will be a minimum of 4 weeks before I can drive. Tuesday will be 3 weeks so maybe I should wait I mopped did laundry and vacuumed.
good morning
good evening, I let the day get away from me.
good afternoon, the lack of sleep is catching up to me, for sure
Hi! Been a busy past couple days and also with 9 yr granddaughter's stomach virus and walking pneumonia both at same time. God bless her. Was very hard on her.
LB, Hoping out patient PT is going good for you. Hoping also your nephew voted and is still agreeing to go to rehab and help is available for your other nephew. Where are they living?
Hi Karen
The past week and today temps very warm. High 70s and 80 in early November. Whew!
Sorry about your Grand daughter Paulie, I hope she is feeling better. it's been 80's here for past few days or high 70's I want my fall weather. PT is fine today is my 2nd day LOL I did get in my car to start it to mke sure it still runs. LOL I was tempted to try and drive around th apartment complex I am tired of relying on people to drive me I have been sleeping in everyday I get up between 8:30 and 9:30 Going back to work is going to be hard!!!!
Hi LB, Thank you. She's feeling better and better since beginning prescription medication. I remember how much you enjoy Autumn weather and temps. Me too. Although this warmth feels good on the joints. I just don't like winter snow and ice!!
Good your PT is fine so far. I'm glad you didn't try to drive around your complex. Geesh! Lol I understand though you wanting to be independent. You'll get there just like last time.
It's great that you've been sleeping in everyday I think because you haven't been able to do that for a long time! You need to rest up.
True about returning to work!! Maybe the week before or couple days before returning set your alarm to wake earlier to get back into routine.
When do you return to work? Hopefully when you return you work from home 2 weeks before going into office for 2 weeks.
good morning.
LBLN I'm just catching up and am so saddened to hear about your brother's passing. At rest finally. Prayers for you and your family.
Very heartfelt letter to his Dad from Scott :'( Do you find the second knee easier to rehab?
PAULIE Hope your granddtr is improving with the meds. Tough on a little one to have pneumonia. Prayers.
Thanks Tsk. I think this one is a little harder. Probably because I did too much the first couple of weeks. It's getting better now. Still a lot of stiffness in thighs and calves. I am sleeping in a lot too. lol not sure how I will get up for work. LOL
I walk around the house without the cane getting the knee to bend some
good morning
good morning
Good Morning :)
Hi tsk! Thank you. She's feeling better and has returned to school. Thank you for your prayers!!
Hi LB, It's nice you've been sleeping in. How's PT going? Good you're walking around without cane in house.
When do you return to work?
good morning I had issues with my knee on Sunday night/Monday. I think I slept wrong and my knee, calf and thigh muscles tightened up. I had to use walker for part of the day. When I went to pt yesterday he loosened things up. I find sleeping is the hardest weather my leg is striaght or bent. LOL If leg is straight laying down its hard to get it to bend. When sitting and leg is bent, I can only sit about 15 minutes before it cramps up. This recover is definitely harder than the first. Issues with y nephew who was supposed to go to rehab he keeps turning it down if bed is available. The next step is we are shutting is phone that is the execuse he is using why he doesn't want to go. he wont allow his phone. so we will turn it off now. he doesnt pay for it anyway. Paulie I am supposed to start working the week of thanksgiving I just may go back the following week. I go to the dr MOnday so I have to get them sign me off that I can work remotely.
Hi, My heavens I just sat down at my laptop for today at 9:45pm. Busy days. I wish I got paid like a regular job!
LB, You've had so much on your plate since your knee surgery the stress is not helping your recovery then or now. It's good you got to sleep in when you did.
Have you tried putting a pillow under your knee to allow it to relax more and not be straight out while you sleep?
You were right about your nephew trying to get out of going to rehab. It's not easy for him but he needs it. Good luck when his phone service is shut off.
How is your other nephew? Where are they living?
I hope your Dr will give you an additional week before returning to work. And when you do definitely remotely!
Me going back to work is up to me so they will give me another week. Technically I don't need to be back until 1/9/2025. I am choosing to go back remotely. Pt they had me to the recombant bike. it was more like a stepper not the full bike motion. that was exciting. No sleep ;ast night due to my nephews. the alcoholic got stinking drunk and said he wish he was dead 5x so the other nephew called the cops. they took him to hospital. It was supposed to be a 72 hour hold but they released him this morning. I give up!!!! My father wont hut the phone because then he won't get his phone calls from the rehab places I told my dead hes not going its a friggen mess. I brought up the letter he wrote to his father, and he read in front of 80 people. I asked if that was all a lie??? He has 80 witnesses saying he will do better. My other nephew said he has things under control, so I am wiping my hands I cant do this anymore
Hi LB, You returning to work remotely sooner than you have to will keep your mind occupied with different things. Sounds like you need that. Plus waiting to return until Jan 2025 seems like a really long time.
Awesome about PT having you use bike more like a stepper. Good you were excited! Are you driving yet?
