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All Other Topics and Sites => Other Raptor Cams => Topic started by: shep on May 25, 2020, 03:35:56 AM
Audubon Osprey Nest
Hog Island, Bremen, Maine,
May 18, 2020
Rachel didnt return this year
Steves' new mate is Lady Phoebe
They have 3 eggs
The naughty owl is still a threat
Steve and Lady Phoebe give up
May 25, 2020
I pull this up pre-dawn and see eggs alone - all night.
Mod posted Steve and Lady left their 3 eggs
The naughty owl drove them away
Apparantly Lady will brood the eggs during the day but not at night.
Too early from any final conclusion
mod poppy posted
Lady and Steve chose to stay away from the nest, entirely
? Steve left at 7:47 pm, Lady at 8:19 pm.
I think that is the best decision that they could have made. It keeps both Lady and Stev, safe.
stay tuned .....
May 25 afternoon
Lady's been on her eggs every time I look
May 26 at 4.30 am
Both birds gone all nite. Lady returned awhile ago to perch at the end of the stick awhile before returning to nest.
This is an interesting study with both GHO and eagle to bother the ospreys. An eagle took both chicks one year. I agree with mods. No chicks is better. We dont know if those eggs are fertile. I am seeing several new pairs of birds and their eggs did not hatch, or only 1 hatched.
Birds Gone from evening til dawn
Returns at dawn
Fryday May 29 at 4.21 am
Osprey at the end of the stick, nest empty.
4.27 am She comes to nest, feels each egg with her foot - testing temp, lays down.
Interesting behavior
May 30
Phoebe arrived at 4:05 am to incubate
Both had left by 8 pm May 29
Mods dont expect a hatch
May 31, 2020
Steve left last nite about 8 pm, arrives at 4:48 am this morning.
Eggs alone all nite.
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Hi Shep, I had a thread for this last year all I could find is this one post I put in a personal thread. Thanks for starting a new thread. Prayers for this family. :-\
Lori Davis posted July 26, 2019, 09:22:09 AM
Audubon Osprey NestHog Island, Bremen, Maine Rachael & Steve
Rest in Peace Dion... fly high little one! Stay strong, Rachel, Steve and Halley. :'(
Sadly Dion was taken during the night by a GHO.
Rachaels foot is healing nicely and she has been seen fishing on her own. Rest In Peace Dion. Fly high little one! Stay safe lil Halley! :-*
It is a sad time, once again, for our Hog Island family: ospreys and humans alike. On July 25, at 2:02 am EDT, a Great Horned Owl took Dion, Rachel and Steve's youngest chick. Silently, unpredicted - as it is their modus operandi. Rachel was on its tail feather but couldn't do anything. It happened too quickly.
Were Halley & Dion Rachel's 2019 young?
I remember an eagle took them -
or was the eagle 2018?
This nest isnt safe
I am happy you posted here!
Hog Island Osprey
June 14, 2020 Dawn
The owl chased Phoebe away then hung around. He may hear one of the chicks inside the egg. He went to an egg an maybe tried to open it, gave up and left. It is more likely the male owl.
11 am Steve returns to nest but female not seen.
An eagle attacked Steve 2 weeks ago.
mod poppy
June 13, 2020 at 11:51 pm the GHO attacked once again. Phoebe was on and off the nest several times in the late evening and finally returned an hour prior to the attack to resume incubation. She was able to shake off the owl and escaped. The longer the eggs aren?t incubated ? especially during rain - the more questionable is the outcome
Viewer discretion is highly advised!
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Were Halley & Dion Rachel's 2019 young?
I remember an eagle took them -
or was the eagle 2018?
This nest isnt safe
I am happy you posted here!
Yes, Halley & Dion were Rachel's 2019 young. I watched last year... Rachel was injured. Decided not to watch this year. :-\ My heart aches for our raptors. Prayers for this family.
Thank you for the updates my friend Shep! ;) Keeping my distance since GSB loss... got attached to lil ones.
Sonday afternoon
Steve's been on the eggs, havent seen Phoebe.
Steve chirps to her.
The owl attack was from direction she wasnt looking.
She is probly injured and licking her wounds.
That nest should be removed. There is no point to it.
Smarty pants owl!
I love owls too.
