Raptor Resource Project Forum
Archives => 2024 Archives => Topic started by: PinkEagle on September 18, 2018, 08:39:19 AM
Loving this NEW Cam!!
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Love this new cam while the Decorah cams are down for maintenance. First view, and there was an adult eagle sitting on the branch, as shown in the photo! This will be so cool to watch the migration.
Hi Pink & Dusty!! It is a wonderful cam ;D ;D
Hi Pink & Dusty!! It is a wonderful cam ;D ;D
HI MPMOM. It really is. So glad to have another cam to watch, as we all miss our Decorah..
This will be interesting to watch. You never know we may see our D1 going by ;D
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Yep has turned, all I hear is rain..lol
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Does anyone know what the white birds with dark wings and heads are? Some kind of Tern might be my guess. They look similar to gulls, but not with the dark heads.
I took this one earlier of adult & Juvie... Lovin' this cam! Don't forget to turn on your notifications! :)
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I took this one earlier of adult & Juvie... Lovin' this cam! Don't forget to turn on your notifications! :)
I turned in too late for Juvie.. :(
Does anyone know what the white birds with dark wings and heads are? Some kind of Tern might be my guess. They look similar to gulls, but not with the dark heads.
GOOD question DUSTY.. I sure dont know..
I don't know Dusty & Pink. Will have to look them up.
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How cool would it be to see a backpack? Wonder if D27 made it through here? Wow MPMOM this thread & cam is smokin' hot! New from Tulsa https://youtu.be/ztQyS74SSZ0
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This is fun! Got my bird books out, but somehow confirming the ID is harder than it seems. Meanwhile, nice subadult eagle posing for the camera. This one is getting some nice white on its head.
Thanks for the links, MP. We certainly have lots of ducks. The white and gray ones might be a gull. Saw some lovely white pelicans awhile ago. This area is a marvelous Flying J stop for the birds. Adult and juvie perched together again. Cool.
Thanks for the new thread MPMom. I?m loving this cam, and the cam ops! For the last couple of hours I?ve noticed a very large, tall white bird walking back and forth in the reeds behind the adult bald eagle. It looks like an enormous egret, but it?s so large I wonder if it could be a Whooping Crane. I know they are rare, but does anyone think it?s possible?
I was showing my Dad and this came up!
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Thanks MPMom!!
You're welcome everyone ;)
I missed it Bobby :(
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LORI. Right? This Cam is smokin Hot, so much going on!
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I was showing my Dad and this came up!
LOVE this!
SO glad my dishes are done, and just waiting on my hair to dry, this site is going to be a big problem if I dont prioritize!! Oh my.. I could literally watch and take pics all day!
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LOL pink! Work done ;D
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Ooooh....mergansers and grebes!
SO glad my dishes are done, and just waiting on my hair to dry, this site is going to be a big problem if I dont prioritize!! Oh my.. I could literally watch and take pics all day!
You're going to have to call in "sick" today. :) lol
Watching these little guys is a great show! The Common Terns are nasty little birdies. A duck/merganser (can't distinguish them very well yet) will be standing there just trying to catch some ZZZs, and the tern comes up and pokes it, to get it to move off some food the tern wants to nibble on! Reminds me of people elbowing each other at a bar. Difference is that they don't really fight -- the duck/merganser just moves away and flaps its wings -- "shakes it off." There's a lesson there!
Similar to Eaglecrest! Love the mix! 8)
Such a beautiful site! Love seeing the sandhill cranes. Watched Operation Migration Whooping Cranes for several years. They make me tired when I see them standing on only one leg!! Haha
Thanks, MPMom, for starting this thread. Have it full screen on my monitor & I pretend I'm looking out the window.
Good to see everyone,
Just had to post this from GSB cam live. I am surfing cams. Missing our DE :( It's just such a beautiful ss. :)
(http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x230/acuraracergirl/2018-09-18%20gsb%20live%20cam.jpg) (http://s186.photobucket.com/user/acuraracergirl/media/2018-09-18%20gsb%20live%20cam.jpg.html)
Just got a glimpse of a juvie eagle whose tail markings looked like D29! Could it be? Never know!
D29? Is that you?
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D29? Is that you?
Just rewound to find who you were talking about. HMMMMM interesting... :)
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nice clear pic of the juvie compared to my pic. Looks like explore.org is more clear on my PC. Will check that out.
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project added 17 new photos to the album: RRP at Work.
5 hrs
A look into some of the work we do!
9/18/18: More photos from the Mississippi Refuge Flyway cam install, which is now online at https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/upper-mississippi-onalaska-cam/ and https://explore.org/livecams/birds/mississippi-river-flyway-cam
7/31/18 and 8/4/18: Installing poles for a camera and solar panels at the Upper Mississippi National Fish and Wildlife Refuge, headquartered in Brice Prairie, Wisconsin. We were helped by members of the Brice Prairie Association, Brice Prairie EMS and Rescue, the Fish and Wildlife service, landowner Rich King, volunteer Dean Peterson, and Susan, Jonathan, and Laura Howe!
RRP Photo Album - RRP at Work: https://www.facebook.com/pg/RaptorResourceProject/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1138498532853431
A few of the new photos:
08/30/2018: John at his new office in the Mississippi River!
09/08/18: Amy and John mounting the solar panels. Also helping were John Dingley (pictured), Richard Meredith, and Calvin and Eric from the Refuge.
08/04/18: Joe directs the pole install. The pole was belayed on earth anchors that were screwed into the ground. He used an x-shaped brace and poles to help put it into place and keep the ground crew safe.
And some of the older photos of the install:
8/4/18: Getting the first pole ready for hoisting! It was lifted in the cross brace, slid forward until it hit the end of the hole, and hoisted and pulled into the air.
7/31/18: Kendra, Calvin, and Jake from US Fish and Wildlife helped us get the poles out to the island in their large pontoon!
8/4/18: Leaving the island after a job well done!
Thank you T40! Lots of help & work went into this!
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:o Thanks for this thread MpMom!
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T40. Thanks so much for the pictures !
So much work and love went into the installation of this new cam, to show and educate us, our enjoyment all together as lovers of nature. Its a place we can come to , to share a slice of heaven and peace, in a world of chaos.
Thank you so much RRP!!!
Oh No! Another cam to get hooked on! :)
Just got in for the first time and saw 5 species of birds right from the get-go! If this doesn't satisfy our bird watching, nothing will! Thanks for all the hard work getting it up and operational! ;D
Tell me about it NW!!! :P
Here's one from this am. Looks like the same 2 from yesterday???
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;D Smart juvie to latch onto an adult. :-*
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:) A new place to keep us all busy. :D
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So enjoying this!!!
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;D ;D
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Finally brought up live cam on youtube on my TV... now my cat is confused by the bird calls ::) You're right ER gorgeous sub-adult!!!
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That's funny, Lori. My cats have learned to ignore the Decorah Eagles over the years (oh, them again :) ) but they were very interested in the calls from the Mississippi Flycam :)
Finally brought up live cam on youtube on my TV... now my cat is confused by the bird calls ::) You're right ER gorgeous sub-adult!!!
How cool would it be to see a backpack? Wonder if D27 made it through here? Wow MPMOM this thread & cam is smokin' hot! New from Tulsa https://youtu.be/ztQyS74SSZ0
D27 came very close to the Lk. Onalaska area the 1st month she got her backpack (Aug 2017, Pink Track).
She very well could have visited the lake in the time between her 2 northern most waypoints/pings. :)
She flew right over the Lake in May of this year, again possibly stopping in between Track line waypoints/pings. (May 2018, Black Track). 8)
So yes, she possibly could have already "been there, done that" at Lk Onalaska and she could do so again. ;D ;D
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BL - You don't disappoint. That was fun!!! D1 was no stranger to the Onalaska area, either. But, I'd say we need to keep a sharp eye out for an antenna and/or a silver band on the right leg. It just might be D27 or D24, although we don't have any evidence he even knows Onalaska exists. ;)
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cont'd from above
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A beautiful way to rise today watching the Mississippi Fly cam -- I think i'll be here often until the Decorah Eagle cameras are up and running.
I am enormously impressed, inspired, grateful and just plain joyful of this amazing addition to RRP's mission. I am so very honored that RRP has carried on Bob's legacy and at such a professional and communicative way. I can never say thank all of enough! :-*
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Good morning all!!! Waking up to eagles again- 8)
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How cool would it be to see a backpack? Wonder if D27 made it through here? Wow MPMOM this thread & cam is smokin' hot! New from Tulsa https://youtu.be/ztQyS74SSZ0
D27 came very close to the Lk. Onalaska area the 1st month she got her backpack (Aug 2017, Pink Track).
She very well could have visited the lake in the time between her 2 northern most waypoints/pings. :)
She flew right over the Lake in May of this year, again possibly stopping in between Track line waypoints/pings. (May 2018, Black Track). 8)
So yes, she possibly could have already "been there, done that" at Lk Onalaska and she could do so again. ;D ;D
BL & T40- I knew it! I look forward to studying those maps today. So cool! Thank you both for taking the time to share this wonderful news with us! I keep looking at the legs for bands. I need to find some info on the bands and colors to learn how that works next! Education never stops at RRP!
Yep Broken, that is why I said you never know who you will see here ;D
I want to see D1 8)
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Good Morning Sub Adult.. OR juvie? i
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Large squadron of Great White Pelicans is resting at the refuge right now. They passed through the area going north in huge groups this spring and are beginning their migration southward. Winds are out of the SSE so they may rest for awhile. This camera is a real gift to those of us who are migration watchers. Thank you RRP!
Large squadron of Great White Pelicans is resting at the refuge right now. They passed through the area going north in huge groups this spring and are beginning their migration southward. Winds are out of the SSE so they may rest for awhile. This camera is a real gift to those of us who are migration watchers. Thank you RRP!
We'll be seeing lots of white pelicans soon as they pass through here - maybe in a couple of weeks. They usually stop off at the Arkansas River where it winds through Tulsa, stay a couple of days, and then head on south. So beautiful to see so many; we usually talk a walk along the river to see and hear them. Thanks to RRP for giving us an advance look at them!
Lori - RRP bands in a silvery metal, one band on the right leg. The exception was D24 and D25 - one boy was banded on the right leg and the other on the left leg so we could tell them apart! Of course I don't remember which one got the right/left band. :P
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Lori - RRP bands in a silvery metal, one band on the right leg. The exception was D24 and D25 - one boy was banded on the right leg and the other on the left leg so we could tell them apart! Of course I don't remember which one got the right/left band. :P
Good question, T40! D24's band is on his right leg.
Thanks, erock!
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Earlier today when it was pouring rain the birds were for the most part facing toward the cam. At some point they turned almost en masse to face the left -- facing into the wind?? It was cool!
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from earlier today
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I can see
Russia Great Spirit Bluff from the cam.
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;) 8)
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I live near Lake Onalaska and our area is under a tornado watch until midnight. The storms are coming down from the NW so it will be interesting to see if/when the great American pelicans land in the area and if the cranes stick around or head off while there is still a little daylight.
Finn, do the pelicans roost on the water at night?
Please be safe, Finn.
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Finn, do the pelicans roost on the water at night?
Yes, they are diurnal birds (like eagles) so are active in the daytime. When I checked the camera shortly before sunrise this morning, there were great egrets standing in the water and a couple of pelicans floating around--they took off shortly before the actual sunrise. I'm looking at the camera now, though, and only seeing egrets (and I think a few sandhill cranes) so the pelicans may have moved down river while there were a few daylight hours. There are other spots where migrating birds rest in this area that are a few miles downriver (like Stoddard, WI and Brownsville, MN) so they might have moved south a little.
Thanks for all the great info, Finn. Stay safe!
Ginger, I was half-watching when the cam panned to what looked like Columbia or Peru (Russia hahaha!). It was an awesome sight but I would have never guessed it was GSB!
And I also looked at the cam when I heard all the racket of the wind-blown rain. Astonishing to see the geese - all of them - walking straight into the wind! Must be getting positioned for a quick liftoff, if needed. ???
Yep Broken, that is why I said you never know who you will see here ;D
I want to see D1 8)
Me too MP, me too.
But, she's a mature BE from excellent stock and has a nest 37.6 miles from your coordinates in a very remote wetland. ;) .
Hence no one has laid binoculars on her bling or bracelet .. as of yet .. :) ;)
Personally & seriously. I would not rule out seeing D24 or D27 with a Silver band on the right "leg" and wearing a transmitter on this new camera.
If a sharp eyed dutiful cam watcher does catch a verifiable cam shot of 24 or 27 then this life long fan of wildlife is seeing a full circle use of "modern technology". 8)
Fall has just now fallen this eve as some bitch named Florence mucked about with the fair weather from Canada.
Now our crackling fire begins.
Wow Broken, you were up late or early :o
I agree & hope when people are on they snip all eagles. Never know if we will see bands or backpacks. This is a very cool cam!
We've gone from the 90's, to 60's & now is 54 in a short time. Tornado warnings last night here & so much rain in the past 3 days. I'm about 3 hrs straight up the Mississippi from the cam. It is fall ;)
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This appears to be a "Livecam Highlight." Live feed seems to have gone down with the sun. ???
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Live feed just came back online. :)
At about 10:40 PM something like a windshield wiper went across the screen. Preceded by a "white out" as if a light was directed at the camera. Can't imagine John Howe doing camera maintenance and cleaning at that time, so I'm wondering if anyone else saw it and can explain what it was. An avid viewer, one tab on the cliff cam and another on the fly-way cam, but new to commenting on this forum thread. ::)
Well shoot, just realized I should have posted this on the GSB cliff cam thread, but it's all the same place, so maybe the same viewers! The wiper was on the cliff cam!
eburg - Don't know what the wiper action could be but the white-out is usually associated with the IR reflector coming on or "blooming." However, it may have been a system reboot. While I don't know if the GSB cam is having any problems, the flyway cam is down again and the screen is frozen - not even any highlights running like before when it also went down at sunset. Sounds like the cams at both locations may be having issues. GSBDweller may have a headache, but I'd lay real money on his NOT hanging from a rope to squeegee the cam housing at night! ;D
eburg - Don't know what the wiper action could be but the white-out is usually associated with the IR reflector coming on or "blooming." However, it may have been a system reboot. While I don't know if the GSB cam is having any problems, the flyway cam is down again and the screen is frozen - not even any highlights running like before when it also went down at sunset. Sounds like the cams at both locations may be having issues. GSBDweller may have a headache, but I'd lay real money on his NOT hanging from a rope to squeegee the cam housing at night! ;D
It just came back online approx 30 minutes ago. FYI everyone! Enjoy morning stretches, waddles & breakfast!
via LifeMedia Juvie catching breakfish yesterday https://youtu.be/9zYrCyevSIY
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There is the fog! I'm sitting here looking out my window and can't even see the surface of the river the fog is so dense. I was reading up about the challenges of sandhill cranes (and I would assume might apply to great American pelicans as well) migrating in fog. This info from the website IFLScience was interesting:
"To avoid colliding with obstacles, natural and otherwise, cranes alter their behavior when they have to fly through thick, obscuring fog. Rather than head in a straight line towards marshy areas where they forage for food, they linger longer around the roost and eventually fly around in circles, according to a new study published in The Wilson Journal of Ornithology.
How birds behave in very low visibility conditions remains poorly understood. A team led by Eileen Kirsch of the U.S. Geological Survey had the unique opportunity to observe tall, elegant sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) flying in heavy fog during a two-year study at the Horicon Marsh of southeastern Wisconsin. The researchers recorded the birds' flight patterns with a portable marine radar at various locations throughout the day and visually counted cranes when they left their roosts in the morning. Then, the team compared flight patterns during foggy times with that of clear skies. When visibility was good, the cranes tended to depart from their night roost shortly after sunrise, flying in straight paths toward their foraging areas.
In the fog, however, the cranes left their roost later in the day, didn't venture far, and engaged in a circling flight before returning to the roost instead of heading towards their foraging areas. "They were going every which direction, which we've never seen before," Kirsch told New Scientist. "It's likely they were reluctant to fly farther than they could see and wanted to keep the flock together. While these larger birds can afford to not forage for a bit, hunger eventually drives them to flight, despite the poor visibility. It was very cold, and energetically they needed to eat," Kirsch added.
Furthermore, compared to clear mornings, cranes flying in the fog called more frequently. In fact, during the study period, the team only heard the young of the year call out during the fog event."
A VERY foggy morning and Juvies..
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At about 10:40 PM something like a windshield wiper went across the screen. Preceded by a "white out" as if a light was directed at the camera. Can't imagine John Howe doing camera maintenance and cleaning at that time, so I'm wondering if anyone else saw it and can explain what it was. An avid viewer, one tab on the cliff cam and another on the fly-way cam, but new to commenting on this forum thread. ::)
The wiper was on the cliff cam!
I don't know what type of camera they have installed at the GSB nest box, but the new "Pavilion Cam" installed last year at the Hatchery I believe does have an actual "windshield wiper". 8)
Maybe they installed the same model over at GSB ?
So if there was really dense fog this morning condensing on the camera housing someone might have activated this new feature.
Image below is of the "Pavilion Cam" that I like to call Genghis Kham. ;)
The black horizontal line that looks like a mouth is the 'windshield wiper' I believe.
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Thanks BrokenLug. That might be the solution. Wish I could have "captured" it, but I don't have the tech skills. Heck, I can't even post pics anymore! ::) :(
The GSB cam does have a window wiper. I think it was the first RRP cam to have one.
Thanks Ginger. Now that I know what I saw wasn't out of the twilight zone, I can look forward to seeing it again!!
;) :D :D :D ::) ::)
Ginger52 thank you for the confirmation on the GSB Cliff Cam "wiper".
I have no idea if this is the exact same model of camera or the store (http://www.a2zsecuritycameras.com/dahua-sd6al240-40x-laser-ir-ptz/) it came from, but I do believe that this is the same type of camera mounted on top of the pavilion at the hatchery and possibly at other RRP nest sites.
If it is, and it looks exactly the same we're all going to have to break out our wallets and make a 2018 year end donation to RRP. ;D
According to RRP's budget report from last year, 2017 .. (https://raptorresource.blogspot.com/2017/11/2017-by-numbers.html)
Camera equipment and IT expenses, cameras, microphones, cables, encoders, software, licensing fees, website costs, and so on will come in at around $42,000.
HD and 4K cameras are amazing, brilliant, and breathtaking but they don't come cheap.
These amazing live camera's that we tend to take for granted from our favorite computer chair perch cost bucks and some serious human sweat equity.
RRP and all of their raptor loving angels work there butts off to make these awesome cameras possible.
As a licensed Arborist and free climber for over 30 years of stuff that shouldn't be climbed this cam watcher does not take lightly the placement and maintenance of all of these cameras.
May all of the RRP folks that climb have tight knots.
Mystery solved, now back to our regularly scheduled Mississippi River Flyway Cam ... 8)
MpMom, the grave yard shift watt are you going to do.
Dedicated people do strive to keep the lights on 24/7/365.
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Lovin' this cam MPMOM!!!
Good morning beautiful!!!
http://(http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x230/acuraracergirl/2018-09-23%206.png) (http://s186.photobucket.com/user/acuraracergirl/media/2018-09-23%206.png.html)
Cool pics, MP and LORI. I was amazed at how sharp they were, but found out why in rewind. The juvie was perched very close to the cam on the solar panel pole.
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Love juvies! Worry for them, which is pointless, I know... :-*
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Love juvies! Worry for them, which is pointless, I know... :-*
Makes me feel better they are together too!
(http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x230/acuraracergirl/2018-09-23%2012.png) (http://s186.photobucket.com/user/acuraracergirl/media/2018-09-23%2012.png.html)
Good afternoon!!!
I made this video this morning of the Mississippi River Fly Away Cam. https://youtu.be/3_bXZhx1A3s
Live NOW! Sub-adult enjoying self at the Stork Club....errr....Pelican Club!
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Live NOW! Sub-adult enjoying self at the Stork Club....errr....Pelican Club!
Thanks for the heads up!!!!
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Wonderful pics everyone ;D ;D
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:) :)
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Cute juvie Ginger & love last nights moon ;D
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Here's the baby Bandit this morning :) Great pics everyone!
(http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x230/acuraracergirl/5fded5f4-9ff4-441f-a842-9a3b97f4116c.png) (http://s186.photobucket.com/user/acuraracergirl/media/5fded5f4-9ff4-441f-a842-9a3b97f4116c.png.html)
This cam is fun!
The ones that look like seagulls are terns. They are also the ones making that screeching call
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Nice MPMOM!!!
A couple SS from earlier this morning,
Just beautiful!
OH and LORI and MPMOM your pictures are wonderful! Thanks so much!
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Pink & T40 way to go. You all are rockin' these pictures!!!
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Road trip recommendation: migration season is really just getting started. Other than Lake Onalaska, where the camera is located, there are a couple of other spots in this area where folks gather with their binoculars, zoom lenses and scopes to watch the wonder. Brownsville, MN is about 20 minutes away and Stoddard, WI is about a half hour. There are safe viewing areas with convenient parking and often staff from Fish and Wildlife provide information and viewing tips and hot coffee. Seeing the massive groups of pelicans, tundra swans and sandhill cranes as they arrive, socialize, vocalize and depart is something that is beyond words. And you have plenty of time to make the trip--the tundra swans arrive in November and sometimes (depending on weather) are present into December.
And if you migrate north up the Great River Road on the MN side, you'll see bald eagle nests about every 2 miles and even get to visit the National Eagle Center in Wabasha, MN which is only about an hour north. It really is God's country and I just bet that if you experience one fall migration season you'll be back for more. Kinda like watching the Decorah bald eagles--it is a gift that keeps on giving.
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Thanks for the ideas for places to view migration, FinnB! I?m a member of the National Eagle Center and that?s a great place to visit ? haven?t been to some others you mention, and will remember them. I?m heading to Hawk Ridge in Duluth this coming weekend for some binocular viewing of migrating raptors and other birds. Should be fun! Meanwhile, this Onalaska cam is just awesome ? such beautiful scenes every day. Am so grateful to RRP for setting this up.
Beautifu pics T40!!
Dusty, you will love Hawk Ridge. ;D
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Great pics everybody!!! Hoping for some amazing views tonight's Harvest moon :)
(http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x230/acuraracergirl/439fb81e-8c8a-498e-8f25-0ad71a69b7ae.png) (http://s186.photobucket.com/user/acuraracergirl/media/439fb81e-8c8a-498e-8f25-0ad71a69b7ae.png.html)
Eight of the Best Hawkwatch Sites in the U.S. for Photographers
Cities say 'lights out' to help migrating birds
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A few clips captured from the Lake Onalaska cam:
https://youtu.be/mdJRQ1LxC14 (https://youtu.be/mdJRQ1LxC14)
https://youtu.be/qbByb26ER0c (https://youtu.be/qbByb26ER0c)
https://youtu.be/HRtzD0ekq6o (https://youtu.be/HRtzD0ekq6o)
A few clips captured from the Lake Onalaska cam:
https://youtu.be/mdJRQ1LxC14 (https://youtu.be/mdJRQ1LxC14)
https://youtu.be/qbByb26ER0c (https://youtu.be/qbByb26ER0c)
https://youtu.be/HRtzD0ekq6o (https://youtu.be/HRtzD0ekq6o)
Thank you Tulsa for all of your work on the video's. We appreciate you! :)
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Wow!!! 7 of them! Thanks for the heads up. I keep checking for backpacks & tags...:)
Thanks again MPMOM!!!
I know Lori, I keep checking backs & legs ;D ;D
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At about 2:45 p.m. -- lens wiper used. (Hope you caught that, eburg!)
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I DID, Ginger!!! :D ;) :o :o :o
Awwww sleeping beauty! :)
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Duh!! Today I realized the horn sound I had mistakenly placed as being caused by barge and tug traffic on the river is actually the sound of the camera panning! ::) Thank you camera operators, and thank you RRP for the aural clue about when there's camera panning going on! ;)
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This is a long video, but worth it - sunrise on the Mississippi Flyway Cam. Thanks RRP and camera operators:
https://youtu.be/CGCpfVSgQGs (https://youtu.be/CGCpfVSgQGs)
For those of you interested in pelicans: currently there is lots of pelican migration activity near Lake Onalaska. I'm several miles south of the lake and there has been a series of large squadrons circling in the sky and heading southward. Scott Weidensaul's book on migration Living on the Wind has a wonderful description of pelican migration: they are "wanderers from the northern prairies of the United States and Canada en route to the Gulf of Mexico. There is something quietly regal about them, soaring in lockstep on down-bowed wings, necks tucked and bright orange beaks shining in the sun." He continues describing them flying "in layered chevrons and long lines that rippled and snaked, as though playing giant games of crack-the-whip against the sky" [p. 122].
Thank you to the camera operators for their spectacular shots of all the activity from dawn to dusk!
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For those of you interested in pelicans: currently there is lots of pelican migration activity near Lake Onalaska. I'm several miles south of the lake and there has been a series of large squadrons circling in the sky and heading southward. Scott Weidensaul's book on migration Living on the Wind has a wonderful description of pelican migration: they are "wanderers from the northern prairies of the United States and Canada en route to the Gulf of Mexico. There is something quietly regal about them, soaring in lockstep on down-bowed wings, necks tucked and bright orange beaks shining in the sun." He continues describing them flying "in layered chevrons and long lines that rippled and snaked, as though playing giant games of crack-the-whip against the sky" [p. 122].
Thank you to the camera operators for their spectacular shots of all the activity from dawn to dusk!
Finn - I didn't even know I was interested in pelicans! ;) But I am and Weidensaul describes perfectly what I saw the pelicans doing just a couple of days ago! Thanks for the info!
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Birdwatching has never had it so good. Thanks RRP!! And explore!! Watching cottonball clouds floating down the river, storks, pelicans, sandhill cranes, great white cranes, geese, ducks, gulls, terns, waders, and wishing I knew their names, but happy just watching. And then throw in the "cliff cam" and watch the LaCrosse Queen paddle on a mirror of God's beautiful blue sky....well, it sure gets the "zen" on! <3 <3 <3
Cute juvie antics, playing with a stick, interacting with others:
https://youtu.be/J3v5YImdiYU (https://youtu.be/J3v5YImdiYU)
Cute juvie antics, playing with a stick, interacting with others:
https://youtu.be/J3v5YImdiYU (https://youtu.be/J3v5YImdiYU)
What a wonderful video! Thanks, tulsa! Loving eagles more each day. :-* Smart, curious, fun-loving, social - so social it makes me think most had at least one sibling. They're very aware of their surroundings, but seem to be fearless.
Cute juvie antics, playing with a stick, interacting with others:
https://youtu.be/J3v5YImdiYU (https://youtu.be/J3v5YImdiYU)
What a wonderful video! Thanks, tulsa! Loving eagles more each day. :-* Smart, curious, fun-loving, social - so social it makes me think most had at least one sibling. They're very aware of their surroundings, but seem to be fearless.
If all else fails play teeter totter by yourself. :) Reminded me of lil D's. I like how the one scoots over to hang out. So cute! Thanks again Tulsa! You rock! 8)
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T40, we'd pinch ya for the sunset scap if it didn't spook the critters .. ;)
We're loving the canoeing if not the Catching.
The backdrop says it all.
Pip, I do believe we've paddled into Fall my love 8)
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Beautiful Morning on the FLY
Good Morning sweetie!
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Cute juvie antics, playing with a stick, interacting with others:
https://youtu.be/J3v5YImdiYU (https://youtu.be/J3v5YImdiYU)
What a wonderful video! Thanks, tulsa! Loving eagles more each day. :-* Smart, curious, fun-loving, social - so social it makes me think most had at least one sibling. They're very aware of their surroundings, but seem to be fearless.
TULSA thanks! That video was adorable, what fun they were having with the stick, cute cute!
Live cam is back up... morning everyone!!!
Late yesterday evening (9/26) on the cam - can't resist these sunset views:
https://youtu.be/fzRuxf37J3o (https://youtu.be/fzRuxf37J3o)
Thanks all for the kind comments on the videos; you can tell how much I miss our eagles! Remember you can subscribe to my YouTube channel and request notification when I upload a new vid. Just go to my YouTube page, click the Subscribe button, then click the little bell to request notifications.
Everyone have a lovely day!
I love watching the pelicans. Here's a video I recorded last September of them in flight on the GSB cam. The GSB cam is great for watching them when they're flying -- the cam op loves to find them and then follows until they're out of sight.
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Rainbow shots from yesterday (9/27/18) morning when the feed was on highlights. They were posted on the Explore site this morning by the RRP Mod.
:) :)
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:) :)
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Ginger, wonderful rainbows ;D
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Good morning, everybirdie.
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Good morning, everybirdie.
Beautiful :)
:) This camera seems to bring various songs to mind as I watch :). That's pretty powerful stuff.
This one this morning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X48weyESpec
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:) Wow, MpMom. Look at all those eagles! Happy Dance! It would be the best thing ever to see one with a transmitter :)
:) Wow, MpMom. Look at all those eagles! Happy Dance! It would be the best thing ever to see one with a transmitter :)
I keep looking ER! Back-check... legs- check check. I'll bet we see something one of these days :) MpMom is keeping her eyes open too!!!
This morning :)
(http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x230/acuraracergirl/97563362-92d7-4541-941f-ae408e07efbf.png) (http://s186.photobucket.com/user/acuraracergirl/media/97563362-92d7-4541-941f-ae408e07efbf.png.html)
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:) Taken a bit earlier -- don't have times because I was on rewind. Wonderful morning to be a bird on the Mississippi River Flyway and to be a viewer of this cam. Many thanks to RRP and the camera operators.
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:) :)
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Beautiful pics everyone!
Recorded this earlier from today for those that missed it https://youtu.be/WQci8AsPBck
(http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x230/acuraracergirl/2018-09-29%209.png) (http://s186.photobucket.com/user/acuraracergirl/media/2018-09-29%209.png.html)
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MpMom, you are quick! Great captures.
Lori, thank you for the lovely video.
The first capture was taken earlier -- "This meeting of the juvenile eagles of Lake Onalaska is called to order." ;D
The others were more about when MP took her captures.
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:) A few more from earlier. What we are seeing here from this RRP camera is just amazing! ;D 8)
Seeing all the varying stages of plumage on the bald eagles is spectacular! They are all magnificent!
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Thanks for all the caps.
Wow an owl!
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Probably a barred owl since they can hunt during the day and they will fish out of a larger body of water like a lake.
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I thought eagles & owls didn't get along... is that not true? I remember twice on N2B an owl late at night bothering Mom.
Fabulous screen captures everyone! Thank you so much. I was so surprised to see an owl there in the afternoon :)
T40, capture with eagles and the owl is priceless. Thanks!
I thought eagles & owls didn't get along... is that not true? I remember twice on N2B an owl late at night bothering Mom.
Lori - Eagles would be live-and-let-live if hunger and predators didn't interfere. Owls are one of the direct threats to eagle nestlings and eagles will defend their nest against them. But owls can just be "mean," in a way, like knocking Mom off the skywalk for no apparent reason and divebombing the eaglets in the nest before they had fledged.
If that had been an eagle with prey, it probably would have been challenged and/or chased for it. The owl was allowed to get away clean to enjoy it's lunch.
I thought eagles & owls didn't get along... is that not true? I remember twice on N2B an owl late at night bothering Mom.
Lori - Eagles would be live-and-let-live if hunger and predators didn't interfere. Owls are one of the direct threats to eagle nestlings and eagles will defend their nest against them. But owls can just be "mean," in a way, like knocking Mom off the skywalk for no apparent reason and divebombing the eaglets in the nest before they had fledged.
If that had been an eagle with prey, it probably would have been challenged and/or chased for it. The owl was allowed to get away clean to enjoy it's lunch.
Very well then :) Peace for today. Thanks T40 for your explanation.
:) Just amazing!
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I thought eagles & owls didn't get along... is that not true? I remember twice on N2B an owl late at night bothering Mom.
This area is such a peaceable kingdom with everyone getting along. I wonder if this might be a young barred owl? Could be s/he's no more experienced in all the protective posturing than the young eagle? Hoo knows.....
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I believe it is a young Owl too. An adult would have finished the food.
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It's amazing how all of these creatures get along at this location... so cool :) Great screen caps everyone!!!! Enjoying another wonderful day here! 8)
What a fascinating day watching this cam! ;D ;D
I agree Finn and Mp, it's a young owl.
Remembering Mom being harassed by owls at N1 when she was brooding and couldn't fight back. And then there was the pair of GHOs shopping out N2 with Dad chasing them off at night and being knocked off the nest by a direct hit from the back. Always thought most of these incidents might have been owlet fledglings feeling their oats. They live together in close proximity and the owls breed earlier than the eagles and protect their "territory" and young just like eagles do.
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I think that's a Great Horned Owl, Finn, what with the ears and all. But I'm no expert! :)
(http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x230/acuraracergirl/2018-09-29%2022.png) (http://s186.photobucket.com/user/acuraracergirl/media/2018-09-29%2022.png.html)
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I think that's a Great Horned Owl, Finn, what with the ears and all. But I'm no expert! :)
You are probably right. I was relying more on the daytime hunting aspect.
;) hi mpmom--just heard about this thread
took a couple of pics earlier that I posted on decorah thread (thought it was a gho, but looks like someone thought it a barred owl)
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Hi Matisse! Lots of wildlife here, never a dull moment ;)
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What a fabulous day! :o
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:) I've been saving them so I don't have to stop watching lol.
Hi Matisse, welcome to this amazing cam!
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i wonder if that's the owls next meal next to him ;)
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i wonder if that's the owls next meal next to him ;)
Hi Matisse, I think that prey is the same one the owl has had most of the day but hasn't been able to eat it because of the juveniles hanging around it. I never got a really good look at it but thought it was some type of waterfowl. The owl will probably have to wait until it's dark and fly it away somewhere :)
Just looked back -- MpMom has a couple of great captures of the prey as the owl carries it off at post 172 and 174. Thanks, MP!
Is that owl ok? Not acting right. I think it is a gr4eat horned
The Owl seems fine Willi. It is a juvie Owl or whatever they are called. Hasn't been left alone all day.
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Hi everyone - am really enjoying the Miss. Flyway Cam (thank you RRP!) and also the screenshots you all are sharing, & esp. the fun captions!! Always entertaining. I think erock is on a real roll with the captiions LOL
I Love this new cam. It is very entertaining.
The Owl has prey, the eagles all want it. I believe it is a crow.
lol smileawhile -- I enjoy everyone's funny captions but even more all these amazing captures. This has certainly kept us busy while we await seeing Mom Decorah and DM again.
I Love this new cam. It is very entertaining.
Welcome to the forum KRDerenzo!!!
(http://dl7.glitter-graphics.net/pub/513/513727mzfgbailft.gif) (http://www.glitter-graphics.com)
The prey was definitely a web-footed friend, but we missed the escape!!? Now I can take my morning shower!!! :D ::) :)
Whoops....no escape yet....was looking at the wrong branch and thought the GHO had left! :o
The prey was definitely a web-footed friend, but we missed the escape!!? Now I can take my morning shower!!! :D ::) :)
lol :) I missed the escape... but can catch up now after a nap & see all of the great pics everyone took this afternoon! Thanks all!
For anybody who missed todays adventures via LifeMedia https://youtu.be/0FkU642h7bA
I wonder if this is a first--a video showing a long daylight standoff between a bald eagle/bald eagles and a GHO? This camera is just getting started and it may have already gotten a video premiere. Who know what lies ahead?
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eburg :)
lol smileawhile -- I enjoy everyone's funny captions but even more all these amazing captures. This has certainly kept us busy while we await seeing Mom Decorah and DM again.
And also while we await seeing the Norths!
And also while we await seeing the Norths!
Absolutely, Ginger! The platform that Kike was building on the North Nest Y branch was awesome! I am so hopeful that Mr. and Mrs. adopt the starter nest. It's an incredible tree and location for viewing such beauty. I bet those two would do fantastic job making it their own in a short time. The North Nest was huge!
And also while we await seeing the Norths!
Absolutely, Ginger! The platform that Kike was building on the North Nest Y branch was awesome! I am so hopeful that Mr. and Mrs. adopt the starter nest. It's an incredible tree and location for viewing such beauty. I bet those two would do fantastic job making it their own in a short time. The North Nest was huge!
They're moving into a "tiny house"... new adventures await. This flyway makes me SOOOO excited for DE & DNN!!! Can't wait! I can't believe that owl is still there!
... This flyway makes me SOOOO excited for DE & DNN!!!
Lori, funny cartoon. This flyway also makes me happy thinking about Mom and Dad's offspring, knowing that many might have traveled this area. It's very cool.
Now it moved and didn't look like it was carrying prey. Did I miss you eating it? Must be waking up because it got dark and the "company" left. :)
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I'll be up until I don't see those eyes glow in the dark. What a day at Lake Onalaska.
I'll be up until I don't see those eyes glow in the dark. What a day at Lake Onalaska.
Me too! Little guy kinda grew on me today! :) Like the glowing eyes T40!
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MpMom, you have a beautiful friend that frequents the solar panel pole :). I love your "let's dry out" capture and caption. It's wonderful seeing all these eagles and other birds and nature while we await the "Stars."
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Good morning!!!! I counted 16!!!!!
Thank you so much RRP & camera person for this wonderful experience! 8)
(http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x230/acuraracergirl/2018-09-30%204.png) (http://s186.photobucket.com/user/acuraracergirl/media/2018-09-30%204.png.html)
an eagle extravaganza!!! :o
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From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
1 hr
The first phase of cam work is finished in Decorah and at Decorah North! We have a little bit more work to do before we turn everything back on, but it won't be long now. In the meantime, we're all glued to the Mississippi River Flyway cam on the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. In addition to wonderful views of Bald Eagles, Sandhill Cranes, and American Pelicans, we have some fascinating footage of a Great Horned Owl with a duck, surrounded by interested Bald Eagles. Karla Bloem from the International Owl Center (https://www.internationalowlcenter.org/) told me that GHO eat ducks - something I didn't know! Based on the way that the owl was holding its feathers, she suspects it was wet and couldn't fly well, especially with a load, so the owl ate where it was. We hope you enjoy these videos as much as I do!
9/29/18: GHO versus Bald Eagles, a waiting game! https://youtu.be/2LMfqytGxFs
9/29/18: Owl catches a duck, eagles watching and waiting: https://youtu.be/TvV2OnTrveA
9/29/18: Canadian Cranes and an Eaglet: https://youtu.be/ReDWExj9HX4 (note: We call them Sandhill Cranes, but the scientific name is Antigone Canadensis, or Canadian Crane. Now that we're back in the office, I might get a chance to blog on this name change in particular and scientific names in general!).
9/27/18: Juvenile eagles jockeying, playing, and bathing in rover: https://youtu.be/W73iKPGl5UM. Talk about an eagle pool party!
9/26/18: Fishing, sunset: https://youtu.be/RJMJsnRcNTY. This lovely, relaxing video opens with an egret fishing as the sun sets.
9/25/18: Eagles and pelicans! https://youtu.be/JRzz50eMOPQ
9/25/18: Michelle rain dances: https://youtu.be/jGvqf537AiE. GSB can be seen from the River Flyway cam. While Bald Eagles, Sandhill Cranes, ducks, and other birds float and fly on the river, Michelle dances on the blufftops!
Comment: Raptor Resource Project, I was completely fascinated by that! While I know that GHO aren't as nocturnal as Barn Owls, I was still fascinated to see one with prey - a duck, who would have guessed? - in broad daylight. Amazing!
Video of photos: https://www.facebook.com/RaptorResourceProject/videos/1602709296541638/
Thanks for all the Wonderful shots everybody!
T40 Thanks for the update on Decorah Cams via RRP Facebook.
Got these shots tiady, love the wings out!
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an eagle extravaganza!!! :o
I think I count 17, T40.
T40, thank you for the FB post ... and YAY!
Did you ever wonder if eagles may be imprinted thinking wherever there's eagle cams, there'll be free trout?? Just a thought. Beautiful juvie on the solar pole. Also wonder....yesterday panning down to the equipment below the cam, it looked like a rabbit fur windsock on the microphone.
And as long as I'm rambling....how does the signal get from the cam to the internet? Microwave? And do the solar panels supply voltage according to the brightness of the light and can you drain the power when it's cloudy, or dark? Just wonderin' !! :) :) :)
And I'm guessing juvenile Northern Pintails are the duck variety now.
And I'm guessing juvenile Northern Pintails are the duck variety now.
Thanks eburg! I'm so glad that we have a duck person here--there are so many different varieties and figuring out which is which has been a challenge for me. I really appreciate your idents.
an eagle extravaganza!!! :o
I think I count 17, T40.
I thought it was 17 then saw T40's post. They won't stay still! :)
Thanks Finn, but I'm pretty bad id'ing them myself. But I did use my Sibley's, and cross-checked my Peterson's and that's what I came up with! I think everybirdy should "Name That Bird" when they have a hint or experience of id'ing before. I've already added Caspian Terns and Double-Crested Cormorants to the bird list I've been building since the 50's.
"Driftin' along, singing a song, side, by side" comes to mind! :D
Saw the "gear". Thanks operator! And though it might not be a microphone in that "furry" "thingy", I'm worried it might become subject to attack from raptors! :) :) :P
Saw the "gear". Thanks operator! And though it might not be a microphone in that "furry" "thingy", I'm worried it might become subject to attack from raptors! :) :) :P
eburg, inquiring minds want to know :). I attached a capture of that "gear" you mentioned. The "furry thingy" is some sort of muffler that is also on the mic at N2B and I think N1 too. It has cut down on sounds of wind and traffic more than past years -- I'm thinking that RRP had that "muffler" in the 2017 season too but I'm not sure. I believe it allows us to hear the bird activity, etc. better without that extraneous noise. So there doesn't appear to be any interference by at least the eagles yet.
I'm not sure how the solar panel power gets over to the camera set up but I'm guessing there is some cabling under that big white box that gets it to the internet. I wish I was more of a "techie," but what I do know is that what RRP has done here is amazing. I can't say enough how much I love these cams.
Thanks for your work ID'ing the ducks.
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eburg, just in case you didn't see this, I just looked at the "About" button on the viewing page and it includes this text. What a great project!
"The camera project was completed with help from the Brice Prairie Conservation Association, the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, (power pole company) and Explore.org. Volunteers helped ferry people and supplies to and from the island, erect two donated poles, and install solar panels, a power supply, and the camera assembly and radios. From start to finish, the project took a total of eight long days."
Since I'm not "techie" enough to insert your quote and still be able to type a message, I'll just scroll up and down. :D Looks like a tiny microwave dish pointed towards Minnesota. Maybe there's a tie-in with the GSB cam.
Seems like there is something big landing on the camera pole, but from distant shots from the GSB cliff cam, it seem like there's an antenna or something on top preventing our "solar pole perchers" from landing up there. Thought it might have been going for the faux fur!
Thanks erock. Maybe the tech masters, Amy or John will read this and fill us in!! ;) ;) ;) :)
Since I'm not "techie" enough to insert your quote and still be able to type a message, I'll just scroll up and down. :D Looks like a tiny microwave dish pointed towards Minnesota. Maybe there's a tie-in with the GSB cam.
Seems like there is something big landing on the camera pole, but from distant shots from the GSB cliff cam, it seem like there's an antenna or something on top preventing our "solar pole perchers" from landing up there. Thought it might have been going for the faux fur!
Thanks erock. Maybe the tech masters, Amy or John will read this and fill us in!! ;) ;) ;) :)
Hmmm.....are three winks "twitchy"? :D :D
Around 5:00 there was an adult eagle with prey and several juvies/subadults gave chase. The eagle dropped it and I couldn't tell if any of the eagles was able to retrieve it.
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Cool Ginger. Beautiful captures - I missed it live! You recently had that sort of Where's Waldo game - Find the Eagle at Decorah - and now we have a game of Count the Eagles on this cam. :)
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Kind if a dismal Morning on the Fly..
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Around 5:00 there was an adult eagle with prey and several juvies/subadults gave chase. The eagle dropped it and I couldn't tell if any of the eagles was able to retrieve it.
WOW, GINGER you always get some good shots!
From yesterday afternoon (9-30-18)Nice juvie flight footage and some closeups. Thanks RRP:
From yesterday afternoon (9-30-18)Nice juvie flight footage and some closeups. Thanks RRP:
Thanks for the video, tulsa. It includes the prey chase that I mentioned. Watch the juvie that takes off at 1:32 in the video. (I also loved that it showed a juvie land on the solar panel pole at 4:46. We've seen them perched there before, but I haven't seen one come in for a landing.)
Good morning! Great pics & video's everyone! Ginger great captures! I was just watching & the pelicans look so cold and the juvies & eagles are all wet and I said to myself... poor lil guys are wet and cold and then the juvie jumped into the water to play! lol :)
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an eagle extravaganza!!! :o
I think I count 17, T40.
I thought it was 17 then saw T40's post. They won't stay still! :)
LOL! I thought it was 16 and then saw Lori's post. After looking at MpMom's and Lori's snapshots, I'm pretty sure one of the "branches" in my snapshot is actually the "missing" 17th eagle. ;D Just having fun watching this cam and knowing other people are amazed by the same things I am. ;)
From yesterday afternoon (9-30-18)Nice juvie flight footage and some closeups. Thanks RRP:
Thanks Tulsa for the great Video, this sure makes me wonder where our Decorah juvies are, miss them so much!
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WOW!! What a morning on the Mississippi Flyway! My face hurts from smiling and my ears can't believe their good fortune to be able to HEAR bald eagles bathing!!! :o :o ;D ;D :-* :-*
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Mocha Mama posted a video of the bathing beauties:
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Mocha Mama posted a video of the bathing beauties:
This footage is priceless. If anybody knows the camera person ((hugz)) and thank you!!! Love you RRP!!!! Thx Ginger & MochaMama!
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One thing I love about this cam is how you can see the feet and talons of the eagles so distinctly.
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For those of you who are interested in fall migration: https://ebird.org/news/fall-birding-basics/
And here is a map to help keep track of wind direction and speed: http://hint.fm/wind/
More footage from today - thanks RRP and cam operators:
This camera helps us see the plight of juvenile BEs. Hunting/fishing isn't always easy for them.
The camera watched a juvie (top of the screen) in the backwater looking for food. Then it followed the juvie till it came across 2 others who were finishing a meal of a small bird. There were a couple scuffles. The original juvie managed to grab a mere morsel.
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I'm watching the cam now and see a subadult eagle sitting atop a post and it looks like a tag on his foot.Anyone else see that??
Thank you for catching my little one ER ;D ;D
I was making soup for tonight 8)
Sorry I missed him nhjane :(
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Cousin Jane: Looks to me like it was just a white feather at a strategic point in front of the leg. No band. :( ;) :)
Heads up! Don't know where D27 might have gotten to since 9/26, but she's closer and closer to us.
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Heads up! Don't know where D27 might have gotten to since 9/26, but she's closer and closer to us.
Woo Hoo!!! Great news!!! So excited... Thanks for the updates T40 & all :)
Thanks eburg, it did look a bit straggly, you are probably right that it was a feather.
T40, you never know, she may just show up ;D
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The closeup is from around 8:06 a.m. The two juvies flying is a few minutes after that.
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Ginger, stunning close up ;D ;D
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MP, cam was in the right place at the right time! Isn't it fun seeing all these juvies and subadults???
MPMOM- this is my baby... Baby Bandit. :) This morning. Isn't (she) beautiful! ;)
(http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x230/acuraracergirl/78b123db-1593-49d7-9f23-a8ec2f1f5d78.png) (http://s186.photobucket.com/user/acuraracergirl/media/78b123db-1593-49d7-9f23-a8ec2f1f5d78.png.html)
Ginger, it is really the best. Something all of us have never seen at one time. RRP is awesome!! ;D
Lori, your Bandit is just beautiful! I love subs. A lot of people say they look dirty. I love the changing color phases ;D
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Ginger, it is really the best. Something all of us have never seen at one time. RRP is awesome!! ;D
Lori, your Bandit is just beautiful! I love subs. A lot of people say they look dirty. I love the changing color phases ;D
Me too! Beautiful sub. She's the only one I can tell apart... I look for her/him everyday! ;)
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Ginger, it is really the best. Something all of us have never seen at one time. RRP is awesome!! ;D
Lori, your Bandit is just beautiful! I love subs. A lot of people say they look dirty. I love the changing color phases ;D
Me too! Beautiful sub. She's the only one I can tell apart... I look for her/him everyday! ;)
GINGER and LORI Love those Babies of yours! I have seen both of them on Cam and have fallen in love with them. Thanks for all the cool pics!!
I just had a kettle of eagles fly through going south before a huge thunderstorm that just started now. :o
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Adding to.the super pictures posted here this evening.
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Thank you for the pics ER & Pink! Storm coming, left here a short time ago :o
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Trump administration abruptly ends key law enforcement program at wildlife refuges
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Good Morning Thursday on the Fly earlier.
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Sunset last night (10/3) and sunrise this morning (10/4:
Sunset last night (10/3) and sunrise this morning (10/4:
TULSA just beautiful! Thanks for all your wonderful videos, truly love them!
Beautiful adult on the Fly right now
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:) Interesting watching these two.
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Good morning beautiful!
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There was a black-crowned night heron on the cam last night and I saw it catch two fish. Here's a video by Arlene Beech:
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Thanks for the id of the Black-Crowned Night Heron. Watched it for quite awhile looking back and forth to my Sibley's and the screen with no luck, but that partially because I had no idea how large it was. Pretty neat bird, but probably twice as big as I thought. Since I haven't done much nighttime birdwatching, I'd never seen one before. So glad when we get positive id's on here!! Thanks again!! :)
Hello everyone - many thanks to all for the great screen captures here. I know we are all really loving this Miss. Flyway cam - lots of great action. And I know we're all very happy DE cams are back on. Just waiting on Mom & DM to let us in on their plan. Meanwhile, this flyway cam has much to offer. Some of you may be interested in an article by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology about fall bird migration in N/S America. 4 BILLION migrating birds! Yikes!
Absolutely love this cam. The views are spectacular. I have seen some of the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets but it seems there is a camera issue going on though, hopefully they get it up and running soon. RRP and all cam ops are amazing...at all cam locations! :)
This is my first post so please forgive any booboos I make.
Absolutely love this cam. The views are spectacular. I have seen some of the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets but it seems there is a camera issue going on though, hopefully they get it up and running soon. RRP and all cam ops are amazing...at all cam locations! :)
This is my first post so please forgive any booboos I make.
Welcome to the Forum, buzbee . We're glad you're here. I love this cam too. Always something going on and spectacular views.
Good morning beautiful!
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We're still on Livecam Highlights this morning at Lake Onalaska.
We're still on Livecam Highlights this morning at Lake Onalaska.
Oops... :-[ :-[ :-[ That explains the sunny day ;)
lol Lori - I'm right there with you. It took me a while to figure it out; I think it was Saturday evening the camera started spinning, I don't think it's been back on live since then. Am checking on it with RRP.
UPDATE: This is a solar powered system, and the sun hasn't been shining enough to charge the batteries. From RRP.
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
34 mins
Cam Update!
We decided to turn on the cams this year a little bit early, since we are very interested to see how each eagle pair will interact with the active nest at each location. We are on the edge of our seats waiting to see how the coming courtship and bonding activities will play out. We have a little bit more work to do on equipment prep and winterizing of equipment on the ground, but want your help logging any activity that is happening at the nests - especially this year! So thanks for your patience as we ramp up to full normal camera operations in the coming weeks and we hope to be hearing your early reports of nest building activity at both N2B and the new starter nest to the north!
Decorah Eagles
The Decorah Eagle cameras are now broadcasting live 24/7 video again and although we've only seen a few mice come out to play, we're anxious to see Mom Decorah and DM back on cam. The N2B nest measures approximately 5ft high x 6ft wide. This year we added a 4K camera and new microphones at both N1 and N2B. We have 3 PTZ cameras and a fixed cam at N2B, as well as 2 PTZ cams and a fixed cam at N1. There is also a PTZ camera on the visitor center that is slated for replacement before spring. The 4K cam has a wiper blade for cleaning and seeing more clearly in the rain. We've used this kind of camera to catch incredible footage of peregrine falcons at Great Spirit Bluff and are hoping that it works well here too. The eagles have never seen wiper blades in motion, so we will be exercising caution using it until they are well into the nesting season. The crew left a nice gift of 12 fish at the N2B nest and most of them were snatched by a sub-adult bald eagle before Mom Decorah or DM found them. Video here: https://youtu.be/4oOKkpVGJlM
Decorah North Eagles
The Decorah North Nest cameras are now broadcasting live 24/7 video again and we've spotted a squirrel and a couple of mice. We are anxious to see Mr and Mrs North back on cam and checking out the new digs we constructed for them. The new starter nest for The North's is roughly 7ft x 6ft. While the 'short side' nearest the tree is shorter, the nest is built out more. It is quite large - about 42 square feet. We added a 4K cam and microphone, and kept the other cams in place for a total of 3 PTZ cameras and a fixed cam on the nest tree and the Pasture PTZ cam to provide clearer views of the eagles when they are perched along the creek. The 4K cam has a wiper blade for cleaning and seeing more clearly in the rain. We've used this kind of camera to catch incredible footage of peregrine falcons at our Great Spirit Bluff nest, and are anxious to see how it works here when needed. The eagles have never seen wiper blades in motion, so we will be exercising caution using it until they are well into the nesting season.
You may have noticed that the starter platform sits a little higher and is more level overall than the nest that collapsed, but it is in a much more sturdy and stable. We're very curious to see how they amend and modify their new digs and Mrs North may not need to build up a big stairway to the Ladder Branch as she has in previous years.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
That cam is currently down. We think the power failed following days of clouds and rain. We're waiting - maybe more like begging! - for a little sun to charge the panels. If the cam stays off once the sun comes back, we'll check into it.
Woo-hoo! An eagle flew into the new North nest and ate the fish we left for it! We'll have some more details on the nest and new cameras and microphones tomorrow, but for now, we're very happy to have a visitor! https://youtu.be/sYCZcAeOEbg
We were also thrilled to see a Black-Crowned Night Heron at our Mississippi River Flyway cam yesterday: https://youtu.be/9YANfnlX-oM. Unlike most herons, Black-Crowned Night Herons are primarily active at dusk and after dark. They are one of the seven heron species that engages in bait fishing; luring or distracting fish by tossing edible or inedible buoyant objects into water within their striking range. You can learn more about this very cool bird here: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Black-crowned_Night-Heron/overview.
The sun is out in the Lake Onalaska area! Let's hope that this 'cures' the camera problem. I miss watching all those migrating birds.
The sun is out in the Lake Onalaska area! Let's hope that this 'cures' the camera problem. I miss watching all those migrating birds.
Great news! I just peeped in and cute lil juvie on highlights... can't wait for the sun to charge up the camera!
Hope springs eternal....only +/- 2 hours of sunshine didn't do the trick. Friday's forecast calls for partly sunny weather so we'll just have to be patient a little longer I guess.
I like seeing so many different birds with this cam.
Finn, we had a local guy that has seen 8,070 birds (traveled everywhere). Have you kept any kind of record as to how many birds you have seen? Would be great thing to be able to do (IMO).
I like seeing so many different birds with this cam.
Finn, we had a local guy that has seen 8,070 birds (traveled everywhere). Have you kept any kind of record as to how many birds you have seen? Would be great thing to be able to do (IMO).
F22: 8,070 birds! Good grief what a log book he must have!
I haven't kept a log of all the birds on the Mississippi Flyway camera. There is a person in the explore cam's chat who has posted an extensive list. I asked if s/he could provide the information in this RRP thread but s/he said she was too busy. I know the large migrating birds I have seen because that is my particular interest in watching the camera. I'll get my Sibley's out and see what I can come up when the camera comes back on with the smaller birds and waterfowl but don't bet the farm on my identifications--lol.
Just checked the cam and it appears to live. The sun has been out since about 2:00 p.m. so let's hope that is enough time to keep the cam going for a little while.
All hail RRP and the crew out on the camera spit repairing things!! Figure John Howe and maybe Amy are out there, and I can't thank them enough. Hopefully Finn's right and we're back in business on the flyway!!! 8) :D ;) :D :D
Back up & running! Look at this view today! Is this really live? Gorgeous!
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Watching the Sandhill Crane fishing and along comes a beaver casually swimming by. Wish a had a pic to post. Maybe somebirdy else out there is still awake! ;)
Rats! I cut away from the crane right about the time the beaver showed up. But this I just had to see, so I rewound. Great job by the cam op! What a sight! ;D
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Anyone else notice this? I've lost the ability the preview the screen when I hover my cursor on/above/below the red, time line. (Hovering will still show the elapsed time.) Very useful feature for scanning past events I missed or might want to rewind to watch or take screenshots. Applies to both of the Decorah eagle and Mississippi flyway cams. Am I doing something wrong? Is there anything I can do to fix this? Thanks in advance.
Yep! I've lost the screening ability too, T40. And thanks for the caps of the beaver! Looks like we'll have to note the time of our sightings now if we want anybirdy else to see them.....unless, hopefully, it's only a temporary condition when we look back in the future! :o :o :o :o
Rats! I cut away from the crane right about the time the beaver showed up. But this I just had to see, so I rewound. Great job by the cam op! What a sight! ;D
cool stuff T40!!!
T40 oh those pics! So beautiful!! Thanks.
Rats! I cut away from the crane right about the time the beaver showed up. But this I just had to see, so I rewound. Great job by the cam op! What a sight! ;D
Love the lil beaver!
Anyone else notice this? I've lost the ability the preview the screen when I hover my cursor on/above/below the red, time line. (Hovering will still show the elapsed time.) Very useful feature for scanning past events I missed or might want to rewind to watch or take screenshots. Applies to both of the Decorah eagle and Mississippi flyway cams. Am I doing something wrong? Is there anything I can do to fix this? Thanks in advance.
I checked several other cams on Explore and same problem on all of them, so my guess is that it's a YouTube issue.
It has been snowing here for about an hour--not sticking to the ground--but still the weather is wintery with temps in the low 30s and winds coming out of the NW. Tundra swans may be on the way! Thousands will travel down this part of the MR on their way south to Virginia, Maryland and the Carolinas.
I'm attaching info from the Friends of the Refuge Mississippi River Pools 7 & 8 FB page about Tundra Swans (Lake Onalaska is in Pool 7 about 8 miles south of the Dresbach dam and about 20 miles north of the dam at Genoa):
"Over 24,000 migrating tundra swans were counted in a one-day survey last November on Pool 8 between Dresbach and Genoa. What brings them here? Arrowhead! This aquatic plant is a critical food source for migrating tundra swans that dig up the tubers that grow on the roots of the plant, kind of like tiny potatoes! During migration, each tundra swan will eat about 6 lbs of tubers a day. These "duck potatoes" provide them with the carbohydrates they need to have energy for their long migration journey to the Chesapeake Bay.
Many people ask when the swans will be here. It is hard to give exact dates because it depends on the weather. As waterways begin to freeze up north, the swans move south to find food and open water. We do know that the swans stay on the Upper Mississippi River Refuge for an average of 33 days. The flowing waters of the Mississippi take longer to freeze and the swans use this time to take advantage of the plentiful buffet of aquatic plants."
Finn, thanks for that great report about the tundra swans. Wow - I can't wait to see them. That is great info about their migration patterns. The Blackwater NWR on the Chesapeake Bay in Md. is a great place to see them (& zillions of other waterfowl) in winter. What a trip they make. Thanks for alerting us!
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
12 hrs
Our Mississippi River Flyway Cam system shut down again last night. We will be checking it again to identify and fix the problem this coming week and looking at some options with our technicians as well as a site visit to the island. We're so sorry and thank you for your patience ... we miss watching too! Meanwhile, please enjoy the highlights there.
