Raptor Resource Project Forum

Archives => 2023 Archives => Topic started by: jicaji on December 31, 2022, 03:30:57 PM

Title: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on December 31, 2022, 03:30:57 PM


Paulie...my decorations and tree come down tomorrow.  A really wet and rainy day today. 

LB You are sooo goal oriented.  It would take a team of wild horses to drag me out of bed at 4:45am and into a pool at 6.  I really admire your steadfastness.  You are one strong lady for sure.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 01, 2023, 08:02:20 AM
Happy New Year !!!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 01, 2023, 08:08:07 AM
Thanks Jacaji!!!  I really dont feel strong a lot of times!!! Your comment gives me encouragement  Now I need to figure out how to continue to do my PT , Next week will be long back in the office :(   LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 01, 2023, 08:57:51 AM
Happy New Year to everyone!  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Lani on January 01, 2023, 11:10:23 AM

Happy New Year Paulie, LB, jicaji and Cheers Family!
Best wishes for a year filled with good health, lots of laughter and peace
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on January 01, 2023, 02:00:28 PM

Greetings  LB, Paulie, jicaji and  everyone in Cheers gang!
Sending wishes for a year full of health, prosperity and happiness.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 02, 2023, 11:49:28 AM
Good Afternoon  :)

Whew! Yesterday was a full and pleasant day and another long late one with family. Everyone filled their plates then full tummies then enjoyed each other. The temp was warm so granddaughters went outside to do things too. Was nice. I slept in again today. LOL

Lani and Phyl, Thank you for your New Year's Wishes! I wish you both the same.
Lani, Cute dogs and I love the ... "good health, lots of laughter and peace."
Phyl, Love the ... "a year full of health, prosperity and happiness."

LB, You work from home this week and full week at work next week, right?
#3 yesterday

jicaji, How did you ring in the New Year? We stayed home as usual and watched NYC and the 2023 shiny ball. NYC was packed!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 02, 2023, 05:44:48 PM
I am in office this week  . I think we were the only one open today. .not sure why we were not given off
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 03, 2023, 05:37:57 PM
Hi quiet here
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 03, 2023, 06:48:30 PM
Hi LB, I'm here!  ;D  Super busy day for me today.

Okay .. you're in office this week.  I'm surprised you worked yesterday too. State and corporate offices were closed here yesterday since the holiday was on a Sunday so had Monday off. Even my orthopedic Dr office was closed.

Rainy grey blah day here today. Rain pounded really hard on roof this morning.

Darn. Forgot the quote. Going back to read ....

Yesterday #1 Today #1 .. and easy on the eyes too.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on January 04, 2023, 01:20:51 PM

LB, I'm surprised  you had to work Monday as well.  We always got a day off if a holiday fell on a Sunday. 

Paulie....Busy day here today too.  Lots of running around.  Better today than tomorrow, since rain is forecasted for tomorrow.
We NEVER go out on New Years EVE.  Brunch here on New Years day with family.  So many people in Times Square.  There were people starting to congregate in the morning of NY Eve. Hard to believe, especially since there were NO bathrooms available.  Nope, would never do it.  Don't like crowds at all.

Hope you all had a good holiday weekend.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 04, 2023, 06:53:08 PM
we usually get off too thats why surprised f Holidays on saturday off friday holidat sunday off Monday . They didnt give us off christmas eve either but they always give us off on Christmas eve
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 05, 2023, 11:03:02 AM
Good Morning  :)

Been a busy one so far for me.

jicaji, Running around doing errands can be exhausting!



The rain here for the past lots of days is finally gone! Sunny and 56 degrees right now. I have errands to do too. Will do today in this pleasant weather. Loving it.

My husband is making Shepherd's Pie for dinner. No cooking for me today. Yay!

Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 05, 2023, 06:23:28 PM
still rainy here and got cooler It was in 60's yesterday back to 50's today rain again tomorrow at leasr inthe morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 06, 2023, 04:44:57 PM
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 06, 2023, 07:19:51 PM
LB, Blah weather here too and cooler temps. Definitely TGIF for you! Relax and enjoy your weekend.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 07, 2023, 07:42:39 AM
Good Morning happy Saturday
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 07, 2023, 11:57:21 AM
Hi LB, Good Afternoon  :) I woke way too early then when back to sleep and slept in. lol Happy Saturday to you too. Home you and Copper have a nice weekend.


Hi jicaji  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 08, 2023, 07:20:35 AM
Good Morning 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on January 08, 2023, 12:59:55 PM
#3 on last two.

LB, are you in or out of office this week?  I lost track :)

Finally a beautiful day here.

'I tried to cut a very long nail on Rizzo's front paw.  BAD idea.  I cut it a little too short and it started bleeding.  Luckily I have an "instant nick care" thingy that coagulates that sort of thing.  I had a grooming appt. three weeks ago for him but had to cancel and then they were on vac. for two weeks.  Ugh.  I need to call tomorrow.  He's a  mess.

Paulie, one of the great things about being retired is when you wake early during the week and then don't have to get up and can go back to sleep and get up whenever LOL.

Have a good week guys.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 08, 2023, 05:37:58 PM
Good Evening,

jicaji, Uh oh and sorry to hear about Rizzo's nail. Very good that you had that instant nick care handy. Hopefully the groomer can see him soon. I know you're hoping tomorrow!

Very true about retirement!! Oh my yes.
Good that you had a beautiful day today. Sunshine and no rain has been sparse lately for a lot of places.

LB, Hope you had a nice weekend.


Long day today but pleasant and am now tired. We went to our cabin about 3 hour drive from home. I moved all the boxes, lots of them, we had taken there a few weeks ago and put them in different rooms when we can begin to unpack. Will be nice when we can begin to stay overnight and few days or more without having to make drive back and forth on the same day. That makes for a long day. We don't like driving in the dark any more. Yuck.

jicaji, You have a good week too. Let us know how Rizzo's groomer appointment goes.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 09, 2023, 06:07:14 AM
gm  Yes Jacaji I work from home this week.  Aw you have a cabin Paulie . I started following tiny homes on instagrams love them  some arrent so small I wold love to figure out hw to get one and where I can put one I definitly dont want smake in the woods , I would like to get one already furnished. I like how they furnished them and I am still wondering where the closets are for clothes
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on January 09, 2023, 07:03:58 AM
Rose Bowl, Part 2, My extra comments, questions answered, and additional observations:

Lani   For my being a snow person -- I found the rain wasn't that bad at all.  I was    soaked to the gills by 7pm, too.  But the memories are unforgetable and    unbelieveably fantastic.

Jasper    I was in the bleachers at the parade, row 3, not on a float.  But, I was        waving a virtual wave.  LOL

Good words from E4E, maybe I'll take up an offer for a SFO tour. I connect there sometimes, you never know when I might call.

This was a long-time want of mine.  It was everything I waited for, and everything I hoped for. It  is a new 2023 positive after one helluva year for me. 

Thanks again group for all the best wishes and consolations.

Just heard local school bus drop off kids - and life goes on.

Flight back was in the one-of-a-kind category.   Very bumpy, huge dips, puffy clouds gray and white, thrown to and fro and bucked, no blue seen at all the last hour.  Landed 3 seeonds after finally spotting land.  Oh good, land!  Pilots really earned their keep today.   

If you are taking I'm giving all my best to you all-- Happy NewYear.  Prayers for your 2023.

Even entertaining were the extra helpers marching in the parade.   For instance, THe squads of poop scoopers (with shovels) do routines and get roaring applause. 

Did I mention?  It was me and my closest 94,000 fans at the game.   Same jets who did flyover at parade did it for the big crowd at the game.   Change of equipment after a problem earlier in December.   This year it was two B-1B Lancers from the Elsworth/Dyess AFB in South Dakota.  Loud, scary, and low.  Because there was open airspace (no tall buildings or hills) I guestimate 200 maybe even 100 foot altitude.  Too busy gawking to be certain.  They rumbled and rolled  and roared the area.  AND THEN they repeated the show before the football game at the stadium.  The rumble could have shattered that old building, don't know why it didn't.  So powerful!

Many, many dogs in CA.  and they go every where, are welcome everywhere. Trip actually started with 3 dogs on my flight out.  Are well-trained, never saw any problems, and always on leash.  No, never saw a cat being taken around.  They are home napping, dotcha know.

Tears came two times more than the midnight Olde Lang Syne-  Watching the many bands and opportunities for a honoring of the flag groups and the response aka roar of the parade fans, And, toward the end of the game I teared up because I had really done it!!!!!


Again, to all, I pray you have a truly remarkable and blissful year.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 09, 2023, 09:28:09 PM
gm  Yes Jacaji I work from home this week.  Aw you have a cabin Paulie . I started following tiny homes on instagrams love them  some arrent so small I wold love to figure out hw to get one and where I can put one I definitly dont want smake in the woods , I would like to get one already furnished. I like how they furnished them and I am still wondering where the closets are for clothes
LB, Yay you work from home this week. That has to be more relaxing.

Yes to cabin. We began the process choosing style and floor plan summer of 2021. We've owned the land for over 20 years and have dreamed of doing this some day. It's a two story 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath with open concept kitchen/living room area. Plenty of room for all my family to get together. It's been a long process for sure. Since the pandemic our contractor has had a hard time finding different things needed then the deliveries were difficult because the trucks couldn't find the cabin! We finally got electric installed last week. Paid electric company for transformer and hook up last Sept. It's so remote it took 3 months for them to install. Our trail camera there has gotten lots of deer, bears, coyotes. You definitely wouldn't like being that smack in the woods!! 

I've seen the tiny homes you like on HGTV before but haven't seen that show for a while. They are very nice! I've seen some with closets but they are definitely small closets. I bet you and Copper would be cozy and happy in one.  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 10, 2023, 06:16:31 AM
Good Morning your cabin sounds nice take some pictures!!!!! Hi Puff!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on January 10, 2023, 07:39:28 PM
Hi LBHi All - Busy errand day.  Got all my driving "musts" taken care of today.

Passed driving road test, should have laminated license in 2 weeks.  Inspector seemed more in the hot rod than my driving techniques.  Not that I'm a bad driver.  Looked at my record and condition of the "beater"  said she thought I take good care of my business. Yes, got ushered into the old people priority line.  One great thing they've come up with during the last 10(?) years.  Just is time for me.

Next, took hot rod for emissions test.  Again, car definitely gets its share of the attention.  Passed inspection, too.  Sticker for plate also due soon in the mail.

Also dropped Ton's highway/toll transponder at the Sec of  State's facility.  Got a $10 credit added to the balance of the account.  Last, full tank of gas and car wash.

Next?  Since the b-day is passed, time to clear off Christmas.
Saw KB's question about snow. . .what snow!  Not even an iota of a pile anywhere.  Actually with all my peddling around it definitely felt like a spring day.
I know the routine though - waiting for the wakeup to hit!  What's for dinner?

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 11, 2023, 06:07:57 AM
Ys Puff No snow here either!!! It's been unusually warm   beside 1 cold blast christmas weekend. You gotta a hot Rod????  Cool 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 11, 2023, 08:45:12 PM
Hi LB, Will do to taking some pictures when we go again.
Well I had my first knee gel injection yesterday afternoon. When the ortho Dr came into room to give injection he pulled up my x-ray again and did his best trying to talk me into not getting the 3 separate weekly injections and just schedule knee replacement instead. We discussed it but I said I have so much going on that I don't have the 6 to 8 weeks to get replacement right now. He reluctantly agreed to give me the injections after I said when I find the time I'll get the knee replacement. He leaned forward towards me and extended his arm and hand for an okay hand shake! Lol I shook his hand saying okay. I get the second knee injection next week then the third the week after that. This was first time I've had a knee shot gel injection. Holy!! Even after supposedly numbing the injection site that was no joke feeling it go in. Geesh!

Listen to this about my insurance. The day before my appointment I called my insurance co again. Turns out they get a discount on the alternative gel injection I did not want so is why they'd approve that one. I also learned my insurance will approve only 1 injection a year so in 6 months when the 2nd one would be needed they would not cover it. Dumb!

So I then call my ortho office asking what the out of pocket expense was for the one Dr recommended for me. I was surprised to learn it is affordable and was also told the one recommended for me is also the same one my ortho Dr uses for himself!! I said sold! I'll get that one. It's called Euflexxa.

LB, You have your orthopedic appointment next Monday the 16th, correct?

Hi Puff, You had a really busy day and got a lot accomplished. Good!! Nice that you had descent weather too.
And .... Happy Belated Birthday!!  :)

Hi jicaji, I hope to check in sometime soon.  :)

#3 today

Take care to all.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 12, 2023, 06:18:16 AM
I wsh I would getmy surgery so quick.    LOL   yes Monday is my appointment already set for a no I need to lose more weight
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 12, 2023, 02:11:45 PM
LB, Okay and good to this Monday. Don't sell yourself short because you've been making good progress with your weight loss. You might get good news Monday.  I hope so.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 13, 2023, 06:15:47 AM
Good Morning 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 13, 2023, 09:12:10 AM
Good Morning

LB, TGIF for you.

Rain finally stopped and have sunshine today. Yay to the sun.  Temps much colder this weekend and windy. Brrr

Wishing all a good day.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 14, 2023, 07:24:48 AM
Rain stopped but still cloudy and cold
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 14, 2023, 04:49:02 PM
Still cloudy and brrr cold here too. Supposed to warm up a bit next week. The sky lightened up before dusk and had a few minutes of sun. Sun at the end of the day is frustrating. lol

Busy day today inside and got a lot done. Knee is still sore and a bit stiff but I can bend it a bit more now. Yay. I'm not pushing it though. Next week is next gel injection. Not looking forward to it but will definitely do.

Deer are still coming at night to eat cut apples and carrots I pitch out. I changed my trail cam to video and really like it. Nice to see them moving around backyard and chomping on food and drinking from birdbath.  :)


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 15, 2023, 10:28:02 AM
sound peaceful Paulie   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 15, 2023, 10:48:23 AM
LB, It is.  :)   

You're in office this week correct? Do you have off tomorrow for MLK day? Either way I'm wishing you the best at your doctor appointment tomorrow. Please let me know how it goes.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 15, 2023, 01:55:33 PM
yes in office and off tomorrow,   The appoinyment is late afternoonso wont here until  at least dnner time.  LOL 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 16, 2023, 08:14:26 AM
Good Morning . The sun finally came out
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 16, 2023, 10:35:11 AM
Hi LB, Nice you have off today. Hopefully nice weather going into office this week. Yay you have sun today.  :) Same here. Temp began in 20s but is warming up nicely with the sun. Okay to your late afternoon appointment today. Still sending good news vibes. Let me know.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 16, 2023, 03:28:06 PM
well just what I expected.  I have to wait and lose 34 more lbs and it's not definite. MY BMI has to be below  a certain amount and if I lose the 34lbs it will be before covid.  He said it may not get approved  by hospital and/or insurance. so I guess I need to learn to live with pain.  I give up.  Why does nothing go my way. He suggested the bypas weight lose surgery but prefers natrally I prefer naturally O could have done the bypass an I didnt do that one for a reason.   Cn I just bury myself under my covers forever. Just save you good vibes for someone who will get them sorry  I have been i dumps and this made it worse. not sure why I am surprised I was expecting it. It ust hurst more cause I have no one to talk to about it
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 16, 2023, 09:29:41 PM
Dear LB, (sorry this is a bit long)  I'm sending you a big hug. I'm sorry and disappointed along with you that you didn't get better news. No way will I stop sending you good vibes .. prayers too .. that you'll eventually get the news you want. Do not give up.

A question please. What do you mean when you said if you loose 34 lbs it will be before covid? A typo perhaps.

Did he explain why hospital and or insurance might not approve after weight loss? My first thought is your age. I say this because I was told in my 40s or 50s I would probably need a knee replacement BUT insurance does not approve usually until age 65. Maybe that rule still applies and if so do not blame yourself for that. Frustrating I agree but that's what I was told years ago.

Also I know you've been very good at loosing weight in the past and you still can. I remember you've made delicious healthy meals and snacks for yourself on weekends in preparation for your upcoming week.
I've seen advertisements for a weight loss program called Golo. I don't know much about it but it says it works. If you want to look at it the link is www.golo.com

Can you talk with your girlfriend at work to have someone to talk to? You mentioned her a while ago and covered for her at work when she was sick or something.
If not her, your insurance company maybe has a nutritional program with a nutritionist you could speak to and lend support to you.

Lori, There's a saying I use .. and I say it to my children and grandchildren .. and now to you.
Before I say it you might want to smack me afterwards.  ;) :-*
"Where there's a will ... there's a way."
"We don't give up because we're not quitters." Well my friend I say the same to you. I realize you're in pain and it hurts to walk, do stairs, etc. Do not give up on loosing weight and anything else that you can do to help yourself. I realize this puts it on your shoulders to do but please know that I'm here for you and you can always pm or email me to talk and let out your frustrations too. Sometimes that helps. It usually does so if you want to I'm here.

Hey! You know what else? (okay now you're probably saying okay Paulie time to shut up.)  ;)  We all picked up a few pounds over the holidays. It's January ... dark early .. lots of grey dreary days .. Blah! We'll get through the next two months .. ugh .. but then Spring arrives and that definitely lifts ones spirits.
Just know that I understand your disappointment and I'm here for you. 

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 17, 2023, 05:35:26 PM
Thankyou Paulie  I am just in the dumprs nothing goes right for me . every step forward I take 50 feet back. 

A question please. What do you mean when you said if you loose 34 lbs it will be before covid? A typo perhaps. He wants me to get down to my weight befor covid.  That is also the lowest weight I was since my surrrgery, During covid. I gained  40 lbs.  So right now 34 more lbs to go Basically he wants me to get down t my lowest weight since my surgery .and he would supbit it for approval. MY BMI will be  a little high but he will appeal it  It will be safer for me.

Losing weight has lways been hard trying pretty my my whole life since late teens   That whys I did the sleeve surgery . I can do a revision and do the bypass 1/2 the surgery is completed with the sleeve but more complications can happen .  I am afraid.  But considering it. 

I talk but she like everyne is so wrapped up on themselves   

Where there's a will ... there's a way." I say that too!!!! LOL I just dont follow it.   LOL 

I already see a nutritionist I know what I have to do but I love food.  I think I am going to hold of on PT for now save it and my money  I will go to my gy and do the bike which I have been doing of rthe past wee. I went 3x  last week and today I went  I do 15 minutes I will do 15 minutes for another week or 2 then incrase to 20 minutes  It's the best for the knees 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 17, 2023, 08:23:27 PM
Hi LB, You're welcome of course! Oh! Okay. Thank you for explaining your Dr wants your weight to be what it was before covid pandemic, your BMI and it being safer for you. Very good he will appeal if initially denied. Insurance companies can be a pain in the butt sometimes.

I remember your sleeve surgery. You did very good with that. I understand your future surgery concerns. With you considering it I know how thorough you are getting all the information you need before making a decision.

Darn it to your co-worker, and anyone else, turning the conversation onto herself. Frustrating.

So you say Where there's a will .. there's a way too! Cool. You know what they say about great minds thinking alike! LOL

Good that you see a nutritionist. I remember a couple weeks ago you mentioned stopping PT for a bit due to money, co-pays etc.
Excellent you're doing the bike at your complex gym. You did say you were thinking about going there. Awesome to 15 minutes and increasing to 20. Very true doing the bicycle and walking too are great for knees. I read an article about that the other day. You know what you're doing.

And ya know what else? You're proving to yourself already that .... Where there's a will .. there's a way.  ;D ;)

You're going to win this. Oh yes you are!  :)

Oops. Forgot quotes so came back.
#2 Some days I think geesh once is enough!
#3 Now a days after being at a party (rarely go) or crowds I always want to go back home! ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 18, 2023, 05:31:06 PM
But I have my down falls!!! One being Cookies!!!!! I had a rough night last night not relly but really LOL. My cell phone would charge. I panicked cause that is what I use as alarm and the only phone I have. I get in touch with tech support it took a while but got it working again. I was up after 1100.  It looks like its the battery and not the charger (I tried 3 different ones)  I rebooted the phone and statrted working I don't know why I didn't think of that.   LOL But I was up worried. it would start not charging again and I wouldnt wake up for work. LOL  I am tired but when am I not??
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 18, 2023, 07:49:39 PM
LB, I hear ya about cookies! Mmmm Have you tried sugar free cookies? We buy sugar free cookies for my husband who is diabetic. I've eaten them too and most are really tasty good! He buys no sugar added pies too. Tastes pretty darned good too.

Geesh you had a rough night last night. Good about rebooting your phone. I hope you get a really good nights sleep tonight. You should!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 19, 2023, 10:11:20 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, How did you sleep last night? You got a good one I hope.

Rainy gray cold here. Blah.

Very busy day yesterday so today is catch up day getting things done.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 19, 2023, 06:15:40 PM
I had trouble getting in earlier.  I am here now No did not sleep well, copper had to go at around 1ado #2 LOL Rainy here today today. So I went to check my script, Saxenda. (the weight loss injection I take to suppress my appetite.)  before picking it up since its a new year. I used to pay $20  figuring ater I reach deductable plus I had coupon fro the drug company  I wanted to make sure on price with duductable  well good thing I did.  It's over $1000!!!! I called the drug company and dthey are checking things out I aslo sent email to my insurance company to see if they no longer cover it etc. SO we'll see but  looks like I am no onger going to take that med once I am done with what I have
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 19, 2023, 09:37:45 PM
Hi LB, I'm glad you were able to get in here. Me too! Darn it to your sleep and Copper needing to go out. Geez. Well at least he woke you up for his #2 and didn't leave you a surprise for the morning!

About your Saxenda script. I have a saying .. yep another one .. hope it doesn't offend you but hear I go ... For s**ts sake!! I can imagine how surprised you were! The price going up to over $1000 is ridiculous!! Good for you calling the drug company and emailing your insurance company. When you find out let me know what they say. I sure hope that was a big mistake!!

Hoping you get a better night's sleep tonight. Tell Copper to "hold it" until you wake up for work.  ;)

#3 .. and that critters cute face and smile is precious.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 20, 2023, 05:30:31 PM
Hi Pauli Hi Jacaji miss you

Well not good news.  New year new deductable which iis $2550.  Of course Saxenda is around $1300 sso with all  deductable and such brng t ddown to $1000. Once I reach my deductable it will go down dramatically.  o now I have to call Saxenda. Their web site advertises how they can make it avvordabe  Even if they deduct $200 I am not payng $800 with I want it bac to $20  Soo I think I am through with the drug 3-4 weeks I am not going to use anymore.  All those drugs are expensive I compared them all.  I even checked good rx and all th epharmacys its like $1300 with discount of good rx. Good thing it's not a drug I need  to take for health reasons.  I may be better off doin gth bypass sugery LOL I was hopng 2023 would  be good year nope. It sucks   Hopefully I sleep tonight
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 20, 2023, 09:23:17 PM
Hi LB, Ouch to your new insurance deductible! Good to you thoroughly searching all of the web sites and yes definitely call Saxenda. I hope they can help you a lot. Hmmm about your sleep. Have you thought about OTC sleep aids that advertise safe and effective with no morning grogginess? I don't know if you'd want to try that .. or try on a weekend. Some good nights of sleep would help you. Just a thought.

jicaji said she's been having trouble getting on the forum. I miss seeing her here too.

Quote 1's cabin looks sooo cozy.

Life's a roller coaster for sure. I told my kids this growing up and now my granddaughters. It's true and when someone is on the down there will be an "up" coming to look forward to. The up will happen.
I tell them when we're on an up to enjoy it because life will bring a down .. deal with the down because there will be an up. It's just getting to the "up" and you will.

Well this Sunday snow is predicted then rain then slush. Blah What about you in NJ? The weather map looks like maybe you'll get rain.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 21, 2023, 06:25:14 AM
I alreay use OTC sleep aids   LOL    RRain tomorrow maybe snow WEd but I think it's going to be rain If only I got a cost of living raise.     I know what other compaies are hiring   too bad I didnt get any of those jobs
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on January 21, 2023, 10:45:46 AM

Well Hi Paulie and LB....I'm back.  Not sure what was going on with my computer, but this morning it let me on OK and I can post here....not that I have that much to say LOL.

Had a very nice visit with my daughter yesterday afternoon.  She started a new job and so far, so good....
Sunshine is peeking out a bit inbetween clouds and some light drizzle. 

Re: sleep....Ugh.  I was awake from 1a on and off until 5a. 

I'm going to catch up on some older postings that I missed.

Enjoy the weekend.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 21, 2023, 09:02:07 PM
LB, Okay. Geesh you already use OTC sleep aid.


jicaji, Hi!! Good to see you!  ;D Good that your computer straightened itself out. Best wishes to your daughter's new job. Your sleep pattern last night sounds frustrating for sure. I hope you sleep better tonight. Hopefully you do because you must be tired.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 22, 2023, 08:37:25 AM
Good morning, welcome back Jacaji you were missed
Yes Paulie I use melatonin 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 22, 2023, 09:37:02 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Okay. I've heard of Melatonin. You work from home this week I think. Good with colder rainy or snowy or both weather.

Hi jicaji

Well I should get my butt moving. lol I've been pokey this morning. One thing I want to do today is make a big pot of beef stew. Then let it snow and rain. I plan to stay inside.  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 23, 2023, 06:37:01 AM
GOOD  morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 24, 2023, 06:12:39 AM
Good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on January 24, 2023, 05:10:09 PM

LB....I've taken Melatonin and it does nada for me. 

Hi Paulie

My best friend had a breast biopsy yesterday.  I think I'm more nervous than she.  She has to wait 3 to 5 days for results.  Please say a prayer for Linda.

We had a Cooper's hawk visit my deck yesterday and I think it may have caught one of the birds at the feeder.  Not sure.  It came again today, but happily there were no birds around at the time.

Bad weather here tomorrow.  Snow and rain....Figures since I have to drive to get my hair done tomorrow.  The good news is that the salon has moved closer to me....yaay.  It's just about 10 minutes away now as opposed to 1/2 hour.

My middle granddaughter got on the Dean's list for last semester.  Proud Nana

Well, have to make dinner.  Have a good night all.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 25, 2023, 06:23:30 AM
Sending prayers Jacaji!!!  Melatonin get me to sleep  but doesnt keep me asleep.  I have the 4am ghost hour when I always wake up
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on January 25, 2023, 10:09:01 AM
Sending prayers Jacaji!!!  Melatonin get me to sleep  but doesnt keep me asleep.  I have the 4am ghost hour when I always wake up

Thanks LB....My ghost hour is anywhere from 3am on.....
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 26, 2023, 06:19:29 AM
Good morning  I have to go into the office tomorrow something about our v pn lines will be down so cant connect remtely same wit MOnday but I am in office next week but we all are in office and not looking forward to that.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on January 26, 2023, 10:14:42 AM

Good morning Paulie and LB...

My poor friend in STILL waiting for the biopsy report.  Awful

Actually saw some sun this morning.

Bad weather stayed away yesterday until I got home from getting my hair done.  Lucked out on that one  :)

Have a good day guys.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 26, 2023, 10:33:25 AM

LB and jicaji, Your ghost hours suck. It's not pleasant waking at early hours then not being able to get back to sleep.

jicaji, Sending prayers to your friend that she receives good news.
Cool you saw a Coopers Hawk in your yard but sad for the bird. We know that's nature but we don't like seeing that.
Congrats to your granddaughter making Dean's list. You have a right to be a proud Nana for sure.
Very nice your hair salon moved much closer to your home.

Well I've been MIA the past days because a huge surprise this past Tuesday was my husband tested positive for covid and viral pneumonia. We were shocked having made it all of this time without it. He already has congestive heart failure and diabetes so big time worry set in. I took him to Dr when his low grade fever persisted and he felt crappy and didn't look good. That's where he was given test swab. We were then sent to ER. After about 2 hours of waiting (in the regular ER waiting room that surprised us they had him waiting around lots of other people) and his cough sounded worse to me (he was told he had fluid in his lungs) I returned to Triage station and raised a storm. I spoke quietly to not alarm others waiting but I definitely got my point across saying he best be looked at asap. It worked! He was immediately taken into an ER exam room. Didn't have to wait long for Dr either!! Long story short .. he was told EGK and bloodwork and other vitals were good and he has a mild case. Dr said initial vax and boosters helped it being mild. Dr said they don't admit mild cases. We returned home Tuesday night. He was given a finger oximeter I use to check his oxygen and pulse rate level. I take his temp regularly too.

I tested myself Tuesday night after we returned home. Negative. Have to wait 48 hours to test again I think. I'd already had post nasal drip that's normal for me. Yesterday got a scratchy throat .. today a bit sore. I'm taking Coricidin and Mucinex. Well that's the MIA story.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 26, 2023, 07:42:40 PM
So sorry Paulie, I hope your hsband gets better soon!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on January 26, 2023, 09:01:25 PM

I was just going to contact you to see if everything was OK.  I am so sorry your husband got Covid.  Praying he gets better quickly.  Did they prescribed Paxlovid?  Better that he was able to come home rather than stay in the hospital.   Hope you don't get it.

AND, as I've worked in two hospitals for years, I know the squeaky wheel definitely gets the grease ::)  If you don't speak up you could get ignored for quite some time in the ER.

I wake up many days with a sore, dry throat due to a nasal drip too.

Thanks for the prayers for my friend.  Still no news.

Hi LB.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 27, 2023, 05:34:32 PM
Hi  I hope everything is going ok with your husband Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 27, 2023, 08:08:00 PM
Hi LB, Thank you about my husband. He's coming along. Slow process for him. I'm keeping a close eye on him.

Hi jicaji, No Paxlovid wasn't given to him because Dr said it would interact with some of his heart medications so that was out.

Well I tested myself last night. Positive with major sinus congestion, sore throat and and feel tired and low on energy.
My oldest daughter and oldest son were here the day my husband first wasn't feeling good but we had no idea he was contagious with anything. They both have also tested positive.

We're each riding it out and hoping for the best and looking forward to feeling better.

I did my first online food shopping today and had it delivered. It was easier than I thought and went smoothly. Thing is after delivery and I opened up the front door I felt like I didn't have the energy to bring it in and put away. Blah. I did of course and was glad when that was done. Very grateful though that online shopping and delivery is available. BIG help.

I'm still frustrated after allll this time and having been vaxed and boosted more than once we still got this. I was still being careful but my husband not so much.  ::) Although this new variant is supposed to be easier to be transmitted. Apparently so.
I suggest to everyone to still be vigilant .. wear a mask if you want to .. carry hand sanitizer and wash hands frequently. We can try.  :)

LB, Be careful in the office next week when everyone is there.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on January 27, 2023, 08:46:39 PM

SED Paulie and LB....

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 28, 2023, 07:01:17 AM
Oh no!!! I hope you feel better too!!! Now it's your chance to rest!!!!I do curb side pick up all the time and delivery I love it.  OK we are back to normal next week they were able to fix the vpn issue I am in office next week though bt half crew 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on January 28, 2023, 08:00:49 AM
some bounce
I've done grocery pick up, every two weeks, since Spring of 2020. My knees thank me...  ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 28, 2023, 10:40:53 AM
Oh no!!! I hope you feel better too!!! Now it's your chance to rest!!!!I do curb side pick up all the time and delivery I love it.  OK we are back to normal next week they were able to fix the vpn issue I am in office next week though bt half crew
Hi LB, Thank you and yep now it's my chance to rest. This fatigue is annoying. I'm not used to low energy. lol I don't have it all of the time but when it hits I definitely feel it. Pain in the butt.

Cool that you like curb side pick up and delivery so much. I understand that now. Definitely handy.

Good news that the problem at work was fixed and very good only half crew will be there.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 28, 2023, 10:46:48 AM
some bounce
I've done grocery pick up, every two weeks, since Spring of 2020. My knees thank me...  ;D
Hi Tig, Wow you've used grocery pick up a long time! I'm sure your knees thank you.

After using delivery yesterday I had the idea I could have all the heavy packs of water delivered here saving my knees from lifting and carrying them. Definitely handy.

Why do you have 'some bounce' instead of 'bounce'. Hope all's well.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on January 28, 2023, 02:16:37 PM
... just thinking of you   ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 28, 2023, 08:39:41 PM
Awww Thank you Tig.  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 29, 2023, 02:56:47 PM
Hw are you feelin gPaulie.  Yes curb side pick u helps with my knees If I walk the whole store with a large grocery shipping it kills my knees . I guss its my way of living now  :( 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on January 29, 2023, 03:01:28 PM
1 and 3

Never used grocery delivery....Maybe I'll start

Paulie...Hope you all are feeling better today.

LB...Hi....Have a good week.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on January 29, 2023, 07:28:09 PM
I can walk with my lil cart from garage to house, so I like to use pick up... the store is only about 1.5 miles away. Too difficult to explain to delivery folks how to come to our back street instead of our front address.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 30, 2023, 09:10:58 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Thanks for asking. Slowly moving along. Nasty sore throat is gone. Still congested and some cough. Low on energy. Blah
Grocery curb side for you sounds very good.
I hope you have more pleasant weather and temps this week since you work in office.

jicaji, Thank you. Feeling blah but better than the past few days.

You might like delivery or curb side. I had a large order of things we needed and I knew there was no other way but delivery so I gladly paid the delivery fee and percentage tip for the shopper. No other way to get it. I noted on my order where there would be no substitutes. She/the shopper was awesome! I even asked her to please put all the bags at the top of the front stairs at front since I wasn't feeling good. After her delivery she texted me she hoped I felt better soon. She was very pleasant and helpful.

Tig, Nice that the store is nearby and you have a cart to use garage to house. Sounds very good and handy.

Well time for Mucinx and decongestant for me and husband. He's waiting to hear back from his PCP for an appointment since tomorrow will be one week since his diagnosis. I'll be very glad when he can see Dr to have his lungs checked for his pneumonia.

The sun is shining today. Yay. Love sunshine.

Take care. Wishing you each a good day. 

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 30, 2023, 06:03:58 PM
Hi All

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 31, 2023, 01:08:15 PM
Hi back at ya LB, I hope your day is going good.

The colder temps and another gray day has returned. Nothing new for this year's strange winter weather.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on January 31, 2023, 06:35:37 PM
Hi Yes it got cold here!! just 3 more days!!!! My knees are bothering me today along with my sciatica
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on January 31, 2023, 08:24:24 PM
LB, Good to just 3 days yet. The colder temps probably bothering your knees and joints. I saw a commercial for a med for sciatica but don't remember it's name or if OTC or prescription. Probably a script.

#s 2 and 3
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on February 01, 2023, 09:27:38 AM
LB....Jackpot....all three
Sunny, very cold, no wind though....temp. 30.

Have to decide to go shopping at Kohl's or food shopping...Wednesday's are senior discount at Kohl's....

Hi Paulie.  Hope you are all feeling better today.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 01, 2023, 07:48:45 PM
good evening.   Cold here too tomorrow 41 friday 22 as well as the weekend. oh we got a trace of snow last night tok me by surprise. not measureable though lol
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 02, 2023, 11:14:34 AM
Hi  :)

jicaji, So what did you decide to do yesterday? Kohl's with discount or food shopping? Everyone needs deep discounts when food shopping.  It's rediculous. $5 for a carton of eggs. Geesh.

I'm feeling better. Still have congestion and occasional cough but other than that good. Thanks for asking.

LB, Good no measurable snow for you! Thumbs up.

All quotes are good today.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 02, 2023, 08:07:48 PM
I was getting ready to go to sleep and realized I didnt do my post
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 03, 2023, 11:07:35 AM
LB, Thanks for posting last night before you were ready to sleep.
Quotes are sad. TGIF for you. I hope you can relax this weekend and stay inside with the artic blast frigid temps.

Hi jicaji, You're getting the artic temps too.

Same here with frigid temp and very windy too. Best to stay inside for sure. Feeling blah with low energy today. Same with husband. This thing still hanging on. Congestion and cough gets worse at times and yesterday I had some sinus headaches and ear hurt off and on. I tested yesterday. Still positive. I'm looking forward to negative reading.

The sun is shining brightly today so that's nice. Next week temps to be mid to high 50s near 60. Crazy weather.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 03, 2023, 04:41:10 PM
I am sad and too cold and copper wants to stgill  walk  :'(
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 04, 2023, 09:44:18 AM
LB, I hope you cheer up soon. True to cold temps Brrrrr but they are supposed to warm up starting later today and tomorrow in northeast. Good! Copper is saying to you, "Mom when I gotta go I gotta go!"  :) Hey are you still seeing squirrels?

Hi jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on February 04, 2023, 09:55:26 AM
WOW, Paulie, you and I were posting at the same time.  I lost my post LOL.

Anway, I went food shopping instead of Kohls.  First things first LOL.

LB...Hope you're doig better soon.  I know for me, if I could just clear my head for awhile....especially at 3am when my eyes pop open. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 04, 2023, 05:39:37 PM
I forgot to post this morning I went to ride th ebike in gym since I didnt do all week of course Copper wanted to walk this morning and a long walk in bitter cold. he loves the outside. But now he hurt his paw  It was sometime afterwalk and inside.  He is limping.  Has trouble putting pressure on his foot. I decided to wait it out to see and maybe go to emedrgency hospital tomorrow. and of course I had to ask my father if i can borrow cc since I am broke . later on though he did walk to eat and I did get him outside to pee  He stumbled arounnd to do his usual stiffing He had trouble getting up in the house There is a stoop and he has to step over the track fro the sliding glass door.  He did laydown to rest outside before coming in. I guess he relaized ha had no choice I think I may wait until Monday to go to regular vet it will save so much money. Only if he is able to get around and pee an dpoop but he idnt have n issue tonight going out to pee He ate too so he still has aoppetite.  Nothing ever goes right I am probably being punished 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 05, 2023, 07:26:16 AM
Good Morning copper is still limping and having trouble walking but wants to go for his walks.  I wont let him just pee and poop and in back in. Looks like the back yard area gives him trouble its dirt and frozen  he does better on grass so will tkr him out front
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 05, 2023, 04:29:22 PM
Hi jicaji, Yes we did post at same time yesterday!  ;D And darn it you lost your post. Okay you went food shopping not Kohl's. Definitely first things first. Mmmmm to food. Lol

Hi LB, Nice that you rode bike at the gym.
Oh no to Copper. Did you look between the pads on bottom of his foot? Probably. Or does one maybe have a scratch on it or he stumbled and twisted his foot? Good idea about using the grass out front. How's he doing now? 
For got the quote so came back. #3 is pretty cool.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on February 05, 2023, 05:22:33 PM

LB....So sorry Copper hurt his foot..I see Paulie asked you, did you look at his pads on his foot?  Could he have a small stone stuck?  Maybe he just twisted it?  Let us know if you bring him to the Vet and what is wrong.
Paulie...Going to go to Kohl's this Wednesday so I can get the 10 or 15 percent discount for seniors.  Since I retired years ago, I don't buy many clothes, other than slouchy sweats, etc. LOL  I do need sneakers.  I want to find the ones you can just slip into and the back just pops up by itself.

Saw a whole bunch of turkeys again in the way back....love watching them and the whole pecking order....The Tom is in charge of where they go and who eats first and don't dare mess with him...

Well, a balmy 40 degrees today.  Very welcomed from the past two days.

Have a nice, warmer week guys.....

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 06, 2023, 06:43:44 AM
I didint check his paws was afraid he would lounge at me. It seems to be getting better we went for longer walks walking more normals once in a while he will limp . I did rub my foor againt paw no reaction,  I do have a calll into vet I make make an appointment  for a few days from now and see how it's going in the mean time
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on February 06, 2023, 09:10:46 AM

LB   Glad his foot seems a little better.  Hopefully it will be heal by itself and you won't have to bring him to the Vet.

Hi Paulie

Warmer temps on the way :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 06, 2023, 10:51:02 AM
Good Morning,

Hi jicaji, Warmer temps sounds good to me!  :)

Hi LB, Good news Copper's foot has improved some. Like jicaji said .. hopefully it heals and you won't need a vet visit.
You're working from home this week, correct? I think you mentioned once you have a porch at the rear of your place. If the temps warm up in your area that would be a nice place to sit to get out and get some fresh air.

Last Thursday I retested myself. Still positive. A few days ago I lost sense to smell and taste. I can maybe taste or smell a little bit at times. Bummer. Hope it goes away soon. Congestion and cough are getting better. My husband is improving too.
Temps here are to warm up during the week and two days 55 and one day 60. Hope so!


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 07, 2023, 06:12:45 AM
Yes I am home this week Copper made it up to the bed  this morning, I hve teos for him to climb up
Are yiu still  positive paulie>
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 07, 2023, 06:50:17 PM
Hi LB, Okay to you being home this week and Yay for Copper! Do you think he won't need to see vet now? If not that's good.  :)

Honestly I don't know if positive or negative today. I feel like my old self except for congestion and that's gotten a bit better. I even had some smell and taste today. I'm going to test tomorrow. I didn't today because I didn't want to be disappointed. I really really want to see negative.  :)

Hi jicaji, Did you get your warmer temps today? We did a bit today. I'm waiting for tomorrow and Thursday when it's supposed to go to 55 to 60.  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 08, 2023, 05:55:20 AM
Warmer here today  No vet for copper he made it up steps he seems back to normal
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 08, 2023, 05:17:50 PM
LB, Yay! Excellent news for Copper. Nice that it was warmer there today too.

And I have an answer to your question yesterday. I'm now negative! Yay to that too. It took 2 weeks but now negative.

The little girl in 3 is adorable.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 08, 2023, 07:37:50 PM
Great newsPaulie, I bet you are excited in getting out!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 09, 2023, 06:15:10 AM
Good Morning 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 09, 2023, 10:22:41 AM
Hi LB, Thank you! Yes definitely excited to get out and about again and especially on these sunny warmer days! Perfect timing. Today is supposed to go to 66 or higher.  ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 10, 2023, 06:22:38 AM
Good Morning   TGIF
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 10, 2023, 08:23:03 PM
LB, Yes TGIF for you. I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

My husband finally had his follow-up appointment today. He's now tested negative. Good! and all clear for pneumonia now too. Good!

My sinus congestion and pressure and today pain in temple and ear pressure finally got to the point I saw a doctor today. Sinus infection. No surprise there. I got an antibiotic to kick it to the curb. 

It was supposed to be a warmer day today but the wind kept it cool. Had lots of sunshine though.  :)

All quotes are good today.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 11, 2023, 06:58:56 AM
Good morning It's cold this morning glad you went to dr and got medicine. glad your husband is getting better
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 11, 2023, 11:22:25 AM
Hi LB, Thank you and same here today so far .. cold but got sunshine again. Good!

Today is do laundry and other misc things around here. What are up to?

#3 definitely. Good one.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 12, 2023, 08:04:59 AM
Good morning worse sleep ever this weekend because of good ole copper I had to give him  thundease plls at 2am . All he doe sis pace back and fourth all night long,   But he whines to go to sleep at 9pm  I give up I go to my fathers today for superbowl party ging early to help him set up   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 12, 2023, 10:44:28 AM
Good morning to you too LB, 
Sorry that you didn't get some good sleep. Darn it.
What pill did you give Copper? I remember you said in the past about him and 9pm but later he paces back and fourth.
Have you asked vet about this? You both need sleep at night.

Enjoy your father's super bowl party. Sounds pleasant.  :)

#s 2 and 3

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 13, 2023, 12:01:02 PM
Last nights super bowl game was great. My team didn't win but both teams played awesome. The close Kelce brothers made me smile.

Great commercials too. Loved Bradley Cooper and his mom.

LB, I sent you an email. Also I hope your week in office goes good.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 13, 2023, 05:10:22 PM
Thanks for email, I got it!!!  I slept good last night My  father add pparty and he curt me off from drinking!! I hardly drink But I drank some last night 2 alpple matinis and a cosmo!!!  I was going for a fourth and my father said no which is good I really ddnt need it I was feeling good!!! I think I needed those drinks!!!!  LOL We are having a Valentines luncheon tomorrow at work we did it on our own , my coworker is makeing lasagna I am bring in cupcakes, someone is bring garlic bread not sure what else is being served. LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 13, 2023, 08:16:30 PM
Oh my gosh LB, You have me laughing!!  ;D  Good for you sleeping good last night!! You needed that. Sounds like those drinks definitely helped you relax!! I think you needed them too.

Your Valentines luncheon tomorrow sounds nice!! And delicious too!! Enjoy yourself and have fun.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 14, 2023, 09:34:07 AM
Happy Valentine's Day!  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 14, 2023, 05:01:09 PM
Happyh Valentines day
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 14, 2023, 05:04:36 PM
Our lunchean was nice. wehavent had one before covid.  Imexhausted copper doesnt let me sleep anymore he passesback and fourth allnight.  I might hav to lock him out of the room but he probably will whine from outside of the bedroom.Not happy with him now,
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on February 14, 2023, 08:01:46 PM

Hi:  I'm back.....


Have a good rest of the week everyone.....
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 14, 2023, 09:06:50 PM
LB, I'm glad you enjoyed your luncheon. I don't know what to say about Copper. It's understandable you're tired and frustrated.
Agreed he'd probably whine if you try to keep him out of the bedroom. Does he do this the weeks that you work from home? If not could he maybe be stressing about you leaving the week you in office?


Well Hi there jicaji!! Yes you are back and it's good to see you here.  :) You have a good rest of the week too!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 15, 2023, 09:37:55 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, The big question. How did you and Copper sleep last night?

Hi jicaji

Supposed to be great weather today. Sunny .. it is .. and temp to go to 65. Hope so! It is still warming up nicely.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 15, 2023, 06:55:46 PM
HI Jacaji!!!!! Glad you are back!!!!! I hope all is good!!!! 

Paulie copper and I sleep good. I gave him thunder ease helps with anxiety it has Hemp in it LOL   he passed out deciding if I should give to him tonight. I am goingto try not to   see how he does give him30 mn then give to him if he keeps pacing.  He's going ot be the death of me!!! LOL  I slept my usuall 4am hits and I toss and turn LOL 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 15, 2023, 08:39:02 PM
LB, Yay you and Copper slept good. You needed it. Good the thunder ease helped him. Hey whatever the ingredients it helped him sleep and you too. Good idea trying to not give to him tonight but if you have to it's nice knowing you have something to help. Copper definitely keeps you busy at times for sure. Darn to the 4am. Let me know tomorrow how tonight goes. 

#s 1 and 3

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 16, 2023, 06:47:35 PM
Hi I need prayers My SIL isnt doing well 3 weeks ago she ended up wth covid and pnumonia had to go to hospital, SHe ended up with an infection she got better, not back in hopital ICU infection is back she is spetic.   Not sure she will make it . Only 58
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on February 16, 2023, 08:57:34 PM

LB.  Prayers for your SIL.  I'm sorry to hear that.  Hopefully all will be OK.

Hi Paulie.....

Hope you both have a good, peaceful, sound sleep tonight.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 16, 2023, 10:03:22 PM
LB, Most definitely prayers for your SIL. Please keep us updated.

Hi jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on February 17, 2023, 10:24:35 AM
Sorry LB. Prayers. Have hope... I survived sepsis.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 17, 2023, 05:01:25 PM
Thanks Paulie, Jacaj and Tig!!!Not looking good SHe is on Oxygen now but they will be removing the oxygen and give her mrphne to feel comfortable  They dont expect her to live through the night  I feel bad not keeping in touch with her long story and complicated. We used to be closer. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on February 17, 2023, 08:46:10 PM

LB....Prayers continue for your SIL. 

Hi Paulie.

Rizzo had his FU appt. today at VET.  He gained 1/2 lb and is doing pretty well.

Peaceful weekend everyone....

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 17, 2023, 09:59:25 PM
LB, Very sad and unexpected for your family. Prayers definitely continue for your SIL.

jicaji, Good news about Rizzo. What's a Vet FU appointment?


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 17, 2023, 10:01:32 PM
Today is my husband Charlie's and my 50th wedding anniversary.  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on February 18, 2023, 07:13:03 AM
Congrats Paulie!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 18, 2023, 08:39:56 AM
Happy Anniversary Paulie and Charles!! Congratulations!! Doing anything special?  I think FU is follow up appointment  LOL. NO news on my SIL.  They decided to remove the mask today instead of last night. I guess so they can be there with her. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 18, 2023, 07:30:42 PM
Hi Tig, Thank you very much!  :)

Hi LB, Thank you very much!  :) We received special presents from our children and spent the day going out doing things together just enjoying realizing wow 50 years. Our children have a special dinner planned for us with all the family when we can all get together. Today we were out of town .. went to the cabin that's still in progress. Two very pleasant days.

Thanks for explaining the FU follow up appointment. LOL I hadn't thought of that obviously!  ;D LOL

Let's take no news on your SIL as "no news is good news" I hope. Your saying so they can be there with her is worrisome though and very sad.

Tig, I just realized you said in a previous post that you survived sepsis!! That's wonderful!

LB, Maybe there's more hope for your SIL after reading Tig's previous post about herself. I'm still saying prayers for your SIL.

#s 2 and 3
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 19, 2023, 06:55:02 AM
Good Morning Not such good news. My SIL passed away yesterday morning within 5 minutes once they removed the oxygen mask.  SHe got to say good bye to her kids and my brother, She passed away peacefully.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on February 19, 2023, 09:15:38 AM
So sorry LB
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on February 19, 2023, 11:00:16 AM

LB......May your SIL rest in heavenly peace.  So sorry to hear this. 

Paulie...Congrats on your 50th. 

Vet FU for Rizzo is Veterinarian Follow Up.  Sorry for the confusion  ;D

Still having a problem with my neck.  From what I read, it may be Occipital Neuralgia.  All the symptoms match.  Another Dr. appt. this week I guess.

Have a good week everyone.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 19, 2023, 11:30:21 AM
Dear LB,
Condolences to you and your family. Very good she and they got to say their good bye. Extremely sad and difficult.
God's blessings for your SIL's soul. She's at peace.
Prayers continue for your family.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 19, 2023, 11:47:09 AM
jicaji, Thank you very much!
And no problem about vet appt confusion. That's on me.  ;)  Glad we all got a chuckle out of it.

Darn it about you still having neck problem. I googled Occipital Neuralgia. Maybe another round of the meds Dr gave you will give you more relief and hopefully it be gone. Best wishes at your Dr appt. Keep us updated please.

Hi Tig

LB, All three quotes are good today. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 19, 2023, 12:37:37 PM
Thanks all.  I am back.  My cell phone broke, sthe screen cracked and the pixilation is off it's insiured so getting it fixed.   I dropped it off it will be ready  by 330  That is my life line need it for everything. I miss games. my brother isnt doing food so no contact with him for 3 hours I told him.  Him and his wife werent really together but he still is upset.     He probably feels guilty for everything he did. I dont know what to tell him.   he does suffer from depression so I am worried.  He has medical issues too and no insurance diabities and he hasnt taken his medicine like forever after the funeral making him fo to the hospital they cant turn him away. I think he is in process of getinginsurance though 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 20, 2023, 06:17:33 AM
Good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on February 20, 2023, 09:24:30 AM
3 Definitely.....at 3am

LB...Hope your phone is fixed.

Hi Paulie

Feel so badly for the folks in Palestine, Ohio.  Prayers to all of them.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 20, 2023, 01:45:14 PM
Hi LB, Darn about your phone. Good that you can get it fixed and get it today.

Regarding your brother. He had covid a while ago and has two sons, correct? I recall you speaking about them in the past. You can just be a good listener for him if he wants to talk. Best wishes to him and his health.

#s 1 and 2

Hi jicaji, Darn to your 3am. Agreed to the people in Palestine, Ohio and pets and wildlife etc. Definitely not a good situation.

Beautiful warm sunny say here today. Wednesday cold and sleet then Thursday sunny and 70. Now that's crazy!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on February 20, 2023, 06:11:30 PM
I've been here the last couple days, reading all your needlework memories.  I think I'll add some of  my own.

First introduction was embroidery with expert techniques from my aunt Lydia, the aunt with all the county fair blue ribbons.  Great teacher, doncha' think.  I started at 5 she and my mom told me.  When she passed I went to her funeral in Colorado hoping to gain a treasured work of hers.  Nothing, nothing at all left cuz she had been donating to church bizarres, etc.  What I found and still treasure is all the blue ribbons in a large jar.

In college I met Maribeth, the knitter.  Between class sessions there could be even an hour or more down time.  You can only watch so long before the bug gets to you.  The result was rite of passing of the goodies to the family:  afghan for bridal/wedding showers, first baby shower, new house warming.  I still have the first afghan I made for myself.   Two special memories:  when my first husband bolted he loaded up a trailer while I was a work.  One of the things he took was the afghan his grandma made for us (she was a crochet wiz).  Words were not pleasant tween her and her daughter (MIL) when she made me my own as a replacement.  More recent happy day was when there was a shower for Ton's to be great grandson.  Family members  :P ordained that because they were here for the shower and birth (they both work and live Turkey, still do)  directions said euros and gift certificates would be in order.  Oh yeah, sure, I always do as told.  What was really special was the squeal, smile, and tears when she opened the box with the afghan.  Made it white with dotted pastels.  After delivery and flight home she sent a pic of Orion (?) wrapped in his afghan and in the plane bassinet.
One more knit story is the comments I frequently receive at the vet's.  ChiChi was a real pain in the Ash when I knitted.  The clicking of the needles and dangling yarn too much temptation.  When I finished a project my next one was a smaller soft, blue, cat-sized afghan just for the Chi.  He would not let Puff (the cat) near it.  I used it too to comfort them when going to the vet, put it in the carrier.  Vet and staff seemed to think I spoiled them.

Then.....there are the needle works (crossstitch, needlepoint, etc., but never paint embroidery or weaving loom).  I liked to make and frame something special, along with the shower gift from registry just as a special token to hang or display (usually did birth date or wedding date for instance). 

Now, so sad, I don't do a damn thing.  Can't make my hands join in on the projects.   :'(    :'(    :'(    I don't like this at all.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: oldguy on February 20, 2023, 06:34:55 PM
Here is the 2023 hotlinks for Decorah nests and the Lounges

Save these links in your Favorites/Bookmarks and it will take you to the page you were last reading...

Beak Room 2023 Forum   -   https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2813.new.html#new
Cheers 2023 Forum   -   https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2815.new.html#new
Decorah Eagles 2023 Forum   -   https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2812.new.html#new
Decorah North Nest 2023 Forum   -   https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php/topic,2811.new.html#new

Hoping for a great year...
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 20, 2023, 07:39:35 PM
LB, Were you able to get your repaired phone? Hope so so you that you can keep in touch with your brother.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 21, 2023, 06:26:48 AM
Good Morning yes  Iwas able to get phone fixed   the screen broke along with the pixles so I coudnt see screen they fixed it sunday took 3 hours looks like a brand new phone lol
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 21, 2023, 08:25:20 AM
Good Morning,

Fastnacht Day! Yummmmm!  ;D Will definitely get some today.

When I lived in Germany we'd go to Fasching Parade. LOTS of fun!
My Grandmother .. German/Austrian .. would make them. Mmm Mmm delicious!

Fasching and Karneval The German Way & More

LB, Excellent that you got your "looks like brand new" phone back!

Hi jicaji, How is your neck/head? Have you made a Dr appt? Prayers continue.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 22, 2023, 06:18:12 AM
Good morning   The funeral arrangemnets have been made wake is friday night and sat morning burial satursay.  It's dwon by where I used in live when I lived in south jersey Will be first time back there in almost 6 years
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 22, 2023, 11:26:18 AM
LB, Prayers to you and your family.

I remember your pretty house when you lived in South Jersey and your pretty back yard that had a tree with a robin's nest.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 23, 2023, 06:19:42 AM
Good morning 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 24, 2023, 06:39:37 AM
good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 25, 2023, 06:42:24 AM
Good mornig
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 25, 2023, 08:41:35 AM
LB, You and your family were in my thoughts and prayers yesterday and are today also.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on February 25, 2023, 10:25:06 AM
2 and 3


LB....Thinking of you....Sending prayers.  I remember the pictures of your home in S. Jersey....I'm sure it'll feel strange going back there.

Paulie...Hi...I'm not on computer for awhile.  My neck is still hurting and I'm so tired.  It seems to bother me more when I'm laying down.  Last night I pretty much had to sit up in bed after awakened with the aches and headache.  Strange how sitting up rather than laying down flat helps.  I'm able to elevate the top and bottom of the mattress which helps.  It is a bit better during the day. Tylenol helps.

Oh well, it is what it is.  Hopefully it'll be gone soon.  Chiropractor was OK, going next week, but I don't know if it'll help much.

Just looked out and it's snowing....Glad we went food shopping yesterday.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 26, 2023, 07:58:10 AM
Good Morning what a beautiful service  Her mother picked a beautiful cemetary very peaceful .  I did see my old development oh I missit there so muh the whole area I miss What a peacuful area . 

Jacaji Have you tried a heatin gpad I have been using heating ad for my knees for the last week. My sciatica has been affecting my knee so much its bad I am even doing my stretches barely helping. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on February 26, 2023, 11:18:09 AM

LB....I'm glad it was a very peaceful event and site.  God bless....

Yes, I have been using heat AND cold, one after the other.  Feels good when they're on but doesn't last long.  I'm sorry your knees and sciatica are hurting you.  Every step is painful and if ya turn the wrong way....Oh man.

I still miss my home on Long Island after 26 years. 

Snow yesterday, melted already on the hard surfaces, however tomorrow night more snow.  Really, the first accumulative snow this winter.

Hi Paulie

Have a good week guys.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 27, 2023, 07:47:30 AM
Good morning snow tonight but I think only a coating to in here will turn to rain. I am off today and tomorrow  talkingsnow on firday too . Im exhausted going through guity I used to be close to my sil but we drifted apartonce the disaster with my brother and she went down to hr mom and then nursing home. I feel bad I didnt go visit or call her It was mostly I didnt know what to say to her.  I miss her.  SHe was one of th epeople I was able to turn to way back when she came to me too.  She felt comfortable enough to complain about my brother to me andkknow she would get a legit answer. I am attatching a picture of her.   Very nice picture of her. THis was when she was starting to get sick (scoloisis) plus other issues. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on February 27, 2023, 10:21:25 AM
All 3 quotes

LB...Such a nice picture of your SIL, may she rest in peace.  Sometimes it's difficult to do what you think you should at the time.  It's like the saying, "shoulda, woulda, coulda."  I've gone over, in my mind, a zillion things I should have done at various times in my life and didn't....it doesn't help. 

Snow here tonight too, 1-3".

Hi Paulie...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 27, 2023, 10:05:08 PM
jicaji, Darn it about your neck still hurting and sleeping more upright feels better than flat like before. Sounds like laying flat is aggravating and or pinching whatever the cause is. I thought your chiropractor would see you more than once a week.
Have you contacted your Dr to follow up yet? I sure hope so!! Maybe another round of anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxer will finalize and get rid of the cause.

LB, Very nice that the service for your SIL was peaceful and same for the area it was in. Her photo is very pretty and peaceful also.

Time for another not short story why I've been MIA.
A busy, worrisome and painful couple of past days. Last Thursday my oldest son went into Afib again. He eventually had to go to ER as what Dr had said to do did not correct the rhythm. Meds were begun to correct rhythm all afternoon and he was admitted to continue meds and monitor overnight. Friday morning no change so he was sedated again to scope to ensure no blood clots. There were none so his heart was shocked again. A stronger charge was needed this time plus an additional shock. His heart returned to normal rythym after that. He was discharged Sat afternoon. He is scheduled for an oblation mid March to hopefully correct future Afibs. If not then an ICD like my husband/his dad has. We are of course hoping the oblation works.

In the middle of the night Sat into Sunday I was awakened as I rolled onto my side by literally explosive pain from my left knee that Dr said  to have knee replacement. I can take pain and have in the past from different things but wow this was undescribable. I know from xray that my knee cap has shifted to the outer side of knee and inner side is bone on bone and during the pain I heard a pop. I guess something shifted or moved. The pain stopped eventually. I was quiet so I didn't wake my husband.  :)

Anyway Sun morning my knee was twice the size of normal one. I told him but none of my family because we were having a family birthday meal for one of my daughters and I didn't want them to say don't have it. When they all got here and saw me limping I heard ... "Mom!! Why did you do all this on that knee?" Umm I said because I wanted you all here to celebrate Mary's birthday meal and this is what we do.  ;D We did too! We all laughed, ate, gave presents and enjoyed each other and the day.

Needless to say I slept like a log last night .. rested today and used my heating pad on my knee a lot. Knee is sore but not limping. I call that a win for now.  :)

SED. Tomorrow is a new day. Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 28, 2023, 07:12:45 AM
Oh Paulie I hope your son is OK and you should becalling the dr on that knee!!! swollen is not good. Popping is not good!!! MY sciatic is unbearable especially in th emorning and after I sit on the couch for a while so no relaxing for me I have to costantly get up and walk   It snowed not even and inch but the grass is white LOL  My SIL's mom fell the night of the funeral and broke her arm.  She is going to the orthodedic today to see if she needs surgery.  Thensme thing happened to myh grandmotherwhen my grandfaher died. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on February 28, 2023, 10:15:21 AM
No bounce
Yipes you all. Gentle hugs all around...
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 28, 2023, 11:44:05 AM
Hi LB, Thank you very much about my son. If I call ortho Dr he'll just tell me again to get knee replacement now. He was annoyed with me when I said no to surgery and I got injections.  ;D 
My knee has been swollen about two years. The swelling did go away after my third/last knee gel injection. Felt great too but ....

Anyway I just don't have 8 weeks/2months to be not doing things. Dr told me NO cabin when I asked. I said I'll be careful. Nope! then he said no driving. I said someone else will drive. Nope! Still no going to cabin. What the heck?! I don't know why. We have too much work to set up the inside and me the kitchen and have lots of family things planned for this spring and summer at the cabin.

I've stopped mentioning pain and discomfort to my two sons because they reply .. Mom call to schedule surgery. Nope not now.  :-X  :)

I was ready to do surgery in January because he said after 2 weeks he thinks I'll be more mobile and just continue with PT and exercises. But him saying no going to cabin cancels that.
I just remembered you asked for some cabin pics. I will then. You might have to remind me.  :)

Darn it about your sciatica. I remember you saying before it's hard sitting on couch. I think you were going to try getting a board for under the cushion. Did you try that? But maybe putting pressure on it is what causes the pain.

Sorry about your SIL's mom and interesting same thing happened to your grandmother. Kind of eerie.

Hi Tig, Why no bounce? Because of pain issues in Cheers or something with you? I hope all's okay with you. 
Thank you for the gentle hugs. I'm sending some to you too even if you're feeling good.  :)

I think we all best be careful sitting on our Cheers stools. No falling off allowed!  ;D

Hi jicaji, How are you feeling? Any updates for us?

I'm wishing everyone a good day!
I had to come back because I forgot about quotes.
#1 definitely. LOL Love it!!  ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on February 28, 2023, 03:14:29 PM
Well have it next January   in winter wh en stuck inside . ffirst 2 weeks is hardest, I think yoiu would recover fast cause your active the worse part is first 3 weeks no driving .     I would do anything to get mysurgery ifthey would do it I would be more mobile after surgery and recovery for sue.  I go back to office tomorrow for rest of week. I  took 2 berevement days well needed.I have beeen sad.   remiinising the past.   I wish I could do my life all over.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on February 28, 2023, 10:16:30 PM
LB. Exactly! That's my plan. Next January. Now let's see if that happens. When I told my ortho Dr that he smiled and asked me if I ever heard the phrase ... "We make plans and God smiles or laughs." I said yes I've heard the phrase and we'll see. I'm going to try my best.  :)
Cool thing happened this afternoon. My knee .. out of the blue .. felt like a normal knee! I was like huh? I walked fine, did an errand and returned home doing some inside things all while knee felt great. I haven't a clue why but sure hope it happens more often. The soreness and tight feeling has returned but bearable. Will see how it feels tomorrow then deal with it.

I know you'd love to have your surgery now. I wish you could. It will happen for you when it's supposed to. I know .. easier said than done .. but like I believe and also like a lot of the quotes that you post suggest and are true .. life/things happen when we think positive and happen when the timing is right. You will get your knee replacement when you're supposed to. Oh yes you will. Keep telling yourself it will happen. Believe that.

It's good you took two bereavement days. And it's okay for you to reminisce and be sad. It's normal to have regrets and happy times you remember. As you said in a previous post, your SIL felt comfortable speaking with you about your brother and other things too. Why? Because she trusted and loved you. Please remember that. You are a kind person, Lori. I know that for a fact.
There's no life do overs because we learn from past experiences and take all the lessons learned .. including the happier ones .. with us as we live going forward. You are a kind, good loving person so focus on that please and stop beating yourself up. No need to do that.  :-*

You're probably asleep now so I'm hoping cutie Copper allows you to get a good night's sleep before your 4am time awakens you.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on March 01, 2023, 07:59:35 AM
Some bounce
A combo... sad for you all and wondering when God will knock knock... It is your time. Knees were bad yesterday, but with rest have recovered. Going for the super greens at Panda Express today. Gotta keep trying to get weight off. I turn old in a few weeks.  ::)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 01, 2023, 09:23:55 AM
Good Morning,

Hi tig, Aww thanks for your concern for us here. Sounds like you're one of us about the knees. Pain in the butt, right?!! And can be very exhausting.

I say no knock knocks for any of us for a long time. Too much we each need to do and accomplish. One of them being getting better feeling knees!  ;)

I googled Super Greens. Sounds healthy. Panda Express is a nice restaurant. I forgot about them. Used to be one in my area years ago. I've been thinking about ordering Balance of Nature Vitamins. Sounds pretty good from commercials and gives energy. I need energy!

When's your birthday?! Oh boy! I don't know what age you'll be but hey! age if just a number. Don't let it get you down. I've always said age is what we make it. Yeah I know sometimes easier said than done! That's when stubborness sets in. lol

You HAGD too.

Hi LB, You're in office today but just three days until TGIF for you.

Hi jicaji, Check in here soon I hope.

Wishing us all a good day!  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 01, 2023, 04:51:54 PM
Hi Yes in office, and I am so exhaisted tday Not in a good  mood at all. Yes just 3 more days!!!!! I just wish I had a friend who I can REALLY talk to I have friends I try to talk but they really arent there! Even  my sister i sno thtere
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 01, 2023, 09:56:56 PM
LB, Exhaustion can definitely affect your mood. Kind of goes hand in hand.
I really wish you had someone to really talk to also. I'm drawing a blank trying to think of a group or something where women get together to meet and talk together. On my area Nextdoor website some ladies posted a place and time for any women that would like to get together weekly. Is there something like that in your area maybe? If so you could create some friendships there.

#2 Very true. God's timing is perfect.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 02, 2023, 05:09:35 PM
I dont think there is, everyone has kids so wnt have that in common. My lease is up end of JUly going to look for 55+ apartments since I will be turning 55 in June but nothing is cheap  ot sure how I am going to afford anything.   I am having anxiety over this.  Sad it took my sil death to realize I was able to talk to her. she may not say much but she listened. I miss her
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 03, 2023, 09:45:14 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Okay but darn to no ladies get togethers.

Great idea you have to look for 55+ apartments. And! Some more good news for you is yesterday on national news it was reported that rent prices are beginning to go down. I wish you the very best when you begin looking for a new place.

Hindsight is 20/20 regarding your SIL. You had no way of knowing. I hope you will stop beating yourself up. Hugs to you.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 03, 2023, 06:05:13 PM
I hope your right about rent prices  All I see they have increased and more money than ever   Doesnt look like it is in NJ   my apartmnet complex wont go down they wont even stay the same . feeling sad my myh nephews disappointed in my sister and her family long story I may have mentioned somethings .but it's really bothering me. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 03, 2023, 08:53:32 PM

LB....I'm so sorry you're having a rough time.  I wish Paulie and I were closer so we could get together for coffee every now and then with you.  I know how important it is to talk to someone you can trust.  Message me anytime.

Paulie...Hi, hope all is well.

Such a nasty night here, sleet and rain mixed.  Rizzo doesn't want to go out before bed 'cause it's so cold and raw.  I'm ready for bed, so now I have to make sure he gets his last out for the night...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 04, 2023, 08:15:38 AM
Thank You Jacaji That means a lot.  people say they are my friends but they really arent when push comes to cshove they arent there.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 04, 2023, 11:58:13 AM
2 and 3

Hi LB, Paulie....Well, looking outside today it is MISERABLE, rain, sleet, cold....AND THEN A GIFT....4 beautiful blue birds feeding on seed and suet on the deck.  Made me so happy.....yes, it doesn't take much if you keep looking LOL.

LB...I have found over my bizillion years that you have to be very careful to whom you open up. Sometimes it can just become fodder for gossip.  I have been lucky enough to have two very close friends in my life .  Two doesn't sound like much, but I've had one for 60+ years and the other for about 35+ years.  Sadly, my friend of 35+ years recently passed away two weeks ago.  I am heartbroken.  She was not only a close friend but a mentor.  She is one of the great losses in my life.  "Friends" and acquaintances ya come across over the years come and go....but the ones who stay by your side, no matter what, are the most cherished.
Have a peaceful weekend everyone. :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 05, 2023, 07:33:45 AM
Jacaji, I am sorry for your loss .

 yes I agree very careful opening up to people I keep reliving that same mistake. I used to have close friends not sure what happened lost touch I guess.  I would love to have 1 close friend.  I just have a steel door becuase of the hurt and mistrust .   I am turning into a loner.   I would be so happy with just 1 friend
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 06, 2023, 06:19:39 AM
Good morning working from home but 1/2 day. I have eye dr appointmnet yearly exam
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 06, 2023, 08:40:28 AM
2 and 3
LB...I wish I coud have worked from home.  Nice change once in awhile.  Good luck at ophthalmologist.  I need to go every few months...I have glaucoma.  Luckily it's controlled.

Hi Paulie...We're missing you :)

Another beautiful day, cold but sunny and clear.

Haven't seen anymore bluebirds since the other day.  I guess I'll have to buy and put out some meal worms for them.

Have a good day all.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 06, 2023, 07:04:08 PM
Hi, I'm back. Thanks  jicaji for saying you and LB missed me.  :)

LB, Going back a few posts about rent prices. Yes that's what the national news said. Rent prices going down. Fingers crossed for you.

True what jicaji said if the three of us lived closer together. We could get together to talk. I'm sure we'd have some laughter too. That always is good mixed in with conversations.

Nice that you had half day work today. I hope your eye appointment was a good one.

jicaji, Geesh sounds like you had miserable weather .. and after a calm winter so far. I guess March came in like a lion for you.

BUT then you had 4 blue birds visit your feeder. That's awesome! Nice surprise!!

I'm very sorry about your loss of such a close friend.

Very good that your glaucoma is controlled. Reading you have that made me wonder if that could be the cause of the pain in your head and stiff neck but on second thought doesn't sound like it.

Nice that you had a beautiful day today. Has the snow melted yet? Don't forget to get mealworms for your pretty blue birds.  :)

The past days have been pain and exhaustion but still doing errands and things around the house to get needed things done. I don't take naps but I sure have the past few days. Sciatica reared its head the past few nights and days and resulted in sleepless nights and sent add'l pain to bad knee. I needed that like a hole in the head! I've been using heading pad on hip and knee more and sciatica seems to be improving some. Yay and good!

This Sunday we return to daylight saving time. Yay. I don't mind loosing an hour because I love longer daylight. Next we should be getting warmer weather too.

I'm tired so going to snuggle in sooner than usual with heating pad and hoping for a good night sleep.

I wish you both a pleasant night and you sleep good too I hope!  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 07, 2023, 06:20:27 AM
Good to see you Paulie!!! My sciatica is out of control I can barely move in the morning its mostly in my knee but has gone to thighs and calves. .not sure what to do I am doing exercises but it doesnt seems to help the more I walk the better it gets . I wish we lived closer to The funnt thing is we are close but yet so far. LOL.  NJ, PA, and CT
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 07, 2023, 09:32:41 AM
3....Absolutely.  I've had people I spoke to on the phone who left me soooo annoyed until I finally realized WHY am I speaking to this person....better off when I stopped LOL. :)

Paulie....waiting for the bluebirds to make another appearance.  I think at this time it was just a "fly by."
Another pretty day.  Yayyyy

Have a good rest of the week.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 07, 2023, 10:04:16 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Thanks!  :) True about you, jicaji and me being sort of close. We're each located in eastern US and states pretty darned close to each other but far away.
Yep about sciatica nerve pain moving through thigh, knee, calve and ankle at times too. I agree walking definitely helps and walks it off.
Chiropractic does help. I've gone for that before and the adjustment lined things up and pain went away. Mine has been improving so I'm hoping I don't have to make appointment. Along with you walking it off a heating pad helps too.

jicaji, Good for you doing what you said regarding #3 quote. I hope your bluebirds do another fly by soon. The wait is worth it.  :)

A really pretty bright sunny day here too! Love it.

#2 Lol

#3 Very true
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 07, 2023, 02:28:58 PM
Chiropactior works for sciatic? I  may need to give that a try . ONe good thing for me this year. I dont need new glasses my script stayed same.   MOney saved there. LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 07, 2023, 06:29:49 PM
Hi LB, Yes ma'am chiropractor definitely helps for sciatica. I bet others can attest to that too.

Yay and congrats to you not needing a new script and glasses. That's awesome. Great eyesight for you. That's a win for you.  :)

I thought of you today when I was out and about doing errands. I remembered how you like windy days.  Holy very very high winds and wind gusts!! Started this morning and now at almost 7:30pm it's still howling wind outside. It's cold too.

Do you have the high winds?

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 07, 2023, 08:41:47 PM
LB Chiropractor works well for sciatica.  At least mine did.

Glad your eyesight didn't change and you don't have to get a new prescription.

Hi Paulie

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 08, 2023, 06:22:51 AM
Thanks I will look into a chiropracter cause I barely can get around in the morning , It's horrible!!!  Yes windy here yesterday and today . I am getting new front breaks saturday fun  more money, I was hoping to wait until I get my bonus  the end of APril but I cant  wait .  May snow saturday too
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 08, 2023, 07:47:34 AM
Good Morning,

jicaji, Hi back at ya.  :) Good about chiro/sciatica for you too. 

LB, Most insurance covers chiropractic adjustments. I figured you'd have the winds too. Same here continuing today and tomorrow.
Darn you couldn't wait until your bonus to get front breaks. A needed necessity though.

I can hear jicaji saying this .... "Always something...."  Right jicaji? 

Another beautiful sunny day here again today along with cold and winds.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 08, 2023, 11:52:53 AM
2 and 3

LB, sorry you need brakes right now for your car.  I know they can be expensive.  Good luck.
We may get bad weather here too.  Was going to see my daughter in MA on Saturday for her birthday, but they say there's going to be a storm.  Going the following Saturday.   Surely it'll be a beautiful day this Saturday and a storm next. LOL

My middle granddaughter was appointed CLASS MENTOR to students at her college.  So proud. AND, my grandson just got his driver's license.  I told him now he can drive us around as needed.....I ended the thought with "RIGHT???"  He responded "HA HA HA." 
Hmmmmm LOL.

Paulie....You've got it right...."always something....."

Well it's lunchtime.  God forbid I miss a meal.


While on the internet, up popped a beautiful canvas which I thought woud look good in my family room where I have mostly wall to almost floor windows on one side, I thought it would go well with the trees out back and my blue walls. It has white trunk
trees - with touches of blue/green and white.  I bought it on the spot...never did that before.  We'll see how it goes.  Free returns sold it for me LOL. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 08, 2023, 07:06:45 PM
jicaji, Congratulations on your granddaughter!! That is excellent. And oh boy to your grandson getting his driver's license! Your comment to him and his reply are cute.  :)

You are one proud Nana!!  ;D Good!
(Did I get your name correct? Hope so.)

The canvas that popped up was no accident. You were meant to see that! It sounds beautiful with the colors you describe. Post a picture of it if you can. It sounds perfect.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 09, 2023, 06:26:19 AM
good morning I walked arounf more and did more exercise a tiny but better this mornng  Taking  shower is hard  Congratulations to your grand daughter Jacaji another driver on the road!!!! snow friday to saturday of course when I need to do brakes 1-4 IN  but should be over by the time I need to go.  we'll see I dont want to wait another week since next week I drive into work alll week 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 09, 2023, 01:22:38 PM

Thanks LB

Yes Paulie, I'm known as NANA.  Goes back a long way down the line. 

Gotta run, I have an appointment with my chiropractor. 

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 10, 2023, 06:25:30 AM
Good morning TGIF
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 10, 2023, 09:16:07 AM

Good morning Paulie and LB...

Enjoy your winter weekend.  Snow forecasted for tonight.  Only 1/3" hopefully.

Food shopping today...don't usually go on Fridays.  Bet it'll be crazy, especially with the snow forecast.

Oh, and most importantly, we had a bluebird having breakfast on the deck.  YAAAAY   I have to get those mealworms for them.

Be safe and well.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 10, 2023, 11:25:10 AM
Good Mornning/Afternoon to you too jicaji  :) and LB  :)

jicaji, How did your chiro appt go? Is it helping your stiff neck?

Yay to your Bluebird! They have your location marked now for sure to eat goodies.

You can probably find mealworms at your grocery store in pet isle. I've seen them there. They are usually more expensive there vs a farm or pet store. Walmart has descent price.

LB, I was going to say TGIF to you!!


It's snow flurring here off and on. Not supposed to accumulate much. Good.
At our cabin location 3 hours away it's supposed to get 3 to 6 inches. We're planning to go there Sunday for the day.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 10, 2023, 08:49:12 PM
Hi again LB and Paulie

Supposed to snow here tonight, right now it's raining.

Jim went and got some mealworms.  DRIED....she asked if we wanted live ones....he told her he didn't think I could feed live anything to any animal LOL.

The chiropractor was OK.  She told me if I continue to have neck/shoulder problems I should get a blood test.  UGH. 

Have a good time Sunday at the cabin.  Sounds ike fun for sure.

And that's it.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 11, 2023, 07:39:47 AM
Hi Paulie and Jacaji  JUst rain here like I expected. They sis 2-4 in of snow but our pattern is rain.  They are talking about a big storm monday night into tuesday  but will probably be rain here. LOL I hope your neck improves Jacaji. still suffering with sciatica morning and night i the worse.  Having issue with my nephew who lost his mother.  I think I told you he is an alcholohic 32 years old worked maybe a total of 2 years of his life.  He finally got a good job with insurance and they gave him 2 weeks off for his mother (he just started) thye wanted his mid set good to finish training He went back this past monday and supposely threw up. They sent him home and told him to come back when better with dr note. he doesnt have insurance or dr do no dr note and he hasnt gone back , Last night he called me late I think he was drunk I didnt answer phoine cause I was sleeping I had to tun vlumn off.  what do you do. I think I am sending message telling him I am not talking to him (I didnt speak to him for 2 years because of his drinking) MY brother enables him but how do you kick your child out.  evenn though he is 32.  I told my brother he has to   (not sure if I would be able to )  I am at wits end.  I was speaking him  when mom dies every ay for 2 weeks and I really had hope he was tryhing to get better 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 11, 2023, 07:54:05 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Good luck with your car brakes today. I hope not much snow for you. Let us know then.

jicaji, Since you're not going to see your daughter in MA for her birthday today due to snow I hope next Saturday is sunny and pleasant for you.

Good for Jim getting dried mealworms for you for sure!! I buy dried too .. can't imagine feeding something live to any animal!

I didn't know your stiffness went to your shoulder now. What would a blood test show I wonder?

I'm debating just letting the guys go to cabin tomorrow. They want to target shoot. I'd be inside unpacking boxes. It's just a day trip so don't know how much I'd get accomplished. I'll decide later.