Oh my about your drunk nephew! I think your other nephew calling police did the right thing. He was worried about him. They are both still grieving the loss of their father. Too bad hospital released nephew this morning. Since he's an adult he maybe had a say if he stayed or not.
God bless your other nephew saying he has things under control. He is intellectually challenged, correct?
God bless both your nephews honestly.
I think he meant what he said in his letter and while in early stages of grieving. I remember you saying a few years ago he was a heavy drinker. He's had alcohol dependency a while. It's not going to be easy to convince him to go to rehab. He's going to have to want to go for himself. His decision. Easier said than done.
Your father and you are both in a very difficult situation. Your frustration is totally understandable. God's blessings to you and your father too!!
Hi Paulie, No I am not driving yet. I did drive around a little circle in my parking lot. I should get clearance to drive on Monday when I see the dr. I actually think I am seeing the nurse practitioner though. I think I need to wipe my hands for Both nephews let them live their lives and learn from their own mistakes. I just can't do it anymore. My hands were shaking all day yesterday. I am telling my father to do thanksgiving with his girlfriend's family he will have a better time there. supposedly my one nephew has 2 other choices so I will call his bluff. I drop a jar on my toe I think I broke it. it's all purple and twice as big as my other toes. It hurts when my sock hit against it LOL
I slept to 930 today I woke up at 830 but when I opened my eyes again it was 930
Oh and I will probably go back to work the week after Thanksgiving.
Hi LB, Good you'll probably get clearance to drive Monday.
Its understandable you might allow your nephews to learn from their own mistakes. They have been dealing with their problems for many years with not accomplishing much. I recall you mentioning problems with them years ago and also the unpleasant atmosphere when they attended holiday meals. You can tell yourself you tried and you did your best to help them. You cannot allow this stress to affect your health and life. Sometimes tough life accomplishes a lot.
Maybe you and your sister share Thanksgiving together?
No way you broke your toe!! Oh Lori! It's not the foot on the side of your recent knee replacement I hope! Well you didn't need that!!
Good about you sleeping in .. waking up then sleeping more. You needed that rest.
Okay about work.
good afternoon. The toe that is all black and blue is left foot. The younger nephew (not alcoholic) called last night to apologized. I am not giving up on hm just yet. I think he still tells white lies, but He will learn from his actions. I hope. I feel bad for him. No one was tough with him; He got away with everything. so him not doing thanksgiving with family will teach him. I just hope he is telling the truth he has somewhere to go. I was invited to a family friends house for Thanksgiving. I am not sure if I will go. My sister made plans. this yer we were supposed to have dinner with my brother and his family, so she made the other plans. Supposedly the alcoholic has a suitcase out with a few items packed. I am not holding my breath. supposedly tomorrow or Monday. I won't hold my breath. I heard this before. But he never had a suitcase out. but is this one of Cory's white lies??? No idea.
LB, Aww to your younger nephew apologizing. Intellectually challenged or not he appreciates you and you trying to help.
Since you're not going to your father's for Thanksgiving with his girlfriend's family it might be nice for you to go to friends T-giving to relax and have laughter with friends. Would do you good.
Sad that your sister never resolved her issues with your/her brother before he passed away.
Interesting your older nephew has a suitcase out and he hasn't done that before. Let go then wait to see what happens. For him to be successful at rehab he has to decide he wants to go. Might take a few attempts staying there too.
I'm rooting for him and his suitcase. ;)
Good afternoon. Paulie my nephew says he is going to rehab tomorrow I won't hold my breath. He has said then numerous times. so many times, I lost count. He says I owe him an apology I feel I don't. It's too personal to say here. But he owes so many people apologies. Anyway I went to start my car today it iddnt I think I need a new battery. Got it towed to the mechanic place I use. I know last time they said I would need a new battery soon.
Hi LB, Well here's to hoping he goes to rehab tomorrow. It has to be his choice. Not an easy choice. He has to want it to be effective then hopefully he remains there for the entire program. Maybe his suitcase being out is a good sign. Hope so. What can I say other than you've done your best to help him.
Darn it to your car battery. We know what jicaji would say ..... yep .... It's always something.
Good morning always something MY battery will be getting fixed today so much money.
Going to the dr to get cleared to drive and work from home. I am pretty much off my pain medicine
Good Morning,
LB, Good you get new battery today. Nothing is cheap that's for sure. Good for your other news about you too.
We're heading to cabin mid-week to get some cleaning done and put Christmas swags on front porch railing and wreath on door.
Wed night into Thursday there's to be snow showers and very cold then high winds Thursday. I have two words. Wood stove!!!
