Raptor Resource Project Forum
All Other Topics and Sites => All Other Bird Cams and Information => Topic started by: PeepSpy on June 14, 2019, 03:41:11 PM
I am starting a thread for these cute little clowns! :) The National Audubon Society has several views of the Puffins:
- The Puffin Burrow (currently a nesting Puffin under the rocks)
- The Puffin Burrow - External View
- The Puffin Loafing Ledge
Established April 2013, it is "Located 21 miles off the coast of Maine on Seal Island, this live puffin cam gives an intimate glimpse inside a puffin burrow, where puffins nest and breed during the spring and summer months."
The breeding pair currently highlighted in the Puffin Burrow are Millie and Willie and Millie is sitting on one giant egg!
I have never seen a baby Puffin, so I am watching Millie and her egg! Hatch is due June 25! :)
I will post some more pics later! ;)
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Information about the Puffin Burrow from Audubon on the live cam site on Explore.com:
Welcome to Seal Island! Though this 65-acre island is a popular place for gray seals to have their pups, it is also home to many Atlantic puffins, sometimes called "sea parrots" because of their distinctive colorful beaks.
Where are these puffins?
Seal Island is a national wildlife refuge 21 miles off the coast of Maine where many species of nesting seabirds, including Atlantic puffins, come to nest. This live puffin cam overlooks the "loafing ledge," a prime spot for puffins to congregate, with plenty of "exit routes" in every direction in case a hawk or gull attacks.
Are puffins and penguins similar?
These seaworthy birds may look similar, and they both live in extremely cold environments, but they are actually found on opposite sides of the planet! Puffins are native to the northern hemisphere while penguins are found only in the southern hemisphere.
How big are puffins?
Puffins are approximately 10-12 inches long, and weigh slightly more than 1 pound.
Their black and white plumage is similar to penguins, but their colorful beaks--which can be red, blue or yellow--are reminiscent of a parrot. In the winter months, puffin beaks become a more dull, grayish color.
Do puffins fly?
Yes! By flapping their wings about 400 times a minute, they can reach speeds of 50 mph or more! Their strong, broad wings also make them superb swimmers. In fact, puffins spend most of their time at sea--flying, swimming, or resting on the ocean's surface--and only come ashore in spring to breed.
What do puffins eat?
Puffins will "forage" underwater for many different marine organisms, including small fish like herring, hake, capelin and sand lance. Incredibly, they can catch as many as 10-12 small fish in succession and bring them all back to the nest at once!
Though most of their foraging happens within 50 feet of the surface, puffins can dive to depths of 200 feet.
Are puffins endangered?
Puffins are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
The puffins here at Seal Island were hunted heavily for their meat and feathers by local fisherman in the late 1800s, and by 1885, the original puffin colony was lost. Puffins did not begin to return on their own until Audubon launched a restoration program called Project Puffin in 1984. Today, about 500 puffin pairs breed at Seal Island each year, and Maine's total puffin population has increased from a single pair on nearby Matinicus Rock in 1901 to about 1,200 pairs on five Maine islands.
More information. :)
Every spring, Atlantic puffins come ashore to make nests and breed on rocky beaches and cliffs like the ones here at Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge. This puffin nest cam gives you a front row seat to puffin parents and babies 21 miles off the coast of Maine!
Do puffins breed in the same place every year?
Puffins will not only return to the same nesting spot after spending the winter and fall at sea, but they will often reunite with the same mate, year after year.
For their nesting sites, puffins dig cozy burrows in the dirt. Puffin burrows are between 3 and 7 feet long and include multiple chambers. Some puffins will go a different route, using feathers and grass to build nests in natural crevices or under rocks.
How many chicks do puffins have in a year?
Females generally lay a single egg that both the male and the female will incubate, often by tucking it between their wing and side, for 39-43 days. Once the chick hatches, it can move around the burrow itself within a day! Both parents will feed the baby puffin for the first 45 days. At Seal Island, most of the chicks will eat hake, Atlantic herring, and sand lance.
What's the best time to watch a feeding?
Feedings can happen at any time, but many occur between the hours of 6 and 10 am ET.
When do chicks leave the nest?
Puffin chicks fledge after about 45 days, heading off to sea at night, without their parents. Their body weight at fledging is a good indicator for their chance of survival; larger chicks with more fat reserves are more likely to adapt better to life at sea.
When chicks are two years old, they may return to the nesting island for the first time, though they won't actually start breeding themselves until they are about 5 years old. Interestingly, puffin couples will often have an engagement period of a year before they nest for the first time.
In the wild, puffins can live for 20 years or more!
Here is our breeding pair and a view of the exterior. Then here is a couple of pics of the Loafing Ledge. Notice the numbers on the rocks in the Exterior View! :)
Edit: I have just found out that the numbers refer to Puffin nests! :)
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The Audubon Web site can be found here: https://www.audubon.org/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NationalAudubonSociety
Audubon has another Web site dedicated to "Project Puffin" for the seabird restoration program:
Wow Peeps, you have posted a pretty complete story here. Thank you!
You're welcome, Karen! :)
One of the commenters posted this pic of a baby from last year. That grey fluff is a baby Puffin! :-* That big egg! ;D
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Good morning, Millie! :)
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Below is a baby Puffin from 2017 that was posted in comments! I can't wait for Millie's hatchling.
And a few more pics.
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Sundown at the Puffin Burrow! It is approximately 10 days away for Millie's egg to hatch! :)
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Another beautiful day at the Puffin Burrow! :) Another day closer to Millie's egg hatching!
Razorbills are another seabird that are a little and intrusive at the burrow.
Some morning pics at Explore.com
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OMG PEEP soooo cute!!! Never seen one before you posted in the beak!!! 8)
:) This article explains the reason for using the decoy, "Manny" on the Loafing Ledge (by the Happy Father's Day sign with a Puffin on tip of the sign):
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The "Adopt a Puffin" program:
And thank you, Lori! :-*
Whoa - my bad! I guess it has been Willie egg sitting for the last 24 hours! :o They often take 24 hour shifts according to comments. They can tell it is Willie because he has leg bands! ;D
(https://files.explore.org/sn/2019/6/17/20190617T150556_435324.ts.jpg) photo via explore live right now :)
Some pics from today. :)
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Peek-a-boo eggie! ;D
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Here are some pics from today :)
Their bottoms look so soft! I don't know if that was Millie or Willie showing us their underside. ;D
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Dr. Stephen Kress of the National Audubon Society holding a puffin at the Eastern Egg Rock Island in Muscongus Bay where Project Puffin is trying to restore puffins.
From Wiki:
Project Puffin is an effort initiated by Dr. Stephen W. Kress of the National Audubon Society to learn how to restore puffins to historic nesting islands in the Gulf of Maine.[1] It was started in 1973[1] when puffins were nesting in only two locations in Maine ? Matinicus Rock and Machias Seal Island. The project began with an attempt to restore puffins to Eastern Egg Rock Island in Muscongus Bay, about 6 miles (9.7 km) away from Pemaquid Point. The restoration efforts are based on the fact that young puffins usually return to breed on the same island where they hatched.
Young puffins from Great Island were transplanted to Eastern Egg Rock when they were about 10?14 days old. The young puffins were then nested in artificial sod burrows for about one month. Audubon biologists placed handfuls of vitamin-fortified fish in their burrows each day. As the young puffins reached fledging age, they received identification tags so they could be recognized in the future. After spending their first 2?3 years at sea, it was hoped they would return to establish a new colony at Eastern Egg Rock rather than Great Island.
Between 1973 and 1986, 954 young puffins were transplanted from Great Island to Eastern Egg Rock and 914 of these successfully fledged. Transplanted puffins began returning to Eastern Egg Rock in June 1977. To lure them ashore and encourage the birds to explore their home, wooden puffin decoys were positioned atop large boulders. The number of young puffins has gradually increased. In 1981, four pairs nested beneath boulders at the edge of the island and the colony had increased to 37 pairs in 2001. The total population reached 104 pairs in 2012.
Hey, there's a book! :)
A banded puffin in this group.
Hi Peep,
Oh, aren't they just the cutest. So pretty. What a view of the atlantic they have.
Awww! :)
Hatch watch is beginning for Willie and Millie, the featured pair in the Puffin Burrow. The egg is due to hatch on June 25th. :)
They are just so cute and social among the rocks! ;D
Here's our sweet couple from today's highlight's. (I cannot tell them apart unless I see Willie's leg bands!) ;D
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Sweetly, waiting patiently for the hatch!
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Just hanging out! Good sized wings for a smaller bird! ;) :)
I want to hold one! ;D
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Wow - laying that egg must have hurt! :o
It seems to be thinking, when? when? ;D
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The hatchlings are called "pufflings" - very appropriate. :)
Comments say they sound like a "pwee, pwee" at first and go to a demanding, "WREEE WREEE" ;D
A nice little handful! ;D
Egg roll this morning! Soon, little Puffin! :)
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If you've tuned in today, Millie has been rolling the egg frequently and waiting so patiently for her puffling! :)
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They say she can hear it trying to chip out! Pip watch for sure beginning! ;) ;D
Pip watch continues!
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Puffin loafing ledge this morning!
(https://files.explore.org/sn/2019/6/24/20190624T130536_1026895.ts.jpg) via explore
Puffin no Pip yet :)
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48122402018_43ab11e796_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2gjpTyw)2019-06-24 (5) (https://flic.kr/p/2gjpTyw) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
Will probably happen when I'm at work! ;D
Quick view of egg video I took this morning... :)
https://youtu.be/Rc9jIfbk0Cc via Lori D
Beginning of a pip???
6 25 19
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6 25 19
Aren't they just precious? :)
Puffin just chillin'! :)
Pip, pip, hurray! ;D
Our loving couple! :-*
Cute shift change... exsqueeeze me!
