Chat Rules
RRP Moderated Chat is a structured environment to learn about the birds we watch in a family-friendly setting. Moderators (Mods) participate in discussions during the hours chat is open. Moderators have volunteered their time to make chat a family friendly place to watch and learn more about eagles and the birds of the Flyway. They answer questions with the knowledge and information they have, although the limits of chat prevent them from posting sources. The RRP Forum has Mod Education Threads that are full of detailed info and many sources are cited there. You are also welcome to visit our Facebook page at for discussion and information.
Moderators will enforce the following rules.
Thank you for respecting the room, our volunteers, and your fellow chatters!
PLEASE NOTE: Verifiable Private Messages (PMs) that are insulting, offensive or rude may result in a ban. If you are receiving such PMs, contact a mod for instructions before you delete them.
Decorah Moderated Chat
The lead moderators are Tulsaducati and Glogdog. Moderators are Bob1603, bustopbird, cwellsla, eaglesrock29, iriscats, izzysamlikeseagles, littlebittykitty, pelmomma, smileawhile, teamcarnes78, and truthpainter.
Decorah North Moderated Chat
The lead moderator is EagleEyeDNN. Moderators are EagleEyeDNN, EagleLady4, IrisCats, Jojo, JoyC58, Kanawa, nature27, RRivereagle, and teamcarnes78.
Flyway Chat
The lead moderator is Izzysamlikeseagles. Moderators are Smileawhile, TeamCarnes, and Iriscats.
All of our moderators can suspend, kick, or permanently ban chat abusers and will delete inappropriate posts. If your presence is disruptive, mods will remove you from chat. Allow mods to deal with chat abusers and do not engage them yourself. Enjoy our chats and visit our forum for more interaction and fun!