Raptor Resource Project Forum
Archives => 2023 Archives => Topic started by: Phyl on January 08, 2023, 02:57:32 PM
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Jan 8, 2023 12:25 PM
Camera Time: Jan 8, 2023 12:24 PM CST
Phyl's photo of phog - ;D
Shep "phog' . It can be spelt that way. ;D LOL
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Jan 10, 2023 4:35 PM
Camera Time: Jan 10, 2023 4:34 PM CST
Good one!
I always seem to miss this view.
Box cam is LIVE
RRP must expect company soon
Cliff cam
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Feb 4, 2023 12:53 PM
Camera Time: Feb 4, 2023 12:52 PM CST
January 31, 2022 falcon seen.
Feb 23, 2022 Amy confirmed Newman arrived
Feb 11, 2023
9 am Unbanded falcon - pics off Explore
Shep, beautiful capture.
Phyl, gorgeous view
Thanks to you both! ;D
Could this be Newman or Zooey? Or one traveling from there to here and beyond? Or more than one? Views of bird(s) perching on a favorite dead branch, in branches near the cedars along the bluff towards the locks, and at the top of a tree above the nest box.
Great news to see peregrine back at GSB. Early, but good!
February 13, 2023
7.30 am
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Feb 13, 2023 8:11 AM
Camera Time: Feb 13, 2023 8:11 AM CST
Looks like 'Back pack' antenna visable.
I can see that I'm gonna need to spruce up on who's who and all.
Thanks Lori...thought this was Newman. Now I know for sure. ;)
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Feb 13, 2023 8:46 AM
Camera Time: Feb 13, 2023 8:45 AM CST
Newman!!!! Great Spirit Bluffs💜💜💜
Newman's home! Great Spirit Bluff. Explore.org 13 February 2023 https://youtu.be/zILElqtOzxk via arlene beechh
umm .. thats the stem of a weed -
Newman isnt wearing hardware
Ha, I was fooled by the weed looking like an antenna, too! This bird is unbanded also. On the rewind soon after the view switches to the sunny closeup on the perch, the pergrine is squawking. Was that like Newman last season?
Newman!!! So glad he's back. I needed to see left side of face to be more sure, but thought it looked like him. Thank you for the photos, Shep, Phyl, Lori, STL!
STL, Shep, Lori and Linda
Upon much closer scrutinty...it's a pine needle.
I was duped by a pine needle! :o ;D
Gee! ::)
BTW---great snaps and so nice to 'see' you Linda!
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Feb 15, 2023 6:40 AM
Camera Time: Feb 15, 2023 6:40 AM CST
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Feb 14, 2023 8:20 AM
Camera Time: Feb 14, 2023 8:20 AM CST
I took this one on the run. Look our guy!
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Feb 15, 2023 9:16 AM
Camera Time: Feb 15, 2023 9:15 AM CST
Newman :-*
February 17, 2023
I noticed this morning the BLUE water of the river - so the ice is out - just some on the edges.
Chanced are barge traffic will begin soon
Watch for men at the locks to check them
March 18, 2022 ice is out on the river!
pic off explore shoe ice Feb 16 - out Feb 17
Feb 16
Good news on the ice .
Hopefully the barges will be on the move.
Newman, watching and waiting... :-*
Camera Time: Feb 18, 2023 8:09 AM CST
Cam is solid ice
Feb. 23, 2023
Stole pic off explore
Yah Shep, solid ice on the camera lens! This area didn't get much snow in the storm yesterday.
Thanks for the purloined pic of peregrine in flight.
another pilferd pic. ;D
sun burned ice off cam
no barges today! ( humor )
Feb. 26, 2023
I saw on Explore there was a falcon setting on the cam.
Thats where Z liked to sit
Has anyone considered going to the nestbox site to see if the pair are nesting in a new location? I saw that hinted at on Explore
Feb. 27, 2023
40/Z We have seen Savanna on cam here June 21st 2022 and July 5th 2022
40/Z (Savanna) Female, hatched in 2019 at Community First Bank/Bank of West Fargo on 5/27/19 in Cass county, North Dakota. Cass County is about 415 miles NW of Great Spirit Bluff.
Pilfered pics on Explore
Great Spirit Bluffs visitor Beautiful Savanna
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff: Savanna banded falcon 40/Z (explore.org 02 27 2023)
3 views Feb 27, 2023 LA CRESCENT
02 27 2023
Banded Falcon 40/Z Savanna visit
Found this info online too...
you beat me again Shep!!! ;)
Great Spirit Bluffs visitor Savanna again this morning!!
Savannah is a 4 year old eh - hatch 2019
It's great to have a banded bird visit GSB. Love it when we know which bird is here. Savannah is a lovely name and the record on her is worth reading.
The pic I posted this morning was from about an hour before the Savannah ID band pics. I watched again on the rewind and just as "my" bird took off, it flashed a tiny bit of blue band. So Savannah and not Zooey. Very cool.
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
La Crescent, Minnesota, USA
From Chat:
an hour ago
Julie at GSB 4:55pm
Click on stats bar to enlarge info.
Zooey hasn't returned yet.
And, there are two females knocking on Newman' front door... Savanna and Julie,
So who will capture Newman's heart this year?
Maybe Savannah will nest in the box, and Julie down in RLD. ;D
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons. Two banded falcons fight on the ledge - explore.org 03-01-2023
March 1, 2023
Just past noon Julie challenged Savanna to a fight.
Thanks T - I couldnt tell which won.
It was enough 2 males fought at King plant - now this too.
March 2, 2023
Pilferd pics off explore
WHO won Newman - Julie or Savannah?
March 4, 2023
Reports on Explore Newman brot prey to - ? - on RLD
Will Newman and Savannah nest under the RLD?
My money is on Savannah
Berkeley falcons laid egg
FULL MOON March 7th and falcons are in a matin, layin mood!
Shep, in addition to peregrines getting active, some kind of fish must be running or spawning around the lock & dam. Many people fishing early this morning. Do you know what for?
Possibly smelt - but usually people scoop them up northern MN areas - they run in the spring. I dunno if they get them in this river. You dont use a fishing pole - you use a bucket -
then they have smelt fries. They're like sardines kinda.
My Dad used to ice fish, so fish are alive under the ice and likely HUNGRY in the spring!
This is the PERFECT cam setting!!
Savanna 40/Z and Newman
March 5, 2023
From RRP notes, I think an egg should be coming.
I'm afraid they'll nest in RLD - under the ledge - hidden.
RRP never cleaned the nestbox and Savannah may smell / taste owl.
Newman has been courting and copulating with Savanna 40/Z, a 2019 hatch from Fargo North Dakota. When Julie 90/Z, a 2019 hatch from the Ford Parkway Bridge in Minneapolis shows up to wrest Newman’s rose away, the two fight and Savanna drives her off.
Falcon Savanna is named for Savanna Greywind, a young native woman who was murdered in Far
go in 2018. I’m glad Savanna is still at Great Spirit Bluff following her fight with Julie. Long may she fly.
Great Spirit Bluffs
Zooey?? no bands
Great Spirit Bluffs
Zooey?? no bands
They told me in explore it's newman but I have some pics of both of them... just a guess though.
It was just a guess but here are a couple pics of Zooey and Newman... thanks for the info. ;)
the pic i have for newman and this is zooey below from last year looks like Zooey has more black on her beak so it must not be her. I've never seen Newman so fluffy!
zooey from 2022
I totally love both Savanna and Zooey!!! :-\ was hoping Savanna would stay though.
March 6, 2023 Gooood luck Newman
That block of ice is NOT inviting for layng eggs!
I hope its Savannah he's mating with
Nasty day with ice, mist, fog. Doesn't prevent the peregrines from mating season action.
No idea which ones are in these pics.
My buddy from Decorah says it's the walleyes that are moving upriver and they bump into the dams for the guys in the boats.
Also, at 12:15 am last night there was a tug and barge pushing upriver. Assume it was the first of the season.
eburg, thanks for the fish tip about likely walleye that is drawing the fishing folks in boats to the dam area.
Eagerly awaiting developments for the Peregrines here this season.
Hmmm .. I wonder if walleye get north going into the locks.
I know salmon jump - but I havent heard of walleye jumping
Robin B. Ingram tug
explore pilferage
March 10, 2023 SNOW SNOW SNOW
6.45 am I saw Newman fly to Savannah under the RLD.
I hear them chirping
8.27 am Someone chased someone off the box perch - screaming - gave chase ...
As much as I dont want her to lay her eggs there - where we cant see - I'm afraid she will. And if RRP flies a drone up there, the falcons'll probly attack it. ;D
Whoever the new female was - was chased off by Sav
Turn clocks AHEAD ONE HOUR tonite
Thanks for the time change reminder, Shep!
Action at GSB early this morning, about 7:30.
Banded peregrine caught a Red-Winged Blackbird (male) and ate it on the large dead branch, then on a ledge. My pic of band is blurry, but it looked like blue plus something else on the left leg and maybe silver on the right leg. Is that Savannah probably?
Shortly after, two were inside the nest box, one larger (probably the banded female), and one smaller with some kind of prey that it flew away with. Lots of chattering.
Savvy dont need to eat for a week!
LOL! What a crop
Yes thats our sweet Savvy - and I becha Newman gave her the bird.
With all the mating eggs could come soon - if other females dont lope in
March 12, 2023
8.20 am - Savanna 40/Z at box.
I saw 2 falcons fly past.
Shep, I'm on the right time. The Peregrines don't seem to care! They are busy getting together this morning, twice so far that I caught. Gracious, Newman flies at Savannah like a divebomber. And brunch for two on the large food ledge (must look up the proper label).
Stl - you caught them in / on RLD - Rock Ledge Diner
My shot is Snack Rock
March 13, 2023
LOOK at the SNOW
Mar 14, 2023 7:14 AM
Camera Time: Mar 14, 2023 7:14 AM CDT
Birchwoman (Me)
Newman: according to chat, he and Savannah 'spent the night together'.
Mar 14, 2023 7:23 AM
Camera Time: Mar 14, 2023 7:23 AM CDT
Birchwoman (Me)
Mar 14, 2023 7:23 AM
Camera Time: Mar 14, 2023 7:23 AM CDT
LisaP - SoMuchNature2Watch!
The early bird at GSB gets . . . everything! :D
And all before the beautiful sunrise.
On the rewind, you can even watch Savannah dive off the nest box to catch the Red-Winged Blackbird and bring it to the Rock Ledge Diner.
Great pics from Phyl.
Morning at the Great Spirit Bluff area -- mating action, prey for breakfast and brunch, another female visits, just a busy time.
About 8:00, Newman brought a black bird for prey to the nest box & attempted to eat it on the narrow perch. Grackle, I think, see irridescent head before Newman drops it. He flies around, calling, with the prey, several times, returning to the nest box. About 9:00, a different female, unbanded, came to the box and Newman was flummoxed for sure, finally flying away. Could it have been Zooey?
Advance to 10:00, and Savanna came to the nest box maybe with her own prey or the remains of the grackle. She and Newman mated about 11:00 on the perch, when her leg bands are clearly visible. Newman still has bloody feathers on his belly from the prey of yesterday.
I didnt notice another female - hope newman didnt seed her too.
Hi folks.
Super snaps STLbf. Many thanks.
I willing agree w/ Shep on 'the seeding'.
If more than one female is impregnated and lays, etc. What then regarding the 'nest' and does one of those gals have to raise her hatchling alone? Being both Mom and Dad and provider/ guardian of her nest?
I bet I know the anwwser. Had to ask though.
There actually are birds who father 2 nests.
A male falcon and a male owl.
Crazyest thing - 2 GHO nested next to each other, same male.
Guess I either don't give 'credit due'. Or just don't know anything. LOL LOL
Many thanks Shep---really. Now I know. :) ;)
March 15, 2023
15 car barge heads upriver
First of the season
Thanks Shep.
Awesome snaps.
And, very good news!
We aim to please - everybirdy!
March 16, 2023
Fertilizing a plethera of females! ;D
bcaw images and videos
Savanna 40/Z
New female E/24 Meika
2021 Ford Parkway Bidge Minneapolis, Minnesota
Shep, I thought I was imagining a different female at the GSB nest box with Newman earlier today. Your post proved me correct!
Newman could have a whole box full of eggs if all these females lay here -- not gonna happen, but a fun picture to think about.
Unlikely - but
Savannah may lay eggs inside box
and new girl in RLD under the box
if you fertilize - feed the seed!
:o Newman !!
Many thanks shep and STLbf for the snaps and info. Gonna be a real soap opera this season.