(https://files.explore.org/sn/2019/6/26/20190626T152459_80555.ts.jpg) via explore
Atlantic Puffin Burrow Cam baby puffins Explore org Google Chrome 6 26 2019 11 02 52 AM
Cute shift change and lil peek at egg
https://youtu.be/pwUoirCivVU via LoriD
June 26 2019 3 : 20 P M
Bucky is here
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Thank you, KRD! So eggciting! :)
6 26 19 and here he is
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Awwwwww! I am at work and can't get the live feed, only Gallery and Comments. Sweet lil Puffling! :-*
Puffin Congrats Willi & Milli to lil Bucky
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48134561263_ec185bcb1a_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2gkud5F)2019-06-26 (4) (https://flic.kr/p/2gkud5F) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
https://youtu.be/1Q2aGmrJzYY via Lori D
Dad first peek
https://youtu.be/uoAbRJ7pZNI via Lori D
Lori, wouldn't you love to hold that little fluff ball in your hand! ;D
Bucky first fish... he's like, I'm supposed to EAT that? lol
What a precious lil' face! :)
I found this,
"Adult puffins mostly eat small fish, such as sand eels, herring, hake and capelin. Puffin diets vary from colony to colony because of the variety of fish around the breeding islands. During winter puffins may also eat crustaceans, but their preferred food is fish."
Looks like Bucky is growing already! :)
He has a white chest! :)
Yummy fishes! ;) :)
Feed me! ;D
What a darling lil' Puffling! :-*
Poufe! ;D
June 28, 2019
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I think Bucky is growing before our eyes! :)
Adorbs Puffin 8)
Female encourages puffling to eat all the fish.
https://youtu.be/37OsuEfgzu8 via samantha eye
With the audible flutter of wings, the female arrives at the burrow with meal number five. These fish are a bit larger; it takes the puffling longer to eat them all. Mom dangles the fish over the chicks head, 'Just two left... come on, eat up.'
Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge, Maine, USA
Posse totally ignoring Manny :(
Good Morning!
Puffin Love
Breakfish for Bucky
https://youtu.be/h71Rv2Peb0w via LoriD
Cuteness overload lil Bucky!!!
Bucky's Breakfast. Atlantic Puffins. 08.06 / 30 June 2019
https://youtu.be/0EgRkrD_L1Y via arlene beech
Bucky finished preening and is waiting for his next meal! :)
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Puffin lil Bucky
7 1 19
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7 2 19
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I see cute lil webbed feet Bucky!!!
(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dda04812541f259431816b7e2ba2a0eff8dfb295c841ff87d83b16471b7e9a7a.jpg?w=480&h=226) photos via explore
A pile of puffling sized fish
https://youtu.be/Or2_YprG0xU via samantha eye
Tiny fish are easy to swallow. The six day old puffling makes short work of the meal. Delivered by the female on 7/2/2019 at 9.55 AM EDT.
July 3 2019
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7 3 2019
Dinner time
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I want to hold him! Such a cute ball of fluff! ;D
KRD, Bucky is well fed for sure! :D
A mouthful of fishies, but Bucky is in his hiding place! ;) :)
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Some pics I copied from comments - such a cutie! :) Bucky is making some odd sounds! (maybe not strange for a puffling)
Bucky closeups and cute lil trot
https://youtu.be/KwH-w_QXPRQ via LoriD
Bucky's Breakfast! Atlantic Puffins. 05.51 / 04 July 2019
https://youtu.be/31Hls-Qhg4c via arlene beech
Fish in her rosettes.
https://youtu.be/w-v04DU8mZk via samantha eve
The female puffin had so many fish in her bill that a pair were caught in her rosettes. She left with them dangling like silver fish jewelry.
poor manny
Just so precious! :-*
(https://files.explore.org/sn/2019/7/6/20190706T082955_500104.ts.jpg) photos via explore
Milli came in around 5am limping, looks like she went fishing when it was dark out. Appears to be her foot the blood on her tummy seems to be coming from her foot too.
https://youtu.be/Knxax0BbPCU via LoriD
July 6 2019
Yes she has some blood on her belly, seems like cut foot and or leg area
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Poor Millie! (https://www.raptorresource.org/forum/Smileys/default/cry.gif)
Female powers through with an injury & delivers a meal to her puffling
https://youtu.be/O3K_i0zPRdI via samantha eye
First noted after her previous delivery, the female puffin appears to have an injury on her foot. She is standing, but limping. She rested after the first delivery, the headed out to forage again. On her return, her foot is still bleeding. Rest up and heal mama.
Aw, Lori! Man that is a ravenous puffling! :)
Manny gets a little lovin'! ;) ;D
Bucky... I said I'm hungry Mom!!!
This morning sun 8)
Bucky's Breakfast! Atlantic Puffins. 05.16 / 07 July 2019
https://youtu.be/MKbwzgCDEzU via arlene beech
Bucky is always hungry! ;D
Such a soft fuzzball! Growing fast!
(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d2f6af80f12203eb9339eb26a0f97b435917417b87b4e852b5f942a4969179fe.jpg)(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/75b5430ac975e64e7db6fa493efc046728c05a9daf328fd8bc822eedff31dac7.jpg?w=280&h=360) Someone posted this of their cat today watching Bucky :)
Wing flap closeup Bucky
https://youtu.be/Vvq2sy8_mzI via LoriD
Two breakfasts for Bucky! Atlantic Puffins. 05.15, 05.48 / 08 July 2019
https://youtu.be/D7vvz6v1_lo via arlene beech
Update Milli via explore...Good morning everyone. Bucky has had 3 hearty breakfasts so far. Millie - two, Willie - one. Millie is still limping though her landings on the berm were firm. She headed out at 6:03 am and Willie has stayed with Bucky. Thanks all. via puffin123
Look who's getting feathers!
Puffin cam
see tail pin feathers in beginning then wing flap
https://youtu.be/AHML2pk9d1I via lorid
Bucky's Breakfast! Atlantic Puffins. 07.36 / 09 July 2019
https://youtu.be/BHNCtUPTjzM via arlene beech
Can't wait to see Bucky conquer his own fish! I wonder if they do get bigger fish? Maybe they all just eat the small ones.
"Keep me safe daddy!" :)
Someone is thinking about the outside world! :)
Bucky growing every day!!!
This is when I woke up at 3 this morning...
Early hours of the morning in puffin burrow 59
https://youtu.be/ZrnUWz4O6WQ via samantha eye
Puffling and mom were settled in sleep, when the dad arrived home and woke the neighborhood.
Millies injury
Millie fly in with fish this am (lower right with mouthful of fish)
Bucky's Breakfast! Atlantic Puffins. 06.20 / 10 July 2019
https://youtu.be/rbdP15_ki4Q via arlene beech
Bucky's lunch! Atlantic Puffins. 12.48 / 10 July 2019
https://youtu.be/jH3lU_sBc4w via arlene beech
I have a video but chose not to post. Another Puffin went into their burrow and physically attacked Bucky, he screamed and then the camera went to highlights. Not sure what happened after that. He seems ok, but both parents are on high alert.
Per explore.org
Samantha Eye spamela5510 ? an hour ago ?
S/he has a lot of cushioning. The chicks tuck their heads and turn their bum to the danger, protecting the most vital part. Puffling may be a bit bruised, but is most likely A-okay.
All are on high alert... the Puffin attacked more than one Puffling this afternoon
Bucky after attack... seems ok, Mom brought him fish...
Below pic is a couple minutes ago... lil Bucky is tuckered out. Prayers lil guy!
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Bucky and Millie snuggling tight tonight!
I guess they do poop, but I haven't seen them! ;D
We ❤️ you Bucky!
Bucky's Breakfast! Atlantic Puffins. 06.41 / 11 July 2019
https://youtu.be/XWIcPhoUV24 via arlene beech
Check out Bucky's pin feathers!!! From 30 minutes ago. 8)
Oh Lori, how precious is that? Those tiny wings! :-*
July 11 2019
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July 11 2019
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Bucky is just the sweetest! I am going to miss him! KRD, do you know when they go out to sea?
July 13 2019
Bucky was attacked again this morning 8 am Eastern time
Bucky is just the sweetest! I am going to miss him! KRD, do you know when they go out to sea?
Around six weeks old
Via explore comments...
He seems ok. It really looked like the intruder only grabbed fluff, not flesh.
If you click on the chat from July 10 in the featured comment, that's what Dr Kress thinks: when parents leave the chick alone, prospectors who want the burrow will attack the chick.
Two breakfasts for Bucky. Atlantic Puffins. 13 July 2019
https://youtu.be/UUNIo3A1Xj0 via arlene beech
2019 07 11 Puffin -Willie on the rock billling with mate Millie
https://youtu.be/CgUZ9d2JMKY via tzz oha
Via CamOp Pan Mod ? 13 hours ago ?
Here's the Live Chat held on Wednesday, July 10 with Dr. Steve Kress and Project Puffin's Kenan Yakola.
https://youtu.be/kH0ThZhwggw via explore live nature cams
And I thought the Puffins were a nice break from the usual drama in Decorah! ;D
Puffins are going to be on the season finale of Animal Planet's series, "The Aquarium". :) :) :)
The clip shows them in their "Winter" plumage!
The Puffin Burrow on Seal Island, Maine are "Atlantic Puffins". The most endangered.
I'll protect you Bucky :-*
Bucky's Breakfast! Atlantic Puffins. 05.47 / 14 July 2019
https://youtu.be/_IbHg7jHNdE via arlene beech
July 14 2019
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July 14 2019
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July 14 2019
Bucky found the hidey hole when the Hoooman was cleaning the camera screen lol
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July 14 2019
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July 14 2019
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krd great pics, can't wait to see Bucky tomorrow with a clean screen!!! 8)
July 15 2019
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July 15 2019
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July 15 2019
This Makes My Heart Happy, Willie is such a good Daddy, Bucky likes to cuddle and Willie never says no, even if only for a few minutes.
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Daddy and me... look at Bucky's lil web feet!
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48289175007_48333840a1_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2gz9DmT)2019-07-15 (3) (https://flic.kr/p/2gz9DmT) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
Great pics! He is growing so fast. I love his little feet! :)
Bucky is still so round! ;D
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July 16 2019
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July 16 2019
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July 16 2019
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Puffins "I spy Manny" 8)
Puffling waits for the fish as parents greet each other
https://youtu.be/IjTVVQaqtzI VIA SAMANTHA EYE
How puffins catch food outside the breeding season
Paper: Effects of body size, sex, parental care and moult strategies on auk diving behaviour outside the breeding season
Density plots displaying the distribution of maximum dive depths (MDD; plots a, c and e) and daily time submerged (DTS, plots b, d and f) of common guillemots, razorbills and Atlantic puffins between July and January.