We're leaving soon to watch my youngest granddaughter 8 yrs old play in her hockey game. It's at Hershey Park Arena. I've seen videos of her playing and she's really good skating. Geez she's fast. She doesn't like goalie. She said it's boring. lol

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 11, 2023, 07:55:36 AM
Hi LB, We were posting at pretty much the same time! I can't read your post right now. Got to get ready to leave but I will later.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 11, 2023, 01:20:22 PM

LB...I'm so sorry about your nephew if he's going back to drinking.  I'm guessing it's to no avail to make anyone give up anything they're addicted to...He's 32 and your brother can't make him stop if he doesn't want to for himself...I'm sure he's probably threatened to kick him out, but how do you do that, especially to a son or daughter??. If he doesn't work, he won't be able to buy the liquor.  I'm also sure your brother isn't buying it for him.  Very difficult situation, I'm sure.

Did you get your brakes today?

Paulie..My chiropractor is thinking if the problem doesn't go away, it may be a lymph gland infection or virus in my neck to which I'd need an antibiotic  The thing is, somedays it doesn't feel as bad as others.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 11, 2023, 07:23:55 PM
LB, Very sad about your nephew .. frustrating for you and your family wanting the best for him. The fact you were speaking with him after his mother's death shows him you were trying to help. He has to recognize the situations he's using as a crutch and excuse to justify his drinking. And he has to want to stop to help himself. I hope for his sake and your family's sake he reaches that point some day. I just said a prayer for him.

jicaji, Thanks for explaining your chiropractor's suggestion for blood work. It's worth a try and if so to an infection then an antibiotic healing is worth it for sure to be rid of it. I'm very glad that terrible pain is gone for you.

Gracie's hockey game was lots of fun and enjoyment watching her today. This is her 3rd year playing. She's really good. She scored twice too. When the action would really get moving on the ice and I lost sight of her or # on her jersey all I had to do was look for her blonde pony tail below her helmet. She's the only girl on the team. Lol

I decided not to go to cabin tomorrow. I had a long post explaining more last night but after I posted it I realized I had been rambling on about things so deleted it for a shorter version. Shorter is better.  :)

After all of the above normal temps we had here last month March so far is below normal temps. Geesh it's cold!

Well I hope you're both cozied in warm and relaxing.

Oops. Had to come back. Forgot the quote. #3

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 12, 2023, 08:03:37 AM
Good Morning  Thanks Jacaji and Paulie!!! I love watching hockey!!!  Great fro Gracie!!!  Jacaji How is your neck doing. Everyone seems to know what we need to do but we dont.   I watched a lot of intervention shows    Paulie  where are rents  being lowered not here in NJ!!!!  I am petried in if I will have place to live come AUgust
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 12, 2023, 09:46:54 AM
Good Morning,

LB, I didn't know you were a hockey fan.  :) Your watching intervention shows exhibits that you care and want to help.

About the rents being lowered. I saw a segment about it on GMA. It said nationally but did not mention specific states.
I wish you didn't have the pressure and worry about staying or finding a new place.

Hi jicaji


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 13, 2023, 08:31:11 PM
Yes I like hockey dont watch it though on tv. LOL I have been to a few games. They are fun to watch 
On local news today NYC rents are going up again this year. Average rent in city about $4000. meadan $5200?  No sign of them lowering either. But thats the city but I am sure NJ isnt any better  sigh 

Well I got a 3% raise whichgoes on in my next pay check but rent goes up about 6-9% each year so already in  the whole.  Fingers crossed.  I'll know in april 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 13, 2023, 09:08:59 PM
Hi LB, Gotcha about hockey games.  Geesh to NYC rents but understandable. Good luck this April. Yes fingers crossed for you.

Hi jicaji, How is everything? Any more Bluebird sightings?  I'm almost out of mealworms so need to get more. Dried tho. Lol

Two very busy days yesterday and today. I'm ready to Zzzzzz  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 14, 2023, 10:30:26 AM
Good Morning,

LB and jicaji, How's your weather considering the storm prediction? Sounds like it could be a doozy if it hits your area.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 14, 2023, 05:23:49 PM
Hello It snowed all day pretty to watch but thank god didnt stck to the roads. Only a coating on grass, I cant believe next week is spring.  I bought a pillow for legs/knees its suppose to help with sciatica. I hope it works I ahve been waiting for months to get it. I finally had  some extra money to get it
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 14, 2023, 07:17:34 PM
LB, Good news about your weather and extra good news about the pillow you got for yourself. Very good! I help you begin to feel relief tonight.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 15, 2023, 05:22:21 PM
The knee pillow is comfortable but didnt work my morning getting out of bed/shower.   I also go the body pillow will see how that works. waiting to use that it says takes 48 hours to fluff up to max  I walked copper afyer wrk today and it was so hard to walk, witht he scitica maybe itn was shoes I was wearing.  I just give up   I feel like a 100 year old just put me in a wheel chair but that wont work either  It hursts when I sit too long sorry just so tired and ittitable  I give up
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 15, 2023, 08:42:01 PM
LB...The pillow is supposed to work well.  Hope it does for you.  I was thinking of getting a special neck pillow.

I forgot next week is Spring...YAAY

Spent the weekend with my daughter in MA for her birthday.  Happily the weather worked out well THIS weekend and we didn't have to wait until next.

Paulie....We didn't get hit much at all from the storm, other than some really gusty winds and snow showers/rain intermittently.\

No more bluebird sightings....But we have a very large bag of mealworms.

SED....Have a good rest of the week.  Food shopping tomorrow.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 15, 2023, 09:40:19 PM
Hi  :)

LB, Give your sciatica pillow a few nights to work at relieving pain and discomfort .. days and evening too when sitting. It takes a bit of time for the nerve and surrounding areas to relax and feel relief.
I don't know what instructions came with it but here's what I did for sciatica and it's been gone for about a week. (Knock of wood)

I used a round/straight neck pillow to place under my hip on side of sciatica when sitting and sleeping. When sleeping I was very careful not to lay or roll over on the sciatica side. Trust me you'll wake up if you do lay on that side. It took a few days but I felt the pain begin to subside until gone. I still don't lay on that side just to be sure. A heating pad worked awesome too. Give it some time to begin feeling relief. You just have to be careful not putting pressure on sciatica side. As as you know walking does help it and pain it sends to knee.

Also very true wearing the correct shoes are important. Have good arch support in your shoes to align your spine. Buy some arch supports to insert into your shoes. They do help.

jicaji, Good to 'see' you and really glad you enjoyed your weekend with your daughter AND the weather cooperated.  :)

I think you getting a neck pillow is a good idea. There's different shapes. I've used one for years. I've bought some that I didn't like too. I found it's a trial and error process till you find the one that's comfy for you. Suggestion .. when you find the one you like get an extra one or two to use in the future. I wish I had. The one I use is old but I refuse to give it up lol and can't find another like it.

Good you didn't get much from the storm.

Oh boy!!! Next week is Spring!! Yes YAAY!!

Bummer to no more Bluebirds for you. Regarding the very large bag of mealworms ....that's a Murphy's Law!!
Suggestion .. Robins love eating mealworms .. squirrels too lol as do Sparrows. I found that out with my mealworms for Bluebirds.

You have a good rest of the week too.

I'm going to say SED now because without looking I'm thinking my post is loooong.  :)

#2 true. Life is about Balance  and  #3 very true.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 16, 2023, 06:18:45 PM
Hello   tomorrow TGIF!!!! Copper doesnt like the knee pillow the past 2 nights that I came home it's n the floor!!!nI like it!!! but so far no relief!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 16, 2023, 08:12:58 PM
LB, Yes Yay for you tomorrow TGIF. Oh my gosh about Copper! LOL Give pillow some time. Hope it helps you.

All quotes are good.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 17, 2023, 08:56:14 AM


Today is Rizzo's 11th year Rescue day.  He has been a joy every day.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 17, 2023, 09:26:23 AM
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Hi jicaji, Awesome about Rizzo. Was your canvas picture delivered yet? Sounds very pretty.

Hi LB, Well TGIF for you!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 17, 2023, 01:31:43 PM
b]Paulie, [/b]

Funny you should ask...It was JUST delivered.  Waiting for Jim to get back from his hike on the trail and he'll hang it.

LB...TGIF from me too  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 17, 2023, 06:57:44 PM
Oh Dont get me wrong  I love the pillow, very comfortable sleeping it's the day it hurts.  I can barely walk copper, we'll see how it is over weekend maybe chair at work. I never had so much trouble walking. Maybe combination of knee and sciatica 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 17, 2023, 09:16:56 PM
jicaji, That's so cool it arriving today. I must say I envy Jim going for a hike. I miss my long walk days. I know you and LB miss walking comfortably too. Let us know how it looks after he hangs it. I'm thinking you're going to like it.  :)

LB, Good to hear you like the pillow and it's comfortable. You getting good sleep is important. If your sciatica is continuing after you're up and when walking Copper it sounds like some chiro adjustments are needed. They really do help. Both jicaji and I can attest to that.

I'll be MIA tomorrow or until tomorrow night. We're heading to the cabin. Last weekend (I didn't go) the guys removed the initial wood burning stove we got because my husband said it was too small. So we returned it and got a larger one. Tomorrow we take it there. Problem is it was loaded onto my son's pickup truck with a fork lift because the 3 guys at the store couldn't lift it. It will be interesting how they get it off and into cabin. They aren't worried about it but I am for their sakes and their health. Yep me the worrier.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 18, 2023, 06:58:28 AM
Good Morning, I missed St Patrick Day!! Happy St Patricks day!!!

good luck with the stove tomorrow Paulie!!Copper wike me uo at 600 no not sleeping well still though LOL Going to start doing the exercises consitantly hoping it will be better in a couple of days The thing I walk the most comfortabe with no shoes. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 19, 2023, 08:08:00 AM
Good morning!!! I made progress not  as much pain this morning,  Yippee will be doing the exercises/stretches all day today agaian !! all week too gotta remember to keep doing even if I feel better so it doesnt come back!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 19, 2023, 10:01:05 AM

LB Glad your exercises and stretching are working well for you.  Keep up the great work.

Rizzo got up at 6a this morning. We have to put diapers on him on and off during the day lately.  Thankfully he can still go all night without peeing.  I don't understand why the past couple of months he pees so much.  He's not incontinent as he goes into the "stance" when he goes.  Thankfully the diapers we got for him just wrap around his little body, do the job, and he doesn't seem to mind them.  It's just that it's another expense and a pain in the butt.

Paulie...Your cabin sounds wonderfully peaceful and cozy and now warmer with your larger wood burning stove.  Enjoy.

The wall hanging canvas looks great...I sent you a picture I think LOL.  Not so good at copying pictures to send.

Enjoy the rest of the day guys and have a good week..  SPRING is coming :).  However, it's a nippy 35.6 degrees here today.  At least it's sunny.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 19, 2023, 07:33:31 PM
LB, Thank you and all went well. My son's friend who went with us took an industrial dolly so once the wood crate was off they were able to roll it. It was heavy. Whew!

Great news that you're feeling less pain! Very good that you're continuing the exercises. I'm SO happy for you.

jicaji, Hmmm about Rizzo. Good that he doesn't mind the diapers. He sounds like a sweetheart.

I got the picture of your wall hanging canvas. It's beautiful! The blues and whites with your blue wall looks amazing.

Thank you about the cabin. It is definitely peaceful and somewhat cozy for now. Furniture in living room area still needed. I did order a combo dining table, pool and table tennis table with benches. It won't be delivered for about 5 weeks. My family is going to have fun with that for sure. It was on a great sale because otherwise I couldn't have gotten it.

Yes yay to Spring is coming.  :)

#s 1 and 3
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 19, 2023, 07:44:44 PM
Here's some pictures of the cabin. LB you asked for pictures a while ago. I finally remembered.

Ground still needs leveled in front and back and some kind of plants or medium pine trees or something needed. A work in progress that's going to take some time.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 19, 2023, 07:50:33 PM
Kitchen appliances still have wrap on them and needs removed. Now with the wood stove installed we can begin staying nights and be there longer to get things accomplished.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 20, 2023, 06:31:30 AM
Beautiful Paulie so Jealous I would love to live there full time!!!!Nice and peaceful.  My favorite is the front porch!!!!!!!!

Theres still pain, I didnt do the exerises/stretches as much as I wanted to I went to see my father    I was showing him prices od apartments and he finally gets it with my little tiny raise 3% and how the inflation is affecting me.  Rent goes u 6% so right there I am i nthe whole.  I finally made progress with hime u
nderstanding the struggle. 

I wish you luck with the cabin!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 20, 2023, 10:14:07 AM
1....But it still TASTES GOOD LOL

LB....Sorry you're still having pain.  YES, inflation is out of control.  I went food shopping yesterday and my total was more than I've ever spent in one week, buying the same things I usually buy, not to mention the price of eggs and beef, chicken.  Unbelievable.  Just gets worse and worse.

Paulie....Your cabin is beautiful.  I wish you and your family many days of joy and happiness in it.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 20, 2023, 12:12:33 PM
Beautiful Paulie so Jealous I would love to live there full time!!!!Nice and peaceful.  My favorite is the front porch!!!!!!!!

Theres still pain, I didnt do the exerises/stretches as much as I wanted to I went to see my father    I was showing him prices od apartments and he finally gets it with my little tiny raise 3% and how the inflation is affecting me.  Rent goes u 6% so right there I am i nthe whole.  I finally made progress with hime u
nderstanding the struggle. 

I wish you luck with the cabin!!!
LB, Darn you couldn't do exercises as much as you wanted but very good your father now understands your struggle. Hopefully you can get more exercise stretches in today. Not sure if your're working from home or in office today.

Thanks about the cabin. I agree with you about the porch! I'll post a picture.

#2 is so true about a dog's love and companionship.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 20, 2023, 12:32:35 PM
1....But it still TASTES GOOD LOL

LB....Sorry you're still having pain.  YES, inflation is out of control.  I went food shopping yesterday and my total was more than I've ever spent in one week, buying the same things I usually buy, not to mention the price of eggs and beef, chicken.  Unbelievable.  Just gets worse and worse.

Paulie....Your cabin is beautiful.  I wish you and your family many days of joy and happiness in it.
jicaji, YES!! about chocolate. LOL

Thank you very much about the cabin.

Sooo true about inflation .. food prices .. everything! Definitely putting a squeeze on everyone's budgets.

The same goes for the cost of cabin. We would not have the cabin now if we'd waited. We went to cabin builder company in 2021 to choose cabin and floor plan. We all were wearing masks and keeping our distance. We were told during logs delivery the cabin price we paid has now more than doubled.
We were lucky with the timing otherwise there would be no cabin.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 21, 2023, 06:30:31 AM
Good Morning I do love the front porch. I would spend my whole day sitting there!!!!!!the one apartment I was interestedin is no good they dont allow bassett hounds all hound dogs.  it is bigger than mine and I am gessing will be the sme amount of money (more now but I iddnt get my new lease yet) My father said he would pay fr the move I think he really wants me out of  here LOL going to be a beautiful day. Sciatica is back. I have to admit didnt really do exercises as nmuch but I ddi move around a lot I think my couch is the cause has well  I a working fro home
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 22, 2023, 06:34:07 AM
Good morning forget about the scitaica bad days I left a message at a chiroproactor I'll call again today ,  It goes back and fourth today is ok day yesterday bad
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 23, 2023, 06:30:07 AM
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 23, 2023, 08:09:16 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Darn it the apartment you liked doesn't allow Copper. Very nice of your father wanting to pay for the move. Yes he understands more now like you said and he wants to help you.

Darn it about your sciatica. Maybe when you restart exercises it will get better again.

Did the chiropractor's office get back to you or have you called again?

Hi jicaji

Today's #2 quote

The past two days were busy. My oldest son had heart oblation for Afib. Procedure took 3 hours then he had to lay flat not moving leg with incision for 2 hours. Dr laser burned and froze heart cells causing Afib. Dr said during procedure he saw a "flutter" heart beat so he laser burned that eliminating it permanently. Very interesting how Dr explained process!
My son is not to drive for four days due to incision so I've been driving girls to school for him. (No school bus on their route) I'm not used to getting up at 6am daily. Lol

Yesterday was a beautiful warm day so I began cleaning up gardens etc. Today rain through this weekend. Good because otherwise I'd be outside again working and I'm sore from yesterday.  ::) I had hair appointment last evening too.

This morning I accompany my husband to his cardiologist appointment then this after get granddaughters from school then take one of them to her hair appointment.

Oh! at about 5AM this morning a loud thunder storm rolled through. Lightening, thunder and pounding rain. Woke us up. Didn't expect that in March.

Take care. Make today a good one. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 23, 2023, 01:23:37 PM

LB...Too bad about the apartment.  I'm sure another one is just waiting for you.  Glad your dad will help you with the move when the time comes.


Rainy day here, but pretty warm.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 23, 2023, 09:25:05 PM
I just popped in before calling it a night ...

jicaji, You made me Lol!! Your suggestion .. all in caps too!  My reply is SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!!  ;D

You had rain too. Nice that it was pretty warm. Same here once it cleared up. Was supposed to go to 70. Sure felt like it!
Then about 9pm another whopping thunder storm rolled through. Geez Louise it was loud.

LB, Hope you had a good day .. your sciatica is better .. and if not you heard back from chiropractor. Tomorrow TGIF for you.

My alarm is set for 6am tomorrow to drive girls to school. Now I'm saying TGIF for me too.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 24, 2023, 07:37:21 AM
Good Morning, I have off today I have gynecologist appointment and yes seeing chiropractor later today too . Its better but not better.  It depends it hurts every time I get up and when I walk copper outside and with shoes on. I am a mess.  Hopefully chiropractor would help, Glad you got to garden yesterday.  How is your neck Jacaji?

The older copper gets the more vocal he becomes he barks way too much these days!!!! It drives me crazy!!! he barks when I get my shoes, when I get up from couch th and then sometimes for nothing
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 24, 2023, 10:26:44 AM
LB, Nice you have off today for appointments. Longer weekend for you. Good luck with chiropractor! Let us know how that goes.

With Copper barking more often I'm sure you wish you knew what he was saying or asking for!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 24, 2023, 09:08:47 PM
1 and 2

LB...Hope your appts. went well today.  My  neck is much better, however if I move a certain way sometimes,
I get a tightness in the upper neck into lower skull right behind my ear.  But the awful pain I got when this started last month is gone.....hopefully.  Thanks for asking.  :)

Paulie....I'm glad you laughed at my suggestion, however, REALLY, NO KIDDING, HONESTLY, WITHOUT A DOUBT, you DO NEED TO FIT IN SOME REST....PLEASE.

Well, off to bath and then bed.

Oh, I planted some of my marigold seeds today.  We'll see if they come up. It may be too early.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 24, 2023, 10:29:56 PM
It's late and I can't sleep. :( So I came here.   ;D

Looong busy day and I'm tired but my mind won't shut off. So I just ordered barn door mirrors and medicine cabinet for cabin.  ;D
Will be nice whenever we get the place together to go for extended time. Patience .. I know .. patience.

jicaji, I had to try hard not to LOL when I read your post so I didn't wake up Charlie. Guess what? My youngest granddaughter 8 yrs might come here for sleepover tomorrow. My reply to your post is .... I AGREE WITH YOU.  :)

Cool about you planting your marigold seeds today. I remember when you posted planting them last year. Do you keep them inside for initial seeding or bring them in at night? With the weird warmer weather on most days maybe it isn't too early.

LB, Ditto what jicaji said about your appts today. And I hope Copper lets you sleep in tomorrow.

I forgot about the morning quotes. #s 1 and 2

Well I'm going to try to sleeeeep again. It will happen eventually. See you in the morning.  :)


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 25, 2023, 08:22:11 AM
Good morning  I dont know how to explain my chiropractor appointmnet. nothing was done except initial check u he did a xray on my back and now it becomes more complicated.  He has to read the xrays mor ein detail I go back Monday for what needs to be done.   I have it starts with s. I thing its spondylolisthesis, I'll write it done on monday when I see him . He may not be able to help I may have to see an orthopedic , The area is right by th escitic nerves so theres th eissues. I had to shell out $200 for appt not in my budget Lucky I get my bonus in a month I was doinf good all organized I was kind of upset because they are out of network and she said she will charge the insurance than bill me turns out I had to pay up front good thing I just got paid or I would not have had the money. MY friend said money well worth it that he founnd the issue.  SHe was yelling at my drs I told her I iddnt go to dr since scitica they just tell me Pt to get streches and gives me an antiinflamry sh think I should go to othopedic
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 25, 2023, 11:21:51 AM
LB, It's very good that you saw chiropractor and x-ray(s). I agree with your friend. That was money well spent. Definitely give us an update Monday.

Maybe he could give you a referral to a chiropractor in network if chiro adjustments are suggested.
Otherwise hopefully the orthopedic Dr will be in network.

Bottom line is it's good you're getting answers now about your pain and can look forward to feeling better.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 26, 2023, 07:49:27 AM
Thanks Paulie The only thing is I like him He wont tont do chiropracti work until he examined me. I dont know but I think I may go to orthopedic  I'll go tot the oe I went for my knees big practice with many drs with different specialites. Now I a feeling it in lower back and its now interrupting sleep . I am in office next week :( 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 26, 2023, 09:21:05 PM
LB, You're welcome of course. It's good you like him. Trusting your Dr is important. Very wise of him not to do chiro work until he's examined you. That lends to knowing he's being careful with your issue. He'll advise you about seeing orthopedic Dr I assume because he sounds reputable. Sorry to hear this is now interrupting your sleep. It's good you saw the chiro Dr and diagnosis so you will know what appointments and actions to take next for help and relief. I agree with  :( you being in office.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 27, 2023, 08:14:22 PM
OK I do have Spondylolisthese but also arthritis in spind ples brn with extra bone in vertebra.  He started doing stuff today  was hopinginstant relief, He want s me to go 3 days a week at $85  a pop.   I can tafford that. I think I am ging to call orthoppedic tomorrow to get 2nd opinion I know they will give pain meds injects and or recommen tPT I think I my like pt better than chiropractor not sure.  I just dont have that kind of money t osheell up front.  But I did get a drs note to work from home for month. Today was a bad bad day was not fun walkig to office not an easy walk I had to stop evey 2 -4 steps.  I am a mess.  I just wan to crawl into bed and stay there that is where I am the most comfortable . I can't sit on couch long it hurts the sciatic in thigh  I dont know what to do I am in such a pickle
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 27, 2023, 08:52:21 PM
LB, I understand your wanting instant relief but sadly it doesn't work that way. I have arthritis in the lower spine too and a tilted hip that contributes to sciatica. I went 3X a week and after a month all pain was gone. Continued chiro adjustments/manipulations keep the vertebrae lined up until muscles are stronger to hold in place.

That being said your payments are higher due to out of network. Darn it because otherwise I believe chiro would help you.

Since your other option is ortho Dr I wish you the best. I personally don't like pain meds because they mask the problem .. do not solve it.

Very good that you got a Dr's note to work from home for a month. I wish you the best because pain is exhausting so I know you've got to be tired.

A suggestion that works for me. When sitting and also at night to sleep I use a heating pad on my hip and alternate to lower back wherever pain is. It really helps alleviate the pain and sleep better. I use heating pad on my knee when I need to. I'd be lost without my heating pad. Use the heating pad while sitting to work and also watching TV or whatever and at night. It's worth a try.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 28, 2023, 06:36:00 AM
Good Morning   Now I feel ba for Copper I cant really walk him getting ready to try UPDATE.  I am cancelling rchiroproactic and going to this place on FRiday for 2nd opinion https://performancerehabnj.com/   Looks like they handle everything they will recommne tbest treatmnet plan
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 28, 2023, 07:23:20 PM
LB, Can you use a dog walker again for Copper?

The Performance Rehab web site looks very thorough with treatment options. Looks like a good find for you. Good for you! Good luck Friday and let me know how your appointment goes.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 29, 2023, 06:46:16 AM
Good Morning  I can duse dog walker but trying  to save money this way save me $200 this month. I walked him real short today I went short but a little more yesterday with walker  I can walk more comfortabke when nnot holdong anything. I had to pick up a package at the mail room I went this morning I did it.  small on I took a bag and put it in there to bring in apt Its all in my thighs and butt feels like a giant charley horse that needs to be massaged out.  why is it that they say inurance more afordable and its not 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 29, 2023, 09:24:59 PM
Hi LB, Long busy day today so just coming here now.

Understandable about wanting to save money vs dog walker. Good that you can do shorter Copper walks. Interesting you walk better not holding onto anything. Maybe more upright position benefits your spine and hips better. I hear you out about insurance cost. Nothing is going down in cost.

I had routine dental appt today. I heard front desk tell someone there's a shortage of dental hygienists and now there's only two at this practice. It's a large dental practice too. The pharmacies in my area have a shortage in pharmacists too. What in the world is going on?

I'm going to cabin tomorrow morning so won't be here until maybe tomorrow night.

All quotes today are very good. Thanks for posting them LB. I hope you get better sleep and rest tonight. One more day/tomorrow until your Friday's appt.

Hi jicaji

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 30, 2023, 06:44:10 AM
Good morning in rush  runiign late
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on March 30, 2023, 09:27:40 AM

Hi Paulie and LB

LB....Glad you can work from home at least for a month.  I know how debilitating pain can be.  Hopefully your sciatica will subside soon and good luck with your appt. tomorrow.  I agree, 3 days a week at 85 dollars a pop gets pretty expensive real quick.  I was going to PT last year 2 times a week and just with the copay it got very expensive.

Paulie, Enjoy the cabin.  Hope you get some well deserved rest.

BTW, we actually had some snow last night.  Covered the grass but it's melting quickly.
We've been watching a few Turkey buzzards flying around.  Not too pretty LOL.  They sure do have a big wing span.

Have a good weekend guys.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on March 31, 2023, 06:26:17 AM
Good Morning this is horible now I cant sleep well I wake up in pain when I want to move positions I nw feel it in my lower back .   I am a mess LOL  TGIF  I hope everyone gets a chance to garden this weekend
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on March 31, 2023, 07:21:06 PM
Hi LB, How did your appointment go with new Dr today? I hope you got good info and hopefully a plan to help and relieve your pain.

Hi jicaji, Hmmm I kind of rested yesterday that being on the ride to and from cabin. Lol A two and a half hour drive both ways. My sil drove and one of my daughter's and my 8 yr old granddaughter went with my husband and me.
We don't have living room area furniture yet but some things to sit in. My daughter helped me clean up an area with boxes to have that area cleared out for the delivery of the dining table sometime in April. It was a really pleasant day for all of us.
I'm looking forward to when we can begin staying overnight and longer stays there.

Geez you got some snow. Sounds like it's melted by now. 
I agree turkey buzzards are not too pretty!

LB, Please give us an update about your appointment when you can. We're hoping for promising news for you.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 01, 2023, 09:07:23 AM
Good Morning, Oh boy I am so overwhelmed about this place. It seems to good to be true.   They arent in my network for insurance but is will to just charge me the $20 (my co pay) up front and eat the cost.  He was trying to expalin it he said after reviewing my case he was willing to do this I have a good cause, I dont get it. Is there a hidden agenda? He said if additinal costs he will discuss up front and we will discuss  With all that, they will work with my knees as well. I may be abe to do injections again  Since the other dr didnt always use the utrasound as guide to gedtting the right spot it may have not taken  and thats why it didnt work 
SO I will be working with a team of 3 therapist 1 will have 1 hour PT and 20 min of chiropractic. 3x a week 
They will be doing an ultrasound on my Knees, they ddi do xrays on tmy knees to verify the bone on bone, he agrees knees are severe ( I told him I gave up on my knees and explained the surgeons wont do knee replacement  because of my weight (they dont do knee replacement that I know of)
They will also do a nerve study. I think nerve study is next week and ulta sound a week or 2 later  nAll for 20 a vist and the ultrasound and nerve study is same day as pt so still jsut the $20. I keep pinching myself are the legit?? still  the $60 week will be rough coming in a week or so because of the unexpected moeny for the chiropractor. Of course I took advi before my visit so pain wasnt as bad Now its affectng my sleep I cnat get comfortable wven with pillow it affcts my hims weh I sleep I am also worried about the $ I should be abe to afford this.  Why cant I > 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 01, 2023, 09:49:59 PM
LB, That's wonderful news that this Dr and practice are willing to work with you to help you. Good that he will discuss additional costs with you beforehand if need be.
The course of treatment that has been designed for you sounds wonderful and helpful.
Using ultrasound to assist in injections sounds great. I haven't heard of that before.
It sounds like you were guided and meant to find this Dr office. Money might be tight but it will be money well spent.
I'm happy for you, LB.  :)

Hi jicaji

Today was a very busy pleasant and happy day. I went shopping with my daughter and granddaughter Grace Ann (8 yr) and my other daughter for Grace's First Communion dress, veil, shoes etc.   :) Afterward we went to have a late lunch/early dinner together.  A very pleasant day. First Communion is in May.

After getting home nasty storms and very high winds and wind gusts rolled through for hours. Weather has settled down some now.

God bless all those we were affected by yesterday's storms and tornados .. and God bless the souls of those who lost their lives.

Take care. SED

Oops forgot quotes. #2 and #3 is funny.  ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 02, 2023, 09:57:47 AM
Good Morning

Happy Palm Sunday!

My pretty Palm Sunday pic won't post darn it.

Have a pleasant day.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 02, 2023, 11:08:30 AM
Hello, I cant wait to start my appointments tomorrow not sleeping well and morning are rough.  I reduced coppers walk to 1x a day or maye 1-1/2. I feel bad I dont feel like I am totall functioavle. MY house is a mess I do what I can
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 03, 2023, 06:23:37 AM
Good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 03, 2023, 08:02:31 PM
LB, How did your appointment go today?! So happy you found this place.

Regarding Copper and your house .. yes you do what you can for now. That's all you can do. You should begin to feel better with appointments.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 04, 2023, 06:42:38 AM
Good Morning, I'll come back in a few hours when I am down with my work to explain PT I am liking it!! They did the ultrasound of my knees   THere is some fluid. THis place is very thorough. Trying the gel injections again 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 04, 2023, 12:35:22 PM
I am back.  I did chiropractic for 20 minutes not like theone I went to last week with strange table. He pulled legs etc made sure I  didnt hurt, Then I did the ultrasound on the knees nothing different already confirmed my knees  have extreme arthritis.  But did mention fluid in the knees not sure if I need to remove, I will ask Doing nerve study 4/12 . I then saw the PY guy he was sooo thorugh  and friendly. He gave m3 4 exercises  to do at home I go 3x a week for a month than reevaluate things.  I start the gel inject 4/24 4 injections so 1x a week for month fun!!!  Both knees.  I question my knees not feeling bad but because my back hurts more. He said that is very common.  when one part hurts more it hides the other pain. It's not necessarily away. I really like this place i  hope it continues  especially financially. I cant believe I was so lucky to find this place.     I am still a little hesitate I have trust issues LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 05, 2023, 07:15:27 AM
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 05, 2023, 09:05:39 AM
LB, Great news about your treatment and what you described. Very thorough indeed! You found a great place.  :)
What brand gel injections are you going to get? I haven't heard of 4X injections weekly.

I got Euflexa gel injections 3X weekly. Finally is working too because I mowed yesterday with my walk behind mower. Walked a full hour w/o stopping. Knee got sore and swollen a bit from bone on bone area but I was able to do it. Yay

Interesting what PT guy explained about one area hurts to hide the other pain.

Hi jicaji, How are your bluebirds?  :)

Yesterday was extremely busy doing inside and outside work and an errand. Temp yesterday 74.  Still have lots of gardens to clean up. More things to do today and grocery shop for Easter Sunday meal. Today's temp to be 82. Trees now have leaf buds on them. I'm ready to see trees full of leaves and flowering trees.  ;D


Wishing you both and all a pleasant day.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 06, 2023, 06:28:39 AM
Good morning bad weather later today is expected. I am off tomorrow  for ggod friday INam doing curb side pick up later today lets see how I walk with the stroller back to my apartment LOL getting 2 cases of water too no tapmwater for me  wish me lluck
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 06, 2023, 09:49:58 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Curb side pick up is nice. Be careful getting water inside. Why no tap water for you? Do you mean always or because of possible bad weather? I hope the storm(s) fizzles out and if not your area is not in path.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 06, 2023, 01:48:32 PM
I always uuse bottle water, tap water is pretty nasty I wont drin water if there was just tap water even with filter I got everything in even water out of basket i ncloset  glad got that out of way, Doing a lot better todday not 100 I would say 50 50 d up in my patient portal looks like I will be getting Supartz as an injection I dont think I had this one ooh it said dr may need to drain wate rfrom knee  wonder if he will do that with mine see we know I have water in knee now  but it also mentions Orthovisc  but says aetna  patients will receive the suparts so we'll see what I get

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 06, 2023, 09:08:31 PM
Hi LB, Understandable about bottled water and good that you got all of your water etc inside today.

Very good news that you're doing better today!

I haven't heard of Supartz before. If Aetna only covers Supartz that might be the one you receive since it's insurance covered. Sounds like Orthovisc might not be on Aetna formulary.
I wanted Euflexa and even my ortho Dr uses it for himself. My insurance did not cover it so I paid out of pocket for the gel injections. I decided  :P to insurance company.

Water or fluid on/in the knee area is common. I've had it off and on for years and just dealt with the pain until it went away by itself.
You might have to have yours drained before injections to ensure proper injection and it will lessen your knee pain also. That's my understanding of it but I'm not an ortho Dr.

Give an update on your weather then. Hopefully the forecast was downgraded in your area.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 07, 2023, 08:19:11 AM
Good Morning    It only rained and I only knew because  the sidewalk was wet when I let copper out.  LOL I hope they remove the water tghat my help with pain I did read thye may need to drain water before doing injections,  I wonder how long I had the water in knee was that the main cause of pain?  Now lots of questions  lol
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 07, 2023, 09:28:28 AM
Have a Blessed Good Friday
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 07, 2023, 09:35:55 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Good you only had rain. The main cause of your knee pain most probably being bone on bone. I'm sure you have lots of questions and that's good to be informed.

Hi jicaji

Today my husband and I will make potato salad, cole slaw and pickled eggs for Easter Sunday's meal. The ham and other items already bought so that shopping is done. Other family members are bringing sides too. Strawberry Shortcake already ordered and to be picked up tomorrow. Most of the family will be here. Some are out of town this weekend.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 07, 2023, 11:32:34 AM
Happy Passover
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 08, 2023, 08:06:52 AM
Good morning had PT yesterday and I a min pain today but I did go to my sisters and had to go up and down  2 steps from garage to get in her house.  I cant believe how difficult it got since I was  last at her house ALso I went with my father and he has a marano  suv and it wa shad to get in back seat. I left my cane in his car and had to wllk from my car to apartment without one that ws so hard. I have extra cane at home thank god.  I feel like I am falling apart.  I just want to cry.  I have to try and walk copper soon .  I have my nerve study wednesday night 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 08, 2023, 11:41:01 AM
Good Afternoon,

Sunny beautiful day here and coolish in 50s.

LB, It's nice you spent time with you father and sister despite your discomfort. I said a prayer for you getting relief.
Your nerve study Wednesday sounds interesting.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 09, 2023, 07:51:24 AM
Happy Easter Paulie and Jacaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 09, 2023, 07:52:23 AM
Good morning looks to be a beagtiful day
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 09, 2023, 08:02:18 AM
Happy Easter!!

Hi LB, A beautiful message. Thank you. I hope you enjoy the beautiful weather and day.

jicaji, Enjoy your Easter Day with family.

I wish all of RRP and members a Happy Easter.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 09, 2023, 08:10:45 AM
LB, How are you feeling today? I'll check back later today. Family is coming today so I probably won't be able to return until this evening or tonight. Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Lani on April 09, 2023, 11:28:38 AM

Happy Easter Paulie, LB and Cheers Family!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 09, 2023, 01:49:18 PM

Paulie, I am about he same still trouble walkng cant stand long periods the more I do cleaninf ooking I need to take breaks.  Most of the pain is knee   but stilll back of thighs is main issue as well
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 09, 2023, 04:00:03 PM
A  Happy   and Blessed Easter LB, Paulie and all the  Cheers gang.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 09, 2023, 04:02:24 PM
{{Lb}} just read your last post. So sorry you're having knee issues and all. Prayers for you. Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LORIDAVIS on April 09, 2023, 08:16:46 PM
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on April 10, 2023, 10:40:13 AM
Happy Day After Easter.

It certainly was a busy week leading up to Easter.  We had a wonderful day yesterday with all the family here.  AND, today I'm doing absolutely nothing LOL.

Such a beautiful day yesterday and again today.

Even had another visit from a bluebird this morning.

LB, sorry you're still having problems with your knee.  I know how painful it can be, especially standing for long perios of time.  Hopefully you'll get some relief soon.

Lori, Phyl and Lani....thanks for your lovely Easter posts.

Paulie...Hi...Sounds like you had a nice Easter with family.

Have a good day/week all. :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 10, 2023, 11:12:28 AM
Good afternoon, Thank Phyl Happy Easter to you too Happy Eastr LoriDavis
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 10, 2023, 06:26:12 PM
Hi LB,  jicaji, Paulie and all.

So glad you all had a nice Easter.  {{{}}}

jicaji  your mention of seeing your bluebirds prompted me to say---for the past 20+ yrs   Jim (hubby) and I keep nesting boxes for Eastern bluebirds I have hatched/fledged over 20generations of this species
I have a thread 'Bluebirds of Cane Ridge,  Tennessee'  in the    BirdCam Forum, 'Other bird cams and information'    https://raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2741.0 (https://raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2741.0)
If you all ever need a happiness break just pop in over there.

LB Y/W  Great affirmaions.   I still feed our squirrels with shelled red skin peanuts.  Prayers

Well have good evening and a better tomorrow.  ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 11, 2023, 07:32:19 AM
Good morning, I still feed my squirrels without shells Less evidense LOL I just took some photos this morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 11, 2023, 06:46:36 PM
LB  Glad to hear you still feed your squirrels.
I bet they're cute photos
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 12, 2023, 06:20:14 AM
good morning back  to work today but home
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 13, 2023, 02:22:03 AM
For Paulie...


And, many happy returns of the day!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: oldguy on April 13, 2023, 09:27:44 AM
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on April 13, 2023, 09:47:27 AM
Happy Bird Day Paulie!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LORIDAVIS on April 13, 2023, 09:49:10 AM

Enjoy this fluffy and moist strawberry layer cake made with fresh strawberries topped with buttercream frosting!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 13, 2023, 04:37:40 PM
Happy Birthday Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 14, 2023, 01:16:45 PM
I thought I posted this morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 15, 2023, 03:32:00 PM
Good afternoon
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 15, 2023, 06:26:47 PM
Lb thanks for the 'affirmations'
Have a 'Good Evrening' Cherrios.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 16, 2023, 09:33:41 AM
good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on April 16, 2023, 10:10:28 AM


Paulie...I'm so sorry I missed your birthday.  Hope you had a great one.

Another busy week.  Spent time with my daughter and her family. So much fun .  My almost 5 year old granddaughter can sure keep one Nana and PopPop VERY busy LOL.

We put out our hummingbird feeder yestereday, which was the date they visited last year.  Still waiting for them.  Hopefully today.

Well, now to do the laundry.

Have a good week all.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 17, 2023, 06:12:33 AM
Good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 17, 2023, 06:32:14 AM
Hello  Everyone  and...

  Now  47F.    Today 67F  breezy. And, tonight 45F clear skies.

Hi LB and Cheerios ! Have a good day.
Thanks for the affirmations, LB.  ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 17, 2023, 10:22:02 AM
Good Morning!!  ;D 

I've had a long pleasant and busy past week since Easter!! My husband and I went to the cabin early Monday after Easter and ended up staying longer than we had planned. I thought I'd have time to post last Monday before we left but Charlie was ready to go so I hurried to get ready so no time to post. We don't have internet or wifi at cabin yet. It's definitely in a remote area.
Anyway it feels good being back in Cheers and with friends.   :)

Lani, Phyl, Lori,
Thank you for the lovely Easter greetings.

Phyl, Oldguy (photo looks delicious!), Tig, Lori, LB (yummy cupcakes), jicaji
Thank you VERY much for my birthday greetings!!

LB, Darn and sorry you knee, back and thigh issues are still bothering you.
Cool that you're still feeding your squirrels. I remember Raggedy Ann.  :)
Since I was away last week please bring me up to date on how your chiropractic and PT appointments are going. I hope you're feeling some relief by now.


jicaji, So glad you enjoyed Easter with family. I remember you had dinner at your house.
Yay to another visit from Bluebird. It plus more will probably keep returning because they know Nana is providing them yummy mealworms.  :)
My Bluebirds are still coming to feeders. They left last summer but returned as usual in November and stayed through the winter and still here.

Yes I had a full house with family at Easter too.  You and I were both busy that day and I'm sure we slept good Easter night! lol

You're having another busy week this week. I believe you when you say Violet kept you busy .. then tired afterwards!!
Nice about your hummingbird feeder. Good idea putting it out for hopefully same arrival time this year. Let me know when you see your "fairies" return.  :)
I haven't had time to make nectar and get feeders out yet.

Beautiful sunny warm temp here today with nice breeze so I'll be heading outside to do more gardens clean up. Being away last week put me behind getting work here done.

I wish everyone a pleasant day. Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 17, 2023, 02:00:27 PM
Hi Paulie,I am stillhavingissues.Notas bad,there is some improvement.  Thetinglinghas gone to my feet nad hands though. I am getting the nerve sgtudy wednesday.  I lose balance walking even with cane.  I havent fallen yet. the lower back is improving It's still hard to walk even with cane.  I go back to office next week A little worried with that.I needto  carry laptop bag and lunch .  This whole month my boss hasnt asked once how I feel or ask for any kind of update.  I start injections in my knees next week.  I hope they work It's now a combo of knees and back.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 17, 2023, 02:21:49 PM
Paulie   so Glad you and hubby had a pleasant Easter and your birthday was nice  and you enjoyed the greetings as well.

{{{LB}}} I 'm so sorry.   Yeah   and having a laptop hanging on your shoulder won't help either.  Too bad you don't have somehing small to push you laptop /lunch around in to save some discomfort.   Sending prayers  and love. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 17, 2023, 08:48:27 PM
LB, Good about some improvement. Considering the tingling has gone to your feet and hands it's good your nerve study is Wednesday. I'm sure you're being careful .. no falling allowed!!! Good about your lower back. Sounds like the chiro adjustments have helped.
Darn to you returning to working from office next week. That was a fast month!!
It is very ignorant of your boss to not have asked how you are. But!! when there's add'l work or something special needing done in the past you are the one that stepped up and got the work done. He's rude. >:(
Very good about your knee injections next week. Mine took a few weeks to settle in to feel relief but it happened. There's soreness every day but no more limping and walking and doing things are much better. I'm knocking on wood.  ;)

Phyl, Thank you. I hope all is well with you, Jim and Maggie and Beak Room members too. Haven't read there since I posted Easter greeting.

Hi jicaji

It's been a looong day. SED Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 18, 2023, 06:20:46 AM
Good Morning     Thanks Phy and Paulie, I  guess I just beed to hang in there.  There is more going through my head and things said to me that is not helping.  I watch people walk normally and jog and I get depressed. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 18, 2023, 11:33:30 AM
Hi LB, Yep you hang in there. Honestly that's all you can do and make the best of it.

I chuckled at myself .. not you .. when I read about seeing people walk normally and jog. I notice the same thing and think how I miss my one mile .. sometimes two mile daily walks. I loved them. But I tell myself it is what it is and make the best of it. And think to myself I hope those people appreciate their healthy knees!  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 18, 2023, 06:01:22 PM
Dear LB not to overshadow your woes. But,  when what others can do that you can't ---think about those of us who can't even do what you're able to do.
There's several issues I have that you don't. But, I'll mention just one---I have no balance. During cervical spine surgery the drill used in securing the screws that hold my spine in place w/ a titanium plate at C-3 thru C6  dislodged the crystals in my inner ear canals. Dispite Cawthorn exercises ---
 Paulie's right.  :-*    Hugs
 I read so fast tha I skip some stuff.     Any way, want to send you lots of good wishes for tomorrow's nerve study and all. Hopefully more info will be a result of the tests.  Prayers  and hugs
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 18, 2023, 08:24:17 PM
Good evening, Long busy day but came to say ...

LB, Good luck with your nerve study tomorrow. I bet it will shed more light onto your tingling and other issues and hopefully lead to additional treatment that results in relief. I still think you found an awesome medical practice you're going to.

Phyl, Oh my heavens to your post. That was a very serious spinal surgery you had. And the recovery must have been very painful.
God bless you. I'm thinking you needed a walker and PT rehab afterwards for a while? 

jicaji, Hoping to hear from you soon. I remember you saying this is a busy week for you.

I'm ready to call it a night and Zzzz soon so I'm wishing you each and everyone a hopefully peaceful night.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 19, 2023, 06:42:53 AM
Good ...

Now 55F .Today 83F sunny . And, tonight 57F  c lear.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 19, 2023, 06:50:51 AM
Good  Morning,  Oh Phyl, I have no balance  either all part  of my issues with walking.  I lean to ghe right when I walk. and If I don think and move quickly or turn around I lose my balance. So far I havent fallen.  Walking on the grass I lose my balance.   So far PT is working wih the pain I have a 30 day review I think next week.   Nerve study is tonight, I hope go get some answers. I walk the best with socks on.  SHoes I feel resgricted
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 19, 2023, 08:34:54 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Good to the PT working with your pain. Best wishes for your nerve study tonight.

Phyl, Cute and cheerful morning pic. Reminded me I need some new birdhouses around my yard. Current ones are old and beginning to fall apart. Add that to my do do list. lol

Wishing all a good day. I need another coffee .............  :)
Oops forgot quotes. #2 and #3 good one too.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on April 19, 2023, 09:47:04 AM
Good morning...

After reading some of the posts I missed, I can certainly relate to watching people walk and run and remember when I used to take my Rizzo on the trail every morning....usually 2 miles a day.  I loved it.  Helped to clear my head of the "what ifs??"  It's getting more difficult each day to climb the stairs and now my right knee is really bothering me as well.  It's difficult, as with the holidays when Im hosting family and friends, standing on my feet cooking and serving, etc.  When everyone leaves I'm really exhausted and my knees are screaming.  My husband keeps asking me WHEN am I going to make the appt. for my knee surgery?????

LB, hope your nerve study goes well tonight.

Paulie...Well, as I say...."it's always something"...We had to replace our septic tank and the pipe leading to it from the house.  4 beautiful trees had to be cut down in order for the truck carrying the tank to work on it.  Thankfully it's finished.  We initially thought just the pipe needed to be replaced, but oh no.  AND, of course, ins. won't pay for any of it.  Never ends.  So much more on my plate, but that's for another time.

Phyl....Hi....Love the picture.

Oh, some cute news.  I have a little sparrow who sits on my window sill.  I began to whistle to him and he just looks at me close up and seems to chirp a bit.  He visits many times during the day.  It's the little things that cheer ya :)

Have a good rest of the week all.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 19, 2023, 02:50:06 PM
{{{LB}}}  easy for me to 'feel for you'.  Oddly, I lean to right as well.  Go figure that one. LOL   We just do the best we can considering our circumstances.   #2 and #3

Hi {{{Paulie/jicaji}}} it's always something, esp this time of year.  I think,  ladies, that the ol' bod is wearing out and it's not 'fair'. LOL

Thinking and praying for you LB tonight during your test.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 20, 2023, 11:10:11 AM
Good Afternoon  :)

My husband had a morning appt at cardio office and I go to these with him. It was a routine device check of his implanted ICD w/pacemaker. Appt was a good news one with everything looking good.

jicaji, Geez to you having to replace septic tank!! That was an intense ordeal. It's a shame 4 beautiful trees had to be cut down. I remember you mentioning in the past the beautiful trees on your property. I agree that insurance finds ways to not pay for things. Happened at my house years ago for a repair. Frustrating for sure.

I remember your long Rizzo walks that you enjoyed. Wasn't there a story about a frog you'd see on your walks? Maybe not a frog but something.
I hear ya about being exhausted and more sore after hosting family meals etc. We still do it though because it's what we do.  :)

The next time Jim asks when you're going to schedule your knee surgery tell him it's not an easy decision to make .. for sure!
I put my knee replacement off until next January .. tentatively. lol  I get another series of gel injections this August so I'm stretching it out as long as I can because I've got a lot of things to do and not being able to for 2 months right now is out of the question. My ortho Dr is not happy with me. Oh well ...

You whistling at a cute sparrow and it chips back to you is adorable!!

Phyl, Agreed our bod's are wearing out and not fair but I'm so darned stubborn I refuse to stop doing things. I'm sure we all have that same determined mindset.  ;D And that's good!

LB, Let us know how your nerve study went when you can.

Well a beautiful sunny warm day here so I'm heading outside to get more work done.

Take care and have a pleasant day.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 20, 2023, 04:43:25 PM
I meant to log on his morning but it was hell from the second I logged on today agt work.   For once busy but we arent busier.   Just  alo of issues with magterisl we need go bring in to make our products.  always something.   

Nerve study was strange it's so hard to explain one part was annoying but he kept jabbin in one area (where my achielles surgury was ) he said a lot of  scar tissue there so he had difficult time.  Oh I heard my muscles!!!!  LOL  THe v erdict is no Nueropathy. Pinched nerves in L4, L5 and S1.   Pt is the treatment.   if doesnt get better then MRI. I am a litle frustrated, I want instant fix. SO hard to carry nything and walk.  I do it but no sure if I am helping the situation enough of my sobbing.  There is more issues.  I am panicking over everything.  waiting for my lease renewal to come should be by the end of next week   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 21, 2023, 12:54:46 AM
Paulie we do have same mindset

{{{LB}}} Sadly,  there are no instant fixes.  Your pinched nerves are exactly where my compressed discs are.  PT and mindfulness will help. gGnna have to carry t hings differently and not hang anything off you shoulder---ever.  In the begining,  I carried everything as if it were a baby ---cradled in my arms.  Prayers continue.  Be so nice to just wave a wand...
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 21, 2023, 02:32:38 AM
Good Morning ...
Now   F .Today 71F scattered rain . And, tonight 49F scattered rain.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 21, 2023, 07:23:24 AM
Thanks for the advise Phyl. SHoot and Monday I go to work wih my lap top. Fudge
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 21, 2023, 08:57:13 AM
Good Morning  :)

Paulie we do have same mindset
Phyl, Yep!

Cute Squirrel Friday pic. My squirrels are still coming up onto my deck for peanuts until I clean and set furniture etc on it. Anyway one squirrel in particular will sit at the deck door perched on its rear legs with arms/paws folded on its belly waiting. Sooo cute. He/she will then take peanut from my fingers.  :)

LB, Nerve studies are no fun. I'm glad yours is done. You're a strong woman. Don't doubt that. Good to no neuropathy. One of my daughters has neuropathy along with her SLE (lupus). She rolls with the punches and tries not to let others see her pain. She's awesome. She's my youngest granddaughter Grace Ann's mom. Gracie is my daughter's miracle. Mine too.  ;D

I had a thought. Can you get a basket to attach to the front of your walker to put your laptop and purse in then roll it along as you walk? It would make walker heavier but you wouldn't have to carry things.

#s 1 and 2

Another beautiful warm sunny day today so heading back outside to finish up gardens cleanup. Rain in forecast tomorrow.
Later taters ....
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 21, 2023, 10:38:32 AM
Gosh! I didn't know LB was using a walker!! Should have said early on or I ought to have asked.  ::)

I  knew they made baskets for walkers, Paulie.  And, just did a search for baskets on walkers:
https://www.bing.com/search?q=baskets+for+walkers+amazon&qs=AS&pq=baskets+for+walker&sk=AS1&sc=10-18&cvid=4103E3A371214907ACBD1407C3CDAB97&FORM=CHRDEF&sp=2&lq=0 (https://www.bing.com/search?q=baskets+for+walkers+amazon&qs=AS&pq=baskets+for+walker&sk=AS1&sc=10-18&cvid=4103E3A371214907ACBD1407C3CDAB97&FORM=CHRDEF&sp=2&lq=0)

I bet LB can order online or go to a medical supply.
Easier on her to go online and expedite shipping.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 21, 2023, 09:33:15 PM
Phyl, Oops I goofed! I'm so sorry. LB doesn't have a walker. My neighbor friend has one. She has a basket on hers and I was thinking about hers this morning and totally posted wrong. Nice link you found for baskets though! And very thoughtful.

LB, Everything happens for a reason sooooo maybe my goof is a good idea and suggestion to get a walker with a basket. You might not want that right now but it would solve the problem of walking into work with laptop and other things and help with your balance too. What do you think?

I got a lot accomplished outside today. Awesome weather and I didn't stop until this evening. I did take intermittent breathers to come inside for a bit. I loved working outside. Wait all winter for this. Knee is soooore and letting me know but did good. I'm heading to sit and relax and use heating pad on it.  :)


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 22, 2023, 12:29:40 AM
Phyl, Oops I goofed! I'm so sorry. LB doesn't have a walker. My neighbor friend has one. She has a basket on hers and I was thinking about hers this morning and totally posted wrong. Nice link you found for baskets though! And very thoughtful.

LB, Everything happens for a reason sooooo maybe my goof is a good idea and suggestion to get a walker with a basket. You might not want that right now but it would solve the problem of walking into work with laptop and other things and help with your balance too. What do you think?


Go for it LB!   Get a walker and then use my link  for a basket in  my earlier post  ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 22, 2023, 06:49:37 AM
Good Morning Cherrios !

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 22, 2023, 08:47:12 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Where are you? I hope all's well.

Phyl, Your Good Morning photo is blank on my laptop.  :(

jicaji, I hope your past busy week has calmed down and you have a relaxing weekend.

I hope we all have a relaxing weekend!
Like I said last night I worked outside all day yesterday and loved it. I'm feeling it today though! Low energy. Darn it. I was going to power wash the upper deck this morning before a line of storms rolls through this afternoon but my body told me oh no you're not. lol Okay. I'll do inside stuff and laundry.  :P

Wishing everyone a good day and weekend. Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 22, 2023, 09:06:20 AM
Good Morning I am here.   I use a cane I ordered a back pack on wheels will use that.  I do have a walker from when I tore my achielles. I saved it. I will need to look into the basket.  Thanks  I have a few squirrels that sit on the back legs with arms folded waiting for peanuts. One was doing a dance while eating but I think it was becase she was getting ready to pounce on the other squirrls. I got a video of it. One is pegnant. Very fat and has teets.   I am getting a well needed haircut today so somewhat of a pampering day

Phyl I think the dr was saying the pinched nerves could come from a compresed disk.  (he was saying so much ) the only way to determine how or why the pinched nerve is MRI. He is not recommending a mRI yet but if I dont get better they will want me to get one.  It's mostly my feet now They are numb and tingly That scares me.  Thats why I am not balanced , I havent been sleeping well at all so I had a well needed twisted Tea .Also, work was rough this week.  I was hoping it would have me sleep brtter nope. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 22, 2023, 07:21:43 PM
Paulie it was for Earth Day, odd it didn't show

Lb thanks for the update; hope you find the basket link helpful. I need to slow down while I read,LOL.  Glad you have your squirrels to cheer you.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 22, 2023, 07:23:17 PM
Good Night...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 22, 2023, 09:41:05 PM
LB, Good that you do have a walker. Good too you ordered a backpack on wheels. Cute squirrel story! Hoping you sleep better tonight.

Phyl, Maybe it's my pc why earth day photo didn't show. Hmmmm

Hi jicaji

Another long productive day. Heading to Zzzzz soon.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 23, 2023, 07:23:24 AM
Good Morning   I definitly did too much yesterday, Afraid to tell you guys. LOL A lot of lifting even  this morning.  Cases of water 50lbs of dog food.   boxes to recyclling  A lot of cooking yesterrday so a lot of standing will be cooking today but in slow cooker starting after my cup of cofee.  Hoping they deliver my bag to my front door instead of cansier office.   and early Already stressing for tomorrow my coworker will be out so I have to do haer work. I hav  to get there early cause I have to leave early for PT  Why do I worry so much allso wrry for tuesday my shots at 715 so gotta grt up earlier that day lol MY mind is going 1000 different ways
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 23, 2023, 08:18:52 PM
Dear Lb pause and take a deep breath. Get some extra rest , if you can. {{{}}}

Good Night...
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on April 24, 2023, 10:53:22 AM
Good morning

Had a hummingbird show up yesterday....only one, none today yet.

My little chipmunk has been out.  Discovered she likes cherry tomatoes...

Phyl love your pretty pictures.  Love Peter Pan, et al.

Paulie...Do you EVER rest???  You are truly amazing.  I planted the rest of my marigold seeds from last year just before the downpour and thunder storms.  They got a good watering for sure. 

LB...You surely did alot of work.  Glad you can use a cane.  I used one first time yesterday.  Sure does help.  Hope today went OK at work and you weren't too stressed.

Wash day today....

Have a good one.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 24, 2023, 11:07:53 AM
Good Morning...sending wishes your way for a good day

jicaji no hummers for us thus far; won't tell what happend to our two chipmunks--- :'( :'( :'(

Paulie agree w/jicaji

{{{LB}}} Gosh! The amount of work you do there---should you even be doing that sort of thing?  No!  Can you talk to you doc about a release from those duties?  I got one and worked at a desk all day. Later doc limited to 30mins sitting and 15mins off. I learned to writed and type standing up.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on April 24, 2023, 04:38:35 PM
Something about little feathered babies always seems to turn up the interest of After The Fledge and room arrangements.  I had had only 2 people contact/mention it to me until today.  With all the excitement yesterday and today things are getting busy.  Now I'll have to start spreading the news.  Yes, I do have rooms held.   I'll post the info this weekend.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 24, 2023, 04:54:42 PM
Thanks Puff
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 24, 2023, 06:32:09 PM
JUst got home fro work pt and finished dinner.  I dont know about this.  It was for sure a struggle.  BU tthen again first time using the roller back back. The chair at work sucks. The first 5 minutes of sitting in the chair the back pain staeted agai.  The sciatis in thighs again too I was miserbale.  I told my boss he couldnt give 2 poos.  They were easier with me on PT, These are so wonderful.  I get my shot tomorrw. I am so ecited maybe some relief somewhere...... HOPE.  Oh he expalined to me I may be hurting more today because of all the lifting I did this weekend. Sometimes it takes 1-3 dayd to set in

Jacaji I am struggling with the cane. It is easier. But I am struggling. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 24, 2023, 06:49:53 PM
Nice to hear from you today.  So sorry work was so miserable. Wish I had the right words.
So happy to hear that your injection is tomorrow.  If I recall those take a bit to bring relief.
Many hugs and loads of good wishes for you!
Try to rest.

Good Night ...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 24, 2023, 09:32:00 PM
Howdy  :)

LB, You definitely had a busy and productive weekend. Makes sense you're sore after that. What's with your chair at work? Did work get new chairs for everyone? Enjoy your shot tomorrow.  :)

jicaji, Cool you got a hummer already! None here yet. Nice that your marigold seeds got a good rain. Can't beat mother nature's rain. Strong thunderstorms rolled through here too this weekend.
Do you still have a Bluebird visiting? Mine, total of 7 at times, are weird cuties. Every year when the weather gets warm they stop visiting mealworm feeders late Spring and Summer. They didn't come here last week with 70 and 80 temps. Yesterday and today they were here because of much cooler temps and frost warnings. I filled the feeders knowing they'd show up in cooler weather.  My Bluebirds do the opposite .. arrive in the Fall and stay through winter then leave late Spring.

Phyl, I like your colorful pictures too.

Hi Puff

I have everyone has a relaxing night and good sleep. SED

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 25, 2023, 09:16:17 AM
Good Morning  :)

After frost this morning again it's another sunny day warming up already to the 60s. Nice temp to be outside trimming butterfly bushes.  ;D I've got inside work to get done first.

Deer are still coming to feeding area for birds. 3 different groups now. 1 herd of 9. Who knew deer like birdseed so much! That's what attracted them years ago. I couldn't figure out why my large ground birdseed feeder was empty every morning until we saw a doe eating on an early evening. I put sliced apples and carrots and two small piles of shelled corn out too. I used to put grapes mixed in 2 barn troughs but grapes too expensive now. Once the grape arbor has grapes the deer and birds clean it out pretty good. I have pictures from the past but I put the trail cam on video this past Dec. Don't know if videos would post here and they are sort of long.

A fox or two shows up in the spring and autumn too. Last spring a young fox would chase the squirrels around half heartedly. Never caught one. lol Then would lay in the grass. Also last summer an adult hawk would sit on one of the birdbaths in feeding area while squirrels and a ground hog ate birdseed. It would sit a long time just looking around. I guess it sensed a calm surrounding or its crop was full.  :)

Okay enough of me chatting.

LB, Best wishes for you getting your shot today!  :) Let us know how it goes. Could putting a soft pillow behind your back or to sit on help to be more comfy sitting at work in that chair?

Time to get to work. Wishing all a pleasant day. Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 25, 2023, 09:20:00 AM
I call this pic "Guys out night" on a New Year's Eve a few years ago.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 25, 2023, 06:08:16 PM
What a cute photo Paulie

Jacaji I misser hummers

Hi Puff
Thanks Phyl

My shot was an experience I never had before. LOL   I am stll amazed.   LOL 
At my old place they did the injections in the drs office. I knew to where shorts or pants that  will roll up  to my knees. I was out in 10 minutes. 

This new Place. OMG. First changed their process. They moved all injections over to their surgical unit . This whre they usually do same day proceudres.  So they follow sterile protocal. ANyway I get there and had to sign off on my life. LOL  I was then moved over to the waiting area where I had to change into a gown hat  and things over my feet.  So there goes the pants I chose to where ( could move over  my knee.  I then had to sign off on my lif again. I was in a waiting area with hspital cheer.  They told me they will move me to the room.  I was like wait. I am not getting injections here?  When ready to go I ask if I will be wheeled in with a wheel chair (I was being funny) I was in an OR room!!! On operating tabel. They did xrays ulta sound saw I had fluid in left knee and drained that as well  as shot my right knee  had no fluid. 

when done  went back to get changed and went to work.  Same thing for the next 3 weeks.  LOL  THE END. 

They were laughing how amazed I look.  I must have looked in disbelief the whole time.   I am actually amazed.  so this whole thing took 30 minutes!!!!   THere goes the in and out thought.  LOL 

Walking with  lap top with rolling wheels bags was better today than yeserday Tomorrow PT
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 25, 2023, 06:21:13 PM
Well knock me over with a feather, LB as amazed as you.
'Signed my life a way.' LOL
And t wice no less.
Sure hope this works for you. Get some rest and take care tomorrow
Hugs and prayers
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 25, 2023, 08:25:54 PM
Oh my heavens LB!! Your experience today definitely is nothing I've heard of before. Wow! You were definitely in a sterile environment!

This practice you found is awesome! I still say you were meant to find this place for sure.

You got injections in both knees correct .. after fluid drained from left knee?

Then you got dressed .. went to work .. and walking with laptop with wheels bag was better today! Awesome!
You go girl!! I'm so happy for you!!  ;D

#s 2 and 3 ... very cool sketch of John Lennon too.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 26, 2023, 06:55:55 PM
Good evening. Not good for me.  I am having bad day (not my knees) Turns out I do have neuropathy  in my feet.  I cant t ake this anymore.  no sign of relief.  The pt guy is going to talk to the medical team to see what can be done. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 27, 2023, 10:54:09 AM
Good Morning .. almost afternoon.

LB, Darn about your diagnosis. There is relief. One of my daughters has neuropathy and deals with it. Your team will come up with option(s) for you. It's one of those "It is what it is" things then you'll be able to handle it going forward.

Extremely long day/night yesterday. I took my 82 yr old neighbor friend to ER .. a bit of a drive to the one she goes to. Anyway we waited a long time being a busy ER then she finally got a room in ER. I stayed with her until 1am this morning when Dr said best to keep her for observation. I got home going on 2am this morning. I called ER today. She's still the same. She's fed up because she's had a rough road health wise since last summer. I'm trying to give encouraging pep talks to her. Will see what today has in store for her.

Sunny pleasant day here today with much needed rain forecast tomorrow into early next week.

Oops. Had to come back because I forgot quote again.
#1 Gut feelings are usually spot on.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 27, 2023, 11:17:33 AM

No need to elaborate on our weather, image says all. LOL

Gosh! LB Sending prayers and hugs that the PT will help  your neuropathy.  There are things that cn be of help as Paulie.
Don't dispare.

Paulie bless your heart and soul! Hugs and prayer for  you and your neighbor's recovry. Good words for LB.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 27, 2023, 06:18:31 PM
Sorry to hear about your friend Pauli!! You are a wonderful person.  I know the  place go to oversomething forget the name. Nut it stimulates the area with promblem go 3x a week for a month  I read didnt talk to anyone yet I will bring it up tomorrow.  What other things are there. It's like walking on club feet by the end of the day.  I cant deal with it any longer.   1 more day!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 28, 2023, 04:44:49 PM
LB, Yes today's TGIF for you!  :) Did you have appt today to discuss what you wanted to? Hopefully you have a relaxing weekend to not be on your feet too much.

Hi Phyl, The rain you had is now in my area. Supposed to rain 2 to 4 inches through the weekend into Monday. Blah. Good that because my area has a 4 inch deficit.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 28, 2023, 07:45:34 PM
Happy rainy Friday and rainy weekend more reason not to move!!! LOL Yes Paulie I went to PT today.  I actually have an appintmnet with thw dr there (the same one who does my knee injections . Oh the neuropathy is some and maybe hard to tell due to the scar tissue from  my achielle surgery

I have to say.  I found a gem of a place for my Physical Therapy.. I went today and I did my 30 day evaluation.  From expressing my concerns with my feet. They  went to medical yesterday to address th isse. I have a follow-up appt with the Dr there to go over my nerve study. My PT. Guy said most likely I will be getting an MRI. On my spine and most like an epidoral depending on what they find... he spoke with me for the whole hour while I stretched. He looked at my feet cause of my concern of them feeling so cold all the time. He answered all my questions... I never seen a whole group of people that treat you like a person. They listen to you and let you vent and try everything possible to get you better. My back is much better. But  now from the  waste down is issue.  Now i have different home stretches to do t see if that will help. They try different thingsThey are the best.

I told him how I am afraid there is a chance I will go paralysis due to the feeling in my feet.  This is too scary for me  I never experienced this before.  He calmed me down. He could be my son , I just wanted to hug him!!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 28, 2023, 08:58:47 PM
LB, Oh my gosh I am soooooooooo happy for you!!!  I agree with you 100% you found a gem of a place. You were led to find them for sure.

Everything you explained about being there today is excellent and shows they are most definitely insightful and caring with the treatment and concern they are giving to you. Awesome!

Aww God bless you being scared and worried. Your PT guy sounds wonderful. It's cool you said you feel he could be your son. That's says a lot about you going there. That makes me happy because for a while now I feel like you're one of my daughters.  :) I pray for you and want you to get and feel better. You know what? You are going to! Yes ma'am you are.

Quotes ... You did it again. All three quotes are great.

Now you relax on this rainy weekend. No cleaning allowed. That can wait for another weekend. It's take care of LB weekend.  ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 29, 2023, 07:00:31 AM
Good Morning   I have to vacuum!!!!  My vaccuum cleaner broke a month ago and just got a new one!! MY house is a mess since I cant to much.  I hate it!!1  I am getting my tv  today the one I have wil lbe going soon so since I have the money (bonus) I wanted to get the tv. I have been wanted it for  a year now  I didnt gett the tv I want because it was  more money and I would be saving $200 wow Thats not me I always go for what I want regardless of price.  A 55" smart tv for $277.   How worng can I go.   LOL  I wanted the samsung but that came up to $477. I played smart this time!!!!  I got my lease renawal and as I suspect it went up $120 a month . Not surre what I am going to do I dont have the energy to llook for another place again. I did look but they are the same money or more unless I get a place without washer and dryer and I am not in the condition right now to lug laundry around  and not sure how long it will tke to be in that cndition

Oh he also told me even after I have the epidoral and it works no pain he still wants me to do pt to make me stronger and alance to give me back the abilithy to do dteps etc. I agree 100% I am pro PT!!! for sure

I am all over the palce my brother is cming today to help witht hte tv I will have him  take boxes to garbage for me.     
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 29, 2023, 08:35:19 AM
Good Morning,

LB, You are going to have a good and busy day! Good news about your new vacuum and great buy on your new TV!!

Very good about continuing PT.

And very nice your brother is helping today with TV and discarding boxes for you.

Geesh to the increase in your rent. That's a lot.

Enjoy your day!  :)

My neighbor friend called me earlier this morning saying she's being discharged today so I'll be driving to get her to take her home later this afternoon.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 29, 2023, 05:47:06 PM
Happy Day LB sounds like great news all around. A good PT place, therapst and some hope!
Just so thrilled for you.
Good deal on the household appliances purchase, too.
Agree w/ Paulie---have an LB weekend. The chores will always be there!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on April 30, 2023, 07:42:10 AM
Good Morning Got my nYV  I love it!!!! ( better seems all I do these days!!Miss You Jcaji!!!Still in my PJ's I think I may stay in PJs all day.  LOL Thank god I am working from home this week.  I am off Tuesday.  But still have to get up early for my shot injection I also have mammogram mri of lungs and done dentitsty test later in day. CT scan is just for follow up fro 6 months ago.  There were non cancerious nodules they jus want to do the standard 6 months foloow up to mae sure nothing changed. Not sure hw I am going to stand for so long during mammogram  (They have let me sit before in between ) I already rescheduled 3x do to my egs.   Gotta get it done though 

Cute comic Phyl
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on April 30, 2023, 10:10:50 AM
Good Morning,

LB, So glad you're enjoying your new TV. Geez you're going to have a busy week!! Best wishes for everything. Yep good you work from home. And heck yeah stay in your pajamas all day!!  ;D

jicaji said to say Hi to you. She's hoping to return here soon.

Phyl, Yes cute and funny comic.

Another busy day ahead so best get myself moving.

#2  and the guy's photo in #1 reminded me of the movie The Green Mile. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on April 30, 2023, 05:49:49 PM
Hi Cheers !
Glad you folks enjoyed the cartoon.

LB  :o  yes indded you're gonna be busy this week. Happy you're enjoyin your new TV and all. I'm thinking working from home should be
good for you.  ;)

Paulie hope you got all accomplished

Good affirmations today.

Hugs...have a good evening and SEDs.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 01, 2023, 06:41:24 AM
Good morning PT had me do different exercises well the same but only one but every 2 hours  it seemed to help the feet but went back up to my thight which is normal   .  So a plus there. feet stll tingly  but all weekend no shoes and no walking or lugging so not sure if that was part of it too.  we'll see
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 01, 2023, 03:41:10 PM
LB I took this on a Sunday. 4-30-23, I just set the jar out on the deck and went toget my shoes on.;Came back and this is who couldn't wait.
Last year's teenager:

And, yes I need to fill my pots. I'm working on them.  ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 01, 2023, 08:54:29 PM
Hi, Another looong busy day.

LB, Good about a plus with PT helping your feet. Your weekend of no shoes, walking or lugging sounds relaxing! Good!


Phyl, Yes to getting things accomplished yesterday. Ordered and picked up a meal for a family friend (one of my son's close friends and friend to our family that lives nearby) and his family. His father passed away unexpectedly. My son in NC called to tell me and we wanted to do something to help them.

Then we had another friends twin daughters 18th birthday party to go to in afternoon..  a 40 minute drive and geesh they live on a mountainside like our cabin 3 hours away. I forgot how far away and deep in the mountain they live. Was a very pleasant party.

Now about your photo. Oh my gosh! It is absolutely adorable and funny! LOL Did you have to help cutie squirrel out of the jar?
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 01, 2023, 09:02:35 PM
Oh my Phyl!!!! That picture is adorable.  !!! I will have to get some photos of the squirrels I took but they are not as good as this photo!!! I had a squirrell hanging upside down from the tree waiting for food.  I tried to get picture but as soon as I got phone out he stopped hanging!! LOL  ok going to sleep got to get up early on my day off to go to my make shift surgey (Injections on my knee ) 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 02, 2023, 05:32:37 AM
Good morning. Will be getting MRI just waaiting for approval from Insurance before making appintment
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 02, 2023, 09:15:41 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Let us know how your knee injection was. Definitely a sterile area where you're getting it.
I got my knee injections in regular exam room while I sat on table. Your medical practice sounds really nice.

Good luck with your mammo today.

Hoping you get MRI pre-cert from insurance company soon.

All quotes today good ones.

Now! After all your appointments today enjoy your day off work!!  ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 02, 2023, 05:46:38 PM
Thanks Paulie injection went well he did injection in a different spot on knee I am going to ask him why next time,  Otherwise I am so achy today I woke up that way I think it;s the weather,  I woke up achy . Yesterday I was excellent pt even noticed. I was walking faster (with cane) they had me walking around the room 4x ties I had to describe how my feet felt and if any tingling happened anywhere else.  Today I can bare walk  I woke up  at 3 with hip pain and couldnt get comfortable  Mammogram and bone density and ct went well I hated mammogram cause of the standing but I did it!!! I am exhausted.   I need sleep I havent sleep good in 2months.  I am so whiney lately   uggg So sorry hopefully tomorroow is good. Oh the woman called working on get approval for mri  asking if I had copy of xray I dont (she left message)  I'll talk to her tomorrow They wwere closed for day when I called back 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 02, 2023, 10:00:36 PM
Hi LB, You're welcome of course. Good to hear your knee injection went well. Where was the injection site?
My first knee injection .. on my!! it hurt from the outer side of the knee. The second and third I hardly felt because he injected more to the front of the knee.

I'm sure you were happy yesterday feeling so good and walking faster etc. Darn it to today you felt achy and hurts to walk.
Good the bone density, ct and mammo went well. I don't know anyone who likes the mammo lol and yes you did it standing the whole time!!
Very good a woman called about approval for mri. Your Dr office will be able to provide her with the copy of x-ray and any other info needed. Best wishes to you getting the approval.

Hopefully you're sound asleep as I'm typing this and you get much needed rest.

We're going to the cabin tomorrow and planning to return Friday because my youngest granddaughter has her First Communion Saturday.
I'll do my best to come here before we leave tomorrow. No internet at the cabin yet. A tower is supposed to be going up somethere around there sometime in the future and we're on a notify list but heavens knows when that will be. It's remote for sure.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 03, 2023, 12:30:40 AM
Hi LB and Paulie  happy your knee injection, mammo and CT went well. A different injection site for knee eh?
When I had my knee injwcxions I too sat on edge of exam table with legs dangling so the knee was flexed and easier to
insert needle nd all.     Safe travels to your 'hid-a-way-" Paulie

Hope everyone has a good night's rest.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 03, 2023, 06:46:44 AM
Good Morning  Yes Phyl that's how I had it in the last place I went to .  This place I am lying on table with those wedges under my knee to angle them He also uses an ultrasound so he sees he gets the correct spot. The first infection was in front kind of above the knee cap on left side   this time it was in front toward side right on kneecap or right below   I am still tired.   I wanna sleep  WE have an town hall meeting today fun fun fun
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 03, 2023, 08:23:04 AM
Good Morning  :)

Hi LB, Your description on how you get your knee injection is very interesting.
Oh geesh to your town hall meeting. You can attend virtually from home, correct?
I hope you get better sleep tonight.

Hi Phyl, Thank you!

We're heading out soon. Take care.
Later taters .....
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 04, 2023, 06:50:39 AM
Good morning I got a present from PT.   THey ordered me a back brace to use, I tried it on and walked with it and it will be perfect for when I go to work and need to lug my laptop and my lunch   I am making progres with back but feet is an issie so they are doing stretches for my feet now Everyday I am amazed with the work they do . 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 04, 2023, 03:48:03 PM
LB great news w/ the back brace! I'm sure this will help you at work.
Great affirmations!
Take care. {{{}}}
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 05, 2023, 06:34:43 AM
Good morning   TGIF b ut not looking forward to next week LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 05, 2023, 10:23:17 AM
Good Morning Everyone...

LB all good affirmations this AM.   Yes, good to be Friday.  Will be thinking of you as you head into next week.
Hugs and prayers continue.
Have a good day.

Paulie hope you and yours are having a wonderful time. See ya later...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 06, 2023, 07:48:21 AM
Good morning,   My days are improving a little.  Still waiting for approval for MRI   Going to try to do some cleaning It really needs a heavy duty cleaning!! ANy volunteers  Miss you jacaji!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 06, 2023, 10:10:40 AM
Good Morning ...

LB great affirmations. Wish I were closer to say "I'll be right over to help. ((()))  Do take care

Hi jacaji hope all's welll on your end.

Paulie are you returning home today? If so 'safe travels'.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 07, 2023, 08:03:47 AM
Good morning, I did it. I cleaned the floors yesterday not perfct but looks so much better. today the bathroom.  will be doing some meal prep for the week as well. Beautifuk weekend ahad windws open well I still do.  I tried on my brace to see if I remmeber  how to put on  I am good for tomorrow all packed up! I hope the week goes fast
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 07, 2023, 10:37:05 AM
Good Morning,

Hi LB, Great present of back brace PT gave you! I'm glad it's helping you. You've had a busy weekend with cleaning and meal prep.
Good you put on back brace okay and you're all packed up for this week.
What's happing this week that you're not looking forward to?

Quotes 1 and 2

Hi Phyl, Yes we returned late Friday afternoon. Yes we had a pleasant time there and had safe travels home. Thank you.
Cute Friday squirrel pic.

Geesh I got a LOT accomplished cleaning some saw dust from lower kitchen cabinets, then clean them ... lay shelf liners then emptied boxes putting kitchen items in them. Also Wayfair delivered couch and loveseat recliners. Now something we can sit on other than fold up camp chairs. The truck got stuck in lower long road up to cabin. The driver said he doesn't want to deliver there again. Um Sorry! Next time there clean upper cabinet shelfs and put things in. Still lots to do in other rooms.

I'm behind on my yard work here at home being away. One of my son's mowed lawn while I was gone.

Friday evening I was busy here preparing for yesterday ....
Yesterday my youngest granddaughter's (8 yrs) Grace Ann's 1st Holy Communion. Very special day!
I finished setting up buffet for family dinner afterwards. No way did I have time to cook so we ordered items from restaurant then set up here to enjoy and eat together.
Grace looked beautiful in her white Communion dress and veil. All the girls did and boys in suits.  Mass was beautiful  and a sunny warm pleasant day. Long day and night and pleasant. I didn't get to bed until mid-night.

I'm still in pajamas! lol Today inside things .. laundry and misc.

jicaji still can't set at computer but is looking forward to when she can return posting here.
LB and Phyl, I'll pass along your concerns to her for you.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 07, 2023, 04:51:09 PM

Welcome back Paulie glad y'all ar e safe and had a good time. Very thoughtful of son mowing for  you.
I bet your home from home looks grreat.
ye! Holy Communion is quite special---for everyone. Good idea catering for afters.

LOL still in PJs
Tks for passing concerns for jicaji

LB bless you for perservering---just hope you didn't over due. Great to hear you got a handle on next week and the brace will make your life so much
easier.  I too hope the work week flies by for you. 

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 07, 2023, 04:53:34 PM
Gonna wish everyone an early...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 07, 2023, 08:18:24 PM
Phyl, Thank you for the welcome back. Yep home from home is coming together slowly. Did you see pictures I posted?

