Raptor Resource Project Forum
All Other Topics and Sites => Other Raptor Cams => Topic started by: Lani on February 23, 2021, 07:04:36 AM
This Osprey nest is at the mouth of the Hellgate Canyon at the edge of Missoula, Montana. It's a very busy location, right outside of Riverside Health Care Center and next to a college parking lot, busy highway, and a railroad. However, it is also an ideal location in many ways, since the Ospreys have riverfront property only 50 feet from the Clark Fork River. Being close to people does not bother them, and hundreds of people enjoy watching them every day.
The female at this nest is called Iris because she has very distinctive spots on her iris, especially her left eye. These iris patterns serve as individual barcodes and allow us to identify her. She has nested at this site for many years. Her mate of many years Stanley did not return in 2016, she has attempted to breed with new mate Louis. He has gone on to mate with another osprey near the baseball field.
8:06:48, 4/7 The arrival of Queen Iris to the Cheers of all CHOWS (Crazy Hellgate Osprey Watchers)!
What a gift for today!!
TOUCHDOWN! :-* Now, please have a loyal and loving mate sent to her too!
Iris is mantling and fending off Louis, who has returned and attempted to mate.
Go away Louis, back to your mate Star at the baseball stadium nest.
there is something breath takingly beautiful about wings
or maybe I"m jealous! hahaa
Lani & all, so nice to see Iris!!! Thank you for posting! I took these screenshots & uploaded to flickr... she is so beautiful!!! A gif also. :) Last year she returned April 5th. I am hoping a very nice handsome male shows up very soon! ((Iris))
Home safe & sound ((Iris))
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51102309685_ebaf58aa48.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kRJGhV)IRIS (https://flic.kr/p/2kRJGhV) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
Looking very beautiful and snazzy!
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51102309770_c78f2f2ce0.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kRJGjo)IRIS (https://flic.kr/p/2kRJGjo) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
:Gorgeous eyes!
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51101371216_846bb2e129.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kRDTjq)IRIS (https://flic.kr/p/2kRDTjq) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
I'm Home!!!
Clynn you beat me! I was hoping it was Emmet. Emmet's band says M8 and its blue. I took some screen shots and going to blow them up here in a minute. Whoever it is hopefully they come back and hoping they are male! ;D
This is Emmet banded in Montana, visited Texas
This is visitor today with Iris
Female Osprey "Iris" Visited by Banded Unknown Osprey
https://youtu.be/oA0uW2fzCxs via cornelllabbirdcams
An unknown Osprey with a metal band visited the #HellgateOspreys nest today while Iris was present. She appeared comfortable around the newcomer, looking relaxed and chirping.
Looks like just one band???
Thanks for the thread Lani.
Wish I had the nack of screen captures.
Hoping Iris finds a more loyal mate and Stanley minds his own nest w/ Star.
Hellgate Osprey cam Missoula, Montana home of sweet Iris
Visitor or Iris??? lani & Clynn, i think she looks like Lele ;) 💜
closer image
First Osprey of 2022 Alights on the Hellgate Nest—but is it Iris? April 1, 2022
https://youtu.be/um3VWkvZOQc via Cornell lab Bird Cam
The first Osprey of the season touched down at the Hellgate nest early on the afternoon of April 1, 2022 (but this is no joke!). Only time will tell if this individual was the long-time matriarch of the site named Iris, and in past years other females have landed on the nest prior to her arrival.
This is my pic from last season of sweet Iris beautiful close up.
Thanks for the photo update on this nest. Lori These are great.
Not sure who this one is...but don't think it's Iris based on your photos.
look who's home now ;) Cornell has confirmed.
Hellgate Osprey Cam Missoula, Montana home of the beautiful Iris
Iris, we love ya girl, thanks for sharing Clynn :D
(https://text.glitter-graphics.net/spblue/i.gif)(https://text.glitter-graphics.net/spblue/r.gif)(https://text.glitter-graphics.net/spblue/i.gif)(https://text.glitter-graphics.net/spblue/s.gif) (https://glitter-graphics.com/myspace/text_generator.php)
This is from around 1am, catching some zzzzz's
Welcome back home!
All hail Iris...Queen of Hellgate nest!
:-* :-* :-*
Hellgate Canyon Ospreys Missoula Montana home of Iris
Iris lays first egg of 2022
prayers and hugs Iris (http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/heartshape2.gif)
Iris Lays First Egg of 2022 at Hellgate Canyon, May 3, 2022 | Cornell Lab | Montana Osprey Project https://youtu.be/5xVM8hd5qBA via cornell lab bird cams
Watch live with updates, tweets, and highlights at
Watch the cam and learn about the Montana Osprey Project at http://hs.umt.edu/osprey/
This Osprey nest is at the mouth of the spectacular Hellgate Canyon at the edge of Missoula, Montana. It’s in a very busy location, right outside the Riverside Health Care Center and next to busy parking lots, a construction site, a busy highway, and a railroad. However, it’s also an ideal location in many ways, since these Ospreys have riverfront property only about 50 feet from the Clark Fork River. Being so close to people does not bother them, and hundreds of people enjoy watching them every day.
The female Osprey at this nest is called Iris because she has very distinctive spots on her iris, especially in her left eye. These iris patterns serve as individual barcodes and allow us to identify her. She has nested at this site for many years. Her mate of many years, Stanley, did not return in 2016, and she attempted to breed with a new male dubbed "Louis" after an influential local Salish elder named Louis Adams (for more info: http://missoulian.com/news/local/new-...)
Ospreys are consummate fishing birds, and this pair fishes primarily from the Clark Fork River and nearby Rattlesnake Creek. They use their 6–7 foot wingspans to soar above the water, looking for fish, then diving as deep as 3 feet for shallow-swimming prey. Adult Ospreys usually weigh 3–4 pounds, and they can carry prey up to 50 percent of their own weight. Ospreys can live up to 25 years, and they typically lay 1–4 eggs in a clutch.
The nest used to be on a power pole about 200 feet west of where it is now. This was dangerous, since the Ospreys could have been electrocuted, causing fires and power blackouts. In 2007, the current nest platform was erected to provide a safer place for the Ospreys to nest. They took to it immediately. Getting the new nest platform set up, and installing and running to high resolution camera for this feed for you to enjoy has been a large effort involving many groups: Riverside Health Care Center, Karen Wagner, Kate Davis and Raptors of the Rockies, Northwestern Energy, Dave Taylor Roofing Company, and Dr. Erick Greene of the University of Montana.
LORI- thank you so much for you post. I hope others read this. Poor Iris indeed!
Here's my ' little theory' why Iris keeps hanging onto that cad, Louis, ...maybe he has good DNA and the chicks are strong/healthy and will strengthen the species. :-\
That's all I can come up as to 'Why?' Frankly even if that's true...just not worth it. Please God, send her a new and better mate! We fret over her so.
Great photos.
Iris needs our prayers for sure.
Iris :-* :-* :-*
keeping thread active waiting for sweet Iris to come home and hopefully Emmett ;)
post via Lani today... thank you Lani!
Hellgate Osprey - Watching the skies for Iris! Any day now! :-*
April 7 2021 Beautiful Iris💕
From this morning... Hellgate Osprey cam
Visitor or... Iris? We 💜 you Iris!! Talons crossed Lani & all!!
Below is Iris from 2022... I hope you are home sweet girl!!!
These are fantastic {Lori}!
Love them and not just the osprey. :-*
Thank you dear.
July 31, 2024
Very close to fledge
Shep. Thanks for the snaps and updates!
Fledge time is upon us.
Kid-Os looking good.
They are beautiful
Sustained Helicoptering
August 4, 2024
Ready for first flight!
He's been jumping high this morning!!
Sustained Helicoptering
Aug 5, 2024 early morng
chick just fledged to Mom's perch.
Chick sits there contentedly preening.
Then she flew in a circle around the area back to nest.
This is fantastic !!!
Thanks for update/snaps.
Hi Shep, Lori, Phyl,!
Woo hoo - a huge day! Sum-eh made her first flight today from the nest to the perch. .
Once she got that out of the way, she has made several longer forays, flying for extended periods and then returning to the nest. It is an east wind this morning, so she is taking off into the east wind (to the right), and then also flying into the wind to land (so she lands coming in from the left).
Sum-eh will spend more time flying around, usually pretty close to the nest. She will return, especially when Finnegan comes in with a fish!