Bucky ❤️
Bucky's Breakfast! Atlantic Puffins. 07.03 / 19 July 2019
https://youtu.be/eSnQj4teSDc via arlene beech
puffin123 ? 9 minutes ago ? july 19
Good morning everyone. So, 4 deliveries so far. A brief summary:
5:44 am - fish delivery
6:51 am - brief intruder attack on Bucky
7:03 am - fish delivery
7:23 am - fish delivery
7:33 am - Willie vigorously objects to puffin near the burrow (fight)
8:06 am - fish delivery
all before 9am
Bucky sticking his tongue out at us! ;D Such a cutie! :-*
Comments on Explore say that there was another intruder! :( He has been crying for over an hour! :(
July 19 2019
Poor Bucky has had a horrible day today. There were 4 times an intruder was here but only one got Bucky... poor baby
Willie took care of one... Millie took care of another and one looked like it was hiding from something, that one got in but did nothing to Bucky just looked scared itself.
The pics of Willie chasing the first one are blurry.
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July 19 2019
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July 19 2019
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Bucky in for the night with Dad safe & sound... goodnight Bucky! Bucky is doing the head tuck...growing up!
check out his pin feathers!
July 19 2019
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I wubs you Dad! ❤️
Willie and Millie are great parents! :)
July 21 2019 Bucky was attacked again this morning. I feel so bad for the little puffling.
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OMG! I can't believe they attack each others pufflings! Ducks don't do that, do they? :o >:( :'(
OMG! I can't believe they attack each others pufflings! Ducks don't do that, do they? :o >:( :'(
Not that I have ever seen, but Parents don't let anyone by ducklings.
Bucky and Puffins from today :)
They are so cute even just sitting there! ;D
July 23 2019
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Bucky is growing up!!! 8) ;) :)
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Catchin' some rays! :)
Look at that Puffin chest! :)
Snuggle, snuggle! :)
Bucky you are growing so fast!!!
Those feet! ;D Wonder when they turn orange?
Bucky gets banded! :-*
Bucky weighed 310 grams with a wing chord of 116 mm.❤️❤️❤️
buckys bracelet
A neighbor is getting ready to fledge! :)
Recorded another gif of lil Bucky a few minutes ago.. I'm not very good at this and haven't figured out resizing yet. ::) :P
Aw, growing up too fast! :-*
Bucky Love ❤️❤️❤️
Three feeds for Bucky! Atlantic Puffins. 03 August 2019
https://youtu.be/etrOHpkPv4c VIA arlene beech
June 27th
The lil' puffball is almost grown! :-*
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OK got it to work :) Bucky cuteness stretches! ❤️❤️❤️
Love his big white chest! :)
Still trying to get this right... ::) :P I'm trying! Was attempting to record the stretch shot from the bottom pic. Didn't get it right. ::)
Bucky Love ❤️❤️❤️
Kisses for Mama
Morning chat with Manny
Manny kisses
Soon! :(
Bucky gets weighed today before heading to sea! Love you Bucky! ❤️❤️
"Stop kissing me!" Bucky's adventure! Atlantic Puffins. 07 August 2019
https://youtu.be/W-3vLau-8dE via arlene beech
Bucky gets weighed before he leaves for the sea! :-)
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August 8 2019
Bucky is a big puffin now.
He fledged!!!! Go Bucky be safe little one see you again one day.
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Empty Burrow Syndrome! :(
I didn't expect to be so affected, but I cried like a baby! :(
Here's why Puffins on this Maine island are master climate change 'researchers'
An Atlantic puffin takes wing at Eastern Egg Rock in Muscongus Bay, Maine, on Wednesday. John Holyoke BDN
Interesting, for sure - and very fun to watch! :)
Empty Burrow Syndrome! :(
I didn't expect to be so affected, but I cried like a baby! :(
So did I.😩
The differences between a puffling and adult puffin. The puffling looks more like a "Winter" puffin. From: https://skomerisland.blogspot.com/2013/07/normal-0-false-false-false-en-gb-x-none.html
This a blog from Wales! :)
BTW - the puffling kisser's name is Kenan Yakola. ;) :)
Manny will be going into storage for the Winter and have some maintenance done - repair, touch-up paint, etc. Bye-bye Manny! :)
Manny needs a break!!! Miss you Manny!!! ❤️❤️
Manny has a visitor!!!
Copulation failed...
Beautiful pink sunset last night on Seal Island!
For Manny! ;D
A chatter caught a lonely puffling fledge last night! There may still be a few stragglers left. :)
If you haven't watched this chat with Dr. Steve Kress from Project Puffin and Keenan Yakola, it is informative about Seal Island, Maine and the Puffin Project, and especially, Bucky. (July 12, 2019)
Did you know Bucky was named after National Audubon's Past-President Carl Buchheister. :)
And previously, from Keenan - more about Seal Island (June 19, 2018)
If you are visiting Maine, Project Puffin has a Visitor Center: https://projectpuffin.audubon.org/visit-us/project-puffin-visitor-center
You can "adopt" a Puffin here: https://projectpuffin.audubon.org/get-involved/adopt-puffin
:) ;)
Awesome coastline by the Berm, but no Puffins! I sure miss these lil' clowns! :(
From taped highlights, here are some Puffins with their "Winter" beaks. :) I don't know which day this is from.
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Someone spotted a puffling visiting (or leaving) the exterior burrow! :) Keep these little ones in your thoughts and prayers as well as the people and animals within Dorian's path in the Atlantic!
Taken in this past July, there is amazing footage of an airborne Puffin in flight in this video! :)
Amazing footage and updates pics Peep!!! 8)
Amazing footage and updates pics Peep!!! 8)
I love the way they seem to glide effortlessly! And their beak tapping - so cute! :-*
Hey, are you ready for a cruise? CAP'n FISH has Audubon Puffin & Scenic Cruises! ;D
The Puffins will head back to Seal Island next April! :-*
Hey, are you ready for a cruise? CAP'n FISH has Audubon Puffin & Scenic Cruises! ;D
The Puffins will head back to Seal Island next April! :-*
I am!!! Checked on prices and it's pretty reasonable... it's only a billion miles away :(
Another article about the Atlantic Puffin study on Maine's 5 islands:
Lori! We can dream! ;) :)
Clynn posted this video documentary in the Beak. Thanks Clynn! Interesting and happy some people are doing something. :)
600,000 pairs come to Newfoundland! But many chicks get killed in the roads. :o
This link was posted in comments on the Puffin Burrow cam page. Chatter OKed my posting here. Includes poems, limericks, etc. about Bucky and this past season. Lots of Puffin lovers! :)
From National Geographic, a short video on the life cycle of a puffling on its first solo trek to the ocean! :)
More about the Life Cycle of the Atlantic Puffin :)
Hardy little cuties! :-* :)
These birds have a long life. The average lifespan of in the wild is 383 months or almost 31 years, while the minimum lifespan is 20 years, the maximum recorded longevity is 33.8 years.
Wow, such beautiful coloration and sunset! :)
Aw, Gullfriend looking for Manny! (away for Winter rejuvanation) :(
Beautiful pic, Peep!
I have been looking for this! This pic shows a loose mating season colorful bill loosening up to fall off for Winter! :)
Bringing Puffins back to Main - newer article with podcast from Tufts. :)
Bucky!!! :-*
Loved that second one, Lori! "I'm king of the Burrow!" ;D
Peep, those are great!
LOL ;D I hadn't seen this one before - Coca Cola commercial.
LOL ;D I hadn't seen this one before - Coca Cola commercial.
Awww, Peep that was too cute!
Published on September 24, 2019, "Baby Puffin Named Macaroni Hatches at National Aquarium, Will Join Siblings Ravioli and Gnocchi". ;D
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Macaroni is so adorbs!!! :-*
Reminiscing :D
Reminiscing :D
I can't wait for next season! When does their season start? I miss lil Bucky SOOOOO much!!!
Reminiscing :D
I can't wait for next season! When does their season start? I miss lil Bucky SOOOOO much!!!
I think they return in April, Hopefully the same pair will inhabit that burrow with the cam. Next year's Puffling will be assumed a female. :D
Like the bald eagle ones, there are tons of Puffin ornaments too! :D
Peep- I didn't see Puffins on KBS deep sea post this morning! I wonder how deep they go? They showed Penguins! Thanks for ornament links!
Posted 5 days ago (12/11/19), "How to rescue pufflings with Newfoundland's Puffin Patrol" :)
Oops, forgot the link:
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Posted 5 days ago (12/11/19), "How to rescue pufflings with Newfoundland's Puffin Patrol" :)
Oops, forgot the link:
Awww precious Peep, thanks for sharing!!!
Posted 5 days ago (12/11/19), "How to rescue pufflings with Newfoundland's Puffin Patrol" :)
Oops, forgot the link:
Awww precious Peep, thanks for sharing!!!
I imagine that is how Bucky looks about now! :D
Posted 5 days ago (12/11/19), "How to rescue pufflings with Newfoundland's Puffin Patrol" :)
Oops, forgot the link:
Awww precious Peep, thanks for sharing!!!
I imagine that is how Bucky looks about now! :D
I'll bet our lil Bucky is one handsome lil Puffin!!!
Interesting article about body heat regulation. :)
Puffin growth cycle.
Manny has company -- he is not the only decoy Puffin! In fact they used 100 of them off the cliffs on the Isle of Man in the UK.
Manny has company -- he is not the only decoy Puffin! In fact they used 100 of them off the cliffs on the Isle of Man in the UK.
Awww lots of lil Manny's!!!
The Atlantic Puffins will return in late April to begin the 2020 breeding season! :)
The Atlantic Puffins will return in late April to begin the 2020 breeding season! :)
Thanks Peep!!!
The Wayfarers Walking Group is anticipating Spring and the 2020 Puffin breeding season along the coastlines! :D
The Wayfarers Walking Group is anticipating Spring and the 2020 Puffin breeding season along the coastlines! :D
Thanks Peep!
LOLOLOL! ;D An alternative Windows Browser!
About 4 to 6 weeks until puffins start showing up at Seal Island! :-*
Courtship billing will start the season! :D
Here is an information chart put together by chatter Puffin123 with the added data for 2019 breeding season! It is not totally complete but they are working on getting the missing data. It compares to previous years. :)
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Here is an information chart put together by chatter Puffin123 with the added data for 2019 breeding season! It is not totally complete but they are working on getting the missing data. It compares to previous years. :)
Thanks for sharing this Peep! That's a lot of work getting all that data together, very nice. I would like to do one of these spreadsheets for GSB cam, I am still praying for Michelle to come home. ;)
From chatter Puffin123:
"Usually the researchers are on the island late April - mid May, the cams will go online soon after, and Manny will be set up as well. Usually the puffins are on the island or just offshore by then." :)
I have also heard that the puffins are back on the island before they turn the cams on and put Manny out. Maybe they want to see how they meet up with each other and get settled first. It is probably a little confusing as they try to find their mates.
