Raptor Resource Project Forum
All Other Topics and Sites => Eagles around the World! => Topic started by: mrsfalcon on April 30, 2020, 09:38:56 AM
Hi all! This is Amy. I apologize for deleting the original thread. The person who started it must not have logged in for 400 days ofr more, and my housekeeping software removed it. I've restarted it in the hope of keeping that from happening again. Please feel welcome to post about the SW Florida eagles here.
E15 and E16 May 2, 2020
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Getting big!
Thanks Amy!
15 and 16 getting big!
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Southwest Florida Eagle Cam viewers see some action
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Chance to win an original painting of Ozzie the bald eagle offered by CROW
SWFL Eagles_E15 Is Back! M15 Provides For All ~ Breakfast For E15 & Attempt To Rebuild Nest 09-24-20 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHyvktEmb7k
Thanks for posting. It's been a long time since any activity posted for this nest. I hope it keeps going as it had before now that their season is beginning!
SWFL Eagles_E15 Is Back! M15 Provides For All ~ Breakfast For E15 & Attempt To Rebuild Nest 09-24-20 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHyvktEmb7k
Thanks for the video, T40 :)
SWFL Eagles ~ There is No Place Like Home! 💕💕 E15 Lays In Nest! 10.13.20
October 18, 2020
WHY do the nest owners allow this juvie in the nest?
Any guesses?
This is the link I have
SWFL Eagles ~ Is This Finally Goodbye? My Last Coverage Of E15 💕💖💕 11.2.20 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6hujp7CXiw
November 23, 2020
The juvie returned Nov 22
The adult seems ready to lay an egg.
They mated on cam
Thanks for head up Shep!j
Updated 4 minutes ago SWFL live cam...interesting.
4:45am Harriet is tucked and sleeping on the attic. The juvenile (2 yr. old) is quietly perched on the treetop and the sub-adult (3 1/2 yr. old) is still on the front drive snag. M15 is on the treetop below the juvie.
That's last years juvie isnt it??
SWFL eagles M15 goes to the Stick Depot
SWFL Harriet and M15 are perched at the nest tree when M15 takes off to the stick pile to find the perfect stick for their nest, he then adds fluff and tests out the nest bowl. Looks good!
I tried to make a gif of it... "tried" lol
11-23-20 SWFL eagles; M15 goes to the Stick Depot.
https://youtu.be/MGhXYcDu8uQ VIA nighteagle007
SWFL home of Harriet & M15 2 visitors today that seemed to know the nest pretty well... ;)
Juvie & Sub Adult
Nov 28
Juvies around can threaten nesting.
Generally parents chase them off
SWFL Home of Harriet & M15 ;D
M15 was rockin' it today bringing Harriet a couple fish, a squirrel and unidentified meat! M15 also brought a HUGE stick that he breaks off a tree in mid-air for the nestl. He is quite a contributor to the new season... way to go M15!
M15 Breaking off stick in mid-air for the nest...
Another fish for Harriet ;)
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In LIVE Flopping Fish For Harriet! 12.5.20
https://youtu.be/NdjnbBA92AU via ladyhawk
https://youtu.be/POCUgBSVENQ Spencer Davis "I'm a Man".
LOL that fish was trying to ESCAPE!
I see the nursery is being decorated.
Luvly :)
December 11, 2020
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December 16, 2020 about 5.30 pm
Harriet lays an egg!
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Harriet lays an egg!
Great pics, tig
Dec 17 dawn
She isnt laying on the egg
Thats normal for falcons but not eagles
Probably a lot easier to perform the delayed incubation in Florida and stay off the eggs for a longer period of time. It's amazing how we always worry about the adults incubating, especially when we see the eggs exposed in freezing weather. Like Bob always said "trust the eagles", they know what to do better than we do. Hoping to see a second egg from Harriet soon.
December 20, 2020 she had 2 eggs when I woke up.
Late yesterday it was only one
2 eggs
Jan 5, 2021
Egg 2 laid on Dec 20, 2020
bcaw keeps notes
As you probably already know, Harriet was knocked off the branch this morning by an Owl around 545AM. Harriet & M15 worked together very well to get through this. Harriet seemed ok today! Harriet has escorted a couple intruders & juvies out of the area the past couple of days.
The eggs today ;)
Today Harriet to the nest, checks eggs and incubating.
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Gets Hit By An Owl! She Chases It Around The Pasture - Alarm Vocals! https://youtu.be/jLz36_suTx0via ladyhawk
Harriet is on the nest preening when she hears or sees something and vocalizes. M drops right down to the nest to be with her. After a couple of minutes, Harriet goes up to the attic with more vocals and M takes over incubation. A few minutes later, an owl will hit Harriet and knock her off the outer attic. She chases it around the pasture and then will return to the nest with loud vocals as she stands next to M for several minutes protecting the eggs. Finally she foots M and he gets up and she takes over incubation till it gets light outside.
SWFL (http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)It's official! We Have A PIP!
I see it!!! I think I saw it moving!!!
SWFL Eagles ~ It's Official ~ WE HAVE A PIP! E17 Is On Its Way!! 1.22.21 https://youtu.be/8Q93U91gflM
Lady Hawk - We have a pip!! First sighting of the pip is at 08:32:13 - a better view is at 09:46:36 and our confirmed view at 12:30!! How exciting to see E17 on its way!! Today is day 37 for egg #1 - right on schedule. M15 was on the eggs during the pipping and no doubt is just as excited as we are! ?? Thank you for watching! Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk Thank you SWFEC , hosted by Dick Pritchett Real Estate, for allowing us the opportunity to view these amazing eagles. Link to cam: https://dickpritchettrealestate.com/
Official SWFL post today...
Jan 22, 3:17 PM
wskrsnwings (Admin): TODAY'S MOVIE: (wskrsnwings)
https://youtu.be/xu7Wx1iWAHA or http://bit.ly/2Y4LBXN
We Have A PIP! 1st Peek At 8:32AM On M15's Watch & Harriet Away On Break 01-22-21
Jan 22, 2021
bcaw notes confirm pip
SWFL amazing footage...
2 pips in one day and also the camera was recording as the 2nd pip appeared! See my recorded gif below of the pip appearing, it's 5 seconds long, just look at the bottom part of the egg to see it. See video also! Cool stuff.
Egg #1 was laid on 12-16-20. Egg#2 laid on 12-19-20. Egg #1's pip was viewed for the first time at 8:32am. Egg #2's pip was viewed for the first time at 2:15.
Via SWFL site...
On the nest:Harriet 7:25pm Night falls on another day of firsts. Egg 1 PIP was first seen at 8:32am. Egg 2 PIP was caught on cam1 at 2:15pm. Harriet brought a squirrel to the nest. She incubates while M15 stands guard on the outer attic. Sleep safely Eagle Family
1/22/2021.. SWFL Eagles ~ Watch As Egg 2 PIP's. Real Time Then Slow-Mo
https://youtu.be/s1eMLlWZA00 via ladydeeagle55
Egg #2 PIP'd Today also at 2:15:08 ish. Watch closely and you will see the crack appear. Fascinating to watch in real time and slow -mo
SWFL hatch update video & gif ;)
(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
SWFL Eagles DOUBLE HATCH IN PROGRESS!! Egg Tooth Seen Chipping Away Shell AMAZING! 1.23.21 https://youtu.be/lz-IS0H15Kg via ladyhawk
Both egg #1 and egg #2 are both working hard at hatching and coming into the world! We have amazing closeups of both E's with their egg tooth seen chipping away at the shell. It is like a race for who will come out first!! Egg #2 is seen in the beginning pipping under M. At 1:47 & 3:39 & 5:42 nice views of egg #1 hatching with egg tooth seen! At 7:50 & 11:20 we see egg #2 hatching with its egg tooth breaking out! Be sure to freeze the screen at 8:59 and you will see both eggs hatching together (included in my ending scap!) What an exciting day!! Thank you for watching
E18!!!! (http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
E18 below, E17 on top
Thank you Shep!!! :)
Awesome coverage Lori. Thank you so much for sharing
SWFL Nest - Eaglets Removed for Suspected Avian Pox Infection 1/29/21 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l7_8iFD3Uo&ab_channel=PaulK
SWFL Nest - CROW Intake Video of the Eaglets 1/29/21 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xPjwjx0gRs
"The SWFL eaglets were removed from the nest this afternoon by CROW (Clinic for Rehabilitation of Wildlife) for a suspected Avian Pox infection. This video is from their intake cam. Thank you to the staff at SWFL and CROW for their keen observations and timely intervention. Hope they can be treated and returned soon."
SWFL Nest - Eaglets Removed for Suspected Avian Pox Infection 1/29/21
https://youtu.be/6l7_8iFD3Uo VIA PAULK
The eaglets were removed this afternoon due to a suspected Avian Pox infection. M15 was on the nest when they retrieved the eaglets and returned after. The video on both cams was stopped by the owners for a few minutes during the actual retrieval. I have included Cam 1 first, then Cam 2 at 5:35 ET.The eaglets were removed this afternoon due to a suspected Avian Pox infection. M15 was on the nest when they retrieved the eaglets and returned after. The video on both cams was stopped by the owners for a few minutes during the actual retrieval. I have included Cam 1 first, then Cam 2 at 5:35 ET.
*This info is from the cam status update:
- CROW will be removing the eaglets from the nest this afternoon for rehab, treatment and hopeful re-nesting as soon as possible. They did confirm a possible infection and worked with the local/national wildlife authorities for approval.
- Crow quickly and successfully removed the Eaglets. M15 flew around the nest tree, came back and is looking around. Hopefully they can be treated and re-nested. We will provide updates as we know more.
*Further information from the Facebook Page:
- From FB -Earlier this week we started to see some changes in the eaglets eyes and while unconfirmed until a proper exam can be done, is most likely Avian Pox or another type of infection. Luckily, thanks to the quick action of CROW - Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, Inc. and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service- they will be removing the eaglets this afternoon for treatment & rehabilitation.
- We are hopefully for a quickly re-nesting back to H & M and successful recovery for these 2 little ones.
Jan 29, 1:01 PM
Sue_Lyons (Admin): We don't know yet what is wrong with their eyes and can't speculate. We will wait for CROW to let us know the outcome of their evaluation.
e17 e18 channel 2 news
Reposting for SWFL thread ... thank you CLYNN!!!
Oh no, hate to hear about the SWFL kids, I hope they can treat them quickly and get them back home to their worried parents. I looked on wskrsnwings FB page
and found these pictures. Wow, definitely a problem.
