Raptor Resource Project Forum
RRP's Birds: Bald Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, American Kestrels, Ospreys, Turkey Vultures, and More! => Bald Eagles 2025 => Get the Lead Out => Topic started by: T40cfr403 on January 05, 2018, 03:27:27 PM
Lethal Lead
"It's kind of a miracle:" Injured bald eagle recovering after found injured in Marathon County
Bald eagle on the mend thanks to San Jacinto County animal rescue
Letter: Gazette-Mail report on dead bald eagles was misleading
Eagle becomes first repeat patient at Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre
Use Non-Lead Ammo to Save Eagles
Can Hunters and Activists Team Up to Phase Out Lead Bullets?
Swan suffering from lead poisoning rescued from Lake Mendota
Update: Swan Song: https://www.giveshelter.org/swan.html
Bald eagle numbers remain strong in state, but lead poisoning remains problem
Blue Mountain Wildlife treat Bald Eagle with highest levels of lead poisoning seen
Lead poisoning a constant threat for majestic national bird
Protected species of swan shot down, found injured in Youngstown
The Search and Recovery of Condor Chick 871, Wildfire Survivor
California Condor #871 stretches its wings. Photo: Stephanie Cruz Herrera
Bald eagles came back from brink, but are numbers dropping again? An Illinois researcher fears so
Letter: The bald eagle is still a conservation success story
Bald eagle dies of lead poisoning
Bald eagle from Wilson dies from lead poisoning
Our Opinion: Get the lead out to keep national birds flying free
The soulful coo of mourning doves
Lead editorial in DesMoines Register today.
Lead editorial in DesMoines Register today.
Thanks, gg, RRP & Mom and Dad for this editorial.
Tip: I had to disable my Adblocker to watch the video - and it's fabulous!
Hit an animal on an Idaho highway? This proposed law would let you finish it off. (what could go wrong?! :-\)
Check out the beautiful hawk and eagle saved at Cornell University
Newton swan takes wing after lead poisoning
Fontenelle Forest Raptor Recovery treating eagles for lead poisoning
After record year, Wildlife Center hosts special eagle fun for Super Bowl
Bird populations faring well in Michigan
UI's Wildlife Medical Clinic helping injured visitor avoid missing flight
Wildlife group see rise in Bay area bald eagles injuries, deaths
Rescued Bald Eagle believed to have lead poisoning
Lead poisoning kills eagles
Rescuers try to save Limestone bald eagle
Roseville vet comforts feeble eagle
Condor specimens land at UC Davis
Curator Andy Engilis examines a condor specimen at the UC Davis Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology. The museum is preparing the newly acquired specimens donated to the museum earlier this year. Six dead condors, five of which died from lead poisoning, are being preserved and prepared for the UCD collection. Gregory Urquiaga, UC Davis/Courtesy photo
Research museum secures rare California condors
Lindsay France/University Photography
A California condor skin and wing shown in contrast to a preserved cardinal.
Ailing eagle captured in Sterling being treated for lead poisoning
Bald eagles' poisoning deaths raises alarm over lead shot used in hunting, fishing
Rob Hope, the OWL rehab centre's raptor care manager, says four lead-poisoned eagles brought into the centre in the last two weeks have died. Hope here shows off a healthy eagle that has been at the facility for the past 15 years. Larry Pynn / PNG
Watch determined Yoopers rescue injured bald eagle from Lake Superior
Rescued Bald Eagle believed to have lead poisoning
3 bald eagles die after testing positive for lead poisoning in 2 weeks
3 bald eagles die after testing positive for lead poisoning in 2 weeks
More: Lead poisoning blamed in bald eagle deaths
Pictured: Charleston bald eagle (deceased)
Roseville vet comforts feeble eagle
Update: Eagle found near Roseville last week dies
UI vets help rare snowy owl recover
Ailing eagle captured in Sterling being treated for lead poisoning
Update: Treatment has the Golden touch; ailing eagle found in Sterling shows signs of improvement
Lead can pose dangers to Raptors (video)
Eagle suffering pesticide toxicity found Sunday, officials say
Swans showed lead toxicity, but did it kill them?
California bill seeks to ban small lead fishing weights
Lead Poisoning Primary Cause Of Death In Utah's Endangered Condors
GOP lawmakers: Obama admin 'hastily' wrote lead ammunition ban (not true!)
Opinion: Carcasses with lead endanger eagles, coyotes
Bald eagles dying from lead poisoning
Of ravens, eagles, livers and lead
A raven snacks on a leftover piece of pizza it found in some trash outside Big Bear Donair in November. (Crystal Schick/Yukon News file)
Lead poisoning concerns expressed by New Waterford native
Bald eagles are dying from lead poisoning at alarming rates
Biologist, noted avian expert speaks to Claremore Rotarians
This blind date's for the birds: Jackson County, IA adopts new swan for breeding
A new captive male swan, right, joined Ginger, a female swan, left, in late January at the Hurstville Interpretive Center near Maquoketa, Iowa. Jackson County Conservation staff hopes the birds will mate and raise cygnets, or baby swans, as part of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources' trumpeter swan restoration efforts.
Kevin E. Schmidt, QUAD-CITY TIMES
Check out the beautiful hawk and eagle saved at Cornell University
Update: Cornell Wildlife Specialists Save 2 Animals in Critical Conditions After Exposure to Toxins
Northwest Iowa bald eagles rehabilitating from lead poisoning after rescues
A bald eagle, nicknamed "Warrior" because it was recovered using a Warrior snowmobile, is rehabilitating from lead poisoning at Saving Our Avian Resources in Manning, Iowa. The eagle was recovered by Alex Lynott after being found on the ice of the Big Sioux River near Hudson, South Dakota. It's the fourth eagle she has taken part in rescuing in the past two weeks, and the third that is likely to have sustained significant lead poisoning.
Bald eagle found injured near Ashton euthanized
A bald eagle found on the side of a highway near Ashton, Iowa, on March 8 was found to have high levels of lead in its blood, along with nerve damage. After receiving treatment at SOAR in Manning, Iowa, the bird had to be euthanized.
Photo courtesy of SOAR
Alex Lynott added 10 new photos ? with Troy Davelaar.
February 23 at 8:47pm ?
It's a record I'm not proud of. Three Bald Eagle rescues in less than two weeks. Two have come back with off the chart levels of lead in their blood and the third has a very ugly wing break with a small amount of lead in her system as well.
SIOUX COUNTY. Warrior, the Eagle from near Hudson on the Big Sioux River, continues to fight for his life and battle vision issues. His blood lead levels were off the charts and he was suffering severe seizures and convulsions. He's being treated and has shown some improvement, the seizures have stopped, but his vision limits him.
PLYMOUTH COUNTY. The female Remsen Bald Eagle has a very nasty radius and ulna fracture. Her lead levels came back at 0.092ppm which is low enough that it's not the main concern. However, this level should read 0.00ppm EVERY eagle admit. Kay wrapped her wing up and now she will recover in her own crate. A veterinarian will be taking a look at and realigning her bones under anesthesia.
LYON COUNTY. Last night was one heck of an adventure on the Rock River near Doon. Thank goodness for the Doon Boys, Travis Jansen, Ryan LeLoux, and Jacob LeLoux, for calling in the Eagle they came across while riding the river. They were amazing help capturing this giant female and were extremely patient while navigating Sarah Davelaar, Troy Davelaar, and myself to a specific spot on the Rock River, at night, in a blizzard. I had to knock on homeowner's doors asking if I was in the right place, only to be invited in and offered something to drink while I explain my mission. I love the Midwest! I promised one family with two little boys that if we caught the Eagle, we'd return so they could see it. This giant female, 11lbs 14oz, was left grounded, because of LEAD POISONING. Kay walked me through the steps of testing Bald Eagles' lead levels only to have results that were again, off the charts like Warrior. Only, this case breaks my heart even worse... This giant female is in Iowa putting on weight, only so she can return to Canada and lay eggs. She can't very well continue her journey with a poison in her body and she will not be meeting her mate at their nesting site this year to raise young together. I gave the Doon Boys my prediction of lead poisoning and expressed the importance of COPPER AMMUNITION. It's so *explicit* easy!!!
If you see these fine young Doon-Boys, thank them and ask them about the rescue!
We did return to the house with the younger boys and received a very generous "thank you" card for rescuing the Eagle. What amazing and fine young men!
Kay once admitted a Bald Eagle from the Mississippi River that had NINE #6 shot BB's in its digestive tract after it consumed a dead pheasant that had been shot with TOXIC ammunition.