2019 highlight - when Millie laid an egg=Bucky! :) Very sweet! Willie is the banded one. That egg was big! Ouch! :o
2019 highlight - Bucky hatches! :D
Aw :-*
From the BBC:
Throwback highlight - baby Bucky! :-*
Bucky!!! :-* :-* :-*
Throwback Monday.
"What is a Coronavirus???"
The Channel Islands in the UK are starting to see Puffins coming ashore. They will soon start to arrive at Seal Island also. :-*
Here is another web cam in the Shetland Islands in the UK! Puffins return in the UK before they return to Seal Island. :)
How about a puffin mask? ;D
Follow Audubon Project Puffin on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AudubonPuffin
From the Shetland Island Puffin Cam in the UK! They are landing! ;D
From Comments by the Puffin Cam, "PuffinCam is delayed due to the current global pandemic however we will stream Cliff Cam 3 with dedicated views when the puffins return and until some sort of normality returns." :(
A puffin lover drew and uploaded this picture in the Puffin Cam comments. They said they were having "puffin withdrawal"! ;D
Peek-a-boo! ;D
Spotted a puffin on the UK Cliff Cam 3. Those cliffs are huge! And kind of messy! ;)
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Almost midnght here, but near dawn in the Shetland Islands. Isn't this pretty? :)
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Almost midnght here, but near dawn in the Shetland Islands. Isn't this pretty? :)
Perfect color of blue ;)
From Lundy, England
From Kilda, Scotland
The UK sure has the advantage for Puffins returning from their Winter hiatus! ;D
Some interesting facts posted on January 8, 2020:
PBS Nature: an episode on Puffins!
I am curious about how they grow into the colorful beak. When they come back in the Spring, they already have it. Feathers are shed and brighter ones grow in. They shed the colorful beak in the Fall and have a dull beak during the Winter.
Full breeding plumage
Winter plumage
USA Today reported on March 27, 2020 that 100,000 Puffins have returned to Scotland! :-*
I sure hope that we get to see Willie and Millie this year! :D
Hey Project Puffin, get that Cam going! ;) :)
Puffins making their burrows - lots of nooks and crannies in the Shetland Island cliffs! :D
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From Project Puffin :)
From Cliff Cam 3 in the UK :)
More from the Shetland Cliff Cam :)
From a Puffin Cam Mod, "Hi everyone - we know you all must be antsy about the status of the puffin cam this year. We are working hard with Project Puffin to get you the puffin cams while ensuring the safety of the staff and the birds. We hope to have an updated date soon!" :)
At least we can grab a glimpse at the UK Shetland Cliffs, but it is so big and messy! :o
From a Puffin Cam Mod, "Hi everyone - we know you all must be antsy about the status of the puffin cam this year. We are working hard with Project Puffin to get you the puffin cams while ensuring the safety of the staff and the birds. We hope to have an updated date soon!" :)
At least we can grab a glimpse at the UK Shetland Cliffs, but it is so big and messy! :o
Hi Peep, I'd love to see the Shetland islands. I have a favorite show I watch that is filmed there.
I pray puffin cams will return soon. I do love to watch those little puff balls.
Thanks for keeping us updated. Take care :-*
This is suppose to air on PBS soon! ;) :D
Flashback! Bucky losing his baby fluff and getting ready to gulp down a fish! ;D
C'mon Project Puffin --- get those cams up and running! ;)
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From the UK
Flashback! Bucky losing his baby fluff and getting ready to gulp down a fish! ;D
C'mon Project Puffin --- get those cams up and running! ;)
lol the fish looked like a long beak at first! ;D
Throwback August 4 2019 Bucky cuteness lil stretch
From Project Puffin, "Today's super good news! Our first island crew went out yesterday - Keenan Yakola and Mikayla Ockels have left Rockland for Seal Island NWR to begin their Seabird Summer! Hopefully....PUFFIN CAMS SOON."
;D ;D ;D
In the UK Shetland Cliffs, they are taking nesting materials into the crevices! :)
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A couple of snips from the UK Shetland Cliffs today! :)
I actually saw one poop shoot like our eagles, but it was too quick! LOL ;D
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The Loafing Ledge is live, but no Puffins! :(
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A few Puffins have returned home and are checking out the Exterior Puffin Burrow! :)
I haven't seen Manny on the Loafing Ledge yet. So far, 2 cams are live.
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Bucky gets banded 2019 and a little kiss from Keenan Yakola :-* ;D
Woohoo! ;D
From Puffin Cam comments, "What a difference a day makes. Yesterday nary a puffin seen, today lots of puffins and a (confirmed by Keenan) egg in our burrow 59. I guess everybirdy was out fishing or in their burrows yesterday? They sure had me fooled. Looking forward to confirmation of our pair and of course, seeing the burrow cam go live."
I don't know how they can tell them apart! LOL But we know that Willie is banded.
Keenan Yakola also gave Gracie a little kiss in 2018! He is just a sweet puffling kisser! ;D
Good morning! :)
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Keenan Yakola also gave Gracie a little kiss in 2018! He is just a sweet puffling kisser! ;D
Attached below is pic where he is giving Bucky last weigh in goodbye kisses August 7th 2019 ;D
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(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0cc43ee61c088ab7b57075b07189276d49f520f4117c184dcc577b3044c20fe3.gif?w=480&h=286) :)
What a face! :)
"I'm king of the burrow!" ;D
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Razorbills on the Loafing Ledge, but no Manny yet. :( At first I thought they were Guillemots, but they were too plump. Had to go ask in the Community. ;) They have sharper black beaks and black feet.
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Razorbills close-up - they are beautiful too! :)
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Willie or Millie sitting on an egg!!!!!! ;D :-*
It looks so nice and cozy with fresh nesting materials!
Three cams are live now!
Hello baby eggie!
Puffin love!
Puffin Burrow at Seal Island, Maine
(http://dl10.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2690/2690720ggwm4ojycl.gif) (https://www.glitter-graphics.com)
Thanks Lori! Been a little stuck in some things..... ::)
Some highlights from today in the Puffin Burrow! Sweet egg-sitting! ;D
More Highlights :)
Willie's banded legs
Millie seems to like to nuzzle in the corner. :)
Some gatherings :)
Razorbills are friendly neighbors :)
Looking for Manny! :(
Another pair is already feeding a puffling! :-*
Good morning <yawn> :D
Oh my gosh - they really are looking for Manny!!! ;D ;D ;D Well, this made me smile! ;) :)
Goodnight sweetie....
Patient egg sitting! :-*
Puffin party on the ledge! :)
Thanks Lori! Been a little stuck in some things..... ::)
Thanks Peep! I've been a lil stuck too... Thank you for all of your wonderful posts my dear friend!
Keenan posted in chat, "Hi all, thought you might be interested to know that today while in a blind near burrow 59 I saw Willie, Billie, Phoebe and Pal!"
I know Billie was Willie's first mate and when he couldn't find her on return to Seal Island, he took Millie, I think Phoebe and Pal are offspring, but not certain. Before Bucky, there was Gracie. The pufflings do not return to land for 2 years after leaving the nest.
Atlantic Puffins only weigh 1.1 pounds, so the size of that egg..... :o Ouch! :P
A bit of trivia from chat, "Willie is 18 yrs old. He was banded as a chick in 2002 on Eastern Egg Rock." :)
Manny is back but dang if he doesn't look more like a Razorbill! :o
Yikes, an intruder tried to bite and injure Millie's egg! Grrrrrr! :o >:(
An intruder puffin attacked Millie and Willie's egg while they were out yesterday!!! :o
Mod CamOp Kwaahu posted the event on video - this is not easy to watch!!!
Back to sweet egg sitting! Poor egg! :-*
Manny is back alongside Murriel! ;D
Ooooops! ;D
Murriel is drawing some Murre interest! ;D
Mornin' beautiful! :)
Peek-a-boo egg! :)
Guarding their burrows! :)
Busy, busy Burrow! :)
Manny and his groupies! ;D
Whole family! :)
Chatter spamela5510 (don't know her real name) received a new cap and a mini- Manny decoy for her birthday from Keenan! ;D
The decoy is made by Made River Decoys :)
Sweetly sleeping - hatch coming soon!
Egg roll! :)
From CamOp/Mod Bee, "Puffins incubate their egg between 36-45 days. As the egg was already in the burrow when the researchers arrived last month, Keenan has estimated the date range the egg was laid as 5/13-5/17. This means we could expect a hatch as soon as 6/18 or as late as 6/27."
Millie yawns waiting for Willie to take his shift. :)
Hatch watch starting, but we are not sure exactly when the egg was laid as researchers were late setting up camp.
I can't wait for a new puffling! Keenan is proposing the name to be after a long standing volunteer who passed away. He hasn't posted it yet. :)
This is so cute - shifting the egg!
Waiting, waiting...ZZZZ
"Greetings, my friend!" ;D
Oooops! ::) ;D
Mod Spamela posted this collage she put together from last year's pics of Willie, Millie and Bucky. :)
Keenan just proposed the name Stella for Willie and Millie's puffling this year in honor of the late volunteer, Stella Walsh.
"Hi all!
I would like to propose the name Stella after long time Project Puffin volunteer Stella Walsh who passed away back in 2017. Of course, as the viewers it is ultimately your decision, but wanted to put in my vote!
Here is a little more info...
'A lifelong resident of the Midcoast Maine region, Stella entered the birding world and never looked back after retiring from the Maine Dept of Human Services. From 1999 through 2012, she volunteered at six of the Seabird Restoration Program?s seven seabird-nesting islands. Her favorites being Seal Island NWR (always hoping to be scheduled volunteer at the same time as her bird-banding buddy, Anthony Hill) and Stratton Island for fall migration passerine banding.
She gave countless hours of her time to various Maine conservation organizations, in addition to remotely entering data from over 100,000 migration observation cards for the USGS North America Bird Phenology Program!' "
What a sunset at Seal Island! :D
Its party time! :D
Looks like an unconfirmed pip to me - time will tell!!!! 8) 8) 8)
She is coming out! :D
Another gorgeous sunset at Seal Island as we wait for the new puffling to hatch. :)
Stell is wiggling to get out! :D
Goodnight Sweety! See you in the morning! :-*
Here comes Stella! :-*
Stella! :-*
Protective Mom! :-*
Here she is! :-*
This is way too funny - Manny getting some help standing up! ;D
Darling! Trying to walk already! :-*
Thanks, Samantha! :)
So many pics on the cam site! :) Precious Millie and baby.