Yes, I have noticed the same lack of "picture in picture" view for the timelines at Decorah and the Decorah North cam sites. Hope they get it back soon. The thumbnails are perfect for deciding how far back to scroll to watch something interesting.
Funny, I was searching the Forum to find someone to complain to about this very issue!
Yes, I have noticed the same lack of "picture in picture" view for the timelines at Decorah and the Decorah North cam sites. Hope they get it back soon. The thumbnails are perfect for deciding how far back to scroll to watch something interesting.
Funny, I was searching the Forum to find someone to complain to about this very issue!
The missing thumbnail image when rewinding or fast-forwarding the video is a YouTube issue, and was a result of one of their recent updates. They are working on it, but we don't have a timeline on when the thumbnail will be back. I feel your pain; it's really hard to find specific incidents to capture on video without it. Hang in there.
Cam is live now!! Yahoo! Don't know how long it will last... Don't see any swans - yet. ;)
Does that look like DM or UME-2? 8)
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c'mon now, the couch is too long already. ;) ;)
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:o 8)
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Sunrise videos from today, October 22, 2018:
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10/22/18 Eagle baths: https://youtu.be/SrH6H3w7Jb8
10/22/18 Sunset: https://youtu.be/-ieWeu-4_gI
First tundra swans this morning around 10:00 central time (sorry I don't have a picture--that skill is beyond me) but it was a family of 4--2 adults and 2 cygnets .
Here is an up-to-date list of birds seen on the camera since it went live from "flowerbear"--a chatter on the site. I have his/her permission to post it here in the Forum.
Chatter List of Birds of Mississippi River Flyway Explore Cam, 10/23/18. List is of 'official' common names, alphabetically by last name. (List started 9/26/18)
Cormorant, Double-crested
Crow, American
Crane, Sandhill
Eagle, Bald
Egret, Great
*Goose, Canada (sp./? subsp.?)
**Goose, Common Canada
Gull, Franklin's
Gull, Herring
Gull, Laughing
Gull, Ring-billed
Heron, Black-crowned Night-
Heron, Great Blue
Kingfisher, Belted
Owl, Great Horned
Pintail, Northern
Pelican, American White
Shoveler, Northern
Swallow (sp. Tree? Barn? Cliff? Northern Rough-winged?)
Swan, Tundra (Whistling)
Teal, Blue-winged
Teal, Green-winged (added 11/6)
Tern, Caspian
Tern (sp.)
Thrasher, Brown
Wigeon, American
Coot, American?
Plover (sp.?)?
More birds added 11/24:
Falcon, Peregrine
*Canada Goose has several species or subspecies or whatever, depending on what reference you're using. if anyone knows the most recent 'official' nomenclature, please let me know and i'll fix the list.
**Name from The Sibley Guide to Birds, pub. 2000
Books: The Sibley Guide to Birds, by David Sibley;
originally published 2000
Online: allaboutbirds.org, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
various Audubon sites
It was great to see the swans, Finn. Noticed two (the cygnets?) looked younger. Do you know why they kept "dipping" their heads up and down?
Thanks so much for the list of birds seen so far. I'm hoping to mark off alot of them in time. Beautiful place.
Have whooping cranes ever been spotted here? Not sure if a migration route is along this corridor.
Yes, F22--the 2 cygnets had the gray feathering on their topsides. I thought they were tundras because their beaks seem to have a fairly straight feathering line vs. the more angled line of a trumpeter but I may have been so excited that I missed something. It is simply wonderful to see the swan families traveling together. I've read that the head bobbing is associated with vocalizations so it may be a form of communication. Trumpeter swans also are head bobbers.
Thank you Finn and flowerbear! Such an impressive list. And here I thought I was watching "ducks and geese." ::) ;D
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I almost missed Mom and (I think lol) UME-2 on N2B watching this beautiful sunrise today. Where to look lol.
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Great bling! Is there a way we can tell whose bands those are by color? Very cool.
Lori - Don't know for sure, but you could probably narrow down the number of banders because they do use different colors on one leg. Of course, if you could get a number from the silver band, then USGS could tell you exactly who that bird is.
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Migration status update: The National Eagle Center in Wabasha, MN posted this on their FB page yesterday: "Waterfowl are on the move and large rafts of coots and other ducks are visible at places like Weaver along Hwy 61 between Winona and Wabasha in Minnesota and Big Lake along Hwy 35 between Alma and Nelson in Wisconsin. And, of course, tundra swans are beginning to arrive too! We're starting to see them at those locations. Thankfully, once they arrive here, swans stick around for a month as they fuel up on arrowroot tubers for the long flight east to the Chesapeake Bay approximately 950 miles away!"
If the swans stay up north for around 30 days, they could be in the Lake Onalaska area [which is a little under an hour south of the Wabasha area] around Thanksgiving--although I bet there probably will be early arrivals of swan families and flocks of swans before then.
Tundra swans have started arriving at Lake Onalaska and this really marks the start of one of the busiest parts of the migration season for the Mississippi Flyway. For those of you who are watching the RRP Lake Onalaska camera and live near the La Crosse, WI area or are looking for a fall road trip, I wanted to pass along this info from the Upper Mississippi River National Fish and Wildlife Refuge:
Come enjoy the fall migration! As the seasons turn colder, thousands of swans, diving and dabbling ducks, and other water birds move through the Refuge, finding a place to rest, relax, and refuel before moving further south for the winter.
A Refuge naturalist will be stationed at the Brownsville Overlook during the first three weekends in November (Saturday and Sunday) between 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., weather permitting. Naturalists are available to help visitors identify the birds they're seeing and learn more about the refuge and migration.
Naturalists' shifts may be cancelled or end early in inclement weather.
The Brownsville Overlook is located along Highway 26 about three miles south of Brownsville, Minnesota.
Beautiful sunset happening now! Spectacular! If I could paint, that is a scence I'd love to do!
Finn - Am I seeing swans yet? For all I know those are cranes or geese I'm watching bathe, or some similar distant relative. ;D
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Finn - Am I seeing swans yet? For all I know those are cranes or geese I'm watching bathe, or some similar distant relative. ;D
You sure are T40. The first group I saw was on the morning of 10/23. Yesterday morning there was a large group that showed up around 8:30. They are pretty much "in residence" now for the next few weeks. The National Eagle Center posted on their FB page a couple of days ago that large groups were showing up there. They will eventually head down to the Alma, WI area and then toward the 3 areas around La Crosse where they can stay for up to a month: Lake Onalaska (where the cam is), Brownsville, MN and Stoddard, WI (these 2 locations are across the river from one another).
Finn - Great news! Elegant swans and I'm not as bird-blind as I thought! ;D Thank you!
What kind of duck is this?
Thank you
What kind of duck is this?
Thank you
I'm not sure it is a duck.... Looking at pictures of juvenile swans, snow geese, etc. But I hope that someone can put me out of my misery soon. I've gone through every bird book I have several times since the pic was first posted in the comments. Grrrrr......lol
Finn, someone posted that picture (I saw it live, but am NOT tech savvy) on the Upper Miss Cam, but there was not an answer as to what it was. I thought it looked like a duck, but you've mentioned some other birds it could be. Will have to check my bird book when I get home.
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
1 hr
It's been a very nice day to watch eagles over on the Mississippi River! Two videos:
Two eagles locking talons: https://youtu.be/h1BJxnWG4-A. Check around 2:20 to see the talon locking, or play 'Where's Waldo' and try to figure out just how many eagles are in this video! The ongoing displacement - eagle A displaced eagle B, who displaced eagle C - made me think of a crow's roost. Our tendency to study territorial eagles causes us to think of them as loners, but social dynamics are very much in play as eagles chase, lock talons, and perch together!
Bald eagle taking a bath: https://youtu.be/5LKFnRi6PJg. An adult and a juvenile eagle perch on a log in the river while another adult takes a bath. I especially enjoyed the hop-flap out of the river at around 2:06.
For a look at more Flyway birds, follow this link! https://explore.org/snapshots/mississippi-river-flyway-cam/
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From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project added 29 new photos to the album: Mississippi River Flyway Cam.
8 hrs
Watch here: https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/upper-mississippi-onalaska-cam/?fbclid=IwAR3SI5_ig-ttU9Hrr5GwjTlxz3a-oj8EiMJ-8adFn6uOCfP4OD_bfmv4Xp4 and here: https://explore.org/livecams/raptor-resource-project/mississippi-river-flyway-cam?fbclid=IwAR27Sals19mRI2UQ2AP4ZZIW5_gYBiccfFppVo215pC-_oTiRI8tN149h_s
Photos: https://www.facebook.com/pg/RaptorResourceProject/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1869758179727459&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAsvyLdgAVHPr6NL-WQiicGj45-pGjwaSuYnyIVWdlxAITK_F2igKVDqXm-VSvp1Ys0mIGDCeTNcwWyoj6AeAICAzf2zmp7E09FzKJ84SA24KynZ9I9qw2pF3-V6DFxphq8o1w2KppmRCxCn3JafxtXp1gis7SNlGJaTZFGgO7RdUMibY2Gp32cpdNYZelIRjd9kA&__tn__=-UC-R
The Raptor Resource Project has established a new bird cam on an island in the heart of the Mississippi River's Driftless area. Located in the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge on Lake Onalaska, the 4K HD cam will offer an unparalleled look at migrating birds and river wildlife, including Bald Eagles, American White Pelicans, Sandhill Cranes, Caspian Terns, Cormorants, and many species of ducks, gulls, and other waterfowl. More than 325 bird species make the round-trip each year along the Mississippi Flyway, from their breeding grounds in Canada and the northern United States to their wintering grounds along the Gulf of Mexico and in Central and South America, and many of them will pass by this camera.
11.01/18: A juvenile Bald Eagle on Cam Island. Eagles like to perch on both poles and pluck/defer/descale and eat prey. We have found prey remains beneath both poles ever since installation, and the solar panels themselves are a little whitewashed from all of the activity.
If you were going to the USFW Refuge at Brownsville,MN tomorrow to get info about migrating birds visible at the outlook this message was posted on FB: "Due to the super rainy forecast for tomorrow, we are cancelling the Sunday naturalist shift at the Brownsville Overlook on Sunday November 4th. Apologies for the inconvenience!"
"There were about 80 tundra swans close to the overlook and about 150 hanging out just past it. They're arriving!"
If only "I" could twist my head 180 degrees, scratch that spot I can't reach and then shove my nose down and blow warm air....I could keep my butt warm all winter!! ;) :) ::)
Watching the close ups of the Northern Pintail.
Our peeper's are peeking in on this cam for sure .. 8)
This is a great article on the basics of fall migration: https://ebird.org/news/fall-birding-basics/
Website that updates bird migration numbers in different locations in the Upper Mississippi area on a weekly (sometimes more frequent) basis: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/upper_mississippi_river/weekly_bird_sightings.html
Update today: From staff at the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge: "The tundra swans are here! Refuge staff counted about 300 swans in front of the Brownsville (MN) Overlook this morning, with about 5,000 - 6,000 swans hanging out in the larger span of the Mississippi River. Their vocalizations sure sound like a party!"
Thanks, Finn. Can't wait! :)
OUTDOORS: Swans arrival imminent, report sick or dead birds
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November 14 2018 sunrise
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By the looks of the Sunset and Sunrise images you couldn't do any better than right here and right now if you was a bird! ;D
thanks T40 & KRD. 8)
Big bird, small bird, light bird, heavy bird
Here is a great resource for birding in the Upper Mississippi Flyway. Even though it is dated 2003, it still is helpful and has an amazing amount of information including a seasonal count of birds and nesting frequency in the Upper Mississippi Refuge and a great map of birding locations near the flyway cam: https://experiencemississippiriver.com/10states/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Binder7.pdf
Cold, snow, open water - perfect eagle day! So much fun to watch their interactions.
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I spy 10 eagles
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4829/46053247892_685bd09617_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2dayW8o)2018-11-29 (7) (https://flic.kr/p/2dayW8o) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
Lots and lots of big, beautiful, slightly damp eagles on the flyway today! Great shot, Lori! ;)
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I saw this comment by RRP last night on the Explore chat board:
"With little sun lately, the solar panels have not been collecting enough juice to run the cam through the night. We have been conserving energy with the system by not using the IR night vision when the weather has not been sunny. The cam should come back live tomorrow morning ;)"
About 1.5 hours ago DEC 6, the bravest goose in the world was chasing off several eagles from the ice. None were very serious about leaving, but if you need a smile this morning, rewind to about 1:30 and enjoy.
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STL - Amazing! Flap, run, flap, run, flap, slide! ;D ;D Thanks for the heads up. Very curious and entertaining.
This new camera has been such fun, and educational, too.
Finding early success during bald eagle watching season on the Mississippi
A photo taken through a pair of binoculars shows a solitary bald eagle perched in a tree below Eagle Point Park in Dubuque, Iowa, in early December. (Moran family/News-Sun)
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
19 hrs
While we aren't seeing quite as many birds on the Mississippi Flyway cam right now, eagles are still attracted to stretches of open water near the island. This video gives a nice look at two eagles interacting. Slow the video down and in the seventh second you will see the flying eagle swoop in with its feet down, while the perched eagle jumps up and puts its talons out: https://youtu.be/2StqpGVNZXM. Was this interaction serious or playful? Maybe a bit of both. While the flying eagle knocks the perched eagle off, it doesn't come back for more interaction and the perched eagle isn't harmed.
Coming in. The flying eagle has circled in and the perched eagle is ready for an interaction. Both are adults, but I'm not willing to guess sex.
Talons up! Consider this a ground-based lock and whirl. No air, no whirl! Having said that, we've seen falcons do the same thing. We can think of two sites - Dubuque and Cohasset - where females stay in the nest instead of flying and attacking. When approached during banding, they sometimes roll over and foot - very similar to what we are seeing here.
Great info T40! Here's a slo-mo version...
Mississippi River Flyway | Eagle on slippery ice & spectacular eagle attack ~ 12-16-2018 8) Both are doing just fine.
https://youtu.be/hH-umgrXsmo via Eagle Cam
I love juvies!! ;D ;D
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
58 mins
A smile to start your day with a Juvie Bald Eagle ... hanging out, trying to break a branch, and ice skating from our Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Thanks to our videomakers Eaglespirit and Mocha Mama for the long and short versions.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam: https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/upper-mississippi-onalaska-cam/?fbclid=IwAR0gs_5A_t_8MWWNXZeyKPx--OlyTzbeGZDfLrHvHDx4zbhhCgb4wOQPuzY
adding to your post T40 8)
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4808/46551691572_6fff54f9e6.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2dVBA4W)2019-01-04 (3) (https://flic.kr/p/2dVBA4W) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
Trying to take a stick with him. Wonder if it's one of ours?
Mississippi River Flyway 01 03 2019 Ice Skating Juvie
https://youtu.be/QzICrUYNi-E via mocha mama
Mississippi Flyway Cam 1-9-19 Coyote is back, with friends
https://youtu.be/tnpPH8uAZUs via Tulsa
:) 8)
WOW, that's a beautiful pic, er!
WOW, that's a beautiful pic, er!
Thank you, Lisa! I was thrilled to see that beauty this morning. Made up for a night of insomnia lol.
I was practicing with getting images into Flickr and seeing if I could post those beautiful image inserts like you, Lori, Ginger and others do! I learned something new already today ;). I used to use Photobucket to post those larger images sometimes but after they changed their business model to prohibit posting on public sites without paying, I stopped.
Mississippi Flyway Cam 1-9-19 Coyote is back, with friends
https://youtu.be/tnpPH8uAZUs via Tulsa
Lori, thank you for posting tulsa's video with the coyotes. I had no idea that coyotes would be wandering on ice at the Mississippi River Flyway. What a wonderful gift this flyway cam is! Thank you, RRP!
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
January 8 at 8:25 PM
Tonight's Nestflix features videos from the Decorah Eagles, Decorah North Eagles, Mississippi Flyway Cam, and Great Spirit Bluff cameras. I liked all them, but especially loved the nest guard duty and close-ups in Decorah, this morning's nestorations at Decorah North, and the vivid Red-Bellied Woodpecker at GSB. If you can only watch one video, make sure to check out the eagle buffet and coyote visitor on the Mississippi River Flyway Cam. This was fascinating for so many reasons - multiple eagles feeding at once, some great displays of eagle table manners, and a coyote who crossed the ice to take a look at dinner. We hope you enjoy the videos as much as we did, and thanks as always to our camera operators and video makers for finding and sharing such special moments with us!
Decorah Eagles
01/08/19: Nest guard duty, fit test - https://youtu.be/0P7USln_ew0. Nice fly-ins and fly-outs, nest guarding, and DM2 takes the nestbowl for a spin! It's fascinating to me to watch DM2 as we add to our knowledge about instinctual and learned behaviors. I also enjoyed seeing how high and deep the nestbowl was piled. In addition to making me want to take a nap - the nest is never this nice when we are up working on cameras! - deep, multiple layers of soft, fluffy material will provide excellent insulation in rain or snow!
01/07/19: Sticky Monday - https://youtu.be/cPThPUUPVGE. The sticky fun starts at 1:19! I also recommend comparing the opening frame with the last frame to see what Mom and DM2 did. In addition to bringing in sticks, they shredded a lot of soft materials for the bottom of the nestbowl.
01/05/19: Nestorations & Closeups - https://youtu.be/BjzWT_b3-4o. Watch the whole video or go straight to 2:43 for some wonderful close ups of DM2! Better put that tail down - wind can raise havoc with an upraised tail!
Decorah North Eagles
01/08/18: Morning delight - https://youtu.be/K_mFIe1Fi8w. My first thought on this video - is this winter? My second thought - wow, look at that nest bowl! The eagles have built a lovely structure from the relatively flat starter nest we built for them. If you look closely, you'll see a clear outer and inner ring, with high crib rails and a nice neat nest bowl. Look for some cool close-ups at 2:26, 3:17, and 6:05; some nest-cup work starting at 14:40, and some very cool perching at 15:55. I really enjoyed this video!
01/05/19: Afternoon bath for the eagles - https://youtu.be/2qVHh-j3n8g. Splish splash, it was time for a bath! Both eagles enjoy a dip on a relatively balmy January day.
Mississippi River Flyway
01/07/19: Breakfast Interactions - https://youtu.be/3SDR2rZahbI. A mixed age group of Bald Eagles vies for breakfish. Look for eagles running on ice and the fascinating sight of eagles feeding on a carcass together. While it isn't all share and share-alike - the eagles bicker over table rights while they eat - there are several points where more than one eagle feeds at the same time.
01/07/18: Coyote hoping for some of the eagle's breakfast - https://youtu.be/OWTp9l7B0Oc. And then the coyote showed up! After scaring the eagles away, it appeared to sniff at the carcass before trotting across the ice. While it watched from the background (check the video starting at 2:23), four eagles came back. Take a look starting at 3:46 for some very cool footage, and watch the eagles start to come back!
Great Spirit Bluff
01/08/17: Red-Bellied Woodpecker at Great Spirit Bluff - https://youtu.be/KvIvMi1v3_Q. Very cool footage of an adult male Red-Bellied Woodpecker hanging out at the the rock ledge diner! He appears to be picking at some left-over jerky left behind by Newman and Michelle!
From RRP's FB page:
Flyway Cam
1/9/18: Coyote is back, with friends - https://youtu.be/tnpPH8uAZUs. This is so cool! A coyote trots across thin river ice. Since it wouldn't need to do this to travel between territories or get to mates, it may be looking for gizzard shad or other carrion on the river ice and in shallow water. A second coyote follows at 2:13 and we get a nice look at them together starting at 4:37. A third coyote joins them at around 5:23. Note that two are tails up and one is tail down. If you look closely, hackles are also up. After what looks like a dominance interaction, the three continue slip-sliding on the ice, although everyone's tail is now up. I'm going to find some coyote people to talk with about what we are seeing here.
well now... 8)
Coyote Conjugals on Mississippi Flyway cam! 26 January 2018
https://youtu.be/0mk1_yOsZuY via arlene beech
Coyote crossed the cam view at 9:50 am for its 15 minutes of fame. Looking for voles under the snow. Doesn't seem likely there would be any out on the ice of Lake Onalaska, but I'm a rookie at this sort of nature watch, so I could just be uninformed.
There are lots of questions I have about "winter on the Mississippi" and no one to ask. :( :(
It's back at 1 pm. :) :)
Not sure about your location, but the wildlife refuge where the cam is located has a series of really great winter programs to teach people about life on the River: https://www.explorelacrosse.com/winter-programs-upper-mississippi-river-national-wildlife-fish-refuge-visitor-center/
Also, if you are interested in bald eagle watching along the Great River Road, there are several sites that point you in the right direction: https://experiencemississippiriver.com/winter-bald-eagle-viewing-on-the-great-river-road/
Living near the river in the winter is a totally different experience than other months of the year for sure.
Thanks Finn. I'll check those links out.
But....one of my questions: Seems like a lot of trees have toppled on the islands. I'm assuming it's because their root-ball gets too wet and lose their grip on the soils of the island. My question is: Is the water level unusually high this year, causing the water-table on the islands to douse the root-balls beyond normal, causing the toppling?
Pretty disjointed questioning, but hoping you get the drift....in the Driftless!! ;) :) :D :D ;D ;D
Thanks Finn. I'll check those links out.
But....one of my questions: Seems like a lot of trees have toppled on the islands. I'm assuming it's because their root-ball gets too wet and lose their grip on the soils of the island. My question is: Is the water level unusually high this year, causing the water-table on the islands to douse the root-balls beyond normal, causing the toppling?
Pretty disjointed questioning, but hoping you get the drift....in the Driftless!! ;) :) :D :D ;D ;D
There are several islands in Lake Onalaska including Rosebud Island and three crescent shaped islands built by the US Army Corps of Engineers in 1989 as part of a Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project. This excerpt from the ACE project report explains how the islands were constructed:
"Three semi-elliptical-shaped islands were constructed in Lake Onalaska in 1989. The islands are about
1,500 feet long, have a 50-foot top width with a 20-foot berm on the inner side, and are 5 feet above low
control pool. One of the islands, Broken Gun, was built in slightly deeper water (about 4 to 6 feet deep).
The other two islands, Cormorant and Arrowhead, were constructed in shallower areas where islands had
previously existed. The fill to construct the islands was taken from the upper single leg of the excavated
habitat channel. Rock riprap on geotextile fabric was used on the northerly side of each island to provide
erosion protection from wind-induced waves. A total of about 14,000 cubic yards of rock riprap was
placed on the convex side and around the ends of the islands. The berm on the inner (southern) shore of
each island was constructed to a height of 2 feet above low control pool. About 38,000 cubic yards of
fine material was excavated from the lake immediately adjacent to the convex side of each island to
provide topsoil for the top and berm of each island. The material was placed on the islands and permitted
to dry over the winter. Seeding was accomplished in May 1990 and was very successful. The initial
seeding included perennial ryegrass. However, the most abundant species currently growing on the
islands are side oats grama, switchgrass, reed canary grass, and bluegrass."
I'm no engineer, but it sounds as the depth of the island soil isn't all that deep which may have something to do with the toppled trees.
Thanks very much, Finn. Very useful info. I'm soaking in as much as I can. Back in pre-history the Mound Builders made islands in the Mississippi. I know of one up near Winona, Minnesota that has been studied, but I don't know much else, and I'm infinitely curious.
I hope I have the right thread here, it looks like it.....I'm waiting to see the ice breaking up among other things. This was just after 5 PM today (March 17th)
Bald eagles, lots of ducks, a few Canada Geese, pelicans, a quick aerial view of some tundra swans....and it isn't even officially Spring! It was an active day today at the Flyway Cam!
Second that, Finn! Very entertaining day. :)
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Second that, Finn! Very entertaining day. :)
T40, you're on here too! Love those pics, and now that I know about this one, I'll be checking it out frequently. :)
:) 8)
erock, just found this site on the forum! Beautiful pic of the sunrise - that's a keeper!
(https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7884/40464397783_3c85ccd9d7_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/24DGBGK)2019-03-20 (11) (https://flic.kr/p/24DGBGK) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
(https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7877/47430068351_0953f7c010.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2fgeuTa)2019-03-20 (10) (https://flic.kr/p/2fgeuTa) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
Pairs skaters on Mississippi Flyway cam. 19 March 2019
https://youtu.be/Cgi-ZsbdUNg VIA ARLENE BEECH
Mississippi Flyway Cam 3-20-19, 10 am Adult, SA, and juvie BE's vying for position
https://youtu.be/IsQlyC7GtE8 VIA TULSA
Heads up on the flyway! BOLO for an antenna and/or backpack!
Raptor Resource Project
8 hrs
It looks like D27 has decided to join the eagle party on the Mississippi River! She left Decorah on March 13 and flew NNW out to the Bluffton area, not far from Bob's old farmstead and falcon breeding barns, before heading east to the Mississippi river. She is currently spending time on the Minnesota Slough just east of New Albin, Iowa. This area is rich in food resources and quite close to one of our falcon sites. We can't help but hope that we get a glimpse of her on the Flyway cam if she decides to take the Big River north for a while! Stay safe, D27! We wish you the best wherever the wind and your wings take you!
To explore the travels of all of the eagles we've tracked, visit our interactive maps at https://www.raptorresource.org/learning-tools/eagle-map/. A million thanks to Brett Mandernack and the staff of Eagle Valley for sharing their data, maps, and expertise with all of us!
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8) 8) thanks T40!
Thanks for making the Flyway Cam easier to find in the forum. It's great fun to watch the migration activities. Not the best screen caps, but yesterday a whole bunch of eagles were waiting out on the ice for something to happen, and this morning a couple of Tundra Swans were ice-surfing and walking around near grasses. Lots of open water now.
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The Sierra Club has an article about 6 bird-watching cameras to watch and the Flyway Cam is first on the list: https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/6-exciting-birdwatching-webcams
Just now reading this thread. Thanks, PinkEagle for opening it up.
Finn, this is really cool that the Sierra Club chose the Mississippi Flyway Cam as the first one to zone on. An interesting selection on the rest also. So many cams to watch, so little time. :)
6 Exciting Birdwatching Webcams
Oops, Finn! Sorry, but I didn't see your post. So exciting that the flyway cam appears first on their list!
Oops, Finn! Sorry, but I didn't see your post. So exciting that the flyway cam appears first on their list!
It really says something about how unique a camera this is with the opportunity to watch all the different birds passing through the Lake Onalaska WI/MN area on their way up (or down in the fall) the Mississippi River Flyway. Good job RRP!
Kudos to RRP and the entire Mississippi River Flyway Cam team for all your hard work and sharing this camera with the world.
I'm pretty sure this Mississippi River Flyway Cam was not an easy web cam to install.
I'm also sure it took a lot of logistical planning and permits just for starters.
.. the materials, transportation, man hours of labor, volunteers and probably 100 other things I can't even imagine that went into this project ..
Not to mention that work site did not look like the funnest place on earth to spend 8 days in August. :o
The camera project was completed with help from the Brice Prairie Conservation Association, the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, (power pole company) and Explore.org. Volunteers helped ferry people and supplies to and from the island, erect two donated poles, and install solar panels, a power supply, and the camera assembly and radios. From start to finish, the project took a total of eight long days.
Having the Sierra Club recognize that this camera is a great asset to the birding community is a great honor and a huge pat on the back to all involved !
6 Exciting Birdwatching Webcams (https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/6-exciting-birdwatching-webcams)
RRP rocks, the Big Muddy always rolls and all of her critters and us are better for having this camera ... :)
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That's funny! I just saved that one and was going to say gorgeous too! :D Here are a couple more though....
Some screenshots from today
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(https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7884/40464397783_3c85ccd9d7_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/24DGBGK)2019-03-20 (11) (https://flic.kr/p/24DGBGK) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
(https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7877/47430068351_0953f7c010.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2fgeuTa)2019-03-20 (10) (https://flic.kr/p/2fgeuTa) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
Pairs skaters on Mississippi Flyway cam. 19 March 2019
https://youtu.be/Cgi-ZsbdUNg VIA ARLENE BEECH
Mississippi Flyway Cam 3-20-19, 10 am Adult, SA, and juvie BE's vying for position
https://youtu.be/IsQlyC7GtE8 VIA TULSA
Lori, is that top pic the blond BE you mentioned last week? I looked for it on the flyway cam rewind and couldn't find it...
Is that a Golden with a Bald? It looks huge!
Is that a Golden with a Bald? It looks huge!
Nora, I didn't realize until recently that golden eagles are larger than bald eagles. I always thought the BEs were bigger.
FYI cam watchers: flood stage of the MR around Onalaska/La Crosse is 12 feet. At 4:15 p.m today the stage is 12.2 feet. It will continuing rising until early next week where it may rise to 14.4 feet. It will be interesting to see how many, if any, of the man-made islands in Lake Onalaska are submerged as the water continues to rise.
Thanks for the info Finn! Enjoyed watching the de-icing of the river and all the returnees on the flyway. Sure hope the flooding is gradual and not too high, but that's not what they're predicting.
Also hope someone picks up that barrel that lodged on the camera isle all winter and is now slowly floating downstream.
Area flooding update: the National Weather Service has changed flooding estimates. As of this morning (Wednesday) the stage is at 12.7 feet (flood stage is 12.0 feet) They forecast that the MR will crest in this area in the 14 to 15.5 foot range between next Wednesday and Friday (April 3-5) so that is about a foot higher than they estimated yesterday.
I've made a Google Map of the general locations of RRP Forum Members.
Would anyone here be interested in knowing (Generally) where everybody else is posting from ?
I'm not using anyone's exact location at all, not even close.
I can plot the centroid of any county in the USA.
Your Forum Username gets added to the "Member Locations_County Centers" list.
You can click on a Username in the list -or- on a map "Pin" to find out what general area they're located in.
If there are multiple Forum Members located on the same counties Centroid then I'm going to "fudge" them around that counties center indiscriminately so that "User" pins don't get obscured. You might have to zoom the map in to see all of that 'counties' icons.
I'm always reading member reports about weather events, wildlife sightings and so forth, but I loose track of where everyone is located in this little country of ours. ;)
If anyone is interested in sharing their general location on the map Private Message me only your forum Username, State and County.
In Example:
Again, the Forum Member 'map pins' will be located only on (or very near) the center of your County. *
I'll be adding members to the list as I have time and depending on how many PM's I get slammed with it could take awhile to add them all.
So if you don't see your Username right away check back in a day or so and your pin should be there. :)
Click on a Name in the Member Locations list, zoom in & pan around, there might be more RRP Forum Members in your county then you realized. 8)
This is the link to the Google "RRP Forum Members" Map, save this link:
-Edit to add-
There are presently 37 forum member 'yellow pins' on the Google map. :)
* If you want to share the location of the CENTER of your COUNTY with others forum members here send me your Username, State and County via a Private Message and I'll gladly add your "Pin" to the map.
This is looking crazy cool on my end RRP Eagle Nation. 8)
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Look for sandhill cranes in Eastern Iowa
Sandhill cranes in flight over Cone Marsh in June. The main dike, accessed east off V Ave, can be a great trail to walk for a chance at a flyover. Walk east down a short, grassy access road and you are there. (Brando Caswell/correspondent)
Bald eagles arrive in La Crosse
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Maybe the beaver, or is it bigger than that?
It fell in the water at about 7:18 p.m. and its tail looked like that of a muskrat, not flat like a beaver.
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Cam found one lone eagle perched.
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Maybe the beaver, or is it bigger than that?
It fell in the water at about 7:18 p.m. and its tail looked like that of a muskrat, not flat like a beaver.
Ginger - Well that certainly makes a lot more sense than...a BEAR! :P ;D
Maybe the beaver, or is it bigger than that?
It fell in the water at about 7:18 p.m. and its tail looked like that of a muskrat, not flat like a beaver.
Ginger - Well that certainly makes a lot more sense than...a BEAR! :P ;D
T40 -- ;D When I saw the beaver a few days ago my first thought was that it was a bear, so you weren't so far out in left field.
It's been cloudy, up there it may have rained some today too, but the rays coming through the clouds of the setting sun are nice.......
A very colorful sunset and also some fog/mist at times during the afternoon/evening.
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Dave Skoloda: Lessons along the Mississippi Flyway
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
2 hrs
Happy Easter! For all you Mississippi River Flyway fans - you probably noticed that we have been on highlights for a while now. Water levels are still at flood stage on the mighty Mississippi. We have established that the issue with the cam system is not just that it has not gotten enough sun for the solar panels to charge the batteries. We may have had a breaker tripped or some issue with the storm on the 10-11th of April. You noted thunders-snow, so we know there was some electrical action going on with that storm! Our current plans are to get out to the site on Tuesday and troubleshoot the system. We hope it is a simple fix - TY for your patience!
John Howe
Pelicans and cormorants riding the storm out!
The Mississippi River and backwaters are still at flood stage. The water levels have removed much of the real estate (shallow water and tree branches) for waterfowl to be attracted to, but we still have a lot of activity.
Snow and we heard thunder also prior to the cam system going off line. Snow + thunder = thunder-snow!
Thanks for the info from RRP on the MRFC feed T40.
We were beginning to wonder if there wasn't something other than sufficient sunshine going on there ..
The RRP 'repair cam crews' are familiar with the Land and hanging on ropes in the Air I knew, now they have a Navy too. 8) ;D
Nothing short of Spectacular.
You bird loving folks just absolutely rock !
On RRP Facebook 11 hours ago: "Flyway Cam Update: We made a trip out to the island to attempt a system startup and do some troubleshooting if needed on Tuesday last week. The island was pretty much submerged at the time, but over the weekend, water levels have been steadily dropping. Overall the system looked good and has weathered both the spring floods and the recent bomb cyclone with high winds and lightning. We identified a power delivery issue and have ordered parts for a fix. We will be out working on the system again this coming Friday and will hopefully identify the issue and fire the system back on-line. Thank you for your patience!"
The Mississippi River Flyway Cam is back on-line and live ! 8) 8) 8)
The RRP Navy must have procured and deployed the correct power part for a fix. :)
Thank you to all involved for setting sail on this soggy camera maintenance voyage. ;D
Thanks to the Flyway Cam repair crew!! Looks great and much appreciated.
Great work! The camera was sorely missed! Thank you RRP!
Thanks so much to RRP for doing repairs & getting this wonderful cam back live again!
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Keeping an eye on flyway migration
John Howe
Flyway cam puts spotlight on migration
Cam back up and running! Pelicans still in residence.
Check & check, thanks for the heads up FinnBMD. 8)
Just as a heads up to you FinnBMD your forum avatar is blank on my end ?
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Huh? thanks for the news--everything looks fine on my end when I sign into Discus--Finn is there in all his former glory. I checked in the Comments Section and one of the members said s/he could see Finn just fine so not sure what is happening when you view my posts. But thanks again for the heads-up.
FINN I do not see your avatar either.
Huh? thanks for the news--everything looks fine on my end when I sign into Discus--Finn is there in all his former glory. I checked in the Comments Section and one of the members said s/he could see Finn just fine so not sure what is happening when you view my posts. But thanks again for the heads-up.
Finn -- he's talking about your Forum avatar.
Duh--lol--I'm thick in the head sometimes. My avatar in the Forum is missing....I've tried several times--obviously unsuccessfully--to reinstate it but it hasn't worked.
Sunday evening had a beautiful sunset.....
Monday evening with storm clouds around...
This afternoon --
A peaceful scene this evening.......
Watching a storm roll in and through.......
From the bluff...
Thank you camera operator for following the inter-action between the sandhill crane and the redwing blackbird troop! :) ;) ;D
Rewinding through Flyway feed this morning, great view of an adult eagle hauling a huge fish onto a log. After a while, another eagle tried to steal it in a tug of war. Roll back about 5 hours from 11:30 AM to watch.
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Rewinding through Flyway feed this morning, great view of an adult eagle hauling a huge fish onto a log. After a while, another eagle tried to steal it in a tug of war. Roll back about 5 hours from 11:30 AM to watch.
Thank you for the great photos!
Wow!! Starting about 8:45pm there is some beautiful sunset going on!! I wish I knew how to do a screenshot!! Gorgeous!!
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Wondering how much flooding is/was in the Flyway Cam area? Seems to be numerous sandbars visible now and groups of birds lazing around. See 3 photos from Monday, June 17.
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Wondering how much flooding is/was in the Flyway Cam area? Seems to be numerous sandbars visible now and groups of birds lazing around. See 3 photos from Monday, June 17.
According to the local paper, the flood stage of the MR in the La Crosse/Onlaska area is 12 feet--the river was above that stage for 40 days from late March to early May. The river officially fell to 10 feet last Thursday. Great to see those islands (some of the created by the Army Corps of Engineers) emerge as stopping-over spots for all the migrating birds.
Thanks for the info, Finn. Loving this area with so many different birds to watch.
The gnats/flies are still bothering the eagles on the flyway. Almost every adult BE on cam in last hour was shaking head and/or scratching.
Today was the first time I've seen a boat on the Flyway cam - it seemed kind of incongruous on the peaceful wildlife habitat.
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The gnats/flies are still bothering the eagles on the flyway. Almost every adult BE on cam in last hour was shaking head and/or scratching.
Today was the first time I've seen a boat on the Flyway cam - it seemed kind of incongruous on the peaceful wildlife habitat.
The Flyway Cam is located on a part of the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife Refuge known as Lake Onalaska which is a popular recreation area for boating and year-round fishing between La Crosse and Onalaska, WI. The Black River--another popular area for fishing and boating--also flows in to the Lake.
The gnats/flies are still bothering the eagles on the flyway. Almost every adult BE on cam in last hour was shaking head and/or scratching.
Today was the first time I've seen a boat on the Flyway cam - it seemed kind of incongruous on the peaceful wildlife habitat.
The Flyway Cam is located on a part of the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife Refuge known as Lake Onalaska which is a popular recreation area for boating and year-round fishing between La Crosse and Onalaska, WI. The Black River--another popular area for fishing and boating--also flows in to the Lake.
Thank you, Finn! The area is so beautiful, and I can see why it has such popularity for recreation. I was just momentarily startled, because I used to see lots of migratory birds perched all over (before the floods this spring) and didn't recall seeing any boats.
Sunset June 24, 2019
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June 24, 2019
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June 24, 2019
what a difference just a few minutes makes
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Sunsets are truly spectacular at the Flyway!
Dawns are pretty colorful sometimes, too.
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Thanks for the extra info about the MR for those of us that don't know much about it. Long time no see, how's your dog? :)
Loved the colors in this. There had been thunderstorms passing by this afternoon...........
About an hour and a half later......
Beautiful day out on the Mississippi flyway :)
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(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48190560671_51b63770e6_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2gqrdKH)2019-07-03 (2) (https://flic.kr/p/2gqrdKH) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
Video of eagles perching and big dogs playing in the water, July 3, around 1 pm:
Video of eagles perching and big dogs playing in the water, July 3, around 1 pm:
Loved that video! The eagles weren't even phased by the dogs running back and forth so close to them! Made my day - thanks!
Video of eagles perching and big dogs playing in the water, July 3, around 1 pm:
Loved that video! The eagles weren't even phased by the dogs running back and forth so close to them! Made my day - thanks!
My guess is that they probably weren't as close as it looks. They (dogs) were having lots of fun and looked so happy! :-* :)
8) :o
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July 7 2019
Love All the different birds here
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July 7 2019
Any Ideas on the Last picture???
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KRD, I believe that is a American Avocet :
Kind of out of it's 'normal' range, but it sure fits the Bill (pun intended). ;)
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Flyway cam
(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/990aef5e93c0b543817f4a4583cdaa403d3b98bc464facf014946a63691bf0b3.jpg) photo via explore
The flyway cam continues with amazing sunrises and sunsets - this clip was captured at 2X speed, and makes a good screensaver:
https://youtu.be/GviOkHEbPaI (https://youtu.be/GviOkHEbPaI)
A lone, 4-year-old bandit. ;D
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A lone, 4-year-old bandit. ;D
Beautiful! Could be one of our Decorah's!!!! 8)
KRDerenzo great dedication of viewing the cam & awareness to hit the 'prt scr button' on that one.
The more I've looked into the American Avocet that you screen captured from the Flyway Cam the more I'm realizing that "it is not a real common sighting" of this bird at Lake Onalaska in WI.
Unless of course you have a newly excellently placed 24/7 high def cam placed by the RRP navy. ;) 8) 8)
Diet: American Avocet primarily eats insects and small crustaceans. They occasionally eat seeds and small fish.
Behavior: American Avocets forage by sweeping their long bills from side to side with the tip of the curved bill barely
submerged in water.
These 'guys' are quite something to watch as they go about their daily life.
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KRDerenzo great dedication of viewing the cam & awareness to hit the 'prt scr button' on that one.
The more I've looked into the American Avocet that you screen captured from the Flyway Cam the more I'm realizing that "it is not a real common sighting" of this bird at Lake Onalaska in WI.
Unless of course you have a newly excellently placed 24/7 high def cam placed by the RRP navy. ;) 8) 8)
Diet: American Avocet primarily eats insects and small crustaceans. They occasionally eat seeds and small fish.
Behavior: American Avocets forage by sweeping their long bills from side to side with the tip of the curved bill barely
submerged in water.
These 'guys' are quite something to watch as they go about their daily life.
Interesting thank you
July 10 2019
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July 10 2019
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July 10 2019
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July 10 2019
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Sandhill Crane flying at sunrise this morning.
July 11 2019
The Flyway really does have some interesting Birds. Glad this camera is here, I have never seen some of these and without it probably never would. Thank You RRP
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July 11 2019
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KRD-1st year Sandhill Cranes are the reddish birds. Juveniles sound like mature birds though! :D
Flyway cam
(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/990aef5e93c0b543817f4a4583cdaa403d3b98bc464facf014946a63691bf0b3.jpg) photo via explore
Can't beat the Flyway cam for spectacular sunsets (and sunrises!) Thanks for that great pic Lori!
KRDerenzo great dedication of viewing the cam & awareness to hit the 'prt scr button' on that one.
The more I've looked into the American Avocet that you screen captured from the Flyway Cam the more I'm realizing that "it is not a real common sighting" of this bird at Lake Onalaska in WI.
Unless of course you have a newly excellently placed 24/7 high def cam placed by the RRP navy. ;) 8) 8)
Diet: American Avocet primarily eats insects and small crustaceans. They occasionally eat seeds and small fish.
Behavior: American Avocets forage by sweeping their long bills from side to side with the tip of the curved bill barely
submerged in water.
These 'guys' are quite something to watch as they go about their daily life.
Good info and great pic of the Avocet 'trolling' for food, BL!
July 10 2019
Great pics KRD! I agree, you can't beat the Flyway cam for such a wide variety of birds.
8) Good morning, Lake Onalaska! - Saving hundreds or thousands from Eagle withdrawal. ;D
Thank you, RRP! :)
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More Mississippi Flyway cam beauty 8)
And an Eagle too ;D
Beautiful pics, eaglesrock!
July 16 2019
Mr and Mrs Mallard were here today and they were checking out the area restaurants and found a nice one. LOL
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July 16 2019
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July 16 2019
Some really good shots of the Eagles and a nice Juvie
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July 16 2019
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From RRP's FB page (you might recognize the photo of Mom ;D ;D):
Raptor Resource Project
53 mins
Videos! We're scrambling to get ready for ATF, but we wanted to share some extremely cool videos of a bald eagle/sandhill crane interaction on the Flyway, another look at Mom and the sub-adult, some great footage of both North eagles, and a nice look at Carson. We hope you enjoy these videos as much as we did! Thanks to our camera operators and videomakers for their hard work capturing and sharing the natural world with all of us, and to you for watching, learning, and caring!
Mississippi Flyway
7/17/19: Standoff: Sandhill cranes versus juvenile Bald Eagle - https://youtu.be/cqUF-mPe9ns. Wow! A pair of sandhill cranes approach a juvenile bald eagle, who doesn't care for them! This is a fascinating video!
7/15/19: Sandhill crane swallowing eggs - https://youtu.be/iaQQKZoTVJU. It appears that the crane at the beginning of the video dug up eggs from the sand bar, carried them over to the water, and dunked them. If so, these were probably buried turtle eggs. I found the whole video to be quite fascinating. While cranes are known to eat eggs, I was not aware that they dunked them - possibly to remove sand? This is a really fascinating video - well worth the watch!
7/14/19: Sandhill crane and mama duck - https://youtu.be/sSNF1i5n3w8. Mama duck did not appreciate how close the crane was to her not-so-little young!
Decorah and Decorah North Eagles
7/16/19: Mom hanging out: https://youtu.be/I6UnBiOZF0M. A lovely look at Mom silhouetted against a blue sky, although the blackflies are still bothering her. This is most likely S. Meridionale, which has multiple generations per year. We're hoping their numbers will decrease as things dry out.
7/16/19: Mom and sub-adult on the Y: https://youtu.be/iZKmsdrOXpI. Who is this mysterious sub-adult and where is DM2? The 4-1/2 year-old subadult has been seen on and off for several days, with no protests from Mom and nothing from DM2. We'll have to put ourselves on Eagle Time while we wait to see what happens.
More Mom and sub-adult videos:
7/15/19: Mom and a sub-adult on the Y: https://youtu.be/wcZ85967PZ8
7/15/19: Mom vocalizes on the Y: https://youtu.be/jnnZqm4oFZU
7/18/19: Decorah Eagles North visit by both parents: https://youtu.be/wSJdaUQBj54. Mr. North left, DNF right. It is so good to see them together!
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons
7/17/19: Carson visits! https://youtu.be/EqfTc6x1ZkM. A fantastic look at a handsome young juvenile peregrine falcon. We're getting a lot of questions about dispersal. According to John, dispersal at Great Spirit Bluff usually happens in mid-September, although we're already starting to see less of Carson as he gains his wings. Carson will not disperse or migrate with Michelle or Newman, although he may connect with other juvenile peregrine falcons. While peregrine falcons aren't gregarious off territory in the same way bald eagles are (that we know), groups of juveniles have been recorded on oil rigs and ships in the Gulf of Mexico.
July 19 2019
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July 19 2019
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July 21 2019
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July 21 2019
WOW, that is just gorgeous, KRD!
KRD, congrats on the American Avocet sightings on July 7 and July 19. I just went on to eBird to record it, and found it is considered a rare species in the area! I've attached the range map to give you an idea of how uncommon it is here. I gave you credit on the sighting since you posted it first.
If any of you see this bird, please take and post screenshots! It is an adult in breeding plumage, but we don't know anything else about it. No one has reported or snapshotted more than one at a time and we haven't seen young in downy plumage, so it may have blown in on a storm. It is a pretty cool sighting! I let the camera operators and John know about it, so they'll be looking too.
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Very cool Amy!!! Way to go KRD!!!! 8)
How can you tell when an eagle is flying in?
Ginger52 YUP. ;)
I knew that American Avocet was a wee bit out of place at Lake Onalaska (https://tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php?pagename=Lake_Onalaska¶ms=43_52_01_N_091_18_26_W_region:US-WI_type:waterbody_source:gnis) in Wisconsin.
Great screen capture KRD. 8)
Wondering if the American white pelicans have juveniles among the flocks now. Some have quite a lot of grayish feathering. And do they nest near the Lake where the camera is?
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Wondering if the American white pelicans have juveniles among the flocks now. Some have quite a lot of grayish feathering. And do they nest near the Lake where the camera is?
American White Pelicans can nest anywhere on the Mississppi between Alma, WI (about one hour north of Lake Onalaska) down to Dubuque, IO (2-3 hours south of the Lake). There are big nesting colonies in the Horicon Marsh in the center of the state and near Green Bay as well. I think the breeding season in WI is late May to early/mid June and the young birds can fly at around 10 weeks of age, so there may be some juveniles among the groups shown on the cam. According to Cornell U. information, the young birds are white like their parents but also have "dusky colors" on their head, back and neck. It seems to me that I've noticed them in the groups we've been watching.
KRD, congrats on the American Avocet sightings on July 7 and July 19. I just went on to eBird to record it, and found it is considered a rare species in the area! I've attached the range map to give you an idea of how uncommon it is here. I gave you credit on the sighting since you posted it first.
If any of you see this bird, please take and post screenshots! It is an adult in breeding plumage, but we don't know anything else about it. No one has reported or snapshotted more than one at a time and we haven't seen young in downy plumage, so it may have blown in on a storm. It is a pretty cool sighting! I let the camera operators and John know about it, so they'll be looking too.
Thank You..I just thought it was pretty lol, had to get SS.
July 22 2019
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July 22 2019
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July 23 2019
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July 23 2019
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Wondering if the American white pelicans have juveniles among the flocks now. Some have quite a lot of grayish feathering. And do they nest near the Lake where the camera is?
American White Pelicans can nest anywhere on the Mississppi between Alma, WI (about one hour north of Lake Onalaska) down to Dubuque, IO (2-3 hours south of the Lake). There are big nesting colonies in the Horicon Marsh in the center of the state and near Green Bay as well. I think the breeding season in WI is late May to early/mid June and the young birds can fly at around 10 weeks of age, so there may be some juveniles among the groups shown on the cam. According to Cornell U. information, the young birds are white like their parents but also have "dusky colors" on their head, back and neck. It seems to me that I've noticed them in the groups we've been watching.
Finn -- Thanks for all this information! I'm learning so much watching the Flyway camera this year.
July 24 2019
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July 24 2019
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Blades for wind turbines, KRD.
Blades for wind turbines, KRD.
Thank You,you see all sorts of things with these cameras.
So glad to know what those blades were! I saw them on the barges, too and took a pic to google it. Thank you!:D
Not crazy about wind turbines and impacts on birds. Love, love the flyway cam!
August 3 2019
7 37 am
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There's a gorgeous adult eagle on the Flyway Cam now (about 11:30a CDT).
August 5 2019
I think the Pretty American Avocet found it's way back home. I have been looking every day and have not seen it.
It was nice to see it, and I hope it made it home safe.
Short rewind from posting time found this beautiful pair of blue-winged teal.
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Some beautiful views of two adult bald eagles this morning, having a little breakfast on the beach.
https://youtu.be/nxfq1GGCNRw (https://youtu.be/nxfq1GGCNRw)
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
15 hrs ?
A video from Decorah and another one from the Mississippi Flyway. I love the video of Mom against the setting sun - it is spectacular - but do not miss the video of the Sandhill Cranes vocalizing together as they work out boundaries and social relationships on their staging grounds!
We're still getting questions about Mom and the sub-adult. We'll run through what we do and don't know again tomorrow. All things in Eagle Time!
Decorah Eagles
8/4/19: Mom, the moon, sunset, and subadult - https://youtu.be/uNg4z-13lW0. Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, subadult. Good night, moon. Goodnight, eagles! Mom against the setting sun, the pale crescent of the moon, the pink and gold of the sky - I can't tell you how much I love this video.
Mississippi Flyway
8/6/19: Sandhill crane conversations - https://youtu.be/0-opGsbQAv8. Tulsa says: "Be sure to have the sound up, vocals start about 3:30 in." All of the camera footage is lovely: stalking cranes, rippling water, reflected clouds, reflected cranes - and the vocals are incredible! So what's going on? At about 3:30, the pair of Sandhill cranes we are watching begins to duet after moving towards a sandbar. After an incredible synchronized call and response, they fall silent at around 3:45. At 3:54, one of the Sandhill cranes moves quickly towards the water, followed by what is presumably its mate. The camera pulls back and we see another Sandhill crane in the background. It begins to call at 4:12, in what sounds like a duet, although we don't see another crane. It steps into the water at 4:30, followed by another crane at 4:36.
Mated Sandhill cranes and family units migrate together. As pairs gather at Lake Onalaska - a key staging ground - they need to work out boundaries, social relationships, and temporary feeding territories. Pairs of cranes are signaling relationship status and setting boundaries - "Our pair, our patch of feeding ground" - by mutually vocalizing and signaling through neck stretch displays and tall alert postures.
As you watch the Sandhill Cranes at the Flyway (https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/upper-mississippi-onalaska-cam/?fbclid=IwAR37xcOQdBnO4FcEGN22lK2v_ZG0kTL5WcImqVPqtAQtDG0E39io_VcpEAc), look for colts (Sandhill young). We're not seeing many colts, even though families migrate together. Since unsuccessful pairs leave breeding grounds earlier than successful pairs, we suspect that what we're seeing right now are the heralds of fall migration, stopping to rest and feed up before leaving for the Gulf Coast. #CraneCabana
Goodnight, Mom!
Sandhill cranes on the Flyway.
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So beautiful :-*
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(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48505256482_54d072d2e2_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2gUf7Ry)2019-08-10 (6) (https://flic.kr/p/2gUf7Ry) by Lori Davis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/142222329@N05/), on Flickr
Beautiful Sandhill Cranes on the Mississippi River Flyway cam. 10 August 2019
https://youtu.be/3G_sMyw6eU8 via arlene beech
What a way to learn to identify water birds!
Anybody know what these rusty-feathered, blue-billed ducks are?
They were feeding earlier this morning.
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I won't swear to it STLbf, but I believe those dabbling ducks are either female or juvenile Northern Pintails.
Hey Lug, I agree, definitely dabbling ducks in my photos. Northern Pintails, hmmm, maybe juveniles, and there are lots of juvies around the Flyway now. The NP photos that showed up in my first Google search don't have the reddish side feathers. Definitely not adult NPs. I'll keep looking for a match. So much to learn.
On taking a second look I began thinking it was a female American Wigeon, but looking more closely now I'm thinking it might be a female Eurasian Wigeon ? ??? ???
Zoom way in on La Crosse, WI using eBird's 'sightings map' ..
Eurasian Wigeon (https://ebird.org/map/eurwig?neg=true&zh=true&gp=false&ev=Z&mr=1-12&bmo=1&emo=12&__hstc=75100365.0a0e5ba529d0298add29dcfcf8797c9d.1565706479294.1565718142186.1565728109735.4&__hssc=75100365.18.1565728109735&__hsfp=3595603007#_ga=2.229651999.223428738.1565706479-358454366.1565706472)
You can then click on the "blue map pins" for more detailed sighting information. (2nd image).
Goose Island Overlook
Vernon, US-WI
Date # Observer
2017-11-24 1 Molly Tuma
If it is a Eurasian Wigeon it's another pretty unusual sighting just like KRD's American Avocet sightings on July 7 and July 19 at Lake Onalaka.
-EDIT- ok, Pip & I are waffling on whether it's an American or Eurasian Wigeon. ;)
They're apparently very hard to tell apart in the field ..
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Spring and Fall migration seasons in Wisconsin are my favorite times of the year. Here is an interesting article from Birdwatcher's Magazine on the topic of the fall migration season:
Back for more about duck identification. Great stuff in the links from Lug and Finn.
Rewinding to this morning, several "mystery reddish ducks with a blue bill" were hanging with a small flock of blue-winged teal. The reddish feathers make them stand out. In fact, I captured one on land (standing out, LOL) and I'm leaning toward the Eurasian Wigeon, juvenile.
Also looked at the page of Teals on the site, Birds of the World, with no clear Teal species matching. What do you think?
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I saw this a few minutes ago and fell in love with it..........
Well Eaglesrock at least they are a hair different ;) :D
Well Eaglesrock at least they are a hair different ;) :D
You win the prize, Nora! I love the pink color captured in your photo. What amazing views we have been gifted on this Flyway Cam!
From RRP's FB post:
Flyway Cam Videos
8/12/19: Falcon - https://youtu.be/fdJQG11j_3U. This unbanded adult falcon looks too dark for Newman and (since it's unbanded) isn't Michelle. In many species of birds, non-territorial birds wander more than their counterparts with territories and families. This may be a non-territorial bird staging for migration along the Mississippi, or a 'floater' - a single adult - out wandering and exploring on a large summer territory. Either way, what a treat to see!
8/10/19: Beautiful Sandhill Cranes on the Mississippi River Flyway cam - https://youtu.be/3G_sMyw6eU8. Absolutely stunning footage of sandhill cranes preening, standing, stalking, and foraging. We don't hear the cranes, but listen for other birds in the background!
8/10/19: Mississippi River Flyway 8-10-19, Sunset screensaver - https://youtu.be/LU11WxLwNyI. Relax. Breathe deeply. Sink into the river as the setting sun paints everything in blue, rose, purple, and gold.
8/10/19: Adult BE catches dinner, brings it to the perch - https://youtu.be/B__JsHbnEig. The bald eagle is cool, but I really couldn't get over all of the birds we see in this video! A huge flock of seagulls to takes off more than once, while another huge flock of American white pelicans sits on and near the sandbar. The presence of all of these birds is a great example of the importance of maintaining habitat. Literally millions of birds depend on the Mississippi river for feeding, breeding, staging, and migratory support. Without habitat and clean water, we wouldn't be watching any of them. Remember when seeing a bald eagle was an amazing event? We nearly lost them once. Let's not do it again.
8/9/19: Serious preening going on here - https://youtu.be/b2ZkoThFJiM. Having a bad day? Take a nice-time break with this video of a female Mallard preening - followed by a whole preening party at 3:20!
8/9/19: Great egret swallows fish - https://youtu.be/6USVnN6ySiQ. It's a good-sized fish and the egret has to work to get it into the correct position before swallowing it whole! Did you know: Snowy egrets were an important driver of conservation in the United States. You can read more about that here: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-two-women-ended-the-deadly-feather-trade-23187277/?fbclid=IwAR0qjeGxc3lVtvKuafh71vgGbWK8XyjGKjViB_aM3aSB4Rz6pnj6F_UZH3M.
A view from the Flyway. The upper Mississippi is like nowhere else on earth! #DriftlessDreams
American Avocet today on the cam this morning.
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Beautiful Flyway Cam today... could be one of our D's!!!❤️
Can someone identify this waterbird? Screen shot about an hour ago.
What's your favorite online resource for identifying ducks and other water birds?
Occasionally, I still use the 1946 edition of John James Audubon's "The Birds of America" that my parents gave me when I was 5 years old! My grandkids think it's quaint but cool.
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Can someone identify this waterbird? Screen shot about an hour ago.
What's your favorite online resource for identifying ducks and other water birds?
Occasionally, I still use the 1946 edition of John James Audubon's "The Birds of America" that my parents gave me when I was 5 years old! My grandkids think it's quaint but cool.
I checked in explore.org comments and camop spish indicated this is an American Coot. I usually ask on comments section in explore.org OR in here. :)
Can someone identify this waterbird? Screen shot about an hour ago.
What's your favorite online resource for identifying ducks and other water birds?
Occasionally, I still use the 1946 edition of John James Audubon's "The Birds of America" that my parents gave me when I was 5 years old! My grandkids think it's quaint but cool.
I checked in explore.org comments and camop spish indicated this is an American Coot. I usually ask on comments section in explore.org OR in here. :)
Yep, it's a Coot. We've seen a couple of them brought in as prey at Decorah North. They have very distinctive looking feet also a white beak. I think a common name is mudhen. RRP has recently posted a bunch of Flyway photos on their Facebook page. I'm pretty sure that one of the pics is a Coot.
Well, the RRP world brings us together in different places, and I notice familiar names in this Forum location. Having just had success (thanks to some helpful tips from Izzy) posting a screen snip from Saturday at the Decorah Hatchery site, I'm feeling brave and bold at this moment. Captured two nice snips at the Flyway recently that I shared elsewhere, and a chat friend of mine from Eaglecrest Wildlife days reminded me that this site existed within the RRP framework - and that I should try to include my snips here. So, here's another test and we'll see how it works. First photo will be of a pair of Sandhill Cranes trilling.