As a pilot, I vividly remember the excitement of my first solo flight, and it is exciting that Sum-eh has "earned her wings." This is a huge milestone for the Hellgate family.
Here is a video of Sum-eh's first flight to the perch.
Dr. Green
Fledging in Hellgate! "Sum-eh" Flies Out of Frame And Returns Moments Later August 5, 2024
18:23, 8/5 Beautiful Antali (left) and Sum-eh (right) :-*
It's been a very windy night, Antali needed mom's assurance and safe covering earlier this evening, but all is well right now.
Aug 6, 2024 early morng
The fledged one is flying everywhere - gone for a long time yesterday.
Now at dawn today, she took off - where - seems cam cant find her.
Thanks for the update Shep. 'They' seem to know just where to fly. LOL
Hi Shep, Phyl
For the next couple of days you will notice lots of trucks and trailers in the parking lot behind the Hellgate nest. We just found out that the movie series Yellowstone is filming in town, and they have rented the parking lots at Missoula College.
I met with a manager on site and showed him Iris and the Hellgate nest. The parking lot is going to be pretty full, but Iris is certainly used to having lots of people around.
Best, Erick Greene and the Montana Osprey Team
Finn bringing breakfast for Iris and Antali
O Lani thank you! I tried to find out what is goin on - couldnt.
The chick that hatched and grew up in that nest no longer wants to be there. She is elsewhere all day.
Shep, you can see Dr. Greene's hide-way photo setup in same place.
8/6 1) It looks like a circus, but it is Hollywood come to Missoula. They are filming for "Yellowstone." Dr. Greene made the leaders aware of our birds and the cam.
Ospreys are very tolerant of human activity. Our Osprey family is going about their business. #HellgateOsprey
8/6 The snag Sum-eh has been sitting on is well-known to Iris. It has been Iris's favored place to rest & eat a fish away from the nest. She has a few other places, but she is often found here. It is right across from the nest. Finn & now Sum-eh enjoy it. #HellgateOsprey (See the circle)
Sum-eh spent yesterday there ;D
Thunder at the nest 09 31 35 8 6 24
Aug 6, 2024
Antali is startled by a loud clap of thunder, bringing Iris to his side. Thanks to Cam Host (Montana Osprey Project) and Cornell Lab of Ornithology for the video feed. 8/6/24 09:31:35
Hi everyone,
Many of us are still are still gobsmacked and so astounded by this breeding season for Iris! Frankly, I did not think she would successfully breed again, so this season has been a special gift!
Many of you are wondering about what things will be like now that Sum-eh has fledged. She spent quite a bit of time today flying up and down the river getting the hang of her newfound freedom. I watched Iris flying behind her, calling loudly, like a very proud but nervous mom! It reminded me of a parent nervously chasing and calling out encouragement to their kid when they are first riding a bike without training wheels.
But Sum-eh will return often to the nest, as she did today. Flying around was tiring work, so she promptly had a nice nap. Finnegan will continue to bring in fish to the nest, and Sum-eh will come back home for meals for a while! She will also spend time perched on trees looking down in the river at fish, and making her first dives into the water - all important steps in learning how to fish.
Expect Antali to spend more time wingercizing, and fledging might come in a week or so.
Best, Erick Greene and the Montana Osprey Team
a couple hours ago
Lights off
Aug. 7, 2024
At 2 am I peeked in - and Sum-eh is sleeping standing up - not laying down.
Great pics & notes Lani, thank you!
Sum-eh - weird name, I'll just think of her as Summer.
Thanks Lani.
Shep I'm with you on Sum-eh's name. Gonna go with Summer.
If anyone might be interested---
This is what I learned about the series 'Yellowstone" was cancelled---but revived on Paramount. Costner left the series last May.
Summer took off at First Light today, Aug 7th.
She may not like all the humans, I dunno.
Any day I expect she wont return to nest overnite.
Captiva FL first fledge pushed sibling out of the nest when she refused to fledge! It was funny! #2 could fly. She ended up having an accident and died. Sad. #1 never returned to nest again.
Thanks Shep.
A lot of Beakers are discussing the Hollywood invasion of the parking lot.
Concern is growing. As is mine.
But, somehow, Nature tolerates and endures. God bless 'Mother Nature'.
Shep, I've called Sum-eh Summer too! ;D
8:10, 8/7 The Yellowstone crew below admiring our family. Dr. Greene is on-site regaling them with stories of our Iris and family. We couldn't have a better advocate for our nest than Dr. Greene. He is truly a gifted gentleman.
13:57, 8/7 Post meal scene with Sum-eh, Iris and Antali
Aug. 8, 2024
I dont think Summer ever came home last nite.
I dont know what there is to Beek about.
Just after midnight this morning all the trailers hauled out ...
They were no threat.
What doya bet they wrote some nice checks to the osprey keepers.
I hear Yellowstone is a very good series.
2024-2025 supposedly the final season.
Empty parking lot at dawn
Shep this is for you... Summer returns at 7:58am .. she's been back and forth to Iris's favorite dead tree across from the nest.
Antali 5:20am Aug 8 wingersizing by Heather Lewis
Hi everyone,
I have been spending time up in my little photo blind in the parking lot. Iris and family completely ignore me. They have been putting on quite a show, and here are a few photos I took this morning.
Best, Erick Greene and the Montana Osprey Team
Finnegan brings small fish
Summer returns to nest
Iris nestorizing
Antali tries out wings under mom's guiding
Absolutely stunning photos!
LOVE seeing Dad with a tiny headless fish for Mom and 2 young uns.
Cmon Papa - more ... and bigger fish please.
Yes, I did see Summer return.
I wonder if she overnighted with Dad.
She's pretty young to be alone all night.
Shep, you can see in the videos I posted, Summer has spent the night on Iris's dead tree across the nest and near the river.
That is where she is staying when away from nest, Finn is closeby to be able to see both.
Iris returns with nice size stick for nest. :-*
Aug 8
Mid morning Dad brot a fish then left.
Mom on left, younger chick waiting.
Your photos are so good I hate to post mine.
Thank you Lani
Mom & young wait for brekky
Shep, your pictures are great and I love seeing them all. Thanks to you and Lani for posting them! I'm glad this nest is doing so well this year.
Whats the wind speed?
Looks like a monsoon!
Chick #2 will be OK if wind takes it off nest. It can fly sufficiently to be unhurt.
Thanks Shep & Lani for the snaps and updates.
Glad Summer made it home and the nest continues to do well.
August 9, 2024
The last young un doesnt show any interest in leaving the nest.
Once that one flies we probly wont see any of them again.
Dad brings such small fish.
The Florida chick could eat a whole one that size - all by itself.
August 10, 2024
Summer arrived and started to land on his sister. ;D
10.30 am Mom arrives with a fish - and feeds chick #2.
The chick seems to want to take it herself. - my interpretation.
Can your camera zoom on where Summer is perchng?
I suspect Dad is bringing him fish???
NOW what - farmers market in parkg lot?
Dog training takes many forms, depending if its to be a companion dog, a therapy dog, a war dog, or whatever. If this happens repeatedly, its well cared for.
Shep, I couldn't watch the dog video, was it being abandoned. I hope someone called the police. :'(
15:17, 8/10 Another one of those perfect moments with Iris, Sum-eh and Antali on the nest :-*
Shep and Lani
Tks for the updates and snaps of our lovely Iris, the kids Sum-eh and Antali .
Beautiful ospreys. ;)
Aug. 11, 2024
Did somethng happen to the person in the blind?
An ambulance was parked next to it.
The dog was being trained.
Dog and owner come often to train the dog in that parking lot.
Morning Shep, Phyl :)
Shep thanks for your quick reply regarding the dog training. That's a relief :)
Regarding the ambulance, I went back through the cam video, couldn't find what you mentioned.
I checked on Montana Osprey facebook. Since Dr Greene is the one in the blind there was no mention of
any problems. He's been taking great photos!
Checked in the Hellgate Osprey Facebook and X(twitter) no mention yet.
Finn bringing breakfast for Antali ;D
Iris flies in with Summer and she starts feeding both :-*
Summer has a fish - and Mom & Ant want it. LOL.
Summer turns and mantles. LOL.
I clicked back to see how Summer got it.
Dad brot fish in - to Mom - who gave Ant a bite -
then Summer flew in and grabbed the whole fish!
Rather a humorous episode.
Hope the doc in blind is ok.