Yes about nice my son mowing while we were at cabin. My husband can't due to his health. I love mowing the lawn. I got myself a riding mower recently because of my knee but I have to use my problem left knee to push hard on the brake to disengage brake and then again when done before turning mower off so my son has been rider mowing then I use the rear wheeled power push mower to mow the perimeter and around trees and other obstacles. Why? because I refuse to give up what I enjoy doing. Yep stubborn.  ;D I did that today and my left knee and hip are telling me I over did it. Oh well. I enjoyed it.  :)

You have a good sleep and sweet dreams tonight too.

LB, Oh! Okay I understand now about this week using your back brace. Correct? You work from home this week because you were in office last week ... I think? Maybe I'm wrong.

LB and Phyl, jicaji asked me to explain her absence all this time to you. She fell off her deck chair and hurt her back and hip.
She's been having a rough time since then. Her Dr hasn't ordered an x-ray because he feels there's nothing broken. Her husband Jim is an angel and helping her and with food shopping etc. She has another Dr appointment coming up so will see what is said then.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 07, 2023, 08:19:20 PM
I am in office next week thats why not looking forward to it with all the lugging .Yes I over did it, I walked a long walk with Copper I knew I shouldnt but felt guilty for not waslking him well.  I also coked and cleaned bathroom  Also a few days ago I lost my balalnce and jammed my shouldr catching my fall with cane.   The bruise started as a little dot.  The first photos shoes it 3 days later.   It dpes go a litte to the right of pictur started to wra around fore arm  :(  I wll have PT look at t tomorrowI defintily dont like how I walk  with cane I feel like I am relying on it too much. I grip it too hard like I am holding to save my life. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on May 08, 2023, 01:44:15 PM
                                              After The Fledge   2023

Sorry for my late information feathered friends.  Forgiven?

Our get-together this year will be July 20 thru July 23.  Extra days pre or post could be added as needed.  Starts on Thursday evening, departures for most would be on Sunday.
My unfortunate news for some might be that the manager will not be offering us a hold on any rooms at the Country Inn & Suites.  Anyone so inclined to stay there will have to call for your own arrangements  800-830-5222.   Maybe register a  complaint with manager Justin? 

Fairfield      Different rates for different dates for categories
         King-bed room:  $119, $154, $179  (Th, F, Sat)
         2 Queen beds:    $119, $164, $189  (Th, F, Sat)
         Reserve by June 8

Quality Inn      King-bed(s) room:      $192 nightly
         Queen bed(s) room:  $182 nightly
         Reserve by June 20

Winneshiek      Exec Room, 2 Queen:   $169 nightly
         K-bed Suite:                    $279 nightly
         K Whirlpool:                   $179 nightly
         Reserve by June 22

Super 8      DBL Queen Bed and
         SNGL Queen Bed           $139 nightly
         Reserve by July 20

Please be advised that there is a limit to each catagory.
As usual, I'll need your personal information and credit card number to hold a reservation.  Charges will not be processed until checkout.  Any further questions/isssues, contact me.   

Puff/LaNora              [email protected]              630-852-2108
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 08, 2023, 02:26:40 PM
Thanks Puff  ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 08, 2023, 05:19:58 PM
Hi LB, Ouch

Hi Phyl

Hi Puff, Thank you. You're a busy lady.

Beautiful sunny warm day today. Began deck washing and cleaning chairs, tables etc. Rain tomorrow darn it so will continue outside Wednesday hopefully.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 08, 2023, 06:39:17 PM
Hello THanks Puff.  so I showed PT my arm big mistake they wnt me to go for an MRI for it now.  LOL  He tested my arm I definilty dont have strength in right arm. He thinks I might have torn a tenden in th ebi cip area. n It doesnt really hurt. But I trust them .    SO I'll get it done.  :(
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on May 08, 2023, 09:44:26 PM
Hi everyone.

Just thought I'd let you know I'm still around LOL.  Can't stay as my back hurts when I sit in the chair by this computer.  Hopefully I'll be able to catch up on all the posts I've missed.

I have to tell ya, falling and hurting my back is absolutely no fun.

Well, good night and thanks for thinking of me and your good wishes.  I feel them and appreciate them.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 09, 2023, 03:44:30 AM
Hi and Good Morning...

Paulie wow! you've been busy out-of-doors. I should be so enterprising LOL

LB Yikes torn tendon . You're luck it doesn't hurt---I've pulled a hamstring and hurt like the dickens. It's good thing you showed them your arm. ;)

jicaji so nice to see you. But, so very sorry for your mishap. Your name is on our Beakroom  prayer list and all. Hope you don't mind.   :-[

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on May 09, 2023, 10:24:46 AM
Jicaji, so sorry about your fall!  I wish they had done xrays for you too for you.   Sounds like you are taking care of yourself but do be careful!  Just speaking from recent experience!
Thinking of u with wishes. For a quick recovery.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 09, 2023, 11:39:52 AM

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 09, 2023, 11:44:40 AM
Jim wanted to get early start mowing our and neighbor's yards.  So I hit the floor beeling it to the kitchen and laid out a full breakfast with extras.
Just now got dishwasher loaded and kitchen wiped down and my usual daily 'chores'.

LB hope your day going well for you---at least bearable.

Hi  Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 09, 2023, 12:27:52 PM
Hi, Stopping by quick to let you know we're heading to the cabin to be there tomorrow morning to let a guy in who has to go inside to hook up a pipe.

Hi jicaji!!  ;D Great seeing you here if just for now. You continue to take care of yourself.

Awesome greetings and well wishes from others for jicaji!!

Hi karen!!  ;D It's great seeing you and in Cheers!! I hope you're feeling lots and lots better. You now have your very own stool in Cheers.  :)

Hi Phyl, Yep been busy outside and was hoping to finish deck today but hopefully can finish Thursday.

Do you hang Hummingbird feeders? jicaji does and has her fairies arriving already. I made nectar yesterday and got three feeders out so I hope mine arrive soon.

Hi LB, Hoping you have a better day today.

Well take care all. Later taters .......
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 09, 2023, 05:17:03 PM
Hi   Happy to see you Jacaj1  Sorry you fell!!! and hope you start feelingbetter soon!!! Glad to see you 

I am doing ok. Had my 3rd injection this morning one more to go next week.  I am also getting both MRI's done next Tuesday for back and arm.I checked. It will be open MRI for both. each 30 minutes. I can handle that!!!  I hope!!! THe dr worded the MRI for arm so they prioritize it so Now I am worried. SUrgery may be in my future, The arm started hurting today a little.     It right above the elbow where the tear may be.  Now I am googling getting more nervous
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on May 09, 2023, 08:17:28 PM


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 09, 2023, 09:53:59 PM
((LB)) of course you handle that. So glad  your MRi is schedule and mabe finhou what 's the matter. So sorry you're still in pain. Chronic pain is the worst.
Tomorrow is Wednesday and the weekend isn't far off.   Hope you don't hav e to work the weekend

Paulie I do have a hummer feeder with little visitors. Years ago I had dozens of hummers . But folks across the detention pond hung feeders.
And, now I'm lucky to have a few . This is the first time I've heard hummers refered to as faeries. Interesting.

{{ jicaji}} thank  you for popping in to give us an update and all. Do take care.

Leaving you all with  'Good Night' wishes and  SEDs
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 10, 2023, 06:18:34 PM
Thanks Tig and Phy!! Tday a good day at PT  pent less on back more on feet since that the problem.  They think its neuroapthycause I get relief as soon as shoes are off.  Ialso showed how I walk with dragging my left foot more than picking up and thats the foot I usually stumble on. Of curse I walked better than normal cause I was more conscience of my gate but he noticed it at times especially at the end he can tell legs were getting tired and I was more careless. My arm is hurting more today but he checked the stngth. It has improved so he has hope!!!  LOL  I actiully have to go into office next WEdnesdsy even though my work from home week. Directorr is coming and having meeting with her. We are guess about the changes that will be happening in our dept. deperately needed but dont think its going to be good  LOL Maybe it will. But the first change had no effect on us
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 10, 2023, 07:09:03 PM
LB, Good about open MRI and good about more strength in your arm. Good the work changes won't effect your area.

Phyl, Awesome you used to have dozens of Hummers. Darn it not now because of people across the detention pond.
jicaji calls her Hummingbirds little fairies.  :)

Hi Tig, Nice to see you.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 11, 2023, 03:37:28 AM
I'm up so late!

Happy to hear LB that work changes won't impact your area. and MRI is open ened. And, more strenghth in your arm.

Hi Paulie hope all's well w/you; come to think, hummers do look like little faeries.

jicaji do nothing but get well

A 'Good Morning' to you all.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 11, 2023, 05:56:32 PM
Work changes WILL impact ts just so far it hasnt they brought in an extra person to do a role than came from another dept (which we dont need. We still have too many people. I am still done with my work most days by 10 No sure what the changes are but we all said we want our own accounts ownership which we dont have w'll see
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 12, 2023, 09:36:41 AM

Good Morning, Cheers!

Sending lots of 'Happy Friday' wishes to you all.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 12, 2023, 06:27:23 PM
OMG what an adorable phyl!!!!I made it throught the week!!!!  1 more injection and 2 mris next week.No lans for this weekend right now I am exhausted and hope to sleep in but Copper never lets me!!!! I hope everyone  has a nice weekend. Suppose to be nice by me!! Hi Jacaji! I hope you feeling better. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 13, 2023, 03:30:16 AM
Good Morning ...!

Congrats    LB you survived the week.

Hi Paulie and Hi Jacaji!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 13, 2023, 08:34:13 AM
Good Morning  It was a pleasnat week last week my boss want there all week !!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 14, 2023, 07:08:39 AM
Good Mornng . Hsppy Mohers Day !!!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 14, 2023, 08:31:59 AM
Good Morning  :)

Hi LB, jicaji and Phyl

Family is coming to my home today to enjoy today and meal together.

Happy Mother's Day to all and with fur babies and feathers too  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 15, 2023, 03:22:30 AM
Good Morning...

I hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day celebration.
And,  this finds you all doing well.

LB here's to a good work week and lots of improvement in you health

jicaji I hope  you are feeling and doing so much better

Paulie  Hi
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 15, 2023, 06:59:58 AM
Good morning, I have been walking without cane without shoes  this weekend  Knees are improved but stiff and a little ache  from stiffness if that makes sense. 1 more shot tomorrow.  I am going to try and walk outsie with shoes without cane bu will have with me in case I need it I wonder why harder to walk with shoes
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 15, 2023, 10:29:10 AM
Hi LB  that's great! Good thinking on having the cane handy, too.
I'm so happy to read this. And, thrilled for you.  ;D
Your affirmations are super today. They are all the time ,actually.
Maggie catawolling downstairs---past breakfast.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 15, 2023, 06:45:56 PM
This is so funny and cute.
Hope you enjoy it.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 15, 2023, 07:51:56 PM
Hi  :)

LB, Hope you had a good day.

Phyl, Maggie was sure letting you know she was hungry.
Cute drawing and photo. I saw A+ for drawing. Am I missing something?  ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 15, 2023, 11:40:55 PM
Hi Paulie  have no 'A+ in what I posted. How'd you get that?  Hope you had a nice week

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 15, 2023, 11:44:39 PM
Good Night and SEDs...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 16, 2023, 08:54:34 AM
Good morning, I sortta see an F  I think LOL  But it's smack on!!!!  I just got my last shot earlier yippee MRI's at 1:30.  And super duper improvemennt  He had me walking yesterday liftingmy knee like a march.    we did more with knees and feet.  Back is pretty mcu good.  Chiropractor is going ot move on to the waste down. since back is better.  He mentioned flossing moves. I did once Hard.  I just have the sciatic pain in back of thighs once in a while now  KNee still stiff but pain is just interrmit nw. Mostly when I sand too long (3 minutes)  If I move ok. but just standing nope 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on May 16, 2023, 09:46:33 AM

Your mention of MRI appt starts my issue with my claustrophobia.  Can't explain to anyone who doesn't have this goofy quirk.  Forget the "open" label.  In my head it is not open.  Forget the medication.  Close my eyes so I can't see where I am.  I'll suffer through maniac nightmares for at least a couple months after.  I have to refuse them even putting "Teds" on me.  Anesthesia, oxygen mask on, teds on, procedure, teds off, wakeup juice -- that's the routine my md's follow.  No fun at all!  I find out Friday.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 16, 2023, 02:13:15 PM
Sorry to hear that puff!! I was going crazy afger the mri with arm had to repeat cause appartantly I moved my arem (it was blurry)  I dont think I moved it but who knows.  I had to go to bathroom in middle my bladder was going to burst they gave me music to listen to it but the banging was so loud I couldnt hear the music half th etime.  Glad that is done and I di dboth at the same time.  But now exhausted.  sigh.  I have to go into the office omorrow for meeting hopefully just for 1/2 the day , Not haivng dog walker come and I have  PT afterwards.  Boss sai we should be able but not sure.   sigh again. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 17, 2023, 08:54:21 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, Very good news about your super duper improvement! I hope too you have only half day in office today.

All three quotes yesterday very good.

Hi Phyl and Puff

Temps have been mid 70s one 80 day but frost warning here tonight. Good I haven't planted veggies yet.

Wishing a good day to all.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 17, 2023, 03:14:03 PM

{{{Puff}}} sending hugs and prayers for Friday

Hi Paulie Yikes! Frost. Smart to wait on veg. Hope all is well.

{{{LB}}} Hugs/prayers.  Did you not have head phones?   Stress is very exhausting.  Hope Thursday is a good day for you. And, PT goes well.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 17, 2023, 06:06:45 PM
I dended up in office all day today turned out my bosses boss was let go yesterday. which is a good thing she was not very good.  The replacement was here along wihg the director so we me with her one on one. She is actually located in Jacksonville, FL.  She'll come here once a month t see us. I like her so far but it was only one meeting  THat news was a shock  LOL I gasp when I heard LOL    I didnt have chiro today my pt and chiro were both ut but I has someone else do pt My legs were hurting me oday. Oh and get this I get a 5th injection on my knees so next week I go !!!!  THey said if my insurance covers it they wil give  . Who knew that!!! I have been stocking my mris report today nothing so far I didnt so but had hope.   lol   I lef copper alone all day thinking I would be home 1/2 day He did good.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 17, 2023, 06:23:44 PM
{{{LB}}}  mixed bag of news near a I can tell.   :-* for Copper on being left alone.
Good affirmations today.

Sending wishes for a 'Good Night' and SEDs (sweet eagle dreams).
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on May 17, 2023, 07:59:30 PM
Thanks for the cheering up Phyl.  But, would you believe, changed to Monday.

 :( P
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 18, 2023, 06:30:14 AM
Good morning sorry Puff waiting is the heardest for sure!!!!!!   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 18, 2023, 06:38:54 AM
Good Morning !

{{Puff}} having to wait over the weekend for a medical test--- >:(

{{LB}} good inspirations esp. the last one

{{{Jacaji}}} how are you doing? Much better I hope.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 18, 2023, 10:50:41 AM
LB, Interesting meeting you had yesterday at work. Awesome to you maybe getting a 5th shot! I haven't heard of that either.

Puff, Darn it to you having to wait until Monday.  :-*

Phyl, Good news is jicaji is slowly feeling better. Finally!

I'll be out of town today (leaving soon) then planning to return Saturday evening or Sunday.

Take care. Later taters ....
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 18, 2023, 04:22:04 PM
I got my MRI report  do I know what i means no LOL  my friend is good at this stuff here is what she had to say.  I wil probably have to wait to talk to dr. MOnday. I go to PT at 500 but hty close at 600  Still didnt get mri on arm     Maybe tomorrow  oh I sent copy of report.  LOL 

So far I can tell you this
You have spinal stenosis ( i have that too) it can cause pressure in your spine and pinch nerves too.
Sounds like you also have a couple bulging disc's. I had one. They can heal in time.  Unless you don't take care of yourself then you could rupture a disc.
Some of its age related but yours is a little worse than just age degeneration.

Still reading
.Sounds like this too. Maybe. You need to find out what grade these things are
 If 1 mild or 5 worst.
If mild, no surgery. Usually meds, PT  restricted activity.
Don't hold me to my diagnosis.   I'm not a doctor. I only play one on the internet 😘 (see attatchment
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 19, 2023, 12:50:43 AM

Good Night and SEDs

Safe travels Paulie. And, have fun.
Tks for good news on jicaji hope she keeps improving

LB so nice you have an idea on the MRI results. I'm similar.
Do take care
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 19, 2023, 06:44:40 AM
Good morning have a good time Paulie Hi Phyl, Yes now I jus need to know the next steps if any...  id I say I get a 5th injection for knee.  I googled some take 5 and the one my insurance approved is 5  My knees are only a little better I did a lot yesterday cooking walking etc and my painrating is an 8 this morning 4. I will talk to him Tuesday   I dont think shots are working    I know they take time but its over a month now I forgot TGIF!!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on May 19, 2023, 09:17:49 AM
Good morning all.

Little by little my back seems to be a bit better.  I actually did a little food shopping by myself yesterday....first time in about 4 weeks.  the shopping cart was a big help LOL.  My husband is going to do the rest today.

I need to get out more....push myself as much as possible.  I've been watching too much tV/news and it's really scary to keep hearing all the "stuff" that's going on.  Enough.

Well, have a good weekend everyone. 

Hi Paulie, LB, Phyl, Puff.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 19, 2023, 10:41:23 AM
Hi everyone...
Cheers... 🙏 's  all around.

{{{jicaji}}} great to see you here. Wonderful news on your recovery too.   Thank God for hubbies.

{{{LB}}} hopefully your knees will inprove soon.  Do you have some arthritis in knees? If so---I use diclofenac sodium  gel generic  for Voltaren gel, I believe. Works really fast too.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 20, 2023, 07:54:54 AM
Good Morning Now what a cut meme Phyl Thanks  PT sat with me for almost an hour to go over the mri.  Pretty much a combo of things arthritis pich/compressed nerves could also be a combo of neuropathy.  I a msee the dr Monday after chiropractic to go over it medically and to give me next steps most likely epidoral shot  I a still in aww with tis place.  Its so hard to find compassionate drs. but how do you find so many in one place.  They are alwasys giving comfort.  I still didn get the arm mri back yet hopefully Monday
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 21, 2023, 07:25:24 AM
Good morning  It was rainy day yesterday got more rain than they said we would. It was a washut today is nice. Back to office next week.  I have meeting tomorrow with dr to go over back mri stll none on arm. Cooked  a ot yesterday so knees arent my friends and will clean today at least try
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 21, 2023, 05:39:34 PM
Glad you like the meme yesterday.
Wonderful that PT took such time with the MRi details. Sounds like lots to work thru.
Sounds like a wonderful place with wonderful folks there.
Here's to more news tomorrow. And, a good week ahead at work.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 21, 2023, 05:43:30 PM
Just looked at the patient portal and thy finally posted the mri for arm. I think I am going to be sick.  I'll find out more detailsn  tomorrow on both  but all I know my kees hurt more than my arm.   I read as total torn tendan but seems more is going on   posted the report below 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 22, 2023, 05:59:31 PM
hi, hope all is well
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 22, 2023, 07:25:23 PM
Hi {{{LB,}}} Paulie and {{{jicaji}}}   hope all is well with you Paulie and jicaji.
Good inspirations today.
Hope you had a good day at work and all LB

Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 23, 2023, 05:34:56 PM
Hope everyone had a good day.
Getting ready for dinner---take out.

Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 23, 2023, 05:40:55 PM
Hello I am exhausted couldnt sleep last night too much on my mind. So I am seeing  2 sergeons about my arm (2 opinions) My dr said to at least sit with a surgeon to see what they have to say SO getting 2 opinions . Did my last injection on mknees today epidoral is on hold to see how my knees are he thinks some of the pain may be from the nerve issue.  Epidoral is not a fix for the tingling feet. It may  work or may not work. I may have this feeling forever. It has improved some.   But for sure not happy 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 24, 2023, 08:36:29 AM
Good Morning  :)

Coming by quick to say Hi!

My get-away to cabin became an extended stay due to something dumb I did. Will explain later. Won't do that again! Nothing bad.
I got a good night sleep last night. Much needed too and will explain that too.
Anyway I have a heck of a busy day today but HAD to sit on my stool a minute to say Hi, do a quick read to be sure everyone is okay here.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 24, 2023, 12:10:07 PM

A slightly belated Good Morning ...

Currently   F  and  High 84F sunny, Low 60F  clear.

{{{LB}}} 🙏 's  good idea from your PCP as you know ---this will help guide you in your decisions. I have the same 'tingling' in my feet too. My neurologist said not to fret that much ,as it's more  common than one thinks. The tingling comes and goes.

Hi Paulie shucks! I hope that 'something' wasn't too 'dumb".

{{{Jacaji}}} how are you doing? Much better I hope. 🙏 's

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 24, 2023, 06:49:53 PM
Hi!! Had a good PT day, I saw a different one today but I have seen him before, He likes to talk. He asked how I was doing mentally with teverythig thats going on.  I ythough that was strange but so well appreciated!! I really dont know how I feel.  I feel a lot. Mostly frustrated. Thats what I told hm but now that I thought ofit. Jealous too of everyone who can walk normal. LOL    There is definily improvement  I cant complain well I can I have been but trying not to !!  Hi Paulie I will probably be asleep by tthe time time come on!! Hi Jacaji Fell better!!! Hi PHy I so feel like that tiger!! JUst hanging in there LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 24, 2023, 10:58:27 PM
Whew! A long busy day, evening and night. Some family visited this evening and one of my daughter's made dinner for everyone. I really appreciated that. She's a sweetheart.

Phyl, I laughed at you saying you hope the something wasn't too dumb.

LB, Good question you were asked about how you're feeling mentally. Having up and down feelings is normal I think. You've been through a lot. I'm glad to know that you feel improvement in some areas and I'm still reeeally happy you found the place you're going to. That was a God send to you.

About jicaji, She's still have ups and downs with her back feeling/getting better.

Okay .. about my dumb action. We left to return from the cabin when we had planned. The drive one way is 2 1/2 hours. After driving one hour I realized I had left my purse at the cabin. I can now laugh at the facial expressions on my husband's and my faces. We were stunned. Duh to me!! Sooo we drove back to cabin. We got there at 7pm. Dusk then night would occur if we started to drive back home again so we just stayed at the cabin another night. The next day we just stayed there then returned home early evening. I made sure I had my purse with me!! And will be sure I do going forward.  ;D

Time to Zzzzz. Wishing you each a good night's sleep.
Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 25, 2023, 06:26:23 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently  59 F .  High 83F ptly  sunny, Low 56F  clear.

Paulie that's was sort of 'dumb' LOL   :-*    leaving you purse behind.  Glad you made it home alright.
Tks for update on jicaji,.  🙏 's  continue.

LB glad to read you'e having some improvement. And, that you found a nice PTfacility. 🙏 's  continue
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on May 25, 2023, 07:48:23 AM
Paulie... My parents and I once drove to the lake 2.5 hrs. When we got there and were unpacking my Dad realized he had forgotten his small suitcase ( full ) of medicine. Luckily, I was old enough to drive. I drove home, and back up to the lake. Years later,  we would spend a week at the lake and I would drive them home and turn around and drive up for a week by myself. And that was all before cell phones.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 25, 2023, 09:28:59 AM
Good Morning  :)

Phyl, Yep! LOL I love the cottage in photo you posted. You post cool pictures. You're welcome for jicaji's update.

tig, Good to see your "Bounce". Oh my to your driving to lake story and your dad's meds! Definitely good you were old enough to drive. I'm sure that was appreciated.
Spending a week at the lake sounds very relaxing. Geez that was a lot of driving for you driving your parents home then turn around to go back. Lots of things we did when we were younger, right? Lol
Oh!! I just re-read your post. You drove back for a week by yourself! Nice!!
And before cell phones too. Nice that's freedom!   ;D

LB, Are you in office this week or home? Monday no work for you is nice. Before I retired I always took the Friday before Memorial Day on a Monday off to have a long weekend.

Tomorrow we're going back to cabin. I finally found an internet provider that specializes in remote rural areas! The router was delivered yesterday. Fingers are crossed it works good.

While there last week a Hummingbird kept flying up to front porch. I don't have any floral hanging baskets up yet. Still working on setting set up inside but got a lot done so far. Anyway I'm taking a Hummer feeder to hang on front porch but wondering if the nectar will attract a bear. Don't want that so close!! I'll have to google to see if nectar attracts them. I hope not.

One did show up when guys were drilling for well water. Guy said they use vegetable oil on the drilling pole. When they came back the next morning there were bear paw/claw prints at pipe. He said the oil attracts bears and they lick it. My husband and I saw the prints too when we arrived that day.

Well time to get some work done. Later ....
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 25, 2023, 11:55:23 AM
Hi  Tig Bounce  ;)   Nice lake memories, good thing you had your DL and unafraid to drive alone.

LB ahhh a 3 day weekend. You need it.

Paulie  glad there's a n internet provider for that area (hopefully all will work) now you won't be so 'cut off'.  Yikes! Veggie oil attracks bears. Take care.

Ditto me getting some 'work' finished.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 25, 2023, 05:57:37 PM
I am in offic e this week. Next week home with monday off. I usually take the firday off before memorial day labot day but a coupe of people already took off tomorroe. N one will probably be in office toorrow.  So ntoday, I walked the whole day in the office without my cane. nly ise it when walking outside.  Pain in knee is so much better almost gone but stiffness is still there. But I take 4 advil  Maybe over weekend I will reduce it.   and see how that goes. Saturday I am going to go and try ding the bike again  Hopefully the knee is going in the right direction

Puff ndid you hve your procedure?

Paulie,  oh my on the pocketbook but good excuse to stay another day!!!! 

I guess depending on what surgeon says I may be leaning toward  doing surgery on shoulder.  It hurts at end of day and when I use phone or type too long.  The pain isnt so bad it's tolerable. My knee pain was a whole lot worse

I have the hiccups. I figure I would share that 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on May 25, 2023, 06:02:10 PM
LB... Bike "should" loosen stiffness in knees, just don't overdo
Talons crossed
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on May 25, 2023, 06:45:26 PM
LBLAJ  change of treatment decided, LB.  There's a definite loss of function in the hip.  Change of plan is to do 2 or 3 steroid injections sets.  Want to see how much relief and for how long.  Still have the replacement to resort to.  So far pain in better; effect of injections getting better now too.   Time for a wait-and-see period.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 26, 2023, 08:13:08 AM
Good Morning  :)

Phyl, Thanks about internet. We'll find out today. Fingers crossed.

LB, Enjoy your long weekend. Keep us posted on your shoulder surgery.

Hi Tig

Puff, Good that the steroid injections are helping your hip. I hope your wait-and-see period bring good news relief.

We're heading to cabin. Plan to return Sat or Sun. I wanted to stop by here before leaving. I'll be sure to remember my purse when returning. LOL

Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on May 26, 2023, 01:07:25 PM
Hi everyone

LB...Hope you continue to progress.  I live by 3..."What if's"

Phyl...Love your posts.  So sweet.

Paulie....Enjoy your weekend.  Sounds wonderful.  So nice you can get away whenever.  I bet you'll see many, many wild life around.  I KNOW YOU WON'T LEAVE YOUR PURSE ANYWHERE lol.  I remembef well when we went camping years ago with the girls and
left the pillows and sleeping bags for the camper at home.  We had to go back home for them after we had travelled an hour and a half. 
Oh well, "stuff" happens.

Thanks everyone for your well wishes and prayers....I still can't sit for any length of time on this chair by my computer.  Some days OK, some not so OK. But far better than last month thank God.  He surely hears our prayers and I truly appreciate them.

Well, gotta get up now.  Again, thanks to you all for inquiring about me and sending prayers.  As I say to Paulie, "Always something."

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 26, 2023, 02:35:44 PM
Gosh am  I late in posting this...

Good Morning ...

Currently 80F  and  High 81F sunny, Low 58F  clear.

Jim off early today and will do some mowing and trimming.

hopefully injection chg will help---Ooops Just read they have.  Sending 🙏 's

{{{LB}}}  hurrah. A 3 day weekend. Hope you can get some rest. So glad to read taht  the knee is doing so  much better.  Tig's advice is good. Just take it easy and keep the tenson loose (low number setting) at least to start. YOur PT folks can help you with that.  🙏 's  continue. Pets to Copper.

Paulie LOL your purse. Enjoy your weekend.  Safe travels/have fun.

jicaji   so nice to see your post; Maybe it's the chair at this point in time/recovery. A different chair perhaps ,now that your back and all 'has changed'.      🙏 's  continue.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 26, 2023, 06:52:27 PM
Hi Glad to see yu Jacaji!!!  Have a good weekend Paulie, enjoy for me!!!

Thanks Camper and Phyl 

I spend the week at work walking without cane wed, thurs, and friday. I went into PT without cane today He had me do 2 laps nwalking without cane.  He noticed hw I hobble but walking faster.  I saw the dr as I was walking by and told him the 5th injection did the trick for ey knees he gave thumbs up.   However, LOL it;s starting to ache now but I didnt take advil since 6am ad I just took it 1 minutes ago. Over 12 hours and a lot more moving today.  We'll see how the week takes me   :) 

So now I am back to not sure if I should do surgery PT guy says I dont need to but good seeing surgeon.   I wonder if he just doesnt want me to feel pressured I need to.  But is it better to There is a chance to develop more arthritis than already there. I have enough arthritis.  I can lose loss of morion.  IDK.   any opinions   I have questions listed already    But I sill have 2 more weeks to keep chnaging my mind  LOL, I know not to go to my family  they wont help me make a decision.   I'm on my own on this   :'(
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 26, 2023, 07:22:27 PM

Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     

LB I  can under stand your 'back/forth' on the issue. Try not ot let any one rush you into decision. Follow your gut.   I did just that on lumbar fusion 15 yrs ago.
So glad I did n't do the surgery. I have fulll asrange of motion and moderate to light pain that is remedyed with Tylenol Xtra Strength just 2 caps in the AM only.

Just get all the facts and take your time. No dr or surgeon should put you on a time limit.   ;)     Sending 🙏 's

Paulie hope you arrived safetly  ;)

Jacaj  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 27, 2023, 05:24:41 AM
Good Morning ...
And, Happy Caturday !

Custodians of the 'froot'.

Currently  66 F  and  High 81F    ptly sunny, Low 52F  clear.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on May 27, 2023, 05:59:13 AM
Cute little polka dot freckle on the nose.   :-*

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 27, 2023, 07:27:47 AM
Good morning!! Cute good morning love the hats!! LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 27, 2023, 09:27:41 PM

Internet up and running. Testing testing to see if this posts.

Have a pleasant night.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 28, 2023, 06:55:05 AM

Currently   F  and  High75 F mostly sunny, Low 54F  ptly cloudy.

Jim works on Memorial Day. Last year he didn't. A rotation I think.

Hi Paulie   Hurrah!  You got internet.  ;)  See ya later then.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 28, 2023, 08:43:47 AM
Good Morning, Glad your internet isup and running!!!!! Just got back form gym o doo bike, I was wworried my knees would jam up they didnt!!!  I did just under 10 minutes. My feet kept fall off pedal. SO I had enough!!  LOL May do again tomorrow  or maybe Tuesday during my lunch  or maybe both  LOL  I also walked 2  longer walks with copper yesterday with no cane.  A struggle but I did it  Knees hurt first thing in morning and a little  achy after thewalks.  Resting with a cup f coffee now bfor I make my protein pancakes. YUm, I just fond this and made onece making a bunch a freezing to have for breakfasts
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 28, 2023, 06:13:18 PM
Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     


LB sounds like you're improving and being careful not to overdo.  Pets to Copper.     🙏 's continue

Paulie hope you and hubby are enjoying yourselves

Jacaj   🙏 's continue

Hi {{{Puff}}}
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 28, 2023, 10:47:27 PM
LB and Phyl, Thanks for letting me know all's good with internet here.

Phyl, Bummer Jim works tomorrow Memorial Day. Yes ma'am we're enjoying ourselves. Getting more work done too in and outside with help of family and friends. We cooked out last evening. Had to bring grill top inside to clean and the grill itself in shed to keep bears away.

LB, Good news about bike and Copper walk and pancakes sound delicious.


We're planning to return tomorrow sometime.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 29, 2023, 08:38:39 AM
Good morning I am doing some well needed cleaning.  I have Ruggable through rug for living room and its washable!!! so I am washing it today.  Not o thrilled with  the rug  (its big) but I like that its washable  Getting ready to walk copper I think I will skip the bike today and go during my lunch tomorrow  I am beng active tryhing to lean LOL  Knees are till achy at times and stiff all the timme but much better especially the back/nerve pain. Feet sill tingly if I do a lot the tingly goes up the calf at times.  I did a lot of binge watching yesterday watch the karate kid sequal  cobrai kai???  also fabar. its ok and anoher dubbed foreign movie which was acually good forget the name LOL   Going to search for another today  and for the week since I am home  hee hee
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 29, 2023, 08:43:19 AM
did I tell you a squirrl built a nest on the tree right outside my apatment  I saw one jum into it.  Here is a picture also asquirrel that likes me and wants to  live with me ALways so currious with me cocmes right up to me and my door and looks in and is curious with copper.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Lani on May 29, 2023, 11:36:20 AM

Happy Memorial Day Cheers Family! Remembering and honoring our friends and loved ones. Have a blessed day!  :-*

Bob Anderson



Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 30, 2023, 05:49:55 AM
tjhank you Lani for the reminders
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 30, 2023, 06:37:24 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently  60F  and  High 85F   ptly sunny, Low 62F  clear.

Hi LB  good news about doing the bike ;still sounds good for your knee    🙏 's continue
Well, isn't that something a nest right near your door.  I guess that little squirrel has a 'crush' on you. LOL  Cute that one.
I now have 3 squirrels viving for shelled peanuts off our deck.  Do you think Copper will be 'okay' with your new 'friend'

Hi Paulie glad to hear your 'Memoral Day'  had some good grilling. Huh? Just kleeping the grill in the shed will keep the bears away.
Our brats turned out vey well.

Jacaj  🙏 's continue
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 30, 2023, 07:09:37 PM
Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on May 31, 2023, 06:36:57 AM

Currently 69F mostly  cloudy.  High 86F mostly sunny, Low 65F  clear.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on May 31, 2023, 06:53:58 AM
Good Morning did the bike again yesterday knees are still achey which I think is the new norm.  I have to sign my lease for the year and I just dont want to do it.   One more year maybe a miracle will happen this year so I can get out of here.  Price is too much!!!! too much everywhere. I really need a cosg of living raise. I get a 3% raise rent goes up 7% that doesnt include everything else that increases gas, good, insurance etc that explains it all 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on May 31, 2023, 07:35:34 PM

Whew I've been busy since we returned Monday evening. My husband and I decided to stay an extra day until Monday after family and friends left Sat and Sun. Monday late morning we decided to load my SUV then still have time to do some things inside then relax on front porch before leaving. Well when we decided to leave I discovered I had done another dumb thing. Nope didn't forget to put my purse in car this time. When I opened the car windows when we loaded things earlier (because it was a very warm day) I forgot to turn off the ignition key. Yep! You guessed it. Drained battery and wouldn't start. We looked at each other thinking no way! And cabin is in a remote rural area. I called the cabin contractor who lives a bit away to ask where to call for a jump. He's a nice guy and said no problem he'd come to help. He did. Car started right up. While we left the engine running to charge battery we invited him inside to see what we've done so far setting up and decorating. He ended up staying close to an hour. So we got a late start returning home .. a 2 1/2 hr drive.
Yesterday was busy with laundry from last week and weekend plus catching up on things to do around house here and today the same. I'm finally getting caught up. Well that's my story of the second dumb thing I did leaving cabin. Geez Louise!

LB, Good to hear your riding the bike and slowly coming along good. You did a lot of binge watching. Sounds relaxing.
I remember last year when you were deciding to sign another years lease or not. You looked at a variety of different places to move to. I remember the single house you liked a lot but it had not so pleasant stairs. You tried your best last year. Maybe a miracle will happen for you this year. Hope so.

Phyl, To answer your, "Huh? Put the grill in shed to keep bears away" .. yes the smell of food on grill and if any food or trash left in open will attract bear(s). There's black bear in the mountains at cabin. The guy who drilled for our well water said they used vegetable oil on the pole for drilling. The next morning they saw bear paw/claw prints in the dirt around pole and holes where it dug. We saw them too when we arrived that morning.  Smelling the vegetable oil attracted it. Interesting right? I was going to hang a few bird feeders but the news in the area is they are also attracting bears so no bird feeders will I put up! lol

Lani, Beautiful memorial post. Thank you for sharing.

Well time to clean bird baths here and fill bird feeders. No bears at home here!  ;D

Take care and SED
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 01, 2023, 06:48:49 AM
Good Morning.   I woke up to  pink eye. All crusty . Yesterday I thought It was a sty but then over night the goop and redness came through. I called teledoc and I have a script to pick up when pharmacy opency all withing an hour. 
Sorry about your car Paulie but sounds like a wonderful time otherwise!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 01, 2023, 09:30:22 AM
Good Morning ...
  Currently  66 F   High 86F mostly sunny with Low 65F  clear.

Paulie   :o  running the car battery down.  So glad all turned out well for you two.
LOL Sorry it wasn't that sort of a 'Huh?' more like an agreement  that ought to have been 'Eh?"

LB so sorry about your eye. That's a misery. But hopefully the Rx will help it heal quickly. .🙏 's  continue

Jacaj 🙏 's continue
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 01, 2023, 10:02:51 PM
LB, No way! Pink eye! For heavens sake. Did you mention pink eye in one of your posts a few weeks ago? When I read about you having it I thought you had mentioned it for some reason. Maybe not. Maybe I'm thinking of my local news that said Dr offices are reporting it going around here. Good you got the medication. It helps to clear it up pretty fast. I caught it from one of my granddaughters when she was a toddler. I wonder where you got the germ from?

#s 1 and 2 .. especially #1

Phyl, Gotcha on the bear. Cozy and relaxing photo today.
How are things with everyone in Beak Room? I used to read there but it's been a very long time since I have because I've been so busy. Please tell them I said Hi. I remember when Karen finally returned home. How's she doing? And how's Lani's family? And is tsk fully recovered from her surgery? We've pm'd at times in the past but have lost touch. Trying to keep up with home and cabin plus helping with my two oldest granddaughters among other things my days are busy from AM to PM.

I heard from jicaji this past weekend. She's still having good and not so good days.

Wishing all a good night's sleep. SED

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 02, 2023, 02:19:56 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently   F  and  High 91F sunny, Low 62F  clear.

Jacaj 🙏 's continue. Hoping today is a good day for you.

Paulie Karen is doing well; Lani and all are good; Tsk is doing well and PT  starts soon.

LB how's your eye doing this morning? 🙏 's continue
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: BrokenLug on June 02, 2023, 03:45:01 AM
Just about every good book began right there ..

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 02, 2023, 09:10:11 AM
Good Morning got delayed a late star for sure but now finished with my work. 

Paulie maybe a entioned something about my pinkie???  I jammed it a  while ago. left it alonr just order a splint. MY finger kept falling out of it ordered a nother one Its coming today. When I see the surgeon on Wednesday I will sjow him my pinkie He is a hand arm specilist. Its feeling a little beter now 

The pink is trying me crazy. Feels like I have a lsh stuck in my eye every time I put medicine in  I also tested myself for covid cause one of my friends  had pink eye when  she had covid It was a stong negative.   

They say things comes in 3's but I am on my 4th. scares me!!! LOL  back, arm pinkie, pink eye ok 5 knees. 

Monday I am seeing the dr about knees I think we wil lbe discussing epidoral.   MY knees still hurt when I walk  . 

My feeg still tingley but I am getting used to it or its getting bette.  I think I am just used to it by now!!! The epidoral may help with feet may not its more for pain  signed my lease and stressing how I am going to survive, not sue what I can cut out to reduce costs. I do nohing as it is  LOL   Cable no cause thats what I do. All I do is watch tv.  Vitamins???   Food eat soup and pasta??
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on June 02, 2023, 09:37:24 AM
Good Morning Cheerios!  Dusting off my stool and stooping in to chat a bit! 
Compared to where I was a year ago, i am doing very well!  Still dizzy and have muscle weakness in my legs.  Both conditions keep me tied to a walker but I get around well as long as I do not bend down for too long!  I think they call that a-dizzy blond! (Now turning grey!)
Have pt twice a week with homework to strengthen my legs and have another appointment on the 8th with the ent MD to explore the dizziness!

Am enjoying being home and being able to stay connected on line.  At the home, my device did not like the service saying it was not secure and kept shutting it down!

Paulie, your cabin sounds delightful?   While Lb has a squirrel nest, I have a house finch nesting on a ledge on the roof over my front door!  Been there awhile so I am hoping the eggs are viable!

All enjoy the day! 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on June 02, 2023, 10:49:57 AM
It's time to start making reservations for ATF 2023.  The reservation limit for the Marriott Fairfield accommodations is coming June 8, next Thursday.  Pricing and availability after that date is not guaranteed.

                            After The Fledge   2023
Our get-together this year will be July 20 thru July 23.  Extra days pre or post could be added as needed.  Starts on Thursday evening, departures for most would be on Sunday.
My unfortunate news for some might be that the manager will not be offering us a hold on any rooms at the Country Inn & Suites.  Anyone so inclined to stay there will have to call for your own arrangements  800-830-5222.   Maybe register a  complaint with manager Justin? 

Fairfield      Different rates for different dates for categories
         King-bed room:  $119, $154, $179  (Th, F, Sat)
         2 Queen beds:    $119, $164, $189  (Th, F, Sat)
         Reserve by June 8

Quality Inn      King-bed(s) room:      $192 nightly
         Queen bed(s) room:  $182 nightly
         Reserve by June 20

Winneshiek      Exec Room, 2 Queen:   $169 nightly
         K-bed Suite:                    $279 nightly
         K Whirlpool:                   $179 nightly
         Reserve by June 22

Super 8      DBL Queen Bed and
         SNGL Queen Bed           $139 nightly
         Reserve by July 20

Please be advised that there is a limit to each catagory.
As usual, I'll need your personal information and credit card number to hold a reservation.  Charges will not be processed until checkout.  Any further questions/isssues, contact me.   

Puff/LaNora              [email protected]              630-852-2108
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 02, 2023, 11:04:00 AM
Thanks Puff!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 02, 2023, 12:24:23 PM
Hi! Whoa! My post turned out kinda long.

BrokenLug, Good tune. I'm listening as I'm posting with head bobbing and foot tapping.

LB, Maybe it was your pinkie. Good it's feeling a little better now.
True the saying goes "Things come in 3s." Don't count the things you had before. I don't know what number that puts you at after that but just tell yourself "You're done!"  :)
Good about signing your lease. Take that off your to-do list. Try not to stress. Things work out somehow.

Karen! Hi! Great seeing you here. Yepper your stool is always here for you.  :)

Excellent you're doing very well compared to a year ago. You made me chuckled about the dizzy blonde turning gray. (Not the dizzy part .. the turning gray part.) I'm still blonde .. thought about going gray but after color treatments I have some silver now too. LOL Staying blonde.  ;D

I hope your device is secure for you now and stops that shutting down. Pain in the butt.
Thank you about the cabin. We're setting up inside and definitely enjoying it when there.

Cool about house finch above your door. Could they little ones maybe have fledged? I guess you would have seen and heard the little ones if the parents were feeding them.

Same with my front door wreath this year. House finch built a nest in wreath and laid 4 eggs while I was away a few days at cabin.
Got home and saw it! I left it alone because of the eggs. I was worried opening the front door though because of once they hatched and feedings and didn't want them fledging into the foyer. Well guess what .. when a family member came and opened door while walking inside it started parent bird and it flew into my house!! Funny and lucky thing is it flew into living room then down the hallway then into a bedroom!! I closed bedroom door ... opened the window .. then it flew outside. Whew! To prevent this from happening again I moved the wreath w/nest to the side of door. Parents didn't return so eggs became non-viable. Darn it.

You enjoy your day too!

Hi Puff .. Thanks Puff.

Hi Phyl

Well I better get some things done around here. Yesterday was 90 degrees. Today's to be 93. A/C is already on. This weekend and next week to return to mid-70s.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on June 02, 2023, 12:37:40 PM
Very strange happening paulie.  For eons I dyed hair to make it onecolor instead of brown, ash, auburn, etc.  This was when hairdos involved hairpieces to make a crown of huge curls.  Hair pieces were not multicolored at the time.  Ergo, made one-color hair to match one-color wiglet.  Anyway - I digress.

At one point I said phooey - let the color go natural beautious ash gray (the color I had underneath.  Who knew?  And, now a new "natural" phenom - since I spend too much time outside if I'm doing my yard "stuff"  Good ole' sol is changing my color on me. . .It's changing my ashgray to white.  What the hay?

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on June 02, 2023, 01:02:34 PM
I would not
 mind white!  I hate Grey!
Pauli, I make everyone come thru the garage and in the back door!  My neighbor, across the street had a nest in the wreath on the front door and she got some yellow crime scene tape and stretched it across the steps until all the babies fledged!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 02, 2023, 06:02:22 PM
Puff, Wow you had ash gray underneath! That's a really pretty color combination together. People pay to have their hair dyed ash gray.

Hmmm I wonder why being outside (and in the sun a lot too I'm assuming) I wonder why it's turning to white? Interesting.

I have to ask .. what is sol .. "Good ole' sol"? I've been trying to come up with an abbreviated meaning. I hope when you tell me I don't smack my head and say "Oh! Duh!" lol

I don't want to deal with the dark roots in the grow out if I stopped. Did you have them?

Karen, Agreed white is pretty!

Good for you making everyone go thru garage and in back door! Thumbs up to that.

Awesome that your neighbor across the street used yellow crime scene tape!! If I tried that I think my family would wrap me up in it. LOL

LB, TGIF for you!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on June 02, 2023, 06:54:37 PM
Who knew Paulie  Dad used to say he wasn't gray; he never called his grey.  It all should have been a clue to me.  Found out because of my laziness.  Had a cruise and no time to color - let my dang roots grow/show.  Noone mentioned/commented.  Took that as a sign and just let it grow.  Totally broke off any relationship with L'Oreal forever.

Sun does fade out a lot of the ash; kinda looks like streaks in some spots.  Outside now about 2 weeks has made a difference.  Could be the contrast of the scalp tan/sun red ??

Biggest difference/complaint has been the change of volume, body, fuzzy.  Less hair for sure.  Didn't know I had a scalp until about 65.  Never had issue of roots - just let it grow the way/color it wanted.  Just matched right in.

Come on somebody - back me up?  No roots, right?  Not white either, white is an older stage.  My neighbor friend let her hair grow out.  Not the same result/luck as I had.  Husband told her to go back to looking younger, better.  You could sign up for ATF and see if what I've said is true.  Now -- if I could pull another miracle and look thinner.

Two extra comments:  sol is the Spanish for sun.   teehee

Also, for tsk  Did you make a comment that this was the last of the C's you'd have   to worry about?  How's that happening?

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 02, 2023, 09:43:26 PM
Puff, I can't think of a better place and time to let roots begin to grow out than on a relaxing cruise! You broke off your relationship with L'Oreal while I'm still having one with the same.

Sun definitely affects hair color.

Oh my gosh you didn't know you had a scalp until about 65. You have me laughing.
Whoa to what your neighbor's husband said to her. She should have replied by telling him to suck in his gut! Men!
I'd love to sign up for ATF. Have wanted to for years. I was helping raise and watching my two youngest granddaughters back in 2011 for a number of years going forward. Now no time and $ going into cabin.
After a certain age I think most everyone wants a miracle with thinning hair, loss of hair lol and looking thinner. Weight likes to drop to the hips like other things drop.  ;D

Thanks for the sol explanation. 

Okay .. long day and tired. Time to relax with adult beverage. Looking forward to it.

Wishing anyone who reads here a peaceful and restful night. SED
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 03, 2023, 07:27:57 AM
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 03, 2023, 07:32:43 AM
Good Morning ...It's Caturday!

Currently   62 F   Gonna be a hot one...High 93F sunny, Low 65F  clear.

Hi LB oh no! Not your pinkie finger. Lots of {{{}}} for you.  🙏 's continue.

Hi Paulie {{{}}} for you today.

Jacaj 🙏 's continue.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 03, 2023, 10:27:00 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, I was looking at my calendar today and you have a birthday coming up soon.  :)


Phyl, Whew yes that's hot. We had 93 yesterday but a cold front blew threw and cooler today. Turn your A/C on!

Cute cat! I used to have 3 cats and 2 dogs. They all got along really good together. Also at the same time 13 Zebra Finches. Once when 3 got out of their cages cats were flying through the air trying to get them!! LOL

Thanks for the hugs! What did I do to get them?  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 03, 2023, 09:06:25 PM
Quiet here today.

Busy day tomorrow with a family birthday dinner and next week promises to be busy again.

Wishing all a pleasant Sunday and week.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 04, 2023, 07:28:53 AM
GM, You had o remind me Paulie!!! Yes in 2 weeks.    Shoot I iddnt realize it was so close.   Nothing excititng to report here.   The normal weekeknd  cleaning cooking and tv. But I didnt cook or clean yet. LOL Trying to find a new recipe with ground beef tired of the same things I make which is chili , Korein Beef, or Zuchini boats.   I use ground Turkey instead of beef though. I found a good Chicken Fajita recipe. Yum, making that tonight
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 05, 2023, 08:49:44 AM

Currently  62 F .  High 92F sunny, Low 62F  clear.

Hi LB those Zuchini boats sound interesting. And, the verdict on the Chicken Fajita?   🙏 's continue.

Paulie  hoping the family birthday dinner goes well and everyone has a fun time  🙏

Jacaj 🙏 's continue.

I made a tuna pizza yesterday...mostly my own receipe.  Turned out delish
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 05, 2023, 09:19:34 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, I'm glad I reminded you! lol Your meals sound good! Let us know how your chicken fajitas turn out.

Phyl, Yes yesterday's Bday dinner was a hit. One of my daughter's made chicken and waffles for her husband. His birthday. Everyone gets a birthday meal and that's his favorite. She makes meal from scratch. It smelled and tasted delicious.

Next Sunday I cook for my other daughter's Bday meal. She asked for stuffed peppers, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes and dessert cheesecake w/cherry topping and chocolate pie. I usually have a minimum of 11 people.

June is a busy Bday month. June 2, June 9, June 15, 16 and 18. Father's Day is 18th this year too. Whew!

One of my granddaughter's (13) just called me asking me to take her and her sister (15 my oldest granddaughter) shopping for a swim suit today then to local pool. My son/their dad is working. I didn't plan on this today. lol I do have a return to do at the store they'd like to go to so I've added that to my "to do" list today.

I'm still in pajamas because I slept in after a busy day yesterday and my knee was swollen and throbbing last night. It feels better now.
Well gotta go. Later taters.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 05, 2023, 07:40:17 PM
Hi  got side tracked on phone with  my nephew.  Chicken fajaits are faboulus I have enough fora few more meals.   I went to PT  tonight and spoke with drs assistnt about epidural .  WE decided to wait. I dont think I reallyneed it right now.  Knees are doing rather well. just the arthritic pain and the epidural wont help that.  If it was from the nerve  it would. I see one surgeon on wednesday the other next week. I have to write out questions to ask I have them all. I went over  the questions with PT and he  liked them all very valid questions.  LOL   Going to type them up tomorrow at work will give me something to do .   

Glad your birthdday  dinner was good. I miss birthday dinners/celebrations. We dont do that anymore. Maybe I will run to the store and bymyself a slicecheese cake or cup cake   but not sure I have money!!!   well I can after next wedensday (pay day)  what a sad world we live in  lol
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 05, 2023, 08:46:01 PM
I just reread some earlier posts and just realized I forgot a comment/question ....

Phyl, Tuna pizza! Never heard of that. I guess mostly because your own recipe. What all goes with the tuna?

LB, How is your nephew? Not sure if he's the son of your sister or brother who passed away. Sorry to mention that. Hugs to you.

Awesome about the chicken fajitas. Enjoy!

I'm glad you're not needing or getting epidural right now. Good your knees are doing really well. Very wise writing/typing all of your questions.

Since I have your mailing address I'd send you one slice of cheese cake or a cup cake but I'd have to send a whole cheese cake or batch of cup cakes and I know you wouldn't want that!!  ;D I'm sure your father is going to remember your birthday.

Quotes: I was going to say #1 but all three are great.

Today proved to be a full busy day with my two oldest granddaughters. Didn't get everything done on my to do list so will do tomorrow. No biggie. This evening I cut back a Bleeding Heart plant that grew to be a giant this year! Was huge! I guess the many early to mid Spring rains because my area now is in a 5.5 inch deficit for rain. Grass is going brown and dormant.

Wishing all a relaxing evening. That's what I'm doing now.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 06, 2023, 06:51:03 AM
Good Morning ...

Normandy Beach, France. D-Day landing site, June 6th 1944

Forcast for Cane Ridge, TN:     Currently   F  and  High 90F sunny, Low  61F  clear.

Hi LB Sounds like you're improving. And some good decisions were made. 🙏 's continue  Chicken fajaits turned out ---that's great.

Hey Paulie!
Gosh! You're sooooo busy.  Oh the Tuna pizza. I had 3 cans of Star Kist packed in water and couldn't decide if I wanted the trouble of a casserole or
tuna salad sands.  Then remembered I had a pizza crust...looked up tuna pizza. And, amazed there are recipes!  Didn't like the combos offered.
And, did this instead :
buttered the crust with real butter
layered shredded Mozzarella cheese with grated Parmesan
topped with mixture of tuna and dill/minced garlic
garnished with canned sliced blk olives
Baked for 10 mins @ 350 (Jim actually was in charge of baking--I was busy on this thing)

At any rate it hit the spot at the time. Probably will make again. Maybe with revisions.

Jacaj 🙏 's continue.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 06, 2023, 05:27:22 PM
Hi  I am off tomorrow  first surgeon appoinme. t Knee is achy today but only took 2 advils.  That tuna pizza sounds interestig at first.  at first I was like aI 'll pass But its not so much different than than tuna melt I make I use the tortillas wraps and swiss cheese fold in half and fry in pan.  I may need to try that  I woke up to this deer this morning. I was going out to feed the squirrels and birds and she was standing in distant As soon as she saw me throw the peanut she came walking up to eat peanuts. She got a couple of bites then  Copper woke up and came out and saw her and started barking she ran off but not far just to the next building  then she atr the flowers ttmy neight had hanging LOL   I think the kids walking to bus stop chased her away she was gone when I went to look for her again , We have the spoke and haze from the Canadian fires. Even the smell. W e are in an air quality alert because of it   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 06, 2023, 06:36:45 PM
Hi LB  sweet photo of the doe. Maybe she'll return. Sending 🙏 's for air quality and more!

Hi Paulie another busy day for you. But, fun with the granddaughrers

Hi Jacaj   🙏 's  continue
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 06, 2023, 06:37:03 PM
  Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 07, 2023, 06:22:27 AM
Good Morning ...


Currently 60 F  and  High 85F mostly sunny, Low 59F  clear.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 07, 2023, 07:11:18 AM
Good Morning getting ready to go to surgeon. I have my questions the real question is  will I use the sheet.  LOL   UPDATE..... No surgery needed. If it was the other tendon than I would have needed surgery
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 08, 2023, 11:18:15 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently 78F mostly sunny.  High 82F sunny, Low 53F  clear.

Sending best wishes for your surgical visit today, LB  Great news on 'No Surgery'. !

Hi Paulie

Jacaj 🙏 's continue.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 08, 2023, 12:20:54 PM
Good Afternoon,

LB, Awwww Awesome about the doe!!

Good news to no surgery!  :)

Same here with air quality due to Canadian fire. Yesterday wasn't good. Today got Hazardous warning and to stay inside and go outside only if necessary. There's a smoky haze you can definitely see like fog. Can definitely smell it too.

Phyl, Your tuna pizza sounds good with the ingredients you used.

Yes to a busy day with both oldest granddaughters the other day. Yesterday was the same with my oldest granddaughter. Took her to dental appointment. Wisdom teeth beginning to cause issues like they always do with most people.

Then we went to shopping for potted plants. We had a blast and bought more than intended. Lol After that we went to Starbucks to have lunch together.

Then I food shopped at 3 different food stores because having been at cabin so much I neglected food and misc shopping here way too long. I wasn't finished shopping till early evening.

Landscapers came yesterday to mulch everywhere and did trimming too. This is the third year I've used landscaper. It just got to be too much. With every year my yard seemed to grow larger and took me longer to finish. No more!! 

My oldest daughter and granddaughters came last evening with dinner from Chick-fil-a. Much appreciated. We relaxed and laughed.

This morning I'd set my alarm for early because I had to take my suv to garage for some work. Returned home and put beef roast in crock pot for dinner. Too tired by now to want to stand at stove today.  ::)
I sat down to watch the news on TV after that and wound up taking an unplanned nap!! Felt good and much needed.

Soooo staying inside today due to air quality and actually relaxing doing misc stuff inside.  ;D

I'm wishing everyone a pleasant day.

LB, Give us some more good news.

Quotes: I like #1 from yesterday about birds.

Oh!! Birds!! The House Sparrows that had built a nest w/4 eggs then abandoned it due to me moving it must have taken a vacation.
I rehung my front door wreath a week ago. All's been good. Well today I heard bird singing nearby while I was inside and yep! They've returned trying to build another nest. Ugh!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 08, 2023, 06:15:26 PM
My good news for the day is I got an email from the propery manager apologizing for not getting back to me sooner.  I called 5/30 to see if they woud help with the rent increase she would get back to me. She bnever did so I signed the lease 5/31 SO the email oday said They will increase 5% instead of 7%. I was so excicited. it will save me $36 a month, not much but everything  counts. Last year they only decreased it by $12  I wonder what I did this year for the extra deduction  ;)

I wish I had your energy Paulie!!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 08, 2023, 09:26:30 PM
LB, Oh I'm happy for you about the rent! Very nice of the property manager to do that for you again too. They don't have to.
You're a good tenant that's what you did to deserve it. And also because you've had one heck of a year and the Heavens smiled on you.  ;)

About my energy. Today Nada!! Nope! Zip!  I've been dragging all day. All those busy days caught up with me.

Interesting fact about the Air Quality stats. This evenings ABC David Muir National News program was talking about the smoke haze and poor air quality. He said NYC hit its highest number ever for poor air quality but then he went on to say the air quality number of 491/Hazardous for a city that beat out NYC this morning. Boy was I surprised because it's a city here in PA about a 10 to 15 minute drive from my house!! I heard on my local news this morning the number here was 491 but didn't realize it beat NYC. That's crazy.

I must say it really was nasty this morning w/thick smoggy smoke and the smell. We're finally down to 148/Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups. You can check your local Air Quality at airnow.gov   Just put in your zip code.

Well I'm going to Zzzzz. Wishing all a good night's sleep.

Oops. Had to come back. Forgot quotes. All three are good.
Night. Zzzzzzz  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 09, 2023, 05:13:37 AM


Currently 60F  and  High 84F sunny, Low 56F  clear.

Wonderful news on the rent LB Ditto Paulie, a good tenant and it's about time.  ;)

Yes. Where do you get the energy Paulie?

Didn't know you were so close to NYC. Gosh! The air quality there is horriffic.  You say it's slowly clearing up.
I've heard it's suppose to make 'it's' way down south. And, that the KN95 masks we used for CoVid will work in prevention of a good
deal of smoke inhalation. And way we keep 'looking up' .  There's a faint haziness---nothing is sharp and clear looking. But, this is Nashville,
nestled in the Great Cumberland Basin and smogg is trapped here  all the time.  :(
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 09, 2023, 05:16:18 AM

Lung cancer pill drastically cuts risk of death after surgery
https://www.livescience.com/health/lung-cancer/lung-cancer-pill-drastically-cuts-risk-of-death-after-surgery?utm_term=C190B63E-87C3-4395-B655-61057A13DDD2&utm_campaign=368B3745-DDE0-4A69-A2E8-62503D85375D&utm_medium=email&utm_content=41E0F7D0-2DCC-413F-9EFC-91046E086EEB&utm_source=SmartBrief (https://www.livescience.com/health/lung-cancer/lung-cancer-pill-drastically-cuts-risk-of-death-after-surgery?utm_term=C190B63E-87C3-4395-B655-61057A13DDD2&utm_campaign=368B3745-DDE0-4A69-A2E8-62503D85375D&utm_medium=email&utm_content=41E0F7D0-2DCC-413F-9EFC-91046E086EEB&utm_source=SmartBrief)

Earth's highest, coldest, rarest clouds are back. How to see the eerie 'noctilucent clouds' this summer.
https://www.livescience.com/space/meteoroids/earths-highest-coldest-rarest-clouds-are-back-how-to-see-the-eerie-noctilucent-clouds-this-summer?utm_term=C190B63E-87C3-4395-B655-61057A13DDD2&utm_campaign=368B3745-DDE0-4A69-A2E8-62503D85375D&utm_medium=email&utm_content=41E0F7D0-2DCC-413F-9EFC-91046E086EEB&utm_source=SmartBrief (https://www.livescience.com/space/meteoroids/earths-highest-coldest-rarest-clouds-are-back-how-to-see-the-eerie-noctilucent-clouds-this-summer?utm_term=C190B63E-87C3-4395-B655-61057A13DDD2&utm_campaign=368B3745-DDE0-4A69-A2E8-62503D85375D&utm_medium=email&utm_content=41E0F7D0-2DCC-413F-9EFC-91046E086EEB&utm_source=SmartBrief)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 09, 2023, 05:17:22 AM
Rabbit street brawl
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 09, 2023, 06:35:37 PM
I am grateful for the decrease in rent but still cant afford it!!!  LOL But maybe it will help  figuring where to cut.    CBS News in NYC said they got up to 496.   REgardless it's high!! LOL  so now I m adding another hour to my PT for OT (Occupaionaltherapy) for my arm.   not fun at all. We'll see how that goes.  I am already exhusted.   watching ET.   What do all these actors/actresses do with such huge homes?  Do they really need? Are they ever home to enjoy it???  JUst thinking LOL 

So the past few nights Copper has been waking me up a 400 am to go out last night 2am  THe last 2 nights he decided he will be sleepjg on the bed with me for the remainder of the night  For 6 years he wouldnt sleep with me and all of a sudden he decided its ok to sleep with me for part of the night.   He's weird. LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 10, 2023, 07:32:38 AM
Good Morning ...and Happy Caturday !

 Currently  56 F mostly cloudy .  We've had an ongoing 'air quality' alert, will  last  until 12N on Sunday . So NWS says.  And a High 89F sunny, Low 61F .

LB oh no! Those air quality levels are good!   Sometimes pets just feel the need to be close.   More likely,  that Copper thought you might need some comforting

Hi Paulie

Jacaj 🙏 's continue.    How are you today?
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 10, 2023, 08:08:05 AM
Good Morning  Coppedr slept with me half the night again last night, I woork from home next week yippe Hopefully I will get some good unclutter/cleaning done.  I am going o see my father today
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 10, 2023, 08:52:07 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, Very nice you work from home next week. Awww to Copper. He wants to be close with you either for himself or for both of you.
Phyl's suggestion that he senses your discomfort and stress is very possible. True our pets definitely can sense things.

ET is a good movie! About large homes ... status in my opinion.

Today's quotes: #3 and #1 pic is adorable.

Phyl, Oh my gosh to the rabbit street brawl! I got exhausted watching. Lol

Yesterday I took my car back to garage because of shimmy/shake and noise not there before repair. Turned out to be a defective part.
Can't be driven until new part arrives so I was given a loaner vehicle. A 2023 and oh my it drives and rides awesome .. like gliding on air.

Well time to get Saturday stuff, laundry, misc started.
Enjoy your day.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 10, 2023, 01:12:55 PM

Here's to a nice visit w/your dad today, LB. And,  blessings to Copper   :-* :-* :-*
Congrats to working from home next week.
'ET' is a nice movie.
Good 'inspirations'

Paulie rotten about your wheels. Hope repairs don't take long. Nice loaner auto---they loan the 2023's in hopes
a person will purchase.   Rabbit brawl,  ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 10, 2023, 07:29:10 PM
Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     
Street Cat Bob, Covent Garden, London, UK  :-*
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 11, 2023, 09:09:37 AM
Good morning I got to sleep in today sometime between 8:30-9:00  I looked at time when I ws brushing my teeh 9:12.  LOL  But thats after copper woke me u at 200 again and then came into bed with me again  :)  He never wanted to sleep with me  so I wonder.   H would only sleep in my bed when I went to work When he had the bed to himself.  That was one of the problem with the last person who had him. Copper wouldnt allow the husband in the bed!!  I'll ake it It does give me comfort with him sleeping with me.  My plans with my dad got cancelled to today but then at 400 his girlfriend (Arlene) called and invited me out to dinner with them for chinese.  That was nice.  Good resteraunt too friendly people and it was close to where the apartment I wanted to go to a few years ago but I decided not to which I now regret  maybe next year as a last resort. Hoping something will come up with me financially to have better  I can have hope, 

Knees ar achey but I did a lot of leaning yesterday and walking a lot of squatting to clean nbehid toilett and moldings But at least I can now do that 

Cute Kitty!!!!!

Gotta walk copper!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 11, 2023, 05:02:53 PM
Hi LB Bless Copper!

So glad you spent time with your and Arlene. How sweet of her to include you. Yep! Now you're using your knees and working them. That will make themn ache.

The kitty from last night is the famous 'Street Cat Bob' of Covent Garden, London. He and James Bowen used to sell 'The Big Issue" and both were bruskers on London street corners before the 'Street Cat Bob' books ,  films and  making the tour and talking about problem of homeless cats and people.

Hi Paulie

Hi Jacaj

Have a good evening and SEDS
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on June 11, 2023, 05:08:57 PM

Hi everybody....Today was a good day.  My back is making progress and I had a good sleep.

So, this morning we saw a really big doe way in the back....Beautiful.  THEN a big either owl or hawk landed on my deck.  It was beautiful and really big.  THEN a black squirrel came in my back yard and was chasing a gray one.  Lots to see in the back.

THEN, since my back didn't hurt much, I made the most amazing chocolate fudge pie.  Best pie I ever made. Easy peesy.  I came across a chef on the internet, she's from Alabama, her name is Brenda Gantt.  She has the best recipes and had this recipe for the pie.  AND I could listen to her southern drawl for hours :)

Well, we're going to have some "more" pie and vanilla icecream.

Thanks everyone for the good wishes and prayers.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 12, 2023, 06:38:38 AM
Glad to see you Jacaji!!!   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 12, 2023, 08:24:46 AM
Happy Birthday LB!!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 12, 2023, 08:27:58 AM
Good Morning,

Hi all, I can't stay but will return later.

LB, You get to be home today on your birthday. Good. Despite working from home ... Enjoy your day.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on June 12, 2023, 11:41:43 AM

Hi everyone.

LB...Wishing you a very Happy Birthday  Wishing you also a wonderful, healthy year ahead.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 12, 2023, 07:08:41 PM

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 12, 2023, 08:56:30 PM
Hi LB, Hoping your "special" day was pleasant for you.  :)

Very nice that the other day your father's girlfriend, Arlene, invited you out for dinner. Is Arlene your father's long time girlfriend from years ago? I'm glad you enjoyed the restaurant, food and company.

Today's #3 quote this morning.

Hi jicaji, Really good to see you here. You had an awesome encounter with nature's creatures the other day!

I goggled Brenda Gantt. She's a hoot! I like her southern drawl too. I watched two of her videos. Her biscuits look deeelicious!
Pretty much everything I saw on UTube and different recipes look tasty.

Hi Phyl

Well the lack of rain now has the deficit to 6 1/4 inches. Finally got some rain today but it was a doozy of a storm with heavy downpours and scary cloud rotations. One of my daughters got tornado warning saying "go to basement or lowest part of house/structure immediately." She called me asking if I got it. Not at that time so we stayed on the phone together until the storm was gone in her area. Luckily no tornado developed. It headed my way and then towards my other daughters home but finally fizzled out. Good!

SED all.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 13, 2023, 06:26:20 AM
Thank you for the birthday wishes  It was just a day. My father forgot!!!! LOL He's 87 so forgiven LOL They worked me hard at PT yesterday but my knees felt wonderful with whatever he did.  But now I am payng!!! So sore now!!!!!  Tomorrow will be long day at pt 5-8 I am seeing everyone there. PT then occupation therapy (OT) then chiro then medical dr the rhe manager not sure why him I saw him last week    Coppers bithday present tto me was to whine all day
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 13, 2023, 06:58:40 AM

Currently  51F fog.   High 81F sunny, Low 58F  clear.

Oh {{{LB}}} sorry your dad forgot. But, sure all's forgiven.  ;)   
 That's a sign the PT is working. Gosh! That is a long PT day.

Hi Paulie

Hi jicaji,

Wishing y'all a good day.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 13, 2023, 07:21:09 PM
Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 14, 2023, 06:21:51 AM
Good Morning ...


Currently 64F  with a high 84F mostly sunny,  low 63F  clear.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 14, 2023, 06:49:42 AM
Good Morning  My dad remembered yestedrday morning HEEHEE

Long day today wit PT
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 14, 2023, 11:07:51 AM
LB   I thought your dad might remember your B/D.   Good luck with the PT.

Hi Paulie

Hi jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 14, 2023, 06:47:56 PM

What Is Flag Day?
Discover the history of the annual holiday and check out 13 facts about the American flag and how to properly display it.

Included is a short video.
https://www.history.com/news/what-is-flag-day (https://www.history.com/news/what-is-flag-day)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 14, 2023, 06:48:36 PM
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 15, 2023, 01:39:57 AM
This one's b-i-g  !

(https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/falcons.jpg)    The Raptor Resource Project

From Amy's blog...

Celebrate with RRP at After The Fledge 2023!
June 14, 2023  RaptorResource

https://www.raptorresource.org/2023/06/14/join-rrp-for-after-the-fledge-2023/ (https://www.raptorresource.org/2023/06/14/join-rrp-for-after-the-fledge-2023/)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 15, 2023, 06:37:49 AM
Good morning I wish I can go.   So next step is MI on my knees. the next hing the dr wants to try insurance wont cover so he wants mri so he can fight it and try o get covered.  I think its stem cell. so waiting for authorization from insurance to make appt. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 15, 2023, 09:10:28 AM
Hi LB !  I know, I'd like to attend myself, just once ev en. But, alas...
Indeed, stem cell therapy is the future whenever possible.  Getting excited for you. Sure hope all works out for you.

Hi Paulie

Hi jicaji,

Wishing y'all a good day.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 15, 2023, 09:37:21 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, Awww to your dad remembering. Of course he did.  :)
Good news for you with Dr and his plans for insurance. The medical practice you're going to sounds excellent. I'm happy for you.

Phyl, I've always wanted to attend ATF too but haven't been able to. Always sounds exciting.

The past few days have been super busy. Sunday's birthday meal for daughter done.
Today my oldest granddaughter's 16th Birthday party at park pavilion and pool.
Tomorrow my husband's birthday and meal.
Sunday my oldest son's birthday and family meal here plus celebrating Father's Day for all family.

Yesterday my granddaughter (Sweet 16 today) and I had hair appointments together then did some shopping for summer dresses for her afterwards then had lunch together.
Last evening I remembered the helium balloon canister wasn't bought! Rushed and found one at store.
My son and granddaughters shopped for all the food. Cooler is ready with ice bags to load up this afternoon.
The cake from bakery is ready for pick up. All presents wrapped.
We decorate pavilion at 1pm and party and pool 2pm to 8pm.
The park is nearby so if anything is forgotten it's not far to come back here for it. lol
Oh! And prayers answered to today being a beautiful sunny warm day. Yay!

Well I better get myself moving here with some regular daily things needing done.
Take care and have a pleasant day.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 16, 2023, 06:29:27 AM
Good morning

 I went to decorah 3 years in a row in the beginning bt not since defentily a place I wouldnt mind moving to. I was going to write a lot but forgot what I wanted to say LOL I will check back later aftr I finish my work I do get off at 200 today as well   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 16, 2023, 07:11:25 AM

And, Happy Friday !

Currently  66 F  sunny.  Today's High 90F sunny, Low  62F  clear.

  LOL 'forgot what you were going to write."   ;)     So cool getting off work at 2pm. That makes for a more 'fun' weekend.

Hi Paulie  that's a lot of family gatherings and food---yummie I bet.  What a nice outting for you and your granddaughter. Nothing like 'girl fun'.
I hope the family celebrations will be full of laughter and compliments on the meals.

Hi jicaji,

Wishing y'all a good day.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 16, 2023, 12:27:19 PM
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 17, 2023, 09:12:08 AM
Cute otters!!!!  Good morning, I slept in but not until after good ole copper woke me up at 300 to go out again, I even took him ut at 10 last night and he went then too Not sure how to fix this especially by next week when I need to get up earlier for work (in office)  I got good news yesterday from PT. He is considering of redcing my PT from 3x a week to 2x a week.  Not next week but possibly the following week.  yippeee!!!! But those 2 days will still be long due to they added my arm  Thats a whole other hour. 

My knee hurt a lot  this morning    I dont think the  injections worked tht well.  But he gave me a lot of exercises for my knees to wlking with weights was one (carrying the weight) so it's like carrying bags and or boxes  I love this place will miss it when I am done
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 17, 2023, 10:59:20 AM
Phyl, "I ordered a Samsung Galaxy ...." Lol
Thank you for your kind words about all the family Bday's. My granddaughter said her 16th Bday and party was the best ever. Success! ;D

Lb, Give your injections time. Mine took a while to really work and there's always good days or not so good depending on more activity.

#2 sounds good to me. lol #3 Definitely have had "Me too" moments with others = Fun.

Busy birthday week continues. Another birthday yesterday .. my husband. Tomorrow one of my son's bday and Father's Day for all the dad's in family.

Last night I got a Ring notification from cabin .. "Person Detected". Turned out to Mama Bear and her 2 adorable cubs. I turned on voice/sound and said, "Hi! What ya doing?" Cubs stopped in their tracks then mama came barreling out of nowhere looking straight at cabin. She immediately scampered cubs away giving a loud snort. I could see them standing at a distance not from from cabin backyard.
A bit later they came back through slowing walking past and down path they came from.

Time to do laundry and errands.
Have a good day.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 17, 2023, 01:37:58 PM
Good Morning ...and Happy Caturday !


Currently  64 F  with a yellow quality alert.   High 88F sunny, Low 60F  clear.

LB like Paulie, I must say give this all time. You didnt' get like this overnight. And you certainly worn't recov er overnight either.   🙏 's

Hi Paulie  ROTFL  about the Ring bears. Loved to have seen that one.  Nothing but fun, fun, fun at your house thiswweekend.  :)

Hi jicaji,  :)

Wishing y'all a good day.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 17, 2023, 06:15:36 PM
Phyl, I'm glad you got a good laugh from the bears.  ;D I'll give you another laugh below. This isn't the first alert we've gotten. Had had a few before ... a good 'ol turkey.
It walks behind cabin in yard just moseying along gobbling away. We've seen it following the same path when we've been at cabin too. Deer go by too of course. Our trail cam in the wooded area away from cabin has taken pics of deer, black bear, coyote and elk. There's bob cats too.

Here's another laugh for you. The very first 'Person Detected' alert we got when at home I went to live few immediately. Saw no one.
The Ring cam is located above rear bedroom window (out of view) but can see along the rest of rear cabin wall, kitchen window and back door. I got a second alert. Still couldn't see anyone so thought maybe someone was at window out of view. Soooo I turned on audio saying "Whoever's there leave now!! The police have been called." (We didn't yet because we weren't sure.) Next thing we saw was a very large spider (looked gross too) came crawling across the camera lens.  ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 17, 2023, 08:17:42 PM
That's funny Paulie!

Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .   

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 18, 2023, 09:27:14 AM
Good Sunday Morning,

Wishing all father's everywhere a "Happy Father's Day."
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 18, 2023, 10:08:12 AM
tGood Morning Happy Faghers day to  everyone who is a father or a single mom  :D

I love the bear story Paulie and the spider. The ring must keep you entertained (for now)    Keep the stories comig gives me chuckles.

Copper just woke up at 11 am after waking me up at 4 once again (getting later)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 18, 2023, 12:18:53 PM
Good Morning !
Happy Father's Day to all the Cheers dads...and Mom-dads.


I use this in my  family email greetings in honor of Father's Day


Hi Paulie

 Hi jicaji

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 18, 2023, 01:00:17 PM
Getting ready to go to my dads for fathers day BBQ. It was planned very last minute. SO I am doing an experiement and wont feed Copper until I get home which will probably be close to 7 if not later so maybe that will help with him sleeping through night. I hope hbe does, tomorrow is going o be a busy day. I need my sleep!!! LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 18, 2023, 06:32:54 PM
Hi LB wishing you a wonderful time with  your dad this evening. 
And, much success with Copper's new dinner time, too.

Paulie/jicaji hope you and your's had a wonderful Father's Day celebration

  Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 19, 2023, 07:16:52 AM
Good Morning...

Currently 71 cloudy  F  and  High 80F  rain, Low 67F rainy.

Just now, got an email from Xfinity that we're getting an upgrade to 10G and to expect severe 'outages' in services  commencing 26th. But maybe
earlier or later. ::)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 19, 2023, 08:56:24 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Glad you get a chuckle from camera stories. Will keep you posted when more happen.
The BBQ with your father sounds pleasant and relaxing.
Let us know if your experiment feeding Copper helped.

Phyl, Yes thank you. Yesterday's Father's Day celebration here was really nice .. and one of my son's birthday too. Was a full house!
Everyone enjoyed the meal and there was lots of laughter and fun.

Awesome Father's Day greeting photo you use and a calming pretty photo this morning.

Wow to upgrade to 10G. I've heard only about 5G thinking that's the latest. Hope you don't get outages.

I am one grateful and tired lady this morning after this months lineup of birthdays, meals and parties and Father's Day.
I love my family very much but geesh I need a vacation.  ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 19, 2023, 07:56:46 PM
Hi Lae nigh with PT   I a exhausted and I want coffee!!!  LOL  BBQ was good no fighting. Cooper meal time was a fail woke up at 300 am. He just ppooped now so hopefully he will sleep through  tonight but he has pooped this late and still went out. 

Paulied, do you ever have an empty house???  LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 20, 2023, 06:20:15 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently  69 F  cloudy.  High 76F rain storms, Low 68F  rain.   All day long...
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 20, 2023, 09:40:21 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, Your PT does sound exhausting.
Good that the BBQ went well. Who all was at your father's?
Darn it to Cooper's meal time being a fail. He's determined to maintain his schedule.
I'm sure you enjoyed your morning coffee!

About my house ever being empty. Not during the first half of this month with all the birthdays. Lol Things are slowing up now.
My husband asked me when's the next get-together event? I replied, "Probably July 4th and the guys can grill. No cooking for me."  ;D

All three quotes yesterday were good.

Phyl, Send some of that rain my way. We've been in an official drought for 2 weeks now.

Well I was tired yesterday and had planned for a slower day but was busier than I'd planned. So hoping for a slower day today. We need a finger's crossed emoji.  :)

Wishing everyone a pleasant day. Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 20, 2023, 09:47:28 AM
LB the qu otes are good. Glad the BBQ at your Dad's went well. Indeed PT can wear one out entirely.  Copper you need to help
your mom more.

Paulie I've put a rain order in , we'll see huh?  Hope you get a slower day

jicaji   :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 20, 2023, 09:49:26 AM
This is 'Mattie' one of our resident squirrels earlier this month.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 20, 2023, 06:55:12 PM
Mattie is adorable. I cant tell my squirells apart!!! LOL

July 4 is 2 weeks away!!!! 