My update for the day It's been busy. First me!!! I saw the nurse practioner today she is pleased with my progress. No cane and a big smile on my face. I got cleared to drive and drove when I picked up my car. My thigh is now tight. LOL She signed my forms now I am waiting for it to be scanned and emailed to me. I will call them back tomorrow to make sure it gets down or I cannot work. I start working remotely 12/2 and will go back to office 1/6. I don't want to drive on the highway so fast especially with the tenderness I got today just driving a few miles. I see he surgeon in February for final clearance
My nephew went to rehab today but having a lot of coaxing from his partner. I am sure he bitched all the way there. He keeps saying he is allowed visitors but then had a fit saying he's not allowed visitors. I would be surprised if he was allowed He then said his partner is coming to visit him on Wednesday. I think He is dilutional. He had his phone but told his b rother they will take it away once he gets a room. He saw the room and had a fit. No TV!!! OMG does he think he's on vacation?? He definitely feels he is entitled and definitely is poiled. My guess he will leave tomorrow. not sure how this is going to work but I do no want any part of it.
Good afternoon, It never ends. I only have 1 question. Why does my nephew have so much time on his hand to call people. There is a public phone for everyone to use and he spent all night last night calling his brother, friends, and partner trying to convince them to pick him up.
LB, Good news about you!! Thumbs up!!
Good your nephew went to rehab yesterday. Rules are strict. I hope no one went to get him. Did he stay or is he still there?
Guess what? Yesterday I had to buy a new battery! We're going to cabin tomorrow morning. Don't know how internet reception will be with weather conditions expected there. Time will tell.
Good day busy busy day on phone what a headache
LB, Hope you slept good.
We arrived at cabin yesterday early afternoon. I got Christmas swags and wreath hung. Sunny warm beautiful weather.
Had a heck of a storm last night with lights flickering. Cold front moved thru. Temps dropped!
This morning when I was loading wagon up with wood for wood stove it was snowing! What a change in weather!
No sleep for the weary Paulie. Drama. MY nephew made it through rehab for a whopping 2 days. It was a mess no one would pick him up so he threatened suicide to 3 different people so someone clled th ecops he ended up in hospital for suicidal tendency. He is going home today. The younger brother is supposedly moving out. It's a friggen mess!!!! Long story but I officially wiped my hands of my nephew I cant do this anymore. I did all I can do. I will help the younger one as best as I can. The older one will not be happy if the younger one decides to leave (which I pray to god he does)
LB, I wasn't on laptop at cabin yesterday or today till reading your post now. We're home now. Got heavy snow and rain at cabin.
Sad update about your oldest nephew with alcohol dependency. LB, he's been an alcoholic for so many many years it will take a miracle for him to get clean. Miracles do happen though. He needs one. Alcoholism is a disease. His alcohol dependency doesn't make him a bad person. The fact he actually went to rehab says he wants help in my opinion. I'm not a betting person but I bet he promised he'd go to rehab to his father/your brother before he passed away. If so, his 2 day attempt was a promise to his father. He knows you've tried to help him and I believe he does appreciate your attempts. He's powerless with alcohol. Hopefully since he threatened suicide some agency will keep an eye on him. There comes a time, LB, when you have to let go hoping they hit bottom and will seek help. Your father must also be very frustrated and worried about his grandson.
Good you're wanting to continue to help your younger nephew with intellectual issues. Agreed he needs to be removed from his older brothers alcoholic outbursts etc. The younger one needs removed so he can concentrate on bettering himself in life.
God bless both your nephews with both their parents being gone. That being said there's just so much you can do and your father too.
I hope your younger nephew has somewhere else to live.
How's your knee and have you been driving since you got the go ahead?
right now, allowing to live in the home is currently at and paying for his phone my nephew and everyone else is enabling him. and ghat is what is getting me aggravated. supposedly he has until 12/31 and then he has to get out cause they are selling the house. I just wish cory will take him of of the phone line. I am seeing my first psychology appointment next Saturday. I stepped away I am no longer talking to him due to my own sanity. I will not contribute to the enabling, Oh yes he started drinking when he got home Thursday and yesterday.
I drove a couple of times small trips. I walked a little longr then a .25 miles a couple of days. I tried today but it felt like I pulled a muscle in my thigh above the knee, so I stopped. I am now icing it.
That was a quick trip
LB, Good that you are taking care of yourself. Tough love is not easy.
Progress for you driving a couple times and walking. Sorry about your pulled muscle. Darn it.
Do you think God made a plan on purpose?
Make some tall, make some short. Most people can feel wanted just by helping the unfortunate ones either way.
Just nobody ever use this one - Could you help me I need a couple inches? :o
wow I thought I posted today. I guess I was hiding. I walked today almost a 1/2 mile. I limped of course still tightness in the muscles in thigh normal though. It will be that way for a while. I have PT tomorrow. I can't wait. Out of the house !!! I am constantly on the urge of tears. I am so angry with all the people enabling my nephew. He will never change if everyone enables him. so far it's me his partner and my sister that pulled away. I think my father but only in taling to him. I am sure he will help if needed. all he needs is a roof over his head and his phone. I keep begging everyone get rid of his phone. they are paying for it. Ok the tears are anger or maybe guity I feel he neds his phone taking away
I am also not sleeping
Interesting Puff. I will need to read again to understand it better. I cantg find any good movies to watch :(
Good morning 1 more week before I go back to work
good afternoon
Hi LB, Nice about your half mile walk! Sounds like you enjoyed getting out and going to PT.