Hellgate cam
8/11 Today Sum-eh is the big 6-0 in days and Antali is 5-5. They have grown so much in such a short time
August 12, 2024
Mom feeding both chicks brekky.
Ant is doing more wingercizing & jumping.
I suspect Antali is male and Summer is a girl.
Thank you Shep! ;)
August 13, 2024
Its a pleasure to watch Mom and Antali alone.
Mom feeds him - he begs for more. LOL.
Summer isnt there.
Maybe Dad gives her her own fish elsewhere.
Wish cam'd zoom over n focus on her roost.
The Ant should fledge today or tomorrow.
He's flappin up a storm.
I'd love to just call them Summer n Winter. LOL. :D
I wonder what the parking lot holds today ... never know ... ;D
Thanks Shep ...for update.
Summer and Winter sound like great names to me.
Why not? ;)
This is true...one just never knows what's ahead in Life.
Morning Shep and Phyl,
Summer and Winter are perfect names.. Summer is a girl and Winter is a boy. (They've been identified by Dr Greene)
Summer is chatting like her mom and Winter is quiet and steady like his dad (Finn).
Summer has been mantling and taking the fish before Antali has a chance for a bite. Summer has been self-feeding for a few days now.
Below Iris returns with a fish just for Antali ;D
She sits on her perch and proudly watches her son tangle with his first self feeding.
8/13 Hellgate osprey cam
Iris brings fish for Antali and looks proudly as he takes it and begins his first lesson on self-feeding. ;D
8/13 Antali tries to break into the fish on the tail-end. He gets it turned around to the open portion of the fish. Now learning how to hold it in the talon and eat as he hops across the nest. Success at last at 07:24! First self-feeding bites for Antali!
7:53, 8/13
Antali holds the fish and we can see how much he ate himself. A great job deserves a celebratory slice. And then he swallowed the end of the fish! 👏🎉
Its been a joy to watch these 2 chicks mature and learn.
I am TORN! between wanting Winter to fledge - normal! haha ...
and knowing that after he does, they'll all be gone. sad.
Its been a joy to watch these 2 chicks mature and learn.
I am TORN! between wanting Winter to fledge - normal! haha ...
and knowing that after he does, they'll all be gone. sad.
Indeed it has!
Updates are great Lani.
Dr. Green tks for the gender ID.
Shep, Phyl..
Here's more nest history
8/13 Hellgate Osprey cam As we anticipate Antali's fledge, here are some stats from Iris's previous chicks:
The age of her chicks at fledge is between 53-62 days.
All her chicks fledged between 06:07-10:05 am.
Sum-eh tied L'el'e on earliest calender date of a fledge, August 5.
While mom closely watches, Antali keeps testing her wings!
Winter / Antali is a boy. (They've been identified by Dr Greene)
That'd be ... he/him .. LOL!!!!
Posted on Hellgate Osprey Cam
Whoa! Look who "helicoptered"!!! 😍🥰Way to go Antali! He'd been watching all kinds of birdies flying by and seemed to feel the pull! The wind kicking up bec storm coming. He did some winging, some hopping, THEN this! Wahoo!!!
Aug. 14, 2024
Just after dawn Antali called - and Summer flew in to visit.
WOW, that video is amazing!
I'd seen him catch air - but your video is just great.
Summer was facing the opposite direction when she did that -
then almost accidently came down on MOm's perch..
Thanks Shep/ Lani.
Awesome video and info.
8 am Antali went to the far side of the nest and flew to this side and appeared to fall off.
Mom looked. LOL!
9.30 Not sure where he went but only Mom in nest - yelling
10.10 cam zoomed around and found Antali on a tele phone pole.
I REALLY hope his wingtips dont touch those wires!
I'd rather cam stayed on Antali. Dont need to see the nest now.
Iris stands in the nest yelling.
Thanks Shep!! Antali!! :-*
Hellgate Antali has Fledged!
Second Osprey Chick "Antali" Fledges from Hellgate Nest! | August 14, 2024
After 59 days in the nest post-hatch, the younger Osprey chick named Antali fledged this morning with a confident jump and a slight flutter as they headed upriver. Congratulations to the
Cam community! https://youtu.be/bEx1jnor6Z8
Iris on nest calling Antali. - Antali on light pole
12.47 one of the chicks flies into the nest.
I dunno which one.
Nest was EMPTY quite awhile
Hi Shep,
It was Summer that stopped by the nest.
Posted on Hellgate cam
I've been watching the 2nd cam which has been on Antali most of the time.
He's been doing short flights as he tests his wings. He's been on the tree, I can't see him right now.
Antali and Iris :-*
This sweet post was posted by Hellgate mod
4:22, 8/14 Opie Taylor: "The nest sure looks awful empty, don't it, Pa?
Andy Taylor: Yes, Son, it sure does. But don't the trees seem nice and full?
From: Opie the Birdman (1963) The Andy Griffith Show"
Antali and Iris :-* This was seen on the 2nd cam, Antali testing his wings made it to the tree.
followed by Iris. She's tried to entice him with a fish to return to the nest, but he couldn't make it.
Posted by Dr Greene on Montana Osprey FB
Hi everyone,
Well, well, well! It is with mixed emotions that we saw Antali fledge successfully this morning! We suspected he would probably fledge today - he was getting "big air" yesterday, and had been practising flying hard for the last week. He flew up the river a bit, then perched right below the nest.
It is a bit hard to look at an empty Hellgate Osprey nest, but what an amazing season it has been for Iris and her family!
Best, Erick Greene and the Montana Osprey Team
Photos capturing Antali fledging by Dr. Greene
Antali :-*
Iris :-*
Iris :-* (You are amazing sweet mama, just amazing! I'm so happy for your successful summer! My heart sings with joy for you. :-*)
Aug. 15, 2024
1.15 am Empty nest, Mom on her perch.
6.25 am One chick lands in nest - briefly - I assume Summer.
I hope Mom's with Antali.
6.45 am chick lands in nest, I cant tell them apart.
7.45 am Iris has been standing in the nest yelling.
Finn just dropped off a fish. Then Mom flew off with the fish toward the cam. Thats the direction Antali fledged, so I'll assme she's taking him the fish.
8.30 am cam pans over - osprey on the telephone pole.
I cant tell if its adult or fledgling.
Its overlooking the river - could be fishing.
11 am Chick in nest eating fish.
13.22 Summer (?) in nest.
Yes, mixed emotions, yep.
I did notice Iris tried to lure Antali with fish.
It musta been Summer who came to nest - but left in 5 minutes.
Glad the fledgling was in a tree - OFF the wires!
Hi Shep, 2nd Cam is located on the top right of the main cam. Click on 2nd Cam button located between Updates and Donate buttons.
I watching Cam 2 for Antali, he's got to be in those trees. Cam 2 has been trying to locate him.
Main Cam link
Yes, Summer has been back and forth to the nest today.
Tks. for all the updates and snaps everyone!
Morning Shep and Phyl,
This was posted on X Hellgate Osprey an hour ago.
"Good Morning, #CHOWS! "Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind." David G. Allen
Dr. Greene is looking for Antali & may have spotted him. Keep up those great positive thoughts and prayers. "
Thank God, I'm one of those nervous aunties too, waiting for news and watching for Antali to return to nest or land on pole. :-*
August 16, 2024
I found cam 2
I wont be able to see a bird unless cam zooms on it.
6.45 am Fire engine and ambulance arrive, lights flashing.
Amb turned siren OFF when it turned into Univ.
6.57 am Amb left - lights & siren ON
8.02 am Summer lands in nest demanding breakfish
8.46 BOTH parents and a chick in nest. Chick came yelling - one parent came then another.
I think one had fish - not sure. I dont see well.
Hello Lani & Phyl :)
Shep, yes, Dr Greene knows how eager we all are, as he's been searching for him since he fledged.
1:14pm Posted on Hellgate Osprey!
Good news!
Dr Greene has seen Antali, looking hale and hearty 1/2 to 1/3 mile upriver with Finnegan, who has been feeding him away from the nest.
Pic from Dr Greene! #HellgateOsprey
Iris & Finn in Empty Nest
August 17, 2024
6.15 am summer in nest
I am relieved. To me, Antali's fledge looked accidental, not intentional, so I was concerned.
I was even more worried when he was on the wires!
Glad he's OK.
Finn has his hands full ... err ... wings full now.
Thanks for posting Lani
Iris & Finn in Empty Nest
August 17, 2024
6.15 am summer in nest
I am relieved. To me, Antali's fledge looked accidental, not intentional, so I was concerned.