The bbq was my brother and ones of his sons.  ALso, y fathers girlfirned Arlene.

I gt approval for the MRI on my knees I need to cal lto get the suthorization Number I aam sure pT will call as well with tha info. 

I am off tomorrow doctors appointment. For my yearly physical. PT wont be so bad tomorrow since I am off. 

We statted out new process at work tody (my idea)  I like it. This is first phase. It is being implemented in phases. 

I got wonderful news today!!!! Yippe I am getting a 5%  increase in pay!!!   I got  raise!!!  for know reason toher than they want to acknowledge how I am a good worker!!!!!    I am so excited. It will be in next weeks pay heck so I will be doing a new budgwt!!!   I definilty should be in a better position now its how much better, I hope it gives me room for some fun and saving But I know I shouldnt be in such a big whole with the rent increase
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 20, 2023, 06:56:03 PM
Good Morning ...

Currently  69 F  cloudy.  High 76F rain storms, Low 68F  rain.   All day long...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 21, 2023, 07:00:32 AM
Good Morning !     It’s official...Happy Summer !


Currently  68 F.  High 77F rain Low 63F rainy.

Hope the morning finds eveyone well. And, ready for a brand new 'season' of F-u-n.

{{{LB}}}  that's   fantastic news all the way around!  I'm so happy for you.  ;)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 21, 2023, 07:56:37 AM
Good morning  I am off geting ready to walk copper now, yes he oke me up, I think he just created a new habit of wanting to go out in middle of night regardless if he has to go to the bathroom, so question is how to break it I can ignore it but how long can you take it when you are trying to go to sleep  LOL Maybe I will try that over the weeke d when I am off and not have to get up or do anything
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 21, 2023, 08:57:38 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, I am sooooo happy for you! Your MRI news is great. And your pay raise is fantastic. You've been compensated at work before for your hard work and going the extra mile and now your pay raise too. Awesome. "Good things come to good people." ;D

Good idea to wait until this weekend to begin trying to change Copper's habit. Good luck!

Today's quotes .. #s 1 and 2

Phyl,  Yes yay to first day of summer! And the longest day with daylight hours too. Love it!

We're heading to the cabin in a bit.
Wishing all a good day and keep my stool dusted off until I'm back.  ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 21, 2023, 11:14:36 AM

LB have  you chatted with Copper's vet about all lthis?  Or gone online for some ideas?  I'm at a loss 'cuz I'm a cat person. All I know if
behavior seems out of ordinary then you pet's trying to 'tell you something'.

Paulie  safe travels, have fun,  esp  w/ the Ring and speaking to the bears. LOL ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 22, 2023, 05:41:16 PM
Hi Phyl , no I have spoken to vet, they will just want me to come in and do expensive blood work which i have no $$ for t the moment.  They wont do payment plans .   I googled and one thing said may be dementia.  He went throught this before a  few years ago,  I see the there is a virtual vet but not sure if it costs.  I think chewy has something I ill look into that.  He seems normal otherwise. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 23, 2023, 06:24:11 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently  64 F  with High 83F sunny, Low 63F  clear.

Prayers  for Misty's kittens,  goodness and love surrounds them  all the days of their lives in a forever home.

LB I think yo u're right about the dementia. I know what you mean baout vet costs.

Hi Paulie

Hi jicaji 

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 23, 2023, 07:45:23 PM
Hi Copper slept throught the night!!, well he didnt wake me up!!!  I woke up aroud 1am (I think) and I felt him down by my feet!!!!  But I didnt sleep  well for the rest of the night waoiting for him to ge tup to go out!! But he didnt!!!Not sure if it was raining.  Not sure how early we ent up in the bed wih me!!!   It took hm over 6 years to decide it was safe for him to sleep wih me!!Him sleeping doesnt give me comfort. I hope this broke the habit and he doent want to go out in th emiddle of night again.  He i spascing back and fourth now. His way of letting mr know he is ready to go to bed. He wont wthout me
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 23, 2023, 08:07:34 PM
Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     

LB  Hoping you have a better night and Copper being with you gives some comfort.

Paulie hope all's well with you at the cabin.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 24, 2023, 07:16:56 AM
Good Morning ...Happy Caturday !


Currently   F  and  High 90F  mostly sunny, Low 67F .

Hi LB and Copper

Hi Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 24, 2023, 11:05:59 AM
Good Morning or should I say good afternon  Copper woke u at 300 or was it 1  I dont remeber but lept with me in the midle of night we slept to 900 am  \\

Copper is that cat!!!! I would love to be rowing in there as well
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 25, 2023, 07:34:33 AM
a yucky humid day but sunny!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 25, 2023, 11:46:48 AM
Hi!  :)

LB, Great that Copper slept through the night a few nights ago but then woke you next night 3am but! you then slept till 9am! Nice!
Hot and humid here too.

Phyl, Cute camper photo. The interior reminded me of one we had years ago. I really like the photo of boat/water.
 And "In one ear .. out the other." Lol

Thanks for the safe travel wish. I learned something new about Ring cam. When a certain notification setting is on it speaks when motion is detected saying, "Hi! You're being recorded." It startled us when we walked up to front steps! Lol

We returned yesterday late afternoon.

No bears this time but there was a mama doe and adorable fawn. Another day a pretty doe came close to front porch standing to the side munching on branches and leafs. She'd stop, perk ears, look over then kept on munching. Oh! And Hummy the Hummingbird(s) are enjoying the feeder and hanging flower baskets across the front of the porch.
I got more boxes unpacked and moved kitchen shelves around setting things up. I hoping to get kitchen set up finished soon.
We drove to a town 30 minutes away to a Super Walmart and visited our local restaurant 20 miles from cabin. We had a pleasant time.

A guy came to test the well water too.

Wishing all a pleasant Sunday.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 25, 2023, 04:15:51 PM
This is really late...


Currently  74 F     Our high 91F sunny with rain showers later.    And a low 72F .

Yep! Really gonna be a hot muggy day.

Hi LB glad Copper is sleeping longer---hoping it all evens out for you.

Hi Paulie LOL your own security device caught  you.   Take a doe/fawn and day.  Hope the well tests 'safe'.
Safe return home
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 26, 2023, 06:23:25 AM
Gla you had a nice weekend Paulie Copper woke me up at 530 I guess he thought I was going in office this week  Hee didnt sleep with me though

Paulie do yohu have neighbors? How close are they ?\

Hi Phy never too late for a good morning :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 26, 2023, 06:28:13 AM
Good Morning ... 

Currently  76Fsunny.   High 90F  very sunny, Low 66F  clear.

Hi LB  Copper's internal clock must be off.

HI Paulie  glad you had a nice weekend
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 27, 2023, 06:41:27 AM
Good morning, something is off hes been sleeping though night well not getting me up every night only a couple of days in the last week, he still comes up on my bed in middle of night which I a hppy for!!! I for sure sleep better with the comfort of him on bed 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 27, 2023, 06:49:46 AM
Currently   F  and  High 88F sunny, Low 67F  clear.
Jim's off at 10am today. So he'll be home early and will likely mow.
To make life here even edegier we now have a group of adolescent bears
patroling our area.
And now Jim tells me after I was out 'late' last night watering. :o

Hi LB don't know what to say about Copper's change in sleep habits. But, he still keeps you company and that's good for you both.

Hi Paulie and   jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 27, 2023, 07:57:11 AM
Good Morning,

We're at cabin again. Got home last Sat. Home a day and a half and returned to cabin yesterday afternoon.  ;D

One of my daughters, sil and granddaughter took this week off because my son dil from NC were coming to visit but can't now so we still came to cabin.

I need to get more Hummingbird feeders. Only have one up and there's competition. lol

LB, Maybe Copper is finally adjusting his habits the way you're hoping. I'm glad you're sleeping better. Nice that he still gets on bed with you. You both enjoy that.

To answer your question about nearest neighbor at cabin. About 3/4 to 1 mile.

Phyl, Interesting about young bears. They're out investigating. I bet you'd get some interesting pics or videos if you put a trail cam facing your backyard area. We have one facing our backyard at home.

Well I hear stirring and talking in one of the bedrooms so others are waking up. Time for me to have another coffee.  :)

I'll check in when I can. We've got plans to go around to different places and towns. Takes a bit of driving distance.
Take care. Have a pleasant day and week.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 27, 2023, 06:34:46 PM
I hope you enjoyed your day Paulie.  Yikes on the bears Phyl!!!!  Are they building by you? WE had bears close by and coyotes but thats because my town is taking their homes away by knocking down all the forests to build warehouses  :(   All the warehouses they just put up in record time are all vacant too!!!!!   so much traffic now because of these trucks and off course more accidents!!

I had a day!!!  I only worked 1/2 day because my internet and cabe went out . The landscapers cut the wire. when working on  the easemnt of hegrass it keeps flooding in the one area. I was argueing with the customer service rep cause thy wrent listening to me  The earliest they would send someone was Thursday.  This affectd like 3 buldings  There was another outage close by and they thought I was part of that outage, I wasnt. When that outage was fixed they said I should be up and I wasnt.   MIne was cause dumb landcaper cut wires. LOL  I guess the guys working on the other outage got a ding there was another outage and they came to check it out They fixed it with 30 minutes.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 28, 2023, 06:46:19 AM
Good morning  Woke up tired today
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 28, 2023, 07:28:31 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently  68 F clear  and  High 92F sunny, Low 68F  clear.

LB  hat that when one doesn't get enough sleep;  Yes. Construction going on w/ new housing. Imagine the cubs
 will keeping moving to a more suitable location.  Hope your internet is up and running so you can get your work accomplished

Paulie  sounds like you'er having fun. Envy you the hummers. For some reason  they haven't shown up and I got a new feeder and all.   :( :'(
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 28, 2023, 10:48:42 PM
LB, Good about your internet being restored. How's Copper's sleeping habits now?

Phyl, I like your morning photo.
Agreed about construction disturbing wildlife. Sad. Bears hopefully keep moving to more rural area.
Darn about your Hummers. It's that way at my home too. A couple have shown up but nothing like previous years. Very sparse this year.
Except here at cabin. We're definitely enjoying more here. Interesting because so rural and very few flowering plants.
Yes having fun here with family.

Long pleasant full day at cabin today. I got more boxes unpacked,  things put away and boxes in burn pit. Thumbs up! I think the kitchen is finally done. Two more rooms to go.

My daughter, granddaughter and sil left this afternoon to visit attraction about an hour from here for a couple days.
They might return Friday when one of my sons with other two granddaughters and my other daughter are planning to come to cabin Friday then we all spend the weekend here.

Tomorrow the well water clarification guy arrives to install 2 well water purifying tanks. After that my husband and I plan to visit a few places. When we return I'll get back to unpacking the last few boxes. I'm beginning to see an end to unpacking finally. Yay.

Long day. I'm tired and wishing you each SED.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 29, 2023, 06:26:19 AM
Good Morning ...


Currently   F  and  High 94F  hot and sunny, Low 74F  clear.

A wild day here with the PC  and it's long from over---if it's not one it's the other!  ::) 

how cool---your internet is back

Paulie your place sounds so calming; And, you're about settled in too.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 29, 2023, 03:31:26 PM
Hi  thought I posted thi smorning, I meant to I got involved with work (still not really busy)  Copper has improved hasnt got up in middle of night (knock on wood) to go out   He does come up to sleep with me in middle of night which I like   

Jacaji  How are you feeling? I hope better and tou're just busy
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on June 30, 2023, 06:22:01 AM
Good morning last day of work I am off all next week :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 30, 2023, 06:31:34 AM

Currently  73F  mostly sunny.   High 97F sunny, Low 73F  clear.

No work until next Monday; Copper  :-*;  all are good today.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on June 30, 2023, 12:33:14 PM
Good Afternoon  :)

LB, Good news about Copper's sleep habits. Nice you have next week of work! Have any plans?

Phyl, I really like your morning photo and message.
How's it going with bear cubs?
I remember the Premium crackers can!  :)

Family has begun to arrive at cabin. This morning I hung 4 wide American flags draped across railing of front porch. Looks nice.

Later taters ...

Oops forgot quotes.  All three are good. Thanks for posting LB.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on June 30, 2023, 12:54:50 PM
paulie No bears;  hope family arrive safely; sounds like loads of  fun this weekend. 'Can't do July 4th celebs here---lots of black neighbors and they view as racist and 'white supremacy'.  :( :'( :(
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 01, 2023, 07:33:48 AM
Good Morning  Phyl I think your bear came to NJ!!! I got a text message yesterday fro the police dept thet are awate of the bear and to stop calling   (not in those words)  LOL So after bebg noisy in social media there may be 2 bear sightings One on the other side of town not near me and the other closer  to me There are photos of the 2 bears in the 2 different location 

Paulie I have no plans other than get the mri on my Knee on Thursday and PT  I spoke with PT yesterday they measured my strength and I approved 100% so the next 2 weeks I  reduce PT for my back 2x a week instead of 3 and then I go down to 1 day a week (for my back) I am heading in the same direction for arm (in a couple of weeks I will get meaured. Not sure why I decided to do arm, I dont think I need it. Its a long day doing PT for back and arm and chiro  2-1/2 hours after work  Once thats all done I  we will go and  start on my knees 100%  Some of the exercises for back are the sam for knees so there was some overlap but in about a month it will be strictly knees . I need to decide if I want a week or 2 break in between since I have been going so long or go right into it  I would like the break but I am afraid I will not go back 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 02, 2023, 06:27:16 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently  76F .   High 94F sunny, Low 72F  clear.

LB good news about Copper; Not good about bears ; hope all works out w/PT

Paulie hope your celebration goes well and the foood is; safe travels for all on the return home
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 02, 2023, 07:14:03 AM
Good Morning alreay hot and humid here yuch!!! Definily affecting my knees  I cant wait until fall!!!  LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 02, 2023, 12:59:26 PM
Hi LB hear ya on the knees. Summer bothers mine the same way.  As does Wintertime. We had a dreadful storm yesterday early
PM---was a bit scary.
YOu and Copper take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 03, 2023, 07:33:21 AM
Good morning. Its going to be another hot one today , maybe some severe storms later
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 03, 2023, 09:51:33 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently  75 F   Our high 90F sunny   and our Low 71F  clear.

Hi LB   hoping your storms aren't too bad. All good ones today. Esp that cute giraffe. Take care.

Hi Paulie

Hi  Jacaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 03, 2023, 11:54:28 AM
Hi!  :) We're back home.

LB, What all are you doing since you have off this week?
What's up with bears in NJ?
Hope you don't get nasty storm today.

All three quotes today are good. #3 is adorable.

Phyl, Thank you for the "safe travels for all on return home." Definitely appreciated. Scary storms, dark sky with a few tornado watches for the others in separate vehicles driving home. My husband and I left about 45 min after them and missed the storms. We had some rain but then clear sky and dry roads. The storms were moving forward ahead of us.

Here at home yesterday there were a lot of tornado watches and warnings. Some possible today but less chance today. Fingers crossed.

I hope your home and deck and other exterior things were okay after your storm.
Good that your bears have moved on.

Do you mean you can't celebrate July 4th yourselves because some view it as racist and white supremacy? That makes no sense to me. It's everyone's freedom day to celebrate. That's something good and to be appreciated.

LB and Phyl, I hear ya about sore achy knees. Geesh. I contribute mine to uneven terrain at cabin and lots of being on them a lot and agreed to the weather too. Oh well. We deal with it.

We had a full cabin with 10 of us. My son and dil from NC had planned to come but couldn't.
I've got tons of laundry from the past week and lots of cabin sheets and pillowcases to wash plus lots of things to catch up on here around the house. Oh! I'll post a photo of front of cabin where I hung the American flag swags.

We're probably all going to get together here for cookout tomorrow.
Later taters ...
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 03, 2023, 12:23:25 PM
Great news Paulie.  That's what I mean some hear view this celebration as racists.
So glad you had a safe journey and fun time.
It's just us and at home.  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on July 03, 2023, 08:50:59 PM
Hi everyone....

Well, my back is getting better everyday thank God.  I haven't been on here for awhile because of my back and just "stuff" going on, I've really not been doing very much other than sitting, resting and being boring with not much to say of interest LOL.

Just wanted to wish you all  A VERY HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY .  Thank God we live in America.

Have a good night and hope you all get to see some pretty fireworks, that is, if you want to LOL.  I'm almost happy Rizzo is now deaf and can't hear the loud noises.They always scared him really badly.   His whole little body would shake.

I aso wanted to thank you for your prayers and good wishes.    Be safe.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 04, 2023, 07:30:21 AM
Good to see you Jacji!! I hope you re felling better, I was starting to worry about you. 

Happy 4th of JUly

I had to go back about the reacist comment Phyl!! That makes no sense at all . People are ignorant for sure!!!

My town had there fireowrks last night. I think I wil just watch the Macys fireworks on tv tonight. I didnt go to my towns fireworks but I heard them LOL

Copper doesnt pay much mind on the fireworks not sure if he hears them he definitly doesnt act like he does. OLiver was petrified I always stayed home with him to make sure he was ok . Hw wouldgo into the bathtub during thundestorms.

Paulie are you ha ving a BBQbn for the 4th?? I have no plans this week just to get my mri on knees and pt oh and I see my nutriionist 

I just got my updated schedule for pT. My last day for my back is AUgust 2 My arms may be same day. I think I am getting measured for strength next week.   But yesterday they said my arms were good in strngth. I never lsot strenth. Now if I go on to knees I need to find out how many seasons I have eft of pt I think I get 60 and I need to know cost once I meet my max.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 04, 2023, 11:34:32 AM

Good Morning...
Happy Independance Day !
 And, 4th of July


Currently  73 F partly sunny.    Our high 91F sunny   and our Low 72F  clear.

Jim works today-off at 3pm. But, he's doing grocery shoppiing for me.  Tomorrow he's off at 11am . And, some yard work prob---I hope. Got many willow tree limbs down that need clearing and trimming bushes and weeding.

Hi  jicaji good to hear from you; glad y ou're rimpvoing all the time. Hope you have a wonderful July 4th celebrations

Hi Paulie  hope y'all have a wonderful day of celebation

LB So glad you and Copper are doing well at night. All t hebest with the PT and MRI.

🙏 's   continue Ya'll  :-*
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 04, 2023, 06:28:48 PM

Well...the rain has come, down and down. Jim has the Sunsetter awning extended and well cook in the rain.
Having my July 4th twizzle burgers on traditional buns with traditional condiments---homemade hamberger relish/yellow mustard and
melted American cheese; Southern potatoe salad; egg salad stuffed celery; a brew each. Homemade Toll house cookies with Red, white and
blue M & Ms. Gonna watch 'The Patriot' with Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger. Then 'Independance Day' w/ Will Smith, Bill Pullman and Jef Goldblum.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 04, 2023, 06:29:13 PM
  Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 04, 2023, 10:30:18 PM
Happy 4th of July! :)

LB, You have a busy week ahead. Best wishes for your MRI.

Good Copper doesn't mind fireworks. And awww I remember Oliver. Beautiful and such a great dog. You both loved each other a lot.
No we didn't BBQ today. We bought a new gas grill last week for today and future but we all decided since we did that at the cabin and we're all still tired and really behind on doing things at our homes we'd use today to catch up on things.  I got a lot done! I just finished a little bit ago.

Quote #2 Lol

Phyl, Beautiful morning and evening photos.  My heavens you had a delicious July 4th dinner!! You must be full. Two very good movies you and Jim are watching or watched. Sounds really nice.
Darn it to your rain. You had a lot planned to do.

jicaji, Hi and good to see you here.

Wishing you each SED.  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 05, 2023, 07:25:26 AM
Good morning!! Phyl  your dinner sounds delicious, I miss bbq dinners!!! I think I need to take time and make homemade potto salad  but its whay too much for 1   I love those movies as well,, I just finished The witcherbut tll you the truth wasnt paying too much attention to it, but I get the basixa.  LOL  I started Longmire, it's ok. I did watch 1883 and 1923 and loved those movies hey are the prequil to yellowstone. WE had a few storms yesterday  Humid today!!! Come on fall!!!!! Knees are throbbing today  started in the middle of the night
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 05, 2023, 10:07:44 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Longmire is great. It is slow at the start but gets much better. We watched all seasons when initially on. We didn't want it to stop.
Yellowstone is great too. Have watched all of them since it began. Also 1883 and 1923 are really good. Can't wait for them to resume.
Sad this will be last season for Yellowstone.

Another good one I think you'd like is Virgin River. I can't wait until that resumes too.

I slept until 10am today!! Can't remember when I've slept that late before. Was very much needed.

Hot here today. Temp to go above 90. Plenty to do inside so will with A/C on.

Hi jicaji and Phyl.

Everyone stay cool and safe. Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 05, 2023, 10:54:09 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently  74F cloudy. Our  High 92F sunny, Low 71F  clear.

Paulie glad you'e home safe and all

{{{LB}}}  you two gtals enjoy your 'shows'. Wish I had the time for TV

Hi jicaji

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 05, 2023, 01:23:36 PM
I heard 1883 is done, there wont be another season but there will be another seso of 1923. I am on season 2 of Longmire. Oh I have seen virgin River too. I think  new season is in a week or   maybe be thinking of another show I thing I am. i thing Magnolia fileds is the one starting on the 10th I think
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 06, 2023, 07:49:49 AM
Good Morning  :)

Phyl, Thanks. I'm really enjoying being home. There was so much going back n forth to the cabin for a while it's nice to just "be here."
I'm the same with you not having time to watch tv much. I make the time to watch the ones I mentioned.
A Hummingbird showed up at my front window feeder yesterday when I was changing nectar. Still not as many here as last year.
Have you had any luck yet?
When I was cleaning feeders and putting out fresh nectar here yesterday I remembered I forgot to put fresh nectar out at the cabin feeder before leaing. Oh well. Can't be two places at the same time.

LB, No way to 1883! I hope not. Are you enjoying Longmire more? Let me know if you find out when Virgin River's new season begins.
Did you have MRI yet?

Wishing you both and everyone a pleasant day.
Another sunny very warm summer day here today. Loving it!
Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 06, 2023, 08:14:26 AM
Good Morning got a late start today nice being off .  Mri is in 2 hours  lol Virgin River season 5 is in the Fall and there wil be  a season 6.   I googled about 1883 one site says no season 2 anothr site says yes. so who knows Yes I am liking longmire more , I have too much time on my hands with watching tv  LOL  I should become a movie critic
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 06, 2023, 09:57:48 AM
Good Morning ...


Currently   79F ptly sunny  with  High 92F sunny, Low 72F  clear.

LB sending you good 'vibes' for the MRI today.   ;)

Paulie No hummers.  Just that one two mos. ago. I bet hummers will survive at the cabin.
 It will be nice to have the time while there to just enjoy.Got photos of it?

Hi jicaji

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 06, 2023, 09:58:00 AM
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 07, 2023, 07:20:20 AM
Good Morning  Yes I am already stalking the patient portal to see the results of the MRIs but of course too early  LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 07, 2023, 09:23:46 AM

Currently  74F  and  High 91F mostly sunny, Low 71F  clear.

Hi LB  yeah. It might be a bit early for results. I think, if  you're using a patient portal, you'll get an email notification when results are posted.

Hi Paulie and jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 07, 2023, 09:30:13 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Thanks for update on Virgin River. Cool to a season 6 too. I sure hope there's more to come for 1883. Good you're liking Longmire.
Let us know what patient portal says about MRI when it has updated.
Do you work from home or in office next week?

Quote #2

Phyl, Darn to your Hummingbird. Still slow here too even though I saw one the other day. Definitely not the activity my feeders are used to.

You had another day in the 90s yesterday too. Same here in PA today another 90s day in my area but to the west where cabin is in mountain is much cooler of course.
I noticed on rear Ring camera we forgot one of the trash bags. Oops. Something got into it so clean that up when we return again

I remember that Pop Tart commercial!  :) The good 'ol days for sure.
I don't remember photo on the tv in other pic though.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 07, 2023, 09:35:22 AM
LB  #1

Paulie look closely at the TV---it's a BBC broadcast
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 07, 2023, 09:39:13 AM
Hi Phyl, Just saw you were posting too!

I just remembered you asking about photos of cabin. I have them on my phone. I sent them to my email address to save then post here but for some unknown reason they won't send. I keep getting Mail Daemon notifications non deliverable. I've done this before in the past lots of time and they've been delivered to my email then I save them on laptop but not now. Scratching my head about this. I even restarted my phone.

I posted some photos of cabin in the past after construction and of front porch but more has been done to it since then .. hanging flower baskets, furniture, etc. Don't know if you saw those. It's been a while since I posted them.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 07, 2023, 09:40:24 AM
LB  #1

Paulie look closely at the TV---it's a BBC broadcast
Oh!!! I missed that!  ;D Thanks!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 07, 2023, 10:29:33 AM
stalking pays right knee mri is up and this is supposely the good knee. still waiitng on left  Going to put laundry away then look  to see if left knee is ready and then google

CLINICAL INDICATION: Unilateral primary osteoarthritis, right knee. Right knee pain.
TECHNIQUE: Magnetic resonance imaging of the right knee was performed without intravenous contrast.
COMPARISON: 2/8/2022 knee x-ray.
JOINT FLUID/SYNOVIUM: Mild joint effusion containing multiple loose bodies. No popliteal cyst.
MEDIAL COMPARTMENT: Degenerative tearing throughout the medial meniscus. Full-thickness cartilage loss throughout
the medial femoral condyle and the opposing tibia. Associated subchondral edema. Marginal osteophytes.
LATERAL COMPARTMENT: Tearing at the posterior root of the lateral meniscus. Horizontal displaced flap tear at the
lateral meniscal body. Moderate grade chondral fraying and loss throughout the lateral femoral condyle and the opposing
tibia. Associated subchondral edema. Marginal osteophytes.
CRUCIATES: Chronic full-thickness tear of the ACL. Intact PCL.
COLLATERALS: MCL and LCL are intact.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 08, 2023, 08:08:45 AM
Good Morning   still no results of th eleft knee :( which I am so nervous about. Not sure anything can be done besides surgery but fingers crossed
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 08, 2023, 01:12:45 PM
Good Afternoon  :)

LB, I'm not Dr or technician to fully understand your first results but looks like there's issues with your right knee too. Hopefully not really bad. Regarding your left knee. I thought you wanted a knee replacement from your posts a while ago?


Phyl, I think I finally was able to send cabin pics to my email to post if you still want. I think I can. Not sure yet. Lol

Another warm 90s day here. I'm making today my "lazy" day for me after this past busy week doing house cleaning, laundry and other stuff. Was thinking of doing a bit last of cleaning today but decided Naaaa.  ;)

Earlier I was watching UTube hilarious animal and pet videos. I had tears in my eyes watching some of them from laughing so hard! Laughter = Good Medicine.  ;D

Wishing you both and everyone a pleasant day.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 08, 2023, 02:46:59 PM
Yes I need knee replacemnt for both knees but no one will do it.  so hopefully the pain mnagwmnt wwill find a solution oher than surgery.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 09, 2023, 07:40:32 AM
Good morning another hot and humid day  :'( Maybe some storms later 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 09, 2023, 10:40:28 AM
Good Morning,

I love summer but this past week of 90s heat wave is now oppressive. Geesh. It's a LOT hotter to the west of US though!

Same here hot and humid and thunderstorms and flood warnings issued. Tomorrow supposed to go down to 81. Nice!

#s 2 and 3

Hi jicaji and Phyl

Wishing everyone a pleasant blessed Sunday.
Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 09, 2023, 12:51:41 PM

I got the results of left knee,   It does not soound vry good     

The  left knee sounds scarier.   CLINICAL INDICATION: Unilateral primary osteoarthritis, left knee. Left knee pain.
TECHNIQUE: Magnetic resonance imaging of the left knee was performed without intravenous contrast.
Got the lleft kneeCOMPARISON: X-rays of 7/8/2022.
JOINT FLUID/SYNOVIUM: Moderate-sized joint effusion. Minute popliteal cyst.
MEDIAL COMPARTMENT: There is completely denuded cartilage throughout the compartment, with flattening of the
articular surfaces and patchy subchondral degenerative signal. Diffusely degenerated and torn medial meniscus
LATERAL COMPARTMENT: There is completely denuded cartilage throughout the compartment, with flattening of the
articular surfaces and patchy subchondral degenerative signal. The lateral meniscus is partially traversing the joint. Extensive
degenerative tearing is seen throughout the posterior horn including the root and horizontal tear is seen at the partially
extruded body.
CRUCIATES: Chronically torn ACL. The PCL is unremarkable.
Patient: LEVINE, LORI BETH DOB: 6/12/1968 Exam Date: 7/6/2023 Acc No: 29653022 MRN: 919104
COLLATERALS: The medial meniscal body is partially extruded from the joint in the setting of osteophytes off the joint
margin. The MCL is outwardly bowed as a result. There is no tear of the MCL.
Large osteophytes are seen off all articular margins.
PATELLOFEMORAL COMPARTMENT: There is marked irregularity of contour of the cartilage throughout the
patellofemoral joint but no definite full-thickness defect. The patella is normally positioned.
OTHER: The femoral metaphysis, there are several patchy areas of mild diminished T1 and moderately increased T2 signal;
one of these, centrally located within the metaphysis shows slightly lower T1 and bright T2 signal, nonspecific. On the
localization slices, this structure is low.
Left knee MRI demonstrates:
Advanced osteoarthritis as above. Diffusely torn menisci. Chronically torn ACL.
Marrow changes are thought due to repopulated red marrow.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 09, 2023, 10:40:12 PM
LB, I say again I'm no Dr or tech to definitely read and understand your MRI result this is my optionion.

 Since osteoarthritis is indicated in MRI plus other indications if your knee is now bone on bone a knee replacement will be recommended I think.

I've had osteoarthritis for literally years  and my left knee diagnosed bone on bone last January and knee replacement recommended.
I chose Euflexxa knee injections. 3 weekly injections. It took a while to set in good but has definitely helped. I mowed lawn yesterday with rear wheeled propelled walk mower. Took 2 hours due to size of lawn but I did it. Yep knee sore and swollen afterwards and today sore but was able to do it. I'm scheduled for 3 more injections next month August.

That being said I know you've had multiple knee injections in the past and you are still uncomfortable so if you're bone on bone I hope you get the knee replacement you've been hoping for. Keep me updated.  I wish you the best and that you get the relief you're hoping for. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 10, 2023, 06:24:02 AM
Good Morning  Paulie Knee replacemnet has bee recommended  The 2 suegeons I saw wont do it because of my wieght  With all the torn tendans I wonder how I am stilll walking lol  I am surpried they never recommneded mris.  Ths is why I am doing this alternative route. I know I kniw why dont I jus lose the weight. easier said than done.  even the 150lbs I lost was not good enoughor thy just werent listening to me.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 10, 2023, 07:02:13 PM
I decided to come here explain now when I have time. The news is not good Surgery is the only option arthritits is too severe for the other optons and it is more probably of it not working and my insurance wont cover it.  So not sure what to do.  I dont like the surgeons I saw theyh have one but not local.  I dont know 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 10, 2023, 11:08:35 PM
LB, I do remember in the past when knee replacement was recommended but the doctors said you had to loose weight and you did. You worked hard at that and lost a lot. I thought (and misunderstood) the current doctor practice you're going to would be able to do the knee replacement or give you a referral to a surgeon who would.

May I ask why the probability of knee replacement would not work? Are they saying you should loose more weight? I know you've continued to try and true it is easier said than done.

A suggestion and a question for you. One of my daughter's needed liver surgery years ago and because the local doctor's didn't want or didn't have the expertise in this area, she got a referral to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Md. Would the current practice you are going to be willing to give you a referral since it's a more detailed knee replacement? Perhaps your insurance would cover it then?

God bless you, Lori. I'm saying prayers that there is an option available to you some how and somewhere.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 11, 2023, 06:23:35 AM
Good morning no the place I am working with are not surgeons, they can recommend someone and they di but that person is about an hour away there are so many good knee surgeons more locally so why do I need to go an hour away He does work out of one of their offices but he is only there on a the 2nd tuesday of every month in the mornig not convienant.  I lost weight yes but when i  saw the 2 surgeons after weight loss they want me t olose more ideally a lot more than 35 lbs but that is th eweight I gaoned since myweigh loss surgey so they want me to lose what I gained  The one surgeon made me cry mad me feel like a fat pig and they only told me abou the complicaions and they were very scary I am now afraid of th surgery that it wont be sucessful 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on July 11, 2023, 09:40:31 AM

Good mornin.g all.

LB...I am so sorry you're having such trouble with both knees.  I know how painful it is.  Hopefully there is a surgeon out there who can help you.  I don't understand much of the diagnosis, but it sounds like alot of work going forward to get both knees fixed.  Sending prayers.

Paulie...Hi there.  We got the rain here that you had.  It was coming down at one point when we could hardly see much outside.  Beautiful day yesterday and today thank goodness...

Hi Phyl....

So hot here the past week. The A/C is on constantly.  I am thankful we have it, but anticipating a very high electric bill.  Ugh.

Have a good rest of the week.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 11, 2023, 10:28:05 AM
Good Morning...

{{{LB}}}-don't know what else to say about your knees. Skimmed thru your results...indeed docs will say repl them. In the end it's always the patient's call.  🙏 's 

ME: For years I've ignored medical adivce to replace with bone on bone---I doubt that I'd recover and be 'normal' from it. That's just me though.

Paulie- if you have the photos and the time  I'd luv to see them.

Hi jicaji- take care. Lani in Beakroom has you on our prayer list as per my request. If you're doing better ---maybe let her know the prayers are working.

Got lots going on so will pop in from time to time. Do take care. 

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 12, 2023, 01:19:49 PM
Good afternoon
Got late start I had training this morning plus I was being back up for co worker 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on July 12, 2023, 08:45:05 PM
Phyl.  Thanks so much for putting me on the prayer list and with Lani.  I so appreciate it and I know all the prayers I've been receiving surely does help.  It pretty much goes day by day, but my back is certainly getting better.  Just depends I think of what I do and how I move.  AND, I know exactly what you mean about knee replacement due to bone on bone.  I have said pretty much the same thing.  I know my limitations now, which are many, but I don't know about a big full recovery with replacement.  Maybe some day??

Hi Paulie and LB....hope your week is going well.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 13, 2023, 06:09:50 AM
Good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 13, 2023, 02:39:47 PM


Good Morning Beakers

I don't know if anyone of you knew this Decorah chatter (I know Puff knows her)  - sunset dreamer sometimes we just called her sunset was her name, but she is one of the ladies that I stayed at the cabin with last year for ATF.  She made alot of things for the auction, too.  She passed away on 7/11.  I don't know any of the details, but the post on her FB page says, she passed at her home.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 13, 2023, 02:40:20 PM
RIP Sunset Dreamer...soar high with the eagles you love.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 13, 2023, 06:28:35 PM
Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     

The Lesser Flamingos, sunset July 7, 2023
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 13, 2023, 06:44:41 PM
Sorry Phyl for the loss of sunset. I didnt kniw her!! I am sure she was a wonder person !! Hugs to you and her family  :(
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 13, 2023, 08:52:17 PM
Hi!  :)

It's only been two days since I was last here but it seems so much longer. Busy week for sure!!

LB, There's a surgeon out there somewhere that will help you.

I like all 3 quotes today.

Phyl, I hope whatever is keeping you busy is/are good things.
Okay to photo's whenever I have time to sit for a while. Geez this summer has been busy and I'm loving it.
Thanks for bringing Lisa's post forward. God's peace for the soul of Sunset Dreamer. I'm sorry for the loss of Lisa and Puff's friend and yours too if you did chat with her.

jicaji, It's good seeing you here. I thought you'd get the pounding rain too. Everyone needs rain it seems with this hot summer. I hear ya about the A/C. Been on here for days too. Today while I was out doing errands the sun was sooo bright and feels like temp 98. Holy mud it was hot!

My 16 yr old granddaughter stayed here sleeping over for 3 days. We got appointments done then had a blast!

Yesterday I took my soon to be 14 yr old granddaughter (sister to 16 yr old) to her and my hair appointments then took her to dental appt. I've worn a short pixie like cut for years but yesterday I had my stylist go shorter and now I can do the spikes on top of head and sides I've wanted to try. I like it!

Today I was busy catching up on doing my household and yard things I didn't get done Monday till today. Lol
This evening I refilled all the birdbaths with fresh water, filled all bird feeders and put out deer wild berry food pellets, carrots and cut up apples. The rabbits like them too and even the squirrels. I've got well fed wildlife.  ;D

Tomorrow planning to go to log cabin. The guys arrived today to clear side of cabin woods to install two septic tanks. We were able to watch work in both front side and rear of cabin with the Ring cameras. Tomorrow more work for them. Next week tanks are supposed to go into ground. Yay! My family and I can't wait to have running water from the well and to stop using many many jugs of water then refill the jugs when home then repeat and repeat. Not complaining honest. Very grateful for all that's been accomplished and we've been blessed with. But God's heaven know I'm really tired of jugs of water.  ;D
Some of the contractors for different things after seeing cabin then coming inside have said .. You know this isn't a regular cabin. We thank them then say Nope! We might be in the mountain but we want it to feel like home, clean and relaxing.

Well I've been rambling and definitely tired. I'll try to keep in touch from the mountain.
I wish you a relaxing night. Take care. SED

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 14, 2023, 06:41:31 AM
Its a beautiful cabin Pauie!!!! It's glamping!!!!!   I would die without running water!!! Your hair cut sounds nice!! I am afraid to go  short!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 14, 2023, 01:17:45 PM
Paulie!!!!! Virginn River 9/7
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 14, 2023, 09:54:10 PM
Hi LB,

I hope this posts. Got to cabin mid afternoon. Internet really spotty today.

Awesome about Virgin River!! Thanks for the heads up!!!

Thanks about the cabin. Glamping!! LOL  I hear ya about no running water! It hasn't been the easiest that's for sure when here. Water well has been dug and water treatment tanks installed. Septic tanks supposed to be installed next week. Fingers crossed.

My hair grows really fast so is why I was willing to try the much shorter pixie cut. If your hair grows fast too you should try a shorter style. We don't know if we don't try.  :)

Well again I hope this posts. Tomorrow morning one of my sons and granddaughter are arriving. Don't know if I'll get on laptop tomorrow but will try.

You take care and enjoy your weekend.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 15, 2023, 01:41:41 PM
Good afternoon, I let this day get away fro mme. I spent the morning going breakfast meals.  Caffles and 2 differnt kinds of protein mu\ffins. That shuld last me a month!!!  Just finished doing my nails. I walked copper too  I am  almost done with Logmire. I think on the last season.  SOme epsodes were reall intense.  My hair used to grow fast but it slowed down a bunch recently not happy. Trying to get it o grow!!!

I have an appointment 8/8 with another surgeon, the one the medcal dr recommended. I'll listen to him in what he has to say. Hopeujlly he doesnt beat me up as well.  I'm not so sure I want the surgery but I am so tired of the pain. Is suppose to storm toda yand worse tomorrow I work in the ofice next week. and will be traianed on a new role I will have in addition to my work
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 15, 2023, 10:38:37 PM
Hi LB, Long pleasant day at cabin. Got more things assembled and put together. Geesh it's hot on this mountain. Raining here now so should cool things off a bit.

Very good you got so many breakfast meals accomplished today! Sound delicious. Nice that you did your nails and walked cutie Copper too. You're doing really good.

I was wondering how what you'd think of some Longmire episodes. Agreed that some are really intense and hard to watch. Very good show though. We were sad to see it end despite some tough to watch episodes.

Hmmmm about your hair growth slowing down for now. It happens. Suddenly it will start growing fast for you again.

Best wishes for your Aug 8th surgeon appt. Hopefully he's the one who can help you. It's understandable you're not sure if you want the knee surgery or not and also being tired of the pain. When knee replacement was recommended for me last Jan I opted for knee gel injections.  I'm scheduled for another round of 3 injections now six months later. I'm not sure if I'll opt for knee replacement in another six months or not. I know you've already had knee injections more than once and you are still in pain so take your time in your decision. I think this new surgeon will offer advise (knee replacement being his expertise). Do what you thing is best for yourself is my advise.

Stay safe if any storms. I think good for you being trained on a new role in addition to your current work because that will keep you busy without so much down time.

#s 1 and 2
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 16, 2023, 06:17:19 AM

Currently 73F cloudy with a  High 92F  mostly sunny, Low 70F  clear. With near smothering humidity

Hi LB good luck  with  your Aug 8th surgeon appt. Perhaps, this new surgeon be better able to  advise you.
One's 'gut instinct' is never wrong.

Hi jicaji and Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 16, 2023, 07:30:29 AM
Good morning  lots of rain yesterday and thunder lightening  just cloudy now. Looks like most of the rain is more north.  Oh and copper has been sleeping with me al night for the last couple of weeks, Down by my feet, Took him long enough to trust me to fel comfortable sleeping with me!!!! once he tried to steal my spot Its cute he will pop his head up a few times to see if I am still there.  Probaby so he can ty and steal my spot agan!!!  LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 16, 2023, 12:50:59 PM
Hi LB Copper, so cute.   #2. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 17, 2023, 11:45:17 AM
Jicaji Happy Birthday!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 17, 2023, 11:52:10 AM
LB, Awesome about cutie Copper sleeping with you. Funny about him peeping at you.

How's work going? Still getting trained to do some additional work?

Phyl, Hi back at ya.

We got back late yesterday afternoon then unloading and laundry and caught up with critter feeding and birdbaths outside. Stormed here too so not much plant watering to do.

Well more catching up on things to do today.
Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 17, 2023, 12:20:49 PM
Good Morning ...

Currently 71 F Sunny with a  High 92F, Low 69F  clear. AQI  169  w/ primary pollutant PM2.5 58 ug//m3 . Wind   2mph   Humidity 83    Visibility5.8mph
29.57        Pressure  297     and   Dew    11pt.   

Howdy everybody!
{{{}}} and  :-*
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on July 17, 2023, 01:44:06 PM
Hi everybody.

Thanks Paulie for the Happy Birthday cake.  As I told you, tonight is going to be cheesecake Happy Birthay, my favorite.

LB. My Rizzo sleeps between Jim and I.  He gets up early with Jim, goes out, then comes back upstairs to me and stays with me until I get up.  Love love my Rizzo.

Happy Monday Phyl.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 17, 2023, 02:33:05 PM
Jicaji ...


And, many happy returns of the day , all year long.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 17, 2023, 07:12:02 PM
Happy Birthday Jcaji!!!!!  Cheese cake i smy favorite too!!! Have a wonderful day!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 17, 2023, 07:16:42 PM
JUsy got back from PT and OT and i am reducin both. this week 2x a week. and the next 2 weeks is 1x a week then I am done. I am ging to take a month off then nstart PT fro the knees.  He did a prview today on a couple of exercises. I asked him if he is trying to change my mind in doing pT for the knees!! They were tough but much appreciated.  I am still be trained. I iddnt today but probably will tomorrow  I stared to redo my notes and already forgot alot thanks to my lousy hand wriitng I am typin git up now.  The manager is here this week so I will definitly be doing hands on this week.  She is soooo smart, we will learn so much from her!!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 18, 2023, 06:41:38 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently 75 F rain showers with a  High 93F,  Low 73F  clear. AQI 110   w/ primary pollutant  PM 2.5 35 um/M3      .

Good news on the PT LB Always good when one has an mgr that is knowledgable. LOL typing your handwritten notes.

Hi Paulie and  Jcaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 18, 2023, 11:29:56 AM
jicaji, Glad you enjoyed your birthday cheesecake!

LB, Good about your PT.

Okay about work training and redoing your notes. I used to keep notes too. They do come in handy!

I remember you mentioning your manager in the past when she was there and you were very impressed and like her. That's good. I think you are impressing her because of your work ethics and recognition you've received in the past.

#s 2 and 3 definitely.

Hi Phyl

Another sunny warm summer day here. Nice! Got some rain last night. Grass growing fast between mowing.
Yesterday and today still have the smoke haze from Canada fire. Ugh.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on July 18, 2023, 12:04:51 PM
Happybelsted Birthday Jicaji!   Hoping your day was special!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 18, 2023, 07:26:50 PM
Hi I am exhausted spent mos of th day training  . Very iteresting just watched and asked uestions hopefully tomorrow hands on MGr is here this whole week.  Pt tomorrow I will see what they have for me tomorrow we orked on knees yesterday sone and I never did those exercises / stretches before in all my  oher PT places. This place means bisiness for sure!!!  I was so sore today
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 18, 2023, 09:54:21 PM
LB, You should sleep good tonight after your busy exhausting day at work. Good you're enjoying your manager being there. She sounds very informative and helpful.
Your PT sounds very thorough for sure! I'm glad they are helping you.

When I read quote #1 I knew immediately why you chose it. You do love Autumn and cooler weather.  ;D

I hope you and Copper (by your feet) are snuggled in and asleep.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 18, 2023, 11:47:38 PM
Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     

LB  #s  2 and 3 for me. Esp. #2    So happy about the PT for you. Ad, that work training is going well and you enjoy as you do.

Paulie ditto what you said about Copper  and all

Hi Jicaji!

Fancy meeting you here Karen. LOL   :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 19, 2023, 06:27:58 AM

Currently 73 F heavy rain showers with a  flood watch.

 High 92F  and a Low 73F  clear.     AQI 36 w/ primary pollutant  PM 10   39um  .

Hope this finds y'all doing well.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 19, 2023, 06:49:22 PM
Hi Just got home from PT and work.  JUst eating a slice of pizza and a salad I had to do my work  first thing then go and do my training for the rest of day, Day went fast.   will have traininng th erest of week. I di some hands on today Probably will do most of orders tomorrow and part of friday Monday I think I will be on my own
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 20, 2023, 09:18:01 AM
Good Morning  :)

Pleasant busy day yesterday. My two teenage granddaughters came and then a few more family came by last evening. While sitting around talking we ended up laughing so hard our sides hurt. Love laughter.
My 16 yr old granddaughter and her dog slept over.

Hi Karen, It's nice to 'see' you.  :)

LB, You had another busy training day at work and PT. You should be sleeping good with your recent busy days. You're going to do great Monday on your own with orders because you're a smart cookie.  ;D

Hi jicaji and Phyl

#1   Interesting too because that's what I tell myself and family when someone is having a rough day about something. "Life happens"
True. It happens ... we deal with it ... then move on.

Well that being said it's time for me to get some things done. Wishing everyone a pleasant day.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 20, 2023, 11:48:28 AM

Currently 76 F rain showers with a  High 88F and a Low 73F  clear.   AQI 22  w/ primary pollutant   Ozone 49  ug/ m3   .
Rain showers resuming around 10am or not?

Hi LB PT and work sound like going well for you. Your lunch is yummie---we had spaghettii and homemade meatballs w/ green salad for dinner last night

Paulie I thnk it's great you have such a good relationhsip w/grandkids

Hi jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on July 20, 2023, 01:13:01 PM
Hi LB, Paulie, Phyl.

Thaks Lani....day by day...I never realized that every single move involves my back :o

Finally the temp. has gone down to the 70's for awhile at least.  A pleasure to turn off the A/C today.  Supposed to be in the 60's tonight :) 

Later gators.....
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 20, 2023, 06:12:34 PM
Hi another exhausting day I am for sure not ready to do this on my own I underconcept I understnd most screens but its sooo much info and different than the fproduction planning.  I definitly need to redo notes make it more organized, maybe I will have time tomorro maybe I will do over weekend.  well Coper did it!!! I knew he wuld he stole my spot where I sleep I worke up on the other side of bed witth no pillow. He was in my spot!!!!!!!!  I went to pet him he growled I guess I woke him) then I was changing positions and accidently ouched him and he lunched at  me  wel kind of but got up and barked and growled like we was ready to attack but thene went back down and back to sleep . he finally moved back to his spot.   It was scary but I am sure I startled him  or annoyed him He hasnt done  that  to me for a good 4 years  No no sleeping well!!! LOL   2 more weeks of PT thne a break .  am looking foward to pt for the knees looks like it will help me a lot. I may not be erfect but I think there will be imrovement. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 21, 2023, 06:53:11 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently 74 F clear skies with a  High 88F  mostly sunny, Low 66F  clear.  Extremely high pollen levels  .

LB good luck with the notes and job training. Kinda 'LOL' with Copper adopting  your sleeping spot. So glad you're enjoying your PT time
and you feel it's helping.

Hi Paulie and jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on July 21, 2023, 09:58:58 AM

LB...Take one day at a time.  I know it's overwhelming to start something new in your job....but trust me, after awhile it'll all sink in :)

Good morning Phyl, Paulie

Off to do food shopping with my husband's help.

Have a good weekend guys.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 21, 2023, 05:17:23 PM

Ok Starting Monday I will be doing my raw material planning  on my own but I have 3 peole available for questions. I a still sso unsure of my self I will updae the notes this weekend when home and relaxed!!!
Thanks Jacaji and Phyl I know it will sink in eventually I understand the concept some screens I dont understand some situations confuse me as well. The one thing O do know if the screens to do the research

At least I am home where its quiet (besides hn Copper barks and everything that paase \s by LOL

It's going to be  a beautiful weknd
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 21, 2023, 06:05:44 PM
Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .     


LB- it sure sounds like it! So happy for you kid-o.  ;)  Be a sweet fella Copper.  :)
#s 1 and 2
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 22, 2023, 09:46:42 AM
Good Morning slept in to 8:00 well I was up sporadically. Since copper sleeps in be d with me, when I dont have to go to work he lets me sleep in .   :)  Beautiful day today already went for a long walk with copper. Gotta vaccCopper is still shedding big time!! Hi Phyl
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 22, 2023, 12:40:15 PM
Good Morning ...
Happy  Caturday!

Street cat Bob

Currently 70 F clear skies with a  High 85F  mostly sunny, Low 64F  clear. AQI    w/ primary pollutant       .

Hi LB- ah to sleep in and get more rest.  ;)  I miss walking some how got out of the habit.

Hi Paulie and jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 23, 2023, 04:47:51 PM
Third attempt  I get into the middle and end up deleting my post...   LOL  I let the day get away from me today for sure!! Not that I did aything exciting.  It was a beautiful day though. A little too hot for my standards though LOL I  did log on to work to type up my notes. I will add more as I do more of the wok this week.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 23, 2023, 05:28:15 PM
Howdy folks!

We were having brunch and suddenly I said " Hummers, hummers, hummers!"  Jim, "What?"  he peeks thru deck  glass doors.
And, sure enough those little helicopters have been feeding all along. Just was too busy to notice the   tiny sweethearts!

Only Pharrell Williams  can experss my joy   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM)
Makes 'ya get up and dance.   ;D

LB- But you did get out side? Hope you have a nice week ahead. Copper you let your Mom sleep, okay? Okay.

Hi Paulie and Jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 23, 2023, 05:29:51 PM
Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .
With a double layer of cuteness.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 24, 2023, 06:13:35 AM
Good morning what cuties!!! work from home this week  Hope everyone had a good weekend
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 24, 2023, 09:06:18 AM
Good Morning  :)

Hi LB, jicaji, Phyl

LB, Nice you were able to type your notes this weekend and really nice you work from home this week.

Phyl, Yay to your Hummers! Great Will Pharrell song Happy to celebrate.

Hi jicaji

This morning is the first time I've turned on my laptop since last Thursday.

Went to cabin last Friday morning and just returned yesterday evening then got busy washing cabin sheets etc and laundry, shower.
I took my laptop but didn't have time to turn it on. Some of the family met us at cabin for weekend. It was really nice.
We went to annual western Pa 100 mile yard sale. Lots of yard sales along the back roads and more in towns we drove too.
Lots of cool things and delicious food and desserts.

I got two cute Bear statues we put on one side of cabin front porch. I'll post pics later.

Trail cam pics show one of the bears. We think Papa bear this time. Big!! Also Mama doe with her fawn and other wildlife. Trail cam took over 75 pictures. We have trail cams at two other locations on property too but didn't check them.

I finally identified a beautiful bird that we've seen in the past. A Scarlet Tanager. Red bird with black wings.
Lots of Hummingbirds so put out another feeder for them. They enjoy the hanging floral baskets too. One male is very friendly coming near to me when deadheading one of the baskets.

Pleasant temps last weekend at cabin 80s with lows in the 50s. Now at home almost a full week of 90s. It's summer.  ;D

Well time to get moving and catch up on things here at home.
Wishing all a pleasant day. Later ....

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 24, 2023, 01:38:09 PM
Good Morning ...and Monday to boot !

Currently 698F  with   H 91F  sunny, L 68F  clear.     No pollen today.    AQI 35   :)      

Hi jicaji

LB- so cool you're at home this week and all  ;)

Paulie-  you were busy over the weekend ,  sounds like a good time/fun. Looking forward to photos.  I bet, it's so nice to see the wildlife on your cam
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 24, 2023, 07:08:43 PM
Paulie, I have a question and typing it now before I forget. LOL Do you have a lawn to maintain at the cabin as well?  I hoe you dont have ro mow to yards!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 24, 2023, 10:34:06 PM
Phyl, Yes definitely a fun full weekend. I haven't put photos on laptop yet but when I do I'll post. I still have some from last week too. Definitely busy. Yes true about seeing wildlife on trail cam and both last night and tonight my phone notifications keep alerting me of motion in front and back ... deer and fox and an adorable family of racoons .. so tiny are the little ones.

LB, I had to laugh reading your question. I thought of years ago when a bunch of us were posting in Cheers and I was always mowing the lawn and Wings (Washington State and God rest her soul) would post hilarious caricatures of me mowing. My answer to you is NOOOOO! LOL
That's the first thing I said when discussing cabin landscape. No grass .. period .. nope .. nada .. none!  ;D

How did your first day on your own at work with new responsibilities go? Nice you worked from home. I bet your notes helped. I used to have Post It notes all around my computer screen when I worked. Lol

I got sidetracked today not doing all of "stuff" because I hung out a while with my 16 yr granddaughter this afternoon then again this evening. I'll get back to doing my things tomorrow. Family is more important.

Wishing you each and everyone a pleasant night and SED.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 25, 2023, 06:09:57 AM
Good morning > funny on the lawn stories,  I remember that, I miss wings!!! I worked  like 10 hours yesterday until 600. Lots of work of course took me longer.   I know what to do but have trouble understanding some of the newer screens an have hard time making deciisons  LOL  Copper got me up early so I am ready just need to take hime for quick walk and then going to log on early
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 25, 2023, 09:01:52 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Agreed to missing wings and lots of others too. Used to be if a day or two were missed in Cheers it took a while to read and catch up on everyone's posts. Here's a toast to Cheers .. 'clink' Ugh too early. lol

You had a long work day yesterday. Knowing you you'll be more familiar understanding the newer screens in no time. Kudos to you logging on early today. You have excellent work ethics.

All quotes are good today.

Hi jicaji and Phyl and anyone else who reads in good 'ol Cheers.  :)
Wishing all a pleasant day.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 26, 2023, 06:32:10 AM
Good Morning, I take after my father with work . Didnt have to work late yesterday. I can today I have PT   2 mor than break, I woke up early dso I colored my hair this morning LOL will sign on in few minutes .  I dont have to until 800 but just want head start since I have to log off on time . I lost a lot of hair when I colored today: ( its been 4 years since my surgery I thought I would be done with loosing hair.  I want to tak turmofol (sp) I took it b4 butits expensive.   IT's like $75 a month should take up to 6 months
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 26, 2023, 08:31:07 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, You got an early start this morning and a lot accomplished already coloring your hair. Now I need some of your energy!! lol

Gotcha about taking after your father. Same here. That's how we were raised and by their example.

About loosing hair. Unfortunately it happens as we age too darn it.

We're heading to the cabin soon this morning. We were notified the digging begins today for septic system and two tanks delivered and crane put them in tomorrow. I sure hope all goes as planned. Fingers crossed.

Heat wave begins today through the weekend in my area w/97 and 99s and feels like temps in three digits. Sure is a hot summer everywhere!! Hoping for cooler temps on the mountain but those temps are higher for a few days too.

Anyway we're heading out soon. Last time there I didn't have time to turn on laptop but just my husband and I at cabin for a few days so I should be able to if internet cooperates there. Family might arrive this weekend.

Will check in when I can.

Wishing all a good day. Take care. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 26, 2023, 10:16:49 AM
Good Morning ...Happy Wednesday. We're almost there!

Currently 75F  feels like 77F,   H 96F  sunny, L 76F  clear.     AQI 72       

Lb-don't know what to say. Sending {{{}}}. Take care

Hi Paulie and jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 27, 2023, 06:00:33 AM
Good Morning  Up early again   I know I have a lot of work today so going to get an early start. Have fun at your cabin  Going to be hot hot hot
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on July 27, 2023, 08:03:13 PM

Hi LB, Phyl, Paulie

Sure is hot, hot, hot....two thunderstorms tonight.  Didn't last long.

Hope you are all staying cool.

Nothing on TV so I'm reading a new book.  Only problem is when I read for a good while, I get so tired.  Think I'm ready for my bath and bed in a few mins. and it's only 9p.

I made a really good cheesecake today.  i'm going to cut it up tomorrow into pie pieces and freeze it so as to not make myself sick and eat too much at once LOL   It calls to me.

Well, have a good peaceful night everybody.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 28, 2023, 06:31:05 AM
Good Morning good to see you Jacaji!!! WE missed the storms they all went north of me and to yu LOL Yes noothing on tv!!! have you seen 1883> or 1912.  Ateel Manolias ?I  have mice issues.  I gave in and put 2 traps out in closet last night I heard one go off.  I went to check.  empty I am besides my self   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 28, 2023, 11:57:32 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently 78 F and clear. With a   H 99F  sunny, L 75F  clear.     High pollen today.    AQI 75.

{{{LB}}} so sorry to hear of your 'pest' issues. I've used mouse traps many X25 moons ago and they've worked. Maybe have
a chat with your landlord?  About pest control that is.

Hi Paulie and jicaji

jicaji- we're okay weather wise; didn't know could freeze cheese cake

Paulie- I truly hope you're having fun---for my sake. LOL  ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 29, 2023, 06:49:31 AM
Good morning Thanks phyl I tried several years ago with rat issues outside!! It took 6 months and for me to get the animal control and  councalman involved before they did anything so just trying to deal wth it myself at first The first night the trap went off but nothing caughtI found it drinking the water out of coppers bowl so now I have to keep it emprty at night poor copper. I threw a roe of paper towels and a raw hide bone hit but it survived.   It is cute but it needs stay outside!!!!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 29, 2023, 10:32:18 PM
Hi  :)

We're still at cabin. Hubby is asleep and I'm spending time at laptop now that internet is running smoothly.

LB, No way to a mouse issue. I remember a couple years ago the long time you battled rats around your place and complex and you got animal control and councilman involved. Good for you! Mouse drinking water out of Coppers water bowl is a no no for sure. I hope this issue gets resolved for you soon.

Phyl, Yes hubby and I have had fun. It's just the two of us and tomorrow is 5th day. It's been very relaxing and we've both accomplished a lot. Him outside with shed and me inside. I have finally unpacked all boxes .. arranged things and put things where I want them .. have some boxes with misc items to go into wall storage areas. I think next time here I'll actually not have work to do!!

Why do you ask I'm having fun for your sake? Is everything okay at your end?

jicaji, Your cheesecake sounds delicious. I didn't know you could freeze it either.  Yum!!

Okay about septic. We were told a while back a sand mound would not work because our soil at cabin is nothing but clay and rocks.
Contractor said it's the worse soil he's ever seen and he's been in business for many years. Geesh! So much for planting things.
Plenty of trees and lots of ferns growing everywhere otherwise.
We had an EgoFlo system put in. The hole was huge and the tank you could drive a car in.
Long story short we now have had water for 2 days and I've enjoyed hot water with Dawn washing things and actually washing face and brushing teeth inside not outside. And hot shower. Lol Life is good at the cabin.

We've had some nasty storms here on the mountain. A tree on our property down a ways near the road fell over and across road that goes by a way down the hill. Someone chain sawed it to remove from road that connects towns around here. Then last evening while sitting on front porch hearing approaching storm the lightening, thunder and high winds kicked in and we heard a tree across the road snap and fall. Those storms were no joke. All's good now though.

This afternoon while we were sitting quietly on front porch a buck came walking along .. stopped to browse on tree leaves. He saw us but slowly continued to walk past while keeping an eye on us sitting there. Was cool to see.

We're planning to leave tomorrow earlier than usual because once home I have lots of laundry to do and catching up at home.

Sorry this is long.
Wishing you SED

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 30, 2023, 04:21:31 AM
Good Morning ...Happy Sunday !

Our  Current temp is  69 F  feels like 70F.  Today...a high of  93F  partly sunny, humid at 98% and  high pollen count.
 Our nighttime low 69F  with clear skies   

Paulie-no big deal. We've been hard hit with this 'new economy' and short of $$$ to do 'thing's is all.  All the best with the septic tank and all.

HI LB and jicaji,
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 30, 2023, 07:06:09 AM
Good morning   sounds like the perfect week/weekend Pauli  I am in the office next week but I took off thursday and friday  with no doctor appointments!!!! We only had rain yhester late afternoon the storms missed us even though we were in a warning.  I am going to put in a service ticket about the mice for thursday wehn I am home.  I want to see what they will be doing plus copper   I have 2 mice traps out in closets but no luck now. I hink I need to put them under the couches un refrigerator thats where I seehim go to when hiding The traps I have should be easy to use put they arent staying oen and a few broke when I tried to set them and they should be reusuable so I am afraid to move the ones in closet to pu under couches  I do have poison I want to put out in closet but not sure it's safe without he nit station but I really dont think those stations work plus what if they go to coppers water bowl when I am at work  UPDATE; I walked copper today and took hi mfor the longest walk in over a year, the one I used to doalmost 3000 step ooo I feel good but my knees do not agree
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on July 31, 2023, 11:10:46 AM
Hi LB, Yes a very pleasant week and weekend.

Okay to you're in office today thru Wednesday. How's it going with the new work you were trained in? Has your using the new different screens gotten easier?
Enjoy having off Thursday and Friday with no Dr appointments!!

Good the storms missed you.
I agree with you to not using poison in case mice go near Copper's water. What a pain in the butt you're having with them.
I bet your neighbor(s) have them.

Wow awesome about the longest walk in a while you and Copper took. Good that you felt good afterwards except your knee but that's probably to be expected with the knees. The great thing is you took that long walk! Nice!!

I'm dragging. Cleaned and vaccuumed before leaving cabin .. then 2 to 2 1/2 hour ride home .. when we got here late afternoon I immediately got to doing sheets and towels from cabin .. our laundry. Then watered all potted plants and other things out front, out back and on deck. Umm yep I'm tired today. lol
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 31, 2023, 11:45:32 AM

Today...a high of  92F  partly sunny, humid at 66% and  high pollen count.
 Our nighttime low 66F  with clear skies           

LB how's the new work going?  Good idea to skip pesticides for Copper's sake. Hope the LL will get the mice prob eliminated soon. Nice  having a short work week

Paulie a lot to do upon your return. But, you made it.

Hi jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on July 31, 2023, 05:31:55 PM
hello  I hit the mouse with a broom, he got free.  I feel guilty but needs to lie outside!!! New work is going ok not relly sure what  am doing yet but no one complaied yet. lOL  So I guess I am doing ok   LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on July 31, 2023, 07:13:42 PM
  Wishing everyone a 'Good Night  and SEDs .

LB- #1 for sure!     

🙏 's   Everyone.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 01, 2023, 09:25:48 AM
Good Morning,

LB, I'm visualizing you hitting mouse with broom!! Good that work is progressing for you. I had to chuckle about your comment no complaints yet. You're doing good!

Phyl, I agree with you about quote #1. Definitely!! Lol

Hi jicaji

Well my husband's Jeep is in for state inspection. Needs new brakes. Cha ching! Darn it!! Ugh!
As jicaji says .. "Always something"

Wishing all a good day.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 01, 2023, 02:18:31 PM
Good Morning ...

Currently   77 F  feels like 77F.  High  90F sunny, humidity 98% , High pollen. Nighttime low 64F  clear skies          

Hi All!
Yep always something!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 01, 2023, 05:48:52 PM
I havent seen the mouse since I hi it with broom, hit uhid under couch, I even moved couch . But I know I am speaking too soon. He'll show up tonight I am sure. I like#1, I for sure fold my sheets that way well actually I stuff it all in a pillow case. and tada!!! I full set ready just like that!!! HEE HEE. Tomorrow is last night night of PT until 9/6  Im going to miss that  place  for the next month!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 02, 2023, 09:36:22 AM
LB, Sounds like you scared the heck out of that mouse! LOL  You stuffing fitted sheet into pillowcase sure takes the folding frustration away!! I bet your PT place will miss you too. Sounds like nice efficient people and place.

Quote #1  I've done that lots of times!! lol

Hi jicaji and Phyl

Awesome cooler temps continue here with sunshine.

The Ring cam at cabin had lots of motion alerts last evening and night. A buck again that had walked pretty close to front porch when my husband I were sitting last weekend. The racoon family with the cutest bunch of little ones scurrying around front and back. And a fox that sniffs around. Haven't seen the black bear for a while. Good!

The front porch Hummingbird feeders were like Grand Central Station last weekend. Was cool watching multiple at feeders and hanging baskets. Only saw that on Utube videos before.

Wishing all a pleasant day. Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 02, 2023, 01:13:59 PM

I always sloppily fold fitted sheets and extra effort the flat and pillow cases.  ???

Congrats on PT reprieve LB.  That mouse will know next time before 'messing' with you.

Paulie Ring Cam good idea on yuour 'getaway' when not there. Great news on the hummer feeder. Lots of traffic is good.

Hi jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 02, 2023, 08:17:12 PM
Of course he showed up again I got him with brrom but I am afrid to go to hard not sure why he needs to go one way or another  He scuried under the refrigerator r wa sin the stove, well e hides underneath those 2 places so that where the traps need to go  along under couches. so how do I know if captured wif under stove or refrigerator?   Im not moving them I am not sure i can.

I graduated PT!!! I rang the bell they took pictures of me ringing bell plus a group shot. But the 2 guys tht worked with me the most werent there One was off the other not sure where he went, OH well. I go back 9/6 to start knees

I am off Thursday and friday  I think I am going to go see my father. I hink tomorrow Its suppose to be yuchy Friday. So far no mice tonight I havent checked the traps yet though  will in  the am. I am no expecting anything and if here is I don want to deal with it so late.  UPDATE: Mouse showed up.  Not sure where he came from but he was by the bck kack door,  Copper was right there and did nthing or did ot see him LOL   The mouse went under h ecouch
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 03, 2023, 06:45:20 AM
Good monring I checked the traps!!! I caugh one!!!!  sad. but they invaded my privcy of my home.  but I am not sure if its the one I saw last night or another I am sure there is more not just one.  But I only seen 1 at a time  I guess I will find out tonight if another comes out  These traps are reusable. I dumped in garbage not sure how I can use it again   Yuch!!! I will get more and call maintence later for them to set trps
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 03, 2023, 07:23:30 AM

Good Morning...

LB- one does what one must;  all good ones today---have a good day

HI  Paulie  and jicaji,
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 04, 2023, 07:32:03 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently   75F  feels like 77F.  High  93F  partly sunny,  High pollen. Nighttime low 69F  clear skies          
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 04, 2023, 07:40:15 AM
Good morning!!!! TGIF! Hope everyone has a good weekend 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 04, 2023, 07:41:01 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Good you got one! Did any others show up last night?

#3 yesterday

Hi jicaji and Phyl

We're heading to cabin soon this morning. Most of the family will arrive today and/or tomorrow too. Blueberry festival in town this weekend. It's usually a big event and delicious desserts and food.
Another bedroom is being set up this weekend. It's sooo nice having well water now for washing, showers, dishes etc. Septic tank and drain field passed inspection earlier this week.

Will check in here if I can. Wish you each a pleasant day and weekend. Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 04, 2023, 08:14:08 AM
Sounds like a wonderful weekend Paulie.  Makes me smile seeing your family is so close.

   No I didnt catch or see another mouse maybe the only one? Or the only one that makes  hiselff known.  I did  clean up and move couch es and seen where ropping were and cleane evrything up and all th efood it hordered.  It took Copper food!!!!  I seen coppers food in the sleeper couch.  Its all gone now I will look every week or so   I will keep looking and get more traps to play it safe. The one trap I have is still st  I want to move it but it will se off nd I have troubleresetting once it sets off
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 04, 2023, 10:00:26 AM
Paulie-safe travels and have fun!

LB - any word on the landlord/management cleaning up the mice infestation?  How horrible for you/Copper and other tenents
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 05, 2023, 07:36:54 AM
Good morning, I didnt contac t maaintence yet.  Once I caught the one I figured I would wait and see if I see more.  So far nothing and the one trab is still set. Iwill check under couch for droppings and closets again and lift up the cuch t see if their is food in the sleeper. I am home this week so if I see any  will call I am getting more rraps annd peppermit sprayto make sure I will set another trap in that closet nad under the couch, Just trying not to deal with maintence becauseof copper he does not like them. I also get better results when I take care of it myself even though I  dont like it.  But I will call if I see another one for sure. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on August 05, 2023, 09:25:59 AM
Hi Paulie, Phyl and LB.  Happy Saturday

2 and 3

Paulie.  Oh yes, Cheesecake freezes very well.  I just defrost one "little piece" at night for dessert when it "calls" to me lol.

Today is my mom's birthday in Heaven.  Miss her so much.  Some things time cannot heal.

LB.  Sorry about your mouse issues.  I'm assuming other tenants are having the problem too.

Such beautiful days lately.  Hint of Fall?

Enjoy the weekend guys.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 05, 2023, 11:38:47 AM
Good Morning ...Happy Caturday .


Currently   75F.  High  93F  partly  sunny  High pollen. Nighttime low 73F  clear skies          

{{{LB,  Paulie and  jicaji }}}
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 06, 2023, 08:40:58 AM
Good morning I keep waking up not knowing what day it is.  I thought it was saturday this morning LOL So far no other mice 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 06, 2023, 09:08:13 PM
Hi!  :) This is the first time I've turned on my laptop since last Friday morning when I posted here. Long pleasant weekend with everyone here at cabin. Family left at different times today and this evening. All have arrived home safely after long drive. Prayers answered.
I'm going to go back to read posts since Friday ........

LB, Aww thanks about smiling about the closeness of my family.
Good you haven't seen any more mice. Getting into Copper's food is a no no for sure. I understand you not contacting management yet.
They were absolutely no help to you when the entire complex was infested a few years ago.
You waking not knowing what day it is says you've got a lot on your mind. I hope you sleep good tonight and wake up tomorrow and you're more refreshed. When you read this it's Monday.  :) ;)

Quote 3

Phyl, Thanks for the safe travels and have fun. How's everything with you? Good I hope. How is everyone in the Beak Room? I haven't looked in there for literally weeks.

jicaji, Good about freezing cheesecake. Good for you when it "calls" to you." lol I'll do that next time I have some left over for sure.

The Blueberry Festival was very nice and delicious food and desserts. A country band played religious music and songs while people walked the grounds and different booths set up. The landscaping and floral gardens were beautiful. My granddaughters and I walked a quiet meditation labyrinth. Soooo peaceful. Different stands were set up. My husband and daughter both found a different pretty crucifix. My granddaughter a rosary. And I found a Our Lady of Guadalupe candle that one of my daughter's like so I gave it to her.

Lots of delicious food included hot and regular sausages, hot dogs, tacos, sloppy joes, pierogis and halipuki. My mom and grandmothers used to make pierogis and halipuki (stuffed cabbage). I've made them but there's was always better.

Charlie and I were going to return today after others left but storms rolled in so we're planning to drive back tomorrow.

Take care and SED

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 07, 2023, 03:48:49 AM
...Happy Monday !

Currently   78 F   High  90F  cloudy with T-storms humidity 84% , High pollen. Nighttime low 68F  clear skies          

Hi LB, Paulie and  jicaji
So glad the mice are gone.
A visit to the cabin was nice with family and all.
All are doing well.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 07, 2023, 06:27:46 AM
Good morning all.   I work  home this week 1/2 day tomorrow I see the surgeon in am.  Plus my co worker is off so tomorrow is going to be busy not sure how they expect me to do all my  work and my co workers in a half day Glad you had a good weekend Paulie 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 07, 2023, 04:06:28 PM

Got home earlier this afternoon. Left cabin to beat first storm moving thru but didn't make it. Torrential downpour for a while then sky cleared. We were able to drive and keep ahead of second storm out west driving east. Thank you Saint Christopher. Got home to tornado watch till tonight with severe storm warnings. First one starting here soon.

LB, Nice you're working from home but also sounds like you'll definitely be busy with additional work.
I remembered your surgeon appt tomorrow. Let us know what he/she says.
Thank you about my weekend.

All three quotes great today.

Phyl, Yes very nice and good to hear all are doing well.

Hi jicaji

Well high winds, thunder and rain picking up here so think I'll come back later.
All in the paths of these storms stay safe.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 07, 2023, 09:42:52 PM
Lucked out. Just one storm not two as predicted. Was usual thunder, lightening rain storm so again lucked out with high winds. Other counties around here not so much luck.

Hope all in storms path lucked out good as well.

Tired and heading to Zzzzz.

Wishing all SED and pleasant night.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 08, 2023, 06:33:44 AM
Good morning  All the major storms missed me last night just rai and a little lightening  getting ady to leave shortly got to walk copper
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 08, 2023, 08:10:40 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Good to no major storms. Good luck with your appointment this morning. Let me know how it goes.
I bet you enjoyed Copper's walk this morning if your area now has cooler temps and breezes after the storms.

Cooler and breezy in my area. Very nice too.

Today's Quotes ... All three of them.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 08, 2023, 09:44:38 AM
I found a surgeon that will do the surgery  But now I am thinking about it.  They gace e infir and email to ask quesions.  I now have a ist he saidit takes about 6 weeks.  I am doing afollow up appt sept 12  I will probably book it then unless I change my mind. I guess I a leaning toward doing surgery. Im afraid
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on August 08, 2023, 10:06:42 AM
A lot of your posts LB have related back to your knee issue.  I've been following but haven't made too many posts (?)  I've had both of mine replaced.  Tony actually had 3 knee surgeries.  (No, he only had 2 legs!)  On a trip to MX, on a newly treated terrazzo tile floor he took a spill.  A couple weeks later we knew he had a problem.    Ergo, replacement of the replacement. 

Want to hear more - can you email or personal message me?

I'll be outside soon, maybe till 1 or 2.  Later?

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 08, 2023, 01:00:07 PM
Good Afternoon...

LB, Paulie,  jicaji and Puff.

LB-understandable you have fears. That's what has held me back. My concerns are---Mostly that for petite women they still use an adult  joint instead of a children's size.
Talk to your surgeon about your concerns-lay it all out there.  I see Puff has offered some guidance.  ;)

Paulie- good deal on the nice weather

Puff-the experiences of one who's gone through 'thing's ---esp .such surgeries. Is always of value.  :-*

I'd say #3. In the end it's all up to the individual---follow 'your gut'.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 08, 2023, 04:56:34 PM
Hi So I saw the surgeon today. He will do the surgery of course I  didnt sign on right away.  I did make an appogment for sept 12 to discuss some more and probably give the go ahead.  I didnt ask many questions but I do have a list I made up. Its on my work computer maybe I will send to here and post and you guys can suggest any questions I missed. LOL The only thing is he workout of hospitals abut an hour from me  I have  2 wonderfull hospitals within 5 minutes from me.  I hear  the hospitals he work out of are pretty good. I ready has done surgeies on college students and professional ahletes. I just wish I knew someone personally who used him.  if my PT place recommneds him. He cant be so bad. He says he does it Robotically and I will stay over night in the hospital and iin the morning I will do PT and go home in the afternoon. And PT/nurse will come to my house for the first week.   oh boy another thing to worry about a not so friendly dog.  LOL    I did send Puff a personal  message!! :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 08, 2023, 06:45:12 PM
If I read correctly...this all sounds pretty good.  Messaging Puff  ;)

Sleep well Cherrios! And, SEDs all.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 09, 2023, 06:34:47 AM
Good morning, I think I slept good last night  :) 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 09, 2023, 08:39:43 AM
Currently   70 F  feels like 70F.  High  87F  partly sunny, humidity 86% , High pollen. Nighttime low 70F  clear skies 

LB-good night's rest  ;)   #3 for me have a 'good day'

Hi Paulie and  jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 09, 2023, 08:28:46 PM
LB, Good to you finally finding a surgeon who will do your knee replacement if you choose to do so. Since the PT practice you go to has been so great and you trust them, you speaking to them about it is very good. They've been so good with you up to this point they wouldn't steer you in the wrong direction.

Very good to you sleeping good last night!!  :)

Hi back at ya Phyl.

Oops forgot quotes. All three are good again.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 10, 2023, 06:40:16 AM
Good Morning, didnt sleep well last nigh LOL.  I am leaning toward th surgery. I need it why waste tie and why suffer more.  I know it wont be perfect afterwards but anythng is better than now.   I just want to walk and enjoy the outside . Not walking due to being lazy is a lot differnt than not walking cause of the pain/discomfort
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 10, 2023, 08:36:54 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Darn to your sleep last night. You do have a big decision on your mind. What you said this morning makes sense. Are you still going to get opinion from your PT office? Would be a good to because if they give their approval you'll feel even more confident. What do you think?

All quotes today are good and lean towards your decision.  :) ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 10, 2023, 12:31:51 PM
Good Morning...

Currently  72 F mostly cloudy.  High  87F  light rain  humidity 88% , High pollen. Nighttime low 70F mostly cloudy skies        
Last night  heavy rain with really noisy skies and lightening.

Hi LB, Paulie and   jicaji

All three for today.  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 10, 2023, 12:32:07 PM

Why this day is important and it's significance
https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/other/world-lion-day-2023-date-history-significance/ar-AA1f0UM5 (https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/other/world-lion-day-2023-date-history-significance/ar-AA1f0UM5)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 10, 2023, 06:36:22 PM
Vedry interestin about the lions!!! They are beautful for sure !!!

Yes I will ask PT about the surgeon to see if I can get any kind of information from them they may not tell me anything. There was a person I meat when I firsgt started PT who did use the surgeon for Knee replacement. SHe loved him. Ican see why, He is good looking LOL I wouldnt mind going to sleep looking at him. LOL   I asked my cousin about the hospitals he is affliated since he lives up north so I know the hospital I want to use  No he didnt know of the doctor.  LOL   I am leaning more and more toward the surgery. Hey Paulie you can do yours at the same time and we can recover together!!!

 I just remember I had a night mre about mice .LOL   Maybe thats why I iddnt sleep well. No I havent seen any since I killed the one  Maybe he was a lone Mouse.   LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 10, 2023, 09:54:29 PM
LB, Good you'll as PT. Also good was the lady who had knee replacement from this doctor and she loved him. Even is he is good looking lol if her knee replacement hadn't been successful she'd had some sort of complaint I think.
Whoa you wouldn't mind going to sleep looking at him! LOL He must really be good looking.
Your leaning more and more toward the surgery makes sense because you've wanted it for a long time. Like you said this morning .. you want to walk and enjoy the outside without pain and discomfort. I hope PT gives you the go ahead with their opinion.

You dreaming about a mouse explains why you didn't sleep good!
Good it appears that "mousie" was the only one. Thumbs up!

Phyl, Yes interesting about lions. Sad how their numbers have diminished.

Hi jicaji

We're planning to head back to cabin tomorrow morning. We're taking our oldest granddaught (16), her dog and her best friend. Both girls are juniors this upcoming school year at the same high school. Planning to return Sunday.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 11, 2023, 05:55:02 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently 71 F  w/dense fog  High  92F  partly sunny,  Low 72F  clear skies.   Humidity 95% , High pollen.          