"I love you Mommy!" :D
Peep- I finally caught a gif. I tried to check camera last night and there were explore/youtube issues and again today and rewound forever after I saw your post with the pic, couldn't find lil Stella. I forgot to check the gallery in explore. Love the gallery. Thanks for sharing and I am so excited for Stella's new adventures! ((I miss Bucky)) :-*
Bucky is probably good and will come looking for a mate next year. They are kind of looking for 2018 Gracie, She might be a Momma this year.
Stella looks just like Bucky did! ;D
Yes, there are tons of pics in the Gallery and Samantha Eye takes Videos and post on YT and Twitter.
Hope that you are feeling better! :-*
Hello Daddy! :-*
Willie snuggling in with baby Stella. :)
Sleepy Stella!
Willie brings Stella some fishies.
A peek at Stella alone!
Sweety is growing already! :D
Fluffball! ;D
Goodnight sweet Stella! :-*
Hello cutie! :D
Rearranging her surroundings a bit! :D
Fluffy Stella! :D
Lil' wing flap! :D :-*
Stella found the hidey-hole! :D
Orange tongue! ;D
Queen Stella! ;D
Puffin Party on the Ledge!
On top of Manny! ::)
Willie gives Stella a big fish! :D
Stella filled to the brim! ;D
Princess Stella got her first health check today! And Keenan adjusted the cam to make it much clearer. :D :D :D
Thanks to chatter zpdooda, some beautiful pics of the little princess Stella! :D
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Good morning Stella! :-*
Puff! ;D
What a diva! :D
Mom & baby via Puffin cam... somebirdy has a lil attitude ;)
A tiny poop shoot from Stella caught on camera! ;D
A couple more great pics from chatter zpdooda! :D
Bucky's progression last year!
Wheeeeee! ;D
"Here I come!"
Sweet puffball! :-*
Stella loves Daddy! :D
Poop Shoot out the other side of the hidey hole! ;D
:D :-*
Beautiful catch cam-op! :D
Stella is stuffed with lots of fishies! ;D
Pudgy and fluffy! Stella is gobbling those fishies down, even the awful butterfishes that are wide and difficult to swallow.
Just loafin'
Puffin party, with a couple Razorbills! Can you find them? ;D
Puffin cuteness! Would love to scoop them up for a cuddle! ;D
Murial has live company! :D
Willie and Millie outside of their Burrow 59. :)
Gab session! ;D
A different view from the Loafing Ledge! :)
"All on deck catching a breather this morning".
Stella got a health check today! :D
Measured up! ;D
Community was joking that Keenan didn't kiss Stella this time (on the vid), but he claims that he did! ;D
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Round and fluffy describes Stella to a T. Ittty bitty feet sticking out! :D
Well, it happened! Stella was attacked and bitten by an intruder today, but she fought bravely.
Willie standing guard! :-*
S t r e t ch! :D
Stella, that is not a fish! ;D
Puffin Perfection! :-* :-* :-*
I love how the Razorbills are right at home among the Puffins! :)
On guard duty! :)
Stella in the hidey hole with her precious face sticking out! :-*
Sleepyhead! :)
Nooooo social distancing here! ;D
"I'm singing in the rain!" ;D
Stella has some feathers showing! :-*
Pufflings at the Georgia Aquarium! :)
Stella endured a brutal attack! She is OK, but it was awful.
This is hard to watch:
Sweet Stella bounced back quickly and gobled some fish Millie brought her! :-*
Happy three week birthday, Stella! :-*
Stella sticking her tongue out! ;D
You can see Stella's little feet good here! :)
Check my tonsils! ;D
Both Willie and Millie slep with Stella last night! :-*
Watching a boat race, as a chatter suggested? ;D
Day stamp; 7/11/2020 :)
Puffin party this afternoon! :)
Peek-a-boo! :)
Good morning sweet Stella cutie! :)
Wow, look at these colors!
Wait, wait, wait, "Where's my fishie?" ;D
Good afternoon, sweet girl! :-*
Another weigh-in and health check for Stella! Her chest looks whiter in daylight. :-* :)
Keenan really loves the Pufflings! :D
Another gorgeous sunset on Seal Island!
Stella is evolving into a Puffin! She is a combination of fluff and feathers coming in. She is very itchy and the P's preen her vigorously often to get her ready to be waterproof for the sea! :-*
Always the cuddler! ;) :D
Busy exterior burrow! :)
Somewhat the awkward stage - part fluff, part feathers and itchy as all get-out! :-*
Posted in Chat, this is funny! ;D
Willie and Millie sharing a few "kisses". ;D
Aw, Half fluff - half feathers - total itchy! :-*
Some more enhanced photos from Puffin Chatter Zpdooda! :D
This is a cute video from 2011 filmed at Coquet Island. ;D
Another awesome older video from Newfoundland!
Baby Stella still loves to cuddle under-wing! :-*
Goodnight baby girl! You've had quite a day, leg bling and all!:)
Keenan measuring and taking selfies with Stella during bandinq! :-*
Stella's complete banding with Keenan and staff. :)
A graceful landing. :)
From Zpdooda, "Wheeeeeeeeeee!" ;D
"Aren't I handsome?" ;) :)
"Shall we take the same route we took last year?" ;D
Puffling Stella is looking more and more like a Puffin drawing mixed emotions from watchers! It won't be long before she jumps into the ocean. (https://www.raptorresource.org/forum/Smileys/default/cry.gif)
The cam has not been clear and may need to be replaced next year. Keenan tried cleaning the lens.
From Mod ImaPuffin, "Here is this week's update! First off - look at our Stella grow! She is growing like a weed, and barely fits in the burrow anymore (or so it seems). She continues to lose more of her fluffy puffin down. Before we know it, she?ll be heading off into the ocean in the dark of the night, (without her parents), were she'll remain until she's 2 or 3 years old. She will then return to the vicinity of her family burrow to seek out a new burrow and begin thinking about raising her OWN adorable puffling. Very exciting! "
Beach party this afternoon! ;D
More bling and kisses for Stella today! ;D
Stella was outside the burrow last night which upset Willie. Here she is back home looking more and more like a big girl puffin! :)
From Zpdooda! :)
Stella "at home" pondering her journey to come! :-*
Images from Keenan! You can really see the new modern band they used on Stella! Feisty little handful! ;) :) ;D
"Hi all, Here are a few images of Stella from the other day. We have started what I hope will be a new tradition of using plastic field readable bands on cam chicks. Her number is 120 repeated twice around the band. My hope is that next year's chick will be 121 and so on... corresponding with the current year.... It may need a little more adjusting next time we have here but my hope is that she will be easier to spot when she returns."
Dr. Kress is hosting a Zoom Webinar called, A Virtual Visit With Maine's Puffins" on Thursday July 30. Space is limited so there is a $10 registration fee.
Millie, the fisherwoman! :D
Gobble, gobble! Or should I say Oink, oink! ;D
Stella is growing up way too quickly! :-* Still has to lose the afro! ;D
Both of these from Zpdooda. :D
Stella has fleged! :-*
From Mod, ImaPuffin,
"ImaPuffin Mod ? 38 minutes ago
Thank you to all the viewers....looks like our Stella has flown the coop! She, I believe, has been the most feisty puffling since the cams started. And so perhaps we should have expected her to do the unexpected and fledge as soon as she could. But, for those that would still like to watch cams....we do still have the Guillemot Burrow cam, where we are waiting for the chick ("Dale") to fledge - check it out: https://explore.org/livecam... - and yes, we thank Keenan-Project Puffin as well for all his help - he is a great team member!"
From JennyWren,
"The Tale of a Puffling
Your adventures began before you even hatched,
When to the burrow corner you were rudely dispatched!
Millie found you there, and tucked you away,
Back safe under her wing, until your hatching day.
Then you started to eat and you did not stop,
Even the huge butterfish went down your crop!
And as your parents fed you day and night,
Your hidey hole began to get a little tight!
New feathers replaced your downy fluff,
You fought off hooligans, you're so tough!
But whatever dramas the day did bring,
At night you'd be snuggled up, under Willie's wing.
As the days passed you became independent and wilful,
Staying outside (until Mum arrived with her bill full!)
Then came the night, you heard the call of the sea,
And left, unseen, to live alone and free.
Godspeed our sweet Stella, we all wish you well.
Shall we meet again? Only time will tell.
For now little fluffball we have to say Goodbye,
Live strong our darling puffball, dive deep, fly high."
Millie and Willie left the island together! (https://www.raptorresource.org/forum/Smileys/default/cry.gif)
Chatter allisonyws posted this GIF of Stella from yesterday afternoon (July 28) Feisty lil' puffling! :-*
This is the last sighting of Stella in the burrow! :-*
On June 18, 2020, Stella hatched from her shell. :D A memorable season for sure!
Dr. Kress and Project Puffin sponsored a webinar on July 30, 2020, "A Virtual Visit With Maine's Puffins", and it was was posted on YouTube! :)
A new series of Webinars from Project Puffin begins tonight, September 1! :D
Puffin Islands Online
Learn about the remarkable lives of puffins and other seabirds from renowned researchers at your leisure and in your home.
In Iceland they allow the trophy hunting of Puffins! >:( >:( >:(
Here is a petition to sign for the banning of this cruel slaughter:
Please sign it! ;) :)
LOL! There is a Puffin cereal in different flavors and part of the cost supports Project Puffin! :D
The Project Puffin research team will be leaving Seal Island about September 17 and will keep Manny warm and cozy until next Spring! :D
A second book from Project Puffin is out!
The Puffin Plan -- Restoring Seabirds to Egg Rock and Beyond (Tumblehome, 2020)
Interview on CNN with Project Puffin's Stephen Kress on how they used decoys like Manny to restore the Puffin population!
Aw...Hey, knitters!