(https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s600x600/144193321_3617677241620573_5512342263322598716_o.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=JxdajRcRP9kAX925m14&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.xx&tp=7&oh=a1c03fa6f1a72cf14411dc847a9f98fd&oe=603AB298) (https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/144081740_3617677248287239_4981159619625984549_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=AuUU_VyijxwAX8BiUlX&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.xx&oh=6f9db56a66fdb33b96e5271432e2d94d&oe=6038A7B7)
(https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/144581048_3617677281620569_5598698724312304697_o.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=uCUxCXnOR7gAX-fJZuC&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.xx&oh=2a31a04f6c76939c8bae65110a5db17c&oe=603A27E6) (https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/144566049_3617677278287236_5730563795478582007_o.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=ryceYy_KdZcAX8rk9Oz&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.xx&oh=1e79881adec81d3c92bd8971f027fbfe&oe=6038E442)
Another pic of SWFL, so you can see the size.
(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)SWFL around noon when I was watching them on TV youtube... ((E17 & E18)) ((Harriet & M15)) take care lil ones!!! We love you!
(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)OUR BABIES!!!(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
E17 & E18's First Feeding At CROW https://youtu.be/a6xNU4Wj9q4
After receiving the examination by the veterinarians and initial cleanup and treatment of their eyes, E17 & E18 were given food by one of CROW's Wildlife Rehabilitators. They are fed torn and cut up mouse pieces that is weighed out according to their body weight to ensure they each get the amount of calories they need. While in our care, they are being fed four times a day. you will notice that the rehabilitator is wearing a veil to cover her face. This is to prevent the eaglets from imprinting on humans. We also administer their eye medications before their feeding to limit the amount of human interaction.
One more... Miss Sassypants (http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
Wiping off their faces after feeding :) Looks like E17 a little snippy with the napkin ;)
SWFL E17 & E18 (http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)Dinner for 2(http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
4pm feeding at CROW yesterday
FB Update via CROW (Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife)
E17 & E18 from the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam Feeding time! These two eaglets have had very healthy appetites and are eating a lot. Our rehabilitation staff currently has them on a feeding schedule of four times a day. Each feed, which consists of chopped rat, mouse or quail pieces, is weighed out based on the body weight of the eaglet to ensure they get the needed amount of calories to keep growing.
One of the biggest concerns for our team is imprinting on the young eaglets. To avoid this, the staff wear veils that hide their faces. We also administer any medications right before or after they are fed to minimize the amount of human contact we have with them. They certainly are quite messy eaters.
Thanks for the update Lori, hope they can get back to the nest soon!
CROW morning update
Update on E17 & E18 form the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam nest:
At the morning feed/treatment, both eaglets were weighed and provided a second round of injectible antibiotics. Signs of infection, including discharge in the eyes, are still present, although the veterinarian did note the amount of discharge has lessened this morning. E17 weighed 335 grams and E18 weighed 255 grams.
Many have asked when we will get the results of the swabs we sent for further testing. Unfortunately, we do not have a timeline because it is dependent on the volume of testing being done by the lab. With the current pandemic, results may take longer than normal. We want to reiterate, however, that we do not need to have those results to return the babies to the nest. Through our cytology, we can narrow down the type of infection to ones we know are treated with the antibiotics we are providing. Once our veterinarians have cleared them of infection, they will be returned to the nest. We are doing everything in our power to ensure this happens as soon as possible.
📸: Rehabilitation Manager Breanna F.
Goodnight SWFL Harriet, M15, E17 & 18, we love you! (http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
Kickin' it with Dad (M15)
Harriet (Mom) arrives to receive an earful from M15!!!
Mom takes over and M15 to the attic for night watch, Good job today M15!
Goodnight sweet SWFL family!!!
SWFL Home of Harriet & M15, little ones E17 & E18
The kids this afternoon...
lookin' for trouble... "Maybe I'll just tuck under Dad instead". (http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/638/638145bltz6zqhdo.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
They are thriving! So cute! :D
Goodnight little ones, SED's!!! (http://dl7.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1899/1899467dz03wl49qb.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
SWFL home of Harriet, M15 & E17 & E18 little ones today
Hugz bro!!!
Mombrella & 35 days old today!!!
SWFL Home of Harriet & M15 with little ones E17 & E18.
SWFL Owl incident tonight around 10pm. I was checking on them earlier tonight, I always get nervous when nightfall arrives for this family. LadyHawk posted this about 20 minutes ago. Everyone looks to be OK, I will be checking on them periodically, please update if you find out anything! Prayers for Harriet, M15, E17 & E18, good job Harriet & M15! ((hugs)). :-*
This is Harriet a few minutes ago, she is now on branch with M15, babies look fine.
SWFL Eagles ~ Owl STRIKES Harriet & DRAGS Her To Edge Of Nest! Extreme Vocals! M Rushes To Protect!
https://youtu.be/Bl_YaVyLz-Q via ladyhawk
3.9.21 ~ Tonight at 10:02 PM a GHO struck Harriet and dragged her to the edge of the nest! Harriet's foot grabbed onto E18's right wing and she griped the edge of the rails with her talons. E18 looks to be okay just shaken up a bit as Harriet goes into full alert vocals calling out for M. He comes rushing over from the west pasture in full alarm mode as he lands on a branch above the nest. He drops to the nest to be with Harriet (almost stepping on E18) as they both sounded the alarm for several minutes and looked towards the front pines.
M stays on the nest until the threat passes, then he flies up to the attic with vocals. Harriet remained awake and watchful on the nest as they both are on guard duty for the rest of the night from the owl attacks. Footage includes regular time and slomo with full multi cam coverage. Thank you for watching!
SWFL Home of Harriet, M15, E17 & E18 beautiful visitor ;)
Gorgeous sub-adult stopped in to say Hello, Little e's mantel and Harriet says, "you gotta go" ;)
I'll protect you bro! Check out the feathers on E's back, full alert!!(http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1468/1468839zuxg0y7ybd.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
SWFL Eagles ~ Sub Adult Lands On Outer Attic! E's Mantle & Squee! 😊 Harriet Flushes It Out! 3.24.21
https://youtu.be/qh5xRWIE598 via ladyhawk
We had a beautiful sub adult land in the outer attic today! Both E's see it and E18 does a huge mantle over E17 while both are squeeing & alerting that there was an intruder in the nest tree! Great instincts seen with E18 going into full mantle mode over E17 who stays down in a low mantle as they both squee at the SA. This beauty looks to be about 2 years old & did not seem to mind the E's in the nest.
It was the alert calls from the E's that Harriet hears and she comes flying back to the nest tree and flushed out the sub quickly. She lands on the attic and continues to vocalize her warning calls as the Sub adult flies off. The SA flies around the pasture and nest tree a few times before it departs the area as Harriet and both E's vocalize together! The E's demonstrated great survival instincts and a protection of their territory - a very good lesson indeed for our eagle family. It is great to see a healthy and strong sub adult in the area! That always makes me happy because they survived their difficult first year as a juvenile and now has much better odds at becoming an adult! Thank you for watching!
A peek at NEFL little Legacy and SWFL E17 & E18!!!
Nap time for Miss Legacy (http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/699/699271cdv95juxma.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
(https://i.gyazo.com/40d6ea46b172252eafb547f7274f94c4.gif) Her beak looks a lot better!
Legacy wingersizing, good job!!!
Legacy wingersizing different view today.
Legacy getting tucked in tonight! SED'Sa!!!
SWFL congrats E17 on branching yesterday! (http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/699/699271cdv95juxma.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
360 cam view of E17 branching
E17 Woo hoo I did it!
E17 first jump from branch to nest... good job!
E17 branching top view
SWFL Eagles ~ E17 BRANCHES FIRST TIME To Veranda!! 62 Days Old!! 😊💕 3.26.21
https://youtu.be/OWyeLwEtBc4 via ladyhawk
E17 has taken a big step this morning and branched on the veranda at 8:42 AM EST!! E17 winged all across the nest before jumping up on the veranda branch! Congratulations E17 on hitting this important mile stone at 62 days old! The average age for branching here at the SWFL nest is 66 days!
E17 has a nice dismount back to the nest and will go back up for a second time and enjoy the spectacular view! Another perfect dismount and E17 is back to the nest and shows off to E18 with more flapping!! What an exciting morning for E17 and E18 won't be far behind in branching as well. Multi cam coverage included! Thank you for watching!
SWFL Home of Harriet, M15, E17 E18
E18 great job branching!
E18 coming down to nest from branch, great job!!!
SWFL Eagles ~ E18 BRANCHES To Veranda First Time AT 63 Days Old! 💕 Congratulations!!! 3.27.21 https://youtu.be/4pOW31Iqs3k via ladyhawk
Today was the day for E18 to take that first step off the nest and branch on the veranda at 10:13:59! Congratulations E18 on hitting this important milestone at 63 days old! 💕 Both E's are hitting all their milestones so close to one another since they hatched only an hour an a half apart! E18 does not stay on the veranda for long and climbs back down to the nest! We are all so proud of both E17 & E18!! Thank you for watching!
A little wingersizing :)
SWFL E17 & E18
M15 "I'll take that fish over here" while E's looks at him like "what the heck"?
Hi all! been trying to fix my video stuff and my gifs. I pay for the gyazo software and it's been spotty. Their tech support is trying to figure out the issues again (latest updates with you know who) Please let me know if this still looks spotty to you. Thanks and I should be back posting updates by tomorrow 8) 8)
SWFL Eagle Cam home of Harriet & M15
busy busy day!!! (http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/575/575281br5nqkcttj.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/575/575281br5nqkcttj.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/575/575281br5nqkcttj.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Brings In Fresh Pine Sprigs To Spruce Up The Nest! M15 Mating Attempt! 10.3.21
Harriet & M wake up in the nest tree and then it is time to work on the nest! Harriet flies in with a pine sprig and finds the perfect place for it! The fresh pine will not only smell nice but it thought to have antimicrobial properties to help offset insects and keep the nest clean. ♥ We have some great closeups of Harriet as she is standing on the nest before she flies off!
Yesterday, Harriet joins M on the outer attic and he flies over to her and attempts a mating! Poor M is out of practice and flies off unsuccessful ♥ No worries as they will mate many many times before Harriet enters her fertile period in November.
M will fly in with a stick and then lie down testing out the nest once again! As he looks up - Harriet flies in with another pine sprig and almost lands on him! lol They do some aerating of the nesting material and then Harriet heads to the spike. She flies off and returns with a stick and M tries to take it from her but this is Harriet's stick and she is placing it! :) She moves it all around and puts it by the rails only to have M pick it up and move it! They both work on the stick together having some discussions along the way! Harriet will hop up to the veranda finally satisfied! Thank you for watching!