{{{ Hawaiian Islands--Maui.}}}  🙏 's 

LB-time to go for it!  LOL mouse nightmares.

Paulie-enjoy your weekend  should be lots of fun w/granddaughter & friend

Hi jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 11, 2023, 06:34:21 AM
Good Morning  I had a meeting yesterday awith manager I guess you can say more trianing. She cleared up a lot of my major questions I wrote up notes last night to make it clearer I am meeting with her and my boss about my work load and maybe taking on more work and/or giivng up some if needed. Most of the time I stil could use work but sometimes I have a lot not too often  But I know 2 little things to give up if I have to. we'll see how that goes She will be in office in 2 weeks (week I work from home) So I may go there 1 day maybe 2 ro sit with her 

Tomorrow I take Copper for his early exam I am nervous it used to be curbside but I think it's back to normal and afraid of Copper with other animals 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 11, 2023, 05:42:44 PM
Surgery November 7 I diid it!!! This made me feel better      https://www.vitals.com/doctors/Dr_Joseph_Bellapianta.html#rating-overview

But now I am nervous I am going to be giving more responsibilty at woork I hope being out fr this surgery doesnt affect it.   My boss knows He said work remote I said yes just give me a couple of weeks to  recover. But I would love to be off But working home isnt bad I hope maybe a flex scheudle 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 11, 2023, 06:53:22 PM
{{{Dear LB-}}} good news. I'll be sending prayers your way and lots of good wishes for a speedy recovery. And, tell me all about it.  ;)

  Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 12, 2023, 06:09:25 PM
OOPs I forgot!!!  LOL I speant a fortune on Coppers yearly exam but he is now good for the year. He was not happy
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 12, 2023, 07:13:15 PM
Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .   


LB- All good ones. Poor Copper. But glad he's doing okay.

Hi Paulie and   jicaji

{{{ Hawaiian Islands--Maui.}}}  🙏 's 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 13, 2023, 08:33:13 AM
Good morning  I woke up at 2am with my phone dinging.  It was a tornado warning  I was too tired to move Then Kabom big thinder The news was sayig we had 22 torados this summer our average is 2  Back to the office next week fun fun fun
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 13, 2023, 03:32:54 PM
Happy Sunday Everyone !
Right now severe thunderstorms and winds.

LB-take care and stay covered

Hi Paulie and   jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 13, 2023, 08:34:44 PM
LB, Good for you scheduling your knee surgery! All should be okay with work despite your recent additional work. They know you're a valuable member/worker and will work with you I think. And agreed working from home after initial recovery should work too.
Also!! You have covered for a friend there and maybe others when they were out of office so it's time someone covers for you too when needed.  :)

Good news Copper's yearly exam was good. Good too your weather calmed down. You were tired!!

Phyl, Hopefully your thunderstorms passed over safely too.
I absolutely agree to prayers for Hawaiian Islands - Maui.

Hi jicaji

Really nasty storms at cabin last night too with tornado watch. Holy lightening thunder rain and winds. All passed through.

We're still at cabin. My granddaughter and her friend had a blast. I had a busy weekend here with two teenagers.
We were notified today all of the interior doors will probably be delivered tomorrow. Granddaughter's friend had to return home. So my son suggested we meet half way (1 hour drive for each of us) then he drove girls home and we returned to cabin for hopefully delivery tomorrow.

Take care and SED
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 14, 2023, 09:48:27 AM
Good Morning ...

Currently 74F and cloudy    High  92F  mostly sunny,  Low 68F  rain.    Very high pollen today.      
Have been having more rain yesterday and this moring

{{{ Lahaina, Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's

 I don't see how---Jim's planning to  mow when he's off this afternoon---the grass, with all the rain from Saturday has gotten to be extremely high. He uses a powered push mower  and with his heart...  Well...     If that's the worst in Life---I'm over the moon. You know?  ;)

Paulie-glad foul weather passed thru okay and granddaughter/friend had such fun. Hurrah! Interior doors!

Hi LB and   jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 14, 2023, 05:34:24 PM
Hi I spoke with the surgery coordinator today  and got all my peliminary appts set for approval.    I also spoke to the physician assistant and  she answered all my questions.  She made it seem like its an easy surgery but I remember wht apuff said there will be pain!!! Walk through thte pain as much as I can!!!I will hav in home thrapy for the first 2 weeks.  then out patient.  based on comfort level of driving.  They told be to do 1 month for disability. I should be able to work from home the next day but they recommned not to because of pain SO not sure what to tell my boss LOL  I'll talk to him about it. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 14, 2023, 06:38:35 PM
{{{LB}}}-sounds like a good conversation with those involved.  No doubt there will be pain..  Good advice from Puff---walk thru the pain.
      Have a good night you/Copper.

Good Night Paulie and   jicaji.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 14, 2023, 10:40:19 PM
We're home safely. Found out this morning all interior doors are still loaded in a "closed truck" just sitting there still in Tennessee truck terminal since last week. Ugh. Possible delivery this Thurs or Fri. Whatever. It is what it is.

Phyl, Did Jim mow the high lawn and what do you mean about his heart? If hot and humid, lots of walking/mowing in high grass I wouldn't have recommended that either. If he mowed I'm sure you kept an eye on him.
Both my husband and my oldest son (in his 40s) have congestive heart failure. That's were I got my opinion from.

Agreed to continued prayers for Lahaina, Maui, HI.

LB, I agree with Phyl to a good conversation with those involved. And also your questions answered. Good you'll be able to work from home. Hopefully that takes worry off your shoulders.
From what information I received about knee replacement when recommended for me I would not plan on working the next day. I was told considering the pain by twos weeks it should feel better. PT a must and walking thru the pain as others mentioned to you.

Others have done it and gotten through it so you definitely will too.

Well a long day. Time for Zzzzzz. Wishing all SED

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 15, 2023, 12:36:45 AM
Paulie Glad you both ae home safe.
Bingo! Jim has heart issues. The only meds he take are for his heart.
Yes until he got rained out this afternoon. He splits it up the front or top half, trim and weed that.  Then the next day the same on
the back that slops toward the retention pond . There isn't much I can do for the balance issues and bad knees.

Ditto LB 'others have done it and gotten through it so you definitely will too."
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 15, 2023, 09:26:05 AM
Good Morning,

Phyl, Thanks about returning safely.

Darn about Jim's heart issues. I always say a thank you prayer that meds exist for whatever condition someone has to help the.
Very good that he divides up his mowing and lawn work and doesn't push himself to do it all in one day. I hope he takes it easy on the slop to retention pond.
I'm sure it's frustrating for you that you can't help due to your balance issues and bad knees. I'm sure you say a prayer for him while mowing. Hugs to you and Jim.

LB, Hope you're having a good work day. How's the extra work load going?

Hi jicaji

Wishing all a good day.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 15, 2023, 09:38:04 AM
Good Morning ...Happy Tuesday !

Currently 75 F High  82F  partly sunny,  Low 61F  clear skies. Pollen-very high      
Hopefully Jim will be able to finish the yard work on both yards later this PM

LB- here's to a 'good' workday. I know Paulie asked about the work load---how is it for you?

Paulie- I keep a 'home alter' of sorts. On it are battery operated prayer candles. Each waxed candle has a concern or group of conerns. When the
battery dies out---so does the flame. Jim always has one often sharesw with other folks i.e. famiy,  RRP Forum,  state, federal and local governments, the sick, travel mercies . You know?

Hi  jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 15, 2023, 05:35:42 PM
Hi I need more work !!!! But it's ok. still trying to understand what I am doing with whats giving but supposely I will be getting more work shortly Hopefully me being out wont affect me receiving the additional work load. I found out that my in home physical therapy will be for 2 weeks then I will go to out patient back to my place I love :)   I actaully start up again in a few weeks. They will now prepare me for surgery. I  didnt sleep well last night. The one tie I woke up I found copper's head up staring at me. LOL  Phyl I hope your husband Jim Paulie are you hom eyet. Hi Jacajidid the lawn slowly 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 15, 2023, 07:42:09 PM

LB- Whose taking care of Copper during you surgery?  LoL he's a funny fella.  Jim took mowing slow and steady. With many breaks
Hi Paulie and jicaji

{{{ Lahaina, Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's

Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 16, 2023, 11:45:50 AM
I've had trouble staying here. Getting server error notification then kicked off. I'm here now!  ;D

Phyl, Very nice about your alter and Jim always has one and also candle(s) for different intentions and others. Very thoughtful.

I have an alter at my home too. It has statue of Mary The Blessed Mother plus some smaller statues of saints and some prayer cards for family, others and different intentions.
I've used battery candles too and also real flame candles and votive lights.

LB, Yes I'm home. We returned last Monday. We're returning at some point for delivery of all interior doors whenever that will be.

You need more work!! You do like to keep busy. Probably when you get the additional work your boss will continue to let you do it when you're home after surgery when he sees you'll be getting it done efficiently from home.

Awesome!! that after your initial 2 week PT at home you'll continue at the place you love! That's great!

Phyl's question to you about who will walk Copper is a good one. Will you be using the dog walker again?

Quote #2 from yesterday.

Wishing all a pleasant day. Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 16, 2023, 04:59:57 PM
Hi Paulie- glad your Internet issues here seem better.  I think you're right there for LB , work from home and PT at her fave place.
               Didn't know LB used a 'dog walker' before. Maybe rehire the same person?
               I don't like the real flame as they burn smoky and stain the walls. Plus I have cats who can get fascinated by the flame.

Well---it's a day here.

  Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .   

{{{ Lahaina, Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 16, 2023, 06:07:51 PM
Hi I still use a dog walker when I go to work in office.  I am taking a break fro mdog walker. I will take care of Copper. Well my brother and nephew will stay here the night I am in hospital.  I bought a popper scopper in case I have trouble bending down to pcik up poop.  I do have one of (well actually 2) of theose grabbers to grab things you cant get if to high  Out side of my apartment there is a littl yard I will let him out there to go to the bathroom at first then walk him a little further as I can I will order the big bag of dog food b4 surgery so I wont have to worrk about it for a while  I will see if my brother could come over once in awhile t give him a long walk.  He will adjust I went through this a few months with my back issue.  The  nurses seem to make this surgery not so bad. LOL I know it is encourage to walk as much as I can I know I wontt go far  I feel bad   Maybe  will have dog walk come once a week But copper should be ok Even in the frony of my apatymrnt there is a yard so I can tak ehi out there and not have to walk far   Wishful thinking. It will be difficult LOL 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 16, 2023, 06:39:49 PM
Here is the yard outside of my apartment not so nice but it will get job done. The picturs are taking from my patio outside of my apartment, First photo is toward the left and thats where garbage and recycling 2nd photo is direct in front of porch and the 3rd is to the right
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 17, 2023, 09:09:58 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, Very nice that your brother and nephew will help you with Copper. Sounds like you've got things lined up with them helping you/Copper, your pooper scoopers and you using your yard. Most of your yard looks nice and flat so that's good. You just stay away from those raised tree roots!! No falling allowed.  ;)

Quote #3 from yesterday.

Phyl, True about smoke from candles. Oh true about cat(s) knocking over candle! I forgot Maggie might do that accidentally.
You said you have cats. Do you have more than Maggie?

Hi jicaji

This past Tuesday afternoon I began another series of Euflexxa knee gel injections. Two more to go .. once a week for a total of three injections. Hard to believe it's been 6 months since last time. My orthopedic Dr is a hoot .. so nice and funny. Anyway feeling good and walking really good.

My youngest granddaughter 8yrs resumes school next Monday 21st. My two oldest granddaughters (16 and 14) resume on 28th.
Where did summer go?!?

Wishing all a good day. Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 17, 2023, 10:48:08 AM
Good Morning ...Hoppy Thursday

Currently 64 F  w/ fog  High  86F  sunny,  Low 64F  clear skies.      

{{{ Lahaina, Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's

Paulie- force of habit, had two kitties( Mike) --down to Maggie. Euflexxa ?   No doubt the Summer's whizzed  by this year.  :(

LB  so nice your brother/nephew will help with Copper and all; whenever you do get out post op, keep those peepers on the ground to avoid a disaster.  ;)

Hi jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 17, 2023, 05:32:56 PM
Phyl, Oh okay. I'm sorry about Mike.

Euflexxa is the name of the knee gel injections that I get. I began six months ago. 3 injections .. once a week for three weeks.
After six months you get injections again. I have bone-on-bone in one knee and it's helped me a lot.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 17, 2023, 06:26:52 PM
The front yard area is nice nice walking space the only problem is its right by that nasty neighbor she is across the way , I dont want her knowing y business  But I may have to walk that area I will share photos of the fron too
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 17, 2023, 06:37:43 PM
Here is photo of front.  The 3rd pictures shows the nasty woman apartmnet The one on the end
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 17, 2023, 09:39:16 PM
LB, The photos of the front are really nice. Very pretty and flat too. That's good.

I remember nasty lady neighbor!! She is nasty! Has she been keeping her distance from you? Hope so!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 18, 2023, 01:01:33 AM
Tks for the photos LB. Boy! Do I remember that 'nasty neighbor'.  Hopefully, she'll keep her distance.

Well biding all, Paulie, LB and  jicaji a late 'Good Night' and SEDs.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 18, 2023, 09:22:10 AM
Good Morning  :)

Phyl, An early .. or late post. lol Hope you slept good.

LB, TGIF for you.

We're staying home this weekend. Yay actually. That long drive back n forth weekly had been getting to be a bit much. Looking forward to a nice weekend home with some family.
Charlie and I are going to a large farmers market this morning. Taking our two oldest granddaughters too. Lots of veggie, fruits and other tables and always a food truck with delicious food.  ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 18, 2023, 05:09:13 PM
I dont see her too often I I do I am usually inside, once in a whle I'm out back letting copper out she ignores I ignore her. He rhusband will say hi to me when shes not around I hear her talking in German when I walk by her apartmemnt when I walk Copper and I heard her tell a neightbot I was a bitch. LOL   I dont care, I dont talk to anyone here  A few people if I see them while walking copper but thats about it Yes TGIF, nexy week I am home but I have to go in the office 2x I am going wed and thursday Mangafer will be there so more training Beautiful day today and this weekend
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 18, 2023, 08:05:24 PM
Wishing everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .   

{{{ Lahaina, Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's


We've got the yards (ours and Sadia's) all caught up.   willow tree shrubs all trimmed and cleaned out around.  Land's scaping trimmed/weeded and all.
They each  look impressive.   I used mom's cane and cleaned out nesting box #1. Checked on nesting box #2 and did a refresher. Now the BBs have a home for the winter again. We've had as many  6 adult BBs in each for the winter. I hope Jim turns #2 box around to slightly  face #1  instead of looking away toward Sadia's.

Our longtime neighbor across from us has told us he's gonna sell.  Says the house and all is too much.  Looking for an appt.  And, thinks we should follow suit.   Dunno.
  We'll miss the BBs and they us.
Sooooo. Will interesting to see who buys.

Paulie-late night, always sleep well.  Is Charlie your hubby or girlfriend?   Sometimes good to stay home on a weekend. Ages since I've been to a farmers market

LB- #s 1 and 3;   Nice that 'nasty neighbor's hubby speaks to you. She's German---you should learn some conversational German and when you walk Copper talk to him when you pass her apt. It will blow her mind!  ;D  ;D

Hi jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 19, 2023, 08:07:10 AM
Good morning. Glad the yards are all caught up.    Beautiful morning here
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 20, 2023, 09:24:19 AM
good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 20, 2023, 10:23:56 AM
Good Sunday Morning  :)

Phyl, Good that yards are done and everything ship shape.
Charlie is my husband. Lol

LB, Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

Quotes: Yesterday #3  Today #1 applies to all. I'm still a work in progress and learning. lol

Beautiful sunny day and weather yesterday to take granddaughters (16 and 14) to pool. One of my daughters and my youngest granddaughter 8 yrs met us there. We set up in shade under large tree to set/relax while the girls had a blast in the pool for hours.
We took concession stand breaks for food and drinks. Was an awesome last weekend for grands together at pool before school year resumes and very relaxing for my daughter and I. Afterwards came back home with them and then other family came to house to open presents and birthday cake for middle granddaughter whose birthday is today.

Another beautiful weather day today.
I wish everyone a pleasant day. Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 20, 2023, 12:58:56 PM
Good Morning ...Happy Sunday !


Currently 67 F   with  High  96F  sunny & humid at 85%,  Low 71F  clear skies.      

{{{ Lahaina, Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's

{{{All those in the path of  tropical storm Hilary}}}  🙏 's

Hey! LB- not much beats a beautiful morning.    All good from yesterday and today.  Pets to Copper

HI Paulie- Charlie was my dad.  ;D    Sounds like it was a really fun time yesterday topped off with a birthday party too!  ;)   Thanks

Hi jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 21, 2023, 06:37:21 AM
Good morning going to be a busy  week.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 22, 2023, 06:22:18 AM
good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 22, 2023, 06:10:58 PM
Hi  :)  The past two days have been reeeally busy!

LB, What all is making your week busy? You go into office tomorrow and Thursday with more training from manager correct?

Quotes: Yesterday and today both #2s

Phyl, Aww that's nice your dad was Charlie.

Beautiful cooler and sunny weather today. I've heard lawn mowers going today and now too. My son mowed here last weekend so still looking good here.
I got my second knee gel injection today. Third and final next week.

Well time to clean up kitchen after dinner. Sooo glad to have a dishwasher.  ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 23, 2023, 12:39:44 AM
Late getting here...

Paulie- good news on knee injections. Dishwashers are wonderful. When I was a teenager my mom had one---me!  ;D

LB- hope your week is going "okay" and Copper is being a 'good boy' too.

Hi jicaji

Hope everyone has a restful night. I heading off for some SEDs
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 23, 2023, 08:21:39 AM
Good Morning  :)

Phyl, Same here to my mom's dishwasher growing up ... me. lol and two older sisters. We all had our chores.

LB, It's Wednesday. You're in office for add'l training with manager?

Another full day for me is planned. Taking granddaughter 16 for driver's permit physical and school physical.

Then we're taking my other granddaughter/her sister 14 a freshman to high school to walk around the halls, find her locker and homeroom etc to get familiar with it all.

The 16 yr old is a junior this year so very familiar with school so will show her around. I remember taking my oldest grand there when she was a freshman. Good memories. Time flies!

Then after that later this afternoon I take the 14 year old to hair salon for trim and whatever before school resumes next week.
Tomorrow I take the 16 year old to hair salon too before school next week.
Whew!  ;D

My youngest granddaughter 8 already resumed school earlier this week, Monday. She's in 3rd grade this year.

I'm really glad we all went to the pool last Saturday together then back to my house to hang out with family. Was a nice get together for the girls and all before the new school year.

Wishing all a pleasant day. Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 23, 2023, 06:42:49 PM
Oh Paulie!!! When are you not busy??? LOL Yes I was in office today and again tomorrow. This  manager is soo woderful, learn so much. I think she knows everything there should!!!The day goes fast too.  I work from home friday then in  office all next week 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 24, 2023, 12:08:57 AM

Hi jicaji

Paulie- sounds like a fun filled day for you and grands. Everyone's gearing up for school.

LB-so glad the mgr that's training you is good to work with and all. 

Gonna turn in...
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 24, 2023, 06:35:32 PM
ooh what a hectic  last 2 days. in the office .I went in hoping to ge tmore training and questions answered  but it iddnt turn out that way. My boss was pulling me in 100 different directions. because a co worker was out this week and I am her back up.  Not sure how she does her work but it makes everything more complicated!!!  I joked around with my boss in I didt have to come in th office this week since I iddint get to ask my questions I had. I am coming after him next week!!! LOL  I am back home tomorrow than back in office  next week.    I havent been sleeping well this week. Very restless   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 24, 2023, 09:45:50 PM
LB, True always busy here.  :)

My heavens with the busy week you've had and especially today you'd think you would sleep better. Too much on your mind for sure.

Tomorrow is TGIF for you! I hope you have a restful weekend with better sleep.

Hi Phyl

We're heading to cabin tomorrow morning. Getting up early for the drive because the interior doors are to be delivered 12 - 4pm. Finally they're being delivered!
Some family is hoping to come for the weekend too.

Quote #2 today and LB I know how much you love Autumn.  :)

Later taters. Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 25, 2023, 12:22:14 AM
Late---again !  :(

LB- what a busy week for you at work; nice Autumn sayings

Paulie-safe travels tomorrow; Oh happy day! getting interior doors .

Hi jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 25, 2023, 06:34:00 AM
Good morning toss and turn . I actually dont mind my favorite time is laying in bed its when I am the most comfortable.  I think some of the issue is copper someties gets off the bed and then back on and that wakes me up but not all the time,  Thee he times he gets off and I dont know LOL. YES TGIF!!!! Have a good weekend Paulie and Phyl Hi Jacaji. miss you
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 26, 2023, 09:56:19 AM
Good morning after waking up atg 430 to go to bathroom and let copper out I slept to 830 and copper to 10 LOL. Hes been so itchy all thr griggn gnats!!!! I have 3 different spray and they wont go away  grrrrrr  . Going to do some prepping by cooking some meals this weekend.     fun   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 26, 2023, 06:39:33 PM
  Sending  everyone ' Good  Evening' and SEDs .   

{{{ Lahaina, Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's
{{{Successful recovery from  Hurricane Hilary}}} 🙏 's

Jim is doing just fine!  He should be,  as he's passed this on to me!
Cough, soar  scratchy throat, sinus drainage, achiness,  chills  ears feel full and itchy.  In order to appease my anger he gave me a bottle of Zicam this AM.  Not nary a cold in 3 years and then  I feel like ... He has a careless attitude about health. >:(
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 27, 2023, 06:51:07 AM
Sorry Jim got you sick Phyl. I hopeyou feel better quickly
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 28, 2023, 06:16:58 PM
Hello, Thank god day is over. I am tired and cranky  LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 28, 2023, 08:39:15 PM
Hi!  :)

We returned last evening. I couldn't post till now. I'll explain then.

LB, Good you got to sleep in Saturday morning. And Copper till 10am! lol I'm sure your house smelled good with your meal preps. You make good desserts too I remember.
Uh oh about your day today. Was work rough? You work from home this week .. I think?

Today's quote #3. LOL

Phyl, I definitely hope you're feeling better now!! Your symptoms sounded rough. Oh my Jim gave you Zicam to appease your anger.
Hey I hear ya and understand about Jim's careless attitude about health.

Example: When in the depths of wearing masks and using hand sanitizer, washing hands etc I had to warn Charlie when we went somewhere to be cautious. When he'd go somewhere without me I'd warn and tell him to be careful and he was not bring anything home!! Well guess who brought covid into the house. Yep! Not only did I get it but so did my oldest daughter and son who were here one evening when he said he didn't feel good. Ugh. We were NOT happy.

Anyway how are you feeling today? Better I hope or getting better.

Well here's another dumb thing I did at the cabin. This is my #3 dumb thing so the saying goes "Things go in 3s" so I consider myself done now. Sorry a bit long.
While at cabin the guys were using chain saw to cut down some trees to clear and are then cut into logs. I decided to help. I picked up logs and carried them over to other side to stack them. Also pulled and carried smaller branches etc to another pile to throw on stack.

I was doing good too until I tripped over a tree root in the ground. Did a face plant. First time for that. Landed on my chest and ate some dirt. Luckily I landed on my right/good knee and braced myself with left hand/wrist because I'm right handed.
Guys didn't see me go down because they were on other side sawing etc. Charlie did but he was way over on other side too.

By the time he got to me I was pulling myself up but the fall knocked the air/wind out of me and I was light headed feeling faint. My son got a chair from the porch. I eventually felt okay with breathing fresh air. Then the pain set in.

Knee and hand/wrist really swollen and sore. That was Saturday. Sunday I used walking cain to get around but on my it hurt knee a lot and couldn't use right hand. Long ride home Sunday evening.

I've been using ice bags since then and today and I'm actually able to type this. Yay. Knee can bend a bit. Both are still sore but swelling going down. Tomorrow I have morning appt for my third knee gel injection in what was my bad knee but is now my good knee. LOL
I'll tell Ortho Dr what happened but I think everything is okay and swelling and soreness will go away eventually.
Needless to say I'm not going to help stack wood and clean up out in the woods any more.  ;D

I'm wishing you each a pleasant relaxing evening and night .. and me too.   :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on August 28, 2023, 08:56:38 PM
(((( Pauli ))))
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on August 28, 2023, 10:07:09 PM
Oh, no tig  Should I tell you all the things people tell me?  Things you've no doubt told yourself?  Time to accept, time to change our ways.   ::)

At least your already appointment should get you some additional professional help/suggestions.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 29, 2023, 06:16:00 PM
Good Evening  :)

Tig, Aww thanks for the hug! I love hugs!

Puff, Yes! Please tell me all the things people tell you. I enjoy your story telling. Hmm to things I've told myself like "I shouldn't have done that!!" True. I was angry with myself for a couple days afterward too. And yep I've accepted it and will change my ways. Darn it!

LB, I hope your work day was better today.

Phyl, No post from you so I'm worried you're not feeling better yet. I'm passing a hug on to you now. (((Phyl)))

Speaking of hugs .... at my already scheduled orthopedic appt today when my Dr (a really big guy and always smiling .. he's a sweetheart) was heading to door to leave exam room he paused, turned around and said, "Paulie I really like you. Can I give you a hug?" I replied "Of course. I love hugs and you're a sweetheart."  ;D
He and his wife raise chickens and the stories he tells are hilarious.

So I got my knee gel injection and he looked at the other knee I fell on and my wrist. Said the knee will be okay and last a long time once the swelling and soreness is gone. He's concerned about my wrist because still swollen and sore. I told him "But the swelling has gone down a lot!!" He just looked at me. LOL His concern is because I have osteoporosis in that forearm and wrist. I'm to call him if it doesn't get better.

We scheduled next appt for January. He said we'll discuss knee replacement then. He's really pushing for me to do it. When he told me we'll discuss it he gave me 'a look'. Why? Because he and I have butted heads about knee replacement in the past.  ;D

I'm hoping you each are doing good and have a pleasant evening and Phyl is feeling better soon.

Take care. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 29, 2023, 06:18:00 PM
So sorry about your fall Paulie!!!!!Hopefully th epains goes away soo.   I am in office this week.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 29, 2023, 07:23:44 PM
Good Evening Everyone...

Currently 75F  High  87F partly sunny  Low 63F      

{{{ Karen and  all those in the path of Tropical Storm Idalia }}} 🙏 's
{{{ Lahaina and Kaanapali,  Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's
{{Remembering Ming/Pat/Peggy}}

Wanted to pop in say 'Hi' .
My sinuses are a mess! All I do is sleep!!
Jim and I are still feeling rotten. He's back to work though.
So far Maggie's not caught it.  ;)
Thank you for the 'get well' wishes, too.

Got a a little birthday email from Paul,  Heather and family ,
Jim's youngest, with a picture of my Mom’s rainbow cake after they  cut it. Mom always made me one
for my birthday.

Heard from Dan and all's well there. I had been concerned with Hurricane Hilary moving that direction before she switched course.
Thanks for the nests updates and family news ...
Sending prayers to those who are ill,  injured and  have troubles.


{{{ Hi jicaji}}}

Just thought I’d post this before they became ‘untimely’

From Live Science.com
Rare 'blue supermoon'the biggest and brightest full moon of the year — rises Aug. 30

https://www.livescience.com/space/the-moon/rare-blue-supermoon-the-biggest-and-brightest-full-moon-of-the-year-rises-aug-30?utm_term=C190B63E-87C3-4395-B655-61057A13DDD2&utm_campaign=368B3745-DDE0-4A69-A2E8-62503D85375D&utm_medium=email&utm_content=7AA012E5-36EB-48F1-8E26-95344C4CA6C3&utm_source=SmartBrief (https://www.livescience.com/space/the-moon/rare-blue-supermoon-the-biggest-and-brightest-full-moon-of-the-year-rises-aug-30?utm_term=C190B63E-87C3-4395-B655-61057A13DDD2&utm_campaign=368B3745-DDE0-4A69-A2E8-62503D85375D&utm_medium=email&utm_content=7AA012E5-36EB-48F1-8E26-95344C4CA6C3&utm_source=SmartBrief)

I went back to bed and got  up 4 hrs later
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 29, 2023, 10:08:36 PM
Not sleepy yet because I slept most of afternoon. Ugh. But glad I came here now seeing LB and Phyl's posts.

LB, Thank you and okay about you being in office this week. I hope it goes fast for you.

Phyl, God bless you! You sound miserable. Sleep is good for you. Your body will rest and help build your immune system strength to fight this thing.
Good Jim feels good enough to go to work. Also good Maggie hasn't caught it. Let's hope she doesn't.
I hope you feel much better very soon!!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 30, 2023, 12:09:50 PM
LB, Hoping you're having a good day at work. It's Wednesday .. you're closer to TGIF.  :)

Phyl, I hope you're beginning to feel a bit better. Continue to rest. Do you have chicken soup in pantry?
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 30, 2023, 06:17:45 PM
Hi  I hope tyou feel better quickly Phyl

I have been busy this week with my new role.  I will be busier the next 2 days I need to cover for another co worker that will be off.   It will make the day go faster though.. I hope LOL  Then lonweekend being labor day I took Tuesday off as well.  Now I have to get motivated enought to go to my gym to do the bike this weekend.  I start PY next wednesday. Looking forward to that!!! 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 30, 2023, 07:39:40 PM
LB, I know you're enjoying being busier at work.  :) Nice to you taking Tuesday off for a longer holiday weekend! And great that you return to PT next Wednesday and you really enjoy going there and the people there too. I still say it's awesome that you found that place.

You did good with the quotes today. All three of them are good ones.

After a busy week so far and today I hope you sleep good tonight!

You take care. SED
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on August 31, 2023, 06:54:05 AM

Currently 63F ;   High  83F sunny,  Low 61F .  Humidity 84%     

{{{  Successful recovery for those from Hurricane Idalia }}} 🙏 's
{{{ Lahaina and Kaanapali,  Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's
{{{Successful recovery from  Hurricane Hilary}}} 🙏 's

Thank you again for your ‘Get Well’ wishes/’prayers for myself and Jim. We're doing  so much better today.  Yesterday, Jim saw Doc for annual--- got addt'l Rx.
As for me , I've  tough it out. But, I'm getting there.   :)
I've been keeping up with Idalia on FNC / Fox weather

{{{Paulie }}} how have you been doing since your fall; no chicken soup or antibiotics. But, chicken broth. And, Zicam   ;)

{{{LB}}} hope Copper's been letting you sleep more; I know you enjoy a busy work week

{{ Hi jicaji}}
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on August 31, 2023, 02:43:52 PM
Good Afternoon

Phyl, It's good seeing you here and even better is you saying you're so much better today! Jim too! Good good good. Prayers answered.
Is Jim's add'l Rx to help him get over what he has and you got? You don't have to reply to that. I'm not being nosie.  :)
Good to you taking chicken broth and Zicam. Hey if it works .. good.
I really like your Good Morning photo.
I was watching Idalia on FNC/Fox Weather too.

To answer your question about the fall .. it's slow going and my heavens pain is exhausting.
I'm not used to not being busy doing things and I do not like it!  ::) For now it is what it is. I'm very grateful though it wasn't worse. A blessing there.

LB, Agreed to what Phyl said about Copper letting you sleep.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on August 31, 2023, 07:49:55 PM
LOL I wish Copper would let me sleep, he does on most part . I get up to go pee then he wants out as well.   Or he wakes me up at when I have to get up at 545 so I dont g back to sleep . Its me too keeping myself up.  I am so restless lately.

Phyl glad you are feeling better.

You better rest Paulie!!! 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 01, 2023, 05:08:29 AM

Good Morning Everyone...Happy  Friday and ... 


Currently 62F  fog;   High  85F mostly sunny,  Low 62F   Humidity 83%  and high pollen .[/ i]     

It will be a while before Jim is really 'better'. Doc changed his antibiotics and added Zyrtec/Claritin to the Flonase.
However, IMHO  he'd be wise to 'flush' his sinuses w/  pharmaceutical grade salt/ distilled water  like I do-

{{{ Lahaina and Kaanapali,  Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's
{{{Successful recovery from  Hurricanes Idalia  & Hilary}}} 🙏 's

{{Paulie}} so nice to see visiting here; I remember you telling me about your spill the other day. Relieved to know you're mending.
    am I gonna have to wrap in you 'bubble wrap'?

{{{Hi LB}}}
hope you slept well---Copper behave yourself  :-*

{{ Hi jicaji}}
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 01, 2023, 05:44:01 AM
No copper woke m e up at 400 I have some time so posting now I am so tired already going to be a long day  I hope not though
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 01, 2023, 07:19:18 PM
LB, TGIF for you! Geez to Copper waking you so early this morning. I sure hope you sleep good tonight! And relax and enjoy your long weekend.

And yes ma'am to resting. My husband is filling all the bird feeders and bird baths in backyard for me.
My house is a Bi-level so has stairs up to front door and rear deck stairs. Stairs inside front door to go up to main level or stairs to downstairs family room, bedroom/bathroom and laundry. So I've been stuck on the main floor where other bedrooms are, bathroom, kitchen and living room and deck. I haven't been able to go down to laundry area where all the sheets and towels in 2 large laundry baskets are from cabin or do any regular laundry yet. That's bugging me. But!! Yay to the deck to get outside!

Phyl,Thanks for explaining Jim's change in antibiotic and added meds. I agree with your opinion and method.

I might take you up on your offer of "bubble wrap" because I did a semi-dumb thing now.
Last evening I noticed the fountain on deck needed water. I can do that! So I got big plastic water can from deck, filled in kitchen sink then when I lifted the sore swollen knee over small ledge to go to deck the weight of water can put me a bit off balance and I twisted the ankle just a little bit on swollen knee leg. Well now it's swollen so putting ice on it too. What the heck and pain in the butt. Well it will get better too.  ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 02, 2023, 02:01:23 AM
Sending Everyone 'Good Night' and SED's  ...


{{{LB}}} sorry to hear Copper woke you.  Now Copper! Hopefully, with the longer weekend you can have some  'sleep in' time

{{{Paulie}}} what's to be done with you 'woman'  ?!   ;)        Recovery takes a min of 6 wks or longer

{{ Hi jicaji}}
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 02, 2023, 10:01:15 AM
Good Morning  :)

Phyl, How are you feeling today?

I know, right! Lol  Wait .. What?  6 weeks!!  Where did you find that??

Adorable Good Night pic.

LB, I hope you're enjoying the beginning of your long weekend/holiday. Are you prep cooking any yummy meals?

Waving to jicaji.

I wish everyone a pleasant day.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on September 02, 2023, 10:12:56 AM
some bounce

Almost slipped off my stool this a.m.
Check my post in the Beak

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 02, 2023, 11:02:17 AM
Hi Tig!

I read your post in Beak Room! Oh my heavens! I'm glad your fall wasn't worse. Bad enough what happened. It was scary to read honestly.

Please rest and use ice the rest of today and until not needed. No more yard work for a bit! Take it easy.

About you almost slipping off your stool. I say we need to put 'guard rails' on the Cheers stools! Lol Seriously though!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 02, 2023, 11:13:20 AM
How's this? And Cheers! It helps the pain.  ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on September 02, 2023, 11:54:11 AM
some bounce

Good ideas all ...  and thanx

But, how about a margarita... in honor of Jimmy?  8)

We will hang in there, like Iris
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 02, 2023, 12:14:56 PM
Good Morning Everyone...Happy  Caturday !   


Currently 75F  fog;   High  99F sunny,  Low 74F  clear skies.  Air quality 83[/ i]     

{{{ Lahaina and Kaanapali,  Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's
{{{Successful recovery from  Hurricanes Idalia  & Hilary}}} 🙏 's

Howdy...LB, jicaji and Paulie

Heard the '6wks' mend time some where in my youth.  Think it was when I broke my ankle! ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 02, 2023, 02:21:40 PM
Sorry tig!!!! IThe sure sounded scary!! I hope you feel better soon!!! (TIG)I gre up in a bui level too Paulie but you sound like you have more stairs.  LOL.  It was steps to get to front door steps to go up where pretty much everything is bedrooms bathroom living kitched dining room. Then from the front door you can go down . thats where the laundry is the play room growing up but then turned into my brothhers bedroom also a den  ad door to garage and door to out back which you have ot go up 2 steps. ALso a sotrage closet LOL  The main entrance by front door is just a landing (entry way with a closet.

Weekend is starting to well Copper is soo itchy bendryl isnt working stupids naps anrebad.  I kep spraying I dont think its killinng them  The other day I noticed airconditioner wasnt working right thank god not so hot but tomorrow it is I put in a servie yesterday no one came (ac is a priority) I called otday and got the on cll guy compressor is broken He gave ma a portable contractor will be out next week (I hope) I will call tuesday to find outIts ging t be in the 90's aall week starting tomorrow.  I am now washing the throw carpet (it's washable) maybe it will help with the gnats??  I  Just feel like I amgoing to explode!! I am sooo stressed Oh my insurance approved my surgery but just for the regular surgry not that robatic.  THey feel it's not necessary so I guess he will fight it. Still got 2 months  I'll call nextweek to speak to the surgury coordinator  to find out what happens next  I am glad I am off Tuesday and working from home rest of week. But I dont want to deal with Copper  I was going to schedule to get him a bath but I am afraid of how he wil be with the groomer and getting there. They get so crowded  Talk me into it will probably help him!! Anyone have any gnat spray recommendations that kill them not chase the maway
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 02, 2023, 05:01:44 PM
some bounce

Good ideas all ...  and thanx

But, how about a margarita... in honor of Jimmy?  8)

We will hang in there, like Iris
Tig, Some bounce is better than no bounce.  :) Keep resting.

Good song and God rest his soul.
Here ya go ......
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 02, 2023, 05:04:02 PM
Phyl, Oh geesh to how you heard about the 6 weeks!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 02, 2023, 05:20:14 PM
Phyl, Oh geesh to how you heard about the 6 weeks!!

I was in my late 20's and stepped off a curb 'wrong' and sat right down on top the the  snapped ankle. The doc went on holiday two weeks later for 1 mo. By the time I could get in to see him. I wore the cast nearly 8wks >:(
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 02, 2023, 05:21:33 PM
LB, Yep you understand about bi-levels. Lol

Poor Copper! Sounds like the knats are biting him badly. Not nice for you to deal with either. I haven't a clue about sprays to kill them.
Are the knats getting inside after you take Copper for walks?

I vote yes to taking Copper to groomer for a bath. It would help his skin hopefully and maybe they have a medicated shampoo for things like this? They know how to care for dogs when they're upset etc. Has he been there before?

Oh no about your A/C! You'll definitely need it next week. Temp of 97 predicted in my area next week too. Good you're calling on Tuesday. I hope the repair guy fixes it Tuesday!

What can I say about insurance companies. Always trying to save a buck. Good they gave approval for regular at least but I agree your Dr/office will contact insurance to state their case to get robotic approval. I hope they get it!!


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 02, 2023, 05:24:33 PM
Phyl, Oh geesh to how you heard about the 6 weeks!!

I was in my late 20's and stepped off a curb 'wrong' and sat right down on top the the  snapped ankle. The doc went on holiday two weeks later for 1 mo. By the time I could get in to see him. I wore the cast nearly 8wks >:(
Oh my gosh Phyl! That was nasty!! And having to wait so long to see Dr then wear the cast 8 weeks! You had good reason to not be happy!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 02, 2023, 07:03:57 PM
  Sending  everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .   
{{{Beakroom/Cheers}}}🙏 's 


{{{LB/Copper}}} Gnat info:
https://www.bing.com/search?q=gnat+repellent+spray&qs=LS&pq=gnat+re&sk=LS2AS1&sc=10-7&cvid=A51C5298E0E0482FB275D866F450EF12&FORM=GEOTRI&sp=4&lq=0&isRef=1&showTw=1&isAutoP=1 (https://www.bing.com/search?q=gnat+repellent+spray&qs=LS&pq=gnat+re&sk=LS2AS1&sc=10-7&cvid=A51C5298E0E0482FB275D866F450EF12&FORM=GEOTRI&sp=4&lq=0&isRef=1&showTw=1&isAutoP=1)

Suggest maybe  Zevo ?
https://www.bing.com/search?q=gnats+home+remedy&qs=LS&pq=gnat&sk=LS3&sc=10-4&cvid=A51C5298E0E0482FB275D866F450EF12&FORM=CHRDEF&sp=4&lq=0 (https://www.bing.com/search?q=gnats+home+remedy&qs=LS&pq=gnat&sk=LS3&sc=10-4&cvid=A51C5298E0E0482FB275D866F450EF12&FORM=CHRDEF&sp=4&lq=0)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 03, 2023, 06:57:50 AM
Good morning Thanks for info Phyl I completly forgot about apple cider vinegar and the saran wrap I did that befor I have gnat replellent but is very liquidly and makes floor and every wet. I have some kind of trap coming today Oh they like coffee I leave old cold coffee out and I find a few in there in the morning. They likke corners. LOL  Yes they are coming from outside when I walk copper they are all over the  place I have gotten bitten, Cant get away from them  They used to spray for bus but not this year 

I idd make an appointment for copper next Saturday for grooming.  I will bring a muzzle and did say he gets aggressive with people and dogs at times  I have thunderase with hemp I will give him before hand but I only have 3 left so I have to resist in giving to him until then  He has definily been really stressed I will be getting more but wont come until Saturday probobly after he is at groomers I hate strugling for my money the raise helps with rent but not extra needs.  Maybe a littleif I am better budgeting maybe this will teach me   

Oh I got approval from my insurance for the knee replaceent but not the robatic kind.  I a sure the surgon will firhgt it.   INsurance says its new and experimental and shows no proof it works any better than th enormal surgery.  we'll see what happens.  I know robatic it wont be as much stiches but I think only reduces it by 4.  I am going to google to see what the difference is 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 03, 2023, 08:01:22 AM
I googled  I now want robatic  https://www.orthobethesda.com/blog/robotic-vs-traditional-knee-replacement-surgery/ 

Hopefully he gets them to approve 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 03, 2023, 05:34:23 PM
Hi {{{LB}}} thanks for the update on what's going on with you /Copper.  If robotic surgery is giving you peace of mind---I hope this works out
          for you.  It's the times and these days there's no catching up.  Do you have an Aldi's there? My experience has been good quality  and great prices
          not as gourmet as Trader Joe's but good prices and in most cases better than Walmart in general.  Been to a food bank?

Hi{{{ Paulie}}} how ya' doing/feeling?

Hi  jicaji. are you back to your 'ol self'?

Sending  everyone a 'Good  Evening' and SEDs .   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 04, 2023, 06:27:33 AM
Good Morning...


{{{ Lahaina and Kaanapali,  Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's
{{{Successful recovery from  Hurricanes Idalia  & Hilary}}} 🙏 's

Jim works today---off at 3pm. Planning on making a marble cake w/ chocolate frosting.  . Grilling hot dogs w/ traditional potato salad,  and all the classic toppings, a brew each.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 04, 2023, 07:24:38 AM
Good Morning thanks phy we have an ALdi's but I dont like the area its in.  I have shopped there when I lived in south jersey yes very cheep and good food.  I'll have to check out where the next closest one is.  Your meal sounds wonderful!!!!!

Robatic I think I am ok without doing that one but it  seems to be better results and less hospital stay than regular.   I dont know why but I will ask.  I a sure he will fight it to get it approved.  The coupe of articles I read is proof enough  I would  think.  But we'll see. Actually at first I was hesitant with robotic. wasnt sure I trust a robot . LOL  But teverything I read was faster recovery. 

Happy Labor day!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 04, 2023, 10:33:01 AM
Hi Lb What are your plans for today? Be good Copper.   I've read nothing but good about robotic surgery too. I just hope this
works out well for you and life is better.  ;)

Hi Paulie and jicaji.
hope you both are having a safe celebration

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 04, 2023, 03:03:57 PM
Hi and Happy Labor Day

LB, Interesting comparison between regular and robotic surgery. Didn't know the robotic was a shorter recovery time and safer in other ways too. Good to know.

How is it in your house with no A/C? Keep your windows and curtains closed and hopefully you have fans to use.

Quote #3

Phyl, Your holiday meal and dessert sound very good and relaxing afterward I hope. Good!
Thanks for asking. I'm resting today.

Interesting Peper Heat Index. Charlie, most of my children, a granddaughter and other family really enjoy and like hot hotter peppers!

Why am I resting today? Ummmm....
Saturday I over did it going up/down stairs lots!! Doing laundry .. washer .. dryer .. washer .. dryer BUT got it all done!!

Then yesterday family cook out here. I made up food shopping list then Charlie went to store.
Others brought other food and dessert items. The guys grilled.
I enjoyed setting up buffet plates/bowls and dining table when I had an empty house (after I was told not to and wait for others to arrive.)  ;D I enjoyed doing it.

I stayed on the main floor but more walking than usual/being on knees/feet and using left wrist. Relaxed on deck off of dining table area with others too.
Was exhausted and swollen by 10pm when everyone left so used voltaren gel and iced again.
Today tired and reeealazing. I even napped earlier! :)

Very hot here today. Heat index earlier 99 and going higher as this week goes forward. Ugh. Lots of states getting hit with this late season heat wave.

Tig, How are you feeling today?

Wrist hurts from typing so stopping for now.

Wishing all a relaxing and yummy food and desserts Labor Day.  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on September 04, 2023, 03:50:55 PM

Hope everyone had a good long weekend.

LB...Glad you got the approval for your knee replacement.  Now hopefully your Dr. will get the approval for the robotic procedure. Sorry about the gnats. 

Hi Paulie and Phyl.  Since I haven't been here lately, I'm going to have to go back and read the previous posts soon.

Going to start dinner . 


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on September 04, 2023, 06:08:17 PM
some bounce
I'm a little better today ☺️
I stopped going down/up a year ago. I just stay downstairs. There is a recliner on the recreational side. I'm careful not to drink anything before I go down. ! I do 3 large loads a month.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 04, 2023, 07:27:56 PM
I had to plans today Phyl\. Trying to keep cool Apartment complex gave me a portable and I had 2 fans in my bedroom thats doing nothing so haddd a third one, my post from FB 

How??? My AC broke Thursday. I put in services call Friday morning. No one came so I called Saturday .  Maintenance gave me a portable since they couldn't fix it and they need to call a contractor. Portable in kitchen area and  cooling the living room. I have 3 fans in bedroom think that would keep it cool.. nope 79 and copper is sleeping in it! How?? Guess who's calling maintence 9am tomorrow to make sure contractor will be there tomorrow. Suppose to he in 90s this whole week
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 05, 2023, 12:07:19 AM
Sending a "Good Evening' with SEDs  to Everyone !


LB I keep ours set at 80F half the time that's too cool. Sounds like the HAVAC unit might be  replaced            At anyrate sending foo cool thoughts for you all..

Paulie take care

Hi  jicaji  (https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.GjrgCcsAqGT-sJJhGlk2IQAAAA?w=33&h=33&c=7&r=0&o=5&pid=1.7)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 05, 2023, 08:21:42 AM
Good morning you have yours st at 80??? Thats hot!! LOL  I hope its a typo.   I suffer at 72 lOL  well I just clled the office to find out about when cntractor is coming  she'll let me know  I wont hold my breath. I will call later today. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 05, 2023, 09:02:17 AM

...Happy  Tuesday !   

Currently 75F cloudy ;   High  92F partly sunny,  Low 72F  clear skies.  High pollen[/ i]     

{{{ Lahaina and Kaanapali,  Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's
{{{Successful recovery from  Hurricanes Idalia  & Hilary}}} 🙏 's

LB a lot depends on the 'unit' type, humidity, etc. And, I was born in the desert So West.
 Good idea to  keep in touch with them, as apts have different cooling and heating 'needs'. I hope you have a good day .

Hi Paulie &  jicaji

 Take care...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 05, 2023, 12:02:38 PM
Good Afternoon  :)
Whew it's HOT! 97 yesterday w/99 feels like. Today and next few days the same. No breeze today either.

Hi jicaji

Tig, Hope you feel better each day. Good idea with your laundry and recliner while doing it.

LB, Hope you've heard from A/C repair guy by now. Copper looks very relaxed on bed. LOL


Phyl, Pretty morning pic. You've got the high pollen too. Ugh = congestion.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 05, 2023, 04:34:17 PM

Sending a "Good Evening' with SEDs  to Everyone !

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 05, 2023, 08:00:19 PM
Got hotter. Heat warning out now for tomorrow of 102. This weekend and next week cooler. Yay!

LB, What's the word on your A/C? I hope it was repaired today!!

Phyl, Good Evening and SED to you too.

Very nice gif. I love the Angels.  :)

jicaji, Are you still using your air fryer? And making desserts with recipes from the southern lady?
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 06, 2023, 06:36:58 AM
Good Morning, not prepred yet another mantence guy cam eto look he couldnt believ it was broken due to it was replaced 2 years ago and here we are waiting for contracting again day 6 barely slept last night I do have a good fan blowing onme but the  bedroom iis soo clammy  I will be calling again today.  I have PT tonight :)   I cheduled my flue shot for Sunday  IN 2 weeks I  may get covid shot.  Has anyoe watch the swries Boch?   Its on Amazn Prime  detective series.  Its pretty god
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 06, 2023, 08:54:56 AM
Good Morning Everyone...Happy  Wednesday...   


Currently 74F  cloudy;   High  86F light rain,  Low 68F; Humidity 89%[/ i]     

{{{ Lahaina , Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's
{{{Successful recovery from  Hurricanes Idalia  & Hilary}}} 🙏 's
{{{all abandoned/unwanted/feral cats}}} 🙏 's


   :( you didn't sleep well. I've gone w/o  AC many times for whatever reason and it's dreadfully uncomfortable.
you'd think since it's known what's broken it'd be getting fixed.

Hi Paulie and jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 06, 2023, 12:20:51 PM
Good Afternoon,

LB, Darn it! Why do some people have to make things difficult. Maybe replaced 2 years ago but also maybe defective part.
I hope you've got A/C soon like today. You're working from home this week too correct?

Yay to your PT tonight!

Nope haven't heard of that series.


Hi Phyl and jicaji

I have hair appt this evening for trim etc. Husband will drive me to and from. I still can't do that yet darn it. But I will in time!  ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 06, 2023, 05:45:36 PM
AC not fixed and no date given will be callinng again tomorrow and friday and every day.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 06, 2023, 06:51:27 PM
So sorry to hear all that {{{LB}}}prayers continue. Try to get some sleep.
How was PT?

Sending a "Good Evening' with SEDs  to Everyone !

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 07, 2023, 06:01:42 AM
Good morning up early again  PT I iddnt do anything just spoke with medical dr and director to set plan. I start PT toorrow  It will be 2x a week for five week brings me to a few weeks before surgery. They will strngthing my knees and muscles around so rcovery would be easier or better. Confirmation there will be pain.   deepbreath n deep breath out.   It'll be good.  No air again will call again , Going to walk copper now when it's nt so bad but regardless how hot copper wants to walk and long  too.  I have to force him short
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 07, 2023, 07:01:32 AM
Good Morning Everyone...     


Currently 75F mostly cloudy;   High  84F ptly sunny,  Low 62F   Pollen- high    Humidity 92%[/ i]     

{{{ Lahaina and Kaanapali,  Maui, HI }}}  🙏 's
{{{Successful recovery from  Hurricanes Idalia  & Hilary}}} 🙏 's[/b]
{{{all abandoned/unwanted/feral cats}}} 🙏

up early  :(   Good news on PT  ;)    No AC repair scheduled  :(

Hi {{{Paulie}}} and  jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 07, 2023, 09:43:32 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Fingers still crossed for your A/C. Good news about setting up a plan, PT and strengthening muscles prior to surgery. I've read that's important before knee replacement and afterwards. Yes you will push through it and be so much better. :)
Aww to Copper. He's lucky to have you. Good though you make him have shorter walks.

Phyl, How are you feeling today? All better yet? Jim? Maggie? 
I really like your last night photo. This morning's is cute.

Still in high 90s here. Since Monday some schools have had virtual learning or shortened days. Others with A/C have full days.
Today's to be last day in 90s then storms and cooler temps.

We're heading to cabin in a bit. Large shed to be delivered tomorrow between two trees. That's area I was helping clear sawed off branches etc when I tripped on root.
Will be interesting watching this truck w/wide load turn, drive up long S shaped driveway then back in between trees.

This weekend interior doors to be hung up too hopefully by the guys.

Me? I'll be sitting on front porch or staying inside cabin. Not walking around outside anywhere!  ;D
I'll use Voltaren Gel on both knees and wrist before we leave. Have to use a step stool for now getting in/out of Jeep.
I still can't drive but I'll get there eventually. Thumbs up!

I'll try to keep in touch from cabin. Last time was so busy I didn't even turn it on but should be able to now if internet cooperates.

Everyone take care. Later ...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 07, 2023, 05:36:30 PM
This place is full of liars!!! First they were waitinng  to hear back from the contractors.  Now today They had to order a part and it came in so now they need to contact the contractors to make an appointmnet Definitly not today maybe tomorrow is what they said I feel it wont be tomorrow. I threatened to deduct a weeks worth of rent They adviced me not to do that  hmmmph   OH on the bright side When I was talking to the medical director yesterday he looked up the records for my surgery.  He   saw a 33 page document documenting why they should approve the robotic surgery. so we'll see!!!!

Paulie, my fther said he read an article too about pt to strengthen the musces for the surgery  I knew that fro mmy old orthopedic dr.   I wonder why this surgeon doesnt require it.  But he does support it.  bee nin 90's all week myabe only 88 tomorrow with storms. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 07, 2023, 10:12:14 PM
LB, So sorry to hear no A/C repair yet. Your frustration is 100% understandable. Good for you honestly trying to deduct  some $ from your rent. You tried.
Wow awesome to 33 page doc stating valid reasons for robotic surgery!

Aww to your father reading up about your upcoming knee replacement.
My orthopedic didn't mention doing PT to strengthen muscles either when he initially suggested knee replacement. I read that on my own. It makes sense to strengthen those muscles so glad you'll be doing that.

Your upcoming storms should drop your temps. They did in PA today at home and this afternoon and tonight at the cabin. You have lower temps to look forward to.

We made it to cabin safely. Took longer because we drove through a heck of a storm.
I'm behaving myself and have been sitting on front porch and doing minimal inside.
Family is planning to come here tomorrow after work and school. Will have a full cabin and bedrooms this weekend. Looking forward to it.

Hi Phyl and jicaji

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 08, 2023, 06:38:42 AM
You better sit and relax Paulie!! Isnt that the purpose of the cabin in the woods?? :)  Your orthopedic will probably mention it when you decide to have the surgery. My surgeon doesnt require it which I am surpised but he is definitly for it!!  He told me I dont hav to but he thinks good idea and if I want I can  THts the one thing I wasnt so siure about him . This week has gotten me so exhausted maybe today it will get fixed?? Idoubt it  Why do I stay here
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 08, 2023, 11:03:55 AM

Currently 66F  we'll have a High  83F sunny,  Low 65F  humidity 83% with a high pollen count 
Good Morning Everyone. 

Prayers for :Lahaina and Kaanapali,  Maui, HI ;All abandoned, abused  cats and feral cats;
The Bluebirds of Cane Ridge, Tennessee and Successful recovery from  Hurricanes Idalia  & Hilary;

{{{LB}}} certainly understand  your frustrations about AC. Don't know what to say---keep hammering

Hi Paulie and jicaji glad you arrived safely at your cabin paulie. Ditto LB 'relax" there!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 08, 2023, 11:46:53 AM
Good Afternoon  :)

LB, TGIF for you!! Ditto to what Phyl said to you about your A/C. I'll add God bless you because it's been so hot.
Yes ma'am to relaxing. True cabins are for relaxing but still have a few finishing touches to do before allll done.
You're right my ortho Dr will probably suggest muscle strengthening beforehand.

I don't usually eat breakfast. Here at cabin today I made myself bacon, eggs, toast, orange juice and coffee.
Geesh! Must be the fresh mountain air.

Phyl, Are the BB's of Cane Ridge okay? You are I are saying 'ditto' today .. ditto queens. lol

Waiting for shed delivery now. Sitting on front porch!  ;D

Family arrives later today and tomorrow morning so I probably won't be posting much or none when they arrive.
If not enjoy the weekend. Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 08, 2023, 07:03:55 PM
So after calling the office to my apartment complex EVERY DAY for the past 7 days. I finally got a straight answer that the part they need is back ordered!!! AFTER  they told me in came in yesterday. But I did  get an extra portable AC for the bedroom now that it's going to get cooler starting tonight after the storm.  The one office manager called back and saying  the part will be here Tuesday and hopefully the contractor will come tuesday worse case scenerio  Wednesday  Sigh.

I think having all the lies and being played as a fool all week is more aggrevating than the AC being broken!!!!! Actually I think I am more pissed about the runaround all week . 

PT!!!!  They will be focusing on making my hips stronger.  They are week and do help with the kneesa and th ability to bend them.  He says I have good strength in my knees so we will be working on getting them to bed by going up  and down steps (little 1 step thingy) I have 3 new exercises to do art home easyones. He will concentrate on the harder ones when he is there to supervise.  He also told me what to expect after surgery.  Basically, there will be PAIN!! Lots of pain especially the firt few weeks and when I go to PT and they manipulate the knee to get it to bend.  He said the first day or 2 may not be painful because they will probably inject me with a nerve block that will last a day or 2.  I am so glad for the honesty.  But thats all I have been hearing how horrible the recovery is because of the paon  So different from my achielles surgery. There was no Pian but I could walk for pretty much a month or so.  I was using scooter to get around.  and crawling up steps and going down the stairs by butt.  That was a very interesting time.   

The house especially by bedroom is so much cooler now that I have that 2nd portable in bedroom. I just  hope I sleep good tonight!!! Copper is getting a bath tomorrow. Takinng him to Pet smart. I hope he behaves   Hiis scratching isnt as badand he may enjoy the bath because when I scratch his body he loves it 

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 09, 2023, 06:47:29 AM
Good morning, slept a little better but not wonderful.     I hope everyone has a good weekend 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on September 09, 2023, 01:43:08 PM
Hi everyone...

Lots of thunder storms in the area for the next few days.  Still don't know if Hurricane Lee will make it here during the week.  Hope not.
I worry about my hummingbirds aka fairies, which are still feeding here.

LB....My friend had some "discomfort" after her knee replacements, but the discomfort was manageable each time according to her.  She did have some pain meds for about a week, but that's it.   

Glad you have some a/c .  The temps here and humidity have really been high.  Glad you slept better last night.

Paulie,  as LB said, RELAX this weekend.  Your breakfast sounds delish.  I never ate breakfast, only on vacation, but now that I've been retired, I LOVE it.  No need to rush through.

Hi Phyl

So now that my back is getting better, my husband hurt his back.  I've been doing stuff that he can't do and of course, now my back hurts.  Cannot win....He's been going to the chiropractor for the past two weeks, twice a week.

Hopefully Hurricane Lee will pass out to sea.  Be safe guys.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 09, 2023, 04:41:28 PM
Hi ..
Been having some PC issues with Win mail.
Hopefully I can figure this all out.
Time wil tell
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 09, 2023, 05:22:52 PM
I had a big thunderstorm a little while ago well not really that big few thunders a lot of rain. Lasted about an hour.   I just finished the series Boch on Amazon prime It was good. detective series.  Paulie!!!! Virgin River is on!! I just startd it
Jacaji Thank you for information o nyour friend with Knee surgery  Makes me fee ka kittke etter I was starting t worrt about every little thing. How ill I take care of mysef living alone etc. Everything I google says I needs someone here. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 10, 2023, 06:53:59 AM
Good morning  Well the bath for copper didnt work out they wouldnt do because he has a heart murmur. I looked for sef service none around me.  the little groomers are so expensive even the mobile groomers. I am going to see if my father has a hose and I will take hime there and bathe him out side.  oh I just thought of that  Getting my flu shot today and covid shot next week. MY sister said she knows of a few people who had bad reactios getting at same time.  I wasnt going to do the covid shot but since I am having surgery and cases are increasing I will . Back to office next week but mmaybe working from home if the complex tells me what day thy will becoming to fix the ac. its either tuesday or wednesdy
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on September 10, 2023, 07:08:05 AM
I remember when I was teaching typing ......

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 11, 2023, 07:17:43 PM
Hi So this weekend I was doing my typical worrying.  Of course it was about my surgery.  I was thinking what if my back starts up with me while I am recovering from my knee surgery and I have trouble walking because of my back .  So I went to PT today and I was waiitng to do my PT  The chiropractor came out to get me.  I asked what he was doinf am I doing chiro?  He said, "You didn't know?  He said the dr suggested and put me on the schedule for chiropriactic as well for my back.  They think it's wise to continue with chiro  for my back to keep those muscles going to prevent a any kind of back issue while I am recovering from my knees!!!! Ar3ent they wonderful!!!! I loe them more each time I see them. LOL     
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 09:19:35 AM
Good Morning  :) Have returned from cabin.

LB, It's Tuesday so hoping the AC part arrives and installed today rather than tomorrow. Cooler temps are to begin tomorrow and continuing through weekend. Just when your AC gets repaired. That's what I call "Murphy's Law!"

About your PT .. Excellent they are having you make your hips stronger and now chiro for your back! That's great!!

How did it go for you getting both flu and covid shots together?

Poor Cooper. Darn it to him not getting bathed. I didn't know groomers wouldn't do that with pets heart murmur.

Yay to Virgin River!! Thanks!

jicaji, How's your weather looking now about the hurricane?

Nice that your Hummers are still feeding!! It's always sad to watch their activity get less and less.
Mine here at home have migrated on. Had one or two migrators pass through.
Migration at the cabin began too. During the summer the front porch was like grand central station some days. So cool. This past weekend saw 2 then only 1.  :(

Good to hear your friend's pain/discomfort after knee replacements was manageable.

How is your husband's back pain?! You be careful with your back now that you're doing more!!

Phyl, How's your PC issue? Not fixed yet I'm guessing. I hope it is soon for you.

Puff, I remember taking typing class!!

Quotes: Yesterday #2 and Lol at #3

They guys got 4 of the 7 interior doors hung last weekend. Shed was delivered too. Watching that flatbed truck back up the long winding driveway was interesting. The driver made it look so easy. Not his first rodeo.

Darn it. I just tried posting pics of doors but msg said file too big. I don't know how to make smaller?

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 09:28:12 AM
I'll try posting this. Flags on front porch for July 4th.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 09:36:27 AM
Kitchen before floor mats and few extras were added.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 09:46:06 AM
I have a few more interior pics but darn if I can find them wherever I saved them on my pc. lol
These let you know where we go when I say heading to the cabin.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on September 12, 2023, 10:36:59 AM
Very nice Paulie - After the Fledge  After Party 2024?  Congrats.  Has to be a long time dream getting to fruition.   ENJOY!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: eburgbirdwtchr on September 12, 2023, 12:46:14 PM
Paulie--like the roll-away kitchen island.  Push it to a side wall and let the hoe-down begin!  :) ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on September 12, 2023, 01:47:23 PM
Pauli, lovely cabin/getaway!  Hope you can find the other pictures and post them!  Do you have a wildlife cam up sp you can see who comes to call when you are away? Think you mentioned a bear.  Kitchen will allow you to cook anything! Incan just imagine a Thanksgiving dinner for the family!  Awesome aromas mixed with the woods!   Thanks for posting!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 12, 2023, 06:08:40 PM
Love your cabin Paulie, so jealous keep the photoscoming.  How far away are you from me (the cabin) I feel a long weekend trip coming  LOL ;)

AC was not fixed and I have myh doubts for tomorrow. It is suppose to rain and the AC is outside  in s little storage shed on the porch. maybe the balcony from upstairs will keeep  them a little dry.  I am working from home tomorrow and I will be calling them in the AM.  My throat has been sore since my AC broke. Maybe the dryness>

PT.  WOW My knee caps are sore.  95% of my exercise bending my knee in oe way or another is involved!!! It's sore but feels more flexible.  (sounds weird)

Paaulie, I didnt get both flu and covid shots at same time. but you can. at least at CVS you can when you make an appointment for 1 it will ask you if you want both (and other choices ) my sister heard  some people had bad reactions getting both shots at sae time.  I am getting my covid shot sept 30.  I changed it.  I wanted to make sure the new one was out (which will be available this weekend. But I want a couplemore weeks inbetween the 2. 

Copper isnt scratching as much today but I am still giving hi a bath this weekend at my dads he has a house and Ijust got the shampoo. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 12, 2023, 07:07:42 PM
I had over 300 missives and such in my mail once I finally go the mess fixed. Been catching up   >:(

Paulie that's some 'cabin' in the woods! Possibly a 'retirement' home later?  I think LB and I are driving up in the spring.  ;D
                  Just roll that kitchen island to the side and let the party b-e-g-i-n!!!!!
                  Oh yeah! More photos...

LB I just don't know what to say! Or what to suggest!  There must be more 'creative' ways to express your needs. For your throat boil some water to add moisture for your sinuses and other mucus tissues. Gargle tepid water may also help.  Nope. None of what you say is 'wierd'. That 'fluid' around the knee is
   getting moved about and will lubricate the joint. Be gentle with your self.
So glad Copper is doing better. The PT folks are getting you all 'tuned-up'.  ;)

Hi jicaji happy t hear that your back is doing miuch better and all. Take care. Don't want you hurt ---pack your bags and ride up to Paulie's with LB and Me!  ;)

Sending a "Good Evening' with SEDs  to Everyone !

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 12, 2023, 07:34:07 PM
I knew I forgot something.  Paulie, Iiddnt get the covid and flue sht at the same time.  My sister said she knows of people who had a bad reaction when they got both.  I was going to get the covid shot this weekend but I moved it out to Septemeber 30. I wanted to make sure the new shot to cover the newest strain was out. It turns out it will be ready this weekend or withing the week 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 09:42:35 PM
Oh my gosh! I never expected all the responses to the pictures I posted! You/friends are Awesome!
Thank you for sharing in the excitement and happiness with me.  :-*

Let me do some reply posts then I'll hopefully be able to post more pics if I'm not told the size is too big again. I haven't a clue how to reduce size to be able to post.

This afternoon I was annoyed with myself not being able to find them on laptop. Turns out I hadn't downloaded them yet. lol  ::) ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 09:53:15 PM
Very nice Paulie - After the Fledge  After Party 2024?  Congrats.  Has to be a long time dream getting to fruition.   ENJOY!

Puff, Thank you very much. Heck yeah to After the Fledge After Party 2024 would be awesome. We'd allll have a blast I know that.

Yes to a long time dream getting to fruition for sure. We've owned the land for over 20 years and from the time we bought it we, along with our children, had dreams of a cabin some day. But with four children still growing up and then three grandchildren there was always things needing to be done. Raising four children $ .. college $ .. weddings $ and whatever. No problem though because family comes first. God blessed my husband and me a year ago and we were able to fulfill the cabin dream.

About 20 years ago I came across a cabin photo that I cut and had hanging on my home kitchen refrigerator with cabin dream we all had. Even when a refrigerator broke down it was hung back onto the door of the new one.
I took a picture of it hanging now on the cabin fridge door. I'll try to post it for you all to see.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 10:06:57 PM
Paulie--like the roll-away kitchen island.  Push it to a side wall and let the hoe-down begin!  :) ;)
Hi eburg!! How are you? All's good I hope.

Thanks about the roll-away kitchen island. Actually I did get it with wheels for that very reason! Lol
My two son's (and I have two daughter's that chimed in) said "Let's get a pool table!" My reply ... Umm we need a table to sit at to eat.
Well that got me thinking. I googled combo dining tables on Wayfair. I found one .. on Sale too! .. that's a dining table combo. The top is two pieces/half's that when turned over is a ping-pong table. Remove the two and there's a regular size pool table too! The benches lift up and that's where the pool sticks etc and pin-pong net and paddles/balls are stored. All came together. One price On Sale. We got it!

I'll look for and hopefully post a pic.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 10:32:03 PM
Pauli, lovely cabin/getaway!  Hope you can find the other pictures and post them!  Do you have a wildlife cam up sp you can see who comes to call when you are away? Think you mentioned a bear.  Kitchen will allow you to cook anything! Incan just imagine a Thanksgiving dinner for the family!  Awesome aromas mixed with the woods!   Thanks for posting!
Hi Karen! Are you sitting on your stool with sides that I got us and others too for Cheers?  :) Oh! And I got us a step stool tool Lol

That's an inside joke Karen and I have because we've both had "a fall" and are getting shorter. Ugh!
Quick side story. I have .. "had" always been 5'5". At a Dr appt this summer they took my height. 5' 2". I said, "Nope! Let's try this again."
The nurse and I were laughing. Well yes to now 5'2". Me .. being the numb skull I can be said .. "I've neen wondering why my long pants seem to be longer and down at the heel of my feet!" Duh!!  ;D
I'll post a pic of the stool we all now have in Cheers .. and there's a step stool behind the bar for any of us who need it.  :D

Okay back to my reply. Okay I'll definitely try to post more pics.

Yes to having a trail cam .. 3 of them so far .. to see what's moving around in the woods and yes I've mentioned a bear before. A Black Bear and her 3 cubs have been on trail cam and also Ring camera we have at front and rear of cabin. Luckily they've shown up when we are not at the cabin.

The cameras have shown Elk, coyotes, deer of course .. bucks and does .. precious young fawns too .. and a racoon family of 7 .. the babies so small and cute .. and a yellow skunk with black stripe down its back!! I didn't know about yellow skunks before. It likes to walk back and forth behind the cabin. Needless to stay at dusk most of us stay inside. Lol

And yes to definitely cooking some good meals in kitchen. I like you mentioning Thanksgiving because it's been a dream of mine for literally years of having Thanksgiving or especisally Christmas at cabin with family. We shall see.

Here's the stool we all now have in Cheers. We all need to stay upright.  ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 10:46:55 PM
Puff, I forgot to mention something about BE's when you said After The Fledge. When we're driving to the cabin located in western PA we drive up a very steep mountain w/lots of curves (I don't like that part) where we drive past Bald Eagle State Forrest. Beautiful especially at the peak. In the many years we've driven there I've seen BE's soaring above.

Here's a link to a lodge that's located at the park. I bet you, being the RRP Travel Agent, could get some good get-away deals.  :)

Can anyone imagine yourself sitting on one of these decks looking out at the awesome views? Yep me too!
Nature Inn at Bald Eagle Lodge
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 11:05:43 PM
Love your cabin Paulie, so jealous keep the photoscoming.  How far away are you from me (the cabin) I feel a long weekend trip coming  LOL ;)

AC was not fixed and I have myh doubts for tomorrow. It is suppose to rain and the AC is outside  in s little storage shed on the porch. maybe the balcony from upstairs will keeep  them a little dry.  I am working from home tomorrow and I will be calling them in the AM.  My throat has been sore since my AC broke. Maybe the dryness>

PT.  WOW My knee caps are sore.  95% of my exercise bending my knee in oe way or another is involved!!! It's sore but feels more flexible.  (sounds weird)

Paaulie, I didnt get both flu and covid shots at same time. but you can. at least at CVS you can when you make an appointment for 1 it will ask you if you want both (and other choices ) my sister heard  some people had bad reactions getting both shots at sae time.  I am getting my covid shot sept 30.  I changed it.  I wanted to make sure the new one was out (which will be available this weekend. But I want a couplemore weeks inbetween the 2. 

Copper isnt scratching as much today but I am still giving hi a bath this weekend at my dads he has a house and Ijust got the shampoo.
Hey LB, Thank you and okay to continuing pics if I not too big. lol Hmmmm how far are you and I from the cabin. I think from me at home and you in NJ is about a 4 hour drive .. to the cabin add 2 1/2 hours and you'll be there! We'd have a blast for sure!!  ;D

Darn it to your AC. Good that's you are working from home tomorrow so hopefully the repairman arrives. The balcony above you should keep him okay to install I hope.
Speaking of upstairs. Since the noisy neighbors that used to live above you are gone .. are the new ones quieter?

Maybe drink more water and suck on some hard candy to help your throat?

Very good that your knees feel more flexible despite the soreness. More flexible is good.

Okay and good about you not getting flu and covid shots together. Good advise from your sister. You waiting until the end of Sept for covid shot makes sense. I didn't know the new one covers the new strain. Geesh like the flu. Always different strains.

Good news Copper isn't scratching as much. He's going to feel good after the bath you give him this weekend at your father's house.
He's lucky to have you.

Quote #2. Awwww precious and true!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 11:21:54 PM
I had over 300 missives and such in my mail once I finally go the mess fixed. Been catching up   >:(

Paulie that's some 'cabin' in the woods! Possibly a 'retirement' home later?  I think LB and I are driving up in the spring.  ;D
                  Just roll that kitchen island to the side and let the party b-e-g-i-n!!!!!
                  Oh yeah! More photos...

LB I just don't know what to say! Or what to suggest!  There must be more 'creative' ways to express your needs. For your throat boil some water to add moisture for your sinuses and other mucus tissues. Gargle tepid water may also help.  Nope. None of what you say is 'wierd'. That 'fluid' around the knee is
   getting moved about and will lubricate the joint. Be gentle with your self.
So glad Copper is doing better. The PT folks are getting you all 'tuned-up'.  ;)

Hi jicaji happy t hear that your back is doing miuch better and all. Take care. Don't want you hurt ---pack your bags and ride up to Paulie's with LB and Me!  ;)

Sending a "Good Evening' with SEDs  to Everyone !

Hi Phyl! Good to see you back and your pc up and running again.

Okay to more photos and OKAY to you and LB .. and jicaji too ... coming to cabin. Oh my gosh we'd have fun!! Meeting each other .. laughing .. girls weekend for sure would be a blast!  All of us here actually!! Hmm forget a weekend .. that would turn into a week or more. Lol

Good advise you gave to LB.
LB, Listen to Phyl. She's our resident RRP Dr and gives good advise.  :)

Phyl, I like your SED photo. Problem is it looks like there'd be too many stairs. I don't think any of us would make it off the first floor. LOL

I hope the cold you had is all gone. Same for Jim too and Maggie is purring healthy.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 11:28:53 PM
Okay. You've asked for more cabin photos. Let's see what I can post.

A more updated pic of front with some things I've added and the front porch. I think this front porch pic shows the Hummingbird feeders they flew around like Grand Central Station.
Darn it. Says too large. Let me try one at a time.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 11:32:13 PM
Front Porch
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 11:33:51 PM
Rear of cabin at dusk. We hope to add a rear porch next Spring.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 11:35:06 PM
Combo dining table and family room area.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 11:39:36 PM
Kitchen with island stools and some other things added from first photo. Since pic taken we've hung gray venetian blinds at kitchen window.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 12, 2023, 11:58:28 PM
Wood burning stove still needs stones applied to wall up to ceiling. My husband's project. I'm out. lol

Photo shows TV with spotty reception in deep rural area. We find it works decent weekdays but on weekends recently when trying to watch football games it lags and gets frustrating watching the action. Same with laptops.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 13, 2023, 12:03:13 AM
Interior Doors. Won't let me post pics of actual hallway and other doors so found this pic of it.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 13, 2023, 12:06:14 AM
A pretty kinda cool shower curtain I found.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 13, 2023, 12:14:06 AM
I hope I haven't taken up too much space with photo posts.

I tried posting other nice photos but was told too large.

We began process in the summer of 2021 ... land cleared May 2022 .. and now to the present.
I appreciate your asking for more photos and sharing in the excitement of a dream come true.

Take care each of you and SED.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 13, 2023, 01:34:30 AM
Paulie very nice! And a very modern kitchen. How many bedrooms upstairs? Any plans for a garage or carport? Thanks for sharing
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on September 13, 2023, 05:35:35 AM
Very nice Paulie - After the Fledge  After Party 2024?  Congrats.  Has to be a long time dream getting to fruition.   ENJOY!

Puff, Thank you very much. Heck yeah to After the Fledge After Party 2024 would be awesome. We'd allll have a blast I know that.

Yes to a long time dream getting to fruition for sure. We've owned the land for over 20 years and from the time we bought it we, along with our children, had dreams of a cabin some day. But with four children still growing up and then three grandchildren there was always things needing to be done. Raising four children $ .. college $ .. weddings $ and whatever. No problem though because family comes first. God blessed my husband and me a year ago and we were able to fulfill the cabin dream.

About 20 years ago I came across a cabin photo that I cut and had hanging on my home kitchen refrigerator with cabin dream we all had. Even when a refrigerator broke down it was hung back onto the door of the new one.
I took a picture of it hanging now on the cabin fridge door. I'll try to post it for you all to see.

Tears in my eyes after seeing the "someday" pic on the new frig in your new hang out.   
  :-*   ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 13, 2023, 06:44:26 AM
Love lov love, I love the floors and kitchen!!! I love everything but I love the front porch the most!!!! I would spend my day there
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 13, 2023, 06:47:38 AM

Good Morning Everyone...


Currently 65F   High  81F   partly sunny,  Low 57F  Humidity 94%.

This last Wednesday, 9-6-23,  Jim had his annual with all the usual blood work. On the 9th he got a
call from his doc's office saying there was an 'anomaly' in his blood test results. And, that
Doc want Jim back in his office for a 're-do'.   Jim did that right after work Monday afternoon.
We are waiting for results.
I know about blood an anomalies having one myself with the ITP. And, my Dad dying from two separate blood cancers---Multiple Myeloma and (Pre) Leukemia .
Back in the '80s treatment was very different  with  blood transfusions as a stand out. 
The blood cancers are my greatest concern. I saw how my dad suffered especially in the end with bone pain so intense that he couldn't stand being touched or even laying in bed medicated with morphine. And the emotional roller coaster/stress my mother hid from the world and him---hearing her sob as she prayed before bed every night.
At any rate Jim said doc's office will call---we'll hear tomorrow sometime. If they call during Jim's working hours, he'll call  them. But, as they know he can't  take calls at Publix. I'm sure we'll hear late afternoon.     :-\

{{{LB}}} by some miracle, did you and Copper sleep better?

Hi Paulie and   jicaji and how are  you both today?
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on September 13, 2023, 09:04:53 AM
Pauli, great job thur out!  I do not know how uou found that special shoeer curtain!  It looks like it was made to. Order!  Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 13, 2023, 07:11:40 PM
After 13 days the AC is working again!!!! PT was tough but I loved it!!!  LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 14, 2023, 10:35:43 AM
Good Morning  :)

I hope everyone is doing good.  :)

Much cooler temps have arrived and nice breeze too. Feels good! Feels like Autumn for sure.

Makes me think about cooking a big pot of beef stew or chicken soup or chili and an apple pie. Lol Oh! Apple Fritters! I don't glaze them just sprinkle powdered sugar on the tops.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 14, 2023, 10:41:01 AM
Paulie very nice! And a very modern kitchen. How many bedrooms upstairs? Any plans for a garage or carport? Thanks for sharing
Phyl, Thank you about kitchen. There's 4 bedrooms. 2 main floor and 2 upstairs with half bath upstairs too.

No immediate plans for a garage or carport but we have discussed a metal roof/open sides carport. Would help with mountain snow for sure. Would have to be very wide for everyone though and  more $$$ so no immediate plans. lol
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 14, 2023, 10:46:28 AM
Very nice Paulie - After the Fledge  After Party 2024?  Congrats.  Has to be a long time dream getting to fruition.   ENJOY!

Puff, Thank you very much. Heck yeah to After the Fledge After Party 2024 would be awesome. We'd allll have a blast I know that.