Rescued Bald Eagle believed to have lead poisoning
Fontenelle Forest Raptor Recovery treating eagles for lead poisoning
Eagle in Recovery at Santa Fe Raptor Center
Bald eagles dying from lead poisoning, experts say bullets to blame
Bald eagles dying from lead poisoning, experts say bullets to blame
Iowa bald eagles dying of lead poisoning
More: Bald eagle dies in eastern Iowa from lead poisoning
Long-term effects of lead poisoning on bone mineralization in vultures exposed to ammunition sources
Zinc and Lead Poisoning in Wild Birds in the Tri-State Mining District (Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri)
Heavy metal exposure in large game from a lead mining area: Effects on oxidative stress and fatty acid composition in liver
High Prevalences of Lead Poisoning in Wintering Waterfowl in Spain
Lead shot pellets in the Ebro delta, Spain: Densities in sediments and prevalence of exposure in waterfowl
Lead and arsenic in bones of birds of prey from Spain
Transfer of metals to plants and red deer in an old lead mining area in Spain
Lead poisoning in waterfowl from the Ebro Delta, Spain: Calculation of lead exposure thresholds for mallards
Lead poisoning in waterfowl from the Ebro Delta, Spain: Calculation of lead exposure thresholds for mallards
Effects of lead exposure on oxidative stress biomarkers and plasma biochemistry in waterbirds in the field
After the Aznalc?llar mine spill: Arsenic, zinc, selenium, lead and copper levels in the livers and bones of five waterfowl species
Potential Hazard to Human Health from Exposure to Fragments of Lead Bullets and Shot in the Tissues of Game Animals
Wildlife mystery: Lead poisoning eagles in South Carolina
Bald eagles are threatened by lead poisoning that is showing up their blood. In 2017, 78 percent tested at the Center for Birds of Prey showed signs of lead in their blood. Sammy Fretwell/The State
Why don't we all switch to non-lead ammunition?
Poisoned by lead, bald eagle recovers at zoo and flies free again
Big game hunters in Africa urged to drop the lead to help save vultures
Even Vultures Are Going Extinct Now
Abstract: Association between hunting and elevated blood lead levels in the critically endangered African white-backed vulture Gyps africanus
Abstract from 2006 mentioned in above article: Bullet Fragments in Deer Remains: Implications for Lead Exposure in Avian Scavengers
Researchers sampled vultures and found that they had elevated levels of lead in their blood during hunting season.
Even Vultures Are Going Extinct Now
Researchers solved the mystery behind lead poisoning in endangered African vultures
African white-backed vultures are listed as "critically endangered" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Lead poisoned the bald eagle's bloodstream. But here's why she was luckier than some.
Phoenix wildlife refuge helps save injured bald eagle rescued near Grand Canyon
From SOAR's FB page (the video features the Decorah eagles!)
SOAR - Saving Our Avian Resources shared HEART the Wild's video.
2 hrs
HEART the Wild
3 hrs
Five years ago, my hands were scrubbing Bald Eagle poop off of enclosure walls for Saving Our Avian Resources. I barely knew Kay then as a young college student trying to find myself. Now, my hands are rescuing Bald Eagles for her and, at times, assisting her with Bald Eagle treatments. In two days, my hands will be holding a shaking microphone as I introduce my mentor to my very own hometown. Today, I was privileged to be in the same news segment as her. Scrubbing Bald Eagle poop to now fighting alongside Kay and those of SOAR against lead ammunition. Wow. I get chills thinking about the future.
How the use of lead bullets is killing bald eagles - http://www.siouxlandproud.com/news/local-news/how-the-use-of-lead-bullets-is-killing-bald-eagles/1087962147
Interior's Zinke: No friend of the animals
Getting the lead out becomes main chore at WV eagle treatment center
WDFW asks public to report dead, sick, or injured swans
Swans are making their spring migration. Here's why you should keep an eye on them
A pair of trumpeter swans in a snow covered field off the Markworth Road east of Lynden. Staff The Bellingham Herald file
California laws to protect against lead bullets backfired
Bald eagle released at Pioneer Trails after recovering from lead poisoning
African vultures under the gun as lead ammunition takes a toll
Abstract: Association between hunting and elevated blood lead levels in the critically endangered African white-backed vulture Gyps africanus
Abstract: Lead ingestion as a potential contributing factor to the decline in vulture populations in southern Africa.
Bald eagle population recovery celebrated, but another threat remains (excellent article)
X-ray image showing lead shot in the digestive tract of a bald eagle admitted to Saving Our Avian Resources in Iowa. (Courtesy)
Steamboat Veterinary Hospital veterinarian Nate Daughenbaugh and Born Free Wildlife Rehabilitation founder Tracy Bye release a bald eagle that spent three months recovering from lead poisoning. (Matt Stensland)
Opinion: Article wrongly blames ammo, hunters as eagles' biggest threats
Kansas bald eagle flying again after lead poisoning
Heavy Metal - The debate over how to regulate lead ammunition is heating up in Oregon.
photo Fryderyk Supinski - In anticipation of the eventual arrival of California condors, Oregon wildlife officials are examining how best to get hunters to abandon toxic lead ammunition.
Reducing the exposure lessens the risk
Eagles, like this golden eagle has a wingspan of five to seven feet and weigh between 8-14 pounds.
Photo by Charlie Burchfield
undoing the lead ban
Let freedom wing!
From SOAR's FB page:
SOAR - Saving Our Avian Resources shared an album.
June 9 at 2:55 PM
Alex Lynott released Warrior and Kay released Doon. Thanks to Gretchen for sharing her photos with Alex, so I could share with you all. Yes, these two bald eagles beat the odds! Fly free, fly long...
SOAR's Release Photos: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10213137902345349&set=a.10213137894825161.1073742361.1328274512&type=3&theater
SOAR's Patient Info: Doon bald eagle
Warrior bald eagle
African vultures under the gun as lead ammunition takes a toll
Abstract: Association between hunting and elevated blood lead levels in the critically endangered African white-backed vulture Gyps africanus
Opinion: Hunters and anglers need to get the lead out
(Interesting note that studies show wildlife who forage near shooting ranges are contaminated with lead.)
Eagles face a few human hazards on Haida Gwaii
Study to Gather Information on Uses of Lead Ammunition and Non-lead Alternatives in Non-military Activities in Canada
Risk Management Strategy for Lead
Countryside Alliance hits back at claims over lead
Rare birds 'at risk of poisoning from eating lead shot'
Groups protecting loons offering lead tackle buyback
Poisoned bald eagle released back into wild after rehab
Swan poisoning site remains a mystery after Fairnington deaths
African vultures under the gun as lead ammunition takes a toll
Banning lead shot: Good for birds&people
Lead poisoning killing birds, humans too: UN body
KSU veterinarian, interns help bald eagle soar after lead poisoning
Bald Eagle Found Dead In Southern Missouri Dies Of Lead Poisoning
California laws to protect against lead bullets backfired
Abstract: A review of lead poisoning in swans (1994)
Keeping loons common: State, preservationists, retailers team to save a NH icon from lead poisoning
NEW HAMPSHIRE | Early 2018 Loon Deaths from Lead Poisoning Prompt Message About Toxic Fishing Tackle: Tackle Buyback Program Launched to Help Anglers Switch from Lead Fishing Tackle
California Condors Reestablishing Their Range Across the Golden State
OSP trooper helps rescue injured eagle
Saving lives with non-lead bullets
Environmentally Friendly Hunting
Rare condor found dead near Laramie
Rare California condor flies 500 miles to Wyoming, then dies
This California condor, seen perched in the Snowy Mountain Range near Medicine Bow National Forest, was the first confirmed sighting of the species in Wyoming in about 20 years. The bird was found dead this week.
Photo courtesy Libby Megna
Wild Care Works with "Feisty" Loon
This loon had a lead poisoning level of 60.9. A level of only 9 is where treatment normally begins. (WCCC photo)
California laws to protect against lead bullets backfired
Rebuttal opinion: LETTER: Lead bullets do cause harm to birds of prey
House Republicans Strip Protections From Wolves in Funding Bill (from June 6, 2018)
Quote: "House Republicans in the Appropriations Committee today passed legislation to fund the Department of the Interior for 2019 that includes riders to strip Endangered Species Act protection from gray wolves nationwide, delay protections for sage grouse and grizzly bears, and prohibit any federal agency from protecting public health and wildlife from toxic lead ammunition."
Get the Lead Out SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/campaigns/get_the_lead_out/scientific_reports.html
Lead exposure found in Wellington's kākā
Massey University research suggests lead exposure is a risk to Wellington's urban population of kākā, and a major source could be coming from the city's roofs. Photo / Supplied
NZ Herald
Abstract: Lead exposure in an urban, free-ranging parrot: Investigating prevalence, effect and source attribution using stable isotope analysis
I saw the link on Tulsa's signature on Decorah Eagles 2018 post. I do want to get more info on this. I will check out the stuff on here later! thx t40 ;)
LETTER: Veterinarian from New Waterford now 'soaring with the eagles'
LETTER: Veterinarian from New Waterford now 'soaring with the eagles'
:( Dr. Helene Van Doninck sounds like a wonderful person. She will be missed by many!