This site is where the action is! This morning about 10:00, I believe Newman caught a bird and took it to the RLD, where Savanna consumed it while he watched from under the overhang. Ins and outs and calling -- better on the rewind.
Thanks STLbf ;)
Savana was happily eating a snack this morning and in came Newman. She went back to eating after. She sure had a full crop!
Many thanks Nora.
Looks like one.
Indeed. I do agree---a racoon
https://mailchi.mp/3e8a59470a35/soar-early-2018-programs-and-events-5860087?e=a5cfa03734 (https://mailchi.mp/3e8a59470a35/soar-early-2018-programs-and-events-5860087?e=a5cfa03734)
When did the bluff fledge more than one?
Michelle fledged 3 or 4
2022 Only one fledge
2021 Owl got both Nova's young.
I dont recall prior to 2021
When did the bluff fledge more than one?
Michelle fledged 3 or 4
2022 Only one fledge
2021 Owl got both Nova's young.
I dont recall prior to 2021
Scroll down to nest records for GSS, and then to detailed annual information https://www.farmyou.com/calendar/history.php?PlaceID=GSB
I think more than one fledge goes back to 2016.
Thanks Linda!
March 24, 2023
The Cliff box has not been productive in recent years.
No wonder Newman is franticly fertilizing EVERYbirdy!
2021 Only one fledge
2020 Owl got both Nova's young.
2017, 2018, 2019 only one fledge
2015, 2016 = 4 fledged
2022 June 14
All 4 chicks jump from the nest
We dont know if they survived or not, we never saw them again.
Raccoon may have gotten them, we just dont know.
Thanks Linda and shep for the stats and info.
Have a good evening.
Newman offered a "box of chocolates" to Savanna early this morning. She graciously accepted and ate them all.
Translation, the offering was the carcass of a male Red winged blackbird, which he waved at her from the next box perch. Yum.
Best view is from the Nest Box Cam, which is the closeup but not movable camera.
Mr. Newman had better take care of Savanna. LOL :)
3/25 1206
Things are still pretty heated up at GSB. Morning mating, previous post pic. This afternoon at 3:30, Newman in the box bows and maybe calls. Savanna perches and croons. He flies out of the box and right back to mate with her. At this rate they could have a dozen eggs! Three or four would be ideal.
Go Newman!
Cliff cam is down
Box cam off n on
Savvy shd lay egg SOON
Thanks Nora and Shep.
Tis the season...
Hope cams back up and functioning. Far too exciting not to be working.
Shep, yes, egg time at GSB is almost here. Newman and Savanna were in the box together, nodding, bowing, conversing about 9:00 this morning. Shortly after it looked like she was scratching at the gravel and later picking at it.
Thanks STLbf. Great snapshot.
Email from John Howe RRP
Cliff cam will be down for a while as we order a new power source for that cam.
Thanks Shep.
Limited view with the nest box cam, but the best! Savanna spent the night in the box; I think it was her and not Newman.
No eggs yet, but copulation at about 9:00 this morning. And both calling, flying in and out, at this posting time
No eggs yet, but Savanna is at the nest box a lot of the time. Rewind to about 2:30 this afternoon to watch her preening tail feathers.
Thanks STLbf
Come on you two!!
Savanna has been rather hunched sitting in the nest box making little chirping sounds since around a quarter after 8 and feathers were floating down from a bird Newman must have caught.
She's just not looking comfortable tonight...........
March 30, 2023
pics bcaw & explore
PHYL could you please sticky this? For a minute I thought the thread was gone. Being you started the thread it has to be you to do it. Thank you!
Great to see the egg at GSB. In the pic, Savanna was coming up off the egg to have a rest. I guess that both parents incubate the eggs, is that correct?
Yes - both falcon parents incubate
Some males love it - some just do it
Yep Shep :D
There are males that see the female coming and look panicky and get off as soon as she arrives. Some hunker down and the female will literally get close and start pushing him off. The best one I saw was in Rochester, NY years ago and Mariah finally got one of her feet underneath him and he still wasn't budging. She kept leaning and pushing and he finally got off. ;D
April 1, 2023
Yesterday MinneSNOWta began with pouring rain which turned to snow. Really NASTY STORMY weather in many states. At least one Gov has called out the Nat Guard to help. Hang on birdies!
Yep Nora, its just adorable to see the eggchanges
Guess I went to bed. Good girl Savanna! :)
GSB has two eggs in the nest box this morning. Looks to be just windy and cold today. Both Newman and Savanna are incubating, and not leaving the eggs exposed for long. If she lays more eggs, Newman will have to wiggle, wiggle to fit over them.
Two eggs might be enough, what do you think?
April 3, 2023
Noon Savvy laid a 3rd egg
Knew if I was gone she would ;) Good girl Savanna.
Good for Savanna! She's right on schedule.
To see the actual laying, see the gif from Shep.
Many thaks Shep, Nora and STLbf for all your great snaps and info.
Newman/Savvy are looking great. Excited to see the hatchlings in this box.
Relying on y'all this season---
as after a couple of years of inactivity our beloved Bluebirds are back using our nesting boxes for
The 2023 Season!
I have a thread at https://raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2741.0 (https://raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2741.0)
Called 'Bluebirds of Cane Ridge, Tennessee.
Since 2002 Jim and I have been providing nesting boxes for the Eastern Bluebirds of Tennessee.
When the season's finished and y'all are missing that 'something'---please visit my thread in
'Bird Cam Forum: Other Bird Cams and Information.
Looks like a normal morning at GSB. Good pic of eggs and Savanna showing her banding info.
Glad things look good after yesterday's weather. There was a lot of lightning in those. :)
April 6, 2023
A 4th egg may have been laid overnight - I cant see 4 ... waiting ...
This'd be a FIRST for Newman!
I hope he's learned how to feed new hatchs
EGG 1 - March 30
EGG 2 - April 1
EGG 3 - April 3, noon
EGG 4 - April 6, overnite
Yep there's 4.......... :)
Thanks Nora, Shep and STLbf for all the snaps and info---egg count.
The 'box' looks good.
Nora, that's a great pic of the 4 eggs with Newman and Savanna.
On rewind about 7:00 this morning, Savanna arrived, Newman left and returned to attempt a copulation, then she took over egg duty. Do peregrines lay 5 eggs sometimes?? It's difficult for this nest box to produce many successful fledges because of its location, accessibility to predators, black fly infestations, and on and on. So they have their work cut out for them with 4 potential hatches in a few weeks.
When I first found cams it was 2004 and it was Rochester New York's. Mariah & Kaver usually had 5 and fledged 5. I have heard of others with 5, but offhand can't remember just where over the years.
I think when Belinda took over the King plant from Mae she laid 5 one year, but seems to me at least one didn't hatch and one baby might not have lived long.
When I first found cams it was 2004 and it was Rochester New York's. Mariah & Kaver usually had 5 and fledged 5. I have heard of others with 5, but offhand can't remember just where over the years.
I think when Belinda took over the King plant from Mae she laid 5 one year, but seems to me at least one didn't hatch and one baby might not have lived long.
Michele laid 5 but I think only 2 hatched. One pipped and I heard that chick peeping. Eventually Michele carried it outta the box and away. She was a GREAT mom.
April 7 Good Friday
Cliff cam fixed
4 pm Barge heads upriver. AMERICA! On the move!
A long freight train had just passed heading south
April 8
7 am Barge coming downriver, train headin north.
AMERICA! On the move!
Thak you Nora and Shep for the updates and info .
Nora, you've been watching nest cams a very long time. ;)
Good deal that the cliff camera is back online. Early morning, activities that the nest box cam wouldn't see.
Newman on the eggs and Savanna on the camera housing, looking around especially above.
Two raccoons were exploring near the "driftwood" logs that are toward the top of the bluff. They might have a den there.
One of the peregrines repeatedly buzzed the coons, all caught on the video by our intrepid camera operators.
My pic is just a blur of falcon dashing past, and that's in stop-action-mode.
A check on the eggs with the nest cam found them to be safe and OK at a changeover about 11:00 this morning.
A peregrine has been perching in the branches near the cedars above the locks most of the day. Cannot tell which bird.
But there was another takeoff from the camera housing at the raccoon kerfluffle, and that bird appeared to be lacking the blue band. My pic is far away and not clear, so it could be Savanna. Or, maybe that other female that was hanging around right after return from migration. Anybody have the real scoop?
Thanks for this morning's news and the update this afternoon. Hopefully whoever took off isn't trouble and those raccoons better STAY up there and not venture down.
Many thanks STLbf great snaps and comments.
So funny racoons getting buzzed! That should let them know that the
nest box is off limits. Take care masked varmets
April 9, Easter Sonday
4.30 am Barge coming downriver.
Coons've been spotted both on top of the cliff and below - street level.
Did they get last years juvies who fell?
We will never know
3 pm Whats wrong with this barge??
Tugs are splitting the barge cars
At dusk, note - tugs had moved barge to clear path to lock
More tugboats came up from the south - one had come down from the north.
AT LEAST 4 tugs workin - it was there for HOURS - into the night .....
Note off explore
RRP has been asked by the Lock and Dam to please focus the cam this way in order to help them monitor the situation remotely.
April 10 at 6.45 am tugs have broken up more of the barge ........
Scheduled maintenance planned
1:00pm-5:00 pm
April 11, 2023
April 10
9.20 am
Problem with downriver barge
FINALLY took off down river around 2 pm today
That barge was there about 24 hours!
3.45 pm Here comes a dredge down river
Maybe that barge was loaded and had hit bottom?
5 pm An upstream barge who wants to enter the lock is waltzing with the dredge
2 more barges passed thru lock upriver in the evening
Interesting on the barge and having the GSB cam monitor it.
I had to smile. Newman was on the eggs and Savanna flew in. I was waiting for the frenzied exit of Newman and he just stayed there and she patiently perched for a bit.
Nora, I watched that interchange around 9:00 this morning, too. Newman briefly left the eggs but came back in a few moments. Then a larger peregrine landed on the nest box perch, and I was puzzled that Newman did not leave the eggs. Listen to the sounds from the larger bird that came and went. Doesn't sound like Savanna at all. I think it is an interloper who has been hanging around and perching in the branchy trees near the cedars in the direction of the locks.
Well after all that speculation, I went back and did frame-by-frame on rewind. The mystery bird is indeed NOT Savanna. Leg bands are not blue, but black. I think it is the other female that was here earlier in the season.
Stay tuned, Savanna and Newman made a regular change at 10:00, See next pics. Whew.
Here's pics of the exchange at about 10:00 this morning.
Wow I'm surprised he didn't really react to someone else! Interesting.
I was surprised also, Nora. But this bird has been around most of the spring, and Newman may have mated with her, so at least it seems he recognized her. Always something new to learn, huh?
Saturday morning at Great Spirit Bluff: The eggs look OK about 7:30 as Savanna watches over them from the camera housing. See her shadow? And her bands in another view. She looks tall and thin; could be from the work of laying and incubating four eggs!
Changeover from Savanna to Newman at about 10:00.
Thanks Nora/STLbf for keeping up with N and S 's activities.
Great Spirit Bluffs home of Newman & Savanna with 4 eggs...
Let it snow!!!
(Newman is not budging from his egg time as Savanna sticks out her chest after politely asking him to move)
"Seriously Newman?" as Savanna looks at the camera in disbelief...
"Fine I will go hang out at the cliff ledge until dinner Savanna".
4 beautiful eggs!!!
Savanna and Newman have four eggs:
First egg at 8:28 PM on March 29
Second egg at 4:35 AM on April 1
Third egg at 12:32 PM on April 3
Fourth egg at 11:15 PM on April 5
Watch for hatching to begin somewhere around Saturday, May 6. via giabear explore.org
I love it - and I love the snowfall - on the cam - NOT on my sidewalk! ;D
Spring snow icky, but great pics Lori!
Savanna likes her eggs in a row (see my pic) while Newman needs them in a group so they fit underneath his smaller body (see Lori's pic).
Thanks Lori.
Early morning breakfast for Newman on the large ledge. Mid-afternoon changeover at the nest box. Snow has not melted.
Spring snow icky, but great pics Lori!
Savanna likes her eggs in a row (see my pic)
while Newman needs them in a group so they fit underneath his smaller body (see Lori's pic).
Awwww cute post STLbf
Both cameras seem to be off this morning, showing highlights of GSB. Power problem? Raccoons chewing the cables? Anybody know?
I see Tstorms in forecast.
They turn cams off to protect cams.
Thank you Shep for the explaination on cams being down.