I was even more worried when he was on the wires!
Glad he's OK.
Finn has his hands full ... err ... wings full now.
Thanks for posting Lani
Good morning Shep. I agree with you about Antali's fledge. He was wingersizing when he went over the side. I bet the poor boy said "OOPS!"
Great update and pic, thank you! ;D
When Iris was on the nest feeding Summer,
there was an osprey on the Dead Tree on 2nd cam at the same time.
Howdy! And good morning...
Watching your rewinds, Shep and Lani and written updates.
Look like an "Oooops!' to me, too.
Thanks for sharing and keep us up to date.
August 17, 2024
11.25 am Chick in nest - Mom is feeding it.
Is this Antali?????
Chick looks smaller - and Summer eats her own fish.
I am SO GLAD Ant came home, so we got a last look at him!
What a BEAUTIFUL family.
Shep!! I think it is, I'm checking for confirmation from Montana Osprey FB!!
But, to me it is Antali!!!! He made it back home!!!
Prayers answered!! :-* :-* :-* :-*
Shep, I checked Hellgate FB and they say it is.
I can see his chest, very lighter than Summer!!!
Oh sweet boy being so gentle with his mom! :-*
Not like Summer who took a bite at dad Finn's leg today. LOL!
Iris left after eating the fish.
Antali looks like a sleepy boy.
Thaks for snaps and update.
So glad our fella is back. :-*
Aug. 18, 2024
7.45 am Both chicks in nest.
10 am There sit both fledglings - in the nest - waiting to be fed. LOL!
I think its time they learn to catch their own fish!
If they are fed in the nest, they wont learn.
10.22 Parent flies in with fish. Antiali wants it! Begs.
Parent flies off with it. LOL! ;D Returns. Leaves.
Summer arrives! uh oh..... she has the fish!
Summer leaves with the fish, Antali pouts.
10.37 Parent comes with fish.
This time Ant FIGHTS to grab it - succeeds, mantles - eats his fish.
11.33 Ant is minding his own biz - eating his fish - S L O W L Y .....
Snaky Summer flies in and wants it. BAD GURL!!
The nest was occupied overnite by 2 birds.
I think it was Iris and Summer. Not sure.
Psst... Summer ... go catch your own fish! :D
That chick was awake yammering all nite!
BOTH fledgling chicks were in nest late yesterday.
Summer appeared protective of her lil brother.
Lani, I dont do facebk - or twitter, have no access.
My social is Gab.com
Hi Shep,
Antali has not left the nest since he arrived yesterday.
Sum-eh just took the fish... sweet boy needs fish.
Aug. 18, 2024 pm
Yeah - lil guy made it home, doesnt want to leave.
But .. thats NOT normal .. so .. lessons begin
Love the quickie cam tours.
This morning he showed us the pole the nest is on.
This afternoon I saw the hills of Montana.
The nest is empty - all birds gone.
I cant believe how many trains go by - all day long - and at night!
Finn on Owl Pole eating fish 10:30 am
Antali flying off nest 12:38 pm
8/18 Osprey gets company, but only for a second... #HellgateOsprey
2:26 PM
8/18 Sum-eh arrives, watches Antali arrive #HellgateOsprey
2:39 PM
Siblings are enjoying the day! Spending time on nest, flying to Iris's dead tree across the river.
All is well...while these beautiful osprey chicks learn and watch their parents teach them how to LIVE THEIR BEST LIFE!!! :-*
Thought I'd pop in see how it all's going for the osprey family.
Thanks for the great snaps and reporting.
Just like being there. ;)
Indeed our fella needs to learn how to fish.
August 19, 2024
1 am One of the chicks in nest, parent on perch.
10.45 am Awww ... Mom is feeding Antali.
Yesterday Summer stole Antali's fish he was eating.
Lani - I appreciate your notes & beautiful pics!
That Antali exit was intentional! :D
I dont have whatever link you got that from
Hi Shep ;D
b]Posted 2 days ago on Montana Osprey Cam[/b]
Hi everyone,
This breeding season has been exciting with lots of challenges for Iris and Finnegan. Attached is a summary of what we have been lucky enough to witness this breeding season. Here are some of the big challenges that Iris and her family overcame:
1. In the middle of the night on 21 May, Iris was brutally attacked by a Great-horned Owl while she was asleep. But she gave as good as she got, and it seemed like that dissuaded the owl from ever returning to the Hellgate nest. Iris taught it not to mess around with her.
2. We had several weeks of punishing record-hot temperatures (with the hottest day recorded on Earth during the modern record-keeping period). Throughout this time Iris shaded her babies, and would dip down to the river to soak her feathers so she could be a swamp cooler.
3. On the evening of 24 July, Missoua had an extremely severe storm rip through with hurricane-force winds. Thousands of trees were knocked down in the area, and many osprey chicks in the area were blown out of their nests and died. But in spite of winds that were probably over 100 mph at their nest, Sum-eh and Antali held on tight and survived the storm.
Iris has proved yet again, after so many years, that she is a survivor! In the face of many challenges and set-backs, she has persevered and produced many healthy Osprey chicks!
Best, Erick Greene and the Montana Osprey Team
Here is the summary of the Hellgate Osprey season. Posted on Montana Osprey by Dr. Greene.
Dad Finn brings another fish for Antali on perch!!
Antali scores 2 fish meals this morning and no Sum-eh in sight!!! ;D
A beautiful take off for Antali, he's getting better each day!
:o fantastic info and snaps! Dr. Greene's chart puts it all out there thoroughly .
Our fella is really improving on his flying, too.
Thank you!
I'd love to see the owl war!
Very glad Iris won!!
Aug. 20, 2024
I think it was Antali who spent the night on Iris' nest perch.
I didnt see Iris.
6.40 am Summer flies in and Antili drops down into nest.
9.30 A parent has come n gone twice - without a fish.
Painful part of training? Mom fed Ant yesterday!
10.15 Finn wif fish - comes leaves - no one home.
5 mins later Ant arrives
Found owl attack video in case others want to view.
Iris Attacked By Great Horned Owl
May 21, 2024 A Great Horned Owl attacked Iris during the night, knocking her off the nest. Iris made several swoops at the owl, eventually convincing it to leave. Iris used a rarely heard duck-like vocalization & settled back onto her 3 eggs.
Iris Lays Egg #3
May 12, 2024
Hi Shep,
I found the owl attack video for you too. I watched it Live that's enough for me.
I was so worried about the eggs in the nest too. :'(
Iris on her fishing pole
10:39am, 8/20 Antali gets the fish from Iris and mantle it. Iris leaves him with his prize. Great job, Antali!
Also, forgot to mention in the last tweet that Finn did a fly-by over the nest.
11:05, 8/20 Iris returns to the perch. Antali calls off and on. Iris leaves at 11:06. Antali continues to eat his fish, but maybe the wasps got the best of him because he took his fish and flew at 11:09. We believe that is another first for him. #HellgateOsprey
I LOVE your pics n notes Lani.
Antali appears - to me - to sense he's to be the Guardian - as he sits on Mom's perch all nite. lol... just adorable.
Thanks and SED Shep, Antali is sleeping on the perch tonight. ;D
Aug. 21, 2024
6.45 am Mom is feeding Ant - big fish.
I really am surprised she is still feeding him.
10.45 Mom is feeding Ant.
Cmon Ma! Let him eat by hisself!
Ant spent the night on nest perch
10:35 am, 8/21 ♥ Iris feeding Antali
Sweet boy is chirping away in delight :-*
Mom is enjoying these last few days of TLC with her boy, in less than a month she'll be on her migration south!
I'll miss her dearly, it's been a such a joy watching her be a mom and having a mate again. :-*
Finn has been a wonderful mate!
A wonderful Dad!
He really stepped up!
Hi Shep and Lani !
Many thanks for t he updates and photos.
This is a wonderful avian family. :-* :-*
I 'm so relieved
and glad for their success.
Aug. 22, 2024
2 osprey in nest overnite.
Hi Shep,
Antali and Iris was on the nest last night. ;D
1: 21pm - 8/22 Posted by #HellgateOsprey
Now we know that was Finnegan in the shade tree.....he delivers partially eaten fish to Antali, who makes a nice clean grab (...no toes!)
Lani & Shep,
thanks for the snaps and update.
Everyone looks great.