An hour long Zoom presentation from Project Puffin:
Project Puffin has some adorable Christmas Gifts (and will help support their mission as well) :)
20% off Project Puffin merchandise for cybermonday until 12/7. :)
Puffin beaks glow in the dark! ;D
Project Puffin suggested Valentine gifts! :D
From the Seabird Institute! ;D
:D Project Puffin's wrap-up of year 2020:
I am going to do it this year! ;D
A different view! ;D
The Puffins of Skomer Island, UK. :)
Flashback! ;) ;D
Westmann Islands Saeheimar Aquarium Heimaey Island, Vestmannaeyjar
HI Beakers...I ran across this when looking for pics of Manny earlier ;D The gifs were taken of patients at the Puffin Rescue there. Cool stuff!
Patient Hafdís is a playful puffin
Patient name Bárður Mýrdal
Bárður Mýrdal was oiled when he came here this summer from Vík í Mýrdal. Now he's been rinsed and is practicing his swimming for his release.
At Sæheimar you will find 3 exhibitions; the bird, mineral and the aquarium. At the museum you can see a variety of Icelandic birds including migratory and vagrant birds who stay permanently in Iceland and endure the dark and cold Icelandic winter. There is a good exhibition of various lava rocks and minerals.
At Sæheimar you can learn all about the most popular bird in Iceland - the puffin - and meet them live! There are approximately 8 million Puffins in Iceland.
Sæheimar is also a bird rescue center and birds that are found either injured or chicks without parents are brought to the museum.
One rescue story is "Tóti" the Puffin. Tóti was found abandoned in a puffin colony at 7 days old. He hatched 6 weeks later than the other pufflings. Toti was a tiny guy wandering around at the end of the puffin season when the older & much bigger pufflings in Iceland were about to leave their nest.
Tóti would not have survived if he wasn't rescued. When Sæheimar rescued Tóti & fed him he was ready to fly however, he was so young & helpless when he was found it was too late to release him & winter was coming, so they decided on raising him at the museum. Tóti adapted very well to the life of humans at this museum. Tóti passed away in 2018 at 7 years old.
what a beautiful sight! Thanks Peep!
Lori, this is the old thread from last year. I started a new one for this year to include all seabirds on Seal Island.
Lori, this is the old thread from last year. I started a new one for this year to include all seabirds on Seal Island.
Thanks Peep, I saw that thread and I thought it was a different cam... cool!
keeping thread active...
Gray Seal Cam on Seal Island! Big smile for the camera!! ;D
Peepspy sent me this Gray Seals update! ;D
The pups are growing up so fast! 😍 They are starting to form groups of weaned pups.
And a few still nursing.
Good night from Seal Island
Good night from Seal Island
Gray Seal Pupping - Seal Island, Maine
One bedraggled eagle caught taking a puddle bath
Some babies still on Seal Island
This beautiful baby will make its way down to the shore
Always keeping an watchful eye
One or two babies left on island
Update on Bald Eagle - While we have been concerned about the plight of this individual eagle, in recent conversations with our partners, it has been concluded that it is not feasible to intervene at this time. Accessing the island at this time of year is logistically challenging at best, and given that the bird is apparently still flying normally, capturing it would be difficult (if not impossible). However, we will continue to monitor the situation in case circumstances change. We do appreciate everyone's concern.
More information from the experts: This may be the outcome of fights between eagles where one bird gets a talon caught in the other bird’s nostril and rips off a piece. Other possibilities include shooting or another unknown trauma.
A bird in WI with a similar injury did survive and breed for several years, but there’s a chance that a nasty beak/sinus infection could ensue. Eagles tend to be sloppy eaters and so contamination/infection is possible. But again, we hope for the best.
Soon the Puffins will be returning to Seal Island! ;D
7 Days ago - 2023 Season
Greetings from Maine! It’s been a blustery week here, sea and weather wise. No doubt our puffins will be happy to make their way to dry (albeit chilly) land for their breeding season.
The first groups of seabird researchers from the National Audubon Society’s Seabird Institute https://projectpuffin.audub... have been heading out to their research islands on the Gulf of Maine, where they will spend up to three months working with the seabird colonies on these islands. There are 7 islands managed by the Seabird Institute; among them is Seal Island, where the puffin cams are located.
Good morning Puffin family and Millie will tend to first egg of 2023! ;D :-*
Located 21 miles off the coast of Maine on Seal Island, this live puffin cam gives an intimate glimpse inside a puffin burrow, where puffins nest and breed during the spring and summer months.. https://explore.org/livecams/puffins/puffin-burrow-cam
They're baaack! The puffin cams went live last week, as you all know. It's great to see them as they reunite with their mates and friends! Lots of great pics from the Puffin Chatters!
And don't forget- the naming contest for Willie and Millie's little one is still open! That can be found here: https://docs.google.com/for...
Razorbill saying no, no, no, to Puffin ;D
Seal Island Puffin Burrow Cam - Millie returns after a long sojourn away from the nest!
Just in time, as dad Willie left 7 hours ago for food, after a long time on nesting duties. :-*
Audubon Celeste (mod) post
It has been a blustery week on Seal Island! Our puffins are handling the weirdly inclement weather by floating on the sea, or else staying in their burrows to incubate eggs. By now, many of the Seal Island puffin burrows contain in them an egg—including, of course, Willie and Millie’s burrow #59.
There was concern in the chat last week about Millie’s long absence from the burrow, and understandably so. The Seal Island team and I discussed the extended sojourn briefly before I left the island (sigh!) and we agreed it could be a harbinger for a strange and maybe tough season, forage-fish wise.
However- seabirds are remarkably adaptive animals. Their bodies are built for harsh climates, for long periods on open ocean, and for hunting far below the surface of the water. Millie’s extended absence and Willie’s unwavering time with the egg is a testament to the resilience of the puffins. These birds determinedly remain on their eggs for days, forgoing food for the sake of continuing the puffin lineage. When we start seeing pufflings hatch in the burrows, it’ll be all the more imperative for the puffins to find and bring back food for their young.
This week, let's keep our puffins in mind as they forage, dive, and search for food. It can be tough out there for a puffin, but these little birds and their colorful bills are tough as the granite rocks they loaf on!
Willie exits from the old entrance near #789.
Gone Fishing
Good night! It was hatching day for the Puffin family. Little Puffling and dad Willi :-*
Atlantic Puffins
Posted by Ruby 35 minutes ago - Millie incoming with squid
This was from earlier around 8:30am
.50 speed........she is much faster than this!!
Thank you CamOp for the perfect zoom in at the right time!
Yummy breakfast for Duryea
Mom Millie and Duryea
Seal Island Team has officially named little Puffling "Duryea"
A tribute to Duryea Morton by David Klinger – a former Hog Island dishwasher and FOHI board member.
Morning Kiss 😀
Mama Millie keeping guard over Duryea :-*
Seal Island Puffin Burrow Cam - posted by Audubon Celeste
Happy Summer Solstice! Summer is officially here, which means we can expect longer days and warmer temperatures. Still waiting on the warmer temps, though, as it hasn’t gotten warmer than 70 degrees here in Maine in a while!
Our puffins, who spend their summers breeding here off the Gulf of Maine, are in sync with the season. This is a busy time for them (and the myriad other seabirds who inhabit Seal Island!), seeing as they’re now engaged in chick feeding and rearing.
Evidence of this comes from our on-cam burrow, where Duryea is growing steadily. He’s becoming quite the rotund little puffling! After a valiant battle with a butterfish last week, it looks like Duryea’s diet has returned to the much more easily digestible food. Willie and Millie are great at ensuring little Duryea doesn’t go hungry!
Big white tummy Puffling with parent in background.
Atlantic Puffin Burrow Cam - a nice close up of Duryea! :-*
Seal Island Puffins - Before the cams went down, you all might have had a chance to observe the puffin party/palooza/prom on the Boulder Berm feed. Puffins actually prefer to feed and forage in this overcast weather, as they expend less energy in cooler climes. I myself went on a puffin watching cruise just yesterday (which, if you're ever in Maine, I highly recommend doing! There are Audubon naturalists on-board to guide guests through the sightseeing experience. You can find out more info here: https://www.boothbayboattri... and was delighted to see TONS of puffins! (And black guillemots, and storm petrels, and cormorants, and a murre, and...well, you get the idea).
Duryea, as many of you know, suffered a pretty scary attack last week when a presumed juvenile puffin discovered the burrow and laid into little Dur. This is common behavior in adult seabirds- they often go after chicks that aren't their own, for unknown reasons. (Chickens do this, too, by the way.)
Rest assured, Duryea was swiftly rescued by Willie or Millie. But in the ensuing brawl, the camera was shifted. It will be re-positioned once the colony dries up enough for the researchers to make their way out there.
Send some sun our way!
-Celeste <3
Puffin Dad Willie and Duryea
Mom Millie brings breakfast! ;D
Atlantic Puffin Burrow Cam - BIG NEWS! SCROLL TO SEE IT ALL! 7-14-2023
Our precious puffling, Duryea, was banded by the Seal Island crew. Photos attached below of darling Dur and his new bracelet :
By all accounts, the pufflings are doing incredibly well this year. They're hardy and healthy, a welcome surprise after this wet season decimated some other seabirds (namely the terns). And Dur especially seems to be doing extraordinarily well- look how big he's gotten! Duryea weighs 405 grams with a wing chord of 117 mm, according to researchers who banded Dur.
The other bit of exciting news is that the Seal Island team and I will be doing another live event on Tuesday August 1st @ 7pm ET. We'll be talking about the season on the island, celebrating what will likely be fledging time for the puffins, and answering your questions about the puffins and other aspects of seabird/island life. Don't forget to submit your questions for the researchers here: https://forms.gle/57txw2YNh...
There will also be a live Q&A chat for the duration of this chat, so you'll have a chance to ask questions in real time, too.
Congratulations to Willie and Millie on raising a healthy, happy puffling! <3 <3
-Audubon Celeste
Dur has rounded the corner on fledging age. Puffins typically fledge between 36-55 days old (depending primarily on feeding conditions), and Dur is 39 days of age today. His downy feathers are pretty much gone and he's been exercising his little wings often. The frequent forays out of the burrow are also a tell-tale sign that Duryea is getting ready to leave the nest. Cue sad violin music!
But we shouldn't be too sad- Dur is a healthy little puffling with a plentitude of tenacity and toughness.
Again, he was the subject of a rough attack from a puffin interloper this week. He, of course, weathered it well. Then, some viewers pointed out that his breathing was a little bit off- he bounced back from that and is doing just fine.
I think it's a wonderful thing that this community cares so much about our puffling. Of course it'll be sad to see Duryea leave when the time comes, but let's all take comfort in the fact that he's at a good weight, he's feisty, and he has surely benefitted from the excellent care bestowed upon him from Willie and Millie.