Yep when I got up there was a lot of lightning on the radar in SE Minnesota.
About 2 weeks until possible egg hatching time. Newman came to the box about 2:00 this afternoon and tried to persuade Savanna to leave. "No way Jose." She was ready for a break at 3:00. Eggs look OK.
:) Eagle rehabbed,
returned to wild,
circled back to either thank the doctor or laugh at him.
I report, you decide.
The bear story about the guy that got in the accident on that page of videos was good too.
Things are looking well at the nest box. It's been a gloomy morning out. Down here we've had some sleet, graupel, and snow. It's melting as it hits though.
Doing my usual cam rounds this AM...
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Apr 25, 2023 6:43 AM
Camera Time: Apr 25, 2023 6:43 AM CDT
Then I stopped by to check on the nest box...
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons
Apr 25, 2023 6:56 AM
Camera Time: Apr 25, 2023 6:56 AM CDT
shot on cliff really shows off the falcon's beauty
The GSB nest box and residents seem all OK this morning. Looks like the river level is rising. Local weather where I live way south of here is predicting significant flooding on the upper Mississippi. Would that likely close the highway that runs at the bottom of the bluffs? And probably the railroad also.
Oh no!! This is a disaster for folks and wild life. :( :(
The bridge north of there up at Lansing is closed.
The GSB nest box and residents seem all OK this morning. Looks like the river level is rising. Local weather where I live way south of here is predicting significant flooding on the upper Mississippi. Would that likely close the highway that runs at the bottom of the bluffs? And probably the railroad also.
Its common for the MS to flood, some years worse than others.
Yes it is. This may be one of the highest again.
Yes it is. This may be one of the highest again.
Train derailment south of Lasing bridge....
There have been SO SO MANY train derailments this year!
Closeup of cliff holes where some kind of swallow nests. Couldn't find a pic from last spring, but maybe "brown cliff swallow" or similar name. All these high dwellers will be safe from flooding, thankfully.
I know when I've been up there at banding there lots of them zipping all over. I know cliff swallows, but can't remember the actual name either.
Closeup of cliff holes where some kind of swallow nests. Couldn't find a pic from last spring, but maybe "brown cliff swallow" or similar name. All these high dwellers will be safe from flooding, thankfully.
STL -- In the past the they were ID'd as Rough Winged Swallows.
Thanks Ginger!!!
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Apr 27, 2023 1:36 PM
Camera Time: Apr 27, 2023 1:36 PM CDT
SgtPepper (Michelle Pepper)
During my cam visits t his morning I snapped this...
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Apr 28, 2023 6:38 AM
Camera Time: Apr 28, 2023 6:37 AM CDT
Wishing everyone a 'Good Morning'...
Great catch of the swallow!
Nora & Phyl, Thanks for the rough-winged swallow ID and the great pic!!
Things in the nest box seem all OK. Not too many days until expected hatch for Newman and Savanna's first brood together.
Morning changeover from Savanna to Newman, eggs look OK.
That's really good news.
Have the raccoons shown up lately??
The cliff cam seems to be undergoing a Van Gogh period. ;) ???
Nora, I have not see raccoons lately on the rewinds.
eburg, Please explain about the cliff cam's Van Gogh period. I'm drawing a blank today.
Thanks STLbf, I hadn't seen any either, but haven't had a lot of time and seem to zero in on the new Alma babies lately.
Me too on the Van Gogh. Tree scenery? :)
The cam seems to be cured now, but it had sort of a smeared pixelation going on when I posted. Trails behind vehicles moving down the road, smeared waving branches. You probably had to be there.
Van Gogh had poor vision, that's why his paintings were so different. He painted what he saw and it was out of focus.
Per RRP: Great Spirit Bluff: Estimated hatch: May 6
On rewind early just after color cam on, changeover from Savanna to Newman, and all 4 eggs look just the same. So no pic.
"I didn't leave for that long, now let me back in there!"
Anticipating hatching of eggs here at GSB. At early changeover, no pips visible. But it appears that Newman and Savanna have created a shallow bowl for the eggs. I wonder if they do that to keep the chicks from rolling away as they hatch. Anybody know more about this behavior?
The other pic shows the adult nibbling on pebbles in the nest box. Not just today, but never got a pic before. I know that chickens eat pebbles and hold them in the craw to aid in digestion. Do raptors do the same? Or are they picking at insects in the nest box?
They have a beautiful day today!!
1955 and 2017
Must have been an owl or something flying around between 4-5 AM. No problems and everything settled.
Shift change 0555
Hi Nora thank you for the updates on GSB nest.
Hope all is well with you.
Things are good. Same to you Phyl.
Nora, thanks for the night pics. Savanna and Newman have been sticking tight to the eggs when they roll them, and they make really fast changeovers. Good safety measures!
Really fast! ;D
Hi STLbf many tks for the photo nest updates. Yes. Good safety measuers for sure.
Glad to h ear Nora.
We're hanging in there. :P
As of noon-ish on Sunday, May 7, no visible pips in the four eggs.
Thanks. I got up and was figuring out times on Great River and ran an errand. Need to check on egg 4 there.
At 3:00 this afternoon, no change for the eggs when Savanna left and Newman came in. They had a brief conversation , too.
"They had a brief conversation too." :D ;D
"They had a brief conversation too." :D ;D
At 3:00 this afternoon, no change for the eggs when Savanna left and Newman came in. They had a brief conversation , too.
Thanks. STL
Nora ;D :D
Everyone have a peaceful/restful night. :)
Monday morning, no hatch, but possibly pips. Watch this space.
Looks like a meal was brought in, we're getting there! :D
GSB has one hatch, this afternoon with a pic of the new chick still damp at 2:00 and another at 4:00 of the white, puffy chick. Empty eggshell still in the nest. Yippee! ;D
Baby News!!!(http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/cheerleader.gif)
Great Spirit Bluffs home of Newman and Savanna. Congratulations on 2 hatches today!!!💜
and then there were 2
Beautiful Savanna is doing a great job!!
That's different, it looks fluffy up top and wet lower down?
Great to see the second hatchling, Lori!
Great news with the hatchlings everyone!
Tks STL, Nora and Lori for unfo and updates
Just thought I'd share this as Ms Falcon does mention GSB nest
(https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/falcons.jpg) The Raptor Resource Project
From Amy's blog...
May 8, 2023: What are we looking forward to this week?
May 8, 2023 RaptorResource
https://www.raptorresource.org/2023/05/08/may-8-2023-what-are-we-looking-forward-to-this-week/ (https://www.raptorresource.org/2023/05/08/may-8-2023-what-are-we-looking-forward-to-this-week/)
I dont think this is Savvy's first brood.
She acts like she's done this before
I snapped this on my cam rounds...
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons
May 9, 2023 7:30 AM
Camera Time: May 9, 2023 7:30 AM CDT
Chow time
I haven't had a chance to see when we got #4, but great to see 4 heads up and eating!
Nora, this is wonderful news! Tks for the photo. Everyone looks great.
Sorry I couldn't go back and see when yet. I was working outside and have a bit more to do out there, came in for some tuna salad and check in. :)
Ok about 1430 the shell came out. About 1550 was a shift change/feeding.
Tks. Nora.
You're so welcome :)
So excited to see all four eggs have hatched successfully! ;D
Nora, that pic of Newman and Savanna feeding the eyases is wonderful.
Looks like a successful night for the 4 eyases. Savanna fed them at about 7:00 this morning. It's warm in the nest box, so we get good views of the babies as the parents move around on and off them. Thanks to the cam ops for their diligence in bringing us the views of GSB. :D
STL and Nora many thanks. Luv the snapshots.
So white and fluffy. :-*
Another successful night -- that means no owl or other predators to threaten these precious babies in their nest box. I wonder what protections are in place this year.
Good news about plans to band these eyases in late May, according to Amy's blog.
Thanks! So far so good!
STL thanks for the update on eyases and photos.
Was up and decided to peek at some cams
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons
Camera Time: May 12, 2023 12:49 AM CDT
Oooops! Almost forgot...
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons
Camera Time: May 12, 2023 :47 AM CDT
Four hungry eyases for Savanna to feed at 11:30 this morning. Seems that all is OK at GSB.
I love that little one (back-right) looking straight ahead :)
STL precious snapshot. Tks.
Four eyeases interested in food this morning.
Thanks for all the great updates!
Happy Mother's Day to all of us Mothers.
Awww. :D
Thank you.
From a human mother to a 21 yr old cat. :-*
Frequent feeding by Newman and Savanna to the eyases who are now squeeing for food.
Savanna brought another bird for "tea time" at about 2:00. These little ones are not aggressive towards each other about food. Maybe they are too young? Or don't Peregrines do bopping and pushing and grabbing like bald eagle chicks? I do notice that the fourth, youngest, eyas is still a little slower than the other three, but it still gets its share of food.
They'll make sure the smallest one gets enough. Most feed the bigger ones first so they are out of the way and then the smallest that eats less.
Nora, I've noticed that the bigger, louder ones get fed first. That seems to lessen the aggression considerably. Same with the eagles.
Around 7 AM - Breakfast in the morning sun.
All four seem OK at noon, all in a sleepy pile, then being fed by Savanna.
Earlier, I could see only three! Panic! Rewind showed that one went to a back corner for a nap and one huddled right under the front lip of the box. When that one lay down, it wasn't visible. The other two were napping under Savanna. All is well. Be calm and carry on.
All four of the eyases can sing for their supper now.
Just love these. Tks.
I took this one not long ago. The 'quartet' and Savanna .
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Camera Time: May 16, 2023 6:45 PM CDT
The 'Quartet' and their four hungry mouths.
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons
May 17, 2023 6:26 AM
Camera Time: May 17, 2023 6:25 AM CDT
A closer look...
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Camera Time: May 17, 2023 6:28 AM CDT
Love the way they're being looked down on.
Phyl, great pics, and Nora, you are so right -- by parent falcon and by us watchers!! ;)
Thanks STL/Nora
These little ones grow up really fast! This afternoon one of the parents has been on watch from the perch off the nest box for several hours. The same is happening at the Decorah eagle nest, but that eaglet is a month older than these eyases. Peregrines fledge in 38 to 41 days and Bald eagles in 75 to 80 days.
STL- many thanks for the info and photo.
Friday morning and everything looks fine for the Great Spirit Bluff peregrines.
Great photos. I haven't been in there as much because I've been watching eggs hatching at Red Wing and Hibbard. Thanks!!
Thanks STL. Indeed it does. ;)
Incase I forget, GSB'ers have a nice Friday and SEDs.
Afternoon at GSB. Eyases with full bellies and crops and squeeing for more.
Savanna spent some time watching from the top of the nest box. Shortly after she took off, Newman brought a little bird to the box perch, and Savanna swooped in to snatch it away. She returned to feed the kids, probably with the same bird. They can finish off a small songbird in just a few bites now. Savanna perched atop the nest box again, then moved to the top of the bluff (I'm pretty sure about the bluff, but haven't see her band yet).
If you have a big enough screen, you can see the peregrines swooping in the background when they are away from the nest box. Prey is plentiful at this time of year.
May 20, 2023
These babies are adorable! OMG! I just clicked in and the dawn sun is on 4 babies! I've been without internet for 10 LONG days! Clearly Savannah has raised a brood before. The RRP box is filled again after many years. Hope to all 4 fledge healthy into the Minnesota skies!
7.30 am I see a barge coming downriver! YAY!
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
May 20, 2023 6:26 AM
Camera Time: May 20, 2023 6:25 AM CDT
Monday morning, everybirdie seems OK at GSB.
Many tks STL for the update photos and info.
Eyases get more active and more vocal every day. The oldest one(s) legs & feet are changing from white to yellow.
Savanna is doing the feeding and watching from what I see on the rewind yesterday and today. Has someone seen Newman lately?
0630 -- Isn't this Newman?
0630 -- Isn't this Newman?
That is Newman, I believe.
Thanks STL for snaps.
Nora/Linda- I too thought Newman.
tks Linda
Oh good, looks like Newman to me, too. Small, slim, and svelte and perching nearby.
Peregrine falcon babies - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtAXVP0B7z4
More dark feathers, and tail & wing feathers starting to grow. All four seem OK.
Savanna fed them twice this morning, maybe more that I didn't catch on rewind.
Great snap STL. Tks.
Hi Nora.
The eyas are one big 'cotton ball' this morning.
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons
Camera Time: May 25, 2023 6:19 AM CDT
It's been chilly and night and warm in the daytime. They look good all huddled.
Parent Peregrine on guard overnight.
