GSB Falcons and Blogs

News and NestFlix from Decorah, GSB, and Decorah North

July 26, 2021: Chance at Great Spirit Bluff

Whatta week! It is only Tuesday, but we have a full round-up from Decorah, Great Spirit Bluff, and the North Nest. In Decorah, Mom and DM2 have watchers crossing their talons as they make visit after visit to M2, nest N2B, old nest location N1, and the much-loved Y-Branch. We hope that Mom’s recent campouts signal a move back to the hatchery. At Great Spirit Bluff, Chance shows off her lovely plumage, her newly acquired flight skills, and her playful

Mega nestflix and your questions answered at Great Spirit Bluff, Decorah north, and the Flyway!

Fledgling falcon Chance

From Chance’s first few falcon flights through family portraits at Decorah North and extremely cool water birds on the Mississippi Flyway, we have your mega-Nestflix roll – along with information about plumage, juvenile hunting skills, those plants at the North nest, and a really cute duckling. A thousand thanks to our camera operators and videomakers for catching and sharing these special moments with us. I hope you enjoy these videos as much as I did! Great Spirit Bluff July 20,

NestFlix from Decorah North and GSB

June 22, 2021: DN13 and DN14 relax in the North Nest hammock

We have your NestFlix! At Decorah North, DN13 and DN14 do the Eagle Stomp, continue their flight lessons, and play in the stream. At GSB, nestling falcon Chance sports a cropzilla (Zooey has clearly learned the ins and outs of feeding!) and works on her adult vocalizations as she keks at and tracks something we can’t see. We apologize for the May/June hiatus, although we have some wonderful news! We have banded 79 falcons so far: our best and busiest

June 14, 2021: Nest news and NestFlix from Decorah North, Decorah, and GSB!

June 14, 2021: A stranger brings dried grass to N2B!

It’s been a very busy few weeks! Since May 20, we’ve banded 73 falcons, cheered DN13’s fledge, said goodbye to the Wisconsin kestrels, treated the lone nestling falcon at GSB for ectoparasites, and watched an unknown young adult eagle check out N2B. Thanks so much for watching, sharing, learning, and caring – and for your patience during our busiest season! We’re wrapping up our sites this week and will be returning to our regular program of video round-ups, eagle travelogues,

What’s going on at Great Spirit Bluff?

June 9, 2021: Zooey sits up high to brood

What’s going on at Great Spirit Bluff? Why isn’t Zooey feeding her young? Why doesn’t Newman taken over? And what’s up with Zooey’s shuffling? We turned to Board member and Gyrfalcon breeder Jim Robison to help answer your questions. Although it isn’t true in every case, first time falcon mothers are more likely to be reticent about feeding, to fumble food, to eat dropped food, and/or to feed inappropriately-sized bites to their hungry young. Zooey stashed and prepared food and

Two hatches at Great Spirit Bluff, ladder branch exploration at Decorah North!

June 1, 2021: A second hatch at GSB!

We have two hatches at Great Spirit Bluff and DN13 and DN14 are getting more adventurous every day! The earliest we’ve ever seen fledge is 70 days (last year, Decorah North) and we are very curious to see what happens this year. While DN13’s exploration of the ladder branch isn’t quite branching, it is definitely a precursor and sign of things to come. Go eagles…but not quite yet! Great Spirit Bluff Falcons June 1, 2021: Another attempt at feeding!

News and NestFlix from Decorah North, Great Spirit Bluff, and the WI Kestrels!

April 26, 2021: Nestflix from GSB, Decorah North, and the WI Kestrels

We have your news and Nestflix! DN13 and DN14 are growing by leaps and bounds and gaining new skills as they expand their explorations by walking around the nest, attempting to self-feed, and taking defurring lessons from DNF. I loved all these videos (April 22 was a very big day in the nest!), but don’t miss DN13 walking (albeit a little unsteadily), DNF talking in her sleep (this is beyond cool), and DN14 preening Dad Mr. North. At GSB, Newman

April 16, 2021: NestFlix and news from Decorah North, Great Spirit Bluff, and the Mississippi Flyway!

April 15: Mr. North saves the day!

We have your Friday night/Saturday morning NestFlix! At Decorah North, we have emerging pinfeathers, poop shooting, pellet casting, and Mr. North saving the day! Do not miss the eagles locking talons on the Mississippi Flyway. This is a rare thing to capture on video and shows a rare behavior once thought to be exclusive to courting or mated couples. And congratulations to falcons Newman and Zooey on their first egg at Great Spirit Bluff this year! Happy Fri-yay and super

March 29, 2021: Nestflix from Decorah North, Great Spirit Bluff, and Marshall, MO!

March 29, 2021: D14 and D13

Kick back – it’s time for NestFlix! At Decorah North, D13 and D14 are growing like weeds and eating like pee-glets. The two will go from about 3.2 ounces to roughly 16 ounces or one pound in just seven days, which takes a lot of food! At just three and four days old, the tiny terrors are rapidly gaining strength and coordination, and of course the beak-bonking battles have begun. Look for this behavior to get a little worse as

March 26, 2021: We have your NestFlix! Decorah North and Great Spirit Bluff

March 27, 2021: Mr. North and DN13

Happy Fri-yay! Grab beverages and snacks, put your feet up, and prepare for cuteness overload – it’s time for NestFlix! While Mr. North and DNF care for DN13 at Decorah North, Newman and Zooey strengthen their pair bond. I am so happy to be watching, sharing, learning, and caring with all of you! We are on hatch watch for egg #2 at Decorah North. 🦅 Decorah Eagles North March 26, 2021: DN13, peeks and feedings today – This wonderful

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