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OK. I'm on a roll here. My second snip from the Flyway is of the first Lesser Yellowlegs I have personally identified (at least if I'm correct in my ID process ;)) Got SO excited to find this at the Flyway yesterday! My first experience at seeing one was during the glorious days at Eaglecrest Wildlife. In fact, over time both the Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs were ID'd there - but this one I found all on my own ;D
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...and, Ginger52, the American Avocet snips are extraordinary! So glad you saw, snipped, and shared :-*
Thanks for the American coot ID! Just spent an hour trying to ID (Cornell needs to up their search game) and only got as close as a grebe, based on their lobed feet. When I hear hoofbeats, I should think "horse" and not "zebra." ;D ;D
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Occasionally, I still use the 1946 edition of John James Audubon's "The Birds of Amrica" that my parents gave me when I was 5 years old! My grandkids think it's quaint but cool.
It is cool I still use the same one. :)
Can someone identify this waterbird? Screen shot about an hour ago.
What's your favorite online resource for identifying ducks and other water birds?
Occasionally, I still use the 1946 edition of John James Audubon's "The Birds of America" that my parents gave me when I was 5 years old! My grandkids think it's quaint but cool.
Clearly your old paper bird id books are the way to go STLbf, that's what I use and treasure. :)
Post seeing, we rarely identify birds reliably online.
While In the field as we are now we always keep a really old paper copy of James. Yup that's it. That's the bird. :)
But then again we carry a magnetic compass & a paper map & know how too use them when we walk about too. ;)
Good to see familiar names on this forum page! Checked the cam this morning and found these beauties. :)
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Great pics, everyone
Can someone identify this waterbird? Screen shot about an hour ago.
What's your favorite online resource for identifying ducks and other water birds?
Occasionally, I still use the 1946 edition of John James Audubon's "The Birds of America" that my parents gave me when I was 5 years old! My grandkids think it's quaint but cool.
I checked in explore.org comments and camop spish indicated this is an American Coot. I usually ask on comments section in explore.org OR in here. :)
For on-line bird identification I use both Audubon's Bird ID and Cornell Lab's Merlin. For books I use Sibley Birds (second edition) and for Wisconsin birds in particular I use Birds of Wisconsin Field Guide by Stan Tekiela.
Splish splash!!!
Mississippi River Flyway Bald Eagle bathing moment
https://youtu.be/fMqF1wSaow0 via lizzy g eaglespirit
Too funny T40!
Splish splash!!!
Mississippi River Flyway Bald Eagle bathing moment
https://youtu.be/fMqF1wSaow0 via lizzy g eaglespirit
Love that gif, Lori, as you can probably tell from my avatar. ;D
I've been on the flyway cam sporadically this year, but will have it up constantly now that the Decorah cams are in maintenance mode. So glad we have this option!
After watching the video of the two bathing, I thought how funny it would be if you caught a gif of the sideways run/hop/fly that they both did to dry off!
This little guy/girl is so much fun to watch!
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This little guy/girl is so much fun to watch!
Great shots, NW! Love how the juvie took over the perch after the adult left. :)
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This little guy/girl is so much fun to watch!
Great shots, NW! Love how the juvie took over the perch after the adult left. :)
I know! :)
Where else can you see several species of birds all at the same time?! This is great! Does the camera do a full 360? It seemed like it from the last panning they did.
Splish splash!!!
Love that gif, Lori, as you can probably tell from my avatar. ;D
After watching the video of the two bathing, I thought how funny it would be if you caught a gif of the sideways run/hop/fly that they both did to dry off!
I can try to get it... with the software I have I usually do it on live stream have have it playing at the exact right time, press control shift G (at the same time) hover over the area to capture and talons crossed it works... this is all in the works for me... pretty soon I'll be the gif master and teach you how to do it! :) It captures 7 seconds of video. ::)
Splish splash!!!
Love that gif, Lori, as you can probably tell from my avatar. ;D
After watching the video of the two bathing, I thought how funny it would be if you caught a gif of the sideways run/hop/fly that they both did to dry off!
I can try to get it... with the software I have I usually do it on live stream have have it playing at the exact right time, press control shift G hover over the area to capture and talons crossed it works... this is all in the works for me... pretty soon I'll be the gif master and teach you how to do it! :)
I think you're pretty darned good at it now! :)
I am a ready and willing student!
This is definitely more entertaining than Summer reruns! ;D
Just saw this bird on a prior forum post and it's an egret. I wasn't sure until I saw the post.
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Great comments, T40! I could just hear Pacino saying that!
I already left a message in the Decorah Eagles 2019 thread, but I'll mention it here also. I just uploaded the ATF pics from my binoculars a little while ago (in the ATF thread). It does take great pictures, and once I learn the settings, I should be able to document quite a bit next year. Thanks to Eagle Angels who mentioned it in chat and piqued my curiosity! :)
Love this flyway cam!!! :-*
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Can someone identify this waterbird? Screen shot about an hour ago.
What's your favorite online resource for identifying ducks and other water birds?
Occasionally, I still use the 1946 edition of John James Audubon's "The Birds of America" that my parents gave me when I was 5 years old! My grandkids think it's quaint but cool.
I checked in explore.org comments and camop spish indicated this is an American Coot. I usually ask on comments section in explore.org OR in here. :)
For on-line bird identification I use both Audubon's Bird ID and Cornell Lab's Merlin. For books I use Sibley Birds (second edition) and for Wisconsin birds in particular I use Birds of Wisconsin Field Guide by Stan Tekiela.
American Coot -- I knew that! Thanks for confirmation.
And about bird ID books, Stan Tekiela also has Birds of Missouri, Birds of Illinois, Birds of Michigan. Great field guides, and you can search the pages by the main color of the bird.
Nice to see chatters from Decorah and Decorah North here at the Flyway. The variety of birds is awesome. And almost always eagles.
Lovin' the views! :-*
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Love this flyway cam!!! :-*
I love the way each kind of bird is in it's own row.
Nora, I'm working from home today and can't wait until there are multitudes of birds - my cats will go nuts! ;D
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There are 3 there now.9:35 am their time! I love tuning in and there is an eagle to see. Or even 3
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This juvie spent an awfully long time seemingly staring at his feet, then jumped off the perch and picked at something underneath for a bit. Now just standing. Wish he had some company!
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This juvie spent an awfully long time seemingly staring at his feet, then jumped off the perch and picked at something underneath for a bit. Now just standing. Wish he had some company!
EA - I was thinking the same thing, he needs a friend. Is he a loner? Can he not fly good?
Lil Bandit to the right 8)
This juvie spent an awfully long time seemingly staring at his feet, then jumped off the perch and picked at something underneath for a bit. Now just standing. Wish he had some company!
EA - I was thinking the same thing, he needs a friend. Is he a loner? Can he not fly good?
I'm not sure, but I'm starting to wonder if there is something wrong. I guess we'll just hope for the best!
This juvie spent an awfully long time seemingly staring at his feet, then jumped off the perch and picked at something underneath for a bit. Now just standing. Wish he had some company!
EA - I was thinking the same thing, he needs a friend. Is he a loner? Can he not fly good?
I'm not sure, but I'm starting to wonder if there is something wrong. I guess we'll just hope for the best!
Fingers crossed all is good with him.
Lori - love that pic!
Lil Bandit to the right 8)
What a neat looking bird! I wondered if he was off by himself because the others shun him for looking so different.
American Avocet today on the cam this morning.
Further to Ginger's beautiful screen captures of the American Avocet on the Flyway cam on Aug 17th, I saw this on RRP's home page in case you haven't seen it yet. Very cool. Thank you, Ginger!
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Duck breakfast 8)
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August 24, 2019, Saturday -- Mississippi Fly Way
Thanks to the camera operators, who found so many great images today.
Saw this on explore.org this morning :)
(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/93e9b9af2163048814a8f9f82553d14a09aec4fab23d9ebf7ad12d7b1d2a4a6c.jpg?w=400&h) via explore.org
?I just love watching eagles run, don?t you?? (Mississippi River Flyway cam, 8/25/19).
https://youtu.be/m32q6JxK2mM via McKat
A sub-adult bald eagle (under 5 years old, does not have full white head and tail yet) is seen alone on cam at first, then waddling to the water.
Love the checkerboard look on the sub-adult at the Flyway from early this morning!
Sunday afternoon, maybe an hour ago on the rewind (guessing) the cam op was following what looked like a multi-colored para-sail above the water. I never spotted a person who would have been piloting it. Perhaps there was a boat?
Not sure if this is "playing" or not... chest bump.
Splish Splash at Flyway 8)
Time to dry off!
(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5d64a1b89de0799d7a8aade75461c61ccbf5403369fb5fdc470ee88cf8d015ec.jpg?w=480&h=302) via explore
Mississippi River Flyway : Bald Eagle moment SA, juvi
https://youtu.be/MIZ12O444EE via lizzy g eaglespirit
Waddle waddle weeee!!
(https://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.gyazo.com%2F307b6819201f6f2e0ea7e0b23306f481.gif&key=cA8LRxd7eRDmMUUMiB6PNA&w=480&h=180) via explore
I love juvies! 8)
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Great pics, T40
Lori, great gifs
Wondering if there is something wrong with the one in front that keeps getting in the water? Now the one in back keeps pulling at the other's feathers.
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That is just precious! Thanks T40!
Splish Splash at Flyway 8)
Time to dry off!
Mississippi River Flyway : Bald Eagle moment SA, juvi
https://youtu.be/MIZ12O444EE via lizzy g eaglespirit
Waddle waddle weeee!!
Love those gifs, Lori! They make me smile. :)
This may be a dumb question, but I'll ask it anyway. The juvie that people were calling 'checkerboard' because of the dark and white feathers all over their body - is that normal, or is that along the lines of an albino eagle? I've never seen one like that before and didn't know if it denoted something different with that juvie.
NW - That mottled look is normal, especially for wet juveniles/sub-adults! I know there has been some talk that particular bird may be a golden and not a bald eagle juvenile. Dunno. Definitely not leucisitic.
Juvenile golden eagle.
Photographers captured an adult eagle with white spots near Bellingham, Washington, on January 6. It was described as "albino-like."
Leucisitic bald eagle (albino)
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NW - That mottled look is normal, especially for wet juveniles/sub-adults! I know there has been some talk that particular bird may be a golden and not a bald eagle juvenile. Dunno. Definitely not leucisitic.
Photographers captured an adult eagle with white spots near Bellingham, Washington, on January 6. It was described as "albino-like."
Leucisitic bald eagle (albino)
Thanks for the pics and explanation, T40. I guess I just didn't realize that juvies/SA's could have that much white mottled in their feathers. Maybe it's comparable to humans that have white 'spots' in their hair. I knew someone years ago that had cole black hair, but one patch of white in the back of his head. And he was only in his 20s, so it wasn't from age, he was born with it.
But you're right - definitely not leucistic (I learned a new word!). Interesting!
This may be a dumb question, but I'll ask it anyway. The juvie that people were calling 'checkerboard' because of the dark and white feathers all over their body - is that normal, or is that along the lines of an albino eagle? I've never seen one like that before and didn't know if it denoted something different with that juvie.
Not a dumb question, NW. I don't think I've seen one before that had so much white. It's not albino because then it would be completely white. It could be leucistic although I don't think it is.
From this site https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/blogs/whats-the-difference-between-albino-and-leucistic
"Albinism is a condition in which there is an absence of melanin, which gives color to the skin, feathers, hair and eyes. Vertebrates with albinism are not only white (or sometimes pale yellowish) in color but they also have very pale eyes, often pink or red in color as the blood vessels show through, or extremely light blue. Leucism, on the other hand, is a partial loss of pigmentation, which can make the animal have white or patchily colored skin, hair, feathers and so on, but the pigment cells in the eyes are not affected by the condition."
I don't think it's leucistic because I don't think it would be so patchy with very dark spots and white spots. That's just my opinion -- I don't know for sure. I did see a photo of one (an adult) that was labeled leucistic that does have similar patching, but I can't seem to get the link to work here on my post. (Edited: I downloaded that pic and have now attached it.) Also, it would be easier to tell if it were an adult.
I've also seen some comments wondering if it's a Golden Eagle. I don't think it's a Golden. It would be very rare to see one in this location although there are some Goldens that migrate to this area from northern Canada but that's in November. The leg feathers on Goldens grow all the way down to the toes and you don't see their yellow legs. On some of my screencaps I can clearly see some of the eagle's legs. https://www.avianreport.com/how-to-tell-a-juvenile-golden-eagle-from-a-juvenile-bald-eagle/ Here's a pic from that site:
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T40, isn't your second pic a hawk?
T40, isn't your second pic a hawk?
Sure does, but it wasn't labeled as such and I thought it might just be the angle that made it look hawk-like, so I went with it. :)
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T40, isn't your second pic a hawk?
Sure does, but it wasn't labeled as such and I thought it might just be the angle that made it look hawk-like, so I went with it. :)
Ah... so they mislabeled. I noticed it doesn't have feathers on its legs down to its talons and also has bands on its tail, so I knew it couldn't be a Golden.
Wondering if there is something wrong with the one in front that keeps getting in the water? Now the one in back keeps pulling at the other's feathers.
EA -- It's missing most of its tail feathers. I've attached a pic. Cam op kept the cam on it for a long time, so I'm sure RRP is aware. I hope it can be rescued.
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Wondering if there is something wrong with the one in front that keeps getting in the water? Now the one in back keeps pulling at the other's feathers.
EA -- It's missing most of its tail feathers. I've attached a pic. Cam op kept the cam on it for a long time, so I'm sure RRP is aware. I hope it can be rescued.
I've been watching this little dude for quite awhile this pm and knew there was something not quite right, especially when the other juvie was pulling at its feathers. Poor baby....I hope it can be rescued. I was worried when the adult jumped it earlier.
Wondering if there is something wrong with the one in front that keeps getting in the water? Now the one in back keeps pulling at the other's feathers.
EA -- It's missing most of its tail feathers. I've attached a pic. Cam op kept the cam on it for a long time, so I'm sure RRP is aware. I hope it can be rescued.
I see he was still on that sandbar tonight just standing there. Could see his eyes glowing. So sad. Do you really think they would send someone out there to get him??? I am praying so!
Well, this year RRP rescued all 3 Decorah eaglets when they "fledged" too early. Also, they often assist with rescues in the Decorah area. I think that anytime there's an grounded eagle (or sometimes other raptors -- remember John helping to rescue that vulture?) in the area or on one of their cams that needs medical attention RRP will help arrange a rescue attempt. Also, the flyway cam is in a wildlife refuge so there are other organizations (FWS?) that could attempt a rescue, I assume.
Well, this year RRP rescued all 3 Decorah eaglets when they "fledged" too early. Also, they often assist with rescues in the Decorah area. I think that anytime there's an grounded eagle (or sometimes other raptors -- remember John helping to rescue that vulture?) in the area or on one of their cams that needs medical attention RRP will help arrange a rescue attempt. Also, the flyway cam is in a wildlife refuge so there are other organizations (FWS?) that could attempt a rescue, I assume.
Very true Ginger, this is a great wildlife refuge with many walking trails to see the wildlife, they have a 10 minute movie theater introduction, things for kids, educators, etc. We're planning on getting up there this fall or next spring since it's only a few hours away from us.
Adding the refuge link...https://www.fws.gov/refuge/Upper_Mississippi_River/about.html
Response I jus received from their Wildlife District manager, Tim Miller
Thanks for the message. I spoke with Raptor Resources last night about the bird. I have not actually seen any photos of the bird yet, however I did not yesterday that the eagles are in various stages of molting. We will be getting some photos today and can make a better assessment of what needs to be done. Thanks again for your message.
Thank you Monarch, Wildlife District manager, Tim Miller & RRP for anything that can be done for this precious Juvie. Prayers for you lil guy. Thanks to all of you who noticed there was something wrong and thank you for caring! Together we can make a difference! 8)
Thanks, Monarch. I'm glad that RRP notified FWS and that they'll assess the situation. And, thanks to the cam ops who do a great job of notifying RRP of issues that arise on the cams!
Wondering if there is something wrong with the one in front that keeps getting in the water? Now the one in back keeps pulling at the other's feathers.
EA -- It's missing most of its tail feathers. I've attached a pic. Cam op kept the cam on it for a long time, so I'm sure RRP is aware. I hope it can be rescued.
Thank you so much, Ginger! I could tell something was wrong, but with it being in the water, it wasn't clear to me. As always, we will trust RRP to know what to do.
Thanks, Monarch. I'm glad that RRP notified FWS and that they'll assess the situation. And, thanks to the cam ops who do a great job of notifying RRP of issues that arise on the cams!
Ginger... oh yes, especially thank you to our wonderful Cam Ops!!! You are the best!:)
Wondering if there is something wrong with the one in front that keeps getting in the water? Now the one in back keeps pulling at the other's feathers.
Is this the juvie they're possibly going to rescue? Wonder if it's the same one that was on a branch the other day and kept looking down and didn't move much.
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Wondering if there is something wrong with the one in front that keeps getting in the water? Now the one in back keeps pulling at the other's feathers.
Is this the juvie they're possibly going to rescue? Wonder if it's the same one that was on a branch the other day and kept looking down and didn't move much.
Could have been. This little guy isn't straying too far away. I actually thought he/she was stuck in the muck yesterday, seemed to have a hard time getting out of that spot.
So cute watching the other eagle pulling on it's feathers, as if he knew something was wrong too.
Looks like the juvie is still hanging out in the water. Poor thing!
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Thanks for your update, monarch. :)
If you weren't watching, there was another great running scene at 9:15! Maybe Lori will catch the video for us. Love your gifs, Lori!
For those of you who are interested in the Golden Eagle presence in this area, the place to go for news and studies of their population is the National Eagle Center in Wabasha, MN (which is a an hour or so north of Lake Onalaska on the MR). They have been conducting a yearly survey of the GE population in January as part The Golden Eagle Project which tracks golden eagles using GPS satellite transmitters to find out more about their migration patterns and possible breeding origin. Here is their web link about the survey: https://www.nationaleaglecenter.org/golden-eagle-project/golden-eagles-in-minnesota/ They also sponsor a great bus tours of known GE viewing locations in November and February: https://www.nationaleaglecenter.org/golden-eagle-project/golden-eagle-field-trips/
For those of you who are interested in the Golden Eagle presence in this area, the place to go for news and studies of their population is the National Eagle Center in Wabasha, MN (which is a an hour or so north of Lake Onalaska on the MR). They have been conducting a yearly survey of the GE population in January as part The Golden Eagle Project which tracks golden eagles using GPS satellite transmitters to find out more about their migration patterns and possible breeding origin. Here is their web link about the survey: https://www.nationaleaglecenter.org/golden-eagle-project/golden-eagles-in-minnesota/ They also sponsor a great bus tours of known GE viewing locations in November and February: https://www.nationaleaglecenter.org/golden-eagle-project/golden-eagle-field-trips/
Thanks for this info Finn! My first exposure to golden eagles was at Eagle Pointe Park in Dubuque while visiting a cousin. We spent the afternoon there just watching the multitude of goldens flying right over our heads! The attached pic was actually my desktop background that entire summer. And I wasn't aware until then that the golden eagle is larger than the bald eagle. Iowa has a treasure trove of unbelievable wild life!
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That poor little guy is still sitting in the water. I wonder if that's so other birds won't see that he has virtually no tail feathers. A way of protecting himself? Or maybe just wanting to be closer to the fish!
That poor little guy is still sitting in the water. I wonder if that's so other birds won't see that he has virtually no tail feathers. A way of protecting himself? Or maybe just wanting to be closer to the fish!
Probably a little of both. I think the juvie sitting on the dead tree close to him is the same one that pulled on his feathers yesterday and also did a couple of fly arounds him earlier today before landing and staying on the tree. I think their buddies :)
That poor little guy is still sitting in the water. I wonder if that's so other birds won't see that he has virtually no tail feathers. A way of protecting himself? Or maybe just wanting to be closer to the fish!
Probably a little of both. I think the juvie sitting on the dead tree close to him is the same one that pulled on his feathers yesterday and also did a couple of fly arounds him earlier today before landing and staying on the tree. I think their buddies :)
I got that impression also. Thank goodness he's got another juvie watching out for him! Another thought I had was maybe he stays in the water because whatever caused his tail feathers to come out also caused him some discomfort and the cool water helps. In any case, I hope he gets the help he seems to need.
Good call by EA a few days ago who noticed his strange behavior!
EA more Baywatch! lol
RRP has posted and update on their FB page:
"A number of you contacted us about an injured eagle seen on the Flyway cam yesterday. John spoke with the district NWFS manager at Brice Prairie last night and they have been watching and trying to capture an injured eagle in the same area. However, the eagle can still fly well enough to evade capture. We'll post more if and when we get it. Thanks so much for making sure we knew about the eagle!"
RRP has posted and update on their FB page:
"A number of you contacted us about an injured eagle seen on the Flyway cam yesterday. John spoke with the district NWFS manager at Brice Prairie last night and they have been watching and trying to capture an injured eagle in the same area. However, the eagle can still fly well enough to evade capture. We'll post more if and when we get it. Thanks so much for making sure we knew about the eagle!"
Thank you for passing on that info from RRP Pauljk! Good to know so many people are concerned and hopefully the one they are trying to capture is the same eagle. If it's missing most (if not all) of its tail feathers, I wouldn't think it would be able to fly - unless the tail feathers are more of a rudder. The one we're thinking is injured has stayed pretty much in the same spot for a couple of days now.
RRP has posted and update on their FB page:
"A number of you contacted us about an injured eagle seen on the Flyway cam yesterday. John spoke with the district NWFS manager at Brice Prairie last night and they have been watching and trying to capture an injured eagle in the same area. However, the eagle can still fly well enough to evade capture. We'll post more if and when we get it. Thanks so much for making sure we knew about the eagle!"
Thank you for passing on that info from RRP Pauljk! Good to know so many people are concerned and hopefully the one they are trying to capture is the same eagle. If it's missing most (if not all) of its tail feathers, I wouldn't think it would be able to fly - unless the tail feathers are more of a rudder. The one we're thinking is injured has stayed pretty much in the same spot for a couple of days now.
I was also wondering that, but they did post a photo of one with the missing tail feathers below the update. I did see him do a short hop/flight toward the dead tree like he was reacting to something, so maybe they are out there. Either way, they do know about it and are watching.
EA more Baywatch! lol
Yay!! Greatness! Thanks, Lori! I rewound, slowed it down and watched several times. Couldn't keep the theme from "Chariots of Fire" out of my head! ;D
NW - That mottled look is normal, especially for wet juveniles/sub-adults! I know there has been some talk that particular bird may be a golden and not a bald eagle juvenile. Dunno. Definitely not leucisitic.
Juvenile golden eagle.
Photographers captured an adult eagle with white spots near Bellingham, Washington, on January 6. It was described as "albino-like."
Leucisitic bald eagle (albino)
That "Golden Eagle" looks more like Red-Tailed Hawk
The "Bald Eagle" looks more like a Red-Tailed Hawk to me.
Yes, jhm, they already realized that. It was mislabeled in the source they got it from...mentioned it a couple of pages back.
Here are a couple of pics I took to send to my relatives. I got them hooked on the Decorah cam - now I'm working on the Flyway cam! ;)
The juvie in the 2nd pic kept moving with his 'lunch' because the seagulls were definitely interested in it! ;D
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(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c73cbf725c45b18d47c42a97b422f1ec8168265980568db71e588f1b0805b62a.png) photo via explore
Juvie Bald Eagle trying to help injured sibling. Mississippi River Flyway 26 August 2019.
https://youtu.be/Ww-5wQq_bZE via arlene beech
Juvie Bald Eagle trying to help injured sibling. Mississippi River Flyway 26 August 2019.
https://youtu.be/Ww-5wQq_bZE via arlene beech
Thanks for the link, Lori. It just breaks your heart seeing the sibling trying to lift his wings so they can continue their awesome adventure together. I hope the FWS can catch it and determine what is wrong, or at least send it to a place like SOAR if need be. I would just hate to see them separated though. You can tell the sibling is sticking close to protect and watch out for the other. They're never far from each other. But how great is it that RRP installed these cams so that something like this could be reported? Without it, injured birds like this one might eventually die from malnutrition or other factors.
Someone posted a comment that an adult eagle attacked the injured one yesterday? I looked for video of it, but couldn't find anything.
via Facebook via Sherri Elliott
For those of you that are commenting that this is a tough situation to watch ... we understand, and if it is too upsetting please allow yourself permission to walk away for a bit. RRP is a guest at this refuge with our cameras and we see both the beautiful and sad at times. The National Fish & Wildlife Services is the lead agency in charge and those experts are aware that there are 2 eagles in distress and we trust them to do what they can to formulate whatever plans they can. Meanwhile, we wait and we document, and we thank you for your patience and support.
(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c73cbf725c45b18d47c42a97b422f1ec8168265980568db71e588f1b0805b62a.png) photo via explore
Juvie Bald Eagle trying to help injured sibling. Mississippi River Flyway 26 August 2019.
https://youtu.be/Ww-5wQq_bZE via arlene beech
These two juvies could well be siblings but I don't think Arlene knows. I think she was just interpreting the situation that way and that's why she used "sibling" in her video title.
via Facebook via Sherri Elliott
For those of you that are commenting that this is a tough situation to watch ... we understand, and if it is too upsetting please allow yourself permission to walk away for a bit. RRP is a guest at this refuge with our cameras and we see both the beautiful and sad at times. The National Fish & Wildlife Services is the lead agency in charge and those experts are aware that there are 2 eagles in distress and we trust them to do what they can to formulate whatever plans they can. Meanwhile, we wait and we document, and we thank you for your patience and support.
Is it not possible for RRP to get permission and go to help this poor injured eagle? I don't put much faith in U.S. Fish and Wildlife.
Juvie Bald Eagle trying to help injured sibling. Mississippi River Flyway 26 August 2019.
https://youtu.be/Ww-5wQq_bZE via arlene beech
Thanks for the link, Lori. It just breaks your heart seeing the sibling trying to lift his wings so they can continue their awesome adventure together. I hope the FWS can catch it and determine what is wrong, or at least send it to a place like SOAR if need be. I would just hate to see them separated though. You can tell the sibling is sticking close to protect and watch out for the other. They're never far from each other. But how great is it that RRP installed these cams so that something like this could be reported? Without it, injured birds like this one might eventually die from malnutrition or other factors.
Someone posted a comment that an adult eagle attacked the injured one yesterday? I looked for video of it, but couldn't find anything.
I was watching live when an adult flew in and struck the injured juvie. Not sure if he thought it was dead prey or trying to get it to move? As soon as the adult struck the juvie and it went into defense mode flapping about, the adult landed on the ground to the right of juvie and stayed there awhile with it before flying off. I"m sure if the adult wanted to hurt it, it very well could have. Almost made me think the adult was watching over him as well. Both the adult and the buddy/sibling both sat on the dead tree with the juvie in the water until dark.
This all happened shortly after the juvie was in the water with the other one lifting its feathers and just before the injured one moved over to the dead tree for the evening. I have not seen anyone post a video on it.
Juvie Bald Eagle trying to help injured sibling. Mississippi River Flyway 26 August 2019.
https://youtu.be/Ww-5wQq_bZE via arlene beech
Thanks for the link, Lori. It just breaks your heart seeing the sibling trying to lift his wings so they can continue their awesome adventure together. I hope the FWS can catch it and determine what is wrong, or at least send it to a place like SOAR if need be. I would just hate to see them separated though. You can tell the sibling is sticking close to protect and watch out for the other. They're never far from each other. But how great is it that RRP installed these cams so that something like this could be reported? Without it, injured birds like this one might eventually die from malnutrition or other factors.
Someone posted a comment that an adult eagle attacked the injured one yesterday? I looked for video of it, but couldn't find anything.
I was watching live when an adult flew in and struck the injured juvie. Not sure if he thought it was dead prey or trying to get it to move? As soon as the adult struck the juvie and it went into defense mode flapping about, the adult landed on the ground to the right of juvie and stayed there awhile with it before flying off. I"m sure if the adult wanted to hurt it, it very well could have. Almost made me think the adult was watching over him as well. Both the adult and the buddy/sibling both sat on the dead tree with the juvie in the water until dark.
This all happened shortly after the juvie was in the water with the other one lifting its feathers and just before the injured one moved over to the dead tree for the evening. I have not seen anyone post a video on it.
Thanks monarch. I had to stop watching so intently because it was starting to get to me. Not sure if it's going to make it through the day. The companion looked like it was trying to catch fish, possibly to bring to the other one, but hasn't gone over to it. It seems like the injured one is lower in the water now.
Watching animal cams is not for the faint of heart that's for sure. I've been watching Serengeti the last few days and there are times I have to switch over to another station because it's too much.
Juvie Bald Eagle trying to help injured sibling. Mississippi River Flyway 26 August 2019.
https://youtu.be/Ww-5wQq_bZE via arlene beech
Thanks for the link, Lori. It just breaks your heart seeing the sibling trying to lift his wings so they can continue their awesome adventure together. I hope the FWS can catch it and determine what is wrong, or at least send it to a place like SOAR if need be. I would just hate to see them separated though. You can tell the sibling is sticking close to protect and watch out for the other. They're never far from each other. But how great is it that RRP installed these cams so that something like this could be reported? Without it, injured birds like this one might eventually die from malnutrition or other factors.
Someone posted a comment that an adult eagle attacked the injured one yesterday? I looked for video of it, but couldn't find anything.
I was watching live when an adult flew in and struck the injured juvie. Not sure if he thought it was dead prey or trying to get it to move? As soon as the adult struck the juvie and it went into defense mode flapping about, the adult landed on the ground to the right of juvie and stayed there awhile with it before flying off. I"m sure if the adult wanted to hurt it, it very well could have. Almost made me think the adult was watching over him as well. Both the adult and the buddy/sibling both sat on the dead tree with the juvie in the water until dark.
This all happened shortly after the juvie was in the water with the other one lifting its feathers and just before the injured one moved over to the dead tree for the evening. I have not seen anyone post a video on it.
Thanks monarch. I had to stop watching so intently because it was starting to get to me. Not sure if it's going to make it through the day. The companion looked like it was trying to catch fish, possibly to bring to the other one, but hasn't gone over to it. It seems like the injured one is lower in the water now.
Watching animal cams is not for the faint of heart that's for sure. I've been watching Serengeti the last few days and there are times I have to switch over to another station because it's too much.
I know it's hard. I can't even watch Serengeti. I've been working on my puter the past couple days and have had the flyway window up is why I have seen so much live. Just breaks my heart. Poor thing hasn't eaten in at least the couple of days I have been watching him. I sure hope he can be saved.
The Flyway lil Juvie passed away in the water this afternoon. Fly high little one! You were loved!!! :'(
There are 2 juvies in distress... praying they can reach the other one in time. No official word from RRP but I got this update from ladyhawk.
Mississippi Fly Away Cam ~ Injured Juvenile Eagle In Water Dies 8.27.19
https://youtu.be/pqqM3pwKPt0 via lady hawk
Yesterday a juvenile eagle was seen injured and standing in the water with missing tail feathers. Another juvie was seen- perhaps a sibling and remained close to him. Today he was still in the water as the other juvie continued to stay close to him all day. Sadly, this afternoon, he passed away. Earlier RRP put out this statement before the young eagle died.
"A number of you contacted us about an injured eagle seen on the Flyway cam yesterday. John spoke with the district NWFS manager at Brice Prairie last night and they have been watching and trying to capture an injured eagle in the same area. However, the eagle can still fly well enough to evade capture. We'll post more if and when we get it."
"The National Fish and Wildlife Services that are in charge of this refuge are aware of the distressed eagles (they have confirmed that there are two of them). We know that the views may be distressing, but we have to allow them to handle the situation according to best practices and make plans accordingly. If it is hard for you to view, please take a break for a while, walk away and check in later."
The Flyway lil Juvie passed away in the water this afternoon. Fly high little one! You were loved!!! :'(
There are 2 juvies in distress... praying they can reach the other one in time. No official word from RRP but I got this update from ladyhawk.
Mississippi Fly Away Cam ~ Injured Juvenile Eagle In Water Dies 8.27.19
https://youtu.be/pqqM3pwKPt0 via lady hawk
Yesterday a juvenile eagle was seen injured and standing in the water with missing tail feathers. Another juvie was seen- perhaps a sibling and remained close to him. Today he was still in the water as the other juvie continued to stay close to him all day. Sadly, this afternoon, he passed away. Earlier RRP put out this statement before the young eagle died.
"A number of you contacted us about an injured eagle seen on the Flyway cam yesterday. John spoke with the district NWFS manager at Brice Prairie last night and they have been watching and trying to capture an injured eagle in the same area. However, the eagle can still fly well enough to evade capture. We'll post more if and when we get it."
"The National Fish and Wildlife Services that are in charge of this refuge are aware of the distressed eagles (they have confirmed that there are two of them). We know that the views may be distressing, but we have to allow them to handle the situation according to best practices and make plans accordingly. If it is hard for you to view, please take a break for a while, walk away and check in later."
I am very upset. These are the experts? That little baby didn't move all day, there was no way you can convince me FWS couldn't rescue and save it. Poor baby, didn't even get a chance for help.
Our U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services is useless. They don't give a damn about saving wildlife. All they care about is killing predators at the behest of the ranchers, farmers and mining companies. And they have become even worse under the Trump admin.
Today I saw what may have been two rescue attem uppts. The first one caused the juvie to fly very quickly to the right. The second time was later when the juvie was more running and trying to fly to the right. During the second time the juvie was extremely upset. I couldn't think what else could have caused such fright unless it was a rescue attempt. It was clearly trying to escape something. Both times the cam did not show what was occurring to the left of the view. Did anyone else see these two events?
Today I saw what may have been two rescue attem uppts. The first one caused the juvie to fly very quickly to the right. The second time was later when the juvie was more running and trying to fly to the right. During the second time the juvie was extremely upset. I couldn't think what else could have caused such fright unless it was a rescue attempt. It was clearly trying to escape something. Both times the cam did not show what was occurring to the left of the view. Did anyone else see these two events?
Ginger, I did, but I thought that running and flying to the right might have been caused by the wind that had kind of picked up a lil speed at that moment.
Today I saw what may have been two rescue attem uppts. The first one caused the juvie to fly very quickly to the right. The second time was later when the juvie was more running and trying to fly to the right. During the second time the juvie was extremely upset. I couldn't think what else could have caused such fright unless it was a rescue attempt. It was clearly trying to escape something. Both times the cam did not show what was occurring to the left of the view. Did anyone else see these two events?
Ginger, I did, but I thought that running and flying to the right might have been caused by the wind that had kind of picked up a lil speed at that moment.
I saw it as well. If that was FWS attempt at a rescue, our wildlife is in trouble :'(
Ok, thanks. Probably just wishful thinking on my part.
I just saw a comment on RRP Facebook page where the commenter quoted an email he received earlier from the Deputy Refuge Manager:
"Sorry for the delay in responding. I needed to gather a little more information about the eagle you observed. It appears the eagle is molting and thus flightless at this time. Eagles and many other birds go through a period each year where they shed their feathers (called molting) and cannot fly. The feathers do grow back (like clipping a finger nail or a dog shedding its fur). As soon as its primary flight feathers come in, it should be able to fly again. It is also a juvenile bird and likely a little disoriented. We'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for contacting me and for your interest in eagles and the Upper Mississippi River."
Just appalling. >:( No wonder there was no rescue!
From RRP's FB page:
UPDATE (August 27, 2019 @ 7:50 PM CDT): It appears that a juvie we were watching on the Flyway Cam perished at about 4pm CT this afternoon. We are still not sure if there was only one eagle in distress or a second eagle that NWS was looking for. We are hoping to clarify the situation soon, but have no way of answering your questions until then.
A calming and peaceful video of eagles and clouds from today on the Flyway Cam. Enjoy.
A calming and peaceful video of eagles and clouds from today on the Flyway Cam. Enjoy.
Thank you Ginger... Nice ending to a sad day. :'(
Whoa, whoa, easy ..
These are WILD birds that we are watching in the wild .
In a very inaccessible place.
Simmer down.
Just because your armchair 24/7/365 computer monitor saw it doesn't mean that this natural selection hasn't happened thousands of times before for 100's of year's.
If a lion eats a gazelle on the discovery channel and you don't like what you're seeing, change the channel.
All of the great rangers and all of the great field mammal biologists that I know of ain't jumping in to change the outcome.
Again Nature.
Whoa, whoa, easy ..
These are WILD birds that we are watching in the wild .
In a very inaccessible place.
Simmer down.
Just because your armchair 24/7/365 computer monitor saw it doesn't mean that this natural selection hasn't happened thousands of times before for 100's of year's.
If a lion eats a gazelle on the discovery channel and you don't like what you're seeing, change the channel.
All of the great rangers and all of the great field mammal biologists that I know of ain't jumping in to change the outcome.
Again Nature.
All I can say is WOW! Just WOW. Could you mansplain some more to us?
I am very upset. These are the experts? That little baby didn't move all day, there was no way you can convince me FWS couldn't rescue and save it. Poor baby, didn't even get a chance for help.
Our U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services is useless. They don't give a damn about saving wildlife. All they care about is killing predators at the behest of the ranchers, farmers and mining companies. And they have become even worse under the Trump admin.
Hey Ginger Could you womensplain these above comments to me ?
Ginger52 All I can say is WOW! Just WOW. Could you mansplain some more to us?
I find that 'mansplain' comment a Very non PC and derogatory post towards me and many others.
I resent it tremendously.
If I blew smoke up your skirt like that you'd be screaming from the rafters womensplain.
Hey Lucy why don't you splain it to Ginger.
Why was my post before you didn't read the previous posts before you chimed in so egregious to you ?
Should we not leave all of the birds out of it however ?
I refuse to clutter up this awesome camera's forum posting space with anymore such nonsense.
08/28/19 ..
I am very upset. These are the experts? That little baby didn't move all day, there was no way you can convince me FWS couldn't rescue and save it. Poor baby, didn't even get a chance for help.
Our U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services is useless. They don't give a damn about saving wildlife. All they care about is killing predators at the behest of the ranchers, farmers and mining companies. And they have become even worse under the Trump admin.
Hey Ginger Could you womensplain these above comments to me ?
Ginger52 All I can say is WOW! Just WOW. Could you mansplain some more to us?
I find that 'mansplain' comment a Very non PC and derogatory post towards me and many others.
I resent it tremendously.
If I blew smoke up your skirt like that you'd be screaming from the rafters womensplain.
Hey Lucy why don't you splain it to Ginger.
Why was my post before you didn't read the previous posts before you chimed in so egregious to you ?
Should we not leave all of the birds out of it however ?
I refuse to clutter up this awesome camera's forum posting space with anymore such nonsense.
08/28/19 ..
Amen to Ginger's comments and if we see/have the opportunity to help our wildlife we should, that's all I'm sayin!
(https://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.explore.org%2Fsn%2F2019%2F8%2F28%2F20190828T134338_3818993.ts.jpg&key=FV6T530IMtark9fAVNEnig&w=400&h) photo via explore
[I'll probably regret posting this but what the heck--it won't be the first time and it probably won't be the last that I stick my nose in where it probably doesn't belong]. I've been looking for some sort of explanation on the internet for USFWS policy on rescuing injured animals found on their land and didn't really find anything definitive other than they support contacting wildlife rehabilitation experts in the area where the injured animal is found: I found the following statement on one of their web links: "We often receive phone calls from concerned individuals asking what to do with an injured or baby animal they have discovered. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service does not provide wildlife rehabilitation or nuisance wildlife capture services. Our role is to provide permits to those who rehabilitate endangered, threatened, or otherwise federally protected species, like migratory birds."
To me the interesting part of the RRP statement yesterday was this: "RRP is just a guest at this refuge with our cameras and all we can do is report issues as we see them and go through the proper procedures with the agencies involved." The most interesting part of the UWFS manager's statement was this: "It appears the eagle is molting and thus flightless at this time.... As soon as its primary flight feathers come in, it should be able to fly again. It is also a juvenile bird and likely a little disoriented. We'll keep an eye on it." What training about bald eagle physiology was his analysis based on? How long did he think it was going to be before the flight feathers came in? Did he think it was okay for the juvenile to just stay in one spot in the river water until then? What does he mean by "disoriented"? If they didn't think RRP could be given a permit to rescue the eagle or contact the appropriate people to get involved in the rescue, why didn't the Forest Service themselves contact the Coulee Region Humane Society in LaCrosse? Or look at this map from WI DNR about rehab centers all over the state: https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/wildlifehabitat/directory.html. Until we get the final statement about this whole unfortunate event from RRP, there are more questions than answers for me.
I did find this article from National Geographic that does a good job of explaining the dilemma: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2016/05/160523-when-to-rescue-wild-animals/
I just saw a comment on RRP Facebook page where the commenter quoted an email he received earlier from the Deputy Refuge Manager:
"Sorry for the delay in responding. I needed to gather a little more information about the eagle you observed. It appears the eagle is molting and thus flightless at this time. Eagles and many other birds go through a period each year where they shed their feathers (called molting) and cannot fly. The feathers do grow back (like clipping a finger nail or a dog shedding its fur). As soon as its primary flight feathers come in, it should be able to fly again. It is also a juvenile bird and likely a little disoriented. We'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for contacting me and for your interest in eagles and the Upper Mississippi River."
Just appalling. >:( No wonder there was no rescue!
Aren't you glad they taught us all what molting means???!!! Idiots! Obviously they didn't even try to physically go there and check it out themselves. As with our Decorah cams, I wonder how many youngsters were watching that tragedy play out.
When I saw the injured eagle sinking lower in the water I knew it was about gone. I felt so bad for its companion. Being young juveniles, they may have traveled together and looked out for each other. I don't know if the injured bird could have survived without intervention, but I know if it was RRP they would have tried everything in their power to help it. Makes me even MORE grateful for RRP and everyone who gives their time to further its causes.
Ginger, you described it perfectly...APPALLING!
Finn, move your nose over a bit, because I'm about to join you.
I don't know the first thing about this USFWS office, except that they don't know the first thing about the knowledge and wrath of eaglecam viewers. I'm also suspicious of what constraints headquarters may have put on field offices, but -- and I'm being sarcastic here -- I'd bet RRP would have been more successful if they had asked for an "incidental take" permit instead of offering to rescue.
Just take a look at the forum's "Birds and the Law" thread (https://www.raptorresource.org/forum/index.php?topic=2532.495) for what's happened to the USFWS in the past 2 years. To coin a phrase, it's "appalling!"
[I'll probably regret posting this but what the heck--it won't be the first time and it probably won't be the last that I stick my nose in where it probably doesn't belong]. I've been looking for some sort of explanation on the internet for USFWS policy on rescuing injured animals found on their land and didn't really find anything definitive other than they support contacting wildlife rehabilitation experts in the area where the injured animal is found: I found the following statement on one of their web links: "We often receive phone calls from concerned individuals asking what to do with an injured or baby animal they have discovered. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service does not provide wildlife rehabilitation or nuisance wildlife capture services. Our role is to provide permits to those who rehabilitate endangered, threatened, or otherwise federally protected species, like migratory birds."
To me the interesting part of the RRP statement yesterday was this: "RRP is just a guest at this refuge with our cameras and all we can do is report issues as we see them and go through the proper procedures with the agencies involved." The most interesting part of the UWFS manager's statement was this: "It appears the eagle is molting and thus flightless at this time.... As soon as its primary flight feathers come in, it should be able to fly again. It is also a juvenile bird and likely a little disoriented. We'll keep an eye on it." What training about bald eagle physiology was his analysis based on? How long did he think it was going to be before the flight feathers came in? Did he think it was okay for the juvenile to just stay in one spot in the river water until then? What does he mean by "disoriented"? If they didn't think RRP could be given a permit to rescue the eagle or contact the appropriate people to get involved in the rescue, why didn't the Forest Service themselves contact the Coulee Region Humane Society in LaCrosse? Or look at this map from WI DNR about rehab centers all over the state: https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/wildlifehabitat/directory.html. Until we get the final statement about this whole unfortunate event from RRP, there are more questions than answers for me.
I did find this article from National Geographic that does a good job of explaining the dilemma: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2016/05/160523-when-to-rescue-wild-animals/
Finn, thank you for your well written and well thought out post! This obviously has been an emotional experience for many of us. We inherently know that wildlife is wildlife and as BL said, these kinds of things have been happening since the beginning of time. It's just that we now have a window seat to observe it firsthand in a way never before possible. I think many of us were frustrated because we followed what we thought were the proper channels to report and document the distress the juvenile was in, but it didn't provide the assistance we thought it should/would. I thought if someplace was designated as a 'refuge' that meant not only was the land protected for wildlife, but assistance in extreme circumstances would be provided if it became necessary. Evidently, that is not the case. The National Geographic article summed it up with this:
?The rule of thumb is that if human activity causes an animal to become injured or orphaned, we may intervene. If not?if it?s something that happened naturally?then we don?t,? says ecologist Doug Smith, who oversees Yellowstone?s wolf and avian management.
The simple truth is, RRP is a caring and compassionate organization because of its founder, Bob Anderson. Even though it's grown over the years, the same basic love of nature and its creatures still applies. However, when you're dealing with a large government organization, such as the USFWS, their responsibility ends at providing the protected spaces and educating the public about conservation and preservation. There is no human thought process as there is with RRP, and definitely no emotion involved. Lesson learned unfortunately.
T40: Thank you for the incredible work you have done in the Birds and the Law thread. I try to keep up with the topic in news feeds but have missed so much of what has been happening and thanks to your effort, the missing pieces are all in one place. I appreciate your support about my statement re events at the MR cam the past few days. We'll have to compare noses some day to see if there was any damage done--lol.
NWar: Thank you also for your analysis of the events of the past couple of days and the difference between our understanding of the many benefits associated with RRP's approach to nature and its creatures versus the approach of USFWS and the irony of using the term "refuge" to describe what is being "accomplished" by them at Brice Prairie and probably at their sites all over the US. I can't help but wonder if a difference in the definition of "stewardship" of the land and wildlife was considered by RRP before they entered into this arrangement. As you say, "lesson learned unfortunately".
Sitting here at my window on the flyway, I could make a good case that human activity did cause that poor eagle's suffering. Hit by a car. Attacked by a dog. Caught in a trap. Or some yahoo shot it's tailfeathers off. The last time I saw sparse, scraggly-looking tailfeathers like that was on an owl that had flown over a gas flare at just the wrong time. But, for sure, it wasn't from "molting." If you don't rescue the eagle, you'll never be able to put a name on the cause, but you just might be able to "conserve" it through rehab and release. Just sayin'...
Sitting here at my window on the flyway, I could make a good case that human activity did cause that poor eagle's suffering. Hit by a car. Attacked by a dog. Caught in a trap. Or some yahoo shot it's tailfeathers off. The last time I saw sparse, scraggly-looking tailfeathers like that was on an owl that had flown over a gas flare at just the wrong time. But, for sure, it wasn't from "molting." If you don't rescue the eagle, you'll never be able to put a name on the cause, but you just might be able to "conserve" it through rehab and release. Just sayin'...
That's a very good point T40. I was trying to think of what might have caused the tail feathers to fall out also. Could lead poisoning (or any type of insecticide/pest killer) cause that? That might explain the eagle's lethargy and loss of appetite as well.
RRP has had to make some pretty tough decisions through the years as to whether they should intervene in unusual circumstances, and I have to commend them for knowing when to step in or let nature run its course. It's a tough call and one that requires knowledge of the creatures involved. Here's hoping (and praying!) that other organizations, dedicated to preserving protected spaces for wildlife, will apply the same consideration in making their decisions on intervention, and act on those decisions quickly. :'(
RRP just posted this news on their FB page: "UPDATE (August 28, 2019 @ 3:29 PM): The eagle's body has been recovered. We'll let you know more when we do."
Does that mean that an autopsy will be done to determine what caused the eagle's death? And if so, by whom?
I can?t even express how upset I am about this Juvie eagle. I know they could have at least gotten it out of the water, and tried to help it. The outcome may not have been any different, but having watched this baby lie in the water for two days was very disturbing, and yes, I did take breaks. I wanted to go get him myself and try to help. I can?t even watch this feed any more. Everyone and everything deserves dignity, and this poor baby certainly didn?t get any. Shame on you, wildlife management.
RRP just posted this news on their FB page: "UPDATE (August 28, 2019 @ 3:29 PM): The eagle's body has been recovered. We'll let you know more when we do."
ok. If a lifeless body can be recovered, why in the world couldn't a live eaglet body have been rescued??? Didn't take too long to get the dead body, but we had to sit and wait and watch for a couple days to see this poor little creature suffer and die??? I don't understand. The word of the day....APPALLED!!
NW - Missing tail feathers has forced me to think of D20/Mr. Decorah. SOAR couldn't tell what had caused his missing feathers but noted an aggressive infection and maggots present in the wound at the base of the tail. I'll bet the same could be said for the flyway juvie and I hope the moving, cool water provided that baby with some relief. There was talk about D20 being attacked by a predator while on the ground or being hit by a car, but we'll never know.
Beautiful sunrise this morning...
(https://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.explore.org%2Fsn%2F2019%2F8%2F29%2F20190829T110516_3857442.ts.jpg&key=y922sSopt695o3GIstJ1fQ&w=480&h=219)photo via explore
Awesome sunrise photo Lori!
Beautiful sunrise this morning...
(https://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.explore.org%2Fsn%2F2019%2F8%2F29%2F20190829T110516_3857442.ts.jpg&key=y922sSopt695o3GIstJ1fQ&w=480&h=219)photo via explore
I love this view, but now it makes me sad.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Beautiful sunrise this morning...
(https://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.explore.org%2Fsn%2F2019%2F8%2F29%2F20190829T110516_3857442.ts.jpg&key=y922sSopt695o3GIstJ1fQ&w=480&h=219)photo via explore
Thanks for the beautiful cap, Lori. We needed that...
Beautiful!!! Camera is lil bouncy today due to high winds.
Recently posted on the RRP FB page. From this response, it does not appear that they ever had any intent to rescue the eagle.
Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge We appreciate everyone's passion for wildlife and for the National Wildlife Refuge System. Webcams are amazing in that they allow us to witness and observe birds and animals in their natural habitat, which unfortunately also sometimes includes death. It is never easy to watch something struggle, especially a young bald eagle. The mission of the US Fish and Wildlife Service is to protect habitat for plants and animals that are going through all stages of life and death. This includes struggling to produce enough energy during the molting process. This bird eventually ran out of energy and ultimately perished, which isn't easy to watch, but happens quite often to wildlife - especially with younger birds and animals. While we do everything we can to protect our shared natural resources, we also allow for natural, ecological processes to play out, with minimal human intervention. Thank you for your concern and love for the Upper Mississippi River.
Thanks Pauljk. Just to be clear, the post was on RRP's FB page but it's from the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge and not RRP.
Thanks Pauljk. Just to be clear, the post was on RRP's FB page but it's from the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge and not RRP.
Correct. It's posted as a comment near the end of the RRP main post on the eagle.
Thanks, again, Pauljk. ;)
Beautiful Flyway this mornng...❤️
(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5ff8fcc21cded796028cc80a69b715fde1a7963b42e2ab8caa152cac1cf8ca78.jpg?w=280&h) photo via explore
Video from Samantha Eye:
lol saw this gif on explore.org Pelican getting sidestep exercises!!! 8)
lol saw this gif on explore.org Pelican getting sidestep exercises!!! 8)
Cute! I love pelicans!
Can anyone recommend a good chiropractor? ;) Poor thing!
[attachment deleted by admin]
lol saw this gif on explore.org Pelican getting sidestep exercises!!! 8)
Cute! Thanks for the giggle, Lori.
Can anyone recommend a good chiropractor? ;) Poor thing!
Wow, wonder what would cause THAT?
Can anyone recommend a good chiropractor? ;) Poor thing!
Oh geesh, that looks painful!
Little fishing action in background!
(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e98e15c220747b7047c59706887c73c46dfb021127136a61a82f5fbecc1c2745.gif?w=480&h) via explore
Mississippi Fly Away Cam ~ Juvie Eating Prey! ~ Eagles Try To Steal; Awesome Closeups!
https://youtu.be/OGt1oeaJvS0 via lady hawk
Little fishing action in background!
Mississippi Fly Away Cam ~ Juvie Eating Prey! ~ Eagles Try To Steal; Awesome Closeups!
https://youtu.be/OGt1oeaJvS0 via lady hawk
Thanks for passing on that video, Lori! NOW I see why it's so important for eaglets to learn these skills before and after they fledge, and prior to dispersing! We're used to seeing siblings trying to steal from each other, but that doesn't compare to eagles in the wild who are trying to hold on to their prey and protect it from other SA's & adult eagles bent on taking it from them.
The eagles do have one advantage over the other birds - they'll eat fish AND other birds, whereas I think most of the species we've seen on this cam only eat fish or insects.
Might not be in forum or watching cam this weekend, so just want to wish everyone a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!
[attachment deleted by admin]
NWargo01 have a safe and great Labor Day weekend too.
Might not be in forum or watching cam this weekend, so just want to wish everyone a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!
Have a safe and Happy Labor Day, NW!
Flyway this morning :)
Monarch Butterfly
[attachment deleted by admin]
Monarch Butterfly
Wow! Haven't seen one since I was a kid. Thanks!
Love seeing the adult, SA and juvies. Just chillin' at the flyway! Caught the adult hacking up two pellets ;D. So glad to have these cams and the cam ops!
Similar in weight (around 10 lbs), but oh long legs do make a difference!
Bald Eagle with Sand Hill Cranes
[attachment deleted by admin]
Juvie likes hanging with the cranes!
Flyway this morning 8)
Good morning Flyway Fans :-* I captured a few snips from the flyway that I haven't seen posted so thought I would see if I could be successful once more in posting them here. Hope this works. Hope people enjoy 8)
[attachment deleted by admin]
Just looking back on the many wonderful videos and photos. In particular: LORI - A couple of absolutely beautiful morning snips; and CLARI - A magnificent snip of the Monarch. All others are amazing too. Feel so sorry for the goose with crooked neck (ouch is all I can think), and loved the silly side-step of the pelican ;) Also wonder if the white shorebird? diving for fish in front of the two eagles could have hit his head on the bottom :o Not sure I saw him fly away with anything... Thank you all for the wonderful views :)
Figured out why the egret head was cut off. That photo was an "almost" snip that I accidentally selected for posting. Here's the real deal, with all egrets heads in view ;D
[attachment deleted by admin]
Flyway cam has been busy today.So many eagles. Love the interaction between them. I have it streaming on my tv, and they all look so big! The cam operators are amazing. Thank you!
Lots of action on the Flyway today! Have loved the Sandhill Cranes and the Eagles. The reflections of the birds and the vegetation have been beautiful!
Dinner time on the Flyway -
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I so love this Mississippi River Flyway Cam :-*
Thanks for the great pics, GIFS (Lori :D ) and videos.
Mississippi River Flyway 9-1-19, 5 pm Juvie BE views
https://youtu.be/oBjArcNp6lA via tulsa
Mississippi River Flyway 6 pm Adult, juvie eagle interaction
https://youtu.be/FjAfzcP2Gjs via tulsa
Lil convo between the 2...
Great pics, everyone!
Wonderful pics, Lori!
Great pics. Looks like an eagle convention! Maybe they should name this section Eagle Branch!
Monarch Butterfly
Wow! Haven't seen one since I was a kid. Thanks!
I raise monarchs! I raised/released 370 last year and am on track for about 250 this year. Plant milkweed and help these magnificent creatures. Here's a graph from Journey North that displays how we were on the verge of losing them.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Monarch Butterfly
Wow! Haven't seen one since I was a kid. Thanks!
I raise monarchs! I raised/released 370 last year and am on track for about 250 this year. Plant milkweed and help these magnificent creatures. Here's a graph from Journey North that displays how we were on the verge of losing them.
Thank you, monarch, for what you do!! I'm so impressed and very grateful for the work you do. I was so excited a couple of years ago during the migration of the Viceroys (I think...), thinking I had, at last, seen a Monarch from my childhood. Still hope to, some day.
Loving this cam!!! ❤️❤️❤️
(https://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.explore.org%2Fsn%2F2019%2F9%2F2%2F20190902T165008_124287.ts.jpg&key=qpa4qqfUeisnb5hau06fSw&w=480&h=226) photo via explore
One more
Thanks, CO! So cool to watch the eagle soar "in reverse" to lose altitude for a landing. Spectacular flying lesson!
[attachment deleted by admin]
Well if that isn't some very awesome, stills, gifs & videos catching up on the Mississippi River Flyway Cam I'll eat my migrating short's! :)
Very well done all. 8)
Splish Splash this morning Flyway 8)
Monarch Butterfly
Wow! Haven't seen one since I was a kid. Thanks!
I raise monarchs! I raised/released 370 last year and am on track for about 250 this year. Plant milkweed and help these magnificent creatures. Here's a graph from Journey North that displays how we were on the verge of losing them.
Wow, I had no idea they were that close to being gone forever! 2013-2014 just about did them in. Glad they are still holding on and trying to rebound, with help from wonderful folks like you! Thanks monarch!
Absolutely wonderful pics and info from everyone this holiday weekend!
Lori, your sunrise pics and the one with all the eagles on the log with the hills and clouds in the background were just beautiful! And your gifs are always entertaining - like mini videos! ;D
Great s-caps clarinda, MNlinda, Wendy, erock, and T40! Your pics were outstanding! :)
Has anyone seen the Sasse Photo video "When Thousands of Eagles Need a Bath"? I am sure most of you have but I just sw it and WOW!! great close-ups and such clarity! I post it here because the have been some bathing eagles from the flyway cam posted so thought I'd share this one.
Amazing video!
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
4 hrs
We've got some Flyway videos to brighten your Tuesday night! Birdcast predicted a nice migration on August 31st and September 1st, and they were right! We saw plenty of eagles, sandhill cranes, great white egrets, and various kinds of duck, with more still to come (the 3rd and 4th are also predicted as good migration nights). I hope you enjoy these videos as much as we did, and a thousand thanks to our cam operators and video makers for finding and sharing video from the amazing Flyway!
9/03/19: Juvies Sunning Themselves & Having Fun! One Juvie Foots The Other! - https://youtu.be/sPMReqmHifM. From Lady Hawk: "A Juvenile bald eagle is seen on a piece of driftwood sunning himself when another juvie flies & lands right next to him. He gives a little sidekick greeting and foots him and then nips the outstretched wings playfully. In regular time & slo mo! They both enjoy the beautiful day and just hang out together! Thank you for watching!". The salt-and-pepper plumage makes me think these are roughly two-1/2 year old subadults, but this video is a lot of fun!
9/02/19: stealing food - https://youtu.be/BSaV97Y28HI. It's an eagle party! A juvenile eagle steals food from an adult at about 40 seconds. The adult isn't happy about it! It comes back and another adult swoops in, but the juvenile eagle mantles and keeps its hard-earned (stolen?) meal! More eagles come in and the juvie chases them away, ending up in the water at 1:51. After a little more chasing, it gets in a few bites starting at 3:05.
9/02/19: Early Birding-Cranes & Eagles - https://youtu.be/w74MiEXL2hY. There is just a whole lot of pretty footage in this video: eagles, cranes, beach scenes, ducks - very much a video that gives you a feel for the Flyway! I really enjoyed it.
9/01/10: Adult, juvie eagle interaction - https://youtu.be/FjAfzcP2Gjs. The video quality - eagles, reflections, and rippling water - is absolutely outstanding! The young eaglet flies in at 1:55 (look for its shadow to arrive before it does). It donisaur walks over to the adult, who walks away. The video procedes in this vein for a while, with the subadult drawing near and the adult moving away. At 9:53, another young eagle shows up and joins the party until juvie number one chases it away. It continues to shadow the adult. The camera operator pulls back to give us a look at all of the eagles around 13:57.