Yes to a long time dream getting to fruition for sure. We've owned the land for over 20 years and from the time we bought it we, along with our children, had dreams of a cabin some day. But with four children still growing up and then three grandchildren there was always things needing to be done. Raising four children $ .. college $ .. weddings $ and whatever. No problem though because family comes first. God blessed my husband and me a year ago and we were able to fulfill the cabin dream.

About 20 years ago I came across a cabin photo that I cut and had hanging on my home kitchen refrigerator with cabin dream we all had. Even when a refrigerator broke down it was hung back onto the door of the new one.
I took a picture of it hanging now on the cabin fridge door. I'll try to post it for you all to see.

Tears in my eyes after seeing the "someday" pic on the new frig in your new hang out.   
  :-*   ;D

Puff, Awww thank you about your emotions about the "someday" pic on frig.  :-* :)

Honestly when Charlie and I sit on the front porch in silence one of us eventually says, "Pinch me. This has finally really happened?"  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 14, 2023, 10:49:18 AM
Good Morning Everyone...Happy  Thursday !   


Currently 56F  with  High  82F sunny and very high pollen,  Low 57F.

LB relieved that you have your A/C back!  Took long enough  ::)

Paulie It all takes time and you both will have such a nice place to call 'home'.  Stew and apple fritters sound great!

Hi jicaji

Have a 'good' day...
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 14, 2023, 10:52:53 AM
Love lov love, I love the floors and kitchen!!! I love everything but I love the front porch the most!!!! I would spend my day there
LB, YAY!! You've got your AC again! And I'm sooo happy for you enjoying PT so much and more importantly how much it's helping you.

Thank you. I think of you sometimes when I'm on the front porch because I remember in early Spring when I posted of pic of porch with nothing on it you said how much you like it.  :) Some tall back rocking chairs on it would be comfy.  ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 14, 2023, 10:55:28 AM
Pauli, great job thur out!  I do not know how uou found that special shoeer curtain!  It looks like it was made to. Order!  Thanks for sharing!
karen, Thank you and you're welcome. About the shower curtain would you believe Amazon?! Yep! Good 'ol Amazon.  ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 14, 2023, 11:03:51 AM
Hi Phyl, We were posting at same time.  ;D

Wow you have 56F there! Definitely Autumn temps for you.

Mmmm I wonder what's being stirred in the bowl in your morning photo? Oh! Flour etc mixture for apple fritters.  ;D Geez I'm getting hungry.

Very true it all takes time. I just remembered I didn't reply to your question about moving to cabin. Charlie is ready to!! Seriously!! Lol  Not me .. not yet anyway.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 14, 2023, 11:10:12 AM
LB, I just remembered this. Thanks for explaining about your shots. Good you got your flu shot and waiting until Sept 30 for your covid shot. I didn't know the new one covers the new strain going around.

Also, you mentioned before you're worried about being home alone after your surgery. Your brother and nephew will be helping you with Copper correct? And hopefully long visits.

One thing I was told is afterwards a person uses a walker to get around then transitions to a cane for a bit.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on September 14, 2023, 11:11:44 AM
Paulie   ;D   and   :'(    Again

It just feels good to see happy days for those who finally get a dream.

Come all - lets try making ourselves feel good/ feel better.  Make happy

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 14, 2023, 11:16:55 AM

Good Morning Everyone...

This last Wednesday, 9-6-23,  Jim had his annual with all the usual blood work. On the 9th he got a
call from his doc's office saying there was an 'anomaly' in his blood test results. And, that
Doc want Jim back in his office for a 're-do'.   Jim did that right after work Monday afternoon.
We are waiting for results.
I know about blood an anomalies having one myself with the ITP. And, my Dad dying from two separate blood cancers---Multiple Myeloma and (Pre) Leukemia .
Back in the '80s treatment was very different  with  blood transfusions as a stand out. 
The blood cancers are my greatest concern. I saw how my dad suffered especially in the end with bone pain so intense that he couldn't stand being touched or even laying in bed medicated with morphine. And the emotional roller coaster/stress my mother hid from the world and him---hearing her sob as she prayed before bed every night.
At any rate Jim said doc's office will call---we'll hear tomorrow sometime. If they call during Jim's working hours, he'll call  them. But, as they know he can't  take calls at Publix. I'm sure we'll hear late afternoon.     :-\

Phyl, I just now read your post from the other day.

Has Jim gotten his results back yet? I just said a prayer for him and for you too. I remember you mentioning your ITP previously.

God bless your dad and mother too for what they experienced .. and you too during that time.

You and Jim remain on my prayer list.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 14, 2023, 11:21:49 AM
Paulie   ;D   and   :'(    Again

It just feels good to see happy days for those who finally get a dream.

Come all - lets try making ourselves feel good/ feel better.  Make happy

Puff, I agree!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 14, 2023, 11:32:57 AM
Phyl, Me the worrier just went to 'Forum Member' to read your past posts.

Good that's Jim's retest showed slight anemia and very good supplements will help with that.

I also read about the liverwurst sandwiches you're making him. I'm very sure you'll be keeping a close eye on Jim!  ;D  :-*
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 14, 2023, 06:34:45 PM
Hi everyone

I am sore today LOL    But I am able to walk still !! WE did more yesterday MY hips hurt too. Funny I really dont need the AC now got cooler. 77 today still ac for me though.  I sure dont miss the portable I can actually hear myself think now!  I am tired always so tired. Still have trouble sleeping. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 15, 2023, 09:03:01 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, TGIF for you!! Sounds like PT will really strengthen your hips and leg muscles and anything else for your surgery. Good and helpful!

About getting your AC repaired and now cooler weather. That's Murphy's Law! Nice though that you still use it when you want to.
I bet you're enjoying Copper walks in the cooler weather.

Quotes! #1 Lol Been there done that! #2 is good.

jicaji, Looks like your area might get some winds and rain from hurricane maybe?

Well me having been out of commission for three weeks (bummer) is now ending finally! Earlier this week I went food shopping and got around walking good. Husband drove. Wrist isn't sore any more. Yay. Today I'm going to drive around a bit to be sure all's good.
My gardens have gotten out of control so with cooler temps I need to get out there to begin cleaning up!!

I'm waving to everyone and wishing you each a pleasant day.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on September 15, 2023, 05:18:45 PM
Jicaji, stay safe if H Lee darkens your door!  It sounds like it will not be good on the New England beaches!
Paulie, happy to read that
you are feeling better and that you are able to resume normal activities.  Do not try to catch up on everything at once!
Enjoy the weekend!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 15, 2023, 05:43:42 PM
You better not over do it Paulie.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 15, 2023, 09:05:34 PM
Karen, Thank you and oh my you know me too well. Lol I won't.  :-* That goes for you too.  ;D Trust me I learned my lesson.
I heard from jicaji, She thinks the hurricane will not impact her area. She's hoping not.

LB, You definitely know me too. Lol I won't. When I feel myself getting sore or tired now I'll think of you and Karen!  ;D  :-*
What are your plans this weekend? Cooking some yummy meals for next week?


We're staying home this weekend. It's okay with me because I like being home too. Nightly temps this weekend at cabin are supposed to be high 30s. I am NOT ready for that yet!!

Wishing you each SED. Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 16, 2023, 09:28:26 AM
ood Morning, going to my sister's tonight for Rosh Hashana.  Taking copper to my dads tomorrow to give hi a well needed bath.   I think I will be making chili tomorrow as well  I work from home next week but going into office tuesdy. Our manger(the one that is so smart and taches me so much) will be here and her boss is coming tuesday so we are all in office and they wil ltake us out to lunch. :) I like this new group of management first time in 6 years we were taking out for lunch  One of my co works will be out this week so I have to do her work.  so wil lbe busier (it was slow this past week)  I also have to teain my back up on a couple of things before I go out on disability in Novemeber.  When my computer crashed I lost my notes  so will need to make new ones  I do have the hardd copies

My knees are really sore but  I take it s a work in progress   LOL 

Phyl I hope your computer starts working soon.   
Miss you Jacaji 

I have been feeling down lately not sure why but just one of those thigns  guess
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 16, 2023, 10:52:11 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Sounds like you have a pleasant weekend and upcoming work week to look forward to. Good!

Happy Rosh Hashana/New Year. Please correct me if my greeting is incorrect. I did think of you and Rosh Hashana this morning before I read your plans for tonight. Very nice you're going to your sisters.

Yay to cutie Copper's bath at your dad's tomorrow.

Busy upcoming work week for you. You like to keep busy there so good. Good too you have hard copies of your notes. Enjoy management taking you all out to lunch! Very nice!

Yepper to sore knees = progress.

I hope this weekend and week perks up your mood.

Quotes: #1 and LB #2 is for you.   :)

I wish everyone a pleasant weekend. Beautiful weather in my part of PA.
Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 16, 2023, 09:52:19 PM
LB, We finished watching all episodes of Season 5 Virgin River. Wow! Soooo good! We stretched out watching all the episodes this week so it wouldn't end so fast.  Next airing is November 30. At least we don't have to wait a year.

Hope you had a pleasant time at your sisters.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 17, 2023, 07:35:41 AM
Good morning it was nice at my sisters . There is a season 6 in virgin river but nt sure f that is the one that starts in November r is Novemeber season 5 part 2?   They seem to like doing that lately LOL Goin tto take Copper fr a bath today not sure why I am so excited this can be a disaster. LOL I am all packed up.   Taking copper for wask first then we'll go  to my dads I was going to go later but there are things I need to get done 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 17, 2023, 08:27:57 PM
Long busy day. Got a lot accomplished this weekend. Rained all day and chilly. Definitely need rain! Supposed to be sunny tomorrow and rest of the week.

I washed my Hummingbird feeders and will be putting them away  :( till next Spring.  :)

Sitting here by my screen deck door I can hear the deer chomping on the sliced apples and carrots I put out for them. All doe this year so far but had one or two bucks this Spring and Summer. Lots of construction in areas where they come from is causing them to relocate.

LB, Glad you had a nice time at your sisters. How did Mr. Copper's bath go today?

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 18, 2023, 06:42:59 AM
Good morning, the hardest part is getting him in the car his hind legs are bothering him.   He was not happy but we did it. He kind of ran awa from me (slow) but he ws faster than me I couldnt step on the leash to stop him. He finally found something to smell.  so I stepped on leash He didnt go far but sure seems likeit with a bum knee lol.I think h is happier nw though busy rollig around his fur is nice and soft
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 18, 2023, 11:16:47 AM
Hi LB, Geesh I can imagine you scurrying after Copper! Good he stopped to smell something and you got him. Good he's happier and feeling better nice and clean.

Enjoy your busy week with management and going to lunch too!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 19, 2023, 02:14:16 AM
Sending a "Good Evening' with SEDs  to Everyone !

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 19, 2023, 07:29:44 PM
Good evening
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 19, 2023, 08:51:59 PM
LB, I remember how much you like Autumn ... thus your quotes.  :)

I do have to say though about Quote 2 "darker". I definitely don't like it getting dark sooner, and a few months dark at 5pm. Ugh Do not like that! I like when it doesn't get dark until 9pm.  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 20, 2023, 06:47:18 PM
Pauie, I dont like it getting darker earlier either.  I will be fine  with around 7pm. LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 20, 2023, 08:46:59 PM
Heck LB, I'll take 7pm vs 9pm. Lol We wouldn't make it in Alaska where somewhere it's dark for many days!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on September 21, 2023, 06:21:39 AM
You made me remember paulie but not remember all the facts. . .I once was on a visit to a native Alaskan village in May don't recall the name of the village, maybe 1982, led by a 90 years old lady, who educated us on the ways of living they follow.  It was just dawn at about noon and less than 20 minus degress, met at the local court building for discussion and questions.  Why my mind jump back there because of what you said -- She said no matter the temp or daylight or not they had a rigid (pun) routine of walking an hour or half hour daily except when weather became extreme.  No limits mentioned.  ::) Met at the city's (?) courthouse - pews, judge's bench, clock, all the regular accutriments of a US courthouse as we know them - had to don her robe over her furred anorak LOL.

We sat and talked/discussed while we were served some hot preditor soup ???? 

I sit here now shaking my head at yet another reminder of the experiences I've had.  Enjoyed so much.  Come to think of it maybe it was one of LB's quotes that brought back the memories and started this longgggg ago memory.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 21, 2023, 10:40:54 AM
Puff, I love your story telling and memories.
Oh my heavens that was quite a visit and experience!! The time of day (lack of daylight) and the minus 20 temp .. everything you described is sooooo interesting. And the 90 years old lady "had to don her robe over her furred anorak"!! Those are definitely tough hard core people.

I wonder what the hot preditor soup was??

How long was your visit to the native Alaskan village?

I'm glad something jogged this memory for you. Thank you for sharing!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on September 21, 2023, 01:29:04 PM
PauliI recall someone saying "maybe a couple leftovers in the soup" some experiences not wise to recall.  I wish my thoughts were clear and complete.  It was one day with the senior judge, then to the next stop.  Thinking we had 3 stops?  But land excursions added up to 9 days (?)  Many other things done - think I've traveled up there 8 -10 times.  Every once in a while Ton would bring up his very fav.  Fav:  He really got a thrill talking about the morning sitting on the bank of the Yukon River drinking coffee by a state poet's cabin (?).  And he's  not even a poet kinda guy.  That was just at our beginning; told him to stick with me cuz there'd be more to come.  43 years worth.

Commercial:  I'm a certified rep from the Alaska Visitors Bureau.  Don't know everything, but I sure as heck know I've got a lot of special memories.  ::)   ;D   ::)   ;D   ::)  ;D
I do know it's well represented by the older groups.  On one of the earlier trips I found out I was the only working psgr in the group still working besides the trip directors.  Reasons?  You need more than minimum $$$$ - and you just have to go for more than a week - young people can't miss work or school that long, ergo save it for when you can give it its proper enjoyment time.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 21, 2023, 08:26:57 PM
Oh my Puff .. "a couple leftovers in the soup." How did it taste?

Wow to 9 days total for land excursions. Also awesome that you've traveled to Alaska 8-10 times.

Ton's memory of sitting on the bank of Yukon River drinking coffee sounds perfect to me .. even if by a poets cabin and not being a poet kina guy.
I'm very sure he is glad he did stick with you for 43 years. You are still on my prayer list after your loss of him.  :-*

Congrats on you being a certified rep from Alaska Visitors Bureau. That makes sense to me honestly.
Also a visitor having to go for more than a week makes sense. I say that only from the commercials I've seen on TV about ship tours to Alaska. Looks beautiful!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 21, 2023, 08:29:25 PM
LB, I hope all is good with you and Copper too. TGIF for you tomorrow.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on September 22, 2023, 11:22:06 AM
Happy Friday everyone.

Paulie,,,Have a great weekend.

Puff, we were in Alaska years ago.  White water rafting, panning for gold,  through Denali,  Jim took a helicopter to a glacier and walked on the glacier.... so many great memories....Oh and, of course, beautiful wildlife...bears.

LB, taking Rizzo to the groomer Tuesday,  Hopefully all will go well for Copper and you.

Phyl...Hi, love your last post pic.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on September 22, 2023, 12:19:08 PM
Happy Friday everyone.

Paulie,,,Have a great weekend.

Puff, we were in Alaska years ago.  White water rafting, panning for gold,  through Denali,  Jim took a helicopter to a glacier and walked on the glacier.... so many great memories....Oh and, of course, beautiful wildlife...bears.

LB, taking Rizzo to the groomer Tuesday,  Hopefully all with go well for Copper and you.

Phyl...Hi, love your last post pic.

jicaji  I did all those, too.  Did a bit more also.  I think I have returned there maybe 12 times.  First time was about 1980, or 1981.  And, I'm not done.  I've been north (Barrow), south (Anchorage), east (Yukon Territory), high (5pp flight around the peak of Denali),  low (took a very quick swim in the Tanana River).  Missing?  Yep!  Bucket list has west.   I saw the opening show and start of the Iditarod in Anchorage.  But I haven't been west (Nome).  Wonder if the MAN upstairs knows about or cares about my bucket list. It is a big state ya know!  A big, beautiful, interesting state.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on September 22, 2023, 12:50:09 PM
I went on a trip that was arranged thru AAA? in Sept. 1980. I had my own itinerary and representatives just met us at each stop to ensure all was well. I met and hung out with a couple from CA and one from TX that had the same itinerary. We did the safe touristy things... Anchorage, Denali, Fairbanks, Whitehorse, Skagway. Train, bus, narrow gauge, cruise to Vancouver.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 22, 2023, 06:52:31 PM
I let the day get away from me today. I never did get copper to a groomer I took him to my dads last week and bathed him outside with a hose I did by special shampoo to use for him. He's been so much better since.  Good luck with rizzo I am taking myself to get groomed tomorrow ;P Getting a hair cut. Just trimmed   The weather is going to be horrible tomorrow though i was thinking of cancelling but I am gong
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on September 22, 2023, 09:10:48 PM
LB...Number 1 for sure....
Happy Friday everyone.

Paulie,,,Have a great weekend.

Puff, we were in Alaska years ago.  White water rafting, panning for gold,  through Denali,  Jim took a helicopter to a glacier and walked on the glacier.... so many great memories....Oh and, of course, beautiful wildlife...bears.

LB, taking Rizzo to the groomer Tuesday,  Hopefully all will go well for Copper and you.

Phyl...Hi, love your last post pic.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 23, 2023, 07:27:09 AM
Good morning rainy weekend  I dont mind.   :)   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 23, 2023, 05:48:47 PM
Hello Everyone.   Happy Autumn!!


Currently 61F   High  85F sunny   w/ very high pollen count,  Low 55 F  clear skies.

Hi jicaji The computer is doing okay. Just wish demon 'Microsoft  Edge' would keep it's ugly head down. LOL   

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Jim and I got our RSV and Influenza vaxes yesterday. We feel great. Just our arms are tender in the 'spot' of jab. Me more than Jim.

 A memoir in a nutshell:When Jim was flying for Doane Pet Care Inc (they mfg private label cat/dog food---notably Walmart and others  too numerous to mention) we took the company jet to  AK to meet the company pres. his family for a pick up in Juneau as they were taking a cruise with a potential  customer. The boss told us to arrive a week early and make a vaca of it. Landed at Sitka and spent the night ( it was 4AM when we finally went to bed after  hangering the old girl. It was dusk as if we were still in Missouri. Blackout curtains and all. We saw everything Denali, Juneau of course, and mosied up to Anchorage and stood on the coast and waved to Russia!  Had 'Duck Farts' at the Red Dog Saloon.   Took an Orca cruse . It was fantastic---seals sunning on buoys aand those awesome whales swimming along side our boat. One was so very close I reached out and let my left hand glide upon it skin until it went under. Back up it came and close still to  me --knodded  and I reach out and did the same. It satyed until it had to go back under. Then jump stories high in the air and splashed. Off it went. I'll never forget that encounter!
 Sarah Palin was campaigning for governor at the time. I remember as I was getting a manicure and the manicurist had the TV on  watching  her debate the ' two other guys'.

Lot catch up on. But will comment on yesterday.

LB hope all's well with Copper and so glad he's doing better since his 'special bath'.   Visit to salon for you  ;) Take care venturing out in the weather.
How are things with 'that neighbor from  Germany'? 

Paulie no doubt you're having a great weekend.  :)

All the best Cheerios.  :)

Prayers for:   Lahaina   Maui, HI and Morocco  ; All abandoned, abused  cats and feral cats; My  Alter prayer list
The Bluebirds of Cane Ridge, Tennessee, Hummingbirds, Bumble Bees  and Honey bees everywhere and Successful recovery from  Hurricanes  Idalia  & Hilary; Tropical  Storm  Ophelia ; The Beakroom and Cheers.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 24, 2023, 08:22:17 AM
Good MMorning,   I have seen the german neighbor lately she doesnt come out much LOL   Not shouting through windows  I see her husband he'll say hi when shes not around . One of my nosey neighbors moved thank god he lived directly behind me and was the one who tried to get involved with the rats but wouldnt do anything whenit came down to it.   So now I wait to see who will move in
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 24, 2023, 01:39:11 PM
Hi Everyone...Happy Sunday. 

Currently 54F    High  84F sunny,  Low 54 F  clear skies.  High pollen

LB well one nosey neighbor down and one to go. LOL Hope you get a better class of neighbor this time around.

Hi jicaji and Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 24, 2023, 05:52:45 PM

Sending a "Good Evening' with SEDs  to Everyone !


🙏 's     🙏 's
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 25, 2023, 07:56:02 AM
Good morning 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LORIDAVIS on September 25, 2023, 08:06:39 AM

Thank you Paulie... 💜
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 25, 2023, 02:31:24 PM
A late 'Good Morning' Everyone...Happy Monday !   

Currently 77F  cloudy  High  84F partly sunny,  Low 61F  clear skies.

Paulie are you back from your 'weekend' ?

LB Howdy!  All are good today! Hope you and Copper are two.  Knee surgery...forgot your dates.   Sorry.

Hi jicaji how ya doin' these days?

Lori as always a great greeting. Not sure which is the cutest.    ;D

Have a 'Good Afternoon"  ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 25, 2023, 03:52:14 PM
Lori love thed puppy     Surgery is November 7 Phyl 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 26, 2023, 12:04:57 AM
Lori love thed puppy     Surgery is November 7 Phyl
Thanks LB.
This time made a note!  ;)

Sleep tight everyone...
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 26, 2023, 06:08:44 PM

So I just found out that i was exposed with covid  I went to family dinner last night for Yom kipper   and someone there just tested positive today.  She felt fine yesterday an dyoke up and felt funny and took test. she tested positive.  Yikes so spoke with my boss to find out what the rules were snd she aid just to work from home  so I get to work from home. I already tested my self (I know too early)  Negative but will be testing everyday LOL  I just dont want my surgery postponed if I get it!!!!.  I am suppose to ge tthe vaccine on Saturday.  Fingers crossed. It's going to be a long week.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 27, 2023, 06:42:36 AM
Good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 27, 2023, 07:14:50 AM
Good Morning Everyone !   


Currently 64F     High  89F sunny,  Low 64F  clear skies.

 LB   Oh dear!
I'm sorry to read this.  Working from home is one good thing . Sure hope you continue to test 'negative'. And, surgery is as planned.
All good today. #2 is kinda funny.

Hi jicaji  and Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 27, 2023, 07:17:34 PM
Sending a "Good Evening' with SEDs  to Everyone !

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 27, 2023, 08:45:50 PM
Hi!  :)  We returned. A very busy day today with catching up here at home. I'm going to go back to reading from when before I left.
Oh geesh. One of my kids is calling on phone. I'll be back.  :)

Okay I'm back .......

jicaji, Thank you and yes we did. A nice day when we arrived then rain Sat, Sun and a little Monday morning. After it stopped it was a really pleasant day. Family had gone home Sunday. So Sunday evening and night and Monday just us. Was quiet, sometimes too quiet we missed them. lol But we walked around outside in the wooded areas a bit and cleared areas too. It was just pleasant.
We took a pic at night by the temporary firepit the guys put up. So pretty. I'll post it if it's not too big.

Wow your trip to Alaska sounds awesome!

Tig, You too to Alaska. Nice!

Phyl, Good about you and Jim getting flu shots. What's RSV? I think that's what I've seen on some commercials but honestly don't remember right now.

Lori, You're very welcome. Prayers continue for your grandmother and for you too.

LB!! You were exposed to covid!! Darn it!! Good you were negative yesterday. Have you tested yourself today? Good you are working from home. Keep in touch.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 28, 2023, 06:28:28 AM
Good Morning, I tested myself 2x times yesterday still negative. I didnt test yet today It still may be too early but I am suppose to get vaccine saturday I dont think I can if I do have it.   I'll keep you posted. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 28, 2023, 06:42:11 AM
Good Morning Everyone...Happy Thursday !   


Currently 68Fcloudy  High  83F  partly sunny,  Low 64F  Rain showers

LB good news so far, No covid !   All good this morning.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 28, 2023, 09:45:31 AM
LB, Good news. Prayers continue for more good news for you.


Phyl, Your morning pic reminded me yesterday when we went food shopping (catching up on things here after being away) we stopped at a new local farm store to check it out. Oh my heavens the prices were high. Farm fresh eggs $7.99/dozen. And about your photo of waffle cuplets reminded me one scoop of ice cream was $3.

Geesh I'm dragging today. I woke up during the night and couldn't get back to sleep. Bummer.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 28, 2023, 11:28:10 AM
Hi Paule  we're all 'dragging' these days.  :(
Even $3 a scoop was high then-seems  almost affordable now
It's outrageous  the   cost  of any thing.  >:(
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 29, 2023, 06:47:04 AM
Good morning  lots or rain today we can get 5" :(  So far negative waiting for results for the latest test .  LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 29, 2023, 09:04:38 AM
Good Morning Everyone. And, TGIF ! 

Currently 65F   High  85F  mostly sunny,  Low 61 F  clear skies.

Hi jicaji  and Paulie

LB  good news on CoVid test
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 29, 2023, 09:33:48 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Good news for you. Continue testing negative. That's an order.  :)
Geesh to maybe 5" rain in your area.

Phyl, Agreed to the cost of everything outrageous! Absolutely!

Hi jicaji

Well rain and chilly weather today here  .. again. Blah Need sunshine.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 29, 2023, 09:37:59 AM
Photo of pleasant walk Charlie and I took earlier this week at cabin.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 29, 2023, 09:42:18 AM
And this is the temporary firepit guys set up.
It's been moved already, before we left, to the permanent spot. They have to do some digging to put down into ground a bit then we're going to place rocks around the metal wall. The guys are talking about getting another one to add to make it larger/wider round.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on September 30, 2023, 05:44:37 PM
LB, I'm a bit worried about you. 1. I hope you're still testing negative. 2. Were you able to get your shot today since you were exposed?

Been busy here since last evening. The guys left for archery hunting. Ugh. I've stayed away for years when they go hunting of any kind and have no desire to even sit inside cabin while they're out hunting. Nope!

So I started last evening going through closets moving seasonal clothes around and other things and today more of the same plus loads of laundry and washing sheets and throw rugs while I'm vacuuming/dusting and cleaning bathrooms. Not done yet but have tomorrow for a bit too. Feels good to be getting things done!

jicaji, Does the lady from the south you watch on TV have Autumn desserts with apples and different things?

Beautiful Autumn day here today.
All take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on September 30, 2023, 06:53:00 PM
Hi ...

LB how are your CoVid tests turning out? Still negative, I hope?  Got your flu vax?

Paulie the walk snap looks so relaxing; you're one busy gal these days

Hi jicaji

Wishing everyone a pleasant evening and a 'Good Night' with lots of Sweet Eagle Dreams !
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on September 30, 2023, 07:16:35 PM
Oh my I forgot to  log on to my computer today LOL   I am fine. Thanks for worrying Paulie.  I am negative and got my covid vaccine this morning all is good.  I am worried about Copper he was weazig 2x today or nazzley maybe a cold? I gave him benadry and s got better after He seemsfine otherwise. I dont have money for vet. So I had my favorite PT guy yesterday and we had question answer session while doing Pt.  He had me do some sort of squats and then do step up and down off a little stoop plus step up aon a domb like ball  Building the muscles around my knees.  He gave me tips in how to get up steps and what PT  will do while I am in hospital . (He used to do that)  He is like the best.   He said I did those exercise good and he thinks I will get  through recovery.   so now I have to come up wit more questions to ask him LOL   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 01, 2023, 06:32:41 AM
good morning  I wanted to sleep in Copper wouldnt let me but he went back to sleep  but not me :(  oh wait he just got up 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 01, 2023, 08:30:52 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Whew! Good to see you and excellent news you're still negative and got your shot.

Good Copper is feeling better. Regarding you having been worried about him ...... as jicaji would say ... Always something!

Awesome about PT and your exercises to strengthen muscles around knees. Yes ma'am you are going to get through recovery great. I'm sure you'll come up with some more questions. Lol

Quotes yesterday and today .. both #1s

Phyl, Yes was so quiet and peaceful. And yepper busy yesterday and today too but soooo glad for empty quiet house and being able to catch up.

Oh! I just saw today's #4 quote. That's cute!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 02, 2023, 05:38:06 AM
Good Morning Everyone...   

Currently 63F clear w/   High  82F sunny,  Low 61 F  clear. Moderate pollen

Jim was involved in a traffic accident last Friday about 6AM while on his way to work.   Details and photos are posted in the Beakroom

Hi  LB,  jicaji  and Paulie

Have a good day !

Prayers for:   Lahaina   Maui, HI and Morocco  ; All abandoned, abused  cats and feral cats; My  Alter prayer list
The Bluebirds of Cane Ridge, Tennessee, Hummingbirds, Bumble Bees  and Honey bees everywhere and Successful recovery from  Hurricanes  Idalia  & Hilary; Tropical  Storm  Ophelia ; The Beakroom and Cheers.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 02, 2023, 08:15:16 AM
Good morning got a late start  LOL started work early biut now I am done 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 02, 2023, 12:30:49 PM
Oh my heavens Phyl!! Those pictures tell a frightening story for sure. With no air bags going off does the windshield on drivers side mean Jim hit it? I'm thinking yes but hoping no. Has he been sore or achy anywhere afterwards. I hope he's okay.
The way you describe the insurance coverage (from your knowledge from previous job in this area) and possible no repairs make sense.

God bless you and Jim going forward with working through all of this with insurance etc. One thing for sure is Jim walked away. I've said a prayer for you both.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 02, 2023, 12:32:36 PM
Good morning got a late start  LOL started work early biut now I am done
LB, Wow! You started work early and were done at the time you posted here. Are you still working from home?

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 02, 2023, 07:50:57 PM
Phyl, Sorry about Jims accident I hope he is doing ok.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 03, 2023, 01:30:11 AM
Hi you two...

Jim seems to be just fine.
And, has been doing some online looking for a replacement vehicle.

In addition, he's also looking to see if a salvage yard would
want to buy it. Just looking at the Pontiac, there's a small
fortune to be made off her parts.

No Jim didn't hit the windshield. That's where the semitrailer bumper hit.
Thank you  for  your concerns and prayers.

Hope y'all had a good night's rest.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 03, 2023, 06:22:37 AM
Good Morning  I woud agree on making money on aarts off the car for sure
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 03, 2023, 11:04:16 AM
Good Morning Everyone...Happy Tuesday !   

Currently 64F  High  83F sunny w/ low pollen,  Low 61 F  clear .

Right off---many many thanks to you all for your concern, support and prayers.  Jim appreciates them all.
He's doing fine and is settling in on life w/o the Pontiac.  He told me, when he got home ,that there was a young woman on her way
to work last Friday saw the accident. She came  yesterday afternoon  saw the accident that day. And, mentioned that the following Saturday she saw two more have the same accident.
He has been looking, online for some reputable used cars for work. Then, I can have my Kia back---mommy misses you baby!

LB  how you/Copper today?   All three inspirations today. But, find #2 a real Hoot! Kinda hits close to 'home'.  ;)

Hi  jicaji  and Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 04, 2023, 06:17:26 AM
Good morning, Copper and I are doing well, thanks phyl.  I have an early meeting this morning ych 8am for 90 minutes. With a department that tells us they have no time for emails and thye want a 90 minute email go figure
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 04, 2023, 12:02:23 PM
Good Afternoon  :)

Phyl, Glad to read Jim is doing good. Good idea about spare parts from Pontiac. I hope he finds a car for himself soon for both your sakes  because of "mommy misses you baby!" I"m sure you do!

LB, Good about you and Copper doing good. Your comment about early morning meeting and email made me laugh. How did it go?

All three quotes are good and #2 cracked me up. I remember those days!! Lol

Yesterday morning through late afternoon was busy. We went to different farmers markets looking for and pricing pickle cucumbers and cabbage heads for sauerkraut for my husband who cans them in different size mason jars.

Last night I took my oldest granddaughter who turned 16 this past summer and now has her learners permit out to practice her night driving. She did good! She was all smiles and proud of herself.  :)

When riding with her and explaining different things reminded me when I did the same with my four children a looooong time ago!!

Wishing all a pleasant afternoon.
Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 04, 2023, 01:03:29 PM
hi checking in since I have time meeting was horrible we were  suppose to present the other team wasnt prepared wasnt sure if they should be we were not knowing what the meeting was going to be like The all the manager kind of took control where we were suppose to do the presentation. I got to do some presnting until management steped in LOL  I was quite capable of answerinng the questions.  LOL oh well we are to meet again at end of month, I had to put in all my days off so they dont schedule when I am out LOL shoot I sdont have many days left to work before the surgery   :o
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 04, 2023, 09:16:47 PM
LB, Kudos to you for doing a presentation until management stepped in!! Interesting that the other team wasn't prepared. Good for you stepping in.

Also very good that you submitted your days off.

Honestly I think your team/office is going to be at a loss when you're out for surgery because you know and do a lot. They know this too because in the past to the present you are the one who steps in to do additional work and you've received compliments and monetary compensation for that. They will miss you while you're out and look forward to your return. A thumbs-up to you.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 05, 2023, 06:28:34 AM
Thank you Paulie... Good morning I just notice I was approved for my disability the dr put me out  until feb 7.  LOL my boss want happy but I think I will work something out with him to work remotely after a few weeks. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 05, 2023, 06:46:24 AM

Romper Room is an American children's television series that was franchised and syndicated from 1953 to 1994.
The program targeted preschoolers (children five years of age or younger)'       https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romper_Room (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romper_Room)

Good Morning Everyone...Happy Thursday  !   
Currently 60F    High  80F sunny,  Low 60F  clear.

Hi LB,  jicaji  and Paulie

Some 'good news' LB good work on the presentation
So very busy you are  Paulie

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 05, 2023, 10:47:01 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, You're welcome of course. It's true!  :) Excellent your disability has been approved. I think your boss will agree and want you working remotely and I think after a few weeks you'd enjoy working remotely.

Phyl, I remember Romper Room and listening to names being said through the mirror!! LOL The good 'ol days.

Last day here for sunny warmer weather. This weekend rain and drizzle expected with cold front moving thru then next week lower than normal temps.
Well it's Autumn and to be expected. "It is what it is." I have a Tshirt that says that.  :)

Oh! Yesterday a guy delivered a cord .. maybe two not sure .. of split wood at cabin. So planning to go next weekend to begin stacking and whatever else while there. Definitely sitting on front porch at times to relax. Much needed!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 05, 2023, 07:50:32 PM
 Sending a "Good Evening' with SEDs  to Everyone !


Paulie  those fireplace evening will be nice.

LB  working from home while you recover and all will be better for you and work. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 06, 2023, 06:53:35 AM
Good morning  Yes I agree Phyl but I want a few weeks to rest and make sure things are going smoothly 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 06, 2023, 07:04:45 AM
Good Morning Everyone...T.G.I.F.  !   

Currently 68F    High  77F mostly cloudy,  Low 62 F   


Hi LB,  jicaji  and Paulie

Prayers for:   All abandoned, abused  cats and feral cats; My  Alter prayer list
The Bluebirds of Cane Ridge, Tennessee, Hummingbirds, Bumble Bees  and Honey bees everywhere . The Breakroom and Cheers.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 07, 2023, 10:29:08 AM
Good morning Cleaned my house big time yesterday now I need to keep up with it and then do another unclutter cleaning right before surgery. Another rainy saturday 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 07, 2023, 12:33:13 PM
Good Aftenoon  :)

Been busy. I know what's new. Lol
My 16 yr granddaughter have been having a sleepover since Thursday and will thru the weekend.
Then my youngest 8 yr old Sunday into Monday. No school Monday for Columbus Day.
My sil and one of my son's and husband cut and shredded 15 huge heads of cabbage this morning then husband prepped and is curing in 2 large crocs (18 gallons total) to cure. Smells good already!!

Phyl, True about the wood stove being nice.

LB, Nice!! Good for you about cleaning your house big time and uncluttering. It feels good doing that.
That's what my last weekend consisted of when I had an empty house for the weekend.

Quotes: LB you did good. All three quotes are good today.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 08, 2023, 10:41:47 AM
Good morning got late start slept in a little and decided to take a long walk since its my idal weather WINDY and 51   My knees afre now paying ancopper id ready tgo go ut again. yikes goin gto be short walk, Next week is in the office.  I only have 6 days left in office (pther days are vacation days then surgery oh or woring from home.  THursday I gofor my first pre op appointmnet blood work. Next Monday is Cardiologist and some time next week my primary docI think.  I may have my week smixed up. LOL but for sure thursday blood
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 08, 2023, 04:27:21 PM
Currently 50F   High  62F sunny,  Low 46 F  clear.
Getting to be the 'Brrrr! time for us

tks for the update on  your surgery schedule. {{{}}} and  🙏 's

Paulie that's a lot of cole slaw.  ;D  Have fun with your granddaughter/friend

Hi  jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 09, 2023, 07:02:42 PM
Hi   They added 2 more dates for my pt They want tm edo up to 2 weeks before surgery.  He did measurements and tested the progress of strength.  MY strength has improved a lot.  I beat him a few times in not letting him push my legs to the side etc.  Balaance is not good but he says that takes time fear plays  role in that today. Today he had me practice putting my foot up to a small step stool with out holding. was teach me haow to adjust my hips befor goin gup.  Pretty much  teach me to go up a curb.  Once thats down it will be down  LOL  :o  so my last day of pt is 10/23 and not the 18th
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 10, 2023, 07:37:02 AM
Good Morning Everyone...Happy  Tuesday !   

Currently48F  High  69F  mostly sunny,  Low 48F  clear.

Tropical  storm 'Lidia' is moving north in the Eastern Pacific.

LB  some good news for you and some changes.   Inspirations are  all good ones today.

Hi  jicaji  and Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 10, 2023, 07:00:03 PM
Hello My favorite weather this week.  in 60's chill in the morning   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 11, 2023, 07:24:42 AM
Good Morning Everyone...Happy Wednesday !   

Currently 50F  High  70F sunny,  Low 61 F  clear .

LB tks for the inspirations. HAGD

Hi  jicaji  and Paulie

Spent yesterday's  late afternoon at the vet's with Maggie.  Seems like my 'little old lady' had landed wrong jumping off our bed. And made life miserable for her self.
All weekend she'd been favoring her right front leg and limping and holding it up and close to her body. She went into 'seclusion' as cats do.
I called first thing Monday Am and couldn't get in at all.  So I made a late afternoon appt. today  for her to see a new vet at Southside. He was extremely nice and listened to what I had observed and what I felt was going on with her. So he checked her over and gently worked her joints, etc.,. He said she had a 'soft tissue tear'. And, not unlike what I thought as a sprain or pulled muscle.
She has been slowing recovering on her own and I've kept a  close eye on my geriatric baby.
So she's will be on pain meds  https://cats.com/buprenorphine-for-cats#What%20Does%20Buprenorphine%20Do%20For%20Cats? This makes me a bit nervous---alas it's only for a week.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 11, 2023, 10:22:56 AM
Good Morning,

Glad to be back here after a really busy time since last Thursday thru Monday evening plus I was "under the weather" feeling nauseous and just did feel good Sunday until yesterday evening. It's gone now whatever it was and I'm glad!!

LB, Wow to only 6 days left working in office as of Oct 8 then either working from home or on leave out of office. Time flies!
Nice that you have upcoming pre-surgical appointments and good to hear PT is still going well.


Phyl, Aww to Maggie. You were very close if not totally correct about what vet diagnosed.
What is Maggie's age?
The pain relief link you provided is an informative read. Geesh to some side effects.
Do you give her the med in liquid form orally on side of her mouth?

I've always wondered about pain meds masking pain if pulled muscles, sprain etc whether for people or animals. I don't like masking pain for myself sometimes because I don't like covering up the painful injury and maybe causing more harm using it versus allowing it to rest and heal without excessive use.  That being said I also understand there are times when pain meds are needed and helpful.
I hope that makes sense.

Agreed prayers for Israel.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 11, 2023, 07:56:40 PM
Hi   sorry to hear about Maggie Phyl.  I hope she gets better soon. Sounds like a good vet. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 12, 2023, 06:51:37 AM
Good Morning Everyone...   


Currently  55F  High  74F sunny,  Low 52 F  clear

LB Inspirations are all good. Thank y ou. HAGD

Paulie Maggie is 22 years (Human) old.  Cat year is about 100  +/ -  .    Rx is just on the gums. Your reply makes sense.  ;)

Hi  jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 12, 2023, 06:18:05 PM
Good evening  Goinv to be another rainy weekend this will make 6 in a row. PT a lot of balancing exercises. The PT guy I like is goin gon vacation next week  I hope the other continue with the balancing.  I actually did a lot better than I thought I would  :)  Every time if I looked down or moved my head to right to look out the window that is when I wuld lose my balance.  He noticed that too so you can tell he defnily watching everything you do 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 12, 2023, 08:27:31 PM
Phyl, Wow to Maggie's age. She has a very good mama for sure!  ;)

Busy day .. again... winterizing/putting  things away off upper deck and lower porch. Did some garden clean up too and Autumn decorated front of house and inside too.
Will be leaving tomorrow for get-away for a bit despite the days of rain.

Wishing all a pleasant weekend. Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 13, 2023, 07:04:06 AM
Good Morning Everyone...TGIF  !   

Currently 56F   High  70F sunny,  Low 50 F  clear skies.

LB Inspirations are  all good. Wow. That PT will take you some time with balance issues. I know.

Paulie safe travels, hope you get everything accomplished

Hi  jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 13, 2023, 08:56:14 AM
Good Morning,

After I turned off my laptop last night I remembered I didn't say TGIF to LB so ...


Quotes: Oh my gosh yes to #1  but all three are good.

Phyl, Thank you. We were hoping to have left already but I was asked to get one of my granddaughter's from school then home because she wasn't feeling well. Did that and having a cup of coffee now.

Beautiful day here today but rain tomorrow then intermittent this weekend. No problem. I'll sit on porch. Much needed!!  :)

Take care to all.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 13, 2023, 05:33:42 PM
Balancing is definity hard.  He had me walk up and down the room 3x, foot to foot. one fooot infront of the other and toe is touching others foots heal.  That is hard. Soon as I looked down I got wobbley   LOL  the other one same postion but standing without holding on to anything for 30 sec  3x  It got harder by the 3rd time  I used to do this a while back and I had to have a finger help me stay straight this time all on my own .  :)  Have a good weekend Paulie.  Not sure what I am doing . Probably clean and watch moves  I work from home next week I have cardiloist appointmtne tMonday and primary dr Thursday I only go into the office 1 mor time befor emy surgery it's either work  to do.  LOL any recommedations?  I have seen a lot.  LOL 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 14, 2023, 09:09:13 AM
Good morning, I slept in a little after copper woke me up at 5
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 14, 2023, 05:25:27 PM

Hi Everyone !

LB so glad you got some extra sleep in today.  Good news on balancing---just useing index finger to keep stable is good.  ;)

Hi  jicaji and Paulie

And, a "Good Evening' ... SEDs  to Everyone !
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 15, 2023, 10:47:11 AM
Funny you mentioned index finger,  I found my 2 middle fingers sticking out when I was walkin the straight line (like balance beam) LOL 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 16, 2023, 06:50:35 AM
Good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 16, 2023, 05:03:25 PM
Hi LB all good ones today. Each middle finger protruding as you tandem walk--could be 'normal'. Ask you Doc?

Hi  jicaji and Paulie

An early 'Good Evening' with  SEDs...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 17, 2023, 06:35:34 AM
Good morning, I now have new bling. I am wearing a hear monitor for 2 days (tomorrow) I have to do a acho cardiogram has well.  I have an extreat bean and heart murmur which I was told before.  A little nervous I also have to do a stress test but I dont need that for surgery clarance. I chose to wait until after surgery  but then should I ? 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 17, 2023, 08:42:21 AM
Good Morning Everyone...Happy Tuesday !   
Currently 52F   High  64F partly sunny,  Low 51 F 

LB   #2     Hope the heart monitor works out well and good results. Will be thnking of  you in the days ahead

Hi  jicaji and Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 18, 2023, 06:50:02 AM
Good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 18, 2023, 10:06:39 PM
Hi!  :)  We had a really pleasant five days away. The drive to and from were beautiful with the Autumn leaves many beautiful different colors along the way up and around different mountains. And at times, especially in the morning sitting on front porch the silence was intense and so relaxing and sometimes interrupted by distant woodpecker and a distant elk bugle once. The deer are silent and stealth walking around. We definitely used the wood stove at times. Was nice. Outside looking up at chimney top was nice seeing the smoke exiting knowing it was cozy warm inside. An exciting story below but first ...

LB, Today is day one for you wearing heart monitor. I hope all goes well with good news results for you. A suggestion .. Ask your doctor who suggested the stress for more clarification.

Phyl, Cute morning pic yesterday. How are Jim and Maggie doing? Did you get your car back yet? I remember your "mommy misses you" comment a few weeks ago.

Now the story.
Last Saturday the guys (my husband, son and family friend) went to the Sportsman's Club that's kind of nearby (considering we're on a mountain) but still a drive to get there. I didn't go preferring to stay at cabin by myself. It was warm inside with wood stove and I sit and relax on the front porch a lot!!
So one of the times I went out on porch, when I turned to the side to sit down, I was literally stunned when I saw a herd of Elk standing and eating clover not far from the side of the porch where I was. I slowly set my mug of coffee on table then stood there looking while super shocked and surprised!!

We already knew there were elk in the next county north of cabin and there have been some sightings reported in our area but only saw one on our trail cam last winter.

I must say I knew they are large and have seen photos of them in brochures but Oh My Gosh!! They are enormous!! I honestly don't know how to describe my amazement, excitement and down right speechless frozen in place standing there looking at them  .. and very near too!! I felt safe though because I was on raised porch with railing all around it and it has three steps in the front to walk onto porch. Standing there one of my thoughts were that huge male elk with huge gigantic antlers would not fit on the stairs. If provoked run and smash side of railing probably but all was quiet and calm and the front door wasn't far from where I was.  Anyway .....

When I saw them the male elk and I made eye contact first. Was impossible not to because of his size and he was standing facing the cabin porch upright, still, huge and soooo regal!! I stood motionless looking at herd next and began to count. 3 large females and 7 younger ones born this year some time. People call them "the babies". I'll tell you what .... they are really big babies!!
There was 11 total.

I kept thinking and telling myself take pictures or video! Well I usually keep my phone was in my pants pocket but I also had on a light
house coat thing with a pocket and also had on an outer coat. I didn't remember which pocket I had put my phone in!! So while the male elk and I maintained eye contact and I also look at the herd I slowly moved my arm and hand down to get my phone while asking myself which darned pocket did I have it in!! It was then that I realized my hand was shaking!!! Oh my yes it was.

The male elk remained calm and thank heavens he didn't do an elk bugle alarm because honestly I would have peed myself if he had because it's loud!
He somehow got the females attention and they slowly turned around and began to walk the opposite direction then the younger ones turned and slowly walked away with them. Mr. gorgeous elk stood there looking at me. He eventually turned and slowly walked away too. He stopped once and looked back at me then continued on stopping and waiting until all of the herd was out of sight then him too.
Holy mud that was an experience!!

There's more to the story after the guys returned and they went out back of cabin up into the woods a bit sitting in a hunting blind. Well eventually along came the herd of elk walking back up through going in the opposite direction in the woods behind cabin. My son got some photos and a video too. Their excitement was the same as mine.

I apologize for this being long. I tried to shorten it but apparently didn't. I did some reading on Elk afterwards. What I called a herd .. and was .. is also called the male elks Harem. Well from what I saw it sure was!!


Oops! I had to come back because I forgot the quote.  #1 absolutely!!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on October 19, 2023, 06:25:00 AM
Wow, what an exciting morning/experience paulie. Something that will remain with you always.  Your challenge is to give all a description with the excitement you had.  It will always be with you!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 19, 2023, 06:28:08 AM
Good Morning what an experience Paulie!!!! Can you get pictures from your son to post???  I would be so amazed if I was there!!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 19, 2023, 07:07:32 AM
Good Morning Everyone...Happy Thursday !   


Currently 55F  fog;   High  73F sunny,  Low 54 F  clear skies.

Wow! Paulie ! What a story to tell. I'd been amazed too.  If you haven't---you must copy your post today and tuck it away for safe keeping.
Almost forgot to answer your question. Jim's car is a total loss. He's looking for a salvage yard to buy it's remains. The he'll start on replacing the Pontiac.

Hi LB, agreed on Paulie's son's photos to post. All good  inspirations today...but #2 is my fave. Good idea on the heart monitor.
 Are you being good boy Copper?  :-*

Hi  jicaji  and Puff
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: BrokenLug on October 19, 2023, 09:32:04 AM
Wow and holy Cow (pun intended) that was something else to have seen Paulie.  8) 8) 8)

I had no idea such a sizable Elk herd still roamed north central Pennsylvania.  :o

That is something that you will not soon forget seeing and you described it awesomely.  :)

Now you tell them boys not to get any ideas, keep their firearms shouldered and just keep the cameras clicking.  :)  ;)


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on October 19, 2023, 09:56:40 AM
Hi Pauli, great story and experience!  Agree with BL!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on October 19, 2023, 10:11:18 AM
Wow Pauli! Great experience!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 19, 2023, 11:39:27 AM
Hi! Wow! Thanks for all the comments and sharing excitement with me.

Puff, Thank you and very true about the challenge describing it. I tried to shorten it but that didn't happen!

LB, This is your day #2 with wearing monitor. Do you return it later today or tomorrow?
Okay to getting pictures from my son to post here.
I think of you often when I'm sitting relaxing on the front porch because from the very I posted pics of the cabin and porch with it bare and no chairs or tables yet you commented you like the porch the most. 

Phyl, I remember about the Pontiac being a total loss.  :( Still glad Jim was okay. Hopefully he'll be able to begin the process of getting another vehicle soon. It will happen when it's supposed to.
A very good suggestion from you about keeping a copy of my story to read again someday.

BrokenLug, I liked your pun! We heard about the Elk when we bought our land a bit over twenty years ago but they weren't in our area yet. During the construction of our log cabin (began about one year and a half ago after the pandemic lock down) is when the contractor and his guys who live around there mentioned the Elk were slowly moving down from Elk County. The cabin is in Clearfield County.

Benezette PA is a big Elk viewing area and has a Visitor's Center. One of my daughter's went there years ago and said the locals there and Elk co-exist. Elk walk through town and yards and locals said sometimes they'd see someone's laundry that was drying on a clothes line would be on an Elk's antlers!!

Last year a road sign warning of Elk in area was posted on the road about a half mile from the cabin.
We had planned to go to Benezette some day but my husband said we don't have to go to see Elk there any more. True!

Thank you for the link you posted. Very interesting indeed.
Here's a link to Benezette.

Here's a link to an Elk bugle for anyone who wants to listen. This is why I'm glad Mr. Gorgeous didn't bugle with me on porch. Lol

Thanks BL for saying my description was awesome. Oh my it was! And I'm very glad The male trusted and didn't see me as a threat!

I laughed reading your instructions on what to tell them boys!! Trust me. I did!! They said they'll hope to find shed elk antlers somewhere on our land. Good!

Karen, Thank you!

Tig, Thank you!

Okay I'll ask my son to forward pics to me. I hope they'll post because some other pics I've tried posting in the past I got a message 'too large' and I don't know how to downsize.

Oops! Forgot the quotes again. LB all three are great and I agree with Phyl .. #2 the best/fav. Thanks for posting daily.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on October 19, 2023, 12:00:40 PM
I download a pic (that I send from my phone to my email) to my Chromebook and then I use the free program Squoosh. I find it easy to use. Just open Squoosh and select the file to upload it to Squoosh, then on the panel on the right I choose Resize, then I select Browser medium quality. Then when it is finished resizing, look at the bar near the bottom to see the size listed. Click on the bar to the left or right to get to a size that is about 800 or 900 K... anything less than 1 MB.
Then I open a post on the Beak, select Attachments and other options,  Attach: , Choose File,  select your file that is the most recent or shows a (1) at the end of its file name.
If you decide to try it contact me and I could send you a screen shot of what it looks like (to see how easy it is)  ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Lani on October 19, 2023, 01:16:32 PM
Hi LB, Paulie, Jicaji and Cheers family!
I hope you're all well and you don't mind me stopping in...  ;D

Paulie, I've read your awesome Elk post that was suggested by Karen in the Beak.
What an exciting moment and many more visits from Mr Bull and his family!
You're sharing his territory now, and you'll get to watch him, his harem and family grow.
Enjoy!  ;D  :-*
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 19, 2023, 06:44:09 PM
A "Good Evening' with SEDs  LB, Paulie and jicaji !

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 19, 2023, 06:57:07 PM
I had to come back and read about the elks again  ;D I always thought Elks were out west like  the Montana area or even Colorado. Glad they are in PA as well. I was surprised when I read you saw the elks.  I think I will be visiting you more so now  at the cabin  ;)

I returned my heart monitor yesterday. (wednesday)  I got it on Monday when I had the EKG so wore on Monday and Tuesday so far nothing posted on portal.  I saw my primary dr today she will sin clearnce once she sees ekg and chest xray (I do that Tuesday)   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: BrokenLug on October 19, 2023, 08:24:00 PM
Quote from: paulie on Today at 12:39:27 PM
Hi! Wow! Thanks for all the comments and sharing excitement with me.

BrokenLug, I liked your pun! We heard about the Elk when we bought our land a bit over twenty years ago but they weren't in our area yet. During the construction of our log cabin (began about one year and a half ago after the pandemic lock down) is when the contractor and his guys who live around there mentioned the Elk were slowly moving down from Elk County.
The cabin is in Clearfield County.

Benezette PA is a big Elk viewing area and has a Visitor's Center. One of my daughter's went there years ago and said the locals there and Elk co-exist. Elk walk through town and yards and locals said sometimes they'd see someone's laundry that was drying on a clothes line would be on an Elk's antlers!!

Last year a road sign warning of Elk in area was posted on the road about a half mile from the cabin.
We had planned to go to Benezette some day but my husband said we don't have to go to see Elk there any more. True!

Thank you for the link you posted. Very interesting indeed.
Here's a link to Benezette.

Thanks BL for saying my description was awesome. Oh my it was!
And I'm very glad The male trusted and didn't see me as a threat!

I laughed reading your instructions on what to tell them boys!!
Trust me. I did!!
They said they'll hope to find shed elk antlers somewhere on our land.
The sheds of a Bull Elk ~ hard to find and retrieve them whole
Almost all the critters in that neck of the PA woods consume them.
PA Elk apparently and usually shed their antlers about mid-March.

Deep snow there with some healthy rough wooded terrain. Finding.

A recovered shed, properly preserved and mounted PA Bull Elk Rack mounted somewhere at the cabin does just feel so feel right imho.

The caption from Uncle George on this particular shed shelter, was, well kids be careful these tines could poke your eye out.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 19, 2023, 10:48:23 PM
Hi, I apologize for not returning today to post elk pics my son sent to me. I will read previous posts tomorrow. I promise.

Long story short .. I hope. Yeah right it's me telling another story.  ::) Busy afternoon then I got a phone call about a dispute within the family. Mom need help. Okay. I listened patiently until after a long while of my being polite and trying to mediate it came down to this, You each will now be quiet. There's two sides or more to every story. The past is in the past. Let it go. Look forward. Move forward. Talk it out. It was. So okay now we're done and again let it go!! Family loves each other. We're done.

I'm worn out and I even kept my story short. I debated whether to post this but decided we're all friends here and my guess is at least one other person or maybe more reading this can relate. My heavens life can be exhausting sometimes.  :P :)

I wish you each a good nights sleep if not already Zzzzz.
I'll be back tomorrow and fingers crossed the elk pics will post.
Take care. SED
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Lani on October 20, 2023, 12:30:57 AM

{{{Hugs and prayers Paulie}}}I saw you had posted last, so I hope you don't mind if I send you a hug after your exhausting day. My mother died in 98' and prior to that, there was five of us, and we needed a mediator at times too. Let me say, Family will always be family. And in the end, as you said, "Family loves each other"  Amen to that.  :-*
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 20, 2023, 02:28:39 AM
 {{{Paulie}}} Got to thinking about you as I was turning in for the night. And, thought I'd send an early Friday morning greeting your way.

 No apologies necessary. Every now and then life's troubles seem to over flow. It's those times that having others to chat with helps.
 Families are as diverse and nations of the world. Squabbles are bound to happen. And, they are tiresome to the point one is emotionally drained.
But, in the end things work out and everyone loves  one another and always will.  Keeping you close in  prayer  and thought.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 20, 2023, 06:21:24 AM
A happy  Friday morning to you all.

Hi LB glad the heart monitor is returned and nothing reported in the 'health portal' . Hope it stays that way.

{{{Paulie}}} hope you're feeling better this morning?

Hi  jicaji hope all is well
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 20, 2023, 06:51:09 AM
Hi, I apologize for not returning today to post elk pics my son sent to me. I will read previous posts tomorrow. I promise.

Long story short .. I hope. Yeah right it's me telling another story.  ::) Busy afternoon then I got a phone call about a dispute within the family. Mom need help. Okay. I listened patiently until after a long while of my being polite and trying to mediate it came down to this, You each will now be quiet. There's two sides or more to every story. The past is in the past. Let it go. Look forward. Move forward. Talk it out. It was. So okay now we're done and again let it go!! Family loves each other. We're done.

I'm worn out and I even kept my story short. I debated whether to post this but decided we're all friends here and my guess is at least one other person or maybe more reading this can relate. My heavens life can be exhausting sometimes.  :P :)

I wish you each a good nights sleep if not already Zzzzz.
I'll be back tomorrow and fingers crossed the elk pics will post.
Take care. SED

Great advise, I need to pass this on to some family members.   Dispute fging on 4 years  NO sleep last night too much on my mind.  The nerves is setting in   On bright side I a mlosing weight again.  SInce I gained wait  I am down 16lb. in the lasy 3 week 6lbs.  I started taking Ozempic to help with weight lose.  t first I didnt think it was working but It's also mind game.  I would ear/snack even if I am not hungry I had to take a mental turn and double think and say why am I oing to eat I am not hungry and stop myself. Seems to be working now I have to saty with it.  LOL

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Eagles4evr1116 on October 20, 2023, 08:36:00 AM
Good morning Paulie!  Just read your story recommended by Karen in the Beak!  Very exciting experience - you told your story so well - thank you!! ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 08:21:26 PM
What a busy day and evening!! I ended up doing things I hadn't planned with granddaughters getting out of school late morning today and asked to go places, then errands and other things. Still have laundry drying. Did lots I got behind on. Then shopped for food items for guys to take to cabin and helped load up this evening. Whew. Glad to be sitting down.

I'm going to read posts now.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 08:23:25 PM
I download a pic (that I send from my phone to my email) to my Chromebook and then I use the free program Squoosh. I find it easy to use. Just open Squoosh and select the file to upload it to Squoosh, then on the panel on the right I choose Resize, then I select Browser medium quality. Then when it is finished resizing, look at the bar near the bottom to see the size listed. Click on the bar to the left or right to get to a size that is about 800 or 900 K... anything less than 1 MB.
Then I open a post on the Beak, select Attachments and other options,  Attach: , Choose File,  select your file that is the most recent or shows a (1) at the end of its file name.
If you decide to try it contact me and I could send you a screen shot of what it looks like (to see how easy it is)  ;D
Tig, Oh my gosh! Lol My head is spinning after reading these instructions!  ;D I'll reach out if I need help posting pics for sure. Thank you.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 08:33:59 PM
Hi LB, Paulie, Jicaji and Cheers family!
I hope you're all well and you don't mind me stopping in...  ;D

Paulie, I've read your awesome Elk post that was suggested by Karen in the Beak.
What an exciting moment and many more visits from Mr Bull and his family!
You're sharing his territory now, and you'll get to watch him, his harem and family grow.
Enjoy!  ;D  :-*
Hi Lani! I am so glad to see you and you stopped by here. You stop by here any time you want to! Aww I didn't know Karen posted that in the Beak. That's nice.

Karen, Thank you.  :)

Lani, Thank you about the Elk story. True we're sharing 'his' territory now for sure. A day or two after we say them my husband and I walked down the wide green clover path where they had been browsing because at the end of it is where the trail cam is with SD card. I told my husband if we see them and they're coming this way I'm getting behind a big wide tree truck and not moving!!

Thank you also for the hugs and prayers. Very much appreciated.
And another thank you for sharing your family story with me. Very true family is always family and love each other.
After last night all's been good.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 08:44:28 PM
I had to come back and read about the elks again  ;D I always thought Elks were out west like  the Montana area or even Colorado. Glad they are in PA as well. I was surprised when I read you saw the elks.  I think I will be visiting you more so now  at the cabin  ;)

I returned my heart monitor yesterday. (wednesday)  I got it on Monday when I had the EKG so wore on Monday and Tuesday so far nothing posted on portal.  I saw my primary dr today she will sin clearnce once she sees ekg and chest xray (I do that Tuesday)
LB, You and I have talked about you coming to the cabin before. That would be fun!  :)

Okay about your heart monitor and you had EKG done. No news is good news so lets go with results were good. Things are moving along for you with chest x-ray Tuesday.
Have you heard anything since you last posted or anything on patient portal?

I hope passing along the advise to your family helps. My dad used to say, "Nothing ventured. Nothing gained." It's worth a try I say.
You each love each other.

It's understandable your nerves are beginning to get to you. I remember for a while you've been wanting to do this and a Dr finally said he can do the surgery for and after you found the awesome PT place you've been going to. All's going to be good and I applaud you for deciding to do it.

 Wonderful also that you're loosing weight again. It sounds like you've taken control. Kudos to you.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 08:51:23 PM

The sheds of a Bull Elk ~ hard to find and retrieve them whole
Almost all the critters in that neck of the PA woods consume them.
PA Elk apparently and usually shed their antlers about mid-March.

Deep snow there with some healthy rough wooded terrain. Finding.

A recovered shed, properly preserved and mounted PA Bull Elk Rack mounted somewhere at the cabin does just feel so feel right imho.

The caption from Uncle George on this particular shed shelter, was, well kids be careful these tines could poke your eye out.
BrokenLug, Oh my heavens to the pic of the shed shelter!! Wow!! I laughed at what Uncle George said!

My husband had explained to me too about animals consuming the sheds and they are very nutritious. Nature is awesome. Everything has a purpose.

Well said and true about finding them in deep snow and rough terrain. I guess it happens if it's meant to be. I bet creatures of nature have a sense about where to find them. More so than a human!

Thanks again for the shed shelter photo. Very cool.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 09:04:00 PM
{{{Paulie}}} Got to thinking about you as I was turning in for the night. And, thought I'd send an early Friday morning greeting your way.

 No apologies necessary. Every now and then life's troubles seem to over flow. It's those times that having others to chat with helps.
 Families are as diverse and nations of the world. Squabbles are bound to happen. And, they are tiresome to the point one is emotionally drained.
But, in the end things work out and everyone loves  one another and always will.  Keeping you close in  prayer  and thought.
Phyl, Awww Thank you about no apology and for thinking about and sending an early Friday morning greeting and wisdom.

Very true about having others to chat with helps. It did last night. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

So far today family has been good and getting along. I just remembered something my mom used to say, "This too shall pass." True

Geez I've remembered quotes from both my parents. They must be nearby.  ;)

I love your morning photo! I'd like to be sitting in that chair. Pretty and peaceful.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 09:06:56 PM
Good morning Paulie!  Just read your story recommended by Karen in the Beak!  Very exciting experience - you told your story so well - thank you!! ;D
Hi Eagles4evr! Good to 'see' you!  :) I'm glad you came to Cheers. Aww thank you to you too for saying the story was told so well. It sure was exciting!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 09:13:21 PM
Okay I'm going to post the Elk pics my son took. Fingers crossed.
The 3 females and the young. The harem.
The male Elk.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 09:18:43 PM
Male photos taken at night on trail cam

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 09:25:31 PM
This is where I saw the Elk herd while stand at side of porch. Bottom of photo shows the top of porch railing.
The male was standing smack right behind the picnic table so close I think it was touching him. The rest of the females and young were to the left near the table  and back a bit eating clover and other seed that had been sprinkled there and grew. They filled the entire green path from left to right there were so many.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 09:28:58 PM
Lol I came across this picture of a plague a friend of the family made for my husband Charlie and me. Charlie had commented when the cabin was completed that it took our last nickel. It did!! A long time dream come true though. Anyway, our friend surprised us with the plaque he made for us.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 09:34:29 PM
Here's a couple photos of log cabin for anyone who hasn't seen them. A long time over 20 years dream Charlie and I had. We bought the land about 21-22 years ago and always dreamed of a cabin some day. Raising four children and then helping with grandchildren and our kids with college and weddings it just didn't happened until we were blessed suddenly and we could have it built. We are very grateful.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 20, 2023, 09:38:59 PM
Thank you again everyone for sharing happy times with me.

I wish everyone a pleasant and very good restful night's sleep.

LB, Tell Copper I said to let you sleep in.  ;D

Good night all.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on October 20, 2023, 10:12:42 PM
Good job and great pics...
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 21, 2023, 06:50:32 AM
...Happy Saturday !   

Currently 53F   High  64F partly sunny and windy,  Low 50F .

Hi LB and  jicaji  :)

Paulie tks to your son for the great photos. That Stag is awesome. So cute/funny 'last nickle' great by the door.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 21, 2023, 07:06:50 AM
good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 21, 2023, 10:07:46 AM
Good Morning  :)

Woke up to a very quiet house  :) since the guys went to cabin ... hunting.  :( I realize there's a purpose for hunting and thinning herds but still makes me sad. There's a story about the sad comment I saw on the Ring cam at cabin last week. I'll tell you then. Remind me if I forget please.

Tig, Thank you about both. There was one photo that I got a 'too large' comment so I just didn't post it. Thanks again for the instructions you gave if they were needed. How are your knees?!

Phyl, Love your morning pic. I'll let my son know you said thanks. Yep to the 'last nickel' being hung by the front door!

LB, Hoping you have a relaxing weekend. It's cooler and breezy/windy so I'm thinking maybe in your area too. Enjoy your walks with Copper!

Karen, Thanks again for posting in the Beak about the story. The posts from/with everyone was fun!
I imagine the bird nest that was above your door is now empty for the season.
The sparrows trying to nest in my front door wreath finally gave up after one flew into my house when the door was opened!!

Quotes 2 & 3

Wishing everyone a pleasant day.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 21, 2023, 10:17:37 AM
Here's some beauties that were in my backyard feeding area last night. Yep I put a trail cam on the back porch here. lol
Deer have been coming here regularly since the lockdown. This is where I put out bird seed hanging on pole and a big metal ground feeder. For a while back then I couldn't figure out what was eating/licking clean the ground feeder because in the morning it would be empty. Turns out it was deer.
I've been putting out corn, sliced apples and cut up big chunks of carrots for them, rabbits, occasional fox and whatever for a while.

One pic shows a fox to far right in background. Can see his eyes.
The other pic is a doe chasing it away. I have the trail cam set on video.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: tsk34 on October 21, 2023, 10:18:08 AM
(((PAULIE)))     Animals in the wild are magnificent for sure.  Thanks for the family pics of them  ;)  What a great plaque your family friend made - perfect  :)   WOW  What a gorgeous, cozy cabin and to realize that dream.  You are truly blessed and was meant to be at this time.  Question - Who waters the beautiful hanging plants when you are not there?  ??? ;)  ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 21, 2023, 10:23:00 AM
Well I've got to get a move on. I might be MIA this evening and tomorrow because my 8 yr old granddaughter is coming for a sleepover. Just a gal's time together with the guys not here. Then tomorrow she and I will get my other granddaughter 16 yr and her boyfriend and we're going to an Autumn Festival with a large field with games, a huge corn maze (I got lost in years ago) and a hayride then inside the market place to a cute cafe to get something to eat.

Oh and I'm taking 2 extra strength Tylenol and definitely rubbing the knee get on dumb knee.

I've I don't return I'm wondering around somewhere the corn maze! Lol

Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 21, 2023, 10:30:05 AM
(((PAULIE)))     Animals in the wild are magnificent for sure.  Thanks for the family pics of them  ;)  What a great plaque your family friend made - perfect  :)   WOW  What a gorgeous, cozy cabin and to realize that dream.  You are truly blessed and was meant to be at this time.  Question - Who waters the beautiful hanging plants when you are not there?  ??? ;)  ;D
Hi tsk!! I'm glad I saw your post before I left.  Agreed to animals are magnificent. And awww you're welcome for pics.
Thanks also about the plaque and the cabin. I agree we were truly blessed.  Thank you.

Who waters the hanging plants when I'm not there? Mother nature's rain if it can reach them. Lol I did put those water bulb things in them before I'd leave hoping that would help and I'd water them good before I left and had plastic basket things that hooked onto the hanging basket. It didn't always work though depending how long between visits and the heat. The first 4 baskets I had hung were dried up and beyond help so I had to get another bunch of baskets. Impatiens. They stayed much better in between watering and perked up nicely. Thanks goodness because the hummingbirds loved them and was cool to watch all the action.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: BrokenLug on October 21, 2023, 07:01:47 PM
paulie go enjoy ..
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 21, 2023, 07:06:10 PM


Paulie wildlife snaps are always the best. Thanks. All 'girl' sleep over. What fun! "A Good Evening' to you gals.

LB and  jicaji   Send you wishes for a "Good Evening and SEDs"
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 22, 2023, 06:37:24 AM
Good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 22, 2023, 12:20:51 PM
Good Morning Everyone...Sunday blessings !   

Currently 68F  fog;   High  85F sunny,  Low 61 F  clear skies.


LB #3 by a long shot.

Hi jicaji  and  Paulie

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 23, 2023, 06:44:02 AM
Good mornign
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 23, 2023, 06:49:19 AM
Good Morning Everyone...Happy Monday!   


Currently 48F;   High  63F sunny,  Low 43F  clear skies.

LB all good ones today; how are you? Copper not waking you up too early?

Hi jicaji  and  Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 23, 2023, 12:54:19 PM
paulie go enjoy ..
BL, Thanks. I did!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 23, 2023, 12:57:01 PM


Paulie wildlife snaps are always the best. Thanks. All 'girl' sleep over. What fun! "A Good Evening' to you gals.

LB and  jicaji   Send you wishes for a "Good Evening and SEDs"
Phyl, The all girl sleep over was fun! I like the pic you posted and the pretty Blue Jay too.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 23, 2023, 12:57:56 PM
Good mornign
LB, You're working from home this week?
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 23, 2023, 01:01:23 PM
I had trouble trying to get onto forum last night and couldn't and trouble today too but made it. Just me or did others have a problem too?

This past weekend was fun and really busy .. especially going to Autumn Festival yesterday. Oh my heavens we walked the entire area and did lots of things. Saturday we shopped for art supplies then painted things and did pumpkins too.

Today it's all caught up with me. I'm exhausted!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 23, 2023, 01:14:18 PM
hi copper is good not waking me up I am waking myself up Phyl!! LOL
Work from today Paulie. Off tomorrow thursday friday monday tuesday IN office wednesday lol weird scheduled I had thursay -Tuesday off prior to knowing about surgery LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 23, 2023, 06:28:12 PM
Mississippi River Flyway Cam-sending you a 'Good Evening' with SEDs

Oct 23, 2023 6:17 PM
Camera Time: Oct 23, 2023 6:17 PM CDT

{{{LB}}}  Copper  :-*  ; weird work schedule

Paulie   ;D   I just bet you gals had some fun. The Forum has been 'sluggish' for sometime. But, I get get here.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 23, 2023, 08:51:22 PM
LB, Great news about your and Coppers sleep/wake up habits. And that sure is a weird schedule. I think I understand it, maybe. Lol

Phyl, Was there to be a link to the Flyway Cam?  I'll look around Forum threads for it. Cool name .. Birchwoman.

Yes ma'am we did have fun. Slept like logs too! Thanks for Forum sluggish info.

Well my area has its first frost advisory warning for tonight. Brrrrrr Brought the final planters in from deck. Supposed to go to 68  though tomorrow afternoon then the rest of the week mid-70s and one day 78. I'll take those higher temps before they dip again for late October.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 24, 2023, 07:34:24 AM
good morning.   Hee on my scheudule.   I am off today .  I work in office tomorrow  I am off Thursday through tuesday and I work home the rest of next week.  I am off monday Surgery that tuesday  ??? That was fast. And anxiety is settling in. I have to get my car inspected. I will do that Thursday I have to get a key for my brother.  I gave hime 3 keys and he keeps losing them . SMH. Now I have to walk all the way to the other end of the store where to get the keys made.  Uch  My knees have been hurting for the past week .  so today chest xray and  I see surgeon Next Monday is the echo cariogram. that it!! I am done with PT untgil after surgey He gave me a few exercises to do at home up until surgery  hard ones. One is steps.   I have a stepper thing to use.  Going to miss the pt guys they encourage me.  he did say I can call if I have any questions.  Why do I feel like I am going to be going through thi alone.  Pregtty much I am ok I have people to take me and pick me up from hospital I have someone watching dog whil in hospital .  But thats it. I need a new family. Dont mind me.  A  little self pitty. Everyone says I can do this living alone but then some say I cant 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 24, 2023, 10:18:10 AM
Good Morning  :)

LB, Best wishes with your x-ray today. All will be good. Another step done (no pun intended) and forward and next Monday for echo.

Thanks for explaining your work schedule. Whoa! Lol
It's understandable why anxiety is setting in for you. That's very normal I think. I would be too.
You'll feel better once your car's been inspected and you get another key.

God bless you about you feeling alone going through this. But you know what? You've got me/us here to talk to anyyyytime. Honest!
You've got my email address too.
Can you take your laptop to hospital with you so while you have time you can post here to let us know how you're doing and just "keep in touch"?  :)
I bet you'll get phone calls from your family and friends to check on you and talk. The hospital you're going to is one hour away from you home, correct?
If your PT people and Dr are the ones who told you that you can do this once home on your own focus of their words.

A question. Did you ask your girlfriend who leaves a bit of a distance from you if she could spend the first or second day or nights with you when you first return home?

Quotes: #1 .. Only 2 months away??!!  #2 is cute.

Phyl, I got onto the Forum easy today with no more issues. Yay.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 24, 2023, 10:27:17 AM
Good Morning...Happy Tuesday !

Currently 57F   High  79F  mostly sunny,  Low 56 F .

Paulie my cut/paste wasn't complete for last evening. I've corrected that and modified the  post above

{{{Dear LB]}}   you have a lot of folks with you, in spirit. Sounds like you actually  have  the home front all tied up. Can   you get Home Health Assistant (HHA)?    Your doc should have info.  I should think that info would have been supplied---only he might not have--- thinking you can recover at home on your own.  I have your surgery marked on my calendar. What's surgery time on 7th?
Just read Paulie below ---agree take you lap top w/you if  y ou can...chatting w/us will help take your mind off yourself.  ::)     

Haven't fed Maggie  breakfast yet.  And she'd beside herself .
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 24, 2023, 11:44:05 AM
Phyl, Beautiful photo! Thanks. So peaceful too. While I was looking at it it almost felt like motion moving it forward. Very pretty.

Awww to Maggie. She had a hungry tummy.  :)

LB, Excellent suggestion from Phyl about a Home Health Assistant.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 24, 2023, 12:00:53 PM
Some photos from here at home last night well actually 5:30 this morning.

Lots of adult doe have been coming here for years and then also with their young. A couple weeks ago two bucks were here with doe and young ones and all ate and walked around together. But now with Rut season beginning their behavior is changing.

The young stay with the bucks and keep eating. The doe run away. I say the doe are saying, "I'm still raising these young ones from last year. Forget about it buddy!" Lol

Looks like a 4-point so far. Antlers still growing. Don't know if more points will appear or not on this guy. There was a gorgeous 8-point here frequently a couple years ago.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 24, 2023, 12:05:10 PM
Elk info from a news station about a one hour drive from the cabin. Oh brother! I don't even like killing an ant.

BrokenLug, I hope you see this too.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 24, 2023, 01:51:21 PM
I got home a little while ago seeing the surgeons assistant, One of the assistants  will be in the surgery with surgeon.  I am actually going to have PT and a nurse aid come to the house for about 2-3 weeks   MY insurance covers in house care but I worry because of copper. he is not friendly toward starangers. another thing I am worried about when the nurse and pt comes to visit. I will tell them not to pay attention to him.   
 I just dropped off for scripts that I wll need to take b4 and after surgery 1 a blood thinner and 2nd pain killer (both after surgery) and antibacterila soap and some kind of ointment for nose to take 2-3 days prior to surgery to prevent infections.  Not sure what time the surgery is but  she said they tend to be early so I can get PT in that afternoon/evening.  I will also have PT the next morning before I leave the hosptial .  I am not taking laptop but I am going to test signing in from phone and my notepad. when I log off here.  I just need to copy user id and password. I will bring those 2 with me since they are small.

 Thanks for the kind words. I never asked my friend. I dont want to put her out.  SHe works too. Why cant my sister help. Her job is Part Time and only works to keep her busy she doesnt need to.  she lives 20 min away.  If I cant rely on family I dont want to put my friend out driving 2 hours or more each way  and she needs to work. I know she has vacation days but actually her daughter is giving birth in Novemeber so not dragging her away from a new grandchild. 

Oh guess what,  so far the people I know who had knee replacemnet surgery had staples.  Im not.  They will do a desolveble stitiched underneth the skin then some kind of adhesive upbove skin. WOW   maybe scar wont be so bad???? 

Thanks again. oh I got the key made up.  and thersday I will get car isnected. I need oils chnage too but that nneeds to wait $$$ I wont driving  much  after thursday.   LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 24, 2023, 01:56:14 PM
Test got in from phone. But so tiny l
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 24, 2023, 02:06:27 PM
Test from my note pad I am good to go.  Soon as I'm conscientious enough I will post
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 24, 2023, 06:59:49 PM
I have some washing mach problems gonna be a ways as I have to manually turn water on and off.

I'll return when I am able.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 24, 2023, 09:52:11 PM
I got home a little while ago seeing the surgeons assistant, One of the assistants  will be in the surgery with surgeon.  I am actually going to have PT and a nurse aid come to the house for about 2-3 weeks   MY insurance covers in house care but I worry because of copper. he is not friendly toward starangers. another thing I am worried about when the nurse and pt comes to visit. I will tell them not to pay attention to him.   
 I just dropped off for scripts that I wll need to take b4 and after surgery 1 a blood thinner and 2nd pain killer (both after surgery) and antibacterila soap and some kind of ointment for nose to take 2-3 days prior to surgery to prevent infections.  Not sure what time the surgery is but  she said they tend to be early so I can get PT in that afternoon/evening.  I will also have PT the next morning before I leave the hosptial .  I am not taking laptop but I am going to test signing in from phone and my notepad. when I log off here.  I just need to copy user id and password. I will bring those 2 with me since they are small.

 Thanks for the kind words. I never asked my friend. I dont want to put her out.  SHe works too. Why cant my sister help. Her job is Part Time and only works to keep her busy she doesnt need to.  she lives 20 min away.  If I cant rely on family I dont want to put my friend out driving 2 hours or more each way  and she needs to work. I know she has vacation days but actually her daughter is giving birth in Novemeber so not dragging her away from a new grandchild. 

Oh guess what,  so far the people I know who had knee replacemnet surgery had staples.  Im not.  They will do a desolveble stitiched underneth the skin then some kind of adhesive upbove skin. WOW   maybe scar wont be so bad???? 

Thanks again. oh I got the key made up.  and thersday I will get car isnected. I need oils chnage too but that nneeds to wait $$$ I wont driving  much  after thursday.   LOL
LB, Very good that you will have a nurse aid come to your house and have PT too and your insurance covers house care.