August 23, 2024
1 osprey on perch, chick in nest.
OK - fledgling - 'chick' is easier to type. :D
Great pics Lani!
August 24, 2024
Osprey perched all nite. - Antali?
7 am - I dunno what this is ..... wasnt much of a fight.
5.11 am Emergency vehicle enters parking lot - followed by 2 more vehicles.
I am ALWAYS curious!
Shep tks for the update and the great screen snaps. The slipped joint in each of my thumbs makes it
very difficult to be quick enough to capture a decent screen shot /type.
So, many thanks. ;)
I stop the image to get the pics.
This seemed to be a rather chaotic day.
Wonder what Lani will tell us.
Have a fun weekend. :)
August 25, 2024
Empty nest.
Osprey ( Iris? ) came to perch about 1.30 am - IN THE DARK!?
WHY are they active at night?
One of the chicks showed up - yelling.
Yesterday I think Antali brot in a good size rail stick.
Kinda odd at season end to build nest rails.
Hi Shep, here is an FYI posted on Hellgate cam
8/24 If you were wondering when Iris might migrate, here's her history. (We don't know exactly when she leaves. We can only say when we last saw her.) We have a few more weeks with the Queen of Hellgate and our hearts. #HellgateOsprey
8/24/ Finn delivers fish to Antali - Posted on Hellgate cam
Handsome Antali, look at his intense brown eyes
Beautiful Iris with her speckled green eyes
Here you see Finn's gorgeous green eyes... Finn flew in with a second fish. To start Antali defended the fish he had, even made a threat move on Finn. Then saw the new fish and took it. Note Finn lifts his foot away before A can take it- in protective defense maybe? ... all these actions are to build Antali's offensive and defensive instincts for surviving on his own. ;D
Antali, gorgeous intense boy :-*
Sum-eh front note the brown eyes, Antali back :-*
August 24, 2024
Osprey perched all nite. - Antali?
7 am - I dunno what this is ..... wasnt much of a fight.
5.11 am Emergency vehicle enters parking lot - followed by 2 more vehicles.
I am ALWAYS curious!
Dr. Greene posted this yesterday morning
Heather Lewis caught this moment when another juvenile osprey tried to land on the nest. Dr. Greene previously reported seeing Louis and 2 of his chicks in the area. Could this be one of his chicks? We don't know, but interesting. #HellgateOsprey
Thanks Lani!
So there is another nearby osprey nest with fledglings - thot so.
Ant wouldnt let it land on his nest. lol. They learn young.
Both kids better learn to fish pretty quick - from your dates it appears Queen Iris will be leaving them in a couple weeks.
Shep / Lani---many thanks for nest updates and info.
They grow up so fast.
Aug. 26, 2024
Adult ( Queen Iris ? ) perched overnite
Found 2 videos
Mom Feeds Antali
Part One - 8/21/24
Calm b4 Storm
Antali Blown Off-Nest - he's OK
'the calm before the storm' :) 17
Aug 24, 2024
8/27 Sum-eh is 76 days old and Antali is 71 days old.
Sum-eh fledged on Aug. 5th and has been flying for 22 days.
Antali fledged on Aug. 14th and has been flying for 13 days.
Antali (L) and Sum-eh (R) :-*
Oh thanks ladies.
Really enjoy your snaps and updates.
Antali and Sum-eh look great! :-*
Aug. 28, 2024
Seems odd to me the osprey is bringing in nest rails -
and the END of season.
Anyone else find this odd?
Hi Shep,
No, it is normal for ospreys to clean and prep their nest before they leave for the winter.
I've watched this nest since 2013/2014
Montana Osprey Project - writes about Hellgate and Dunrovin Ranch Osprey nests
Cornell Lab Osprey
Aug 28, 2024 #birdcams #live #osprey
On the Hellgate Osprey Cam, Iris and Finnegan continue to supplement their fledglings with food as they hone their flight and fishing skills. Over the past few weeks, the nest site has proven to be a popular drop zone for these supplementary fish deliveries, and the fledglings know it!
In this clip, Sum-eh outcompetes the younger Antali for the rights to an incoming fish, but the hand-off goes awry. Minutes later, the siblings scramble in a flurry of feathers to claim a second fish delivery, and Sum-eh comes away with the prize.
Osprey Fledglings Compete For Fish Delivery, Sum-eh Wins The Prize – Aug. 28, 2024
Sum-eh ;D
Gorgeous wing span by Antali :-*
8/27 Beginning on 8/5, the day Sum-eh fledged, Finnegan has brought in 76 fish/partial fish.
Iris has brought in 30 fish/partial fish.
Hardworking Mom and Dad!
Aug. 29, 2024
2 chicks in nest - far apart - I DONT think they are both ours.
Thanks for the pic and notes!
Hi Ladies.
Many thanks for the snaps and info.
I can understand the repairs and prep on the nest.
Equate to 'winterizing' one's home before going
south (so to speak) for the winter. IMHO
Aug 29, 2024 9:38am
Sum-eh turns towards Antali on the back porch....Antali makes the leap and the action heats up on the nest. Both depart the nest for a bit. Thanks to Cam Host (Montana Osprey Project) annd Cornell Lab of Ornithology for the video feed. 8/29/24 09:38:31
9:38am, 8/29 Antali moves from the back porch to the nest and takes some action with Sum-eh....the games are on! #HellgateOsprey
Aug 30, 2024
So it was our siblings 'fighting' ???
BACK PORCH! LOL! Didnt know nest had a porch!
I want to call video - funny - but Ant looks DEAD SERIOUS!
Defending his nest - from his sister!
Blessings fellow watchers!
September 1, 2024
Dawn - No overnite osprey.
6.50 am One of our chicks lands on perch, yelling for brekky.
About 10.15 one of the chicks flew into the nest -
followed a bit later by parent - with a HUGE fish, minus head
12 noon Finn ( I think ) flew into nest, yammering up a storm -
as if he is angry - but I dont see a reason
Here is a view of the nest
You can see the - porch . ;D
Good morning Shep,
That's a great pic of the front and back porch!
It's September 1st and the trees are turning into fall colors.
Soon our beautiful Hellgate family will be leaving for the winter.
I don't want them to go. :'( It's been a fantastic summer.. :-*... Where will each one go? ???
7:04, 9/1 Finnegan delivers breakfish. :-*
Antali enjoys a good portion before departing with his fish at 07:13am #HellgateOsprey
Mom brought a huge fish.
Antali took a few bites and flew away with it. :-*
Thanks Lani -
Yeah I'll miss them
Yes I noticed the red maple trees below.
Beautiful time of year.
Ladies, many thanks for the snaps and updates.
Hopefully our ospreys will return next season.
Good morning Shep and Phyl :)
1:28am, 9/2
It looked like another empty nest night....until Antali arrived in the early morning hours! #HellgateOsprey :-*
5:20am, 9/2
Antali awake and getting ready for another day in paradise! #HellgateOsprey
9:47am, 9/2
Antali is still singing the old refrain, 🎶Oh, bring me a fish.🎶 #HellgateOprey ;D
9:54, 9/2
Finnegan leaves the Owl Pole and takes the remaining large portion of fish to Antali at the nest.
#HellgateOsprey. YAY! Breakfish ;D
9:55am, 9/2
Finn feaks his beak and departs. Antali digs into his meal. He eats some on the nest, then tests his payload and takes off to eat elsewhere at 10:02. #HellgateOsprey - before big sis arrives! ;D
Thats is a HUGE ... SALMON???
Gosh! That salmon (?) is monstrously big. What a catch for the nest.
The nest looks good.
Thanks Lani
September 4
someone spent the night - dunno who
hey Phyl :)
Hi Shep, Phyl,
It was Antali who spent the night. Sum-eh hasn't been seen since 8/30, she has migrated or is being fed elsewhere.
On the last day she was seen on the nest, her feathers were wet. Chatters thought she may have been practicing fishing on her own.
9/3 sunset
Iris leaves stadium lights after eating fish. These past years Iris always spends the last few days before she migrates on the stadium lights.
It is in that direction that she will leave the area when she is ready to migrate to the south. My heart is sad, but I so happy she's has mate and successful season here in Hellgate. :-*
Yesterday, 9/3 Finnegan brings Antali a fresh whole fish. Antali takes it and then flies at 10:44 to enjoy his meal at an undisclosed location.