No one can help a person who doesn't want help.
Enjoy your last week before returning to work. You'll work from home, correct?
good morning
Good Morning,
I've been busy with cleaning and food prep for Thanksgiving meal for family. A few final things to do today.
Friday we're all going to the cabin. We're taking all the leftovers with us. I'm making a 24 lb turkey, stuffing lots of sides and daughters bring sides too.
Guys and oldest granddaughter will be hunting. First day rifle. Bow and muzzle-loader just finished.
I plan to be warm inside to relax relax relax. :) The temp highs are to be 31 with lows of 20. The wood stove is large so cabin will be cozy warm.
Hunting makes me sad. I realize the herds need thinned out but ......
LB, Are you going to your friends house tomorrow?
Hi Puff
Sounds like you'll be needing some extra cups paulie.
Beautiful way to spend the special weekend. ENJOY
Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing RRP and everyone a very pleasant holiday.
Sounds like you'll be needing some extra cups paulie.
Beautiful way to spend the special weekend. ENJOY
Hi Puff! Happy Thanksgiving!
The cups you gave to me and Charlie will definitely be used. Thank you about the weekend. It's snowing there right now!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone
Happy Turkey Bird Day!!
Hope everyone has a pleasant day
Hello Cherrios!
From Jim, Me and Maggie, too...
(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/56/98/f2/5698f28e823cb26ecedf21d12f54a148.jpg) (https://i.pinimg.com/736x/19/08/68/190868eaf98cd1038290efe90d52e05c.jpg)
Love and prayers LB, Paulie and all Cherrios !
Currently: 42F cloudy , High 45F mostly cloudy Low 32F
🙏 s Prayers for: Victims of natural and Man-made disasters plus those who rescue them. The Fallen / Our Allies in Defense of our country. And #47. Police and First Responders. 'Little Gray' and 'Little One' and all abandoned, abused , lost cats , stray, unloved, homeless and feral cats.
The Bluebirds of Cane Ridge, Tennessee, Sauces bald eagle cam nest, Hummingbirds, Bumble Bees and Honey bees everywhere . As always, Beakers, Cheerios and RRP / families.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Have a wonderful day with family and loved ones. Enjoy the food oand maybe an adult beverage after dinner!
Happy Thanksgiving LB, Paulie, Cheers Family and Friends! :-*
Good morning thanks Karen and Lani. Happy thanksgiving back!!
Paulie, I actually went to my cousins for Thanksgiving, she invited me as well. I haven't seen them in so long or to get to spend much time with them. I had a really good time!!
good afternoon, It got cold!!!
good evening
good morning i go back to work today from home though
Hi :) We went to cabin last Friday morning returning later yesterday. Busy day today catching up on things.
LB, tig, Phyl, karen and Lani .. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes. I hope you each had a pleasant day.
karen, I actually did have an adult beverage afterwards. ;D I was exhausted.
LB, It's really nice you had a good time at your cousins. Good!
How's working from home again? Are you enjoying getting back into routine? I'm thinking yes.
Yes going back to work is just what I needed.
good morning I am liking this PT place I am going to. He changed up the exercises stretches. every week or so he adds some harder ones
Hi LB, I figured it was time to return to work because it was needed.
Good about your PT. That's important. Geesh I remember your PT from first knee replacement and it doesn't seem that long ago!!
The temps have been and remain very low like January temps. Tonight a cold front moves through with snow squalls and high winds w/50mph gusts. Yuck. I'm ready for Spring. ;D
good morning no snow here if it di it turned to rain
Good Morning and BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!
Holy 50mph wind gusts! Snowed during the night here. Most melted. Some still on ground but not much.
I'm making a pot of beef stew today. It's a good day for it!
The Ring camera at the cabin front and rear shows a deep snowfall. High winds there too. Feels like temp 11. We have a few thermostats there and a baseboard heater in utility closet each set for 50 degrees when we're not there to keep well water tanks and pipes from freezing. Electric better stay on.
LB, It's nice you're working from home in weather like this.
Is it okay to ask how your nephews are or not ask .. drop the subject?
Hi JUst checking in. Not much to say nephews cause stress still. I am learning to set my boundaries. That is hard to do. I haven't spoken to the alcoholic. I am done with him that is a long story but he only stayed in rehab for 2 days. He hasn't started out patient yet He will be homeless 1/15 /2025. nothing I can do, I found out I can apply for guardianship and force him into rehab but long process and I don't have time to do it and frankly I do not want to THe honger nephew just found a bottle of vodka and threw it out. ednough I get stressed thinking about this... I had a good work week looking forward to work.
good evening
Hi JUst checking in. Not much to say nephews cause stress still. I am learning to set my boundaries. That is hard to do. I haven't spoken to the alcoholic. I am done with him that is a long story but he only stayed in rehab for 2 days. He hasn't started out patient yet He will be homeless 1/15 /2025. nothing I can do, I found out I can apply for guardianship and force him into rehab but long process and I don't have time to do it and frankly I do not want to THe honger nephew just found a bottle of vodka and threw it out. ednough I get stressed thinking about this... I had a good work week looking forward to work.