Pretty sunrise colors in the nest box for feeding and after today.
Great Spirit Bluffs Falcons
I think someone might be close to the nest box!!! Banding day!!!! The camera was jiggling... I can hear Savanna not very happy... hang in there girl it won't be long :)
view from the top of the bluffs today
Big bro protecting siblings from "John" ;D Great Spirit Bluffs
STL many thanks for the snaps and info Rd: the Quartet.
Lori great snaps and gifs. John take care Big Bro Eyeas will take your hand off. ;D LOL
Hurrah! The kids get their bling.
Great Spirit Bluffs falcon cam home of Newman & Savanna with 1 little boy and 3 girls (eyas)
Awww... it's ok, John's a good guy little one :)
3 girls one boy :)
Eyas says "I wanted the pink one"!!! :)
Where are my kids? ((Savannah)
We're home!
All home safe and sound
Lori, thanks so much for the gifs of the banding process. Great stuff and good to know more about this year's little ones.
The main camera went to highlights during the process, but the nest box cam stayed on.
When the eyases were in the transfer cage, John cleaned out most of the old feathers and waste and that will reduce the flies. He also sprayed the box, but someone will have to tell us with what and why. The whole procedure took only about an hour.
Some pics from the rewind.
STL and Lori same here. Many thanks for update and info and photos. ;)
In Lori's last gif, both Newman and Savanna are checking on the kiddos. Things got back to normal quickly, and feeding resumed.
Great work RRP! ;D
They definitely were not happy parents for a while. I'll have some pictures, but need to go through them. Lori you have a message.
Ok here is an album I uploaded, I know not everyone is on FaceBook and had shared them there.
There were two angry parents (Savanna hatched in Fargo, ND and Newman). After being brought up in a carrier the young were banded. It was cute they sat there in the order they were set down. One boy and three girls. After their banding they were put in the carrier and taken back down to the nest box. Savanna & Newman settled right down.
I shared this album, so you should be able to open it.
Ok here is an album I uploaded, I know not everyone is on FaceBook and had shared them there.
There were two angry parents (Savanna hatched in Fargo, ND and Newman). After being brought up in a carrier the young were banded. It was cute they sat there in the order they were set down. One boy and three girls. After their banding they were put in the carrier and taken back down to the nest box. Savanna & Newman settled right down.
I shared this album, so you should be able to open it.
Fantastic photos, Nora! Thanks for sharing!!!
"I shared this album, so you should be able to open it.
Awesome photos Nora
Thanks for sharing with us. ;)
Thanks guys :)
Nora, love the photos in your banding album! What a privilege to be there. :D
Tuesday morning, the banded four are OK. Savanna has been feeding them, too.
Thanks so much STLbf. :) Love those morning light shots you get.
Thanks STL Look great.
Nora thanks for the banding album. ;)
This is what I got this morning and posted in Beakroom
The GSB Quartet on a sunny morning.
May 30, 2023 6:06 AM
You're welcome Phyl :)
Found this great snapshot of the GSB Quartet and mom from 'wollwitzig' this morning.
May 31, 2023 5:40 AM
I managed to snap this of Newman, GSB cliff view
May 31, 2023 6:38 AM
Ok here is an album I uploaded, I know not everyone is on FaceBook and had shared them there.
There were two angry parents (Savanna hatched in Fargo, ND and Newman). After being brought up in a carrier the young were banded. It was cute they sat there in the order they were set down. One boy and three girls. After their banding they were put in the carrier and taken back down to the nest box. Savanna & Newman settled right down.
I shared this album, so you should be able to open it.
These are awesome Nora!!! I didn't share any on Facebook, I should have. :) Beautiful photos!
stl, phyl, t40, shep, nora and all thanks for sharing great pics!!! ;D
Ok here is an album I uploaded, I know not everyone is on FaceBook and had shared them there.
There were two angry parents (Savanna hatched in Fargo, ND and Newman). After being brought up in a carrier the young were banded. It was cute they sat there in the order they were set down. One boy and three girls. After their banding they were put in the carrier and taken back down to the nest box. Savanna & Newman settled right down.
I shared this album, so you should be able to open it.
These are awesome Nora!!! I didn't share any on Facebook, I should have. :) Beautiful photos!
They got shared there, so don't worry. :)
Couple pics from this morning. Everybirdie looks OK. Eyases get bigger and fluffier and more colorful while Savanna is looking quite slim. OK, she's thin, from all the work of raising four bouncing babies!
Love the expression on the front eyase in the second one! Like "what??!!!!!"
Oh Golly! This is a hoot!!
Thanks STL
Beautiful, cute, surprising, all good for this nest box full of Peregrines.
These snaps are great.
Thanks STL
The GSB Quartet this morning.
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons
Jun 2, 2023 6:09 AM
Here's a visible band on one of the babes -- Black P over Blue 60 on the left leg. Are they all banded left? Or is that a sex difference?
Savanna brought food at about 8:00, again at 9:00, and again at 10:00.
Is it common for the male to stop feeding the little ones? Newman is in the area, but I haven't seen him feeding for a couple weeks.
Names and band numbers:
Male B/59 - Thomas
Female P/58 - Alice
Female P/59 - Kami
Female P/60 - Jaycie
Great to have the banding list for GSB. Thanks, Ginger.
Is the one male color-banded right instead of left?
A peek this morning on the
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Jun 4, 2023 6:35 AM
Camera Time: Jun 4, 2023 6:35 AM CDT
Many thanks Ginger for the add'l info on the eyeas.
THANK YOU!!! I wondered if they got name!
Names and band numbers:
Male B/59 - Thomas
Female P/58 - Alice
Female P/59 - Kami
Female P/60 - Jaycie
I believe they always get the color bands on the same like the silver band on the other leg.
And a quick look at the four eyeas at GSB nest...
Jun 5, 2023 6:24 AM
No leg bands visable
Phyl, yes, the babes don't stand up tall much so the bands are mostly hidden under their pantaloons. Good to see all four thriving. Savanna is a great mom.
At the Flyway chat, there's a video posted 8:00 on June 5 of Savanna bringing a banded bird on June 4 as food for the GSB quartet. The band is bright green. Anybody have more info?
STL Yes! Savanaha is a good mom.
No clue on the band color code. I'm surprized that Chat doesn't have a guide posted
to 'de-code' the bands other than what Ginger posted here in this thread
a few days ago.
GSB eyeas
Jun 6, 2023 6:28 AM
Camera Time: Jun 6, 2023 6:28 AM CDT
No clue on the band color code. I'm surprized that Chat doesn't have a guide posted
to 'de-code' the bands other than what Ginger posted here in this thread
a few days ago.
RRP posted this blog about banding, written in 2020: https://www.raptorresource.org/2020/06/10/banding-birds-how-we-band-and-band-reporting/ (https://www.raptorresource.org/2020/06/10/banding-birds-how-we-band-and-band-reporting/)
I found the video from the flyway with the banded prey. That was a good sized gray bird. I'd be willing to bet it was a banded pigeon, every so often one gets brought in somewhere. May 23rd King had banded pigeon and that had a purple band.
Thanks for the banding info on other birds. At least, your pic has a readable number. Is there a registry for banded birds like pigeons? There must be, otherwise, why do the banding?
Appears to be All Good at GSB today. Feeding at about 8:00 this morning and several other times during the day.
These eyases are well-fed and they don't fight over food.
Lots more brown feathers showing every day.
No clue on the band color code. I'm surprized that Chat doesn't have a guide posted
to 'de-code' the bands other than what Ginger posted here in this thread
a few days ago.
RRP posted this blog about banding, written in 2020: https://www.raptorresource.org/2020/06/10/banding-birds-how-we-band-and-band-reporting/ (https://www.raptorresource.org/2020/06/10/banding-birds-how-we-band-and-band-reporting/)
Many thanks Linda for locating this. Just couldn't recall where I'd seen all this.
That was a good write-up Amy did.
If you put "pigeon band look up" in google it gives links to all kinds of information and places to notify them if you've found one. Also recommended to take a picture of the band. There are racing pigeons and homing pigeons.
Sweet rain and Great Spirit Peregrine Falcons - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbIk9UcQVzI
Bands on these babies will become more visible when they start sitting on the rim of the nest box.
Maenwhile, here are two from this morning's views.
P-60 = female, Jaycie
P-58 = female, Alice
Savanna has been close by all day today, she made several feedings, eyases seem all OK and doing their thing.
Many thanks STL, Nora and T40Snaps are great. Really looking forward to being able to ID the 'kids'
Thought I'd check the quartet of eyeas while out and about.
Camera Time: Jun 9, 2023 11:52 AM CDT
They're growing up and and out. LOL
Phyl, growing every which way! Might be about time to cross our fingers that they all stay in the nest box until they are really able to fly, in another couple of weeks. RRP might have a fledge watch date that's more exact.
About 9:30, Savanna brought a partial bird as food and one of the eyases grabbed it. The youngsters can't tear apart prey yet, so Savanna took it back and fed in bits. They can swallow pretty large chunks, though.
Luv these snaps STL. You point out a valid concern regarding the available room in nest box with their growth.
With those chunks for 'food' those little crops will fill-up fast.
The peregrines that used to be at Kodak in Rochester, NY always had 5 and they did ok, just less room. Sure are getting pretty.
Nora, you are so right about the pretty factor for juvenile peregrines!
Savanna has been using a small, grassy ledge near the nest box as her jumping off spot for gathering flying food. Great pics, thanks to the cam ops.
Not only Savanna, but also Newman is using that ledge and is bringing food to the nest box today!!
Newman made a meal delivery at 2:00 this afternoon. Anybody good at small bird ID from the underside??
He left the prey for the eyases to work on themselves.
Tks. STL Looking like the falcons they're destined to become.
Yes, Phyl, beautiful juveniles have vertical stripes on their bellies, and adults have horizontal stripes.
Both Newman and Savanna are hunting and delivering food to the eyases today! I'm so happy to see him actively feeding the babes. I've added a couple new pics and corrected the labels on previous pics. Best pic is Newman [no leg bands] at the nest box and Savanna on the small ledge at the same time!
STL you know I didn't notice the difference in stripe placement on juvies verses the adult Peregines. Thanks. Good to know.
Sleep well GSB eyeas and Mom/Dad.
Morning finds both parents on food duty. See orange arrows on one pic. Cam ops are great to find the ledges and perches. It's best on the rewind to watch the whole activity, starting about 6:00AM.
I LOVE the one of the windy perch atop the bluff. Nice to know where "their spot on the bluff" are. :)
STL thanks for sharing these. Do appreciated the orange arrows.
Evening pic of one eyase sitting on the edge of the nest box; the rest, not yet.
Savanna is mostly on watch at the nest box overnight.
Two on the edge early this morning. P-59, a female, and the other band not visible.
Adults perching atop the bluff, on the big ledge, on a deadfall branch -- no pic, but easy to find on the rewind.
OK all four are in there though. Whew.
STL/Nora tks for the snaps and updates. All looks well now.
All four...........
I just saw on FB that RRP is concerned about Savanna, that she hasn't been seen and Newman has been feeding. A GHO chased her last night. :( Keep your eyes out! The picture of her from last night looks like she is in defense mode.
I just saw on FB that RRP is concerned about Savanna, that she hasn't been seen and Newman has been feeding. A GHO chased her last night. :( Keep your eyes out! The picture of her from last night looks like she is in defense mode.
On no! This is terrible news. :(
0024 -- Looks like Newman is staying out on the long perch yet since dark.
Nora, thanks for update even tho very concerning about Savanna and owl last night.
Couple pics from late evening showing Newman on the long perch, where he was calling. Eyases OK. Another shortly after the night camera came on. Then one eyas turned around on the box rim and is sitting guard like Savanna used to -- watch the turning on the rewind about 9:30PM. Still there at 2:00AM Tuesday.
Hope for Savanna's return and for the survival of all.
Hi STL and Nora
thanks for the snaps and updates. Praying for Savanna, Newman and the four eyases. That's a given.
1204 -- Has anyone seen any breakfast brought in? I've just done a rewind and have seen them picking at leftovers, but never found a delivery.
*EDIT* About 11:30 I found the very quick delivery by I think Newman. Just lit, one took it, and he left.
Duh I checked the cliff cam. It was Newman and they received a Baltimore Oriole.
Thanks Nora. But did he have to catch a pretty bird? :P
Alas, food is food.
The kids grow and grow by the second at this stage. :-*
Nora, great that you found a feeding at GSB middle of day today. I missed it on both camera rewinds so must have been really quick. I will go back and look again now that I know there's bright color to look for.