9/01/19: 5 pm Juvie BE views - https://youtu.be/oBjArcNp6lA. Just what the video says...nice views of a juvenile bald eagle!
Has anyone seen the Sasse Photo video "When Thousands of Eagles Need a Bath"? I am sure most of you have but I just sw it and WOW!! great close-ups and such clarity! I post it here because the have been some bathing eagles from the flyway cam posted so thought I'd share this one.
buzbee, that was fantastic! I took the liberty of getting a few s-caps because they were so darned cute! Thanks for sharing!
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Took these the other day but didn't have a chance to post until now. Miss our Decorah eagles, but this is a great substitute!
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From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
4 hrs
We've got some Flyway videos to brighten your Tuesday night! Birdcast predicted a nice migration on August 31st and September 1st, and they were right! We saw plenty of eagles, sandhill cranes, great white egrets, and various kinds of duck, with more still to come (the 3rd and 4th are also predicted as good migration nights). I hope you enjoy these videos as much as we did, and a thousand thanks to our cam operators and video makers for finding and sharing video from the amazing Flyway!
Thanks for sharing the RRP FB post, T40! It's pretty quiet this morning so I was able to watch all of the videos that I hadn't already seen. Just wonderful! I commented on one of the videos that I love how social eagles are when it's not nesting season. It amazes me how this apex predator and superior hunter can be so fun loving and gentle. :-*
Awesome flyabout on Camera - thank you to the wonderful camera operators. It sure would be fun to fly like that. :)
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Live right now 8)
Live right now 8)
Rewound to see it - just beautiful!
These views are so spectacular, you could take s-caps all day! But don't worry - I won't. ;)
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Thanks everyone for all the wonderful posts. NW, you are right -- we can take captures all day. I love this cam! :)
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Flyway couple minutes ago... lil teeter totter!
Wonderful pictures, everyone!
Flyway couple minutes ago... lil teeter totter!
That juvie's making his own entertainment! Love it!
Monarch Butterfly
Wow! Haven't seen one since I was a kid. Thanks!
I raise monarchs! I raised/released 370 last year and am on track for about 250 this year. Plant milkweed and help these magnificent creatures. Here's a graph from Journey North that displays how we were on the verge of losing them.
Thank you, monarch, for what you do!! I'm so impressed and very grateful for the work you do. I was so excited a couple of years ago during the migration of the Viceroys (I think...), thinking I had, at last, seen a Monarch from my childhood. Still hope to, some day.
I went back to save a screen shot of this photo and took a closer look. This was actually a Viceroy and not a Monarch. Difference is the dark band on the Viceroy wings. I've attached a comparison photo (monarch on the top, viceroy on the bottom). Monarchs are beginning their southbound migration to Mexico. Amazing these creatures (5th generation of the summer) know how to get to a place they've never been. Visiting their winter migration location in Mexico is definitely on my bucket list!
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I love juvies! ;D
Has anyone seen the Sasse Photo video "When Thousands of Eagles Need a Bath"? I am sure most of you have but I just sw it and WOW!! great close-ups and such clarity! I post it here because the have been some bathing eagles from the flyway cam posted so thought I'd share this one.
buzbee, that was fantastic! I took the liberty of getting a few s-caps because they were so darned cute! Thanks for sharing!
Oh I know! He always gets such amazing pics/videos!! You are very skilled yourself with all your screenshots. I am computer illiterate so I cant figure out how to do that!! I am grateful for you, Lisa, Lori and all the rest that post such awesomeness! I too love that Flyway cam! It is serene and calming at times and funny and turns out a bit tragic at times(nature at work). The Lord has given us wondrous things to behold and delight in.
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monarch, thanks for the lesson on monarchs and viceroys. All this time I thought I was seeing monarchs in my front yard, they were viceroys. Thanks also for all you do to help preserve the species.
Fun fun fun 8)
I'm going to PRETEND that this is Mom Decorah and her sub adult! :) Sure am missing them!
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Fun fun fun 8)
Adorable, Lori!
I'm going to PRETEND that this is Mom Decorah and her sub adult! :) Sure am missing them!
;D ;D
Via explore.org comment section...
CamOp Coqui ? an hour ago
as Per RRP
Camera Maintenance at the Upper Mississippi Flyway Cam Today
Just to let you know, John and the crew are on-site to for maintenance work on the solar panels, and live streaming will be down during the duration. Please keep checking back. Thank you!
Just to let you know....the cliff cam at GSB is watching the flyway camera activities. ;)
Just to let you know....the cliff cam at GSB is watching the flyway camera activities. ;)
Cool!!! Thanks eburg!!! 8)
Well.....they were!....available on rewind and maybe hopeful for the future! Hi Lori! :)
And we are back! So many thanks to John and the crew for the work on the Flyway cam and getting the camera back up so quickly. And a juvie to greet us! :)
Update - went back to highlights so we can enjoy those for now.
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Friday Morning, a Convocation of Eagles, I counted at least 12.
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Fun fun fun 8)
I wonder if that's the same teeter-totter stick from the other day? If it is, they're getting a lot of enjoyment out of it! ;D
Is somebirdy sitting on the camera housing? :)
I saw that live also NW, I do believe there was!
Great Blue Heron in last rays of sunset
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I absolutely love the flyway cam. All birds are beautiful, but eagles are so very interesting. Its nice to see what happens to the juvies once they fledge. Who knows some of them could be from Decorah. At least I like to think they are. Love all the photos and comments. Thanks to everyone for sharing!
Red-winged Blackbird - female
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My first time seeing Coots on the cam!
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Wish I had video skills for capturing, as these snaps are not the best. 8+ hours ago - late morning EST, there was an entertaining show lasting about 10 minutes between some eagles and one persistent pelican. The pelican on the left kept inching closer to the eagle feeding on a fish - tried to snatch it several times. The blurry flurry of wings in the last capture is the pelican trying the front approach. During the period of time the cam was on this group, more pelicans and eagles filled the screen cheering on their favorite.
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Samantha Eye has a video and posted on Twitter:
Thanks for the video link, PeepSpy! So glad someone posted it. I found the action to be very entertaining!
Thanks for the video link, PeepSpy! So glad someone posted it. I found the action to be very entertaining!
If you have a Twitter account, follow Samantha - she posts a lot of videos. ;) :)
Thanks to both of you for the pelican and eagle shots. First, it was just so entertaining to watch. Second, I love when they are close together to see the size comparisons.
Also enjoyed the camera time with the Coots and those snips. The overcast sky helped to see the red eyes, red above white bill and those wonderful zebra feet under the water.
Red-winged Blackbird - female
Are you sure that's a red-winged black bird? I live in central Indiana and ours are completely black except for the orange stripe on the male's wings, and the pale yellow stripe on the female's wings. These birds looked more like something in the sparrow family, but I'm not familiar with the birds in that area.
Red-winged Blackbird - female
Are you sure that's a red-winged black bird? I live in central Indiana and ours are completely black except for the orange stripe on the male's wings, and the pale yellow stripe on the female's wings. These birds looked more like something in the sparrow family, but I'm not familiar with the birds in that area.
I'm never absolutely sure about any of my ids, the tail looks right and yellow spot on wing made me think it was female, possibly juvenile? Howver, small brown stripey birds abound. LOL
Red-winged Blackbird - female
Are you sure that's a red-winged black bird? I live in central Indiana and ours are completely black except for the orange stripe on the male's wings, and the pale yellow stripe on the female's wings. These birds looked more like something in the sparrow family, but I'm not familiar with the birds in that area.
I'm never absolutely sure about any of my ids, the tail looks right and yellow spot on wing made me think it was female, possibly juvenile? Howver, small brown stripey birds abound. LOL
Well, you learn something new everyday, right? I just googled 'red-winged blackbird' and found the attached pics. The black one with red on its wings is the type I see out by my bird feeder frequently. But the other pic shows an adult feeding a young one (chick?), and the youngster looks more like your pics. So I believe you were correct in saying the two you saw might have been juvies! Thanks for sharing, Clarinda.
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Red-winged Blackbird - female
Are you sure that's a red-winged black bird? I live in central Indiana and ours are completely black except for the orange stripe on the male's wings, and the pale yellow stripe on the female's wings. These birds looked more like something in the sparrow family, but I'm not familiar with the birds in that area.
I'm never absolutely sure about any of my ids, the tail looks right and yellow spot on wing made me think it was female, possibly juvenile? Howver, small brown stripey birds abound. LOL
Well, you learn something new everyday, right? I just googled 'red-winged blackbird' and found the attached pics. The black one with red on its wings is the type I see out by my bird feeder frequently. But the other pic shows an adult feeding a young one (chick?), and the youngster looks more like your pics. So I believe you were correct in saying the two you saw might have been juvies! Thanks for sharing, Clarinda.
Thanks for sharing.
Nice stick tug-o-war
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Nice stick tug-o-war
Great pics, EA!
Samantha Eye has a video and posted on Twitter:
Finally got a chance to watch both - very interesting! Especially when the pelican starts chasing the juvie! Thanks for sharing PeepSpy!
It's always interesting to see the various species together - love this cam (and operators)! :-*
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It's always interesting to see the various species together - love this cam (and operators)! :-*
Great pics, NW!
Thanks Lisa!
Had time to get a few s-shots today. It's so much fun to see all the birds in this environment! :)
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And a couple more...
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Thanks Lisa!
Had time to get a few s-shots today. It's so much fun to see all the birds in this environment! :)
I love the way the sunlight caught the feathers on the juvie in the first pic. It looked so beautiful.
Yesterday's Reflections on a Day of Remembrance
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What a gathering! All surrounding a majestic centerpiece!
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What a gathering! All surrounding a majestic centerpiece!
Great shot, EA!
Interesting exchange!
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Interesting exchange!
Great pics, EA :)
Interesting exchange!
Great pics, EA :)
You, too, Lisa! Love the head tilts from the juvie checking out the crane. :)
Interesting exchange!
Great pics, EA :)
You, too, Lisa! Love the head tilts from the juvie checking out the crane. :)
Loved both sets of pics, this encounter was very interesting. Great pics
Yesterday's Reflections on a Day of Remembrance
These are beautiful captures!
Yesterday's Reflections on a Day of Remembrance
Great pics, clarindagirl
Wet juvie :) Great camera work! Thank you camera operator!
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Yesterday's Reflections on a Day of Remembrance
Very nice, clarinda!
Wonderful pics, T40 and EA!
What a gathering! All surrounding a majestic centerpiece!
What a great s-cap, EA!
Lisa, that shot is fantastic! Great timing! :)
Great day on the flyway! :)
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Interesting exchange!
Very interesting! We always think of bald eagles as fierce, but I guess any bird can be if challenged.
I am so grateful to RRP for the Flyway cam! Beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and a wide variety of bird species to appreciate. Sometimes I almost forget that we're biding time until the Decorah cams are back up. ;)
Was off yesterday and just caught up on everyone's pics. Great job by everyone, and Clarinda, liked the 4 different species in your pic! I think of the flyway as a 'hub' where all the birds traveling somewhere else stop off to rest and socialize. It's like Grand Central Station for fowl. ;D
September 12, 2019
Today seemed to be a day for bathing and letting the wind dry them off.
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Beautiful caps everyone!
Great pics, KRD!
T40 - love the caption under the pic ;D
Great pics KRD and T40!
Grabbed this s-cap this morning, and I'm pretty sure the ducks are mallards, but have no idea what the small bird is that's fishing near them. Anyone know?
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Great pics KRD and T40!
Grabbed this s-cap this morning, and I'm pretty sure the ducks are mallards, but have no idea what the small bird is that's fishing near them. Anyone know?
NW, someone in the Flyway chat said, Sandpiper.
Might be a type of Heron?
Googled Sandpiper - there are different types, but most look similar to this one. :)
Thanks Lisa and Peep! I kind of thought it might be, but wasn't positive.
Great pics KRD and T40!
Grabbed this s-cap this morning, and I'm pretty sure the ducks are mallards, but have no idea what the small bird is that's fishing near them. Anyone know?
NW -- I think it's a Greater Yellowlegs. Here's a fairly recent pic that RRP posted on their FB page.
Great pics KRD and T40!
Grabbed this s-cap this morning, and I'm pretty sure the ducks are mallards, but have no idea what the small bird is that's fishing near them. Anyone know?
NW -- I think it's a Greater Yellowlegs. Here's a fairly recent pic that RRP posted on their FB page.
I agree, and thank you for that info Ginger! I used the comparisons to determine if it was a greater or lesser yellow legs and from what I could tell, it matched the greater description better.
Loving this cam!!! ❤️❤️❤️
(https://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.explore.org%2Fsn%2F2019%2F9%2F2%2F20190902T165008_124287.ts.jpg&key=qpa4qqfUeisnb5hau06fSw&w=480&h=226) photo via explore
One more
Reposting this I have a video now 8)
Teenagers chillin' on the Mississippi River Flyway
https://youtu.be/5gq5awnDZnM via arlene beech
Loving this cam!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Reposting this I have a video now 8)
Teenagers chillin' on the Mississippi River Flyway
https://youtu.be/5gq5awnDZnM via arlene beech
Love those gifs, Lori! Is it wrong to say that eagles are 'cute' when they run/walk? :)
A little late Friday humor (VERY little!). ;D
Have a good weekend everybirdy!
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A little late Friday humor (VERY little!). ;D
Have a good weekend everybirdy!
NW, great pics!
Harvest Moon Tonight! Hope the sky is clear enough for us to see it.
Thank you RRP and your excellent Cam Operators. This morning has been a visual delight. A young eagle in the morning sunshine with gentle breeze blowing. Incredible.
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Amazing how much Lake Onalaska changes after a heavy rain event. Takes a while to get your bearings when the waterscape changes so much! Still love it though....even if I can't ID 90% of the birds there. :)
My fav Flyway pic from July 4th, 1ish... happy dogs and eagles!
Can you spot the eagles in this sea of white birds? LOL
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Amazing how much Lake Onalaska changes after a heavy rain event. Takes a while to get your bearings when the waterscape changes so much! Still love it though....even if I can't ID 90% of the birds there. :)
I just noticed what you mean eburg! Downed trees that were on dry land are now in water or surrounded by water. Wish some of their rain would come my way! That garden hose is getting awfully heavy. :)
Some Tuesday pics I sent to a friend of my Iowa cousin who lives in a retirement village. She's followed the Decorah eagles for a while, and I'm introducing her to the Flyway cam now. These cams mean so much to people whose daily life is restricted by health issues. God bless RRP and all the wonderful folks that volunteer their time and energy to make this possible!
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Some Tuesday pics I sent to a friend of my Iowa cousin who lives in a retirement village. She's followed the Decorah eagles for a while, and I'm introducing her to the Flyway cam now. These cams mean so much to people whose daily life is restricted by health issues. God bless RRP and all the wonderful folks that volunteer their time and energy to make this possible!
Great pics, NW!
Thanks, Lisa! See, you shouldn't have encouraged me! LOL
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Thanks, Lisa! See, you shouldn't have encouraged me! LOL
LOL, Love that last pic!
Sure is busy there today! A little after 4 those pelicans were sure having fun bathing!! ;D Just love this cam. :)
Flyway a couple minutes ago! Weeeeeee!!!
Nice span of the ages.
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Nice span of the ages.
Like that EA! That's what I really like about the Flyway. Because the birds are in migratory mode and not in nesting mode, they are all so social. Yesterday I took a ss of a juvie sitting in the middle of a big group of Canadian geese. My focus a good part of the year is on the Decorah nest, so I'm just tickled being able to see all these different species cohabitating and enjoying themselves.
Caught this beauty on the cam earlier
Caught this beauty on the cam earlier
Beautiful Lisa! Hope he or she matures to a strong, magnificent adult! :)
Flyway a couple minutes ago! Weeeeeee!!!
I've noticed the juveniles seem very playful on the Flyway! They must be in heaven, having all those other eagles and a never-ending food supply around them.
Such fun to watch eagles of all ages interacting in a peaceful manner (mostly).
Around noon today, sandhill cranes were hopping around, almost like the eagles try out their wings before fledging. I wonder if it was juvie sandhills getting ready for migration, or adults beginning mating dances, or just the joy of a windy day. The photo may be pretty blurry, so rewind to watch if you can.
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Such fun to watch eagles of all ages interacting in a peaceful manner (mostly).
Around noon today, sandhill cranes were hopping around, almost like the eagles try out their wings before fledging. I wonder if it was juvie sandhills getting ready for migration, or adults beginning mating dances, or just the joy of a windy day. The photo may be pretty blurry, so rewind to watch if you can.
Paul Johnsgard has a wonderful book Crane Music that studies different kinds of cranes. In the section on sandhills, he writes about their dancing. He says that episodes of dancing can occur while courtship and nesting (in the spring) are occurring or "almost anytime" e.g. while they are foraging for food or resting. He describes their dancing as consisting of "bows, jumps, vegetation tossing, and wing-flapping activities not limited by sex or age." Sometimes dancing is triggered by a sudden stimulus which frightens them but other time there isn't any such stimulus and it occurs spontaneously. Johnsgard says that the dancing spreads quickly through a small flock of sandhills and ends just as quickly as it begins.
Thanks for the book recommendation, Finn. I love this opportunity to learn more about so many bird species. I've taken to watching the Flyway all year. Wintertime with many BEs on the ice is very entertaining, see photo attached.
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It's an eagle-palooza today! So much fun. :) :)
Great screen capture, STLbf!
Thank you to everyone for the captures and information. I love this cam so much.
Finn, thank you for that interesting info about the Crane dancing. Brought to mind a Flash Mob Dance by Birds -- gave me a big chuckle while learning. Doesn't get much better than that. :)
Thank you to everyone for the captures and information. I love this cam so much.
Finn, thank you for that interesting info about the Crane dancing. Brought to mind a Flash Mob Dance by Birds -- gave me a big chuckle while learning. Doesn't get much better than that. :)
lol--very true about flash dancing. If you can find a copy of the book, Johnsgard has a great longer description of crane dancing on pages 17-29 in the section on all the social displays of cranes. It turns out that all crane species dance and there are common components no matter which species or where they are located geographically. In sum, Johnsgard says that "dancing seems to reflect a general sense of excitement or limited aggression among cranes." Can the same be said for some people?
I think this one was saying, everyone look what I can do ;D
Paul Johnsgard is a Nebraska author with many wildlife, nature, and bird books to his credit. Books available at Thriftbooks.com for very reasonable prices. Time to read before those nest cameras come back online!
I think this one was saying, everyone look what I can do ;D
Cute pic, Lisa! S/he sure had an audience! LOL
Great pics everyone!!!
Great pics everyone!!!
That's greatness, Lori! Tippy-talons through the puddle lol!
Great pics everyone!!!
Love it! :-* ;D
❤️Splish Splash!!!❤️
❤️Splish Splash!!!❤️
My avatar and your gif were in sync! LOL
❤️Splish Splash!!!❤️
Love your Splish Splash gif!
Nice, Lori. Nature's blow dryer. ;D
Mornin' Flyway folks ..
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Beautiful pic, Broken
Mornin' Flyway folks ..
Nice s-cap BL! Love the sunrises and sunsets at the flyway!
Mississippi River Flyway play time Juvi vs sandhill crane
https://youtu.be/zMWriOTaFFcvia lizzy g eaglespirit
Mississippi River Flyway play time Juvi vs sandhill crane
https://youtu.be/zMWriOTaFFcvia lizzy g eaglespirit
Lori, thanks for the gifs and passing on the link to that adorable video. That juvie just wanted to play with the big kids! ;D
Beautiful day on the Flyway
Pied-billed Grebe -- Winter Plumage
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Pied-billed Grebe -- Winter Plumage
Such a sweet face! What a cutie!
8) Flyway cam cuteness!!!
Beautiful juvie in the morning sun on the solar panel pole at around 8:14 a.m.
Great pic, Ginger!
Sooo, I was all set to capture a pic of tundra swans with the flocks this morning. Oh boy, I thought, that's a new addition to the variety of birds at the Flyway, and an early migrator. Then I noticed the feed was Highlights! We'll have to wait a while for tundra swans. They are large, all white with black beaks and black legs & feet; also called whistling swans.
Wow! Cam must be having lots of problems. Seems like there has been more highlights than live. Or maybe not enough sun to power the solar panels. :(
Flyway is back up live :)
So glad the camera is back up and running! The fall migration season is really kicking into high gear. Here are 5 easy steps for figuring out migration patterns: http://www.illinoisbirds.org/5-simple-steps-for-predicting-bird-migration/
Live cam working again!!! 8)
Thanks for the heads-up!
Thanks for the heads-up!
For a few minutes anyway! It's cloudy today :(
Thanks for the heads-up!
For a few minutes anyway! It's cloudy today :(
LOL, at least we got a quick glimpse. :)
Just turned cam on to check status and it appears to be live! FB post today said they were going to work on it, and it looks like whatever magic they did worked.
Beautiful pics (and gifs) everyone!
Gave me a chill when I read that the Pied-billed Grebe had its Winter plumage already. Didn't seem possible when most of the country just went through a sizzling hot spell. Wonder if we're going to have another Fwinter again (Fall/Winter) where you'd miss Fall if you blink your eyes! Hope not - Fall is so pretty with the leaves changing colors.
Flyway cam is back LIVE, sound is a lil stat-icky, but the view is beautiful.
Thanks for the heads up Lisa!!!
Juvie falls in water, swims to shore Flyway cam.
https://youtu.be/VO7aIBUmAnE via Lori D
Juvie falls in water, swims to shore Flyway cam.
https://youtu.be/VO7aIBUmAnE via Lori D
Excellent footage, Lori! Just watched it. Poor little thing was just tuckered out I guess! ???
Here is a longer version...
Mississippi River Flyway: Bald Eagles hunting for breakfast
https://youtu.be/42IEB0gWN_E via lizzy g eaglespirit
Here is a longer version...
Mississippi River Flyway: Bald Eagles hunting for breakfast
https://youtu.be/42IEB0gWN_E via lizzy g eaglespirit
Thanks for sharing that link, Lori. Couldn't tell which one was the juvie that fell in, but it appeared as if they all flew away from behind that big bush. That current was really strong!
A couple screen caps from the Flyway today
A couple screen caps from the Flyway today
Nice pics, Lisa! Love watching eagles in this kind of environment. Different than when we watch the Decorah nest for sure. Gives us insight into how they are and what they do once they leave the nest.
A couple screen caps from the Flyway today
Nice pics, Lisa! Love watching eagles in this kind of environment. Different than when we watch the Decorah nest for sure. Gives us insight into how they are and what they do once they leave the nest.
Yes, very much different than watching just the nest for sure!
It amazes me how they all seem to just get along and not bother each other.
End of Day, Settling Down (Ring-Billed Gulls, Canada Geese, American White Pelicans, Juvenile Bald Eagles)
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Few minutes ago :)
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About 1/2 hour ago this message was posted by RRP Mod:
We are completing our annual cam maintenance and the heavier than normal rains with rising flood waters have prevented us from fixing the audio on the Flyway Cam system. We have been experiencing intermittent radio connection drops too. We will continue with maintenance work as soon as the water recedes enough to work safely. Thanks for your patience!"
Gorgeous sunset!
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
Just now
Minnesota friends and followers! The Friends of Scenic and Natural Areas petitioned the Minnesota DNR to prohibit the use of lead ammo and fishing tackle in Minnesota's Scenic and Natural Areas.
The DNR needs to hear from Minnesotans on this issue, especially those who hunt and fish! The deadline to receive comments is November 2nd. You can email them with a letter, but I also encourage you to send a good old US Postal service mail. Representing an organization? Put it on your letterhead! Follow this link for the original petition and mailing information: https://www.snafriends.org/non-toxic-ammunition-tackle-petitio?fbclid=IwAR16UzJvWYZyChVscGlb-LA5gJtDfE7KZIKYyjJbyYz1eiLXyocMMhydq4A. To read more about the effort and who supports it, click here: http://www.startribune.com/minnesota-is-asked-to-ban-lead-in-ammo-fishing-tackle/562293012/?fbclid=IwAR3BNvwsyofLAEo5mg1-NvknERt-1M98q8Dig1nKTt7OPbrZkaSfVl4rgrk.
Here is the letter we sent: https://raptorresource.org/pdf/letterofsupport.pdf?fbclid=IwAR04LBLAiHbMOw879_1ZOFI50Gk_CujHFSNQu2-GQtHRa9SkmsqNhuJh7SQ.
You, our friends and followers, know that lead is bad for bald eagles and other birds. I encourage Minnesota peeps to do some reading about lead's impact on birds in our state before writing. A few links:
Tranel, Molly A.. "Impacts of Lead Ammunition on Wildlife, the Environment, and Human Health--a Literature Review and Implications for Minnesota." (2009): https://www.peregrinefund.org/subsites/conference-lead/PDF/0307%20Tranel.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1lFQ0_rcfCKNgPD9a7xtagHQnrR_FQkqSq5Ns8_YZwfP8rRV8j3dFQH18
Lead Poisoning, Raptor Center: https://www.raptor.umn.edu/our-research/lead-poisoning?fbclid=IwAR3pqAGKZU-bikJcNIh8oM_sgTpVKa9_I3GvyN3Hv7Dr1NP9wyMs2APKY5g
Copper Opportunities: https://raptorlab.umn.edu/assets/documents/researcher/11_CopperOpportunities.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1hMnz5r22Qlc0NMPW_lbF_DKyO3e6On2kozkHiUJJHD5dDfX1TwFL-aM4
Whether or not you live in Minnesota, you can help by hunting and fishing lead-free, networking with others who are concerned about lead, and helping to get the word out about non-toxic alternatives. SOAR and the Raptor Center have been real leaders on this issue. More links:
Not anti-hunting or fishing: just anti-lead!
Ring-Billed Gull, Juvenile
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Ring-Billed Gull, Juvenile
Great pic, clarinda!
Ring-Billed Gull, Juvenile
Great pic, clarinda!
Thank you. Big thank you to the cam operator, there was a lot of wind out there today.
Just checking: was the result of the necropsy that was supposed to be done by Fish and Wildlife on the eaglet that passed away at the Flyway Cam in August ever released or made pubic? I haven't seen it so just wondered if it was and I just it.
Just checking: was the result of the necropsy that was supposed to be done by Fish and Wildlife on the eaglet that passed away at the Flyway Cam in August ever released or made pubic? I haven't seen it so just wondered if it was and I just it.
Finn - Was wondering the very same thing just a couple of days ago! Haven't heard/seen anything yet.
Tundra swans arrived today around 2:30. They are a little early (typically arrive late in October) but it is good to see them for sure (pix from Sparky 10). https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cae8a1f115245fa0f2bedf7b6b2f3c6d2d29ff0bccbdf323818eb267ff29333c.png
Tundra swans arrived today around 2:30. They are a little early (typically arrive late in October) but it is good to see them for sure (pix from Sparky 10). https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cae8a1f115245fa0f2bedf7b6b2f3c6d2d29ff0bccbdf323818eb267ff29333c.png
Beautiful Finn! Thanks for sharing that link.
Tundra swans arrived today around 2:30. They are a little early (typically arrive late in October) but it is good to see them for sure (pix from Sparky 10). https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cae8a1f115245fa0f2bedf7b6b2f3c6d2d29ff0bccbdf323818eb267ff29333c.png
Beautiful Finn! Thanks for sharing that link.
Thanks for the picture.
Snow Geese -- White Phase and Blue Phase
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American White Pelican
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American White Pelican
What a great s-cap, clarinda! So many different species in one picture. :)
Bald Eagle -- 2 adults, 1 immature
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Mallard Duck -- male
Beautiful close-up on a rainy day
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clarinda - awesome pics!
Flyway earlier today 8) SPLISH SPLASH!
clarinda - awesome pics!
Thank you, now onward to identifying more of those ducks. LOL
Northern Pintail -- Drake (eclipse plumage)
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Clarindagirl- love your pics and ID's!! 8)
Clarindagirl- love your pics and ID's!! 8)
Thank you Lori. I love how you capture video clips and get those larger images!
A cool gif posted on the Explore chat board
Ginger: Thanks for posting that incredible shot from Flyway chat. I actually saw that behavior in person last year, came home and looked up what was happening on the Cornell site. Here is their information:
"Formation flocks typically long lines, often with apex forming Vee or Jay (unequal length of arms), also in irregular patterns. Birds in line sometimes rise and fall in succession creating a wave-like effect. Alternate flapping (60%-75%) and gliding flight, usually at moderate height of 12-15 m (Behle 1958), at about 50 km/h (Ross 1933 in Behle 1958). Lead bird usually (42 of 58 instances) initiates phase shift between flapping and gliding, then phase shift passes back through flock in a wave. Response time usually < 0.5 s between successive birds. Wingbeat frequency stable at about 160-175 beats/min. Percent time flapping and wingbeats/hour tend to decrease behind leader, suggesting energy saving when in formation."
A cool gif posted on the Explore chat board
Ginger, amazing snip thanks for sharing! Thank you Finn for posting formation info!!!
A cool gif posted on the Explore chat board
Thanks for this gif Ginger. I just watched the video Tulsa posted on this and it was fascinating! I commented that it was like an intricately choreographed dance - just beautiful!
And thanks to Finn for passing on the Cornell info. How neat that you got to see this in person. I'll bet it was mesmerizing! It kind of reminded me of starlings - how when the lead bird 'signals' a change, the entire flock moves in perfect sync to it.
American Avocet (winter plumage)
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American Avocet (winter plumage)
Great shots clarinda! I had to dig back to July when the Avocet was first spotted on the flyway cams:
Re: Flyway Cam NFWR La Crosse
? Reply #486 on: July 07, 2019, 02:30:17 PM ?
KRD, I believe that is a American Avocet :
I think they originate out of CA if I'm remembering what I researched about them at that time, so very unusual for them to be this far northeast, I would guess.
It never ceases to amaze me how far some birds can fly, such as the hummingbird.
I looked up on Cornell birding yesterday the fall migration flight plan for these little beauties and found that avocets leave MN on their fall migration trip in July-mid October with stragglers as late as Nov. 1. These guys are cutting it pretty close.
I looked up on Cornell birding yesterday the fall migration flight plan for these little beauties and found that avocets leave MN on their fall migration trip in July-mid October with stragglers as late as Nov. 1. These guys are cutting it pretty close.
Thanks FinnBMD and NWargo01 . I used to live in CA, was surprised to see them on flyway. Always on the move llike Killdeer. Just am blown away by the large variety of species.
It was interesting watching the repair crew working on the Flyway cam. Sort of like EVA's on the International Space Station cams! ;) Assuming SG stands for Service Guy ;) we thanks you for the work you do. (And that IR illuminator is a big one! ::)
From this morning, a small group of Northern Pintail ducks foraging. I think all males. Love the varieties that visit the Flyway.
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:o Mississippi River Flyway Eagles soaring and Airplane photobomb - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO2XB35_SOs
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Lots of what sounded like gunshots at the flyway this morning. Distressing. :(
Sandhill Cranes and American White Pelicans
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Bald Eagle, Sandhill Cranes, Canada Geese
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:o Mississippi River Flyway Eagles soaring and Airplane photobomb - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO2XB35_SOs
Looked like they were all flying at about the same altitude! I'm sure that's not true, but the angle suggests it.
(This is your captain speaking. Hope you're all enjoying your American Eagle flight!)
Bald Eagle, Sandhill Cranes, Canada Geese
clarinda, you get the BEST shots! :)
Thanks for heads up Clarindagirl! Caught a quick snip. 8)
There is a pretty busy airport very near the cam location (the exact location of cam I'm not sure of yet).
That would explain the Airplane Photobomb. ;)
It might also explain ..
Lots of what sounded like gunshots at the flyway this morning. Distressing.
The airport may be using some sort of "firecrackers" to safely disperse birds near the runways for bird and aircraft safety. ?? :-\
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I think the gun-fire is mostly duck hunters. Hope they use non-lead shells and don't come any closer.
Thanks for heads up Clarindagirl! Caught a quick snip. 8)
Great gif, Lori! Looks like students heading into the classroom with the teacher looking over them! LOL
I think the gun-fire is mostly duck hunters. Hope they use non-lead shells and don't come any closer.
As far as I can tell, this Mississippi River Flyway Cam is located somewhere close to Sommers Chute.
"BPCA Helps Setup Webcam on Sommers Chute".
BPCA members assisted the Raptor Resource Center in establishing a live webcam out on Sommers Chute in Lake Onalaska. Two 20-foot telephone poles were transported out to the Sommers Chute delta, base holes were excavated, poles raised, and bases filled with concrete to anchor the poles. BPCA's pole-raising expert Joe Kawatski supervised the operations. The webcam will offer great wildlife viewing of the biologically important sandbars on the Sommer's Chute delta.
There looks to be a pretty good no bird hunting zone set up around the camera location.
Lake Onalaska Closed Area
Closed to all Migratory Bird Hunting.
See the "Lower Pool 7" .pdf file attached directly below.
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Seems to me the cam is located more to the east and north, maybe not even on your map BL.
Seems to me the cam is located more to the east and north, maybe not even on your map BL.
I must have found the wrong "Sommers Chute into Lake Onalaska".
I was basing my MRFC speculated map location on my actual live camera observations of the surrounding terrain and publicly available info.
I'll dutifully modify my posts if I'm totally that far off North & East. :)
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Just my viewing from the GSB cliff cam. Your maps are GREAT however!!
eburg, It's all good, I'm just a map nut on an accuracy mission.
You don't happen to know the exact coords of the GSB cliff cam do you. ;)
I could triangulate the pos if had that fix. ;)
Triangulatin' is what I did this summer, cuz I was trying to figure things out on GoogleEarth, which is a total screw-up as far as :locations" go on the river. High water and totally different island shapes (probably older sat data too) made for lots of rechecks. I figured lines of sight up and down river to locate GSB, then guesstimated the angle to the flyway cam....and looked back on GoogleEarth and decided it was close to where I think it is. :)
43 deg. 52'16.41" N 91 deg. 19'11.48" W is pretty close to cliff cam location
Thanks for heads up Clarindagirl! Caught a quick snip. 8)
You are welcome. I leave it on most days, Your video clip adds so much. The one large sandhill crane must have been on guard duty. He placed himself directly in front of the eagle on two occasions. Love to watch the interactions.
Northern Pintail
Large numbers of pintails have also been spotted at Loess Bluffs Wildlife Refuge https://www.facebook.com/LoessBluffsNWR/
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Another good way to keep track of the comings and goings during migration season is the Wisconsin DNR website that provides weekly updates of migration counts at stopover sites/staging areas in the Flyway cam area: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/upper_mississippi_river/weekly_bird_sightings.html
Thanks Finn--think you've posted that before but I didn't check it out at the time and all I can say is "my bad". :) I went full-fledge investigatin' this time and found the Port Louise bird list, which I will now copy and keep with my Sibley's and Petersen's birdbooks. Helps narrowing down choices out there in the bush and on cam. Once again--thanks!! :) ;D ;)
eburg: thanks for the idea about putting info in with bird books for reference. I'm heading to the up the Flyway next week to check out Brownsville and other stopover points. My favorite time of year!
Broken Lug--think I found the camera island on GoogleEarth: 43 54' 56.09" N, 91 19' 02.55" W (gotta look up degree symbol Alt keys) :D
Enjoy your Flyway bird watch Finn. 8)
Broken Lug--think I found the camera island on GoogleEarth: 43 54' 56.09" N, 91 19' 02.55" W (gotta look up degree symbol Alt keys) :D
Cool eburg, I'll check it out when I get a chance. :)
BTW: alt 0176 = ? ,degree, but as you can see it doesn't work on the forum here for some reason. ???
yeah, when I typed on the Alt key I jumped clear off the site. And I have used it on the chat line too?
Flyway cam 8) GHO & BE
Mississippi River Flyway : GHO and BE
https://youtu.be/eciOHtriIrU via lizzy g eaglespirit
Flyway cam 8) GHO & BE
Mississippi River Flyway : GHO and BE
https://youtu.be/eciOHtriIrU via lizzy g eaglespirit
Great video - thanks for the link, Lori!
Flyway cam 8) GHO & BE
Mississippi River Flyway : GHO and BE
https://youtu.be/eciOHtriIrU via lizzy g eaglespirit
Great Capture, thanks for posting.
1st off. What an awesome IR gif and video of the Eagle & GHO on the log.
That was a spooky cool looking Halloween Raptor interaction from the MRFC !
BrokenLug--think I found the camera island on Google Earth: 43 54' 56.09" N, 91 19' 02.55" W
eburg, I checked out your coordinates in GE.
Very well could be, I'm just not totally sure yet.
The most recent imagery date available to me at Lk Onalaska in my version of GE Pro is 09/28/2015.
Before the MRFC poles, solar panel and camera were erected.
What did you see on the SE end of that island that leads you to believe that's the cam location?
Or are you doing some other 'visual landmark triangulation' to determine the nest local?
It certainly fits the BPCA written description of the cameras location ...
BPCA members assisted the Raptor Resource Center in establishing a live webcam out on Sommers Chute in Lake Onalaska. Two 20-foot telephone poles were transported out to the Sommers Chute delta, base holes were excavated, poles raised, and bases filled with concrete to anchor the poles. BPCA's pole-raising expert Joe Kawatski supervised the operations. The webcam will offer great wildlife viewing of the biologically important sandbars on the Sommer's Chute delta.
I'm currently trying to hunt down the most current satellite or aerial imagery of the area that I can find.
I'm pretty sure that with high resolution imagery the solar panel up on a telephone pole should be visible.
Problems ..
1) The imagery would have to have been taken after Sept of 2018 to see the construct.
2) Trying to determine the exact date any imagery was taken. Always a problem.
3) Sufficient resolution to discern a (I'm guessing 3'x 4') rectangular solar panel from something naturally occurring on the ground.
4) Those Sommers Chute islands/sandbars appear & disappear depending on the time of year the imagery was taken.
I definitely think we're both in the right neck of the woods, er', chute/island/sandbar. ;)
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My map eyes are tired and they could be playing tricks on the cam location.
Trying to make the coordinates match the imagery or imagery match the coords. :-\
I have no way of verifying the dates of the imagery in the screen caps attached below.
(However DigitalGlobe imagery tends to be more "fresh" than others on a county GIS website).
But everything sure fits the migratory bird bill. ;D
I don't know, I'll post the images up and you all decide. 8)
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Remarkable shots BL!
When the camera looks toward the Minnesota side the main channel is blocked by land and trees. You can't see barges (or even tug searchlights) when they pass, which you should be able to do on Sommers Chute. But it's too confusing. When the cliff cam comes back online, I think it will all make more sense, but I am in awe of your resourcing. But as we know, water levels and shifting sand and grasses makes for confusiion out there.
And then there's the fact the the river's main channel runs from WNW to ESE :o
On the other wing I might just say F it and enjoy the show. ;D
What a great day on the flyway!
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On the other wing I might just say F it and enjoy the show. ;D
THERE ya go! ;D
Hope someone catches that sandhill crane gang-up on our middling juvenile! Lori-gif me! 5:30ish CDT. Please, please, please. ;)
What a great day on the flyway!
T40, that 2nd pic is just beautiful!
Hope someone catches that sandhill crane gang-up on our middling juvenile! Lori-gif me! 5:30ish CDT. Please, please, please. ;)
Thanks Ginger. Watching at the time "live" I didn't know what was going to happen. Eagles are apex, but the odds weren't too good! :)
Gadwall Pair - Close Ups
Thank you to the camera operator for great views.
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Tundra swans are here in numbers on their way to wintering grounds near Chesapeake Bay and N. Carolina. One photo shows all-white adults and grayish/tannish juvenile. Sunrise gives them a golden highlight. Couple of Canada geese also. Other photo has truer colors.
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Gadwall Pair - Close Ups
Thank you to the camera operator for great views.
Pretty duck! :)
Mississippi Flyway cam beauties today!!!❤️
Mississippi Flyway cam beauties today!!!❤️
Beautiful! :-*
Mississippi Flyway cam this morning ❤️
A small gathering...
From RRP's FB page:
Northern lakes are sealing over with ice and eagles are beginning to migrate south in earnest - which means more traffic on the North Superflyway!
Of course, we're also seeing a lot of traffic on the Mississippi Flyway. Late migrators like tundra swans and bald eagles are arriving in number. We're also seeing northern pintails, some canvasbacks, some sandhill cranes, and of course Canada geese. Don't miss the great horned owl and bald eagle perched on the same snag - I found the footage fascinating!
11/01/19: More Swans-Lots of Eagle Vocals-Beautiful Sunrise - https://youtu.be/8Jlds29_chY. Chickidee says: "It's another beautiful morning on the flyway. As the cams pan across the lake we see geese and ducks and some swans. The image is out of focus at the beginning of the video. Give it a few seconds it will get better. Due to the pre dawn lighting of the early morning the images are a little grainy. When the cam zooms in for a closer look at the swans, listen to all the eagle vocals. We have some Juvies and subadults flying into the communal dead log to perch. The November sky is aflame by the rising sun's rays castings of pink and gold hues which turn deep crimson. A great way to start the day! Thanks for watching!" Even if you don't watch, listen to this video. The vocals are absolutely incredible!
10/31/19: GHO and BE: https://youtu.be/eciOHtriIrU. It's very early in the morning (around 6am) and very dark. The sky is cloudy, blocking moonlight, the first fingers of dawn, and ambient city light from La Crosse. An adult bald eagle (left) and GHO (right) perch on a snag in the river. At 1:25, the GHO takes off and circles above the eagle before returning to the perch, although it does not strike. I encourage everyone to slow down the video and watch - we can't see much, but the video effects are pretty cool! The two appear to be holding a stare-off starting at about 2:02 and the owl takes off again at 2:29, which seems to put the eagle on edge. At 2:40, the camera operator finds the owl on a sandbar. It moves a few more times throughout the video, eventually returning to the log perch we first saw it on.
Is this the GHO we've periodically seen at Great Spirit Bluff? GHO don't commonly migrate and they are ferociously protective of their territory. In a study done in 2005, Bennett and Bloom found that female owls had an average home range size of about 180 hectares, or 1.8 square kilometers, although territory size varied widely and owls used territory outside their home range, especially in the absence of young. She has been seen at Lock and Dam 7, which is about 1.7 kilometers from GSB. The Flyway island is about 4.7 kilometers from GSB - well outside a home range, but within a potential area of use. Unfortunately, it was too dark to see a band...but we'll keep watching!
10/31/19: Eagle & Owl Perch-4 SWANS A'Swimming-Ducks Bobbing - https://youtu.be/q3XaxUW7Quo. This video covers some of the same eagle/owl footage, but includes some footage of northern pintail ducks and tundra swans!
Mississippi Flyway Cam~More Swans-Lots of Eagle Vocals-Beautiful Sunrise_11.1.19
Mississippi River Flyway : GHO and BE
Mississippi Flyway Cam~Eagle & Owl Perch-4 SWANS A'Swimming-Ducks Bobbing _10.31.19
From RRP's FB page:
Northern lakes are sealing over with ice and eagles are beginning to migrate south in earnest - which means more traffic on the North Superflyway!
Of course, we're also seeing a lot of traffic on the Mississippi Flyway. Late migrators like tundra swans and bald eagles are arriving in number. We're also seeing northern pintails, some canvasbacks, some sandhill cranes, and of course Canada geese. Don't miss the great horned owl and bald eagle perched on the same snag - I found the footage fascinating!
Great videos! Thanks for passing the RRP FB info on, T40!
Neat shots, Lisa!
Neat shots, Lisa!
Thanks, NW :)
Here's the video of LoriDavis's excellent GIF of the convocation of eagles ..
RRP home page post from 11/04/2019.
Scroll down to Mississippi Flyway:
Utube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptpjKBikPyg&feature=youtu.be
Mississippi River Flyway It all started with One Big fish - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O940H_ABfvw ;D
I am fascinated by the GHO hanging out at the Flyway cam at night and especially by the eyes glowing in the dark. It isn't as though I haven't seen pictures of owls', eagles' and other animals' eyes glowing at night but there was something about this owl that made me want to look up what was what. So it turns out there is this membrane called the tapetum lucidum ('tapestry of light') that produces this eyeshine. Here is an article that explains it all so even I can understand what is going on: https://www.nhcf.org/what-were-up-to/why-animals-eyes-shine-at-night-but-peoples-dont/
Thanks for the info Finn! Always happy to learn something new about the secret life of birds.
From RRP's FB page: (so cute!)
Raptor Resource Project
2 hrs
*Snow Day!*
What kid doesn't like to pick up whatever it can find for impromptu sledding? A juvie on the Mississippi Flyway plays with a long stick and positions it perfectly for skidding, sledding or snowboarding and has a blast while capturing the attention of some others who want to join the fun. This looks like it could be a new E-lympiad Sport judging by the skills of this youngster!
Thanks to Eaglewhisperer18 for the fun video
Watch RRP's Mississippi River Flyway Cam at raptorresource.org/birdcams/upper-mississippi-onalaska-cam/
Thanks T40 for sharing RRP post of eaglewhisper18 video!
Thanks for sharing "snow day" T40 I missed EVERYTHING today!!! Love our lil Juvies & Eagles. :D Took a quick snip of it 8) Thanks for smile :) This was really nice to watch.
Thanks T40 for sharing RRP post of eaglewhisper18 video!
Thanks for sharing "snow day" T40 I missed EVERYTHING today!!! Love our lil Juvies & Eagles. :D Took a quick snip of it 8) Thanks for smile :) This was really nice to watch.
Awww, Lori! That's too cute! I'm saving it. (Hope you're feeling better, kiddo.)
It was wonderful watching the juvie & the snowboard/ski stick on the Flyway!
On the RRP FB page under comments about that video someone asked if eagles ever skate. I can't post on FB, but there were 2 videos (that I had saved) of eagle skating on the Flyway last winter.
TPA--They're skating today too. And apparently the cold and snow took a toll on life on the flyway and the eagles are bullying each other over the carcasses. Great fun!! :D
Thanks for the heads up Eburg!!
Mississippi River Flyway It all started with One Big fish - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O940H_ABfvw ;D
Thanks for passing on that video link T40! I never saw that many eagles play "Who's got the fish?" before! At the beginning I thought, that fish was big enough to feed several of them, but by the time the rest converged on the area, not so much! :o
From RRP's FB page: (so cute!)
Raptor Resource Project
2 hrs
*Snow Day!*
What kid doesn't like to pick up whatever it can find for impromptu sledding? A juvie on the Mississippi Flyway plays with a long stick and positions it perfectly for skidding, sledding or snowboarding and has a blast while capturing the attention of some others who want to join the fun. This looks like it could be a new E-lympiad Sport judging by the skills of this youngster!
Thanks to Eaglewhisperer18 for the fun video
Watch RRP's Mississippi River Flyway Cam at raptorresource.org/birdcams/upper-mississippi-onalaska-cam/
LOL! Like that E-lympiad T40! The adult was looking at them like "Silly juvies" before taking off. ;D
Thanks for the heads up Eburg!!
Love that Lori! I'll be checking into the Beak Room to see how you're doing today. :)
3 beautiful scenes this morning!
(https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c8967b4d2c83be875252873b55c7f19049216b0679b0b12f0ecf5fcbbd70623e.jpg?w=480&h=226) photos via explore.org
Lori: Thank you for these gorgeous shots! Every morning and evening I watch and think the skies can't get more beautiful but the next day, I'm surprised again.
Since swans have started showing up at the Flyway, there have been questions about telling the difference between tundra and trumpeter swans. This information from the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary in Michigan may be helpful: https://msu.edu/~chenange/KBS/matching.html
Finn, thanks for the link about swan identification. Do you know if the juvenile tundra swans we are seeing (grayish) are hanging around with a parent, or are they independent by now?
Finn, thanks for the link about swan identification. Do you know if the juvenile tundra swans we are seeing (grayish) are hanging around with a parent, or are they independent by now?
They stay with their parents through the migration trip south and usually separate from them some time after the family arrives back at their breeding ground the following spring. At that point, the parents will chase them off prior to the start of their nesting activities. Then they will hang out with large groups of other young swans, unattached adults and adult pairs who haven't had luck with the breeding process.
Finn, more interesting info. Thanks a lot. ;)
From RRP's FB page:
Mississippi Flyway
11/11/19: Young Eagle having fun with the stick - https://youtu.be/hJVFcxA0cQo. Young eaglets don't need expensive toys when a long stick will do! This short but cool video shows us two young eagles playing with the stick. Note the wind - it was really blowing today!
11/10/19: A morning with a Tundra Swan - https://youtu.be/cFNWvRkE9J0. Just what the video says! Look for a really interaction between two pairs of swans at 2:35. Their displays are directed toward the mate or other family member, but are elicited by an agonistic interaction with the non-family member and performed within visual and auditory range of the opponent. This is exactly what we are seeing here! We have wing-flapping, a physical interaction, and a submissive posture after one swan's mate or family member is driven away. You can also see Mallard ducks and Canada geese. Look for a wonderful flyaway at the end of the video!
Tundra swans display on the Flyway!
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It is the November full moon called the "Beaver" or "Frost" Moon. Full phase this morning at 7:43. Google says "The beaver moon is the first full moon in the month of November. The time of the Beaver Moon was the time for both the colonists and the Algonquin tribes to set beaver traps to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. This full moon is also known as the Frost Moon because it's about the time of the first frosts."
One of the mods at the Flyway Cam thought she saw a beaver swimming past some resting swans the other day, so I guess they are starting to get ready for winter.
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AWESOME screen shots, T40 8) 8)
Mallard Drake and Hen in Winter -- Ice particles in feathers
19 degrees F in LaCrosse WI, Full Moon
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Flyway this morning... 8)
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Looks like it's melted some since this morning. Thanks for sharing awesome pics T40 and everyone!!!
GREAT pic, T40!
Does anyone know what kind of duck this is? Someone posted it on the Explore chat board yesterday, I think.
Does anyone know what kind of duck this is? Someone posted it on the Explore chat board yesterday, I think.
Ginger, that duck looks like the same that was posted in RRP Facebook post today. I believe they said it was a ring necked duck.
Does anyone know what kind of duck this is? Someone posted it on the Explore chat board yesterday, I think.
Just a guess here Ginger... ???
Ringneck (?Ringbill?) This small duck has a dark, peaked head and a white ring around the front of a blue-gray bill. Difficult to identify in flight.
What Lisa said lol... 8)
Thanks, Lisa and Lori. I actually came across RRP's post a little while ago in my newsfeed and remembered that I saw did see it earlier today but for some reason when I'm on my phone or tablet if I click on RRP's Facebook pics they won't open. I have to come to my PC to open them. Anyway, the duck's coloring is beautiful. RRP's description said:
"11/14/19: What kind of duck is this? A Ring-necked Duck. Ring-necked ducks are generalists - they are omnivores who often dive for food but may also dabble in shallow puddles like mallards. Peak migration starts in late September and runs through early December. Ice-covered water pushes them south."
They originally said "ring-billed" but that was an error that they corrected.
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11/15/19 Sunsets From 8 Locations Across The United States via explore.org
https://youtu.be/SPVqof5Qvfg via elle lynn
I caught many lovely sunsets on explore.org tonight and wanted to compile them into a video to showcase them!
Locations in order of appearance:
- Frying Pan Tower Ocean View Cam, Cape Fear, North Carolina.
- Decorah Eagles Cam, Decorah Iowa.
- Mississippi River Flyway Cam, Brice Prairie, Wisconsin.
- Mount Diablo on Santa Cruz Cam, Santa Cruz Island, California.
- Big Sur Condors Cam, Big Sur, California.
- Santa Monica Beach and Pier Cam, Santa Monica, California.
- Anacapa Peregrine Falcon Cam, Anacapa Island - Channel Islands, California.
- Malibu Cam at Creative Visions, Malibu, California.
Flyway this morning 8) Keep lookin' for those bracelets!
When the camera looks toward the Minnesota side the main channel is blocked by land and trees. You can't see barges (or even tug searchlights) when they pass, which you should be able to do on Sommers Chute. But it's too confusing. When the cliff cam comes back online, I think it will all make more sense, but I am in awe of your resourcing. But as we know, water levels and shifting sand and grasses makes for confusiion out there.
And then there's the fact the the river's main channel runs from WNW to ESE :o
Swooping back some pages ago and after further review .... ;)
I think you're pretty darn close if not dead spot on on the MRFC coords eburgbirdwtchr. 8)
I'm so sorry Camera watchers for this thread hijack once again. :-[
This old school 'map hound' just can't let a 'gotta know' map location lie. ;D
Eburg, I don't know the exact height of the camera above Mississippi Riv mean water level.
If this is the cam's location ..
I don't believe the main Mississippi River channel (& barges or their lights) would be visible from the Cam due to the trees, islands and brush to the west.
Sommers Chute, sand bars of, and Lake Onalaska = Great wildlife viewing bar none.
Great work once again RRP. :)
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This old school 'map hound' just can't let a 'gotta know' map location lie. ;D
Eburg, I don't know the exact height of the camera above Mississippi Riv mean water level.
If this is the cam's location ..
I don't believe the main Mississippi River channel (& barges or their lights) would be visible from the Cam due to the trees, islands and brush to the west.
Sommers Chute, sand bars of, and Lake Onalaska = Great wildlife viewing bar none.
Great work once again RRP. :)
eburg & BL - thank you for all your research & incredible map images that you share - it's a fascinating learning experience & so appreciate your generosity & knowledge.
Remarkable shots BL!
When the camera looks toward the Minnesota side the main channel is blocked by land and trees. You can't see barges (or even tug searchlights) when they pass, which you should be able to do on Sommers Chute. But it's too confusing. When the cliff cam comes back online, I think it will all make more sense, but I am in awe of your resourcing. But as we know, water levels and shifting sand and grasses makes for confusiion out there.
And then there's the fact the the river's main channel runs from WNW to ESE :o
You all have done great work in pinpointing the camera by methods that are way beyond my understanding. Here is a quote from the Brice Prairie Conservation Association [which is involved in preserving Lake Onalaska and the Black River bottoms] which may be relevant to the discussion of camera location but if it isn't relevant, I'm sorry for muddying the waters: http://www.briceprairieconservation.org/
BPCA Helps Setup Webcam on Sommers Chute
BPCA members assisted the Raptor Resource Center in establishing a live webcam out on Sommers Chute in Lake Onalaska. Two 20-foot telephone poles were transported out to the Sommers Chute delta, base holes were excavated, poles raised, and bases filled with concrete to anchor the poles. BPCA's pole-raising expert Joe Kawatski supervised the operations. The webcam will offer great wildlife viewing of the biologically important sandbars on the Sommer's Chute delta.
Thanks Finn. And BL's latest location maps are spot on. Sommers Chute is the puzzle for me now, and I'm looking forward to the return of the GSB cliff cam to get a better understanding. Can't get my head around the big opening of Sommers Chute onto the main channel, since I don't remember it being visible from the cliff cam. And that swerve on the main channel around that hunk of land doesn't exist in my memory. I think that sandbar has been removed or something.
Thanks Finn. And BL's latest location maps are spot on. Sommers Chute is the puzzle for me now, and I'm looking forward to the return of the GSB cliff cam to get a better understanding. Can't get my head around the big opening of Sommers Chute onto the main channel, since I don't remember it being visible from the cliff cam. And that swerve on the main channel around that hunk of land doesn't exist in my memory. I think that sandbar has been removed or something.
eburg I think that the Army Corps of Engineers has the responsibility to maintain the channel so that sedimentation or debris accumulation don't become excessive. Could it be possible that they've been busy with their dredging equipment clearing out the sandbar? I often seen their dredgers (or whatever they're called) moving up and down this stretch of the River.
True beauty... lookin' for bracelets 8)
Finn--you may be right. Talked to a member of the crew. They put the "dredgings" on the islands. Seems like it would all erode back into the channel during high water, but what do I know. :)
True beauty... lookin' for bracelets 8)
Have video now to go with it...
Mississippi River Flyway Cam, Closeup Of Juvenile Bald Eagle 11/17/19
https://youtu.be/0sIagZNkBb4 via eaglewhisperer18
Sunday 1225pm CT. Nice closeup cam op :)
Flyway chat is open right now!!! MWF 11a-2p Camera is charged up, come join us!
True Beauty!!!❤️
Flyway highlights 8)
Hello Flyway Friends,
We covered a variety of topics on Friday as we watched Highlights. I thought I'd post some book titles and links that came up during chat.
In discussing raptor behavior, Pale Male, the famous resident hawk of NYC, was mentioned. Izzy is reading:
Pale Male & Family by Steven Kennedy
Red-Tails in Love by Marie Winn details the saga - recommended by smile
Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of NYC by Janet Schulman - a children's book beautifully illustrated
Pale Male - movie/DVD recommended by SmokeyinHarlem
In a Highlight loop, coyotes scampering on the ice led to describing physical/behavior characteristics of coyotes vs wolves.
American Wolf by Nate Blakeslee - highly recommended by Smokey
The Ninemile Wolves by Rick Bass
Coyote America by Dan Flores
Then Highlights looped to Sandhill cranes and their feeding habits. Izzy posted a great video of cranes washing off turtle eggs before eating them:
and from there we wondered about the endangered whooping crane. Here is a link to a whooping crane migration map (right through our flyway!):
with lots of additional information from the Whooping Crane Conservation Assoc.
This gives you a taste of some of the topics we cover in flyway chat. Please feel free to add some of your favorite pertinent books to the reading list!
Happy exploring!
Goodnight Eagles... tonight's sunsets. 8)
Decorah North
Flyway cam
Nice crisp sunrise at the MRFC this AM.
Added a sunset pic snagged from RRP's FB page.
"2019 Christmas album, picture #3".
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Good morning flyway!!!
Mallard female taking a nap on a 30 degree crisp morning
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Great pic everyone!
Thought this was a great shot yesterday of some young ones.
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Our beautiful camera views this morning! Thank you RRP & Cam Ops!!! ❤️
photos via explore.org
Sandhill Crane Pair feeding in the sunshine.
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Great pics - clarinda, Lori and monarch :)
Season's Greeting to all those Great Cam Operators. VETLO a Waxing Gibbous Moon, hope all is good with you and yours. Thank you RRP.
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Very cool moon shots cam operator !
For the 1st attached image .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGxSYOZVhlM
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Thought this was a great shot yesterday of some young ones.
I missed that!!! Great shot!
Thanks Lori for blustery day videos. We're thinking the guy with the racing helmet (lol) could be 5. They can still have somewhat "dirty" heads at 5. (thinking D20 Mr Decorah this year at ATF) My screenshots show pretty pale eyes, too. But he does still have that osprey look...he's quite handsome
Flyway today :)
Great pics T40, Clarinda, Lori, BL, and Monarch! Awesome gifs Lori! Looks like they had a mini snow storm yesterday - it's that time of year. Thanks to smile for posting the book titles/authors and video links!
Love the clarity and quality of the pics - many thanks to RRP for installing such good equipment and to the cam operators for giving us such good shots!
Flyway, Decorah & DNN tonight photos via explore.org
Flyway amazing geese flying past moon gif
Flyway beautiful Juvies/SA's today
Snow is coming down this afternoon...
Snow is coming down this afternoon...
This eagle is beautiful!
Now that it is really cold and snowy at the Flyway, have the migrating birds moved on? Seems pretty barren the past couple of days.
Now that it is really cold and snowy at the Flyway, have the migrating birds moved on? Seems pretty barren the past couple of days.