Iris hasn't been to the nest or feeding Antali as often as Finn. Finn will make sure Antali is fed and fishing lessons will continue. Until both leave for migration. :-*
9/4 Good Morning, #CHOWS! This capture is from 8/4, the day before Sum-eh fledged. Sum-eh hasn't been seen since 8/30, she has migrated or is being fed elsewhere. The last time she was seen on the nest, she was wet. So, she may have been fishing for herself. Good girl!!! :-*
Sum-eh (left) Antali (right)
Antali waiting patiently for breakfish from Dad Finn.
It'd be entirely normal if BOTH youngsters are fishing on their own.
Wonderful photos Lani ! Thanks!
Antali chirping for fish at 9am
10:46 am, 9/4 Antali comes in visibly wet from head to toe. Did he bathe or try for a fish? We don't know. 🤔#HellgateOsprey
Dr Greene has gone out to look for Sum-eh to see if she's still in the area, or has already migrated.
12:14pm, 9/4
Iris delivers a nice partial fish to Antali. Nice talon-off as he grabs the fish. He eats some on the nest, but departs with the fish at 12:22. BTW, that's a nice crop on Iris. #HellgateOsprey
September 5, 2024
Antali perched all nite.
He's getting steadier! :D
I am glad Dr Greene went to look for Summer.
Y'know - after Labor Day ... Summer is over. ;D
I see Finn and Iris are still here, so I doubt Summer'd migrate without them - while they're still here. Hope she's ok.
Nice pics Lani
Trains go by constantly - night n day - both directions!
Both passenger AMTRAK - and freight.
America on the move!
Had to google - here's results.
Yes, osprey parents usually migrate before their young:
The female osprey usually migrates first, followed by birds that didn't breed that year.
Male migration
The male osprey migrates a few weeks after the female, depending on the development of the chicks. He waits until the youngest chick has left before he leaves.
Hi Shep, thanks for info. I found more info for this thread. I've been watching this nest since 2012 When Iris met Stanley :-*
9/5 Dr. Greene has been watching for Sum-eh. Yesterday, he saw four ospreys circling over the Hellgate nest in a tight circle. He saw Iris and Finnegan and two juveniles, one was Antali, and the other likely to be Sum-eh. #HellgateOsprey
Found these interesting facts under Dr.Greene's migration info:
"The ospreys stick around as little as four weeks and as much as seven weeks after fledging. The chicks still get fed by their parents, though they start to learn to hunt on their own. Typically, females leave before their mates, who stick around and keep feeding the chicks. In 2012, Stan from the Hellgate Canyon nest and his chick, Crown Royal, stuck around Missoula through the end of September. Iris and the other two chicks, Hook and Squish, left early in September.
During migration, the nesting pair and their chicks split up. To see some of the southward paths a few Montana ospreys have taken, check out the Raptor View Research Institute’s tracking program."
Maybe with this season being such an unusual one.....anything goes! And anything can happen. We will have to stay tuned and see what develops. I included a photo of Iris from 2012 when she first met Stanley...he won her over with a huge fish! 💞💞
Just posted on Hellgate Osprey X in reply to Kim.
Perfect description, Kim. Dr. Greene also called it a type of "ceremony".... "We did it!" "Hope to see you, again."
Posted by Kim
I live between a different nest and the river. At this time of year, I often see the adults and juvenile osprey circling and calling all together. I like to think of it as a sky dance - their last days all together before life sends them off on their own. ❤️
9/5 Dr. Greene has been watching for Sum-eh.
Yesterday, he saw four ospreys circling over the Hellgate nest in a tight circle. He saw Iris and Finnegan and two juveniles,
one was Antali, and the other likely to be Sum-eh. Maybe he witnessed their Sky Dance once last time! #HellgateOsprey
Screen Capture from 8/13 when all four were last seen together on the nest. :-*
September 6, 2024
Dawn breaks, and nest has been empty all night.
I wonder if Ant is even trying to fish.
I susmect Summer has caugh at least one of her own fish.
Queen Iris is likely feeling the Call of the Wild.
Hi Shep :)
Antali came to the nest wet yesterday!
10:36am and again he shows up to the nest wet! Good going Antali! :-*
He showed up to the nest at 7am and Finn brought a headless fish for him.
12:33 pm, 9/6
Looks like Antali is preparing for migration as hyperphagia (the urge to eat) has set in. He sure has filled out recently. #HellgateOsprey
Osprey on stadium light, it's Iris's usual spot before migrating. Iris is that you? :-*
There she goes :-*
Sept 7, 2024
Someone perched overnite. Antali? He really is beautiful.
Oops! It got windy and he took off about 3 am!
I find it so odd birds fly AT NIGHT.
In the afternoon I think thats Summer.
She is really a beauty! WOW.
Queen Iris DID NOT fly UP off the light yesterday.
Maybe she hasnt left yet ..... ?
I'd expect her to take off up up up into the skies .........
September 8, 2024
Cam quit late yesterday - with someone perched .....
Finn dropped off a fish for - Summer - I think. 8)
I saw Summer in the nest yesterday. What a big beauty.
NEW cam link
September 9, 2024
Antali perchs guard of nest overnite.
Is Iris gone now?
Hi Shep, No, Iris is still here.
Here's a funny video posted on Hellgate Osprey
Wahoo! The Queen is still w/us! Didn't see her at all yesterday, so I wasn't sure. But yes, THERE she was!
~Clearly she expected Husband to bring that fish to her, on the nest but was stunned he did not.
~~Oops, here comes son!
Iris :-*
Majestic! 8)
September 10, 2024
Some guy biked into parking lot, then sat on pavement awhile, then biked away.
Fishing Finn - drenched - rises up . up . out of thewater!
That was great! THANKS!
Antali spent last night on his favorite perch :-*
8:56am, 9/10
Finnegan delivers breakfish. Antali makes a toe grab before making a dive for the fish. #HellgateOsprey
9:01am, 9/10 After eating for a bit, Antali takes his fish to parts unknown
10:26am Antali chirping for more ;D
Just Ant n Daddy Finn left - the girls have gone - south.
Finn wants his son to fish for himself.
Always a hard time of teaching.
September 11, 2024
Antali perched all nite.
Just before dawn some kind of vehicle in lot - ??
I guess just another person who used lot for a rest stop.
9.15 am Finn arrives with a - LIVE ( I think ) fish.
Ant played with it awhile then flew off without eating it - he LEFT it.
9/11 Good Morning, It is a day of remembrance. “Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.”
Lani, thats a lovely, meaningful image of Antali.
He's gotta be super full of FISH FISH FISH -
but he's still yellin. I wonder why.
Finn has brot several fish!
I havent seen Summer or Iris.
September 12, 2024 RAIN
Ant on his perch overnite.
:D Finn brot Ant a LARGE - VERY ALIVE - fish ...
which may have scared Ant ..
and the fish flopped itself out of the nest. LOL!
Later Finn brot another fish to the nest.
This is also alive, but just barely.
Finn leaves Ant to eat it alone.
Antali clearly wants Mom to come feed him!
But he is capable of eating himself.
NOON Finn brings another LIVE fish.
Poor Ant. no Mama to feed him, and now he has to kill his own fish. LOL
Cam quit yesterday. I see its working again this morning.
It rained - maybe wind d/c cam connection.
I am eager for Dr G report.
Is Ant fishing for himself?
Are Iris and Summer gone now?
September 13, 2024 Flyday
Antali right in the center of the nest overnite.
He sleeps awhile, then eats, sleeps, eat.
Ima changa his name to Eatali !!!
About 11 Finn brot Ant a live fish.
This gorging is normal for the chicks just before migration.
Antali is storing lots of energy, so that his battery will be fully charged when he migrates.
Shep, great info, thanks! ;D
Hello everyone,
Since this breeding season was so successful, we have decided to upgrade our camera equipment. It takes quite a bit of gear to provide you with the nest camera views that you get, and some of the equipment is getting pretty old.
On the accompanying photo, you can see the camera, an Infrared Illuminator (that allows us to see the nest at night) and a microphone. At the base of the nest pole is a box that houses some of the computer gear required to run the Hellgate camera gear.
Over the winter, when Iris and her family are several thousand miles to the south in much warmer places, we will upgrade the Hellgate nest camera gear so that the views are even better next season!