Several pics from today. Sadly no sign of Savanna on camera.
Found the food drop. One pic from each camera view.
Hoping for another safe night.
STL many thanks for the snaps. Hoping for the same too.
And that just about WAS a food drop, it just got it.
(https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/falcons.jpg) The Raptor Resource Project
From Amy's blog...
A difficult few days at Great Spirit Bluff
June 13, 2023 RaptorResource
https://www.raptorresource.org/2023/06/13/a-difficult-few-days-at-great-spirit-bluff/ (https://www.raptorresource.org/2023/06/13/a-difficult-few-days-at-great-spirit-bluff/)
So, so sad to read confirmation of Savanna's death from Amy's blog. She was the BEST peregrine mom at this nest box. Wishing success for Newman, who has taken over parenting duties in her absence. The Fab Four made it through another night and OK at time of this posting.
Feeding at abut 10:00 for P60. And the two rim-sitters have been there since before dawn. They are not aggressive about food, so must be getting enough. Love it when they wingercize and downy feathers fly like snowflakes.
"Likely" killed. I hate to think of that, but know the land around her it would be impossible to find her if badly injured and I wouldn't want her to suffer. She's such a great mom I'm sure she would be there if she could. :'( Meanwhile Newman is a great dad and will do his best.
This one's b-i-g !
(https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/falcons.jpg) The Raptor Resource Project
From Amy's blog...
Celebrate with RRP at After The Fledge 2023!
June 14, 2023 RaptorResource
https://www.raptorresource.org/2023/06/14/join-rrp-for-after-the-fledge-2023/ (https://www.raptorresource.org/2023/06/14/join-rrp-for-after-the-fledge-2023/)
The GSB Eyases...five hours ago, from Chantell in Chat
Then I took the following snaps. Tried to get the 'bling' on their ankles. But...still couldn't read banding
Jun 15, 2023 5:36 AM
Camera Time: Jun 15, 2023 5:36 AM CDT
Then I started snapping as fast as I could since the action was picking up.
Jun 15, 2023 5:40 AM
Camera Time: Jun 15, 2023 5:39 AM CDT
Jun 15, 2023 5:40 AM
Camera Time: Jun 15, 2023 5:40 AM CDT
Jun 15, 2023 5:40 AM
Camera Time: Jun 15, 2023 5:40 AM CDT
Jun 15, 2023 5:41 AM
Camera Time: Jun 15, 2023 5:40 AM CDT
Jun 15, 2023 5:41 AM
Camera Time: Jun 15, 2023 5:41 AM CDT
I love this snap, above image, I took, for the look on their faces and direction of their focus.
Jun 15, 2023 5:42 AM
Camera Time: Jun 15, 2023 5:42 AM CDT
While all this was going on Newman made a food drop and PGinSoCal
caught this at Camera Time: Jun 14, 2023 6:02 PM CDT
And, to sum it all up a view from the cliff...
Savanna's four eyases :-* :-* :-*
Jun 15, 2023 6:04 AM
Camera Time: Jun 15, 2023 6:03 AM CDT
Newman, a dad should be a hero in some form. That you are. Happy Father's Day !
Ahhh outside perch time. :) Soon you'll be soaring with your dad little ones.
Earlier today Newman brought what I think was a Red-Wing Blackbird. He lit on the perch and one of them got a bit anxious to get it and he took hold of the bird with his foot and snapped at the one getting grabby, then put the bird in the nest box and left.
Later on he came back and tentatively stepped into the nest box, pulled the leftovers out of the back left and sat on the lip of the nest box and fed them.
Nora and Phyl, Newman has stepped and stooped into being a great parent, and of course he has prior experience. I will find the feeding sequence on rewind. Thanks for posting it.
Couple more pics from today. At posting time, all four still at the nest box. Numbers are often readable if you can zoom in or you have a big PC screen. I'm feeling better about survival with each added day of development.
A couple have been hopping around and in & out to the perches too. :)
Nora, they get more skilled and confident by the hour!
Many thanks STL/Nora I feel more at ease with their progress, too,-.
I don't have 'zoom in' capabilites on my desktop. It would have been 'nice'
to be able to ID the kids.
About 6:30 one of the two on the perch went up to the roof. It inched/flapped its way out to the cam and made a long hop/flap back to the roof from the cam.
Not long after #2 went up to the roof. They started flapping/climbing up the face of the cliff!
The one went into an opening (upper left picture) and the other one worked its way around the face of the cliff to the right side and eventually out of sight. The one in the upper left kept poking its head out. Meanwhile Newman dropped off a meal at the nest box.
Amazing, Nora, isn't this a thrill to watch?
Closeups on rewind show that P-59 [Kami] is one of the fledglings.
Would we call it branching if the nest was in a tree? Ha Ha ;D
Kami is the one still on the bluff, now a ways above the nest box.
Great Spirit Bluffs home of Newman, Thomas, Kami, Alice, Jayce and Mama Savanna in heaven as of a few days ago...
Hi everyone! I have been so sad about Savanna. She was such a sweet mama and would visit GSP time to time the past couple of years. I saw that only 2 were in the box this morning and started to cry and then tuned into explore and found some updates, I was so relieved. "We become very attached to our fur babies". :-\
In addition to the tag numbers (see below), Thomas has fledged, Kami is currently on the cliff and Alice and Jayce are still in the box.
Alice and Jayce a few minutes ago... ready... set.. go!!!! part 1
Alice and Jayce a few minutes ago... ready... set.. go!!!! part 2
Newman keeping a close eye on all of them today
Thomas this morning...
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons Thomas B/59 Fledged https://youtu.be/z6cp3kiApII via lizzy g eaglespirit
Thomas B/59 Fledged at 9:31 am CT
Original time and slo mo
Congratulations Thomas !!! Mama will be so proud
Here are the band numers
Lori, great to have your gifs and pics of the brave peregrine juvies!!
The videos will be thrilling to watch, almost as good as the live feed, and we can rewind and watch again and again.
More pics, times approximate!
The 59s exploring above the nest box, Newman returned to the box, removed the RWB carcass, and flew away with it.
Scrambling up, P59 [Kami] reached the small cave area while B59 [Thomas, orange arrow] moved across to the "corner" and camera equipment cables. Pic shows Newman flying past over the road (purple arrow).
Later this afternoon, Kami caught a nap, and the two in the box looked out over the rim.
Once Thomas got over there he was on a small piece of brush sticking out and went on around the corner out of sight.
Thomas made it up to the trees pretty much up top!
Lots going on at this nest today. Looks like all ha e fledged!
Newman will have his wingsfull. But, I think Savanna will keep an eye
out for them all from her perch a bove the clouds.
Thanks everyone for the updates and all.
7:44 two in the nest box. One is front to back by the left end and one across the very front on the right.
2010--Kami still above the nest box and Thomas must have worked his way back down.........
At least the last two are finding some leftovers to munch on......
9 PM
Thomas back down where he was before he ventured up......
7:50 PM!! Newman dropped off a bird for the nest box gang, watched for a minute, then left.
I hadn't seen this one a little after 4 PM. Poor Newman brought a meal and they were anxious to get it and he dropped it between the perch and nest box. :-\ You can see it sort of hanging down and then it went.
FOUND IT! Alice was on the perch a short time around 2 PM.
What a thrill to watch these little peregrines navigate and explore!
Two fledged on Friday -- P59 [Kami] and B59 [Thomas]. Thomas is really flying, to the top of the bluff on Friday and back to the nest box about 6:00 on Saturday morning. Kami also returned to the nest box, at 5:30 AM, she is more like "branching" on the face of the cliff and hopping here and there. What does RRP say about these two?
The other two, P-58 [Alice] and P-60 [Jaycie], spent the night in the nest box and are still there today.
Newman brought food to the nest box at 7 AM, and P-60 grabbed it.
Poor Newman, they're getting so big. WOW was Thomas flying! Looking good kid! Glad Kami made it the rest of the way down from her LITTLE "ledge".
Thanks gang for all the great snapshots and ID info.
There have been some great ones Phyl. :) 3:50 PM still two on top and two inside.
About 11 AM Newman brought in a Baltimore Oriole. Thomas was excited and Kami was just beside herself. He stopped in the nest box first and Jayce ate some and Alice stayed in the corner. He picked it up and hopped up top and Thomas grabbed it and Kami let him have it. Newman left and Thomas kept ripping into it.
Somewhere around 9:30 one of them climbed the bluff and was totally enthralled with the swallows swooping around and the other went out on the pole to the cam again.
Thanks Nora for the 'play by play'. Would not know what all's going on w/o you & STL & Lori
They seem content up there. The second one is a "awww" moment.
I think the one on the left is Thomas? Sure took off, but was too quick for me and I couldn't catch it except for a wing tip on one shot.
Nora, wonderful pics! These little ones are sooooo entertaining to watch. Napping on the roof is really special. They are really smart, too, knowing to come back to the nest box for food. I'm guessing that the two who haven't fledged yet will on Sunday.
Is it correct that Thomas [B59] is really flying, and that Kami [P-59] is hopping and flapping short distances?
A few more pics from today.
Yes Thomas is flying. There is a picture further up of him coming in for a landing at the nest box with his "landing gear" down. :) Unless someone else has seen Kami fly, I personally have just seen her flapping/hopping about. To get in the nest box this afternoon she sort of went down over the front of the roof while hanging on and flapped in. At least she made it, didn't go to the perch at all.
Sometimes when Kami isn't in view on the nest box cam she's on the pole going out to the cam.
Ok here was a "trip" to the nest box. Hard to see, but hung on and sort of fell off the left front corner of the roof and plopped onto the perch and flapped into the nest box. Almost looked like Thomas, but not sure.
9:39 PM three in the nest box, not sure where #4 is. No one was on the cam arm. Newman was keeping watch.
Yesterday, Thomas B59, was the main flyer. This morning, it's both of the 59s, Thomas and Kami. The other two have not left the nest box yet, although they perch on the edges more. I have not seen a feeding, but there was a tussle over an old carcass, and about 5:45 AM, Kami picked up a feathery leftover. Several pics from this morning.
Many thanks STL and Nora for the snapshots.
Surely the other two will soon yield to 'the calling'.
Thanks, Phyl. The hatch took from May 8 through the 11th, and the fledge range is 35 to 42 days. So I'm thinking the non-fledgers will go today or tomorrow. Then they may all hang around learning how to find their own food. Or not. It's such a privilege to watch this happening "live."
Wow Kami is up on some branches sticking out from the bluff. She sort of flapped crawled on it.
So that must be Thomas down on the dead snag. There was a little rain shower and Newman brought him part of a bird to take and eat while there.
Continued.....Newman watched over him.
Well Kami got back over to the bluff wall and worked her way over to a spot to hang on. What she was sitting on is near center on the picture and she is below that on the wall.
Kami reminds me of a rock climber! Great pics, Nora.
I was real proud of Thomas taking that bird from his dad and eating on the branch. Glad Newman was watching him.
Yes! Kami is back on the nest box however she did it. This was around 7 PM
Monday morning Kami P59 must be flying because here she is perched on top of the bluff.
Watch rewind just after this closeup for great soaring demonstration. I'm guessing that it is Newman showing the kids how.
Orrrrr, it might have been Thomas B59 soaring, because here he is with a bird catch on a deadfall away from the nest box. And Kami is still perched atop the bluff.
The other two are still at the box.
Breakfast up top....Even caught it as it started to slide off........
Some leftovers were carried from the back of the nest box and he did a good job of mantling while he ate it out there.
We probably won't have two much more time when all four are home.
Thomas was having a good meal up on the bluff..............
So he was eating some of it on the snag and dropped a piece. As it fell down and down he looked down and watched it......then went back to eating.
Kami this afternoon!
Three little faces :)
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons La Crescent, Minnesota,
Nest of Savanna and Newman
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons
https://explore.org/livecams/falcons/pe ... falcon-cam
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
early morning, all three are sleeping good
Before days light 3 Falconets ready to go
06h55 all 3 are away flying after Dad Newman ?
I don't search, earlier, if there was a theory made about the battle of Savanna against the GHO and the bad end of the Falconets'Mom and Newman's mate but i have may be one
I think that before dying, Savanna made some may be mortal damages too to the GHO as i can't understand why the GHO never returns to the nest where the food was easier to catch after the battle. It's only an idea like another.
Rest in Peace Savanna your guys are such a so beautiful little falcons now. Newman is also doing a great job in your Honor. Please take care of all your family from where you are.
Philjo I like that idea you have on the GHO. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the little falcons.