Once the surface water at the stopover points starts to freeze up, fewer and fewer birds appear. There will be some stragglers, but most birds have hitched a ride on a tail wind and headed to their wintering areas. Amy has a great blog on migration that lists the factors that effect migration: including daylight length, food availability, weather...and the distance between wintering and breeding grounds. Here is the blog if you want to read it: https://www.raptorresource.org/2019/10/18/on-migration/
Finn, thanks for the blog link. Great information and several other links to pursue.
I captured a little video of the adorable beaver grooming himself on the ice on the flyway cam yesterday; RRP added a very informative comment and link - fascinating stuff! Here's the video link - after you watch it, check out RRP's comment and link to more information, below the video window:
Do beavers preen? Thanks RRP and camera operators!
Misissippi River Flyway Cam 12 16 19, 1 pm Beaver grooming himself on the ice, dives in (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FraFiBzwYNxo%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3s0E9L-X0pAFKgOnlCQgy5ggD5STEvZ6ftzxDUmBUy2MWrnY9RB_J-KJU&h=AT1bKL6McKm4UkV3n0JIugyN7upFQNkRLo7iZ_bL1ruiJ-8bfu5Fjvm1A3FOzEUS-y0Y15JGnZ2ljyh8kboHDg7HvgIC--sZeXoyv68G8zzWoffVjpLDCRxLpYM_yB0NKeA9euAvdQaAwW3Q8zvJ_zxHoao-L-SHQ0GmgMRGzkx7QQ)
Visitors today... 8)
Thanks for the video, tulsa, and for pointing out the informative comment from RRP. :)
Lori, love your gifs of these interesting visitors
National Eagle Center Weekly Winter Bald Eagle Counts along the Upper Mississippi River: These 7 sites are all north of the Flyway Cam site, but it is interesting to me to see the counts: https://www.nationaleaglecenter.org/winter-bald-eagle-count/
And for those of you interested in watching the winter Bald Eagle counts along the Mississippi River south of Dubuque, Iowa here is the ACE's site with their weekly counts: https://www.mvr.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/Mississippi-River-Project/Education/Eagle-Watching/Eagle-Counts/
Finn, thanks for the two eagle watching links. Lots more information and links and cameras on those websites. I find comfort knowing that many people and organizations are looking out for eagles in the best ways possible.
Flyway this morning
Flyway this morning... lookin' for bracelets :) Wonder what our lil D's are up to?
One more flyway this afternoon...
Lori - thanks for the great shots from yesterday and today. We are making you our official bracelet detective! Good luck!
And Finn, thanks very much for the Bald eagle count info and links! And good posts from STLbf.
Thank you all for your contributions!
We had another fun & informative flyway chat on Friday. We discussed migration again, so here are some links in case you missed chat.
We talked about the largest migrants to the tiniest!
I believe Mish asked about when the pelicans would return. Here's a range map for the American white pelican:
Izzy mentioned the petite Prothonotary warbler which travels as far as Central and South America in winter but breeds in North America, including along the Mississippi:
and here is an excellent live time migration map (you can also go back to earlier dates):
Smokey brought up the issue of bird mortality due to light pollution. Audubon Society is just one organization working on this problem:
And last but not least, we can always count on Amy to post an excellent blog about migration:
No quizzes on this - just enjoy! :)
Well, Flyway Friends, the white-out weather on Monday didn't offer too many wildlife viewing opportunities until near end of chat when the camera operator found us a beaver on the ice. Of course, after chat closed, a second beaver joined the first one!
Since snow/ice dominated the scenery, Pharm found a great video for us of tugboats/barges on the icy Mississippi:
then I found a fun video of eagles floating on the Mississippi ice from just about one year ago:
As I write this, it looks like the camera has powered up again - yay! - so we hopefully will have live feed for a New Year's Day chat. Hope to see you Wed., same time, same place!
Last sunset of the decade at the MRFC.
Happy New Year to all.
Looking forward to the roaring 20's. :)
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People ice fishing just now. Brrrr.
Happy New Year everyone.
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People ice fishing just now. Brrrr.
Happy New Year everyone.
It's the only way we can get fresh fish in the midwest ;) Brrr is right, but worth it! :)
Flyway this morning :)
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Flyway this morning :)
Gorgeous, Lori :)
You all have probably deduced problems today with Chatroll. Hope to see you again soon - meanwhile, enjoy!
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And it loooks like chat is back! Join us at
January 3, 2020
Beautiful shot!
dang popup flipt in as I was screenshooting!
Good, I was able to edit it out
those popups are really annoying! >:(
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Great pics everyone! Thank you so much for sharing 8)
The first full moon of this decade (a Wolf Moon) will be on Friday, Jan. 10th. The cam ops at the Flyway Cam do an exceptional job capturing these full moons for us--for which I am incredibly grateful. I saw this interesting article in the online version of House Beautiful magazine about Wolf Moons and wanted to share it with Flyway cam fans: https://www.housebeautiful.com/about/a30433783/full-wolf-moon-eclipse-january-2020/
There is a calculator to figure out what time we can expect to see the moon rise and it looks like it will be about 4:45 p.m. on Friday evening. The article says that what we can see should be something like this: "Those interested in catching this special full moon ascend into the night sky can expect the moon to glow orange, then yellow, and continue to keep getting brighter as it drifts upward." Looking forward to watching for sure.
The first full moon of this decade (a Wolf Moon) will be on Friday, Jan. 10th.
Thank you for the information. I often leave the site up at night, to see moon and stars.
Icy Day on the Flyway, Bald Eagle Sliding on Ice, Moonlit Night
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Captured this moon gif tonight at Flyway... no geese this time.
Finn thank you for Wolf Moon info for tomorrow, I shared it with others. :)
Captured this moon gif tonight at Flyway... no geese this time.
Finn thank you for Wolf Moon info for tomorrow, I shared it with others. :)
Lori: thank you for that great shot!
Great gif of moon rising! Was that in speeded-up motion, or realtime?
Hope for a clear sky tonight.
Wednesday's (JAN 8) chat ended with mention of disgusting something-or-other, and vultures. I was away but hoping for pictures here because I didn't find anything on rewind when I got home on Wednesday. Can someone fill in information for this nosy Flyway watcher?
Great gif of moon rising! Was that in speeded-up motion, or realtime?
Hope for a clear sky tonight.
Real time, but it looked to be moving. Tonight is supposed to be really cool!
Lori and Finn- ty for the wolf moon info- it was cloudy and rainy, sleety so I didn't see it. I'll rely on your photos!!
Beaver with Fish? -- January 11, 2020
Beavers are herbivores, so not sure what I saw, maybe a muskrat.
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Press Room
Audubon: Congress Must Pass New Bird Protection Bill
Our bird emergency requires urgent action.
Click on Audubon's link below and then click the "Take Action" box.
"16TH CONGRESS 2ND SESSION H.R. 5552 - To amend the Migratory Bird Treaty Act to affirm that the Migratory Bird Treaty Act's prohibition on the unauthorized take or killing of migratory birds includes incidental take by commercial activities, and to direct the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to regulate such incidental take, and for other purposes."
Mississippi River Valley Landscape
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Dinner Served Cold, 10 Degrees F
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Tuesday morning snapshots 8)
Beaver Lunches in Snow Fall
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Beaver Lunches in Snow Fall
Great pics, clarinda!
Back up on the Flyway cam!! Woohoo!!!!! We wuz down! ;)
Sub-Adult Bald Eagle, Lengthy Visit, Regurgitates a pellet
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Flyway this morning...
GSB this morning
Flyway this morning
Flyway this morning
GSB this morning
Flyway this morning
[img width=600 height=350]https://snapshots-production.explore.org/stream-production-214/20200211T132554_6810932.ts.jp
Lori, Thanks for posting these gorgeous shots of the Flyway. Our Feathered Friends and Other Critters will return in warmer times!
Good morning flyway!
Bright, shiny sunrise to welcome in March, 2020.
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A little melting at the Flyway, and things are starting to get active. At rewind this morning to about 7:00 AM nest time, there's a raccoon eating something stringy out on the ice, then six bald eagles chowing down on one huge fish.
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Two Canada Geese resting on the ice, about 1 hour ago on rewind. More if you rewind a bit more.
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I checked my bird log and last year the first group of American White Pelicans I saw on the camera was March 18th--so we're getting close to the time when things will get interesting!
My screen capture program doesn't do great with distant views, but the birds are returning in such numbers, I couldn't resist. These are from around noon today (MAR 11) Flyway time.
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Watch the live feed for a few minutes in the rain this morning to get a view of the camera wiper! Is this the only RRP camera with such a feature? :D
Watch the live feed for a few minutes in the rain this morning to get a view of the camera wiper! Is this the only RRP camera with such a feature? :D
N2B has one wiper, I think GSB might have one too. Will have to look into this more. ;)
Watch the live feed for a few minutes in the rain this morning to get a view of the camera wiper! Is this the only RRP camera with such a feature? :D
N2B has one wiper, I think GSB might have one too. Will have to look into this more. ;)
This post is from FB October 2018
Decorah Eagles
The Decorah Eagle cameras are now broadcasting live 24/7 video again and although we've only seen a few mice come out to play, we're anxious to see Mom Decorah and DM back on cam. The N2B nest measures approximately 5ft high x 6ft wide. This year we added a 4K camera and new microphones at both N1 and N2B. We have 3 PTZ cameras and a fixed cam at N2B, as well as 2 PTZ cams and a fixed cam at N1. There is also a PTZ camera on the visitor center that is slated for replacement before spring. The 4K cam has a wiper blade for cleaning and seeing more clearly in the rain. We've used this kind of camera to catch incredible footage of peregrine falcons at Great Spirit Bluff and are hoping that it works well here too. The eagles have never seen wiper blades in motion, so we will be exercising caution using it until they are well into the nesting season. The crew left a nice gift of 12 fish at the N2B nest and most of them were snatched by a sub-adult bald eagle before Mom Decorah or DM found them. Video here: https://youtu.be/4oOKkpVGJlM
DNN also has a wiper blade.
DNN also has a wiper blade.
Thanks Ginger! I knew you would know for sure ;)
DNN also has a wiper blade.
Thanks Ginger! I knew you would know for sure ;)
You're welcome, Lori. :)
Ginger:I believer that both Decorah cams have wiper blades on the 4K cameras that were installed at the nests in 2018.
Beautiful day today :)
Ginger:I believer that both Decorah cams have wiper blades on the 4K cameras that were installed at the nests in 2018.
I was only referring to DNN since Lori had earlier mentioned the other nests.
Look at flock of Trumpeter Swans early this morning. Am I correct?
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I was wrong about the swans. Tundra, not trumpeter. Sorry. See fixed screen cap title.
Also American white pelicans returned. Love the upside down preening in the photo.
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Here is a great site to help identify swan differences:
Please tell me somebody got video of the SA bathing Forever and then its little hippity hoppity to the branch when it got out of the water. So darn funny! It was about 11:20 something CST. I need to learn how to do it myself:(
Please tell me somebody got video of the SA bathing Forever and then its little hippity hoppity to the branch when it got out of the water. So darn funny! It was about 11:20 something CST. I need to learn how to do it myself:(
awww I will try and find it on rewind in a few, thanks for the heads up horsey!
Yay! Thank you!
Flyway Juvie bathtime fun!!! ❤️
Tipsy toesey
Chillin' in the rain
Juvie BEs are such fun to watch! About an hour ago (8:45 AM) there's an entertaining encounter between a juvie and 3 crows with leftovers of a duck, mostly a wing. The juvie is very timid, but finally gets its snack.
Enjoy these days of watching. I'm so grateful for the RRP. Stay safe and be healthy, y'all.
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Flyway Cam ;D
Cold rainy windy day APR 3 2020. Several pelicans are napping on a bald eagle perch this afternoon. The eagles must have found a huge umbrella, maybe at someone's boat dock, what do you think? ;D
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Possible pair of BEs on April 16, subject of chat today (April 20).
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Closeup of 3 ducks: blue-winged teal male (see light blue patch on wing) and female in front, and green-winged teal male in the rear. Rewind to about 10-ish this morning for good views.
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One sandhill crane feeding earlier today. There was a great blue heron also, but too far away for a good picture. And a spectacular red dawn even earlier today.
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Good Friday morning ! Happy May day! Flash chat on the flyway!
pelican feeding frenzy video from the other day.... ty mocha!
new to this so hope it works :)
Good afternoon on the flyway! beginning @ 1:10 CDT afternoon a pair of Great Blue Herons, fish catching and a Great Egret Still watching at 1:50
Great blue heron fishing this morning, rewind to about 10:30 a.m. CDT. Didn't make a catch and flew away.
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There's a pip at the Great Spirit Bluff falcon nest! Go to the nest cam and scroll back about an hour from now (5:00 DST). One parent on the eggs, the other brings in a prey (bird), offers food and chatters to the pipping egg, which chirps back. So cool.
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Successful hatch at GSB, see feeding photo. Details about this pair at the GSB cam site.
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Anyone have any idea what this is?? The end of the beak really widens out....
My Sibley looks like it's a Northern Shoveler. Watched them and wondered myself, but didn't check until I read your inquiry, Nora ;)
Thanks! I was in the middle of some things and hadn't looked it up. Cool :)
According to my reference photos, the duck is a Northern Shoveler male. Great photo!
Green-winged teal, male, front and side views, late this afternoon.
Great camera operators bring us spectacular views.
And a black & white, smallish, mystery bird perched on tall grass. Anybody know this one?
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STL--could be a warbler, but without size perspective, that's just a wild guess, and nothing amongst them (warblers in my Sibley) is a close match that I could find. Hope someone can figure it. :)
GE. When I used my Cornell, Merlin app the female redwing blackbird came up for this photo of the unknown black and white bird.
see what you think here:
You have to scroll around a bit to view it. I dont exactly think it is a perfect ID, but its all I can come up with, and redwings are certainly frequenting the wetlands now. :-\
I think you're right gg! And makes the most sense, since we've seen males there before. Female redwing blackbird it is!
GG & eburg, I agree on the female red-winged blackbird. My screen cap looked more black and white than brown and white, but the size is correct. With the grass, it's hard to tell.
How about a bird-song opera for Mother's Day? A friend sent this link.
STL, the Bird Opera is delightful. I sent it all around the world. :) Thanks for sharing!!
STL[--that was Fantastic!!, and now added to my Favorites list. And it ID's the birds. Thank you very much!!!
Glad you enjoyed the bird song opera!
About 3.5 hours ago on rewind, watch a Great Blue Heron stalk and catch a good-sized fish. Keep watching to see the GBH wade away, showing its huge feet.
Fun on the flyway. :P
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great viewing this afternoon, beging ( well when I saw it) @ 12:17 of American Avocets! I still don't know how to do the screen caps so here is the link to allaboutbirds page on them :D
happy viewing this weekend!
Just for Joy, here's a screen cap of American Avocets at the Flyway, today, mid-day. Rewind to watch them feeding in the shallow water.
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:) thank you !!!! greatly appreciated. it was so fun to watch them skim for food! and nap!
Late this afternoon 4:40 PM Canada geese with great work by the camera operators. They aren't as regal as the eagles, but still pretty entertaining.
Wonder how old the goslings are? Couple weeks?
Thanks for the ID on the snow goose from the chat mods.
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You guys have sure been posting a great variety of birds!!! Happy noontime on a holiday weekend........
Great variety of birds at the Flyway in spring.
Bald eagles are not very territorial here. Love the multi-age groups.
The perching pair of adults might belong to the nest. Anyone know if it is active with eaglets this spring?
I know mallards and some other ducks, but not so much the shore birds. Is the brownish one a plover of some kind?
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And sometimes turtles basking on logs. No idea what kind these are.
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I'm not great with shorebird id; the bill looks too long and thick to me for a plover. It really looks like a dunlin to me, but not sure about their range at this time of year. Also wondering if it might be another species of sandpiper?
Linda M, I am thinking sandpiper, too. There are many species of sandpiper pictured at Audubon.com and other bird ID sites. Maybe one of the other forum contributors will know.
a Dunlin in the sandpiper family calidris alpina
Lots of Canada geese to choose from this afternoon.
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Shorebirds abound at the Flyway. On rewind, several whimbrels (curved beak) and one least tern. Do the experts agree on IDs?
BE waiting for something tasty, just off camera in this shot.
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Couple of postcard views from the flyway this morning.
Might be more than just sandpipers feeding in one of the photos.
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Turtles basking again. Using the Missouri Conservation Department's online field guide, I'd say these are Common (Northern) Map Turtles. Agree?
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About the turtles, main clues were head shape, dark overall color, and heavily scalloped scutes at the rear of the shell.
How about this nice pair of mallards, dabbling in the shallow water?
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Person walking on one of the sandbars, early this morning. Anyone we know?
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STLbf, Whoever it was must have come by boat or flew in. ;)
I don't think any of the sandbars of Sommers Chute (near the cam) leading into Lk Onalaska are accessible by foot or connected to the "mainland".
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Thanks, Lug, for the details. The person didn't obviously have any negative intent, and didn't appear to be carrying any gear. Occurred to me that it might be someone from RRP. Still, always good to learn more about the Flyway. :D
I think the RRP Navy are very busy out doing Ranger type land style urban repelling missions banding falcons. :)
Super 8) you Kids these days , keep your Petzl head shed on and keep your top knot tight.
BL :-*
Rainy day yesterday remnants of tropical storm Cristobal.
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Beautiful, calm dawn today.
Forgot the photo!
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Red in the morning, sailors take warning! Will there be rain today?
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Happy Father's Day to all at the Flyway!
From about noon to 5:00, it's been all about the Great Blue Herons. Males and females look alike, but males are bigger. So, no idea which these are in the pictures. Really beautiful bird, and North America's largest heron.
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Probable GBH courting behavior this morning, one hopping back and forth, to attract the other heron. Worth watching on rewind. GBHs nest in late June in this area, according to Mods on Flyway chat.
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Saturday morning, and it's sandhill crane time. Also BEs waiting for some excitement.
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Did you guys see this the 25th about the subadult BE catching a huge fish and couldn't drag it in?? It finally started calling like it was asking for help and an adult came. I personally think the subadult looked bigger like a female and the adult like a male. I don't know what kind of fish, but the adult couldn't drag it ashore either and started eating on it part way out of the water. Anyone have an idea on what kind of fish? They called it a lunker, but that just means "something large of its kind ?used especially of a game fish." A couple glimpses I got of the head didn't look like a "cat" and it's got a back fin. UPDATE: It's believed to be a big carp.
VIDEO!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCY_IXoP934&t=18s
The long dark thing from the left of the subadult past it to the right is all the fish!!
The adult tried dragging it by the fin and among other ways and no go.
It finally ripped a hole in the top and tried grabbing it there and dragging it. Nope.
Nora, thanks for the photos of the giant fish vs BEs. Not a catfish because it has scales, so probably carp. If an adult eagle male weighs 8 to 10 pounds and is mostly feathers, this fish must go 20 pounds don't you think? There's video posted at the Flyway website.
Here's a red sunrise from Sunday and two BEs waiting on their favorite log today. I call them the "usual suspects." Possibly a mated pair, but could be just pals.
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Great blue herons are really impressive -- 4 to 5 feet tall and wingspans of 6 feet or more. The ducks don't seem bothered; maybe they like the shade.
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Nora, thanks for the photos of the giant fish vs BEs. Not a catfish because it has scales, so probably carp. If an adult eagle male weighs 8 to 10 pounds and is mostly feathers, this fish must go 20 pounds don't you think? There's video posted at the Flyway website.
Here's a red sunrise from Sunday and two BEs waiting on their favorite log today. I call them the "usual suspects." Possibly a mated pair, but could be just pals.
And also right before my first picture ;)
Oooh, an osprey preening at about 2 PM on the rewind. Many other waterfowl doing their thing today.
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Happy 1st of July. Beautiful daybreak. Who is good with wildflower ID?
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Birds & bugs close up 7:00-ish this morning. R-WBBs after the insects climbing the foliage. Ducks preening. Turtles on the logs also (no pic). Busy summer day at the Flyway.
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Happy Independence Day to friends of the Flyway.
Beautiful daybreak with heat and humidity.
Bald Eagles waiting for the parade.
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Hiya everybody! :)
If you are donating auction items, please send me an email to [email protected]. Please be sure to include the following:
chat name
real name
contact information(email address, phone#, mailing address)
brief description of item(including approximate value-anything decorah eagle or RRP related will be listed as priceless)
a picture or two of the item(s)(small if possible)
Thank you all in advance, I think it is going to be a great auction this year!
Did you guys see this the 25th about the subadult BE catching a huge fish and couldn't drag it in?? It finally started calling like it was asking for help and an adult came. I personally think the subadult looked bigger like a female and the adult like a male. I don't know what kind of fish, but the adult couldn't drag it ashore either and started eating on it part way out of the water. Anyone have an idea on what kind of fish? They called it a lunker, but that just means "something large of its kind ?used especially of a game fish." A couple glimpses I got of the head didn't look like a "cat" and it's got a back fin. UPDATE: It's believed to be a big carp.
VIDEO!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCY_IXoP934&t=18s
The long dark thing from the left of the subadult past it to the right is all the fish!!
The adult tried dragging it by the fin and among other ways and no go.
It finally ripped a hole in the top and tried grabbing it there and dragging it. Nope.
Great pix Nora! The fish was a redhorse sucker, according to John, and my angler husband, lol:) That was truly amazing!
Here's video of the landing of the redhorse sucker; it was spectacular: https://youtu.be/fCY_IXoP934 (https://youtu.be/fCY_IXoP934)
That huge fish was such a challenge for the BEs! Coincidentally, the July issue of the Missouri Conservationist magazine has an article called "Chasing Missouri Monsters" and the featured giant is a river redhorse sucker. The largest catch recorded in MO weighed 17 pounds.
You might be able to read/see the magazine online at mdc.mo.gov
Photos from the Flyway today.
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Turtles basking this afternoon at the Flyway. Two softshell, and one northern map turtle. Not sure which species of softshell these are. The picture shows one, and another climbed onto the log a bit later.
I missed the young pelicans the chatters were discussing.
Will the camera stay turned on at the Flyway all summer? "Yes" is the right answer!
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Here's closeup of a juvenile pelican about noon today.
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Bald eagle activity about 7 this morning, and a great shot of R-WBB about 8 AM
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July 11 and 12, 2020, Saturday, Sunday -- Turtle and Heron
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Clarinda, thanks for the weekend pics. The Flyway camera brings us a nature lesson every time we look. Kudos to the cam ops!
This afternoon about 2:00, it's frog-finding. Southern leopard frog, I'm pretty sure. I recognized the leopard frog from childhood in northern Indiana. The Missouri Field Guide describes several species of leopard frogs.
Now to ID that lovely bright pink wildflower. Any takers?
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Swamp smartweed, or water smartweed, Polygonum amphibium
Forms dense colonies, any wet, open land, rich pink blooms June to October, stems about 40"
What do you think?
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Beautiful morning at the Flyway. BEs waiting for excitement and prey. Rewind to watch feeding behavior of many current species of water fowl, shore birds, RWBBs. They are hard to catch with a clear picture because always moving.
This site is so entertaining & educational. Hope science teachers include the Flyway in their classes (online or otherwise) come fall.
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I missed chat today, but here are several shots of the wildlife this afternoon on rewind.
American lotus makes huge colonies of plants. The large seed pods in fall are really interesting & good food source.
RWBBs are hard to catch sitting still enough for a photo. Learning to ID the females and juveniles was new for me this year. Thanks, camera operators.
Northern leopard frogs usually have a black spot at the tip of the nose, that distinguishes them from southern leop. frgs.
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Cool and misty early this morning. Many sandhill cranes on rewind. At noon, there's a good group of mostly mergansers, but too jumpy for a good photo capture.
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Saturday morning early rain. Good gathering of the ususal expects!
Have a great, safe, healthy weekend, everyone and everybirdie.
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Sunday morning, quiet, good time for Mama Mallard to bring the ducklings out to dabble in shallow water.
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Rewind to noon-ish for a Great Blue Heron on one of the Bald Eagle perches. Odd looking, long legs, etc. ;)
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Seagulls at rest this afternoon.
I get such a kick out of seagulls when they rest on land in large groups, all facing the same direction. Not sure if the direction depends on the sun or the wind.
When I visit my sister in Saginaw, Michigan, gulls rest like this on parking lots at the mall or grocery store. They seem to be partial to blacktop, and summer heat. Been enjoying this behavior for many years.
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Hiya folks, hope you enjoyed the flyway video! We're having a flash chat!
Always something of interest at the Flyway. Here are Great Egrets early this morning in almost darkness.
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Tuesday morning at the Flyway, lots of birds lazing around while a BE observes.
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Wednesday morning tour of insect and plant life up close. Thanks cam operator.
I don't know names of dragonflies, but this one is a beauty.
The birds, turtles, and frog are there, too, so enjoy the rewind.
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Wednesday morning tour of insect and plant life up close. Thanks cam operator.
I don't know names of dragonflies, but this one is a beauty.
The birds, turtles, and frog are there, too, so enjoy the rewind.
Beautiful pic of the dragonflies!
Missed chat today, darn. Wonder if the large group of Great Egrets is a sign of early migration.
Leopard frogs seem to be gathering too (is 3 a gathering of frogs?)
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Pretty morning at the Flyway, with cool temps. Rewind to about 8:30 AM to watch Great Blue Heron and Great Egret feeding near each other.
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Good closeups of an adult BE at 11 AM, preening and watching.
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BE with Canada Geese nearby at noon.
Pelicans and Gulls at 3 PM.
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Here's the BE with the turtle earlier today. The video is best, maybe on YouTube.
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August 06, 2020, 1:30p -- Ring-Billed or Herring Gull, Juvenile
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Great pic of the gull, clarinda!
Today for a while around 10 AM a female duck and her 7 ducklings dabbled for whatever they eat. The wind was strong, so pics are kind of blurry.
I was pretty sure it's a Northern Shoveler duck, but photos from Cornell show lots of orange on the bill, and this bird has a dark bill. So maybe Mallard. What do the duck experts say?
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From 7/29/20
Beautiful dragonfly [Blue Dasher??]
chased away by what appears to be a large bee.
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I was pretty sure it's a Northern Shoveler duck, but photos from Cornell show lots of orange on the bill, and this bird has a dark bill. So maybe Mallard. What do the duck experts say?
I'm not a duck expert, but I think you made the right call on the female northern shoveler with ducklings. The males are certainly easier to id! The bill looks too long for a mallard.
August 8, 2020, Saturday, 2:38pm -- Bald Eagle
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Clarinda, good photo of an adult BE. They come in all ages here.
And lots of duck species. Here's just one that's starting to gather for migration.
Both taken 9:30 to 10:00 AM on the rewind today.
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Another juvie BE, about 4 PM today.
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Morning pics.
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August 10, 2020, Mon, 12:50pm -- Canada Geese
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August 10, 2020, Monday, 1:40pm -- Lesser Yellowlegs -- Flyway
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August 10, 2020, Monday, 2:20pm -- Black-bellied Whistling Duck -- Flyway
As IDed on Flyway Chat
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Clarinda, three waterfowl IDs, thankyou!
The black-bellied whistling duck is likely to be a first for many who watch this Flyway cam, certainly for me. What a beauty. The males and females look the same, like bald eagles. Unusual for ducks.
In the mixed group, I think the large brownish ducks with white tail tips are mallards in nonbreeding plumage. See also photo from Cornell.
The little ones in the group are likely green-winged teal, the smallest of the dabbling ducks.
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Beautiful pics, clarinda and STL :)
Thanks, love all the variety on the Flyway!
Flyway's sandhill cranes and great blue herons provide some interesting watching this afternoon, from about 1 - 2 PM. No catching of prey, but these large birds are so graceful and entertaining.
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Here's a GBH acting like a BE. Rewind from 3 PM to see multiple rousings and other fun.
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Lots of different birds and activities.
Thanks to al the ID'ers. So many go on my electronic birdwatching life list! :)
Will have to make a screen snap on rewind, but watched the Sandhill Cranes "Present Wings" as the Canadian geese passed in review in the rear. aka Airwing presents Dreadnought class "Pass in Review" :)
Gatherings for the fall migration, so many opportunities for photos.
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Quiet water, great evening light, thanks to the camera operators.
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STL--can't seem to get my pic copied and pasted but it's the Sandhills sunning themselves as in your capture, but with the Canadian geese filing by behind them (around 5 pm cdt)
We love that heraldic, sunning pose from any birds!
There's a HELP tab for the Forum right under your login name. If you don't find what you need there, I can send the steps via one of these messages. There's also a list of members under a similar tab. But I haven't checked if our email addresses are posted.
August 12-13, 2020 -- Pickerel Frog -- Flyway
Great find by cam operator. Could be a Northern Leopard frog or Pickerel frog
Last pic has yellow on inside of thigh, indicating a Pickerel frog.
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Rewind to about 2:30 PM to see several basking turtles who are shedding their scutes, the scales that make up their top shell. They grow the shell to fit their bodies, and the old scutes shed off. The larger turtle is a Northern Map Turtle. Not sure about the little one.
And at about 3:00, closeups of several shore birds feeding. Don't know the species, but they DANCE to stir up prey in the shallow water.
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Rewind to about 8:00 this morning for BE feeding on a bird. Unclear what kind of bird, possibly a tall, wading type, from looks of long narrow wing. Lots of white underbody feathers.
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This seems to defy gravity!
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Wendy, perfect pic for "Joy of Life" ;D
Monday morning, busy time with many birds doing their thing.
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One of the "Alice Cooper" BEs is on watch at 4:30 PM. Flyway chatters have dubbed the pair as the Coopers because both have the black rings around their eyeballs.
Earlier, about 3:30 or 4:00, another species of water bird, I think Caspian Terns, were landing and puttering in the shallows. Anyone have a different ID?
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Yesterday I posted the same pic of the terns two times. Must look before I post!
Now I can't find the BE pic. They will be back I'm sure.
Mystery pic found. My error again, with the wrong month (7 JULY instead of 8 AUGUST) for both the terns & BE. So fixed and re-posted in case anyone cares besides me. :(
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Saturday afternoon at the Flyway with hundreds of birds to choose from. The cam ops found these (I think) Lesser Yellowlegs for some closeup viewing around 2:30 PM.
I'm certainly no expert on most of the smaller shorebirds, but the pics at "All About Birds" matched my choice the closest. What do you-all think?
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Looks like a picture postcard, how pretty and majestic he/she is!
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Looks like a picture postcard, how pretty and majestic he/she is!
Love that pic, monarch!
Eagles at the Flyway this morning.
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Cornell's All About Birds has a free lesson on recognizing different brown female ducks. Very helpful.
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Great pics, STL
Thanks, Lisa. The Flyway will be our refuge when the Decorah cameras turn off for maintenance.
Thanks, Lisa. The Flyway will be our refuge when the Decorah cameras turn off for maintenance.
Sandhill cranes are gathering at the Flyway. Evening is a good time to hear them singing to each other. Crooning cranes!
One nice view of a juvenile (no red head), and adults front and back.
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Sandhill cranes are gathering at the Flyway. Evening is a good time to hear them singing to each other. Crooning cranes!
One nice view of a juvenile (no red head), and adults front and back.
Checked in Thursday Evening was amazed at the number of Great Egrets, Sandhill Cranes, Pelicans and others. So thankful places like the Flyway exist to provide migratory flocks safety and food.
August 28, 2020, Friday, 8:00pm -- Bald Eagle Dinner -- Flyway
Not sure what dinner is, white bird with black flashes?
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Clarinda, there are so many black and white birds here at the Flyway, without a closeup of head, feet, wings, it would be only a guess. BEs aren't picky; they will eat any bird they can catch or steal.
The good news is that the Flyway camera stays on (I think!) and the Flyway Chat continues. So let's keep sharing photos and comments here at the Forum and on the live feed.
August 29, 2020, Saturday, 5:30pm -- American White Pelican -- flyway
Marvelous Creatures.
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Love those pelicans, Clarinda.
This afternoon about 4 PM, several juvie BEs squabbled over prey. One maintained control of it and the others flew off. I'm thinking a brown duck of some kind. On rewind I think I saw plucking of feathers, and later a wide, flat could-be wing.
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August 30, 2020, Sunday, 7:00pm -- Bald Eagle Evening Profile -- Flyway
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Love those pelicans, Clarinda.
This afternoon about 4 PM, several juvie BEs squabbled over prey. One maintained control of it and the others flew off. I'm thinking a brown duck of some kind. On rewind I think I saw plucking of feathers, and later a wide, flat could-be wing.
Good shot of mantling. Sharing not a Bald Eagle trait. LOL
Sandhill cranes taking off near sunset.
Ginger, beautiful pic, looks like a painting!
STL and clarinda - Great pics!
Clarinda, your sunset-silhouettes would make good T-shirt designs, both the sandhills and the eagle at sunset.
August 31, 2020, Monday, 1130am -- Juvenile Bald Eagle -- Flyway
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Handsome juvie! It was there for an hour or so. I looked for a band but didn't see one.
Beautiful red-smoky sunrise to begin September. After an early rain shower, two different eagles on watch during the morning.
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September 1, 2020, Tuesday -- Immature Great Blue Heron -- Flyway
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Great pics, Clarinda. GBHs are so prehistoric looking. Dinosaurs live on. ;)
Great pics, clarinda and STL!
Pip & I quietly casually bass fishing one eve getting totally skunked.
The penultimate fisher bird, the Great Blue Heron, spears the Bass we've been after with our stupid 2 footer lures for hours.
We love it.
It's his lake. :)
Looking for a definitive ID on this bird, 9-ish this morning. Some at Flyway Chat say juvie peregrine falcon. Northern Harrier gets my vote. See comparison photos from All About Birds.
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STL -- I agree with Northern Harrier. I had also googled and compared pics. In addition, a couple of people on the Explore chat board who are knowledgeable about hawks said the same.
Ginger, thanks for passing along info from Explore chat. I forget to look there, but I will now.
The only hawk I'm really familiar with is the Cooper's Hawk that patrols my neighborhood, an older residential area. Now and then it gets a bird in my yard, usually a mourning dove. I figure the doves that fall prey to the hawk are either old or in poor health. Or really not paying attention.
This afternoon, around 4 PM, several juvie and sub-adult BEs have encounters with sandhill cranes. They all seem to be taking advantage of the wind to go skyhopping. Very entertaining on the rewind.
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Sub-adult BE got a small duck as prey this morning about 9:30. Plentiful food supply this time of year.
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Two BEs look like log-rollers! ;)
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Great pics, STL!
Late afternoon, 5-6:30 PM, one sub-adult BE got a medium size white bird. Gull or Caspian tern perhaps (no long neck or legs). Later several sub-adults joined the party, but not much competition or aggression.
Tonight is supposed to be another BIG migration flight night. Maybe the group of brown ducks will be part of it.
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The prey from yesterday (white, medium sized bird) was a gull. Video posted at the Flyway Chat shows the capture. Next time, I will rewind farther!
Hope all of you have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend. I will be thinking about all the labor RRP does to bring us the eagles, the nests, the cameras, the chat rooms, banding and transmitters. None of that is free, so if you are in the mood to donate to a most worthy cause, please consider RRP.
Breezy day on the Flyway. Young BEs squabbled over leftover prey late this afternoon. Lots of waterfowl in attendance. I love listening to and watching the sandhill cranes.
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Lots of juvie and sub-adult BEs around today. Prey is plentiful from morning through the day.
Question for the experts -- Do most of these young BEs migrate farther south in the winter, or is this a stopping and staying place?
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Hawk migration already in full swing
A mature bald eagle passing Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory on Aug. 29 overtakes the Hon. James L. Oberstar ship. Due to COVID-19 concerns, there is no Hawk Weekend this year, but the bird count is underway. (Steve Kuchera / [email protected])
Big weather change overnight, from hot/humid to chilly rain. BEs watching everything.
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Popular hangout this afternoon.
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Eagle and a shell. Explore.org 09 September 2020 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJUJtCjuxZ4
Entertaining video for us and great skill development for this juvie to handle turtles in future. Reminded me of the Decorah eaglets playing with corn husks. Thanks T40.
Young eagles gather in groups this morning. Must feel very Fall-ish with chill and rain.
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Great pics, T40 and STL!
Social distancing eagles!
Beautiful red sky this morning. Reminder of forest fires in the west, and all those lost 19 years ago on 9/11, and a harbinger of rain. But still beautiful.
RWBBs are gathering to migrate. Lots to see on the rewind.
Cam ops give us great views of BE gangs. Thanks to all at RRP.
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Beautiful red sky this morning. Reminder of forest fires in the west, and all those lost 19 years ago on 9/11, and a harbinger of rain. But still beautiful.
RWBBs are gathering to migrate. Lots to see on the rewind.
Cam ops give us great views of BE gangs. Thanks to all at RRP.
Love the juvie and SA pic, STL!
Saturday mid-day, many species to ID and enjoy watching. The GBH catching a crab is exciting on the rewind.
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Another busy beautiful day at the Flyway.
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Another busy beautiful day at the Flyway.
Great pics, STL!
The smoky sunrises and sunsets remind us of the wildfire tragedies on the West coast, both people and wildlife suffering displacement and loss and death.
I've been wondering if the eagles bother the pelicans -- apparently not very much. Several juvies were sitting amongst them early this afternoon. Pelicans seem unruffled by their presence.
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Bird migration forecasts in real-time
WOW!! Just look at the Mississippi Flyway!! :o Note: This map seems to be live and updates daily!!!
Bird migration forecast maps show predicted nocturnal migration 3 hours after local sunset and are updated every 6 hours. Colorado State University and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology currently produce these forecasts.
Thanks very much for the migration maps, T40. Love the birds in graphic style. Looks like all in the Midwest will have a bumper migration event tonight. Hope the wildfire smoke in the upper atmosphere doesn't disrupt their routes.
Another hazy, smoky sunrise today. Rewind to about 8AM to watch a good gaggle of eagles feeding, flying, perching on one of the favorite deadfalls.
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Yet another hazy sunrise. Love the "heavenly" rays.
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Mississippi River Flyway | Eagles tangled talons mid air and a cool flight close by - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9saCnOko-M
Mississippi River Flyway | Eagles tangled talons mid air and a cool flight close by - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9saCnOko-M
Thanks for the video, T40!
As much as I love the eagles in the video, I also noticed the color of the trees......GORGEOUS!
Rewind to shortly before dawn today to watch a fat raccoon trundling along, feeding in the shallows. Lots of sandhills calling and cavorting, too.
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Rewind to about 2 PM Flyway time to see mallards preening and good size comparison with green-winged teal (much smaller than mallard).
Male mallards molt twice, once after breeding season when they go all brown like females, and again in the fall when they regrow the green head feathers. Looks like it's second molt time at the Flyway.
The green-winged teal could be a female or an immature male. Which do you think?
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This bird was on the cam somewhere around 11:30 a.m. today (that's a very approximate time). A cam op said they thought it was a prairie falcon.
Yes, Ginger, beautiful bird. Out of its range, but that's not really unusual here at the Flyway. Perhaps getting away from the smoky air in the West.
Windy and chilly afternoon for this young BE. Hang on tight.
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Windy and chilly afternoon for this young BE. Hang on tight.
Beautiful, STL!
Thanks, Lisa. Always great opportunities for great pics here at the Flyway.
Early this morning, most of the views are in black & white & gray. Could be that the solar powered camera is running out of power for color. Could be that it's just so hazy and foggy and smoky that everything is colorless. Whatever, the sandhill cranes are gathering in big numbers. Kinda reminds me of "gorillas in the mist."
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Thanks, Lisa. Always great opportunities for great pics here at the Flyway.
Early this morning, most of the views are in black & white & gray. Could be that the solar powered camera is running out of power for color. Could be that it's just so hazy and foggy and smoky that everything is colorless. Whatever, the sandhill cranes are gathering in big numbers. Kinda reminds me of "gorillas in the mist."
Love that pic too, STL!
October Bald Eagles in Mississippi Flyway
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Great pics, clarinda!
Thank you. I so appreciate this site, it's on my computer streaming most days and some nights, Migration season is so exciting! Thank you Mods and Cam Operators.
October 3, 2020 -- Greater White-Fronted Goose -- Mississippi Flyway
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Beautiful goose. The white-fronted must be the feathers around the bill. Otherwise it would be a white-underneath or a white-reared. ;)
More to come perhaps according to All About Birds.
Did you catch the well-camouflaged duck in the grass? Near the goose. Never saw head or legs, so not sure what kind. Female or juvenile male but what species?
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This bird was on the cam somewhere around 11:30 a.m. today (that's a very approximate time). A cam op said they thought it was a prairie falcon.
Amy has weighed in on this on RRP's Facebook page and says it is NOT a prairie falcon -- she says it's a juvie peregrine.
Is this full-cropped falcon seen on our Mississippi Flyway cam a Prairie Falcon? No. It is a juvenile Peregrine Falcon, although I understand why people suggested prairie falcon. Key ID points (taken from the book ?Hawks at Every Angle? and a conversation with RRP master bander Dave Kester) include:
- Location and behavior. Oddballs happen, but a lost prairie falcon would probably not be perched on a low snag in the Mississippi River Driftless valley. Prairie falcons are western birds that inhabit dry open country, including grassland and desert. But there are a lot of peregrines along the river and we have seen them perched here before.
- Body streaking. This bird's body is heavily streaked ? more like a peregrine than a prairie. Prairie falcon juveniles are buffy with sparse streaking.
- The supercilium. This bird's 'eyebrow' or supercilium is thicker and extends further back than is typical in a Prairie falcon, and its malar stripe/?mustache? is more peregrine than prairie.
I assume it was ID?ed as a possible prairie falcon because of its pale head and eyebrow/supercilium. But color, field marks, and location/behavior point to a juvenile PEFA. Its pale head makes me wonder if this is a tundrius peregrine falcon. Falco peregrinus tundrius nest in the Arctic, migrate to central and South America, and often have light/blonde heads. If it is a tundrius, it could already have flown 1800 miles from its hatch place! #FalconFriday
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October 3, 2020 - American Golden Plover -- Flyway
As identified by Merlin Bird ID, not sure tho
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About the juvie peregrine falcon -- Thank you Amy for keeping us enthusiastic IDers on the right track. That pic of the bird with good face view sure looks peregrine to me, too, now. As to which (sub)species, I'll leave that to you.
What we do know is that it is NOT a juvie from this year's peregrine nest box at Great Spirit Bluff. Both of those chicks were picked off by a great horned owl before they grew enough to fledge. Terrible and very sad. This watcher hopes for more security at the nest box.
Always learning at the Flyway.
Closeup of coot foraging this morning.
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Continuing the migration experience at the Flyway. Way to go cam ops!
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We feel pretty good about the golden plover identification-that is what the flymods came up with as well. There are some slight variations in feather coloring-these seem to have a bit of a rufous morph like quality to them, as opposed to others I've seen. It is possible that the lighting makes it look a little different....
~IzzyOctober 3, 2020 - American Golden Plover -- Flyway
As identified by Merlin Bird ID, not sure tho
Sub-adult eagle this morning -- not quite all white head and tail.
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Before daylight, a flock of white-fronted geese feeding. Or possibly coot. Hard to tell in black and white. After daylight, similar or same flock. Still hard to tell which because there were no other birds to compare for size, and the view wasn't real crisp. Expert opinions welcome!
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(Personally, I object to referring to bald eagles as bullies.)
Braving bully eagles - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCCER0HFhKQ
October 7, 2020, 5:36pm - Group Photo
Bald Eagle, Sandhill Cranes and American White Pelicans
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Great pic, Clarinda. Is there a more varied species on Earth than the birds? Well, I suppose so, but aren't they wonderful?
October 7, 2020, 5:36pm - Group Photo
Bald Eagle, Sandhill Cranes and American White Pelicans
Awesome capture, Clarinda!
(Personally, I object to referring to bald eagles as bullies.)
Braving bully eagles - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCCER0HFhKQ
Agree with you, I object to them being called bullies.
Hanging out at the Flyway on a quiet afternoon. Rewind from 2PM for at least 3 different ages of BEs.
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Late afternoon light with sandhill cranes.
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Couple of beautiful sub-adult BEs enjoyed the sandhill crane chorus about 10 AM.
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Couple of beautiful sub-adult BEs enjoyed the sandhill crane chorus about 10 AM.
Beautiful, STL!
Looks like the birds are competing with the trees for flashy colors this weekend.
Maybe an hour ago, a juvenile peregrine falcon perched on the same deadfall as those multi-hued BEs.
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October 11, 2020, 1:30pm -- Peregrine Falcon -- Flyway
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October 12, 2020, 12:50pm -- Bald Eagle -- Flyway
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Great closeup, Clarinda. Have the cam ops ever spotted a BE with a leg band, does anyone know? Or other banded birds?
Great closeup, Clarinda. Have the cam ops ever spotted a BE with a leg band, does anyone know? Or other banded birds?
Thank you. Not that I remember. Unless they were in tight on leg area, would be hard to see. The local Peregrine Falcons are banded, I think.
October 15, 2020, 10:40am -- Trumpeter Swans -- Flyway
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Could also be Tundra swans, which migrate through the Flyway. Trumpeters are larger than Tundras. Heads show differences too, so we need closeups from the cam ops!
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Could also be Tundra swans, which migrate through the Flyway. Trumpeters are larger than Tundras. Heads show differences too, so we need closeups from the cam ops!
Last week two Trumpeter Swans were spotted at Loess Blluffs National Wildlife Refuge over on Missouri River. Will wait to see more views.
You were right, Clarinda, they are Trumpeter Swans! About 4 PM cam ops gave us closeups. The bills are all black and have a V-shape between the eyes. These swans are huge, weighing 25 pounds or so. Wonder how they ever get into the air.
Three closeups and I renamed the photo from earlier today.
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Mississippi River Flyway Swans - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwpToxPplcg&ab_channel=LizzyGEaglespirit :-*
T40, Thanks for the video.
Hoping that my next computer will have video capture capabilities.
Lots of BEs flapping, catching, watching just after the color came back on this morning. The resident pair (I figure from past behavior) has been perching in a favorite tree today, too.
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October 17, Sat, 6:25pm -- Bald Eagle Mantling Over Food -- Flyway
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Love the action shots! Thanks Clarinda.
Colorful young BEs perching early this morning. And at 11AM, a whole dead tree decorated with BEs of all ages.
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STL - Beautiful BE's of The Flyway!
Another beautiful red dawn. Chilly, too. The usual suspects are at a favorite low perch from 8-9AM, with good closeups on the rewind.
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October 20, 2020, 5:15pm est. -- Northern Pintails -- Flyway
My duck id skill is poor. What I thought I saw were a large number of Northern Pintails with maybe a few Gadwalls. Love to hear feedback.
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Clarinda, you are likely correct about the ducks, but hard to tell without closeups and I am past that time on the rewind. A personal project is to learn more duck and goose IDs. I have a couple of good reference books, and great help from AllAboutBirds.org.
Just a bit ago (11:00-ish) several BEs were definitely waiting for the chat to begin!
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Anyone else having an issue with the cameras today? Never had a problem before using Firefox and Chrome, but today I've been unable to pull up any of the RRP cameras. Just a black screen and a moving white circle like its trying to connect. I cleared the cache, but still no luck.
Anyone else having an issue with the cameras today? Never had a problem before using Firefox and Chrome, but today I've been unable to pull up any of the RRP cameras. Just a black screen and a moving white circle like its trying to connect. I cleared the cache, but still no luck.
Raleigh - Ginger posted this in the two Decorah threads. I had the same problem this morning. I cleared all my cache and it started working, but try what Ginger says first.
Our DNN mod posted this on Explore about 4 hours ago:
"If you are experiencing a black screen with the COD (circle of doom) spinning in the center when you try to view the cams, this is due to an update (error) that youtube made. You should be able to click the "play" arrow in the lower left corner and have the live stream play for you."
About the technical "owies" earlier, maybe that sudden snowfall the other day was just too much to handle! :o
Still the same this morning :(
Maybe its my PC because I experience the same thing using IE.
Still the same this morning :(
Maybe its my PC because I experience the same thing using IE.
Same here Raleigh. I notice this message on the video this morning on explore.org, We are investigating issues with the live cams loading. If you are experiencing issues, you can still view the streams directly on YouTube.
I am watching the Decorah Eagles there, and if you type in Mississippi Flyway you can find the live video there too. :)
Thank you Lisa.....I was getting ready to go postal on this computer. You saved its life.
At 10 AM today, I didn't have trouble accessing the cams via RRP.
Rainy and cold at the Flyway. No pics, although there are plenty of eagles waiting for excitement and food delivery.
Thank you Lisa.....I was getting ready to go postal on this computer. You saved its life.
;D ;D
Sandhill cranes feeding in the late afternoon chill.
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October 25, 2020, 10:30am -- Migratory Bird Motel and Breakfast Bar -- Flyway
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Clarinda, thanks for the gadwall pic. New for my duck ID list.
Great cam ops closeups of a young BE about 9:30 AM. From the intermediate beak and eye colors, I'm guessing about 2.5 years old. No way to tell male or female, so one pic is handsome and the other beautiful. ;D
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Hi to All :) Haven't tried posting message with photo for a long time. Saw this raptor this morning at Flyway. Would love thoughts on what it could be, beyond a falcon of some (I have mine, but seems unlikely)???? Hope this works :)
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Hey MNL, nice pic. I think it's a juvenile peregrine falcon. They have a nest nearby so are in the area, and we have seen one earlier this fall.
Now it's flurrying at the Flyway. Ick, but it's that time of year.
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Thanks for the input STLbf. Have never seen a juvenile peregrine falcon, so it's nice to know what they can look like :)
You're welcome, MNL. I rely on AllAboutBirds.org for online bird IDs and info. Usually helpful photos there of juveniles and adults in breeding and nonbreeding plumage. And migration ranges.
I'm hoping for closeups of the swans soon. The big groups at the Flyway now are probably tundra swans, but several trumpeter swans were there the week before. Both are huge and all white with black legs & mostly black bills. It's the "mostly" that is key to identification, and for that we need closeups. I don't know if they travel together.
Bald eagles are usually there, in all their fine plumage at different ages. ;D
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Here's the latest from Upper Mississippi River Fish & Wild Refuge folks on tundra swans in the area around Onalaska/La Crosse: on October 26th there were around 3,000 Tundra swans at the Brownsville (MN) Overlook. Some are closer to the Overlook just loafing around but most are further out feeding in open water. They typically spend around a month in the Upper MR region feeding on arrowroot tubers.
The Brownsville Overlook is about 30 minutes south of the Onalaska/La Crosse area on the MN side of the River. You can also drive down from La Crosse on Route 35 (about 20 minutes south) to Stoddard WI which is across the River from Brownsville and pull into the overlook spot there for a good viewing spot. There are telescopes in both overlooks. [It is better to try to catch the swans during the week because the weekends at both locations can be crazy crowded with little parking available.]
Hey Finn, thanks for the information about swan-watching sites near La Crosse. Wish I lived close enough to take advantage. In past years, I've seen hundreds of snow geese and various swans at Riverlands, one of the wetland areas near the confluence of the Mississippi River and the Missouri River. Sometimes we get lots of bald eagles wintering here, too.
Couple nice flight views this morning around 8AM. Better on video rewind.
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The night sky at the flyway will be illuminated by a blue moon tonight (a blue moon = the second full moon in a month). According to the La Crosse paper: "Every month has a full moon, but because the lunar cycle and the calendar year aren't perfectly synched, about every three years we wind up with two in the same calendar month." Also the Farmer's Almanac says that it's also the first time a Halloween full moon has appeared for all time zones since 1944! FYI: Moonrise tonight is 6:18.
My local news says the next Halloween full moon will be in 2039!
Raw, windy, cold day at the Flyway. Green-winged teal closeups are the best views of the day.
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Nice to be back with a new computer. Looks like I didn't miss much! Here's one "test" photo from noon today as I get things set up anew.
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November 9, 2020, 4:30pm -- Black-Bellied Plover -- Flyway
With these pictures, Merlin's ID says Black-Bellied Plover. It's probably non-breeding adult or juvenile? Thoughts?
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Nice Plover pics, Clarinda. I'm not much for IDs on shorebirds, so probably what you found at Merlin.
Cold and rainy at the Flyway today. No pics to contribute.
Nice Plover pics, Clarinda. I'm not much for IDs on shorebirds, so probably what you found at Merlin.
Cold and rainy at the Flyway today. No pics to contribute.
Thanks, that ID didn't seem quite right, but works for today. LOL Cold and rainy north of Kansas City also.
November 11, 2020, 5:15pm -- Immature Bald Eage Headshots at Sunset -- Flyway
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The color phases for BEs is just spectacular in variety. Great pics, Clarinda.
One of these days soon, the sandhill cranes will depart for warmer digs. So beautiful to see, and I just love their purring calls.
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Snappy cold early this morning. Gorgeous young eagle perched on the post, waiting for its portrait. A big group of eagles gently gathered for food in the shallow water. Nothing really appetizing as they were not fighting, mostly watching.
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Great pics, STL
If this sub adult ever ends up nesting under the observation of a camera, it will have a great identifier with that left eye. My compliments to the camera operator for the great closeups earlier today.
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You are so right about the left eye spot. Is that a 5 o'clock spot?
5:00, possibly 5:25. :D
Another beautiful daybreak at the Flyway.
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Couple of colorful juvies at mid-day.
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Glen Loyd Videos: Rainy Mississippi Flyway
November 21, 2020, 2:50pm -- Sandhill Cranes -- Head closeups
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November 21, 2020, 4:46pm -- Moon (first quarter) -- Flyway
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Clarinda, great Moon pic, and love the sandhill closeups. Their puttering calls are very soothing, I think.
Wintry weather today. Eagles are toughing it out.
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Sandhill cranes might be about to leave for warmer weather.
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Flyway sunup on Thanksgiving Day. It's been a very quiet day here.
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Noon finds up to 7 BEs on "that favorite" branch. Here are 2.
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Sorry, I misidentified the location in that last post! The 2 BE photo is at the Flyway, of course. This new computer has me thinking of too many things at the same time.
Should be almost a full moon tonight. Look for mucho moonlight anywhere it is clear. And Mars nearby in the sky, too.
Welcome to December, full Moon setting -- thanks cam ops.
Geegaws (many many) of birds resting up and feeding for the migration flights to come. Frosty temps today but little ice forming so far.
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Masses of eagles on the Mississippi River flyway, except video is from the GSB falcon cam! :o
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A couple of RRP cam sunsets tonight... enjoy!!!
Decorah a few minutes later...
Mississippi Flyway
Another nice day at the Flyway. Good closeups of a sub-adult BE, mostly preening, several times during the afternoon.
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Sandhills, geese, ducks a-plenty. A few eagles, too.
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Migrating birds on the Mississippi - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pc3SvuQXWg
T40, Thanks so much for that beautiful video clip from Glen Loyd. The birds, the music, the Moon, all very calming.
Clear, chilly day. Nice sub-adult BE on the favorite branch at 11AM, with Canada geese behind. The geese all take off together on the rewind.
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Couple pics from the Flyway earlier this afternoon -- Swans, geese, ducks doing their thing. Eagles gathering in Flyway trees. Lots of flying around, worth the rewind.
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Sunday morning at the Flyway, not much going on. Everybody's watching.
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Lovely closeups from the cam ops today. The birds are cooperating by being fairly close to the camera & microphone, too.
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Wonderful pics from The Flyway, STL :)
Those are super photos from today; thanks very much STL for these and all of your other great posts.
The camera operators take advantage when birds are close enough to zoom in. Here's a series for trivia games or a bird science and ID class. On the rewind about 9:30 AM. More in next post.
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Take your own, or snip from these!
Live, now, 11:00, closeups of Canada geese.
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It's an eagle day at the Flyway. Great bathing action shots and lots of eagles hanging around looking beautiful and handsome all afternoon.
Flyway chat mentions that Northern Lights might be visible in Iowa and Illinois tonight, as a result of sunstorms a couple days ago. So, check your local skies, and see what the night cam views find.
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Great photos STL. That downed tree is sure a popular gathering spot for the eagles.
Does that downed tree that the BEs like to perch on have a nickname, does anyone know?
Sunday, cold & a good day for resting. Tundra swans & Canada geese slept late. Sandhill cranes marched here, then marched there, then stood around. One juvie eagle watched.
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Mississippi Flyway... this gorgeous raptor is live right now on Flyway cam...
What a beauty, Lori!
Great pics again, Lori!
Is the large, dark lump the beaver lodge? It's along the shore where the pair of eagles often perches/roosts. I forget the name the chatters have given them.
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BE in position to be first in line for the action this morning.
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Ice beginning to form at the Flyway today. A few birds are skating while others float by. One BE took an icy dip while changing perches on that huge log (name unknown) at mid-day.
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Beautiful pics from The Flyway, STL!
Skaters and floaters today it is at "the flyway" .. :)
Beautiful Juvenile. Looks to be maybe around 4 years old.
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Juvie BEs come in so many color arrangements, every one beautiful. Swans & geese everywhere today again. On high alert one minute, back asleep the next.
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Screaming, quivering eagles - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKrqZ0STmhE
Thanks T40, great video. Shakin' quakin' eagles!
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons Eagle ice-skating (explore.org 12 16 2020)
Great video from GSB. Can you just imagine what 1st year eagles think when they encounter ice for the first time?
At the Flyway chat, JoyC just posted a nice collage of pics from the Flyway today.
Here are two from me also.
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The eagles seem to adjust to landing on the ice much better than the ducks. The video posted of the mallards sliding across the ice at high speed. Almost looked like the mallards were expecting water.
Yes, Raleigh. The mallards and other ducks come in for a landing much faster than the eagles do. It's a hovering skill for the eagles. Imagine how far those heavy swans must slide.
The BE pair perched early AM, and another adult out on the ice. Two hours later, two juvies perching and I think the same adult out on the ice. Nice close ups of sandhill cranes.
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About 2PM on the rewind, an adult BE picking around a bunch of old lotus pods. There was a large patch of lotus that bloomed at the same time as water lilies this summer. Lotus are bigger, and the flower base dries out and forms an open 4-6-inch round pod with many round seeds the size of a hazelnut. Pods break off as the stems dry, then float or stick in the mud. Those things that look like small pyramids are upside-down lotus pods. Google "lotus flowers & pods" for many photos.
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Milder temps this morning, good feeding for the migrators, good watching for the BEs.
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Flyway sunsets can be really colorful. Today is no exception.
If you have a clear sky right after dark, you can celebrate this winter solstice by watching Jupiter and Saturn in closest proximity as viewed from your location. Maybe our cam ops will catch a good view, too.
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Wonderful sunrise colors today. Birds are doing their average day things -- feeding, sitting, napping, watching.
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Clear sunrise, very cold, no birds in view.
Have a safe and enjoyable holiday today or whenever you celebrate in early winter.
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Another really cold morning, more ice but clear.
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Great pics, STL!
American white pelicans: What a wingspan!
Pretty pink sunrise today, and some open water for a few Canada geese and ducks. Adult BE in a tree (no pic of that). Otherwise, it's very quiet at the Flyway.
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eburgbirdwtchr ..
Remember last year when we were contemplating the location of the MRFCamera ?
Ding ding ding we have a winner !
You nailed it with these coordinates:43 54' 56.09" N, 91 19' 02.55" W
That is the island. ;D 8)
La Crosse County updated their interactive map viewer to 2020 imagery.