To do these upgrades, we will need to raise some money. We will be doing some fund-raising, and we are excited about some Hellgate Osprey nest swag that we will make available to you. This way you can help us to make the upgrades, and get some nice Hellgate merch!! Much more information to follow, but we will be offering Hellgate Osprey cards, calendars, and much more!! Also, Richard Miles and SharonLeigh Miles have kindly offered again to make spectacular PENS made out of sticks that have dropped below the Hellgate nest! Richard made pens a bunch of years ago as a fund-raiser, and these are very special! Stay tuned for more information on all of this.
Best, Erick Greene
This shows just some of the components used to bring you the video feed of the Hellgate Osprey nest. We will be replacing all of these after Iris and her family leave.
This is a weather-proof box at the base of the nest pole. It houses some of the electronic equipment needed to run the camera.
This is Dr. Heiko Langner building the scaffolding for the very first Hellgate Osprey camera!
Shep, this was posted 2 days ago on Montana Osprey Facebook
Hello everyone,
Things are progressing well in Hellgate Osprey land (or should that be water?).
Although Sum-eh has not landed on the nest for a while, she is still around. I saw her along the river near upriver from the nest two days ago. The fact that she is not coming in to the nest to get fed suggests that she has figured out how to be an osprey and catch her own fish! She is a quick learner!
Antali, on the other hand, is still coming in to get fed. This is not unusual, and he is practising fishing when he is away from the nest on his own.
What a season this has been at the Hellgate nest! We are savouring the time we have left with Iris, Finnegan, Antali and Sum-eh!
Thanks for a wonderful show!
Erick Greene and the Montana Osprey Team
2:03pm, 9/13 Another fish delivery....another toe grab! Antali substitues the toe for the fish! #HellgateOsprey
September 14, 2024
THANK YOU for the pics and notes.
Summer fishing on her own, still around.
Finn still feeds Antali, he still isnt catching his own fish.
Finn is bringing LIVE FISH, so Ant has to kill them.
I think he wants his Mom.
Does your note - they're all still here - mean Iris is with Summer?
:) LOOK what appeared on youtube!
The Fox and The Osprey
Sep 7, 2024 Not long after seeing the magpies teasing the fox, we see a fox emerge on the left side... Shortly afterward, we see one of our osprey family fly up to the tree. We see the fox head on over, then descend down the mtn., under that tree.
Isn't wildlife wonderful? Occasionally we get to see those foxes via the cams and it's such a lovely treat. And yes, that's still Homebirdy Antali fish-calling his osprey heart out from their nest.
and I havent seen Finn bring Antali a fish yet.
Ant's been away from the nest ( AFN ) a lot.
Is he trying to fish? I hope.
Is Daddy Finn trying to lure him away from the nest?
12.30 Faithful Finn flies Ant a fish into the nest.
Ant mantles - then keeps on yelling instead of eating.
I'm gonna miss this cam.
September 14, 2024
THANK YOU for the pics and notes.
Summer fishing on her own, still around.
Finn still feeds Antali, he still isnt catching his own fish.
Finn is bringing LIVE FISH, so Ant has to kill them.
I think he wants his Mom.
Does your note - they're all still here - mean Iris is with Summer?
:) LOOK what appeared on youtube!
The Fox and The Osprey
Sep 7, 2024 Not long after seeing the magpies teasing the fox, we see a fox emerge on the left side... Shortly afterward, we see one of our osprey family fly up to the tree. We see the fox head on over, then descend down the mtn., under that tree.
Isn't wildlife wonderful? Occasionally we get to see those foxes via the cams and it's such a lovely treat. And yes, that's still Homebirdy Antali fish-calling his osprey heart out from their nest.
HI Shep,
I will check on Iris, but ospreys never travel together. They separate.
Do Ospreys migrate alone or in flocks?
Ospreys migrate alone. Males, females, and juveniles migrate independently, unlike most migratory North American raptors. While they may temporarily join flocks of migratory raptors, if they are all flying in the same direction, Ospreys will continue on their own.
Observations on the ground found that most (80%) of the Ospreys migrating south flew alone. Just 11% were observed accompanied by other migrating raptors. In reality, this association may only be because the other raptors happened to be migrating in the same direction as the Ospreys.
Concentrations of migratory Ospreys of about 90 individuals have been observed flying over Cuba. Rather than forming migratory flocks, these birds were following their traditional migration routes. Birds from the Caribbean Basin and Florida funnel on a narrow passage as they fly over Cuba to other Caribbean islands or Central and South America.
Not even mated pairs migrate together
Even mated pairs do not migrate together. The male and female Ospreys leave the breeding grounds at different times.
Females always leave up to a month earlier than males. One or more weeks after the young Ospreys leave the nest, the male continues providing food for the young while the female begins to migrate south.
Gradually, the young Ospreys and their father begin to diverge. Some birds stay in the area for some time, while others migrate south at different times.
3:05pm 9/14 Finnegan and Antali
Shep, I went back through Hellgate Osprey posts and found this video of Iris leaving stadium light. No one has mentioned seeing her or Sum-eh since then.
Dated 9/11 Since Finnegan delivered a fish to Antali at 7:36pm, we feel pretty certain this is Iris leaving the Stadium light 7:52. Video attached. #HellgateOsprey
Sept. 15, 2024
Antali perched nest guard overnite.
I thnk he was GONE a lot more yesterday.
Awesome pic of Dad and son together!
Ant's not the least bothered at all the human activity.
OK, Finn, Ant are clearly still here.
Summer hasnt left yet.
Yes, I do remember seeing Iris on the light pole late Sept. 10.
I suspect she HAD to leave or Antali would never mature as he must.
Have a safe flight Queen Iris!
So Finn & Ant may be here a couple more weeks.
Good morning Shep,
I found good news from Dr. Greene!!
Posted 13 hours ago on Montana Osprey FB
Hi everyone,
We surveyed the river today, and we saw Iris, Finnegan and Antali all fishing. I also saw a big female chick just down the river - I am pretty sure it was Sum-eh, but she flew off before I could confirm it. So three, and probably all four of the Hellgate Osprey family are still around.
The fishing technique that they are all using conserves a lot of energy! They perch on trees right above the river and spend a lot of time peering down into the water. When they see a fish they can drop right down out of the tree, or else go hover over it until they get it right where they want it. This method of fishing is very efficient and saves a lot of energy compared to hovering over the water.
I watched Antali go perch in a tree close to Iris - they were both looking down into the water fishing side-by-side! Like mother, like son!
Best, Erick Greene and the Montana Osprey Team
Iris perched on Cottonwood
Antali perched on a cottonwood stump (that was snapped off in the hurricane-force winds on 24 July). He is fishing right next to Iris!
8:45am, 9/15 Wow, a visit from Iris!! #HellgateOsprey :-* :-* :-*
I SAW HER - LIVE - but I am unable to recognize individuals.
It didnt occur to me it was Iris cuz you said she'd gone.
She was yammering like crazy.
Thank you so much for this post, Lani.
The Mom migrates FIRST.
I thot Antali may have been fishing.
I wonder if he was successful.
September 15, 2024
September 16, 2024
No one home ......... no bird on perch.
I didnt record the exact time Antali left the nest yesterday, about noon or shortly after .....
and he never returned. Here is a video- Antali is quite a beauty!
Finn Tries To Hang Out
Sep 11, 2024
Antali is obviously still quite full and content from consuming two fish so far that day. Look at how beautiful he is and so filled out - not to mention that fat crop going on. Lol. Obviously there is no going hungry w/a Daddy like Finnegan!
Fabulous Finn flies in with a large fish. Looks like he planned to eat lunch with his son, but Ant wasnt havin it, so Finn flew off with his fish.
I'll fallen behind in my reading. :(
Thanks Shep and Lani for all your posts and snaps.
Time for 'catch up'.
September 16, 2024
7.30 am I think thats Queen Iris, lands in nest and whistles, then a series of calls.
Flies off.
Hi Shep, yes, it was Iris, this was taken on Hellgate Osprey cam.
7:37:35am. 9/16 Iris flew to the nest and sounded an alert. She called for a fish and flew at 07:39:53.
2 minutes and 18 seconds with the Queen is pure bliss.
9:55am, 9/16 On the 2nd cam, Finnegan, enjoying fish on the owl pole #HellgateOsprey
Noon and not a sign of Antali or Finn
Wow - the Ant must be enjoying fishing!
Thanks for pics Lani
September 17, 2024
Well, Antali forgot his nest - and us.
Farewell little man.
Seeing Iris yesterday for 2 minutes - otherwise - nest empty.
I've enjoyed it.