SWFL Home of Harriet & M15 :)
(Live tonight) SWFL tucked in for the night... there was an owl strike 2 nights ago on Harriet, she is ok. This happens every season unfortunately. The happy couple is safe & comfy for the night ;)
SWFL visitor ;D
14 second gif. Sorry my video is still not fixed, spotty. I am working on it with AMD Radeon. ::)
Nov. 6, 2021
Eagle standing in nest bowl 6.45 am
This is my first visit this season to this cam .. is it egg time already?
Hi Shep and welcome.
If memory serves me correctly, in prior seasons, the Southwest eggs have been laid the week before Christmas and hatch the 3rd-4th week of January.
Thanks, she was there a long time then both flew off
Harriet's first egg of the season yesterday; from SWFL Eagle Cam:
"We have an egg! This is Harriet's 22nd egg in the 10 year history of the streaming cameras. Just as special & with the 35 day incubation period - we may have a Christmas Eaglet!
Watch Harriet & Egg live at www.SWFLEagleCam.com"
loza on bcaw got this
From SWFL Eagle Cam: "Harriet laid Egg #2 at 5:10pm ET this evening; just 72 hours after Egg 1 arrived. We saw signs of delayed incubation and eagerly awaited a possible second egg...How awesome is Mother Nature!?"
November 27, 2021
Egg 1 Nov 20
Egg 2 Nov 23
bcaw has pics too
SWFL Eagle Cam home of M15 & Harriet and 2 little eggs
A tiny peek at the eggs today!!
SWFL bald eagles Home of Harriet & M15 & 2 eggs
Small snake in the nest tonight... Harriet takes care of business ;D
SWFL Eagles ~ SNAKE On The Nest! 🐍 Harriet WING SLAPS & Stomps At It! Eggs Are Okay! SLOMO! 12.16.21 https://youtu.be/ngi4NKZnHBU via lady hawk
Harriet is awake on the nest when she sees something moving - it is a snake! She immediately goes into defensive mode with wings outstretched and she wing slaps it and then stomps at it with her talons! The snake slithers off the nest. In regular time and slomo! The snake looks to be harmless but Harriet is not taking any chances with her eggs. The eggs are okay and she did not step on them while she was getting rid of the snake. Harriet remains watchful for a few minutes and checked around the nesting material to make sure it was gone before she laid back down to incubate. Don't mess with Momma! Thank you for watching!
Shift change earlier today and beautiful perfect eggs!!!💜
SWFL Eagles ~ Perfectly Executed Shift Changes Throughout The Morning For Harriet & M15 ♥ 12.16.21
https://youtu.be/ui-6TUQ6NvE via lady hawk
Thanks Lori
Good Mama!
SWFL Eagle cam, home of Harriet, M15 & 2 eggs...
(Egg number 1 pip confirmed, the 2nd egg hatch countdown is 2 days 11 hours from now).
Good morning Harriet & little ones...💜 (about and hour ago) All is safe & calm, eggs are tucked under the grass.
M15 comes in this morning to take over egg duties, does a double take, "where are the eggs"?(https://i.gyazo.com/64ab84943cbba51b916fddd1135e386b.gif)
from yesterday...
Baby 1 hatch
December 27, 2021
3.30 pm Mom removed the shell
Just in case someone wants it
Thanks Lori!
gigi on bcaw
Baby 1 and pip
December 28, 2021
6.45 am est I see a pip
Great picture Shep. Looks like our first chick will have company real soon.
Many thanks Shep for the captures of E19 and egglet#2 pip.
E20 may not be far away.
Can't wait for that silver fluff and clown feet. :-* :-* :-*
Lori Whew! Close call and good action by Harriet. :-* :-* :-* Thanks for capture.
Thanks Linda M for first notification and pic.
2 baby eagles
December 28, 2021
5.45 pm The sibling arrives - just over 24 hours after #1
Thanks Shep.
This was posted in Beakroom by Lani earlier tonight
Welcome to the world E20
As I was up e-a-r-l-y. I popped over to the SWFL cam at Pritchett and grabbed this for everyone.
The Kids, E-19 and E20 are awake and bobbing this morning getting breakfast from mom, Harriet.
Hope I 'ID'd" correctly. I've not kept up with the other cams. :-[ So am still playing catch up.
Dec 31, 2021
The 2 chicks are just too violent
I cant deal with watching them fight
you let ME eat FIRST, got it? PECK!
loza pic on bcaw
Shep I know ! It's difficult for me to watch much of this behavior . :(
Thanks for update.
Pic loza bcaw Jan 10
Shep thanks for the photo update. Everyone looks great.
I s this a typo,"... loza bcaw."
SWFL Eagle Cam Home of Harriet & M15 & little ones E19 & E20 :)
I got your back bro!!
mmmm... tasty feet
A little peck followed by a hug ;)
January 12, 2022
Nest bowl has disappeared.
Lil guys have expanded and are GROWING FAST
SWFL Eagle Cam Home of Harriet M15 little ones E19 & E20
Some cuteness from earlier today 💜
M15 Dad brings a blankie 💜
gif recorded from LadyHawks video
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Covers E19 & E20 In A Grass Blankie! 😊 XOXO!! 1.12.22
https://youtu.be/5G3D1hACs6A via ladyhawk
M15 flies into the nest with a big ball of grasses in his talons and he proceeds to put them on the E's! E20 is on the left and E19 gets covered first. M fluffs around the kids and E19 pops its little head up to look around 😊 & gives a bonk to E20 at 1:43 lol Dad heads to the attic and E20 is peeking out from under the grass while 19 is sitting up. Too cute for words!! Thank you for watching!
Lori LOL they are indeed 'cute' esp. that full face!
Great captures/gifs. As always. Many thanks.
Hi Shep E 19 and 20 are growing by leaps and bounds for sure. Very good sign. :-* :-*
HAIL of a SONday!
January 16, 2022
I looked in this morning and the babies are under mom -
and its pouring rain and hailing! POOR MOM!
Turns out there was a TORNADO went thru!
bcaw will probly post pics later
Thanks Shep for captures and info.
Thank goodness for Mombrella.
January 17, 2022
cant get cam today
🌴 Florida – Multiple Tornados
January 16, 2022 Thunderstorms with tornadoes in Southwest Florida Sunday. One tornado passed over I-95 in Southern Florida:
Some mobile homes in Iona were destroyed.
Another tornado went through Ft. Meyers:
Rain drenched poor eagles family in Ft Myers area !
Cam fixed later that day
Several internet outages
Shep many thanks for the info from Sunday. So sad loss of home and contents
Feb 11, 2022
Looked in today and it was as if they'd doubled overnite!
March 4, 2022
Eaglet branched today
I am so slow getting a round.
Great news.
And, the kids are growing by leaps and bounds. ;)
March 8, 2022
BOTH Eaglets have branched
next week the falcons will begin to lay eggs!
March 12, 2022
SWFL BALD EAGLES home of Harriet and M15 and little ones E19 & E20
This could be a duplicate, just an FYI. Lori
UPDATE 4/2/2022 : From SWFEC banner~ 6:57am good views of E20 and E19 show no issues with the fishing line!! E20 seems to be free of the line/hook!
SWFL Eagles ~ URGENT NEWS ~ FISHING LINE & HOOK Caught On E20's Foot! Monitoring Situation 4.1.22 https://youtu.be/BgtiW94BnZYVia ladyhawk
This afternoon, M15 brought a fish to the nest that has monofilament fishing line and a hook attached to it. E20 claimed the fish and E19 flew into the nest. After a tussle and attempted steal, the hook went into the left foot of E19. Both E's become caught in the line. You can see the fishing line at 6:10; 8:26: 9:13 (with the hook) attached to E19's foot.
E20 eats the fish and the E's have a few tussles being caught with the line. E20 then will move to the side of the side and E19 will begin to work on the hook and successfully pulls it out. then flies to the attic but we see that the hook and line is dangling from its foot. You can see the line/hook clearly at 18:22. Hopefully E20 will pull the line off with its beak or the line will somehow fall off. Also E20 might be able to free itself if the hook attaches to something. SWFEC has contacted CROW but right now there is not much anyone can do with a fully flighted bird unless it was on the ground. I am hoping & praying that E20 will be okay and will somehow get free of this line & hook! Thank you for watching!
From SWFEC Essec09 4/1/22: "As most are aware, the last fish that was brought to the nest apparently had a hook and short line attached. [b]E20 [/b]claimed the fish and during an attempted steal the hook went into the left foot of E19. The two juvies became entangled and the line was attached to E20 also. After a few tussles on the nest where E20 moved to the west side of the nest, E19 began working on the hook. Around 19:24:19 pm E19 managed to pull the hook out. E20 then flew to the attic where the hook/line was seen dangling from what appeared to be the foot, since when the foot moved, so did the hook. It is possible the line will fall off or E20 will pull the line off with beak like E19 did. If the hook attached to something E20 might be able to pull free. The camera owners are contacting CROW to let them know of the concern. But as I’m sure you know there isn’t much that can be done for a flighted bird, unless it is grounded. We all hope E20 will manage to lose the line/hook soon (if they haven’t already)."
Thanks Lori
MOST outdoorsmen care - only the FEW are careless
SWFL Home of Harriet M15 E19 and E20
Hi e4e and all! Both E19 and E20 are doing just fine according to SWFL updates. I just checked the cam today and unfortunately it is still down but Pritchetts are working on it. According to ground reports the juvies are having fun today in and around the pond and m15 & Harriet are doing just fine. ;)
Here are a couple of gifs from the past few days of them playing... ;)
Thank you
I've seen eagle juvies love water before
The first time really surprised me
Harriet and M15's nest and cam were located in Fort Myers, FL. From their website today "The nest tree is still standing but unfortunately the actual nest & cameras are no longer. Waiting for the Eagles to return and hopefully rebuild. We will update everyone when we know more."
Sept 29, 2022
Thanks Linda.
Eaglets had fledged.
Hopefuly they survived ok.
Thanks for the update Linda!
SWFL Eagles Home of Harriet and M14 UPDATE AFTER HURRICANE IAN :-\
Both nests are gone, the camera's were missing, but have been accounted for since. Our beautiful Eagle couple Harriet and M15 have not been sighted since IAN hit. Prayers for their safe return.