You can clearly see the solar panel @: 43.9156797, -91.3176278
And the camera mast now @: 43.9155637, -91.3173582
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From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
RRP Memory Lane 2020: Flyway Favorites! What are some of your favorite flyway memories? Moderator Izzy said: "I had so many wonderful memories this year! From the magic of happy turtles and leopard frogs, to pelicans group fishing, cranes dancing, and eagles fishing for whoppers, every single moment has been so special to me!" Here are some of Izzy's favorite things and we hope you like them too! This cam can be watched live at https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/flyway-cam/. #MississippiFlyway
Video footage was taken from:
Three Northern Map turtles - leap frog: https://youtu.be/cLivTLGe7ro
Northern Leopard Frog: https://youtu.be/I6bfnRkR5PM
Great Egrets Fishing: https://youtu.be/k1FnViJSnsM
Mallard Family; https://youtu.be/rYrea4QVvPc
American White Pelicans Feeding: https://youtu.be/q8y_Ovgf8Lo
Black-bellied Whistling Duck: https://youtu.be/fls7mdZSQgo
Flyway Friday: Sandhill Crane: https://youtu.be/638VtxBf4uY
Bald Eagle Reflections: https://youtu.be/PlVoqc-v5C4
Eagle-palooza today, food fights, mantling, posturing: https://youtu.be/KjSp8xDepCc
Mississippi Flyway Traffic in the Sky: https://youtu.be/NwWQnfBulFU
Good stuff... thanks for sharing T40! ;D
2021 is almost here!
Happy New Year to all of us
One BE is hanging around for New Year's celebrations, and some Canada geese think the water is fine for a quick dip.
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Not much activity at the Flyway today, but the eagles are still there.
They watch and hope for prey.
We watch and hope for an end to Covid-19.
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Is this a hawk or a juvenile peregrine falcon?
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STL -- It's a Northern Harrier Hawk. We saw one a few months ago on the Flyway and at that time I at first thought it was an owl. Here's more info. and some photos:
Thanks for the info, Ginger, and great pic, STL!
Beautiful winter day on the flyway.
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Thank you for ID info on the Harrier! This morning one juvie BE perching in an icy tree. Not much activity yet.
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Beautiful views from The Flyway, STL and Raleigh!
Cold, mist, ice, but a beaver is out this morning. See the tail to the left in the pic. Rewind to 11 AM to see better in motion.
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At 4:30 PM, a large beaver is back at the open water hole. It comes & goes a couple times. No pic but fun on the rewind.
At about 11:30 AM, the Harrier is back for some closeups. Nifty bird.
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More adventure from the Flyway shortly before 4PM.
Canada geese resting in the grass. They perk up and suddenly take off, to be followed by 2 dogs. I'm pretty sure it was dogs. Better visuals, anyone? The geese got away safely.
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Been a quiet week at the Flyway for the most part. A few eagles are around, but most migratory birds seem to have headed South.
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Hiya everybody,
Just wanted to let you know that flyway chat will be cancelled tomorrow, so folks are free to watch the inauguration if they like. If there is some action at either the GSB or flyway cams, we may have a flash chat-we will let you know here, at chat, and on FB. Thank you all for loving the flyway and its magical wonder as much as I do! Stay safe, and let's all chat again soon!
Best always,
Izzy :)
Thanks for the heads-up about Wednesday. Good idea to avoid conflict for those who want to watch history being made at the inauguration. See, another reason to love the rewind features at the nest cams.
January 21, 2021, 3:40pm -- Mississippi River Flyway -- Winter Day
Animal Tracks in the Snow
Small Bird Puffed Up
Moon - Waxing Gibbous
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Catch the full Moon on the rewind or live to see how (comparatively) fast it is actually moving in the sky.
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See Google info about this months' full moon
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Quiet at the Flyway this morning. Beautiful daybreak and sunrise, and some tracks across the snow.
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Those tracks in the snow yesterday could have been made by the coyote seen this afternoon. Chatters call it Carl Coyote. Could be Carla, too.
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January 29, 2021, Afternoon -- Coyote Resting/Sleeping in the Snow -- Flyway
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Great pics, clarinda and STL
Thank you for following Coyote. Love watching his/her icy running.
January 30, 2021, 10.36am -- Beautiful Winter Colors with Lone Eagle
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Hey Clarinda, I love the soft winter colors, too.
January 31, 2021, approx 3:00pm -- Bird -- Flyway
Looks like a hawk or maybe a falcon, white line over eyes, tail's tip and under belly.
Perhaps a Cooper's Hawk?
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Clarinda, I have no idea what species, but someone will know, probably on Explore.
Just now (4PM) there's a pair of BEs in the distant tree tops.
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Here's a pic of the unknown bird taking off. Should help with ID.
I used the Stop-Frame-by-Frame technique to get this shot. Pause the rewind as close as possible to the shot you want. Then tap the comma key to go backwards one frame at a time; period key to advance one frame at a time.
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Here's a pic of the unknown bird taking off. Should help with ID.
I used the Stop-Frame-by-Frame technique to get this shot. Pause the rewind as close as possible to the shot you want. Then tap the comma key to go backwards one frame at a time; period key to advance one frame at a time.
Thanks for Tip, now if I can only remember it. LOL Those Eagle shots were great, wish I was an artist.
Here's a pic of the unknown bird taking off. Should help with ID.
I used the Stop-Frame-by-Frame technique to get this shot. Pause the rewind as close as possible to the shot you want. Then tap the comma key to go backwards one frame at a time; period key to advance one frame at a time.
That's a great pic, STL. It's a Northern Harrier hawk. They have that white patch at the base of the tail. We've seen them several times on this cam.
That's a great pic, STL. It's a Northern Harrier hawk. They have that white patch at the base of the tail. We've seen them several times on this cam.
Ginger thanks for the ID.
February 1, 2021, 9:45am -- Bald Eagle Pair -- Flyway
This was from highlights this morning. (Thx STL, I was still on first cuppa)
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Clarinda, the Flyway is on Highlights this morning. No idea when this beautiful pair was really here. I wish the highlights could include dates!
Thanks for the Northern Harrier ID, Clarinda and Ginger. We have seen them earlier this year, maybe December. Scroll back for pics. This visit didn't have a good view of the dark "face mask" feature.
Frosty mist overnight makes for interesting photos in the morning.
Coyote trotting along at the Flyway, at about noon. Keep watching as one meets up with another way far out on the ice. Must be a pair as no sign of aggression. And one bird in the grasses, no idea what kind.
At Great Spirit Bluff, the ice fishers are out near the dam. And a couple of coyotes but too far away for a pic.
Great view of a Northern Harrier (hawk) perching on a log in the grass & snow from about 11 AM to noon today. Thanks, camera ops! Usually we see it from the back, but today, full frontal!
Great view of a Northern Harrier (hawk) perching on a log in the grass & snow from about 11 AM to noon today. Thanks, camera ops! Usually we see it from the back, but today, full frontal!
Great pics, STL....I think they are so pretty!
Nice color at daybreak and great closeups of the moon setting at the Flyway today. Not much in the way of wildlife, but perhaps as the temperatures warm and more ice melts.
One eagle watching for what happens next.
At noon today, there's a juvenile BE on the melting ice. Entertaining, but the light is bad for a decent pic.
Early morning, two adults were on watch.
This eagle gives a new meaning to "ice fishing" :) ;) 8) . A true ice-breaking machine this afternoon. :D
eburg, you got that right about the ice fishing and ice-breaker eagles.
Nice to come home from the dentist and check out the rewind. Great eagle action this afternoon to keep my mind off the numbness from a tiny procedure. :-X
Get out your duck ID guide, they are coming back to the Flyway. And the BEs are having a feast.
Huge fish for afternoon meal. Watch on rewind for adult BE giving way to larger juveniles. I'm guessing the adult is a male and the juvie a female because of size differences.
The fish is a carp-like species, or a type of carp. Possibly the same as the one that we were so entertained by last year.
And the BEs are back today on that favorite fallen, dead tree that they like so much.
Great pics, STL!
Rain and fog at the Flyway this morning. That bouncy branch is getting a workout.
Must be a bounty of frozen fish on this small remaining piece of ice. At one point I counted over 25 eagles sharing the float.
Must be a bounty of frozen fish on this small remaining piece of ice. At one point I counted over 25 eagles sharing the float.
Great pic, Raleigh!
Thanks Lisa ;)
Raleigh, That was quite the gathering. I got a similar pic.
And a beach-pic at noon of two younger BEs waiting for lunch delivery. ;D
Colorful daybreak in the whole area of Decorah and the Flyway today. Maybe nature's celebration of almost-Spring.
More BEs gather as the smaller birds return on their migration north. Yesterday a flock of ring-billed gulls, I think, but no pics.
Great afternoon for an eagle bath and preening.
In case you are wondering what those small, triangular items are, scattered across the sand, I'm sure they are lotus pods. A sizeable patch of lotus (in Flyway cam range) blooms during the summer, same time as water lilies. The flowers have a pod with marble-sized seeds, and that's what dries out and floats around during the winter. Google American Lotus for a bunch of photos.
Raleigh, lovely sunrise today!
More birds returning every day. Thanks for closeups, cam ops.
Sunrise keeps getting better :)
Spring brings the color. Great pic, Raleigh.
BEs are all over the Flyway now that migratory birds are returning and the ice is gone. One was using the heraldic pose, probably to dry its wings or to cool off. Or maybe waiting for a gust of wind to get airborne!
Great pics, STL and Raliegh!
March 22, 2021, Monday, 1:30pm -- American White Pelicans
Clarinda, love your pile-o-pelicans!
Thank you. Nice when they pose. lol
March 24, 2021, Wednesday, 6:20pm -- Gadwall Pair
-- Flyway
Clarinda, that Gadwall closeup is wonderful! What an educational time at the Flyway in the spring.
Very windy and warm at the Flyway today. Hard to get clear closeups because of the wind, so I didn't try.
All afternoon, rewind shows masses of birds in rows, layers, tiers. BEs, then gulls, then American white pelicans.
April Sunlight and Pelican Feathers
April Sunlight and Pelican Feathers
Beautiful pics, clarinda!
Beautiful pics, clarinda!
Thank you. Love your layer pic above!
Beautiful pics, clarinda!
Thank you. Love your layer pic above!
Thanks :)
Clarinda, love your pelican pics. They are so entertaining to watch, plus beautiful.
It's Bird ID time at the Flyway! Group of smallish songbirds stopped at the BE's favorite dead branch while the BEs were away. I thought maybe purple martins, but no. What do you think?
Then, a different kind of geese, I think Greater White-Fronted Geese. Agree?
STBl-- The small birds are tree swallows. That's according to JT on the Explore chat. I don't know what JT 's background is but he/she is excellent with bird or prey IDs.
Ginger, thanks for sharing the bird ID info from Explore. Tree Swallows, eh?
Nice color in sunrise today. Isn't it great to hear the sandhill cranes again?
Sorry missed your question.
I've been watching the reactivated Turkey Vulture site. They are my absolute favorite bird. Male and female were there this morning, making depression in hay for nest. Hope they stay. https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/missouri-turkey-vultures/
Clarinda, my questions were just chit-chat, no need for response.
Thanks for the link to the MO turkey vulture site.
Does anyone know what these are?? The one on the left was blowing around too much and put it's other foot down.
Nora, it's a pair of green-winged teal. Or at least a male on the left with the rusty & green head. Compare to my pic from 7 AM today.
Grand assortment of ducks this morning. Gadwalls, Northern Shovelers, others I didn't catch up close.
Oh cool, thanks! :)
Early morning view of the distance. Thank you to the camera operators!
Early morning view of the distance. Thank you to the camera operators!
Beautiful pic, STL :)
Overcast and wet at the Flyway. Good time for pics.
The large white one had me stumped until I rewound to movement!
STL, great pics....love the one of the eagles drying their wings.
Yes, Lisa, I like those heraldic poses, too. Once in a while we get a closeup, but not yesterday.
Several closeups from this afternoon.
Several closeups from this afternoon.
Beautiful pics, STL!
Check out the closeups of tree swallows as a photo link in the Flyway chat today. Gorgeous birds, in bright spring blue and white.
Windy today at the Flyway, and the camera operators are finding great closeups.
Does that large, deadfall bouncy branch that the BEs love to perch on have an "official" name?
Beautiful youngster.
Great pics from the Flyway, STL and Raleigh!
Water is quiet today; chilly, too.
Great news about 3 eaglets at the Decorah N3 nest. See photo from Robin Brumm's post in the chat or on Facebook.
And the turkey vulture pair at Marshall, MO, have laid an egg. It's near freezing temp there today. Fingers crossed that the egg survives. See live cam in the dropdown Watch Birds menu.
Turkey vultures in Missouri have laid a second egg. Don't know if that will be all for this year. (See nest cam in Watch Birds menu)
Couple pics from the Flyway today. Those pelicans are sooo entertaining!
The more I looked, the more Sandhill cranes I found in this pic.
Absolutely beautiful, Ginger!
Here's a group of American Avocets, resting, preening. Beautiful wading bird.
Couple BEs up close about 4:00 today.
Pretty pastel dawn today.
Pair of Gadwalls feeding this afternoon about 3:00
Beautiful Flyway pics, STL!
Thanks to the cam ops for the closeups. So many waterbirds to learn about at the Flyway.
Sandhill cranes were fussing at each other this morning, early. Mating behavior perhaps.
The smaller wading bird is a Wilson's Snipe, according to the Missouri Dept of Conservation field guide online. Our birds along the mid-Mississippi part of the Flyway are pretty much the same as those in Iowa.
Ducks in breeding plumage are something to behold for color and pattern! Green-winged teal are very small, and the males are gorgeous. With them in the rewind are gadwalls and a small wading bird. The cam ops found a lesser yellowlegs, too. All about the same time, between 1 and 2 PM.
April 28, 2021, Wednesday, 6:25pm -- Sandhill Cranes -- Flyway Cam
Great pics, STL and clarinda!
Another gorgeous Eagle
April 29, 2021, Thursday, 6:20pm -- Canada Geese -- Flyway
Canada Geese Family with new goslings.
April 29, 2021, Thursday, 6:20pm -- Canada Geese -- Flyway
Canada Geese Family with new goslings.
Aww, so cute!
Nice sunrise today, and some active birds.
Here's a new shorebird for me. Am I correct that these are American golden plovers? The males are darker than the females/juveniles, but all have the same distinctive white, curving markings. I copied the ID photo from All About Birds.
Mississippi River Flyway : American Golden Plover passing through the Flyway!!!
Mississippi River Flyway : American Golden Plover Courtesy of Raptor Resource Project
https://youtu.be/dWzNooHcoyMvia lizzyGeaglespirit
A large shorebird of pastures, open ground, and mudflats, the American Golden-Plover makes one of the longest migratory journeys of any shorebird. It breeds on the high Arctic tundra of Alaska and Canada and winters in the grasslands of central and southern South America.
The American Golden Plovers are great; I most likely never would have never seen one! Thanks, STL and Lori.
Wow! That's a really long migration for the golden plovers. Nice to see them at the Flyway. Thanks cam ops.
Must find my turtle ID resource -- It's that time of year again.
Wouldn't the pic of Canada geese and goslings make a good jigsaw puzzle?
All's safe at the Deadfall perch this afternoon, but earlier (noon) a Canada goose family got caught out on the water with people voices and sounds of a boat. The parents wouldn't fly away because of the goslings, so they swam really low in the water to some tall grasses, ending up at the eagles' favorite perch! Shortly after they moved on, the camera went to a red-winged blackbird and some Mallard ducks then back to the perch, there was an eagle, late for lunch. Eagle still there at 3:00PM.
Pretty sunrise for Mother's Day at the Flyway. Hope equally pretty where all of our Forum moms live.
Turtles pulled out on a log to enjoy the nice weather. I think these are both Northern Map Turtles. See comparison pic from the Missouri Field Guide. Any turtle experts out there?
Closeup of a male red-winged blackbird perching on the solar array pole this morning.
And several BEs have been working on something in the shallow water, dead, drowned, bony creature. From about 10AM on the rewind.
May 11, 2021, Tues, 6:07pm -- Juvenile Eagle -- Mississippi Flyway
Clarinda, that's a super-clear pic of the juvie yesterday.
Interesting orange sky for a few moments early today. And several turtles on a log. Wonder if the smaller ones are the same species as the larger, just age differences??
Few pics from today at the Flyway. Looks like perfect weather for boat racing.
A few pics from Sunday morning.
Colorful daybreak and a bird pic from this morning.
May 18, 2021, Tuesday, 9:40am -- Juvenile American Bald Eagle -- Mississippi Flyway
Morning After the Night Before
Clarinda, what a picture!! ;D
The juvies and sub-adults are numerous this morning. My pics have them just sitting around.
Rewinding to noon or so, there's a lot of splashing in the water near a far-away grassy bank. I think large fish feeding. Definitely not diving ducks because nothing ever comes up above the surface. Too fast motion for turtles.
Sandhill cranes were making music early this morning. Love their sounds and when they dance!
Checking on the turkey vultures in Marshall, MO. Eggs not hatched yet, but the "earlyist" hatch date was May 18, so soon. In the rewind, you can hear rain on the barn roof.
A couple of Flyway beauties
Oh my, Lisa, those sub-adults are gorgeous with all their white finery.
Oh my, Lisa, those sub-adults are gorgeous with all their white finery.
STL, I thought they were beautiful. Love that first pic too.....that bottom SA looks like he is cool 8) with this half-heraldic pose!
FYI, at the Missouri Turkey Vultures nest in the barn, one of the eggs hatched this morning. The parents have been conversing about their new arrival. Hmm, I think there's a Forum for these birds, but I forget where; must search the index.
Happy Memorial Day, everyone. The turtles are ready for the parade to begin!
FYI, the Turkey Vulture cam site is under the Other Raptors tab.
Rewind to about 2 PM for male mystery duck at rest. What duck has an iridescent dark blue head? With a narrow ring at the base of the neck? And a gray bill? I think of mallards but they have green heads. Found a source online that says mallard heads might be also shiny purple or Prussian blue. So, probably a mallard. Perhaps it is changing to non-breeding plumage, or an effect of the light or what it has been eating.
Hey' y'all, I don't have a screenshot yet, but we have a hatch at GSB! ;D
Here you go, welcome to the world little eyass!
Couple pics from the Flyway this morning.
Couple views of a sub-adult early this morning. Any of these pics would make great jigsaw puzzles. Please let us know if you make one. My picture quality is not good enough for enlargements, too bad. Ooooh, what a good idea for ATF auction!
Navy Blue Angels practicing for a show over French Island airport here on the flyway!!
A few pics from the Blue Angels practicing over the Flyway this afternoon - Thank you cam ops :)
Holy Moly, what a thrill to watch the Blue Angels. Never seen them in person. Checking the rewind right now!
Mississippi River Flyway 6-10-21 Blue Angels Practice
June 10th, 2021 Blue Angels Practice La Crosse, WI
Mississippi River Flyway 6-10-21 Blue Angels Practice
June 10th, 2021 Blue Angels Practice La Crosse, WI
T40 - Thanks for the video links. I love watching the Blue Angels practice. We just had them here at the end of last month for the Naval Academy graduation.
Thanks for the video links to Blue Angels flying. Spectacular. Anyone know why they are at the small-ish Flyway airport in mid-June? Is there an air base?
Close up of RWBB. Dragonflies out and about at this time, too. No pics of them yet.
This weekend is the Deke Slayton Airfest at the LaCrosse Regional Airport. Apparently, Deke Slayton must be a local boy! (he was one of the original Mercury Seven astronauts) Should be an interesting show, and if we're lucky our camera operators will let us see it. Otherwise, you can pay $75 and sit out in the heat and bugs and see it live! :D ;D ;) :)
Blue Angels highlight return of Deke Slayton Airfest - https://lacrossetribune.com/news/local/blue-angels-highlight-return-of-deke-slayton-airfest/article_b0385eb7-a0ee-5534-a0b6-f0dc104a6e52.html
Pilots Prepare for Deke Slayton Airfest - https://www.weau.com/video/2021/06/10/pilots-prepare-deke-slayton-airfest/
Deke Slayton Airfest | June 12 & 13, 2021 - https://www.airfest.com/
Thanks for the info & links about the Blue Angels event in honor of Deke Slayton. I'm old enough to remember him and the other original astronauts. Very cool photo!
Live at flyway/GSB live cam right now!!! Blue Angels. Miss Zooey, it will be over soon! ((Zooey))
GSB Great Spirit Bluffs Home of Newman & Zooey & little one...
I mentioned Zooey in my last post, she is the Mom at GSB Falcon Cam. Today there was a fly over by Blue Angels and in the first pic Miss Zooey is telling those "big birds in the sky" to go away! As you can see it's quiet now and Zooey and little Eyass are in front of the fan ready for nap time!
GSB falcon live cam https://explore.org/livecams/birds/peregrine-falcon-cam
LORI, I just watched the whole Airfest performance. It was spectacular, the Blue Angels of course were just the best ever. Thanks so much to the Cam Ops for capturing it all so well. And we thought the eagles and ducks were fast flyers! Completely forgot that the peregrine nest box is so nearby. Hang in there, Zooey & eyeass.
Here's a pic of the Air Fest this afternoon, taken from the camera feed at GSB. Better view of the airport action, also the high in the sky part.
Thanks to all the cam ops!!
We were running errands in La Crosse (actually Onalaska where the airport is) during the airshow. On our drive across the river we noticed the side channels were full of boats anchored for the show. At the construction store nearby the Blue Angels were roaring overhead for about an hour. While a $75 ticket or a boat ride would be better for the smaller acrobatic plane performances, those Angels cover a lot of airspace at their speed. We might have watched from our sailboat but I have been delayed by repairs. Next time!
Back to normal on the flyway this morning.
Looking summery at the Flyway: bugs, little birds, wind, flowers. Just one pic of sandhill cranes feeding.
Note to Flyway Forum members -- Today I received a notice from Amazon Smile that our online purchases have resulted in nearly a thousand-dollar donation to RRP this quarter. Way to go, shoppers! And if you use Amazon, but aren't signed up for Amazon Smile, please do so right away. It's a painless way to donate to a chosen charity.
A small collection of cormorants this morning. Some might be mergansers, too. Cormorants black, mergansers lighter color -- or vice versa. :)
Mallard adults are molting at the Flyway. Here's a male bird, looking kinda dowdy. This stage may be what's called "eclipse plumage" and they may be able to fly. At another time of year, they molt their flight feathers. Help, you duck experts!
Hard rain at the Flyway around noon.
Wonder if the camera operators are aware that Air Force One will be arriving at the LaCrosse airport this morning....sometime.
LaCrosse airport might be too short for Air Force One (a 747) so they might land in Madison and then chopper over to LaCrosse on Marine One! OohRah! ;) ::)
eburg -- I wondered about Air Force One landing at LaCrosse yesterday also. Did not see on rewind, nor a helicopter, but may have missed that.
This morning, there's a good sized flock of Great Egrets in the trees.
STL--according to the itinerary shep linked, AF1 did land at 11'20am and I might have heard it but it was a lot quieter than I expected. (I suppose Air Force One has the more expensive mufflers. ;D) Earlier that morning it sounded like one was landing on the island the camera and mic are on. :) ;) :)
Cam ops are finding some great closeups of the wildlife at the Flyway. Frogs, insects, flowers, it's all good.
Happy Fourth of July to all!
Beautiful sunrise here on Independence Day.
Couple afternoon pics
Pretty time at the Flyway. The sandhill cranes are just fun to watch. They make lots of different calls, and they dance.
Dragonflies so beautiful. Thanks to the cam ops. Here's an online link to dragonflies in Iowa:
Rewind to 6AM this morning for Bald Eagle action with a very large, silvery sucker-type fish.
Can't resist pics of sunrises at the Flyway!
And a fierce BE this afternoon.
Great egret pics from this afternoon.
GWEgrets look like they're posed by a professional! :) :) 8)
Thanks, eburg. Our great pics are all thanks to the cam ops! :D
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. Move, that is my spot! - explore.org 07-12-2021
T40, thanks for the turtle video. Everything in nature gets competitive from time to time!
I'd like to nominate the Great white egret on the snag as a sculpture candidate for the Flyway. What do you think? Thanks to the cam ops ;D
Many wading birds feeding at about 5:00 here at the Flyway. The two little shorebirds might be sandpipers of some kind. Long black bill, upturned when it is open. Any experts out there who can ID for sure?
The Canada Geese are HUGE compared to the sandpipers. Clump, clump, clump. :D
Love to watch the graceful Greats -- Egrets and Blue Herons.
FYI -- Lots of sandhill cranes here at the Flyway now. At the Decorah nest site, someone posted a really nice video by Rosieanne of a group feeding & preening closeup.
And, the Audubon Society's 2021 Amateur Award Winner is a photo of a sandhill mother & chick (called a colt). See it in the Summer issue of the magazine or online at audubon.org/2021Top100.
Colorful sunrise from all the smoke of the western wildfires.
Busy raccoon searching the shallows for food. The birds in the water ignore the coon.
Drama on the Flyway early this morning, starting about 6 AM with a goose in distress. Not closeup and many ducks around, but the cam op stays with it as it succumbs. The ducks all fly away and an eagle swoops down to grab the goose. It's too heavy to fly with, so drags it to a bit of land. Eating proceeds, then a younger eagle runs off the original "owner." Rain begins during the drama and continues all morning.
Pinky dawn, and one pic of a BE this morning.
Dragonfly on the Flyway. Has anybirdy ever seen a dragonfly catch and eat a mosquito? Suppose I should just google it, but I have to get to the store now. Maybe later this evening. Thank you camera operator for the shots you give us. Wish I could ID everybirdy, flower, weed, bug, critter you show us!! :)
eburg, I have never seen a dragonfly catch a mosquito, but I bet you could find a pic via Google or YouTube! Way too many names to remember, but it's good to have the lists bookmarked. In my garden, I have watched praying mantis catch and devour various insects. Mantis are kind of creepy because they can turn their heads and look right at you. :)
For dragonfly ID, there's a really good list with pictures if you search "Dragonflies in Iowa." Possible to find similar lists in many state conservation department websites.
Hiya folks, some technical issues on the flyway chat, so we probably won't be able to have it today. If it starts working again, we'll go ahead and open chat!
Dragonfly on the Flyway. Has anybirdy ever seen a dragonfly catch and eat a mosquito? Suppose I should just google it, but I have to get to the store now. Maybe later this evening. Thank you camera operator for the shots you give us. Wish I could ID everybirdy, flower, weed, bug, critter you show us!! :)
Eburg, on the flyway chat we do our best to ID everything we can-even the dragonflies and such! 8)
At first glance, this view reminds me of piano keys!
I love it when the cormorants show up, to hang out with the pelicans! 8) ;D
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. Sunset (timelapse) - explore.org 08-05-2021 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6Whnft6xfk
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. Chance, is that you? - explore.org 08-06-2021
Birds at the beauty shop this morning, self-service, perfect log to perch on for preening. Gulls, ducks, pelicans, terns. What species of tern, do we know? Common and Forster's are possibles. Looks like black legs, which might be a juvenile.
Birds at the beauty shop this morning, self-service, perfect log to perch on for preening. Gulls, ducks, pelicans, terns. What species of tern, do we know? Common and Forster's are possibles. Looks like black legs, which might be a juvenile.
I think they are Caspian terns, we have them every year:)
Izzy, Thanks for the bird ID. Caspian terns, OK with me!
My pleasure! 8)
My thanks for the Caspian Tern id as well Izzy; that one was puzzling me!
What kind of duck is the smaller that was preening on the log with a female mallard about 1:00 this afternoon? Two views, one frontal and one rear.
And a very gorgeous young bald eagle, who just might be walking on water!
It looks like a female mallard. See the pic in this field guide:
The bigger duck is a female mallard, on the right in the pic (reposted). It's the much smaller duck on the left that has me stumped. Perhaps gadwall. What do you experts think?
Loved the sunrise color today.
Does the Flyway cam remain on for the rest of the summer?
The duck in question is a merganser, a young one!
The cam will stay on-we may have one day off later this month or next for cam cleaning, but we are here for the fall migration!
The duck in question is a merganser, a young one!
The cam will stay on-we may have one day off later this month or next for cam cleaning, but we are here for the fall migration!
Thank you, Izzy!
You're welcome Lisa!
Not only will the cam stay on, so will our chat-MWF 11-2ish, river time! Hope to see you all there! 8)
You're welcome Lisa!
Not only will the cam stay on, so will our chat-MWF 11-2ish, river time! Hope to see you all there! 8)
You bet! ;)
Hallelujah!! Going cold turkey on camera streaming was already building stress in my lifestyle. Hoping the same holds for the GSB cam too. Thanks izzy for the reassurance!
Izzy, great news that the Flyway cam stays turned on. I remember that from past years, now that you mention it! Fall migration is a really big deal here. Plus we won't be so deprived of seeing eagles while Decorah and DNN are down.
Here's an art-shot of a water lily, and a ballet class pic for your afternoon enjoyment. Thanks to the cam ops of the Flyway!
The birds are massing at the Flyway for migration. So interesting to watch the interactions. Love the closeups of insects and flowers, too.
Spectacular sunrise this morning. Here's a pic from the Flyway and one from the GSB cam.
Beautiful young visitor at Mississippi Flyway cam just now :)
This morning...
August 14th 2021
Photos via explore.org
Lori, the peregrine visitor at the Flyway spent most of the afternoon catching and eating a blue-winged teal. Great viewing on the rewind from about 1:00 to almost 4:00! I was surprised that it could fly, its gullet was so full.
See next pics for the duck that was lunch.
Pics of blue-winged teal in non-breeding plumage & juveniles. Shows the pale blue and bright green feathers you can also see on the rewind. Pic from All About Birds.com
BE pair relaxing at the Flyway. This is the pair that nests here, I believe. And they have a name but I forget it. ::)
BE pair relaxing at the Flyway. This is the pair that nests here, I believe. And they have a name but I forget it. ::)
STL, I believe the chatters call them The Coopers for Alice Cooper, because of their eyes.
Yes! The Coopers! Perfect choice for this pair. I will make a note.
We don't get to watch their nest except from way afar, so don't know if they raised any eaglets to fledging this year. Good wishes to the Coopers for a successful year next season and in years to come.
Yes! The Coopers! Perfect choice for this pair. I will make a note.
We don't get to watch their nest except from way afar, so don't know if they raised any eaglets to fledging this year. Good wishes to the Coopers for a successful year next season and in years to come.
A couple youngsters from this morning.
Raleigh, I got the same pic! And two different young eagles just after 10AM. They are gathering to help with smaller bird migration control!
The color variety among BEs at different ages is spectacular!
August 24, 2021, Tuesday, 11:30am -- Bald Eagle -- Flyway
Preening after rain.
Beautiful pics, Clarinda.
Here's another.
Great pics, clarinda and STL!
Geesh, that wind was wild a lil while ago.
A few pics I captured today on the Flyway
A few morning pics from the Flyway
August 25, 2021 -- Peregrine Falcon
The migrators and predators are really gathering at the Flyway. Great pics, Lisa and Clarinda. Zooey was at the GSB nest box early this morning. It's possible she is the one here, too.
Wonderful pics, STL and clarinda!
Eagle family socializing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F084Oc88_Tk&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
Eagle family socializing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F084Oc88_Tk&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
Thanks, T40!
A few screen caps from yesterday morning on the Flyway. I just love the way the morning color of the sky changes so quickly.
Lisa, love the colors of sunrise at the Flyway!
Here's a pic of several sandhill cranes waiting out the rain this morning.
Lisa, love the colors of sunrise at the Flyway!
Here's a pic of several sandhill cranes waiting out the rain this morning.
STL - Great pics of the cranes!
A couple Flyway pics from this morning/afternoon
A lil food stealing going on early this morning on the Flyway. An adult was de-feathering what looked like a duck, and a SA was sitting there watching. All of a sudden the SA flies up, grabs the duck, and flies off with it.
Lisa, love the action pics. Eagles are really smart. Let the other one do the hard work of de-feathering, then help yourself! Reminds me of DN13 and DN14 stealing from each other at the North nest.
Lisa, love the action pics. Eagles are really smart. Let the other one do the hard work of de-feathering, then help yourself! Reminds me of DN13 and DN14 stealing from each other at the North nest.
STL, the steal all happened so fast. It was like poof and it was gone!
Lisa, if you steal slowly, you might also grab a leg and talon by mistake! ;)
A couple pics from the Flyway this morning
Great pictures Lisa. I was about to post the same shot of the two eagles in the mist this morning.
Great pictures Lisa. I was about to post the same shot of the two eagles in the mist this morning.
Thanks, Raleigh :)
I thought they looked cool in the misty morning.
Today on the Flyway.....Egrets and pelicans
Lisa, the Great White egrets are so interesting to watch. Pretty in the flowers and grasses. Pelicans bring a show all their own. And this hillock of logs and grass is a popular spot today.
Lisa, the Great White egrets are so interesting to watch. Pretty in the flowers and grasses. Pelicans bring a show all their own. And this hillock of logs and grass is a popular spot today.
Beautiful pics, STL!
The Egret put in a real show this afternoon, as he was fishing and scored! I have a screen cap of it, but his fish is kinda blurred by the grasses.
A few pics of this beauty on the Flyway yesterday
From the Flyway this morning...a SA was sitting on the solar panel pole, and another eagle flies towards the SA. SA defended its spot on the pole.
Lisa, what great action shots this morning!
That perch with the logs and grasses is a favorite lately. Now there seems to be a floating salad!
September 2, 2021, Thursday afternoon -- Water Birds -- Flyway
Thanks, STL :)
Beautiful pics, clarinda and STL
Flyway eagle this morning, taking a bath and preening
Lisa, love the bathing, preening pics. BEs sure enjoy the water.
Great bathing pictures this morning.
Thanks, clarinda and STL
September 5, 2021, Sunday, 11:00am -- Birds Feeding in Tall Grasses -- Flyway
Hiya everybody! Just a quick note to let y'all know that we will not be holding flyway chat on Sept.6, so our Mods can spend the day with their loved ones. Have a safe and happy holiday, and we will see you all Wednesday! :)
Thanks for the info, Izzy! Hope all the mods enjoy the weekend. See ya, Wednesday :D
clarinda - Beautiful pics!
September 6, 2021, Monday, Afternoon -- Willet -- Flyway
September 6, 2021, Monday Afternoon -- Duck -- Flyway
Great pics, clarinda!
Some random pics from the Flyway today
Lisa, great random pics! The Flyway is like visiting a living museum.
Nice day for a good bath for the BE juvies.
Lisa, great random pics! The Flyway is like visiting a living museum.
Nice day for a good bath for the BE juvies.
Great pics, STL.....I see it's been a good eagle day on the Flyway this afternoon!
Captured these earlier this morning. I just love the morning colors, and it looks like fall colors are starting to appear on the Flyway.
Beautiful shots Lisa and STL. I captured this youngster during and after his bath.
Beautiful shots Lisa and STL. I captured this youngster during and after his bath.
Beautiful, Raleigh! I love to watch them bathe.
Raleigh & Lisa, BEs are really water birds! And you are right about the fall colors starting to appear at the Flyway. The GSB cam has some beautiful views of bushes and trees turning, mostly reds.
I'm heading up to that area in two weeks. I cant wait. Fishing and photographing :)
I'm heading up to that area in two weeks. I cant wait. Fishing and photographing :)
Have a great trip, Raleigh, and can't wait to see some pics!
Thanks Lisa ;)
Some random morning pics from the Flyway
September 9, 2021, Thursday, afternoon -- Sora -- Flyway
September 9, 2021, Thursday, afternoon -- Sora -- Flyway
Great pic, clarinda!
Pelicans, a few cormorants, and an eagle
The numbers are really increasing this time of year. Love how the cormorants like to hang out with the pelicans. I think it has to do with feeding habits. Maybe they kind of help each other.
It's been a good eagle morning on the Flyway today!
Eagles in the Mist ;)
Eagles in the Mist ;)
Beautiful, STL!
Such beauties this morning.
Very pretty sunrise this morning on the Flyway, along with some eagles and very curious cranes
Pic is blurry, but this youngster went after the older SA
Colorful sunrise brought to you by western wildfires! Funny interactions between eagles and sandhill cranes. There was a little standoff with the cranes kind of trying to get the eagles to fly away. They didn't. Eagles = 1 Cranes = 0
Be safe wherever you are, and Be kind to one another.
STL, great pic of the 4 cranes and the eagles!
Love the color pattern of this Flyway beauty this morning :)
Lisa, I was admiring the same eagle! They go through such interesting color changes as they mature, eyes, beaks, feathers.
Lisa, I was admiring the same eagle! They go through such interesting color changes as they mature, eyes, beaks, feathers.
That was one gorgeous SA this morning!
It's been a great day on the Flyway...eagles, coots, woodducks and cranes
The Cam ops did an awesome job following this young eagle around while soaring. At one point, his feet touch the water, but came up with empty talons.
On the Flyway this morning at 6:48am
LOL...I was about to post the same picture Lisa. What a strange duo.
LOL...I was about to post the same picture Lisa. What a strange duo.
Yes!! And, did you notice that as soon as the SA did a poop shoot, the lil hawk did too? ;D
Quite a size difference. Was that a little Coopers hawk?
Quite a size difference. Was that a little Coopers hawk?
It looks like it could be.
September 14, 2001, Tuesday, am -- Racoon -- Flyway
Not a great capture, but was fun to watch this am.
Yes, Ginger, the raccoon was fun to watch. Their dextrous little hands remind me of monkey hands.
Lisa and others, I'll wait for the hawk experts to ID the little one perching with the BE this morning. I'd guess too small for a Cooper's hawk. And the juvenile hawks have different looks from adults, too. So, experts, what say you?
Sandhill cranes have been serenading all morning, with some dancing behavior. Also a small group of sora wading and feeding. I had a sora in my backyard several years ago, when it was really wet and raining for a week. Cool wading bird.
Pic of several female wood ducks. Interesting to watch on the rewind.
Great morning for watching and great camera work. Thanks.
clarinda - Great pic of the lil racoon.
STL - Great pics!
September 14, 2021, Tuesday, 6:45pm -- Sora -- Flyway
Eagles of the Flyway this morning
Some afternoon pics from the Flyway
Harvest Moon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvsJiprCbuY
Harvest Moon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvsJiprCbuY
Thanks, T40 :)
Sandhill Cranes in flight at sunrise this morning.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. Two juvie eagles - explore.org 09-07-2021
Thanks for the video, T40 and great pic, Ginger!
A few morning pics from the Flyway...lots of eagles this morning!
Lisa, love that shade of pink in the sunrise. And the eagles are spectacular in silhouette.
Lisa, love that shade of pink in the sunrise. And the eagles are spectacular in silhouette.
Thanks, STL, the morning colors were beautiful.
The cam ops have been giving us some great views.
Note in my email today from Amazon Smile's donation to RRP:
"Your selected charity received a $964.05 donation from AmazonSmile"
This is the amount for just this past QUARTER ! Keep shopping, you-all.
An adaptation could let birds visualize true north.
Predicting bird migration with radar.
BirdCast - https://birdcast.info/migration-tools/
Beautiful GBH on the Flyway today
Lisa, great pics of the GBH! Perfect time of day for the light.
Good views of sandhill crane parents feeding their juvie on the rewind at about 4:00 PM.
Flock of coot feeding at 5:00 PM.
Great pics of the sandhills, STL!
Those coots are busy ducks!
Thanks, Lisa.
Technically, coot are not ducks. Their bills are more like chickens'. They do not have webbed feet, and are related to rails and other shore birds. But they swim and they flock similar to ducks. My info is from the book, Ducks of the Mississippi Flyway, 1969, by Ken Haag. Anyhow, you're right that they sure are busy feeders!
Thanks, Lisa.
Technically, coot are not ducks. Their bills are more like chickens'. They do not have webbed feet, and are related to rails and other shore birds. But they swim and they flock similar to ducks. My info is from the book, Ducks of the Mississippi Flyway, 1969, by Ken Haag. Anyhow, you're right that they sure are busy feeders!
Thanks, STL.
I did not know that a coot was not a duck. I guess I should not assume that everything that looks like a duck, is a duck.
Lots to learn about on the Flyway. :)
Coots have very distinctive looking lobed feet. They are a favorite food of eagles because they're easy to catch and not too big to carry. We've seen them at least a couple of times at the North Nest and were able to ID them by the feet (and also the distinctive white beak).
Coots have very distinctive looking lobed feet. They are a favorite food of eagles because they're easy to catch and not too big to carry. We've seen them at least a couple of times at the North Nest and were able to ID them by the feet (and also the distinctive white beak).
Thanks, Ginger!
I know another nest where Coot is usually on their menu.
Ginger, great link for info about the Coot feet! My father hunted ducks and now and then brought home a coot, too. I used to watch the cleaning process and learn anatomy, but have to admit I do not remember those very distinctive feet!
Some morning pics from the Flyway, the cam ops got a great closeup on the Harvest moon!
Some random pics from the Flyway today - Great Spirit Bluff, a Pelican fly-by, and Coots
A few pics from the Flyway on the first day of Fall - Harvest Moon, a juvie joining some friends, and a eagle soaring
September 22, 2021, Wednesday, 5:30pm -- Woodduck Male -- Flyway
September 22, 2021, Wednesday, 5:30pm -- Woodduck Male -- Flyway
Great pics! Woodducks are so pretty.
Mother Nature is quite the artist! Love the wood ducks.
Geese on the Flyway this morning
Eagles deadly game - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfCyhsrOSBY
The views on the Flyway this morning have been awesome, thanks to the Cam Ops!
My pic does not do justice (last pic), but at one point there was an eagle chase. The first eagle in the pic had something in its beak, and then at the point I captured the pic, moved whatever was in its beak to their talons. It was really something to see.
Lisa, those BEs are acrobats in the air, for sure! Fall is such a great time at the Flyway. Thanks to the cam ops!
Several pics from about 9:00 this morning.
Lisa, those BEs are acrobats in the air, for sure! Fall is such a great time at the Flyway. Thanks to the cam ops!
Several pics from about 9:00 this morning.
Great pics, STL!
It's been a good eagle day on the Flyway.
Here's the video. You're gonna want to go full screen. Great screen shot, Lisa!
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. A chase and moving from beak to talon - explore.org 09-25-2021
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. Two Eagles out flying - explore.org 09-24-2021
Here's the video. You're gonna want to go full screen. Great screen shot, Lisa!
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. A chase and moving from beak to talon - explore.org 09-25-2021
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. Two Eagles out flying - explore.org 09-24-2021
Thanks, T40!
I love that Rosieann added the slo-mo, so you could see the movement from beak to talons.
Another good eagle day at the Flyway. Thousands of migratory birds gathering.
Another good eagle day at the Flyway. Thousands of migratory birds gathering.
Agree with you on that, STL!
Another great eagle day on the Flyway!
A few morning pics from the Flyway. An adult was sitting on the log/stump in the water when a juvie joins, then another adult comes flying from above and knocks the juvie off. A lil territorial battle?
Lisa, great pics. Love the one of looking out above! A very active day, perfect weather, late afternoon light and great cam ops bring us good photo ops.
Rewind to 3:30PM for closeups of several common snipe feeding amongst the grasses at water's edge.
STL - Wonderful pics of the cranes! I did love how they were very curious of the juvie.
I caught this screen shot earlier of the crane and juvie...Face to Face!
A Flyway beauty this afternoon
Mississippi Flyway beauty a few minutes ago... 2 years old maybe??? Great shots Miss Lisa!!! I miss you!
Still photo
So sorry, I still haven't worked on my spotty gif issue :-\ it's complicated ::) :P "graphic card driver and software issue"
Wonderful gif, Lori. I miss you too!!!
Eagles on the Flyway this morning - Thank you, Cam Ops!
Lisa, great pics of the eagles this morning. That log looks like a humped water monster! What a good perching spot.
Lisa, great pics of the eagles this morning. That log looks like a humped water monster! What a good perching spot.
LOL, the Loch Ness monster?
I love juvies! :-*
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. A playful juvie - explore.org 09-27-2021
I love juvies! :-*
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. A playful juvie - explore.org 09-27-2021
That one was fun to watch this morning....thanks for sharing!
I wish I knew the names of the birds and ducks.
Lisa, I know what you mean about ID for so many different ducks and little shore birds. I have several books that I use. I think the larger ducks in your top pic are male mallards. Not sure about the smaller ones. Middle pic, probably a female mallard. Cute little shore birds, don't know their ID. Let us know! ;D
Lisa, I know what you mean about ID for so many different ducks and little shore birds. I have several books that I use. I think the larger ducks in your top pic are male mallards. Not sure about the smaller ones. Middle pic, probably a female mallard. Cute little shore birds, don't know their ID. Let us know! ;D
Thanks for the duck ID, STL
The Cam Op that was on when I captured the pic said, they think it was a juvenile American golden plover.
Morning pics from the Flyway - Beautiful sunrise, Sandhill cranes, Great Spirit Bluff, and pelicans!
September 28, 2021, pm -- Sanderling and Short-billed Dowitcher -- Flyway
These are guesses, would love some verification.
September 28, 2021, pm -- Sanderling and Short-billed Dowitcher -- Flyway
These are guesses, would love some verification.
Great pics, clarinda!
Wish I could help :-\
This was really cool to see. Something had caught the pelicans attention, and all of them stood up and formed these lines.
Lisa, great pic! Pelicans feed in formation, too. It's like a ballet.
Lisa, great pic! Pelicans feed in formation, too. It's like a ballet.
Thanks, STL, I did not know that about their feeding.
Ginger posted on explore that, a human with a boat and dogs were in the area when they did this. I didn't see the boat, but others did, but I did hear the dogs barking.
Lisa & Ginger, I have seen and heard boats in recent days also. Looks like the flat-bottom kind that people fishing or hunting use in shallow water.
Lots of color at the Flyway at dawn today.
I saw this link posted this morning on the Explore chat board. The person who posted it said that a mod or cam op had posted it about a month ago. It might help with ID'ing some of the birds seen on the Flyway.
I saw this link posted this morning on the Explore chat board. The person who posted it said that a mod or cam op had posted it about a month ago. It might help with ID'ing some of the birds seen on the Flyway.
Ginger, thanks so much....this is very helpful!
Lisa & Ginger, I have seen and heard boats in recent days also. Looks like the flat-bottom kind that people fishing or hunting use in shallow water.
Lots of color at the Flyway at dawn today.
Beautiful morning pics, STL
Ginger, thanks very much for the link to birds of the Flyway. Yes, very helpful! I found a mistaken label on one of my recent photos -- the American white pelicans are correct, but the black birds perching with them are double-crested cormorants, not mergansers. Will find and rename that photo.
A few random pics from the Flyway today
Ginger, thanks very much for the link to birds of the Flyway. Yes, very helpful! I found a mistaken label on one of my recent photos -- the American white pelicans are correct, but the black birds perching with them are double-crested cormorants, not mergansers. Will find and rename that photo.
You're welcome, STL. I know that I need all the help I can get on the Flyway bird ID's.
Beautiful pics from yesterday, Lisa . I especially love the one of the BE taking off.
Ginger, thanks very much for the link to birds of the Flyway. Yes, very helpful! I found a mistaken label on one of my recent photos -- the American white pelicans are correct, but the black birds perching with them are double-crested cormorants, not mergansers. Will find and rename that photo.
You're welcome, STL. I know that I need all the help I can get on the Flyway bird ID's.
Beautiful pics from yesterday, Lisa . I especially love the one of the BE taking off.
Thank you, Ginger :-*
A few Flyway pics from this morning - Beautiful sunrise, juvie on the log/stump, and I love the third eagle in the last pic with the all white tail and the dark head feathers
Sandhill crane, and a beautiful sub-adult this afternoon - Thank you, Cam Ops!
Two BEs on perching spot at noon today.
Two BEs on perching spot at noon today.
Great pic, STL!
The sub is GORGEOUS!
I have a few sceen caps to post.
A beautiful sub-adult on the Flyway this afternoon
Its been a great eagle day on the Flyway
Cute lil falcon (with bands) on the Flyway this morning, along with some eagles.
Lisa, thanks for the pics! I missed the juvie falcon on the rewind this morning. Here are some pics of the eagles finding a duck carcass in the tall grass and losing it amid gentle stealing. No one is really hungry yet with so much prey available. Rewind to about 8:00 AM to watch the long activity.
For those who also watch Decorah, T40 has posted a wonderful video about N1 and the first transmittered eaglet, D1. Great views of the hatchery from the N1 location.
Lisa, thanks for the pics! I missed the juvie falcon on the rewind this morning. Here are some pics of the eagles finding a duck carcass in the tall grass and losing it amid gentle stealing. No one is really hungry yet with so much prey available. Rewind to about 8:00 AM to watch the long activity.
For those who also watch Decorah, T40 has posted a wonderful video about N1 and the first transmittered eaglet, D1. Great views of the hatchery from the N1 location.
STL - Just watched the video from T40, and thanks for the pics of the eagles finding the duck carcass in the grass. I missed seeing that!
Early morning pics from the Flyway
Lisa, reviewing your pics from this weekend, I see that the juvenile peregrine is banded! Can you zoom your photo to see if it might be Chance from the GSB nest?
Lisa, reviewing your pics from this weekend, I see that the juvenile peregrine is banded! Can you zoom your photo to see if it might be Chance from the GSB nest?
STL, I have tried to zoom in on both pics that I took. The cam was not all that clear to see the numbers, but I can tell you that a silver band was on the right leg, and a black one was the top color on the left leg.
Lisa, the band colors of the juvie peregrine you photo-ed are the same as on Chance, as it appears in a couple pics that I took in July. The band numbers are posted with important dates on the GSB page. Maybe Ginger or someone else with Explore's site will know.
STL, how cool is that! I wonder if that was Chance?!?
It was windy, and also far away, so the cam ops couldn't get a clear pic. But, I do appreciate them spotting the falcon on the Flyway! :)
Eagles and cranes on the Flyway today
Everybirdy getting shipshape for migration! Here's another.
Everybirdy getting shipshape for migration! Here's another.
Beautiful capture, STL!
A few morning pics from the Flyway
Good sized flock of American Wigeon feeding this morning. Also called Baldpate for the whiteish stripe on the crown of the males. Cool duck.
Eagles and ducks of the Flyway this afternoon
Good sized flock of American Wigeon feeding this morning. Also called Baldpate for the whiteish stripe on the crown of the males. Cool duck.
They are so pretty, STL
It's been a great eagle day on the Flyway! - Thank you, CamOps :)
Eagles of all ages at the Flyway. Thanks Lisa for your pics and thanks to the cam ops of making them possible!
Eagles of all ages at the Flyway. Thanks Lisa for your pics and thanks to the cam ops of making them possible!
STL, great pics!
Man, its been a great eagle day, and some of those young ones are just GORGEOUS!!!
The sub-adult eagles are like snowflakes -- no two are alike! ;D
This pair hanging out together most of the day might be the Coopers, but I'm thinking not. They look too young, especially the larger one, probably the female. What do you-all think?
Couldn't resist this close-up, just now.
Couldn't resist this close-up, just now.
STL, great capture!
Big Baby Sand Hill Crane
T40, thanks for the sandhill video from Glen Loyd. His music choices are always enjoyable.
Very hazy early this morning at the Flyway. Can you make out 4 "tiers" of flying birds in the pic? The lowest one that goes all the way across the screen is a flock of pelicans, and the top one is a lone eagle. Much easier to see on the rewind, in motion!
Mississippi Flyway cam a few minutes ago... could it be our little one "Chance"? ;D ;D
Chance info from Great Spirit Bluffs
FWS NUMBER 1947-50644
L name: Chance
gender: F
f: unbanded band yr: 2021
hatched: 06/02/2021
banded: 06/19/2021
Beautiful young banded peregrine at the Flyway this afternoon! See closeup pic of the band -- Too bad, it is not Chance! Wonder if RRP has a record of this band, A over T
This could be the same one in pics posted here on OCT 3&4.
This beauty was on the Flyway at 4:17pm
Hey, Lisa, it's a Northern Harrier. Beautiful medium sized raptor, probably a female from what my source describes (brown & streaked below). Adult males are gray above and white below. Used to be called a Marsh Hawk.
Several eagles a bit earlier, too.
Hey, Lisa, it's a Northern Harrier. Beautiful medium sized raptor, probably a female from what my source describes (brown & streaked below). Adult males are gray above and white below. Used to be called a Marsh Hawk.
Several eagles a bit earlier, too.
Thanks, STL :)
Love the eagle pic!
5:40am on the Flyway - Great horned owl
Lots of sandhill cranes, lots of ducks. All the regulars today.
Pelicans and geese
Several eagles this morning, no special prey.
Several eagles this morning, no special prey.
Love that first pic!
The small landing spot has been a favorite this fall. It might disappear when the area water is higher.
Hiya everybody, just wanted to let you know we are having some technical issues on the flyway chat today-if they get resolved mods will open chat! Thanks for your patience :)
Great screenshots everyone, keep them coming!
Hugs to all y'all,
Izzy 8)
Izzy, Thanks for the note about chat being down today. Looks like all of the chats are offline.
Glad you are enjoying the pics posted here! I often look at the stills posted during Flyway chat times. Such a wide variety of wildlife here at the Flyway, always something new to identify.
Beautiful eagles on the Flyway this evening. The one in the last pic....sounded like he landed on the cam!
Raptor with owl like face - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtJiut1QapI
8 Eagles Ready - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnCY_SR7HKs&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
Sandhill cranes
Stretching those long legs
Lisa, OMG the color in your sandhill crane pics!
GSB camera is back on (it was off a couple days ago) and great views of BEs on the rewind. Soaring and swooping the river around 2:00, then a couple perched on the dead limbs along the bluff side, still there at 4:00 PM. Here's a pic of just one.
Lisa, OMG the color in your sandhill crane pics!
GSB camera is back on (it was off a couple days ago) and great views of BEs on the rewind. Soaring and swooping the river around 2:00, then a couple perched on the dead limbs along the bluff side, still there at 4:00 PM. Here's a pic of just one.
Beautiful pic of the BE, STL!
October 23, 2013, Friday, 4:15PM -- Sandhill Cranes -- Mississippi Flyway
Clarinda, beautiful pics of the sandhill cranes.
Mallard pic from this morning -- AllAboutBirds photos show it as a non-breeding male, with a mottled green head.
BE on a hillock in shallow water this morning, too. Beaver lodge? Or home of some other critter? Or just a big clump of vegetation?
Beautiful pics, STL & Clarinda!
More close-ups of the sandhill cranes this afternoon
Sub-adult on the Flyway this afternoon, love the coloring
Lisa, beautiful BE spent most of the afternoon perching in the same spot!
Ducks are really fat and ready for migration.
Overcast, chilly, windy at the Flyway today. Eagles bathing anyway. Best on the rewind.
It's an eagle-y morning at the Flyway. It's worth a watch to tune in to the live video of many eagles perching in tree and on land.
It's an eagle-y morning at the Flyway. It's worth a watch to tune in to the live video of many eagles perching in tree and on land.
Beautiful pics from the Flyway that you have been posting, STL!
A beautiful sub-adult on the Flyway this afternoon
Lisa, this year-and-a-half eagle has been perching most of the afternoon. Handsome for sure.
Re-posting the BE age progression chart from a while ago. It's very helpful for feather colors, eyes, and beaks. It's from AvianReport.com .
Welcome to November! Sunrise color was spectacular, with a huge flock of birds (maybe ducks, maybe starlings, or ??) flying over.
November 2, 2021, Tuesday -- Mallard Drake -- Flyway
Clarinda, love that pic of the mallard eating the pond weed!
Thank you, lime green is striking.
November 2, 2021, Tuesday later afternoon -- Racoon -- Flyway
clarinda and STL - Beautiful pics !!!!
November 3, 2021, Wed., Morning -- Mallards -- Flyway
Preening, Napping and Gone
2 pm-ish on the Flyway. Interesting scrum between BEs and SHCs. Wish I knew what the objectionable matter is (I imagine eagle food, but don't understand the cranes' problem unless food = crane) Anyway....the cranes win on coordination in the mass attack. But the eagles keep throwing in more troops. Thanks cam ops! Enjoyable interaction.
2 pm-ish on the Flyway. Interesting scrum between BEs and SHCs. Wish I knew what the objectionable matter is (I imagine eagle food, but don't understand the cranes' problem unless food = crane) Anyway....the cranes win on coordination in the mass attack. But the eagles keep throwing in more troops. Thanks cam ops! Enjoyable interaction.
Thanks Raptor Resource, Cam Operator and eburgbirdwtchr for bringing our attention to the SCRUM! My husband and I watched it over and over trying to identify the source of action. It appeared to be an Immature Eagle with a larger than average fish, who tried to hide in the weeds to no avail. I never was able to get a screen capture. The eagles are notorious food stealers, they were not in my estimation defending him from the Sandhill Cranes. Although the Cranes feed on grains and plants, they also eat insects and small life forms. So my guess is they were after the food. It looked like a scene out of The Lord of the Rings, if only a hobbitt-looking racoon had shouted out "The Eagles are Coming." would have been perfect. Thx again!
Thanks Clarindagirl for your input. Had to mouse your text to get a white on blue background to read it though....red on gray was difficult until 200X magnification and then half the text was off the page and not scrollable. :o
Still impressed how the cranes aren't deterred by those eagle talons.
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons: Pelican feeding frenzy and Bald Eagle swimming (explore.org 11 03 2021) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4NNvBer5yI&ab_channel=LizzyGEaglespirit
Eagle grabs duck - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9SVQiYf9uA&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons: Pelican feeding frenzy and Bald Eagle swimming (explore.org 11 03 2021) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4NNvBer5yI&ab_channel=LizzyGEaglespirit
Eagle grabs duck - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9SVQiYf9uA&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
T40, thanks for the video. :D
The area at GSB is the best place to watch eagles hunting ducks in the water. They eagles come in low and the duck dives, over and over.
Here's a sub-sub-adult BE on perch this afternoon.
Migration freeway deluxe.
We've been peeking in accordingly. :)
Migration so interesting! Thanks, BL.
Whole gang of BEs trying to land on that popular, small deadfall early this morning. Funny.
November 6, 2021, Saturday, Mallard in the Sun, Flyway
Clarinda, beautiful pics of the mallard in the sun!
Pelicans are still at the Flyway in big numbers. Wonder when they depart for warmer places?
November 7, 2021, Sunday -- Horned Owl -- Flyway
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. Something spooky ended lunch - explore.org 11-08-2021
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. Something spooky ended lunch - explore.org 11-08-2021
Thanks, T40....I wonder what it was that scared them away.
So many interesting things go on at the Flyway!! This afternoon, a young eagle trundled up to a large, part-full plastic bottle of some red liquid. I'm not a soda drinker, so??? The eagle worked on it for a while, never saw if it got opened. Shortly after, a group of eagles was inspecting in an area of shallow water, not sure if it was the same place as the bottle. Curiouser and curiouser. ;)
Good morning for getting great pics. Thanks to the cam ops!
More pics, thanks to cam ops.
Windy, wet, cold at the Flyway today. Gunfire in the background, so maybe open season for ducks or other waterfowl?
Ducks splash to keep dry - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl-7RwfM0Ik
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. Young Eagle, a stick and a feather - explore.org 11-10-2021 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TYuxler6OA
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. A lot of eagles and one duck for lunch - explore.org 11-10-2021 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP24KsCWo9M
T40, thanks for the videos. Always something of interest at the Flyway!
Cold, overcast this morning. Couple pics.
Pelicans huddle together for warmth & safety. Reminds me of a great white centipede.
November 14, 2021, Sunday, Afternoon -- Sandhill Cranes & Bald Eagle -- Flyway
A juvenile eagle became surrounded by intimidating Sandhill Cranes. A mature Bald Eagle came to it's rescue.
November 14, 2021, Sunday, Afternoon -- Sandhill Cranes & Bald Eagle -- Flyway
A juvenile eagle became surrounded by intimidating Sandhill Cranes. A mature Bald Eagle came to it's rescue.
