GSB Falcons and Blogs

Nestflix: Decorah, Decorah North, Great Spirit Bluff

February 29, 2020: DNF's Tongue

We have your Decorah Eagles, Decorah North, and Great Spirit Bluff videos! With two eggs in Decorah and two at Decorah North, everyone seems to be wondering about a third egg. Seven days have passed since DNF laid egg #2, which means it is extremely unlikely she’ll lay another. But Mom has a history of laying three eggs and is still ‘in the zone’, eggwise. She’s tended to go right around four days between eggs, which means we might start

Nestflix: Decorah, Great Spirit Bluff

February 24: It fledged! Mom and DM2 have just lost a stick over the side!

We have a Decorah Eagles and Great Spirit Bluff Nestflix megaroll for everyone tonight! A lot of people are wondering why Mom hasn’t laid an egg yet. DM2 is, as RRP board member Jim Robison pointed out, doing a great job of bringing her into condition for egg-laying by feeding her, working on the nest with her, and bonding with her on a regular basis. Perhaps – and this is a big perhaps – Mom’s late January eye injury, followed

Monday NestFlix Megaroll!

February 16, 2016: DM2

We have your Monday Nestflix Mega-roll! We’re looking forward to another egg at Xcel Fort St. Vrain sometime today and crossing our talons for an eggciting week at both Decorah nests, although we’re a little egg-asperated with the forecast for Monday and Tuesday! We have a lot packed into today’s megaroll, so take your time and enjoy the videos and information! Floridians especially, make sure to check out the last item in our odds and ends. I think you’ll enjoy it!

Nestflix: So Egg-cited! Decorah, Decorah North, and GSB

February 10, 2020: DM2 works on snow removal

It should be an egg-citing week for all of us! Ma FSV is spending a lot of time on her nest, often a sign that egg-laying is near, and eagles at both Decorah nests are working hard to finish last-minute pre-egg tasks – raising the crib rails, removing snow, loosening and aerating the nestcup, and bringing in piles of soft material for their egglets to be. Last year’s egg-laying schedule looked like this: Ma Fort St. Vrain laid her first

2019 Memory Lane Countdown, #6: Falcon Carson Came Back!

August 5, 2019: Carson at Great Spirit Bluff

It was a tough year at Great Spirit Bluff. A great horned owl killed falcon Kira on June 9 and a blackfly swarm drove falcon Carson from the nest on June 11. Our camera operators quickly found his spunky screeing self in the brush below the nest. We verified he was alright and settled down to watch as Mom Michelle and Dad Newman dropped a veritable buffet of bird parts on his head and chased away the potential predators that

Videos from GSB and the Flyway!

August 21, 2019: Falcon Mackey at Great Spirit Bluff

We have videos from GSB and the Flyway! At Great Spirit Bluff, male peregrine Mackey drops by to check the rock ledge diner out, although he doesn’t stay very long. On the Flyway, ducks preen (don’t miss the lovely juvenile male wood duck), Sandhill cranes forage, eagles splish-splash, and birds take flight at dusk! We apologize for our sporadic posting – cam season is upon us and we’re out in Colorado working on the Fort St. Vrain eagle cam right

What’s In A Name? Eagles and Falcons

From John Howe: “You have asked us how we identify names for the raptors we follow. I can assure you that the eagles and falcons don’t care if they are called by a name or not. That is a human thing. However, we need to have a way to identify birds as we collect and share data. In the case of peregrine falcons, landowners and cooperative partners assign names as they please. In the case of eagles, we assign an

July 18: Nestflix roundup!

July 16, 2019: Mom hanging our in Decorah

We’re scrambling to get ready for ATF, but we wanted to share some extremely cool videos of a bald eagle/sandhill crane interaction on the Flyway, another look at Mom and the sub-adult, some great footage of both North eagles, and a nice look at Carson. We hope you enjoy these videos as much as we did! Thanks to our camera operators and videomakers for their hard work capturing and sharing the natural world with all of us, and to you

Friday Night Flicks!

July 12, 2019: Carson at Great Spirit Bluff

Decorah and Decorah North Eagles We got a nice long look at Mom on the ninth, which led to a lot of concerned questions about her appearance. Read this blog for more information: 07/09/2019: Mom’s feature film – Our first good look at Mom for weeks; still lots of flies bothering her, but she stays on camera for over an hour. This is a long video, but we’ve been waiting a long time to see her. 07/09/2019: Flyby

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