June 15, 2020
Steve arrived at 4:58 am
Phoebe showed up briefly on the perch, too!
I hear them chirping but I dont see them
5.30 am Both osprey are there chirping.
Steve brot a fish and Phoebe left with it - Steve on eggs.
As if they didnt have enuf trouble, 3rd ospray
June 16, 2020
O in T post
Phoebe left at 3:45 pm (June 15) when Steve delivered a fish to the nest, and she did not return until this morning. Steve stayed on the nest until 8:42 pm.
This morning: 4:19 AM Steve arrives and incubates
4:28 AM Phoebe arrives on perch
4:36 AM Phoebe incubates
Notes off explore
June 17, 2020
mod Poppy, Explore
Phoebe and Steve have adjusted to their former nighttime routine:
Phoebe doesn?t return to the nest after the last fish delivery while Steve is incubating until about 9 pm. Both return around 4 am the next morning when an owl attack becomes more unlikely.
9 pm June 17 Steve and Phoebe have left for the night once again
June 19, 2020
Steve arrives at 4:09 am
Phoebe about 4:20 am
June 20, 2020
Steve arrives at 4:15 am
Phoebe followed, chased off intruder
Info off explore
June 21, 2020 SONday
Steve arrives at 4:47 am, Phoebe about then.
Unless there is a change, this is my last post on this cam.
I dont expect a hatch.
July 11, 2020 dawn
Couldnt resist this shot
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July 16, 2020
Hog Island Osprey Friends!
mod Poppy
And then there was only one egg left? After the first egg got kicked out of the bowl on July 6 and got covered by nest material, yesterday, an egg cracked. Steve was moving the empty shell around. The remaining egg will face its fate soon as well. It is only a question of days.
Prayers for this nest and couple next season... breaks my heart what they go through. :'( Shep, I guess it's just us posting... would like to keep it active and hopefully post good news this year.
I tend to forget osprey - and go from eagles to falcons
Savannah, Georgia
April 13, 2021
The Hog Island osprey havent arrived yet,
but the Savannah osprey has a hatch today
4 eggs, 1 hatched April 13
I have not seen it fed yet
2.30 pm She is feeding the hatchling
April 14, 2021
Has #2 hatched? Hard to tell
One looks like his butt is still in the egg
Has this pair ever nested before? Half a shell still in nest.
Strong wind arose, hatchling sought shelter, parent kept eating
Cornell Lab & Skidaway Audubon
Osprey often called the fish eagle.
They are AWESOME flyers - straight up, sideways, backward! :o
I dont see a forum to blog this nest anywhere
I'll combine it with Hog Island - that pair hasnt returned yet in 2021
April 15
I only see 2 eggs and 1 hatchling
Maybe there were only 3 eggs not 4
She left shells in nest and it looked like 3 left after hatch
Steve returned
April 15, 2021
I confess I didnt think he would
Audubon Osprey Nest
Hog Island, Bremen, Maine
2 hatchlilngs
April 16, 2021
About dawn the 2nd chick hatched
They are amazingly strong right away!
April 16, 2021
4 pm I got Mom and Dad too!!
April 18 Dawn
I hear a crow cawing relentlessly
She better not leave her young for a moment!
I hope egg 3 hatchs today - wish she'd pull the shells out
One of the chicks is BONKing the other! :(
Some days you just cant get a good pic!
Intruder at Savannah
April 19, 2021
Dad shows up - then an intruder - probably female
The visitor shows submissive posture, not aggression
But Lady wants her OUT OUT OUT!
As Lady leaps out of nest, she kicks one baby out
(I had to keep rewinding to find that)
I show the visitor on another cam
Afterward Mr and Mrs present a united front
Afterward Mr and Mrs present a united front
April 21
One of the 2 chicks already leaving home! :D
He hiked himself up outta the nest
Must be the first hatch - he is so aggressive
April 24, 2021
The kids are ALL NECK!
One travels a lot, he's been strong since Day 1
Egg #3 never hatched
Hog Island
Steve and Callie - so far ....