Great series of pics, clarinda!
Great series of pics, clarinda!
Thank you
November 15, 2021, Monday, Afternoon -- Mallard Hen -- Flyway
Beautiful pic, Clarinda! That blue bill and the blue wing patch, very special.
Beautiful pic, Clarinda! That blue bill and the blue wing patch, very special.
Kudos to the great Raptor Resources Cam Operators, who patiently find birds and wildlife!
November 18, 2021, Thursday, Morning -- Trumpeter Swans -- Flyway
Two adult and one juvenile Trumpeter Swans feeding and at rest.
November 18, 2021, Thursday -- icy Morning -- Flyway
Buffleheads (diving ducks), White Pelicans, Juvenile Eagles
November 18, 2021, Midday -- Flyway Variety
Green-Winged Teal (small dabbing duck)
Variety: Sandhill Crane, Mallards
Mississippi River Flyway : Bald Eagles going after Beaver (explore.org 11 18 2021)
Mississippi River Flyway : Bald Eagles going after Beaver (explore.org 11 18 2021)
T40 - Thanks for the video. Did it all end well for the beaver?
Love the video of eagles harassing the beaver. A healthy adult beaver is too big for the eagles to capture, isn't it? Still, the BEs like a good game of chase like most raptors.
Canada geese aren't afraid of the BEs either, at least this afternoon.
The beaver made it through the gauntlet of mostly young eagles, which made me smile. I didn't notice any eagle going for the beaver's head with open talons. I'm assuming the eagles could see how big the beaver actually was as well as realizing it wasn't a duck in distress. I hate to think of hungry juvies, but it was amusing watching them eagerly learning something new.
The beaver made it through the gauntlet of mostly young eagles, which made me smile. I didn't notice any eagle going for the beaver's head with open talons. I'm assuming the eagles could see how big the beaver actually was as well as realizing it wasn't a duck in distress. I hate to think of hungry juvies, but it was amusing watching them eagerly learning something new.
Glad to hear the beaver made it thru, but you are right...I hate to think of juvies being hungry.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. Eagle catches a meal & the chase is on - explore.org 11-18-2021
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. Eagle catches a meal & the chase is on - explore.org 11-18-2021
WOW, is right!!!
November 20, 2021, Saturday, Morning -- Bald Eagle and Crow -- Flyway
Clarinda, what a great pic to compare the size of a crow to that of a full-sized BE, sub-adult, or juvie. Mine kinda the same.
Sandhills are still at the Flyway in big numbers.
Clarinda and STL - Great pics!!!
Clarinda, what a great pic to compare the size of a crow to that of a full-sized BE, sub-adult, or juvie. Mine kinda the same.
Sandhills are still at the Flyway in big numbers.
The crow came back later, they were odd couple!!
Also seeing number of swans increasing.
From RRP's FB page about the Mississippi Flyway:
November 20, 2021: Subadult with reflection - https://youtu.be/sjOuGPC0JuQ. #FlywayDreaming
November 20, 2021: Young eagle and a crow - https://youtu.be/4luS1ckY2c4. A crow has something to say to the young eagle next to it! Listen for sandhill cranes, mallard ducks, geese, and a few birds that I can't identify. The two birds sit peacefully near one another, occasionally glancing away when something else catches their attention.
Crow or raven? We wouldn't be especially likely to see a raven here, but I thought I would go over a few ID points. As we hear, this crow is cawing, not croaking. Ravens sound like crows with a serious cold, so the sound alone rules 'raven' out. See the bird's smooth throat? Ravens have elongated throat feathers called hackles, while crows have smooth throat feathers. This bird's smooth throat says 'crow'. While we can't really see its tail, crows have a rounded, fan-shaped tail while ravens have an angular, wedge-shaped tail - a very helpful ID tip for birds in flight! Ravens are also a lot larger, with much bigger beaks, although size isn't always helpful when there isn't anything to compare them to. But I think of ravens as big enough to fill two hands, while crows would be more like a hand-and-a-half. Birdnote has a nice video and blog comparing the two species: https://www.birdnote.org/.../shows/ravens-and-crows-whos-who.
November 20, 2021: A bald eagle and a crow share the Flyway!
November 24, 2021, Wednesday -- Racoon -- Flyway
Four-legged looking for food.
Clarinda, love the raccoon. Hope all the wildlife at the Flyway had good meals for Thanksgiving Day.
Eagles in view this morning.
Wonderful pics, clarinda and STL!
Closeups of Tundra swans this afternoon.
Great picture STL
Thanks, Raleigh, nice to "see" you here again. :D
Thanks STL. Ironically I retired in September, and have spent a lot less time on the PC watching the cameras than I did when I was at work.😀😀
Thanks STL. Ironically I retired in September, and have spent a lot less time on the PC watching the cameras than I did when I was at work.😀😀
Congrats on your retirement, Raleigh!
Thank you Lisa. I'm going to do my best to stay engaged with these nest cams :)
Thank you Lisa. I'm going to do my best to stay engaged with these nest cams :)
Ribbon of pelicans - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHtkNR3YcJA
Another beautiful sunrise on the river.
Another beautiful sunrise on the river.
Thanks for the sunrise beauty, Raleigh!
For a short video that will make you smile, go to the Flyway chat and click on the Crane Dance link for DEC 3. You don't have to log in. Enjoy the grand jetes, pirouettes, and tossing of tall sticks!
Sandhill cranes are all over the Flyway still. And a young eagle looking especially fine this afternoon.
Mississippi River Flyway Ice Rafting Geese and Eagles mating (explore.org 12 09 2021)
T40, thanks for posting the video. Entertaining times at the Flyway.
Flyway chat reported a coyote around noon today. It's a beauty, the color of the brown grasses. Rewind has it on a long trot across the ice. The birds didn't seem too concerned.
Rewind to about 8:00 this morning for two Northern Harriers perched on a dead branch. Very cool. Also two coyotes on the ice at about 9:00 AM, but too far for a decent pic.
Our live stream feed is experiencing technical issues at this time; Decorah Eagles, Decorah North Nest, Great Spirit Bluff Falcons, and Mississippi River flyway cams are all showing highlights. The live feeds will be restored as soon as possible.
A little after 11am...two BE's perched, and one flies off
Lisa, that's a great take-off pic!
Lisa, that's a great take-off pic!
Thanks, STL :)
Almost a full moon tonight, and the GSB cam ops show us the best pics! OK, so I'm posting the same message here, at Decorah, and the North site. I'm a moon-watcher.
Spectacular hawks fly like helicopter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljlvQ40xK5s&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
December 15
It was hawk day on the Flyway! We saw a rough-legged hawk hovering, northern harriers and rough-legged hawks flying, and two Northern Harriers perching - the first time that we've ever seen two together! Migration patterns can alter as populations change and habitat increases or diminishes. I would love to see more of them using the Mississippi Flyway - the large treed islands aren't harrier habitat, but open islands and sandbars are excellent places for open ground hunters like these.
Mississippi Flyway
December 14, 2021: Rough-legged hawk hovering demo - https://youtu.be/Zm_NQ-jtkus. Go to 2:20 for a really cool close-up of this behavior! You can see how the hawk spreads its tail wide and flat, opens its wing slots, and holds its head steady, staying perfectly balanced as it searches for food below. It flapped its wings about once every 2.5 seconds for most of its hover - an incredible feat given that an adult's wingspan is about 52.0-54.3" inches long. Want to see it in slow-motion? Follow this link: https://youtu.be/UtBWcEgqdMs.
Rough-legged hawks hunt from perches and on the wing, depending on the availability of perches, weather, and possibly other factors. Its longest hover last about 26 seconds, its shortest hover lasted about 10 seconds, and it hovered for about one minute, 45 seconds over a three minute period.
December 14, 2021: Northern Harriers - https://youtu.be/aBEDU6WyRy8. Heart be still - there are two of them!
Northern Harriers and rough-legged hawks are stunning and our camera operators and videomakers loved them! We have six videos from December 14 on our Mississippi Flyway playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist...
December 14, 2021: Northern Harriers - https://youtu.be/aBEDU6WyRy8. Heart be still - there are two of them!
Northern Harriers and Rough-Legged Hawks are stunning and our camera operators and video makers loved them! We have six videos
from the 14th on our Mississippi Flyway playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist...
Busy raptor day at the Flyway, great for pictures, not good for plan to get Christmas cards written!
One of the Flyway mods just posted video of two hawks at the chat site, saying one was a Rough Legged and the other a Northern Harrier. Same hawks in pics posted here. I thought both were Northern Harriers. What do the rest of you experts say??
Rough Legged is a new bird for my life list. Rewind to about 10:00 this morning to see them moving. ID pic for reference from AllAboutBirds.com
Pair of BEs on the nest at the Flyway at about 10:30 this morning. Spectacular! The Coopers, yes?
Couple pics of younger sub-adult BE. Might be the same eagle in two locations.
Finally, a successful duck hunt by an adult BE. First pic, it's the eagle flying at the left, with the duck visible under the tip of a wing. Second pic, eagle flies off with the duck. Lunch.
This one is best on the rewind to see the whole sequence of little duck diving to avoid the eagle as it hovers and splashes down several times. In the end, the eagle won. All at long distance, so no gore for the squeamish.
Quick sighting of the hawk about 9:30 this morning. It's sitting on a grassy hillock, far away so the picture is pretty blurry from the wind. As it took off, the wings looked like those of a rough legged hawk. (See ID comparison pic posted yesterday)
Here's a four-pack of Winter Solstice pics: sunrise, shortest day of the year, first day of Winter, eagles greet the dawn
Short Earred Owl on cam now. (At least that's my guess after viewing my Sibley's.) :)
eburg, thanks for the heads-up about the owl. There might have been 2 different owls perching at about the same time and nearby location. Or one owl in two places along the snags. I'm not good at owl IDs, but one looked taller and grayer than the other.
Oh, to be the owner of that house, and have that view!
Hey all, just thought I'd mention that we are having a flash chat right now at the flyway! Hope to see you there!
~Izzy 8)
Tuned in too late for the flash chat, but here's an owl sitting in the tall grass about 9:00 on the rewind. Looks like some standup feathers on the head, a great horned owl or something else?
Video posted at the Flyway chat says the owl is a short-eared owl. It is in the same location at noon today.
Earlier, there's a raptor perching on one of the snags -- rough-legged hawk??
Donation note from Amazon Smile copied from my email today.
"This is the quarterly notification to inform you that AmazonSmile has made a charitable donation to the charity you’ve selected, Raptor Resource Project, in the amount of $905.07 as a result of qualifying purchases made by you and other customers who have selected this charity. "
Congratulations on doing good while shopping online!
Happy New Year to All
Tuned in too late for the flash chat, but here's an owl sitting in the tall grass about 9:00 on the rewind. Looks like some standup feathers on the head, a great horned owl or something else?
Great Owl Pic, STLbf
Thanks, Clarinda. Rough-legged hawks are not common where I live and I've never seen one in the wild. Beautiful raptor!
Just curious, seems like lots of old highlights lately? Is this due to equipment problems, poor weather conditions, shortage of cam operators?
Thank you for site and all of the hours of service.
Happy New Year to All
Video posted at the Flyway chat says the owl is a short-eared owl. It is in the same location at noon today.
Earlier, there's a raptor perching on one of the snags -- rough-legged hawk??
Hawk looks so regal, a first for me as well.
Just curious, seems like lots of old highlights lately? Is this due to equipment problems, poor weather conditions, shortage of cam operators?
Thank you for site and all of the hours of service.
Happy New Year to All
I am pretty sure Flyway cams are run by solar, so I am going to say poor weather conditions.
Happy New Year!!
Just curious, seems like lots of old highlights lately? Is this due to equipment problems, poor weather conditions, shortage of cam operators?
Thank you for site and all of the hours of service.
Happy New Year to All
I am pretty sure Flyway cams are run by solar, so I am going to say poor weather conditions.
Happy New Year!!
Just curious, seems like lots of old highlights lately? Is this due to equipment problems, poor weather conditions, shortage of cam operators?
Thank you for site and all of the hours of service.
Happy New Year to All
I am pretty sure Flyway cams are run by solar, so I am going to say poor weather conditions.
Happy New Year!!
Thanks Lisa
January 2, 2022, Sunday am -- Sunshine and Footprints -- Flyway
January 2, 2022, Sunday am -- Sunshine and Footprints -- Flyway
Cool pic!
Clarinda, great pic from this morning. Nice to see the live feed again.
January 2, 2022, Sunday, early afternoon -- Coyote -- Flyway
January 2, 2022, Sunday, afternoon -- Owl -- Flyway
Think this is another appearance of the short-eared owl or possibly a barred owl.
January 2, 2022, Sunday afternoon -- Sparrow -- Flyway
When you see a sparrow puffed up almost to the size of an eagle, you know it must be cold.😀
January 4, 2022, Tuesday -- Shortearred Owl -- Flyway
Another Short Earred Owl Visit
January 5, 2022, Wednesday afternoon -- Snowy Owl -- Flyway
Great camera work today, Snowy Owl was spotted expelling a pellet and flying off
Video listed in previous post.
Clarinda, thanks for the pics of the snowy owl at the Flyway. I watched also on the video posted at the RRP chat.
And it is still there this morning, in the distance a couple of times on the rewind. Try about 8:00 this morning. No pic, too far away & too windy.
January 6, 2022, Thursday, 3:22pm -- Snowy Owl -- Flyway
Thanks, StLbf saw the video, loved it. Great to see the Owl lingering. The whole pellet expelling was interesting also.
Live at Mississippi Flyway right now... (highlights go on & off briefly) due to solar panels...
Snowy Owl
Mississippi Flyway Cam beautiful young female snowy owl spotted
Is this normal for a snowy owl to travel this far from home? I looked on the map & found an article from DNR. See below... any info would be appreciated! Lori
They have also been spotted this year in Cedar Rapids & Ames... amazing. I would love to see one!
Article Snowy Owls In Iowa via IOWA DNR
Snowy Owls breed in the open landscapes of the Arctic Tundra. During summers with abundant food (particularly lemmings), many young are produced, and the following winter, many of those young owls disperse south into the US to look for winter prey. When large numbers of owls move south in winter it’s called an irruption. Although it’s not a large irruption year, at least a dozen snowy owls have been seen in Iowa so far this season, with many arriving in the last two weeks. Unlike other owls, Snowy Owls are active during the day (diurnal) and can be spotted in open areas, like agricultural fields and airports, looking for food. Snowy Owls are sit-and-wait predators and often sit in one spot for hours at a time. They commonly perch on wooden fence posts and telephone poles, or find a spot to sit on the ground.
Although some people may worry that Snowy Owls will be susceptible to heat stress in an unseasonably warm Iowa winter, there is little evidence to suggest that a few days of temperatures in the 70s will be too much for the birds to handle. In their breeding range, days in the 50s are common and Snowy Owls have been observed surviving the winter as far South as Florida where average daily highs are in the upper 60s all winter long. More pressing threats are human-related (Ex: collisions with vehicles and power lines).
If you have the fortune of seeing a Snowy Owl, please give them space so they are able to hunt undisturbed. If your presence changes the behavior of an owl (Ex: it flies or looks right at you) you’re too close and you may be causing undue stress. Do not approach an owl unless it is obviously injured or struggling to fly, and always consult a licensed wildlife rehabilitator before intervening.
We are interested in learning more about Snowy Owls wintering in Iowa and the threats they face, so if you happen to find a dead Snowy Owl, please report it to Iowa DNR’s Avian Ecologist Anna Buckardt Thomas ([email protected], 515-823-3945) and/or the State Wildlife Veterinarian Dr. Rachel Ruden ([email protected], 515-823-8544). If it is safe to do so, you may retrieve dead owls using gloves and a garbage bag. Keep in a cool place but avoid freezing until you can turn over to a wildlife biologist or conservation officer. Remember, unless you are transferring to the Iowa DNR or other permitted entity, it is illegal to be in possession of a migratory bird carcass under federal law.
Thanks for the added info about snowy owls, Lori! Occasionally people see them in the St. Louis, MO, area when the weather farther north is really bad. I think they call it an "irruption" or irregular visit. Bald Eagles can come here in large numbers to the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, where there is almost always open water. More come for the winter when it's severe farther north, fewer when winter is mild.
January 8, 2022, Saturday, 3:00pm -- Snowy Owl -- Flyway
What a Gorgeous Creature!!
January 10, 2022, Monday, 4:00pm -- Short Eared Owl -- Flyway
Early hunting for prey from a high perch on solar array pole, and another from the brush.
January 10, 2022, Monday, 4:30pm -- Owl in Flight -- Flyway
January 12, 2022, Wednesday, 9:30am -- Coyote -- Flyway
January 12, 2022, Wednesday, 11:00am -- Muskrat -- Flyway
Clarinda, great coyote pic this morning. That muskrat would make a nice lunch for any of the predators.
Snowy owl and BE visible way out on the ice earlier. No pics, too far away.
I enjoy watching the predators hunt. Always searching!
Activity on the ice today, snowy owl at noon, with wonderful closeups, thanks to the cam ops! Could be an adult female or an immature male according to the Audubon ID site. Which did our info say is most likely to come "south" in the winter?
Two coyotes later in the afternoon, frolicking on the ice, sitting together. A mated pair? Litter mates? Just chums?
Activity on the ice today, snowy owl at noon, with wonderful closeups, thanks to the cam ops! Could be an adult female or an immature male according to the Audubon ID site. Which did our info say is most likely to come "south" in the winter?
Two coyotes later in the afternoon, frolicking on the ice, sitting together. A mated pair? Litter mates? Just chums?
Looks like a marvelous day. Great screen captures.
Snowy owl still hanging around the camera. Very Cool. Not the greatest capture, but it was nice to watch the live camera views
What species of owl is in the pic attached? The chat has a link posted that says it is a snowy owl. But all the pictures on All About Birds has the snowy owl with a white face at all ages and sexes, and this one has dark feathers on the face and kind of a heart-shaped face pattern. What say you experts?
January 20, 2022, Thursday -- Short Eared Owl -- Flyway
Merlin Bird Id says it's a Short Eared Owl
I concur STLbf and clarindagirl.
His/Her eyes are keenly looking out for the Snowy.
Rewind to about 9:30 this morning for a "closeup" view of the Cooper BE pair on their nest, on the left in the pic. Another adult BE is perched in a tree on the right in the pic. Nice home on the shore in the center.
More Hovering Harriers
Febuary 5, 2022, pm, Saturday -- Owls -- Flyway
What an incredible year for owl watching!
Oh my, Clarinda what a beautiful snowy owl pic with the pale gold background!
Mid-morning today, a snowy owl perched on the bouncy snag for a while, then flew to another dead branch perch for some excellent closeups. Still there at 11:00 AM. Thanks to the cam ops.
February 9, 2022, pm -- Snowy Owl -- Flyway
Throwing large pellets
Clarinda, eeewwww, but great pics! This snowy owl seems to stay in one place for many hours at a time, often way out in the open on the ice.
Must be hunting and eating prey to have pellets to throw. The owl's squinty-eyed expression often makes me smile back. ;)
There's been a big increase in the number of bald eagles in Iowa this winter!
One of the Decorah bald eagles
February 11, 2022, Friday -- Coyote -- Flyway
Coyote hanging out, watching for food. Thanks to the camera operator, who so patiently tracked it.
February 11, 2022, Friday -- Coyote -- Flyway
Coyote hanging out, watching for food. Thanks to the camera operator, who so patiently tracked it.
Great pics, clarinda!
Snowy owl for a long time in the same place this afternoon.
Snowy owl camped in some grasses for several hours this morning.
Three coyotes are hunting the grassy areas right now -- 4:30 PM -- in heavy snow. Watch for closeups, and rewind for more, too.
Northern Harrier harasses Snowy Owl. Explore.org 27 February 2022
Mississippi River Flyway Cam. Coyotes playing and snow falling - explore.org 02-24-2022
Warm, in the 40s today. Great views on rewind of the nesting couple flying in and around their nest. Distant from the camera location, but good to see that they probably have eggs. We call the pair the Coopers, right?
Northern Harrier perched for a good long time this morning. AllAboutBirds says the males are gray and white, like this one.
Beautiful sunrise today at the Flyway, at GSB, and at the North's location.
The Northern Harrier is back on the dead branch.
Local PBS station showed "Decoding the Driftless" on Nova Wednesday evening. RRP has provided links in the past, and it's probably available on PBS Passport if you are a member. It's about the unusual geology of the flyway area, and includes bits about the wildlife such as the RRP bald eagles and peregrines. Describes the Flyway also.
Mississippi River Flyway :🦅 Bald Eagles playing Ice Hockey (explore.org 03 04 2022)
Great video - what fun! Thanks T40.
Definitely great video of ice hockey eagles!
Eagles mating on the ice early this morning -- I'd say it is the Coopers, but there could be other pairs in the area.
One colorful sub-A and a group of three during the morning.
Starting to sound like spring at the Flyway, and temps are warming this week. Red-winged blackbirds (males) are back and calling their very distinctive calls (no pic). Ducks (no pic) and sandhill cranes (pic with coyote) are back. Male Northern Harrier hawk perching, BE on the ice. What fun and such variety.
Two BEs and 2 crows scuffling over some tidbits
Mississippi River Flyway 🦅🦅 Convocation of Bald Eagles 🦅🦅 (explore.org 03 15 2022)
T40, loved watching all those eagles at the Flyway. Things will get really interesting there as the weather warms and everything gets into migration.
Here's a pic of the muskrat from earlier. Good views in the video posted at the Flyway chat. I've added it to my folder of miscellaneous IDs.
Best full-moon-set view here at the Flyway this morning.
March 28, 2022, pm -- Canada Geese -- Flyway
March 28, 2022, Monday, pm -- Northern Harrier -- Flyway
March 29, 2022, Tuesday, pm -- Bald Eagle -- Flyway
Very Windy Day
March 29, 2022, Tuesday, late afternoon -- Northern Shoveler Pair -- Flyway
Camera operator followed this pair for sometime. Late afternoon didn't make it easy, but it was beautiful.
March 30, 2022, Wednesday, am -- Immature Bald Eagle -- Flyway
March 30, 2022, Wednesday, am -- Mallard Pair -- Flyway
Clarinda, love your pics of the immature eagle -- a stunner -- and the ducks. Each year I try to learn to recognize one new species of duck or goose. Shoveler ducks are a good one for this year.
Clarinda, love your pics of the immature eagle -- a stunner -- and the ducks. Each year I try to learn to recognize one new species of duck or goose. Shoveler ducks are a good one for this year.
I keep looking at the bald eagle pic, at first I thought it might be a Golden Eagle. Still unsure.
April 1, 2022, Friday, 7:00am -- Peregrine Falson -- GSB
Falcon and Shadow Breakfast At Sunrise
April 1, 2022, Friday, am -- White Pelicans -- Flyway
April 1, 2022, Friday, pm -- Common Golden Eye -- Flyway
Pretty ducks, those goldeneyes. Looks like spring is really here in full now that it's April.
Gathering of eagles at one of the favorite perching spots, this morning.
Update -- Zooey laid a third egg at the GSB nest box this morning, around 10:00.
Beautiful sandhill crane preening this afternoon.
Are you into ducks? Rewind to about 6:30 this morning for a nice flock of green-winged teal, smallest of North American dabbling ducks, and just beautiful.
Swans at the Flyway this morning, tundra juveniles in the pics, or possibly trumpeters. What say the experts?
They ignored Canada geese and also Sandhill cranes in the same location. See on rewind.
Sub-adult BE perching on one of the favorite snags this morning. Lots of red-winged blackbirds flying nearby. Males arrive first, I believe.
Early morning, a pair of Northern shoveler ducks mating. The male holds the female by the head, with her whole body underwater! Find the rewind or video for the action and a couple quick closeups after.
American Avocet. A flock! Explore comments match my Sibley's investigation. Their territory's moving East. Fine by me. They're an interesting looking bird and the beak is a trip!
Eburg, I love avocets also, especially the upsloped beak! Will check the rewind for the flock.
There are 2 eggs at the Marshall, Missouri, Turkey Vulture nest in the barn loft. Here's an FYI pic.
American Avocet. A flock! Explore comments match my Sibley's investigation. Their territory's moving East. Fine by me. They're an interesting looking bird and the beak is a trip!
Great heads up on the American Avocet FLOCK eburgbirdwtchr ! :)
I only got a few on my screen grab, but there where over a dozen on rewind. 8)
Thanks BL and STL. I think the first mention of the Avocet in American lit. is in the journals of Lewis and Clark on their way up the Missouri River.
Two sub-adult BEs this morning, doing their thing.
No pic, but the distant eagle nest looks to be productive again today, with a tiny, white head visible as if there are eaglets to be caring for.
Ducks and more this morning.
Pair of gadwalls, closeup of a coot. Coot aren't ducks, but related to moorhens, not webbed feet and not really a bill like a duck.
More on rewind.
Another wading bird to enjoy.
Sunrise colors on Cinco de Mayo, and a sub-adult BE enjoying the day.
Northern Harrier preening then hunting in the tall grass about 2:00 this afternoon. Looks like the masked marauder!
Several Canada geese were next to a white pelican earlier. Both species can weigh up to 14 pounds as adults, about the same as an adult female bald eagle.
A nice flock of avocets feeding and resting at the Flyway this morning. Nifty wading birds with upturned beaks.
The avocets are in the same location this afternoon at 3:00, but the light is much better.
Thanks to the cam ops for some great closeups today! Mallards, eagle, Great Blue Heron, and turtles (no pic of turtles).
Nice morning views of sub-adult eagles perching, one with a friend.
Caspian terns feeding and resting with some mallards around noon today.
Black-necked stilt, beautiful black and white medium sized wading bird with long pink legs at about 8:00 this morning. New species for me.
One pic of the stilt next to a different shorebird, don't know the name but seen previous years here. Help, anyone?
From RRP's FB page:
Mississippi Flyway
May 16, 2022 - Lunar Eclipse! https://youtu.be/U_ZLoJtl1Ww.
May 13, 2022: Black-necked Stilt - https://youtu.be/hDmFLYCj0iY. This is an extremely cool sighting! Black-necked stilts have been seen in the area, but they aren't common and don't breed here or migrate through very often. It was probably blown in from the west, but I find it intriguing that it belongs to the same family as American Avocet (Recurvirostridae). We are seeing avocets in increasing numbers during the spring (cam op Spish reported six of them in breeding plumage on April 25) and I can't help but wonder if we'll see more Black-necked Stilts, too. The two species are capable of hybridizing and producing young. You can learn more about Black-necked stilts here: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/.../Black-necked.../overview.
This has been a good year for interesting birds on the Flyway! I didn't get a change to post this earlier, but check out this White-faced Ibis, seen on May 4, 2022 - another very uncommon visitor! https://youtu.be/lJ5ZZEhMSHw. You can learn more about White-faced Ibis here: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/White-faced_Ibis.
May 10, 2022: Subadult eagle walking - https://youtu.be/03ruTMRVZeQ. Dinosaur stomp at 52 seconds!
May 4, 2022: A White-faced Ibis on the Flyway! This was a surprise visitor - an isolated population breeds in northeastern South Dakota, but they don't breed or migrate anywhere near here. We think it might have been blown in on a powerful western storm wind.
May 13, 2022: A Black-necked stilt on the Flyway! This is an extremely cool sighting! Black-necked stilts have been seen in the area, but they aren't common and don't breed near here or migrate through very often.
A look at the distribution of the Black-necked Stilt. It isn't a common visitor!
May 16, 2022: Lunar eclipse on the Flyway.
Thanks for the RRP report T40.
I see those "uncommon" birds and get out my bird books and try and figure out who's what but this year has been mostly reliance on other peeps or authoritative identification to finally learn what we've seen.
Just put the book back on the shelf and hope you or somebody else come's to the rescue! ;) :)
That video of the lunar eclipse is a keeper! I had a really good view of it where I live, when the clouds predicted didn't show up.
Love the uncommon birds and identifications. It's a challenge to recognize the regulars, especially shore birds and small wading birds, some ducks, too.
The most uncommon bird at my backyard feeder this spring was a male indigo bunting, who dropped by for just a few moments when I happened to be watching. They are more common in the woods of east-central Missouri, but rare in suburban yards.
eburg - Don't hold your breath waiting for me to ID anything!! Ha! A couple of years ago there was a beaver or a marmot or some such creature on the Flyway cam and I nailed it as a bear! I'm even worse at birds. :D
Young colt sandhill cranes on the flyway. Nesting on Lake Onalaska. So cool!
eburg, thanks for the heads-up about the sandhill babies. I didn't know they were called colts. Cool! We'd love to see a pic from you, too. :)
Here's one from me, and the rewind to see them in motion is way better. So cute!
And a closeup of a Northern Shoveler drake from earlier this morning, thanks to the cam ops.
STLbf--think I learned about the "colt" nickname here in the Forum. It's such a fountain of learning.
When I lived in Colorado I'd often be traveling I-80 thru Nebraska during the sandhill migration and it is an experience I wish everyone could have. Literally thousands of sandhill cranes, and when they rise off the South Platte River in the morning....well....it's absolutely "primeval" The sound is a real trip. And the cranes in the cornfields along the interstate are courting, hopping up and down and calling their groovy calls. It's overwhelming. Now they even have a Visitor Center near Guttenburg (I think?) and you can view the videos of all that year-round. Don't pass it by if you have the time!!
And I've had no luck posting pictures the last couple of years, so I just enjoy viewing those entered by yourself and our other experts.
LOL- who says you need web feet to swim? :) ;)
Sandhill cranes with 2 fluffy babies this afternoon.
Nice to see sandhill cranes, like our eagles, do the "mombrella" thing in a storm and the Dad covers her "six'. :)
later....and her "twelve" :) ;) ;)
Apparently, in the bird world anyhow, Big Brothers and Sisters are Bullies. That's how they get Bigger, I guess. Being the third in a family of four kids, I'm familiar with Both characteristics! :)
Sandhill family again on the morning rewind. And lots of turtles basking late morning -- all the same kind I believe.
STL--do you check out the comments with the screen caps on the explore page? Just wondering, cuz I have the same question as the last posted. What kind of Fish is that making all the churned waters. Asked my fisherman buddy (who doesn't do explore) and after my lame descriptions said they might be walleye. They're big, whatever they are. Maybe camperstig watches this thread. She and others on the Forum would probably recognize the fish views we get on the flyway.
eburg, no I do not check on Explore comments. Have not been successful reading or signing up for that chat. Try Ginger52, who posts in this Forum and follows Explore and is really helpful about IDing critters.
As to the really large fish churning the shallow waters today, I'm guessing it is something spawning. Don't know if Walleye are here. Try looking at one of the state Depts of Natural Resources or Conservation to see which large fish are spawning now. In past years, the eagles catch huge lunkers at this time of year. Maybe buffalo something??
Thanks STL! :)
STL--do you check out the comments with the screen caps on the explore page? Just wondering, cuz I have the same question as the last posted. What kind of Fish is that making all the churned waters. Asked my fisherman buddy (who doesn't do explore) and after my lame descriptions said they might be walleye. They're big, whatever they are. Maybe camperstig watches this thread. She and others on the Forum would probably recognize the fish views we get on the flyway.
Eburg -- JT on the Explore chat board ID's the fish as spawning Eurasian Carp. JT is really excellent at ID's, so I assume that's correct.
Thanks Ginger! And the same was offered by camperstig on the Beak Room. Guess I'll go with Eurasian carp cuz the American carp I caught as a kid looked different. More scaly and grayer. Will check it out.
Just came back from web search on Eurasian carp. And silver carp. They don't look like what we've been seeing. The back fins are different and the nose is shaped differently and the coloration is wrong. Guess I'll keep an open mind on the subject, but I still think it's a "mystery fish"! ;) :) :)
eburg, you might try scrolling through the Flyway Forum archive for 2021 or earlier if available. See if someone posted a pic with the large spawning fish at about the same date. Or a pic of the eagles eating on a huge fish with fish ID.
Thanks for the suggestion STL. One of the explore contributors has a shot of the silhouette of the fish. I'm working on matching it. Slowly. Since I don't want to miss too much here and the other sites I view.
;) :) :)
May 24, 2022, Tuesday, am -- Sandhill Crane Pair with two Chicks -- Flyway
May 25, 2022, Wednesday, 8:00am -- Sandhill Crane Sheltering 2 Chicks From Rain -- Flyway
clarinda, aren't SHC chicks just the cutest ever?
Another rainy pic from the Flyway.
clarinda, aren't SHC chicks just the cutest ever?
clarinda, aren't SHC chicks just the cutest ever?
May 25, 2022, Wednesday -- Common Yellowthroat -- Flyway
May 26, 2022, Thursday, 9:30am -- Mallard -- Flyway
May 26, 2022, Thursday, 12:25pm -- Yellow Warbler -- Flyway
clarinda, thanks for the bird closeups today! And thanks to the cam ops for the views! ;D
clarinda, thanks for the bird closeups today! And thanks to the cam ops for the views! ;D
Thx especially to the cam operators. It's a special talent to see movement, focus and hold the frame. Greatly appreciated.
Sandhill Crane baby Colts bedtime. A feathery down Moma bed.
Heard on the radio that the Upper Mississippi is supposed to rise a foot due to Minnesota snow melt and spring rains. Hope the sandhills find some higher ground. Mom's current roost will be under water. :(
The SHC colts can swim - paddle, I believe, so they should be OK if the water rises.
Same scenes for several days. Noon today, a good closeup of three young BEs preening.
FYI -- the Marshall Missouri turkey vultures have hatched the two eggs in the past couple of days. The chicks seem OK and are feeding from the parent(s). See one pic here, and go to the Forum page for more. "Other Raptor Cams and Information"
Welcome to June on the Flyway. Beautiful dawn.
Early morning, checking the rewind for the sandhill crane family, I found two parents and one colt in view. Could be a different family of course, or the second colt wandering out of the view, or fallen as prey. Anybody with more information?
Unless something has happened since sunrise this morning both colts are fine. They seem to stick with a parent and fight when they're together. :)
Thanks, eburg, I will check the rewind again. Always want to see chicks grow to adulthood.
You are correct, both chicks in very early AM pic, see yellow arrows. Barely visible, so catch the motion on the rewind. One of the chicks has a limp.
Sandhill crane family on the video rewind very early this morning. Turtles basking and all the regular birds on this lovely day. Closeup of a mallard female and a blue-winged teal male shows the size difference. BWT are really little.
Rainy morning on the flyway. SHC family feeding just after daylight, but no pic.
Black crowned night heron and the sandhill crane family early this morning.
Great blue heron captures a large, round, flat fish and gobbles it down. Worth the rewind!
Another beautiful sky this morning. An adult BE and a sub-adult had some kind of large prey, duck maybe, on one of the sand spits early this morning. Too far away to tell what they were eating, so no pic. Not competing for the food, so they are not really hungry or perhaps a parent bird with eaglet.
Do we know how many eaglets fledged from the Cooper's nest this year?
I sure wish we did STL!! But I am pretty confident that there are at least a few fledglings from the various nests, based on what we are seeing.
After the Fledge registration is out, hope to see you all there!
Izzy 8)
Red sky at daybreak today, apparently there were some strong-ish storms around Decorah. Some cameras went offline for a while.
Welcome to July at the Flyway. Sunrise and sunset colors are more beautiful and way safer than fireworks!
Against all odds, Flyway cam is frozen! :) ;) :( ::)
To the repair tech working on this holiday weekend.....Thank You! The freeze has been thawed. :)
Big flock of Great egrets feeding in the rain this morning. The closeup pic provides good ID -- tall, all white feathers, yellow bill.
Great white egret slomo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GGxZ1T9Zt4&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
Sun peeking through the clouds this morning.
Swans sacrifice rest to squabble
Ginger, the flyway sunrises always amaze me -- such a big sky! Today, it's pink and red all around.
T40, thanks for the article about swans. Hummingbirds do a lot of squabbling over territory, too.
Seventeen sandhill cranes against one juvie eagle doesn't seem fair. Think the juvie has a turtle.
eburg, that was a big bunch of sandhills yesterday. I didn't get a pic either.
Here's a couple from today.
If you need something to watch on this windy, rainy morning, a mallard hen is shepherding her chicks in the shallows.
Red sky on the Flyway, turtles waiting for flies. Juvenile pelicans (dark head feathers) are all over this time of year. Great white egret on the hunt for lunch.
Another reddish, brassy sunrise at the Flyway.
Strawberry moon, great white egret
Beautiful video from Glen Loyd, thanks for posting it, T40.
Brilliant color for sunrise today. Also sandhill cranes in abundance. I love listening to their calls.
Just so we keep in mind the size of pelicans, here's a pic with a BE this morning.
What kind of duck is this with the turtle this afternoon, about 2:30PM? Possibly a female ruddy duck, that's one with a turned-up tail in my reference booklet, but could be a male of some species in non-breeding plumage.
Flyway birds are gathering in bigger flocks this month.
Some rain at the Flyway this morning. The pelicans just make me smile! American avocets feeding and resting about 11:00.
Looks like a large, dead, critter of some kind washed up on shore. Could be just junk of some kind also. Anybody know for sure?
Flying bird is gift from nature - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diZ2DEr4zzI&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
T40, Thanks for the video from Glen Loyd. He's right about the wonderful camera operators at every RRP site, and about the gift from Nature of flying birds.
Sunrises, also on my list of the Best of Life.
Great egret picking at a waterlogged log, about 2:00 PM
Gentle pinkish dawn today. Couple of BEs having breakfish on a log might be the Coopers.
Pelicans in lightning storm - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7yaePj44gM&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
Another beautiful and informative video from Glen Loyd. That lightning storm was really electrifying, ;) and the pelicans transform into something prehistoric when they hunker down. Thanks, T40!
Here's the fiery sunrise today.
Peregrine sitting on that lumpy log early this afternoon. Peachy feathers make me think it might be Zooey. Later, 2 BEs and 2 Sandhill cranes are having tea together.
Peachy dawn at the Flyway. Pelicans and cormorants are gathering in large numbers for migration.
Brief look at a duck I don't recognize. Anyone? Could be the light that makes a familiar duck look totally different!
Cam Ops got a good long look at an almost-adult BE on a stump this morning, and several different kinds of birds passing by.
Rare WI Avocets at Flyway - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YZ2jTEzU00&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
Two adult BEs perching on a water-log watching the parade of geese and pelicans, around 6:00 this morning, and after as they stayed for a good while. It's a busy time at the Flyway as migrating birds gather in huge numbers.
Bald Eagles and American White Pelicans on the Mississippi Flyway
WI's Pelican Ancestors
People wading with two large, splashing dogs before noon.
Was eagle cursing the rain
Thanks for the Glen Loyd video. Great closeups of two kinds of dragonflies, and the eagles, oh my!
Flocks of birds gathering for migration remind me of airport crowds around holidays this summer.
September 9, 2022: Flyway morning - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r3zuUYrzCg&ab_channel=RaptorResourceProject
Waltzing Pelicans - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4dIQqj6c3k&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
Views of the new camera location and equipment this afternoon. Where is it in relation to the camera we are used to seeing? And how will the view be different? Info to come!
September 20, 2022, 6:40pm -- Good to see a new camera. How's it working out? Sure looks bright. I have been gone with COVID for a long while, nice to be back. Saw that the Turkey Vultures had fledged. Oh Happy Day!
Thought I heard a Sandhill Crane?? Figured they were gone by now. Guess not.
Views of the new camera location and equipment this afternoon. Where is it in relation to the camera we are used to seeing? And how will the view be different? Info to come!
Just checking in. See new cam image. Can't seem to sign on to Chatroll. Things seem to be progressing.
Clarinda, welcome back to the Flyway forum! I seldom log in to the chats, but it was working on Wednesday. Give it another try on Friday. The Decorah chats won't be back until October, but the Flyway stays active all year.
So far, I can't tell one cam view from the other. I'm sure we will all figure it out as time goes along.
Yesterday there were several sandhill cranes in view with the many, many other birds. Their calls are very distinctive, and their size, too.
War of giant birds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgUfPefQjhs&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
September 23, 2022, Friday, 10:30am -- Sandhill Crane -- Flyway
Spotted a Sandhill Crane with a broken or injured leg.
September 23, 2022 -- Moonset and Sunrise -- Flyway
Does anybirdy know exactly what RRP meant about a "new cam on the flyway" Peeps here have said "they like it" but I have yet to ascertain whether there's a new cam or the current cam has been re-perched on a taller pole offering us a shot of the old pole stripped of all it's gear. I would illustrate my meaning if I was gifted with computereeze and could "easily post a picture for you" of what I'm saying, but with a very experienced eye on the flyway, I'd say the picture we're viewing now is a new camera on a taller pole on the same (nearly) location as what is the location of our old solar panel. The old camera pole is what we see....like the apes in 2001: Space Odyssey!
Comments? :) ;)
Clarinda, love that sunrise pic today! And moonset too. Night before last, I noticed that Orion is back in the early morning sky -- Northern Hemisphere.
eburg, great comments about the cameras at the Flyway. Like you, I'm waiting for the official word from RRP. New or replacement, now one camera or two and exactly where are they? All will be revealed in good time.
Birds on camera this morning.
What duck is this? See yellow line around in the pic. Juvenile male mallard??
Hope this helps answer some of your questions. ;)
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project added 12 new photos to the album: 2022: RRP At Work.
Sept. 1, 2022
RRP At Work: Camera pole installation on the Mississippi Flyway, August 30th. We'll be installing a second camera here some time in October. Changes in the river due to high water and soil erosion built an island around our original pole. A thousand thanks to Shafer Marine Services, Brice Prairie EMT, the Brice Prairie Conservation Group, and the Upper Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. You guys rock!
You can watch the Mississippi Flyway cam here: https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/flyway-cam/.
August 30, 2022: Shafer's Marine Services volunteered to install the new camera pole with their extremely cool work barge.
August 30, 2022: Members of Brice Prairie EMS and Conservation Association. They rescue people and advocate for the health of the Black River, Lake Onalaska, and the Mississippi River. They also help us maintain the Mississippi Flyway cam and add new equipment. http://www.briceprairieconservation.org/
August 30, 2022: The work barge is cool! The SMS crew picked up the log with their boom, raised it, and screwed it five feet into the river bed. All activity was done under an Upper Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish Refuge permit.
August 30, 2022: This went so quickly! It was also really awesome to watch. See the black thing at the bottom of the pole? John added a garbage can to keep the sludge back and fill with cement.
August 30, 2022: Fritz Funk from Brice Prairie EMS provided a jetting tool to help dig a hole for the pole. It's tricky, intensive work: the river and mud fight every step of the way!
August 30, 2022: The Shafer's Marine Services crew. Thanks, guys...you are awesome! https://www.schafersmarine.com/
August 30, 2022: Jonathan Howe, Dave Prestby, and Marc Schultz from Brice Prairie Conservation Association.
August 30, 2022: Amy Ries attaching hardware to the pole.
August 30, 2022: Boating across Lake Onalaska. We had four boats: the SMS work barge, the Brice Prairie EMT boat, Mark's boat, and Joe's boat. It takes a lot of work to get all of the people and equipment out to the middle of the river!
August 30, 2022: Fritz Funk, Amy Ries, Jonathan Howe.
August 30, 2022: Jeff Worell at our lake office!
August 30, 2022: RRP Director John Howe shows off our new solar panel! We added another solar panel and electrical box last week, although we don't have pictures of that. We'll add camera number two in October.
T40, thanks so much for posting the pics about preparations for the new camera at the Flyway! All of these folks are just the best ever!
You will notice from recent "watcher" pics from me, that the gulls are guarding the new pole, protecting it from predators no doubt! Ready for October installation. Whee! ;D
Hi everyone!! thx again T40 ;) awesome pics! take care...
Peregrine falcons and Mark Twain
October 1, 2020, Saturday, 8:30am -- Ebony and Ivory -- Flyway
American White Pelicans and Double-crested Cormorants
Those darn Canadians. Check out today's action right around 12:30 pm. Goose gooses Pelican. Just to be mean? Some kind of payback? Typical Canadian inter-action?
You just can't tell with Canadian Geese....unless they're playing hockey! :) ;)
You can't beat autumn at the Flyway for interesting birds to watch. The sunrises can be spectacular, too.
Flying happy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MJ6mLKVRFo&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
The views at the Flyway are so clear, we can almost count the feathers on the many birds feeding and resting. The pair in the pic might be sandpipers. Or not. Shorebirds anyhow.
Fun to see a group of eagles in the trees across the way. Eagles stay here in the winter because there is usually open water.
That is a great site to see.
A convocation of Eagles on Lake Onalaska. 8)
STLbf - tx for the pic. 8)
Eagle stalking sandhill cranes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO2wv11gSqc&ab_channel=GlenLoyd
T40 - Imagine Bald Eagles doing up age old Bald Eagle stuff on the Mississippi. :)
T40, thanks for the Glen Loyd video. Funny to watch and marching music was just right.
Three BEs this morning, testing the chilly water.
Another beautiful dawn at the Flyway, and trees full of eagles this morning. Are the eagles on the move from way up north, are they hunting ducks since the season is open now (for gun hunting), are they enjoying the mid-October weather? It's all good. :)
Thankfully the area around this Flyway cam is pretty well protected. 8)
Near Sommer's Chute, Lake Onalaska, La Crosse, WI.
Mississippi River Flyway Sandhill Crane shenanigans (explore.org 10 14 2022)
Eagles play tag you're it
Love that video of the eagles playing tag!
Sunrise with geese flying this morning.
Another colorful dawn and sunrise on the Flyway. Views are so clear and crisp!
RRP, Explore.org label has disappeared from the live stream here. Temporary?
Happy Halloween Everybirdie
Meet the Flyway Water Monster, the perfect pic for Halloween. ;D
I Love it STLbf.
At 1st look we thought it was 2 Pangolin's kissing. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangolin) :o
but wait we're on the Flyway Cam .. lol
I got your 6. ;)
BL, pangolins, what a good image for the gray monster! Anything that brings a smile, right?
True this.
Migrating birds by the thousands, and occasionally a nice individual eagle closeup. Thanks to the cam ops.
Lunar eclipse last night / early this morning. Great cam work!
Sandhill Crane vs eagle
Always fun at the Flyway! This morning at daylight, a large group of eagles, all ages, gathered in the shallows.
Early morning at the Flyway, a juvie BE perching on the pile of branches and grasses, then a wider view to show the location better. Not sure what to call this perch, but the eagles are using it frequently this month.
Cam view is looking towards peregrine nest cam and cliff cam. How about this: "cliff cam short range"?
Or "CCS&R" (as in stuttering C-Crosby, Stills and Rash" :) ;) )
Thanks, eburg.
Tundra swans in abundance. One pic of a juvie (gray) and an adult paddling behind some grasses about noon.
Great Spirit Bluff Falcons. That's a lot of eagles - explore.org 11-13-2022
November 13, 2022, Sunday, 10:45am -- Juvenile Bald Eagles -- Flyway
Cold windy morning on the water.
November 14, 2022, Monday -- Sandhill Cranes -- Flyway
Preening as day begins
Clarinda, love your closeups!
Thank you. Heading for Mexico, see you online again in a couple of weeks.
Eagle vs Army
Those sandhill cranes are awesome brave!
Cam ops got some good mid-range views of Tundra swans here today.
Beautiful moonrise about 5:00 and sunrise about 6:00 at the Flyway and GSB this morning. Didn't see the orbiting rocket, but lotsa birds.
November 25, 2022, Friday -- Green-Winged Teal -- Flyway
Clarinda, nice pic of the green winged teal.
November 26, 2022 3:39pm Sunset at the Flyway
From RRP:
Join the Raptor Resource Project tomorrow for our Giving Tuesday fundraiser! We’ll be celebrating with chats on our Decorah North, Decorah Eagles, and Flyway channels, and John and Amy will make a special appearance on our Decorah Eagles channel to talk about 2022 and answer your questions. With our excellent staff, volunteers, and equipment - paid for by you! - we are working every day of the year to bring you your favorite bald eagles, falcons, and Flyway birds. We're also working behind the scenes for them: maintaining nest sites, monitoring populations, and working with researchers to protect our birds and their habitats. Thank so much for your care and support: every gift to RRP in any amount powers our work and we can't do it without you!
Decorah Eagles
We will have two Giving Tuesday chats: one from 9am to 12pm, and another from 3pm to 5pm https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/decorah-eagles/
Updates and Q&A with John and Amy will start at 1:00pm
Mississippi Flyway
Giving Tuesday Chat: chat begins at 11am https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/flyway-cam/
Decorah North
Giving Tuesday Chat: Chat will take place from 6pm to 8pm https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/decorah-north-nest/
We’ll be posting some favorite images and memories from this year and you are more than welcome to share yours with us!
Making a Donation
If you'd like to donate online via PayPal or Network for Good, please follow this link: https://www.raptorresource.org/support-the-raptor-resource-project/make-a-donation/
Thanks so much!
Amy Ries
Raptor Resource Project
Raptor Resource Project
PO Box 16
Decorah, IA 52101
November 29, 2022, Tuesday, 12:15pm -- Canada Geese -- Flyway
November 30, 2022 -- Bald Eagles In Winter -- Flyway
Clarinda, nice BE pics. I wonder if that raft-like perch is natural or man-made. Regardless, the eagles like it, and it's close enough for the cam ops to get us some great views.
Couple pics from the flyway shallows this morning.
Eagle pack fun after feast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV5uvgvlkXQ
Good Morning...
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 3, 2022 6:29 AM
Camera Time: Dec 3, 2022 6:29 AM CST
Birchwoman (Me)
River looks like it could be icying over
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 3, 2022 1:17 PM
Camera Time: Dec 3, 2022 1:16 PM CST
December 3, 2022 -- Diving Ducks -- Flyway
Around 1:00 lots of diving ducks were searching for dinner. They were at quite a distance. May have been Golden Eyes. I see one in the water view above.
Thank you, Clarindagirl. I wasn't quite sure on the ID.
Camera Time: Dec 4, 2022 7:30 AM CST
What an awesome sunrise.
A convocation.
Dec 4, 2022 8:04 AM
Camera Time: Dec 4, 2022 8:03 AM C
Dec 4, 2022 5:26 PM
Camera Time: Dec 4, 2022 5:25 PM CST
Birchwoman (Me)
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 5, 2022 7:17 AM
Camera Time: Dec 5, 2022 7:17 AM CST
Beautiful environment and gorgeous pictures.
Thank you clarindagirl. Looking forward to your pics.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 5, 2022 2:25 PM
Camera Time: Dec 5, 2022 2:24 PM CST
A convocation of varying stages of maturation .
Phyl, great pic of the eagles in the Flyway trees! For birds that look "identical" as adults, they sure go through a zillion beak and feather variations.
December 5, 2022, Monday, Juvenile Bald Eagle -- Flyway
Gorgeous Bird that I wanted to call a Golden Eagle, but id program says Juvenile Bald Eagle.
STB thanks; you got that right on "birds that look "identical" as adults, they sure go through a zillion beak and feather variations."
Carindagirl wish I'd gotten here sooner---could have saved you trouble of looking that up. I grew up in the Mojave Desert of So California where Golden Eagles abound.
Would frequently have some perch on our fence. This is one eagle I easily ID. LOL
I posted this for others who might pop in.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_eagle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_eagle)
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 6, 2022 5:57 PM
Camera Time: Dec 6, 2022 5:57 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 7, 2022 7:10 AM
Camera Time: Dec 7, 2022 7:09 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 7, 2022 7:26 AM
Camera Time: Dec 7, 2022 7:26 AM CST
Three in the trees.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Moon over the Fly Away (Driftless)
Dec 7, 2022 6:01 PM
Camera Time: Dec 7, 2022 6:01 PM C
Phyl, this full moon is spectacular at the Flyway and Decorah sites! Where I live it's cloudy.
STLbfvery nice moon. Ahhh, a teeney bopper on the nest.
Dec 8, 2022 4:47 PM
Camera Time: Dec 8, 2022 4:46 PM CST
Dec 8, 2022 6:07 PM
Camera Time: Dec 8, 2022 6:07 PM CST
Young Bald Eagle
December 9, 2022, Snowy Flyway Morning
December 9, 2022, Friday -- Diving Ducks -- Flyway
No live feed, so here is a screen capture from maybe Dec 5, 2022
2022 December 10 -- Muskrat -- Flyway
Clarinda, I saw the muskrat, too. Your pics are way better with multiple views. There was one at the Decorah Retention Pond this afternoon also.
Clarinda, I saw the muskrat, too. Your pics are way better with multiple views. There was one at the Decorah Retention Pond this afternoon also.
Thanks, nice to see critters out and about.
December 12, 2022am-- North American River Otter -- Flyway
More critters, love it. Two otters popping in and out of ice holes, eating grasses and weeds.
Otters are such fun to watch. They seem always happy and ready to go.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Brice Prairie, Wisconsin
Dec 12, 2022 11:24 AM
Camera Time: Dec 12, 2022 11:23 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Brice Prairie, Wisconsin
Dec 12, 2022 11:24 AM
Camera Time: Dec 12, 2022 11:23 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Brice Prairie, Wisconsin
Dec 17, 2022 12:43 PM
Camera Time: Dec 17, 2022 12:43 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Brice Prairie, Wisconsin
Dec 17, 2022 12:46 PM
Camera Time: Dec 17, 2022 12:46 PM CST
More swans!
Phyl, tundra swans, I believe. You caught them just at the right time -- after the cameras came back live and before they ran out of power and went back to highlights!
December 17, 2022, Saturday, 2:20pm -- Northern Harrier -- Flyway
December 17, 2022, Saturday, pm -- Swans -- Flyway
The large, all white swans are back feeding in open water this morning, pic from about 11:30. The beak looks to be all black and V-shaped at top, could these be trumpeter swans? No group together for comparison, and trumpeters are larger than tundra swans. What do the other watchers think?
STL thanks. Oh gosh! Now I gotta learn about swans. LOL :-[ ;)
Thanks to you and Clarindagirl for the trumpeters.
I noticed that about the cam too.
Alot of cams are down more than operating---some for days/weeks. Wonder if it's more than repairs. Maybe new ones being installed.
You'd know, STL?
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 18, 2022 1:30 PM
Camera Time: Dec 18, 2022 1:30 PM CST
I'm gonna go with your Tundra swans.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 18, 2022 5:01 PM
Camera Time: Dec 18, 2022 5:01 PM CST
So cold it looks blue. I call it 'blue cold'---similar to Alaska when we were then in '05.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 19, 2022 7:28 AM
Camera Time: Dec 19, 2022 7:28 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 19, 2022 8:13 AM
Camera Time: Dec 19, 2022 8:13 AM CST
A contrast to earlier
December 19, 2022, Monday, 1:25pm -- Short-eared Owl -- Flyway
Clarinda, great pics of the short eared owl from yesterday. Today another really cold day and not much activity from the wildlife or the cameras.
Phyl, I'm just a watcher and reader, but not an expert on anything about RRPs wonderful cameras, operators, and everybody else who gets things done for benefit of the eagles, other birds, chatters, and watchers like us. I have never been to Decorah. So we can both wait for someone to tell us what's going on (or not) with the new solar-powered camera. :D
About the swans, I'm waiting for ID from some expert swanner! Is that a word? ;)
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 20, 2022 7:15 AM
Camera Time: Dec 20, 2022 7:15 AM CST
Phyl the low temp at La Crosse airport yesterday morning was -5° F.
With a "feels like" low temp of -15° F.
This morning: low -8, feels like -19. ::)
The weather station (at the airport) is about 4 mi SE of the camera.
And we're just getting started with these crazy low temps:
Clarinda, great pics of the short eared owl from yesterday. Today another really cold day and not much activity from the wildlife or the cameras.
Phyl, I'm just a watcher and reader, but not an expert on anything about RRPs wonderful cameras, operators, and everybody else who gets things done for benefit of the eagles, other birds, chatters, and watchers like us. I have never been to Decorah. So we can both wait for someone to tell us what's going on (or not) with the new solar-powered camera. :D
About the swans, I'm waiting for ID from some expert swanner! Is that a word? ;)
Clarinda ditto from me on the photos of the short eared owl yesterday!
STL 'expert swanner'---works for me! ;)
BL my husband is a pilot, retired from corporate flying. Last employer was Mars Pet Care Inc (M & M Mars ) and what a corporated take-over story that was!
I digress...
those temps do put a shut-down on flights...even with deicers. And, we won't even talk about bird strikes. Thanks for sharing will always find aviation interesting esp. in Nature. ;)
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 28, 2022 6:55 AM
Camera Time: Dec 28, 2022 6:55 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 28, 2022 7:53 AM
Camera Time: Dec 28, 2022 7:52 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 29, 2022 2:36 PM
Camera Time: Dec 29, 2022 2:36 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 29, 2022 5:05 PM
Camera Time: Dec 29, 2022 5:04 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 30, 2022 10:15 AM
Camera Time: Dec 30, 2022 10:14 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 30, 2022 7:04 AM
Camera Time: Dec 30, 2022 7:04 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 31, 2022 9:32 AM
Camera Time: Dec 31, 2022 9:32 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway. Rough-legged Hawk eats lunch - explore.org 01-01-2023
Mississippi River Flyway. Rough-legged Hawk eats lunch - explore.org 01-01-2023
Mississippi River Flyway. One Coyote - explore.org 01-03-2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=030j0gdB6U4
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jan 8, 2023 6:50 AM
Camera Time: Jan 8, 2023 6:49 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jan 8, 2023 12:24 PM
Camera Time: Jan 8, 2023 12:24 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jan 10, 2023 3:01 PM
Camera Time: Jan 10, 2023 3:00 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jan 10, 2023 3:10 PM
Camera Time: Jan 10, 2023 3:10 PM CST
January 22, 2023, Sunday -- Bald Eagle and Red-Tailed Hawk at Eagle Valley Flyway
clarindagirl Those are nice snaps. Thanks
Jan 23, 2023 9:43 AM
Camera Time: Jan 23, 2023 9:42 AM CST
I caught this during my moring rounds in Explorer---had some fun with taking sequential snapshots
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jan 27, 2023 7:20 AM
Camera Time: Jan 27, 2023 7:20 AM CST
Jan 27, 2023 7:21 AM
Camera Time: Jan 27, 2023 7:20 AM CST
Jan 27, 2023 7:21 AM
Camera Time: Jan 27, 2023 7:21 AM CST
Jan 27, 2023 7:21 AM
Camera Time: Jan 27, 2023 7:21 AM CST
... gone!
Look very closely and you'll see the marks the eagles wings make as they flap ,cutting through the frozen air.
The wind was feriocous and almost blew the bird back to the frozen lake. It struggled and finally was airborn. :-*
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Feb 4, 2023 12:10 PM
Camera Time: Feb 4, 2023 12:09 PM CST
Pretty sunrise colors today at the Flyway.
Happy Valentine's Day to Everybirdie ;D
Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning -- Wise words that predict rain.
Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day, too!
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Feb 15, 2023 6:39 AM
Camera Time: Feb 15, 2023 6:39 AM CST
February 16, 2023,am -- Two Bald Eagles -- Eagle Valley Cam
Does Eagle Valley Flyway have it's own forum site?
February 18, 2023_Swans_Flyway
February 19, 2023 -- Coyotes -- Flyway
Clarinda, love the swans and the coyote pics. Pretty sunrise today.
Clarinda, love the swans and the coyote pics. Pretty sunrise today.
Big wow so much color.
Good sized flock of Tundra swans at the Flyway this morning.
This morning, Common Goldeneye ducks, all black & white males as seen from distance. They may return before the females, which are brown.
Bald eagles are gathering as the ice goes out. More fish, more ducks, good feeding times.