Hello Philjo, good to hear from you! We are all guessing and hoping that the Fab Four have successful fledges. Watching only the nest box camera, there are times when it is empty. But because this camera does not move, we can't see who is where. Two are still at the nest box but perching out on the longer perches. Using the cliff cam, the view is better.
Ditto from me Philjo your theory about Savanna.
STL, Nora Philjo f or the photos and info.
1515 today ---- :)
Oooops. Newman brought a bird to one on the snag. It worked its way down towards him and was flapping and accidentally caught Newman pretty hard with a wing and the bird fell, Newman swooped down and grabbed it from where it fell to and flew off.
Falcons and Fireflies - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCdwbkdJIEY
This morning, another dropped meal! This time, Newman brought a black bird to the nest box and tusseled with Kami P59, then flew away with it. Shortly after, with two waiting on the roof, the bird dropped next to them and bounced off, catching between a perch and the edge of the box. At 1:00 the prey is still there, juveniles haven't figured out how to retrieve it.
In the meantime, I think that Jaycie P60 has fledged, perhaps perching in the cedar trees on top of the bluff, and returning awkwardly to the nest box roof for food.
All this is way better on video!
I've been wondering if peregrines here eat anything besides birds. They sure do! About 1:30 this afternoon, Newman flew in with a chipmunk. Alice P58 and Kami P59 fought over it; Alice won and then they shared the new kind of meat. Right after the prey dropoff, Thomas B59 swooped in and moved the small black bird stuck on the nest box perch. He wasn't strong enough to lift it into the box, so there it sits just outside. He didn't stay to eat it either.
Oh that was a chipmunk!!! They did both work on it.
What I got a kick out of was when Newman dropped the blackbird and the way the two up top looked down at it. :)
Nora, I agree, these peregrines are thinking and learning every minute, and we get to watch them live!!
Morning feedings at the rooftop cafe, several birds on the menu, some from Newman, and at least one brought by Thomas B59!
More pics from this morning's feeding. Newman is dropping off food and leaving the youngsters to figure out how to defeather & defur & consume on their own.
Did Thomas catch his own bird, or did Newman bring it to him elsewhere? The rewind may tell the story. ;D
Newman has sure been doing a great job of keeping them fed. It's probably easier for him being he can drop something off and not feed each one himself bite by bite.
Alice finally fledged at 6:57 p.m. All four have now fledged.
Go Alice!!!!! :)
Two spent the night on the roof of the nest box and were up and at 'em about 0450. One ventured out to the cam (girl) and one (boy) putzed around on the nest box picking at leftovers and took off for somewhere around 5 something AM.
Newman kept watch overnight and they are all over this morning/afternoon.
Ginger, thanks for posting the video of P58 Alice's fledge. She was the last to go.
If you only looked at the nest box cam, you'd think they were all gone away, but no. This morning, the fledglings are flying everywhere, perching for a while then taking off and perching someplace else. I got closeup pics of all the band numbers between 5:30 and noon. No catching of prey or feeding from Newman so far today.
Good job of getting pics of all of them today. They're so much fun to watch. Feels so good to have successful fledges here this year, in spite of the tragic loss of Savanna.
Absolutely right, Ginger. Without Savanna's great job at mothering and protecting, these youngsters wouldn't be.
About an hour ago, Jaycie P60, was eating a bird on the rooftop while Kami P59 and Thomas B59 watched. Don't know if Jaycie caught the bird or if Newman brought it. Whichever, they do not seem aggressive with each other about food today.
More pics, including a butterfly visiting the nest box. What kind??
I'd say it's a Red-Spotted Purple -- Limenitis arthemis astyanax.
Their caterpillar...and they make a chrysalis.
They may have had some leftover from later yesterday too. I've noticed at King and all over the youngsters seem to be finding stuff to munch on.
Thanks everyone for the snaps and comments/info.
Truly the four's success is due to Savanna/Newman's parenting skills
Nora, thanks for the butterfly ID! I agree & my butterfly book says they like to feed on animal droppings. It was doing that along the edge of the nest box. Probably for the minerals like salt.
Pics from this morning, all around 10:00.
Wonder where Jayce is off to this morning.
Jaycie is in the picture, also Kami and Newman for sure. Here are some morning pics, mostly feeding adventures when I could get a banding number or other ID. Rewind will have some great flight and soaring times.
More pics from this morning.
Many many thanks STL and Nora for all the great snaps and info.
:-* :-* :-* GSB Quartet.
They're all looking so great!!!! Thanks. :)
Youngsters hanging around looking and waiting for food this morning. Jaycie P60 was in the nest box briefly, then later atop the bluff eating a bird.
Other banding numbers not visible. Newman is still providing food.
One view of Newman early this morning, bloody feathers look like he had caught prey. The rest of the day is all Jaycie P60, perching in the area and on the box roof. Pretty sure she caught her own bird this afternoon about 2:00.
Hi everyone
Around 04h22 this early morning
A visitor on the roof...
Philjo, cute mouse visitor on the roof during the night! This little fellow needs to know that Newman has caught chipmunk for the fledglings!
Oh how cute!!!!
Some pics from yesterday morning, Wednesday June 28.
About 4:00 this morning, an owl, GHO I believe, perched on the small feeding ledge then the large feeding ledge. No views of the owl eating anything and it flew away. At daylight, Newman was perching on a favorite dead limb, and at 7:00 on the nest box perch.
No sightings of any of the fledglings so far on the rewind up to almost noon. Is it typical for them to disperse so soon after fledging?
Thanks a million to the cam ops for all the wonderful views at GSB this season.
Couple closeups of wild vegetation, and a beautiful dragonfly this morning, I believe an azure bluet.
Exquisite home of RRP peregrine falcons - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1LEgw8hjII
Thanks a million for the snaps sand info everyone!
Everything I"ve heard/read says Jaycie is 'gone'. :'(
What do you folks say?
Not so fast! Jaycie is still at GSB. Pics from just a few minutes ago, and I'm pretty sure that she caught this bird herself. Warbler watchers will know what kind.
Many thanks STL and Nora! I found the other news hard to fathom. Luv you folks.
Yup. Jaycie is still with us. Hard to believe because I watched the video and it sure looked like the owl snatched her. So either she flew off just as it got there (seems unlikely to me) or it didn't have a good grip and she got away. Mod GABear says the cam ops are sure that it was Jaycie on the box last night, so it wasn't that the owl got one of the others. GOOD NEWS!
Yup. Jaycie is still with us. Hard to believe because I watched the video and it sure looked like the owl snatched her. So either she flew off just as it got there (seems unlikely to me) or it didn't have a good grip and she got away. Mod GABear says the cam ops are sure that it was Jaycie on the box last night, so it wasn't that the owl got one of the others. GOOD NEWS!
Thanks, Ginger!
I watched that video too, and it sure did look like the owl snatched her, but glad to see she got away.
Great video about the RRP peregrines.
No Jayce wouldn't have left yet. They need to get proficient at hunting skills and wouldn't be leaving yet.
Was there a video with the GHO or was it on the rewind? Can't get back that far now. :( Wish I had seen this earlier.
Nora -- Here's the video. It happens right at the beginning -- both cliff and nestbox views. The owl was seen later too so that's in the rest of the video.
Thanks! BUT you don't see any prey with it. I really think it knocked Jayce or whoever off the box roof and didn't get them. I kept rewatching that part and it happened too fast to be sure what I saw. :-\
PER RRP: "Great Spirit Bluff
June 29, 2023: Jaycie P/60 survived the owl attack - https://youtu.be/MQEZ2IRsMrQ. And all of us were so excited to see her. We've had a lot of questions about this nestbox, which sometimes gives us an accurate but really difficult view of life in the wild. John is considering options. Meanwhile, it was wonderful to see Jaycie and Newman!"
thanks for the info Nora ;) I just heard the owl was back about a half hour ago... redwing posted a video aabout 20 minutes ago.I didn't know about the previous attack. :( Prayers for the little ones... mama Savanna is watching over you! ((Jaycie))
Thanks for clarification about the owl attack and Jaycie's escape. Owl pics I posted were from the later sighting after the attack. Anyhow, it's a relief to know P60 survived another day.
Have the three others dispersed for sure, or met another fate? Did I totally miss the posting here on the Forum?
"Have the three others dispersed for sure, or met another fate?" They should be fine. They shouldn't strike out on their own until they have their hunting skills down good, too soon for that. There are so many places they could perch and stay cool when it's hot out.
Hi Nora sending you PM
Thank you Nora, STL, Ginger and Lori for all the up to date info.
Wishing the three all the best in avoiding that owl.
No owls seen on rewind last night/early dawn. No youngsters seen either from dawn to noon. But at least two barges heading downstream to the locks!
Newman has been sitting on a favorite perch most of the morning. He had a breakfast bird there, too.
Better air quality today at GSB and also Decorah.
STL your news is neither comforting or concerning, for me anyway. :(
Newman bless his falcon heart. Faithful father. Thank you for your snaps and info.
Prayers for the GSB 'youngsters' continue.
3:14 Saturday -- No sign of anyone all day except Newman on his favorite perch.
Nora, I didn't find anyone except Newman either. Cam ops do a good job on wildflower closeups when the birds are absent. :D
Early dawn on the rewind, discover how some of those small stones get on top of the nest box. While Newman was perching on a favorite dead branch, a raccoon was hunting at the top of the bluff! In the process of moving around it knocked off several stones; hear them hit the nest box top. Newman made several great dive bombing runs to scare off the raccoon, then returned to his branch. No sighting of any of the younglings so far today.
Great catch of Newman after the raccoon! I hope the juvies are ok being the cam ops are to good at finding them. This is just MY opinion, but the way Newman sits looking around on his favorite perch and chased the racoon makes me think the juvies are somewhere around there even if we can't see them. I hope so anyway.
I hope so too.
Newman launching off his perch this morning........
Barge traffic has picked up, Shep, are you watching?
No peregrines in sight so far today, but calling can be heard on the rewind.
Find the blooming sumac early AM and watch for chickadees feeding. They were too fast for my screen cap to make a pic.
Great snapshots you two!
Hope the Kid-Os are well.
I don't know if Shep is watching. She's not on the member list here anymore. I remember at one of the nests she made a comment on the YouTube chat deal, but otherwise haven't seen her.
Thanks. :(
Newman is celebrating Independence Day, as are we, but in different ways!
Us = fireworks and hot dogs and beer and parades.
Newman had al fresco breakfast on his favorite branch, then he spent most of the morning on the same branch.
About 11AM, he visited the nest box roof, then the cliff face above the box, then the nest box briefly.
No sign of any youngsters, but there's a very colorful freight train passing by the bluff at noon.
Sigh..........wish at least one of them would get seen. Good to see Newman doing good. That's a rather patriotic colored train.
Nora whole heartedly agree with you about the kids. ;)
Stl thanks for the update and snaps
King's are flying and High Bridge are starting to and going out on the roof of the building..........if you need kids to watch.
I was talking about the GSB kids. So sorry for misunderstanding.
I was talking about the GSB kids. So sorry for misunderstanding.
I know you were, just thought if there were any other ones you wanted to see those were viewable. :)
Well it was an idea. Glad I watched them both yesterday. Unless it's just today King and High Bridge are off. :(
Newman visited the nest box for a while about 10:00 this morning. That's all I saw.
Many thanks Nora ;) and STL. I do wonder if Newman isn't waiting and 'seareching' for his GSB kids in 'all the old familiar' places. :(
King's back.
Missing the cliff cam. Barges and lochs, trains, cars, trucks, motorcycles, service vehicles, birds, bugs, plants even when the perigrines are away are way better than that same old highligt reel. :)
eburg, I'm wondering if the GSB Cliff Cam is down for repairs or just turned off because the fledglings are dispersed. The Nest Box Cam is working -- but nothing happening there. Does anyone know?
Last year, the Cliff Cam was turned on through After The Fledge because there was a riverboat ride and the ATF-ers waved at us watchers! Here's a pic.
I haven't heard on the cliff cam, unless something happened to is with a storm or something? I remember it was on longer. If it was shut off I wouldn't think the highlights would be on it either?
***UPDATE*** John was just leaving, but he said it might have gotten some lightning damage. He's hoping to answer me more later on or tomorrow. I asked on the juvies.
Many thanks Nora
FYI, the GSB camera is back live this afternoon. Several hazy views from about 3:00 to 5:30 PM. The haze is likely from Canadian wildfire smoke, predicted to be pretty heavy this weekend over many US states. No peregrines in sight. Few people also on the riverboat or at the locks.
