Raptor Resource Project Forum
All Other Topics and Sites => Eagles around the World! => Topic started by: MpMom on January 05, 2019, 12:48:19 PM
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Hatch news!!! Congrats Cher & Okee 8)
(https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7911/40072996243_38ebd320e3.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2447zEk)2019-02-09 (18) (https://flic.kr/p/2447zEk) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge near Vian, Oklahoma
Sequoyah eagles OK 2 9 19 836am Congrats Cher & Okee 1st hatch this season
https://youtu.be/MkO8ZJCbeLo via trudi kron
Thank you Lori! Nice to see a hatch ;D
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Thank you Lori! Nice to see a hatch ;D
Wow look at all that food! Great pic of sweetpea also!
Eagle Chick Hatches On Nest In Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
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Very healthy looking chick!
Looks great Yankee ;D
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Youtube video by Trudi Kron of the single eaglet wingercising:
Awww thanks Yankee ;D
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:o He/She looks as big as the Mom or Dad!
Yes, this Eaglet is now bigger than Dad and is preening, wingercising and hopping about, a successful season, though the other egg is still whole in the middle of the nest.
Looks like the land owner is growing sod grass beyond the nest.
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:o2 May 2019: As viewers have seen, the eaglet is occasionally out of sight of the camera now as it prepares to leave the nest for good. It may occasionally return in the next few weeks, but also don?t be surprised if it leaves soon and isn?t seen again on camera. This is normal. :-*
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;D ;D
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Congratulations Cher & Okee 1st egg of the season ❤️
Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge near Vian, Oklahoma
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49331129526_a84cc7fd91.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2iadW8Y)2020-01-04 (2) (https://flic.kr/p/2iadW8Y) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
Sequoyah eagles OK 01 04 20 432pm Congrats Cher & Okee on 1st egg of this season
https://youtu.be/x1LZ62e8sCs via trudi kron
live cam https://www.suttoncenter.org/live-bald-eagle-nest-camera/
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Sad here. Underneath the cam explains what has happened. Intruder.
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Sad here. Underneath the cam explains what has happened. Intruder.
:'( :'( :'( Lil ones didn't even have a chance. Hope Mom eagle is ok!
Thanks for sharing MpMom and prayers for them!
Sad here. Underneath the cam explains what has happened. Intruder.
Aww, very sad, MpMom....hope the other egg is ok!
Not good Lisa :( :(
Here is a new update...
14 February 2020: Since our last update on the 10th, the remaining egg was incubated less and less, and has essentially been abandoned at this point. It is still early enough in the nesting season that it could be removed by the eagles and a new clutch laid, although after a nest failure such as this, a re-nesting attempt may be more likely to take place at an alternate nest site in their territory rather than at the site of the failure. If the eagles do move to another nest site, there is always the possibility of something else trying to move into the nest, as we saw in February of 2013 when a Great Horned Owl attempted to nest here after the eagles failed. The photo below is from this nest in 2013 when the owl laid 2 eggs alongside an eagle egg that had failed to hatch.
Not good Lisa :( :(
Here is a new update...
14 February 2020: Since our last update on the 10th, the remaining egg was incubated less and less, and has essentially been abandoned at this point. It is still early enough in the nesting season that it could be removed by the eagles and a new clutch laid, although after a nest failure such as this, a re-nesting attempt may be more likely to take place at an alternate nest site in their territory rather than at the site of the failure. If the eagles do move to another nest site, there is always the possibility of something else trying to move into the nest, as we saw in February of 2013 when a Great Horned Owl attempted to nest here after the eagles failed. The photo below is from this nest in 2013 when the owl laid 2 eggs alongside an eagle egg that had failed to hatch.
Aww :(
I know, sad. I remember when the Owl came in 2013. That was a sad time too. I am sure things happen at many nests.
I know, sad. I remember when the Owl came in 2013. That was a sad time too. I am sure things happen at many nests.
Yep, I am sure. :(
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Oh good, nice to see her. I was worried about the Mom. She looks ok.
Hugs to their family & prayers.
Looks like they are starting nestorations for 2021-2022 ;D
Eagle nest/cam in Oklahoma!
Is there a youtube link? I hope...
(http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/141/141746l4fiobzhr4.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
Shep, I knew ;D I have watched Sequoyah & Sooner nest for maybe 12 years now. There is no cam at the Sooner nest anymore. I believe that was in Stillwater OK.
I'm so very sorry; I kept hoping to see the sweet little one under one of the adults.
Hi Linda!
I know, it is sad. I looked as soon as it was light this morning & didn't see our baby anywhere. :(
I wonder if the older one killed the baby. I wouldn't doubt it. :(
(http://dl2.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1082/1082092p2kr8j7bcg.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
(http://dl3.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1268/1268293dwag1jwqez.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
;D New season ;D
:o (http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1824/1824245rq0qxnpqyy.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
(http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/3739/3739131cr5iso1m90.png) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
Both home.
(http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2648/2648921iducag4brf.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
;) I had checked the nest around 2:35pm cst, came back & got a pic of dad coming to the nest-he left & mom got up. WE HAVE AN EGGLET! ;D
;) All looks well ;)
Around 45 minutes ago mom gave us another egglet. Mom was to quick to let me get a pic. Dad came & she wouldn't let him see, so he left.
I was watching all morning, must have just happened. Another egglet ;D
;D Wow, we have 2 babies ;D
;) I hope when I get up in the morning the other eaglet is there.
Can't find the one eaglet who was at the edge yesterday. :(
TULSA, Okla. (KTUL) — Recent eagle hatchlings in Bartlesville have become, quite possibly, part of the most famous family in Oklahoma.
The family of bald eagles living in Bartlesville is being monitored by a camera from the George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center. The camera faces the nest and over the last few weeks, people from across the state and world have had access to watching these birds.
The eagle pairing initially laid three eggs, when eagles typically lay two. Two eggs hatched, but one of the hatchlings has unfortunately disappeared, predicted to have fallen out of the nest.
While one hatchling may not seem important to some, it's a remarkable achievement compared to 40 years ago when the Sutton Center was founded.
Bald eagles weren't reported in northeast Oklahoma at the time, which only contributes to the fame of this eagle's nest.
"We were tasked with the goal of bringing back that Southern bald eagle. They said if you could have 10 nests, you can count 10 nests, we're gonna call that success, mission accomplished. Here we are today. Our bald eagle survey team has over 300 nests in Oklahoma alone that are successful in producing young each year, and that's a that's a huge monument," said Daniel Harris, a representative of the Sutton Center.
For bird watchers, conservation enthusiasts, and researchers at the center, the first few weeks of watching the nest on camera have been very exciting with the laying of the eggs and hatching.
However, the Sutton Center said things will get really exciting in the next few weeks as the hatchling grows. Soon, people will be able to watch the eagle's process of learning to fly.
To watch the live stream of the eagle's nest in Bartlesville, you can visit the Sutton Center's website.
(https://www.picgifs.com/graphics/m/mothers-day/graphics-mothers-day-986388.gif) (https://www.picgifs.com/graphics/)
;) He left while I was posting the 1st pic 8)
Sure wish this cam was working :(
(https://www.picgifs.com/graphics/m/mothers-day/graphics-mothers-day-986388.gif) (https://www.picgifs.com/graphics/)
Has anyone heard on FB or anywhere if the smallest one is alright.
He was beaten this afternoon.
He is gone :( :( :( :( :( :(
I get it if there isn't enough food at a nest but they had plenty here.
I won't be taking pics anymore this season. I won't watch them rip the little one apart. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( >:(
;) We have an egglet, I was to busy looking at it to snip it ;D