It's eagle time at the Flyway. Rewind to 10:00 this morning for oodles of eagles way out on the ice. Close up, here's a beauty of a young sub-adult.
Mallards have returned also. This flock looks like all males, dabbling until a flying eagle spooks them into flight.
Lots of eagles way out on the ice this morning, 8:30 AM or so.
And female mallards have joined the males.
Another sign of Spring -- Sandhill cranes at the Flyway this morning.
Sub-adult BEs come in so many color patterns!
About 9:30, cam ops found a pair perching close together, guessing that it could be The Coopers, the local nesting pair. They hollered at another BE that flew past.
Eagles in the cam ops views this morning. And one sandhill crane navigating the snowy grasses.
Seems that all the ice has melted from the Flyway camera range. Beautiful sunrise.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Mar 27, 2023 6:27 AM
Camera Time: Mar 27, 2023 6:27 AM CDT
Sunrise---Good morning
Another gorgeous sunrise, thanks Phyl.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Mar 28, 2023 6:31 AM
Camera Time: Mar 28, 2023 6:30 AM CDT
They sure are pretty.............this morning.........
Pelicans have returned to the camera range here at the Flyway.
A Blessed and Happy Easter...
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Apr 9, 2023 6:29 AM
Camera Time: Apr 9, 2023 6:29 AM CDT
...thank God for Nature
Phyl, thanks for the Easter greeting. And thanks to the cam ops for the views at the Flyway, and to Mother Nature for the sunrise.
All that open sky at the Flyway gives us such great sunrises!
Looks like a goose is nesting in some tall grasses. Thanks to the cam ops for finding her. Watch this spot. ;)
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Apr 15, 2023 10:52 AM
Camera Time: Apr 15, 2023 10:52 AM CDT
SgtPepper (Michelle Pepper)
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Apr 15, 2023 1:04 PM
Camera Time: Apr 15, 2023 1:03 PM CDT
Phyl, love the ducks! And flamingos are soooo entertaining to watch. They do many behaviors as a synchronized group.
Great view of a bunch of eagles perching in trees at the Flyway this afternoon.
Great view of a bunch of eagles perching in trees at the Flyway this afternoon.
Must be quite a bit of wind for eagles acrobatics today! Great picture.
April 17, 2023, Monday -- Deer and Canada Geese Pair -- Eagle Valley Cam
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Apr 18, 2023 10:41 AM
Camera Time: Apr 18, 2023 10:40 AM CDT
Some ecletic avians... ;D
April 20, 2023, Thursday, AM -- Bald Eagles -- Flyway
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Apr 22, 2023 7:16 AM
Camera Time: Apr 22, 2023 7:15 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Apr 24, 2023 10:04 AM
Camera Time: Apr 24, 2023 10:04 AM CDT
"...all by myself..."
Phyl--sorry, but.....
April 25, 2023, Tuesday, 3:17pm -- Cormorant -- Flyway
Blurry and striated but think the silhouette looks like a cormorant?
April 27, 2023, Thursday, 8:00am -- Double-crested Cormorants -- Flyway
2023 April 27, Thursday, 9:00am -- White Pelican, Cormorant -- Flyway
Great picture for size comparison, Pelican 55 to 71 inches in length; Double-crested Cormorant 27 to 35 in
Clarinda, Nice pic of these birds that tend to flock and feed together. Looks like the water level is rising and river running fast. Flooding expected here?
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Apr 27, 2023 11:21 AM
Camera Time: Apr 27, 2023 11:21 AM CDT
I don't like the looks for this snap.
Phyl, yes, the water is running high and fast today. There were cormorants on that log earlier. Not a good time to be out in a little sail boat!
Here's a pic of two small wading birds taking refuge from the high water on a sunken log. Anybody know what kind?
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Apr 28, 2023 4:24 PM
Camera Time: Apr 28, 2023 4:24 PM CDT
A sleeping muskrat settled on a log
Phyl, what a great photo of the resting muskrat! One of the eagles' favorite "guests" for dinner.
Pair of mallards this morning might have been on the same log. Water is quite high again, maybe not at the crest yet.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Apr 30, 2023 6:03 AM
Camera Time: Apr 30, 2023 6:02 AM CDT
STLbf luv your mallard's snap. I;m quite concerned about the river too.
May 1, 2023, Monday -- Eagle in Flood Waters -- Flyway
I snapped this earlier...
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 2, 2023 6:11 AM
Camera Time: May 2, 2023 6:11 AM CDT
About 8:00 this morning, a duck preening and resting on the submerged log. Not sure of ID, but perhaps a female bufflehead.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 4, 2023 6:01 PM
Camera Time: May 4, 2023 6:01 PM CDT
May 4, 2023 6:01 PM
Camera Time: May 4, 2023 6:01 PM CDT
Cam zoomed in for a closer look
STLbf maybe a Northern shoveler. I gu ess.
Hope all is well with eveyone here.
Almost the 'weekend'. ;D
Phyl, love your pics of the pelican and double crested cormorant pal (I think the black bird behind is a cormorant)
About my pic of brown and white duck -- not a Northern shoveler, see pic. They are large and have a huge bill and no white cheek patch.
More pics from AllAboutBirds of the buffleheads -- one an immature male, but would this be the season to see immature ducks at the Flyway? Buffleheads are very small ducks. I still think the one I saw is a female bufflehead.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 6, 2023 2:41 PM
Camera Time: May 6, 2023 2:40 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 6, 2023 2:42 PM
Camera Time: May 6, 2023 2:41 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 6, 2023 6:00 PM
Camera Time: May 6, 2023 5:59 PM CDT
May 5, 2023, Monday, 3:00pm -- Turtles -- Flyway
From my cam rounds today.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 10, 2023 6:18 AM
Camera Time: May 10, 2023 6:18 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 10, 2023 6:43 AM
Camera Time: May 10, 2023 6:42 AM CDT
May 10, 2023, Wednesday, 11:20am -- Pelican and Turtles -- Flyway
Great pics of pelicans and turtles on the "photo log" today.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 11, 2023 8:23 PM
Camera Time: May 11, 2023 8:22 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Camera Time: May 12, 2023 9:37 AM CDT
Phyl, aren't the mallards fun? They make me smile just to see them in all their colors and behaviors at a time when I really need some comic relief!
Turtles and eagles help improve my mood also.
STL right you are! Luv your snaps. ;)
As is my usual habit, checking on the cams and luv sharing the views
of the Flyaway by it's self.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 13, 2023 6:08 AM
Camera Time: May 13, 2023 6:08 AM CDT
And, a quick check of 'the Flyaway' for this evening...
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 13, 2023 5:18 PM
Camera Time: May 13, 2023 5:17 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 14, 2023 11:29 AM
Camera Time: May 14, 2023 11:29 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 14, 2023 12:43 PM
Camera Time: May 14, 2023 12:43 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 15, 2023 6:20 AM
Camera Time: May 15, 2023 6:20 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 15, 2023 2:24 PM
Camera Time: May 15, 2023 2:23 PM CDT
Turtles like that large "posing" log that's perfect for closeup views. Big group sunning themselves at 11:00. Later, near noon, there were two, which jumped off as a young eagle landed. Watch the rewind to see how alert the turtles are -- otherwise they could be lunch. The BE appears puzzled that lunch disappeared!
Aquatic turtles like Northern Map Turtle, the larger species we see at the Flyway, shed their scutes about once a year. The top shell grows so the scute doesn't fit anymore. Also for getting rid of parasites, and other unwanted substances. Aren't you glad you wondered?
Thanks for the snapshots and info.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Camera Time: May 16, 2023 6:43 PM CDT
May 16, 2023 8:49 PM
Camera Time: May 16, 2023 8:48 PM CDT
May 16, 2023 3:55 PM
Camera Time: May 16, 2023 3:55 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Camera Time: May 17, 2023 6:58 PM CDT
There's that moon from the Canadian fires
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 17, 2023 11:45 AM
Camera Time: May 17, 2023 11:44 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Camera Time: May 18, 2023 6:08 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 18, 2023 5:50 PM
Camera Time: May 18, 2023 5:49 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 20, 2023 6:12 AM
Camera Time: May 20, 2023 6:12 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 21, 2023 12:23 PM
Camera Time: May 21, 2023 12:22 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 21, 2023 5:16 PM
Camera Time: May 21, 2023 5:16 PM CDT
This posing log is great for closeup photos at the Flyway!
That was a great snap STL!
Thank you.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 23, 2023 5:35 PM
Camera Time: May 23, 2023 5:35 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 27, 2023 5:16 AM
Camera Time: May 27, 2023 5:15 AM CDT
Camera Time: May 27, 2023 5:49 PM CDT
Camera Time: May 27, 2023 7:34 PM CDT
The morning on The Flyaway Mississippi River...
May 29, 2023 6:25 AM
May 29, 2023 6:46 AM
Geese in the grass
I snapped this just a few from now...
May 30, 2023 6:37 AM
Camera Time: May 30, 2023 6:37 AM CDT
Pretty scenes at the Flyway this time of year.
Mississippi River Flyway this morning.
May 31, 2023 6:43 AM
STL awesome eagle . Tks
Another peek at the Mississippi River Flywaway and I found a mallard duck.
May 31, 2023 9:33 AM
Equally awesome Mallard! Here's a pic from just now, today. Such colors.
The water level is dropping noticeably.
A quick peek in on The Mississippi River Flyway today...
Jun 3, 2023 7:33 AM
Camera Time: Jun 3, 2023 7:32 AM C
Checking out the 'ol Miss Flyaway ...
Jun 3, 2023 4:11 PM
I snapped this a bit earlier.
Jun 4, 2023 6:34 AM
Camera Time: Jun 4, 2023 6:34 AM CDT
Phyl, looks like the eagle perched behind the geese is selecting breakfast!
Pretty sunrise, and several little shorebirds and a gull in closeups. Somebody else can supply the IDs.
Pretty sunrise, and several little shorebirds and a gull in closeups. Somebody else can supply the IDs.
Best I can do is Ring-billed Gull; not good at sandpiper id.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jun 6, 2023 6:21 AM
Camera Time: Jun 6, 2023 6:21 AM CDT
Pretty sunrise, and several little shorebirds and a gull in closeups. Somebody else can supply the IDs.
Best I can do is Ring-billed Gull; not good at sandpiper id.
STL, This could be a Herring Gull .
Linda...How are you?
Linda...How are you?
Atlas and I are well Phyl, thanks for asking! Just too busy for my preference - trying to finish up cardiac rehab and should be done this month. Also soggy - we've had so much rain in May we're at the amount of precipitation we usually don't have until October. I'd love some sun. Many thanks for all the screenshots you post.
Linda...How are you?
Atlas and I are well Phyl, thanks for asking! Just too busy for my preference - trying to finish up cardiac rehab and should be done this month. Also soggy - we've had so much rain in May we're at the amount of precipitation we usually don't have until October. I'd love some sun. Many thanks for all the screenshots you post.
{{{ Linda}}}
Glad to hear you're wrapping up cardic rehab. And it 's just business. Pets to Atlas. You can send your rain down my way. Okay? ;)
I just snapped t his and glad I did. So nice to see the ducks.
Camera Time: Jun 9, 2023 11:51 AM CDT
Jun 10, 2023 7:33 AM
Jun 18, 2023 8:46 PM
Camera Time: Jun 18, 2023 8:45 PM CDT
Yesterday morning, I found the Flyaway...
looking good. ;)
Jun 19, 2023 12:08 PM
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jun 19, 2023 5:19 PM
Camera Time: Jun 19, 2023 5:19 PM CDT
I just looked in on 'The Flyaway' this morning.
Jun 20, 2023 6:27 AM
Camera Time: Jun 20, 2023 6:27 AM CDT
So pretty.
Betcha the brassy sunrises are from Canadian wildfire smoke.
Really beautiful reflection of clouds in the water this morning.
Mallard ducklings on view this morning. Soon there should be sandhill crane colts!
June 28, 2023, Wednesday, 8:08am -- Sandhill Cranes -- Flyway
Gentle morning sounds of water and red winged blackbirds, sandhill cranes feeding.
Nice, Clarinda, very pastoral.
June 29, 2023, 9:20am, Thursday -- Sandhill Cranes -- Flyway
June 29, 2003 9:45am, Thursday -- Gull -- Flyway
Gull stomping up and down in mud to scare up prey. Called "foot paddling"
Love the sandhill cranes! Have you seen any babies yet?
Checking the rewind, had to show the green-winged teal, two males resting on the mud flats about 2:00 this afternoon. Smallest of the North American dabbling ducks.
Checking the rewind, had to show the green-winged teal, two males resting on the mud flats about 2:00 this afternoon. Smallest of the North American dabbling ducks.
So great to see!
Green-Winged Teal - 2 more shots. Aren't they gorgeous!
Clarinda, yes, the green-winged teal are really gorgeous, almost as colorful as wood ducks.
June 30, 2023, Friday -- Sandhill Crane -- Flyway
Cranes preen feathers with river mud, changing gray feathers to orange.
Sandhill cranes today.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jun 21, 2023 6:19 AM
Camera Time: Jun 21, 2023 6:19 AM CDT
I had snapped these some time ago and got busy with other things.
And, didn't post as timely as I should. Sorry.
Great looking snaps y'all.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jun 24, 2023 6:56 AM
Camera Time: Jun 24, 2023 6:55 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jun 24, 2023 11:12 AM
Camera Time: Jun 24, 2023 11:11 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jun 27, 2023 6:06 AM
Camera Time: Jun 27, 2023 6:06 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 1, 2023 4:42 PM
Camera Time: Jul 1, 2023 4:41 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 2, 2023 6:27 AM
Camera Time: Jul 2, 2023 6:27 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 4, 2023 11:49 AM
Camera Time: Jul 4, 2023 11:49 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 5, 2023 7:48 PM
Camera Time: Jul 5, 2023 7:48 PM CDT
BE posing just before sunset today. Thanks to the cam ops!
Lovely bald eagle you have there STL.
I managed to catch this sunrise over the ol' Mississippi River Flyway
Jul 7, 2023 6:27 AM
Camera Time: Jul 7, 2023 6:27 AM CDT
Lovely sunrise pic, Phyl. There's so much open area here, the pics can be really amazing.
GHO before daylight, colorful sunrise, and a great day for good pics. Thanks cam ops! ;D
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 16, 2023 6:18 AM
Camera Time: Jul 16, 2023 6:18 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 16, 2023 4:30 PM
Camera Time: Jul 16, 2023 4:29 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 16, 2023 8:21 PM
Camera Time: Jul 16, 2023 8:20 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 18, 2023 6:23 AM
Camera Time: Jul 18, 2023 6:23 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 18, 2023 6:28 AM
Camera Time: Jul 18, 2023 6:28 AM CDT
Jul 18, 2023 6:37 AM
Camera Time: Jul 18, 2023 6:37 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 18, 2023 6:54 AM
Camera Time: Jul 18, 2023 6:53 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 19, 2023 6:28 AM
Camera Time: Jul 19, 2023 6:27 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway. Eagle walks in water with a big fish in talon - explore.org 07-18-2023
Sub-Adult BE with a really big fish, moving it from land to log then flying away from competition, all about 11:00 this morning.
Great Photo Captures -- Here's Another
July 21, 2023, Friday -- Great White Egret -- Flyway
Clarinda, here's another Great egret pic. Look at those huge feet!
Beautiful morning at the Flyway, great views of wildflowers in bloom -- lotus (yellow, large leaves) and maybe ironweed (tall, bright magenta). Also closeups of the waterfowl -- great egret, great blue heron, mallards.
Bird pics. Guess some of the cam ops are not attending ATF -- we watchers appreciate everything you do to bring us these great views! ;D
July 24, 2023, am -- Flyway Beauty
Bird pics. Guess some of the cam ops are not attending ATF -- we watchers appreciate everything you do to bring us these great views! ;D
Great captures STLbf, and yes we do appreciate the hours these cam ops spend bringing us a window on the Flyway!
Large flocks of waterbirds at the Flyway this week. It's also very flowery now with lotus (yellow, large, similar to water lily) and blazing star (bright pink) in bloom.
Jul 19, 2023 7:18 PM
Camera Time: Jul 19, 2023 7:17 PM CDT
Jul 19, 2023 7:29 PM
Camera Time: Jul 19, 2023 7:28 PM CDT
Jul 20, 2023 7:36 AM
Camera Time: Jul 20, 2023 7:36 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 20, 2023 11:12 AM
Camera Time: Jul 20, 2023 11:11 AM CDT
Lilamae6 ohi
Jul 20, 2023 1:41 PM
Camera Time: Jul 20, 2023 1:40 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 20, 2023 7:35 PM
Camera Time: Jul 20, 2023 7:35 PM CDT
Jul 20, 2023 8:28 PM
Camera Time: Jul 20, 2023 8:28 PM CDT
Jul 20, 2023 9:20 PM
Camera Time: Jul 20, 2023 9:19 PM CDT
Jul 21, 2023 1:46 PM
Camera Time: Jul 21, 2023 1:45 PM CDT
ul 21, 2023 3:36 PM
Camera Time: Jul 21, 2023 3:33 PM CDT
Jul 21, 2023 6:10 PM
Camera Time: Jul 21, 2023 6:10 PM CDT
Jul 21, 2023 6:10 PM
Camera Time: Jul 21, 2023 6:10 PM CDT
Jul 21, 2023 8:38 PM
Camera Time: Jul 21, 2023 8:38 PM CDT
Jul 22, 2023 6:47 AM
Camera Time: Jul 22, 2023 6:46 AM CDT
CamOp Spish
Jul 22, 2023 7:27 AM
Camera Time: Jul 22, 2023 7:26 AM CDT
Jul 22, 2023 8:46 AM
Camera Time: Jul 22, 2023 8:35 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 22, 2023 9:49 AM
Camera Time: Jul 22, 2023 9:48 AM CDT
Lilamae6 ohio
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 22, 2023 2:17 PM
Camera Time: Jul 22, 2023 2:16 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 22, 2023 2:17 PM
Camera Time: Jul 22, 2023 2:16 PM CDT
Jul 22, 2023 8:52 PM
Camera Time: Jul 22, 2023 8:52 PM CDT
Jul 23, 2023 3:18 AM
Camera Time: Jul 23, 2023 3:17 AM CDT
Jul 23, 2023 7:14 AM
Camera Time: Jul 23, 2023 7:13 AM CDT
CamOp Dawn
Jul 23, 2023 8:59 AM
Camera Time: Jul 23, 2023 8:58 AM CDT
CamOp Sophie
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 24, 2023 10:09 AM
Camera Time: Jul 24, 2023 10:08 AM CDT
Jul 24, 2023 1:19 PM
Camera Time: Jul 24, 2023 1:18 PM CDT
Jul 24, 2023 8:48 PM
Camera Time: Jul 24, 2023 8:48 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 25, 2023 7:11 AM
Camera Time: Jul 25, 2023 7:10 AM CDT
CamOp Sophie
Jul 25, 2023 4:50 PM
Camera Time: Jul 25, 2023 4:49 PM CDT
Jul 25, 2023 8:24 PM
Camera Time: Jul 25, 2023 8:24 PM CDT
Phyl, you have been posting some really beautiful pics from the Flyway earlier this week!!
Camera seems to be down yesterday and today.
Last day of July, and camera is back up. Might be a whole new camera; the quality is very crisp and clear.
What's the ID for the flock of birds in the pic? More than one species?
STL- your bottom snap could be house sparrows. The top, too small for me to make out.
Most of what I post are snaps from other watchers. I just hate that some posted so large.
Glad you enjoy.
Last day of July, and camera is back up. Might be a whole new camera; the quality is very crisp and clear.
What's the ID for the flock of birds in the pic? More than one species?
STL -- I think the birds with white fronts in your pic look like swallows of some kind. Just a thought.
Ginger, I was also thinking swallows from the way they were flying in and out. No closeups enough to Identify them more precisely.
Cam ops finding larger birds this morning. And a beautiful full moon setting. Weather folks where I live called it a Super Moon because it is "close" to Earth in its orbit, one of two full moons this month, the second is called a Blue Moon.
Cam ops showing amazing closeups of great egret and great blue heron this morning. That "posing log" is the perfect place, and the birds are really cooperative today. Bonus bird -- female red-winged blackbird. Note the pale shade of pinkish red on her shoulders. This post, great egret. Next post, great blue heron.
GBH closeups.
I'm working on ID for the flocks of swallows at the Flyway at this time of year. Today, I think they may be tree swallows. The females are dark on the back and white belly, and the males have dark and shiny blue feathers with the white, juvies similar to females according to AllAboutBirds. What do you-all think?
FYI, the two juvenile turkey vultures at Marshall, MO, fledged early this afternoon. Check the Forum for pics, and watch on the rewind.
Raptor Resource Project's Cam Life 2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUlJdWrSII4
Aug 6, 2023
What a season 2023 was! We cheered HM, HD, and DH2; celebrated and mourned at Great Spirit Bluff; crossed our fingers for the Decorah North eagles (if one eagle could have incubated an egg all by himself, Mr. North would have done it); and were enthralled by the beautiful birds, turtles, flowers, frogs, and sunrises and sunsets on the Flyway. But the end of the summer is almost here and we need to take our usual fall break for cam maintenance and replacement!
We'll be shutting the Decorah and Decorah north cams down at 5:00 pm CDT on Wednesday, August 16. Come join us for a last 2023 chat on the Decorah nest from from 3 pm to 5 pm nest time (https://www.raptorresource.org/birdca...) and mark your calendars for Saturday, October 14th - the day we turn both cameras back on!
Between now and the 16th, we'll be taking a few strolls down memory lane, thanking some contributors, and sharing fan art and videos. This video was created by Marilyn Mitchell. If you have videos, images, or art celebrating the Decorah Eagles, Decorah North Eagles, GSB Falcons, or the Flyway, please send it my way!
T40, good to have the dates for cameras off and back on at Decorah and Decorah North. Correct that the Flyway camera stays on all year?
Today between about 10:00 and 11:00 a group of sandhill cranes posed for closeup pics for the cam ops. Thanks to all. :D ;)
More closeups of sandhill cranes. They are larger than great blue herons and great egrets. Heavier bodies, taller, bigger wingspan.
In 2022, there were sandhill cranes with their babies, called colts, in June. This year I did not see any, but might have just missed them on the rewinds, pics, and videos. Anybody know if there were colts on camera in 2023? Are sandhill numbers up or down at the Flyway?
Great egret resting one-legged; wish I could stand on one leg that long!
Somebody could make a great "I Spy" game from Flyway closeups this time of year!!
Chatroll at the Decorah Eagles Nest, Decorah North Nest, and the Mississippi River Flyway site is not working correctly. RRP has been notified. Thanks for your patience till it gets back to normal. The cams are still all working fine.
Wood duck on view at about 11:00 this morning, perched on a dead branch, preening, napping. Note the red eye and red bill, and muted feather markings. AllAboutBirds says this is an "eclipse" male, typical in late summer, nonbreeding time. Watch and learn!
Red in the morning, sailors take warning -- will it rain or storm later today?
oooh, oooh, look what the cam ops found at the posing log around noon today -- a banded juvenile peregrine!!
Not from GSB, but still it's a find. Could be one of the others banded by RRP. Someone will be able to look it up.
Banded left, black over blue, H-52.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 2, 2023 6:42 AM
Camera Time: Aug 2, 2023 6:42 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 4, 2023 6:11 AM
Camera Time: Aug 4, 2023 6:11 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 4, 2023 7:32 AM
Camera Time: Aug 4, 2023 7:31 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 4, 2023 2:00 PM
Camera Time: Aug 4, 2023 1:59 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 5, 2023 6:04 AM
Camera Time: Aug 5, 2023 6:04 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 7, 2023 12:10 PM
Camera Time: Aug 7, 2023 12:09 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 7, 2023 12:11 PM
Camera Time: Aug 7, 2023 12:11 PM CDT
Decorah Eagles
Aug 9, 2023 6:40 AM
Camera Time: Aug 9, 2023 6:39 AM CDT
[img width=800 height=450]https://files.explore.org/sn/1970/11/25/20230809T113949_8073086.ts.jpg[/img/
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 11, 2023 6:05 AM
Camera Time: Aug 11, 2023 6:04 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 11, 2023 3:26 PM
Camera Time: Aug 11, 2023 3:26 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 11, 2023 5:40 PM
Camera Time: Aug 11, 2023 5:39 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 12, 2023 6:33 AM
Camera Time: Aug 12, 2023 6:33 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 12, 2023 3:59 PM
Camera Time: Aug 12, 2023 3:59 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 12, 2023 4:10 PM
Camera Time: Aug 12, 2023 4:10 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 15, 2023 6:47 AM
Camera Time: Aug 15, 2023 6:47 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 15, 2023 9:39 AM
Camera Time: Aug 15, 2023 9:38 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 15, 2023 9:58 AM
Camera Time: Aug 15, 2023 9:58 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 16, 2023 9:20 AM
Camera Time: Aug 16, 2023 9:19 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 17, 2023 6:40 AM
Camera Time: Aug 17, 2023 6:40 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 16, 2023 4:30 PM
Camera Time: Jul 16, 2023 4:29 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 17, 2023 7:21 PM
Camera Time: Jul 17, 2023 7:20 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 18, 2023 6:28 AM
Camera Time: Jul 18, 2023 6:28 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 18, 2023 6:54 AM
Camera Time: Jul 18, 2023 6:53 AM CDT
What a rare treat!!!
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 31, 2023 2:42 PM
Camera Time: Jul 31, 2023 2:41 PM CDT
Phyl, great pics from the Flyway. Are the dates all accurate?
STL- Well, yes...to best of my knowledge. I do know I got the chronological order off when posting. :-[
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 4, 2023 6:11 AM
Camera Time: Aug 4, 2023 6:11 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 4, 2023 7:32 AM
Camera Time: Aug 4, 2023 7:31 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 5, 2023 6:04 AM
Camera Time: Aug 5, 2023 6:04 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 7, 2023 12:10 PM
Camera Time: Aug 7, 2023 12:09 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 7, 2023 12:11 PM
Camera Time: Aug 7, 2023 12:11 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 11, 2023 6:05 AM
Camera Time: Aug 11, 2023 6:04 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 11, 2023 3:26 PM
Camera Time: Aug 11, 2023 3:26 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 11, 2023 5:40 PM
Camera Time: Aug 11, 2023 5:39 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 12, 2023 6:33 AM
Camera Time: Aug 12, 2023 6:33 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 15, 2023 6:47 AM
Camera Time: Aug 15, 2023 6:47 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 16, 2023 9:20 AM
Camera Time: Aug 16, 2023 9:19 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 19, 2023 8:24 PM
Camera Time: Aug 19, 2023 8:24 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 21, 2023 6:52 AM
Camera Time: Aug 21, 2023 6:51 AM CDT
Now, all caught up for a while.
Good morning! Is good to be back at the Flyway as summer wanes and heads us into autumn before too long (have been quietly perching). Am especially enjoying the early mornings, but miss active chatting time for help with identifications. Nevertheless, I have identified a marsh bird, of which I had been unaware before today :) My trusty Kaufman bird book helped me figure out (not necessarily quickly) that I was viewing a member of the "Rail" (Rallidae) family, "Porzana carolina", aka "Sora". Also did not know that Green Heron and Least Bittern are also members of Rallidae family. Photo attached of "Sora" (I hope...) Hope everyone is successful at finding a cool space in which to linger during today's high heat and humidity (feels like Florida in summer to me, and TG we don't have their large cockroaches running about).
Love the Sora pic! Smallish water birds are hard to ID, but you got this one right. Years ago when my area had loads of rain and flooding of the wetlands, a sora visited my backyard for a few days. There was enough area that wasn't covered by water for the bird to pick at insects along the edge of the garden. That was my first and only encounter with soras in the "wild." Beautiful and fun to watch them.
STLbf - Well, now I'm feeling a bit proud of myself. Thank you for the confirmation of a Sora and your wonderful story of a somewhat rare sighting yourself. Could only have figured out this bird ID on the Flyway cam, that's for sure ;) Yes, they are pretty birds. Love the tail motions, which were actually what caught my attention.
Sunday morning, typical closeups of GBHs and Great Egret hunting in the shallows. About 9:00 and for about 2 hours, a juvenile bald eagle from this year's hatching was perching, bathing, preening on and near the posing log. It's too much to hope that it is DH2 because they all look so similar, but still . . . :D
Here's a new bird to add to my life list, but what is it? Small flock, all look the same to me, dark brown on top, with golden yellowish on the face and underparts. Perhaps Yellow-headed blackbirds? See on the rewind today at noon.
Yes STL, those are yellow headed blackbirds. Nice find, thanks for the photos.
Linda, I appreciate the confirmation of Yellow headed blackbirds.
Today there's a video posted on the chatroom from yesterdays sighting. Also, they were back feeding on the posing log again today. Ooops, forgot to note the time.
Sadly, the yellow-headed blackbird is a much rarer sighting these days. That was one of my first entries in my birdwatching book when I was in elementary school back in the mid-50's.
But what I miss most these days is the meadowlark, whose song is one of the prettiest I ever heard. Big Ag, mono-cultures, and insecticides are the main cause for most of the problems with species intervention. In Iowa, corn is King, but unfortunately it's main source of revenue is now bio-fuel instead of food. And hog confinements are a major source of pollution in our streams, rivers, and lakes.
Deniers of all these problems are currently in charge of Iowa government. But I have Hope.
eburg, thanks for the update on yellow headed blackbird status in Iowa. In Missouri, it's here only as a migrator in the northwest corner of the state, and not abundant even then.
Closeups this morning.
Juvenile American golden plover on the posing log, Sora in the shallows, Sub-adult bald eagle feeding
STL--haven't seen an id on your bird, but thanks for posting on GSB cliff cam....finally "live" again. :)
When the Highlights are runnin', I pretty much only have the Flyway for sound and viewing.
All day I keep hearin' that ol' Byrds tune in my head...."Tern, Tern, Tern"! ;) :)
Thanks for the musical note, eburg! Now I will be humming the same song as you. 8)
Flyway chat mod posted a video and ID of mystery bird, a juvenile American golden plover.
Eagles watching the passing parade of sandhill cranes, geese, pelicans, cormorants, mallards, on and on.
Three juvie BEs on the posing log this morning. One has something in its talon, cannot tell what. Follow on the rewind for action.
So sorry and so late posting these snaps I took some time ago.
I hope y'all don't mind too much.
Aug 22, 2023 7:02 AM
Camera Time: Aug 22, 2023 7:02 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 22, 2023 4:05 PM
Camera Time: Aug 22, 2023 4:05 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 23, 2023 6:06 AM
Camera Time: Aug 23, 2023 6:06 AM CDT
'Good Morning!"
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 23, 2023 6:32 AM
Camera Time: Aug 23, 2023 6:31 AM CDT
A bit later...same morning.
Aug 25, 2023 6:25 AM
Camera Time: Aug 25, 2023 6:25 AM CDT
A different 'sunrise' this morning.
Aug 28, 2023 10:17 AM
Camera Time: Aug 28, 2023 10:16 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 29, 2023 5:12 PM
Camera Time: Aug 29, 2023 5:11 PM CDT
Aug 29, 2023 7:14 PM
Camera Time: Aug 29, 2023 6:15 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 29, 2023 7:15 PM
Camera Time: Aug 29, 2023 7:14 PM CDT
Aug 31, 2023 6:17 AM
Camera Time: Aug 31, 2023 6:16 AM CDT
I love watching and seeing the sunrises and sunsets here and all around the world.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Aug 31, 2023 6:55 AM
Camera Time: Aug 31, 2023 6:54 AM CDT
Aug 31, 2023 2:18 PM
Camera Time: Aug 31, 2023 2:18 PM CDT
I usually take time to 'ID' the fauna. But, pressed for some time today. When am I not? ::)
Sep 14, 2023 7:05 AM
Camera Time: Sep 14, 2023 7:05 AM CDT
Sep 14, 2023 7:07 AM
Camera Time: Sep 14, 2023 7:07 AM CDT
Sep 15, 2023 6:54 AM
Camera Time: Sep 15, 2023 6:54 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 17, 2023 5:52 PM
Camera Time: Sep 17, 2023 5:52 PM CDT
Birchwoman (Me)
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 18, 2023 6:57 AM
Camera Time: Sep 18, 2023 6:57 AM CDT
Another 'fab' sunrise.
Sep 19, 2023 8:23 AM
Camera Time: Sep 19, 2023 8:22 AM CDT
Colorful sunrise today. So many birds in the area waiting for the migration signal, whatever that is!
Eagles and sandhill cranes, two of my favorites.
Many great views and videos of the busy, busy Flyway scenes on the Chat recently. You don't have to belong to the chat or sign in to watch the videos. Just click and it goes to the YouTube player. Betcha y'all knew that already! :)
Sub-adult BE closeups this morning. I'd say it is a 4-year-old. Pic from the posing log. Earlier views also but no pics.
Rewind the video to about 7:30 this morning and watch the bald eagles of various ages on the posing log, and before that in the shallow water. Great practice for when the Decorah cameras start up next Saturday. ;)
To add the wonderful post already here...
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 27, 2023 5:10 PM
Camera Time: Sep 27, 2023 5:09 PM CDT
Just luv this inflight capture...
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 26, 2023 7:07 PM
Camera Time: Sep 26, 2023 7:06 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 27, 2023 10:18 AM
Camera Time: Sep 27, 2023 10:16 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 27, 2023 6:09 PM
Camera Time: Sep 27, 2023 6:09 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 27, 2023 6:48 PM
Camera Time: Sep 27, 2023 6:47 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 28, 2023 7:45 AM
Camera Time: Sep 28, 2023 7:45 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 28, 2023 10:54 AM
Camera Time: Sep 28, 2023 10:54 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 28, 2023 6:27 PM
Camera Time: Sep 28, 2023 6:27 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 28, 2023 7:19 PM
Camera Time: Sep 28, 2023 7:18 PM CDT
The Eclipse
Missississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 28, 2023 7:25 PM
Camera Time: Sep 28, 2023 7:24 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 28, 2023 7:26 PM
Camera Time: Sep 28, 2023 7:25 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 28, 2023 7:27 PM
Camera Time: Sep 28, 2023 7:25 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 29, 2023 9:14 AM
Camera Time: Sep 29, 2023 9:13 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 29, 2023 2:16 PM
Camera Time: Sep 29, 2023 2:15 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 29, 2023 6:53 PM
Camera Time: Sep 29, 2023 6:52 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 30, 2023 6:57 AM
Camera Time: Sep 30, 2023 6:55 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 30, 2023 7:20 AM
Camera Time: Sep 30, 2023 7:20 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Sep 30, 2023 6:55 PM
Camera Time: Sep 30, 2023 6:55 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 1, 2023 7:26 AM
Camera Time: Oct 1, 2023 7:25 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 1, 2023 3:56 PM
Camera Time: Oct 1, 2023 3:56 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 2, 2023 7:12 AM
Camera Time: Oct 2, 2023 7:12 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 2, 2023 11:12 AM
Camera Time: Oct 2, 2023 11:11 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 2, 2023 6:56 PM
Camera Time: Oct 2, 2023 6:55 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 3, 2023 7:22 AM
Camera Time: Oct 3, 2023 7:22 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 3, 2023 1:42 PM
Camera Time: Oct 3, 2023 1:41 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 3, 2023 6:32 PM
Camera Time: Oct 3, 2023 6:32 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 4, 2023 6:37 AM
Camera Time: Oct 4, 2023 6:36 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 4, 2023 10:38 AM
Camera Time: Oct 4, 2023 10:38 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 4, 2023 3:12 PM
Camera Time: Oct 4, 2023 3:10 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 4, 2023 6:42 PM
Camera Time: Oct 4, 2023 6:41 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 5, 2023 8:12 AM
Camera Time: Oct 5, 2023 7:51 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 5, 2023 12:04 PM
Camera Time: Oct 5, 2023 12:04 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 5, 2023 6:36 PM
Camera Time: Oct 5, 2023 6:36 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 6, 2023 7:17 AM
Camera Time: Oct 6, 2023 7:17 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 6, 2023 11:43 AM
Camera Time: Oct 6, 2023 11:43 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 6, 2023 6:48 PM
Camera Time: Oct 6, 2023 6:35 PM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 7, 2023 7:51 AM
Camera Time: Oct 7, 2023 7:51 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 7, 2023 9:51 AM
Camera Time: Oct 7, 2023 9:49 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 8, 2023 7:05 AM
Camera Time: Oct 8, 2023 7:04 AM CDT
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 8, 2023 8:12 AM
Camera Time: Oct 8, 2023 8:11 AM CDT
Thank you for allowing me to post snap shots of Miss Flyaway Cam here.
I especially love taking sunset and sunrise snaps of the Miss. Flyaway.
These are just so lovely and inspiring...simply can't resist them!
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 8, 2023 6:17 PM
Camera Time: Oct 8, 2023 6:17 PM CDT
I snapped this not too long ago. I hope y'all like it.
Phyl, love your pics of Flyway sunrises and sunsets, too. And the geese and the eagle taking off or landing -- really special.
Six juvie BEs on the posing log at about 10:00 this morning. Joy to see them and know their numbers are increasing.
It sure is ---very nice. Tks.
I snapped a set earlier this AM
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Oct 10, 2023 1:31 PM
Camera Time: Oct 10, 2023 1:31 PM CDT
I just snapped this...
Eagles in groups these days, just sitting around, posing for closeups. Cam ops doing a great job as always!
For comparing ages of eagles, here's a chart of age progression shown through feather colors, beaks, and eyes.
Many thanks STL. A refresher is always nice.
Gathering times for the eagles at the Flyway. Seven in the pic, and 8 on the rewind at about the same time.
Rewind to about 8:00 this morning to watch a sub-adult BE playing see-saw with a piece of the posing log. Funny.
Oh STL tha would be so funny to watch. Sometimes, BEs do the funniest things.
Tks for the snapshot of it.
Phyl, do you not have access to the rewind feature for the RRP cams?
Just in case, and tips for newbies to the Forum, there's a red line across the bottom of the live feed. You can click and slide it back and forth to see what happened earlier, within the past 12 hours. Same for all of the live streams. Of course, the larger your screen, the more detail you can see.
RRP also has a stash of videos listed under the live feed for all of the camera sites.
STL Thanks... in the past doing 'captures' with red line rewind has never worked for me. I avoid the frustration. :)
Hot pink sky at dawn; several eagles waiting for something to come along.
Lovely snaps STL ;)
Extreme Eagle Taunting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpUSf9TwGsE
Mississippi River Flyway. Eagle hunting. Cool hovering, but no catch - explore.org 10-22-2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGJbcykWbZo
Sandhill cranes taunting an eagle -- priceless!
Eagle hovering and hunting -- great shot of ducks taking off in formation.
T40, Thanks for the smiles. :D
These are great---so funny.
Love the sandhills vs. eagle.
On rewind....which one of the sandhills knocked the eagles MAGA hat off? ;) :)
LOLOL eburg! ;D
Eagles congregating at the posing log this morning. On rewind, a few coots visible nearby.
Bald Eagle and Sandhill Cranes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgrl42NaS10
BEs love that posing log, and so do us watchers!
The Flyway cam is back live as of about 9:30 this morning (Sunday).
Eagles, eagles, eagles today.
Not a very HAPPY HALLOWEEN at the Flyway, unless you are fond of snowy weather.
Many sandhill cranes and pelicans still around at the Flyway today.
Quiet water this morning, great for reflections of birds and more.
Also, sounds like duck season for hunters. Yes?
Intense color at sunrise/dawn today.
The posing log is an eagle SPA this afternoon, with a large group of all ages gathered. What I first thought was 2 sub-adults bathing next to each other might have been the result of a fight, and one seemed kind of attached to the other when they tried to separate. Could be talons embedded or caught in fish line, or something else. After a short while, they did get separated, and after some flapping of wings were able to fly back to the log and the grassy area nearby. Hope this gets on the video! Also hope no serious injuries to these two.
STL Thanks for the snaps and update.
Have a Good Evening and SEDs.
I stopped by the Mississippi River Flyway Cam and found this...
Nov 6, 2023 7:14 AM
Camera Time: Nov 6, 2023 7:14 AM CST
Daylight, and a large group of eagles is hanging around with something in the shallow water that they are picking at. No food fights because they aren't really hungry. For great looks, see the rewind.
(Spectacular video!)
Mississippi River Flyway. Eagles on the fallen tree - explore.org 11-08-2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00JO2N6e8-A
I caught this convocation at the Mississippi River Flyway yesterday morning
Nov 10, 2023 9:18 AM
Camera Time: Nov 10, 2023 9:18 AM CST
Phyl, great pic of the eagles on the fallen log (I call it the posing log). The cam ops have perfect views at this location!
Here's a pair that could be the Coopers, the resident pair at the Flyway, late this afternoon, proclaiming their territory, or just chattering to the wind.
I snapped this earller at Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 10, 2023 4:14 PM
Camera Time: Nov 10, 2023 4:13 PM CST
This will go perfectly with your other eagle snaps
Eagles gathered on the posing log late on Sunday morning.
Great videos surely will be available from the Flyway activities today! One already at the chat room of an eagle bringing grasses to the camera pole early this morning. On the rewind you can watch a group of eagles bathing together, all in a row [see pic], then there's a sweet scene of eagles and sandhill cranes in a mixed parade [see other pic]. Thanks to the cam ops for their diligence and great results! ;D
Mississippi River Flyway. Eagle puts grass above and to the side of camera - explore.org 11-13-2023
Mississippi River Flyway. Jupiter and moons - explore.org 11-12-2023
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 9, 2023 6:43 AM
Camera Time: Nov 9, 2023 6:43 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 12, 2023 6:29 AM
Camera Time: Nov 12, 2023 6:28 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 9, 2023 12:03 PM
Camera Time: Nov 9, 2023 12:02 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 9, 2023 12:01 PM
Camera Time: Nov 9, 2023 12:01 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 9, 2023 11:41 AM
Camera Time: Nov 9, 2023 11:40 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 10, 2023 10:43 AM
Camera Time: Nov 10, 2023 10:42 AM CST
Lesser Flamingos at Kamfers Dam
Nov 10, 2023 9:01 PM
Camera Time: Nov 11, 2023 5:01 AM SAST
A quick stop at the Mississippi River Flyway ...
Nov 14, 2023 6:18 AM
Camera Time: Nov 14, 2023 6:18 AM CST
Phyl, these sunrises at the Flyway just get better and better!
Mississippi River Flyway. Geese, Ducks and a snag full of Eagles - explore.org 11-15-2023
If you like the sounds of the sandhill cranes, turn on the rewind to 3:00 this afternoon! There's a big chorus performing.
And a few more pics.
Nov 20, 2023 3:59 PM
Camera Time: Nov 20, 2023 3:58 PM CST
Nov 21, 2023 6:43 AM
Camera Time: Nov 21, 2023 6:42 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 21, 2023 6:47 AM
Camera Time: Nov 21, 2023 6:46 AM CST
Nov 21, 2023 7:27 AM
Camera Time: Nov 21, 2023 7:27 AM CST
Nov 21, 2023 8:42 AM
Camera Time: Nov 21, 2023 8:42 AM CST
Bald Eagle Spa Day - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kwsjkGDDE8
Mississippi River Flyway. Eagles with reflection - explore.org 11-18-2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXx5LH6B1mY
Happy Thanksgiving Everybirdie
RRP is the best to be thankful for in my book! When things get tense and sad and difficult, watching the birds and other creatures that the camera operators find just helps me settle and enjoy life.
Happy Thanksgiving Everybirdie !
Happy Thanksgiving to you also STLbf.
I'm thankful for all of your pics and posts on these RRP forum threads. 8)
RRP is the best to be thankful for in my book! When things get tense and sad and difficult, watching the birds and other creatures that the camera operators find just helps me settle and enjoy life.
I completely concur STL. :)
Good Morning Everyone. And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Thanksgiving Day begins on the Mississippi River Flyway
Nov 23, 2023 7:07 AM
Camera Time: Nov 23, 2023 7:07 AM CST
Birchwoman ;)
Found some nice snaps of the Mississippi River Flyway Cam
this morning
Nov 24, 2023 8:58 AM
Camera Time: Nov 24, 2023 8:57 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 24, 2023 7:31 AM
Camera Time: Nov 24, 2023 7:31 AM CST
I found another good action snap at Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 24, 2023 7:57 AM
Camera Time: Nov 24, 2023 7:56 AM CST
And, one more
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 24, 2023 7:43 AM
Camera Time: Nov 24, 2023 7:42 AM CST
Phyl, thanks for the snaps of the Flyway this morning!
Here's one more, mostly eagles with a couple feeding ducks and several sandhill cranes. It's also below freezing temperature so a little ice is beginning to form on the edges.
STL- this is a great snap! I really like it. Thanks.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 25, 2023 2:10 PM
Camera Time: Nov 25, 2023 1:54 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 25, 2023 2:19 PM
Camera Time: Nov 25, 2023 2:19 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 25, 2023 2:49 PM
Camera Time: Nov 25, 2023 2:49 PM CST
One can never see too many eagles!
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 25, 2023 3:31 PM
Camera Time: Nov 25, 2023 3:31 PM CST
Lovely swans.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 25, 2023 4:19 PM
Camera Time: Nov 25, 2023 4:18 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 25, 2023 4:39 PM
Camera Time: Nov 25, 2023 4:37 PM CST
Swans and Canada geese
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 25, 2023 5:13 PM
Camera Time: Nov 25, 2023 5:12 PM CST
Phyl, great pics from the Flyway. The closeup of swans is really beautiful. Look again at the pic of swans with "ducks" and you'll see that they are Canada geese instead of ducks. Makes us realize how large these swans are.
Thanks STL.
I had my wires crossed. :o
Snowy, windy, icky day for the end of November. Couple pics.
Great snaps. STL
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 27, 2023 9:14 AM
Camera Time: Nov 27, 2023 9:13 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 27, 2023 10:01 AM
Camera Time: Nov 27, 2023 10:01 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 27, 2023 11:06 AM
Camera Time: Nov 27, 2023 11:03 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 27, 2023 11:24 AM
Camera Time: Nov 27, 2023 11:23 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 27, 2023 11:26 AM
Camera Time: Nov 27, 2023 11:26 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 27, 2023 11:32 AM
Camera Time: Nov 27, 2023 11:31 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Nov 27, 2023 11:49 AM
Camera Time: Nov 27, 2023 11:49 AM CST
Phyl, great pics of the sandhill cranes and the eagle eating something this morning! On rewind, the prey looked like a duck to me.
We're seeing large gatherings of eagles here at the Flyway and at GSB during recent days. But where do they all roost at night? Can the intrepid camera operators and expert watchers provide a "Show and Tell?"
Cold, wet at the Flyway this morning. Betcha the migratory birds wish they had headed south yesterday!
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 6, 2023 3:04 PM
Camera Time: Dec 6, 2023 3:04 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 6, 2023 3:07 PM
Camera Time: Dec 6, 2023 3:07 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 6, 2023 3:07 PM
Camera Time: Dec 6, 2023 3:07 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 7, 2023 9:19 AM
Camera Time: Dec 7, 2023 9:18 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 7, 2023 9:28 AM
Camera Time: Dec 7, 2023 9:27 AM CST
Maybe Sandhill crane .
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 7, 2023 11:57 AM
Camera Time: Dec 7, 2023 11:57 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 7, 2023 12:05 PM
Camera Time: Dec 7, 2023 12:04 PM CST
More cranes...
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 7, 2023 12:26 PM
Camera Time: Dec 7, 2023 12:26 PM CST
One can never see too many eagles! Regardless of breed or age. ;)
Dec 7, 2023 12:36 PM
Camera Time: Dec 7, 2023 12:36 PM CST
Phyl, thanks for all your great Flyway pics today!
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 10:41 AM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 10:39 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 10:49 AM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 10:49 AM CST
CamOp Xavier
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 10:49 AM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 10:49 AM CST
CamOp Xavier
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 11:40 AM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 11:39 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 11:49 AM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 11:49 AM CST
CamOp Xavier
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 1:33 PM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 1:33 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 1:47 PM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 1:47 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 2:05 PM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 2:05 PM CST
Full eagle face is so funny. :-*
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 2:23 PM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 2:23 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 2:41 PM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 2:41 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 3:32 PM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 3:31 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 4:03 PM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 4:03 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 4:10 PM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 4:09 PM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 14, 2023 4:15 PM
Camera Time: Dec 14, 2023 4:14 PM CST
Lots of enjoyable pics from yesterday, Phyl. Thanks!
Y'all are always welcome.
And, certainly enjoy your posts, too.
It's Friday ! ;)
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 15, 2023 7:19 AM
Camera Time: Dec 15, 2023 7:18 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 15, 2023 7:51 AM
Camera Time: Dec 15, 2023 7:51 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 15, 2023 9:44 AM
Camera Time: Dec 15, 2023 9:43 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 15, 2023 11:51 AM
Camera Time: Dec 15, 2023 11:50 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Dec 15, 2023 2:06 PM
Camera Time: Dec 15, 2023 2:05 PM CST
Beautiful sunrise today. Lots of Canada geese here this morning.
Hi STL !
Wonderful snaps of the Canadians and sunrise.
We're once more "Live On The Rlyway"!! :) ;) 8) ::)
eburg, thanks for the note about "live" feed. Is this camera all-solar, do you know? That would explain the off times when it has been cloudy for a long while.
STLbf--yes, it's solar. Sometimes I think that's the problem. But with the upgrade last fall I thought that was going to be less of a problem. And it used to run 24/7 but now goes to HIGHLIGHTS after dark. Maybe RRP will notice us and answer the questions. ;)
Here's an eagle from the Flyway this afternoon, wishing all of you a very Happy New Year.
Wonderin' why Amy didn't restart this thread. Sure hope we get the cam back sooner than later. ;) :)
Whoops....the cam IS back! ::)
January 14, 2024, Sunday, 1:48pm -- Flyway
Good to see camera movement and hear birds, wind and water. Thank you RRP
Think I'm hearing sandhill cranes.
So glad the cam is back up and running for this. Thanks everyone for sharing snaps and all.
Ms. Flacon's not restarting this thread---beats me. It seams
last year this was the same . Thanks Ms Falcon for keeping this going
Woopee!! Back LIVE on the Flyway. :)
Yes, Eburg!
It's great the Flyway is back up.
We're ready to update this Forum for 2024 as the migrating birds return.
Adult eagles on the perching log this morning. Could they be the Coopers to sit calmly so close together? Are the Coopers nesting at the Flyway, does anyone know?
Not sure myself it this is The Coopers.
It's official 2024 Season.
Gulls have returned to the Flyway in recent days. Today's the first to see lots of American White Pelicans, too.
Swans in the background?
Hi Nora
Little snow at the Flyway, but cold, a reminder that even though the calendar says it's spring, Mother Nature may decide otherwise.
thanks for snap of juvenile BE. It looks well. Indeed Nature does what it wants. ;)
Camera has been on Highlights for several days, but back live this morning. A sub-adult BE perched for a while on the perfect perching log.
Thanks for the heads-up on "live" action on Flyway.
Not much on Highlight viewing here. :(
Several eagles perched on the posing log before noon in April stormy conditions. They were all facing into the wind, like flocks of seagulls tend to do.
These are great snaps STL !!
And for 'heads up' on live cam
Thank you.
Hi eburg.
Eagles have a great place to perch and pose for the cam ops.
Thank you, STL. Luv the snap of adults and sub.
Hi eburg Nora.
American Avocet on Flyway Cam for last 10 minutes or so. Pretty bird, breeding age. Birdbook makes it look rare east of the Missouri. Glad to see them, as we have before, on the Mississippi.
Avocets are fun to watch as they forage in the shallow water. Thanks for the heads-up, eburg.
Canada Geese have their goslings out and about here at the Flyway. A family with 5 goslings are near the fallen log this morning as it's raining. At a clap of thunder, they quickly huddled together, even without a parent to huddle under. Watch the video at about 10:15.
Hi eburg and STL.
Many thanks for the comments, info and esp STL for the Goose Family snaps.
All look well.
It's turtle time at the Flyway! Great weather for basking in the sun, and fallen logs have as many turtles as they can hold today.
It sure is STL. Those are great snaps too. Perfect timing.
Thank you .
Another turtle-filled day at the Flyway. Must be some mother turtles in this group.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers at the Flyway
Sandhill cranes feeding at the fallen, posing tree this morning. Maybe we'll get lucky and they will nest in camera range this summer.
Tks STL Great snap
Sandhills raised chicks (called colts) at the Flyway 2 summers ago, I believe. Sooooo cute.
Here's a BE at about age 1.5 years, when feathers have a checkered look.
Thanks STL for extra info.
A teenage BE :-*
A qu ic snap of the Mississippi River Flyway Cam, Camera Time: May 17, 2024 6:11 AM CDT, Birchwoman
Sub-adult BE this morning. Age chart says it's about 2.5 years old. Looks to me like it bathed in milk chocolate. :D
Thank for the snap of bald eagle sub-adult.
Three BEs spent a couple of hours on the fallen tree this morning. Great views from the cam ops, and thanks so much for all you do to keep us watchers entertained and educated! :D
This snap is great! Luv those BEs.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
May 21, 2024 10:36 AM
Camera Time: May 21, 2024 10:35 AM CDT
I was watching for a bit t his AM. Slowly the gathering/feeding increased.
Relying on you STL, Nora, Shep for ID---mine wouldn't be as accurate, I'm sure
Great pic of the sandhills! Here's another from about noon.
And the turtles are out basking on the log they prefer about 5:30 PM.
Stormy weather expected soon.
Tks. STL. Appreciate the ID
Those turtles you capture great. Timing is everything when critters are balanced on a log.
Decided to stop by the Flyway cam just now and see what's going on...
Many thanks to whoever was flying the camera this afternoon and gave us The Blue Angels at French Island.
Hoping there's a Sunday show too, with blue skies.
Yes, there's a Blue Angels air show this afternoon. Watch on the Flyway video from about 3:00. Very cool formations.
Missed that too. :(
Close ups of a pair of mallards resting on the posing log about 11:00 this morning. Thanks to the cam ops!
Cam Ops these are great! Thank you.
And, tks to STL for sharing them.
High water at the Flyway from all the rain. Looks like the Coopers, the resident BE pair, might be fishing together this morning about 10:00. They caught a large sucker-type fish and hauled it out on the photo-op log, which is mostly underwater. Watch the rewind for eagle swimming.
Many thanks STL these are great.
Rewind too.
Hope all's well with you, Nora and your families.
The perching and posing log (dead tree in the water) is a popular perching and basking spot this afternoon. The water is still pretty high so good places to rest are at a premium.
Hi STL/Nora !
Gosh! These are great snaps STL. Seagulls :)
Thank you! I really enjoy your posts.
Happy Sunday.
I snapped this as I was touring the cams this morning...
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 8, 2024 6:44 AM
Camera Time: Jul 8, 2024 6:43 AM CDT
Just an old snag, nothing as nice as yours STL with the BEs, ducks and all.
The pic you get depends on when you look and what the cam ops are focusing on!! The water is still really high at the Flyway. One turtle was taking advantage of a dry spot to bask a bit when I looked in mid-morning.
STL- yeah I know. Still yours are better. :-* Awww, lone turtle. But safe and dry.
Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Jul 10, 2024 8:20 AM
Camera Time: Jul 10, 2024 8:19 AM CDT
Gulls perching on the posing log, probably Ring-billed gulls. AllAboutBirds says they are very common in the Flyway area.
Tks for the update STL---and info.
Bald eagle perching on the fallen log/tree this morning. Everyone else went elsewhere!
STL this is awesome capture. Regal indeed.
National Geographic Premium
3 myths about bald eagles you might have thought were true
From the bald eagle’s iconic scream to its status as the United States’ national bird, the truth may surprise you.
Turtles back on the fallen log this morning. At some time after 11:00 AM when the turtles returned to the water, a young raccoon got to the log and took a nap. It swam away about 12:30. See pics.
I've always loved the turtles sunning on the log, but surely never saw a raccoon napping there - how cute. Thanks for the great screen shots, STL!
This was posted on July 22 about the camera.
"UPDATE: the Flyway cam power pole was badly damaged by straight line winds last week and requires new equipment, which will be ordered this week. Unfortunately, we don't expect the cam to be online until mid-August.
Thanks for your patience!"
Thanks Ginger.
Hi Linda
from John Howe:
We are working on repairing damage from straight line winds last month. We are hoping to have things back online by early September.
Ginger, always good to have an update!
Ginger, many thanks for the update from John.
Sept. isn't that far off. ;D
I just checked the cam and it's live. Approx. time it went live was 5:42 p.m. today.
Ginger, thanks for the heads-up. I've just had a look...nice to see the Flyway live again.
It takes a lot of dedicated hard work to bring us the awesome views from the Flyway Cam ! ;D
Way to go Amy, John and Kike !! 8) 8) 8)
Link to pictures of the repair on FB:
BL, thanks for the link to photos of the repair work at the Flyway camera site!! What a team in Amy, John, and Kike! Did they expect skill with a machete to be important when they were applying for these jobs? ;D
And just in time for us watchers to enjoy the gatherings of birds on their fall migrations. Good to know that the fallen tree with the large rootball is still there as a perfect perch for photo ops!
So glad to see the Flyway Cam back up! :D
Great views at the Flyway with the new, repaired camera(s). At about 11:00 this morning, a gang of sub-adult eagles was hanging out on the fallen tree. Love their different featherings at different ages.
Sandhill cranes at the Flyway in large numbers now. Great closeup views of one preening its mostly gray feathers.
Cam ops provide some great closeups at the Flyway today. Plenty of birds to choose from, too!
FYI to nighttime watchers: A comet called A3 for short is becoming visible in the western sky after sunset this week, each night appearing higher above the horizon. Supposed to be visible easily with binoculars and just naked eyes. RRP cameras that have a view to the west might have A3 on our screens.
Idyllic scene at the Flyway around 4:00 PM. Many Canadian geese napping peacefully, nearly all facing the same direction. Why do they do that?
Two sub-adult BEs shared a favored observation place about Noon today.
What were the unusual Moonsetting views before dawn this morning? Noticed on DNN, Decorah, and GSB as well as here.
Two sub-adult bald eagles in front, in the middle a raft of American white pelicans, then a flock of unknown type of ducks.
From The Beakroom
I was perusing the Explorer cam sites. And, decided to spend some time at the Flyway.
So glad I did. Looky who I saw there...
Mississippi River Flyway Cam and Explorer Cams
Nov. 5, 2024 8:14 AM
Camera Time: Nov.5, 2024 8:14 AM CST
Mississippi River Flyway Cam and Explorer Cams
Nov. 5, 2024 8: 14 AM
Camera Time: Nov.5, 2024 8:14 AM CST
Phyl, great closeups of an eagle that could be one of the Coopers, the resident pair so named because of the dark circles around their eyes like the rock group of the same name.
It's eagle gathering time at the Flyway, similar to GSB today. Watch the rewind for landings, takeoffs, other birds flying, between about 8:00 and 9:30 this morning.
Eagles are everywhere at the Flyway this morning. Perching, watching, hunting, eating. The scene at the large fallen log about 10:00 AM is worth watching on the rewind. One adult eagle protects its meal of a wading bird, while a dozen sub-adults gather to steal it.
Very calm water this morning, made for lovely mirror images of birds feeding, preening, resting.
Wonder if the eagles ever mistake a mirror image for a real bird as they hunt?
Betcha that water is really cold this morning. BEs are observing from a dry perch.
The water is freezing at the Flyway. Eagles watching for an easy meal, geese, ducks, sandhill cranes deciding whether to stay longer or head south. Have the pelicans already left?