Yep it was like that down here too (SW of Decorah). At least the humidity let up a lot this afternoon.
Nora and STLbf, thank you for the updates about the cam, and the screen shots.
Wildfire smoke causes beautiful sunrises. Newman, I believe, is in the area still, and likely perched high above the locks this morning for several hours.
Pics of GSB are getting many views! ;D Maybe folks who will be attending ATF.
Here's Newman up close on top of the bluff early this afternoon. I'm pretty sure it is Newman.
Many thanks STL. Sure wish the 'kids' would show up.
Just went back and enlarged your snap. I think you're right about being Newman
I just snapped this...
Jul 18, 2023 6:56 AM
Camera Time: Jul 18, 2023 6:55 AM CDT
Looks like Newman to me.
Newman to me, too, Phyl.
On the rewind, you can join Newman for breakfast at daybreak on the small feeding ledge.
The way the crevice in the wall looks in the second picture I thought he was holding a fish for minute!!!
Thks STL for the snaps. Ditto Nora.
The way the crevice in the wall looks in the second picture I thought he was holding a fish for minute!!!
LOLOL Nora!!! :D :D :D It does! Wouldn't that be a hoot! That would have to be some kind of very high flying fish!! :D :D
Visual magic at the ledge! Yesterday afternoon an adult peregrine perched for a while on the "posing" log at the Flyway. Here's two pics.
It is probably waiting for a smaller bird to fly past.
Many thanks STL for the great snaps. Just had a nice thought...no not the eyas...or Savanna come back from the beyond. Though
any or a combo of the above would be just loverly.
Have a good night folks.
SEDs to you, too, Phyl. Watchers of the other peregrine cam locations can be on the lookout for banded juveniles that might be from GSB, and us, too, of course.
I forget how far the GSB nest box is from the camera at the Flyway. Anybody remember? Could be that Newman hunts both areas if they are fairly close.
I believe that GSB and the Flyway cam are only separated by about 5 miles.
Checked out the distance between the cliff cam and the flyway cam on Google Earth, and the distance of separation is only a little over three miles. Occasionally cam ops from both have looked at the other.
Thanks to Linda M and eburg for the distance info. Not an unusual distance for a peregrine to fly I guess. Here's Newman back at GSB this morning.
Hi All.
Many thanks Linda, eburg and STL.
STL tks for snap of Newman
Here's the one I snapped of Newman this morning...
Jul 24, 2023 8:35 AM
Camera Time: Jul 24, 2023 8:35 AM CDT
July 27, 2023
I cant believe I got in!
I changed email in early May and have been unable to access RRP.
The verify didnt work. Today it worked - I nearly fainted.
The cams have been down for cliff and flyway
Hi Shep! Welcome back :)
Not sure why on the cams, but the last couple days I think storms were going across that part of MN. Welcome back Shep.
Hi Shep! Welcome back . :)
Thanks for the extra info Nora. ;)
Hi Linda. :)
Everyone had a nice evening.
There was trouble with cams.
RRP is still working on them ....
Hooray!!! The cliff cam is up and running again. :) :) :)
Hooray!!! The cliff cam is up and running again. :) :) :)
Many thanks for the news. ;D
August 1, 2023
Turkey vulture
GLAD cam's back!
found pic on explore
Newman on a favorite perch this morning.
Tks STL! Gotta love that Newman!
For sure, Phyl. Hope we see him with a new mate next spring and that there is another successful clutch of eyases added to the GSB population in 2024.
Nice TV
For sure, Phyl. Hope we see him with a new mate next spring and that there is another successful clutch of eyases added to the GSB population in 2024.
Yes! Want to see him with a new mate and new family.
Hi Nora
For sure, Phyl. Hope we see him with a new mate next spring and that there is another successful clutch of eyases added to the GSB population in 2024.
Newman's handsome!
Many females flock to him!
Happy Birthday Nora! For a special treat, rewind GSB to about 11:00 AM to watch a flock of pelicans soaring over the river. Must be really perfect wind currents in the area, as they are soaring at the Flyway cam location also.
My equipment doesn't do video or capture distant soaring; thank you RRP for the rewind!
Valley Of Eagles
Snake River Idaho
Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom
Marlin Perkins | 1964
I used to watch this when I was a child.
Anyone elese remember this?
Me. I do!
Raptor Resource Project's Cam Life 2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUlJdWrSII4
Aug 6, 2023
What a season 2023 was! We cheered HM, HD, and DH2; celebrated and mourned at Great Spirit Bluff; crossed our fingers for the Decorah North eagles (if one eagle could have incubated an egg all by himself, Mr. North would have done it); and were enthralled by the beautiful birds, turtles, flowers, frogs, and sunrises and sunsets on the Flyway. But the end of the summer is almost here and we need to take our usual fall break for cam maintenance and replacement!
We'll be shutting the Decorah and Decorah north cams down at 5:00 pm CDT on Wednesday, August 16. Come join us for a last 2023 chat on the Decorah nest from from 3 pm to 5 pm nest time (https://www.raptorresource.org/birdca...) and mark your calendars for Saturday, October 14th - the day we turn both cameras back on!
Between now and the 16th, we'll be taking a few strolls down memory lane, thanking some contributors, and sharing fan art and videos. This video was created by Marilyn Mitchell. If you have videos, images, or art celebrating the Decorah Eagles, Decorah North Eagles, GSB Falcons, or the Flyway, please send it my way!
Yesterday, there was an incident with the Decorah cam and what many watchers saw and heard. Evidently the mics are quite sensitive and many heard the sad and frightening lament of a woman who lost an infant to suffocation. She was reliving the entire discovery and rescue of her baby.
Later in Chat ...
Mod GABear said they were aware and turned off the sound. There are homes below and the microphone was picking up sounds. She posted "If you see or hear anything on a live cam that is disturbing, please contact explore: [email protected]." ;)
PRAYERS said for the family and loved ones.
Aug 7
LISA - banded - been around before
Good shot of probably Newman? Looks like him.
How awful for the woman that lost her baby!
Been at The Frist ARt Museum all afternoon, got home made dinner then fell asleep in LazyBoy. >:(
Looks like Mr. Newman to me, also.
See Y'all tomorrow
if you get bored, watch the puffins
Atlantic is stormy
Wishing everyone a 'Good Evening' and SEDs .
Aug 10, 2023
8 am Lisa is back again
Is Newman romancing her?
They've been seen under RLD
53 W
What's the story on Peregrine 53-W ? Do peregrines pair up in the fall?
shep- And where did 'Lisa' come from? Do we really have cause to celebrate?
STL- who's Peregrine 53-W ? I've seen no mention , that I recall, of P53-w here before.
Me, neither, Phyll, but she was definitely on the large feeding ledge for a while about 8:00 this morning. There's a place to look up banding numbers and I will check that right now. . . . And I got no results, probably my inexperience with the banding lookup. The link is on the Explore! tab from RRP. Someone else will know, I'm sure.
Thanks Shep!
How do you look up a bird when all you have is which leg, the band colors, and number/letter? Isn't that the whole point of having the database?
Tks Shep.
But it lists her as 'deceased'.
So either she came back from the 'dead' or some one made an 'error'. :-\
Got this from Chat while looking at the nest box last night.
They report that she's been visiting the area spending some time on the 'eating ledge' feeding and preening.
Her name is 'Lisa' . Isn't she beauitful? ;)
Zipping her feathers.
Tks Shep.
But it lists her as 'deceased'.
So either she came back from the 'dead' or some one made an 'error'. :-\
I saw that but misinfo happens.
What if Savannah shows up next year?
We will think - good, the owl didnt kill her!
I've seen before where an offspring thot to perish turned up alive
Lisa is a beauty
Many thanks Shep! :-*
If Savannah returns. Well we'll have a real soap opera! ;)
Lisa 53-W is back this morning, and so is Newman.
And early this morning (Saturday) Newman seen on one of his favorite dead branch perches, below the feeding ledge, at the same time Lisa 53-W perched on the ledge. So will we see them together before fall migration?
STL--I sure hope so. I really do hope this comes to pass.
Many thanks for sharing.
Sure hope we get the cliff cam up and running soon. No reason to be stuck on highlights when there's a river out there to watch! ;) :)
I enjoy the trains & barges too eburg.
:D My favorite memory of 2023 was when one of the young CLIMBED the CLIFF! The first nite it returned to the box, but after that it found a hole in the cliff overnite.
August 14, 2023
From Raptor Resource Project:
2023 Great Spirit Bluffs Recap
Please see this link to view all the photos and videos included in the blog recap:
my edit.......
Newman mated with Savanna ( 40/Z ) and fledged 4 this year.
Savanna was clearly NOT a new mother.
2023 was a year of cheers and sorrows for the falcons at Great Spirit Bluff.
We banded the 4 young on May 27, just a few days before their brown and cream juvenile feathers began poking through.
:'( But tragedy struck on April 12th when an owl killed Savanna. She died fiercely protecting her young. After Savanna’s death, Newman continued to care for Thomas, Alice, Kami, and Jaycie by himself. He kept all four nestlings fed, and perched near the nest box at night.
Shep- tks . very nice tribute Savanna and Newman :-*
Yes, very nice tribute to Savanna, the super-brave mom this season. Also to Newman who managed to shepherd the four youngsters to successful fledging, and we hope long productive lives.
12.30 pm August 17, 2023
Beautiful juvie on flyway cam. H52
Poppy is her name
Aug 10, 2023
8 am Lisa is back again
Is Newman romancing her?
They've been seen under RLD
53 W
Just an interesting pic on Mississippi Cam - there's a falcon with bands visible ( almost all legible), one silver band on right talon and blue and black on left talon. I remembered seeing this pic posted by Shep and found it but the markings don't look the same. Last I looked 12:30 falcon still posing on branch by the MR. Any help out there?
The peregrine named Lisa is an adult female, born something like 2018. Scroll back through the GSB forum for all the info.
The one at the Flyway, in Puff's pic here and mine on the Flyway forum, is a juvenile, apparently names Poppy, but no dates or location yet.
First year juvies look very different from the adults, with vertical brown stripes on the underside and brown feathers above. Supposed to help the parents recognize a youngster and not a competitor adult. I read that somewhere.
Awesome! Worthwhile checking on the locations with live cameras.
I knew from the bellies there were juvies and adult/almost adult STL. I didn't share, but the bands on the one at the flyway were marked 7-50 and H over 52
Puff, I totally missed the 7-50 on the silver band, and no idea what it signifies. It's visible in the pic.
We'd have to have the code book set up by those who put the bands on. I know it was mentioned that Brett and Bob were under certain directives and had to/have to log those they ban.
The one on the Flyway cam is Poppy, a 2023 banded female from USBank in La Crosse, WI! Banded by RRP.
Thanks, Ginger.
Can you tell I'm looking for new adventures since Decorah cams are on hiatus? I usually only watch vids - stuck my nose and limited Alaska learning into my watching. Novice of 12 years??? LOL
O Puffy - lol ;D
The Australia falcons should be laying their eggs in a couple weeks
Sure miss the cliff cam. Anybirdy know the repair schedule?
Aug 23
Shep, thanks for letting us know about the camera back on. GSB is such an interesting site to watch with all the river activity in addition to the peregrines.
Newman has been on view, and it's good to see him again. Also dredging operation going on opposite the nest box bluff. And a passenger boat passing by headed north. All pics. Large barge went through the locks, but no pic.
Closeups of Newman perched at the nest box about 9:00 this morning. Notice his very long talons and toes.
Sand dredging again about the same time. Interesting and great closeups on the rewind.
Possible new mate for Newman? Go to the chat for the Flyway and click on the video link for "8-25-23 Newman on nest box branch W/Lisa checking out nest box" from Iriscats. There's a tiny break near the beginning when Newman leaves the perch and 53-W Lisa flies in. She does a very thorough inspection of the box. Of course both peregrines have to survive winter and return for a new nesting season, but hope springs eternal, huh?
Many thanks STL !
Everyone looking good.
Monday early flirting between Newman and Lisa 53W. He on his favorite dead branch about 6:30AM, then she on the large feeding ledge for a good while, vocalizing to unseen "someone." She flies away, we see Newman on his branch, then he flies to the feeding ledge. I haven't seen them together but the signs are positive.
Sand barge back at work.
Camera is offline at GSB today. Replacement? Repair? Work on the next box?
no live Decorah eagle cam either
and the flyway cam is so DARK
Just check the Flyaway---it's up.
And both GSB cams are on 'Highlight'
And we're BACK!!!! Thank you RRP and camera operator. Labor Day Weekend just became exciting to look forward to. :) ;) :) :)
>:( Aug 31 dawn - we are OUT again!