Hi LB, Sorry for my delay returning here. I was hoping not to cause you stress by asking. Good you are setting your boundaries. Guardianship is a huge responsibility and honestly sounds like he doesn't want to help himself yet going to rehab.
Your younger nephew sounds like a nice guy who is trying. I hope he succeeds for himself.
It's good you had a good work week and looking forward to more. When do you return to in office?
Hi Paulie, The younger one isnt so easy to handle. He finally got his IEP sent to him and I have been bugging him all week to send me the copy he hasn't yet. I sounded like a broken record. He was supposed to print and bring a copy last Friday nope he didnt. He makes all these plans for the same time and forgets. I need to step away I tried now it's up to him to reach out to me. so, I cannot help until he does. I keep telling him he is able to get all these benefits. I guess it' not important. I told him he will need a part time job as well. he ignores. He definitely needs help understanding bills and budgets He doesn't get at all I think he will have things shut off before he understands. Any suggestions?
I go back to the office January 8?? That Monday. I am trying to go back a 3 days in office 2 home every week. I don't like office 2 weeks in row
Good Afternoon,
Hi LB, I googled meaning of IEP. I remember you've said he is intellectually challenged. Your younger nephew is still in school? High school? If so can't the school get involved to help him? I'm assuming he lives with his brother/your oldest nephew who will be homeless in January?
There's so many unknowns I don't have any suggestions. Besides it sounds like you've done as much as you can already to help.
Good luck and I hope you get the work schedule that you want.
Hi Pauiie not in hs or college one is 27 but never got the help he needed. He could get ss disability benefits, but he needs his IEP's from the school. THey have on record. since he is an adult he needs to get them himself.
good morning, its foggy
good morning
Hi Pauiie not in hs or college one is 27 but never got the help he needed. He could get ss disability benefits, but he needs his IEP's from the school. THey have on record. since he is an adult he needs to get them himself.
Hi LB, Oh! Well that explains a lot more. Hey there's just so much you can do. You've tried your best. The rest is on him.
Does your father try to talk to both as their grandfather? They should respect and look up to him.
Any word from work about your schedule yet?
Are you seeing any of those weird drones in NJ?
Was super foggy here yesterday too. Today rain and more rain and warm. Tonight temps drop 30 degrees to 20 with feels like temp 15.
Hi Pauie,
My father gave up on the alcholic (scott) He has spoken to cory. I decided cory is just clueless he doesnt listen I will expalain more latger aftger work when I have time
Nothing on the schedule but he sees no problem
I havent seen the drones (I am not out at night) but I may have heard them. If I hear the noise I wiol go outside to check. All I do is see about it on fb. Its kind of scary
The Drones are getting scary. Reports on FB page tonight they are all over the place!!!! Some where I used to live in south Jersey and money bu me now. groups of like 12. (I counted in 1 photo) I may take a ride tomorrow once it gets dark. I have seen repots they start as soon as it gets dark, and they are all coming from the ocean. I looked out side now cause someone just posted but too many trees where I live. I will take a ride tomorrow. its to the point I just got an alert a town near y will be flying a drone tomorrow morning I laugh about it but when no one will talk or says they don't know is pure BS!!!!!!!! Honestly I am getting nervous
My nephews There is nothing more I can do. The alcholic I gave up a while ago. The other one I just don't know. He either doesn't want the help or there is definitly something more wrong than I thought and I just cannot help him. I have just about given up. I sound like broken record every time I talk to him.
Hi LB, I figured your father has spoken to both of them. You and your father both care and you both have tried your best to help them.
It is very sad I agree. Don't worry about sounding like a broken record. It just means you care.
About the drones. I've heard on the news the things you mentioned. Tonight the news said they're the size of a bus. I agree it's BS when news etc says no one knows what they are. Soooo tired of people blowing smoke. Sightings are being reported in Pennsylvania now too.
Good morning, I heard they are by the Poconos and now NYC. Last night FB was blowing up there were a lot all over all night some were by me but the trees blocked. I wa sin my PJ's so didn't want to drive around. I may go out tonight around 600 They have been spotted around that time.
I can't do much more with nephews I will talk to them but no more advise. I think they need to fail in order to realize. They just tell me lies after lies after lies.
Oh the Poconos in PA. News on TV this morning said some NJ residents said they're ready to take matters into their own hands. It's being downplayed a lot. It's definitely confusing.
Good that you'll continue to talk to your nephews but no more advise. You've tried 100%. All the lies they tell would be verrrry frustrating for sure. General conversation is good to maintain contact.
Well TGIF to you.
Oh Paulie, I am not talking to the alcholic Nephew I am done with himI wi tak to the other one but I will not call every day. I think He knows I am frustrated with him he didnt call yesterday and so far not today It's such a long story I think he is lieing to me or is just clueless
good morning. I am starting to get up eatly again :-\ but going t sleep late so now tired again :(
Hi LB, Oh! Okay. I misunderstood about your oldest nephew. I see your frustrations with both nephews.