Non-toxic Shot Being Considered for Hunting Doves in Missouri
Poisoning of birds highlights dangers of lead in bullets
Dr. Douglas Thal holds a golden eagle he found with lead poisoning on his family's Golondrinas ranch in November 2017. The eagle died later that night and since, Thal has been trying to raise awareness of the dangers lead bullets pose to wildlife.
Non-toxic Shot Being Considered for Hunting Doves in Missouri
More: Conservation Department proposes new regulations
Secretary Zinke Expands Hunting & Fishing Opportunities at 30 U.S. Wildlife Refuges
'Sparta' the eagle continues to improve
Bald eagle saved by Arizona couple recovers from poisoning
Injured bald eagle released at Dogtown Lake
Letter: Bald Eagle recovers from lead poisoning
Raptors' kryptonite (<<<< what a perfect description!)
Courtesy photo This male bald eagle with lead poisoning was found by Athol's Janet Medley and her family over Labor Day weekend on the shore of Lake Pend Oreille. It continues to recover at the Birds of Prey Northwest rehabilitation center near St. Maries. It is expected to be eventually released.
Article: Sparrows in mining towns Broken Hill and Mount Isa have evolved to avoid lead poisoning, geneticists find
Sparrows from Britain spread to the Broken Hill region about a century ago.
Supplied: Macquarie University
Abstract: Signs of adaptation to trace metal contamination in a common urban bird
20 million birds and other animals die annually after ingesting lead left behind by hunters
Fontenelle Forest's Raptor Refuge home to its first bald eagle
First evidence of fatal infection of white-tailed sea eagles with avian influenza
Interesting article from 1978, before Idaho complied with the waterfowl/steel shot rule.
40 Years Ago - https://lmtribune.com/sunday_am/years-ago/article_b040a307-c39f-5c51-b663-2e302bc1123f.html
Kea detained for blood-lead testing
Minnesota loons may get $7.2 million from BP oil spill settlement
A pair of adult loons feed their chicks on Burntside Lake near Ely. Minnesota loon conservation efforts would get $7.52 million in part of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill settlement under a proposal published Tuesday in the Federal Register. News Tribune file photo.
Opinion - Lawrence G. Keane: Hunters are the original conservationists
MPG Ranch hopes hunters will help with new scavenger study (too bad they can't video the aftermath)
Local avian center asks hunters to check their ammunition after treating bald eagles for lead poison
GREEN SCENE: Sky Dancers return to Clinton
Stewards of the Upper Mississippi River Refuge - http://stewardsumrr.org/
How The Gun Range is fixing its lead problem
Reader Opinion: Let's get the lead out
Opinion: Get the Lead Out of Bullets
Lead Bullet Fragments in Venison from Rifle-Killed Deer: Potential for Human Dietary Exposure - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2669501/
Wild Meat Raises Lead Exposure: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/wild-game-deer-venison-condors-meat-lead-ammunition-ban/
Opinion: Get the lead out
Inside the Outdoors: Deer hunters, too, are asked to get the lead out
Raptor center releases rehabilitated bald eagle
Shared from Sasse Photo's FB page:
Michael Furtman
Follow November 22, 2017
The bullet on the right is a 165 grain copper jacketed lead bullet. The one on the left is a 165 grain all copper bullet. Both are made by Federal Cartridge. The copper ammunition costs me about $1.50 more per box of twenty rounds compared to the premium lead ammo I used to use. (If you use cheap lead ammo, the difference in price will be greater.)
Both are deadly on deer. The lead round, a boat-tailed soft point, kept us in venison for three decades. The copper round has done the same for the last five years.
As I hunted deer today, I sat within sight of the gut pile from the doe I killed two days ago. Much of it had been eaten already, but what remained was dined upon by two bald eagles, three ravens, two pileated woodpeckers, one hairy woodpecker, several blue jays, and numerous chickadees and nuthatches.
Which is why I switched to copper bullets. Birds are highly susceptible to lead poisoning, and lead bullets fragment into tiny shards, some of which end up in the entrails we hunters leave behind after field dressing our deer. The tiniest amount of lead ingested by a bird can lead to a miserable slow death.
As a hunter, I do everything I can to make a swift, humane end to my prey's life. Why then would I want to cause other animals to linger in pain? No. Just as it is my responsibility to avoid needless suffering for those animals I hunt, I believe I owe the same ethic to those that scavenge the remains. Copper bullets are every bit as effective on deer, rarely disintegrate in the the animal, and if they do, the fragments are non-toxic to birds.
I hope my fellow hunters reading this will consider making the switch.
OUTDOORS: Swans arrival imminent, report sick or dead birds
Take a look as two bald eagles are released by Tamarack officials
Adult eagle found ill in western Black Hawk Co. has died
Bald eagle dies from lead poisoning
his is the adult male eagle found ill earlier this month. He died Nov. 17.
Poisoned Wildlife and Tainted Meat: Why Hunters Are Moving Away From Lead Bullets
Our view: Lead poses eagle threat
Eagle In Distress Rescued On The Parkway
Lead in bullets are killing birds of prey
Dangers of lead shot highlighted as hunting season continues
Eagles at risk of lead poisoning after eating lead-filled deer carcasses
Lindsay Wildlife sees alarming increase in animal shootings
A golden eagle was shot and wounded in August, and found in Pittsburg. Despite attempts to save her life, the eagle, estimated to be about 6 years old, died. She is one of 29 animals that have been shot and cared for at Lindsay Wildlife Hospital in Walnut Creek so far this year.
Growing pesticide, lead threat to vultures
PhD candidate Beckie Garbett releases a GPS-tagged lappet-faced vulture in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Botswana.
Dane County Humane Society warns of wildlife lead poisoning (Excellent educational resources at the links posted below and expanded in the "Information" thread.)
Dane County Humane Society's Wildlife Center
December 6 at 1:23 PM
We are sad to report that we've admitted our first case of lead toxicity in a bald eagle this season. Not only did we find a high level of lead in his blood, but on top that already major problem, he is also dealing with some traumatic injuries after being hit by a car.
We've discussed the subject of lead toxicity in wildlife many times here, but because there are still many people who haven't heard the message, we want to take this opportunity to educate about the risks lead poses to wildlife. The majestic bald eagles often draw the most attention to this issue, but many species of wildlife are affected. We've treated lead toxicity in other species such as snapping turtles, blue jays, crows, mourning doves, opossum, swans, geese, ducks, gulls, Sandhill cranes, loons and other raptors such as screech owls, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks, and great horned owls.
The biggest risk to wildlife is from ingestion of spent lead shot, fishing sinkers, jigs and other tackle, or through consumption of wounded or dead prey (including gut piles from field dressed deer) containing lead shot, bullets or fragments. The best solution to the lead issue with wildlife is prevention. Non-toxic, lead-free fishing and ammunition options are available for these activities, and we encourage everyone to make the switch.
We are not out to place blame on hunters and fishermen - we know that most are conservationists and care about wildlife and their habitats. This isn't an anti-hunting or fishing issue, and certainly not a gun control issue as it sometimes is accused of being. It is simply an issue of the choice of metal used for these activities, and we are asking you to consider the use of the lead-free, non-toxic ammunition and fishing tackle options that are available to help prevent more damage to wildlife like this eagle.
For those of you interested in more information, here are a few websites to check out.
Golden eagle in critical care after consuming lead-filled carcass
Lead Fragments Poison Another Bald Eagle
Second lead-poisoning eagle euthanized at raptor center
Wolf Hollow staff treat swan with lead poisoning
Contributed photo/Wolf Hollow The sick trumpeter swan at Wolf Hollow Rehabilitation.
Bald eagle is king of the gut pile in trail camera photo
A bald eagle swoops in to chase a hawk from a gut pile in this Nov. 7 trail camera photo in northern Minnesota. (Photo courtesy of Jeff Birchem)
DEER TALES: Get the lead out: A hunter explains switch to copper bullets
Johanna Birchem, 13, harvested this eight-point buck using copper bullets during the opening day of Minnesota's firearms deer season. She is an eighth-grader at Lake of the Woods School in Baudette, Minn. (Submitted photo)
College of Veterinary Medicine - The Raptor Center
For the past 40 years lead exposure and lead poisoning have been major health issues for bald eagles received by or admitted to our clinic.