Now the Florida eagle cams are LIVE - so I'll inhabit them
Yes Shep---Farewell 'Little Man'
Now fly high and enjoy soaring thru the air.
Be safe. Always be safe. :-*
Sept. 18, 2024
Raining - since late yesterday.
Once Ant left - he just didnt return.
The child became a Man in 24 hours.
Good morning Shep and Phyl,
Yes, I think our little man Antali the younger has left.
Chirping steadily, quiet then Antali left nest 8:45 am Sept 15 video by Heather Lewis :'(
Last night on nest
Antali stretching left wing 10:54 pm
Right wing 11:51 pm Sept 14
Antali 12:12 am Sept 15
2 videos in the below link
This was posted yesterday September 19 10:30am
Last osprey sighted - Finn on Iris's dead tree - on 2nd cam
9/19 An Osprey lands on Iris's tree at 09:34. A lengthy preening session and basking in the sunshine took place on this beautiful morning. The O departed at 10:31.
At this same time Dr. Greene is on ground and identifies this osprey as Finn. The only osprey he has sighted twice yesterday
9/20 Good Morning, #CHOWS!
Yesterday we had one sighting of an O on Iris's tree and Dr. Greene saw Finnegan in the area around the same time. Each of our ospreys migrates according to their instinct. We have the privilege of learning during this time.
Safe travels our beautiful Iris, Finn, Sum-eh and Antali! 🙏 :-* :-* :-*
What wonderful memories you have given us! I'm so thankful 🙏
The remarkable summer of Iris the osprey comes to a close in Missoula
Hellgate Osprey cam
Last Seen
Iris Sept 16 on nest
Finn Sept 16 on Owl Pole
Sept 17 O on Iris’s tree and Stadium Light 08:20-08:51 O on Iris’s tree 3 more times.
Sept 18 O on Iris’s tree twice
Sept 19 O seen on Iris’s tree once.
Sept 19 Dr. Greene spots Finnegan flying upriver.
Iris is 29 years old!
September 21, 2024
I didnt know all this. GREAT VIDEO!!
We are reflecting on the extraordinary season experienced by Missoula’s most famous feathered resident, Iris the Osprey.
Lani, thanx for pics & notes!
I kinda hate to say goodbye to this cam.
Hi Shep, it's been fun.
I have this cam bookmarked, so I'll be posting pics till they return. :-*
Good Morning, #CHOWS! Our Miracle in the Nest is complete, but not ended. Our ospreys are relocating to eat, rest, & restore. We'll be looking for Iris and Finn in 195 days. We were privileged to learn from them.
Godspeed Iris, Finnegan, Sum-eh and Antali!
Live cam Oct. 19, 2024
Hi Shep, I hope you had a lovely Christmas.
Here is a cute Christmas post by Kele Fryer on facebook.
Beautiful Hellgate :-*
O thats lovely.
Thank you.
Happy New Year Shep!
Back atcha Lani!
32 degrees and snowing :-*
January 6, 2025
That snow and ice stretched across the 'belt' of the USA to NE -
burying states in snow and ice.
Washington DC has snow too.
Yep Shep, lots of forum members are snowbound... brrrrr.
I hope Harriet, Finn and family are enjoying sunny skies with a full crop.
January 10
Some homebound due to snow, ice - - -
WORSE - some in California homeless after fires
Hellgate posted on X ;D
A blast from the past season....wasn't this one of the funniest moments between Iris and Finnegan!! Wishing you all a happy new year .... let's make 2025 a great year for all! #HellgateOsprey
CROW - Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, Inc
We have yet another reminder of the impact of gunshot injuries on wildlife. Meet one of our first patients of the year—an osprey (Patient 25-32) who arrived with a pellet gun wound. Multiple pellets fractured its wing in two places, leaving it unable to fly. Sadly, this type of injury is far too common in birds we see at CROW.
Thankfully, this osprey's fracture doesn't require surgery, and the affected wing is being immobilized in a wing-to-body wrap which serves as a splint while it heals. Our dedicated team is carefully monitoring its recovery
Pellet gun injuries are a preventable threat to wildlife, causing long-lasting harm to innocent animals. Not only this, but it is illegal to shoot at osprey and other wild birds, as they are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. It's crucial we spread awareness about the dangers of these weapons and advocate for the safety of our wildlife. Together, we can make a difference in preventing these injuries and giving wildlife a safer environment.
Brrrrr.... April is not too far away! ;D
Here comes the Sun! 8)
Missing Iris - Lone tree up on the mountain --- it's a February snow scene posted on Hellgate cam X
Nice pic Lani, but we are a long way from Iris return. ;D
If we close our eyes Shep we can imagine what will be ;D
Que sera sera 8)
Sometimes it looks like they use the fish like a ski and zip right along the surface of the water! Video by Mark Smith
Iris's tree :-*
Holy cow - fish as big as the osprey!
Thinking of Iris watching the train go by :-*
Sounds of Spring in Hellgate! :-*
Posted on Hellgate X account
Glad audio is working again , saw lots ice floating down the Clark Fork River , couple bike riders on bank. 10:06 am Mar 3 video by Heather Lewis
The cam video is running again. The Sparrow family has been busy in their home again. ;D
Beautiful Northern Flicker ;D
March 9, 2025
I guess Iris doesnt arrive til the first week of April = pretty consistently.
Disappointed in Captiva osprey nest, we didnt get a mating pair. The male came and built a lovely nest - but didnt seem interested in a mate.
Hi Shep,
I'm very excited to see if Finnigan returns too.
The House Sparrow taking care of nest, you can see its door into its home :-*
Posted on Montana Ospreys at Hellgate Facebook
Gifts of the Corvids: Raven and Crow Research in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Mar 6, 2025
This talk took place at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in front of a live audience on March 6, 2025.
Corvids—the ubiquitous crows, ravens, magpies, jays, nutcrackers, and relatives—are familiar backyard birds with extraordinary behaviors that enable them to thrive where most species cannot. In this presentation, Marzluff highlights the secrets of corvid life unveiled by experiments and observations over the past four decades with his colleagues and students. The audience will learn how crows have mastered city life, including their long-lasting ability to recognize people and hold grudges. He will draw parallels between human cognition and that of crows by discussing brain imaging experiments that reveal how birds assess danger, rewards, and the difficulty of mastering tool use.
Marzluff’s latest work on ravens in Yellowstone National Park involved tagging 60 birds with state-of-the-art transmitters. The birds shared their secrets as they flew a hundred miles directly to new kills, commandeered territory, found mates, and reared young. The picture that emerged from the study was that of a highly opportunistic bird with the knowledge that allowed them to exploit wolves but not depend on them. Marzluff discusses the tenuous and evolving relationship between humans, wolves, and ravens and the challenges animals face when they wander beyond the protection a national park provides.
Marzluff’s research has been the focus of articles in the New York Times, National Geographic, Audubon, Boys Life, The Seattle Times, National Wildlife, Consumer Reports, Time, and Science. PBS’s Nature featured his raven research in its production “Ravens,” and his crow research in the film documentary “A Murder of Crows.” His current research focuses on the interactions of ravens and wolves in Yellowstone. He teaches field ecology courses at the University of Washington and for Yellowstone Forever.
Marzluff has written six books and edited several others. His graduate research in communication, social organization, demography, and foraging behavior is the subject of The Pinyon Jay (1992, Academic Press, coauthored with his advisor Russell Balda). His book, In the Company of Crows and Ravens (with Tony Angell, 2005 Yale U. Press) blends biology, conservation, and anthropology to suggest that human and crow cultures have co-evolved. This book won the 2006 Washington State Book Award for general nonfiction. With his wife, Colleen, he published Dog Days, Raven Nights (2011, Yale University Press), which combines reflection with biology and the recreational pursuit of dog sledding to show how a life in science blooms. Gifts of the Crow (2012, Free Press, coauthored with Tony Angell) applies a neurobiological perspective to understand the amazing feats of corvids. Marzluff’s Welcome to Subirdia (2014, Yale) discovers that moderately settled lands host a splendid array of biological diversity and suggests ways in which people can steward these riches to benefit birds and themselves. His most recent book In Search of Meadowlarks (2020, Yale) connects our agriculture and diets to the conservation of birds and other wildlife.
Marzluff has mentored more than 40 graduate students and authored more than 170 scientific papers on various aspects of bird behavior and wildlife management. He is a Fellow of the American Ornithologist’s Union, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a National Geographic Explorer.