Isn't it a good thing you're waking earlier because of work?
good evening, I thought I posted this morning I guess I let time get away from me.
good molrning
Hi LB, Any word yet if you can have the work schedule you'd like?
Snowed and rained here yesterday. Today still snow laying around and slush. Messy.
Oh! A bunch of drones were seen here in my area this past weekend. Unexplained of course.
I hope you and anyone who reads here has a good day.
Does anyone who reads Cheers watch Hallmark channel? Especially the Christmas programs? Oh my they are great!! :)
good morning, No I have not heard anything about my schedule. I will ask lager this week or nexgt week. No I dont watch the hallmark or Christmas everyone is too happy on those shows LOL
Good Morning,
Hi LB, Okay to your schedule. Okay too to no to Hallmark shows. Lol
How's your knee feeling? PT still going good?
Hi Paulie, I have more time to write the evening. My knee is the only good thing that is going on in my life. He had me bend today and he was impressed enough to measure. I can bend my knee 128 degrees!!!! I think that is better than my eft knee!!! I still have PY. I am booked to the mid of January Maybe to the end. He changes up on my stretches and exercises every week. I am sure Thursday I will have new ones since I am able to bend my knees so well. He has me to step up on a stepper. He tried last week to increase the height. It was too much so went back down I think next will be step down. I will ask after the holidays when I will be done. I really like him. They move forward to more complex stretches as I progress. It seems to be every week. The other place kept it the same basic ones that I can do at home.
I got my haircut this weekend and my hairdresser noticed how well I was walking he said I am almost back to normal. The best he's since me walk in years!!!!!
My father is coming home from his cruise tonight. Never been so excited to talk to him!!!!
I still haven't seen any drones LOL
Hi LB, All good news about your knee! That's great! I'm happy for you.
Interesting you mentioned the stepper and he increased the height but was too much right now. You'll accomplish it eventually.
That's my concern if I get my knees replaced. Yep plural. Now the other knee is hurting. My concern is I live in a bi-level house. Many steps like 8 steep outside front door to go up and in then once inside another 5 or 6 to get onto main floor. I haven't a clue how I'd do that especially when first arriving home afterwards then going in and out to PT. Maybe my Euflexxa knee gel injections will continue to work for me. So far so good going on two years getting them.
Nice to your haircut! I bet it feels good and looks nice. How much did you have cut off? Awesome what your hairdresser said about your walking.
I thought your father had canceled his cruise. How long has he been gone? I'm sure you're looking forward to talking to him.
Drones! Guess what! I saw one tonight. It was something else. I got a notification on my phone from my neighborhood Ring asking if anyone has seen the objects moving slow and then stopping just hovering in my area. I went onto my rear deck to look in direction mentioned. Well there were 2! The close one had a red light and a white light. It was just hovering. I looked at the second one at a distance thinking maybe an airplane. I looked at drone again. Then I looked around sky. When I looked at drone again it was still hovering. I kept watching it then poof! Was gone. Was like turning off a light switch. I was surprised!!
You're in PA, right Paulie. You're the very first person I actually know who said what they saw. Humpf. Anyone IL?
Hi Puff! :) Yes PA. Cool I'm glad I'm the first person you know to say what I saw.
Do you have all your pretty Christmas decorations out at your house? I still remember and enjoy your story of how you got your Hallmark decoration from a Hallmark store and the lady who left you a note at the cash register. Love it.
A Hallmark moment!! :)
LB, Tomorrow (today if you read this Thursday) on Netflix ....... Virgin River!!! Yay! And 10 episodes this season.
Hi Paulie, You wll not get discarged until PT sees you can do steps. I was able to. I step at a time. Not as bad as I thought it would be. It was mostly fear. If tou have railings that would be perfect. THe hoe PT will help you and teach you how to do it
I didn't like my haircut. He didnt layer it enough .
I don't drive at night to see the drones. Monday I will be driving I have PT late that day LOL supposedly they re around me.
Nope he did not cancel the cruise he cancelled the trip to Italy in June.
I have had a sty in my eye for the past week (tomorrow) it finally improved some. but still there. The longest it took to get rid of one. I am on antibiotics as well. I did warm compresses as welll. ugg
OK for me to borrow #2 today LB?
Puff you can use any that you want any time you want ;D
Drones they put a ban on drones for a month in about 12 towns in NJ. Why????? They say they are not dangerous so why the ban?? Why not answer our questions who's are they's and why?
Good evening snowing on and off but not sticking
good day on this freezing day and will just get colder the next fewdays
Hi! Brrrrrrr
My son and dil from Boone, NC arrived here yesterday morning. We've been soooo enjoying the family together and football and more football all weekend and good food and drinks too. Yay to ND last night! Steelers in a bit then Bills tomorrow.
LB, How's your eye stye?
Have you been able to have good conversation with your father since he returned? Hope so.