And on the fledging note, let's all hope for the infrared to pull through- it's reliant on solar, and we all know that's been a bit of a bear this year. With the help of the IR cam, we should be able to see Dur's last moments in the burrow. Fingers crossed for a sunny day and for working tech!
-Audubun Celeste <3
Goodness, where did Atlantic Puffin Duryea go?!
Duryea fledged last night!
Fledging is a bittersweet occasion. It marks the start of our beloved puffins leaving the island but it also marks the start of the first pelagic voyages for the juvenile puffins. They are no longer pufflings but now puffins, definitively. What a momentous and special transition!
posted by Audubon Celeste
Gwyyne posted 5 hours ago:
There's nothing from the EV cam, because it was on highlights, but here's a gif of the last time we saw him leaving the burrow...
Mom Millie and dad Willie keep checking their burrow nest.
July 30, 2023
These lil guys are really cute.
One tried to mate with the plaster puffin on the ledge. :D
Watching them - um - fly - reminds me of the bumble bee.
Their little wings whirrrr - its a wonder they can get up into the air.
Hi Shep, They sure are cute!
Oh no, what a shock that must have been for the puffin. LOL!
I think Peepspy had a name for the plaster Razorbill on the ledge.
I looked back through her pics and it's Muriel.
Please post pics anytime. ;D
This pretty sunrise pic was posted by MaineGirl :)
Lani thats a lovely image
Atlantic Puffin Burrow Cam live
Willie’s white tummy and Millie still protecting their burrow and strengthening their bond strong ❤️
Adult Puffins continue to enjoy their Seal Island summer home! :-*
An exciting re-sight update for y'all! Phoebe, who occupied the burrow with Finn pre-Willie and Millie, was spotted on Seal Island again! Coco sent me a message (and pictures, below!) to let me know about this exciting update!
And in these photos you can see the beginnings of her colorful billing peeling off. The season is truly coming to a close, and the birds know it!
-Celeste <3
Posted by Gwynne an hour ago
PLL Peregrine Falcon taking off (quarter speed)
Harbor Seal
A sseal - at seal island!
Thanks Lani
A sseal - at seal island!
Thanks Lani
Shep, Soon the seals will be all over the island and the puffins will be on their migration, the island's activities reflects our seasons doesn't it.
During our morning walk with Sadie, I felt Indian Summer will soon be here. My favorite season ;D
Peepspy are you watching? :)
There's still Puffins on the island ;D
Hello Puffin, last one enjoying the views?
"Should I stay or should I go" posted 4 days ago by Puvluv
It takes a village and lots of hearts! Thank you another successful season!
Atlantic Puffin Burrow Cam - Seal Island
A Puffin delivering food to pufflings... there are still a pufflings on the island, and they are being lovingly cared for. :-*
Posted by Puffluv 42 minutes ago.
Razorbill posted this in the Atlantic Puffin chat roll :)
photo by Derrick
Sand Lance this year, Atlantic Saury last year
Hake, herring, squid... what will sustain the Seal Island colony next year?
So if you want to provide facts to our Puffineer group, you can learn about the different food sources our puffin colonies relied on over the past five years.
Off the coast of Maine, puffins are rebounding and feasting on a new snack
All looks quiet today :) - Photos taken from the chatroll.
And then Ruby took a photo of this little critter. I wonder what it is?
The seals have come ashore. Soon a huge storm will hit Maine.
Sept. 14, 2023
Yes, Hurricane Lee is heading to Maine and NE USA / Canada
HI Shep :)
Beautiful Morning! ;D
I wonder what kind of bird on the left. Owl? Eagle?
could be GHO - too far to tell
could be GHO - too far to tell
I thought so too Shep.
It's the wings that makes me think of an owl. There must be something below attracting it.
The body is owl shape.
Probly mice running around for bits of fish
Good morning ;D
posted by decr
Lots of seals here again this morning!
Seal Island Gray Seals Pupping cam is Live now
January 11, 2024
So cute!!
Hi Shep ;D
Research reveals the extent of grey seals' maternal sacrifice
Hello mama :-*
Lots of sweet babies :-*
Seal Island Gray Seal Pupping - pics by H20-Explorer
Posting for Peepspy
Cute! Baby Harp seal
Papa in background, mama and baby
Hello ;D
Seal pups making friends and playing photos by CamOp MG
Photo by WinterRose
One of the few Gray Seal pups remaining on Seal Island :-*
Keeping watch on Seal Island :-*
Highlights from last year are shown on Cam https://explore.org/livecams/puffins/puffin-burrow-cam
Pretty Easter card posted by MarquisdePuffinette ;D
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Please help us by filling out this form if you encounter an error with the new comment system. This form is for issues with the comment system only. If you have an issue with a live cam or the explore website, please email [email protected]
Atlantic puffins partner for life, this is how they show affection ;D
Guess Who’s Back, Back Again!?
Hello, we’re baaaack! Welcome back to Seal Island, where the puffins hop, terns soar, and guillemots bask on the sun-warmed rocks. As you’ve seen by now, the Starlink connection to Seal Island has been restored – all because of the explore.org cam team’s hard work! We hear they were amazing island guests, as well! Thanks to them, we get to view Willie and Millie in Burrow #59 for this entire season, as well as our loafing ledge, exterior view, and Guillemot cam!
Coco (Seal Island supervisor) and the rest of the team has been hard at work conducting puffin productivity checks, also known as prod. Shockingly, over a third of our prod burrows already have an egg inside, which is pretty wild! It is fairly unusual to find so many eggs this early, but last year, the birds were also on the early side. And Willie and Millie are experienced parents by now, so it’s not too surprising that they are among the early ones!
In celebration of World Migratory Bird Day on Saturday, May 11, let’s talk migration! Maine has more than 130 species of migratory breeding birds, Atlantic Puffins being one of them. Migratory birds like puffins embark on journeys that span thousands of miles across oceans to their wintering or breeding ranges. After first swimming through the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Atlantic Puffins then go south to winter in waters around 200 miles off the coast of Cape Cod. Finally, they go to New England's famed "coral canyons", vast underwater chasms and submerged mountain ranges deeper than the Canyon. But by May and June, puffins leave their watery rafts to nest and raise young on coastal islands such as Seal.
Welcome back to Seal Island, everyone! And Happy Mother's Day to our lovely Millie. 💐
A new season! :-*
☀️A beautiful new day and a happy heart seeing our Willie tending to his lovely Millie🥰🙏❤️ Good morning everyone❣️ posted by Puffluv
A new season at Atlantic Puffin Burrow cam - Dad Willi taking care of egg duties, while Mom Milli is taking a break.
b]Atlantic Puffin Burrow cam - Puffintruders Abound![/b]
It sure has been a chaotic week, y’all. If you don't already know, a very persistent intruder is desperate to make Burrow #59 its home.
Atlantic Puffins in Maine usually lay eggs in burrows or crevices in mid-May. Puffins typically lay one white egg each year, but another may be laid if lost early into the season. These eggs average 60mm long, 42mm wide, 0.31mm shell thickness, and weigh 62 grams. As we see with Willie and Millie, both parents will incubate the egg while the other parent fishes. Puffins have two lateral brood patches, featherless spots with enhanced blood supply, to warm the egg while they sit horizontally to incubate it. The egg needs around 39-45 days of incubation.
Now: let’s talk intruder! This bold Puffin has been charging into Burrow #59 every single day since May 18, including this morning. It even pushed Willie and Millie’s egg out of the burrow on May 19. This bird, nicknamed “Wily” by some viewers for his scheming ways, is likely a male looking for a burrow of his own. It may be particularly aggressive because it is still early–plenty of time for it to have an egg of its own. In nature, it’s all about having that competitive advantage and passing your genes onto your offspring. And someone else’s egg would not be a welcoming sight in your new home!
Puffintruder pushing the egg.
Millie protecting egg, on high alert from intruder.
6:56am Willie in the doorway and Millie on the egg.
Honey, I'm home! Willie checking in with Millie and eggbert. 💕
photo taken by spamela.
Yikes, Puffin Predators! Posted by Audubon Gloria MOD
Perhaps the greatest natural predator of the Atlantic Puffin is the Great Black-backed Gull. On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, these massive gulls are known to catch puffins in mid-air and can easily barge into soil burrows. In Maine, deep rock crevices are where puffins call home and the gull populations are now at a more reasonable level, so it is less of an issue. However, gulls can still prevent puffins from recolonizing nesting areas and consume pufflings & eggs by plucking them from their burrows. Herring Gulls and Laughing Gulls are smaller gulls that steal the beakfuls of fish that puffins bring back for their young, or kleptoparasitism. To adapt to these behaviors, puffins will circle their island several times before making a mad dash to their burrows to avoid being robbed.
On the three Seabird Institute research islands with puffin colonies (Seal Island, Eastern Egg Rock, and Matinicus Rock), puffin predation is not an issue we see very often. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a threat. On the West Coast, Tufted and Horned Puffins are predated on by bald eagles, peregrine falcons, and other predators. Across all puffin species and even other seabirds, they face the kleptoparasitism (food stealing) by gulls.
Human disturbances are still some of the biggest threats puffins face. Historic hunting for food, feathers, and eggs has slowed down, but puffins are still found as gill net bycatch and can still be predated upon by introduced predators (such as rats and other mammals).
Gimme your food! A Laughing Gull chases an Atlantic Puffin, determined to get the beakful of fish. Photo: Jean Hall.
Puffin Loafing Ledge-Razorbills. Photos posted by NWNature (PacificNW)
Atlantic Puffin Burrow cam
Welcome Millie and Willie's new puffling Ama! :-*
The name Ama honors a longtime puffin cam viewer from Norway who passed away in November 2023.
Good night little Puffling! :-*
Willie and puffling Ama :-*
The distinctive appearance of the razorbill (Alca torda)
Atlantic Puffins, Seal Island, Maine, USA, explore.org 2024/06/18
"Millie says NoNoNo to the intruder"
Well-behaved Ama nicely tucked into the corner. video by bozena Isia
Ama :-*
Puffin Ama gets fluffier by the day! :-*
Social hour Puffin style! ;D
From Atlantic Puffin cam
Ama is growing so big and strong, thanks to Millie and Willie, who bring plenty of forage fish back for baby Ama. It’s time for Fish Facts!