Cam back live later
Sunday at noon, a group of small boats went through the locks all together. Fun to watch.
Shucks! I've not been watching lately. The river activity is fun to watch ;)
Tks STL for the snap.
Everyone have a 'Good Evening' and lots of SEDs
Happy Labor Day to Everybirdie
Flutters of peregrine activity and mewing calls from 53-W from about 8:00 to 8:30 this morning. She visited the large feeding ledge then the nest box, calling from both places. Newman flew from his perching branch to the feeding ledge after she was gone.
Not sure what kind of bird Newman had for brunch on the feeding ledge today.
Many thanks STL for the updates and photos.
Are these two gonna get-together?
Looks like Lisa 53-W has been in the nest box and feeding ledges area all day today. At 4:20 PM, she is perched atop the box and calling, but the view is from afar so not positive. A few times the silver band on the right leg has been flashing in the sun. No definite sign of Newman. The view is really spectacular!
STL many t hanks for the update on Lisa 53-W. Great snaps too.
Where are you Newman? Lisa awaits.
Newman and Lisa are tantalizingly close today.
STL 'tantalizingly close' that's hot! Thanks for the snaps and all.
Sure wish we'd go LIVE at GSB and stay there. Highlights get old pretty fast when they're looped!
Many thanks to whomever turned the switch to "ON" again. Flyway soundtrack over Cliff cam views is heaven until the Decorah cams return. Then I switch the sound to the North Nest. My "solar juke box"!
Newman spent a couple of hours on his favorite branch this morning. Cam ops provided some great closeup views. Thanks for all you do! :D
Thanks for sharing. ;)
Newman has not been on camera for a couple of days, and a couple more for the new female, 53-W. Do the peregrines leave when their main food sources migrate, I wonder? Anybody know?
Seems they always say the migrate south in October.
Its only 2 weeks til October.
Maybe they sense a big storm looming and vamoosed
just a guess
Adult peregrine perching on the large feeding ledge starting about 1:00 this afternoon, still there at 2:00. No view of legs with or without bands so far, so it could be anybirdie.
GSB still on 'Highlights" showing the last four eyass :-* :'(
Don't suppose this could be Lisa 53-W?
Or Savannah from 'the great beyond'? ???
STL-many thanks for the capture ;)
Phyl, you must be looking at the Nest Box Cam, which is on Highlights and closeup views of the next box and nothing else.
The Cliff Cam is live and that's the one where the adult was earlier this afternoon. Right now, it is raining at GSB. And raining at the Flyway, too.
Yes, STL. Youre' right. So sorry. :(
This morning early, an unbanded adult was at the large feeding ledge again, just perching for a while. I'm guessing that it is Newman because it is his territory, but no way to tell for sure. I wonder if Newman has any individual distinguishing characteristics that the experts use to ID him. . . . ::)
Maybe compare photos from this pas season where's he had been ID with this one? :-\
Wouldn't' Nora be able to help? She's pretty sharp.
Good ideas, Phyl. Here's probably Newman this morning on the favorite dead branch for perching.
Could be Mr. Newman himself.
If you're not correct---I'd be surprize. ;)
Surprise, surprise, Newman and Lisa were still at GSB this morning. Perching near each other, see pics, and I think they were also soaring together but no pic of that. Newman's top feathers are blue-gray while Lisa's are much darker; that's one way to tell them apart when her bands are not visible. I'm smiling! :)
Thanks STL.
;D ;D ;D
It's great to see this almost-pair still at GSB at the end of September.
Will they stay all winter? Will they migrate as usual? Will they return in the early spring?
Stay tuned and watch the GSB cam for fall foliage, barges, birds, and more.
Hi Everyone and Happy Weekend!
STL many thanks for the snapshots of our 'hopefully new pair". Lots of questions to be answered and only by Newman and Lisa.
It's October! Newman is still in residence this morning.
Newman still here this morning. Fall colors are getting really nice on the bluffs. Bunch of water birds resting on a fallen tree across from the nest box location, mostly cormorants I think.
Eagles and barges, oh my!
Newman spent about an hour this morning on the nest box perch around 7AM, then to his favorite branch about 8AM.
Another close encounter for Newman and Lisa this morning. She was on the large feeding ledge and he on the nest box perch at about 7:30 AM. Both flew away, then Newman returned to the nest box and the large feeding ledge for a while before flying away again. Nice views of a long barge headed upstream in between the falcon views if you like the barges, too.
Pics of the peregrines.
Really, so many views of posted peregrine pics?? OK by me.
This morning starting about 7:00, Newman was on his branch and Lisa 53-W was on the feeding ledge and the nest box. She was vocalizing, and maybe he, too. Maybe they were talking about the cormorants gathered in the trees across from the next box.
Lisa 53-W on the large feeding ledge again this morning, around 9:30. See on rewind for good views of her ID bands.
Newman on site this morning, at sunrise on the nest box perch, then at 8:15 on the large feeding ledge. Haven't seen him eating anything for a long time, but must be, just off camera.
Paddlewheeler, LaCrosse Queen, came through the locks heading upriver, turned around, and back through the locks between about 11:00 and noon. Perfect day for a river cruise.
So nice to see the paddle wheel -
followed by a big barge
STL tks for Newman and the Paddlewheeler, LaCrosse Queen barge and river snaps.
Did a riverboat cruise down Cumberland R. several years back---so nice.
Newman on nest box perch early this morning.
oct 9
BIG 14 car barge heading upriver
River cruise boat and a barge going in opposite directions about 9:00 this morning.
Lots of cormorants in trees across from the nest box at about 11:00. You'll need to zoom to see them up closer.
No peregrines this time.
Thanks STL looks like a nice day.
Hi Shep
Around 7:45 pm last night somebody goofed up and went south on the north bound lane of I-90. Head on collision with semi-truck with probably deadly results. Lots of flashing lights for a few hours. Sad.
Wrong-way driver killed on I-90
OCTOBER 12, 2023
A pickup truck driver age 87 on the wrong side of the interstate in southeastern Minnesota died in a collision with a semitrailer truck about 20 miles south of Winona on Interstate 90.
I have seen older people driving who have no biz behind the wheel. I took my Dad's keys away from him! They are a danger to others! Their kids NEED to know when to take their keys away. I knew when I needed to give up driving on my own.
Oh my word!
This is so sad---I hated reading this.
Yes Shep folks with aged parents need to have 'this talk'. Both my parents are gone due to terminal illnesses . However, giving up on driving would have been
something they each would have considered on their own.
🙏 's for the fellow's family. :(
Partial eclipse dimming the sky around GSB. Nice way to introduce the new season for Decorah and Decorah North cameras to come back online at noon.
Many thanks STL. Time to get in the Cam watching habit again. ;)
Fall colors are getting brighter every day at GSB and also the Flyway. No peregrines in view for several days. Have they "flown the coop" or will they re-appear again soon? Time will tell.
STL these are lovely snaps of the Autumn foliage. Tks
This is when they fly south.
Ya think they're goin together?
Shep-Newman/Lisa, who knows. Maybe.
Colorful sunrise and beautiful fall colors at GSB. No peregrines but nice views of a barge coming upriver through the locks on the rewind.
Beautiful pics!
At least this cam names the birds.
Its no fun at all when cams dont give the birds names.
Just lovely snaps .STL
Indeed Shep no bird names---no fun.
Lovely Autumn foliage below Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Couldn't resist a snapshot
Oct 22, 2023 11:27 AM
Camera Time: Oct 22, 2023 11:27 AM CDT
This time of year, GSB cam ops provide such gorgeous views of the autumn colors and the barge traffic at the locks. Somebody could have jigsaw puzzles made for ATF Auction items!
Getting to the end of the intense fall colors at GSB area.
Halloween brings snow to the GSB area, and all around the Flyway and Decorah nests, too.
October 31, 2023
Snowing a lot, wind.
2 pm a barge went downstream.
How many more til river freezes?
Thanks for the time change reminder, Shep.
White swans have arrived in the GSB area, probably Tundra Swans.
Been meaning to tell y'all how great the snaps have been. Thanks.
First frost
Shep, that leaf is a work of art! Did you find it here at GSB?
It was posted on Gab.com
First frost
It was posted on Gab.com
First frost
Lovely frosted leaf.
November 4, 2023 SONday
All night long barges travelled the river.
Hurry up before it freezes.
Swans are all over the river opposite the GSB nest box.
Brilliant colors at sunrise today, here, and other local camera views.
Thanks for the snaps. Pretty sunrise today.
I peeked in on Great Spirit Bluff Falcon's Cliff View and snapped this...
Nov 6, 2023 7:11 AM
Camera Time: Nov 6, 2023 7:11 AM CST
hiya Phyl :)
Shep...what's up? :) Cool pin. ;)
I am so far behind in my thread posts. Y'all have captured some wonderful snaps. Really enjoy them.
Shep...what's up? :) Cool pin. ;)
The mod on explore DELETED my pin! >:(
I am so far behind in my thread posts. Y'all have captured some wonderful snaps. Really enjoy them.
I still see your pin here.
If you want to be certain that sort of 'thing' can be removed just put it in y our signature. ;)
I love that pin. Can you PM the image address to me? Tks
I still see your pin here.
If you want to be certain that sort of 'thing' can be removed just put it in y our signature. ;)
I love that pin. Can you PM the image address to me? Tks
Many thanks Shep!
Great avatar. That'll work.
It's a great day for soaring if you're an eagle at Great Spirit Bluffs.
Thanks STL. Looking good up there regardless of the species.
Migrating water birds are all over the place at GSB this afternoon. No closeup views, but the numbers are astonishing.
Migrating water birds are all over the place at GSB this afternoon. No closeup views, but the numbers are astonishing.
Maybe they'll hop a barge n take a free ride south. ;D
Shep, it's possible that a bird or two might just hop a barge! I would guess a seagull might do that. Pic of a barge with plenty of room on board at almost 1:00 this afternoon.
Barge traffic doesn't seem to disturb the birds. Birds keep more to the shallows, or just fly away until the barge passes.
I saw an osprey hitch a ride on a fishing boat!
Good pic of barge.
Hundreds of migrating birds here again today. Or still.
A pretty November sunrise over Great Spirit Bluff Falcons
Nov 24, 2023 7:29 AM
Camera Time: Nov 24, 2023 7:28 AM CST
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View
Nov 24, 2023 9:20 AM
Camera Time: Nov 24, 2023 9:19 AM CST
Nice inclusive view of the nest box, too.
Barge traffic resumes on the Big River this morning. Nice pic, Phyl.
Eagles are having a major gathering in the trees on the little islands in the River across from the GSB nest box bluff.
O MY!!!!!
That's some convocation STL! Wonder what the 'meeting' is about. ;D
SONday, November 26th
BIG dump of snow in Decorah eagles nest!
Cliff isnt that far from Dec Iowa
EEEeeeewwwww! :o
Kinda 'wintery' indeed.
Great snapshot. STL
Check the rewind at about 11:00 AM today. Several eagles cluster around a large prey item, seems large and white, possibly a swan that got stuck in the ice. Kinda far away, so hard to tell.
Sunrise very colorful today all around the area. And a large group of eagles on the ice that's forming now.
STLbf - thanks for the snaps of the eagle congragation.
December 3, 2023 Sonday
All 3 area cams are snowing
Heavy, wet snow at GSB this morning.
Sure miss this cam, especially overnight! :)
Thank you for getting cliff cam up and running again. This camera is my favorite for viewing life on the Mississippi. Some people don't find anything to view there unless the peregrines are present, but I like the road, rail and river traffic just as much. And the eagles. And the weather. And all the plants and insects and critters our camera operators find. Thanks again. :)
eburg, thanks for the update about the GSB cam back on live. Speculation, about why it was down: In the Giving Tuesday presentation, John & Amy talked about adding a camera to the "far side" of the cliff so that we can see what's going on there. Perhaps they were installing the new equipment. Feel free to chime in if anyone has more accurate info. :D
I like watching GSB for all of the various activities, too. Mostly the peregrines, of course. Last season was the best since I've been watching this location, 5 years or so.
This camera position makes me feel like I'm being punished....standing in a corner!! :-[ :-[
White swans on the ice at GSB. Cannot tell if they are Tundra swans or Trumpeter swans.
So, sorry for not visiting sooner.
Been catching up.
Many, many thanks for the great snaps and information.
Merry Christmas !
And, a most joyous and blessed day to you and your families.
With love, Jim, Phyllis and Maggie, too.