Good question about why not just answer the question about NJ drones over so many cities.
Snowed here yesterday too then the artic blast came thru last night. Holy it's cold! NJ too! Tuesday there's to be a warm up from bitter cold.
Today's #1 is adorable!!
hi Paulie, I had some conversation with my father I know he's not happy with my sister and her family, not sure if he's going to her house for Christmas eve. I know he doesn't want to I am not going I am so angry with my sister and every time I try to bring it up we fight she doesn't want to talk about it she doesn't see she is wrong or her whole family is wrong. All I have to say a bunch of snobs!!!!! They only care about themselves and no one else.
He yelled at me for blocking my nephew the younger one but he understood for my sanity. I unblocked. he called and stopped by yesterday.
Sty is almost gone. I a not sure why its staying so long.
Its freezing we got a couple of inches I just went out to take snow off car. Its freezing 14 defress
Hi LB, Good that you and your father spoke with each other. Your dad and you aren't happy with your sister and her family because of her/their opinion and treatment previously for your brother and now your nephews, correct?
It's good you and your father have each other. I hope he doesn't get more upset if he goes to her house. You definitely are upset.
Good to your younger nephew stopping by to see you. You definitely have had a lot put on you to deal with.
Good to your sty almost gone.
Ugh to you having to clear snow off your car.
Agree to freezing. Woke up here this morning to 9 degrees feels like temp. It's 4 degrees at the cabin. Ready for Spring!!
Hi Paulie, YOu are correct my sister doesn't want to deal with my nephew. She claims next year my father says who knows if he will be alive. (he's 89) He sid he talked to her but I am sure it's not in the way he had explained to me. I'll tell her eventually MY nephew called her himself cause he wanted to hear it from her. I am glad he did He put her on the spot. LOL we all know he won't get an invite next year as well. I feel so bad for him. when I think about it I cry. I am so glad I decided not to go Not sure how she can think and act things are ok with us.
I have PT at 5:30 today not used to having it in the evening. I just want to stay home. LOL
merry christmas eve
Merry Christmas to all of my Cheers friends! Happy Holidays too, in whatever manner you celebrate! LBL I like #1. If anyone is traveling please be safe. Waving at ya, Paulie :)
Here's a beautiful song from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, "For Unto Us a Child is Born"
Hey Glog - Thanks for the surprise visit. Blessed day with you and yours. Enjoy.
Thanks Glog Merry Christmas all
Merry Christmas to all of my Cheers friends! Happy Holidays too, in whatever manner you celebrate! LBL I like #1. If anyone is traveling please be safe. Waving at ya, Paulie :)
Here's a beautiful song from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, "For Unto Us a Child is Born"
Glo! Merry Christmas to you too! Enjoy today with your family and Luna. Thanks also for the beautiful music you share with us every Christmas. Waving back at ya, Glo. Look at text message on your phone. :)
Merry Christmas to Cheers and all RRP members!
Hi LB and Puff :)
Merry Christmas LB, Paulie, Cheers Family and Friends,
Thank you for all you share.
Wishing you, furry family and loved ones,
Peace, Comfort, Happiness and Joy today and always!
Good Day and Merry Christmas Cheerios !
From Jim and Phyllis...God's blessings to you all.
Christmas Morning
Edwin Waugh
Come all you weary wanderers beneath the wintry sky.
This day forget your worldly cares and lay your sorrows by.
Awake and sing! The church bells ring! For this is Christmas morning.
We’ll tie the fresh green holly wreath, and make the yule log glow.
And gather gaily underneath the winking mistletoe.
All blithe and bright, by glad fire-light for this is Christmas morning.
To all poor souls we spread the feast with kindly heart and free
One Father loves us, and at least, today we’ll brothers be
Away with pride, this holy tide for it is Christmas morning.
So now God bless us one and all, with hearts and hearthstones warm
And may He prosper great and small and keep us out of harm
And teach us still to show good will this merry Christmas morning.
Cheers! And Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah
Darn dusty stool.
Merry Christmas to all Cheerios! May your families enjoy peace, comfort and good health through the Holliday season and going forward. Hope yo enjoyed a wonderful day!
Good morning I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas
Good Afternoon :)
Lani, Phyl, Tig (dust is off your stool :)) and Karen, Hi!! Thank you for Christmas greetings. Always nice seeing you in Cheers. I hope you each had a pleasant Christmas.
LB, What did you do Christmas day? Did your dad go to your sister's? You're celebrating Hanukkah now, correct?
Any word on your work schedule returning in January yet?
Well my son and DIL returned to Boone, NC. Yes tears were shed. We had a blast while they visited!! And lots of football and food!!