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52089834942_956424828c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2nn129s)
Photos of nest tree taken 9/21/2022
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52379895900_f4b0f4c137_w.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2nn129s)09-21-2022-09.46am Nest Tree (https://flic.kr/p/2nNCEas) by SWFL Eagle Cam (https://www.flickr.com/photos/137965877@N06/), on Flickr
Here is a pic of the nest from 9/22/22 Harriet had a few last minute touch ups that day...
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52379895895_5b3a90e938_w.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2nNCEan)09-22-2022-02.45pm Nest (https://flic.kr/p/2nNCEan) by SWFL Eagle Cam (https://www.flickr.com/photos/137965877@N06/), on Flickr
I found this on Dick Pritchett site https://dickpritchettrealestate.com/southwest-florida-eagle-cam/
Essec09 (Admin): UPDATE for 9/29/2022 7:35pm: We are happy to share that all cameras are accounted for - Camera 1 (nest tree), Camera 2 and Camera 3 (pond cam). Unfortunately, the tree that Camera 3 was installed (pond cam) fell. The camera is still attached and appears to not have any obvious damage. There are a few others trees down near the pond. There was some damage to the storage barns (roofs, doors and they took in lots of water).
Photo taken today of nest tree
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52393165704_d1687e863b_w.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2nPNEPb)09-29-2022 - Nest Tree photo credit MLiz (https://flic.kr/p/2nPNEPb) by SWFL Eagle Cam (https://www.flickr.com/photos/137965877@N06/), on Flickr
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52393531438_a31b0a7510_w.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2nPQxwW)09-29-2022 - Nest Tree photo credit MLiz-002 (https://flic.kr/p/2nPQxwW) by SWFL Eagle Cam (https://www.flickr.com/photos/137965877@N06/), on Flickr
SWFL Eagles ~ UPDATE AFTER HURRICANE IAN Slams Florida! 9.29.22 https://youtu.be/DkMOZZe0Z20 via
Updates from SWFL Eagle Cam & Facebook.
Prayers to Floridians, Harriet & M15 and all wildlife... Hang in there, Floridians!
Here is M15 from last season with another stick delivery :)
Harriet always gets the "final" say on stick placement. ;)
Harriet and M15 calling it a day...
thank you for the update Linda... waiting to hear if they have been sighted. wskrsnwings is ok and all the other photographers/video photographers in the area according to facebook. Prayers for all...
Hurricane Ian devastates SW Florida
Sanibel Causeway will need to be rebuilt
Sept 30
Power is still out at SWFL
I have seen a lot of video of this causeway - etc etc etc
It wont be an easy fix - and - there are OTHER priorities first.
Its the ONLY access to those islands.
I've driven on Sanibel and Captiva islands - extremely low - no high ground.
People SHOULD NOT live on them!!!
Eagle pair is back
October 1, 2022
Harriet and M15 were spotted in the nest tree this morning
Above Note off bcaw
SWFL Eagles
Sep 29, 2022 UPDATE AFTER HURRICANE IAN Slams Florida.
The Nest and one nearby cam tree are gone.
The eagle pair have not yet been seen since Ian
Eagle pairs returned
October 2, 2022
The Southwest Florida Eagle Cameras (SWFEC) were among many of the properties damaged by Hurricane Ian. Our beloved Eagle pair have returned & already started the process of rebuilding in their original nest tree!
The eagles left 9-27 before winds got bad
pics of eagles bringing sticks
October 2, 2022
Filmed this morning
Oct 2, 2022 Desiree Deliz!
SWFL home of Harriet & M15
Our sweet couple moving forward with nestorations... Harriet is determined to get this built and make some babies soon!!!
Harriet carrying heavy limb... bless her heart.
(https://i.gyazo.com/2083b2e8014c202a2ce45b7bb6ea96cb.gif) gif recorded via from dmorningstars video
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet & M15 Nest Progress ~ With Amazing Photos by Donna Lee 10/04/22
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvY9LNI4DYE via d morningstar
Many Thanks to Donna Lee, Local Photographer, for allowing me to use her photos for this update!!!
Oct 5
Thanks Lori, I pulled these 2 videos
Harriet Rebuilding The Main Nest After Hurricane Ian
Oct 4, 2022 Harriet continues to make progress toward rebuilding the main nest.
Harriet On The HUNT For The Perfect Stick!
Oct 4, 2022
Thanks Lori and Shep for the pics and videos. Even though I'm in MN, I've been watching this nest for years! What determination these eagles have :)
Oct 5
These birds are magnificent.
Oct 6, 2022
Harriet and M15 Rebuilding The Nest
We're busy getting ready for Season 11
No power yet at the nest site.
Foxnews reported Oct. 7th that most of Florida has power back.
The ACoE rebuilt the destroyed bridge to one island, Sandibel will be next. ( Yes - sand ) ;D
Our military work fast!
Both Eagles on the power pole ( hmmm ... interesting )
Woodpecker, jay, kestrel
Wellness Check Harriet & M15 New Nest
H & M are okay. I visited the nest area today (and did Monday also). See facebook.com/wskrsnwings for my live videos that I did through my phone service.
Harriet & M15 have made good progress on building a new nest in the exact spot the old nest was in the original nest tree. Hurricane IAN blew the old nest out of the tree.
Today, I saw both H & M as they watched their nest from a ways away. They will take breaks from building their new nest. Experienced eagles can build a suitable nest for eggs in 10 days. H & M have plenty of time to rebuild as Harriet normally does not lay eggs until late November. Multitudes of birds are gathering in the nest area. And it is great to see them return like H & M did. It was great to see then both on the power poles!
October 7, 2022 wskrsnwings
I guess eagles are God's ACoE! :)
SWFL eagle cam home of Harriet and M15 💜
SWFL Eagles ~ HARRIET & M15 PHOTO SHOOT AT SUNRISE! Beautiful Photos by Desiree Deliz! 💕💕 https://youtu.be/BjxOcDhq3-A via ladyhawk
Oct 9, 2022 Desiree Deliz visited the nest tree on Saturday October 8th 2022 and found Harriet and M15 squawking up a storm! They stayed about a half hour in the nest tree before they flew to their favorite lookout point - the power poles.
Great progress on nest!
And gorgeous photos!
Oct 9, 2022
Humans and eagles alike rebuilding homes after storm
Oct 13, 2022
I began to post - cam is live again - yesterday - then noticed it was NE FL. sigh. :-[
Here is wskrsnwings report (edit)
SWFEC Eagles
H & M Rebuilding With Sticks & Spats & Love
Oct 12, 2022 I visited the nest this morning and in 2 hours Harriet added 4 sticks and M15 five sticks to the new nest they are building in the original nest tree.
Teamwork and stick placement discussions are so endearing when watching strongly bonded pair. As usually happens when I say goodbye, these two get busy again. Each brought another stick and there was a bonding attempt. Practice makes perfect. 😊
Thank you SWFEC, hosted by Dick Pritchett Real Estate, for providing & maintaining suitable trees & environment for this Bald Eagle Family. www.SWFLEagleCam.com
Harriet & M15 PROUD & STRONG Rebuilding Nest!
Amazing Photos By Barb Henry Photography
Harriet & M Work NONSTOP On Nest!
Oct 15, 2022
CAM 1 is LIVE!
Oct 19, 2022
The overhead cam is LIVE - so we can see eggs as they are liad!
Nest looks good - Harriets usual greenery for freshness
Not enuf power in Ft Myers to power all cams, so one is our limit
October 20, 2022
7 am eagle in nest
No IR so daylight viewing only
A morsel of food brot to nest.
I think they mated offcam but its earwitness not eyewitness
December 16, 2020
November 20, 2021
Harriet's first egg of the season
October 21, 2022
Harrient slept in nest all night.
7 am she woke and vocalized / whined
Thats really LATE for a bird to wake!
7.15 am her mate joined her
Harriet & M15 Gathering Sticks Securing Their Nest
Oct 20, 2022 wskrsnwings video
Harriet & M15 arrived to the nest area carrying sticks for the nest. Harriet's stick was a huge heavy branch with greenery (pine boughs) attached
Both perched away from nest
Crows in nest - both took off to chase crows
October 22, 2022 Saturday
7 am eagle drops into empty nest
No one slept there last nite
It sure looks ready for an egg to me! :)
October 23, 2022 SONday
Squeeky hinge vocal began just before 7 am
Is that a mating call of the female??
One Strike was On the Nest!
After the 2nd attack the male joined her on the nest
Oct 23, 2022
Oct 25
Harriet still cries, squeeky cry. Mating call??
Oct 26, 2022
Both eagles sang to the dawn :)
7 am both drop into the nest from above
Harriet has been whining a lot
"The female may repeat a single, soft, high-pitched note that has been called “unlike any other calls in nature”; apparently this signals her readiness for copulation.''
October 27, 2022
7 am They sing their Dawn Song together
7.15 am mating in the attic. 8)
From 11 am cam op panned around all over
Nice to have PTZ cam back
Not necessary to have all 3 cams yet til its egg time - and if they keep mating - may be soon. Harriets whining is a call to mate. The nest and Florda area are so beautiful.
Cam 1
Eagles perched in attic
Lady Hawk
Oct 28, 2022
Cam 1 is LIVE
Cam 3 is now LIVE
Cams died
Harriet & M15 Mating On Attic
Panning Tree & Pasture
Lady Hawk
Gathering Sticks & Grasses
Misty Dawn Mating
October 29, 2022
Lots of vocals before 7 am
Female really eager to mate, male a sleepy head, NOT in mood
7.30 am mating
SWFL Eagles home of Harriet and M15 lots of smoke from a nearby fire, both Harriet & M15 are OK tonight!💜
SWFL Eagles ~ BIG FIRE Across The Street From Nest!🔥🔥 Harriet & M15 Are Okay!!https://youtu.be/UgMFE0nqW2k via Lady Hawk
Harriet came down to sleep in the nest tonight and M15 is perched on the attic above her. There is a big fire that is seen from cam 1 across Bayshore Dr - looks like several trees are engulfed in flames. Flames and sparks are seen flying in the air and smoke is drifting off to the right. At this time, no additional information is known on what caused the fire or the extent of damages. Footage from both cam 1 & cam 3. Harriet does wake up and looks around at the fire burning and then she joins M15 on the attic. They are safe and are not in any danger from the fire. Thank you for watching!
October 30, 2022
2 am no one in nest, I hear Harriet whining. I think we may see an early egg.
7.15 am eagle drops down into nest
Harriet is whining for a mating
Thanks Lori for the fire post. During the days prior to October 31 there are many fires set and many pets disappear forever.