Lead Toxicity from a Retained Bullet
Eastern Iowa eagle with lead poisoning suggests environmental hazard
A bald eagle prepared for re-release into the wild Saturday after rehabilitating with volunteers from RARE. (Aaron Scheinblum, KCRG
Bald eagle dies Wednesday north of Geneseo
Bald eagle gets lead poisoning
Cops Rescue Sick Hawk From Central Park Reservoir
Lead Exposure in the Critically Endangered Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) Population in Southern Africa
Winter Scavenging of Ungulate Carrion By Bald Eagles, Common Ravens, and Coyotes In Northern Arizona
Saint Mary's researchers studying how heavy metals hurt bald eagles
Linda Campbell gathered tissue samples from the bodies of seven eagles. The samples were dried and ground before lab analysis. (Courtesy: Linda Campbell)
Non-lead bullets are better for hunters and hunting
Bald eagle killed by lead poisoning in Delaware; another's wing caught in trap
"Christmas Eagle" hanging on
Injured bald eagle rescued near Moses Lake facing long road to recovery
Poisoning suspected in bald eagle caught in fence near Strafford
Bald eagle hit by car in Newport News had broken wing bone, lead fishing tackle in gut
Injured bald eagle rescued near Moses Lake facing long road to recovery
Update: Eagle shot in Moses Lake fighting for his life
Wildlife rescuers rally to help eagles after poisonings
More than ruffled feathers: Mockingbirds show heightened aggression after lead exposure
Abstract: Sub-lethal exposure to lead is associated with heightened aggression in an urban songbird
Should lead bullets be banned?
WATCH: Cops Rescue Hawk Dodging Cars In Williamsburg Intersection
Sick bald eagle found in Arkansas likely suffering from lead poisoning
Arkansas Game and Fish Cpl. Larry Williams holds a bald eagle the agency captured after noticing it was injured or sick. Photo courtesy of Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Sick bald eagle found in Arkansas likely suffering from lead poisoning
Arkansas Game and Fish Cpl. Larry Williams holds a bald eagle the agency captured after noticing it was injured or sick. Photo courtesy of Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Update: Bald eagle found in central Arkansas dies; lead poisoning suspected
Scientists alarmed by apparent lead poisonings of bald eagles and trumpeter swans in Hamilton area
Trumpeter Swan from Hamilton Harbour being treated for lead poisoning at Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge. Chantal Theijn
A distressed juvenile bald eagle was noticed on Jan. 26 in Cootes Paradise by artist Simon Frank and his wife Jessica Smith. He called for a wildlife rescue service that came out, but sadly the eagle later died. Tests are being done to determine the cause of death but it is believed to be lead poisoning. Photo courtesy of Simon Frank
John Weiss: Eagle wasn't the target, but it's still dead
Yes, You Should Actually Buy This Fish & Game Cookbook
Ammunition: Non-lead or Lead? Information for Big Game Hunters and Meat Processors
A MeatEater's Case for Getting the Lead Out
Rescued turkey vulture to be released at Elkhorn Slough by the SPCA
Effort to Prevent Lead Exposure Would Restrict Minors' Access to Ammo in Washington
What might be killing our nations bird
Wounded bald eagle found in Petaluma rescued, requires surgery
Wounded bald eagle found in Petaluma rescued, requires surgery
Update: Bald Eagle Euthanized After Shooting, Poisoning
Injured bald eagle rescued near Moses Lake likely won't improve enough to be released
Lead toxicity puts wildlife in danger
From S.O.A.R. yesterday:
"~ When will it stop? ~
**OKAY** If you are reading this post... it is about one lead poisoned eagle. Nothing more. Be nice to one another or this entire post will be deleted.
SOAR has admitted six bald eagles already in 2019. Five of the six we know had elevated lead levels. One came in dead on arrival and necropsy has yet to be completed.
Five of the six had elevated lead levels, read that again... five of six with elevated lead levels! Are you mad? We are!
One of those five was admitted today (2/15/19) and is the only one still alive as of this posting.
The bald eagle admitted today was reported to Winneshiek County (Iowa) dispatch by MANY people driving a county blacktop west of Decorah this morning. Thank you to everyone for caring enough to make a phone call. We also learned that an adult bald eagle was seen on the 14th in the same area feeding on roadkill. We're betting this is the same eagle.
This is an adult female that is a tish thin. Her blood lead level is HI. Fluids and chelation therapy have been started. This eagle was unable to hold her head upright during transfer today and she was having seizures. Both symptoms of lead poisoning.
Thanks to Winneshiek County Conservation for rescue and to SOAR friends Brian and Patti for the first leg in the transport. Thank you being part of our village.
SOAR has checked in with our friends at Raptor Resource Project and they tell us that both the Decorah Mom and the new Decorah North female have been seen on camera SINCE the call from dispatch to us of the need for rescue.
Thank you all for your support. Please spread the word to get the lead out of hunting and fishing!"
Lead in California's Avian Scavengers
California Non-Lead Ammunition Awareness Program
Survival Estimates and Cause of Mortality of Golden Eagles in South-Central Montana
Parasites, not lead poisoning, killed swans, Hammond mayor says (yeah, right! >:()
Dead swans are seen in December along the shore of George Lake in Hammond. Bob Lukacsek said he's seen more than 30 dead swans in the area since September.
Provided by Bob Lukacsek
Sick eagle sparks call for lead bullet restriction
Sick eagle in East Kootenay town sparks call for lead bullet restriction
OWL volunteer Colin Iverson holds the eagle while it undergoes Chelation Treatment, a procedure which neutralizes the lead inside its body. Submitted
Bald eagle released at wildlife refuge after year-long detox
Bald Eagles Are Still Dying From Lead Bullets. Here's How to Help.
Nontoxic shot regulations apply to 16 new conservation areas (in Missouri)
Missouri Department of Conservation:
Nontoxic Shot Regulations - https://huntfish.mdc.mo.gov/hunting-trapping/regulations/nontoxic-shot-regulations
Approved types of nontoxic shot:
These shot types have been approved as nontoxic by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (as of January 2019):
Copper-clad iron
Corrosion-inhibited copper (CIC)
Iron (steel)
Tungsten-bronze (two types)
Trumpeter swan released after lead poisoning treatment
Bald eagle released at wildlife refuge after year-long detox
Update: Story does not end happily for a rescued Richland bald eagle set free last month
More than 50 trumpeter swans found dead near Monroe
Lead shot possibly to blame for deaths of nearly 60 swans
Dead buzzard found with lead shot near Ravensworth
State Officials Ban Lead Shot On Conservation Areas To Reduce Wildlife Poisoning
The Missouri Department of Conservation has added 16 new conservation areas to a list of regions where hunters must use nontoxic shot.
Missouri Department of Conservation
State Officials Ban Lead Shot On Conservation Areas To Reduce Wildlife Poisoning
The Missouri Department of Conservation has added 16 new conservation areas to a list of regions where hunters must use nontoxic shot.
Missouri Department of Conservation
More: Missouri lead shot rule seeks to limit exposure in birds
Golden Eagle Found In Yellowstone National Park Died Of Lead Poisoning
Yellowstone golden eagle dies from lead poisoning, raises conservation concern
Thus undated photo provided by the National Park Service shows an unidentified scientist with a golden eagle that has been fitted with a tracking device, the first golden eagle to be fitted with such a device in Yellowstone National Park, Wyo. Officials say this bird has died of lead poisoning. Golden eagles often scavenge during the fall and winter. Scientists suspect the adult female may have eaten carrion containing lead bullet fragments. Some advocacy groups have called for hunters to use bullets made of copper to help prevent such deaths. (National Park Service via AP)
Outdoor enthusiasts support CWD bounties program, restoring deer tag requirements
2019 DNR Spring Hearings - WCC County MeetingsSummary of Results - Overall Input by Question
Q. Implement a ban on lead ammunition (requires legislation) Yes-3868 No-4297
Q. Ban lead fishing sinkers, lures and tackle weighing 1 ounce or less (requires legislation) Yes-3931 No-4237
Six Trump Interior appointees are being investigated for possible ethical misconduct
Montana residents say bison hunts near Yellowstone unsafe
Hays's Bald Eagles Bring Fish To Nest With Fishing Hook, Line Attached To It
Bald eagle found dead in Glacier Park succumbed to lead poisoning
Delmarva has an eagle poisoning problem, officials say after latest deaths
"SOAR" Program Encourages Hunters to Use Non-toxic Ammunition
Lead poisoning a concern for Iowa's bald eagles
Kay Newman. (and Thora)
[This is a very cryptic Federal Register Notice and I'm naturally suspicious of poorly written Notices! My best guess is that it's requesting an extension of existing information collection procedures. If so, there should be no objection, however it's definitely not clear what would happen if this proposal was defeated (i.e., failure to renew reporting requirements).]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Approval Procedures for Nontoxic Shot and Shot Coatings
50 CFR 20.134 - Approval of nontoxic shot types and shot coatings: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2018-title50-vol9/xml/CFR-2018-title50-vol9-sec20-134.xml
Federal Court Revives Lawsuit Over Lead Ammunition Harming California Condors
George Andrejko/Arizona Game and Fish Department
The Peregrine Fund released four California condors into the wild this year. After nearly going to extinct, there are now 89 in this population in Arizona and Utah.