April 25, 2021
Steve (a/k/a "The Bachelor") changed partners, new gal referred to as "Callie". 🙂
April 26
Hog Island
Hog Island
May 1
This is Callie - Calico - female
Savannah Ga
May 2, 2021
The older bonks the younger - I dunt like that
CALLIE / Calico
Hog Island female for 2021
Hog Island Steve and Callie
CALLIE / Calico female for 2021
May 7, 2021 beautiful dawn
Hey Shep! What's going on at this nest? I wanted to make sure this thread was kept active by posting and I see you had posted. I wanted to save little Dions memorial. The pic you posted looks like they have eggs? I hope so... prayers for a good season. Where is Rachael? Take care my friend.
Hog Island
May 15, 2021
So far no egg
2019 no fledge, eagle took the kids
2020 Rachel never returned, Steve mated with Phoebe
- Phoebe laid eggs but the owl kept chasing her off nest, never hatched
2021 Phobe didnt return, Steve mated with Callie / Calico
May 14, 2021 Chesapeake laid an egg
Savannah Ga
May 17, 2021
The 2 babies growing normally
Hog Island Osprey
May 20, 2021
It doesnt appear we will have young in 2021
2020 we had no young, eggs never hatched, owl chased female off nest
2019 if my memory is correct, we had no fledge, eagle got the young
2018 - were there fledges in 2018 ?
Lori created a new thread for Savanna Ospreys
Not sure what to do here... should we keep the 2 separate or have one thread for both? I apologize I looked for the thread before creating a new one and couldn't find it. I even did a search for it! ::) :P
your choice
No young in 2020 or 2021 at Hog Island - but I want to leave the record
I tweeked the title 8)
cool that helps... 8) ;D
Savannah Ga
May 27, 2021
One was wingercizing
One was being fed by Mom
Savanna Ospreys located at The Landings, on Skidaway Island, near Savannah, Georgia Home of 2 little ones and parents. "They live on a beautiful golf course"!
Little chatterbox today...
Dad sporting the Guy Fieri hair
April 13 & 16 hatch. This photo is from April 16th
Youngest Osprey Chick Stumbles Around Nest, Shows Off Huge Crop – May 18, 2021
https://youtu.be/zyg8EFi0rR4 via cornell lab bird cams
The youngest Osprey chick goes on the move in the Savannah nest. Watch the nestling totter its way across the nest before resting to arrange some sticks and show off its bulging crop. Somebody's not going hungry today!
Watch live at www.allaboutbirds.org/savannahospreys
During the Fall of 2014, a pair of Great Horned Owls began frequenting an abandoned Bald Eagle nest adjacent to a protected, nutrient-rich salt marsh along the Georgia coast. This nest sat nearly 80′ above one of the six Audubon International Certified golf courses at The Landings, on Skidaway Island, near Savannah, Georgia. Over the course of 2015 and 2016, a pair of owls successfully fledged four owlets from the site, but they did not return to breed in 2017.
Instead, a pair of Ospreys began renovating the nest and committed to breeding at the same site from 2017 to 2019, when the dead tree that held the nest was removed due to being designated as a falling hazard. A new nest site was erected in an adjacent tree in the fall of 2019, and the Ospreys were quick to take up residence at the new site in 2020.
Ospreys are consummate fishing birds, and this pair fishes primarily from the nearby salt marsh, ponds, and waterways. They use their 6–7 foot wingspans to soar above the water, looking for fish, then diving as deep as 3 feet for shallow-swimming prey. Adult Ospreys usually weigh 3–4 pounds, and they can carry prey up to 50 percent of their own weight. Ospreys can live up to 25 years, and they typically lay 1–4 eggs in a clutch.
Most Osprey pairs are monogamous, staying paired across seasons and beginning nesting soon after each returns from a long migration. Both sexes incubate the eggs. The female sits for the majority of the time (including throughout the night) while the male provisions her with fish. After the eggs hatch, the male continues to bring fish to the nest; the female exclusively broods the young and dissects their meals for about a month after hatching. Later on, when the chicks no longer require her protection and their appetite for fish increases, she will leave the nest and go fishing.
Great pics - thanks!
At birth they look like snakes - now they look like chicks!
June 1, 2021
Audubon Boathouse Nest, across Hog Island
BH Female laid egg # 2
Explore notes
Eldest Osprey Chick Fledges From Savannah Nest!
Jun 12, 2021
WOW that was a good flgiith!
The owl got it in 2022
January 2022