Oct. 31 Lady Hawk videos
Harriet & M15 at POND
Failed Mating Attempt
M15 Brings A Fish Gift For Harriet
Nov 2 late afternoon
November 3, 2022
4.30 am cams are down
Not enuf power for more than one cam
NEW links
Cam 1
Cam 3
November 5, 2022
7 am Mating in the attic.
They had spent the night side by side in the attic, vocalizing periodicly.
Nov 4, 2022 Harriet in nest overnite.
M15 is on the attic and sees an owl incoming for a strike! He immediately flies at it and thwarts its attack in mid air and gives chase to the owl. M returns right away and lands on the nest and Harriet and him alert loudly giving severe warnings to the owl to stay away. Both Harriet and M15 are okay! In regular time and slomo!
After a few minutes, M will fly up to the attic to continue his watch and Harriet remains on the nest with occasional vocals as they both continue to be vigilant. This was an amazing preemptive strike by M15 and no doubt the owl was not expecting that action!
November 8, 2022
4.30 am Harriet moved to attic after spending the night in the nest.
November 10, 2022
4 am Both in nest - the male stayed with her all night.
November 18, 2022
4 am One in nest, one in attic
6 am both in nest, one head tucked asleep
Maybe this video explains the overnight activity
Lady Hawk
November 20, 2022
4 am Both in nest all night.
If that is the male shielding Harriet from the owl as she lays their egg, it is very sweet!
I dont see an egg .... but heads up
Nov. 22, 2022
Cam was out this morning
That Owl Again!
November 29, 2022
I wish something could stop that owl from attacking, altho it COULD do HARM, so is it playing?
Knocks Her Off Attic and into nest.
She returns to attic and they vocalize - likely cussing the owl
SWFL bald eagles home of Harriet & M15 congratulations!!! Thanks for the heads up Jaspurr!!! :)
sneak peek at the egg!!! Congratulations Harriet and M15!!!💜💜💜(https://i.gyazo.com/c3f93a5322bb320b515c2a994d89b00e.gif)
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet LAYS FIRST EGG Of The 2022/2023 Season! Congratulations! 🐣 11.29.22https://youtu.be/5JTzhsudGxM via ladyhawk
Harriet went into labor early in the evening and she quickly laid her first egg! The official time has not been given but her last push was at 18:09:40 and the egg was visible shortly thereafter. We get to see the egg briefly three times before Harriet will begin incubation. M15 was on the attic during her labor and delivery and has not seen the egg.
They have worked hard at rebuilding their nest from scratch after Hurricane Ian destroyed it and now they are starting a new family in this freshly built nest made with love ♥
Congratulations Harriet and M15 and to the entire SWFEC team and all the viewers on this egg-citing day! Thank you for watching!
November 30, 2022
Well Harriet kept us waiting longer than I thot. For a couple days she's been restless so I knew there'd be an egg. And Lori posted it first! Thanks girl.
November 29, 2022 Lady Hawk
December 2, 2022
Look at all those 2's ;D
SWFL eagle cam home of Harriet, M15 and 2 perfect little eggs
tsk- thanks for the heads up on the second egg this morning!!! ;D
Precious cargo...
SWFL Eagles ~ Precious Cargo On Board! Beautiful Views Of Harriet & M15's Eggs! 💕 💞 💕 12.3.22https://youtu.be/PiZ8rs6mIwk via ladyhawk
M15 gets up from his incubation duties to take a break and we have a great zoom on the eggs! Such a beautiful sight to behold - they are perfect! Harriet and M15 will incubate them for the next 35-39 days until hatching!
Harriet returns to the nest, rolls the eggs and resumes incubation.
From this morning...M15 trying to get comfortable with 2 eggs now :)
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Sees Both Eggs For The First Time! M Incubates & Rolls The Eggs! 💕 12.3.22https://youtu.be/iUuMOz3A9fAvia ladyhawk
Harriet incubated the eggs overnight and she gets up in the morning to take a break and fly to the attic. She greets M15 with Good Morning vocals ♫ ♥ M15 looks down at the nest and he now sees there are not one but TWO eggs! The waiting is over for him and he drops to the nest to see the new egg #2 that Harriet laid last evening. ♥ M fluffs the nesting material around the eggs and then settles down to incubate them. He will during his time on the eggs, get up frequently to roll them as you will see M do this four times!
You may have noticed that Harriet & M have not been on the eggs all the time prior to egg #2 being laid. This is called delayed incubation and eagles do this to in order for the eggs to hatch closer together. Delayed incubation slows down the growth of the embryo. Harriet has consistently laid two eggs each season so now that the second egg is laid, full incubation will ensue which will allow for the eggs to hatch closer together & reduce sibling rivalry.
In addition to incubating, the eagles also need to turn the eggs about once an hour to ensure that the eggs are evenly heated and that the embryos don't stick to the insides of the shells. When turning the eggs, the eagles often balled up their talons to prevent their sharp claws from puncturing the eggs. Harriet & M15 are pros at incubation and rolling their eggs to ensure a successful hatch! Thank you for watching!
Great-Horned Owl Is Attacked by crows
SWFL Eagles
M15 Tries To Move Wayward Stick!
Zooming On Eggs looking for a pip
Lady Hawk January 1, 2023 SWFL Eagles
January 2, 2023
4.45 pm The pip has become a hole
SWFL eagle cam home of Harriet and M15 PIP!!!! e21 is on the way!(https://media.istockphoto.com/id/522979677/vector/cartoon-baby-eagle-hatching.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=wjIYZuX-J3BzBS6_-bpVbOnWQaKw9_QhL0rAZjgn1dw=)
SWFL Eagles ~ WE HAVE A PIP!! Hatch Is In Progress! 😊 💕 1.3.23
https://youtu.be/eePOrGV0kFs via LADYHAWK
Early this morning on January 3rd 2023 at 08:02:20am, the first pip was seen when M15 got up to reposition himself on the eggs! Pip pip hooray! This is the the first official view of the pip - it actually occurred earlier, but we have no way of knowing of the actual time it broke through the shell. Hatch time will be when the chick is "out" of the shell. Congratulations to Harriet and M15 and to all the viewers on this very exciting day as we wait to welcome E21 into the world! Thank you for watching!
January 3, 2023
The male has a wound on his head - maybe from the owl.
Cam zoomed on it this morning.
Another Owl strike Dec 3
M15 injured - the top of the male's head was wounded. Cam op picked it up.
Hatch In Progress For E21
SWFL eagle cam home of Harriet and M15...
I see you little one!!!
January 4, 2023
He is gonna have a peckin out party today!
SWFL eagle cam Home of Harriet and M15
Little one is trying it's best... 💜 135pm cst
slooow gif
SWFL eagle cam home of Harriet, M15 & E21
Congratulations and welcome sweet little E21!!!
Aren't you sweet! See your fuzzy cuteness in the morning E21!
Welcome to the world E21 💕😊 - official hatch time is 20:22:42 (8:42pm) It took E21 36 hours 20 minutes and 22 seconds to hatch! https://youtu.be/veiOLZi1TPY via LADYHAWK
Harriet comes back to the nest in the evening to take over incubation duties and M15 will get up and head to the attic. Little E21 is almost hatched at this point - half way out of the shell. About two hours later, Harriet will get up and we get our first peek at the new hatchling -what a blessing and wonderful evening to share E21's hatch live on chat! M15 does not know that E21 has hatched so when he returns in the morning he will be in for a nice surprise! Then time for him to stock the pantry!! What a beautiful sight to watch a new life come into the world and we are all counting our blessings today! We look forward to seeing a pip on egg #2 soon! Thank you for watching!
January 5, 2023
I awake and Baby #1 has fully hatched. Took him 2 days from pip
Thanks for pics Lori!
SWFL eagle cam Home of Harriet & M15 & E21
Breakfish please!
SWFL eagle cam home of Harriet & M15 & E21 & E22 is on the way!!!
(https://i.gyazo.com/896f9286fea49f3de8e964e3bbe78bfa.png)(http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/699/699271cdv95juxma.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52609214901_6059eb18c9_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2o9TYHk)SWFL E21 (https://flic.kr/p/2o9TYHk) by Lori D (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52609475679_7a35ec808e_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2o9Vjev)SWFL E21 CUTIE (https://flic.kr/p/2o9Vjev) by Lori D (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Sees E21 In The Morning!! 🐤 ADORABLE Little Pink Feet!! 💕 1.5.23
https://youtu.be/dOM0wAkvons via ladyhawk
Harriet gets up first thing in the morning for her break and heads to the attic. M15 looks down at the nest and he sees E21 💕 He immediately drops down and he greets his new hatchling! M15 is a proud Dad and loves his chicks!! He quickly goes to brood E21 and continue incubation of egg #2. A pip has been seen on egg #2!
Later in the morning, M15 will get up and we have the adorable views of E21 and its little pink feet!! 🐤 This is the most precious stage just after hatching! You can see half of the eggshell off to the left side of the nest and the other half is still in the nest bowl. E21 has a little dark spot on the top of its head from its downy feathers being matted down just like Dad ♥♥ Definitely Daddy's chick!! Awwwww ♥ Thank you for watching!
SWFL eagle cam home of Harriet & M15 & E21 & E22
(http://dl2.glitter-graphics.net/pub/580/580882oh6t18r5qz.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
(http://dl10.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1430/1430600ou0p0w0kok.png) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl10.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1430/1430600ou0p0w0kok.png) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl10.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1430/1430600ou0p0w0kok.png) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)(http://dl10.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1430/1430600ou0p0w0kok.png) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
Welcome and hello E22 (turn around for food) ;) Just a few minutes ago... :)
SWFL Eagles home of Harriet, M15 and little ones E21 & E22
Prayers needed for our sweet Harriet...
please be safe Harriet!! :'(
SWFL Eagles ~ Where Is Harriet? She Flew Off & Did Not Return! M15 Flies Off At Night 3 Times
https://youtu.be/80EFAKYbqX8 via LadyHawk
Harriet was on the attic in the early afternoon around 14:35pm keeping watch over the E's. She flew off and then she returned around 17:32pm to the outer arch briefly before she flew off heading west & turned north at 17:36pm. M15 was seen in the upper branches. Harriet never returned home for the evening. M15 is seen on the attic looking & waiting for her while he is keeping watch over the E's as it got dark and evening fell upon the nest.
During the night, M15 suddenly flew off the attic branch three times and returned back to the nest tree. It is unknown what caused M15 to fly off. He may have heard or saw something in the area. M15 then returned and remained on the attic guarding the E's overnight. Harriet never returned to the nest tree.