Vilas Co. deputies add lead-free ammo to utility belts, hoping to cut down on accidental eagle poisoning (very interesting)
Ninth Circuit Holds Forest Service's Failure To Regulate Use Of Lead Ammunition Creates Justiciable Controversy Under RCRA (very novel use of RCRA! 7-year-old case has new life!)
Quote: "The interest groups alleged that the Forest Service is 'contributing to' the unlawful disposal of solid waste in the national forest by acquiescing to hunters' use of lead ammunition, which can lead to poisoning the hunters' prey and ultimately poisoning scavengers - like the California condor - that feed on carcasses left by hunters."
"The interest groups sought declaratory and injunctive relief to compel the Forest Service to prevent or otherwise regulate the use of lead ammunition in the Kaibab National Forest to alleviate the issue."
Quote: "For the foregoing reasons, the case is justiciable. We REVERSE the district court's dismissal and REMAND for further proceedings consistent with this opinion."
"[The] Ninth Circuit directed the district court to address...the question of whether a party that owns or manages property on which unlawful disposal occurs may be responsible for 'contributing to' the unlawful disposal under RCRA."
Feds Propose Expanding Hunting in Two Wyoming Wildlife Refuges
Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge asking for comments on proposed hunting plan
Public Comment on Potential Hunting Expansion - https://www.fws.gov/refuge/wichita_mountains/hunt/draft.html
Door County Sheriff's Department shooting range keeps lead out of the environment
California hunters face nation's first lead ammo ban
'A very small amount can be their demise': Eagle sickened by banned product
The Mass Suffering of Bald Eagles Due to Lead Poisoning
Zinc and Lead Poisoning in Wild Birds in the Tri-State Mining District (Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri)
Wildlife killing contests are barbaric. Will Arizona finally put an end to them?
Bald Eagles are Dying From Lead Poisoning
This lead-poisoned eagle miraculously recovered. Most aren't so lucky
Lead-Poisoned Golden Eagle Released At Mount Diablo After Rehab
Lead Ammunition is Now Banned for Hunting Wildlife in California
Endangered California condors are among the wildlife at risk from eating lead bullets in carrion. (Tim Huntington, courtesy of the Ventana Wildlife Society)
This lead-poisoned eagle miraculously recovered. Most aren't so lucky
A golden eagle lands on the snow in Yellowstone National Park. These raptors can be poisoned by lead from bullet and shell fragments in animals killed by hunters.
Photograph by Barrett Hedges, Nat Geo Image Collection
This lead-poisoned eagle miraculously recovered. Most aren't so lucky
A golden eagle lands on the snow in Yellowstone National Park. These raptors can be poisoned by lead from bullet and shell fragments in animals killed by hunters.
Photograph by Barrett Hedges, Nat Geo Image Collection
Federal Court Revives Lawsuit Over Lead Ammunition Harming California Condors
George Andrejko/Arizona Game and Fish Department
The Peregrine Fund released four California condors into the wild this year. After nearly going to extinct, there are now 89 in this population in Arizona and Utah.
Case: 17-15790, 05/30/2019, ID: 11312997, DktEntry: 56-1, Page 1 of 23
Zion California Condor chick is 1,000th to be born in recovery program
Hunting with Non-Lead: http://huntingwithnonlead.org/
The largest bird in North America was nearly wiped out. Here's how it fought its way back.
A female California condor is seen April 19, 2014, on Utah's Cable Mountain in Zion National Park. (National Park Service/AP)
Bald eagle released back into wild after ingesting toxin in Campbell County
Bald eagle released back into wild after rehabilitation
U.P. bald eagle suffers from lead poisoning
Latest loon death a reminder for anglers to stop using lead sinkers
Loons and Lead - https://fishleadfree.org/loons-and-lead/
Serious Consequences of Lead, Side Effects in the Victims of Gun Violence in America (don't know what language this was translated from, but it's garbled)
Report: Elevated Blood Lead Levels Associated with Retained Bullet Fragments -- United States, 2003?2012
Number of patients with and without a retained bullet fragment (RBF) among persons with blood lead levels ≥80 μg/dL -- United States, 2003?2012
'Get the Lead ' Proclaims Anti-Fishing Billboard
The largest bird in North America was nearly wiped out. Here's how it fought its way back.
Haida Gwaii eagles recovering in Ladner care facility
Osprey rehabilitated, released after being shot multiple times
It's Time To Get The Lead Out Of Hunting Ammo
A bald eagle and other avian scavenger feast upon a deer wounded by a hunter's bullet that later died. If any of these birds ingests lead, chances are high it could get sick or die. Every year, bald eagles, America's national wildlife symbol, die from exposure to lead ammo. Photo courtesy Craighead Beringia South in Jackson Hole
Lead ammunition often fragments upon impact when a bullet hits its big game target. This results in more lead in carrion tissue, increasing the likelihood it will be ingested by a wide range of avian and mammal scavengers, from bald and golden eagles to ravens, wolves, foxes, coyotes, grizzly bears and, of course, people eating game meat on the dinner table. Lead is toxic and exposure has been known to negatively affect learning in children. Photos courtesy Greg Winston (http://www.gregwinstonphoto.com/about) and Craighead Beringia South in Jackson Hole
Chillicothe man pleads to federal hunting violation
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Approval Procedures for Nontoxic Shot and Shot Coatings
Loon center crowdfunds to exchange anglers' lead sinkers
The Gun Range Next Door: A Public Health Failure
1000th hatched California Condor chick leaves nest at Zion National Park for first time
Arizona hunters urged to use non-lead ammo to guard condors
Condor 1000 (the juvenile) stretching out its wings after leaving the nest cave. (Photo: Zion National Park)
From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
Just now
Minnesota friends and followers! The Friends of Scenic and Natural Areas petitioned the Minnesota DNR to prohibit the use of lead ammo and fishing tackle in Minnesota's Scenic and Natural Areas.
The DNR needs to hear from Minnesotans on this issue, especially those who hunt and fish! The deadline to receive comments is November 2nd. You can email them with a letter, but I also encourage you to send a good old US Postal service mail. Representing an organization? Put it on your letterhead! Follow this link for the original petition and mailing information: https://www.snafriends.org/non-toxic-ammunition-tackle-petitio?fbclid=IwAR16UzJvWYZyChVscGlb-LA5gJtDfE7KZIKYyjJbyYz1eiLXyocMMhydq4A. To read more about the effort and who supports it, click here: http://www.startribune.com/minnesota-is-asked-to-ban-lead-in-ammo-fishing-tackle/562293012/?fbclid=IwAR3BNvwsyofLAEo5mg1-NvknERt-1M98q8Dig1nKTt7OPbrZkaSfVl4rgrk.
Here is the letter we sent: https://raptorresource.org/pdf/letterofsupport.pdf?fbclid=IwAR04LBLAiHbMOw879_1ZOFI50Gk_CujHFSNQu2-GQtHRa9SkmsqNhuJh7SQ.
You, our friends and followers, know that lead is bad for bald eagles and other birds. I encourage Minnesota peeps to do some reading about lead's impact on birds in our state before writing. A few links:
Tranel, Molly A.. "Impacts of Lead Ammunition on Wildlife, the Environment, and Human Health--a Literature Review and Implications for Minnesota." (2009): https://www.peregrinefund.org/subsites/conference-lead/PDF/0307%20Tranel.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1lFQ0_rcfCKNgPD9a7xtagHQnrR_FQkqSq5Ns8_YZwfP8rRV8j3dFQH18
Lead Poisoning, Raptor Center: https://www.raptor.umn.edu/our-research/lead-poisoning?fbclid=IwAR3pqAGKZU-bikJcNIh8oM_sgTpVKa9_I3GvyN3Hv7Dr1NP9wyMs2APKY5g
Copper Opportunities: https://raptorlab.umn.edu/assets/documents/researcher/11_CopperOpportunities.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1hMnz5r22Qlc0NMPW_lbF_DKyO3e6On2kozkHiUJJHD5dDfX1TwFL-aM4
Whether or not you live in Minnesota, you can help by hunting and fishing lead-free, networking with others who are concerned about lead, and helping to get the word out about non-toxic alternatives. SOAR and the Raptor Center have been real leaders on this issue. More links:
Not anti-hunting or fishing: just anti-lead!
