June 26, 2024: News from the North Nest and Trempealeau

The rest of the North nest collapsed this morning when the limb holding it broke at 5:03 AM. Our camera operators gave us a glimpse of the limb on the ground and we’re quite curious to assess the state of the tree as a whole. In the meantime, we’ll keep watching the eagles! The entire North family is doing well and we watched them across the pasture today. It looks like AP placement for DN17 and DN18 in Outdoor School this year!

June 26, 2024: The limb and nest on the ground beneath the tree.
June 26, 2024: The limb and nest on the ground beneath the tree.

Meanwhile, TE1 and TE2 are doing well at Trempealeau and we expect fledge any moment at FSV, where FSV49 and 50 both turned 78 days old. We’re also enjoying the turkey vultures, who are up and on their feet! Like turtles and lots of water? Check out our Mississippi Flyway and Castle Rock cams (links below the NestFlix)! The Castle Rock falcons have fledged, but John has trained one of our cameras on the Mississippi River and it is giving some marvelous views – especially for all of you who miss the view from Great Spirit Bluff. We’re working on that camera system and hope to have it fixed soon.

Decorah North Eagles

June 26, 2024: Nest frame and branches fell, all eagles safehttps://youtu.be/VL02_9pjKrs?si=252WBDyUtDgQHGvr. Exactly as the video says. Watch and wait, or go to 1:11 to see the whole thing drop.

June 26, 2024: DN17 and DN18 across the pasture. It was a windy afternoon!
June 26, 2024: DN17 and DN18 across the pasture. It was a windy afternoon!

June 25, 2026: Eastern Screech owls, at least one young onehttps://youtu.be/XLrl1mABlEQ?si=6sB9HHwovR-wFxmh. Bald eagles aren’t the only birds fledging! I liked this whole video, but we get a really nice look at the screech owl – and perhaps a parent not long after? – beginning at 42 seconds!
I associate screech owls with, well…screeching, but they make several cool sounds. More here, thanks to Cornell: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Eastern_Screech-Owl/sounds.

une 25, 2024: Eastern Screech Owls near the North nest. The one in front is a juvenile; the one in back might be an adult.
June 25, 2024: Eastern Screech Owls near the North nest. The one in front is a juvenile; the one in back might be an adult.
Trempealeau Eagles

June 25, 2024: The amazing Mrs. Thttps://youtu.be/6n7JMgy1v6E?si=TACtESeIwHXSm0NL. A great look at Mrs. T. She’s been a real SuperMom this year, raising two eaglets to fledge with some help – but not a lot of help – from Mr. T, who is still learning the ins and outs of feaglehood. If you’d like to keep up with the goings on at that nice, go to https://www.youtube.com/@TrempealeauEagles/live. Chatters include a few local people who are helping to keep everyone posted!

June 25, 2024: Nothing like a good scratch and a little self-care! Mrs. T raised her young through a long year and she deserves a spa day!
June 25, 2024: Nothing like a good scratch and a little self-care! Mrs. T raised her young through a long year and she deserves a spa day!
Cam links
The vulturettes, or bits, in the loft. We're doing our best to keep up with them now that they are highly mobile. We saw some very cute allopreening this afternoon!
The vulturettes, or bits, in the loft. We’re doing our best to keep up with them now that they are highly mobile. We saw some very cute allopreening this afternoon!

Mississippi Flyway: https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/flyway-cam/
Castle Rock: https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/castle-rock-falcons/
Trempealeau Eagles: https://www.raptorresource.org/trempealeau-eagles/