There was a report with photos by a local photographer of Harriet casting out a pellet or what appeared to be some sort of object which looked like fishing line with a sinker on it. There are concerns that she swallowed fishing line with a hook/sinker on it from the catfish that was brought in. It has not been confirmed that this was fishing line. We all hope & pray that Harriet is okay and that she will return safely to the nest. M15 is protecting and providing for the E's.
SWFEC Essec has commented: "We realize our viewers have been wondering where Harriet has been. This usually happens every season where one of the adults are not seen for for a while. Of course we don't know where she might be or why she hasn't been seen at the nest this morning. We all hope there is nothing serious that might keep her from the nest area. But until a downed eagle is spotted there really isn't much anyone can do. Please do not contact CROW, as they are unable to do anything either unless a call comes in that a downed eagle has been spotted. I'm sure locals are keeping their eyes open wherever they can." Thank you for watching!
update via wskrsnwings...
SWFL Eagles_ M15 Great Provider & Protector 02.03.23 https://youtu.be/7n1daNKd3yQ via wskrsnwings
M15 watched over the E's this morning, doing a great job as he always does. He brought two food items for them (a small unknown food morsel and a roadkill rabbit) and fed them too. M15 made short trips away but returned and watched over the E's and the territory. Harriet has not been seen on cam since yesterday afternoon. But it seems every season, one parent or the other is not seen for a period of time and it causes us more concern than it does them. E21 & E22 are now four weeks old (E21/30 days E22/28 days). Mama owl was seen feeding her owlets in N2 (nest 2) today also.
Sad news. Concerning.
Perhaps the male is chasing the owl at night - to protect the eaglets.
Harriet is a pretty old eagle
February 4, 2023 MOM is MISSING
Babies spent 2 nights without Mom.
Dad has been feeding and protecting the 2 eaglets.
Harriet was last seen Feb 2, 2023 around 5:36 pm
bev on bcaw posted - a few years ago she was gone for 2 days, and then returned.
Harriet is an old eagle. This is a very desirable nest, male, location for some young female to want to steal. Harriet may have been chased off - and it wont be surprising if MALE chooses a new mate to help him with the young. Its NOT rare that this happens.
Wink news reported
3 other eagles in the area today - one adult and 2 subs
MALE was "locking talons"
Lady Hawk Feb 3
Live cam
SWFL Eagle Cam home of Harriet and M15 with little ones E21 & E22
Little ones are doing good this morning. Dad is doing a great job protecting them and feeding them. He is doing the best he can... So proud of M15! Prayers for you sweet Harriet! Love you sweet girl!💜
M15 calling for Harriet this morning... :'(
via SWFL this morning...8:02a M flies NE. 8:18a M to the outer branch vocal. Es track him, both vocal. 8:20a M flies S, maybe chasing another bird. 8:22a M in with food, fish, AC. E21 eats, E22 submissive.
SWFL Eagle Cam 2-2-23. Our Beautiful Harriet: Harriet, M15, and the E's on the evening of 2-2-23. https://youtu.be/stO7wWgXdZ0 via adrocat
Harriet left the nest tree at 1736 on 2-2-23 and has not returned. Cam video covers views of Harriet, M15, and the E's on that date. M15 roosted in the nest tree, watching over the E's. M15 made three night flights from the nest tree. I did not see/hear anything on Cam3 that may have prompted the flights. As of this time, I have not heard of an update on Harriet.
Feb 3, 9:02 PM
samour17 (Admin): As we close I would like to share this with all of you. The Pritchetts are aware that Harriet has not been to the nest since Thursday afternoon. CROW has been contacted, but at this time there is nothing they can do. M15 has been protecting the eaglets from an intruder and has provided food. If Harriet doesn’t come back we are not sure what FWC will decide to do. It is up to them, not the Pritchetts. All we can do is wait and see what transpires. CROW has not admitted any injured eagles as of today. (Post copied from the SWFEC Chatroll archives.)
ViaWGCU PBS and NPR for Southwest FloridaNEWS this morning...
WHERE'S HARRIETT? Mom eagle missing from nest for days; Dad M15 defends, feeds eaglets
The female side of the North Fort Myers breeding pair of Harriett and M15 has not been seen around the Bayshore Road nest for 24 hours, raising a slew of concern, worry and comments from the thousands of online viewers of the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam.
Editor's note: Harriett remained missing Sunday morning. The owners, and a number of followers, of the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam have been making search for days in the area but did not turn up any evidence of the female eagle.
Sunday dawned with the nest's two eaglets huddled together; their mother remained missing.
The eaglets hatched in a nest off Bayshore Road in North Fort Myers have been without their mother, Harriett, since Thursday. The father, M15, has been taking care of the young eagles in the meantime. Sunday morning, above, the eaglets remained without their mother.
Ginnie Pritchett McSpadden, Southwest Florida Eagle Cam owner and operator, was cautious but concerned about Harriett's behavior.
"This is very unusual activity for our seasoned and dedicated mother eagle," she said in a text late Friday to WGCU. "We don’t have any answers or information to provide at this time, other than the most beneficial thing viewers can do is pray and hope for the best. We have been in touch with CROW (Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife on Sanibel) on potential next steps if an injured Harriet is found. M did an amazing job today defending the nest and the Eaglets. It’s a tough time but we hope for a return."
While Harriett is away, for whatever the reason, the male, M15, has been taking care of the two eaglets born weeks ago, E21 and E22. He has been feeding them and defended the nest from a larger, female eagle who tried to intrude.
The eagles were forced to rebuild after Hurricane Ian wreaked havoc on their nest. "They have worked hard at rebuilding their nest from scratch after Hurricane Ian destroyed it and now they are starting a new family in this freshly built nest made with love," the eagle cam website said.
The web site is a popular stop for many bird and nature lovers with more than 186 million views since it was put in place.
The Bayshore Road site in North Fort Myers where the nest is situated is owned by Dick Pritchett Real Estate, also sponsor of the cameras livestreaming the pair, which was started in 2012.
Harriet was originally paired with another eagle, Ozzie, making the nest their home every year from fall to spring since 2006. Ozzie was injured and died in fall 2015. Harriet and M15 bonded later in the fall of 2015.
Some of those who have been watching the nest have been making suggestions, urging and carrying out searches and the like. McSpadden and other moderators of the web site have asked for calm and caution since the area where the nest is located is quite rural and wooded and laced with likely venomous snakes, alligators and other injury-producing conditions.
For now the site is keeping an eye on M15, E21 and E22 and hoping that Harriett makes a return. Soon.
article https://news.wgcu.org/2023-02-03/wheres-harriett-eagle-gone-from-north-fort-myers-nest-24-hours-dad-m15-defends-eaglets
((Harriet M15 E21 & E22)) prayers for you!
February 5, 2023 SONday
I havent seen the young eaglet get fed. He just cowers while the other eats.
4 pm BOTH eaglets just got a GOOD FEED from Dad.
The little one began to self-feed
Harrient still missing
Concern for safety of young
WINK news Feb 5
Thanks for all the info Lori
SWFL Eagle cam home of Harriet and M15 with little ones E21 & E22💜
E22 chows down dinner and has full crop!!!Very good news! Hang in there M15 you are doing great! Much love to our little treasures E21 & E22. Miss and love you so much Harriet 😢please come home if you can... prayers for all of them. Thank you so much ladyhawk! You are a blessing. 💕
Hangin out with my bro :)
SWFL Eagles ~ E22 Gets A PRIVATE FEEDING From M15 & EATS & EATS & EATS! Full Crop Afterward 💕 2.5.23
https://youtu.be/nUic1BDI9Hs via ladyhawk
M15 has continued to be an amazing Dad and provider for the E's and today he brings in a big fish. He fed E21 first and E22 remained submissive through the feeding. But after E21 had a full crop, E22 got up and slowly made its way around to where Dad was. E22 was hesitant but persistent with hunger calling and was able to snatch a few bites from Dad. Confidence grew and E22 was able to continue to eat without any interference or aggression from E21. M15 even offers up the fish tail to E22 who swallows it down! That would have made Harriet very proud to see that! ♥
M15 continues to give E22 a private feeding until almost all the fish was gone. E22 had a very full crop afterwards - bless M15's heart for taking such good care of the E's during this difficult time. There has been no sign of Harriet since we last saw her on Feb 2nd. Continued prayers for Harriet and for our entire eagle family M15, E21 & E22. Thank you for watching!
M15 - https://youtu.be/L7O6nfFLeUY
February 13, 2023
Is this a female - willing to help raise the young?
Looked like a female - and she appeared to take a submissive, not aggressive posture.
M15 ejects bold intruder from nest, protecting eaglets
Samson vanished from NE FL
Harriet vanished from SW FL
We dont know what happened to either eagle
Perhaps they've flown over Rainbow Bridge
SWFL Eagle Cam home of Harriet, M15, E21 & E22
Little ones are doing just fine this morning ;) M15 has done an amazing job. The past few days have been super tough with the intruders during the day and the owl attacks at night & being spooked by a stranger taking photos at night, but he remains strong! Prayers for this precious family! ((M15, E21, E22 and beautiful Harriet))
bro hugs 💜
My buddy and me...
Feb 13th via SWFL chat...Harriet may not fly too far from her territory. However, if she were chasing an intruder and injured, she may not be able to return. She had no signs of illness or distress when last seen. M could know but he has been heard calling for her. Right now, he seems to be concentrating on taking care of the eaglets and he is doing a very good job. There are private groups searching and following up on tips of downed eagles.
A Valentine for M15
Like the other day when Lady entered the nest, she has a submissive pose.
Dawn Feb 15 found them side by side
Beautiful Eagle Lady on the nest tree again tonight with M15
February 14, 2023
Lady should have brought a rabbit.
Intruder threatened the eaglets today and stole their food :(
SWFL nest. Harriet (missing) M15. Eaglets E21&E22. Eagle believed to be the FFV threatens E21&E22
https://youtu.be/LNMAkPjNFIk via luli tallulah
Feb 16
This is really sad.
When I watched Feb 15 I didnt see the younger eat anything.
I was so hoping for a mate here.
About noon Dad was feeding them - and the younger was LITERALLY fighting for bites. GOOD BOY!
SWFL eagle cam home of Harriet, M15 E21 & E22
The kids are looking more relaxed now and doing well! Dad is doing the best he can, so proud of M15. No sign of Mama yet... :-\
The kids this morning...
check out that wing span!!
chillin with my bro...
Feb 16
This is really sad.
When I watched Feb 15 I didnt see the younger eat anything.
I was so hoping for a mate here.
About noon Dad was feeding them - and the younger was LITERALLY fighting for bites. GOOD BOY!