Guest opinion: Shooting prairie dogs? Try nonlead ammo
A red-tailed hawk scavenges a ground squirrel. Raptors ingest lead from ammunition used to shoot ground squirrels and other vermints. Journal of Wildlife Management
Bald Eagle Found in Wisconsin Dies of Lead Poisoning
Upside-Down Eagle: Bald eagles have faced a number of pollutants but are now a Great Lakes success story
Lead kills 1st Yellowstone golden eagle fitted with tracker
From SOAR's FB page (not about any Decorah eagle):
SOAR - Saving Our Avian Resources
1 hr
~ No trick or treat here ~
The first lead poisoned bald eagle of the 2019-2020 winter / hunting season was admitted 28 October 2019 from Winneshiek County, Iowa. The Decorah nest-camera-faithful needn't worry, this adult male is not from either the Hatchery Nest or the Decorah North Nest. However, he's likely to have a nest somewhere.
Thanks go to Winneshiek County Conservation staff for the rescue and first leg of the transport for this eagle. This adult male bald eagle was reported not flying near the entrance to their Chipera Prairie and when rescuers arrived, soon entangled himself in the cattails in the ditch.
As bald eagle transfers go (from one transporter's crate to another), this was "too easy." This eagle looked good and no broken bones could be felt, but wasn't "eagley" (to borrow a phrase from Brian at the Hatchery!). The evening of admit, Kay and Savanna drew blood for a blood lead level. How many of you know what comes next? Yep, this eagle is lead poisoned. Fluids and first chelation treatment were given right then. "Chip" was alive the morning of the 29th.
Poisoning is wrong. Period. Lead is a bio-accumulative toxin that negatively impacts just about every system in the body.
Where did the lead come from? Most likely from this eagle eating on an animal carcass with lead ammunition fragments embedded. Second option is feeding on a fish that swallowed a piece of lead tackle.
Please hunt and fish lead-free and if you are not a hunter or angler, one, please understand we are, and two, help those that do hunt and fish to understand how they can go lead-free. Here are a couple of our website pages to help the conversation get started!
Hunt and Fish Lead-Free: https://soarraptors.org/hunt-and-fish-lead-free/
I can help! https://soarraptors.org/i-can-help/
Non-toxic Alternatives: https://soarraptors.org/non-toxic-alternatives/
Then if you want to dive into the topic more in-depth, go here:
Lead in the Environment: https://soarraptors.org/lead-in-the-environment/
Research Articles and Information: https://soarraptors.org/research-articles-and-information/
The Eagle Has Landed, But With Lead Poisoning
Hunters urged to donate deer hearts to Antigo raptor facility
Conservation groups call for Minnesota to ban lead ammunition and fishing tackle
Bird group puts lead ammunition in the crosshairs
Teton Raptor Center Research Director Bryan Bedrosian with a golden eagle in Montana. (provided/Teton Raptor Center staff
An x-ray showing lead fragments in the backstrap of a deer. (provided/Huntingwithnonlead.org)
Lead Bullet Fragments End Up In Processed Game Meat
Location of lead bullet fragments (red circles around bright spots) in venison burger.
Frequently Asked Questions
Paper: Lead Exposure in Bald Eagles from Big Game Hunting,the Continental Implications and Successful Mitigation Efforts
Smith: Hunters are poisoning bald eagles. Here's how that can change.
A bald eagle with lead poisoning is photographed in a treatment room at Wild Instincts Wildlife Rehabilitation in Rhinelander. The eagle was too weak to lift its head. (Photo: courtesy of Wild Instincts Wildlife Rehabilitation)
An x-ray shows four lead pellets in a bald eagle in treatment at Wild Instincts Wildlife Rehabilitation in Rhinelander, Wis. Even one lead pellet or fragment is enough to produce lead poisoning in a bald eagle. (Photo: Courtesy of Wild Instincts Wildlife Rehabilitation)
A participant in a bullet comparison workshop holds the recovered pieces of a copper bullet (left) and a lead-based bullet. The copper bullet mushroomed on impact and retained all of its weight, while the lead-based bullet expanded and splintered into dozens of smaller pieces. Lead bullet fragments are proven to cause lead poisoning in bald eagles and other wildlife. (Photo: Paul A. Smith / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Minnesota DNR says it won't ban use of lead ammunition, fishing tackle
Minnesota's DNR denies petition to ban lead ammo and tackle
T40: I read this post on the National Eagle Center's FB page this morning and wanted to pass it on because it spoke about the lead ammo issue from the perspective of a responsible hunter (if you have already posted it, I'm sorry for being redundant):
This 2017 post from Michael Furtman (outdoorsman, photographer and hunter) is circulating on social media again as we prepare for another firearm season of deer hunting. The whole post is great, but one particular quote struck us as particularly poignant.
"As a hunter, I do everything I can to make a swift, humane end to my prey?s life. Why then would I want to cause other animals to linger in pain? No. Just as it is my responsibility to avoid needless suffering for those animals I hunt, I believe I owe the same ethic to those that scavenge the remains. Copper bullets are every bit as effective on deer, rarely disintegrate in the animal, and if they do, the fragments are non-toxic to birds." ~ Michael Furtman &#129413;&#129420;&#128077;
Endangered California Condor Being Treated For Lead Poisoning At Oakland Zoo
Opinion - Letter: Missing big picture on eagle population
Reference: Lead Poisoning in Bald Eagles Admitted to Wildlife Rehabilitation Facilities in Iowa, 2004?2014
A lost and lead-poisoned N.L. eagle is recovering from injury with some American help
UI Wildlife Clinic performs blood transfusion from owl to duck
From SOAR's FB page (not about any Decorah eagle):
SOAR - Saving Our Avian Resources
1 hr
~ No trick or treat here ~
The first lead poisoned bald eagle of the 2019-2020 winter / hunting season was admitted 28 October 2019 from Winneshiek County, Iowa. The Decorah nest-camera-faithful needn't worry, this adult male is not from either the Hatchery Nest or the Decorah North Nest. However, he's likely to have a nest somewhere.
Thanks go to Winneshiek County Conservation staff for the rescue and first leg of the transport for this eagle. This adult male bald eagle was reported not flying near the entrance to their Chipera Prairie and when rescuers arrived, soon entangled himself in the cattails in the ditch.
As bald eagle transfers go (from one transporter's crate to another), this was "too easy." This eagle looked good and no broken bones could be felt, but wasn't "eagley" (to borrow a phrase from Brian at the Hatchery!). The evening of admit, Kay and Savanna drew blood for a blood lead level. How many of you know what comes next? Yep, this eagle is lead poisoned. Fluids and first chelation treatment were given right then. "Chip" was alive the morning of the 29th.
Poisoning is wrong. Period. Lead is a bio-accumulative toxin that negatively impacts just about every system in the body.
Where did the lead come from? Most likely from this eagle eating on an animal carcass with lead ammunition fragments embedded. Second option is feeding on a fish that swallowed a piece of lead tackle.
Please hunt and fish lead-free and if you are not a hunter or angler, one, please understand we are, and two, help those that do hunt and fish to understand how they can go lead-free. Here are a couple of our website pages to help the conversation get started!
Hunt and Fish Lead-Free: https://soarraptors.org/hunt-and-fish-lead-free/
I can help! https://soarraptors.org/i-can-help/
Non-toxic Alternatives: https://soarraptors.org/non-toxic-alternatives/
Then if you want to dive into the topic more in-depth, go here:
Lead in the Environment: https://soarraptors.org/lead-in-the-environment/
Research Articles and Information: https://soarraptors.org/research-articles-and-information/
Update: From SOAR's FB page
SOAR - Saving Our Avian Resources
3 hrs
~ bald eagle "Chip" update ~
*** 11/16/19 Update ***
YEAH! After three weeks of chelation, Chip's blood lead level is down to where chelation is no longer needed. Chip has moved to a 10x20' flight pen to stretch out.
SOAR - Saving Our Avian Resources The medication binds with the lead in the blood and then the body recognizes this as something to expel - poop out. Otherwise the body sees the lead as calcium.
Golden Eagle euthanized after severe lead poisoning diagnosis
Nonprofit raptor centers encourage nontoxic ammunition for birds
B.C. wildlife experts urge hunters to switch ammo to stop lead poisoning in birds
B.C. wildlife experts urge hunters to switch ammo to stop lead poisoning in birds
This golden eagle is being treated for lead poisoning at the Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society in Delta, B.C.. Experts say it's time to rethink the use of lead ammunition which may poison the birds as they scavenge the remains of hunted game in B.C.
Pa. Game Commission warns of lead's danger to animals, but hunters say non-lead ammo is too expensive
David Fricke of Quakertown, Pa.-based Millennium Manufacturing and Lehigh Defense with one of the machines used to make non-lead ammunition. Fricke says machining techniques makes it possible to avoid using lead, 'a proven hazard.' (P. Kenneth Burns/WHYY)
Bald eagles attack loons, but that's not why loons are struggling
Abstract: Influence of nesting Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) on Common Loon (Gavia immer) occupancy and productivity in New Hampshire
An adult loon strikes back at a bald eagle predating a newly hatched loon chick on the Loon Preservation Committee?s Live Loon Cam. Photo by Loon Preservation Committee.