A puffin brings back a huge catch! Photo: Jean Hall
Puffins hunt small forage fish such as herring, hake, sand lance (sand eel), and capelin, but their diet varies from colony to colony based on the diversity of fish. You may also see them bringing back the occasional butterfish. Millie and Willie, as well as other puffin parents, bring beakfuls of fish in their bills to feed to their chick. Thanks to the explore.org cams, we can get pretty clear observations of each feeding, which occurs several times a day!
Ama’s fish feedings on Thursday, June 20. Photo: Snapshots by viewer puffin123!
Millie is the primary fish-hunter, carrying several fish back to the burrow at a time by using her raspy tongue to hold them up to her spiny palate (roof of the mouth). On average, they catch 10 fish but the observed record is a British puffin with a shocking 62 fish in one trip! Puffins can dive up to 200ft (60 m) under the water and hold their breath for over a minute, but the average dive is usually 20 to 30 seconds. These dedicated parents may travel 20-30 miles (30-50 km) in search of fish.
These forage fish are crucial to seabird survival, as puffins and other seabirds rely on this prey for them & their young. These birds, whose bodies are often small and compact, must conserve their energy to fly miles and miles to catch fish for their young. We can get monitoring information on forage fish populations and climate change by identifying fish that puffins bring back for their chicks. The Seabird Institute's work has even led to federal protection policies for these fish!
Razorbill.. 😎
Little Ama looking for dropped fish, while parent is dealing with intruder.
Puffin Nesting Habits
Ama is already almost 2 weeks old! Pufflings will be cared for by their parents in the burrow for around 6 weeks, or 40 days, before taking flight in the dead of the night. This means that Ama’s expected fledge date will be around July 22-23!
In the meantime, we can admire Willie and Millie’s amazing burrow defense skills! During this time, there are a lot of wandering puffins who are exploring potential burrows for upcoming nesting seasons. If you’re the puffin parents already occupying the burrow, defending becomes an even bigger challenge because of your little chick inside.
You can see an intruder puffin poke its head in. After the classic "no-no" head shakes to ward the stranger off, Millie then leaped at the entrance to scare it away! Millie was very on guard today, accidentally attacking Willie as well, who was busy bringing back fish for Ama.
Millie shows off her burrow defense skills! Photo: explore.org
Millie protecting Ama, even from poor dad Willie bringing fish for Ama
Ama showing off by practicing some “wingers”. Too cute! Photo: explore.org
Just puffins! ;D video by Brian Matthews!
June 27, which means... Happy International Guillemot Appreciation Day (IGAD)! 🎉 This tradition was started in 1992 on Matinicus Rock, one of the Seabird Institute’s seven research islands, to show some love to Black Guillemots (Cepphus grylle). These charming little black-and-white alcids are often overshadowed by their more popular puffin parientes. Join us in celebrating these wonderful birds today by showing off your guillie love!
On Seal Island, when they're not tucked away in their burrows, black guillemots can be found bobbing on the crashing waves or splashing around in the Guillie Pool. Did you know we have a Guillemot Burrow cam too?
These adorably squeaky seabirds are called “Guillemots” from the diminutive of Guillaume (William), a common French name, for reasons that are lost to history. There are three species of “true” guillemots (Genus Cepphus): black guillemot or tystie, pigeon guillemot, and spectacled guillemot.
Guillemot Fun Facts:
The black guillemot is the only one of the three guillemot species found in the Atlantic Ocean!
The pigeon guillemot looks almost identical to the black guillemot, but they are actually more closely related to the spectacled guillemot.
There are at least FIVE distinct subspecies of black guillemot! The Maine population is a part of the Cepphus grylle arcticus subspecies.
In Europe, what we call “murres” are called “guillemots” too! Common murre = Common guillemot; Thick-billed murre = Brünnich's guillemot.
Find out more about these adorable birds on the Guillemot Burrow cam! The pair is currently sitting on one egg. Viewers have also seen househunting puffins and a very bold tern chick!
Guillemot cam Live
Puffin pics on The Daily Puffin! ;D
Good night from Puffin land!
Good night from Puffin Land ;D
Millie and Ama :-*[/size]
Puffling Ama fledges! (Audubon Puffin Cam, 7/24/24).
FLEDGING!!!! JULY 24, 2024! 🎉
At approximately 2:50 a.m. this Wednesday morning, Ama took her big flight, fledging at 42 days old! This momentous occasion is joyous, but also saddening. Though we will not see this feisty busybody of a puffling in the burrow anymore, we can take comfort in the fact that Willie and Millie did a fantastic job raising her. 💕
Photo of pre-fledge Ama taken by one of the Seal Island researchers yesterday. Cute hairdo! :-*
Ama peeking out of the burrow at about 3:45 p.m. on Tuesday. Photo: Reed Robinson
Puffins are highly instinctual animals. Once pufflings fledge, they are entirely independent and know how to swim, fly, and catch fish all on their own. This is an unusual behavior in birds; even razorbills, close cousins to the puffin, will follow their chicks out into the ocean and continue feeding them. But Ama is probably happily catching her own fish as we speak!
It’s a great big world out there, and it’s all Ama’s oyster! This isn't a goodbye, it's a "see you later." We’ll cheer for you, so see you in a few years, baby Ama!😊🌊
Posted by Audubon Gloria.
Tonight, sweet Mama Millie is dreaming of sweet memories of Ama.
Some thoughts on threats to seabirds by Audobon Gloria
The peregrine falcon (PEFA) that perched on the Puffin Burrow Exterior rocks this morning reminded me of the constant threats that seabirds face. Because most of Seal Island’s terns have already begun their migratory journeys, the island’s resident falcon perched relatively undisturbed. But this mighty aerial predator is quite the nuisance to the colony, and Coco & the rest of the Seal Island team have been fighting a constant battle to try and shoo the PEFA away throughout the season.
But beyond aerial predators, seabirds face many human-induced threats. Humans can introduce mammalian predators such as foxes and rats; oil spills and drilling operations can destroy the waterproofing on seabird feathers, contaminate their waters, and be ingested; puffins are still hunted for their meat; birds can get entangled in marine debris (such as that lobster pot on the Boulder Berm!), just to name a few!
Puffin with a bill full of white hake. Photo: Derrick Z. Jackson
Overhunting of puffins caused the depletion of their colonies in Maine. Now that Project Puffin has helped bring them back to places like Seal Island, these seabirds face another problem: human overfishing of their food sources. Forage fish such as the haddock, hake, and herring are crucial to seabird survival. The percentage of puffin hatchlings that make it to fledge depends greatly on the amount of forage fish. The fish the puffins and terns bring back to their young reflect the health of the oceans; the Seabird Institute is learning more and more each year, and this 50-year-long project can inform and create lasting decisions to help the planet!
To cheer everyone up, here's a little Puffin going for a little walk. 😊😍🐦❤️
video by Carl Bovis
The perfect light for a perfect puffin, photos by Brian Matthews 8)
Gray Seals of Seal Island
Hello mama ;D
Love the face on this baby :-*
Good night :-*
Good night baby :-*
Good morning ;D
Nursing time :)
Gray seals, also known as Atlantic seals or horsehead seals, are native to the north Atlantic Ocean. They are sociable animals that form colonies for breeding and feeding.
Where do gray seals live?
The gray seals featured on this camera are found on Seal Island, off the coast of Maine. There are two distinct populations and distributions of gray seals. One is found in the western north Atlantic along the coasts of Canada, down to New England. The other population is found in the eastern north Atlantic, primarily along the coasts of the UK, Iceland, Norway and the Faroe Islands.
What do gray seals eat?
Gray seals feed on a wide variety of marine animals such as fish, squid and crustaceans. Cod, flatfish, skates and herring are their primary prey and adult gray seals can consume up to 12 pounds of fish in a single day.
How big are gray seals?
Bulls generally measure around 6 feet in length. Cows are typically 4.5 feet in length.
When do gray seals breed?
Different populations of gray seals breed at different times of the year. The Canadian population featured on this live seal cam breeds from mid-December to February. Caves, sandy beaches, rocky islands and ice floes tend to be favorite breeding locations for female gray seals.
After a gestation period of 11 month, females come to land just a few days before giving birth and will not feed for several weeks while lactating. Pups are born with a longhaired white coat which they will shed three to four weeks after birth. Pups nurse on their mothers' highly caloric milk (60% fat) for nearly 3 weeks. During the nursing period, the pup will gain nearly four pounds per day!
After the pup is weaned, the mother will leave the pup to fend for itself and then mate again. Seal mating can take place on land or in the water and dominant males can mate with up to 10 females; sub-dominant males mate with just one female. Seals will return to the rookery each year to start the breeding and mating process over again.
When a seal pup waves at you, the polite thing to do is wave back.
You're so cute :-*
You are the sweetest baby :-*
Good night! :-*
There you are sweetie :-*
Good morning :-*
Good morning sweetie :-*
See all the beautiful babies this beautiful morning :-*
Gray Seal Island Pupping cam :-*
What a sweet butterball!
Good night sweetie :-*
Good night :-*
Trying to Roll :-*
Love this sweet face :-*
Good night sweetie :-*
Itchy ;D
Keeping watch 8)
Good night! :-*
Good night :-*
Stunning sunsets 8)
Brrrr.... :(
Good night sweetie :-*
Snow is melting ;D
Good night sweetie :-*
baby scooting along to get to the water
Gorgeous Talons!
Good night sweetie :-*
Good night from Seal Island
Heading towards the ocean
No seals today, not even an eagle
Found one ... good night :-*
Atlantic Puffin will return 8)
The Seal Pups have left to start their new Life... God bless :-*
While we wait for the Puffins to return, I'll post information from Cornell.
The best time to find Atlantic Puffins is during the breeding season. From late April through August they come ashore to nest on islands—the rest of the year they’re far out at sea. In the U.S. the best bet is to take a boat trip to rocky islands off Maine. Elsewhere, puffins nest in larger numbers in Canada, Scotland, Greenland, Norway, and especially Iceland, which is home to about half the global population. In these countries, a visit to a puffin colony can provide great views of hundreds to thousands of the birds. Outside of the breeding season, you’ll likely need to take a pelagic birding trip well offshore to find one.
People Are Throwing Puffins Off Cliffs To Save Them | The Dodo
Mar 3, 2025 #thedodo #kitten #cat
Baby puffins keep getting lost, so the whole town comes out at night to help the little guys out 💙
Asa explains why the puffins keep getting lost, and shared this very unique Icelandic tradition with us!
Seal Island