I know Shep... I was hoping that she would help protect the territory and then M15 could focus more on enjoying the little ones more... but she ended up being a nuisance and I pray she doesn't hurt them.
But for today... They seem really relaxed this morning... makes me smile. :)
Lori, if the extra female is young, never raised young before - as I suspect - she'd think any food was for her. If a female whod' raised young came by - I'd expect her instinct'd have her feed them.
I dont expect Harriet to be seen again.
SWFL Eagles home of Harriet, M15 E21 & E22
Awesome steal E22!!! Adorable...
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In Live Fish & PINK MEAT UFO! E22 Makes Impressive STEALS From Dad! 2.16.23
https://youtu.be/SOHWVQAHeYg via ladyhawk
M15 flies in with a fresh live fish and starts to feed E21 who gets the prized first eyeball! 😲 E22 makes its way to Dad and does the snatch and grab and gets bites. Then E22 will see a huge piece of fish on the nest and steals it right from Dad! It is too big to eat but that was a very impressive move from E22 who is a smart eaglet. M15 continues to feed the E's before flying to the attic.
Later, M15 flies in with a blob of pink meat and begins to feed the E's. It looks to be some type of processed meat and the E's are really enjoying it. M15 feeds E21 first but then E22 comes around and grabs bites to eat. E22 will snatch a huge piece of meat and swallows it down! Good job E22! M finishes the feeding and then flies to the attic. We get a nice zoom on his clean feet with a little feather caught on one of his talons. Thank you for watching!
Thats very comforting.
Those babies need a Mom and a Dad - just like human children do
Feb 18
4 pm Male fed both eaglets.
Intruder came INTO nest as he was feeding -
appeared to expect him to feed her too.
She FOOTED both eaglets! >:(
Her tail tip is dark so she's young - likely never had a brood
Our male did NOT chase her outta nest - surprising.
Intruder Is Back!
Intruder Kicks Both E's
2.18.23 Lady Hawk
M15 flies into the nest with a fish and the female intruder with the injured talon follows him back to the nest! She actually lands on the nest and M15 is vocalizing loudly his warnings. She is not deterred at all and remains on the left hand side of the nest with E21 at the twelve o'clock position and E22 at the 6 o'clock position and M15 to the right. M15 offers the fish tail to E21 and as soon as the intruder saw that she kicks E21 with her foot trying to move E21 out of her way so she can get the fish. Then she kicks E22 to try and get closer to the fish that M15 was standing on. M15 is focused on feeding the E's as fast as he can with the intruder on the nest which is a smart thing to do.
M15 starts to offer bites to E22 who does the snatch and grab as the intruder just watched. E22 will grab a piece of fish and quickly turns around and mantles that piece so that the intruder would not take it!! E22 is a very brave, smart and scrapping young eaglet!! M15 continues to offer bites of fish to E22 and the Intruder will take off on her own. M15 then finishes the feeding and heads to the attic. What a great job M15 did with this intrusion on his nest once again. He assessed the situation well and must have thought she was not an immediate threat so he did not have to chase her off. E22 did a very impressive mantle for being in the presence of an intruder too! Thank you for watching!
Thank you for the link, Shep.
It did seem that the intruder hoped to be fed also. I hope her damaged talon doesn't keep her from getting enough food. M15 did well getting food to the babies as well as having a meal for himself.
I did NOT like her behavior at all.
But if MALE allowed her in nest at all, he may be considering her as his new mate. I am resisting all the names I have for her. ;D
She kicked BOTH eaglets! She DID expect MALE to feed her.
Lady Hawk posted another video that was quite scary. The intruder pushed M15 off of the nest and ate a fish he had brought in, then she warned both eaglets away as she ate the fish herself. Very distressing. I was afraid M15 may have been hurt during the squabble.
Feb. 20, 2023
Thanks for that robbery video.
WHY is MALE allowing her around?
She spent the night with him Feb 19-20 after an owl knocked her off branch above MALE.
She got knocked off, flew back, sidled up to MALE and sat there.
Think Ima gonna call her Jez ......
Video of Jez n male
Feb. 20, 2023 poor babies.
Unfortunately this may be permanent
MALE brings in HUGE fish
The kids feast
Feb 22, 2023 Mebbe pickins are slim.
She spends the night with MALE - and he allows her in the nest - and lets her kick his kids -
YES - he has accepted her as his mate. I call her Jez - nicest name I can think of (cough)
This isnt the first time Jez took the mating bow posture. She's been after him - did she chase Harriet off?
Mating Attempt :(
Feb 22, 2023 (edit) Lady hawk
M15 was on the attic at dusk looking over his shoulder as R23-3 comes flying in and lands next to him! They exchange vocals and R23-3 bows her head to indicate she is open to mating. M15 jumped on her back briefly.
M15 took a bath in the pond, he gave up his fish today without incident and he still managed to feed his young.
They both are roosting together on the attic tonight and the E's are safe and well fed
Hungry E's Self-feed
Feb 24, 2023 Bird Cam Network
Thank you, Shep, for the updates and links.
Feb 26, 2023 Bird Cam Network
Female steals M15's food delivery. M15 backs off and lets her have it, he watches from the attic. She has a few bites and then starts to feed E21 around half of the entire fish! There are still some aggressive pecks to E21 amongst the feeding. E22 watches and tries to come over for some bites too but R23-3 makes it clear she does not want E22 to get ANY food!
Dad Feeds Both Eaglets
Feb 27, 2023 Lady Hawk
M15 brought in 3 fish, 2 red meat items & one squirrel and both E's got to eat.
March 4, 2023
Jez wants to mate
March 5, 2023 M15 flew to the pond she followed him. They spend a few minutes together before M15 flies back to the nest and R followed. Jez inches her way closer to M15 with mating vocals, M kept moving away from her. M15 was not interested in mating.
Lady Hawk is calling Jez = R23-3 but thats too complicated for me
Thank you for the link and summaries, Shep.
(I approve of the RRP way of designating but when you say "Jez" I know exactly who you mean and it is easier for me, too. )
Thank you.
I wish the 2 Decorah eagle cams'd ease up are their rigidity about names.
I had to quit both due to designations. WHY couldnt they just stick to Mr and Mrs North like the first year?
o well
I have falcons
March 9 M15 is sleeping on the attic branch when the owl flies in knocking him off the branch and into the nest!
Owl Strikes M15 Knocks Him Off Attic into Nest!
Lady Hawk
Shep thanks for updates.
Is Jez still hanging around?
I think male finally chased Jez off - good - but wish he had a nice mate
Are 2 females courting our bachelor?
Mar 12, 2023 Lady Hawk video
Intruder At Pond Then Flies To Front Pines
M Joins Her, then Flies Back To Attic
Mar 16, 2023 Lady Hawk video
Great news shep. Thanks for update.
So many nests and so little time.
https://mailchi.mp/3e8a59470a35/soar-early-2018-programs-and-events-5860087?e=a5cfa03734 (https://mailchi.mp/3e8a59470a35/soar-early-2018-programs-and-events-5860087?e=a5cfa03734)
E22 branches 3/21/2023
YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqfRfOoucSQ
E21 Branches To The Veranda
E21 Fledge & Return
IMPRESSIVE! Long flight!
March 30, 2023
owl strike
Lil guys are fine flyers, Mama'd be proud.
Obnoxious owl still busy attacking the Eagle Family
April 3, 2023
E22 Fledges After Owl Strike
Dad is Protector, Provider, Teacher
Memorial Tribute for Queen Harriet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvJbuc2oaqA&t=59s
Did they ever find out what happened to her?
Did the male mate again?
Did they ever find out what happened to her?
Did the male mate again?
Sadly, what became of Harriet remains unknown. M15 was a hero raising the two eaglets to fledge. He's been seen in the area with a potential mate.
SWFL Eagles- M15 and Company! Potential New Mate
August 26, 2023
M15 and Maybelline Nestorations
M15 Brings in Sticks & 1st Food Gift
( *Maybelline ) Keeps Sentry
Chases Intruder Out Of The Area
Sept 20, 2023
* Name NOT official
SWFL Cams are going to be in operation on Oct 1st.
Shep, Thanks for keeping this topic active by giving us updates--I appreciate it!
Misc videos
Sept 28, 2023
LIVE cam delayed - no date posted.
M15 & F1 nest building
Lady Hawk
Cam 1
cam 2
M15 and Maybelline Fishing
M & F23 Potential New Mate
Oct 1
SWFL Eagle Cam Article via Southern Living Magazine
Beloved Florida Eagle Cam Returns For Another Nesting Season With New Mate For Widower Bald Eagle
Buckle up, y’all. By Meghan Overdeep Published on October 3, 2023
Our favorite reality show is back with a brand new character. That’s right folks, the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam (SWFEC) is up and running for another season of high-flying bald eagle drama.
M15, who became a single father after the loss of his longtime mate, Harriet, back in February, has returned to the famous Fort Myers nest with a new female bald eagle (F23). Both have been seen delivering nesting materials and are showing strong signs of a possible courtship. But only time will tell what this year holds for the mighty M15 as this nesting season begins.
For its highly anticipated 12th season, SWFEC now features a new setup including two ultra-high-definition 4k cameras “placed strategically in the nest tree.”
For its highly anticipated 12th season, SWFEC now features a new setup including two ultra-high-definition 4k cameras “placed strategically in the nest tree.”
Camera 1 will again have the functionality to pan and zoom in on the nest, “giving viewers an up close view into an eagle’s ecosphere.” Camera 2, the “Nest Cam” will feature eye-level footage of nest activity.
“Finally, a 360-degree video camera returns after sustaining damage last season during Hurricane Ian,” a news release proclaims. “This camera will also allow viewers to jump into the driver seat and experience real time 360-degree views of M15 and any future eagles in the nest.”
According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the bald eagle nesting season lasts from October 1 through May 15. Last year’s eaglets, E21 and E22, hatched in January.
Ginnie Pritchett McSpadden’s family has been hosting the live feed from their property since 2012. Bird lovers tuned in that first year to watch Harriet and her then-mate Ozzie 24/7. Harriet took up with M15 shortly after Ozzie’s death in 2015. Harriet and M15 were together for eight years before the female’s disappearance (and presumed death) in early February 2023.
With Harriet missing, thousands tuned in to watch M15 raise E21 and E22 on his own. Despite the odds, M15 succeeded, and both eaglets fledged in March.
We can’t wait to see what this season holds for M15 and his nest. Visit SWFLEagleCam.com to watch this next chapter play out in real time.
Thanks Lori!
Cams went down this morning.