Does this mean you'll have someone staying at your house with you the entire day and night for a while to be sure you can get around okay by yourself especially the first few days after surgery? That would be good for you to have help and also when Copper has to go outside especially when you're at home the first days or weeks.

Can you get a crate for Copper then put in a cozy blanket for him and a toy or two to keep him in while the nurse aid is there or keep him in a different room with the door closed?

Good that you dropped off your scripts. A suggestion if I may about your pain meds. When my Dr spoke with me about me getting knee replaced he said it's imperative/ very important to take the pain meds on schedule and do not skip any even if you think you don't need them. I just want to pass that along to you.
Also maybe if anyone else on the Forum who has had or knows someone who's had knee replacement can add some info to this.

It's understandable why you didn't ask your friend to stay with you. Has your sister offered to stay with you? I really hope someone is or will be available to stay with you. Just me worrying about you.

A question: Who is driving you to the hospital and driving you home?

Nice about you getting dissolvable stitches vs staples. I don't know anything those things. I hadn't even thought about a scare!

Good for you getting another key made today and scheduled your car inspections. You're definitely taking care of business!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 24, 2023, 09:54:14 PM
I have some washing mach problems gonna be a ways as I have to manually turn water on and off.

I'll return when I am able.
Phyl, Oh geez!! Sorry about your washing machine issue. You do what you have to do. That comes first for sure. I hope the issue is resolved for you without too much hassle.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 24, 2023, 10:05:14 PM
Test from my note pad I am good to go.  Soon as I'm conscientious enough I will post
Good to both!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on October 25, 2023, 06:19:24 AM
Morning LB Taking up Paulie's mention of others speaking up to add comments.  I've already done so but let me repeat. . .Between Tony and me there was a total of 2 hip, 3 and 2 knees, 1 shoulder that we went through.  For sure follow the pain medication routine.  You have to keep at the therapy and exercise.  If there's hurt you won't work as you should.

Two additional things:  Home nurse and home PT backup is standard here for about one month.  That is a real convenience and makes it all more doable for patient. If you can get into a car it goes back to you.

Also, I always feel the need to explain the 3 and 2 knees - I had the 2, Ton ended up have a third.  It was a replacement of a replacement.  About 6 weeks after surgery I did a fam trip to Mexico and he thought he'd like sitting in the sun for 4 days, so he came along.  Going out the door to get some spare towels from the cart, he slipped and went down on his knees on the newly cleaned and coated terazzo/saltillo tile floor.  Back home he started getting a swelling and tinge of ache.  Right, a replacement of the replacement.

They just halted my hip replacement for 6 months due to other med issues.  Maybe will switch to injections.   :(   Darn

You have a whole host of us pulling for an easy session of therapy.  Prayers

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 25, 2023, 10:45:13 AM
Good Morning,

LB, You're in office today being Wednesday. If I remember your schedule correctly. lol

Puff, My heavens you and Tony went through a lot with those surgeries! And oh my gosh he had to have a knee replacement to a replacement. That had to be very frustrating. Poor guy doing that twice for the same knee.

Wow to you having both knee replacements.

Sorry about your hip replacement being halted for 6 months and maybe switch to injections. You're a tough lady! I'm impressed.

Thanks for the info about pain med and keeping up with movement and exercise. That's pretty much what was explained to me. Dr said some people come into office after two weeks for checkup saying they still don't have good range of motion "but" they had stopped taking their pain med because they thought they didn't need it any more. I'm "still on the fence" as the saying goes about whether to do it or not.

What did you mean when you said to LB, "If you get into a car it goes back to you?"

I think of you sometimes when filling one of bird seed feeders because you mentioned in the past you have the same feeder. It's clear plastic, a pretty good size and has a dome with an overhang on it. It holds a lot too!

Phyl, I hope you got your washing maching and water turn off issue resolved.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 25, 2023, 05:57:05 PM
Hi This may be long.   I am learning from Paulie  ;)

I got all my meds. Pain killer Oxycodone.  Says take 1-2 every 4 to 6 hours.   I have a weeks supply if I follow the rules. (40 pills)   So do I start with 1 then take another an hour later if still pain or do I start with 2??? of course if needed. but From what I hear I will need it.   So I will listen my question though is start with then take another. if still pain or go for the the max at first and take 2. 

I just thought of more question to ask surgeon which I will email when done with this post.  How many days does PT come and how mnany days does the nusr come.  I think the nurse just stays for an hour if that to make sure everything is ok. Oe of my questions is how long.  are they there for.  My cousin Husband actually owns a nursing car efacility where they provide equipment and nurses come. The only problem is he doesnt service my county.  But supposely he knows people  who own the same company (chain ) in my area.   I am covered.  I looked I get up to 60 days. I dont think I need someone to sleep over though. 

when talking to my father today  He aske dwhat is my plan do I have anyone to help me.  I told him it's me myself and I .  LOL  He was the one to bring up my cousin and to find ut about having a nurse for a few hours to ehp with things.  Then he said he can come by if I need help like with diswasher garbage etc. I then told him my brother offered to op by. This will answer your question Paulie.   I also told my father  I  ASKED my sister if she can stay with me the first day when I get home and the next day and she said.  NO.  SO no Paulie she did  not offer.  she didnt have to sleep over. JUst make sure I can get up n my bed and in and out of shower (bath tun type) But the nurse will help with that come to think of it 

So I will stop by my father before sometime and we will discuss more.  He also said between him and my brother they will have a plan.  The surgeon told me what will happen the day of surgery.  ....
Mostly likely it will be first thing in the am.  because they wil lwant PT to come and ge tme up and walking .  A social worker will come as well and get my living arrangements. ask all sorts of questions. Like do I ahve a dog. stairs? Live alone? what kind of showe?  everything about my living.  heehee same with  PT so they know what to w rork with .  THEY WILL NOT RELEASE ME IF THEY FEEL I CAN'T DO THIS ON MT OWN .  Their first goal is my safety.   MY T guy who I have been seeing things I got it and I could do it. I am strong and strong willed.  He thinks I got it!! I needed to hear that  (did I mention I have a crush on hm )  LOL  He is too young!!!! LOL I probably have this crush because he shows he cares and encourages me to push myslef but of course thats his job.  LOL

So maybe I will get a nurse to spend a few hours a day the first wwk.  I have ot ask more questions.  Oh I think I have surgery clearnace.  The only question I have is my cardologist is having me do the echo cardiogram (monday) but the surgeon said he gave clearance. I think the echo cardiogam is because my ekg showed a heart murmur and an extra hearbeat (ot it goes prematurely)  and he wants that to make sure ok on his end but overall I am good for surgery

So today is my last day of working in the office for a bit.  I work 1/2 the week next week and I am done for a month at least well maybe 3 weeks.

Long enought??? LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 25, 2023, 07:48:30 PM
Hi This may be long.   I am learning from Paulie  ;)

Oh my gosh LB! You stinker!! You did good. I taught you well!!  ;D LOL ... literally!

I'm going to read your post now then post afterwards. "I will be back." .... as Arnold would say.  ;)

Okay. I'm back. Whew my laptop shut down and I had to sign in.

Good for you for getting your meds. Oxy will definitely help. About your question on how many to take. I suggest you ask your Dr and nurses(s) assisting you after surgery while still in the hospital. I would think it depends on your pain level and go from there.
If taking 2 then reduce to 1 as the pain levels off all the while being sure to keep your knee moving with the exercises recommended.
Also I'm thinking Puff can give yo more guidance since she's been through this.
But definitely ask while you're still in the hospital and the PT person too when they come to your home.

Very good that you are emailing your surgeon to ask additional questions you have. You need peace of mind going forward.

Very good news about your cousin's husband hopefully knowing people in your county who can assist you. Also very good you are covered by insurance.

God bless your father. Of course he's worried and wants the best 'after care' for you. Thank you for answering my questions.
Ahhh boy I wonder what your father thought after you told him you had asked your sister and she said no. You don't have to reply to that. Good too your brother is planning to stop by. I am very sure your father is going to make sure you will be okay once you're home.
He loves you very much.

Excellent to surgeon explaining what to expect the day of surgery .. the time and afterwards.
Also excellent is a social worker will speak to you about your living arrangements etc. Your safety comes first!! Thumbs up!!
Thank you also for the all caps  .. I appreciate that  :) .. you will not be released if they feel you can't do this on your own. Good Good Good. Also good and makes sense asking you about what kind of shower you have to get in and out of.

You are most definitely strong and strong willed!! I am very proud of you. I told you years ago you are like one of my kids.  ;)

Good about your work schedule.

Oh my gosh you have a crush on your PT guy. That's okay. Whatever gets and keeps your adrenaline going. LOL He sounds excellent at his profession.

Let us know after your Echo that you have definite clearance. You have come a long way kiddo!!
You have a lot of friends here pulling for you and wanting the best for you.

Yepper your post was long enough and you explained everything great! You have definitely put my mind at peace about you returning home.

Quotes: All three are good.

Oh my gosh this is long!!!  Now it's your turn! LOL

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on October 25, 2023, 08:30:47 PM
My 2 cents... Start with 2 pills. After a few days, see if you can go longer without them, but still keep up the exercises. As soon as possible tho, switch to a different pain med. Oxi can cause constipation. Sorry TMI. At the very least, drinks lots of water. I know that will be tough, because you will have to get up more, but moving is good. Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 25, 2023, 09:04:14 PM
Hi Tig, Very good advice. Not TMI. lol It's true. I hope all's good with you and Camper.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 25, 2023, 09:10:56 PM
Good night all.  :) Wishing you each SED.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 26, 2023, 12:39:55 AM
"Good Evening'  Everyone !


LB your plan, it all sounds good. So glad you chatted with your dad & your brother will also help. Inspirations are good.

Paulie no clothes washer isn't resolved. There's a leak some where. Service plan expired and no offer to renew. No idea what that sort of issue
would amount to in cost.

Hi jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on October 26, 2023, 06:41:52 AM
Not a warm and cozy picture from NN this a.m.  Poor baby.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 26, 2023, 08:45:51 AM
Good morning, I slept in a bt but after copper woke me up at 300 to go out.  I have an appointment with my nutritionist in a bit then I am getting my car inspected.  I am cleaning the throw rug in living room copper threw up I was going to do anyway befre surgery so will do it now  LOL  one less thing to do .   My brother siad he possibly will stop by today but I wont count on it thats why still doing my inspection cause knowing him he wont come. he may step up when needed but he is still unreliable LOL I learnt the hard way several times.  so not rearranging my plans for him  hee hee. UPDATE all I drink is water I have a 32 iz water bottle I fill with ice and bottle of water , I fill it up again .  I knw I need to drink more but I drink 2 for know water shouldnt be problem
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 26, 2023, 09:03:11 AM
Good Morning,

Phyl, Darn it to clothes washer. As jicaji would say ... It's always something.

Hi Puff

LB, Oh geez to Copper. Like you said you were going to wash rug any way. You've definitely got your 'to do' list moving along.
That's right today's car inspection day. Good luck for sure. Understandable why you're not changing your plans.

Quote 2. Love hugs.

My 16 yr granddaughter asked if she and I can have lunch together today. She's a junior. The junior's and senior's at her high school can leave campus for lunch if their grades are at a high enough level. Hers are so off to an early lunch with her.  :)

Temp today to be 78 so I'm planning to power wash the fountain then put away till next Spring. I'm also hoping to plant two perennial flowering plants into the garden that have been sitting in pots since last Spring. Geez. lol  Deep pots so will require a tall shovel. We shall see.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on October 26, 2023, 11:18:29 AM
Good Morning Everyone...Happy' Vintage'  Thursday !   


Currently 57F  clear  High  78F    mostly sunny,  Low 57 F  clear.

   poor {Copper} could be way he woke you early  :-\   all the best w/ auto inspect; sometimes it's best to do it yourself--hoping he shows later on anyway

Paulie  sounds like a fun lunch; you're a credit spending so much time w/grandchildren; old towels So I have the washer  leak under-control for present.

Hi jicaji

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 26, 2023, 12:32:39 PM
I am home car past insspectgion it went fasgt too.  Rug id dryer 3rd time around washing sheets. So I lifter everything loose off  floor and will vacuum and mop before putting rug back down.  Ok I got my answers to my questions.   pt and nurse not coming too much or for long. I'll get more info on home nurse aide for a couple of hours through soical worker.  I believe my insurance coves up to 30 or 60 days. I dont nee anyone to sleep over 


"Hibiclens- wash everything from the neck down 2 days prior to surgery, then shower once more the day of surgery using this wash. This is 3 times total. So, she will do it Sunday, Monday, Tuesday"
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 26, 2023, 09:10:16 PM
Phyl, Yes it was a really pleasant lunch together. Thank you for your kind words about my grandchildren.

LB, Good news about car inspection. Good to rug and you got a lot of cleaning done today. Good for getting your questions answered and getting your PT info.

My heavens you're going to be squeaky clean and germ free!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 27, 2023, 08:35:41 AM
Good Morning,

Phyl, Good news that you have the washer leak under control for now with old towels.

LB, Maybe you're still doing things around your house today.

We're heading to cabin. Will check in here if I can with wonky internet reception there.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 27, 2023, 08:39:56 AM
Good morning   Today is dusting day  hee heee my favorite. NOT. Too much clutter!!!!I think I may clean coppers beds at some point this weekend and blankets.   ON the bright side. I jsut read on FB on of my FB friends through the DE just had knee replacement surgery 4 days ago and she is bored!!!!!  Sounds like she is doing well and she went home the day after.  Encouragement news there. 

Paulie sounds like you have such a close tight fit family You are so lucky!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 28, 2023, 08:43:06 AM
Good morning   I dont know what day of the week it is anymore  I keep  thinkig it's SUnday
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 28, 2023, 08:46:26 AM
Duh I messed up my inspirations today repeated and deled themm on wrong post here are new ones LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 28, 2023, 10:59:48 AM
Hi LB, Very encouraging news about your FB friend for sure. Wow she's bored after 4 days!!
Funny about getting your days mixed up. It happens. Me too. lol

Did you get your dusting done? If so good. That's out of the way.

Quotes: The very last one today. Lol

Arrived safely at cabin yesterday. Very warm temps. Unusual for this time of year. It's warmer outside than it is inside the cabin.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on October 28, 2023, 01:09:02 PM
Number 1

Hi LB, Paulie, Phyl and everyone. Where have you all been LOL??? :P

I have alot of back reading to do to catch up.

LB  I wish you all the best in your coming knee replacement...I KNOW you'll be so happy after all is completed.  And as Paulie said I always say, "It's LWAYS something," regarding your washing machine. 

HAPPY HALLOWEEN COMING. Phyl, love your Halloween picture posts BTW. l always buy the candy we like, sometimes we have just a few, sometimes more, sometimes no one.  Either way I'm happy

I've been watching so much news on TV, I'm trying to limit myself.  Horrific what's going on in this world, in our country as well.

Enjoy this beautiful weekend.  Be well.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 29, 2023, 08:48:47 AM
Good morning dusting is done.  I think everything is done except for changing sheets which I will do that Monday b4 surgery and rotate mattress and laundry My AC broke Friday of course they said it was just a fuse he id nothing was still broken yesterday they said the compressor once again, they just replaced it in September. Remember that one took 2 weeks!!!! well temp went down now 56 and windows are all open to cool down and unstuff the apartment.  My brother and nephew are coming today to see copper and have him get used to them again. LOL
Oh and during this they started remilling and repaving the roads and parking lots in apartment  SO its going to make things didfficult getting around . I have a strange feeling they will be doing my section right about when I get back from my surgery and will not be able to move my car. Once the car is  moved it will be far from apartment.  I will get  someone to move the car for me I guess.  I have my own handicap parking spot.  Hee hee

Thanks Jacaji!! good to see you Jacaji!!  Getting more nervous each day.     

I have to drive up to the hospital on Tuesday to do blood work I told them I already did blood work up but this  needs to be done at hospital its for Mersa and she said something else. I will as when I am there. so an each way for proabbaly a 5 minute appointment!! LOL

This si the 8th weekend in the row that it rained. Yesterday it didnt but today it is . 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 29, 2023, 08:32:55 PM
Hi, Internet here definitely been wonky today. Will type fast before it's lost again. Probably more to do with weather today. Still raining!! It poured so hard in the middle of the night it woke all of us pounding on roof. 
Yesterday internet was good so we got to watch ND football. Big fans here. ND kicked butt.

jicaji, Really good to see you! Funny about you being happy with Halloween candy even if not a lot of trick or treaters. Yum!
True to very sad and troubling news in world and country.

LB, Good to dusting being done. No way to your AC again!! And of geez to the road work in parking lots and near yours.
Good you have a handicap parking spot.
How did your brother's and nephew's visit go with Copper today. Good to them coming so Copper is familiar with them.

I hear ya about the rain on weekends.

We plan to return sometime tomorrow.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 30, 2023, 06:57:05 AM
Good morning, they didnt come  not surprised. He will come tonight supposely. Its on him if he does odoesnt.  The problem with the paving when they do my section my handicap spot wont be available I will have to mark else where so they can pave my area.  And the other parking spots are far away  so hopefully thus ri ndelays it and they arent doing my section when i come home so I can park there to get to my apartment.  I worry about everything. also have nervous stomach issues.  THe good thing is  I lostg another lb so down 17. 5 lbs.  I can barely eat.  I get my echomcardio gram today then I need to get blood done tomorrow. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 30, 2023, 09:28:18 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Darn. Hopefully they come today and agreed to hoping your parking space is still available for you to use when you get home.

Congrats on more weight loss!

You being nervous is to be expected!! Oh my heavens yes. God bless you. You're doing great accomplishing all of pre-op appointments done. Be proud of yourself!!


Still raining here at cabin. Ugh. Planning to leave later after it's "supposed" to stop.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 31, 2023, 07:08:07 AM
Happy Halloween
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 31, 2023, 07:09:52 AM
Good morning. My brother came by last night Copper behaved but was a not really happy he did well he seemed suspicious he knows something is up  LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on October 31, 2023, 11:56:16 AM
Back fom Hospital. took about 45-50 min they checked fro mrsa and and my blood type   It took 5 minutes if you want to include my bathroom time. LOL  It's in a nice area. An older town.  I never had to test for mrsa before surgery. I guess some hospitals tdo it.  If I have the germ they will treat it before hand which is good.  My mom died from MRSA. Went into her blood stream and attacked her heart.  well it was not exactly mrrsa but it was in the staphylococcus family  one appt on friday to go over my results of my echcardiogram . It looks like a small hospital which is ok by me.  I think LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on October 31, 2023, 07:20:57 PM
LB, Good that your brother came by and Copper did well. True about Copper sensing that something is up. Pets of all kinds can definitely sense things.

Very good that you got your things done at the hospital today and you like it and the town. Very sorry about your mom.
Sounds like your Friday appointment to go over your echo will be good. I think you'd have been notified by now if otherwise.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 01, 2023, 06:57:46 AM
Good morning   negative for mrsa.  LOL   I work for next 3 days at home should have taking off.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 01, 2023, 11:30:29 AM
LB, Good to negative. I guess it's better for you and hospital to be safe rather than sorry. Good news for you.

That's right you work from home 3 days. Maybe the day will go faster. Is work there still slow or better?
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 01, 2023, 11:55:17 AM

Hi LB,  relieved to hear your bro is helping out; Copper will not leave your side when you return from hospital.  ;) on MSRA test. Work from home will make the time pass more quickly.

jicaji, Paulie so very troubling with all that's going on in the world and here at home.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 01, 2023, 05:54:10 PM
Not so sure I want time to go by so quickly  ;) LOL   The surgery coordinator sent me an email on what to excpect in the next couple of days and after surgery.  I will be in contact with her if I have any questions once I come home from hospital.  I will get a call from the hospital a day or 2 before surgery  to tell me what time and what to do prior.  Also, I may see or not see the surgeon after surgeery depends on his surgery schedue but if I dont see him I will see one of his assistants.  I kind hope to see him but understand.  I lost more weight down almost 19lbs.  I am so nervous I barely eat.  MY knees are killing me probably because of the cold and not taking meloxican. JUst tylenol  for arthritis.  Back is starting up to probably because sititng too much I need to do more of my back stretches.   

Work is still slow.   I finished a few manatory  training I need to take I will register for my insurance coverage for next year tomorrow so I dont have to worry about it after surgery I have until 11/13.  But will do before surgery   

I will see what happens tonight but it ;looks like copper wakes me up in th emiddle of th enight when I dont have to wrk but he will sleep through the night when I have to get up early for work.  Hmmmm That lil monster!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 01, 2023, 10:03:25 PM
LB, Awwww Understandable your comment about not sure if you want time to go by quickly. I bet after your surgery and giving yourself some time to recover you're going to tell us you're soooo glad you did it!!  :)

Excellent the surgery coordinator is keeping you informed. You are in very capable hands with all involved in your care.
Yay to you having lost more weight! You're doing good despite being nervous. Nervous and not eating go hand in hand.
True to cold weather and joints. You are very strong. Don't doubt that.

I figured work was still slow and good about registering for insurance coverage prior to surgery.

Oh my heavens to cutie Copper. Good boy letting you sleep through the night when you have to get up early. He knows your schedule! Lol

Hi Phyl, Excellent photo and quote.

While I was food shopping today I noticed there was a full cooler 'thing' or whatever it's called (I don't remember lol) that was filled with frozen turkeys. I was drawn to it because I like to get most of holiday shopping done early as I can if I find the size I want .. except for fresh veggies etc.
I always get Butterball turkeys. I found a 25 lb .. size I used to get and have recently but instead chose a 20 lb'er thinking once I get all the stuffing inside cavity it's always heavier so will be making a lesser size for lifting into pan then putting into and out of oven.  Getting older can suck.  ;) :P

***Display case!!! I think that's what you call where the turkeys were.  Thumbs up if I'm corrent. Lol

Well I forgot to read the quotes ... so will do now.
All three are good. You did good LB. Thanks for posting them.

SED all.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 02, 2023, 07:01:20 AM
Good morning  Well copper woke me up last night 500 am I still had almost 2 hours. he is definitly a little stinkier. One of my friends sent me a gift card to panara for me to order and have delivered after surgery  I cried!!! LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 02, 2023, 03:01:13 PM

Hi Paulie  and jicaji,

LB granted Copper is a 'stinker' but loveable; what a considerate  and touching gesture fro m you neighbor.

Paulie they are referred to in the industry as 1)  freezer case and 2) refrigerator case. I do believe . In retail  non- temperature control cases are often called 'display case'.

Good idea to get the 'goods' ahead of time if only to have all you need without panicking.

Inspirations all good.  #4
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 03, 2023, 08:57:32 PM
Hi, Hoping all is good with others. Quiet here.

It's been a long nasty week. My husband's ICD w/pacemaker shocked his heart earlier this week. He's had it about 15 years and shocks have happened it the past but definitely not pleasant for him. I was standing beside him when device fired and was able to grab him after he flew backwards and got him to sit on floor. Anyway it did what it was supposed to .. saved his life again and heart rhythm returned to normal.

Then a day or two later he took his Jeep to shop because leaking fluid. Turns out it needs a new radiator, water pump and hoses etc.
Soooo when I went to get him I asked the guys for an appt to get my suv looked at because since my state inspection something isn't right.
Long story short (kind of) when I took my car for state inspection previously at a different place my suv functioned perfectly.
They said needed new axle right front needed. Drove home. Car shimmied and made noise. After taking it back 3X and more work done on other parts of car they called me after a week being there saying okay to get it. Will bill me later. After three weeks and no bill I knew they'd screwed up and no intention of billing me further after initial payments.
The guys at new place put on lift. All the wrong incorrect parts were installed. We're in the process of getting my car repaired after my husband's Jeep is repaired. The other garage's manager has been notified they will be refunding all of the money paid. He agreed.

My youngest granddaughter 8 yrs comes tomorrow morning for a sleepover. She loves coming here. Something to smile about.  :)

Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 04, 2023, 10:18:45 AM
wow mechanics!!! always something.  I need to get my oil changed in my car, maybe I will have my father do it while I am recovering ;)    I am cleaning unclutter. probably go to my father today or tomorrow. he  wants to figure out whats happening with whos takin gme and picking me up and isnsits I should get a nurse to come a few hurs a day. AI already know a nurse is coming 2-3 times a week to check on my incisions  Pt is also coming 2-3 times a week for pt.  Both will be here for 30 min if that  Not sure what I needs a nurse or care giver to come to help me with things.  so they will sit around unil I want food so thye can get i for me and when I want to get ice.  Thats is what family is for!!!! LOL I am more hesitant cause of Copper he is very wishy wasy with strangers and will lounge out if he feels I am being threatened or if he is.  so this will be interesting with the nurse.  I think  my family is making me more nervous and they are the ones that dont really want to help (besides my brother) I am strong I can do this I dont need them ( I would like to have them) just trying to gain confidense.   Funny I woud be the first person to help anyone  but I am the last person anyone would help.  go figure. 

Hvae fun Paulie with your grand daughter.  Guess what after 8 weekends of rain. we are rain free this weekend!!!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 04, 2023, 03:02:24 PM
Hi LB,
Great quotes. #1 is for you. You've been wanting your knee replacement for a long time. You're going to do great.
#2 True #3 I just dealt with that yesterday! Lol

Enjoy your visit with your father. He's a sweetheart worrying about it. He wants the best for you.
Can you put Copper  into your bedroom when PT and nurse is there before they arrive?

I had to change password yesterday and got the message in Quote 3 twice when I realized someone had hacked into a credit card and made 2 separate $102 charges. I notified card. They notified fraud department and will refund the money.

Well my girls only sleepover with granddaughter won't happen. We're having sleepover and she's here now. My husband and oldest son went to cabin yesterday for our son to hunt. Early this morning he got an 8-point buck. He send me photo.   :( I congratulated him but sad for the buck. Anyway because of that they're returning today to take buck to be processed then be home.

Awesome to your weekend with no rain. Same here. Thumbs up.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 04, 2023, 06:19:57 PM
LB so glad your family will be helping and that you'll be seeing your dad.  Take care with Copper. 
And latch onto all the help you're offered. Hugs and 🙏 's

Paulie so sorry about the CR/CD hack and all.  Hugs and 🙏 's

Hi  jicaji,


Sending y'all  a"Good Evening, Good Night and SEDs tonight.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 05, 2023, 07:28:56 AM
Good morning  every set their clocks that didnt go automaticlly?   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 05, 2023, 05:36:17 PM
Hi LB  yes we did remember the DST change.
All good inspirations today. 
Hope you/Copper have a restful night.

  Paulie     hope your situation is improving and all will be well.

  Hi  jicaji,

"Good Evening' and "Good Night'  ...SEDs  to Everyone !                                                      
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 05, 2023, 09:21:02 PM
LB, Yepper clocks either adjusted themselves or I did and the coffee maker.
How did your visit with your father go in deciding who drives you to and from?
You began to shower with the special cleanser today correct? No work for you tomorrow so that's good.
Ditto to what Phyl said you and Copper having a restful night.


Phyl, Thank you. So far so good and one of the vehicles is in the shop waiting for parts. When that one is done the other one goes in for repairs. I thought things came in threes. I've stopped counting. Lol What is one to do? Deal with it then move on. Life's roller coaster has been interesting lately.

Turned out to be a pleasant weekend sleepover with youngest granddaughter. After she went home today my oldest granddaughter asked me if I'd watch her dog while she went out with her friend. I did. She's a good dog and we went on some walks. Great weather today.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 06, 2023, 06:57:17 AM
Good Morning Everyone... !   

Currently 49F  High  65F sunny,  Low 49 F  clear skies.

{{{LB[}}} hope  Copper was a good fella and slept in himself.  ;)   

Paulie glad to hear that repairs are going well...and the 'sleepover' your youngest grand daughter  was fun and your walk with your oldest G Daughter's dog was
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 06, 2023, 07:10:00 AM

LB, as I know how busy you'll be later today and  especially in the morning. Just
wanted to take this moment to express my heartfelt wishes for you tomorrow.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 06, 2023, 07:29:01 AM
Good morning  Thank you phylis.  I am sooo nervous anxiety all day yesterday didnt sleep.  I think its more about after the surgery but  the one person wh had surgery a c ouple ago I found out her situation is just like ine went home next day and lives alone no ne to help.  She said first week is hard and get good ice packs and prep meals I am set!!! JUst want it dne now.  I think waiitng is part of it too.    I'll probably post toight for tomorrow inspirations wont have time tomorrow
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 06, 2023, 07:42:07 AM
Hi LB, I thought of you first thing this morning and will tomorrow too for sure. Prayers are being said for you.
Good that you say you're set after the info you received from the other person. I'm sure you just want it done now. The waiting can't be easy. How's Copper doing?

Do what's best for you regarding the inspirations.

You are in my thoughts and prayers for sure!  :-* ((LB))

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 06, 2023, 07:46:55 AM
Phyl, Pretty morning photo. We're assuming/hoping things are going well with Jeep in repair shop. We haven't heard anything since we left it there. No news is good news as the saying goes we're hoping.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on November 06, 2023, 09:55:31 AM
(((((. Cheers. )))))
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 06, 2023, 02:54:46 PM
Checking in for a moment. You'll be hearing from me tomorrow morning. LOL GEt this my surgey isnt until 3pm tomorrow afternon.  I dont need to be there untiil 100 pm. What a relief but they said I can't eat after midnight!!!!    isnt that usually for morning surgeries???   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 06, 2023, 03:10:13 PM
{{LB}}  Nope. The anesthesia can make you nauseated. And if you eat even a light meal you could barf it all up in the airway device in you esophagus and suffocate or the like in the OR..  Sorry ...good idea to 'pig- out' the night before---but no alcoholic beverages.  ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 06, 2023, 04:07:30 PM
LB, Okay to the 3pm and be there at 1pm. Nope to eating after mid-night. Nothing! Nice try though. Lol I'm just kidding you know that.  ;D 
Phyl explained it very good.

Hi Phyl I like the "good idea to pig out" the night before!

Hi Tig, Thanks for the hugs. Love hugs. I hope all's good with you and Camper.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on November 06, 2023, 06:02:34 PM
LBLJN A whole bunch of prayers and good wishes from all of your friends here.  We'll look forward to hearing from you over the weekend.   :-*

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 06, 2023, 08:38:21 PM
I went grocery shopping this afternoon. Would you believe there were live Christmas trees and wreaths outside for sale already?? We haven't had Thanksgiving yet! Geez Louise.

Hi Puff, Agreed to LB having lots of good wishes and prayers for her from friends here.  That's nice.
I heard from her earlier this evening. She had a veggie burger and baked potato with broccoli and cheese for dinner.
I recall your post explaining your knee surgery so you know first hand about the process and procedure.

LB, You've got this. You're going to do great.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on November 06, 2023, 08:52:22 PM
Hi Paulie, Puff,Phyl
LB...I want to wish you well tomorrow and I know you'll be just fine.  I'll be saying an extra prayer for you at 3p tomorrow
afternoon.  Can't wait to hear from you after it's all done.  Have a good night sleep.

BTW, FIVE big fat old turkeys in the back this moring.  Beautiful, all in a row just following each other.  So sweet.

Have a good night night everyone. 


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 07, 2023, 06:58:12 AM
Good Morning  Nice to hear from every one.  I slept well from 1100 to 300 then it was a dosing sleep. got my shower got my over size sweat pants on , I could have gotten a smaller size. LOL  Thabks for all the prayers. now I have one problem  I have sleep aptena and sleep with cpap machine I asked the hosptal do I need to bring they told me to ask the dr office i Put in a message to ask some hospitals have thir own some require you to bring and some require to bring just the mask .  Well mine is all packed up.   LOL I just hope they have distilled water because I am not packing up a gallon .  LOL THanks all Love you aall.  I'll be around until 12:00 I'll post as soon as I can
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 07, 2023, 08:12:45 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Today is your day girl!! You've wanted this for a long time. You are going to do great!

Very good you slept well. Wow you showered already. Your sweatpants sound cozy. lol Just so that aren't too long. Be careful. Yep the worrier. Good that you packed your own cpap machine. Healthier and safer that way I'd think. Hmmm the hospital probably does have the distilled water.
Prayers continue for you and Love ya too!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 07, 2023, 08:14:59 AM
jicaji, The turkeys put on a parade for you!   ;D 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 07, 2023, 10:05:42 AM

LB,  You're packed, rested , you have help and PT. And, your mind is prepared and focused.
You're all ready...it will be just fine.  Copper will be waiting for you when you arrive back home, with  lots of  :-*

My thoughts and prayers  go with you.  ;)

The hospital will have distilled water.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 07, 2023, 02:01:41 PM
It's 3pm so LB should be all prepped and ready for her knee replacement now.

Her sister drove her to the hospital.
We emailed a few times this morning. She gave me her cell phone # in case she doesn't or can't post she said. If so I'll provide updates.

This morning LB said she was hungry and ended with Lol She already has some comfort food waiting for her back at her place she said.  :)

Prayers for successful surgery and a healthy excellent recovery for LB.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 07, 2023, 05:20:20 PM
Thanks for The LB Report.
Looking forward to the next. Feeling confident would/is   have/going   well.
LB hoping you get a good night's rest.

"Good Evening' and "Good Night'  ...SEDs  to Everyone !
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 07, 2023, 07:23:46 PM
An LB update.

7:50pm She asked me to let Cheers know she's in recovery. Her procedure began about 4:30pm she said not 3pm.

We've texted a few times. She sounds good.

Modified: 8:40pm  LB's in her room now. Sounds like things are moving along for her.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 07, 2023, 07:25:28 PM
Phyl, You're welcome. I'll let LB know you said you're hoping she gets a good night's rest.

SEDs to you too.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 08, 2023, 07:24:43 AM
Checking in!!! Holy  cow!!! The pain was no joke!!! They asked my level from 1-10. I told them 15. They gave me a nerve block that only worked for a few hours. The nurses suck herewell the night nurse did. I had to ask 4x times for pain meds. I remember puff telling me to keep on top of the pain. I guess the nurse did agree. So i had 2 doses if morphine and 1 dose of percoset to kick in and i actually had a deep goid sleep. Fom 3:00 -5:30 am. Before they woke me for vitals. .pai. us a little better today. It actually hurts up in the thigh. I am waiting fir PT. There is a good chance I may stay wnd night  being durhery was so late. At this point I won't mind. But I miss home and actually copper. Lol
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 08, 2023, 09:22:56 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Good to see you posting here. Good also you got some deep sleep and that your pain is a bit better today. Good about upcoming PT. That's important. Another night there sounds like good to do.
There's no place like home. I'm sure Copper misses you too.
Good luck with PT and hoping your hospital meals taste good.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 08, 2023, 12:00:02 PM
Good Morning Everyone...!   


Currently 53F w/ clear skies. And, feels like 48F   High  63F sunny,  Low 48 F

{{{LB}}} great to hear from you. Pain and lots of it is to be expected---your body went thru an enormous amount of intrusion and activity with the
surgery. It's also part to the healing process.  You are so brave.
Hang in there girl---you're half way there. Recovery will take time. Don't be like me and 'rush it'.  ;)
Wishing you all the best in the days ahead.

Hi Paulie   and jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on November 08, 2023, 12:36:58 PM
Lb, sounds like a normal surgery and expected pain level,   Take all rhe pain meds you are offered!  Good luck with rehab!   The pain will go away and you will be left with great walking!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 09, 2023, 08:09:15 AM
Good Morning,

Good news LB is returning home today. She has a story about yesterday she'll tell you about at some point. Also a family member will be staying at her place tonight.

Hi Phyl and Karen
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 09, 2023, 08:58:48 AM
Good Morning Everyone...!   


Currently 51F mostly sunny High  77F sunny,  Low 51 F  .

Great news for LB !

Thanks Paulie for the update.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 09, 2023, 05:08:19 PM
Hi Just checkin in real quick will share stor from yeterday tomorrow when I am more awka I am tired. my brother took me home he left for  bit but my suister than came. over she just left but sh eput me through a work out. she ha me go out back where copper would go to the bathroom to see if I can handle the little step  with walker Copper was climbng all over me when I was doing this I guess he was all excited cause I was home and a stranger was over. He is usually not like this .LOL   
The hardest thing to do is gettin gup off couch  I put pillow down nd a foam like seat cushion that makes it a little easier. but I can really bend my knee so it make it  dificult.  It take sme a whie because I know  it's going to hurt so I hve  lot of hesitation but I force myself to do it cause I hvem to.  I just took copper out back on my own A+. 

OK I will tell you story.  i hope it's the right story Paulie was thinking about. LOL   My father came to  cisit me  No pick me up.  I wanted to stay at the hospitsl snother night cause first of all. I couldnt pee on my own and they said they could rleesse me until I pee on my owm Plus I wasnt comforable going home jut yet.   So PT came around 400 to work wit me gain and told me she got dischage paper work fo rme. she asked if I was being dischrged.  I said Not that I kno wof so she got the nurse and she said I was.  I wa slike what?? I told you all day I wanted to stay did you  communicate thsat to the dr? Also, how ca n I be discharged if I havent peed on my own.  She said I would be leaving with a full time catheetor.  I said NO I am not.  How will I pee on my owwn with that insirted?  Finally by 600 thye agreed I can stasy MY poor father wanted to leave befor he got dark h got stucjk in the middle of russked them how would hav I gotten home if he nnever game to visit me.  !!! The nurses suckd. I had to ask 3x for pain killers.  by then I was throbbing  Never going to that hospital again!!!  The pt people were great!!! the but the nurses sucked!!

hmm another long post LOL  I am sure there iis more to say but therei alwasy tomorrow.  OH PT aand OT are coming tomorrow.     Updat I decided to not have my brother sleep ove rafter checking to see if I can handle everything on my own with bed nd copper.   theey been hre 3 days he told me to caall if I need something  I think I will be ok 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 09, 2023, 07:10:55 PM
LB!! Your nephew was supposed to stay there with you tonight!  Okay. I'll be quiet. You have to be worn out exhausted. It's good your brother said to call him if you need anything. Good too your sister came to see you today. You know your father is worrying about you too.
I'm glad your family came together to help and check on you.

Honestly you are probably enjoying the silence again because you are worn out.

Good to you giving yourself an A+ taking Copper out on your own. You be very careful!

Yes that's the story I meant about you being told you were being released yesterday. The point is they were going to release you when it had not yet been 24 hours since your surgery since it began later at 4:30pm the day before and release with a full catheter. I'd never heard of doing that before. Plus you were not being given your pain meds on a regular basis and your pain level was very high. I think you made the correct decision saying you needed to stay last night.

Good that PT and OT are coming tomorrow. Like you said earlier today, "You are now in control of taking your pain med." Good that you'll keep up with that to keep up on the pain. You please rest tonight and hopefully you get a much need good night's sleep. Tell Copper I said that too.  ;)

Oops Darn I forgot to read the quotes. Will now .............
LB #1 is for you. You went for it. You experienced it. Now you make sure it ends good.  :) You will!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on November 09, 2023, 08:04:26 PM
Years ago, I broke my wrist the week we were watching the grandpups. As they would sleep on me, I made lots of puppy whimpering noises... so they would understand there was something wrong and be gentle around me. It worked.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 10, 2023, 04:19:01 AM
LB so glad you're back home and your family is there for you. The having to potty on  your own after surgery is a standard 'thing' for hospital discharge.
I bet Copper is so happy you are home.  ;)
Do take the utmost care when you are out-of-doors!
And, don't try to do everything ...you have family and they're willing to help. If you don't ...they might not offer or help anymore.

Hope you had a good night's rest and all.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on November 10, 2023, 06:25:41 AM
LB  One thing may have been mentioned but not stressed enough is the phone. 

My neighbor watch dogs when I lost Ton started "watching out" for me.  They of course were concerned.  House too big, sell it - You can't do this/that call them for help - Two of them actually invaded my bathroom as I was blowstyling my hair because I wasn't answering the phone or  doorbell.  Carry a phone, call me, don't over work yourself, etc etc etc.  We know it is well meant and honest caveats.  But we do have to take things to heart.  It's irritating and degrading, it's so terribly disappointing - but IT IS VITAL.

I've never quite mentioned my June episode.  Went out to start some picking up of the outside area.  Starting by rescuing the paper thrown down at the end of the driveway.  Wham - I couldn't breathe.  Sat down on a chair in the garage.  How sever does that have to be?  Stupid I told myself - 911.  Less than 5 minutes for them to show up.  Right down the road, I was still on with the phone help.  Started shoving oxygen tubes everywhere and given injections.  It was 6 days at hospital.  Obviously they all did their jobs.  I made it, and it wasn't just luck.  Yes, I had taken the suggestions from all but I had to acknowledge the obvious - I needed extra help and I needed it fast.  I also took as a msg from that Guy above.  If I'm smart HE will take care of me.  We have to be wise by someone else's rules, not just our own. 

Last week I did 2 followup appointments; one more this week.  I was slapped into reality by the cardiologist's comment - we almost lost you.  Great doc, head of cardio at my hospital, great person, my doc for 20 years.  He looked me hard in the face  "Too many of us in your life don't want to lose you."  Be smart, be careful, and pray for all help in getting through these hard parts.

Darn I'm glad I made it.

Then last week he told me he is retiring!  He planned on 65; in 2024 he'll be 67.
 He said he (and I'm sure his wife/family) is going to take his own advise.  See, doctors can be double smart.  Next checkup I was asked to bring some materials on destinations about which we had talked.  He loved the travel logs I'd given him  when he asked - OK where were you this time. - Part of my checkups.  LOL

Moral is all of us have to be smart and ENJOY!.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 10, 2023, 08:20:29 AM
Good morning  I slept to 600 copper woke me up wsell I was up but I just wanted to lay there still. Copper was very patient ith me since I am so slow.   
Sorry to hear about your heart incident Puffm that must have been scar,  Did your dr recommend a new dr for you since he is retiing. 

Oh Paulir i was my decion not to have my nephew to stay over  hes a little  The came by this mrning n their way o work I asked him to help put my socks on , He got my socks and gave them to me, I wa like no put them on  lol  I am tired for sure the oxy.   I can use a nap.  Oh I just made a cup of coffee .  usually ts the first thing but not todday.  Its in my travel mug with lid easier to transport 

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 10, 2023, 10:35:20 AM
Good Morning,

Puff, I'm sooo glad you are okay after that scary incident. Excellent advice about phone.

LB, Very good you got some well needed sleep and rest last night. Good boy to Copper being patient with you.
Very nice your brother and nephew came by this morning. Lol at him handing your socks to you.
Mmm Mmm to morning coffee. Good idea to travel mug. You've got things covered.

All quotes are good today.

Well we got the Jeep returned out of the shop. Mine is in now for repairs. One down and one to go. Thumbs up.

We're heading to cabin.
Take care everyone.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 10, 2023, 02:05:29 PM

Oh Puff! didn't realize what all you had on your plate. I'm so sorry...do take care.  Miss you in Beakroom.

so glad you got some good 'shut-eye'. Copper senses you're infirmities  and will give some TLC. Funny socks w/ your brother. I just picture that.

Paulie safe travels this weekend and all. Look out for those moose.   ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on November 10, 2023, 07:09:44 PM
Amazing rehab, LB!  They say tge third day post op is tge worst so do take care!   Do nottry to be a heroine! 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 11, 2023, 10:42:30 AM
GOOD MORNING  Sleep is nol probleem  LOL  I selpt to 7:15  It took me 1 1/2 hours  to 2 exercises in bed (might as well do it while laying down) get out of bed get changed and go to bathroom , make my protein shake, coffee, then let copper out. He is not so sympathic anymore was whining ll morning to go for walk I think he just relized it's not happening. lol  JUst let him out for 3rd time.  My sister is coming over in a little bit I told her to walk him regardles..  He tends to not want to walk with anyone but me when I am around.     

Today is rough  Oh I started exercises pt gave me yesterdY  I also reduced to 1 oxy. I ddi take 3 davil an hour ago (I know I need to be careful with that as well , blood thinner, but I am slos on a blood thinner to prevent blood clots)  I am do for another pill 1-2 hours. I am icing now.  feels a little better.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on November 11, 2023, 12:36:03 PM
Hi everyone.

LB 1

Kudos to you  Sounds like you're handling your replacement well.  My friend who I told you had the surgery said the PT was the worst part.  How long will you need PT?  I so need to get this done now on BOTH knees.  I'm sure it's bone on bone now.  Does the oxy take away most if not all the pain?

I'm surprised you're doing well enough to walk Copper outside.  Be careful please.

As I'm sitting I'm watching all the leaves fall.  Makes me a bit sad somehow.

We had a whole bunch of big old turkeys walking outback.  One seemed to be the leader and the others just followed in a neat line behind. 

Paulie, have a relaxing time at the cabin.

Enjoy the weekend all.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 12, 2023, 07:25:00 AM
Good morning Hi Jacaj. so glad to see you!!!

Oxy works a good 5 hours.   no pain when relaxing but sure makes me sleepy.   The worse part is getting up off couch/chairs and bed . It hurts then I still cant reaaly bend knee yet/  I have 5 exercises to do 3x a day.  I will see PT tomorrow He hasnt really worked on me just yet the first day was evaluation and he had me do the exercises I am to do daily. So I will lnow more tomorrow on the actaully PT part tomorrow.   OT will come next week to show me how to get in/out of shower dress( which I do now  anyway but hoping easier way I cant get my left sock on .   I havent gone  out to walk copper I stand at the back door and he goes. I cant even pick up the poop with pooper scooper yet. My siste rhas een doing that fo rme my brother wont he refuses to pick up poop  >:( He thinks he'sw hlping but he really isnrt . LOL he does bare minimum but in his mind he is oing a lot.  I give him credit he is here  . I see more and more my brother si for sure delisional LOL 

Copper wont walk with anyone else but me when I am here.  My sister forced him to go out I can see he jusg wanted to coe back to me.  I thinK will be able to walk out further outside to let hm out in a week and  I hope to pick up pooper scoop in a week. '

I am trying to do a sponge bath today  >:(No idea what I am doing but it shouldnt be so hard.  LOL Jacaji It is difficult but doable,    I am grateful my family stepped up and helpong I was so thinking they wouldnt

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on November 12, 2023, 07:59:54 AM
Ahhhh LB I remember the bending of the knee protractor type doo-hickie.  Even the name gonisometer (sp?).  The figure 90 also comes into mind - had to bend as much as 90 degrees as I recall was the goal.  Am I right tsk?

I guess I totally skipped the socks problem.  With my claustophobia I very rarely wear socks.  But again, the acid test seems to be the car.  If you can manage to do in/out on your own you've reached a milestone.

Sounds like you're hitting the marks.  Sleeping is re-energizing which is good, which is needed.  Keep doing!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on November 12, 2023, 08:17:28 AM
I agree on the socks. Some folks, like my hubby, feel naked unless they wear socks. !?! I never wear them, unless putting good protective shoes on for mowing... or unless it gets below zero and put my wool ones on. Even in my snow boots, no socks. It is easier on my knees to slip them on and off.

LB... be sure to do the bending.
Talons crossed.  :D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 12, 2023, 07:50:44 PM
Today is a bad day today  I went down to 1 oxy instead of 2 and it hurts every time I walk. I am afraid to go up to 2.  I only have so much and hat  if I need more. would dr. subscribe more?  I am exhauseted too.  No I iddnt nap I probabl yshould have tomorrow I will.  I am also cranky.  I am just nt having a good day. I cant het comfortable sitting!!!!!!!!! I have my leg out knee not bend I cant bend it yet.  U I guess thats normal but I am so uncomfortable sitle. compression sleeve is driving my crazy!! MY legs cant breath@!!!!! Well PT is coming tomorrow not sure when
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on November 12, 2023, 08:19:45 PM
Lb. You have to stay ahead of tge pain!  What strength is the oxy?  What are the orders!  How often does it say you shoukd take ut?  Do take one before bed!   You need to sleep!  Do not push yourself so hard!   Talk to the pt person tomorrow and call the  D office to see what they suggest.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 13, 2023, 07:21:03 AM
Good morning  It's 5 mg of OXY. Directions 1-2 pills every 4-6 hours.  I w taking 2 5 hours that worked but I tried to cut down to 1 every 5 hours.   . I only have enought for 7 days and not sure if they will refill. but 1 isnt issnt working or I am doing too much   At the hospital they wouldnt give me b4 6 hours.   But told me to keeep ahead of pain go figure.  I take 2 for bed. I may just try 1 . I dont want to get addidcted either 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on November 13, 2023, 11:00:08 AM
Good morning....

LB, what if you call the Doctor and explain that you are in pain,  having a problem sleeping because of it, and see what he recommends.  Maybe a different pain med???  I'm really sorry you are in alot of discomfort.  I hope PT helps and you feel less pain soon.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 13, 2023, 04:45:59 PM
{{{Hi LB}}} So sorry you're have issues with you pain meds. Have you read your label on the bottle? It will say if there are any remaining refills and how many. If the label says there are refills- just call the pharmacy the Rx is filled by and ask for one. If the label says 'No Refills. Dr Must Authorize' then you'll have to hash it out the your doctor. Maybe ask for an alternative drug. At any rate  tell them that you're not resting at night.
I'm sad to read that your home front isn't working that well for you. But,  at least your sis seems more obliging and in tune with what you need. Poor Copper. It's all a mess in him mind ,he just wants you back and things 'normal'. As you do you, I'm sure. 

 All the posts from Puff, Karen and Tig are from those who've suffered it all themselves.  Who better to hear from? Eh?

I  have been thinking of you. Just, sorry to say,  overly occupied  as our washing machine malfunctioned  --didn't cycle properly during the rise cycle and all. Which flooded the laundry room , about 2"standing water which wicked into the hall carpet.    Details for another time .

Prayers on going for you and Copper.  Sure hope you get more rest and get some pain meds on a regular schedule. I think if the meds make you sleepy  just give in to that.  The body needs rest to heal and grow strong.  A steady flow of pain meds will actually inmprove your healing.   :-*

Phyl  ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on November 13, 2023, 07:14:25 PM
LB  Just two quickies -- I remember 2 pills three times a day the first week.  Only been 3 days home so far for you.  Also, sleep is good, going outside ?  not so good.  Rest and no apologies warranted.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 14, 2023, 08:44:59 AM
Good Morning,

Returned late yesterday from cabin. Awesome weekend.

Yesterday PT went to LB's place. She said he said she's "doing really well" and gave her two more exercises.

Hi jicaji, Karen, Tig, Puff and Phyl.
Great advise and suggestions to LB.

Phyl, Very sorry about your washing machine. You definitely did not need that!!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 14, 2023, 09:14:26 AM
Good morning, sorry about the wash machine Phyl.  THat sure does suck.

PT was good he  thnks I am doing good.  I see him wed and friday. Friday he is going to itroduce the cane to me to see how I do.  Doesnt mean thats where I will end up at the end of the day   LOL     Ok I di dspeak to doctor they will renew the script but I have to pick it up since ints a narcartic.  My sister will pickit up for me and drop off at pharmacy. hopefully she will pick up or wait for it.  Shes come by today  to help around the house.  I started laundry  I know dont yell at me.  but she will put away. I started dishwasher she will put away  I am icing now and will rest.    I am pleasantly surprised my sister is around for me and so grateful.  I wanna do something for her.   I guess that is why I did as much as I could with the laundry ,   OOOh I just realized I am a lot more independant than I thought I ws.   I know I cant vaccuum I will have her do that.   LOL   Thanks for your advice. 

Oh the doctor said they would do tyhlenol with codine if I couldnt get to th eoffice for script.  they would be abe to call that in to pharmacy,  I am foing to rest or at least try

My father came last night with his girl friend  he was impressed how well I was walking he saw much improvement from when I was in hospital,  He was there when I was walking with pt there.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 14, 2023, 10:30:07 AM
Good Morning Everyone !   

Currently 43F and clear;   High  41F sunny,  Low 61 F Clear skies

Yesterday PM I stirred/chopped a batch  ( just shy of a quart ) of salsa for us. Had been a while and it makes a low fat/calorie
snack w/ tortilla chips. I'm always the last to turn in and I thought,  well let's check to 'see' how well the salsa had meld it's flavors.
That stuff will torch the tonsils, blaze a trail down the esophagus  and burn a whole in your gut.

Hey! {{{LB}}}
Will  definitely be a good day for  you! So very happy your family is turning out for you. Esp your sis. Maybe a gift card to her favorite hair/nail salon? Or a treat to a dinner out w/ her hubby? 
Tylenol w/ codine works as an alternative.
Inspirations are good ---esp #s 1 and 3 IMHO

Hi Paulie! glad and relieved y'all are home.  Thanks for LB update  ;)

This is what and how on the washing machine 'issue'. I just cut/pasted a few separate posts to make this one narrative.

Wednesday unknown to me at the time--for some reason, now washer  doesn't know when to shut the water off  during cycles.   The little chime it's suppose to make when the load is finished didn't go off. ..because it didn't cycle properly . So. ..bad knees and all, I   plodded back upstairs to check--- what a surprise I got !   It flooded my laundry room in almost  2"  of water that wicked  about 2' into the hall carpet. Springing into action... kicked my shoes off and darted in , stretched myself beyond Nature's capability across the machine that was rolling  water down it's front.  And manually shut the water lines off.  Stood there for a millisecond  saying a plethora of curses.  Put the machine into 'Spin' only cycle to drain the drum...Went back down stairs to fetch the Wet/Dry vac and upright Bissell carpet cleaner  bagged the wet/dry vac and with them both in tow plodded back up stairs... made quick work of the clean up.
Now wasn't that fun?
So with Black Friday sales will be researching a replacement I never planned.

Anyway...bought the same washer mfg. / model and of course in white.  Saved over $300 with Black Friday and other discounts to
Delivery time in a phone call on Tuesday night...etc. for Wednesday delivery .

Had a chat with the Lowe's fella on the floor and he agreed it was the 'mother board' and the wires between the tub/drum had gotten soaked with the over flow. Evidently I did all the 'right things'.  :)
My other concern is how to keep my house 'dry' when they roll it down the stairway. Hope they will accommodate me with putting some absorbance  pads on the dolly and they, as much as possible set the appliance on top of that...so sick of water.
Still dealing with water draining from inside the washer. between the 'tub' /drum and the inner appliance walls. When we got home Jim lifted the machine and I  sopped the water up from  of the drain/spill pan repeated this several times. Was still dripping water. But a check before turning  in Sunday night  revealed no drips .
But will still ask the delivery/setup fellas to put the absorbency pads on dolly as they roll the old LG down stairs
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 14, 2023, 09:21:42 PM
LB, Today's one week since your knee replacement. Last week at this time you were back in your room trying to get a nurse for pain med then the morphine didn't help you. You've come a long way!! Be proud of yourself!! Good news about your meds. Also good news about introducing the cane Friday. I thought the use of a cane was at 2 weeks. Like you said, you do what is best for you.
Your sister's visits and helping you shows her love for you. Your father is a sweetheart.

I hope you get a more restful night's sleep tonight. Remember tomorrow morning don't do as much.  ;) :)

Quotes 1 and 2. I might print out #2. It's very good.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 14, 2023, 09:32:25 PM
Phyl, Oh my heavens!! As the saying goes, "When it rains it pours." No pun intended regarding the water!!

You definitely sprang into action! While I was reading about your reaching to turn off the water I was concerned about you standing in water while the washer was still connected to electrical outlet.

Your body joints sure got a work out reaching, bending, knees and up and down stairs with the Bissel.

Very good news about your Black Friday purchase. I'm surprised this happened with an LG appliance. I like LG's too.

So tomorrow Wednesday is when your new washer is delivered?

The removal/delivery guys will take care of removing that broken washer I bet. I also believe you'll be sure they use absorbency pads. That's important I agree.

Let us know how the removal and install of the new washer goes.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 15, 2023, 07:28:03 AM
What a delima with washer. glad your able to get a new one so quickly!!!!

I got a call at 400 pm yesterday about they need to come in today for an emergency repair today (paint job)  Back story

2 monthss ago when the apt got inspected. he noticed that the kitchen area could use repaint he asked if I wanted it I said sure if they are willing to paint.  2 weeks ago they called to set an appointmnet , they wanted to do it last friday this past monday I asked f we can do later since I was having knee replacement surgery.  We agreed first week in Dec.

o now they need to come today emergency.I asked how is a paint job an emergency repair. she said state is involved.  I agrued that I can barely get around we agrred first week in decembember she said the state is involved aand needs to be done tomorrow (today) I am so aggrevated.     and originally they said they need 2 days now it's only 15 minutes.  this  may get interesting.  OT is coming today and so is PT

I cant wait to get this compression sock removed it's digging into my skin. I am going to ask about it todaay
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 15, 2023, 08:51:15 AM
LB, What in the world about your kitchen paint job?! You sure don't need that today. Agreed how can a paint job go from 2 days to 15 minutes?? Sounds like a quick fix not a thorough one maybe unless the shortened the time because of you recovering from knee replacement? State is involved? Interesting. I hope that doesn't mean lead paint was previously used.

Geez OT and PT are both coming today too. You are going to have a busy day!! Copper too being in your bedroom with door shut. He's going to be wondering what the heck is going on.

Let us know how everything goes. 

All quotes good today.

Phyl, Best wishes if today's the Wednesday your old washer is removed and new installed.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 15, 2023, 03:14:04 PM
I think there i s more involved.    I think there may b a lawsuit  on another matter. There has been lots of contractors around fixing balconies.  Over the summer a balcony came falling down and someone or several people were on it.  They have been also cutting a lt of braches off trees during some rain storms  over sumer branches have been coming down.  Only if thyey would fix my ac.  LOL I will chck to see if work order is in pace if not I will put one in again

I had OT and PT today .  Now for PT instead of 1 set of 10 I now do 2 sets of 10.   ;D

OT cmaw and gave me another exercise to get my knee to bend she had me go into the shower and did not like it so I am sill banned from taking shower. so sponge baths it is.  She didnt lik eI didnt have my kneeds didnt bend too much  I had trouble putting on my sneakers a lot  was because  feet are swollen I am geting a better shoe horn handle to help   copper was in bedroom she still wants to see how I get in bed.  She also helped me and showed me how to fixe the compression sock. so now my legs feel better without it all digging into my skin She did put a call in to see if I still need to wear or if I can take the one off on my right foot . she did they they do help if they are on properly   so now I know what to do if they start falling down 

Pain is still there.   but not has bad. I expect it to hurt now  I idd a lot of work on the knees today got them really to bend as much as I can. Friday I will work with cane. I hope that goes well. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 15, 2023, 06:44:47 PM
Sounds like you might be right about possible law suit with all of the work being done around and in your complex.  Maybe they're doing all of that type of work before repairing your A/C .. maybe closer to Spring when temp warms.

Good for you doing 2 sets of 10 now. Progress!

I didn't know it would take so long for your knee to bend although it has only been one week. Darn it to no shower. Sponge baths will have to do. Good that washing your hair yesterday made you feel better.
Was Copper a good boy while OT lady was in bedroom?
Good you got help and guidance with your compression sock.
Very good pain isn't as bad even though still there. Friday will be before you know it to work with cane.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 16, 2023, 08:27:36 AM
Good morning didnt sleep welll last night   I rolled down comoression sock to give the area some breathing room to me its cuttin gblood flow.  its all dented.   I think I will be taking nap in bed later after my sister comes  by I think I need more rest.  I went down to 1 pill  . Going to be  64 today yippee
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 16, 2023, 09:36:41 AM
Good Morning LB  :)

While reading your post I could sense your relief after rolling down your compression sock.
Agreed to you needing more rest. You've been going strong the past week. Thumbs up to a nap after your sister's visit.

Yes to yippee to beautiful weather and warm temp today.
I should get my leaf blower out today. Lots of leaf's are on the ground. Hmmmm is the proper spelling leaf's or leaves? Either way you know what I mean. Lol

All quotes are good today.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 17, 2023, 12:33:35 AM
Good Morning Everyone...!   

Currently 63F   High  F    mostly cloudy  Low 61 F  clear skies.

And, I say "Good-bye"  to a really crappy week! :-*

I posted this yesterday:
Got a text message from Lowe's last evening with a Wednesday delivery  window of 1:15pm-5:15 pm . So as I mentioned we got busy last night and moved some things out of the way to make things easier for everyone.  This AM, I was just getting Maggie her  BP meds about 8:40 and my iPhone rang. It was the Lowes guys letting me know they'd be here within the hour. That was  alright as I was set for everything.
When they arrived I did a check of the truck to make sure the correct item was on the truck, it was.

However ...when the driver got upstairs and pulled my broken washer out he found water in the back along where the hoses and outlets were it needed wiping up...to my surprise  he tore off a wad of paper towels and cleaned it up. Which was wonderful. He cleaned his shoes on an  a big blotter as he left the room.

But the washer still had a good bit of water inside between the tub and appliance walls. There was no way to avoid spillage as careful as the guys were using
the harness and  support bands underneath the appliance. The hall carpet was soaked, again.  The risers on the stairs had  large wet blotches all the way down into the living room. I ended up blotting the water up and got the Bissell Little Green to clean/disinfect the stairs and back up to the hall doing the same  there. Once carpet was dry enough to walk on ---I brought the  Swiffer Wet Jet mop up and  mopped  w/ disinfecting liquid the laundry room floor . Once dry I began moving the laundry sorter/organizer (on  locking wheels) back in and the laundry basket of used bath towels, bag of our bed sheets/duvet cover. Put a load  in and etc.
 Went down stairs to finish with the carpet in front of the door.
 In short, unavoidably, I ended up doing the same work and then some as I did Wednesday. Didn't  get finish until 3pm.
But, it's all clean and back in order.  Had to laugh at myself because  as I  worked, I kept going back  up stairs to check on the  new washer.  :-[

Yesterday I did 5 loads and today I did 5 more loads. Tomorrow will be a regular amount.

Hi LB is your A/C still not working or do they have more work to do?  Sounds like you might be retaining fluid or not getting enough exercise. Wish I knew.
Sounds like you're getting improvement. Take care not to over do

Hi Paulie
  'leaves'  ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 17, 2023, 07:48:24 AM
Good morning, Once I fell asleep I slept good  I slept to 715.

Oh boy phyl in having to cclen up again.  I am sure you are so happy that is behind you

I rolld down my compresion sleeve this morning since that sems to be my biggest issue at this point.  wholly cow  My calf is bruised. taking it's normal from the trauma and blood thinners I am on  My goal today is to be allowed to remove the comression sleeves  I sent email to surgeon office with ohot of bruise  Plus OT and PT will be here today. My sister came over yesterday to help clean and remove the area rug it was causing too many danger zones 

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 17, 2023, 10:34:54 AM
Good Morning Everyone...!   

Currently 62F cloudy,   High  68F and rain,   Low 49 F  clear skies.

And, I say "Good-bye"  to a really crappy week! :-*

{{{LB}}} agree calling doc on compression sleeve and chatting w/ PT and OT when they visit--your sis is invaluable.  Wow. For sure removing the throw rug. 

Hi Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 18, 2023, 08:59:57 AM
Good morning 

Lots of pain but lots of progress today!!!!!  OT gave me like 5bexercises to do as well. mostly for upper arms but these exercises help with balance as well.   I'll be exercising all day log with the amount  I have to do   I was able to elevate my leg and put up on  a foot stool and thats how I am to ice my leg.   Just moday I couldnt lift my leg that high. Ot said its because no one showed me how  :( They didnt.  She got me to get up from couch without using my hands that forces me to bend my knee whie getting up. 

PT got me to walk with cane today 2 laps up and down kitchen. He was impressed in how well I did  Not allowed to do on my own yet. not safe enough just yet but by the time I am done with at home PT I should be using the cane,  Next week they will have me get in and out of car  and in the shower  Then I am done!!! The week after Thanksgiving I should start out  patient PT . I will call them Monday 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 19, 2023, 07:19:59 AM
Good morning  copper woke me up a 600 I could have slept longer for sure. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 19, 2023, 10:25:47 AM
Been SUPER busy the past couple of days doing things outside and inside, errands, youngest granddaughter here and guys canned 54 quarts of sauerkraut yesterday. My kitchen stove and sink looked like it too when they were done!! House smelled good.

Phyl, Oh my heavens you had a heck of a week last week!! The new washer install then you having to clean up etc "again" had you frustrated and exhausted for good reasons. I'm sure you're glad that's done!! Me too for you.

LB, Good news about additional exercises, lifting your leg and walking with cane when PT was there.
Wow to this week they'll have you get in/out of care and shower!! Then you're done!! Whoa! I know you're looking forward to a shower!

Yesterday #2 and #3 is cute.
Today #s 1 and 3
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 20, 2023, 07:52:39 AM
Good morning 

I took it easier this morning and not so much pain  yep I was doing too much.  I tried to put my sneaker on yesterday and it fit so swellen is going down some.

I do hve a concern onof my leg behind knee from the compression sleeve,  THe compression sleeve was digging so had into skin it cut skin. OT looked at it friday and she told me just to keep an eye on it and ice it. I cant tell if it got worse. I think a blister developed and she said blisters aret good. I will have her look at it today.   It's not hurting it actually itches a little. Thank god they allowed me to take the stocking off.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 20, 2023, 09:09:43 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Good about sneaker and swelling going down.

The area where compression sleeve dug in sounds concerning definitely. I think you should notify your surgeon's office and PT too maybe. Sounds like that needs to be looked at by someone other than OT. Itching of a wound usually means healing to me but don't know about why a blister forming.
I hope PT is coming to you today so they can look at it.

I hope all's good with everyone.

Have a good day. Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 20, 2023, 07:50:22 PM
Hi Paulie,  while I am up I figured I would give you an update.   Today the pain subsided a lot still there but only took oxy once and tylenole 1x I will take 2 oxy tonight the pain is the worst at time.  But basically I lessened the pain meds. I did get tylenol with codine as a refill but will only take that at night when the pain is the worse . Ot looked at the knee area where sleeve cut through. She said it improved. it's not as red and  not as irritated.  She said it's now just brusied.   I also sent photo over to PA and they agreed.  just to ice elevate and not to put anything on it for now.  I am seing them  a week from tomorrow. worse comes to worse I have a few urgent cares in the area.  Plus I have teledoc through my work

Ot had me go in and out of the shower 4x times today that was exhausted.  she said I am always in a rush, I need to slow down.  She suggested I wait for my shower until wednesday. she saw I was exhausted and was concerned soemthing would happen.  WE will do 1 more time on wednesday then free to take my showers.  She gave very good pointers. I just need to remember and exucute.  LOL

Copper wil be th3e one to hurt mem, he is always getting in my way waling through the walker and stops right in front of me  He is ruthless!!!!! Wants his walk my sister and brother has walked him   I figured I may try to walk him around the back yard area tomorrow  .  Pt comes tomorrow we will work with cane again. 

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 20, 2023, 10:01:57 PM
Hi LB, I just now read your post. Have had an exhausting busy day!!

First, excellent news that OT and PA said that wound has improved! Good about an urgent care in the area or teledoc. That's handy.

Good about less pain meds and you got Tylenol with codeine. I wonder why your pain in worse at night?

Good about OT and you getting in and out of shower. Stop rushing!! Pace yourself and don't try to do too much at one time. Yes please remember and execute her pointers! What am I going to do with you. Lol

Were you supposed to practice getting in and out of your car today? I thought an earlier post said that. Maybe that's next week or OT saw how tired you were with shower decided to wait a week.

Oh my heavens be careful with Copper. It's really very nice your sister and brother walk him. That's great!
Ummm may I make a suggestion? Don't try to walk him tomorrow in the back yard area. You do not want to trip or fall. Remember what OT said about you rushing. Don't try to do that too soon.

Cool and good about PT coming tomorrow and cane again.

I hope you get a restful night's sleep. You need it. Tell Copper I said to behave!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 21, 2023, 07:13:40 AM
Good morning  in and out of car is today I hope he did cange the appointment from 3 to 1100 and hopefully that will be before it starts to rain . well I only took 4 adil this morning  hopefully not bad.     
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 21, 2023, 08:55:39 AM
Good morning  in and out of car is today I hope he did cange the appointment from 3 to 1100 and hopefully that will be before it starts to rain . well I only took 4 adil this morning  hopefully not bad.   
Good Morning,

LB, Oh okay today in/out of car. True hopefully not raining yet. It's just starting to rain here. It's moving eastward towards NJ so hopefully it takes longer to get to your area.
Good about 4 Advil.
Let me know how today goes with car.

Another busy day for me today doing things to prep for Thanksgiving. My 8yr granddaughter comes today for a sleepover too. Doing this to help my daughter.

Well better get a move on.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 22, 2023, 07:04:12 AM
good morning Paulie  Miss you Jacaji

In and out o car success it was easy  did passaenger ide and driver side. Taking my first shower today probably when I a ready to get in my pjs so I dont have to change so many times lol   Today is my last day of OT   I start out patient pt next wednesday dr is Tuesday

Oh it wasnt advil it was Tylenol I took yesterday. All I know is I dont sleep well at all I wake up exhausted  Copper got hit with walker today sinnce he likes to get i my way and sneak up on me  I was turning around and poof he was there!!

Going to my sister for Thanksgiving. looking forward to getting out of the house for sure   

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 22, 2023, 08:59:19 AM
Good Morning Everyone... Happy Wedesday !   

Currently 52F mostly cloudy with a   High  60F  mostly sunny,  Low 43 F .

Hi LB  sounds like  you're making some real progress.  Congrats on graduating from OT. Poor Copper.  Not sleeping well---try some Tylenol PM instead.  They're blue caplets. And, have a mild sleep aid.

Hi Paulie you are busy! Will be fun having everyone together. And, look at all that help in the kitchen!


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: tsk34 on November 22, 2023, 06:20:51 PM
LB   Have your PT go with to see if you can walk Copper.  That's a very important functional exercise you need to be able to do.  What is the number of degrees your knee can bend?  Sounds like you are making steady progress.  :)

PUFF   goniometer   LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 22, 2023, 10:30:04 PM
Oh my gosh what an exhausting day! Youngest granddaughter had sleepover here last night and here till late afternoon. I'm helping one of my daughter's with her lupus flare so she can rest. Today did more prep cooking and set up buffet etc so I don't have to do that tomorrow.

LB, Awesome progress! You've been waiting to take that shower for a while. I'm sure you enjoyed it. Maybe Copper getting wonked today will teach him to give you more space. Hope so! Enjoy Thanksgiving at your sister's. Agreed you're ready to get out of the house!

Quote #1

Phyl, Love the photo you posted. Yes to help tomorrow in kitchen .. especially the clean up!

Tsk, Hi there! Good to see you.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on November 23, 2023, 06:56:41 AM
LB   Have your PT go with to see if you can walk Copper.  That's a very important functional exercise you need to be able to do.  What is the number of degrees your knee can bend?  Sounds like you are making steady progress.  :)

PUFF   goniometer   LOL

Yep, you would know for sure.  Did you have/keep a souvenir from your former life?

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 23, 2023, 07:24:05 AM
Happy Thanks giving Everyone

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 23, 2023, 07:39:28 AM
Los o be Thankful for Another progress day.  I got my shower today and it felt wonderful!! The show spry is off th ehandle so it's easier to rinse but it felt wonderful anyway I cant wait to put the shower handle in its place so it so runs.  LOL

PT gave me permission to walk with cane in house for about 1/2 day.  The other half walker. MY last day with him is Saturday and we will take a short walk outside.  I think with cane. 

Tsk copper is not so happy with the PT he is iffy with stranger. I have to keep him locked in my bedroom when they come.  :( when I decide to walk copper it will be with walker at first.   When I feel comfortabe I will switch to cane.   Right now I just put leash on and stand and patio door and let him do his business.   I have  the poope scooper to pick up his poops.

I am not sur ein how much I can bend my knee yet.  WEdnesday I go to my outside PT They will do all the measurements then. I can bend down ad pick up some items with walker but left knee doesnt bend so much so I am  I think I would be able to bend down some with walker to pick up poop when I walk copper but going to give it another week or so.  I will attempt to pick up  first right outside of my apartment before I walk

I was going to use my cane a my siister today but deided to use walker  I will need it to help get down and up from toilet plus she has a little step to get to the living room  She has steps to get in house none with railing except theback yard to get to hr deck which I will be able to get into her house from back.  MY silly dad thought I can go through garage just 2 steps but no railings.  I told him no back yard  I need the railing. A little nervous with steps,  There is about 5.  I know I can do it I did the steps less than 24 hours aafter my surgery  in the hospital.

Eeryone have a wonderful day!! Happy Thanksging
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 23, 2023, 08:50:48 AM
Wishing everyone a pleasant and blessed day.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 23, 2023, 08:55:50 AM
LB, So happy for you with your progress. Be careful on stairs at your sisters. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Lani on November 23, 2023, 10:39:34 AM

Happy Thanksgiving Cheers Family and Friends!

Have a peaceful and lovely day!  :-*

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on November 23, 2023, 10:45:00 AM
Yaaaaa - LB has her wheels back.  Little things can become so important, and appreciated.  Even Copper has his routine back.   ;D

There's something I never gave you clues about.  Stairs, cane, and railings.

Again, on my maiden solo trip 2021 (Greece), when knees were not yet replaced,  I took along my friend the stick.  Repeat reminder. . .ADA rules are not mandatory in Europe.  Praise God they do have millions of really nice/helpful people.   I Do Not Like my friend the stick.  It's a PITA (paininthea).  But it works.  Mostly it is needed to keep balance.  Or if you fall, I was given clues somewhere about using the stick to get back up.  That part I think is just so much hooey.  The  logistics of strength, balance, and grip angles I have yet to ace.  The walker I only used about 5 days, maybe a week, when I first got home after first knee.  Don't even recall using it for second knee.  I still use cane when I go to mailbox or get paper, for instance.  My other fun/neat change of getting around is when I feed the birds.  (3 water features, 7 feeders back yard, 3 feeders south side of house)  Very worst issue is safely walking across yard of grass.  Very unstable, uneven surface.  My big idea -- I got myself a 3 or 4 foot x 18" mini red Radio Flyer wagon.  ;D   ;D   ;D  Unlike the stick, Little Red and I get along famously.  I load up my many containers on Little Red, whose handle is then my replacement for stick.  I sure do get comments, don't ya know.  Adapting still goes on as I type this.

The other two points definitely go together, stairs and railings.  About 10-15 years ago my front cement approach to the doorentrance began to flake  (?) shale.  When I had it replaced, from driveway to the front door, the step it had was slanted smoothly into the door entrance.  Problem 90% solved.  Should have done something about the 1 1/2" uprise into the house.  My first handle was to help me handle the step, again a 1 1/2" step, to get from the garage into the house.  Honest, try that while carrying a bag of groceries.  Honest!  After living here about 40 years at that point I fell going out.  Better than stick -- two of the neighbor men each ran over and grabbed an arm and zip I was up.  :-*

And last, about the railings, I direct this to everyone reading this even if you don't have my years or LB's years.  Install railings whenever or whereever you have even the slightest uneasiness.  If you have anyone visiting, keep them in mind, and trust me someday it will be you.  And, if you're buying a residence of any kind, think about older visitors or yourself at 50.  My home was "no problem" for 40 years.  Things have and will change.

Enjoy your recouped freedoms LB!  Just remember........

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on November 23, 2023, 11:09:06 AM
Happy Thanksgiving Cheerios!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on November 23, 2023, 03:57:44 PM
Different strokes, different folks, Phyl.  I had to do straight on before I got
discharged.  I could double step, but had to hold head up and face forward. 

Earlier I mentioned rehab techniques they used with me, and by the way with Ton, too.  Even though I'm normal ????? now, I still use the rail opposite the foot.  Right tsk?

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 23, 2023, 04:56:45 PM
Thanks about rail I got up the stairs by my sister I forget the railings were far apart. So now I'll remember use the railing on right and down with bad.  4 steps. The amount of steps at hospital. I'm already worried going down. Down is harder
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 23, 2023, 05:41:35 PM

 Hi LB, Paulie and jicaji.
 Hope y'all had a wonderful celebration with your families.
Congrats on your progress LB.  ;)

Here's to a 'Good Night' and SEDs.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: tsk34 on November 23, 2023, 06:38:17 PM
PUFF   Yes I did keep my goniometer but have since given it to a friend's dtr who was in PT school ::)  No matter what side the rail is on it is always up with the good( angels live up in heaven) and down with the bad ( you know who lives down there)  LOL

LB   Keep up the good work.  Keep bending and fully straightening that knee.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on November 23, 2023, 06:58:45 PM
Now that's something else tsk--

My hint was which side to rail, which depends on what leg (side) you start you used first.  But I don't recall ever being told UP use the best side first, DOWN use the poor side first.  Do think I have that right.

Best places to walk will have a railing or grabber on both sides. 

No railings to use?  Stay where you are!!!! ;D

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 24, 2023, 07:44:10 AM
Good morning I survived the  steps down, Why are men are soooo........  #$$#@# LOL both my father ND bil wanted me to use the 2 steps in garage yea seems simple  but no rails and small.   or the 2 steps out front.   with no railings and the steps are like doube steps so high/stepp.  I guess fewer steps are easier but with no assistance  no no. maybe it is but I was not chancing. My niece helped me just held my arm and stayed close. she is a speach therapist but works in a rehab sente so she does assist people with walking,  Once I got the first step my fair went away .   Truth. the unknown is scary

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving..

Tomorrow is my last day with in home PT, we will be going for a shot walk outside with cane  I never had home PT but this place is very thorough. Quite imressed.  The only thing they didnt do is walk with dog but I went through this befor I did walk copper with walker and cane before but not with an operated knee.   I am able to bend some to pick things up from floor still havent tried poop. I will wlk coppe after he poops so he doesnt popp during walk so fast until I try to bend I dont need to have copper pooper scooper and walker/or cane  THats a scary though  LOL   Copper just needs to learn to have some patience   

Yep all I say is down with bad up with good,  My sister laughs at me,   LOL   Thanks puff and tsk for advise.    I do my exercises 3 times a day leg still swollen so it doesnt look like I am bending a lot but I am I hope.   I know next week. They will be working me hard!!!!   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 24, 2023, 08:59:30 AM
Good Morning Everyone...TGIF !   

Currently 34F  mostly cloudy,  High  36F  partly sunny,  Low 30F .


Hi LB Yep...you'll be fine just follow your PT's instruction.  ;)   Prayers continue.

Hi Paulie and jicaji- hope you & yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving and safe return home.
Not much chow left for us ... tomorrow should finish it off.
Jim and I are  turkey junkies. He more  than I---think out of my share of the gobble-gobble I'll make a turkey sandwich maybe 'club' style.
Still gotta have cranberries on the side.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 24, 2023, 04:58:38 PM
Gotta share gotta share.  PT came today one of his patients cancelled. we walked outside with walker. Earlier I took copper for walk while I used the walker.  He may walk slow but he does have the hound in him he wants to follow the smells he gets stubborn but does eventually give in and follows me after I do a little tug.    I  walked further than I intended and did bend down to pick up a  poop. I was hoping he would nt g obut he did. But I learned I can bend to pick it up.  I will do what I did today 1x a day for the nex few days or longer.  I will see how I fel.  Maybe then 2 2x a day but I think I may use walker for a week or so    we'll se how I progress

Oh and when I first started PT 2 weeks ago, I measured 45 degrees.   Today I am 95 degrees. right in range  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 25, 2023, 03:57:15 AM
Good Morning !


LB tks for the update. You've made tremendous progress  ;)

Hi Paulie and jicaji
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 25, 2023, 06:20:32 AM
good morning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: tsk34 on November 25, 2023, 10:12:21 AM
PUFF  Right - good people go UP  to heaven and bad people go DOWN to #$%%

LB   95 degrees = Great news.  :) :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 26, 2023, 06:52:51 AM
good morning. I walked copper yesterday with walker then I walked myself with cane, not far but did it to gain confidence in walking with cane outside. copper was so happy just to sniff all over. he wanted to go further of course but I wouldnt let him. I tried to explain why we cant walk further just yet.  lol
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on November 26, 2023, 12:37:39 PM

Hi everyone.

Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving with family and a good weekend enjoying the leftovers :)  Now onward to the next :)

Phyl...I had my annual Thanksgiving sandwich....Turkey, stuffing, cranberries and a bit of mayo....Soooo good.

LB...Sounds like you are making great progress.  Gives me encouragement to get mine done.  Happy Copper is cooperating with you LOL and you're getting the help you need with PT, etc.

Paulie....Talk soon :)

Have a good week everyone

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 26, 2023, 04:21:39 PM
Good Afternoon Everyone...

Currently 44 w/  heavy rain  High  47F sunny   and   Low 39 F .

LB- all good ones today. Making some wonderful progress and  Copper is happy. Take care.  ;)

Hi  Jicaji- your sandwich sounds tastey . Turkey just has to have cranberries  ;)

Hi Paulie- hope all is well. And, y'all had a wonderful holiday.

Here's to a 'Good Evening". And, SEDs.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 27, 2023, 08:00:01 AM
Good morning Good to see you Jacaj!!  The first 2 weeks are the touhest for sure like everyone says!! After that improvements happen fast!!! Just make sure good surgeon and good hospital.  My after care at hospital sucked. I will never go to that hospital again.   The only good part was PT and OT in hospital.  Maybe I'll go into more detail of my experience there.  Also, make sure your surgery isnt in afternoon!!!!! mine was suppose to be 300 and I didnt have it until 430

But Jacaji I recommend it.  I can stand for longer periods now than before the surgery and there is no pain standing!!!!!!!!!  Just need to get through the first 2 weeks and righ now that is all a blurr to me right now. LOL JUst keep up with meds and the exercises PT gives you!!

getting my badages off tomorrow and start PT outside WEdnesday Looking forward to that.  I am deciding when to start working from home either the week of  12/11 or 12/18.  I could go back now if I wanted to LOL I want to concentrate on PT for the first few weeks I know they will be giving me lots of exercises to do at home probably 3x a day and if I start working I wil put off the exercises.  Technically I have unil feb to go back.  but I am getting a little restless sitting at home but I did see a lot of good movies . LOL Copper is either going to kill me or himself he walks under the walker cand drags it around and is always getting in my way but he is so happy I am home. Hes not happy I took away the throw rug, it was getting  in my way.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 27, 2023, 08:48:49 AM
Good Morning Everyone...

Currently 40F,    High  51F sunny,  Low 31 F  clear skies.

LB- Hurrah! getting bandages off this Tuesday. I can only imagine how excited you are about that- standing with out pain :)  Yep Returning to work later in December  would give you more time to focus on your recovery.  Thanks for the update

Hi Paulie- miss seeing you. Hope all is well.

Hi  Jicaji

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 28, 2023, 06:26:22 AM
Good morning Going to the doctor today to get xray and bandage off. I a all ready to go!!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 28, 2023, 11:38:30 AM
Good Morning Everyone...

LB- sending good thoughts and wishes for your  doc appt  this morning. Hope all goes
well and you feel better.

Hi Paulie and Jicaji.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 28, 2023, 12:33:13 PM
Appointment went well, Bandge off took xrys everything lookx wonderful.  The PA wiil fillout the retuen to work form and email them back date to comeback is 12/18 to ork remotely and will reevaluate again to give retur to office date. PT will be rush. she said they will pussh me the goal is to get knee bending ASAP or my movement wil be limited come a couple of months from now . I am abe to stnd aleay without pain  just need to get the knee to bend more 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 28, 2023, 08:37:09 PM

Lani, Karen and Phyl, Thank you for Cheers Thanksgiving wishes.

tsk, Puff, LB, You ladies had me laughing about which side railing to use. Me ... left knee bone on bone ... I use right side railing. Feels safter/better.

Phyl, Re: your "Autumn Music etc" yesterday. At my house snow flurries, lows 20, highs 30s and blustery wind. I'm ready for Spring.

Hi jicaji

LB, Excellent news about your progress. Did you drive yourself to your Dr appt today? Great about bandage being removed and x-ray good. You be very careful with Copper under foot!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 28, 2023, 09:06:43 PM
This will not be short.  :) :P

Tues. Youngest granddaughter her for sleepover. She was here Wednesday till evening.

Wed. Day before Thanksgiving. While prepping/cooking and of course using kitchen sink .. the bathroom sink downstairs (pipes connected) clogged and flooded bathroom floor. Grab towels .. wipe up. Everything drained okay after testing. Continued cooking and using kitchen sink. Thought all's cleared and okay.

Thurs - Thanksgiving Day. Used kitchen sink all morning and early afternoon. All was good and meal prepared. Buffet and table set up.
My husband suddenly didn't feel good like before his ICD shocks his heart. I told him sit down and he was done helping me. No family here yet. Called my son to come carve turkey. Husband felt better and turnkey carved.
Put pots etc in dishwasher to clean while we ate. Mid-cycle someone says "I hear water." Downstairs drain clogged and overflowing again.
Stopped dishwasher. Other's grabbed towels laying on floor downstairs. We're going to enjoy each other and meal together and deal with it afterwards. We did. We laughed and enjoyed each other.
After meal the guys got to work downstairs trying to remove clog. Finally after hours I said stop. Will deal with it tomorrow. Dirty dishes, bowels, plates, silverware must wait till tomorrow.

Fri morning ... 1st day of both deer/buck hunting. Guys were ready to head to cabin. Umm not till clog is cleared says I. They worked and worked. Didn't happen. I said mid-morning "Just go. I'm good. I'll call plumber" I needed peace!!
After many calls all plumbers booked. Turns out the day after Thanksgiving is busiest day of the year I'm told. Will come Monday. What?? I found an awesome plumber with a heart who came and said he would not charge me double for weekends as they all do. Thank you.

Oh I forgot to mention my oldest granddaughter asked to me watch her dog while she went to cabin to hunt with guys. She's 16. She always said she wanted to hunt with her dad/my oldest son. Her dog is cute etc but weird with men and strangers. She saw plumber at front door. I put her out on the deck and gave her pieces of turkey while plumber worked downstairs. He left. She came in .. sniffed .. and weirded out hiding behind chairs refusing to go to the stairs that lead to the front door to go outside to do her business. Was fun. Not!!!

For a while I've been watching a young 4-point buck from cabin Ring camera and also while there sitting on cabin porch. My granddaughter shot a young 4-point buck. Guess who?  :( :'(

Everyone returned late Sunday night. Due to the time granddaughter, her dog and my son slept here. No problem. I love them. I was looking forward to empty house eventually though.

Monday a busy day doing things and helped granddaughter with high school project.

Tuesday today. I finally this morning got my car from the shop repaired. The guys there finally pin pointed issues caused by other place I took for state inspection and messed things up. Then I had dental appt today. Afterwards had errands and things to do.

Bottom line I'm now sitting here in silence and hoping tomorrow is a pleasant slow day.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 29, 2023, 08:30:40 AM
Good mornng Wow Paulie never a dull moment.  Poor deer?    I have mixed feeling on deer hunts.   I understand but not happy if you get what I mean...   Hopefully the rest of the week is nice and quiet for you.    oh I checked my fitbit tracker I did 7000 steps. Is that too much???  LOL   O wonder if I over did the walking.  I had to walk to dr the parking is horrendous there and had to park far.   I went to walmart to get coppers scripts. IN and out.  then walked copper 2x.  I  cooked and that was too much  but I was able to stand the whole time cooking usually I cant
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 29, 2023, 09:29:48 AM
Good morning, It's 10:20am and I'm still in pajamas and robe sipping coffee. I feel like staying in them all day.  :)

LB, Yep I understand what you mean about hunting. Same here. Thanks about the rest of the week.
They're all talking about going back this weekend. I'm definitely not going preferring to have a quiet hopefully relaxing weekend.

Geez Louise you did a lot of walking!! I imagine the exercise was good for you and knee but don't know if that was too much.
Good you made it through walking that parking lot for Dr appt!
You got a lot done yesterday! I hope you slept good last night.

#1 is interesting and #2 cute
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 29, 2023, 09:59:12 AM
Good Mornning Everyone !

On a short schedule today...

Paulie glad to hear from  you.  You had a busy Thanksgivng .
I don't approve of hunting in this day and age either.

LB you've made a lot of progress. Hopefully, you haven't over done things yesterday,  too much.
Copper loved his walks I'm sure. Take care

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on November 29, 2023, 10:39:09 AM
Phyl My solution -- Let him keep your car and buy yourself a new one.  ;D

Tell him Merry Christmas!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 30, 2023, 08:13:14 AM
Good Morning
 First outpatient PT today.   Woooaaaa.... it was mostly an evaluation to see what I can and cannot do. I was able to bend my knee 90 degrees on my own. It was at 45 degrees the day after surgery. She was able to manipulate it to 105 degrees. Ouch.  I definitely need  help with getting my knee to bend while walking.   Its a lot to do with habit since I haven't really walked bending my knee for a good 6 years. But surgery has something to do with it  as well. I also need help with balance. I could stand on my left foot only for about 1 sec. LolAnd made 4 sec standing on right foot. LOL. She said my strength is there!! She was quite impressed. Pain will definitely be involved but looking forward to seeing the improvements. Which I already see!!!  Looking forward to the next few months🤩🤩🤩🤩

 I had trouble sleeping due to the  pain f PT  I wonder if its all in my head.  She was sayng how I am always hesitiant in trying things and think I wont be able to and I do with no problem.  I definitly dont have confidence  how do you gain that

Copper threw up this morning it was all water  not fun try9ing to clean that I took an old towel and wiped up  using cane and feet then mopped.

I have a sty now too!! ugg   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 30, 2023, 08:40:05 AM
Good Morning LB, Paulie and  Jicaji !

{{{LB}}}  I found that alot of that will take thoughtful repetition every time you walk. That's what I  did with my Vertigo ( BPPV) PT  and arthroscopy R. knee.PT.
I had poor balance after 3 level ACDF of cervical spine surgery 6 yrs. ago. Those tiny crystals in the inner ear were jarred loose by the drill used to
install the surgical stainless steel screws attaching the titanimum plate in my spinal column.  Balance is worse on my right side. What PT had me do was use
just my left forefinger  to aid balancing while standing on just that right leg.  Every once and a while,  I tested myself w/o the one finger balance aid. The goal PT and doc set for me was a mininum of 10 seconds without help.
All in all ... ;)

Poor  {{{Copper}}}. Glad it was just water. Maggie does that when her head is bent too far for her to swallow competely. Not sure if that's the same for Copper. 
Dog anatomy a little different from cats. ;)

Paulie and  Jicaji   :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 30, 2023, 09:35:59 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Wow good progress bending knee but sounds very painful. Darn it to Copper. Sending you and Copper hugs.

Phyl, Sending you hugs too.

Oh LB! Virgin River airs today/tonight. Christmas holiday I think and something about Mel's father.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on November 30, 2023, 03:22:59 PM
thanks for info Phyl.  Paulie I will start tonight I am catching up on shows I recorded right now. LOL    I am finding pretty decnet movis to watch ones I would normal NOT watch LOL 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on November 30, 2023, 03:51:00 PM
An early 'Good Evening' to you all.
With lots of SEDs.
Esp. for LB and Copper.  ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on November 30, 2023, 10:09:30 PM
thanks for info Phyl.  Paulie I will start tonight I am catching up on shows I recorded right now. LOL    I am finding pretty decnet movis to watch ones I would normal NOT watch LOL
LB, Good! Did you watch Virgin River? I didn't get a chance to yet. 
Good to you finding movies even though you wouldn't normally watch them. Oh my. Lol
You take this time to relax while you can. You've earned it.

Hi Phyl

I had a busier day than planned. Had some family requests to help with things. I also got all my outside and inside Autumn decorations put away and began with some Christmas holiday outside and inside. This is me time now.  :)

Take care all. SED
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 01, 2023, 07:27:35 AM
Good morning  Ys I watched Virgin River Paulie.  I dont think I cared for it. Its only 2 seasons it was to Sappy. I didnt ike the acting   LOL  But the best part was some great cliff hangers.    I have a stye the med is ointment in eye and makes it hard to see!!!!!   I think I gav e up the walker  I have it out just in case and I  took off the toilet seat riser. that will help bend my knees more use the regular toilet seat without the riser. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 01, 2023, 10:30:14 AM
Good Morning Everyone..   

Currently 43F and cloudy  High  43 and rain,  Low 38 F   

Had some light rain last night. Will work on putting up garland and stringing it's lights downstairs.  Will add our Nativity to the livingroom. At this point I'm
not sure about adding a Christmas tree. I often feel more 'connected' to the season when I see the Nativity and Holy Family. I think I'll sting some delicate accent
lights in the Nativity like I've done in the past. I love seeing it displayed in the delicate lights. And, leave them lit all night to dawn.
 Jim will keep searching for a Toyota Camry to replace the Pontiac. So far no luck.  Lol he found one in Chicago though.
  Seriously, he going to check out a dealer ship after work today. I won't hold my breath.

Hi LB I think  your adjustments to your household enviorment are spot on!   ;)  The inspirations are all good. Really Like Jackie Chan
Never had a sty--but I'm sure the orinment makes vision difficult.  {{{}}}

Hi  Paulie and  Jicaji !
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 01, 2023, 11:53:55 AM
LB, Interesting about Virgin River. I still haven't had time to watch. Will at some point.
Good for you putting walker aside unless needed and removing seat riser too. Good idea for bending knee. You're determined!

Quotes 1 and 2

Phyl, Your decorations sound pretty. Sounds like Jim is doing his best to find a car. Toyota Camry has a rep for being a good vehicle. The correct car will appear eventually. Hopefully sooner than later.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on December 01, 2023, 03:28:20 PM
LB  Paulie Whole other area of discussion - the toilet.

Never had the booster seat, but in short order we replaced both upstair/downstair toilets to comfort height!  Amen.  Too, both Ton and I short, both of us 2 knee replacements, both fo us hindered by arthritis in too many joints.  Getting around the way I do ----  I wish the hotel owners would get the idea.

As you know more about people and walkers you'll soon find that they're not long-lived.  And, the stick does a good job on balance and some easy relief. 

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 01, 2023, 05:47:00 PM
Just checking in. I am icnig my knee PT today. woaoooaaaa. But first I went to grocery store to pick up a few things of course I had to walk from one end to another cause the items I needed were on opposite side of store. LOL  I am probab to say I handlec like a star!!  Did not have the pain I previously wuld have prior to urgefry. I then went to PT and they manuevered the knee big time lots of beding behyond I thought I can handle.  But like Paulie said I am determined.   I then went to panarea to get lunch/dinner I have another 1/2 of sandwhich I can  have for lunch tomorrow.

As much as I didt care for the aftercare at hospital , I am so glad I had this surgery I nticed so many things for the better since the surgery. It's happening so quickly.  I can hobble around without cane if needed.  I am using cane most of time though good tool to use to try and get the knee bending when I walk. She watched me as I left and said I am beding it a littlw need to bend more  It's weird saying I dont know how it feels to bed the knee while walking so this is harder than I thouht it would be  LOL   I can stand I can walk far but bednding knee while walking is going to be the challenge for sure!!!

Phyl your decoration sounds nice.  you should take a photo
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: tsk34 on December 01, 2023, 06:31:36 PM
PAULIE    PHEW!!!!!  I was waiting to hear what and where was the clog??

LB  One thing you could do is stand at the sink sideways with your - (is it left replacement?)  right side next to the sink.  Take your left leg and put it behind you with toe touching the floor.  Now exaggerate picking up your leg - carry it through as if taking a step and land that step on your left heel - then repeat....It's a drill - to give you the feeling again of taking a step the "normal" way.  You're not actually walking but just practicing the feel of taking the left step correctly.  That might help.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on December 02, 2023, 06:06:56 AM
That all sounds very professional tsk.  Noone ever made that suggestion to Ton/me.  Tricks of the trade would maybe have made rehab faster and easier.  I'm just guessing.  Running through the rehab in my head. . .

Once I got thru pain of first knee I started using that one and got very much usable.   That meant that remaining knee got no action and spoiled - first knee got strong and I depended on it a lot.  That also meant that even when second knee went through the process about a year and a half later - that second knee led an easy life counting on #1 to keep taking on the majority of the exercise.  Does this make any sense medically?  There's probably a technical medical term.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 02, 2023, 06:45:13 AM
Thanks TSk, I tgred a few times last tnight. thats hard.  I try to imagine the motion of stepping and sometimes stop and do the actual motion. It will help for sure   Thanks.  At home PT they only concentrated on the left knee but now that I am out patient they want me to do the strentches exerciises for both knees to keep the strength in the right leg as well.  I agree!! Those stretches they do are hell but I just think its ony to help me. It's funny I am grabbiing on the table with dear life while they do those stretches.   so everything is improving for sure right night the major problem is the calf of my leg. That is the most stiff other than knee cap. 
Hope everyone has a good weekend it's cloudy and dreary here and rain tomorrow 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 02, 2023, 07:50:28 AM
Good Morning Everyone!


Hi LB I esp like inspirition #2.    Tsk's exercise is a work out for sure. But, in time you'll be the better off for it. She's always has some sound advice and all.
Hope you have a good day and Copper is doing fine.

Hi  Paulie and  Jicaji ! Finally---Saturday
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 02, 2023, 10:18:03 AM
LB, I am sooooo happy for you!! And you saying you're glad you had knee replacement is awesome. You walked getting your shopping done like a pro!
Same here with the weather today and tomorrow. Blah
All three quotes today are good.

tsk, The pipe clog was in the downstairs bathroom sink that's located above the kitchen sink. It drains out to the front of the house. The cause of the back up was built up sludge in pipe. Yuck.

The exercise suggestion you gave to LB sounds really good.

Hi Puff

Phyl, Yep it's Saturday and I'm still busier than ever doing things.
Did you set up your nativity with small lights? If so or when you do post a pic. Sounds very pretty.
Oh! How did Jim make out yesterday after work with a Toyota Camry?
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 02, 2023, 05:34:55 PM
Hi LB wonderful how you feel aboutt he knee replacement.

Paulie  tks for info about the pipe 'clog'---'yuck' for sure  I need batteries for the lights.
Jim's got walking pneumonia---again. Which means I'll be next. Just as long as Maggie is fine.
No cars for JIm...not with in budget.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 02, 2023, 05:37:58 PM
     "Good Evening'  Everyone !   SEDs                                   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 02, 2023, 11:25:21 PM
Phyl, No way! Jim's got walking pneumonia! ... again too. Oh my heavens! God bless him and you. When it rains it pours.
No no no ... to you being next. Try taking extra Vitamin C and wearing a mask maybe? ... to prevent you from getting it.
Awww your concern is for Maggie. I understand that. I hope you both stay healthy.

Okay to no car for Jim yet. Let's look at the glass half full. You both still have your Kia to use.

I hear ya about budget. Same here with Charlie's Jeep repairs then my car. I still have to go back for "one more fix". Can't forget that yuck pipe clog cost not expected. I say that so you know you're not alone. In today's economy everyone is feeling the pinch.

I've said for a long time ... life's a roller coaster .. ups and downs. You and Jim will be going up and forward to the better. Yes you will.
I had another family issue here today. For heavens sake. So I'm looking forward to the up too. Btw ... I don't like real amusement park roller coasters.  ;)

Prayers to Jim feeling better soon and you and Maggie staying healthy. Hugs to each of you. Keep me/us updated.

LB, I hope you had a good day and found more good movies to watch.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 03, 2023, 05:52:12 AM
A blessed Sunday Everyone and...

Currently 51F w/ light rain.    High  59,   Low 44F .

I have Jim in a KN95 mask and all the other paraphernalia and moved to another room.   Still, he kept me up last night.  So here I am---LOL

Paulie I don't have the KIA---Jim takes it  to  and fro work. I'm stu ck at home. If I need to go any where it has to wait until 4pm  or later and then he takes me.
It't something I need to do before 4pm he has to take off work and take me. No one on the block is home during the day.
Wishing you the best with  your own issues. {{{}}}

LB hope you have a good day today and your recovery remains on the fast track.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 03, 2023, 08:27:53 AM
Good morning, sorry to hear about Jim Phylis hopefully a speedy recovery. Sorry about only the one car I understand nothaving transportation and you have to rely on others.   

I am doing tsk exercises to get the knee bending whiling walking. I get frustrated. knee is still very stiff and soon as I hit that block I stop. I know I must go on until I cant tolerate. My sister yells at me it takes time.  I think I am like my father want everything instant.   LOL  Day 4 with this stye.  I think it's improving a little.   I will go to urgent care tomorrow if not looking better.  the little white pimple s gone just swollen

Paulie, you needs leassons in how to rest.   I made my protein pancakes yesterday that was a lot of standing I did it definitly over did a bit

Paulie I am watching movies galore some ok some not so ok. LOL  Sleeping is getting better still hard to move positions its the calf that is the problem  That is really still too . go figure.  I am waiting for copper to allow me to sleep in .   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 04, 2023, 07:09:11 AM
Good Morning Everyone!   

Currently 57F  cloudy,   High  71F sunny,  Low 49 F 

Jim's much better. Thanks.

We spent all of yesterday evening and most of the night at St. Thomas Med Ctr E R.
I had a mishap, fell and broke my nose.
Details later –
Here are today's posts.
Taking my ‘glued ‘ together nose and going back to bed.
Have a good day.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on December 04, 2023, 07:25:57 AM
What???  Why did you do that???

No fun at all Phyl, I did that once in my younger days, probably 17 at the time.
Hope you're doing OK.  Just take it easy, don't bend down/over.  Pressure can be ugly.  Black eyes too?  Switch places with Jim taking care of each other.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 04, 2023, 08:34:32 AM
Oh my Gosh Phyl.  so sorry to hear about your fall and broken nose!!! I hope it heals fast!!!!   Seems like something is alwas happening!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 04, 2023, 06:15:43 PM
What?! Oh my gosh Phyl! I'm so sorry you fell and broke your nose!

Please give up an update when you can. God bless you. I've begun prayers for you.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 05, 2023, 07:03:17 AM
Good morning 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 05, 2023, 07:29:32 AM
Happy Tuesday Everyone !   

Currently 36F    High  49F  mostly sunny,  Low 647F.

So glad I got some Christmas cards addressed and ready to go  before my ‘mishap’
Thanks for concern and all.

LB  nice to see you this AM; all good inspirations today. Thanks.  #3 in so many ways  ;)

Hi Paulie Jim back to work and I'm on my own feeling wobblely/off balance more than ever.

I'll have an update on my snoz ( LOL) a bit later

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 05, 2023, 11:54:42 AM
LB, How are you doing today? Copper behaving?

Agreed to all good today. #3 is favorite and absolutely true.

Phyl, So good to see you here. Good news Jim is back at work. You be very careful being on your own and wobbly! A walker would come in handy for you until you're more steady. You take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 06, 2023, 08:05:43 AM
Good morning,   I am doing ok . From the knee down is still very stiff and hard tol move around. like when I get in shower and putting on my left shoe.  They say it will go away I hope soon. I know part of the healing process but I think it doesnt help with bending my knee
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 06, 2023, 09:53:02 AM

Happy Wednesday !

Currently 31F   High  41F  mostly sunny,  Low 31 F .

I'm good face the world and the doc this morning with just a fresh washed face LOL 
My eye glasses keep sticking to the Dermabond.  ::)

LB glad to hear you're doing better. Keep it all moving.

Hi Paulie LOL walker.

Here's the low down on what happened last Sunday evening


I have a fracture of the nasal bone close to the tip.  https://teachmeanatomy.info/head/osteology/nasal-skeleton/ Plus a 1/2' laceration just above that on the right hand side. Dermabond (purple-ish) was applied to that wound which had close up on it's own.    ;)  The Derma bond as some of you know is like a bandaid, and takes 72 hrs to 'cure'  until Thursday.  But, this morning,  I found a way to at least wash my face.

Sunday about 6PM, I tripped on the carpet in the spare room and the BPPV( Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) pulled me on over. I put my hands out in front to cushion my face and smack right into the door's frame, the corner/ it's impact,  cut the upper R. side of my nose   and I 'broke' the tip of the 'the nose' . When docs say the nose they mean the bone that one sees on a skeleton. Not the cartilage .
 The impact of hitting the frame knocked me backward giving me a slight whiplash movement to my neck/head ---thew me down hard on my bum -- I landed with legs apart and hand holding my nose with blood running down my face and chin-- evidently I bit the inside of my lower lip. It's  a wee mess inside.

Jim heard the thud and came running up stairs. Got mad at me 'cuz I just sat there crying. A few questions later we were in the car to ER. Well, you how the rest how this goes, imaging CT scans of my head, face and neck ( to check my 'hardware' from 3level ACDF (Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion)of cervical spine). The wait for that reading was 90mins, etc back to room finally ER nurse on duty came in delivered a Tetanus shot.  Then some time later ER doc came in and tidy  up my nose  and Q-tipped the Dermabond onto my nose's  right side.  And delivered a litany of  restrictions for not making the fracture worse.
My discharge nurse told me the scans were fine save for the nose.
My nose dosen’t  look smashed in or  do I have black eyes ---well just from my mascara when  I woke Monday AM...raccoon eyes for sure. LOL
 Any one with allergies will know what they are  some of the restrictions are---sadly no Flonase up the nose or sinus flushing. I'm stuffy and a entire face aches with lots of sinus pressure extending up to my eyes.  Sleeping restrictions too.

I have Rx for Augmenten Clav875- 875mg/125mg tab twice daily w/food.   Plus a another Rx.  No pain meds as I refuse narcotic drugs. I have Ex- strength Tylenol and that will have to do.

The entire Rxs cost--- $0.16.   It’s because Publix has special pricing for certain antibiotics, some are  FOC (free of charge) others are discounted.

That's about the sum/total.  Save for me not being able to tolerate my eye glasses too long a time. Either sit on my nostrils or high above scrunchhing my eyelashes  against my eyeballs.

I have appointment w/ PCP today for follow Up and obtian a  referral to EENT.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 06, 2023, 10:53:42 AM
Good morning,   I am doing ok . From the knee down is still very stiff and hard tol move around. like when I get in shower and putting on my left shoe.  They say it will go away I hope soon. I know part of the healing process but I think it doesnt help with bending my knee
LB, Good that you're doing ok but my heavens this is a long process for you.
Did the crease where the compression bandage dug into your skin get all healed and better?
Also how's that sty in your eye? Improving I hope.

#1 and on my to The Flow in 3!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 06, 2023, 11:04:49 AM
Phyl, Holy mud that's quite a story about your fall and hitting your nose!! Sad that you were sitting crying. Of course because that had to be traumatic and hurt. Hugs.

Your ER visit and long waiting sounds exhausting. I'm sure you were glad to go finally go home.
Interesting that you broke the tip of your nose. Oh my that had to hurt.
Good that you were given Rx scripts. Wow can't beat that price!
Sounds tricky and annoying wearing your glasses. I hope you're resting off and on.
I'm wishing you a speedy full recovery.
Oh! A suggestion .. move if possible or use carpet tape under the part of the rug you tripped over. Be careful there in the future.

Please give an update on how your visit to PCP goes today.

Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 06, 2023, 06:48:08 PM
oh shoot  I typed a whole thing and it disappeared.  Lets try again. 

Phyl wow. Glad you didnt hurt yourself worde than you did!!!  I agree remove the rug or put tape underneath,  Er visit soundd fun!! NOT!!  Glad  you got that all out of the way.    I hope you have a speedy recovery for sure!!!

Paulie, yes the cut from the compression stocking is allbetter, well I havent looked but it doesnt bother me so it should be better.  I'll check later  LOL

I ended up going to the urgent care and she gave me Amoxicilian (sp)  The swellen went down after 2 pills. I need to take fo r5 more days .  Usually my stys go away just doing warm compresses but this time it didn't  weird

So I have a story about my torturous PT sessions.  uggh.  I know it's for the best and it's to help me and get the stiffness away so I am able to bend my knees easier but its pure torture for about 5 minutes or so.   I lay on my back on the table with knees up feet flat on table. she brings in my leg as much as she can even beyond what I can do on my own. Holy smokes!!!!!!!! she hold it in that position for about 3-5 seconds while she does that I close my eyes tight and hold on to the table for dear life.   She does this 2 more times then she lets me relax a little bit and we do it all over again 3 more times.  If she can she pushes in even further.    I never had so much pain during PT before . this is pure hell but if it helps getting the stiffness away and for me to bend my knee I will do it!!!!  I had to share the torture.  LOL   I do feel better afterwards   lol

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 06, 2023, 11:19:51 PM
Paulie and LB doc got called away so I saw her NP (nurse practioner). She's very nice and cautious. Jim asked her some questions that I knew professonally /legally couldn't anwer. I didn't hold her to the issue.  Importantly a referal to a EENT in Brentwood/Cool Spgs. Just this side of the city, who she and doc think mostly highly of professionally. So  will get a call from them.
NP did aread the ER report and a very, very, very  gentle exam of my nose---more like on the very very tip of nasal bone. Could have missed it altogher if more fortunate.

I still feel drained from the experience.
Now I have to do the finger to the nose  'thing' to stave of  a rash of sneezes.  >:(
Tylenol is a Godsend.

LB do glad to know that your compression stocking injury is 'all better'.   Share away!!  I can just picture you d uring PT.   

Paulie I had to chuckle at your exclaimation---"Holy mud!" I  love it.   The carpet is wall to wall. I had a pair of Classic Keds on and I just tripped on the carpet.  Go figure. Eh?

SED's ladies...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 07, 2023, 07:48:34 AM
Good morning  Glad you got a name of a good ent doctor Phyl.  I am sitting here watching the squirrels play and eat their peanuts and also the birds.     I think I am going to try and vaccuum and mop floors today  well not try I will do.   cloudy dreary cold day here.  oh I attatched a collage of my sweet Oliver.   It was his anniversary of his death yesterday IT's been 8 years   I remember each of those days in the photo like it was yesterday  :) UPDATE. I just looked outside and it's snowing,   Light snow wont accumulate
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 07, 2023, 10:18:57 AM
Good Morning Everyone... 

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Currently 37F;   High  50F sunny,  Low 47F.

LB  collage of Walter is wonderful---he is a sweet fella, RIP
I hope you can achieve what you want to do today. Take care.
I'm still 'wobbley'  :( ::)

Hi Paulie

Pearl Harbor Firsthand Accounts: Video
On December 7, 1941, a surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor shocked America. These are the stories of veterans who were at the naval base that morning.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 07, 2023, 12:37:27 PM
Hi, I had a morning dental appt then lots of errands.

LB, Awwwww Oliver!! I remember sweet Oliver. He was the best excellent loving dog to you ever! I remember how devastated you were when he had to cross the rainbow bridge. Hugs to you about his anniversary yesterday. I love his collage. You did good with that!!

Very good the wound from the compression sock has healed. Very good also the Amoxicillin is helping your sty.
Oh my to your PT sessions!! Sounds very painful but like you said necessary. Still though .... ouch!
You be careful vacuuming and mopping floors today .. especially if Copper is nearby.
It snowed here this morning too and its melting already. Yay!

Phyl, Very good you had a very good visit with NP. She sounds very thorough and efficient. Good that she was gentle with your exam.
Excellent to your referral.
Oh my try not to sneeze. Yep do that finger trick. Very good the Tylenol is helping you.
Thanks for explaining the carpet. I'm sure you'll remember every time you enter that room.
Of course you're exhausted!! Physically, mentally and emotionally. You've been through an ordeal for sure.
You please take it easy!! And be careful with you still being wobbly. While Jim's at work I hope you can lay down to rest .. even nap. Snuggle with Maggie too. Hugs to you.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 08, 2023, 07:35:11 AM
Good morning, I vaccuumed the living room thats about it. I need to mop and do bedroom as well.  I did do laundry LOL  I mostly watch tv. I cant count how many shows/movies I have watched. LOL   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 08, 2023, 08:05:27 AM
Good Morning...And...'Happy Friday!
Currently 47F   high  58F  and  Low 41 F

Hi LB all good ones today, tks.  Movies are fun.  You got some 'chores' accomplished  ;)

Hi Paulie hope dentist appt went well. Always nice to get errand finished

Been almost a week and I never go that long with a dirty 'mop'. LOL   It's going to be real task ---  I'll have to stand with my head tilted a back to the shower head and pray the BPPV doesn't make me fall on my head. LOL       If I bend forward then the dirty water will run down my nose.  Won't be good for an infection.  Speaking of---having adverse reaction to the Augmenten...not surprizing at-all. But somtimes a person's 'system' changes. However, not this time.   My nose is 'itchy' today and the Derma bond is peeling off. That sounds about right though on the Dermabond.    Maybe  a 'paint job' on the face too.  ;D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 08, 2023, 10:12:56 AM
Good Morning,
Yep it's Friday. I woke up thinking it was Saturday. Heck sometimes days run together to the point when Charlie and I will ask the other "What day is today?" or "What's today's date?"

LB, Good to getting the vacuuming done. The mopping and bedroom get done when you do it. Don't over do and wear yourself out. I imagine your daily stretching/bending exercises can tire you out. And taking Copper for walks too.

When do you resume working from home? You've got some weeks to go for that I think.

Phyl, Dental appt was good and true to getting errands done. I went back out yesterday afternoon for final errand. Last night I was tired!

Oh my gosh to your description washing your "mop"! Don't do that. So you got me thinking. Do you have a waterproof chair you use outside that Jim could put into the shower for you to sit? Not knowing what type shower head you have but if one that lifts off you could do it that way. If not, don't fret about your hair right now.

Oh geez to your adverse Augmentin reaction. Augmentin is a strong antibiotic. You are correct about sometimes a persons 'system' changes. It happens. I used to take it with no issues. Then a few years ago did for sinus infection. Nasty reaction. Threw up and dry heaved for the duration till all were taken. Then was prescribed it again thinking maybe would be okay this time. Nope. 'System' had adverse reaction. I have refused it going forward. My medical chart now has noted I'm allergic to it.

Are you to take Augmentin for 10 days?

A good sign I think to your nose feeling itchy now. When any wound is healing I've taken the itching as a good sign to the healing process.

What do you mean about a paint job on the face too?

You continue to rest today I hope and heal.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 08, 2023, 05:34:12 PM
I feel your pain, Phyl!!! I iddnt wash my hair for a week when I first had my surgery. Then it was another week. I waited until I was able to take shower.  Sorry about the issue with the antibiotic.   I have one more blood thinner pill to take   I didint do anything today. well I walked copper. I  take copper for his normals walks now  with cane.  I went to PT,  MY 5 minute of torture!!!! It wasnt so bad.    I then went to my father  to visit him.

I  go back to worj on the 18th. 1 more week but remotely   I think I can go back to office but i'll wait. It will be sometime in January though  I am getting restless home.   I am starting to get anxiety.  worrying about everything. It's that time of year .I just wanted to check in here  tonight. I'll cln sunday during our rain storm   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 08, 2023, 06:57:43 PM

I know you do LB you been thru so much lately. Goes for you---taking it easy.

Hey you two (Paulie) Tsk in Beakrrom offered  up an excellent idea for me. Using a KN95 mask over my nose/mouth while I shower. It works
wonderfuly well.  I'm all shiney clean from head to toe!

Paint job on face= makeup

Sending SEDs Everyone!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 08, 2023, 08:37:01 PM
LB, Okay to you beginning to work remotely on the 18th. It's great you walk Copper on his normal walks with a cane. Glad to hear your 5 minutes of PT pain wasn't that bad. Progress!! Very nice you can now drive yourself to visit your father.
Good thinking that you'll clean Sunday during the rain. Relax tomorrow.

Same here Sunday. Heavy rain up to 2 inches and high winds. Yuck. I'm hoping to stay inside.

Phyl, That was an excellent idea of tsk's to use mask. Good that you're all shiny and clean. I know that makes you feel better.

Okay to paint job = makeup. Lol

Another busy day here around the house and sorting/separating three granddaughter's Christmas presents to see what's arrived and what needs delivered yet. They texted or emailed me links to things and sizes/colors etc. It's nice my youngest 8 yr old still likes board games and different toys and art books and supplies. The 16 and 14 teenagers are into clothing, shoes and makeup. Oh different perfumes and lotions too. Oh and some jewelry. Geesh things aren't cheap. Hoping to wrap tomorrow and/or Sunday.

Well I'm heading out. Take care. SED

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 09, 2023, 08:20:32 AM
Good morning I finally ot to sleep in today. Copper let me sleep to 800!!!  Finally out of the 6 weeks off I get to sleep past 630.   I went up and  down 2 steps to get to my dads house without rails  !!!  I am actually nervous to go back to work  not sure why 

Glad you got your shower Phyl
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 09, 2023, 09:56:11 AM
Good morning,

LB, Yay you slept till 8am!! That felt good. Congrats doing the steps at your dad's house. Good for you!

You're probably nervous about work because of being away for so many weeks and wondering if maybe there's been changes to process etc. I think you are hard on yourself too because you've always excelled at what you do at work. I bet once you've resumed working your routine will fall into place nicely for you.

All quotes are good today.

Hi Phyl, Hoping you had a restful evening and got a good night's sleep.

Well another very gray, chilly blah weather here today. A full week plus of these gray chilly days. Need sunshine!!
Tomorrow 2 inches rain maybe more predicted with gusting winds. Yuck.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 09, 2023, 10:07:32 AM
I think its also because the last time I was out for my achilles surgery (at another job) when I returned to work I got laid off.   I know different company but I keep thinking of that.  I know there has been some changes when I logged n I read emails nothing affects me so far expect a procedure. my boss has a habit of thinking he tells everyone but doesnt.  LOl  espeically since I have been out 6 weeks he has no idea hat I know or dont know.   I can actually probably return to ffice but I'll ease myself into it.   LOL  I think I  am going to log on next weekend and look at one of my responsibilities that someone took over.  The last time I was out for a few days b4 my surgey she changed ev erything around.  I am going to look and fix it to the way I do it if she made changes  LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 09, 2023, 05:45:09 PM
 SEDs Everyone...       

LB thanks. The big deal was washing my hair. But as i mentioned Tsk had a great suggesiton for me. It worked perfectly. Wishing you all the best with the hassels of reinserting yourself at the work enviorment.

I slept very well. Thanks Paulie

Been trying to find a more elevated  food/water bowls holder for Maggie. Not easy---may have to go to ones for small dogs.  ;)
I thought it'd make a nice gift for her.

None of our Christmas presents are arriving. Maybe it's just me.  :-\
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 10, 2023, 10:10:25 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Good idea to ease yourself returning to work in-office. Once you do return working from home you have every right to change procedure of one of your responsibilities back to the way you do it. The co-worker probably made changes to the way she found was better for her. Bottom line .. it's your responsibility so make changes that work best for you. Relax now and don't fret about it until you've returned to work. Not worth it.  :)

Your area has the same heavy rain and winds as mine. Your area has flood warning though along eastern coast. You stay inside cozy I hope.

Phyl, How are you weather wise? I saw on morning national news Tennessee had nasty weather move through. I hope not in your vicinity.

Finding an elevated food/water stand  for Maggie from small dog selection should work. Hopefully you find a good selection to choose from.
I've used one in the past for my St. Bernard, Zeus. The elevation definitely helped with neck/head height.

Uh-Oh to your Christmas presents being delivered. No it's not you. This holiday season's shipping/delivery is a mess and worrisome for lots of people.

I've had issues too being notified of delayed delivery .. then item might be lost then still no delivery. I went onto website and cancelled order then re-ordered it. The new second item was delivered promptly and I received a refund for the first order not delivered.
Sounds like a hassle to do but it worked. I did it for two orders.

I've currently waiting for a delivery that was to be delivered last Friday. I keep checking tracking. The darned package keeps going back n forth to a FedEx terminal. I got an email this morning it's now out for delivery today. We shall see! Ugh.
So no it's not you.

How are you feeling health wise/nose today?
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 10, 2023, 12:26:46 PM
Good afternoon

I slept in again today well to 8:15 that is late for me.   I actually cleaned the bathroom yesterday. I just need to mop floors along with rest of house .  maybe  later. LOL. I am in the middle of watching Away. It's bout the astraunuts going to Mars. Not a new moview came out a few years ago  Its good.    I am on episode 8 of 10.  its a rainy day the hard ran hasnt started yet like they should be   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 10, 2023, 11:42:38 PM
Hi LB, Nice! You got to sleep in again today. Good because you've had a lot of rough past weeks. Your progress is a plus for sure. You've worked hard for this. The show you're watching sounds interesting. You're almost done with it!
Same here about the rain. Good.
You sleep in again tomorrow I hope.  :)
Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 11, 2023, 09:35:24 AM
No sleeping in today Copper woke me up around 630 but layed in bed til 700  I am wondering if I can give up the cane.   I am walking more inside the house without it.  I think I am bending knees more walking I will have PT check today.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on December 11, 2023, 09:53:48 AM
FYI   LB   I never use Stick in the house.  Stopped doing that about a week after discharge, both knees.  HOWEVER  I use it out of the house whenever I leave even if it just outside the house.  Truth be told, I keep one in the garage and one in my car.  Especially since I'm 90% of the time with noone around or have noone to help.  It keeps my walk more sure-footed and easier on hips and back/spine.  It gives me a greater sense of security - I guess that's what I'm trying to say.  If I need Stick I have Stick to rely on.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 11, 2023, 07:26:31 PM
funny puff!!!  I have an extra cane in my car and another one at work. LOL  I use the can at times in the house to help me get my knee more consciencely. Today s the first  day I can see and feel that I am bending my knee with cane.  Also a little without cane. I definily use can outside when I swalk Copper. I think I can walk without cane but the walkways here are not very straight they lift  a lot of them need to be redone plus pine cones along walk ways. I mentioned to one of the PT I want to give up the cane they will evaluate me I think Wednesday. He mentioned they will probaby say ok for inside but may still need to use outside they want to see if I can walk without cane with obstacles they make up and curbs.  Theyhave steppers and height of curbs they want to see if I can do them without cane.  I told him I dont use cane at home a lot of times.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on December 11, 2023, 07:36:12 PM
Hate curbs!!!!  How can something so insignificant be such a pain in the ...

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 12, 2023, 07:56:13 AM
I hate curbs Puff!! If I can I avoid them.      PT I got to talk to the guy who I usually work with but havent since my surgery.  He joked with me all the work he has done to prepare me for surgeey was for nothing since I havent seen him.  I wa slike I iddnt schedule who I saw, you desertd me. I think I am seeing him next week sometime.  I mentioned to him I am ready to get rid of cane on the most part he said to tell who I am working with tand they will evaluate to see if I am ready.  he thinks if anything inside the house probably out side hes not sure he would have to see if I can maneuver around obstacles.  I hope I get to see him soon.  he advances me..  I am just doing the same thing with the gals I am seeing I am ready  for new and advanced stetches and exeecsises.

The stuture area is so raw it bothers me when it rubs against clothes  calves still stifff.   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 12, 2023, 09:27:23 AM
...Happy Tuesday !  

Currently 30F   High  48F sunny,  Low 30F.

See my hematologist this Wednesday . And same afternoon another followup with PCP  ::)
Do have an appt with EENT surgeon  in Nashville for Wednesday 20th. Taking along  a copy of the ER physician's report
since neither he or I will have access to imaging's CT scans. Then he can tell me what no one has.
I love our nativity it's beautiful ---found it at a Cracker Barrel two decades ago. I'll have to post a daytime snap  too, so the detail can be seen.
Our bluebirds are wintering here as usual---occasionally I spy them using the nesting boxes like they do holes in a tree this time of year.

LB good inspirations today and yesterday.  Glad you had some time to 'sleep in' and you are improving enough to not rely so much on a cane.  Speaking of, I still have my late mother's store in a closet.  After she passed and went thru her things, I remember thinking that it would be good to hang on to as one just
never knows. Let's see you start working from home next Monday?

Hi Paulie and Puff
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 12, 2023, 09:33:35 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Darn to not sleeping in yesterday. Did you today? Maybe Copper had more activity the day/night before that had him more tired that allowed you to sleep in.
Good news about your progress and decision about using cane. Awesome you feel ready for more advanced exercises.


Hi Puff Do you have your pretty Hallmark Christmas ornament displayed? I'm referring to the ornament you wanted to buy years ago when shopping and you encountered a lovely lady who had been at the store who left a note for you about the ornament. I think the note she left you was at the cash register. I might have the details a bit wrong. I do remember it is a lovely Christmas happening and story for you.

Busy time of the year here. I guess I should say much busier. Finally have a full week of sunshine to look forward to. Yay

Phyl, I just saw you and I were posting about the same time.
Good news about your Dr appointments. Your nativity scene sounds beautiful. Cool about the Blue Birds.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 13, 2023, 07:35:33 AM
Good morning, Yes I start work Monday.   I am excited but not  getting used to the leasure life but getting board.  LOL I cnt believe christmas is 1-1/2 weeks where did the time go.  lost another 3lbs bring it down to 25 . yippee   I  have been stressed so not eating much . No did not sleep in  today
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 13, 2023, 08:43:34 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Okay to you resume work Monday. I agree with you saying where did the time go! I'm speaking about you. Wow you've accomplished a LOT since Nov 7!! Your getting board is understandable.

Congrats to you losing more lbs! Stress can definitely do that. It's the only benefit when stressed.

Hey is your sty gone now? Hope so.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 13, 2023, 05:37:35 PM
Just checking  in a little restless.  Hi Paulie. The sty is gone   Are you all ready for Christmas?   

My nephew got engages while they were on vacation in France. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 13, 2023, 06:51:52 PM
Hi there!
Got an excellent report from hematologist on CBC! Platelets are a 240k pml ! A solid normal!!!
Remission is holding very well. Almost 5 yrs now.

LB great news on the sty!! great news on all your progress! Youve come a l-o-n-g way!
  Congrats to your nephew ---how romantic a proposal in France.

Hi Paulie
all my Christmas shoppping is complete. And packages will be arriving all week long thru weekend.
Got Maggie  a new set of dishes https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CB9QMZFH/ref=pe_386300_440135490_TE_simp_item_image?th=1 (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CB9QMZFH/ref=pe_386300_440135490_TE_simp_item_image?th=1)
The other holder and SS bowls had been around since Mike was a kitten and getting loose. pLUS I had to rig it to rise to 6" and have tilted dishes.
Hoprully this will work nicely.

Gonna call it a day here!
SED's Everyone !


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 14, 2023, 07:29:35 AM
Good morning  Those are a nice set of dishes for maggie, Phyl

I see the cardiologist this morning when I did my pre surgery tests it showed I have a hear murmur aand an extra heart beat.. so now he wants me to do a stress test fr some reason he thinks I will be ready to do the stress test now on treadmill so todays appointment is to discuss.  I am not ready for sure.   LOL What does a hear dr know about recovery of a knee replacement surgery recovery time 

I am also going later for a well long over dou teeth cleaning, I believe I have a few cavitities and a tooth cracked. I have been putting that off.  It's always something
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 14, 2023, 09:58:53 AM
Happy Thursday Everyone !  

Currently 34Fand clear,   High  63F sunny,  Low 28 F   

All good ones today LB so sorry about your heart murmur. There are 'things' that can be done to help you. So glad you're getting some dental attention, too.
Time to get ' all fixed up'.  ;)   Hugs and pets to Copper. Take care moving about, esp out of doors this time of year.   🙏 's
  Tks on the cat dishes. They arrived today and when she's sleeping I'll check them out t hen wrap.

Hi Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 14, 2023, 10:37:50 AM
LB, Good news your sty is gone. Congrats to your nephew! And while vacationing in France .. very nice!

Give an update how your cardiologist appt goes. Good luck with dental appointment. You're checking things off your to-do list for sure!

Yes I'm pretty much ready for Christmas with presents and items for the meal. I'm ready for Spring. Lol

All quotes are good today.

Phyl, Congrats on your excellent good news from your hematologist.

Nice that your Christmas shopping is complete. That's always a relief.
Maggie's new raised dishes look very nice. They're stylish too.

I want to sip from the mug in your morning photo. Mmmm with whipped cream on top too.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 14, 2023, 12:21:55 PM
Hi Cardio appointmnet went well. he just wanted to make sure I iddnt have heart apitations after  surgery. He mentioned some people start havng hear issues with anestesia.   In my mind just want$$$  LOL didnt mention anything about stress test just to see him again in 6 months.  I already have the appointment but maybe I will cancel it's June 14.  LOL 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 15, 2023, 07:50:26 AM
Good morning

Dentist appointment didnt go so well. It was just for a cleaning  and I couldnt get it done.  Good thing I mentioned to them I had Knee replacement surgery.  I need to be pre treated before I do any kind of dental procedure to help prevent an infection.  Gums tend to bleed  and debri.   can end up causng n infection in the new joint.  So they asked me if I needed to be pre treated. No one told me.    They called the surgeons office to find out  and I do .  It's 4 amoxicillans 1 hour befor my appintment  so they did the xrays and checked for cavities.  I resheduled my appointmnet to the 12/28 they will do cleaning and a filling then   Ihave to do this for life.    fun  I cant believe no one told me this I ev en looked at the discharge papers and the only thing it said was to tell dentist I was on blood thinners which I am done with the blood thinner. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on December 15, 2023, 09:29:30 AM
I have the same issue here, LB.

Six month delay until 2024 because of medical issues and my June stay at Good Sam. 

I was starting on the hip problem.  Decision was to try injections first, then maybe replacement.  Only got in one treatment before things happened.  Then there's the extraction/pain of a molar.  Both become an issue because of medications and 6th month checkup to see current tests outcomes.  Current big bump in the road is the medication.

I hope it brings good news in a couple more weeks.  I'll be praying for both of us.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 15, 2023, 07:05:06 PM
LB, Good news about your cardio appointment.

Wow to your dental appointment. I had no idea you'd have to take an antibiotic before appointments due to new joint and for life.
Your explanation why makes sense. Interesting though. Geesh. It's very good you told them at dental appt!!


Puff, My heavens you too! There's so much involved. While you're praying for you and LB ... I'll be praying for both of you.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 15, 2023, 07:53:05 PM
It looks like the east coast is going to have major rain/wind storm running from Florida up the coast to Maine this weekend.  Check out your local forecast to stay updated...

Oldguy here in Beakroom just posted this today  for the gals that live along eastern coast.  Maybe, an FYI LB and Paulie
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 15, 2023, 07:53:17 PM
 SEDs Everyone !     

So glad your Cardiologitst appt went well {{{LB}}    antibotics before dental appts makes good sense for you.  ;) 

Same for you as well {{{Puff}}}                  

Hi Paulie 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 16, 2023, 08:59:03 AM
It looks like the east coast is going to have major rain/wind storm running from Florida up the coast to Maine this weekend.  Check out your local forecast to stay updated...

Oldguy here in Beakroom just posted this today  for the gals that live along eastern coast.  Maybe, an FYI LB and Paulie
Phyl, Yep to the rain/wind storm in my area. Same for LB I think with her being more near the coast. Thanks for posting Oldguy's info. A good time to stay inside and hunker in.

How is your nose tip healing? Coming along good for you I hope.
Does Maggie like her new raised bowls?

LB, Do you have any weekend plans? This Monday you resume working from home. Do you have a desk with pc set up for when you work from home? 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 16, 2023, 10:48:43 AM
Good mornng almost good afternoon.
I got a late start slept to 700 yippe  could have stayed in bed longer but copper was calling to go out.  I then colored my hair and waled coppr. Just finished my knee stretches. need to do 1 more time today. I forgot to do it yesterday and thursday well I did onece yesterday but not the 2nd time :(
Yes getting the rain storm tomorrow into monday the heaviest will be at night. 

My computer and monitor is on my kitchen table.  which is ok due to that I mostly eat on the couch  I never committed into getting a  computer desk and chair because I wasnt sure this was going to be a permanent thing. Now I just need to get the money to get one. I also have the room for it but will eed to change things around in LR which is fine.  I also dcdebate to wait for a new desk to see where I end up living next. you guys know I am always slooking for  new place but everything is too friggen expensive.   The cmpuer on the kitchen table works out fine  next to  a window  and I hear the tv. It's not in view but thats ok its only daytime tv anyway unless I am not busy :)

I guess its time for me to go back to work I m running out of movies to watch.  LOL The ones I start I havent been liking for the last few days . LOLL harder to find a good one 

I also logged on to  work computer to file emails I had over 3000 emails  woah!!!!!   I also wanting to make sure my sread sheet was correct since the person who was covering me was not doing it the way I wanted it.  it was good, she finally listened
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 16, 2023, 10:14:54 PM
LB, Over 3,000 work emails?!! Whoa is right! Good that your spread sheet was correct.
You made me laugh about time to go back to work because you're running out of movies to watch. Lots of repeats are listed too I bet.
Great you got to sleep till 7am.

Ummm forgetting to do your knee stretches is a no-no. Maybe set a timer to do them. You've come a long good way with your progress so don't let not doing them interfere with your flexibility. Forgetting to do them though sounds like your knee is feeling better so not reminding you to exercise it.

Sounds good having your computer on kitchen table. Hey whatever works for you is best. True you always have your eye looking for a new place. On the national news today it said sometime next year interest rates are to go down so hopefully that helps with rental fees too.

The rain and winds in my area aren't to start until later in the day so get Copper's walks before it starts for you.


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 17, 2023, 08:59:46 AM
Good morning copper woke me up at 430 so wdnt back to sleep to after 800.   My knee is hurting down below knee cap to left the usual area. I think its a muscle/tendon. it always hurts there   

I heard rent in NYC is starting to go down a little not sure if in NJ but now I have expanded my list because now I am 55 I can look at the communuties 55 and up Pretty much you cant get anything under 2000 unless no washer dryer or bad area.  Unless your lucky.  I keep having hope though I need to hit the jock pot soon.   

I am actually looking forwrd to starting work tomorrow I think   I am going to miss hav ing all the free time on my hands even though I never took advantage of it  :( 

Paulie I did my exercises yesterday !!! going to do a quick walk before it rains  it looks damp out but dont think it is raining yet. if so just misty 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 17, 2023, 09:22:26 AM
Good Morning,

LB, Oh geesh to 4:30 waking up. True might be muscle/tendon that hurts. The damp weather doesn't help either with rain expected.

Very nice that's you can look at 55+ communities now but wow that's high rent. Hopefully rent fee continue to drop a lot. You'll hit your jack pot eventually for sure.

Good you're looking forward to work tomorrow. Considering all that you dealt with during recovery after your surgery then all the progress you made and now can drive to go places I think you took as much advantage of your free time as you could. Remember the first two weeks you didn't have free time due to recovery and PT OT. You did good I think.

Excellent you did your exercises yesterday. Good idea to walk Copper now. Same here gray and misty but no rain yet. That's to start later today. Flood warnings are already posted. 

All quotes are good.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 17, 2023, 09:37:31 PM
LB, I'm sending you best wishes for you returning to work tomorrow. Good that you can work from home. It's raining heavy here and at your house too. You're going to get back into the groove with work fast.

Oh! This evening we finally watched the latest 2 holiday episodes of Virgin River. Charlie and I did. Loved it!! We didn't want to see it end.
I wonder how long until the next episodes will be on.

I hope you sleep good and for work tomorrow.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 18, 2023, 06:52:18 AM
Good morning, did not sleep well at all. I  just dosed all night long. Gettn ready to sign into work a little nervous but exited. and tired.  LOL Raining here still someone said we got 5" my area but not sure if they were going by the tri state weather and not local. Thanks for the wishes Paulie hopefully its a good  day and week
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 18, 2023, 09:17:36 AM
LB, You're welcome of course. Darn it to you not sleeping good. Good your excited to resume work and normal to be nervous.

That's a lot of rain!

Since you're going to be busier with work don't forget your knee exercises and stretches.  ;)

I hope you have a good day and week too ... and you sleep better tonight!


Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 18, 2023, 06:43:55 PM
Thanks for reminder about doing stretches and exercises and of course I forgot  but I had PT  tonight and did a few extra there.  I will set reminders to do exercises.   Work was ok.  A little busy but only one of my co workers wee out and I hd to do his work.    if it wasnt for that it would have been slow.  PT  I have been getting one of the assistants all the time lately and I dont like her. she maes wait cause she disappears and today she rushed me in some of the stretches bringing me the equipmnt needed to do the stretches and would set me u when I wasnt done witht he one I was woking on.  The when I 5 minutes left sh had the nerve to tell me not to rush because it was my last exercise.  WELL. if you didnt rush me the last 1/2 hour I wouldnt have had to leave 3 minutes early.  grrrrrrr
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 18, 2023, 08:41:24 PM
LB, You betcha about the exercise reminder.

Sounds like you got right back into routine with work and you even did a co-workers work that out out of office. Oh geez work has been slow for a long time time.

Good you had PT tonight but the assistant you've been having definitely does not sound efficient. Can you request someone different?
It's not right she disappears then rushes you. Nope. Not okay.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 19, 2023, 06:42:28 AM
Good morning  THe PT person chooses the person they wil have help  I wanna ask to have the PT person that I have been using I havent had him since my surgery he pushs me he has me progress where I think Im at a stand still with everyone else.  They didnt give me my shedule for January yet I wsill ask wednesday  We do joke about it when we see each other .  My right knee is starting to bother me more.  I ddi not want to get up today I slept a little better.  but I always have trouble sleeping 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 19, 2023, 08:00:04 AM
Good Morning,

Brrrrr it's cold and blustery. Sun is shining so Yay. It's snowing at the cabin. Can see with Ring camera. Looks so pretty.

LB, I remember you mentioning the PT guy you like and that he works well with you. Hopefully you can work with him again.
Maybe your right knee is bothering you more because of putting more weight on it while recovering from left knee surgery.
Good that you slept a little better. Enjoy working from home today because it's probably Brrr cold there too.

#s 2 and 3
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 20, 2023, 06:40:16 AM
Good morning  The rest of the wweek I should be busy One of my coworkers is out the restg of wee and I am her back up  plus another on Friday. It is cold  for sure I use to be able to handle the cold better than I am this year LOL I would walk with no jacket or coat now I am too colf LOL We'll see how pt goes tonight   I am for sure not looking foward to it as  I used to   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 20, 2023, 08:12:15 AM
LB, You being busier at work will make your days go faster. That's good. I remember you saying in the past you don't like slow days.

Wow you used to walk with no coat. I hear ya about the cold this year. For some reason it's bothering my husband and me more too.

When I saw the butterfly in your quote today it reminded me of how much you like Monarchs.

Well time for another busy day. I slept in a bit today so I better get a move on.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 20, 2023, 07:36:03 PM
Hi posting now I have more time to write  more in pm then morning hee hee I was sore yesterday after PT on Monday.  I am seeing a new PT. The one I hae been seeing went out on disability she ha knee surgery.  Still didnt have my guy. I am suppose to have him Friday at least hes on the schedule for friday but that can change   But I didnt have the cruddy assistant, so back to sorre yesterday the PYT person had me do step up more advannced exercise I step up onto a 4in high platform then down with each foot. Being that I go up 20 times with left foor first then down with left foor first then do it again with right foot first   Thsi is to help with curbs.  So thats probably why more sore.  Also my hips are hurting more she said its because they are being adjusted in how I walk since surgery now that I can bendknee and walk  more correcly so I am using my hips like I am suppose to so they will be sore.  So those are the PT pweole I like. The ones that explain things to you!!! So she is topp on my list with the guy. LOL   

Guess what my right knee is starting to hurt me more.  I already know it is  in bad shape the pain in that knee was probably hidden from the pain in left since that was worse. so know that the left kneee is fixed (sort of) the discomfort in right knee is coming out more. I may need surgery in that knee sooner than I want.   sigh
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 20, 2023, 08:56:02 PM
Hi LB, Posting in pm rather and morning makes sense. No problem. Oh my gosh the one PT lady you'd been seeing is having knee surgery. Maybe you'll see her doing her PT sessions. lol
Good you hopefully see the guy you like Friday. Good to hear the PT person had you stepping the 4 inches/like curb. Hmmm makes sense why your hips are sore adjusting to the proper way. That's good though. Like our jicaji says, "It's always something." Isn't that the truth!

It's good though. Oh geez to your right knee. I think you need time to recover and get better from your left knee replacement before you go forward with the right. Let's hope so. My hairdresser has a client who had one knee replaced then about 6 months later she had other knee replaced. She said her client told her it was easy and not much pain and she enjoyed being away from work. Everyone is different but I question the not much pain part. Maybe she enjoyed being away from her work more.

Tomorrow is a new day. One day at a time.  ;)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 21, 2023, 06:32:37 AM
Good morning  I will wait for the surgery on right knee at least to summer time for sure I definitly need time to adjust The pt person said doing it sooner than waiting a few years can be a benefit  My friend who had knee surgery a couple of months befor me is having her 2nd one in the summer
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 21, 2023, 08:56:53 AM
Sounds good LB. You and your friend are moving forward good.  :)

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 22, 2023, 06:56:49 AM
Good morning   TGIF 3 day weekend eve though  it should be 4 christmas eve is on sunday we woould get a monday or friday  or even tuesday since christmas is on monday they didnt give to us BOOO
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 22, 2023, 10:37:23 AM
LB, That's corporate thinking for ya. Geez. Yes Boooo

#3 and it's really cute.  :)
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 22, 2023, 06:05:48 PM
Happy Day 😀 I just got back from PT today and I got my guy!!. He was the one that worked with me to build my strength up for surgery. I haven't had him all month. The PT people are good but he encourages more and gives me more advanced exercises as I get stronger and progress. I checked next month's schedule I dont see him again so i said something he may change to work with me more. I hope!! Anyway I had my 1 month evaluation. From day 3 I was able to move knees 45 degrees. When I  started Pt here 2 weeks later 90 degrees.s
 She was able to manipulate to 112 degrees. Today 1 month later 110 degrees and he was able to manipulate it to 120 degrees. He worked with by having me walk without cane and go up  and down a step.  All while bending knees. I can do it but I need to think. It's all about breaking  the bad habits I had for the past 6 years or more not bending knees. Its all about learning how to walk correctly again!!!. So working my way to not use the cane. Inside I don't need (except first thing in morning) Outside bring with me but I straight surface don't need to use. Curbs and uneven walkways use cane.  He asked me on a scale from 0 to 100 how do I feel how much  I progressed. I  gave myself 45%. After our session he said he thinks it should be higher. He also said I'm one of the top patients that made so much progress so quickly...He makes me feel so good about myself it makes me want to work harder.   I am so glad I had this sugery!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 22, 2023, 10:00:57 PM
Awwww LB I'm really happy for you. It's important and great that you're happy you had knee replacement.

I must say I did not realize how much work and PT etc is required afterwards. From what you've explained you've made great progress. Good for you!!

I'm glad you got "your guy" for PT today and even better is he'll try to change schedule so he can work with you more. Awesome!

You deserve a good night's sleep so I hope you get it .. and Copper lets you sleep in tomorrow I hope!
Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 23, 2023, 08:40:06 AM
Good morning  PT after surgery is the most important factor of healing after knee replacement.   He also recommended to still do 3x a week eventualyy I will go down to 2 than 1 than done.  MY guy (Dr Brooks) takes the time to answer my questions thoroughly and explain things  no one else does a good job like him.  If you dnt put in the work your knee will lock up and not able to bend. He was surprised I iddnt have as much pain I said its all stiffness and numbness in areas which is uncomfortable but its not pain, He said all normal  He also told me gto look up a knee replacement surgery video and watch if I am not squimish and I will then understand why so much pain etc.  he should me xray photes in where things placed and I can see why now they cut bones insert screws  LOL  I may look for a video 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 23, 2023, 09:24:21 AM
Good Morning,
LB, That's what my ortho Dr told me about PT afterwards being very important. I didn't realize it took so long although he did tell me it takes about two months afterwards I didn't realize the intensive PT. Hope that makes sense.  :)

Sounds like you're doing great and that's good! Dr Brooks sounds thorough explaining to you and showing x-ray. I like understanding things fully too.

About a year ago when my Dr suggested a knee replacement I did look at different videos explaining procedure and the intense pain afterwards explained. That's why I've chosen to continue with gel knee injections as long as they work works for me.  ;D

I'm glad for you that you're happy you had surgery. You most definitely had reached the point of needing it.

Quotes: All three are good ones today.

I've been so busy doing things around house and a few errands  soI slept in today. Felt good! Today laundry and misc things and prepping a side for holiday meal and making PB fudge.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on December 23, 2023, 10:08:31 AM
I'm thinking back to when you were at the point of asking questions, lb.  I had Ton to show me the in and outs.  The entire procedure was worth the "uncomfortable first week or so."  I saw how it helped and knew from watching him exactly what was what.  I think my suggestions and paulie's hints, too, helped you.

My other recommendation I also give go-ahead to is cataract surgery.  Like the knee and the hip, cataract surgery also has its caveats.  With the eye surgery you know after about 1/2 an hour how wise that was.  Replacement hip/knee takes a week or so.  You are a good example of the level of USA medical achievements.

Here's to continued movement in 2024 and onward.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 23, 2023, 12:09:43 PM
oh yes I paulie, I started all the injections about 6 years ago they worked to a point  then stopped working I went meloxican and differnt PT place that helped to then I found this place but it wa s initially for my back!!! LoL  Once I finished back we moved to knee took mri and saw that my arthritis was beyone the point where they can try stem cell . Maybe try that Paulie. or ask about it. A lotof insurances  didint cover it cause it's new. My place does it and has had good resuts.  I ccouldnt, my arthritis was beyond the point thaat  it probably wouldnt help and the fact my insurance wouldnt cover it I couldnt unless I wanted to pay out of pocket with a high probably chance of it not working. I dont have the money for that. And as you know I dealt with fnding a surgeon who would do the surgery. The firstg 2 wouldnt  because of my weight.  I know my right knee needs it but will wait until left is completely heald or as heald as possible. 

Puff you are right. You got to get past the difficult 2 weeks but after that progress quickly occurs. everyday there is something new.  Thanks for the advice and warningabout the pain but I kind of hoping it wouldnt be so  bad. I thought I had a high tolernce of pain but not enough for right after surgery. LOL Dr Brooks does think I have a high tolerance to pain he was amazed how I handle the stetches he did to my knee.   He moved it as inward as possible and didn't budge.   LOL  I actually nominated hi for an award they are doing
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 24, 2023, 08:07:38 AM
Good morning   Merry Christmas Eve, I hope everyone enjoys time with family and friends
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on December 24, 2023, 06:09:56 PM
Hi Everyone

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year.

LB.  I'm so glad your knee is progressing well. I knw both my knees are going to need replacemet....one at a time....maybe after the holidays?????  My left will definitely be first.

HI Paulie....I know you're crazy busy today and tonight.  Have a wonderful day tomorrow with your family.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 24, 2023, 10:49:22 PM
Hi LB and jicaji!  ;D

LB, I remember you using the knee injections for a while until they stopped helping you. I'm really glad you're happy with your decision for replacement. You've been through a lot in recovery to get to where you are now.

I've heard of stem cell. One of my daughter's did that or something very similar a few years ago and it helped her.

You most definitely deserve to be nominated for an award for the progress you've made with PT and recovery. I hope you receive the award!! Kudos to you either way.

jicaji, You are 100% correct about being crazy busy today and tonight. I'm posting this at 11:48pm after a long day. I even (I'm laughing typing this) watched my oldest granddaughter's dog for her this afternoon and tonight while I did set up and prepping food while she attended a friend's Christmas get together. Her family wasn't able to so I was happy to help her.

I wish you a wonderful day tomorrow with your family too.

In case I don't get to come tomorrow  I wish you both, LB and Jicaji, and all of RRP members a wonderful holiday. God bless.
Take care.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 25, 2023, 02:02:53 AM
Merry Christmas !
And, a most joyous and blessed day to you and your families.
 With love, Jim, Phyllis and Maggie, too.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Lani on December 25, 2023, 09:20:32 AM





Merry Christmas Dear Cheers Family and Friends!
Wishing each of you every happiness this Christmas
and throughout the New Year!
Love and prayers,

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 25, 2023, 10:04:53 AM
Merry Christmas everyone. thanks phyl and Lani. 

So good to see you Jacaji!!!

I m not nomited for reward.  I nominated my PT person for the reward. LOL   Its for the workers there patients nominated the worker
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: glogdog on December 25, 2023, 11:51:24 AM
Merry Christmas Cheers members!  To Paulie, jicaji, LB, and to Phyl, Lani, all of you!  I hope you're enjoying the day with friends and family.  Missed coming in last night so thought I'd stop by this morning.  Enjoy this song from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, "For Unto Us a Child Is Born". :)  Good to "see" you all!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on December 25, 2023, 01:42:18 PM
Hey Glog    Bless you at Christmas

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: karengramke on December 25, 2023, 03:37:47 PM
Merry Christmas Cheerios!   Have a joyous day
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Phyl on December 26, 2023, 01:04:27 AM
Merry Christmas Cheers members!  To Paulie, jicaji, LB, and to Phyl, Lani, all of you!  I hope you're enjoying the day with friends and family.  Missed coming in last night so thought I'd stop by this morning.  Enjoy this song from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, "For Unto Us a Child Is Born". :)  Good to "see" you all!


Hi Glogdog!
Many thanks for your post. And, esp. the link to Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I really enjoyed their singing and "For Unto Us a Child Is Born"
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 26, 2023, 06:36:07 AM
Good morning   
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 27, 2023, 10:34:42 AM
Hi!  :)
I hope everyone had a blessed and pleasant Christmas.

Lani, Phyl, Glo and Karen, Thank you for the Cheers holiday greeting.

LB, Oh! Okay you nominated your PT guy for the reward. Lol That's really nice of you.
How's working going?

Quote #1 from yesterday .... "The End"!! A very good one.  :)

Glo, It's always good to see you here and always with your favorite Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Every Christmas Eve I remember the story you told years ago about your mother walking through snow on Christmas Eve and who she saw through the falling snow. She was walking either to or from mass. A very touching story.

Well for me it has been a whirlwind of pleasant holiday activities since Christmas day and long nights with family and friends. A lull today but will be a busy afternoon with one of my granddaughters.

Tomorrow is my youngest granddaughter's birthday. She'll be 9. Where do the time go?!! Her family party get together is at my house tomorrow.

Then Friday shop for New Year's Day family meal .. pork roasts, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes and Bush's beans.
A pleasant arrival also on New Year's Day will be my son and dil from North Carolina coming to visit next week.

Yep! Lots going on despite the very gray days with dense fog and rain.
Sometimes we have to do our best to make the sun shine.
Take care.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: camperstig on December 27, 2023, 11:27:01 AM
Merry Christmas all!

Paulie... I will be there for that dinner... Yum!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 27, 2023, 02:04:40 PM
good afternoon sounds like a wonderful weekend for you Paulie and agan for the rest of the week and next week.  Work is slow real slow I a watching movies most of day check through out day to see if anything comes up.   Usually no, Thank god I am home,  Maybe I should keep pushing to work from home if it continues to be slow but not sure how I can d that . I have my dentist appointment tomorrow took out the amoxicillan so I remeber to take it 1 hour before my appointment  Now I am nervous if something happens 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 27, 2023, 10:01:43 PM
Merry Christmas all!

Paulie... I will be there for that dinner... Yum!

Hi Tig, Merry Christmas to you too!! Okay! I'll set plates out for you and Camper.  :) I wish I could! I hope you and Camper are having a pleasant holiday together. 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 27, 2023, 10:07:13 PM
good afternoon sounds like a wonderful weekend for you Paulie and agan for the rest of the week and next week.  Work is slow real slow I a watching movies most of day check through out day to see if anything comes up.   Usually no, Thank god I am home,  Maybe I should keep pushing to work from home if it continues to be slow but not sure how I can d that . I have my dentist appointment tomorrow took out the amoxicillan so I remeber to take it 1 hour before my appointment  Now I am nervous if something happens
LB, No worries about your dental appointment tomorrow. You'll take your amoxicillin and you'll be set. All will go good.  ;)

I figured work was slow again for you. That makes for a loooong day .. especially when in office. I agree it's good you're working from home now and can watch movies and just relax honestly. 

Don't forget to do your daily home exercises.  ;D  I had to say that!

Quotes: #1 for sure. Well said!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 28, 2023, 06:44:22 AM
Good morning I am sure taking advantage of being slow I eded up watchng the  the whole series of the body guard 6 episodes. LOL    Now I have to pick something out for today lol  I am doing my exercises I have time lol  I have my reminder too. I do it once a day when I have PT but 2x when I dont  . Have you been to the cabin lately? any live photos captureed?
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 28, 2023, 09:34:40 AM
Good Morning,

LB, How was your dental appointment today?

Good for you taking advantage of slow work honestly. I still say Yay you're still at home. Wow to you watching that whole series.

Great about your reminder and exercises. You're right on track to a full recovery. You're determined!

No to cabin since before I was there before Thanksgiving. I haven't had the time once I started preparing for Thanksgiving then Christmas. No time now until sometime after the new year. I'm definitely looking forward to it when we can go!! The Autumn decorations outside the cabin are still up!! I did get Christmas decorations and a really pretty swag to hang on the front porch railings but didn't get there to do anything. I figure next year. lol

Nope to any live videos there on the Ring camera. Oh wait yes there was one the other night a large racoon walking around but that's it.
Since hunting season ended there's been no movement at front or back of cabin.  :(
As far as all the trail cameras set up on trees further out in the woods no-one has been there to check them.

The electric bill there definitely went up because we haven't been there to use the wood stove to heat the cabin. We do have electric baseboard heat in the downstairs rooms and especially the utility closet where the well water and septic water clarification tanks are. There's 3 or 4 tall tanks. The contractor told up to keep the thermostats set at 50 during the winter when we're not there because it gets really cold and to ensure the tanks and water lines remain okay. We don't want any burst water lines etc inside cabin!
Last winter the outside temp went to minus 27. Anyway my point is with us not having been there for a while to use wood stove to heat cabin and using electric only to heat the bill I just received is $100. Sure surprised me!! I wasn't expecting that!
We need to get there soon to fire up that wood stove!!

Quote #1 again. Another good one.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 28, 2023, 06:06:57 PM
Hello, dentist appointment went well just a cleaning remmebered ro take my amoxicillian. I go again in April .   Another slow day. my boss said we can leave at 300 tomorrow yippeee. I am so tired. I havent been sleeping well.   I cant stay in the same posititon for long and once I move I wake up because of the stiffnes plus the arthritis pain in right knee. not sure what to do with this.  LOL I have pillow for my legs but cant tay in that posoition long either. PLus copper is back to getting u way to early   but otday not so bad the problem he moves around too and than he does little grunts and I guess since I am up I hear them and when he sees I move he pokes his head up.  He definitly turned into a velcro dog.   LOL He'll walk in front of me than stops.  He is going to hhurt me with his little moves.  lol
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 29, 2023, 06:58:42 AM
Good mornng hopefully I fet offf early 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 29, 2023, 03:48:16 PM
Hi LB, Yay you got off early today! Good about your dental appointment yesterday.
Have you ever tried a dog bed on the floor? Maybe Copper would like one and put his favorite blanket or something he likes in it. Oh maybe a sheet with your scent on it. Would be nice if he's sleep in it and not on bed with you. You need your sleep and comfort. You might have to resort to telling/training him no more sleeping on the bed. Probably not easy though.

Gracie's birthday party here yesterday was great. The last of family left at 10:30 last night. Long day.
Busy today shopping for New Year's Day meal. The food store was packed!

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 29, 2023, 07:40:34 PM
Hi Paulie,  since my surgery he hasnt been sleeping with me maybe 1or 2x but not until like 400 in the morning after he wakes me up to go out.  He actually downt bothe mer me whe nhe did sleep on the bed for the brief period. LOL I think I may keep him up the way I turn around and adjust my self  . PT says the sleeping an take a while becuase of the stiffness. That can take up to 6 months to improve.  Fun!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 30, 2023, 08:08:03 AM
Good Morning  Happy last weekend of 2023!!! LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 30, 2023, 12:00:58 PM
Hi LB, Same to you! I'm spending mine doing laundry and cleaning. LOL
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 30, 2023, 12:25:41 PM
Hi LB, Same to you! I'm spending mine doing laundry and cleaning. LOL

That sounds like a relaxing weekend for you   :P ;) :D
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 31, 2023, 08:53:15 AM
good morning Cloudy last day of the year here.   Atleast it's not raning
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: paulie on December 31, 2023, 10:10:05 AM
Hi LB, Same to you! I'm spending mine doing laundry and cleaning. LOL

That sounds like a relaxing weekend for you   :P ;) :D
LB, Yep! Lol I just now read this/your post from yesterday.  ;D :P ;) 

Same here today with weather and agree to not raining!

Finishing things up today and looking forward to tomorrow with family and my son and dil from NC arriving for the week. Will be nice.

Do you watch any of the Hallmark tv shows? Charlie and I have been and I thought of you looking for shows. They are happy and uplifting. There's a Hallmark Mystery Channel too we want to try. You might like that one too.
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on December 31, 2023, 10:43:49 AM
Number 3

Wishing everyone a Very Happy, Healthy New Year.  For me, I'm glad 2023 is over....Tuesday I'll post again to explain. 

OH, BTW, we had two Blue Birds show up on our feeder on the deck.  Fed a bit then left.  Guess they were on their way to the next feeding stop.  They are so beautifiul.

LB...It's been raining here just about all last week.  Finally the sun peaked through for about an hour this morning.  Cloudy now but no rain exxpeted.

Paulie, I watch Hallmark channel.  I get sucked in, however within the first 10 minutes, I know how it's going to end LOL.  But it is always uplifting.

And you have so much energy with all the hosting you do.  You are amazing.  I was tired just from staying with my daughter on Christmas...she had both sides of the family and did such a wonderful job with decorations, table settings, and of course, the foods and desserts were out of this world.  Not to mention the cocktails.  It was a couple of days I really needed, but I was tired when we got home....go figure.

Again, Happy, Healthy New Year to you all.  Next year has got to be better.... hopefully.

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 31, 2023, 12:00:12 PM

Paulie, I watch Hallmark channel.  I get sucked in, however within the first 10 minutes, I know how it's going to end LOL.  But it is always uplifting.

Nope I dont watch the Hallmark channel. the reason being exactly what Jacaji said. too predicable.  LOL  I think I am the only one that diesnt watch the Hallmark channel    Good to see you Jacaji. 

I am watching godless now on netflex Its a western 
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: jicaji on December 31, 2023, 01:10:11 PM
LB.....We watched Godless...It was good.  Also another good one is Bass Reeves....another western kind of.  It's on Amazon Prime I think.

Another good one to watch, not a western, is "AWAY"....it's about a group of astronauts going to land on Mars.  The Commander is a woman, played by Hillary Swank....on Netflix...
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: Puff on December 31, 2023, 01:13:50 PM
LB  I got the info - thanks for helping me with my ??????

Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: LBLNJ0668 on December 31, 2023, 01:24:36 PM
Jacaji I saw away that was good!!  I'll check out Bass Reeves. Teres anther western I think on Paramount plus that I want to see I forget the name of it.  I have so many movies on Netflix saved and I watch 5 minutes of them and turn off  saying not for me.  LOL   A lot are foreign, however I watched quite a few that I enjoyed wven though dubbed. 

Your quite welcome Puff!!!
Title: Re: Cheers 2023
Post by: mrsfalcon on January 03, 2024, 09:41:38 AM
Happy New Year, everyone! I created the new lounge threads and the 2023 lounge threads have been archived and locked. Thank you so much for watching and posting!