Lead poisoning kills golden eagle, hunters adapting
Lead Bullets: Hunting for Clarity in a Controversy, By Mike McTee
Leland Brown (left) from the Non-Lead Hunting Education Program watches a ballistic gel as Chris Parish (right) takes aim during
a bullet demonstration in Montana's Bitterroot Valley. Photo credit: Kate Davis
Is nonlead ammo expensive?
Got a game camera? Let's team up.
Guest opinion: Shooting prairie dogs? Try nonlead ammo
A red-tailed hawk scavenges a ground squirrel.
Scavenging Shot Prairie Dogs And Gophers
WSB: Seeking bullets lethal to small mammals, not scavengers
A radiograph of a Columbian ground squirrel shot with a .17 HMR rifle reveals a constellation of bullet fragments. Sapphire Animal Hospital
Research Abstracts:
Free lunch, may contain lead: scavenging shot small mammals
Better bullets to shoot small mammals without poisoning scavengers
Eagle recovers from lead poisoning, to be returned to wild
Swan Support's tribute to Prince the swan - 'Master' of North Lake
Authorities in Clinton County work to help injured bald eagle named Freedom
No fractures found on Freedom the eagle
Eagle Population Threatened by Lead Poisoning, PA Game Commission Issues Warning for Hunters
Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota - How animals thrive in the city of lakes
Lead from hunting and fishing is poisoning birds of prey
Bald eagle has 10% chance to live after eating bullet fragments
Wild Care - Promising News on Rescued Canada Goose
This Canada Goose was rescued in Harwich on December 20th. Wild Care staff found the bird riddled with shotgun pellets. (WCCC photo)
Bald eagle survives lead poisoning, Dickerson Park Zoo nurses back to health
A hunter's bullet may kill this bald eagle. But it wasn't shot
More news from the eagle, directly from Dr. Fitzgerald, from the: Endoscopy removed the big lead fragment from his stomach. We don't know yet if the poisoning will be reversible or not... her blood lead level is very high. This can leave him nervous and digestive sequelae... he still started to feed quietly. Time will say more!
Eagle rescued in Richville
Lead-poisoned bald eagle released back into the wild after rehab
Free of lead poisoning, bald eagle ready to return to the wild
Bald eagle returned to Pittsylvania County after recovering from lead poisoning
Mid-winter eagle survey
These young, about three-weeks old, were in a nest in late April. This nest is one of the 21 current breeding territories along the Upper Delaware River corridor. Breeding occurs between late February and July with an average of two young produced per nest.
Pennsylvania Game Commission - Bald Eagles & Lead: https://www.pgc.pa.gov/Wildlife/WildlifeSpecies/BaldEagles/Documents/eagle-lead%20brochure2%204web.pdf
Day of ice fishing turns into unusual eagle rescue in Sullivan
Bald Eagle may still die of lead poisoning after being rescued by ice fisherman
Animal experts concerned with number of lead poisoning cases in Maine
Bald Eagle lead poisonings prompt pleas for a change in hunter practices
Lead ammo harms animals yearly
Hunters choose copper ammo to prevent wildlife death
Injured bald eagle released after making full recovery in Fairfax County
Crowds gathered as wildlife officials prepared to release a bald eagle that was found injured near a trail in Fairfax County, Va. on Sunday, Jan. 12, 2020. (WTOP/Melissa Howell)
Rescued bald eagle to be released Tuesday in Marquette
Eagle recovers from lead poisoning; release Tuesday
Lead exposure from ammunition blamed for spate of ill bald eagles
Avian Haven, a rehabilitation center for wild birds in Freedom, Maine, had to euthanize this eagle, the last survivor of the five lead-poisoned bald eagles admitted to the center in the first two weeks of January. Photo courtesy of Avian Haven
This bald eagle was admitted to Avian Haven on Jan. 6 after being found lying on the ice of Flanders Pond. It was one of five bald eagles with lead poisoning that were admitted to the rehabilitation center in the first two weeks of January. None survived. Photo courtesy of Avian Haven
Sick bald eagles flock rehabilitation center raising concerns over lead poisoning
Eagles die of lead poisoning
This eagle is one of five found in the state with lead poisoning during the first two weeks of the year. Lead poisoning is often fatal in bald eagles. PHOTO COURTESY OF AVIAN HAVEN
Rescued bald eagle now in recovery
Local wildlife rescuer Wallie Breaden recently helped examine a bald eagle that was found underweight and exhausted on the banks of Lake Temple.
Gary Reddin staff
Saving wild birds at The South Island Wildlife Hospital
Why not try to hunt all species with non-lead ammunition?
Big Sur & the California Condors
Opinion: Our View: It's up to hunters to help bald eagles poisoned by lead
The female bald eagle Jason Dolloff and his daughter, Carrigan Robinson, rescued Jan. 12 from the Androscoggin River in Peru had a gunshot wound and elevated lead levels in its blood. The protected bird died that night. Photo by Carrigan Robinson
DNR seeks information on eagle killed in Ankeny
Bald eagle treated for lead poisoning, released into wild
Watch Red-Tailed Hawk Poisoned with Lead Get Rescued in Brooklyn
Bald Eagle Released at Burke Lake Park
Maine Wildlife Advocates Look to Curb Lead Poisoning in Bald Eagles
Minnesota to pitch anglers on going lead-free for loons
Minnesota is home to about 12,000 loons, more than any other states except Alaska. The common loon is Minnesota's state bird.
Jiwon Choi | MPR News
Browning cautions on lead poisoned eagles
Update on the eagle: "Better by the hour!"
Opinion: Making the switch
(Note: I've seen many, many versions of this story in the last few days and it has gained national attention. I hadn't posted them before because they all gave the impression that the only way eagles are poisoned by lead bullets is when wounded prey escapes the hunter and is later found and eaten by eagles and other wildlife. As we all know, that's not accurate. This story from CNN leaves out that particular detail, so I posted it to show how far and wide this story has gone.)
Bald eagles across the United States are dying from lead poisoning
Dr. Joni Shimp, executive director of Cape Fear Raptor Center, poses with a bald eagle.
Advocates, biologists look to hunters to save raptors from lead (excellent article!)
Susan Ahalt comforts Preacher after putting a protective hood on the bird en route to a blood test in Cody. Preacher was found to be suffering from lead poisoning caused by consuming meat containing lead shot or bullets.
(Photo by Mark Davis, Powell Tribune)
Golden eagle saved from life threatening lead poisoning and released back into the wild
Raptor Recover Volunteer shows the golden eagle to a watchful and excited group that came to see the bird be released. (SOURCE: Kaylie Crowe KNOP-TV)
Ancient eagle rehabilitated in Jackson returns to the skies
Anne Hare, a Teton Raptor Center volunteer, opens a crate to release a soon-to-be 31-year-old-male bald eagle that crashed through the window of a Hoback home on Jan. 28. The eagle received treatment at the raptor center for levels of lead "considered clinical by most raptor veterinarians and rehabilitation centers" which may have contributed to its accident, according to a press release from the center.
(Photo by Ryan Dorgan, Jackson Hole News&Guide)
Lead in hunted meat: Who?s telling hunters and their families?
Shotgun slugs. Researchers found lead ammunition fired from high-powered rifles contaminated carcasses more than slower-moving lead slugs fired from shotguns. (Credit: mr.smashy/flickr)
UK hunting groups call for end to use of lead ammunition by 2025
Up to 100,000 birds in Britain are estimated to be killed after accidentally ingesting poisonous shot pellets. Photograph: Alamy
An eagle spent a whole month in front of a HOSPITAL. Everyone was SHOCKED to learn the REASON.