I wonder if the youtube links will change
Great Horned Owl pair visits the nest
October 21, 2023
Great Horned Owls are known to drive eagles off their nests so they can claim the nest for themselves.
AGAIN with the Owl Pair in the nest
October 28, 2023
Bunny transfer from male to female owl - in the eagle's nest!
lady hawk
why in nest? how weird
November 14, 2023
WHAT is in nest under Lady? ( not egg )
Mr. Owl came on branch - hooted
Lady dropped into nest from a branch
Did owl knock her off? Head injury?
GHO strikes F23 THREE Times!
Both Hooties Are Back At The Nest
Lady almost foots male
November 16, 2023
The male stayed in nest all night last nite and nite before.
No owls. GOOD.
Female must be close to giving us an egg, saw them mating this morning
Nov 22, 2023
Yesterday she was whining, VERY nervous, restless, laid down in nest, up on branch, back in nest, whining. Male brot her a HUGE fish.
Hootie Owl entered nest somewhere after and midnight Nov 21.
It hooted, buried its head into lovely nest and left.
5.30 am Female in nest, whining constantly.
Wondering if she's a first time Mom.
Lady Hawk
The First Thanksgiving
I like this guy. Many dont know this story.
Nov 24, 2023
2.30 am All is calm. No eagle on cam.
I hope the owls dont stop this new female from raising a family.
Owl Strike On Eagle In Treetop!
Sub Adult Flies In Before Hit!
M & F On Nest
Lady Hawk 11.23.23
First egg here evening of 11/24/23. From Southwest Florida Eagles post:
"We have an Egg! What a special moment when F23 gave us that first glimpse of the new arrival! The odds were against this newly mated couple but Mother Nature and natural instinct continues to prevail! Now we (not so) patiently await M's first look and a possible second egg?!"
Nov 25, 2023
The first egg was laid late November 24.
Well, I see Linda posted the announcement!
Thanks. So sweet to see Dad come to peek at his son.
- assuming its a son .... ;D
Lady Hawk 11-24
SWFL Eagles ~ F23 LAYS HER FIRST EGG 🐣 Congratulations M15 & F23 On This Very Special Day 11.24.23
https://youtu.be/rvlJWR0k3pE (https://youtu.be/rvlJWR0k3pE)
I posted this in 'Beakroom' for today. Let's all celebrate!
Nov 27, 2023
10 am Still only 1 egg
She had a restless night.
Mr came in to visit her during night.
2 pm I see 2 eggs
Not sure the exact time laid but I've watched all day.
Two now :)
November 29, 2023
SW Lady had a young visitor.
I think it was a 3 year old. Sat awhile, and Lady whined and whined.
Cam 2 NEW link
December 4, 2023
Owl Strikes M15, knocks him off the attic; he is OK.
Dang! Hate these pwls!
F23 Shelters M15 w/Her Wing While He Incubates Eggs In Rainstorm
Dec 16, 2023
The pwls arent bad - they're just normal pwls. ;D
December 21, 2023
EGG was laid Nov. 24 - so next week PIP watch
December 28, 2023
Rain, eagle flattened down on eggs.
As of late last nite no pip seen ( by a mod )
December 30, 2023
And Egg #2 has a pip - I saw it.
3.40 am Lady called male, he came - poked her, she got up. The eaglet has hatched but not free of shell yet.
8 am Eaglet still PUSHING, trying to break outta shell.
The shell is crushed in several places - and bloody.
9:31 am Both Eggs are in the Hatching process.
Egg 2 movement seen at 9:11am.
Pip progression seen on the Egg 1
Midnight Dec 29-30
HATCH IN PROGRESS! After hiding the eggs for most of the day,
20:54 looks to be a large pip/crack in one of the eggs!
( I'll post official hatch time later today )
EGG 1 is such a mess, I am unsure chick will survive even if it gets out.
Dec 30 - cont'd
Lady hawk video
December 31, 2023
7 am Poor Baby is FINALLY out!
He's wet but moving.
Egg 2 is hatching well / normally
8 am Hatch posted on website -
but - that may've been egg 2 -
Egg 1 may not make it.
One of the SW FL mods is in osprey chat where i am.
They think the egg that hatched - hatched in its correct time.
They think the mashed eggshell got pierced, letting air in -
then was crushed - days before chick was to hatch.
So I rejoice our new pair will have one healthy baby!
Ft Myers, Florida
December 31, 2023 (edited)
On 12/29/23 observers noticed a “dimple” or slight indentation on one of the two eggs, a change on the egg’s surface that suggested a hatch may be in progress. It was soon confirmed (by the pattern of stains on the 2 eggs) that this was Egg #2, laid on 11/27/23 - NOT the first egg.
The eggshell had a crack and some splintering along the side. The outer shell membrane was visible between the bits of shell. The shell splintering continued.
The shell membrane is fused to the shell and holds the shell fragments together. It is fairly tough, so it can be difficult to break through.
The shell membrane is crucial to the embryo’s development. It is full of blood capillaries, by which it effects the exchange of oxygen from the outside and carbon dioxide from the inside through microscopic pores in the shell.
By the end of the day on 12/29 at SWFL, blood appeared on the shell and the membrane, which almost certainly came from the membrane’s capillaries. That raised some significant concerns about the health of the chick inside.
As difficult as this has been to watch, we can all be thankful that the first egg pipped on its normal timeline and hatched this morning.
Photo January 1, 2024; Courtesy Dick Pritchett Real Estate
:) O CUTE!
SWFL Eagle Cam home of F23 & M15 and little one E23
Just trying to get my groove back, first post of 2024 baby pics!!!
(http://dl2.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2998/2998022p535yimr54.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
LOL! Laying on his back!
SWFL little cutie E23 spreading my wings mama!
See the end so cute (7 second gif) enjoy!!!
Jan 1st 2024
That gif is adorable; thanks, Lori!
E23 is a pretty fledgling
March 7, 2024
360 cam
nest cam
E23 BRANCHES March 2
Lady hawk is tracking several cams
* Both this nest and Captiva eagles only fledged one this year.
bev, bcaw got several good photos.
This juvie should fledge in a week or two
March 15, 2024
Little guy is flyin around in his tree.
Fledge near
March 16, 2024
E23 accidentally fledged but flew great and is already back in his nest tree
E23's First Meal On The Ground
March 19, 2024
ONE fledge here in 2024
This is hilarious - but the eaglet does NOT appreciate it.
Sassy mockingbird harasses the bird.
SWFL Eagles
A New Season For M15 & F23
Nest Work: M Adds Stick & F Adds Moss
wskrsnwin 8.27.24
September 17, 2024
Cam 1 :nosun:
Watch the sun rise!
SW FL Cam 2 nest
Hurricane Helene moving in
Sept 26, 2024
Winds 85 mph
LIVE cam links will be here when online
F23's Beautiful Heraldic Pose!
Plus Stunning Facial Closeups! 9.23.24
Sept 30, 2024
Eagle Cam 1 - LIVE
SW FL Cam 2 nest
SW FL Cam 360
POND cam
and Oct 1 they are ALL DOWN!
Anhinga Sunning On pond cam Post
Lady Hawk SWFL Eagles 9.29.24
F23 Watches Over
The Hawk sits on fence as the horses file past.
October 7, 2024
Mom n Dad eagle are nest building and mating.
Hurricane Milton is due to hit FL this week.
Today its near Cancun - Cat 4.
December 16, 2020 Harriet
November 20, 2021 Harriet
November 29, 2022 Harriet
November 24, 2023 F23
M15 & F23 Work On Nest
Cat 5 Hurricane Milton Threatens To Hit Florida!
Oct. 8, 2024
Pre-Hurricane Milton!
M15 Brings Fish & F23 Claims it!
Tour Of Pasture & Pond
10.9.24 Lady Hawk
October 10, 2024
At dawn, no LIVE cams here or NE eagles or Captiva.
Radio said Verizon and ATT down.
Good site to check for outages
1:10p PTZ report.
Good news is the sun is out and all is calm in the pasture.
No eagles seen in camera view at this time.
Live stream still down.
Day of Atonement
Holiest Day of the Year
October 11-12, 2024
BOTH eagles seen October 10th.
Cam 1 is back
D MorningStar
Great Horned Owl Hooting On M15 & F23's Nest!
GHO at NE FL nest too - and their eagles are back
NEW cam links again
October 25, 2024
Cam 1
Started streaming on Oct 21, 2024
Nest cam 4k
Pond Cam #3
360 cam
Perhaps we can look for an early egg here!
This pair have been mating often.
October 30, 2024
2 Florida eagle nests are already on eggs!
One is in Volusia County (Daytona area).
- Reported by a NEFL mod.
Male Brings 4 Fish & a UFO ;D
Female Takes Them - Mating
Female Goes After A Duck!
November 2, 2025
6 am female is laying in nest
Later she ate a bloody fish in the nest.
Both Great Horned Owls in Nest Tree
Note the male and female owl have different hoots
Oct. 31 video
FEMALE in NEST - again. ;D
November 5, 2025
3 am female is laying in nest.
The owl is on cam 1
FEMALE in NEST a lot
November 6, 2025
Female has been laying in nest a lot.
Male is SO attentive to her! Exceptionally so.
November 8, 2025
Lady hawk video of parents with egg
November 11, 2024
Like clockwork, Mom laid her 2nd egg.
M15 & F23 Are Mom & Dad-Brella's Keeping Their Eggs Warm & Dry From Rain!
Lady Hawk 11.20.24
M15 Flushes Intruder Out! * 12.6.24
Possible pip? Someone will need to check. It was just now visible.
December 13, 2024
Ooohhh, check out both eggs!
E24 hatched today, December 14.
December 14, 2024
E24 today.
Dec. 17, 2024
E24 Helps Egg2 By Knocking Off Piece Of Shell!
4 Week Milestones For Eaglets
January 17, 2025
January 27, 2025 :(
We are devastated to post that it appears E24 may have passed this evening after showing signs of distress. We have no information other than what was observed on the cameras.
nest live cam
E24 SHOWS SIGNS OF DISTRESS, has a spasm and passes away.
Lady hawk
January 28, 2025
If a dead eaglet is retrieved from nest - the sibling(s) should be checked also!!!!!
They retrieved remains of E24 and will release results when they get them.
Eaglet #2 - E25 was seizing and fell from the nest -
he had been laying on his sibling -
trying to revive him?
notes on bcaw
So devastating, I hope M15 and F23 will stay healthy.
Both Eyes Are Bothering M15 & Are Closed!
Right Eye Opens But Is Red & Irritated
Feb. 4, 2025