GSB Falcons and Blogs

July 8: Videos from Decorah, Decorah North, GSB, and the Flyway!

We’re not seeing much of our eagles right now, but I’ve posted the few videos we could get. Looking for something to watch? The GSB and Flyway cams are both very active right now as Carson hones his hunting and flying skills, and birds take advantage of the sandbar and dropping water levels to rest and feed. It’s a great place to see sandhill cranes, great blue herons, ducks, eagles, and wading birds of all kinds! Don’t miss the lovely

Falcon Carson jumps at Great Spirit Bluff

Carson, the remaining falcon at Great Spirit Bluff, jumped from his nest box this afternoon. He was 30 days old, or roughly eight days younger than the youngest age we might expect fledge. Although we treated the box and had a fan blowing, we think the black flies probably became overwhelming, causing him to bolt. He landed in the brush and appears to be fine. We’ve seen Michelle and Newman take care of young below the bluff previously, so we’re

Update from GSB and Decorah

Great Spirit Bluff: Some sad news early this morning as a Great Horned Owl entered the peregrine falcon nest box and killed one of the eyasses before Mom Michelle could respond with her own swift attack to the intruder to defend her young. The GHO abandoned the box with Michelle fiercely chasing it away. Sadly, the little eyas, identified as female Kira, perished. The male eyas, Carson, was not hurt and has been seen eating, wingersizing, vocalizing and is being

Nest round-up: Kestrels and falcons, oh my!

April 24, 2019: Two nestling falcons at Great Spirit Bluff

Our banding season starts Monday, but we have hatch going on at several of our nests. Here’s a rundown on who’s hatched, who has yet to hatch, and other nest events! Falcons spend a lot less time in the nest than eagles, so be sure to check them out now! American Kestrels Four kestrels hatched on May 22 and one hatched on May 23. Watch the kestrels while you can – they fledge between 28 and 31 days of age!

May 19, 2019: Decorah North and GSB Nestflix!

DN9 and DNF

Tonight we have a Decorah North and GSB mega-roll for everyone! It’s an exciting time in our nests as eaglets learn the skills they will need for life post-fledge and falcons gain weight, grow their second coat of feathers, and begin to get tiny little pinfeathers at the tips of their wings! Tonight’s videos feature great close-ups, superb storm footage, DN9 subduing a fish, a loud PS, and an adorable interaction between DN9 and Mom DNF. A lot of you

April 16, 2019: Nestflix!

April 16, 2019: A rainy day!

Tonight’s Nestflix features the Decorah Eagles and the Great Spirit bluff falcons! We’ve got a mini rain dance, two moist fowlettes, a fish down the hatch (after an assist from Mom), and a quick feeding video from Great Spirit Bluff as well as a repost of the owl from last night. Fans of Mom do not want to miss the stunningly beautiful video of her sunbathing in Decorah. We’re glad to see hard-working Mom get a little spa time for

May 13, 2019: Nestflix!

May 13, 2019: D32 and D33

Nestflix! Tonight’s mega-roll includes videos from Decorah, Decorah North, Great Spirit Bluff, and the Wisconsin Kestrel nest box! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did – and don’t miss the tug-o-fish, D33 standing and walking on its feet, the interactions between DN9 and both North parents, the bone swallowing (how did that fit!), and the videos from GSB and the WI kestrels! Decorah Eagles 5/12/19: Tug o’ War for the tail! It’s pretty easy to tell

April 5, 2019: News and Nestflix!

Day one: sitting up and feeding

Let’s start with a nest round-up! We have one eaglet in Decorah and are waiting for hatch on the second egg. D32 has a healthy appetite and has been working on its feeding and food coma skills today! DM2 hasn’t fed his nestling eaglet yet, but he has brought in fish and done his share of brooding (when Mom allowed it). We have one eaglet at Decorah North. In case you missed the announcement, DN10 did not make it past

March 26: Nest news and Nestflix round-up!

March 26: Mom settles over the eggs

The Xcel Fort Saint Vrain eagles hatched their first egg last night at 9:43 PM MT! We start hatch watch in Decorah North on March 30th and hatch watch in Decorah on March 31st – although keep in mind that hatch could start a little earlier or a little later. We don’t know which egg broke in Decorah, so that could impact hatch timing as well. Once we have a pip, we’ll let everyone know! We’re also looking for an

3/19/19: Video Round-Up

03/18/19: Pelicans come back!

Tonight’s video round-up features the Great Spirit Bluff cam and the birds of the Flyway! Michelle eats a little breakfeather, Newman copulates on the fly, American White Pelicans raft on ice, and bald eagles skate – or at least stand side by side on the ice. We hope you enjoy these videos as much as we did! I know that I’m having a hard time deciding what to watch right now! Great Spirit Bluff Falcons 3/18/19: Michelle’s first breakfast –

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