GSB Falcons and Blogs

January 6, 2020: Decorah North, GSB, and the Flyway

January 5, 2021: DNF at the North Nest

We have your NestFlix! While we wait for John’s report from Decorah later this week, we’re watching the Decorah North Eagles, Great Spirit Bluff, and the Flyway. I liked all these videos, but do not miss the first two Decorah North videos (I love the birdsong and close-ups of DNF), the Great Horned Owls at GSB, and the Northern Harrier on the Flyway. I miss seeing Mom and DM2, but I love seeing the diversity of birds and wildlife at

January 5, 2020: Nestflix

December 31, 2020: Mr. North (left) and DNF (right). DNF is signaling an interest in copulation by lowering her head, tipping forward, and hunching her shoulders.

Unwind, relax, and chill with videos from Decorah North, Decorah, and Great Spirit Bluff! I liked all of these videos, but I especially enjoyed the two eagles playing at Decorah North (five days into 2021 and I already have a candidate for next December’s top ten list!), the interaction between three adults in Decorah, and the beautiful eagles and coyotes at GSB. Thanks so much to our camera operators for finding such special moments, our videomakers for sharing them, and

May 8, 2020: Your Fri-yay nest news and raptor movie marathon!

May 7, 2020: D36 naps behind Mom's new picket fence

Happy Fri-yay, everyone! We’ll keep the news short and sweet: today Decorah eaglets D34 and D35 turn 33 days old and D36 turns 30 days old, and DN12 at the North nest turns 38 days old – about halfway through an eaglet’s 75 to 80 day nest life! We had our first peregrine falcon hatch at Great Spirit Bluff last night, with possibly more to come, and we also have falcon hatchlings at Dairyland Power Genoa and MPL Hibbard. Thank

April 13, 2020: Nest round-up and Nestflix

April 13, 2020: Decorah Nest. Eaglets are, from top: D35, D36, and D34

As promised earlier today, we have your nest roundup and Nestflix megaroll from Decorah, Decorah North, Great Spirit Bluff, and the Wisconsin Kestrels! The kestrels are back online and graced us with their first egg on Easter Sunday. I’ll take the Easter American Kestrel over the Easter Bunny any day of the year! A huge thanks to everyone for all the love you showed during our hatch celebration last Saturday! It was wonderful to gather with you and we deeply

Videos: Hatch at Decorah North, 3rd Egg at GSB, love to the eagle and falcon nation

March 31, 2020: DN11 and DN12

We have your NestFlix! As you probably already know, we had two hatches at Decorah North today. Both eaglets ate and are getting the very best of care from Mom and Dad DNF and Mr. North! At Great Spirit Bluff, Nova laid her third egg and Newman and Nova show us exuberant falcon flight. My heart lifted just to watch them! It’s a hard time and we’re glad that so many of you are seeking comfort here. We will get

Meet Peregrine Falcon Nova at Great Spirit Bluff!

Nova, our new female falcon at Great Spirit Bluff. Isn't she beautiful! Notice that she is not banded.

We are excited to announce a name for our beautiful new female falcon at Great Spirit Bluff! We have chosen the name Nova and we think it fits her well as the new female falcon of our current nesting pair. Nova appeared at the bluff on February 24th shortly after Newman’s arrival on February 18th. Nova has found a new home at the bluff and has really settled in and become familiar with all the typical perch spots, food cache

NestFlix video round-up! Decorah, Decorah North, and Great Spirit Bluff

March 23, 2020: DM2 in Decorah

We have a NestFlix mega-roll from Decorah, Decorah North, and Great Spirit Bluff for everyone today! I loved all of these videos, but I especially loved Mom pulling grass, DM2 stepping on Mom’s tale while presenting his cornhusk arrangement, funny moments at the Valley of the Norths, and Mr. North’s giant stick (Mr. North is Paul Bunyan!). The tribute to Michelle brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for watching, learning, sharing, and especially for caring. Decorah Eagles Egg one is

March 7, 2020: Decorah, the Flyway, and Great Spirit Bluff

March 6: Food fight on the Flyway!

Put your feet up and chill with Nestflix from Decorah, the Flyway, and Great Spirit Bluff! In Decorah, Mom and DM2 copulate and we get some fantastic looks at Mom’s feathers. On the Flyway, a raccoon and multi-age group of eagles forage for food. Ice is beginning to melt and uncovering the concealed bodies of fish – an excellent food source for hungry mammals and bald eagles after winter’s lean season! So what’s going on a Great Spirit Bluff? Michelle

March 5, 2020: Decorah, Decorah North, GSB

March 5, 2020: Mom Decorah steps carefully into the egg cup

Spring is in the air! We have Nestflix from Decorah, Decorah North, and GSB tonight, but first I want to encourage people to start watching the Flyway cam at Winter finally arrived in February, putting a damper on Flyway activity. But it looks like the ice is starting to go out and birds are beginning to move north! The spring migration is much quicker than the fall one, so you’ll want to keep track of the ice to catch

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