Local Bald Eagle Released Back Into The Wild After Recovering From Lead Poisoning
Juvenile bald eagle released in Cariboo after recuperating from lead poisoning - https://www.quesnelobserver.com/news/juvenile-bald-eagle-released-in-cariboo-after-recuperating-from-lead-poisoning/
Bald eagle released back into the wild after recovering from lead poisoning - https://wset.com/news/local/bald-eagle-released-back-into-the-wild-after-recovering-from-lead-poisoning
Dead Kea found in Arthur's Pass may have been shot - https://www.stuff.co.nz/environment/122296591/dead-kea-found-in-arthurs-pass-may-have-been-shot
Loon on North Okanagan lake died of lead poisoning - https://ca.news.yahoo.com/loon-north-okanagan-lake-died-032748243.html
Retired New York trooper rescues lead-poisoned bald eagle - https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/article/Retired-New-York-trooper-rescues-lead-poisoned-15426291.php
Eagle rescued in the Cariboo near railway track sent for rehabilitation - https://www.wltribune.com/community/eagle-rescued-in-the-cariboo-near-railway-track-sent-for-rehabilitation/
Rehabilitators free bald eagle in Gloucester, just ahead of American Eagle Day - https://www.13newsnow.com/article/life/animals/rehabilitators-free-bald-eagle-in-gloucester-just-ahead-of-american-eagle-day/291-06b901f7-76ef-4b9a-bad0-e86c31bf765d
Early 2020 Loon Deaths Prompt Reminders About Lead Fishing Tackle Ban and Lead Tackle Buyback Program - https://www.einnews.com/pr_news/519836197/early-2020-loon-deaths-prompt-reminders-about-lead-fishing-tackle-ban-and-lead-tackle-buyback-program
Game Commission to release rehabilitated bald eagle - http://www.theprogressnews.com/game-commission-to-release-rehabilitated-bald-eagle/article_a7ee7ffd-fefe-51d4-afaa-0514172fd9e0.html
Lead exposure induces pycnosis and enucleation of peripheral erythrocytes in the domestic fowl - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17719252/
Loons and Lead - https://fishleadfree.org/loons-and-lead/
Resources for Hunters - https://www.wildlifecenter.org/resources-hunters
Lead Toxicity in Raptors - https://www.wildlifecenter.org/lead-toxicity-raptors
Lead poisoning is a significant - and preventable - health issue for Bald Eagles.
The Wildlife Center of Virginia - Untamed Compendium (videos)
Excellent video! - Episode 204: Lead Poisoning in Bald Eagles - https://www.wildlifecenter.org/episode-204-lead-poisoning
See especially - Classroom Resources - S2E4: Lead Poisoning: https://www.wildlifecenter.org/sites/default/files/S2E4%20Lead_Discussion%20Questions.pdf
and Classroom Activity - S2E4: Lead: https://www.wildlifecenter.org/sites/default/files/S2E4%20Lead_Classroom%20Activity.docx.pdf
and Coloring Pages: https://www.wildlifecenter.org/sites/default/files/Untamed/Coloring%20Pages%20PDF.pdf
What kills bald eagles in Michigan? Most comprehensive study ever has the answers
Latest Shot Fired In Lead Ammo Debate
H.R.7547 - LEAD Act of 2020
Donald Trump defies voters and hands a major win to US trophy hunters
New Book on Condor Comeback Features Santa Barbara Zoo Team
What kills bald eagles in Michigan? Most comprehensive study ever has the answers
Juvenile bald eagle released in Cariboo after recuperating from lead poisoning
Hunting Finland opposed EU lead shotgun ban until last
After bald eagle dies, Wallingford considers ban on lead in fishing gear
Retired New York trooper rescues lead-poisoned bald eagle
The state Department of Environmental Conservation released this picture of the bald eagle a retired New York state police trooper found and rescued after it was sick from lead poisoning after being shot. The eagle was rehabilitated for four months and released back into the wild in Schoharie County on July 19, 2020.
New York Department of Environmental Conservation
Vultures are Nature?s Cleaning Crew!
Private wildlife owners in Zululand launch campaign to protect vultures
Shot Bald Eagle Takes to the Skies Once More in New York
America?s Leading Raptor Experts Tell Us What It?s Like to Save a Bird of Prey
Warning on lead
AZGFD reminds hunters lead ammo can poison condor populations
Wetland birds win battle against lead-based hunting
Eagle takes flight after recovering from lead poisoning
Nontoxic Shot Regulations - https://huntfish.mdc.mo.gov/hunting-trapping/regulations/nontoxic-shot-regulations
Letter: Options are available for non-lead ammunition
Blue Mountain Wildlife - http://bluemountainwildlife.org/
Hunting With Nonlead - http://www.huntingwithnonlead.org/index.html
Rare Condors In Southern Utah Threatened By Wildfires, Lead
Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC) announces number of priorities
Exempt from inspection: States ignore lead-contaminated meat in food banks
A computed tomography (CT) image of the glowing fragments of lead in packages of donated meat. (Credit: William Cornatzer)
Golden Eagles are impressive predators
?Condor Comeback? features Santa Barbara Zoo team
7 juvenile condors moved to San Simeon for release next month
Trumpeter swan cygnets released in Yellowstone National Park
It is urgent to ban toxic lead shot in the EU
Rescued bald eagle that came to life in B.C. man?s car had lead poisoning
5 Reasons to ban lead shot in wetlands
Common Pochard (Aythya ferina) ?Thomas Landgren, Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Dead by Lead - https://www.birdlife.org/europe-and-central-asia/dead-by-lead
Lead Infographic - https://www.birdlife.org/sites/default/files/lead_infographic_vote_28_oct_2020.pdf
Conservation group sues to stop expanded hunting in wildlife refuges
Victory: Denmark announces complete ban on lead in hunting ammunition
Rescued bald eagle that came to life in B.C. man?s car had lead poisoning
Update: Rescued bald eagle that came to life in 100 Mile man?s car dies
Victory: Denmark announces complete ban on lead in hunting ammunition
Update: Press release: European Parliament votes to ban lead ammunition
EU to ban use of lead shot by wetland bird hunters
Wildlife Rehabilitators Urge Use of Copper Bullets as Sporting Goods Stores See Demand Grow Slowly
Credit Raptor Education Group, Inc.
Hunting: Eliminating all lead ammo a generational issue, so get ready next gen
Battered bald eagle recovers at Klamath Falls wildlife rescue after flying into a moving truck
Bald eagle dies from lead poisoning at Avian Haven
Bald Eagle returned to wild after treatment for lead poisoning
References only for Conservation Letter: Lead Poisoning of Raptors
Article PDF first page preview (abstract) of Conservation Letter: Lead Poisoning of Raptors
Integrating active and passive monitoring to assess sublethal effects and mortality from lead poisoning in birds of prey
Eagles Imperiled in Virginia
The Wildlife Center of Virginia sees 30 to 40 injured eagles each year. Two-thirds have some degree of lead poisoning.
Credit Wildlife Center of Virginia
Some wildlife in Klamath Falls are suffering from lead poisoning
Louisville man helps rescue bald eagle found in creek with lead poisoning, stomach injuries
Songbirds exposed to lead-contaminated water show telltale signs about human impacts
Paper: Male zebra finches exposed to lead (Pb) during development have reduced volume of song nuclei, altered sexual traits, and received less attention from females as adults - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0147651320316869?via%3Dihub
Soar high forever, D35. Let's make her the last bald eagle to die from lead poisoning. :'(
One of last year's Decorah bald eagles has died from lead shot poisoning - https://decorahnews.com/news/942/one-of-last-years-decorah-bald-eagles-has-died-from-lead-shot-poisoning/
Decorah eagle found dead near Iowa City - https://decorahnewspapers.com/Content/News/News/Article/Decorah-eagle-found-dead-near-Iowa-City/2/231/52037
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge found cause of death for numerous waterfowl (swans, mallards & Canada geese) was lead poisoning. Lead shot fragments have been at the bottom of Blue Lake for decades, as lead shot was banned in the 1980's.
1) The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency said it doesn't track the number of lakes with incidences of lead-poisoned waterfowl. However, the issue is common enough for the agency to launch a "Get the Lead Out" campaign, which encourages fishers to switch to non-lead tackle. According to the MPCA, national research indicates lead poisoning accounts for about 14 percent of loon deaths in Minnesota.
2) In January, Minnesota state Sen. Charles Wiger and Rep. Peter Fischer, both Maplewood Democrats, introduced a bill to ban the sale and use of lead jigs and sinkers.
Saving Our Avian Resources: Bluer Shade Of Blue
Thank you for this thread. Extremely informative! I will continue to read this. ;)
Using Regurgitated Pellets from White-Tailed Sea-Eagles as Noninvasive Samples to Assess Lead Exposure Caused by Hunting in Germany
The Bald Eagle That Would Not Quit | Bald Eagle Rescue Short Film | Wildlife Documentary
After Mounting a Comeback, Eagles Face a New Threat
A bald eagle with a fractured left ulna, low-level lead poisoning and anemia was treated by Badger Run Wildlife Rehab in Klamath Falls, Ore. It later died.Credit...Badger Run Wildlife Rehab
Demographic implications of lead poisoning for eagles across North America (Be sure to open the PDF for valuable details)
SOAR hosts program at Le Grand library
Thora suffers from partial blindness due to exposure to lead-based bullets. Savannah Judson, an education specialist with Save Our Avian Resources (SOAR), showcases a bald eagle named Thora during a presentation at the Le Grand Pioneer Heritage Library on Sunday afternoon. T-R PHOTO BY ROBERT MAHARRY
Birds of prey populations across Europe suppressed by lead poisoning from gun ammunition
The impact of lead poisoning from ammunition sources on raptor populations in Europe - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969722011093?via%3Dihub
Reward for finding perpetrator who shot eagle reaches $18,000