June 28, 2024: Last Scheduled Decorah North chat, ATF coming up!

Join us for our last scheduled Decorah North chat tomorrow at 6PM: https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/decorah-north-nest/. We’ll be celebrating the Decorah North family and saying goodbye, although flash chats might happen at any time and the Mississippi Flyway chat will continue rolling!

Some of you are asking about After The Fledge! Join RRP and eagle fans in Decorah for a weekend of eagle fun beginning on Thursday, July 18. We’ll start with a hike somewhere on Thursday morning, followed by a Meet and Greet at the hatchery on Thursday evening (BYOB, Mabe’s pizza provided), followed by opportunities for bicycling, kayaking, meeting raptors, and presentations. The weekend will culminate with a hatchery dinner catered by Luther College on Saturday night and – I believe – a boat ride on Sunday. I’ll have an event registration form and begin sharing auction items on Monday. We look forward to seeing you!

June 28, 2024: D40 near Mom and DM2's latest nest.
June 28, 2024: D40 near Mom and DM2’s latest nest.

If you weren’t watching the Decorah Eagles channel today, you might have missed D40 and Mom! John and Dave were able to capture footage of the eagles from the ground and stream it to our website and explore.org. Mom and DM2 fledged one hatchling this year. To get a glimpse, go to https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/decorah-eagles/ and rewind! We’ll also publish some video tomorrow and Robin Brumm has been keeping up with them here: https://www.raptorresource.org/tag/day-trip/. Happy Fri-yay, everybirdy!