Christmas day and night was great and lasted till 11:30pm. Yep was exhausted!! Yesterday was recoup day. :D
Tomorrow is my youngest granddaughter's birthday. Double digits 10! They went to Poconos to a water theme park so we'll celebrate her birthday here at our New Year's Day meal .. pork roasts, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, pork n beans, dinner rolls then birthday cake and presents!! :)
Hi Paulie
I went to my father's girlfriends' daughters house for Christmas. Yes, my father went to my sisters he didn't want to make things worse than it is, nothing on schedule with work i need to wait once the one process we have shifts over to the other department. The manager quit and new manager starts when i go into the office,
its Chanukah but not celebrating :(
I am having a bad few days...I hate the holidays. Maybe spending too much time alone.
Hi LB, Good you spent time with others at Christmas. I'm sure your father's girlfriend's daughter welcomed you.
Your father is a wise man going to your sisters.
Is the manager who quit the man you mentioned in the past?
It's understandable you're are not enjoying the holidays this year since your brother passed away then the issues with your two nephews all while you had knee replacement and weren't able to begin your recovery property initially.
True spending too much time alone has not helped you.
Returning to work in office should help you feel better. Maybe go to lunch with co-worker too.
Since both your knees have been replaced and you enjoy walks would you maybe consider getting another dog? If not do you like cats? They have their own litter box so no walks but provide company. I've had both dogs and cats and enjoyed both. Just a thought.
Hi Paulie,
No I never talked about the manager that quit He was in a different department I didn't really know him But good guy
Also, issues with my sister :( I am trying to figure out how to talk to her . Also, her kids. they turned into snobs. If you don't fit, you ae an outcast.
which we all are.
I am thinking of getting 2 bonded cats. I never had cats I really. I am afraid they will get in to things get up on counters in food. LOL. I want a dog but financially I am not ready yet. I do miss the walking of the dog, more do Oliver. He was fun to walk. I will adapt. I think I want to adapt older dogs. but can be more money due toafe. Every time I get closer more things come up. Everything is so expensive yet. I make decent money, but I owe so much :( I am trying so hard, but I always hit walls. \
Also, one of my coworkers got promoted to senior planner. She is my friend there, so I am happy for her but hurt. (not her fault) Supposedly my boss was trying to get both of us promoted to senior planner. I asked why I didn't like answer. I will give it a little bt and approach him again. I took on more responsibilities apparently not the right kind of responsibility. I have the most I wil sit on it and think a little in how to approach this again. I'm too hurt right now to talk. I don't want it to come across bad
LB, I'm so sorry about the promotion! You most definitely have taken on more responsibilities and you got monetarily compensated again for your ideas and work performed. Darn it!! I understand your feelings being hurt. Agreed it's best to give it some time before saying anything. (((LB)))
Okay about it being a different manager.
I was hoping your relationship with your sister would stay on the upswing since your first knee replacement and all the help she was to you. The split that happened between you two regarding your brother must go deep. You're a good sister, Lori and a good person. Don't ever doubt that.
Me having had both cats and dogs I understand your thoughts about each. Awwww sweet Oliver. He was the best!! Some dogs are "one of a kind" relationship wise and hard to replace. True about the expense of things. Probably best to wait a bit. If and when interest rates come down to where they used to be everyone will be able to pay things down and off sooner. We can hope! :)
LB, Life has come at you hard the past few months. You have dealt with things very well and as best as you could. You are a loving daughter, sister, and aunt and also have excellent work ethics and friends.
Now to a different topic. Have you watched the new season of Virgin River yet? We binge watched it this weekend. The first episode is slow then oh my it gets realllly good again. And oh my what a cliff hanger ... again! If you haven't watched it you'll like it.
I better stop. This is getting too long. ;D
Oh Paulie!!!! I meant to tell you I did watch it!!!!I watched it the day it came out or the next day. Tooke me 2 days. I liked it but is getting too sappy!!! The cliff hanger was the best!!!
The main girl I cant stand how she talks. yes, I forgot her name!!!! LOL
good morning
Oh Paulie!!!! I meant to tell you I did watch it!!!!I watched it the day it came out or the next day. Tooke me 2 days. I liked it but is getting too sappy!!! The cliff hanger was the best!!!
The main girl I cant stand how she talks. yes, I forgot her name!!!! LOL
Hey LB, Definitely best cliff hanger yet!!
Do you mean Mel? She's with Jack. Or maybe Hope? I'm not sure who you mean.
I like all the characters. Charlie and I started watching from Season 1 again because we didn't want to stop watching after the cliff hanger. Lots of episodes and a lot we forgot about.
Yes, I mean Mel. Her voice is whiney. LOL I had PT yesterday. I am almost done. I just need to master stepping up and down. I am hoping it's just a couple of more weeks. New year new deductible for insurance!!! LOL I am actually going out to dinner tonight with a group of family friends and my father dinner is at 8:30. My tooth started hurting me yesterday ran to dentist they found nothing wrong. I think its the tooth next to the one that is hurting me. I will go back Thursday if it still hurts. Oh and I went walking today. I mile!!! MY lower back started hurting and hips my knees were great!!! Maybe by the spring I will be walking 2 miles. :) Hopee everyone has a good and safe new years
I sure hope
i saw the cow just now. I sure hope this is true.
Any way just wanted to post this to LB, Paulie and all here.